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Centralian Middle School

Rebecca Stephens Lesson Plan: Science

Rebecca Stephens 261805

Teacher: Rebecca Stephens Class: 7.4
Subject: Science Session/Time:
Date: Venue:

Australian Curriculum outcome Elaboration

Predictable phenomena on Earth, Students will understand the role of the earth within our solar
including seasons and eclipses, are system.
caused by the relative positions of the Students will be familiarising themselves with latitude and
sun, Earth and the moon (ACSSU115) longitude in relation to global coordinates.
Students will be aware of the equator and tropics

Number of Girls: Number of Boys: Group Total: 43

Grouping Set 2 of 4 Middle ability range
EAL/D EAP ITS Seating Plan: In Place
Learning and Academic Context

Learning: Students are from middle

class families & some dysfunctional
families. Boys are particularly prone to
off task behaviour.

Academic: Mega class consists of a

total of 43 students with 12 students
having sporadic attendance. Classes
happen four times a week.

Support: Teaching Assistant : None

Success Criteria (What I am Looking For):
Learning Objectives (What We Are Learning
Today) Students know the components of our
All Students: Will understand that our solar
system is made up of the sun and 8 planets Students can understand the location
each planet has with one another.
Will Understand the earth is divided by lines of
latitude & longitude Students are aware of the 8 planets of
our solar system and their properties
Most Students: Will be able to know most
planets by name Students will be aware the earth is
divide in lines of latitude and longitude
Students will know the names of the tropics
Students can name the tropics and
A few students: Students will know planets
name and their unique properties understand the climate surrounding
Will be able to understand that each tropic has
their own unique climate.

Rebecca Stephens 261805

Time Activity Resources
o Use the Toilet Paper activity to illustrate the size of the Planet Names &
Solar System. Distances Image

10m Privileged Planet Video

Dependant/Independent Learning

Briefly discuss with students the other planets of our solar

system. Giving them an idea of the big picture and how unique
our earth is.
o Give students work sheets to fill in answers as I discuss Slide Show Presentation
15m LA work sheet
Have activity for LA students: Name planets in
Students work sheet
o Call students up to draw the planet we are talking about
and name it
Reward for students who complete full sheet

Directed Learning

Talk about the idea of the earth being flat.

o Talk about some historical legends that lead to a flat
earth theory
Divisions of the Earth
10m Discuss the earths shape and how it is divided.
o Equator: Southern & Northern Hemisphere
o Lat & Long
o Cancer & Capricorn
o North & South Pole

Independent Learning
Have students answer a work sheet labelling the way the earth
Fill in the Blank Work
10m is divided.
When finished go through the answers with the students.

Group Activity
Divide students into groups by giving them a planet and they Question Sheet
15m need to find the other students that have the same planet. White Board
Do a Kahoot with students based on learnt knowledge White Board Pens

Working on Model
Begin working with students to develop their models of the
earth, moon & sun.
Start by having them in teams construct earth since they have
learnt about it in this lesson.

10m Have students pack up and conclude their craft.

Rebecca Stephens 261805

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