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Name : Rizka Fadliana

NIM : 14235101100
Class : IIb
1. The patient's identity
Name : An. D
Age : 16 years
Gender : Famale
Tribe : Aceh
Religion : Islam
Occupation : Student
Education : High School
Entry date : 10 May 2016
Address : Keuniree
Medical diagnosis : Bronchial Asthma
Father's name : Tn.K
Mother's name : Ny. S
Asessment date : 11 May 2016
2. Hospital Shee
a. Main Complaint
Said he had difficulty breathing patient suddenly
b. History Of Present Illness
Patient said he was taken to the poly medicine by his mother
to check gasthritis disease. because the patient suddenly
experienced asthma, throat and chest ached so patients are
encouraged to intensive care at the nursery. in the nursery
patient directly in the post infusion
c. a History Of Past Disease
The patient's mother said earlier you have never experienced
asthma, An.D previously experienced ghasthritis disease and
cough and cold.
d. Family Medical History
The patient's mother said the family was suffering from
asthma, the maternal uncle

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