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1. SCOPE 1.1 This specification covers two types of aluminum paint primarily intended for use on steel structures. The purchaser shall designate the type desired. 2. CLASSIFICATION 2.1 Type I paint is a two componeat system consisting of aluminum paste and aluminum mixing varnish that are com- bined as specified into a paint just prior to 2.2 Type Il paint is a ready-mixed alu- ‘minum paint. 3. ALUMINUM PIGMENT PASTE FOR TYPE I PAINT (See Note 1) NOTE 1—The techaical requirements for stumium pigment pase are the same as ASTM. 1 962, Type 2 eafing. Cass B (Medium). BAL General Requirements—The alu- ‘minum pigment paste shall consist of ‘commercially pure aluminum in the form of fine, polished flakes, and a suitable fatty lubricant combined with a volatile thinner. It shall contain no filles or adul- terants such as mica. 3.2 Detailed Requirements: 3.2.1 The aluminum pigment paste shall conform to the requirements given in Table | 3.2.2 Leafing—Leafing shall be not less than 50 percent. 3.2.3 Condition in container—The alu: minum pigment paste, as received, shall bbe in a homogeneous condition, and shall be substantially free from separation of pigment from liquid, and shall show no hardening or caking in the container. 3.24 Stability—The aluminum pig Standard Specification for Aluminum Paint AASHTO Designation: M 69-70 (1990) ‘ment paste after beating at 45 C for 24 bours in the presence of moisture, shall pass the stability test given in Federal Specification TFP-320. Paste which within six months storage in unopened ‘original packages after shipment is found to_be unfit for use will be rejected. 4, ALUMINUM MIXING VARNISH FOR TYPE 1 PAINT 4.1 General Requirements—The alu- ‘minum mixing varnish shall be onoleoresinous water-resisting spar var~ nish meeting the requirements hereinafter specified. The oils used in formulating the varnish shall be composed of not less than 75 mass percent of tung oil and the var- nish shall contain no lime-hardened ros ‘The tung oil shall comply with the requirements of ASTM D 12. 4.2 Dewiled Requirements —The alu xing varnish shall conform to ng requirements 4.2.1. Appearance —Clear and Trans- parent 4.2.2. Color—Not darker than a solu- tion of 3g of reagent grade potassium dichromate in 100 ml of pure sulphuric acid, specific gravity 1.84. 4.2.3 Nonvolatile master—Not less than 50,0 mass percent. 4.2.4 Set to Touch—In not less than 2 hours and not more than 6 hours 4.2.8 Dry hard and tough-—In not ‘more than 24 hours. 4.2.6 Viscosity at 25 C (7F}—Not Jess than 0.65 nor more than 1.25 poises (Gardner Holdt Tubes B to E), 4.2.7 Toughness—Shall pass a 120 percent Kauri reduction test at 25 C (77F). 4.28. Skinning—Shall show po skin- ning after 48 hours in a tightly closed half- filled container. 4.2.9 Flash point (closed cup}—Not lower than 30 C (86 Fh. 4.2.10 Cold water resistance —The varnish shall be applied (0 a standard tinned panel and allowed to dry for 48 hours. The dried films, after exposure to ‘cold water for 18 hours, shall show no whitening, dulling, or other visible defects, after drying at room temperature for 2 bours. 4.2.11 Boiling water resistance —The varnish shall be applied to a standard tinned panel and allowed to dry for 48 hours. The dried film, after exposure to boiling wate for 15 minutes, shall show 10 whitening, dulling, or other visible defects after drying at room temperature for 2 hours. 4.2.12 Working properties—When mixed with aluminum pigment paste meeting the requirements of paragraph 2 inthe ratio of 2 pounds of paste to 1 gal- Jon of varnish (199.6 kg/m’), the resulting paint shall show satisfactory spreading qualities and shall give a free flowing, TABLEL ‘Now-woatile matter at 105 to 110 (221102908) Easily exacted fay and oil matter (polishing lubricant) = Total impurities other than fatty and oly matter : Coarse particles retained on a 0.045 mm (No, 325) sieve = ‘Mass Percent Minimom Maximum 65 61 smooth, continuous coating free from breaks or sags and when applied to a ‘smooth vertical steel surface shall have satisfactory leafing properties. 4.2.13 Calcium—Calcium as calcium ‘oxide (CaO) shall not exceed 0.1 mass per- cent of solids. 5. TYPE ALUMINUM PAINT S.1_ The aluminum paint shall be p pared just prior to application (Note 2) by thoroughly mixing the aluminum pigment paste with the mixing varnish in the pro- portion of 2 pounds of paste having a min- ‘imum non-volatile content of 65 percent (or its equivalent in the case of paste hav- ing a higher noo-volatile content to 1 gal- Jon of varnish (Note 3). NOTE 2—It is recommended that 20 more paint be mixed than can be used during the ‘working day so that the paiat used each day will be freshly mined NOTE 3—Whea two coats of aluminum Pint are to be used itis recommended thatthe undercoat be tinted with prostian blue of chrome green paste to properly diferetiate the color of the dry w:dercoa! from the wet second ‘coat, From 4 106 ounces of tinting paste per gal Jon or 30 to 45 kp/n® of paint will usually su: fice for this purpose. Prussian blue or chrome green shall conform to the requirements of ASTM D 212 cor D 261. 5.2 The mixed paint shall set to touch in not less than 2 or not more than 8 hours, and shall dry hard and tough in not ‘more than 24 hours. 6. REQUIREMENTS FOR TYPE II READY-MIXED PAINT (Note 4) NOTE 4—The technical requitements for ‘Type II pain are the same as those for Federal Specification TEP-38D. 6.1. Material the paint as received shall consist of pigment and vehicle as specified, so combined as to produce a Paint meeting all ofthe requirements specified herein. Suitable gassing inhibitor may be used to improve package stabil 6.2. Composition 6.2.1 Pigmert—The pigment shall be ‘commercially pure aluminum in the form of fine polished flakes suitable for making paint and shall conform tothe require- ments of ASTM D 962, Type For Type I, Class B. Itmay be added tothe vehicle in cither powder or paste form. 6.22 Wehicle—The vehicle shall be phenolic resin varnish of 33-gallon oil Jeogth. The resin shall conform to Federal Specification TER-271. The oi portion of the vehicle shall consist of tung oil con- forming to ASTM D 12 and alkali-efined linseed el conforming to Military Specifi- cation MIL-L-15180 and shall contain a minimum of 80 percent tung oil. The vehi cle shall not contain rosin or rosin deriva- tives 6.3 Qualitative requirements: 6.3.1 Type I paint shall mect all the qualitative requirements of Federal Speci- fication TEP 38D. 64 Quantitative requirements for Bpe 6.4.1 The quantitative requirement of the ready-mixed paint sball be as specified in Table 2 7. PACKING AND MARKING 7.1. ‘Type I paint shall be delivered in substantial two compartment containers or in such containers as may be specified in the contract. The proper quantity of paste and varnish vehicle shall be packaged in the proportion of 2 pounds of paste per salon (1.99.6 kg/m?) of vehicle and which, when mixed together, will result in one (1) o five (5) gallons of such other quantities of mixed paint as may be speci- fied 7.2 Type Il pain shall be delivered in one (1) or fve (5) gallon containers or io ‘other containers as may be specified in the contract. 7.3. Each container of either Type or ‘Type Il paint shall beara label with the followirg information shown thereon: Name and address ofthe manufacturer and contractor, shipping point, trade mark or wade name, tile and aumber of appli- cable specification, including type and lass, number of gallons, date of manufac- ‘ure and lot number. 8. TEST METHODS 8.1 The test methods to be used shall bbe as specified in Federal Test Method Standard Number 141, or in Federal Spec- ification TEA-468, TABLE 2 Quantitative Requirements, Type II Paint Requirement Characteristics Minimum Maximum Pigment, percent by mass of paint (alumioum metal). B 7 Volatile vehicle, percent by mass of paint ... nh a a Nonvolatile vehicle (by diff), percent by mass of paint... 2 6 Viscosity, Na 4 Ford cup, sc00d8 +. 35 45 Flashpoint, degree C 30 = Leafing, percent @ = ‘Mass per gallon, pounds... 80 = Drying time: Set otouch, ours... % 2 ry forrecoating, hours - : - Ss 6 Reduction (Rosin-Peatserythrta), percent toughness... 100 -

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