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Key Investor Information

This document provides investors with key investor information regarding this fund. It is not marketing material. The
information provided in this document is required by law and is meant to help investors understand the nature and the risks
involved when investing in this fund. We advise investors to read this document, in order to make an informed decision about
whether to invest in this fund.

FundShare UCITS GPB Cash Margin Fund, ISIN: NL0011005111 (GPB)

This is a sub-fund of the investment fund FundShare UCITS Umbrella Fund (FundShare). FundShare is an undertaking in
collective investment in transferrable securities (UCITS) as defined by the Act on Financial Supervision (Wft), founded as a
contractual fund under Dutch law. The fund manager of FundShare is HiQ Invest B.V. (Fund Manager).

Objectives and Investment Policy

Objectives The Fund shall invest a maximum of 10% of its assets in
The investment objective of the FundShare UCITS GPB bonds of one private issuer.
Cash Margin Fund (Fund) is aimed on the preservation The Fund shall invest a maximum of 35% of its assets in
of capital and liquidity providing. The Fund aims to achieve government bonds issued or guaranteed by single
a return that is similar to LIBOR GBP Overnight Index Member States.
minus 50bp, or zero in case LIBOR GBP Overnight Index The Fund can hold ancillary cash up to 10% of its
is below 50bp. ancillary liquid assets to cover the obligations of the
Dealing Frequency The Fund must invest at least 90% of its assets in bonds
This Fund deals daily (continuously). with investment grade credit ratings (from
internationally recognised rating agencies).
Investment Policy
The Fund must invest at least 80% of its assets in bonds
The Fund shall invest in investment grade corporate
with an AA rating.
bonds and/ or in government bonds (rated AA or above
At least 90% of the bonds in the Fund have a remaining
that are denominated in British Pounds
maturity of less than four years.
The Fund may also invest in deposits that are
To receive a return as close as posible to the target
denominated in British Pounds.
return, the Fund can hedge its portfolio by entering into
a swap.
The Fund shall invest a maximum of 10% of its assets in
one series of corporate bonds.

Risk and Reward Profile

Lower risk Higher risk

Potentially lower rewards Potentially higher rewards The lowest risk category does not mean that the investment
is risk free.

Other specified risk

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 The following risk are essential to this Fund and are not
(sufficiently) reflected by the indicator:
The Risk and Reward Indicator
Collateral Risk: As the investments of the Fund are
This indicator is a measure for the variation in value
used to provide security for the short positions held
(volatility) and future performance. The Fund invests in
with the sub-custodians of DeGiro for the risk and
relatively short-term in British Pounds denominated
account of its clients, the Fund is exposed to
corporate and/or government bonds and has therefore a
counterparty credit risk with respect to DeGiro. If
very low volatility.
DeGiro does not fulfil its obligations, the sub-
custodians may exercise the security interest that it
Historical data used for the calculation of the risk indicator,
has on part or all of the investments of the Fund,
may not be reliable indicators of the future. It is not
leading to a loss for the Fund.
guaranteed that the shown risk and reward indicator of the
Fund remains unchanged. The category may change.
Please read the prospectus for a complete description of the
risks of the Fund and its investments.
Key Investor Information


One-off costs charged before or after the investment

Entry Charge N/A There are no management fees.
Exit Charge N/A
There are no entry and exit charges.
This is the maximum amount that may be deducted
from the investors investment before it is invested by There are no ongoing charges.
the Fund Manager.
Costs debited to the Fund over one year For more information, the prospectus can be obtained from
the website of the Fund Manager Copy
Ongoing Charges 0%
can also be obtained from the website of DeGiro
Charges debited to the Fund under certain specific In case of discrepancies between the
prospectuses, the version available on the website of the
Performance Fee N/A Fund Manager is always leading.

Past Performance

Given to the short history of the Fund, there is insufficient Currency: GBP
data to provide a useful indication of the Funds past
performance. Date 1st NAV: -

The past performance is no guarantee for the future

performance of the Fund. The fees on ongoing charges are
taken into account for the calculation of past performance.
The results are calculated per calendar year.

Practical Information

Depositary: DAF Depositary B.V. is the depositary of Remuneration Policy: The Fund Manager has made a
FundShare and acts in this regard also as depositary of the description of the latest remuneration policy available on
Fund. the Website of the Fund Manager. A paper copy will be
made available free of charge upon request.
Umbrella Fund: The information provided in this Key
Investor Information Document concerns a Fund of Tax Legislation: FundShare is subject to the tax laws and
FundShare. The prospectus and the (semi)annual report regulations of the Netherlands. This might have an impact
concern FundShare. on the personal tax position of the investor.

More information: The prospectus and the (semi)annual Liability: the Fund Manager may be held liable solely on
report may be obtained, free of charge from the website of the basis of any statement contained in this document that
the Fund Manager Recent information is misleading, inaccurate or inconsistent with the relevant
regarding the Fund is also available on this website. parts of the FundShare prospectus.

Copy of the prospectus can also be obtained from the Licence: the Fund Manager has been granted a license for
website of DeGiro In case of discrepancies its activites in the Netherlands and is supervised by the
between the prospectuses, the version available on the Netherlands Authorities for the Financial Markets (AFM).
website of the Fund Manager is always leading.

This Key Investor Information Document is accurate as at 17-02-2017.

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