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Standard Specification for General Requirements for Rolled Steel Plates, Shapes, Sheet Piling and Bars for Structural Use AASHTO DESIGNATION: M 160/M 160M-90" 1. SCOPE LL This specification covers a group ‘of common requirements, which, unless ‘otherwise specified in the material specifi- cation, apply to rolled stec! plates, shapes, sheet piling, and bars under each of the specifications issued by the American ‘Association of State Highway and Trans- portation Officials, or the American Soci- ety for Testing Materials (see table entitled “Common Requirements”), NOTE 1—The specifications shown under ‘Scope are oly thase adopted by AASHTO. The requirements of ASTM A 6/A 6M are also applicable to ASTM specifications not shown bere 1.2 Annex Al lists permissible varia tions in dimensions and mass (Note 1) in ‘SI (metric) units. The values listed are not ‘exact conversions ofthe values in Tables 1 through 31 but are, instead, rounded or rationalized values. Conformance to ‘Annex Al is mandatory when the “M” specification designation is used. NOTE 2—The term “weight” is used when inch-pound units are the standard; however, Under SI, the prefered term is “mass.” 1.3 Annex A2 lists the dimensions of some shape profiles. 1.4 Appetdix X1 describes the pro- duction and some of the characteristics of coiled product from which structural plate ‘may be produced. 1.5. This specification also covers a g10up of supplementary requirements that are applicable to several of the above spec- iffcations as indicated therein. These are | sce fr Noe 1 Note ote 3, ad Note 4 ad ieaion of 15.3, this specifica ares with ASTM nonemes 184 (ASTM DESIGNATION: A 6/A 6M-88c) ‘Comnmon Requirements ‘AASHTO ASTM Designation Designation Tithe of Specification MIGGM 183M A36IA36M Structural Stel M202(M 202M = A328/A 328M Steel Sheet Piling M24/M24M — ASIMASIM High-Yield Suength, Quencbed and Tempered Alloy Steel Plate Suitable for Welding M22304223M —AST2/AST2M_——_High-Stength Low-Alloy Columbium-Vanadium Stels of Strctural Quality M222/M 222M —ASSB/AS8EM ——_High-Szength Low-Alloy Structural Steel with $0,000 psi ‘Minimum Yield Point to 4 in. Thick Mz0 AT Seructural Stel for Bridges provided for use whea additional testing or inspection is desired and apply only when specified individually by the purchaser in the order. 1.6 Incase of any conflict in require- meats, the requirements ofthe individual material specification shall prevail over those of this general specification. 1.7 The parchaser may specify add tiooal requirements that do pot negate any ofthe provisions ofthis general specifica: tion o of the individual material specifi- cations. Such additional requirements, the acceptance of which are subject to negoti- ation withthe supplier, must be included in the order information (see Section 4). 1.8 For purposes of determining con: formance with this specification and the various material specifications referenced in 1.1, values shall be rounded to the nearest unit in the right-hand place of fig~ ures used in expressing the limiting valves in accordance with the rounding method of Recommended Practice R 11 1.9. The values stated in either inch- pound units or SI units are tobe regarded as standard, Within the text, the ST units re shown in brackets. The values stated in each system must be used indepen- dently ofthe other. Combining values from the two systems may result in non- conformance with the specification. 1.10 This specification and the appli- cable material specifications are expressed in both inch-pound units and SI units. However, unless the order specifies the applicable "M" specification designation (SLunits), the material shall be furnished in inch-pound units 2, REFERENCED DOCUMENTS 2.1 AASHTO Standards: 7243 Impact Testing of Struc- tural Steel Mechanical Testing of ‘Steel Products Recommended Practice for Indicating Which Places of Figures are to be Considered Significant in Specified Limiting Values ASTM Standards: ‘4700 Recommended Practices for Packaging, Marking, and Loading Methods for ‘Steel Products for Domestic Shipment Methods, Practices, and Definitions for Cheraical ‘Analysis of Steel Prod vets T244 RU 22 ATI M160 E112. Estimating the Average Grain Size of Metals E208 Method for Conducting Drop-Weight Test to Determine Nil-Ductility ‘Transition Temperature of Ferritic Steels 2.3. American Welding Society Standards: ASA Mild Steel Covered Arc Welding Electrodes ASS. Low-Alloy Steel Covered ‘Are-Welding Electrodes 24 Miltary Standards: MIL-STD-129 Marking for Shipment and Sorage MIL-STD-163 Steel Mill Prod- ucts Preparation for Ship- meat and Sorage 25° Federal Sandard: Fed. Std, No. 123. Marking for Shipments (Civil Agea- cies) 3. DESCRIPTIONS OF TERMS SPECIFIC TO THIS ‘STANDARD 3A Plates (other than floor plates or coiled product) —Flat hot rolled steel elas- sified as follows: B.A When Ordered to Thickness: BALA Over 8 in. (200 mm} in width and 0.230 in. fover 6 mm} or over in thickness, BALL.2 Over 48 in. (1200 am) in width and 0.180 in. (over 4.5 mm] or over in thickness. 3.1.2 When Ordered to Weight: B.L.21 Over 8 in. (200 mm) in width and 9.392 Ib/f? [over 47.10 kg/m?] or heavier. Over 48 in. (1200 mn] in width and 7.350 Ib/f? (over 35.32 kg/m?) cot heavier. 3.1.3 Slabs, sheet bars, and skelp, though frequently falling in the foregoing size ranges, are not classed as plates. 3.1.4 Coiled product is excluded from ‘qualification to this specification until cut to length (see 5.3.2). 3.2 Shapes (Flanged Sections) 3.2.1 StructuralSize Shapes—Rolled flanged section having at least one dimen- sion of the cross section 3 in. (75 mm] or greater. Structural shape size groupings “used for tensile property classification are listed in Table A. =. ee ee 3.2.2 Bar Size Shopes—Rolled flanged sections having a maximum dimension of the cross section less than 3 in. (75 mm]. 3.2.3 “W" Shapes are doubly: symmetric wide-flange shapes used as beams of columns whose inside flange surfaces are substantially parallel. A shape having essentially the same nomioal weight and dimensions as a “W" shape listed in the tabulation but whose inside flange surfaces are not parallel may also bbe considered a “W” shape having the same nomeclature as the tabulated shape, provided its average flange thickness is essentially the same as the flange thick- ness of the “W" shape. 3.2.4 “HP” Shapes are wide-flange shapes generally used as bearing piles ‘whose flanges and webs are of the same ‘nominal thickness and whose depth and ‘width are essentially the same. 3.2.5 “S" Shapes are doubly-symmet- ric shapes produced in accordance with dimensional standards adopted in 1896 by the Association of American Steel Manu- facturers for American Standard beam shapes. The essential part ofthese stan- 9001 1,086 inl} Wal x M4 Stine WIS x 1810 1S2incl 3B X 2010 24L ie WIP x 21000336 nc [W500 x Goto ES ne) [WED x 17610226] (HAO % 29910389 net] WHO x 313 co 500 inl) Wid x 351071 inc W200 « 9940 211 vet WHE X 14510211 ioe Peed 5 5210 106 oct) (WIE 147 W318 inet] (W36O x 21610 314 inl WI6 x 2610 STinct 27 x 440 178 inc W12 x 129101905 [WEI0 388085 inet) [WED % 12510265 net] [W310 X 17910283 inl) WHd x 221053 net 28 x 6810162 ne [W360 x 3294079 int] [W610 % 101 1024 nel] WIR x 1h Stine Wal x 6210 14 inet [W310 x 21.010 86inel] [530 x 9210219 nt] Wio x 12104 inet WB x 7610119 inet (W250 x 1791067 ae] (WAED 11S WITT et) WE x 101048 ined WG x 67 10 10 inet {W200 % 15.0101 inc} (WAI0 10040 149 ie) W6 x 91025 ict We x 6110132 ine (W150 7 13.51037.1 el) (W36D X 91 196 2c) WS x 16819 WD x 65 9 105 ine (W150 238.428.) (W310 9710158 was W10 x 4910117 act [100 x 19.3) [W290 % 1310 167 ney wax ssao7 [W200 x 86& 100) MStapes wo 37.7 Ibn {te Sober incl) S Shapes to 38 tect cover 3 ut {to 524g, ie) [over 324g) HP Shapes 1 1021 inet cove 102 st {to 152 ge. nt) lover 152g} Shapes 1020.7 Bt net ver 20.7 [to 20.8 gr, int [over 30.8 gin) MCShapes 1028.5 If ise over 28.5 [toda tg, ie (over 42.4 Kgl) L shapes wo Yin inl vee Yow Min ek over Hin, {to 13m, net) fever 131019 mm inc} fort 19 rm) nated UM Plates, have two universal mill edges and two trimmed edges. 3.13 Sheared Edge—The normal edge ‘produced by shearing. Seared edge plates are trimmed on all edges. 3.14 Gas Cut Edge—The edge pro- duced by gas flame cutting. 3.15 Special Cut Edge—Usually the edge produced by gas flame cutting involving special practices such as pre- heating or post-heating, or both, in order to minimize stresses, avoid thermal crack- ing and reduce the hardness of the gas cut edge. In special instances, special cut ccdge may be used to designate an edge produced by machining. 3.16 Skeich—When used to describe 1 form of plate, denotes a plate other than rectangular, circular, or semi-circular, ‘Sketch plates may be furnished to a radius (or with four or more straight sides. 4. ORDERING INFORMATION 4.1. Orders shall include the following information, as necessary, to adequately describe the desired material: 4.1.1 AASHTO designation and grade, ete. (if applicable), 4.1.2 Name of material (shapes, plates, bars), 4.1.3. Shape designation, or size and thickness or diameter, and length, 4.1.4 Condition, if other than as-olled (normalized, etc). 4.1.5. Either plates from coil or dis- ‘rete cut lengths of flat product may be supplied, unless ove is specifically ‘excluded on the order (see Appendix XD). 4.1.6 Sbould the processor (5.3.2) intend to qualify plates cut from a coiled product as structural plates, the order to the manufacturer (5.3.1) should state the intended AASHTO specification number, grade, and type 4.1.7 Supplementary requirements if any, including any additional information MIO called for in the supplementary require- meats. 5. MANUFACTURE © 5.1. Unless otherwise specified in the material specification, the tee shall be made by the open-bearth, basic-oxygen, ‘or electric-furnace process. Additional refining by vacuum-are-remelt (VAR) or clectroslag-remett (ESR) is permitted. 5.2. Plates are produced in either dis- crete cut lengths of flat product or from coils. 5.2.1. Plates produced from coil ‘means plates that have been cut to indivi ual lengths from a coiled product and are furnished without heat treatment. For the Purposes ofthis paragraph, stress reiev- ing is not considered to be a heat treat- meat. 5.2.2 Plates that are eat treated (except stress relieving) after decoiling shall be considered to be discrete cut Jeogths of flat product. 8.3 When plates are produced from ceils: 5.3.1 The manufacturer directly con- trols one or more of the operation (that is, melting, rolling, coiling etc) that affect the chemical composition or the mechani- cal properties, or both, of the material 5.3.2 The processor decvils, cuts to Jength, and marks; performs and certifies ‘esis, examinations, repairs, inspection, or ‘operations not intended to affect the prop- erties ofthe material, The processor may subsequently heat treat the plate (See Sec- tion 6). Specific sections of this specifiea- tion for which the processor is responsible “re 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 18, and 19. 5.3.3. When part of a beat is rolled into discrete plates of flat product and the balance of the heat into coiled product, cach part must be tested separately. 6. HEAT TREATMENT 6.1. When material is required to be beat treated, the heat treatment may be performed either by the manufacturer, processor, oF fabricator unless otherwise specified in the material specification, 6.2 When heat treatment is required and isto be performed by the fabricator, the order shall so state. 6.3 When heat treatment isto be per- SPECIFICATIONS FUR MALERIALD formed by the manufacturer or processor, the material shall be beat treated as speci- fed inthe material specification. The pur- cfaser may specify the beat treatment to be used provided it is not in conflict with the requirements of the material specifica- tion. 6.4 When normalizing is to be per- feemed by the fabricator, it may be accom plished by beating uniformly for bot form- ing. The temperature to which the plates are beated for hot forming shall not signif- icantly exceed the normalizing tempera- ture 6.5 When po beat treatment is required, the manufacturer or processor ‘may, at his option, heat treat the plates by ormalizng, stress relieving, or normaliz- ing and thea stress relieving to mect the sateral specification. 6.6 \fapproved by the purchaser, cooling rates faster than those obtained by cooling in air are permissible for improve- ment of the toughness, provided the plates ae subsequently tempered in the tempera ture range from 1100 to 1300°F (595 to 7050) 7. CHEMICAL ANALYSIS 7.1 Heat Analysis—An analysis of cach heat shall be made by the manufac- turer to determine the percentage of car- bon, manganese, phosphorus, sulfur, and any other elements specified or restricted by the applicable specification. This anal- ysis shall be made from a test sample pref ‘erably taken during the pouring ofthe heat. The heat analysis shall be reported to the purchaser or his representative and shall conform tothe heat analysis require- ments of the applicable specification 7.1.1. When vacuum-arc-remelting of ectroslag remelting is used, a heat is defined as all the ingots remelted from a single primary melt. The heat analysis shall be obtained from one remelted ingot, ‘oF the product of one remelted ingot, of ‘each primary melt providing the heat anal- ysis of the primary melt meets the heat analysis requirements of the material specification. Ifthe heat analysis ofthe primary melt does not meet the heat anal- sis requirements of the material specfi- ‘cation, one test sample shall be taken from the product of each remelted ingot. In cither ease, the analyses s0 obtained from the remelted material shall conform to the 187 heat analysis requirements of the applica- be specification. 7.2. Product Analysis—The purchaser may analyze finished material represent- ing each beat. Sampling shall be in accordance with ASTM E 59. The chemi cal composition thus determined shall conform to the requirements of the prod- uct specification subject to the product analysis tolerances in Table B. If range is specified, the determinations of any ele- ‘ment ina heat may not vary both above and below the specified range. Rimmed o ‘capped steel is characterized by a lack of homogeneity in its composition, especially for the lements carbon, phosphorus, and sulfur; therefore, the limitations for these clements shall not be applicable unless misapplication i clearly indicated. 73. Referee Analysis—For referee pur- poses, Methods, Practices, and Defini- tions ASTM A 751 shal be used. 8. METALLURGICAL STRUCTURE 8.1 When a grain size is specified, it shall be specified as fine austenitic grain size or coarse austenitic grain size. Aus- tenitic grain size shall be determined in accordance with Methods ASTM E 112. 8.2 Coarse Austenitic Grain Size— ‘When coarse austenitic grain size is speci- fied, steel having grain size number of 1 to 5 as determined by the method eseribed in 8.1 shall be acceptable. Con- formance to the specified grain size of 70% of the area examined shall constitute the basis of acceptance. One test per heat shall be made. 8.3. Fine Austenitic Grain Size: 8.3.1 When fine austenitic grain size is specified, steel having grain size num- ber 5 orhigher as determined by the ‘method described in 8.1 shall be accept able. Conformance to the specified g size of 70% of the area examined shall constitute the basis of acceptance. One ‘grain size test per heat shall be performed except as described in section 8.3.2. 8.3.2 When aluminum is used as the ‘grain refining element and on heat analy- sis the aluminum content is not less than 0.020% total aluminum, or alternately, 0.015% acid soluble aluminum, the fine austenitic grain size requirements shall be deemed fulfilled and the testing require ment of 8.1 shall be waived. The alumi: Bs ‘num content shall be reported if the test- ing requirement is waived. 8.3.3 When specified on the ordes, ‘one grain size test (see 8.1) per heat shall be made regardless of type or content of ‘grain refining clement. Austenitic grain size shall conform to 8.3.1 8.3.4 Elements other than aluminum may be used for grain refining. In such instances, the grain size test of 8.1 shall be required. The content of the elements shall be reported with the heat analysis, 9. QUALITY 9.1 General—The material shall be free of injurious defects and shall have a ‘workmanlike finish, 9.2 Plate Conditioning 9.2.1 Plates may be conditioned by the manufacturer or processor for the removal of imperfections or depressions 00 the top and bottom surfaces by grind- ing, provided the area ground is well faired without abrupt changes in contour and the grinding does not reduce the thickness of the plate by (/) more than 79 under the nominal thickness for plates ordered to weight per square foot (mass per square metre}, but in no case more than % in. (3 mm]: or 2) below the per- missible minimum thickness for plates ‘ordered to thickness in inches or millimetres, 9.2.2. Imperfections on the top and bottom surfaces of plates may be removed by chipping, grinding, or arc-air gouging and then by depositing weld metal (see 9.5), subject to the following limiting con- ditions: The chipped, ground, or ‘gouged area shall not exceed 2% of the area ofthe surface being conditioned, Afier removal of any imper- fections preparatory to welding, the thi ress of the plate at any locatio must not be reduced by more than 30% of the nomi- nal thickness of the plate. Specification A 131 restricts the reduction in thickness 10 20% maximum.) 9.2.3 The edges of plates may be con- ditioned by the manufacturer or processor to remove injurious imperfections by ‘rrinding, chipping, or arc-air gouging and ‘welding (see 9.5). Prior to welding, the depth of depression, measured from the Plate edge inward, shall be limited to the SPECIFICATIONS FOR MATERIALS TABLEB Product Analysis Tolerances ‘lerances, © Upper Limit, or Maximum Under Minimum (Over Maximum Element Specified Value, % Limit Limit Carboa O.1Sinel 0.02 0.03 over 0.15 100.40 inet 0.03 0.08 Manganese’ 10 0.60 inel 0.05 0.06 over 0.60 t0 0.90 incl 0.06 0.08 over 0.90 t0 1.20 incl 0.08 0.10 cover 1.20 01.38 ine! 0.09 ont over 1.38 101.68 incl 0.09 0.12 ‘over 1.65 t0 1.85 ine ot O14 over 95 0.12 0.16 Phosrhorus 00.4 inet - 0.010 over 0.04 100.15 inet - Nat suitor 10.005 inet = 0.010 Silicon 10 0.30 nel 0.02 0.03 over 0.30 100.40 incl 0.05 0.05 cover 0.40 t0 2.20 incl 0.06 0.06 Nickel to 1.00 nel 0.03 0.03 (ve 1,00 102.00 inet 0.05 0.05 Qromium 100.90 inet 0.08 0.04 e+ 0.99 02.10 inet 0.06 0.06 Molybdenum 100.20 nel 0.01 oot over 0.20 100.40 inct 0.03 0.03 ‘over 0.40 t0 1.15 ined 0.08 0.04 Copper 0.20 miimum oaly 0.02 10 1.0 nel 0.03 6.03 ‘over 1,00 10 2.00 ined 0.05 0.05 Tiasium 10 0.10 inet oo oie Vanadium 100.10net 0.01 0.01 cover 0.1010 0.25 inct 0.02 0.02 minimum only specified 001 Boroa any Nat CColembivn 0010) ore woos 0.03 0.030 inet C.005 Manganese product analycs erences fr brs and bar az apes dll be 10 O90 = O 2.20ioc = 0:08, NA Product anabss nt aplcable Ute minimum of he range 5 0.01%, te under tolerance i 0.005%, thickness of the plate, with a maximum depth of 1 in. (25 mm). 9.3. Structural Size Shapes, Bar Size Shapes, and Steel Sheet Piling tioned by the manufacturer for the ‘removal of injurious imperfections or sur- face depressions by grinding, or chipping and grinding, provided the area ground is well faired without abrupt changes in con- tour and the depression does not extend below the rolled surface by more than (7) 1/32 in. (1-mm, for material less than % in, (10 mm] in thickness; 2) 1/16 in. [2 mm), for material % to 2 in. (10 to ‘50 mm inclusive in thickness; or (3) Yin. (3 mm), for material over 2 in, (50 mm] in thickness. 9.3.2 Imperfections that are greater in (90. of feet of length’) “Gain as Wels wo piss orcoial de Carare Ta he gi, eared over teers ng oF th le fn he Mat poston, M160 SPECIFICATIONS FOR MATERIALS 199 TABLE 12 Permissible Camber“ for Sheared Plates and Gas-Cut Rectangular Plates, All ‘Thicknesses (Applies to Carbon Steel Only) ‘Maximum permissible camber in. = 4 in x (aumber of feet of kngitvS) 7 Camera tenes plates she borat edge curvature athe length, measured over the ete ng of the pnt athe fla positon, TABLE 13 Permissible Variations From Flatnes for Carbon Stel Plates NOTE 1—When the longer dimension is under 36 in. the permissible variation should not exceed Yin, When the longer dimension i from 36 to 72 in, incl, the permissible variation should not exceed 75% of the tabular amount forthe specified width, but in no case less than Yin ‘NOTE 2—These variations apply to plates which havea specified minimum tensile strength of not more thas 60 ksi [415 MPa] or comparable chemical composition o bardness, The limits in the table ae increased 50% for plates specified toa higher minimum tensile strength or compatible chemistry or hard NOTE 3—TMhis table and these notes cover the permissible variations for flatness ofcitcular and sketch plates, based on the maximum dimensions of those plates. Permissible Variations froma Flat Surface for Specified Widths, in“ 96t0 10810, 120% 4st 168 Specified Specified Weight, To36, 36104810. GOlo Tt Ato 108,20, 4,168, and Thickness, in. Teste excl 48,excl 60,excl T2,excl Bévercl S6vexcl excl__excl_—exel_—excl_—Over Te, excl To 10.2, ex “em Mm he hm Mm Mm Viokect — 10.21015.3, ex! “OM eH Hiowexl 15310204, exch 4 Me HT mm mm Yto%excl 20.4 1030.6, exch. Ve % Me %* &*# OM OT 1 m m2 Yrolexcl — 30.61040.8, ext a a | m 1% Ho 2, excl 90810817, ext % % % Me HM He 204, excl BL701G4ecl hen KK HH 4106, excl 1634610245.L.exl % Me eH HHT 6108, excl 245.1036 Rel eH eH % 4 ' 1 S10 1Oexcl 326.8 OMe eH %e 1 t 1 Wtoldexcl —s0901040.1ecl Mee 1 1 ' 1 Itolsexcl —490.1t0613.0, incl He 1 1 t 1 = 7 Flames Vr for Length The longer dirs specie cose the Kngth, aad pmb varios aes long he eng shuld wo exceed the abl anus forthe specified wih fn plats up 12 in eng o in any 12 of longer pes, Pec rons fo Wiih-—The anes variations across the width boo po xced the abla amount ote specified with ‘TABLE 14. Permissible Variations From Flatness for High-Strength Low-Alloy and Alloy Sicel Plates, Hot Rolled or Thermally Treated NOTE 1—When the longer dimension is under 36 in, the variation should not exceed % i, Whea the larger dimension is from 36 0 72 in, incl, the vari- ation should nt exceed 75% of the tabular amount fr the specified width NOTE 2—This table and notes cover the tolerances fr flatness of circular and sketch plates, based on the maximum dimensions of those plates Flatness Tolerances for Specified Widths, i 9610 108 12010 tte 168 Specified Specified Weight, 1036, 3610 4810, Gt BA 108,120,468, and Thickness, in. Tost excl 48,excl GO,excl 72,excl Bfercl 96excl excl _excl_—_exel_—_excl_—Over To %, excl e102, ex % Mm 1% 2% Mm Mm Mm = Yto%er 10.20 15.3, exh % We MK MH HD mo Mm Wowie — 15.3020, excl % % %e eK m A me m M Yito%excl 20.410 306, exl | mM ™m 3 Yolecl 30.610 40.8, exl wh % hh % om 2 mm Ho 2, excl 40.8 081.7, excl Mm hm eH 1 1 1m ™% 2tod, ext BL 70184ecl eH OM HD m 1% 4106. excl 163.410285.Lexl Ys Ma 6108, excl 25.1026 Rel MT m1 he KK Btol0,exc! $258 t0409.0,exel eT M1 eA Ww ldexd —408.010490.1excl ee HK KK 1200 15.inel 490.1061. incl Mee HA 7 Flames Vrs or Legh longer denon pecfd i aided te lng, advan fon a surface lng the pth shoul pot eee he abla mou for be specie} plates upto 12 fin enh in any 12 Teo lenges plates. Pres ris oF Wah-— The Manes variien ator the wih sould not eieed the tabular amount forthe species with >See EMIS MATERIALS ‘TABLE 15 Permissible Variations in Waviness for Plates NOTE —Waviness denotes the maximum deviation ofthe surface of the plate from a plane paral- le to the surface ofthe point of measurement and contiguous tothe surface ofthe plate at each ofthe two adjacent wave peaks, when the plate is resting on a flat horizontal surface, as measured in an ‘increment of less than 12 fof length “The waviness tolerance is 2 function ofthe flaness tolerance as obtained from Table 13 or 14 as sppropriate Faves Tor Teens vines Tolerance, in, When Number of Woes in 12 fis— from Tables _Wvines Tolerance, in, When Number of Waves in 12 fis ors 1 2 3 4 3 é 7 me %e Ye * % he He Ye % % % Me %e te Me % % % he he % % % Ye he he Ye % % % he "he 4 1 1 x ™ ™ * ™ m% Me m4 v4 ” ™ 1 % 1% % hehe ™ % 1 % ™ m 1% He te 2 2 ™ % % 2% 2% De ” 2% ™ he Ye ™ 2 1 te 2% 2% 1% we cn 2% ™ % ™ ™ ew % mh mm eee 3 3 Me eM 34 3h me % M 160 M160 TABLE 16 Permissible Variations in Cross Sectioa for W, HP, S, M, SPECIFICATIONS FOR MATERIALS C, and MC Shapes 201 NOTE—A is measured at centerline of web for , M, and W and HP shapes; at back of web for C and MC shapes. Measurement is overall for C shapes under 3 in, B is measured parallel to flange C is measured parallel 1 web. TF r| 128, e G Nisha fb real tee oyun . sree pap eee cette —A: Depth in Width, to Flanges E. Web ‘Section ives, in Oe tase Ger hae Buel afcer oT seimeromnt Soo Ta Ree These, erated” Henn sue SGT Tee meee? eins tem ea eee oR od ‘ = SuodM 307s rr Soe Geil Ket Sof ft Gauci om = 5 5 CoC hamden tse the Dats Senn Boe oe og 6 6 8 On a [7+ T apps when flanger of cannes ae wall ox oo. For Guanes Win od wen dept, de permis out aque fs Maan, of depth 2 oerane i per inch of Cange wih for S.M, Cn MC shapes. Variation of icin, ax for ecthns over 426 Di " 202 SPECIFICATIONS FOR MATERIALS M 160 ‘TABLE 17 Permissible Variations in Croe Section for Angles (L Shapes, Bulb Angles, and Zees 8 sy Chet That rT sees =e 2 8 "|e Bub ongies Zees 1, Flange Width Variations from Thickness for ce Length of Leg, ‘Thicknesses Given, Over and A, Depth, in. in. T Omtot Under i. _ Over Under » @ 3 7 6 @ 3% — = 6010, exe1, Giowsed 1 MB 3 we sw = Wothke —- SweQed 19 uo » SB 8 4 sb B RwWed AIwisGed 6 9 RB RB zs Bp 2 son 9% nwesed —S70@I2ecl 16 u BM Bs So 25100, el wo OF 2 us se 3 4 9 5010 10, xc bo ie 9 9 be 3% 2m 6B 2 4 40 to 180, ext wt ir} b mn 2 MN 8» 2 2 15010200, excl a) wp MB » 2 Ss Mow2soecl —[srOwNaecl 197 ue 3% » 2 Bb & 8 ® x Wwsoed laaersead 19 % 7 RB 3 3 Mw BR MB M0040 incl 2aSSuoRtedid 2S BS 7 Flames Varro jor Lengh—The longer dimension specified e considered the length ad visions (rom a flat srlace wing be kag hook ot cad he bul ampunt forthe specified wid np up 4000 mm in engl, orn any 4.000 mm of ger pas. Flee Vrs for Wilh “Te lst variation ares the width hoa ot exceed the bul amount fe the specified width. TABLE ALLIS. Permissible Variations in Waviness for Plates NOTE —Waviness denotes the maximum deviation ofthe surface ofthe plate from a plane paral- lel tothe surface ofthe point of measurement and contiguous othe surface ofthe place at each ofthe two adjacent wave peaks, when the plate is resting ona flat horizontal surface, as measured in an increment of less than 4,000 mm of length “The waviness tolerance is a function ofthe Matness tolerance as obtained from Table AI.13 oF Al. 14 35 appropriate. Flaiess Tolerance, Waviness Tolerance, mm, When Number of Waves in 4,000 mam is— ‘nm, from Tables ALIorALI4 1 2 3 6 7 3 3 6 3 z 2 0 0 3 3 2 2 u " . ‘ 3 2 r B 0 5 3 2 ry 3 3 2 16 B 10 3 2 "7 3 0 3 2 9 4 " 3 2 2 16 0 5 2 2 7 3 5 2 2% 7 3 ‘ 5 2s 9 6 5 » 2 16 6 5 2 2% 7 5 6 3s n ia ' 6 3B » oR 6 a no 5 “4 Bo 5 a yoo 5 s uD 10 se a » 10 7 3 2 0 @ 6 3 u ro a ” n a 3 as 4 » 2 8 B B 4 a % 78 » o 1 eee EE MEA TABLE A116 Permissible Variations in Cross Sections for W, HP, NOTE—A is measured a center lines of web fr S, M, W, and HP shapes; 75 mm. B is measured paral to flange. Cis measured parallel to web. —_ 213 , M, C, and MC Shapes at back of web for C and MC shapes. Measurement is overall for C shapes under “Thickness of Web C, Maximum A: Depth. mm _ By Flange Width mm 7 7 Depth atany Over and Under for Over “Under Over Under Flanges Out- £, Weboff Cross Section Thickness Given, mm Section Nominal Theo: Theo- Theo. Theo- of Square, Cente, _ over Theoretical” Sand Shape Ske, mm retical retical retical retical max,mm* ——max©——‘Depth, mm Under_—_Over S Wand HP — upto 310, incl 4 3 6 3 6 3 6 = = Over 310 ‘4 3 6 5 8 3 6 = = SandM 7510 180, incl 2 2 3 3 0.03 5 = = 5 over 180 (0360, incl 3 2 4 ‘ 0.03 = = = = over 36010 610, incl 5 3 5 5 0.03 = = = = Dand MC 40 and under 1 1 ' 1 0.03 = 02 0a cover 40 10 75, excl 2 2 2 2 0.03 = = o4 os 75 to 180, incl 3 2 3 3 0.03 = = — eS over 18010 360, incl 3 3 3 4 0.03 = = = = over 360 3 4 3 3 0.03 = 5 = = AT + T- apples when flanges of channels are toed in or out. For channels 16 mm and under in d Jepth. The tolerance shall he rounded othe neatest millimetre after cae ultions 4 Tolerance is per millimetre of flange width forS, M, C, and MC shapes, Variation of 8 mm max fr sections over 6.34 kg/m, lepth, the permissible out-of square is 0.05 mm/mm of TABLE AL.17 Permissible Variations in Cross Section for Anges (I. Shapes), Bulb Angles, and Zees B. esd q Lx 1 fee 8/4] 3 |<, Anges Ble anges ees 7, ngs Who ‘aro om Fakines 4,Deptmm Lengel. poqot, rakes Ge Over Under Over Under Square, per Over and Under, mim Teo Theor Theo. Thar mofBs Sand Overs Sestim __Nomin Stesmm_reteal_etesi_—_ teal reel mmr ld Over 10 ‘oaee and under = 1 oo 02 0a Cape) er 351050 ine = 5 4 1 ome 0202s tre S010 7: = 5G 2 ome 03. oa aa St 100 = 3 A ome oer = 3 coat = ove 150 = fo > ome wbbangles (pip 75w 100i =F ‘ a ome eri wisoiecd 3 ‘ 3 oo over 150 2 3 5 3 dost = cet 35010, nel 33 ‘ 2 o.oet es over iO ISO el ‘ 5 ant es “For unequal leg angle, longer leg determines classification 0.026 maim ‘deg, The tolerance shal be rounded tothe nearest millimetre after calculation SPECIFICATIONS FOR MATERIALS M10 24 TABLE ALLI8 Permisible Variations in Setonal Dimensions for Rolled Tees [NOTE—* = Back of quae and centerline of stem tobe parallel when measuring “outofsquste™ A t jee Tees Towa 6 Sem Syne per offen, Outat. —-THicknessof——_Thlckness of Nominal Sue’, _AsDepits mm _B.Wi8H#, mm “Smeg mans Sunes, Stem, mm ma Over Under” Over Under mm mim mm | Over_—Under Over Under SOand under rr rr | = = 1 02 02~«OAOS Gewosidd 92 2 2 2 = = 2 03-0302 Qesomel 2 2 2 2 = = 2 04 «Od Ok OS 7540 125, ict 2 2 38 OS 2 ae S&S Ss 6 Over tstoisiel 2 2 30 3 2S "The longer mente of an unequal ce determines the sin or permissible variations. 4 Measurements fr both depth and width are oeral Stemoutofagure isthe aiatoa from is reposition ofthe centerline of ster, measured the pint. TABLE A1.19 Permissible Variations in Length for S, M, CMC, Ly, Zs and Bulb Angle Shapes ‘Vara from Specified Length for Lena Give. my nonin) ISWImod SwEmAe _Giodmind 919m ind_ 121015. inel__151020m, incl Over 20m see —Orer Under” “Over Under” “Over Under” Over Under’ Over Under Over Under Over Under twats 6S Smo 3 6 8 6 B 6 19 6 % 6 » 6 28 * Greatest cross-sectional dimension. TABLE A1.20 Permissible Variations ia Ends Out-ol Square for S, M, C, MC, L, T, Z, and Bulb Angle Shapes| ‘Shapes Permissible Variations S.M,G,and MC 0.017 mm/mm of depth a 0.026 mm/mm of leg length or 1% deg. (0.026 mra/mmn of depth oF 14 deg 0.017 mam/mm of flange or stem 0.026 mm/mm of sum of both flange lengths * Permissible variations for ends out-of square are determined on the longer members of the shape. Bulb angles Rolled tees! ees M160 SPECIFICATIONS FOR MATERIALS 215 ‘TABLE AL.21_ Permissible Variations ia Straightness for S, M, C, MC, Ly TZ, and ‘Bulb Angle Shapes Positions for Measuring Camber of Shapes Lo 4 LW ee gum) ead te ae Posi f Metring Camber of Sas ‘Nominal Size Variable am Permissible Variation, min Camber Under 75 4X number of metres of total ength| ‘TSandunder 2. X numberof metres of total ength Sweep all Due tothe extreme variation in flexibility ofthese shapes, straight- ness tolerances for sweep are subject to negotiations between the manufacturer and the purchaser for the individual sections involve. “ Greatest cross-sectional dimension TABLE A122 Permissible Variations in Length for W and HP Shapes “# ‘Variations from Specified Length for Lengths Given, mm ‘9m and Under Over ea Ww Shapes Over Under ‘Over Under Beams 610 mm and under in 10 10 10plus Tforeach additional 10 ‘nominal depth {im or faction thereof Seams over 610 mm in nominal 13 1313 plus foreach additional 13, depth and all columas 1 moe fraction thereof * For HP shapes or W shapes when used as bearing piles, the ength tolerance is plus 125 and ‘Omm. This length tolerance also applies to steel sheet piles. “The ends out-of. square tolerance for W and HP shapes shall be 0.016 mnmm of depth, or of, flange width iit is restr than the depth, The tolerance shall be rounded tothe nearest milimetre alter caleulation TABLE A123 Permissible Variations for Length and Ends Out-of Square, Milled Shapes Milled Both Ends? Milled One End? Maximum ‘Maximum End End Out Owot Square, Nominal Depth, Length, mm square, _Leneth mm __ for Milled End, mm LengthA©m Over Under mm Over Under mim 15010920, 2102 rt 1 66 1 “Length is measured along centerline of web, Measurements are made withthe stel and tape at ‘he same temperature. * Ends outolsquare are measured by (a) squaring from the centerline ofthe web and (6) sua ing from the centerline ofthe lange. The measured variation from true squareness in ether plane ‘may not exceed the total tabular amount °C Length variation and out-of square variation are additive. oto SPECIFICATIONS FOR MATERIALS M 160 TABLE A1.24 Permissible Variations in Straightoess for W and HP Shapes reo Poston for Messarng Camber and Sweep of W ad HP Shaper TABLE A1L25- Permissible Variations in Dimensions for Spit Tees and Split Angles (L Shapes)* Variations from Depth” Over and Specified Depth, mm Under. mm To 150, excl (beamsand channel) 3 15010 410, excl (beams and 5 chonoels) 41010 510, excl (beams snd 6 channels) 510 10610, exc beams) 8 610 and over (beams) 10 ‘The length iclerance fr split tes o angles are the same as those applicable to the section from ‘which the tees or angles are spi. * The above tolerances for depth of ees or angles include the allowable tolerances in depth forthe teams or channels before sping. Tolerances both for dimensions and straightness, 38 set vp forthe ‘beams or channels fom which these tes o angles se ct, will ppl, except straightness = 2mm X length in metres, Permissible Variation (Camber and sweep 1mm % nutter of metres of total length When certain section® with a Mange width approximately equal to depth are specified on order a8 columns Lengths of 14 m and under | mm X numberof metres of total length, but ot ver 10 mm 10 mm + [1 mm x (number of metres of ota fength — 14m) Lengths over 14 m * Section with afange with less than 150 mm tolerance forsweep = 2 mm X numberof metres of total length, * Applies only to: 200mm deep sections — 46.1 kg/m and heavier, 250mm deep sections — 73 kg/m and heavier, 310mm deep sections — 97 kg/m and heavier, and 360mm deep sectons— 116 kg/m and beaver. If other sections are specified on the order as columns, the tolerance will be subject to negotiation with the manufacture TABLE A1.26 Permissible Variations in Sectional Dimensions for Square-Edge and Round-Edge Fat Bars Permissible Variations Permissible Variations from Thickness, for from Specitied ‘Thicknesses Given, Over and Under, mm Width, min OverS Over6 Over 12 Over25 © © Ower50 Specified Widths, mm_6,incl 12, incl_25,inel SO,incl _t075 Over? Over__Under 025, ined 018 02 02 — — — OS Os Over25t050, incl 018 030 040 08 — — 10 10 Over 50%0 100, incl 0.20 040 050 08 12 12 15 10 Over 10010 150, incl 0.25 040 050 08 12. 12 25 15 Over 15010 200, incl * 040 065 08 12 (16 302.5 * Fats over 15010 200 mm, incl, in width are not available as bo-rolied bars in thickness 6 mim and under, ‘TABLE A127 Permissible Variations in Sectional Dimensions for Round and Square Bars and Round-Cornered Squares ‘Ouro Round Variations fom Sie, Out Square Section Specified Sizes, mea a * me % Upto 7.0, incl 0.3) = 0.20 S ‘Over 7.00 11.0, inet os - 0.22 = Over 11.010 15.0, inet os - 027 = Over 15.00 19.0, nel 020 = 030 = Over 19.010 250, inl = = ma ** Outofround isthe difference between the maximum and minimum diameters of the bar, mea sured a the same transverse cross section, Out-of-square section i the difference in perpendicular q| xx ht KS Y b Saipan Daa ‘Comin Tonal Sepia Dep Mi Inches and Fange “metres and Prange, eign a Main ie Ta Peonsipe | Aeaa, | Depa, | wider | cccae gamsper | Aces. | Depth | wth | ments tnearteo | “i | Peak | MSDE DS Mec | “owt” | dtem | am | uw Warm | a] em | ease | eo wax ae | sro | | aa | ar xa | ma | dea | tess | 1S xar | am | om | i | 39 x2 | 3s | asa | teso | 10 xin | ao | or | om | 8 x2s | fat | sos | tes | 1590 xis | iso | sis | fis | xs xBo | Gs | ism | tem | tam | he x30 | So | on | as | so wex20 | as | ce | im | 1x0 | osm |} woxas | s990 | 9 | xe | us | ona xix | so | jee | tus | 130 | one xe | scm | or | am | do | iu xia | 36 | 3s | its | tie | ons xm | x@o | so | an | so | ine xi | io | sem | few | too | So x23 | io | Sip | ae | me | na xi@ | a0 | jen | tom | rom | oem xas | soso | os | ae | Bs | ics xim | 2] 3% | tise | osm | oes xz | aso | on | ae | 3 | iss xis | ir | 355 | nse | oom | oem xm | sao] mm | am | dr | 82 woz [roa | suis | asso | sam | osm |} waoxss | as20 | se | a | se | ona xz | ao | ses | tsa | ins | ons xao | aie | te | ar | 2t | 5 xm | 1 | de | ise | tae | ons xe | iw | ss | ao | m2 | io woxis | 47 | ne | uss | res | oss |] weux ns wi | ome | ass | st xia [ais | ao | its | coe | oes % iio ws | om. | xe | ise xiv | 33 | Bo | ns | cass | ose xin woof om | ag | at xis | 39 | Re | ita | ono | O30 xie es | mm | ine | ito wax ar | @o | ase | asios | ists | ozs |] wana me | aw | ae | ase xin | S61 | dome | tse | ties | ono x2 m | 3a | 31 | wo xi | sos | ou | tes | toss | ous xm m | jn | ma | tee wo na | ssa | sos | roses | 100] osis |} wreax 156 m | 2 | a4 | se xi | 365 | dotr | toss | asso | aes xis we | 3a | Be | us xis | 32 | joo | tows | oss | oss xin se | ar | ate | ite xis | 07 | am | ines | on | Ose xia as | 3 | ws | ie x» | 1 | mas | ina | com | osm xie 9 | 8 | me | Be wexin | 23 | ms | eas | si | ans |] woo a8 ws | ae | 202 | ise xi | Ga | ao | item | tom | oa x20 wr | ase | ae | tes xue | 29 | aos | its | oss | oes xin os | 3s | ous | iss waxne | os | na | 100m | 090 | osm |] wox rm o | 2% | a6 | us xi | 300 | ine oso | sis x12 ws ae | at | Bt x's | my | deo aus | oo x10 wo | a | its | bs ka] oe | en emo | oso xis om | as | i | oi wea | ar | aso 120 | o7es |] worex 201 as | om | ao | ns xs | So | hse tom | oa xa om | xe | no | 33 xin | 3S | dea aso | ous xis @ | sm | xa | ist xiv | xa | dee caso | oss xin as | os | as | io xin | de | te 010 | 9500 xu on | ome | iso | ia WX 94 m7 2431 0.875 Osis, ‘WO10X 140, 617 a R2 Ba x ma 2410 0.770 0.470 X 125 oz pe 196 ng ka | Bi | Boe ow | oan xan ws | mm | ons | nz xo | xt | Bn oss | tas x01 ws | a | ois | m3 WUX 62 8.2 2 7.040, 0.590 0.430 ‘WOIOX 92. a my 15.0 10.9 xs | tez | nar | ies | odes | obs x8 so | om | ae | io M160 SPECIFICATIONS FOR MATERIALS 219 TABLE A21 Continued Daa Dagan Ceci ia °} eM Ics Fee we |] Seo Panes we regi Ta] Tact | serie Ki Tua] Tat Re | seas | ppne | wang | coe | mae. |] “panoper peo | wan | ona | ore, Geary | Me | DS LMA S| Mi el im | mm | me | me wax | a2 Ts | 130] erm |] we 20 mo | a) ma] 83 xin | des haw | tos | oa 6 se | ae | aa | is xin | 39 io | oso | os xin gif as | oma | is xm | 32 tao | oa | ose xe se | ap | a | io xi | ma ioe | om | os xi ss | an | m3 | nr wx | 2a sao | 090 | osm |] woe 1 wo | ae | ne | 7 Xe | He tis | ons | oats xB sf ae | aia. | a xn | ns tes | ome | ass xi os | om | we | ite xa | be tin | cas | oa xo gr | ao | a | ts xe | tie | oes | 040 x'2 3 | om | we | to wax ss | 167 6335 | oso | o4os |] wssox as ss | ww | ws | 103 xo | ta 630 | oss | 030 x S | is | we | ‘3 xu | no S50 | sao | 030 xe S| ous | ua | ao waxes | asa] assy | ass | ro | oes |] wax rr wz | ae | x9 | 58 Xtc | su | wn | tm | oso | 05s x 138 ae | me | as | iso x'% | is | ie | ite | osm | oss xia m | m | mi | be Xf | 33 | i | toe | orm | caso xi & | m | we | 2a x5 | 23 | i | mes | cam | ous x13 % | mo | ms | ts win | me fase | 76 | onto | oass |] wax ros w | wm | ne | 26 xs | wt | was | is | 07 | oa x7 we | im | wo | is xe | ite | wae | iS | os | oss xb S| om | as | is x | ics | wn | 730 | osm | oss xe wo | wm | wo | ‘99 Xo | 1G | ne | tas | osm | ass xu & | wm | us | 90 wix as | ns | isos | 600 | cms | oxo |] wuox oo ws | ae | sa | oa x | ite | i | sos | oss | o3is x @ & | i | 3s | so X3 | eS | om | Som | as | ox x2 S | im | wa | 3s wiex im | 24 | 1697 | roars | oges | ats |] waiox 9 ar | 25 | 250 | x9 X'S | 2 | teas | toss | ons | oss x12 @ | ie | m2 | 3 XH | BE | ten | toms | oko | ous xin fo | i | wa | ne XG | iS | 163 | tos | ones | oss Xi as | do | te | too wie so | iss | ts | ram | ons | oa |] wane as av | oa 2 | 19 Xb | 3 | teas | tom | oso | e300 x a3 | we | wo | 53 X& | 3 | tes | tos | 56s | os xo aio | te | tee |e x | ite | teat | oo | 50s | ons xo a | ote | ae | 3 XM | te | Sse | aes | caso | o3ss xo @ | om | ws | 73 wx a | oi | asas | ss2s | oo | ozs |] wor 452 ow | w | na | 20 x2 | ta | ise | S30 | 03s | 0250 x aa yo | ow | ee | 6s wux ne | aso | 22 | nem | agi | 00 |] woeax ree w | ax | nso | mo Kas | io | ae | treo | asm | 200 x90 so | a | uso | no xas | imo | dom | tras | tio | 2595 x 9 St | ae | too | oso XS | lao | om | tam | Sam | 20 xm au me | 3 X3m | tao | io | too | 3s | 21% xm o a | se Xs | ito | io | toes | 3200 | 201s xan 3 us | st Xie | iso | ise | tees | om | tas xa mu mi | is Xin | ino | ie | tee | aes | 70 Xin | m0 | 4s 23 | %o XP | imo | ise | teas | 200 | tess Xia | wom | ts &e | 20 xXae | toro | ins imo | tse Xim | ban | 4s eo | da Xan | ‘re | ina | team | 220 | Lao XS | Som | os Sa | 3s Xa | BS | tem | teno | 20m | 130 Xa | Som | os Se | ie Sir | te | teat | isms | tam | as Xi | igo | ate | ae | fo | a8 xis | @3 | iso | ise0 tor X38 | Sho] a | a | oo | m2 xin | @o | ise | sem oom Xm | Seo] oe | wr | be | ue xin | see | isa | sno ooo Xo | sem] as | we | xe | me xi | Ste | isa | tseo | 30 | oso Xe | dao] dr | oe | Bo | an Xie | id | ieee | iss | ti | ors Xo | sorm | oo | es | so | ies xis | 23 | im | isse | tom | ceo Xie | m0 | as | oe | oma | m3 wixin | ass | ue | ams | 100 | oses |} waax 19 | 2x0 | am | ame | 252 | tee Si | 33 | tes | taco | osm | os Kip | neo | sa | so | as | ise Zio | io | i | tes | osm | oss Xia | eo | sa | om | aa | as x3 | wi | thie | iss | obs | oa xis | Rem] 3a | me | ie | 23 x | 45 | aoe | vse | ono | oso Xie | imtoo | 36 | ae |e | M160 220 SPECIFICATIONS FOR MATERIALS TABLE A21 Continued Designation Designation (ominal (omnia Depth in Deh in Mil Iocbes and bd web |] eves and — we Weight in Tike | Thicke || Mass in Kilo- The | Thick Pounds per Width | esse | ness to, |] rams per width | ness | ness Linear Fos) in in ia Metre] ‘6mm | om am wax #2 10.130 | 0855 ‘WSO 122 BT aT 130 xX 4 joo | 078s X N10 286 99 a x 6 ios | 0720 X 01 255 183 10.5 x 6 oss | oes 254 164 95 WuX 53, 8.00 | 0660, 34 205 168 94 x8 00 | 0595 350 204 1st 86 xB 795 | 050 M7 cay BS 1 wax. 38 sm | osis 358 m Ba 19 xu ous | 045s 355 m 6 12 x x0 6790 | 0.385 32 m 98 68 wuex 26 sos | 040 33 ms 10.7 6s x2 S000 | 0335 uo a as ss WIRX 336 wses | 2955 a7 Mo BA 45a X 305 Bps | 2705 as 336 a7 43, X29 wo | 2470 03 34 ar 339 X 282 13.005 | 2.250 391 30 m2 asa X30 nass | 20% 382 a8 26 326 X 210 12.750 | 1.960 a as 83 30.0 X 190 neo | 1335 365 a2 41 269 X 170 nso | 1560 356 319 3936 Ma x 182 iaso | 14 | 0.870 HE 317 356 24 x36 | 399 x40 | 1250 | 0790 ut 35 318 301 x10 | 383 r2z0 | ies | ono 333 33 21 180 x10 | 312 i220 | 090 | 0610 37 310 251 1s x96 |e? 12.10 | 090 | 0.550 33 309 Re 10 xo | 36 rns | oso | oss 38 308 6 Ba xm | 22 ros | ons | 0470 3M 7 187 19 xm ]oa 1200 | 06m | 040 an 306 170 10.9 x6 | ist ro | 06s | 0390 0s 154 99 WRX 58 no wow | 060 | 0360 310 2 163, 9a x33 | 156 9995 | osis | os 306, 24 46 a8 wx so | 147 som | oso | 0370 0 205 163, 94 x45 | iz sous | oss | 0335 6 24 8S xa | ns soos | ois | 0295 303 203 Bt 1s wrx 3s | 103 | 1230 | 650 | 052 | 0300 37 Be 16 x» an | 2s | 63m | os | 020 33 nz 66 x res | zm | 64% | 030 | 02% 310 97 58 whx 2 eas | ar | som | aas | 020 3B 108 66 x9 ssi | ite | 400s | 0350 | o23s x 300 89 60 X16 an | 199 | 3990 | 0265 | 020 x 305 67 56 x ais | m1 | 39m | ozs | 0200 x 03 $7 sa wx | 329 | 11.36 120 | 0.735 |} wasox 289 265 318 192 Xi | 24 | m0 ai | 0.680 x 22 28 284 13 xs | 259 | 108 0950 | 0.605 x Ds 261 251 154 x7 | 26 | 10.6 osm | 05% x 28 259 Zi Bs x 6 10.40 07m | 0470 x 264 257 196 19 xX @ 10.22 0.60 | 0.420 x 260 256 m3 107 xs | iss | 1009 oss | 0370 x 256 255 156 34 xo} 9.98 | 100 | 0560 | 0340 x 253 254 Maz 86 wiox 4 | 133 | 1010 | som | 60 | oso |] woox 21 204 157 89 xx | us 932 | reas | oss | ois Ww 2 20 Bs 80 x3 gn | 973 | 190 | 04s | 0290 x 2 2m 0 74 wiox 30 sae | 1047 | saxo | osto | 30 |] wasax 266 14s 130 16 X 26 re | 1033 | 57m | 04 | 0260 x 262 7 na 66 x2 649 | i017 | 3250 | 030 | 02 x 258 146 on et wiox 19 2 | 1024 | 40% | 0395 | 0250 |] wax 260 102 wo 64 x eso | 10. oi | 0330 | om x 257 102 aa aL xis 4a | 999 | 400 | 0270 | 0230 x 24 102 69 8 x2 ssi | oer | 3960 | 0210 | 0.190 x79 | 220 | 2st 101 33 “s M160 eae een TABLE AZ Contnucd Tapa Deipator Conuna ‘hecanal Dorin Dep ie M laches and Flange Web metres and We eahin Ta | Tek |] seek. mee Ree | ncaa, | pena | witha | menet | oetin |] amr | Aaa, oat, iene | Seth |S ME |e |e eesti = wax [er] oem | eae | oos | ome |] wamox 190 | a.m es Ss | tr | a3 | tam | oso | 0310 xt | iow bo x [itr | te | ato | ces | om xn | ‘sk 02 XS [i | a | tm | oso | ose xo | 30 31 Xs | 03 | te | smo | ows | oso xe | oo 3 Xa | is | Boo | Gos | oras | ones x 41 | Si os wax | sas | sos | ess | oass | ots |] wooox au | sam 2 MOR | So | 83 | eles | cleo | ones x39 dso 3 wx a | eis | sas | sam | om | 020 |} wonox 212] 2970 os Kis | Ske | tke | sk | 0330 | oa x ise | 330 se wos | ca | an | cars} oss | 02s |] wax ms] 200 «2 S| Se | ote | tow | 035 | oa x 193 | 240 Se X10 | iss | te | 30 | 03s | om x 150 i310 3 wo 2s | rae | 6a | 60m | ous | osm |] wisox nr] aro | ae | ae | ue | te Xi | Se | Gm | so | os | 020 x pe| tm | in | is | 93 | ss XS | 25 | Sm | So | 020 | om x25| 2to | in | im | @@ | ss wots | an | eas | aom | oats | o2e0 |} wisox 200] 300] 1 | im | 3 | ge Xs | S38 | Sos | tom | c2m0 | om x sol tao | im | im | ‘ta | se x5 | 26 | So | Ss@ | eas] om x Bs) tm | ie | io | ss | a woe ay | se | sus | som | oso | oxo |] wor 21] 350 | ar | me | we | ee Xie | LS | Sot | Som | 050 | 020 X Bs) 30m | i | om | sa | st wex a | sas | aie ao@ | oss | cam |] wiox ios] 240 | 1 | wo | se | rt TABLE A22.“S" Shapes 4" Y ad} xX x t. Y by Dae ‘Cena Dehn i Inches and nes Web Fangs Web wage ma] ee Ta] Take Rem | cas | pene | wine, | rose | meee pers | wit | ont | rest tere | Sao | NS AY |e in fim | eee | “om” | nm sao mr se | ee | tom | Tom | om @ | m | na | 203 Kia | a2 | dao | Jam | tom | oe f& | m | zm | is sxx 10 | 23 | 200 | 226 | os | ons oo | am | ma | we XR | Bs | Hoo | ths | om | ows ao | wm | zi | ise Xm | 3 | dm | tom | oe | 050 fo | mm | om | ir sxx 9 | m2 | 20 | 220 | ov | osm ss | wm | me | 23 X | 23 | Bw | to | osm | om ie | im | a | ics sax 15 | 20 | xm | exes | ons | ms ws | im | 22 | 161 XG | bs | om | 62s | cms | oss gs | i | 2 | ns six m_ | 26 | so | sar | oo | ome wo | ae | me | a MOR, | Mt | io | son | test | oust | oie | me | om SPECIFICATIONS FOR MATERIALS aie TABLE A22 Continued . Daipaie Deas = ‘Gora ‘hea Goria - epi . Inches and Plane: Web, metres and | Page Web Wein Tae] mick |] ie. Ta] Tat Fonts | Anas, | Dead | withdy | seme | ome. |} “paaspe | Acta | pom | wan | care | Toe Grertioy | “ao | PaCS | MA | mat |e et | “oat | im | mm | “ee” | OSS six @ | 4a | ism] sao | oma | osm || sax mw | owe | an | aa Tse Pre x Go| ie | tse | sor | oe | Ose x | io | oan [ote | gE | ie sx {our | nm | sar | ous | ooer |] sox 4 | 940 | 30s | ase | tor | ane x Gs] ito | ne | san | og | Oak x ar] 30 | ae | ot | ies | as six as | a3 | nom | sos | osu | oa |] sox 2 | coo | aos | uw | ase | 100 x us| 935 | wo | Som | ose | OSs xas/ soo | os | im | pa | 43 six 3s | sox | 10m | aoe | oar | oss H] sasox 2 | sao | ase | ase | res | ase x Be] sue | tow | tS | att | os xms{ dso ae Joi | as | $5 sxia | em | am | aim | ons | oa |] swox ou | aso | ao | ae | aos | ne xe] Sa foam | tan | ous | ott x na} Sao | dn | oim | ios | 5 sm 2 | sa | 10 | 30 | orm | cas |} sitoxom | som | im | oe | oo | usa x iss] i | am | 362 | oie | ose x'nal rw | im | 33 | ins | let sox mas} sor | ea | 3x8 | ore | ous |} sisox x7] am | ie | on | oot | une x a3] 30 | 6m | 33m | tim | Oss xine/ 20 foi | oa | ot | YS sx urs} am | so | sau | oa | oa |] suo 2 | 25m | a | os | oo | ues xt” as | $m | 300 | one | este xis | tam | i | oe | a3 |B sax as | am | am | 226 | os | osm | sioox a4 w | on | or | as x7 | 2s | tm | zs | om | Oss x3 mf aja} & sx rs | 2a | so | 2m | oxo | 050 || sase a2 % | « | ss | es x | te | 3m | Be | ome | oe x8 w | S |e | 8 TABLE A23.“M* Shapes hoo q x x te by Daipae Papa ‘Cerna Onin Shin bephie . Inches and Flange web ‘meres and Flange cs Weaken Tie] Tak |] Mice Te Tt otter penn | wendy | seme | mare |] Momence | area, wan | sony | oo unary zt a” | SA | Shee | a | ote | te | ae” | ORS Mex isos |~v400 | som | e200 | ons | waa ase] axes Pan 6] Mix ua sar | ino | aos | ozs | orm |] maiox ire] 220 | os | om | 5a | as Mix 9 | 26 | sooo | 200 | 0206 | ois |} wax 124 we | a | os] 4 Mex es | 2 | so | aan | oe | ons |f wax 97 om | os | as | se mex 2 | sap | coo | sow | osm | 020 |} wisx aoe wm | at | os | oe Mex 4e | aay | 600 | isu | om | ome if wiox os} a2 | as | ow | oa | oe Maxis 1 sss | soo | so | ons | oats |] aioe a1] sso | or | am | we | so Mec | sa | soo | sso | osm | o2s |} mix ws] 240 | 12 | ro | ov | os M 160 SPECIFICATIONS FOR MATERIALS 223, TABLE A24 “HP” Shapes tr Y 4 x Daigo (Noainal Depth Tacks and Fange wb Fangs veo ‘wei in Thee | Thee Tek) Thick Pounisyer | Arcya, | Depa. | Wisth’s | eatin | nei. amas | depth | wien | ness | near Linear Foo) | “in?” | in i in ‘an | mm | tmm | “mm | "mm wri | 3a] teat | aaass | ones | oo x | am | 204 | 204 x12 | 300 | tor | ters | o7s | ores a | ous | ns | ns x's | x1 | tas | wes | oss | oss ar | an | ass | iss xm | aa | ast | wsss | oss | oss a6 | am | one | ons werx io | a4 | aas | tras | ors | ores me | oas | oe | ise xm | 33 | ins | isies | 06s | oss x | aa | is | is xm | aie | i29s | tao | ose | oss me] ope | oice | ise x@ | is | ns | 90 | 04 | 0400 3i9 | gas for fan wrx nae | ass | oats | oss |} uwsiox 12s m | oan | ome | one x 0 nas | oso | ows x 10 ws | oo | oss | ase xo tia | Bas | oss | osts x9 w | oe fon | opt x | us | mm | nos | oas | ous x me | 30 | oo | to werox sx | ree | 99 | tors | oss | oes |] urasox as ae | ao | ue | use xa | ie | $7 | too | om | ons x @ dae | 356 | tor | tos wsxs | tos | sor] sass | ous | ous || uramx sa we | om | ona | na ¥ SPECIFICATIONS FOR MATERIALS M160 ae TABLE A2S “C*Shapes xXx fd alee Y by ho Deigmae Dag Coma Domina pare Dep nie Toches and Web metres and Flange Web "weet Ta] tik |] stio nie. Twa] Thnk Foontepee | Aras, | Deas | wen | mere | sore || Meme pe | wim | son | oom Unarroo | “ne | DRT | a” |e Nee) dom | tom | me” | ne ciKs v7 | i800 | me | 060 | 07 |] coeax7e sr fe] aes] ee x0 ns | iso | 35% | ceo | osm xo mm | om | tes | pz xao | ‘956 | iso | ia | oa | oa Xie an | om | tes | toa cnnx30 sa | no | sim | os | oso |] csioxas ws | » | az | 0 x38 tas | io | 300 | oso | oae xa ws fom | ne | Se xx7 | 6 | nm | asa | os | ome x30s ws | ou | ono | 33 10x 30 sn | 120 | 30 | oaw | 06 |] crores ae |x mn x35 as | tom | ame | ose | os ce a | oR Ba x0 sis | too | 27 | ove | cam x0 a | 6 a8 xiss | 4 | in | 200 | one | ou xne a | 8 a cox 20 sss | soo | 26@ ] oa | oa |] czmxs0 2 | @ | ws | na xis aa | 00 | aus | ons | oss x2 m | 6 | is | fi xn | 35 | go | 2a | oma | oan xis m | 6 | ws | 35 exists | st | so | asr | oo | oar l] cxoxme | 330 | 23 | « | 99 | ne xis2s | so | ae | 230 | a3 | ose xms | 260 | am | S | os | 47 xus | 358 | aon | 220 | 030 | oa xin | amo] a | 3 | os | ae emurs | 439 | 200 | 229 | os | aso f] cox | 2m0 | ie | ss | 93 | 106 xi23s | 3m | 30 | zim | osc | oie x2 | 230 | im | 3 | 93 | ‘so xea | zs | tm | 20m | O36 | 20 xus | iso | im | 3 | 33 | S$ cox 3a | eo | 217 | ose | oar H] crsoxisa | 2am | ae | os | ose | oun xis | 30 | So | 3am | 035 | odn xus | tm | ois | os | oay | to xe2 | 20 | so | iso | 038 | 0200 xz | so | is | a fous ] st cox 9 24 | soo | uses | oso | oss |] cocina | azo | ao | a | ar | a x6 | is | 500 | 19% | oa | O10 xi {im fo | a fom | ca ras | zis | 400 | um | 26 | osm |} cuoxies | izm | im | o | as | a2 xsa | is | tm | ide | ome | oie xe | tom | im | a | a3 | 45 ox 6 116 | 300 | 159 | 02m | o3s6 f] crx | iim.| 7% | «@ | 69 | 90 x5 ra | 300 | tos | ozs | oase x7 | ‘sa'} de | | 6s | oe xar {orm | oj | ide | oi | om xe | om | we | se |e | os M160 SPECIFICATIONS FOR MATERIALS 205 TABLE A2.6 “MC” Shapes Y fi ld Daigo Deigatn (Nominal {Nomina Depth in 7 Dept Mii Inches and Fangs wee |] ues ant ange a ‘Weieht Tike | Tht |] Masia Kio. Tk | Thick rounisper | Aras, | Depa | wthoy | oesig | messin |] gamspe | Aree | pgs | wisn | oes | oessin Linear Food | “ia?” | ia ia. ‘a. i. Mex] mnt | amm | hmm | mm” | mm MCT Ss vem | 4am | om | on |[mcasxes | uioo | «7 ] i | 9 | 78 X59 wo | 410 | 062s | ooo x2 | sam | 47 | ioe | ss | isa xass wo | 400 | 062 | 0500 xe | ano | a | im | iss | 29 xa wo | 390 | oss | 0480 xas | si | as | im | iso | te aed no | aa2 | os | ore |Imcswxr% | 940 | a0 | m2 | iss | 200 xo | us | no | iss | oi | 0360 xo | x60 | 30 | te | iss | 2 x3 | 193 | Bo | don | oot | oa xs | seo | 30 | im | ass | ina x3is | 93s | 0 | som | ost | oars xaos | 6a | 30 | im | iss | 9s mens | 7 | i200 | ass | or | osss HJmcsioxm | sao | xcs | tos | ors | a2 xa | 52 | 20 | doi | 070 | ono xer | asm | 30s | im | ms | ie0 xm | is | Bo | Se | or | 0390 xo | 70 | sos | oe | ms | iso x3s_ | 03, | i200 | 378 | orm | cass xs | eam | 30s | 55 x siz | 20 | 36m | 070 | 030 xu | Sam | 30s | os | its menxios | 310 | 10 | 150 | 030 | oss |Imcsioxise | 200 | 30s | 36 1 meroxat | a1 | too | aazr | srs | ore ||mcasoxr2 254 us | 202 x36 | 987 | tom | 41m | 059s | oss x50 3 234 tes | tse xms | s37 | to | 3950 | 0575 | 43s xea | Sa | 3s us | 08. Me 10x25 ras | 10 | sas | oss | osm []mcasoxsr | ar | 2 | ss | ue | 97 x2 eas | tom | 3315 | osis | 020 mas | aio | a | ow | os | 28 metox a4 | 246 | 100 | 150 | 0260 | o170 |Imcawxi2s | 10 | ax | as a | 43 merox 6s | 19 | 10 | 1am | 020 | oasr |fmcamx 7 | 120 | ase | os st 39 we oxase | 247 | 9a | ssw | oso | o4s [[mcomoxsrs | ss | 2 | ss | uo | ue x29 | 702 | soo | 34% | 0350 | o4a0 xase | 4s | 2 | os | wo | wz mc axzzs | 670 | sm | ss | os2s | ‘oar |[mcamxsss | 430 | 2m | ss | 33 | 108 x2 | 62s | so | 340 | 0525 | o3ts xis | soo | 203 |e Bs | 3s Me ax 20 ss | ao | 3025 | osm | 04 []mcamxas | 320 | 2 | x | 7 | 2 xin7 | sso | soo | 29% | 0300 | 0383 xa | 330 | a | 9s | ony | ‘50 mex as | 250 | so | ram | oo | oar |Imcromcr26 | 160 | 203 | «7 9 | 4s memxn7 | ser | 700 | 300 | oso | oss |fwcrmxss | «ao | me | oo | nz | na xist | ser | to | 342 | osm | o3s2 xa | Sino | mn | a7 | as merxir6 | sir | 700 | 300 | oars | os7s |fmcreox262 | 330 | me | vw | na | os cox sx | so | ss | ows | os []mcrsoxass | sam | ise | se 96 xis3 | 430 | 600 | 33m | o38s | 030 xae | ago | 12 | as meexies | 479 | 600 | 3000 | oars | osns |Imcisox2s | so | ise | te | na | os xist | 44 | 600 | 290 | oars | o3te xmas | aso | is | om | it | so Cox 12 an_|_6m | 207 | oss | os [[mcioxis | 220 | ix | 3 os | a9 M160 226 SPECIFICATIONS FOR MATERIALS. TABLE A27 “L" Shapes (ual Legs) Set Wipe eg Senna taps meg | Se Sacral Hehe Tadecnin Roch “SY nate Mews || rosa “Reb” “cna nn A Geri 897 Gxaieae 7 loa | Danan ye 72 ay ma TT xe!’ 50 80 Gmxamrae my San || Beane cf G3 impr as 2 ie Uxese $2 B20 tmxmxn2 99 tm | see oa as 196 x 76 x 12.7 wo 1.70 ny ia Gaxixne 53 Sa Gite 2r h Gakaens a) Ge Bow 2 3 Gexms'9s Bo Se Ga tS ESBS Be seo Be Ub x6xI 314110 LISD x 152 x 25.4 $57 7,100 || U3 x3 x He 3 108 LIX 16x 48 5S 7S Weer BL [yb LENS22 83 G8 To oeew a7 aw uaeeens nea Wren hy TMC Simtise by Sam | awe 22 Maxaxny 4 149 Uxéee 22 Th esis iss Seo age | ROz2BE A $9 axa 937 Uexéete 31 60 incised || ARTA M 0 axa ty 24 Gxecw 96 53 Unie tw | RRM ALA maxaex ay at Gren ont Se Oukincnr Be 8 Lb x6xH 49 4360 LISD X ISD 9S 22 2810 |] Axx 47 16 LSI x s1x 95 ” a BX 6 x He 14 ‘365 LISD x ISD x 7.9 WS 2,360 |] 2x2 x te 3911S Lx six 79 53 ma Gin ih oe Bae og Uxieh m2 im uuxuren2 0s so |fGxite le ae RTH 8 ws Uxgxk Be GM Tiikinews «i tam Gauss! ig dal REHM a eee 30 Se Lkarsns Be Sim |} OreeN 1S OM sen rssh as nakintas Rt dae thetitem in Sen tarar ds Sy Bt Bese 1G 4 uxt G3 iam ff ORxMxm In oa) AM eS Wxsk% 03 3m txt 733 tow |] xia 2 aoe Lean eee Eis ciwese tn osm Bares SS Uxtew ous su uimximxie 7s aso || HARI I Weg Lae 7 xin 37 4a tian ssa dom | EM XIX I= SEO sex 4022 ak Grih ot i tiki) ops A LUX 4x Me u3 33 L102 x 102 x 111 68 21a |] LIMX Tex 192 0.53 LIZ KID 6 a 3a Kah 98 286 Lid x 102 x 9S 46 1880 |] LIM IM he 1480.44 LIB 3D A 22 280 Gem Me tonkime 33S ER IPEM MO fot gS Bers pe Uxaxw 66 te comme os 5 1) fukin we em uence OO Unite te om Gxase te dp Whew nr oa umxmxn7 16s 21m xBx : DR xS xe 98 287 Lax EIT ue raga] XTX G8) 02M La$.x 25x 32 2 it Dasma ts id Unies 6 tam |] unc 099 orm seme aa or 227 M160 SPECIFICATIONS FOR MATERIALS TABLE A2.8 “L” Shapes (Unequal Legs) Saesad Weightper Are, Sarund Nassper Ara] _ Saran Withipa Ara, Siad Wasp Are, Tastee in Feu ia? Thikaenmn — Meeig ma! || Tiktosnia Ro ie Theda mm Meweikg eax 7 GExi@x? 90 «90 || Uxsaxw tl 30 UmxexaT 6 1 xa xe 1m Lapximxs 53450 || Cosham 16 Sm Limxmxtt 137 We xaxie es peximxn7 36 foo |] xakew '9t la@ Linxmx 9s BS Taxdaehe 77 225 Limxmx 79 ux6xt Bo Lexinxse 6s aan |] Lorine xBx 6492 Ux6xm 1 LS a xisexn2 579 7am |] MXPREM 62 LL Lm 6 Lex6x% BE 94 xis iso or 64 |] axe 6 38 Lia mexiss 2 Ux6x% S36 Lm xixiss 22 $30 | axe 13s Laxmi? ee Uxexme 257 156 mies nt dam |f seme 9k Lima mex tt MS Lxéxe Bo 67s xin? 30 | eae Sle Lime 9s 26 x6xh% = 2 598 LIM «9 MAD |] este «72 20) Lite 79107 Use $8 1 Liaxtex gene WUxdxt m4 0 Lam im ase $54 700 Uxexk WT te Doximxisa §—@5 4s || Unxaxm 02 3m Lavxtexi? SL Wxixte 29 648 Dosximx 3 ea 49 |] Gade me 9d 26s Le BS Uxaxm 96 535 oximen7 90 370 |] Daxaee 79 20 Te 9ST Daxdeme 66 Le UT 78 38 eax 262 1 timximxiso ms 49m | aac See pte ee to Uxex® Bl es Lieximeiss oh? Ci Uxarh 19 523 timximxn? 5 Sam |] Deemxh 94 27 uxexn7 Be U xd 6 de Limmx 9s 223m |] xt x te A228 Let 3 Laxgmxh 12 Li xe 9S 107 Wxaxm m2 18 unex? 03 sam |] Gaxaecde Gl tm bp xete 13 20 Wxixk Bs 6 Linximxiso 380 aw || Gane 63 ta boat ee 3 Wxixk doo $86 Lit me IS9 6 Wxaxte 81 S31 kisi x3 es 0 |] ame os 20 UexexnT Re Uxaxis 62 45 Linx? M0 Som || xIMxhe 76 221 sxe tt 13 Wexdxme 3 4M Linximx tt 212270 |] xIMxH 66 1 Lex eex 98 98 Uxdxm 23 Ser Linximx 98? 23m |] Meme $6 Le D6xeex 79 3 Wxaxte 103 303 Listximx 1953199) |] xIMxK 4S ISL De ex 64 7 Gxahe mm 1390995 6 sa Wxmexk 183 450 Linxe@xn7 27 2900 Wxexh oT 3a Linxwx 9s 3220 | eax 77 228 est? Ss Wxsaxhe 98 28 tix m 79 MS tao | ate 6820 exst td Berek $9 1 Dexsix 95 38 isxsaxe wa os unxexwo 93s sa |] Bxaeh $8 tae Destin 19 ha sxsw es 4 Linxmxiss x9 him |] xa 4 Li Destin 6s a xe D6 4 Larxexe? m2 250 |] Gxdtm So om Leste 48 4s Gxsexwe BO 35) Litxextt 8 2am Lxmxw 4 30s Linke x 9S ise 19m |] LaHKIeH 5391S La SEX 9S 1 ISxmme he 87 256 Lx 7929 tos |] Dexa 45 IT La St 19 a xaexw 10205 Linx wx 64 oe Iam |] Gaxixe 362 1s Lasix €e sa TAXI eM 27S OD La SLX AB a Lsx3x% 57 A6L Link exis a2 29 x3e% Be 375 tix mx7 9d Tam || exes 392 Ls eae 79 saa Usx3ehe 33 txt 67 || Gaeta ve 319 09% aes 6a ts ws Gxaew 98 2a LI 9S STS |] GMI he 2M OTIS Lak A 36481 Gx3xte 82 duo LIM e719 B18 mx Xie 139 || aximen 27 oss Est x3ex 64 42 9s Bron 66 ALITA TEx 6498138 |) Oe taete bi Om shea 48 at So Wxmxn 740 mx xiss ms 270 |] Geta tae 0a LSS 32 im 228 SUPPLEMENTARY REQUIREMENTS ‘The following standardized supplemen- lary requirements are for use when desired by the purchaser. Those that are consid- ered suitable for use with each material specification are listed in the specification, Other tests may be performed by agree- ‘meot between the supplier and the pur- chaser. These additional requirements shall apply oaly when specified in the ‘order, in which event the specified tests shall be made by the manufacturer or processor before shipment of the material. SI. VACUUM TREATMENT S11 The steel shall be made by a process which includes vacuum degassing ‘hile molten. Unless otherwise agreed ‘upon with the purchaser, itis the responsi- bility of the manufacturer to select suit- able process procedures. $2. PRODUCT ANALYSIS 2.1 Product analyses shall be made for those elements listed in the material specification. Test frequency shall be as. specified on the order. Specimens for anal- ysis shall be taken adjacent to or from the tension test specimen, or from a sample taken from the same relative location as, that from which the tension test specimen was taken, ‘$3. SIMULATED POST-WELD HEAT TREATMENT OF MECHANICAL TEST COUPONS 3.1 The test specimens representing. the material shall be thermally treated to simulate heat treatments below the critical ‘emperature which the material may ‘receive during fabrication after heat treat- ‘ment for mechanical properties. The tem- perature range, time, and cooling rates shall be as specified in the order. SPECIFICATIONS FOR MATERIALS $4, ADDITIONAL TENSION TEST S4.1 Plate—One tension test shall be made from each unit plate rolled from a slab or directly from an ingot, except that for quenched and tempered plates, a test shall be taken from each unit plate heat treated, The results obtained shall be reported on the mill test reports when such tests are required by the order. SS. CHARPY V-NOTCH IMPACT TEST $5.1 Charpy V.ootch impact tests shall be conducted in accordance with Specification A 673. 85.2 The frequency of testing, the test temperature to be used, and the absorbed ccncrgy requirements shal be as specified (00 the order. 86. DROP-WEIGHT TEST [FOR MATERIAL 0.625 IN. (16 MM) AND OVER IN THICKNESS} $6.1 Drop-weight tests shall be made in accordance with Method E 208, The specimens shall represent the material in the final condition of heat treatment. Agreement shall be reached between the purchaser and the manufacturer or proces- ‘Sor as to the number of pieces to be tested and whether a maximum nil-ductility transition (NDT) temperature is manda- tory or if the test results are for informa- tion only, $8. ULTRASONIC EXAMINATION S8.1 The material shall be ultrasoni- cally examined in accordance with the requirements specified on the order. S14. BEND TEST S14.1 Bend tests shall be performed ‘with material in the condition prescribed M160 by the material specification. The fre- (quency of testing shall be the same as that specified for tension testing. The bend test specimens shall be taken from the same relative location as the tension test speci- ‘men, The longitudinal axis of the speci- ‘men shall be paralle! tothe final direction of rolling, S14.1.1 Except as provided below, bend test specimens for flats, plates, and shapes shall be atleast 1¥ in, (30 mm} in width, with both edges parallel through- ‘out the section in which bending occurs, and may be machined, sheared, or gas- cut. S14.1.2 Bend test specimens for plates over % in. (20 mmn} in thickness and with a specified minimum tensile strength exceeding 90 ksi (620 MPa), and for other material over 1¥4 in, [40 mmm) in thickness or diameter, except bars to be used for pins and rollers, may be ‘machined to a thickness or diameter of at least ¥ in. (20 mm] or toa I by Yin. (25 by 12.5 mm) section. When the testis ‘made on a specimen of reduced thickness, the rolled surface shall be on the outer curve ofthe bend, S14.1.3 Bend test specimens for bars to be used for pins and rollers shall be 1 by Ysin, (25 by 12.5 mm) in cross sec- ‘The sides of the bend test specimens may have the comers rounded toa radius not over Yi in. (1.5 mmm] for specimens 2 in. {50 mm] and under in thickness, and not over Yin, [3 mm) for specimens over 2 in. (50 mm] in thick- ess, S142 The bend test specimens shall withstand being bent cold through 180°, without cracking on the outside of the bent portion, to an inside diameter that shall have a relation to the thickness of the spec- imen as prescribed in Table C for the ‘material specification. Bend diameters for ‘materials not listed in Table C shall be specified in the order. $14.3 If a bend specimen fails due to conditions of bending more severe than required by the specification, a retest shall be permitted, either on a duplicate speci- ‘men of on a remaining portion of the failed specimen. $14.4 If a sheared or gas-cut bend test specimen fails due to conditions associa. ted with the sheared or gas-cut edges, a retest shall be permitted on a duplicate ‘machined specimen, M160 S15. REDUCTION OF AREA MEASUREMENT S15.1 The reduction of area, as deter- ‘mined on the 0.500-in, (12.5-mm] diame- ter round teasion test specimea ia accord- ance with Methods and Definitions A 370, shall not be less than 404. ‘$18. MAXIMUM TENSILE STRENGTH S18.1 Steel having a specified mini- ‘mum tensile strength of less than 70 ksi {485 MPa) shall ot exceed the minimum specified tensile strength more than 30 ksi (205 MPa}, $18.2 Steet having a minimum speci fied tensile strength of 70 ksi (485 MPa] or higher shall not exceed the minimum, specified tensile strength by more than 25 ksi (170 MPa. APPENDIXES. (Nonmandatory Information) XI. COILED PRODUCT AS A SOURCE OF STRUCTURAL PLATES, X1.1 Continuous wide hot strip rolling mills are normally equipped with coilers. Regardless ofthe different types of systems employed during or following the rolling operations, it is common for the steel to be reeled into the coiler at temper- atures in the stress-relieving range. In gen- cral, these temperatures are higher as ‘material thickness increases. The coils subsequently cool to ambient temperature with outer and inner laps cooling more ly than central laps. The difference in cooling rate can result in measurable differences in the mechanical properties throughout a coil. Data confirm reduced yield and tensile strength with increased Percent elongation forthe product with, slower cooling rates from the coiling tem- perature to ambient, These differences are in addition to the effects on mechanical properties caused by differences in heat analysis and chemiaal segregation. An SPECIFICATIONS FOR MATERIALS ASTM -spoasored survey is curreatly involved in documenting the extent ofthis variability, X2, DIMENSIONS OF EQUAL AND UNEQUAL LEG ANGLES X21 Tables X2.1 and X2.2 are pro- ‘vided for information. The sizes shown represent a series of SI angles in ISO draft standards DIS 657/1 and DIS 6572. Con- formance to this annex is not mandatory except when so agreed prior to acceptance 29 of the order by the manufacturer. AVAILABILITY IS LIMITED. TABLE X21 Equal Leg Angles Thickness, Thickness, Size t Mass | Aer] Sze ! Mass | Area amxem| am | kgm | ma |maxmm| mm | km | mot 200x200/ 30 | ara | into [esxe6s| 10 | 9.42 | 1.200 2 | 736 | 91380 8 768 | 976 2» | 3.7 | 760 6 | ses | 744 w | 42 | 6140 5 491 62s | 395, | s.030 wo | 306 | 3,900 tox 130] 20 | 440 | 5,600] ssxss] 10 | 7.85 | 1,000 ww | 357 | 450 3 | eat 316 wm | 23 | 3330 6 | 49% | 624 wo | me | 290 5 412 | 52s 4 333 | 424 3 | 2s | a wsxi2s] 16 | 24 | 3.0] asxas| 8 | sas | 656 3 | 262 | 3,080 6 | 396 | sos wo | iss | 2,400 5 ax | as s | is2 | 190 ‘ 270 | 344 3 20s | 261 wo x10] 16 | 231 | 2,940 3 | ia | 2450 | asxas] 6 aor | 384 wo | 149 | 1,900 5 23s | 325 8 | at | is 4 207 | 264 6 914 | 1160 3 201 vx} 13 | 170 | 2170 | asxas] s ns wo | 33 | 1700 4 14 s | ws | 1390 3 Lu ua 6 820 | 100 asx7s| 13 | 10 | 1,700 wo | io | 400 8 92 | 1140 6 67% 864 5 soo | 25 | 230 SPECIFICATIONS FOR MATERIALS TABLE X2.2_ Unequal Leg Anghes “Thickness, Mass | Area_| sive ! Mass | Ara am x mm kgm | mm? [mmxmm| mm | kgm | mn 200 x 150, eas | 8120 [iox7s/ 13 | ies | 210 518 | 6,000 0 | 13.0 | 1,650 20 | 5340 s | ios | 130 sa | 4380 6 | 796 | Low 200 x 100 440 | 5600] 9x75} 13° | ass | 1,980 3s | 4\s40 wo | 122 | 1550 293 | 3,730 8 | 986 | 120 ne | 2.90 6 | 749 | “ose s | 628 800 tox 100] 16 | 294 | 3,740} 90x65] 10 | ns | 1450 13 | 242 | 3,080 8 923 | 1190 1 | 188 | 2,400 6 702 | “04 8 | 12 | 1980 5 5.89 750 wsxs] 16 | 250 | 3180} sxe) 10 | 12 | 130 3 | 206 | 2.630 8 829 | 1.060 wo | 161 | 2050 6 631 ‘804 8 | 30 | 1660 5 30 | 67s wsx7} 13 | 191 | 2430] axs0] 8 73s | 936 10 | 149 | 1,900 6 so | 16 3 | ra | asa s | an 60 6 gaa | 1160 woox9o} 13 | ast | 2,300 | 6sxso] 8 6m | ess wo | asa | 1.800 6 513 | 636 8 | ne | 460 5 432 | 350 6 867 | 1.100 «| oa4o | ae ssxas] 6 396 | sos s | a3 | as a | 270 | 3m 3 205 261 asxs] 6 32s | 414 5 27s | 350 4 223 284 3 170 | 216 M160

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