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March 29, 2017

Name Goal Source Check

Kim - Creating the experiment Check

and the question for the 2003/Projects/J0335.pdf

Stang - Creating the experiment Check

and the question for the 6adb/hamster-maze-time-tr
experiment. ial-experiment/

Non - Creating the experiment Check

and the question for the /RatsAndMazes.htm

Kimmy - Creating the experiment Check

and the question for the hat-are-the-differences-bet
experiment. ween-guinea-pigs-and-ham

- Kim
- During Wednesday, we are given an instruction to do a project about
an individual's learning process occur in rat. After we have listen to the
instruction, we then form a group and we come up with an idea about
doing the maze experiment on the two species of rat consist of:
hamster and guinea pig which the school will provide maximum of 2
animals per group. However, our group want have two organisms in
each species because we want to conduct the experiment accurately.
Thus, our group now need to ask a permission from the school whether
can buy more of an animal by ourself.
- Non
- First day of the work, we only formed a group of four people,
consisted of myself, Kim, Kimmy, and Stang. We discussed about the
research question that we would do in the future. According to Ms.
Charlene Cunningham, our Animal Behavior teacher suggested that the
school provide only two test subject animal per group of four people.
So we decided to ask the teacher if we could buy more in the future. As
a result, she said that we need to ask the Lab Technicians permission,
so we pursue this matter later.
- Stang
- Our goal is to creating the experiment, so we starting by searching the
information about the animals that we are given. And then choosing
two of them for our experiment. Therefore, we choose hamster and
guinea pig as our tester. Moreover, we start thinking about our
experiment such as the question and also the type of our experiment
that what we are going to do we think about we will make some maze
and let our tester run and find the exit. To measure that how they are
respond to this situation and also which species can go out fastest. We
look over the website and reading others experiment and use that idea
support our thought. Thus, our goal is not succeed and next class we
are going to discuss about this thing again because we dont think that
it is a very good enough idea and also make more research.
- Kimmy
- We are going to make an experiment to determine whether the hamster
or guinea pig will have more ability to learn. We will use both
animals of the same sex so that there wont be sex dependent
problems. First, we are going to make a maze experiment but when we
look in the internet, it seems to be too common experiment so we are
discussing if we should use this experiment or not. We have to talk
about the experiment one more time.

March 30,2017

Name Goal Source Check

Kim - Find research https://www.pets Check

- Brainstorm about t-advice/how-to-
the way to train-your-hamst
measure how our er.html
animal learning.
- Find the material
for our maze

Stang - Find the -http://www.all-s Check

information cience-fair-proje
about the mouse
maze oject_1128_78
- Finding -https://seaworld
information .org/animal-info/
about how to animal-infobook
teach the animal s/animal-training
by letting they /animal-behavior
learn by -and-learning/

Non - Find the sources http://www.anim Check

for research
question _data/assets/pdf
- Discuss about _file/0014/2225
research question 12/housing-rats-

Kimmy - Find http://www.spar Check

related to the ogy/animalbeha
questions we are vior/learning/su
going to choose mmary.html
- Discuss how we
will make an

- Kim
- During this class, we are finding the research question which we come out
with the way that we can stimulate the hamster learning process by using the
sound. However, we still need to fix our research question because it is not
specific enough. Also, many of the words that we use are vague. Moreover,
we also try to find the way that we can teach our animal and also the material
that we will use for the maze. However, we cannot confirm all of the materials
and the way to teaching it yet.
- Non
- We researched about the Mouse Maze that other people have done before
during the work time. I found about the experiment that used sound and music
to test the mouse learning. We also discussed about the research question that
we going to do. Furthermore, we discussed with Ms. Charlene Cunningham
that we were going to do the research about music. And she suggested that
there should be various type of music that need to be tested on the animal test
- Kimmy
- We decided the topic question we are going to choose and find informations
about them. I find informations about the types of learning in animal behavior.
We now discussing about how we will do the experiment. We also discuss the
materials we will use that is safe for the animals.
- Stang
- Today we start by talking about our experiment animals; we decide to change
our animals from hamster and guinea pig to using 2 hamsters because from
our research, hamsters are easy to making an experiment with. We also decide
to make the experiment about the sound with the animals. For more
explanation, we will measure whether or not the beat of the music can effect to
the responding of the animals. Then we talk to teacher about that and teacher
said that our experiment is hard to measure and also we need to think more
about how to teach the animals about the maze. After that we start talking
about how animals learn. I find the information about this behaviour and
found that there are many kind of animals to learn. Today we have found some
idea about our experiment but we still need to fix it because it does have some
defect, so next time we will fix it.
April 21,2017

Name Goal Source Check

Kim - We continue find http://www.all-s Check

a topic and cience-fair-proje
conclude the
topic. oject_1101_78
- Decide choosen

Stang - Brainstorm about http://www.ratbe Check

how to teach our
animals and AndMazes.htm
decide what we
are going to do
for experiment
- Find to type of
maze. What our
maze going to
look like.

Non - Decide which https://www.slid Check

animal that
gonna be chosen ccultTruthDotCo
- Brainstorm about m/world-as-labo
teaching the ratory-experime
experimental nts-with-mice-m
animal. azes-and-men

Kimmy Absence
- Kim
- Our group is brainstorming about the research topic and also our animal.
Finally, we can conclude that our research topic will be the picture stimuli.
While our animal will be hamster. Moreover, we also find things that we need
work on consist of: research for the stress of hamster, and research for the way
to teach hamsters. Also, we asking for the suggestion from Ms. Charlie.

- Non
- Our group had decided the animal that we going to use as experimental
animal. Which they are hamsters of both genders. Brainstorming about the
teaching way to the hamsters. And creating the idea about experiment that will
be proceed on in the future. Finally, asking suggestion from Ms. Charlene
about the experiment.
- Stang
- We started talking about what our experiment going to look like, decide our
factor, and also the type of maze. We decided to use picture as a tool of
teaching. We decide the species of the mouse that we are going to make an
experiment about. To sum up, we complete our goal of the day and in the next
class we will start making our proposal and also finding more information to
support our experiment.

April 26, 2017
Name Goal Source Check

Kim - Making the Check

proposal. /m/llrzwcfiy9qd/
- Design the maze in-this-experime

Stang - Making the http://www.acse Check

(Background /animal-care-and
information, -handling/animal
maze design) -learning.aspx

Non - Brainstorming http://www.slate Check

about creating .com/articles/hea
the maze. lth_and_science/
- Research for the_mouse_trap/
more idea about 2011/11/rat_maz
the project. es_and_mouse_

Kimmy - Research for http://www.ratbe

materials and
write procedure AndMazes.htm

- Kim
- During the class, our group is dividing the role in the proposal to each of the
members equally. We also conclude the maze for the hamster which is the T-Maze.
Also, we can conclude the material for the maze which we will make the maze by
using the future board. The reason behind this is because the future board is cheap.
Also, the future boards are water resistant.

- Stang
- Today we have time in class to work in group. All works are divided into
various parts. I am responsible for background information, and also the methodology
part which is the maze design description. I started by finding some information about
how animal learning which is also include in my lecture already. I was not starting to
write it yet because I have no enough information. And while I am doing this, I and
group mates are talking about our maze. We was talking about the material that we
are going to use for building it, so we will use future board as our material because
future board is water resistant, so if our hamsters are peeing or evacuating it will be
easy to clean it up. We also talking about the type of maze which we know from the
previous class that we are going to make a T-mazed. But we will modify it be be more
complicate than the example model. Thus, our working processes are going so well
but we are concern about the time that we will take for this experiment. We think that
we need to plan more about the time. We should work faster than this, so we will be
done our experiment on time.

- Non
- We discussing about the experimental animal that we were going to choose
and we decided that the two male hamsters were going to be our lab rat. After finished
discussing about lab animal we continued to brainstorm about the lab procedure.
Furthermore, I was asking some suggestions from Ms. Charlene. As a result, we know
that if the lab animal died from disease we would not fail. Finally, we discussing
about the design of the maze that would be using with the hamsters.
- Kimmy
- We are now making a proposal including the introduction, materials, maze
design, and experiment design procedure. We divide the topics into equal parts and
assign to the members. Each of us find informations about our topics and discuss
together if the informations are fine or not. We also find the picture of the maze
design we are going to use in our experiment.

April 27, 2017
Name Goal Source Check

Kim https://www.sim Check

To complete the rg/operant-condi
proposal outline tioning.html

Stang http://thehamster Check

Non Check

Kimmy Check

-Stang :
My role in the outline proposal is to writing about background information
and the maze design. Last class we already got the type of maze that we are going to
make and also this class we just writing a proposal such as explaining more about
what the material that we are going to use and how we are going to make it more
complexly. Lastly, I try to understand the condition of how the animals are learning
for writing a background information and Kim is also helping me to write this part.
-Kimmy :
I think and find informations about all the materials that we are going to use
including the materials to do the maze and hamsters materials such as the hamster
itself, their food, cage and water bottle. I also write some of the introduction including
the purpose of the experiment and what our overall project will be about, since we are
learning about animal behavior.
During April 27 2017, we are trying to finish the proposal outline. Which my
role in this outline is to finish the literature review. Thus I need to find many sources
and articles that relate with our topic. However, I have found many of the problems
during the time that I am finding an information because the language used in articles
are really hard to understand. Also, I cannot find much about an information relate to
our topic in that day because most of the scientists are not doing as much condition
with hamster.
During the work time, we tried to accomplish the research proposal. As for the
maze, we brainstorm more about the maze experiment that we will use on the
experimental animal which they are two male hamsters. Furthermore, we research
more about the experiment that has been done by other people before us. The reason
was to further the knowledge about the concept of creating the maze. To achieve the
best result when we create the maze to use on the hamsters.
May 3, 2017
Name Goal Source Check

Kim https://tailybudd Check

- Find the
necessary stuff 307/jolly-snow-
for the hamster princess-dream-
and also make an house-for-hamst
appointment for ers-jp233
making a maze
Stang together. https://www.face Check

Non Check

Kimmy Check

-Stang :
We started the work by discuss about our experiment that we will more
something more about the hamster like how we are going to make a maze. After that
we make an appointment about date that we will meet and done the work together.
Since the maze is going to be big, so it is hard to make it at school. And if we do it at
home, the material will be more ready than doing it at school. And we also talking
about the hamster important stuff such as when we will buy it and also what we need
to buy. We research about the shop and decide to buy for getting ready for the
hamsters that are coming .
-Kimmy :
Im finding how to tame the hamsters, since I have had a hamster before, I
know that its very hard to tame them. They like to bite and run away from human so
I have to find informations to make them able to participate in the experiment. I found
many useful informations that I havent knew before. We will able to use this
informations for the project.
We are continue to adding some of the information to our proposal. Since in
the outline we did not making it in continue paragraph. Also, some of the word that
we are put into our proposal is a little bit confusing. Before the end of this class, we
are discuss about our maze. Also, the day that we will construct it.
We continue our project proposal during the class. Also, we ask for guidance
from Ms. Charlene when we have some questions. Furthermore, we create an
appointment about when to create the mazes for the hamsters. As a result, we also
look for a habitat for the hamsters during the period. Which, we use the rest of the
time to look for the stuffs that needed for the hamster to live.


May 15, 2017

Name Goal Source Check

Kim - Trying to finish Check

the mazes.

Stang - Trying to finish Check

the mazes.
Non - Trying to finish Check
the mazes.

Kimmy - Trying to finish Check

the mazes.

Stang -
Sinces we have done our maze during the weekend, so today we have nothing
to do during the class. However, we not just only sitting and discuss about tomorrow
experiment but also trying to improve our mazes. From our proposal and plan of this
project. There are two maze needed to complete this experiment. And some part of
them are not stable enough and we are not satisfy with it. So we decide to making a
new one and use some part of the previous one as a practising mazes. Since we have
to do two mazes and we have just 4 group members, so we separate our role that 2
persons will responsible for 1 maze. If we plan like this, our maze will be finish on
time and ready to complete our experiment procedure.
- Kim
- During this time we are trying to improve and finish up our maze. In today
class we are planning the thing to improving our maze. Which we are trying to
make our maze more straight and also more strength. Since we need to
improve many of things in ourmaze so we divide the work for 2 persons which
one will response for doing one thing. While another will do the other things
which this will making us finish the work on time.
May 16, 2017
Name Goal Source Check

Kim - Finish the mazes and Check

the practising maze.
- Add an information in
our proposal.
Stang - Finish the mazes and Check
the practising maze

Non - Finish the mazes and Check

the practising maze

Kimmy - Finish the mazes and Check

the practising maze

- Since the previous class, we decided to make a new mazes, so today we
needed to complete it because we need to make the hamster get used to with us and
we also need to practise to animal. Therefore, we have to finish the all mazes today
then next class we will practise the animal and let it complete the maze by themselves.
Since we have much time in class, so we can only done the maze making. And since
we have no prove of our proposal from teacher, we still cannot do anything to the
animal. So our plan for next class is to make the hamster get used to with us while
waiting for the prove of our proposal.
- Kim: During this class, we are trying to finish up all of our work and we also done
researching many things for our experiment. For instance, how can we teach the hamster in
our maze. And we also using these information for constructing the teaching T maze. Also
during this class we need to add an information about classical condtioning into our proposal.
During this class we cannot teaching anything to our hamster bacause of we need to wait for
proposal to be approved.

May 19, 2017
Name Goal Source Check

Kim - Trying to make Check

friend with the
hamster for the
Stang - Trying to make Check
friend with the
hamster for the

Non - Trying to make Check

friend with the
hamster for the

Kimmy - Trying to make Check

friend with the
hamster for the

- Since we finished all mazes, we still need to wait for the proving of our
project proposal. So today we spend most of the time in class to get used to with our
animal. Our hamster mostly afraid of us, so we just play with them and feed them.
During this time we also put the paper with the red dot in front of the plate that has a
food. On the other hand, we also put the empty plate with the white paper to make the
hamster remember that when it sees the red dot, then they we will be feeded. That si
all we have done in this class.
- Kim
In this class we have been finished all of the construction in maze. However, we still
need the approval from Mrs. Charlie to go to the next step. Thus, during this class we still
need to making friend with the hamsters. In these class we are trying to make friend by let
them play on our hand, and feeding them on our hands. Also, we are trying introduces the red
dot to the hamster. By we are feeeding the the hamster in fornt of the red dot.
May 22, 2017
Name Goal Source Check

Kim - Get used to with Check

the hamster and
practise them.

Stang - Get used to with None Check

the hamster and
practise them.

Non - Get used to with Check

the hamster and
practise them.

Kimmy - Get used to with Check

the hamster and
practise them.

- We had some lecture at the beginning of the class, so we have almost half of
the class time to do our project. So we started with playing with the hamster but it
takes just a few mins to get used to with us. After that we started practising the
hamster by use our practising maze which look like the letter T that has just only
two ways. We cut the paper into 2 pieces one with the red dot and another is empty
and we also put the food in the side that has the paper with the red dot also. Hamster
worked well in the practising. At first it has some confusion but after that it worked
very well.
- Kim:
During this class, we are having a lecture in the begining. In which it takes half of an
hour for the lecture. So its left of the time for our experiment only for half of an hour. Since
this class Mrs. Charlie has been approve on our proposal this make us can go to the next step.
However, we cannot doing our experiment. Since, I forget to bring the maze to school. Thus,
in this class we just trying to make sure that the hamsters doesnt show any sign of fear to us.
May 23, 2017
Name Goal Source Check

Kim - Let the Check

hamster running None
the maze
- Let the
group run in the
practice maze..
- Filming the

Stang - Let the Check

hamster running
the maze
- Let the
group run in the
practice maze.

Non - Let the Check

hamster running
the maze
- Let the
group run in the
practice maze.

Kimmy - Let the Check

hamster running
the maze
- Let the
group run in the
practice maze.

- Since we were not practise this hamster because this one is the control one,
we let it runs the maze by itself. However, it does not complete the maze because of
the confusion and also it did not know what the red dot means. It took minutes to
complete the maze with is long. We have taking the video while the hamster complete
the maze also. After it finished running, we put it into the cage to calming it down.
Then make the second trial on the second maze.
- During this time, we are let the control group of hamster into the maze for 4 trials. In
which they are not really active and it also shows the sign of fear. Thus, this making
them took a lot of time to stay still in the maze. However, by the time passes they are
more like ly to run in the maze. On the other hand, the experimental group they are
much more active than the control group. Also, we are filming the videos.

May 26, 2017
Name Goal Source Check

Kim - The experiment Check

hamster (the
practising one) None
run the maze
- Filming the
video, editing
and vocalize the

Stang - The experiment Check

hamster (the
practising one)
run the maze
- Filming the
video, editing
and vocalize the

Non - The experiment Check

hamster (the
practising one)
run the maze
- Filming the
video, editing
and vocalize the

Kimmy - The experiment Check

hamster (the
practising one)
run the maze
- Filming the
video, editing
and vocalize the

- Today we change the hamster that running the maze to the experiment one.
We started by playing with it. Then practise it in the practising maze once. Then let it
runs on the real maze. It took just only mins to complete the maze then we let it
taking a rest then let it complete the second maze. The reason why we use two maze is
because from our research, hamster can recognize the route. Therefore, to make sure
that our hamster can complete the maze by follow the red dot. After the hamster
complete both 2 mazes. We start collect all the videos that we have taken then
combined it into one video. During the weekend we plan to record to explaining voice
into the video and turn in it on Monday.
- Today we are experiment on the experimental group. Since, the experimental group
hamster has been practiced in the maze before. So it doesnt show any sign of fear and
confusion. Also, the hamster is really active. After we have done filming the video;
we then editing the video and then vocalize the video.

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