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A warning local variations

This list of vocabulary comes from the British educational system. Different countries and
cultures frequently use their own terminology. For instance, in American English it is quite
possible to describe university as college or school. These words mean something quite
different in British English


it can replace the word student
note the different prepositions of a university and from university and in a subject
graduate is quite formal so in speaking you could use I left university instead
a fresher is a first year student, Americans use freshman
Level of degrees

if you study a humanities subject, you get a BA for your first degree and an MA for
your masters
if you study science, you get a BSc for your first degree and an MSc for your masters
Types of qualifications

notes and common mistakes

you can only receive a degree for a full course at university; do not use diploma and
certificate to mean degree
to confuse you, the piece of paper you receive when you graduate is a certificate
Types of education

if you receive a degree from a university, you are in higher education
if you receive a diploma or certificate, you are in further education
Types of course


Be particularly careful with college and school which do not mean the same as university
in British English

Forms of learning
notes and common mistakes
a lecturer gives or delivers a lecture and is sometimes used as a rank of university
a tutor is in charge of a seminar or tutorial
we dont use class or lesson in university education (although Americans do use
Finance notes

a scholarship is won for academic merit

typically a grant is awarded either for a particular project or to allow a student to follow
a course
Types of writing

Studying and lecture words

you review your notes, but revise for an exam
you concentrate in a lecture but on a subject
Some informal university verbs useful in speaking

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