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Muscle and Joint Interaction


A muscle is considered activated when it is stimulated by th nervous system. A

muscle produces a force through three types of activation: isometric, concentric,
and eccentric.

Titly. Isometrc activation , there is no nuscle shortening or rotaiing at

th joint (Fig. 1-18A ).

Concentric activation occurs as a muscle produces a force rs it contracts

(shortens) (Fig. 1-1 8 B ). Literally, concentric means coming to th center..

Eccentric activation, in contrast, occurs as a muscle pro- -uces an active force

while being elongated. The word eccentric literally means away from th center.
During an eccentric activation, th external torque about th joint exceeds th
internai torque. In this case, th joint rotates in die direction dictated by th
relatively larger external torque, such as that produced by th cable in Figure 1-
18C . Many common activities employ eccentric activations of muscle. Slowly
lowering a cup of water to a table, for example, is caused by th pul of gravity on
th forearm and water. The activated biceps slowly elongates in order to control
their descent. The triceps muscle, although considered as an elbow extensor, is
most likely inactive during this particular process.

Terminology Retateci to th Actions of Muscles The following terms are

often used when describing th actions of muscles:

1. The agonist is th muscle or muscle group that is most directly related to

th imtiation and execution of a particular movement. For example, th
tibialis anterior is th agonist for th motion of dorsiflexion of th ankle.

2. The antagonist is th muscle or muscle group that is considered to have th

opposite action of a particular agonist. For example, th gastrocnemius and
soleus muscles are considered th antagonists to th tibialis anterior.

3. A pair of muscles are considered synergists when they cooperate during th

execution of a particular movement Actually, most meaningful movements of
th body involve multiple muscles acting as synergists. Consider, for example, th
flexor carpi ulnaris and flexor carpi radialis muscles during flexion of th wrist. The
muscles act synergistically because they cooperate to flex th wrist.
Basic Structure and Function of th Joint


Classification of Synovial Joints Based on Mechanical Analogy


In th broadest sense, aging is accompanied by a slowing of th rate of fiber and

GAG replacement and repair.2-11 The effects of microtrauma can accumulate over
time to produce subclinical damage that may progress to a structural failure or a
measurable change in mechanical properties.

A clinical example of this phenomenon is th age-related deterioration of th

ligaments and capsule associated with th glenohumeral joint. Reduced structural
support provided by these tissues may eventually culminate in tendonitis or tears in
th rotator cuff muscles.22

Aging also influences th mechanical resilience of GAGs within connective tissue.

The GAG molecules produced by aging cells are fewer in number and smaller in size
than those produced by young cells.2'11 This change in th GAGs results in
decreased water-binding capacity that reduces th hydration of connective tissues.
The less hydrated tissue has lower compressive strength. Aged articular cartilage
contains less water and is less able to attenuate and distribute imposed forces to
th adjacent bone. The age-related alteration of connective tissue metabolism in
bone contributes to th slower healing of fractures. The altered metabolism also
contributes io osteoporosis, particularly type II or senile osteoporosis a type that
thins both trabecular and cortical bone in both genders.9



The mechanical strength of th tissue is reduced in accord with th decreased

forces of th immobilized condition. This is a normal response to an abnormal
condition. Placing a body part 38 Secion I Essential Topics o j Kinesiology in a cast
and confining a person to a bed are examples in which immobilization dramatically
reduces th level of force imposed on th musculoskeletal System. Although for
different reasons, muscular paralysis or weakness also reduces th force on th
musculoskeletal System. The rate of decline in th strength of connective tissue is
somewhat dependent on th normal metabolic activity of th specifc tissue.
Immobilization produces a marked decrease in tensile strength of th ligamenis of
th knee, for example, in a period of weeks.19-28 The earliest biochemical markers
of this remodeling can be detected within days after immobilization.12-18 Even
after th cessation of th immobilization and after th completion of an extended
postimmobilization exercise program, th ligaments continue to have lower tensile
strength than ligaments that were never subjected to immobilization.12-28 Other
tissues such as bone and cartilage also show a loss of mass, volume, and strength
following immobilization.14-24 The results from experimental studies imply that
tissues rapidly lose strength in response to reduced loading. Full recovery of
strength following restoration of loading is much slower and often incomplete.
Immobilizing a joint for an extended period is often necessary to promote healing
following an injury such as a fractured bone. Clinical judgment is required to balance
th potential negative effects of th immobilization with th need to promote
healing. The maintenance of maximal tissue strength around joints requires
judicious use of immobilization, a quick return to loading, and early rehabilitative

Joint pathology

Two disease States that commonly cause joint dysfunction are osteoarthritis (OA)
and rheumatoid arthritis (RA). Osteoarthritis is characterized by a graduai erosion of
articular cartilage with a low inflammatory component.7 Some refer to OA as
"osteoarthrosis to emphasize th lack of a distinctive inflammatory component. As
erosion of articular cartilage progresses, th underlying subchondral bone becomes
more mineralized and, in severe cases, becomes th weight-bearing surface when
th articular cartilage pad is completely wom. The fibrous joint capsule and
synovium become distended and thickened. The severely involved joint may be
completely unstable and dislocate or may fuse allowing no motion

Rheumatoid arthritis differs markedly from OA, as it is a systemic, autoimmune

connective tissue disorder with a strong inflammatory component.10 The
destruction of multiple joints is a prominent manifestation of RA. The joint
dysfunction is manifested by significant inflammation of th capsule, synovium, and
synovial fluid. The articular cartilage is exposed io an enzymatic process that can
rapidly erode th articular surface. The joint capsule is distended by th recurrent
swelling and inflammation, often causing marked joint instability and pain.
muscle: The Ultimate Force Generator in th Body
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