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GEOPHYSICS, VOL. 34, SO. 6 (DECEMBER 1969), P. 9J4-YSi, 11 FIGS.



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A representative ultramafic intrusion at Red magnetic magnetite. The intensity of both rema-
Mountain southeast of San Francisco, California nent and induced magnetization increases expon-
was sampled for the purpose of studying the entially with serpentinization. However, the
remanent magnetism and susceptibility of ultra- remanent magnetization becomes highly unstable
mafic rocks as functions of serpentinization. Due as the rock becomes intensely serpentinized. This
to the dependence of grain density upon the is due to the growth of magnetite grains to multi-
degree of serpentinization, the former was taken domain size and their oxidation, in some cases,
as a measure of the latter. Grain densities were to maghemite. The intensity of magnetization
accurately determined from bulk densities by also depends on mode of occurrence and state of
taking into account the porosity and amount of oxidation of the magnetite, and on original rock
adsorbed water contained in these rocks. In composition. Serpentinized dunites were found to
general, the porosity was found to increase with be less magnetic than equally serpentinized
serpentinization. peridotites, because the olivine in the dunites has
The magnetic data suggest that the remanent a lower iron content than the olivine and pyroxene
magnetization is mainly a chemical remanent in the peridotites. Therefore, it is expected that
magnetization acquired during the process of some serpentinized ultramafic bodies will have
serpentinization whereby iron atoms, released highly variable magnetic anomalies associated
from the silicate structure of the paramagnetic with them, while others of dunitic composition
olivine and pyroxene, are oxidized to form ferri- will have low magnetic anomalies.

INTRODUCTION nal rocks and they are also common in island

Ultramafic rocks such as dunite, peridotite, arcs, trenches, and mid-oceanic ridges (Wyllie,
pyroxenite, and their hydrated alteration product, 1967). DeRoever (1957) and Burch (1968) sug-
serpentinite, produce many of the large magnetic gested that most of the Alpine type ultramafic
anomalies encountered in exploration (Irwin and intrusions have been tectonically emplaced up-
Bath, 1962; Gaucher, 1965), yet little quantitative wards from the mantle. Therefore, by studying
data have been available about their magnetic these rocks, one can gain a greater understanding
properties as functions of composition, serpentini- about the material of the mantle and about the
zation, and paleomagnetic history. This paper changes which occur in this material as it moves
deals with variabilities found in density, porosity, upward in the earths crust. Similarly, from a
and magnetic properties of Red Mountain ultra- detailed knowledge of their magnetic properties,
mafic rocks which are.consideredto be representa- one may be able to make thorough and signifi-
tive of the most common types of i\lpine ultra- cant interpretations of magnetic anomalies en-
mafic rocks. These rocks are of special importance countered in mineral or petroleum exploration.
as they are typically emplaced along continental The majority of the samples used in this investi-
margins in belts of highly deformed eugeosyncli- gation were collected from the Red Mountain

t Manuscript received by the Editor September30, 1968; revisedmanuscriptreceivedAugust 13, 1969.

* Department of Geophysics,Stanford University, Stanford, California; now at GeologyDepartment, University
of Missouri at Rolla, Rolla, Missouri 6.5401.
Copyright 01970 by the Society of Exploration Geophysicists.
Magnetic Properties of Ultramafics 975
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IIc. 1. Index map showing location of Red Mountain (small rectangle) in relation to the tectonic features of Cali-
fornia Coast Ranges. Striped areas are Franciscan eugeosynclinal rocks of upper Jurassic to mid-Cretaceous.

ultramafic body, Mount Boardman Quadrangle, sedimentary rocks. It is bounded on the east by
California (Figure 1). A few samples were ob- slightly metamorphosed sandstones and shales of
tained from the Twin Sisters intrusion of fresh upper Cretaceous age. The contact is the Tesla-
dunite in Washington State, for the purpose of Ortigalita fault, one of the major structural fea-
comparison. The study consisted of the following tures of the Diablo Range (Figure 2). On the
parts: north and south, the body is surrounded by meta-
morphosed Franciscan sandstones and shales of
Accurate determination of rock density as a
Jurassic age. However, the nature of the contact
measure of the degree of serpentinization.
Determination of the remanent magnetism is not as obvious as on the eastern side. Bodenlos
(!!?SCj a~ndMaddeck (1955) indicated that along
and susceptibility.
and close to the contact the body has been sheared
Investigation of the correlation between the
and serpentinized while the Franciscan sediments
above magnetic properties and the degree of
are tightly drag-folded. Such features suggest
faulting at the contact. Contact metamorphism
4. Investigation of other factors affecting the
along the margins of the intrusion is very slight,
magnetization, such as original composition
indicating that the body was intruded at fairly
of the rocks and mode of occurrence of
magnetic minerals. low temperature, probably under .5OOC, thus
favoring the hypothesis of cold crystalline intru-
.5 Investigation of the mechanism by which
the remanent magnetism was produced. sion of peridotite magma.
The Red Mountain ultramafic body consists
The directions of the remanent magnetization mainly of serpentinized peridotite. Maddock
and their paleomagnetic reliability and signifi- (1961) described a representative thin-section as
cance are discussed elsewhere (Saad, 196X; 1969). consisting of the following minerals: olivine
(Fo+-90), 50 percent; enstatite, 15 percent;
diopside, 5 percent; serpentine, 30 percent; and
The Red Mountain is a large ultramafic body opaque minerals (mainly magnetite), 1 percent.
that intrudes the uppermost part of the exposed However, density measurements (tliscussed later)
Franciscan section (Figure I). The intrusion is and thin-section examinations re\.ealed that the
probably a sill or laccolith in the center of a large peridotites cover a wide range oi serpentiniza-
syncline roughly parallel to the strike of the tion from 20 to 95 percent and they are 65 percent
976 Saad
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q K Upper Crec~ze~:

q PD Peridotite
q DU Dunile
HSP Serpentinite
0 PX Pyroxenite
IgjGE! Gobbro

_aJF Franciscan Formation

(Upper Jurassic)

Red Mountain
8 Dip of beds

FIG. 2. Generalizedgeologic map of the Red Mountain area showinglocationsof collectingsites. Numbers as
so&ted with solidcirclesreferto sitesof orientedsamples.Crossesare sitelocationsof unorientedsamples.(Geology
taken from Maddock, 1964; Bodenlos,1950; and Hawkes et al, 1942).

serpentinized on the average. Although these antigorite with minor amounts of chrysotile and
rocks are mostly lherzolite containing both ortho- secondary magnetite. Outlines of some pyroxene
and clino-pyroxene, harzburgite with no clino- grains were observed in thin sections suggesting
pyroxene has been found also. that these rocks were originally peridotites rather
A minor part of the surface outcrop is dunite than dunites.
in the form of small bodies near the center of the
intrusive mass (Figure 2). It consists mainly of FIELD TECHNIQUES AND
olivine with accessorygrains of primary chromite
and secondary magnetite. According to Maddock Samples were obtained at several sites along
(1964), 65 to 75 percent of the original olivine was road cuts and trails in the Red Mountain area
intensely serpentinized, though an average of 85 (Figure 2) by means of a portable gasoline-
percent serpentinization is suggestedfrom density powered, water-cooled diamond core drill (Doe11
measurements in this study. Pyroxenite, with and Cox, 1967a). Most of the cores were oriented
coarse-grained diopside and enstatite and with in situ. They were 2.49 cm in diameter and were
minor amounts of olivine, occurs locally as small cut into one to three specimens each (about 2.28
lenses and pods and is about 20 percent serpenti- cm long) for remanent magnetization measure-
nized. ments.
Serpentinite, a rock that is completely ser- The intensity and direction of remanent magne-
pentinized peridotite and dunite, occurs in zones tization were measured on a spinner magnetom-
of fracture and shear in the main body and as eter of the type described by Doe11 and Cox
smaller neighboring sills believed to be detached (1967b). A digital computer was used to reduce
from the main body. Most of the serpentinite the magnetometer readings to direction and
samples in this work were collected from the intensity values with estimated accuracies of
small sill south of the main Red Mountain body + 1.3 (s.d.) and +6 percent (s.d.) respectively.
(Figure 2). The main constituent mineral is In order to examine the stability of the remanent
Magnetic Properties of Ultramafics 97T

magnetism, some specimens with various degrees

of serpentinization were subjected to progressive
step demagnetization in peak alternating fields of
12.5, 25, 50, 100, 200, 400, and 600 oersteds. The
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apparatus used is a three-axis tumbler that rotates

the specimen in an alternating field smoothly
reduced to zero from a peak value (Doe11and Cox,
Reversible susceptibilities were measured with
a magnetic susceptiblity bridge, using an alternat-
ing magnetic field of 100 Hz and rms intensity of
about 2 oersteds at the sample position. The
BULK DENSITY ip&, pm/cm
reproducibility of measurements is 4 percent
(s.d.). Relative accuracy is of the order of 5 to FIG. 3. Relation between porosity and bulk density
10 percent. Polished sections and thermomagnetic (open symbols), and between grain density and bulk
density (solid symbols) of ultramafic rocks.
measurements were used to identify the magnetic
minerals in 20 specimenswith different degrees of
The apparatus used for thermomagnetic meas- words, grain density rather than bulk density is a.
urements is an automatically recording quartz better measure of the degree of serpentinization.
torsion balance described by Clark (1967). The To determine the porosity, 70 specimens were
accuracy of the Curie temperatures is estimated placed in water under a vacuum of 75 cm of
as +SC. Magnetic separates from one sampl mercury for 48 hours until saturation. The poros-
were analyzed by the X-ray diffraction methods. ity was found from the equation

Eject oj porosity on density S$percent =

ws- WI
wa - lv4 x loo,
The density of ultramafic rocks is a measure of
their degree of serpentinization. Apparent or where Wt and Wr are the weights of saturated
bulk densities of the specimens were determined sample in air and in water, respectively. The
by dividing their weights by the measured porosity increases as the density decreases. The
volumes of the cylinders. Values were found as relation is shown in Figure 3. Diment (1964)
low as 2.30 gm/cm* which is closeto the minimum found a similar relation for the Puerto Rico
value reported for serpentinite (Hess and Otalora, serpentinite with grain density ranging from 2.6
1964; Burch, 196.5). According to Hess and to 2.8 gm/cma. His measured values of porosity,
Otalora, the decreasein density is due to adsorp- however, are lower than those reported here,
tion of water and swelling of the cores under possibly due to incomplete saturation.
humid conditions followed, sometimes, by desorp- The porosity values found above were used to
tjon under dry conditions. The Red Mountain compute the grain density pp from bulk density
ultramafic rocks contain from 0.05 to 4 percent pafor the same samples by the relation
adsorbed water. This was determined by loss of
weight at 100 to 120C from the relation 1 -(Y
p&J- 1 - 4 Pb

wherearis the fractionalamount of adsorbed water,

where Wr is the weight of the dry sample (after and q5is the fractional porosity. The grain densi-
heating) and Wp is the weight of the sample in ties are plotted against bulk densities in Figure 3,
ordinary laboratory condition. Thus, in order to and the curve is used to find the grain densities
take the density as a measure of the degree of of all other specimens from their known bulk
serpentinization, one has to account for the effect densities. The grain densities thus determined are
of the adsorbed water and porosity. In other accurate to about 5.02 gm/cm.
978 Saad

n Serpentinite the pyroxenites are 20 percent serpentinized while

the peridotites and dunites are 65 and 85 percent
c] Perldotlte serpentinized respectively. Therefore, it is more
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q Pyroxemte
correct to name these rocks scrpentinized peri-
dotites and serpentinized duni tes. The distinc-
tion between the serpentinitcs and the highly
serpentinized peridotites or (Iunites is rather
difficult and based on the complete absence or
presence of remnant grains of fresh olivine or
2 0 pyroxene. In Figure 4 and similar figures that
GRAIN DENSITY (f-,), Clm/cm3 follow, the separation of these groups is also based
on the fact that the serpentinites were collected
100 60 40 from the completely serpentinized small sill and
PERCENT OF SERPENTINIZATION not from the main body. Thus, some of the highly
serpentinized dunites or peridotities may be
1:~. 4. Histogram of grain density of rock specimens
from Red Mountain. The correspondance between classified petrographically as serpentinites or
grain density and degree of serpentinization is also vice versa. The apparent high densities of some
of the serpentinite specimens (Figure 4) is due
to a high percentage of chromite.
Relation betweelt demity and degree The average serpentinization of the entire
0-fserpestinization Red Mountain body is 65 percent (Table 1 and
To relate the grain density to the degree of Figure A), which is higher thau previously found
serpentinization, a precise estimate of the grain from petrographic studies (Rodenlos, 1950;
densities for the fresh and completely serpen- Maddock, 1955). However, Petersen (1960)
tinized end members of the ultramafic series is concluded from a gravity study that the average
needed. Based on microscopic observations and bulk density of the Red Mountain ultramafic
on the values reported in the literature (Hess, rocks is approximately equal to that of the
1959; Birch, 1960; Hess and Otalora, 1961; and Franciscan graywacke indicating an average
Daly et al, 1966), average values of 2.60 and 3.30 serpentinization of 75 percent.
gm/cm3 were adopted for the grain densities of RESULTS OF MAGNETIC MEASUREMENTS
100 and 0 percent serpentinized ultramafics re-
Intemity of induced asd revm,zcnt magnetizotiou
spectively. Values reported outside this range can
be due to a high chromite percentage in fresh Frequency distribution.-The magnetic suscep-
(unserpentinized) rocks and underestimation of tibility K and intensity of natural remanent mag-
porosity or percent of adsorbed water in the netization J measured for all specimens from
completely serpentinized ones. The correspond- the Red Mountain area show a wide range of
ence between grain density and degree of serpen- values. This is illustrated by Figures 5a and 5b
tinization within the range of 2.6 to 3.3 gm/cm3 is which are histograms of K and J respectively
shown in Figure 4, based on a direct linear rela- plotted on a logarithmic abscissa scale. Figure 5c
tion between the two. shows the logarithmic distribution of the ratio of
remanent to induced magnetism (Kiienigsberger
Fvcquency distributiolz oj density
ratio Q which is expressed as Q = J/KF, where F is
The distribution of grain densities for the four the intensity of the present geomagnetic field,
rock types of the ultramafic series is illustrated in taken as 0.506 oersteds at die Red Mountain
Figure 4. The means and standard deviations are area). Irving et al (1966) sho\\cd that magnetic
given in Table 1 which also shows that the data data can be fitted to the logarithmic normal dis-
are normally distributed according to the chi- tribution better than to a normal distribution.
squared test. In general, the fit to the normal Thus, the average of the logarithm of the individ-
distribution is better for each of the rock types ual values rather than the usual arithmetic aver-
separately than when combined. The means of age provides a better estimate of the true mean.
the grain densities indicate that, on the average, The means and standard (leviations of the
Magnetic Properties of Ultramafics 979

magnetic properties for the four rock types are high values of K and J and low values of Q com-
summarized in Table 1. A chi-squared test sug- pared to the dunite, peridotite, and pyroxenite
gests that the distributions of J, K, and Q, in groups which have progressively lower K and J
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general, are logarithmic normal. The fit. is much and higher Q. Obviously, this is more related to
better for individual petrologic groups than for the degree of serpentinization than to rock com-
the entire set, mainly because the many speci- position; the pyroxenites are less serpentinized
mens from the serpentinite group exhibit a than the peridotites, dunites, and serpentinites
separate peak in the distribution (Figures 5a and (Figure 4). However, most of the dunites, though
5b). The fit of the log normal distribution is also highly serpentinized, have abnormally low values
better for J and Q than for K (Table 1). of both K and J, while some of the slightly ser-
Relation betweenmagnetization and original rock pentinized pyroxenites have distinctly high K and
compositiolz.-From Table 1 and Figures 5-8, J. This is wellshown in Figures 6 and 7. Moskaleva
it may be seen that the serpentinite group has and Zotova (1965) have reported that the dunite

Table 1. Summary of values of intensity of NRM J, susceptibility K,

Koenigsberger ratio Q, and grain density ps

Rock Type: PX PD DU SP RM Total Total

N 11 120 35 54 166 220

1111 -3.91 -3.79 -3.74 -2.90 -3.79 -3.57
a1 0.41 0.38 0.30 0.17 0.36 0.50
J (emu/cm3) 20.3 7.6 6.3 13.6 46.4
$ 0.13 0.70 0.30 0.60 0.001
U2.X104 1.23 1.62 1.82 12.6 1.62 2.69
1&X 104 1.79 2.45 2.26 13.5 2.37 5.10

N 12 128 38 64 178 242

n2, -3.74 -3.59 -3.31 -2.31 -3.54 -3.21
VI 0.34 0.36 0.31 0.20 0.37 0.64
4.2 52.5 6.8 23.5 38.3 159.4
K (emu/en+) $ 0.90 0.001 0.90 0.001 0.001 0.001
V&X104 1.82 2.57 4.90 49.0 2.88 6.17
r,z,X104 2.39 3.83 6.13 53.8 4.22 17.3

N 12 120 34 5.5 166 221

,121 0.133 0.087 -0.141 -0.305 0.043 -0.043
u1 0.190 0.251 0.229 0.240 0.260 0.284
CT $ 4.3 19.8 11.9 14.7 23.7 31.8
0.40 0.10 0.20 0.10 0.05 0.005
1,t 1.36 1.22 0.723 0.496 1.10 0.906
l& 1.49 1.40 0.834 0.586 1.29 1.12
iv 10 129 38 64 177 241
11L2 3.14 2.85 2.70 2.62 2.84 2.78
pa km/cm) (r 0.05 0.10 0.04 0.06 0.13 0.15
$ 0.60
1.0 14.0 0.3 11.7 38.2 16.6
0.20 0.90 0.02 0.001 0.40
- _
PX Pyroxenite
E Dunite
& Total Total for Red Mountain proper (PX+PD+DU)
Total Total for all specimens
N Number of specimens
(rl Mean and standard deviation of the log-normal distribution
In Anti logarithm of ~tl
I&, (I Normal mean and standard deviation
P Probability of x2 distribution, a value of PsO.05 indicates good fit of the data to the log-normal
or normal distribution at that level
X2 chi-squared test.
980 Saad

W Serpeniimte referred to as anomalous peridotites. The origin

q Dunite of their anomalous magnetization may be related
q Peridotite
to any of the following processes:
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0 Pyroxenite

1. Tectonic movements and shearing along the

fault can cause some rotation of the mag-
netic moments, thus reducing the magnetiza-
2. Some of the magnetic minerals may be
-4 -3 -2
LOG,, K , emu/cm3
removed from the rock by solutions rising
along the fault and percolating through the
zY 20
3. Tectonic heating of the rocks by friction near
the fault may cause the oxidation of some of
!$ IO the magnetite to maghemite or hematite,
E reducing both J and K. Results of thermo-
1 magnetic measurements, X-ray diffraction
-5 -4 -3 -2 and microscopic observations of some
LOG,, J, emu/cm3
samples indicated that magnetite is oxidized
easily into hematite at temperatures as low
Y as 100C. The oxidation process is time-
k! dependent and attains an equilibrium state
E 20
after a certain time In this respect, Frolich
& and Stiller (1960) and Stiller et al (1961) also
p IO found that secondary magnetite in serpen-
tinite samples is oxidized between 280 to
400C into maghemite and later into hema-
-I -.5 0 .5 I tite. Moreover, the stability of the magne-
LOG,, 0 tization in these anomalous peridotites is
quite variable as described later (Figures 9
Fro. 5. HistogramsOL(a) susceptibility,~
(b) intensity
of natural remanent magnetization, and (c) KBenigs- and i-i-j. it is possible that the stabie magne-
berger ratio. tization in some of these rocks is due to
hematite while the unstable magnetization
in others is due to maghemite as explained
has lower susceptibility than the peridotite in
by Nagata (1961). Hematite was identified,
most ultramafic plutons of the Urals. They
in a polished section of a stable rock, as fine
reasoned that the original dunite minerals were
particles along the boundary of magnetite
less ferruginous and hence are less magnetic even
grains while maghemite was identified, in a
when heavily serpentinized. .4n examination of
polished section of an unstable rock, as large
the mineral composition of Red Mountain ultra-
grains enclosed in the magnetite grains. The
mafics (Table 2) indicates that the pyroxene is
identification of maghemite was based on:
generally more ferruginous than the olivine, and
(a) its characteristic bluish-grey color in
that the amount of iron is higher in the olivine of
polished section under reflected light (lighter
the peridotite than in the olivine of the related
than magnetite), (b) being isotropic in
dunite. Also in most dunites, iron occurs mainly
polarized light as compared to hematite, and
in the chromite, which is least affected by ser-
(c) the thermomagnetic curve of the mag-
pentinization, and therefore the iron is not capable
netic separates measured in vacuum showed
of being released. These variations in mineral
a distinct irreversible change of magnetiza-
composition are reflected in the magnetic proper-
tion possibly corresponding to the inversion
ties of the Red Mountain ultramafics.
of maghemite.
Some peridotites also have low values of K and
J. All such samples are located near the fault Although the third process seems to be the
contact of the ultramafic intrusion. They will be main origin of the anomalous magnetization, a
Magnetic Properties of Ultramafics 981

combined effect of the three processes is possible. as density decreases and hence as degree of
Relation between maglzetization and grailz delz- serpentinization increases. The relation may be
s&y.-Large positive magnetic anomalies are com- described by the empirical equations
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monly associated with serpentinized parts of Logr, (K - 0.80 X lo-) = 13.06- 5.90~,,
ultramafic bodies. This suggeststhat a correlation
exists between the magnetic properties and den- and
sity. Cox et al (1964) found that unexpectedly the LograJ = 3.75 - 2.56 pg,
correlation is positive; samples with lower den-
where pBis in gm/cm3; K and J are in emu/cm3.
sities (completely serpentinized) tend to have
Although the constants in the equations may
lower susceptibilities, more stable and less intense
vary from one ultramafic body to the other, it is
remanent magnetization, and lower Koenigs-
believed that the effect of serpentinization on K
berger ratio than the samples with higher densi-
and J can be described by similar exponential
ties (incompletely serpentinized). They explained
relations for other ultramafic bodies. This is
that extreme serpentinization of the samples was
substantiated by the similarity among the sus-
accompanied by a loss of secondary magnetite
ceptibility data of this study and those of Burch
produced during the earlier phase of serpen-
(1965) and Komarov (1965).
tinization. On the other hand, Burch (1965) and
The ratio of remanent to induced magnetiza-
Komarov (1965) showed that the magnetic sus-
tion seems to increase with density attaining a
ceptibility increases as the density decreasesover
maximum value at intermediate densities of
a wide range of densities, though Burchs data
show considerable scattering. about 2.95 gm/cm3 and may decrease at higher
densities (Figure 8). The solid curve drawn in
In the present study, sample means of sus-
Figure 8 represents the empirical equation
ceptibility K, intensity of NRM _7and Koenigs-
berger ratio Q are plotted as functions of average 1
sample grain density pB in Figures 6, 7, and 8 - = 0.506[10(8.64-3.00~~)]

respectively. Although the points are scattered, Q

the graphs indicate a general increase of K and J + 0.405[10~~~5~~~7~75~].

0 AnomalousPeridotite

A Fresh Twin Sisters Dunite

(for comparison)

0 cl 0
I 1 I , I , I t I c I so I o,A I
2.6 2.6 3.0 3.2 3.4

FIG. 6. Variation of susceptibility with grain density. All points are sample means.
982 Saad
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,A 1 ,
3.2 34


Fig. 7. Variation of intensity of natural remanent magnetization with grain density.

All points are sample means. (Symbols as in Figure 6.)

0 \

o.J/ * 2.6





FIG. 8. Variation of KBenigsberger ratio with grain density. All points are sample means. (Symbols as in Figure 6.)
Magnetic Properties of Ultramaflcs 983

Table 2. Mineral composition of Red Mountain the values of J are more scattered than the values
ultramafic rocks of K.
]After Maddock (195 5)]

Mineral Average composition Stabdity of natural remunent magneti5sation

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Olivine Dunite FosaFalo To test the stability of XRM, two experiments

Olivine Peridotite FossFall were conducted: one to measure the change in
Pyroxene Peridotite Ens&8
Pyroxene Pyroxenite magnetization with time known as the storage
EnTaFszzto Ens7Fsra
(range) test, and the other to measure the change in
magnetization due to applied alternating fields.
Stwuge ted.-The original magnetization of all
The change of Q with density probably is related specimens was measured twice in an average
to grain size variation. The chemical remanent period of 1.5 yrs. Any significant change in magne-
magnetization (CRM) of the fine-grained secon- tization indicates the existence of soft magnetic
dary magnetite, developed during the early stages components that can be realigned by the earths
of serpentinization, is magnetically harder than field. The results of this test (Figure 9) show that
the initial thermoremanent magnetization (TRM) most of the serpentinites are unstable with J
of the pyroxenite or peridotite. As serpentiniza- changing by a factor of up to 20. The pyroxenites
tion increases, the grain size of the magnetite and most of the peridotites and dunites are
increases and the CRM becomes magnetically stable with minor changes in intensity, indicating
softer. a considerable stability of NRM on the labora-
The scattering in Figures 6 through 8 is at- tory time scale. The anomalous peridotites, on
tributed to other factors that affect the magnet- the other hand, have varying stabilities.
ization of the rocks. The most important of these Stability to a&rnating fields.-A total of 35
are grain size and shape, coercive force, secondary specimens were subjected to progressive step
components of magnetization including weather- demagnetization in alternating fields with peak
ing effect, and possibly thermal and stress history values of up to 600 oersteds as described before.
of the rocks. Because these factors have a greater The purpose of these experiments was to deter-
effect on NRM intensity than on susceptibility, mine the distributionof NRM among magnetic


n Serpentinite
Ej Dunite
cl Anomalousperidotite
(low J 8 K)
a peridotite

0 Pyroxenite

Fro. 9. Storagetest histogramshowing changes in intensity of NRM with repeat measurements. JI apd Jz, first
and secondmeasurementsbetweenwhich averagetime interval was 1.5 yrs.
984 Saad

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DU5lBI 2.70

SP33B2 2.63
\ =a SP32B2 2. 56
- Type I: Stable \,
-.-.-Type II: Intermediate lb
SP38A2 2.59
--- Type ILI: Unstable

PX49B2 3. IO

PD3lBI 2.94
SP40AI 2. 66

PD24BI 2.76

SPl3A2 2.70

-ff , b
SPl4AI 2.69
I I I ,
25 50 100 200 400 800
g (OE)
FIG. 10. Typical ac demagnetizationcurvesshowingstability of NRM for the ditIerent ultramafic rock types and
various degreesof serpentinization.Ordinate is the fraction of original intensity of NRM remainingafter de-
magnetizationin alternatingfield of peak value 6 oersteds.(Symbolsasin Figure 6).

domains with different coercivity, and thus help less than 10 percent of the NRM remaining at
in establishing the nature of the remanent mag- 200 oersteds, shows high instability. These experi-
netism. ments indicate that a varying portion of NRM
Figure 10 shows some examples of typical is of viscous secondary origin and resides in the
demagnetization curves for the various rock types lower part of the coercive force spectrum.
and degre& of serpentinizatioa The curves are Figures 10 and 11 show also that the stability of
divided into three types. Type I is characteristic NRM decreaseswith density except for the dunite
of stable magnetization whereby more than 50 group which has low density but high stability.
percent of VRM remains after demagnetization The pyroxenites and peridotites have curves of
in 200 oersted alternating field. This indicates that Type I and II while most of the serpentinites
most of the magnetization resides in domains exhibit maximum instability (Type III). The
with high coercive forces. Curves of this type are anomalous peridotites, on the other hand, have
typical of CRM or TRM (Kobayashi, 1959). various degrees of stability (Figure 11). Some are
Type II curves exhibit moderate stability with 10 highly unstable while others are very stable (e.g.
to 50 percent of XRM remaining after demagnet- Specimen PD09Al in Figure 10). The degree of
ization in 200 oersted field, while Type III, with stability of the magnetization in these rocks is
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J( 6boe)/J,

J k%-oe) /Jo
FIG. 11. Histograms of the fraction of original intensity of NRM remaining after demagnetization in
100 and 200 oerstedsalternating fields. (Seelegendfor Figure 9).

possibly a reflection of the extent to which the

magnetite is oxidized to maghemite and/or hema-
tite as explained before. -+ 3H4MgsSiz09 + Fe&
Serpentine Magnetite
It was found that, in virtually all cases, the
The process involves the liberation of iron
samples with unstable ac demagnetization char-
atoms from the silicate structure of the
acteristics also changed magnetically during
paramagnetic olivine and pyroxene, their
oxidation and the combination of the oxides
to form ferrimagnetic magnetite.
The results of this investigation indicate that That the above reaction does take place is
the remanent magnetization of the Red Mountain indicated by the higher ratio of Fe?OJFeO
ultramafic rocks is chemical remanent magnetiza- in serpentinized ultramafics than in unser-
tion (CRM) developed during serpentinization pentinized ones (Bailey et al, 1964).
of the body. The magnetization of the pyrox- Polished sections and thin sections showed
enites is probably in large part thermoremanent an increase in the amount of opaque minerals
magnetization (TRM). However, in all other with serpentinization. The opaque minerals
rocks types the effect of the initial TRM is are mostly magnetite with (uric tempera-
negligible because it is either weak compared to tures between 5.50 to 580C.
the strong CRM or possibly was destroyed during The fresh end members of the ultramafic
serpentinization. These conclusions are supported series contain few magnetic minerals as
by the following evidence: shown by their low susceptibility and rema-
1. The increase of susceptibility and NRM nence, and from microscopic examination.
intensity with the degree of serpentinization This means that most, if not all, of the
suggests the production of new magnetic magnetite found in the serpentinized series
minerals during the process of serpentiniza- is of secondary origin and resulted exclu-
tion which can be represented by the follow- sively from the chemical process of ser-
ing chemical reaction (Hess, 1933) : pentinization.
666 Saad

5. The magnetite can scarcely have TRM be- in size during serpentinization. Examination
cause the temperature at which serpentiniza- of polished sections revealed that most of
tion takes place (below SOOC) is lower than the fine grains of opaque minerals are magne-
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the Curie temperature of magnetite and tite while all the large grains are chromite.
more probably lower than the most effective
blocking temperature. Thus, we conclude
that the NRM concerned is mostly CRM
generated at a low temperature (possibly Serpentinized ultramafic intrusions generally
300-4OOC) during serpentinization. have strong magnetic effect due to the chemical
6. The results of a fold test applied to the remanent magnetization acquired during the
average directions of magnetization exclude process of serpentinization. However, the Red
the possibility of TRM as the origin of Mountain intrusion was found to possess highly
magnetization (Saad, 1969). variable magnetic properties. The variability is
7. The reduction in the stability of magnetiza- related in large part to the degree of serpentiniza-
tion with increasing serpentinization and the tion. As serpentinization increases, the magnetiza-
high instability of the serpentinite group are tion increases in intensity but decreases in
in accordance with the theory of production stability. In the highly serpentinized rocks, the
of CRM (Haigh, 1958; Kobayashi, 1961) strong magnetization is mostly a soft viscous
whereby the early formed magnetic minerals magnetization. Thus the contribution of the
grow from single to multidomain size. remanent to the total magnetism is more impor-
Eventually, the CRM will disappear and tant in the partially serpentinized ultramafics
the specimens will have only isothermal than in the highly serpentinized ones (Figure 8).
remanent magnetization in the applied Other factors that affect the intensity of magne-
field or will develop viscous magnetization tization to a lesser extent include original rock
with time The growth in grain size observed composition, thermal history of the rocks, and
in polished sections is accomplished by mode of occurrence of the magnetic minerals.
coagulation of the earlier fne grains rather The original rocks are the potential source of iron
than by nucleation process. for the magnetite formed during serpentinization.
The instability of magnetization in some Normally dunite, having less iron content in its
of the extensively serpentinized samples is primary minerals, is less magnetic than peridotite
increased further by the development of and pyroxenite when all are equally serpentinized.
maghemite (Akimoto and Kushiro, 1960; If the degree of serpentinization and original rock
Nagata, 1961, p. 214). During extensive composition are identical, an ultramafic rock
serpentinization, an excess supply of oxygen can still have different intensities of magne-
is available to oxidize magnetite to mag- tization due to the difference in the oxidation
hemite. The CRM, produced in the latter state, shape, and size of the magnetic minerals.
during the oxidation process at temperatures It was observed that magnetite, in some of these
much below its Curie temperature, com- rocks, can be oxidized easily to maghemite or
pletely disappears as the grains of mag- hematite at temperatures between 200 to 400C
hemite grow to perfect multidomain size. IJn- thus reducing the magnetization. For a given
stable IRM alone remains in the specimens. proportion of magnetite, the magnetization is
Maghemite was identified in one specimen stronger when the magnetite is in the form of fine
by its characteristic bluish-grey color in pol- disseminated particles and veinlets rather than
ished section under reflected light and by in the form of large rounded grains.
its thermomagnetic behavior as explained The significance of the above conclusions is
earlier. that a given ultramafic body that is uniformly
Most of the dunites, though highly serpentinized may have a nonuniform magnetiza-
serpentinized, were found to have stable tion if it is originally composed of different rock
magnetization. This is because the shortage types, and thus gives a highly variable magnetic
of iron in the original dunite minerals or its anomaly. On the other hand, fresh ultramafic
inaccessibility, being in the chromite struc- bodies and serpentinized dunite bodies whose
ture, prevents the growth of the magnetite original olivine minerals are highly magnesian are
Magnetic Properties of Ultramafics 987

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