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Process journal

Pangrum Poondarik Tayawitit

Johnny Akaradej Gorowara

Pop Nattawan Ekakkarachit


Pangrum goals- I wanted to know how Johnny goals- I wanted to know how Pop goals- How did Mcdonalds change the
did Mcdonald expand. Mcdonald affects the people and find new fast food world
Mcdonald started in America then later First of all we have to go back to around
spread to countries in Europe,Asia, and Mcdonald Most likely caused obesity as what 1950 at San Bernadino, the first McDonald
many more. McDonald secret to taking it most of the people believe it now. Parents was open and it stunned an eye of a
worldwide is that they try to adapt to think that fast food like Mcdonald make kids businessman (Rayman Kroc), because at
the country and making the food eat more junk food and its unhealthy for that time you have to eat your food in your
available for most of the people, them. They also try to make their food car and wait for a very long time. But at
understanding the country currency and much more unhealthy, like growing much McDonald you have to park your car and
the economy of most the people. They bigger potato, feeding the chicken till it walk to order your food and the food you
need to adapt to the environment also cant walk. Thats why its unhealthy for order will be ready in 60 second, the food
like the big Mac had been change to the the people to eat. I also found a really will be served in a paper bag. Thats how it
Maharaj in India. They try to make the interesting topic called brexit, brexit is the changed the world of fast food.
taste local to the place. British trying to get out of the European,
but this will not happen now they are just
source: planning. source:
obal_Strategy_of_McDonald_and_How_It source: ct/business/forbes/kroc.html

Pangrum- Johnny - Pop-

I talked to Johnny and Pop about the We have been discussing for the McDonald I was researching about the topic in
topic and Johnny suggested that we topic, but i felt like that McDonald isnt related Mcdonald that I was assigned yesterday
should do brexit. I agreed with Johnny to economic but it was a really interesting until Johnny asked to changed the topic. I
Idea because I think the topic is really topic. So I suggested that we changed the had to agree because Johnny and
interesting and its related to economics topic and we did about Brexit. I did some Pangrum wanted to changed the topic.
more than McDonalds. I did a little research yesterday already about what is We then went to talk to Ms. Katie and Mr.
research about what is brexit. Brexit is a Brexit. So we all went to ask Mr. David and David about our new topic Brexit and they
short a short form of British leaving the Ms. Katie is our new topic ok and they said its said it was okay, so I suggested a topic.
EU. We then went to ask Ms. Katie and fine but they asked us what are we gonna do? The topic I suggested was How did Brexit
Mr. David is the brexit ok and he said that So,Pop told the teacher that we are going to affects the EU, for me this topic sounds
our topic is fine then we start to discuss do about how did Brexit affects the EU, we sat really interesting because the immigrants
about what should we do with the topic, and talk about the topic, but I didnt like it so i now cant go to UK because they are
then Pop suggested that we should do a decided to change the topic to how did Brexit leaving the EU. But Johnny and Pangrum
topic about how did the Brexit affects the affects the UK and then they all agreed. didnt like the topic so Johnny suggest a
EU, but I didnt like it so Johnny new topic, How did Brexit affects the Uk
suggested how did brexit effect the UK and thats the topic we will be doing on
economy, and we all agreed to it the next day.

Pangrum goals- Since when did UK Johnny- Why did UK wanted to leave the EU. Pop Goals- what happen to the pounds since the
wanted to leave the EU.
There are four main things that make UK wanted After Theresa May anounced the 50 article the
There is no certain date but we can see to leave the EU: pound drop from 1.2410 usd to 1.240. It was also
that they have been planning for quite a Economic goverance- saying that euro is not the down against the euro. Most economist have
while. The reasons they want the brexit only currency in the Euro zone, so that other predicted the pound will trade at 1.23 against the
have happened for a long time and it country outside of Euro do not lose the benefit, usd on june and over the 6 month it will drop to
take time to consider before making The UK want safeguard that steps further to 1.21. Analyst at Danske Bank said they expected
decision.The british will leave the EU at financial union and cannot be composed on non the pound to fall lower 1.19 usd. In my opinion I
euro zoned. think that the pound will fall lower until the
March 29, 2019 as what Theresa May
Competetiveness- Setting target of reduction of economy of the country is rebuilt and its stable.
have said. On this topic there is really burden. The Deutsche bank analyst also said that it may
less information so I got on to research Immigration- Restricting people to come working in even fall to 1.09 usd at the end of 2017. David
on how many people wanted to leave the UK, the minister wants to stop those who are Lamb head of delaing at FEXCO Corporate said
the EU.The vote was in June 23, 2016 coming to the UK for the benefits. that Brexit is unknown, anything could happen .
where everyone can come and vote. Sovereignty- The UK will not further be drag into
The vote was 51.9 to 48.1 People chose any political integration in the future. Giving the UK source:
to leave the EU, with more than 30 great power to the parliament.
million people voting.
source: gger-theresa-may-uk-leave-eu-european-union-a7 655171.html
What is the article 50?
Pangrum- Who wanted the eu UK to stay Timeline
in the EU
The article 50 is about the country that wish to nextpage
leave the EU, it was created in 2009 where all
The prime minister David Cameron
of the EU signed, Before that there was no
wanted to remain in the UK, but the
formal form for a country to leave EU. If any
independence party wanted him to leave.
country wanted to quit they must talk to EU
The president of United States Barack
council and negotiate with them and they
Obama also wanted the UK to stay in EU.
must come up with an agreement that
Countries like Germany and France also
everyone is ok. If a country wanted to leave
want UK to stay in EU. After Leaving the
the country they must vote and see what the
EU they will change the membership for
majority of them vote. Theresa May have said
the UK. The UK did not like lots of
to notify the council back in october but then
immigration so they made the deal but the
she notice them in march, because she said
critics said it will be a lot different. For me,
she didnt want to rush it. If the country leave it
I also wanted the UK to stay because they
will change to article 49, because there is 50
could benefit from it
country in the EU.
Timeline and reasons of brexit
Johnny goal - What do people think about
Pop goal - What is EU?
Pangrum goals- National declaration of it?
the referendum result
EU stands for European Union. It is an
According to Ivana(2017), British
The vote is won by the victory of Brexit. economic and political partnership of
UK prime minister David Cameron households confidence in Brexit has
28 European countries including
resigned and Theresa May became the decreased by 10% from July 2016 to
Austria, Bulgaria, Belgium, Croatia,
next prime minister. The value of the March of this year. The survey showed
Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark,
pound dropped.UK will leave EU on that 39% of British believed Brexit will be
Friday, 29 March 2019, after Britain Estonia, Finland, France, Germany,
good for UK in July 2016. The number of
triggered Article 50 in March 2017. The Greece, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Latvia,
process to leave EU takes a lot of time households that expected economic to
Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta,
because it has to go over 43 years of worsen has also increased from 42% to
treaties and agreements of different 53%. The only groups of people who
thousands subject and it has never been Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden,
viewed Brexit as beneficial are workers
done before. Switzerland, and United Kingdom. It
who worked in manufacturing and
began after World War II to help boost
source: construction because they see the
the economy with the idea that trading weaker pound as a boost to exports.
between countries together will avoid
the war with each other.
source: source:

Pangrum goals- Brexit votes Johnny goal - pros and cons of Brexit Pop goal- finish planning the product

England voted for Brexit, by 53.4% to Pros of brexit is that now they can pursue Today I started to plan on how my product
46.6%. Wales also voted for Brexit, international trade with countries like India, should be. So I look at some idea on
with 52.5% of Leave and Remain of China, and US. The UK government can design forbes magazine and on google. I tried do
47.5%. Scotland and Northern Ireland regulatory framework that suits themselves. some layout on photoshop, but then I find it
both vote for staying in the EU. Now people cant come and work in the UK or way too hard to do it. So I look up on
Scotland vote is 62% to 38%, while in live in the UK. Before the EU have a principle youtube on how to make a nice magazine.
Northern Ireland voted is 55.8% to called free movement means that people can Then I found a really nice website called
44.2%. I make a chart showing the result work anywhere in EU. canva. This website allows you to make a
of the vote using microsoft word. really nice magazine. So I decided that we
Now the cons of Brexit, now the UK wont have should use this website, So now I then
source: a seat in the EU. The UK will have to follow the start to look at the theme and fonts. I found rule and regulations of EU. Now Its harder for the one i like and Im planning to do the
endum/results UK people to other country in EU and now we product on this theme.
need visa to travel

Brainstorming about effects of Brexit on UK economy

Johnny goal - What do value in pound drop Pop-

Pangrum goals- I want to know what will
happen to EU citizen living in the UK and affects.
UK citizen in EU.
Holidaymakers-People who changed their Today, I started to do my product, I did my
first page and my 2nd page. The first page
There is no certain answer until 2019. But money into Euro or dollars after 23 June
was just a cover for our magazine(product)
most of the EU citizen who have stayed in could not get the same amount of Euro or for our group, In the front page there is
UK for more than 5 years can have the
dollars for the same amount of pound as nothing much we just write our topic and
british citizen, and the kids who is born in
before rate is more than 1.14. edited some photos on it which make it really
england will also have the UK citizen.
Families-In February 2017, UK inflation rate nice and looks interesting to read. On the
There is around 3 million people living in UK
second page will have our introduction,
and Theresa May said that those who have had risen to 2.3%,.Now, customers had to which havent been written yet, so I just did
lived in british have the rights to continue buy product with higher cost. the layout and see how much we will have to
Companies-Some good can be exported write for our introduction. It took me lots of
The prime minister of UK is trying to
with cheaper price on world time to make it come out really nice.
negotiate so that the British people who is
staying out of UK can can live in the country market.However, the fall in value of pound
they are living in now. The UK is try to offer also lower value of some business asset.
associate citizenship, so that after brexit
Tourist sector workers-UK was cheaper and
people can still go work in other EU country.
more attractive. with the fall in value of pound. There were more tourists and it was
citizens-uk-brexit-vote-passports/ good for business that aim at tourists.

Pangrum goals- I research about what Johnny- What happen to the economy so Pop -
British think about Brexit far.
For today I did only our third page
Initially, in July only around one third of From what I have read, David Cameron because the third page is a really long
UK household believed that Brexit will be chancellor have analyzed that there will be a and hard working process. I have to
good to UK. 8 months later, the number rise in inflation, the prices of the houses will create a timeline and put it in there, the
has continue to drop. The surveys poll fall and there will be a rise of unemployment, timeline will be on top of the page. On
showed that many british people do not they will need to use their emergency budget the bottom of the page there will be
think that brexit is good for the country to keep the economy stable also after the information about the referendum,and a
anymore after seeing its effect after the announcement of the brexit the pound have picture in the back of the text, to make it
national announcement. I think it is fall on that day, which is wrong from what look nice. The timeline will start from
interesting because the vote resulted in the analyst have predicted. Inflation have February 2016 and it will end on march
leave while the survey said the majority of rises the highest in 3 years. From what Ive 29,2019.
people do not want the Brexit. So I did predicted I believe that there wil keep on
more research but did not found any falling until the economy is stable then
reliable information, proof, or evidence everything will gets better.
about it.
Source: 87
Johnny- what will happen to the EU people Pop-
Pangrum goals- pound falling effect on
household and business who is staying in the UK

Actually there is nothing much will happen Today I did the fourth and fifth page, on
Household can buy less product with
to them because 84 percent of the people the fourth page, Ive included information
the same amount of pound because it
living in the UK already have their citizen, about the article 50, what is brexit, and
has dropped in value. They had to buy
so there is not a problem. Many of them what is EU.On this page I put the 50 stars
product with higher cost. Companies
have been staying here for 4-5 years and that represent the EU to make it looks
value of asset will also drop. Moreover,
they already have their rights. Their nice and also included nice writing space.
people became insecure and this
children will also become a citizen On the fifth page, the information will be
weakened the UK economy even
because their parents are also a citizen. about why brexit? On top of the page
more.Some business may benefit with
The UK have announced that people can there will be a military picture marching,
cheaper price on world market, but the
still immigrant to the UK with full rights until in the middle will be the information about
majority of them will suffer. They have to
the brexit will happen in two years. In my brexit.
raise good product because raw
material are expensive and even less opinion the Britains have done right that
people will buy the product. they allowed the people to stayed and still
immigrant till the brexit is announced.
ness/news/pound-sterling-value-dollar-e u-citizens-uk-brexit-vote-passports/
Pangrum goals- I make an introduction Johnny - could uk rejoin the eu Pop-

After I know all the information The Uk would have to start from the For today I did the sixth and seventh
necessary for the research and finally bottom and they will have to slowly page, On the sixth page will consist of
have the answer to research question, I negotiate with the EU, every leader of the what do british people think about the
started writing introduction. I look back EU country also must answer yes to UK brexit, and also on that page there will
at the process journal of what we joining the EU. But other leader might not also be a graph of better and worse.This
thought at that time and wrote the be kind to the UK and wont allow them to page is quite hard to do because i have to
introduction from it but combined with rejoin in the EU. They must also use euro edit it alot to make it look nice. On the
more detail. It tells about why we in their currency. Once they have an seventh page it will be voting result of
choose to do this research topic and agreement then the UK can join them brexit, there will be information on the top
why is it important This introduction again. For me I believe that they should and on the bottom will show the graph of
clearly reflected our ideas and have not let the UK join them because they how many percentage the vote was, and
sufficient detail. It introduced reader to have already left and they decided it by there was a graph of the four country that
the next page in the magazine with themselves so they have to pay for what voted.
some idea in mind. they choose.
Pangrum goals- reasons why pound Johnny- What changed in the government Pop-
drop after the referendum?
Today I did pages eight and nine, on the
There are many factors that can affect The UK have gotten a new prime minister eight page there will be information about
the currency value. For example, Theresa May, she was a former secretary the brief result of the brexit announcement
economic growth, inflation, interest rate, who took the place of David Cameron. Like to the UK economy, this page will tell you
etc. From the information weI have Cameron, May was also against brexit, she what happen after the announcement of
gathered, my group help together and have a very small role in the brexit. She didnt the brexit. On the ninth page it will be
analyze the reason why UK pound value have to fight for her place as the prime about the reason the fall in value of pound,
dropped after the announcement of minister because Cameron resigned after the on this page it will be linked with the tenth
brexit. We conclude that it was mainly referendum. For me I think Cameron shouldnt page. In this page its not that hard to do
because the uncertainty of brexit and resigned, he should continue to be the prime because I haved mastered
the low confidence of UK citizen on the minister, and Theresa May should have wait canva(designing app).
economy. No one know what will for the next voting.
happen so they predict and guess and
believe the expert, which most of them
said brexit is bad, and UK economy was
weakened. 7

Pangrum goals- Pangrum goals- finish Johnny- Pop-
This is the day that I have done my research, It This is also my last day, on this day I haved
Today I finished researching and have all was a really long process of work, this work finish my product. I did page eleventh and
the information my group need. I double have taught me lots of stuff about brexit, and to twelveth page today. On the 11 page it will be
check the content to make sure there me I believe that UK leaving the EU was a good about the drop in pound and how it affects the
was nothing wrong with it including the thing because there is too much immigrants to people and on the last page its just the
spelling. I also rewrite some of the the UK and the Uk is putting lots of money in the reference. I also have to go back and put the
paragraph to fit research question and EU and they are not really benefitting from it. introduction that pangrum have wrote. I was
cut out some unnecessary information really happy that it have been done.
that did not answer the research
Pangrum goals- Do APA format and

I tern the link to website into formal APA

format so we can out them in the
magazine. Then I reflected on my learning.
I looked back to what I have done and the
problems we encountered. How any of my
skill improve or did not improve and why. I
write a detailed reflection that reflect on
myself clearly over the time I had done the
project. I included every step I did in this
project and our teamwork together with
Pop and Johnny.

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