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Table of Contents

Introduction 2

Livestock Production and Economics - research bullet points 3

Links 5

8 May, 2017 6

15 May, 2017 7

16 May, 2017 8

17 May, 2017 9

22 May, 2017 10

23 May, 2017 11

24 May, 2017 12

How did the production of our favourite dish affect the world? How did the producers
produce such a large amount of livestock products in a short time? This research product will
provide you the answer. There were two people working on this project, the group members
were Mind and Fai. We have a common interest in animals and economics. Livestock
farming is an important thing that shaped humans lives throughout mankind history.
Livestocks provides two factors out of four of the humans basic needs, so it related to our
daily life. But, people dont usually talk about it. So, we decided to do a research about
livestock industries. As you can tell from the product below, we decided to make an
infographic, because it can provide all of the information and pictures in one place. Our main
goal is to answer the question: How present livestock production will affect the future
economy and peoples lives?

Livestock Production and Economics - research bullet points
1. Effect from present livestock - intensive farming (ex. environment, economy,
peoples health, etc.)
- Disadvantages
- Require a lot of resources(food, water and machine) because the
producer want them to grow as big as they can in a short time.
- The demand of livestock production is the major cause of deforestation.
- The antibiotics that animals consumed end up undigested in that wastes.
Through this waste, the chemicals maybe release into waterways and
ultimately ingested by us, human.
- Advantages
- Provides food security to almost 1.3 billion people (have much more
stable food source)
- Sustainable intensification concept
- The feces from animals can be used to produce biogas that is used as fuel.
And that helps reduces the amount of greenhouse gases that would have
been released into the atmosphere reducing global warming

2. Evolution (History of livestocks) / the way they treat animals (cruel)

- First human just find the animals to hunt (not raise them)
- Wild animals
- Find food, water, and shelter by themself
- Need to protect themselves from predator
- Social animals
- Today, more than 90% of all large animals are domesticated
- Chickens, cows and pigs are the most successful animals
- Live in small space
- Human take care and provide every things (food, shelter, water,
- Separated mother from offspring
- Selective breeding
- Use antibiotic to make animals grow faster
- Industrial animals increase every years

3. Organic VS Industrial
- Organic
- animals that were managed under continuous organic management
- comprised of agricultural products including pasture, forage, and
crops that are organically produced and handled organically
- maintain living conditions that accommodate natural behavior
and health of the animal

- Use their waste as fertilizer to grow their food and feed them
- Use herbs to treat animals (no antibiotics)
- If you do outside this rule, it isnt count as organic
- Industrial livestock production or intensive animal farming
- Hold large numbers of animal in a tight and limit space
- Animals needed to consume a lot of chemicals (which means we also
consume it indirectly)
- Improvements in production and quality were accompanied by lower labor

5. Types of animals business

- Beef and Dairy Cattle
- Exotic Livestock
- Poultry and Game Birds
- Sheep and Goats
- Pig, rabbit, earthworm, horses, bee
6. Resources usage and livestocks
- 40% of the worlds land surface is used to keep 7 billion of human beings fed.
- 30% of the worlds total ice-free surface is used not to grow grains, fruits and
veggies that are directly fed to us, but to support the livestocks that we
eventually eat.
- Livestock production used of the world fresh water.
- 1.3 billion tons of grains are consumed by farm animals each year
- The website critique the factory farming cruelty, because of the danger it poses
to public health through to over usage of antibiotics and pollutions it causes to
surrounding environment.
- Livestock were responsible for about 18% of human-caused greenhouse gases.

Effect from present livestock - intensive farming (ex. environment, economy, peoples
health, etc.)

Evolution (History of livestocks) / the way they treat animals (cruel)

Organic VS Industrial

Resources usage and livestocks


Related to economics

Sustainable livestock production:


8 May, 2017
- How present livestock production will affect the future economy and peoples lives?

Fai will narrow down the topic, think of any possible open-ended questions, and do a
research on industrial animal farming. On the other hand, Mind will find information about
organic livestock production, and random interesting facts about livestock.

Process Journal
Today we start the project by finding a topic, do informal research about organic vs
industrial livestock production, and questioned it. Question that we establish is How present
livestock production will affect the future economy and peoples lives? We divided the duty
into 2 parts, which are organic and industrial livestock production. Mind found that there are
rules for organic livestock production that producer need to follow. The producers need to use
the animals waste as fertilizer, use organic food to feed them, use herbs to treat them and let
them roam around in nature. In opposite side, theres an intensive animal farming. Fai found out
that is kind of a cruel ways to farm animals. They raise animals in small and tight space and
make they consume a lot of chemical. Which means, when we eat those animals, we also eat
those chemicals too.

We both barely finish the research in time, because we had too much discussion. Fai
successfully questioned our topic with a open-ended question and narrow down the topic. 10
minutes before the class end, Mind finally understand the overall topic and what we need to do
for this project. Mind found the information related to livestock before she understand the
project topic. So, Mind think that next time she should ask the teacher(and her buddy) before
doing the research to clear up her misunderstanding, and Fai should do the research and
summarise the information faster.

15 May, 2017

Our goal for today is to do an intensive reading from HTMLs that weve gathered
in the past lesson. Mind will look into the evolution of livestock farming, and Fai will
look closely about effects of the intensive farming.

Process Journal
During research, Mind found some information about the evolution of livestocks and the
ways that producer treat industrial animals. Mind discovered that human in the past didnt raise
animals for food, but they only hunt them when they need. However, everything had changed
now a day people start to make an industrial. They foster animals (domesticated) inside a small
space and protect them from diseases and predators, which make the animals becoming more
stress than wild animals that have free life. Moreover, Fai found that intensive farming have
much more pros than cons. Some of them are: It is the major cause of deforestation, because the
demand of the consumer is going up constantly, and the producer have to fill up that space.
Another disadvantage is the antibiotics that animals consumed end up undigested in that
wastes. Through this waste, the chemicals maybe release into waterways and ultimately
ingested by us, human.

This class, we both finish the research on time and succeeded to find all of the
information that weve planned before the class start. But, at the end of the class, we realized
that we forget to mention the most important thing in this project, we didnt really relate
livestock production with economics. So, next class we must find a point that can connect our
topic with the subject.

16 May, 2017
Find a link between livestock productions and economic, this might be how it impact
resources in our world. We didnt specified the duty because we ran out of topic idea.

Process Journal
Today, we mostly do the research after school hour, because we cannot concentrate in
class. Fai found even more of the disadvantages of industrial livestock farming. The first thing
that pop up in the webpage was 40% of the land is used to keep 7 billion of human beings fed
but the most surprising fact was 30% of the worlds ice-free surface is used not to grow grains,
fruits and veggies that are directly fed to use, but to support the livestocks that we eventually
eat. Moreover, intensive livestock farming keep animals tight space right? Because of that, they
have to use water to wash away waste and that used up to of the worlds fresh water. Mind
found that livestock had increased the countrys economic a lot, some countries like Africa
depend on livestocks to survive. From the study of the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, it said
that average of 22% income of the household came from livestock. Also, in Shetland, estimately
12% were agriculture that gave their crops to industrial animals.

Today, we have few problems. The first problem was, at the beginning of the class we didnt use
the right keyword to search for the information we want. The second problem was, we
somehow cannot focus today because of the stress from the activity in another subject. It made
us read and understand things slower. So, we agreed that we should do this after school. After
participating a stressful event we finally back to our usual selves and do the research three
times faster.

17 May, 2017
Our goal is to finish the research 30 minutes before the class end. Also, we helped each
other to rearrange and organize the information and planning our product format.

Process Journal
Mind read more inforamtion about the livestock and knew that cattles and pigs are the
largest livestocks of all animals. Also, Mind found a interesting fact that in the past chicks are
very rare and most of them found in South Asia. But, now the chickens spread all over the
world. Fai was trying to find more advantages for industrial livestock farming, but couldnt find
any except It create food stability. Any other advantages is for producer only, which means; it
was good for producers, but bad for consumers. For example, it use low cost to produce huge
numbers of livestocks, because of the cheap food they gave to animals, the consumers also eat it
indirectly. Near the end of the class, we went to see other groups information, because we
werent sure that our information is enough or not. Therefore, we talked about the product from
and we decided to make an infographic.

We both finished the research before 30 minutes. Mind only read more information to
make her clearly understanding in this topic. Also, Mind put the links in the same page to make
the document more organized and easy to find. Fai didnt really found any new information at
this point, so she just read and check all the information once again to make sure it was all

22 May, 2017
Our goal is to finish planning infographic layouts and start to put the information in.
Mind will summarize the information and organize them in sequences. Fai will design and
roughly plan format of the infographic.

Process Journal
Mind created a template and share with Fai. But, Canva dont let two people work at the
same time. So, Mind went to search for the pictures to put in the infographic. While, Fai designed
couple infographic layouts for Mind to choose. We did it inside Canva website. But, there
werent any beautiful pictures. Therefore, Mind suggested to draw the pictures instead. Also,
Mind finished summarize and organize the information.
After school, we once tried to record our voice as an additional product. But we couldnt
speak that clearly for others (even themselves) to understand the content. So, we cancelled the
voice recording plan and focus on infographic.

We both finished our goal. However, Mind feel like Canva is not the best website for
group work, because it doesnt let 2 people work at the same time. So, Mind told Fai that she
wont use this website for group work next time. If we use another website, the project might
finish faster and we will work easier. Fai thought that she used to much time just thinking about
the layouts, which is not the main thing we should do. She use the time wisely by do the works
according to its priority.

23 May, 2017
Mind will continue finding the pictures and Fai will continue to make the products.
Another goal is the infographic should be half way finish

Process Journal
Mind photoshopped and chose pictures that related to the topic and put it in Canva, and
Fai is the one who arrange it into infographic. However, after we realized that we forgot to think
about introduction for the webpage that our class manager make. Then, we take turns writing
introduction and working on the product. When one person is working in Canva, another person
will work on the introduction.

Mind thought it was so annoying when we cant work together in the same page. We
needed to tell each other, when Mind or Fai going to go in or when Mind or Fai going to leave the
Canva. Mind still have the same opinion on Canva that we shouldnt use this website. Fai still
worked very slow when it comes to infographics. We finish of the product so, we decided to
work after school again.

24 May, 2017
Mind needed to finish photoshop the pictures and put all the information in the
infographic. Fai needed to finish decorating and proofread the product.

Process Journal
In the class we took turns photoshopping and organizing our infographic. Fai mainly
decorating and arranging text and pictures. She always discuss it with mind before placing
pictures in the product, and this made she work slower than usual. Mind find pictures and put
the texts on the product. Also, Mind abbreviated the text. Therefore, there arent too many
information to read and had more pictures. We didnt finish the product in class and it only left
a bit. So, we decided to do after school in our dorm.

We feel very happy that we finally finish the product. The product came out better than
we thought, because we chose the color according to colour scheme. But, we had the problem
that the title was not very stand out. So, Fai changed colors and fonts many times. Mind didnt
help Fai a lot with the title. After finish, we plan that we will start our personal reflective essay
on Thursday or Friday.


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