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Process Journal

Q: How did Thailand flooding in 2011 affect Thai economics?


Goal (for Mac and Mint) - Find the topic for project

Mac -
Today I and Mint discussed about what should be our groups topic. Firstly, we came
up with the topic about macroeconomic which we have learned in the 4th quarter. Firstly, I
suggested Mint to do the topic about self-sufficiency economy. However, we think that this
topic is too general and perhaps too descriptive. I tried finding the topic by looking into the
pantip website. Finally, we decided that the most suitable topic is How Thailand flooding in
2011 affect Thailand economy? In addition, both I and Mint experienced the flooding
situation in our houses, and we can find a lot of information about that situation on internet.
So, these reasons led to our conclusion that this topic might be the most suitable for our

Mint -
Today in economic class, me and my partner Mac was discussing about what topic
should we choose for our quarter 4 final project. Luckily, both of us were interested in same
idea which is macroeconomic, so it was easier for us to work together as a pair. We came up
with many ideas such as sufficient economy, banking, credit card, but at the end our
conclusion is about Thailand flooding in 2011. The most suitable topic that we came up was
How Thailand flooding in 2011 effect on Thai economics? The reason we chose it was
because both of us were in the event back then, so it was easy to express and also to find
source and evidence for the topic. At the end of the class, I found many websites that were
related and useful for our project.

Mac Links : https://www.cogitasia.com/economic-damage-of-thailands-flooding/


Mint Links : http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1002/wea.2133/full


Goal for Mac - Researching on how Thailand 2011s flooding had an impact on the
countrys economy from two websites
Goal for Mint - Researching on the causes of flooding and on how Thailand flooding
reduced production from two websites.

Mac - Mint did not come to school today because of her health problem. So, we discussed
with each other online that I am going to work on two main websites while Mint is going to
work on two websites too. In addition, these two websites, one is from reuter and the other is
from CogitAsia website, explain on what is the impact of the 2011 flooding to Thailand
economy. The following is the summary of what I have got.

Effects of the flood

- Shrink the economy by 1.1 %
- Not only affect Thailand, but also USA or Japan etc. because of their companies
locating in Thailand
- Inflation rose to 4.19 in October and food price increased 10 % from the year before
leading to unemployment
- Thai Chamber of Commerce estimated the loss of 250 B bath

1.) To automobile section

- Four factories which contain 630,000 Toyotas and 240,000 Hondas anually have
- Over 300 Japanese companies were affected and might took months to recover
2.)To electronic sector
- Western Digital was estimated to have 40 percent decline of its exports
- Western Digital is a company producing 33 percent of worlds HDDs and sells to
company like Dell or Acer
3.) To agricultural sector
- Destroyed 740,000 acres of land which was farmland
- Reduce Thailands rice production by over 4.5 million tons
4.) To tourism
- From the Federation of the Thai Tourism Industry, tourists arrival in the fourth quarter
plummeted by 20%
- Don Muang was closed because of the flood
Mint - Unfortunately, I didnt attend school this day because of my health issue. Still me and
Mac were communicated by using social media and he told me what to do. So, he will be
searching about how the flood made an impact on our country from two websites. I will be
searching about what were the causes of the flood and how it reduced production from other
two websites. We also discussed about our product that we wanted to do video in form of
news report or interview.

The information below this paragraph is what I understand after reading these two websites.

- heavy rain (since Thailand is located in tropical location)
- high runoff and can overflow which can cause the flood.
- Insufficient management of dams

Reduced production of Thailand

- Many companies including Honda motor and Western digital were forced to suspend
production from Thailand because of the flood.
- Most factories were closed because there were some disruptions to send the supply
- Two-third of Thailand is affected by the flood
- Sony closed its facility in Ayutthaya

Mac Link:

Mint Link:

Goal for Mac: Researching on how Thailand 2011s flooding had an impact on the countrys
economy from one website.
Goal for Mint: Researching on how the sectoral production share by flooded areas from one

Mac - I did not come to school today because I went to Singapore. However, Mint assigned
me to research on the website she gave me. The website that I had to research is from Bank
of Thailand which is surely a reliable one. This website is a survey giving the information on
impact and recovery from business and also the solution for the flood. The information below
is a summary from this survey.

The floods began since 25 July, 2011 in northern of Thailand and expanded to central and
northeastern regions. Ayutthaya and Pathumthani provinces encountered the flood for the
first time in history.

Impact of 2011 flood to Thailand

Consumers and private sectors confidences reduce
GDP for 2011 contracted down from 2.6 to 1.0 percent

It took approximately 6 months for businesses to recover since the flood. Automobile
factories not affected by the flood recovered in late December 2011, while semiconductor
factories in January 2012, and hard disk drive industry by March 2012

- The general insurance association paid insurance to businesses to continue
- Thai Credit Guarantee Corporation (TCG) provided credits of 100,000 million baht to
SMEs businesses.
- Constructing more dams, waterways
- Improving drainage system and city planning
Mint - Today I worked alone all by myself because Mac didnt come to school, but we also
did the same thing which was telling each other what to find or need to understand. I found
two new websites for us to get more information on our topic, which I divided one for Mac
and one for myself. This website gave clear information about the production that was
reduced during flooding in 2011, also provided information about household and people that
were affected by this flood.

During flood none of the construction materials were produced, also metal and
mining, energy, and chemicals as well.
Affected more than 3 millions household from 63 province
Thai flood wasnt local economic problems, but it disrupted factories that produced
materials or food that needed to be sent out of country. This lead to problem in global
supply chain, since Thailand sent out many products each year to global s

Goal for Mac and Mint: Finish outline mindmap
Mac - I and Mint discussed together that to summarize all the information we have
researched for almost two weeks, mind map would be the best and most convenient choice
to demonstrate the main image of this project. We divided the work that Mint is going to
outline the mind-map using pencil and I am going to use the mind map that Mint draws and
convert it to a digital form using

Mint - Today, we discussed about summarizing all the information that we have researched
so far, into form of mindmap. We summarised all the information from our two week research
into mind map form by divided the job, I did outline the mind map into paper and Mac put
them into digital form.

We worked too slow than what we have thought since we have not finished outlining
the mind map. So, Mint is going to finish that at her house and she will take a picture of her
work and send me via line for converting it into computer-based format.

Goal for Mac and Mint: Finish writing mind map in computer - based format and start
discussing about our final product

Mac - We have changed the plan from Mint outlining the mind map and send to Mac for
converting it into digital form to continue doing the mindmap on computer together without
outlining since we thought it might be a better and faster way and we can discuss in class
with each other. Finally, we finished our mind map and start discussing about final product.
We decided to make the final product as a news report video.

Mint - Today plan was a bit different from our thought. At first our plan was to get everything
done by yesterday, but unfortunately we couldnt make it. So, we moved to today instead by
writing the real mind map into digital form together. After finished, we began discussing
about our product. Together, we decided to make a news report video which lasted about 1
-2 min. Long.

At the end of the period, we finished with our mind map. However, we have not finished
discussing about the video. So, we planned to continue the discussion using line application
and continue on the next period.
Goal for Mac & Mint : Discuss about the final product
Mac -
To be honest, we have already known what are we going to do for a final product
since the beginning of a project which will be a news report. Today, we planned for the
location for a filming. We ended up planning to film in music school of Mahidol university as
the location is beautiful. We also discussed about the important components for our video
which are introduction, subtitle etc. I am going to be a video editor as Mint does not know
about editing. It was also discussed that as we dont have a news studio, we are going to
change the background of a video instead using editing software called Premiere Pro CC.
Mint - After knowing what to do for our final product, me and Mac were planned for the
location for recording the voice and for filming our news report. We decided to use our real
name in the video and our channel name will be MU news. We agreed to divide our work
into two parts, writing the script and editing the video, which on writing part we will be helping
together and after filming Mac will be the one who edit everything.

We havent finished discussing about the script and also how should we make a
video amazing. So, we planned to continue discussing about final product next period and
also start writing script.

Goal for Mac and Mint : Start writing the script for our final product (news report )
Mac -
Today we plan to finish writing a script for a final product. Firstly, Mint created a docs
for writing the script. We used mind map and information that we gathered to create the
script. As we write the script, we discussed about what roles should we have in a video. After
discussing, there will be two main characters and one imaginary character in a video. In a
video, I and Mint are going to be interviewers for Ms. Janet Yellen who will not appear in this
Mint - Today was the first day we started our script and at first we planned to finish it within
this day. As writing the script we discussed about our role in the video and how to make it as
real as possible. There will be two main characters in the news including female and male
reporters and we will be interviewing one of famous economist. The person we choose to
interview is Ms.Janet Yellen.

We did not finish writing the script today as we planned since we might be working
too slowly. We are going to complete it tomorrow.

Goal for Mac and Mint : Finish up with the script
Mac -
We continued writing our script today and when we have finished, we are going to
discuss further on our project. The script is completed as we planned. Therefore, we
continue discussing about how can we make the video interesting. It is planned that there
are going to be an intro for a news report, a subtitle, and we are going to record Ms. Janet
sound by using Mint sound and change her voice using software. Also, I will prepare camera
and other important things for filming. We are going to appoint the time later using line.

Mint - Today we finished up our script and planning for the location and start selecting the
voice recording.
Goal for Mac and Mint: Finish filming a video at Mahidol University
Mac -
Today I and Mint will meet each other at 1 pm at music school of Mahidol University.
Unfortunately, I came late for almost 45 minutes because of preparing things for filming and
traffic jam.
Mint - Finally, this day has arrived. Me and Mac told each other to meet at 1 pm, but
because of the traffic Mac came late which was still fine for me about the time. We moved
from one place to another to find the best place for filming our news report. The memory and
everything we have faced today will be written in my reflection. The time we finished filming
was really late, at first we thought we can end everything around 4pm but the real time was
actually 6.10 pm.

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