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Player: Pips: 0 PotG: 0

Character: Gideon Jura

Colours: Primary White
Age: Mid-Twenties
Race: Human
Home Plane: Theros

Traits & Disorders

Talents & Injuries

White 5
Blue 3
Black 1
Red 3 Inventory
Green 3
Mundane 3
Equilibrium 4

Elementalism 0 Healing 1 Scrying

Enchantments 0 Command 5 Countermagic

Family 0 Tactics 5 Illusions

Nature 0 Heiromancy 5 Water

Ride 0 Religion 0 Arcana

Medicine 0 Law 0 Trapfinding

Endurance 3 Diplomacy 0 Wind

Tracking 0 History 0 Disguise

Mana 0 Grapple 3 Mind Control

Elementals 0 Summoning 0 Summoning

Summoning 0 Summoning 0 Summoning

_____________ 0 _____________ 0 _____________

_____________ 0 _____________ 0 _____________

Fire 0 Acrobatics 0 Necromancy

Empathy 0 Perception 0 Death

Escape 0 Local 0 Bluf

Intimidate 0 Commerce 0 Stealth

Emotion 0 Counselling 3 Trapmaking

Dragons 0 Reputation 0 Poisons

Luck 0 Profession 0 Politics

Brawling 0 Profession 0 Theft

Relationships 0 Craft 0 Cheating

Summoning 0 Craft 0 Summoning

Summoning 0 _____________ 0 Summoning

_____________ 0 _____________ 0 _____________

_____________ 0 _____________ 0 _____________

SD: X(Y) Failed The Sanity Meters Hardened
The Unnatural


Left Arm
Right Arm
Left Leg
Right Leg

0 Trinket Abilities
0 Endurance: First Trinket: You are no longer afected by the efects of e

0 Endurance: Second Trinket: You can go the night without sleep for days o

0 Healing: First Trinket: The character can diagnose common ailments, dise

0 Command: First Trinket: One combat per day, the character can inspire t

0 Command: Second Trinket: This character exudes command. Soldiers and war

0 Tactics: First Trinket: This character is adept at assessing resource levels

0 Tactics: Second Trinket: This character can gain a critical insight into

0 Heiromancy: First Trinket: This character gains a protective shield that

0 Heiromancy: Second Trinket: This character, once per day, can create a zon
0 Heiromancy: Third Trinket: All killing damage dealt to the character is

Grapple: First Trinket: Any grapple you are involved in where you have

0 Grapple: Second Trinket: You can maintain spells while grappling an opp

0 Counselling: First Trinket: You may keep regular counselling sessions wit

0 Further Notes
1 Expert Dice in Heiromancy

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