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Adriana Wolf

55555 Street Dr.

City, State Zip Code
(555) 555-5555

5th April 2017

Ronny Reader
CEO, Company Name
123 Address St
Anytown, ST 12345

To whom it may concern,

I am writing this letter to apply for the position of cardiothoracic

surgeon at Kaiser Permanente San Diego. I have previously worked in a
hospital environment for one year as an intern. I also have competed in
HOSA health competitions, volunteered to tutor children, and worked in
retirement centers. I am confident that I have the leadership skills necessary
to work in a large hospital, and help others while focusing on my own work. I
have gained the knowledge this occupation requires through years of school,
volunteer opportunities, internships, and my own self driven interest.
I enjoy to work with people, from infants to seniors. I also like to learn
about, and work in the medical field. This is why I believe this job opportunity
will work well for me. I am aware that being a cardiothoracic surgeon requires
a lot of knowledge on the subject. I believe I have the knowledge necessary
to do this job well. I want to help others by performing surgeries, and
hopefully making their life better.
I attended High School and graduated with an International
Baccalaureate diploma and a 4.2 GPA. I then continued my education at
UCSD, where a graduated with a 4.0 GPA and a Masters Degree in
Sociology - Science and Medicine .


Adriana Wolf

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