Polymer Processing

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1 Processing for Properties

Han E. H. Meijer

Centre for Polymers and Composites (CPC), Eindhoven Polymer Laboratories,

Eindhoven University of Technology, Eindhoven, The Netherlands

List of Symbols and Abbreviations 4

1.1 Introduction 7
1.2 Modeling Aspects 9
1.2.1 Introduction 9
1.2.2 Injection Molding 10
1.2.3 Dimensional Stability 11
1.2.4 Density and Stress Distributions 12
1.2.5 Choice of the Constitutive Equation 17
1.2.6 Deformation History 21
1.2.7 Discussion 28
1.3 Structure Development During Flow 30
1.3.1 Introduction *. 30
1.3.2 Chaotic Distributive Mixing 33
1.3.3 Dispersive Mixing 36
1.3.4 Two-Zone Models 37
1.3.5 Phase Separation 40
1.3.6 Crystallization 45
1.3.7 Liquid Crystalline Polymers 47
1.3.8 Discussion 49
1.4 Reactive Processing 49
1.4.1 Introduction 49
1.4.2 Thermoplasts in Reactive Solvents 50
1.4.3 In Situ Characterization 52
1.4.4 Discussion 54
1.5 Processing for Ultimate Properties 55
1.5.1 Introduction 55
1.5.2 Ultimate Modulus and Strength 56
1.5.3 Ultimate Toughness 60
1.5.4 Discussion 64
1.6 Extruder Modeling 64
1.6.1 Introduction 64
1.6.2 Single Screws 65
1.6.3 Twin Screws 66
1.6.4 Discussion 68
1.7 Concluding Remarks 69
1.8 References 70
4 1 Processing for Properties

List of Symbols and Abbreviations

Ca capillary number
d membrane thickness
D diffusion constant
De Deborah number
Dlc critical thickness/interparticle distance
G gas
G' shear modulus
h mold thickness
H characteristic geometric dimension; channel depth
J flux
L liquid
Mc molecular weight between crosslinks
Me molecular weight between entanglement points
i first normal stress difference
P viscosity ratio, pressure
P permeability
R drop radius
S solubility
t time
T temperature
Tc crystallization temperature
td delay time
glass transition temperature
Tm melting temperature
Teff effective temperature
Tpol polymerization temperature
V process velocity
v piston velocity
x> y> z Cartesian coordinates
a selectivity or separation parameter
8 gap height
7 shear rate
dimensionless parameter in PTT model
viscosity of continuous phase
Vd viscosity of dispersed phase
X fluid relaxation time
dimensionless parameter in PTT model
p density
a stress
T shear stress
ABS acrylonitrile-butadiene-styrene
BA butvlmethacrvlate
List of Symbols and Abbreviations

BMC bulk molding compounds

B.R Berghmans point
CA cellulose acetate
CIPS chemically induced phase separation
CTM cavity transfer mixer
DIPS diffusion-induced phase separation
DR draw ratio
DSC differential scanning calorimetry
EtOH ethanol
FDM finite difference method
FEM finite element method
FIB flow-induced birefringence
GAIM gas-assisted injection molding
GMC glassfiber (mats) reinforced compounds
GPC gel permeation chromatography
HDPE high density polyethylene
HIPS high impact polystyrene
HPF high performance fibers
HPPE high performance polyethylene
IPN interpenetrating network
LDA laser Doppler anemometry
LDPE low density polyethylene
MD machine direction
MeOH methanol
MFI melt flow index
MMA methylmethacrylate
MMIM multi-material injection molding
NMP ^-methyl pyrrolidone
PAR polyarylate
PC polycarbonate
PEI polyetherimide
PES polyethersulfone
PETP poly(ethylene terephthalate)
PH polyhydroxyether
PIB polyisobutene
PMMA poly(methylmethacrylate)
PP polypropylene
PPE poly(phenylene-ether)
PS polystyrene
PSF polysulfone
PTT Phan-Thien Tanner
PUR polyurethane
REX reactive extrusion
RIM reaction injection molding
RMP reactor modified polymers
6 1 Processing for Properties

ROA rheo-optical analyzer

RRIM reinforced reaction injection molding
RTM resin transfer molding
SAXS small angle X-ray scattering
SBR styrene-butadiene rubber
SRIM structural reaction injection molding
S solid
St styrene
STP standard temperature and pressure
SUPG streamline upwind method
TCE trichloroethylene
TD transverse direction
TIPS temperature-induced phase separation
UHMWPE ultrahigh molecular weight polyethylene
WAXS wide angle X-ray scattering
1.1 Introduction

1.1 Introduction trol results partly from (a large number of)

experiments, yielding practical expertise,
Given their intrinsically anisotropic and partly from mathematical modeling
nature [with strong intramolecular covalent (Chap. 2 of this Volume).
bonds in the backbone, weak intermolecu- The trends in modeling nowadays are
lar interactions of secondary van der Waals such that attention is focused on the predic-
and/or hydrogen bonds, and the physical tion of product properties, given the mate-
network (entanglement) forces] polymers rial and production process selected, the
can be considered as the prime example of processing conditions, and the final product
materials where neither the chemical struc- design. Purely because of its great practical
ture nor the design solely determines the importance, the injection molding process
product's properties. As a consequence, in has been chosen as the, given its complex-
polymer technology the complete "chain of ity, not so much obvious, but certainly the
knowledge" is explored, from pure synthe- most relevant process to be modeled. Sub-
sis (organic chemistry), via catalysis, reac- stantial progress has been made in the last
tor technology (chemical engineering) and few years in predicting, e.g., the accuracy
polymer design or the development of new and dimensional stability, in the short and
polymeric systems (polymer chemistry and the long term, of injection molded products.
physics), to the final shaping process and Polymers are rarely used in their virgin
product design (mechanical engineering). form. Mostly additives are used, from sta-
In the processing of polymers, the topic of bilizers and antioxidants, color pigments,
this Volume, the whole, complex, deforma- and reinforcing agents, such as fillers and
tion-temperature history proves to be rele- fibers, to dispersed rubber inclusions in
vant and, as a consequence, this research order to obtain improved impact properties.
area is based on (relatively advanced) com- Mixing in the molten state is, consequently,
putational methods on the one hand and rhe- inherently part of polymer processing. The
ology on the other. resulting morphology strongly determines
Most important for polymers is their ease the final properties (Chaps. 3 and 12 of this
of processability via automated mass pro- Volume), and interfacial design proves to be
duction technologies. The prime example relevant for the final application (Chaps. 8
thereof is the injection molding process, and 15 of this Volume). Reactions often
where processability is exploited through occur during processing and the macromol-
freedom in .materials choice and product ecules forming the continuous phase, the
design. Apart from related processes, e.g., compatibilizers at the interfaces, or the dis-
(reinforced or structural) reactive molding, persed phase itself, are made in situ
transfer molding, and pressing, the contin- (Chaps. 6, 7, 8, and 9 of this Volume). Crys-
uous processing techniques e.g., profile tallizable polymers form heterogeneous
extrusion, film casting, film blowing, and structures upon crystallization and the
blow molding, find extensive applications. temperature-deformation history strongly
Processes like these have attracted a great influences the resulting microstructure
deal of attention, resulting in optimization (Chaps. 4 and 5 of this Volume).
processes with respect to controlled produc- While the mechanical (and thermal) prop-
tion and in the prediction of the influence of erties of polymeric materials, with modulus
process parameters on the consistency and values of typically 3 GPa and strength val-
quality of the production process. This con- ues of 0.05 GPa, are generally far inferior
8 1 Processing for Properties

to those of competitive structural materials, light-controlled in situ polymerization pro-

like metals and ceramics, processing tech- cesses combined with selective dissolution
niques have been developed to explore the methods (see Chap. 13 of this Volume). An
maximum theoretical values of polymers if area of great importance is that of the intrin-
they are loaded not by their weak secondary sic conductive polymers which, being con-
bonds, but by their strong covalent bonds. jugated, without exception can be regarded
Exceptional values for the modulus and as intractable from a processing point of
strength of 150 and 4 GPa are now realized view. However, new developments are also
and, given their low density, the specific val- promising here, and interesting results have
ues for polymers are by far superior to those already been obtained (Chap. 14 of this Vol-
of the more classical structural materials. A ume). Similar arguments hold for polymers
prerequisite for obtaining these rather spec- (and their processing techniques) that are
tacular mechanical properties is full align- being developed for their optical properties.
ment of the chains, in order to be able to load Apart from specific applications, e.g., the
the covalent bonds. The shape of the prod- development of graded index optical fibers,
uct is, necessarily, a fiber, and some of the the bulk properties are also investigated, and
properties are lost again if 2- or 3-dimen- by controlling the microstructure, optical
sional structures have to be made using clarity can sometimes be combined with
fiber-reinforced composites. Basically, two obtaining the intrinsic ultimate toughness of
different techniques are available to orient the polymers. For this purpose, specific pro-
the chains. The first starting with complete- cessing routes have been developed, based
ly stiff molecules that, consequently, have on systems where reactive diluents are used
to be spun from solutions to orient them in to help processability and where, after
a dry, wet, or air-gap spinning operation, and molding or shaping, the reactive solvents
second, a method based on flexible mole- are polymerized and thus converted into
cules that are stretched in the solid state nonsolvents. The concomitant phase separ-
(Chaps. 11 and 16 of this Volume). Thermo- ation is often accompanied by phase inver-
tropic polymers can be regarded as interme- sion, and yields specific morphologies that
diates between these extremes, and process- cannot be realized by more conventional
ability is introduced by generating flexibil- processing techniques (see Chap. 10 of this
ity in the molecular structure, either by alter- Volume).
nating stiff and flexible segments ("spac- In this introductory chapter, we will
ers") in the main chain or by adding flex- review some of these developments, focus-
ibility, or alternatively rigidity, to the poly- ing on how processing enhances the
mer side chains. These examples already product's properties. The content of this
reveal the great potential of polymers, given chapter more or less follows that of Vol. 18
the enormous flexibility in adjusting their of this Series. It starts with a summary of
basic structure, via chemistry, or alterna- what has been obtained to date with
tively by changing their morphology via advanced modeling (Sec. 1.2). Attention is
physical or chemo-physical processes such then given to structure development during
as (reactive) blending or by introducing flow. Apart from the classical fluid-fluid
orientation. mixing, the TIPS, DIPS (Sec. 1.3) and CIPS
For the group of functional polymers, (Sec. 1.4) processes (temperature, diffu-
special processing techniques have been sion, and chemically induced phase separa-
developed, e.g., spin-coating, and different tion processes, respectively) will be dealt
1.2 Modeling Aspects

with in somewhat more detail and some sant (1991), based on the 3D-material
remarks on crystallization during process- description in rheological textbooks by, e.g.,
ing are made. That processing can be used Lodge (1964), Ferry (1980), Astarita and
to attain the ultimate properties in terms Marrucci (1974), Schowalter (1978), Jane-
of stiffness and strength on the one hand schitz-Kriegl (1983), Crochet et al. (1984),
and toughness on the other is clearly illus- Tanner (1985), Doi and Edward (1986), Bird
trated (Sec. 1.5). Finally, a short review et al. (1987), Larson (1988), Joseph (1990),
on extruder modeling is given (Sec. 1.6) and Macosko (1994).
and some concluding remarks are made As a result, present research is no longer
(Sec. 1.7). so much aimed at the description of the pro-
cess under consideration, but merely at the
prediction of product properties resulting
from the total preparation (e.g., compound-
1.2 Modeling Aspects ing) and final shaping processes. In this
respect, textbooks publications lag behind
1.2.1 Introduction
and most of this work is published in theses
The recent development of powerful and and in the open literature, where the combi-
relatively cheap computer hardware, in the nation of advanced rheology and computa-
form of easily accessable workstations, tional methods in the analysis of polymer
which can eventually be combined via a processes is attempted. Interestingly, in
high capacity ethernet to form complex net- most cases the necessary assumptions made
works, has evoked an explosive develop- to enable careful analysis of the production
ment of user-friendly computer software. process are less severe than the uncertain-
The consequences of these developments in ties in the input data, specifically in the con-
the area of modeling polymer processes stitutive equations. This holds not only for
have been substantial. Classically, process- the (rheological) constitutive equation for
ing handbooks were mainly based on qual- the Cauchy stress tensor, which is the sub-
itative reasoning and the solution of, bas- ject of the rheological textbooks mentioned
cially one-dimensional, differential equa- earlier, but also for those for the density, the
tions, see, e.g., the textbooks of McKelvey (anisotropic) heat conduction, nucleation-
(1962), Middleman (1968, 1977), Tadmor induced crystallization, and the kinetics of
and Klein (1971), Bernhardt (1974), Zia- reactions and phase separation. In summary,
bicki (1976), Funt (1976), Janssen (1978), those equations that describe the structure
Tadmor and Gogos (1979), Fenner (1970, development in anisotropic, heterogeneous
1979), Potente (1981), Rauwendaal (1986), systems. As a consequence, a lot of basic
and Macosko (1989). Nowadays, the com- research is devoted to a detailed study of the
bination of 3D continuum mechanics and distinct processes that occur on a local scale.
computational mechanics in the analysis of Implementation of these, generally micro-
polymer processes is attempted, see, e.g., scopic, events in the macroscopic flow
the textbook on transport phenomena by equations is not a straightforward task.
Bird et al. (1960) and those on polymer pro- Local processes could influence the contin-
cessing by Petrie (1979), Pearson (1985), uum processes and vice versa. Generally,
Pearson and Richardson (1983), Tucker extra assumptions are needed, specifically
(1989), Thomson et al. (1989), Isayev on their possible mutual interactions. More-
(1987, 1990), White (1990 a, b), and Agas- over, polymer physics then becomes invol-
10 1 Processing for Properties

ved in the research area of polymer process- mal) complex flow, using the so-called
ing analysis and this not only makes the hybrid experimental numerical technique
research necessarily multi-disciplinary, but [see, e.g., Hendriks et al. (1990), Oomens et
also complicates the whole issue consider- al. (1993), Baaijens (1994c), and Baaijens
ably. This holds especially for the rheology etal. (1994, 1995)].
and the microrheology. Constitutive equa-
tions proposed for the description of poly-
1.2.2 Injection Molding
mer solutions and melts have been without
exception tested only in weak, rotational, As an example of what can be obtained
simple shear flows. It is known, however, nowadays, we will focus for a start on the
that their descriptions of a material's behav- prediction of the properties of injection
ior in strong, irrotational extension flows molded products. Given the relevance of
differ considerably (Walters, 1992; Hudson this process for daily practice, over the years
and Jones, 1993). Up to now, there has been a lot of attention has been paid by different
no real possibility of testing the materials in research groups all over the world to the
these flows, although many attempts to modeling of injection molding [and related
design new equipment for the analysis of processes such as RIM (reaction injection
stretching flows have recently been under- molding), RRIM or SRIM (reinforced or
taken. Examples include the Rheostrain, as structural RIM), RTM (Resin transfer mold-
developed by Vinogradov et al. (1970), ing), and pressing]. See, e.g., Hieber and
Franck and Meissner (1984), and Munstedt Shen (1980), Hieber et al. (1983), and Chi-
(1975, 1979); a revival of the Rheotens, as ang etal. (1991a, b), who developed C-
promoted by Wagner (1994,1996); the Rhe- flow; Boshouwers and van der Werf (1988),
ometrics extensional rheometer, as devel- who developed Inject-3; the CEMEF code
oped by Meissner (1969, 1971, 1992), originating from Agassant's group (see,
Meissner et al. (1981, 1982), Meissner and e.g., Chap. 2 of this Volume); Polyflow as
Hostettler (1992), and Li et al. (1990), all developed by Crochet's group [see, e.g.,
for polymer melts; while for polymer solu- Crochet and Legat (1992), Fan and Crochet
tions we find the opposed tube device, as (1995)], based on which the code Poly mold
developed by Keller et al. (1987), Fuller for injection molding was derived; Kenne-
etal. (1987), Mikkelsen et al. (1988), dy (1993) who developed Moldflow in its
Schunk et al. (1990), and Schunk and Scriv- new release; Dupret and Vanderschuren
en (1990), and the constant strain rate test (1988) and Couniot etal. (1993), who
device, as investigated by McKinley (1995) improved the Louvain-la-Neuve code; Pap-
and Van Nieuwkoop and Muller von Czer- athanasiou and Kamal (1993) and Nguyen
nicki (1997). Only the future can show and Kamal (1993), who developed their vis-
whether these new apparatuses will function coelastic code; and finally, the VIp code, as
properly. For the time being, in polymer pro- developed by our group, Sitters (1988),
cessing, where typically complex flows pre- Douven (1991), Vos etal. (1991), Peters
vail, which combine shear and elongational et al. (1994), Douven et al. (1995), Caspers
flow, researchers have to live with a multi- (1995), and Zoetelief (1995).
tude of constitutive equations, which should All modern modeling is based on the so-
be tested in real practice. Nevertheless, called 2.5D approach, originally developed
some attempts have been made to test rhe- at Cornell University by Hieber and Shen.
ological equations in (generally 2D, isother- In this approach the temperature and veloc-
1.2 Modeling Aspects 11

ity fields are solved in full 3D and the pres- every material element during flow, it
sure equation in 2D, applying the lubrifica- proved to be of utmost importance to follow
tion approximation (Hieber and Shen, 1980; every individual "particle" during process-
Hieber et al., 1983). A combined FEM/ ing. This particle tracking required the solu-
FDM (finite element/finite difference meth- tion of an extra equation, the equation of
od) is used, with the finite elements applied conservation of identity. This is a pure con-
in the midplane of the cavity and the finite vection equation which is extremely diffi-
differences added at every nodal point in the cult to solve accurately, and the results were
perpendicular direction. This elegant meth- experimentally checked by using tracers in
od combines the flexibility of the finite ele- the form of multicolors. In this way, multi-
ments necessary to describe complex prod- material injection molding, where different
ucts, with the high resolution required in the materials are sequentially or simultaneous-
off-plane direction, given the large gra- ly injected into the mold, could also be ana-
dients in temperature and velocity that are lyzed (Vos et al., 1991; Peters et al., 1994).
present here, without yielding unrealistic Moreover, product properties, e.g., accura-
and thus unworkable computing times. Typ- cy and dimensional stability (Sec. 1.2.3),
ically the influence of the process parame- prove to depend on the total density distri-
ters was obtained from these analyses. bution on the one hand and the flow, tem-
Examples include the prediction of the posi- perature, and pressure-induced frozen-in
tion of the flow front, thus predicting air stresses on the other (Sec. 1.2.4). The first
inclusions and yielding opportunities to requires a temperature and time history
optimize the position and number of the dependent constitutive equation for the den-
gates. Furthermore, the pressure and veloc- sity, e.g., the KAHR model (Kovacs et al.,
ity field resulted, thus allowing for an eval- 1979), while the latter requires the temper-
uation of the machine size and clamping ature, time, and deformation history depen-
force to be used. Finally the temperature dent constitutive equation for the stress ten-
profiles were computed, thus yielding pre- sor (Sec. 1.2.6). Different viscoelastic con-
dictions for possible local hot spots, and stitutive equations, of both the integral and
more importantly, the cooling time and thus differential type, were used. The problem is
the process cycle time. These analyses could as mentioned, to find the correct material
even be performed for products that have parameters for these equations (Sec. 1.2.5).
relatively complex shapes. Nevertheless, the first results look promis-
Accordingly, different groups developed ing. This can be illustrated by the compari-
similar codes, adding, for example, the pos- son of predicted experimentally determined
sibility to analyze reactive molding, to pro- values for different relevant quantities,
cess crystallizable materials, to predict fiber using a simple strip only.
orientation, to simulate gas injection, etc.
(Hayes, 1991; Liang et al., 1993; Saiuet al.,
1.2.3 Dimensional Stability
1992; Cintra and Tucker, 1994; Turng and
Wang, 1991; Turng et al., 1993). The VIp In Fig. 1-1 the change with time of three
code was developed as an extension of the important dimensions of this elementary
above research in the direction of the pre- strip are shown, yielding its dimensional
diction of product properties. Since these (in)stability. The comparison of theory and
properties generally depend on the complete experiment is amazing especially if it is real-
thermo-mechanical deformation history of ized that these changes in dimension depend
12 1 Processing for Properties




.E -0.01

-0.03 - 10T

-0.04 41
-0.05 Geometry of the test strip, with P3 and P4
the position of two pressure transducers
10 10 10 10'
time [s]
Figure 1-1. Measured (symbols) and predicted (lines) strain due to recovery of the length (x, - ) , and width at
75 (O, -) and 110 (+, -) mm from the gate. Storage temperature 343 K (Caspers, 1995).

on the combined action of a multitude of determined values. Simulation with the

parameters, e.g., the density distribution and code revealed that this is due to inaccuracy
the frozen-in thermal (and pressure-indu- in the data for the density, which controls
ced) stresses, which yield short-time warp- the whole process in the post-filling stage
age, and the frozen-in flow-induced stress- where the discrepancy occurs, and not so
es, which represent the molecular orienta- much to problems with the rheological con-
tion and determine the long term stability. stitutive equation, wrong values for the ther-
The only manipulation that has been applied mal boundary conditions, or the influence
to the above calculations is that the storage of mold elasticity.
temperature was taken as 4 C higher (74 C)
than in the experiments (70 C). The calcu-
1.2.4 Density and Stress Distributions
lated results proved to be extremely depen-
dent on this temperature, shifting the time Changes in density upon cooling directly
axis by one decade for a change of only 4 C. affect the short term dimensions of the
Figure 1-2 shows the predicted and mea- molded product and give rise to shrinkage.
sured pressure profiles with time, at three Apart from long term effects, like physical
different locations on the strip. As usual, the ageing (the slow but continuous tendency of
pressure at the gate is taken as the initial con- a material to increase its density by better
dition. The predictions further downstream segmental packing), these changes in den-
differ markedly from the experimentally sity can cause anisotropic shrinkage, given
1.2 Modeling Aspects 13


Figure 1-2. Measured (symbols) and predicted (lines) pressure distribution as a function of time, at the gate (x),
at P3 (O), and at P4 (+); for their position see Fig. 1-1 (Caspers, 1995).

the 3D density profiles that result from the in the case of asymmetric cooling. The
molding process. In Figs. 1-3 and 1-4, the development of temperature (and pressure)
density distributions throughout the product induced enthalpic stresses during molding
are given for several processing conditions. is illustrated in Fig. 1-5. Typically for injec-
The comparison between experimental val- tion molding, as compared to pressureless
ues and predictions is clearly only qualita- shaping processes (e.g., during the cooling
tive. More attention should be paid to the of metals and glasses), where similar fro-
experimental determination of the parame- zen-in stresses develop due to inhomogene-
ters in the constitutive equation for the den- ous cooling, is the occurrence of tensile
sity. This is not straightforward, task, given stresses on the outside of the product. These
the severe conditions, with respect to high stresses were first computed (see Fig. 1-5)
pressures combined with extreme tempera- using linearized forms of the different vis-
ture gradients and fast cooling rates, that coelastic constitutive equations (which is
occur in injection molding [see, e.g., Picca- allowed, given the small deformations in
rolo (1992), Piccarolo et al. (1992), and this stress build up) and subsequently
Brucatoetal. (1993)]. experimentally determined (see Fig. 1-6).
The second influence on short-term The last is difficult, since by whatever tech-
changes in the dimensions of a product is nique is used to determine the thermal
caused by the occurrence of thermal stress- stresses (e.g., birefringence, or, more gen-
es. They also cause warpage of the product erally applicable, layer removal), it is
14 1 Processing for Properties

2 _
s/ X
o \\
1.5 X X
& x x ^ ^ ; x
/ o
o X
1 x x x X x /
Q> / \
o /
O o o /
[kg/nf ]

o o o o o
0?i + +

-0.5 +
G '
+ + +
+ + +
-1 + + + +

-1.5 - -


-2.5 i i i I I 1 I

-0.8 -0.6 -0.4 -0.2 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1

2z/h M

Figure 1-3. Measured (symbols) and predicted (lines) reduced density distributions across the normalized thick-
ness at 8 (x), 28 (O), and 107 (+) mm from the gate (Caspers, 1995).

always extremely difficult to measure accu- ingly good, given the problems mentioned
rately close to the walls. In Fig. 1-6 the com- above.
parison is made and found to be satisfacto- The flow-induced stresses can be calcu-
ry. lated to a good approximation in a decou-
Finally, the most difficult to determine pled way, and thus eventually in a post-pro-
stresses are the frozen-in flow-induced cessing operation, with the kinematics of the
stresses, since they depend directly on the process and the temperature history used as
quality of the constitutive equation used, input data for the calculation of the stress-
combined with an accurate temperature his- es, using a viscoelastic constitutive equation
tory prediction. Moreover, uncertainties (Baaijens and Douven, 1990; Baaijens,
arise given the still unsolved problems that 1991; Douven et al., 1995). The kinematics
can occur while passing the glass transition can, in their turn, be calculated with a his-
region [see, e.g., Wimberger Friedl (1991)]. tory-independent, generalized Newtonian
They give rise to the anisotropic shrinkage rheological constitutive equation. This pos-
found in the long term, especially if the sibility, which is based on the overruling
product is stored at relatively high temper- effect of the boundary and the initial condi-
atures (see Fig. 1-1). The development of tions on the kinematics of the flow, which
these orientational entropic stresses during are given in terms of prescribed velocities
the process is depicted in Fig. 1-7, while a rather than prescribed stresses, speeds up
quantitative comparison is made in Fig. the calculations of these stresses consider-
1-8. The quality of the prediction is strik- ably (with a reduction of the computation
1.2 Modeling Aspects 15

1 ox

o o o




-2.5 _l !_
-1 -0.8 -0.6 -0.4 -0.2 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8
2z/h [-]

-1 -0.8 -0.6 -0.4 -0.2 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1

Figure 1-4. As Fig. 1-3, for two different holding pressure profiles (a) decreasing from 80MPa to 20MPa for a
holding time of 10s, and (b) increasing from 20 to 80 MPa (Caspers, 1995).
16 1 Processing for Properties



5.7s /=8.7s

Figure 1-5. Development with time, during injection, holding, and cooling of the temperature and pressure
induced stress profiles (O"n) over the thickness and length of the injected strip (Baaijens, 1991).
1.2 Modeling Aspects 17

- : visco-elastic
--: viscous elastic
o : measured

Figure 1-6. Measured

(symbols) and predicted
[viscoelastic (), viscous-
elastic (-)] residual stress
profiles over the thickness
of the strip (Zoetelief et al.,
-10 1996).
-0.8 -0.6 -0.4 -0.2 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8

time of 90%). Similar decoupled calcula- (Tas, 1994). Here, an amazing number of
tion methods are applied for the determina- film properties, e.g., the modulus, yield
tion of fiber orientation in these kind of stress, tensile strength, elongation to break,
flows (Cintra and Tucker, 1994). and tear resistance, could be related to the
stress acting on the frost line, see Figs. 1-9
and 1-10.
1.2.5 Choice of the Constitutive Equation
In calculating the stress at the frost line,
A major problem encountered in the cal- not only does the flow inside the die have to
culation of flow-induced stresses is the be incorporated, but also a correct choice of
proper choice of the viscoelastic, history the constitutive equation proved to be of
dependent, rheological constitutive equa- utmost importance. A Phan-Thien Tanner
tion. In the above results, the compressible (PTT) type model gave much better results
Leonov model was used. If we fit the rheo- then the KBKZ type model (see Fig. 1-11).
logical data with a KBKZ type of integral This is not so much to do with the difference
model, more specifically with a Wagner between the integral or the differential con-
model, then the predictions of these stress- stitutive equations, although the numerical
es differ from the experimental by some- analysts generally prefer the latter, but rath-
thing like 100%. This can be reduced to a er with the difference in their description of
difference of 20 % if a slight change in the the nonlinear behavior, especially in elon-
nonlinear damping function, which hardly gational flows.
changes the quality of the fit of the rheolog- These facts have motivated a number of
ical data in shear, is incorporated (Baaijens research groups to use more complex flows
andDouven, 1990; Baaijens, 1991; Douven to determine the parameters in constitutive
et al., 1995). Similar arguments were found equations, via the use of field information
in the modeling of the film blowing process rather than boundary information [see, e.g.,
18 1 Processing for Properties

'end of filling stage, t = 0.67 s f = 3.21s

end of compression stage f = 4.7s

N1 (MPa)
Gate freeze-off



End of filling

0.5 1 1.5

Figure 1-7. Development with time, during injection, holding, and cooling of flow-induced stress profiles (first
normal stress difference iV,) over the thickness and length of the injection-molded strip. The bottom right figure
gives the Nx history at x = 8 mm, at a distance of 0.35 mm from the midplane, indicating its growth during injec-
tion (et, X(T)i), the fast decay due to relaxation after the flow stopped, and the steep rise when Tg is approached
(si, A(r)T) upon further cooling of the product, with e the deformation rate and X(T), the temperature-depen-
dent relaxation time. For an explanation see Sec. 1.5.2 (Baaijens, 1991).
1.2 Modeling Aspects 19


Figure 1-8. Measured

(symbols) and predicted
(lines) residual birefrin-
gence across half the
thickness at 25 (x), 41
mm from the gate (Cas-
pers, 1995).
0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1

E modulus MD

Figure 1-9. Film mod-

ulus in machine direction
(MD) and transverse
direction (TD) versus (a)
the macroscopic draw
ratio (VJ/VQ) and (b) the
stress acting at the frost
line, for three types of
low density polyethylene
(LDPE) of different melt
flow index (MFI): L0 (o),
LI (x), (both MFI 1), and
L8 (+) (MFI 8) (Tas,
0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8
Stress MD [MPa]
1 Processing for Properties


Figure 1-10. As Fig. 1-9, but for

the yield stress, the tensile strength
in the machine (MD) and the
transverse (TD) directions, the
elongation to break, and the tear
resistance (Tas, 1994).
10 20 30 0.2 0.4 0.6
DR[-1 Stress MD [MPa]
1.2 Modeling Aspects 21

x10 PTT Giesekus


4 6 8 10
Stress MD, exp. [MPa] Stress MD, exp. [MPa]
x 10 x 10

x10 Leonov Wagner


4 6 8 4 6
Stress MD, exp. [MPa] Stress MD, exp. [MPa]
x10 x10
Figure 1-11. Calculated versus measured stress at the frost line, using four different constitutive equations (Tas,

Brown and McKinley (1994), Baaijens tin (1989), Guenette and Fortin (1995), and
(1994c), and Baaijens et al. (1994, 1995). Baaijens (1994 a, b)]. In these types of
The most promising method nowadays flows, the Deborah number is defined as
seems to be the combined LDA (laser Dop- De = VH/X, with V a characteristic process
pler anemometry) and FIB [flow-induced velocity, Ha. characteristic geometry dimen-
birefringence, measured with the ROA sion and X the fluid relaxation time. The
(rheo-optical analyzer)] measurements that Deborah number is used as the relevant scal-
determine the kinematics and the stresses ing parameter.
[applying the (empirical) stress optical law]
in the flow. Typical flows used are the pla-
1.2.6 Deformation History
nar 4:1 or higher (up to 32:1) contraction
flows, and the flow around a centric or The last examples clearly show that once
eccentric cylinder placed in a rectangular the geometry becomes somewhat more
duct. Typical examples of model predictions complex, such that the stresses start to deter-
compared with experimental results are in mine the kinematics, the choice of constit-
Figs. 1-12 to 1-15 using the discontinuous utive equation used to determine those kin-
Galerkin method [see, e.g., Fortin and For- ematics becomes relevant. It should be real-
22 1 Processing for Properties

De = 0.55 De = 0.77

-10 -8

Figure 1-12. Contraction flow (4:1) data: comparison of the measured (symbols) and predicted (lines: PTT-a
model) normal stress profile at the center line for a polymer solution, for two different values of the Deborah
number (De): (a) 0.55, (b) 0.77 (Baaijens, 1993).

ized that the prediction of the deformation methods (SUPG) (Brook and Hughes,
pattern is a rather sensitive criterion for the 1982), the time discontinuous Galerkin least
quality of our modeling, since deformation squares methods, and the discontinuous
patterns consist of the integral with time of Galerkin methods (Johnson, 1987). The rel-
the velocity profile. Classical rheological evance of solving this equation properly
techniques without exception use the veloc- originates from the consideration that all
ity profile, differentiated in the direction of convection-dominated problems show the
the largest gradients, and subsequently inte- same numerical difficulties, i.e., for exam-
grated in the direction of the smallest gra- ple, high Reynolds number flows in hydro-
dients, if any, by measuring the stresses via dynamics, high Peclet number flows in non-
torques or pressure drops. As already stat- isothermal situations, high Deborah number
ed, the deformation history of the material flows (if viscoelasticity dominates), and
elements is, moreover, of utmost relevance high Dahmkoller number flows in reactive
for predicting product properties that molding and extrusion.
depend on the total temperature-deforma- If the deformation history has to be pre-
tion-time history. Thus, computationally, dicted with sufficient accuracy in injection
special particle-tracking routines have been molding, or if MMIM (multi-material injec-
developed to solve the equation of conser- tion molding), or GAIM (gas-assisted injec-
vation of identity equal to zero, | = 0, with tion molding) have to be analyzed, or if RIM
the dot the material derivative and being (reaction injection molding) is the topic of
typically the place and time of entering the research, in all cases it proves to be wise to
mold if we deal with injection molding. This start the research with simplified geome-
pure convection equation suffers from tries. At CPC Eindhoven, the plunger-driv-
numerical diffusion and dispersion. That is en flow was chosen as a representative
why different strategies have been devel- geometry, given its characteristic of well-
oped to solve it, e.g., the streamline upwind defined initial conditions, while maintain-
Velocity Velocity

Normal stress difference Normal stress difference



Figure 1-13. Measured (symbols) and predicted (lines: 4-mode PTT-a model with <*= e=0.1) velocity (top), first normal stress (middle), and shear
stress (bottom) profiles for the flow of a polymer solution (5 % PIB/C14) around a (a) centric and (b) eccentric cylinder, De= 1.87 (Baaijens, 1994c). CO
24 1 Processing for Properties

Figure 1-14. Measured (top) and predicted (bottom) birefringence patterns for the flow of an LDPE melt at
190C around (a) a centric and (b) an eccentric cylinder, PTT-a (=0.1 =0.1), De = 4A (Baaijens et al., 1995).

V. Jtt
Figure 1-15. (a) Measured deformation pattern of a start-up flow around a cylinder for a PS melt at 175 C,
De = 24, predicted using a (b) Carreau Yasuda or a (c) PTT-a model (with =0.1 and =0.35) (Selen, 1995).

ing some difficulties encountered in mold- ing and where the standard 2.5 D programs
ing processes via the presence of its foun- show local difficulties. Since the pressure
tain flow at the top and reversed fountain equation is not solved in the direction
flow at the bottom plunger (Vos et al., 1991; perpendicular to the streamlines (see
Spoelstra, 1992; Corbey, 1992; Peters et al., Sec. 1.2.2), the flow-splitting cannot be
1994; Zoetelief, 1995). Some results com- described. Mostly, the properties of the in-
paring experimental and computed defor- flowing material are simply copied to both
mation patterns are given in Figs. 1-16 to 1- exits. This is physically wrong, since the
21. wrong materials' elements flow in the
Finally, an example is given of a splitting wrong places. As a consequence, all histo-
flow, as currently occurs in injection mold- ry dependent parameters, and even the con-
1.2 Modeling Aspects 25

3 Experimental

*&.. -*;."

--.*.,-, * . . .

0 mm 10 mm 20 mm 30 mm 40

b Calculated

0 mm 10 mm 20 mm 30 mm 40 mm

Figure 1-16. Measured (top) and predicted (bottom; only the results in half of the geometry are drawn) defor-
mation patterns at the midplane of the cylinder for a polystyrene (PS) melt in the two-plunger flow geometry at
473 K. The parameter is the total axial plunger displacement (Zoetelief, 1995).
26 1 Processing for Properties

ABS (T=473 K)


0 mm 10 vim 20 mm 30 mm 40 mm

Calculated with 'dynamic' yield stress value

Calculated with 'static' yield stress value

Figure 1-17. As in Fig. 1-16, but for acrylonitrile-butadiene-styrene copolymer (ABS) with (a) experimental,
(b) calculations with a "dynamic" and (c) a "static" value for the yield stress (Zoetelief, 1995).
1.2 Modeling Aspects 27

a PS (variation of T and vp) b ABS (variation of T and vp)

Experimental Experimental

443 473 503 K 43.2 mmls 443 K 473 K 503 K 43.2 mmls

Calculated Calculated

443K 473 K 503 K 43.2 mmls 443 K 473 K 503/< 43.2 mmls

Figure 1-18. Influence of temperature (at piston speed of 1 mm/s) and piston velocity (at a temperature of 473 K)
on the deformation pattern for (a) PS and (b) ABS; the remarkable difference in behavior of the two polymers
(both measured and predicted) is due to the differences in the temperature dependence of the Newtonian plateau,
i.e., the shear thinning transition, versus that of the yield stress (Zoetelief, 1995).

vected temperature, are wrongly predicted. realized by taking the through flow of air
This problem becomes specifically obvious into account. The air in the mold is quasi-
if particle tracking is investigated. A solu- stationary flowing and is, at time t-tx, at
tion is obtained by adapting local analyses the entrance replaced by a polymer melt.
(see Fig. 1-22), or alternatively, by using the The method tracks the air-polymer inter-
same particle tracking technique to follow face. The polymer is assumed to stick at the
flow fronts. This last, flexible method is eas- walls while, at the interface between the
ily extendable to full 3 D molding analyses mold and the air, a slip condition is adopt-
and basically replaces the transient filling ed in order to allow for a replacement of air
problem by a quasi-stationary one. This is by polymer melt and to prevent the presence
28 1 Processing for Properties

PS/ABS (T=473 K)




0 mm 10 mm 20 mm 30 mm 40 mm



Figure 1-19. As in Fig.

ABS 1-16, with PS layers placed
on top of the ABS (Zoete-
lief, 1995).
0 mm 10 mm 20 mm 30 mm 40 mm

of (extremely thin) air layers at these boun- rial should be injected into the mold (see
daries (Reijnierse, 1995). This method is Fig. 1-24).
also capable of analyzing the GAIM (gas-
assisted injection molding) process by
1.2.7 Discussion
tracking the second (polymer-gas) inter-
face, injected at t-t2 as well (Haagh, 1996) Using the injection molding process (and
(see Fig. 1-23). partly the film blowing process) as an exam-
Finally, the inverse problem is men- ple, it has been illustrated that in the last
tioned. If, in a specific product, another decade progress has been made in predicting
material should be incorporated locally via polymer product properties that result from
co-injection techniques, the inverse prob- the complex temperature and deformation
lem can illustrate where and when this mate- history experienced during processing.
1.2 Modeling Aspects 29

ABS/PS (T=473 K)




0 mm 10 mm 20 mm 30 mm 40 mm



Figure 1-20. As in Fig.

PS 1-16, with ABS layers on
top of the PS (Zoetelief,
0 mm 10 mm 20 mm 30 mm 40 mm

Today attention is focused on the solution of occur in injection molding, put less con-
the full 3 D problem, using higher order straints on the validity of the predictions than
(spectral) elements. The reason is that in the uncertainties in the (material) input data.
most applications where a careful, detailed Consequently, a lot of effort is nowadays
analysis is a prerequisite for faster product devoted to accurately measuring the constit-
development, as in components for the elec- utive behavior of polymers. The advantage
tronic industry, the 2.5 D approach is no of this "back-to-basis" approach is evident,
longer valid, since generally not one "thin" since it is more straightforward to relate the
direction can be recognized. Interestingly, molecular structure of polymers to, e.g., their
the assumptions necessary to be able to rheology than all the way to the product's
model transient, nonisothermal, viscoelastic properties. In the next section the heteroge-
flows in complex geometries like those that neity of polymer systems is reviewed.
30 1 Processing for Properties





Figure 1-21. As in
Fig. 1-16, but for a reac-
tive, highly filled epoxy
120 with different delay times,
td, before movement of
the plunger starts, and dif-
ferent wall temperatures;
the stars * indicate the
occurrence of wall slip
due to progressive curing
80 90 100 110 115 120 130 (Spoelstra, 1992).

1.3 Structure Development ing], and TIPS, DIPS, or CIPS processes

During Flow (thermally, diffusion, and chemically
induced phase separation, respectively), to
MMIM (multi-material injection molding).
1.3.1 Introduction
Without exception the properties of the final
Blending offers a versatile technique to product are determined by the resulting
create new materials with specific, well- morphology, and this is why the structure
tuned properties. Many different techniques development during flow is studied. For the
are applied to combine the properties of the most simple case of mixing of two fluids,
individual constituents in the final polymer two dimensionless numbers can be defined
mixture, from RMP (reactor modified poly- that characterize the mixing behavior: the
mers), via REX (reactive) extrusion blend- capillary number Ca, which represents the


a. (wrong) injection time label b, (wrong) gapwise injection position label

1 0 CO
0.8 CO


-.8 D

- ing f r low

d. (correct) gapwise injection position label

c. (correct) injection time labei

Figure 1-22. Correctly predicted (c) and erroneous (a) injection time and wrong (b) and correct (d) gapwise injection position label distributions after a
flow splitting in injection molding (Zoetelief, 1995).
32 1 Processing for Properties

Figure 1-23. Simulation of the transient GAIM pro-

cess at different stages of injection in (a) a cylindrical
channel and (b) a planar flow around a corner. Injec-
tion time (material) labels and the air (light
blue)-polymer and polymer-gas (dark blue) interfac-
es are depicted, while in the flow around the corner
(bl) these interfaces are drawn explicitly (b2), com-
bined with the resulting velocity field throughout the
different phases (b3) (Haagh, 1996).


1 v


1 o-



5~H b2

Figure 1-24. Solution of the inverse problem. Fig-
ure l-24b illustrates where and when a second mate-
rial has to be injected in the linegate in order to fill a
specific area in the final product (see Fig. 1-24 a)
(Zoetelief, 1995).
1.3 Structure Development During Flow 33

ratio of the shear stress applied (T= 7]cy) to 1.3.2 Chaotic Distributive Mixing
the capillary pressure (o/R), and the viscos-
ity ratio p Based on the elegant approach developed
by Ottino and co-workers [see, e.g., Ottino
Ca = ^ (1-1) (1989, 1990, 1991)] to study the basics of
mixing in simplified geometries, the impor-
(1-2) tance of applying the bakers transformation,
rid even in continuous flows, has become evi-
with r]c and r\d the viscosities of the contin- dent. This transformation consists of three
uous and the dispersed phase, respectively, elementary steps: stretching, folding, and
7 the shear rate, R the local dispersed drop returning to the original position, and gener-
radius, and crthe interfacial tension. ates exponential rather than linear mixing if
In general, at in the beginning of the mix- repeated in (typically) time or spatially peri-
ing process, the drop radius is large and the odic flows. No better procedure exists and,
effect of interfacial tension is by far over- without counteracting forces like the inter-
ruled by the shear stress applied. The drops facial stresses, nanodimensions are easily
deform affinely with the matrix, provided reached within a, e.g., 20-fold, repetition of
that the viscosity ratio is not too large if only this procedure. All well-designed static mix-
simple shear is available [see Janssen ers (e.g., the Sulzer, Ross, Multiflux, and
(1993), Meijer and Janssen (1994), and Kenics mixers) apply the bakers transforma-
Chap. 3 of this Volume for further details]. tion and they can, consequently, be consid-
As a consequence, only simple mixing ered as the most efficient mixers, at least for
should be analyzed in these regions of the pure distributive mixing. In our laboratory,
flow, and the focus should be on obtaining apart from the rectangular cavity, the peri-
exponential rather than linear stretching of odic curved cavity flow is analyzed as an
the dispersed phase (Sec. 1.3.2). If the cap- intermediate step towards more realistic
illary number approaches the value of one, geometries as found in single and twin screw
by a continuous decrease in the radius of the extruders. At the moment, the cavity is only
deformed long slender threads which are slightly curved and the attention is focused
formed, Rayleigh distortions grow and the on particle tracking with the conservation of
threads disintegrate into lines of drops mass of the dispersed blob, the influence of
(Sec. 1.3.3). In a real mixing process, a its initial position, and the protocol followed
quasi-stationary situation will result where in the movements of the two opposed walls.
drop break up and drop coalescence equili- In these studies of (almost) 2D isothermal
brate, and simple models have been derived prototype mixing flows, the left and right
for liquid-solid and liquid-liquid disper- wall are kept stationary, while the upper and
sions in elementary geometries (Sec. 1.3.4). lower walls are sequentially moved in a
Of course blending is only one of the tech- clockwise direction at a moderately low
niques that can be used; other processes do speed over a fixed distance. A period is
exist (Sec. 1.3.5). Finally, even in the seem- defined as one loop in the protocol: if both
ingly most obvious case of a one-component the upper wall and the lower wall have been
fluid, structure development during flow sequentially moved once. Periodic points
can occur if the liquid-solid transition is are points that return to their initial position
met, e.g., in crystallizable polymers (Sec. after one (order one) or more (order two,
1.3.6). etc.) periods. "Hyperbolic" points favor
34 1 Processing for Properties

mixing, since in their neighborhood effi-

cient stretching occurs due to the presence
of hyperbolic streamlines, while the accom-
panying "elliptical" points form islands and
are thus to be avoided. Of course, "parabol-
ic" periodic points also exist, e.g., when an
extra obstacle is added to the flow. Period-
ic points are the key to understanding expo-
nential, chaotic mixing. In both experiments
and simulations, a tracer blob is positioned
around one of these periodic points and its
deformation with time is followed. More
details of the experimental set-up and
results can be found in Chap. 3 of this Vol-
ume. Interestingly, analytical solutions are
available for these kinds of flows (even if
an extra rotor is added in the midplane),
based on a large number (typically 30) of
intermediate steps to accelerate conver-
gence of the series expansions. In the final
result, only three terms of the expansions Figure 1-25. Results of modeling the periodic flow
have to be taken into account to obtain accu- in a curved cavity. The initial position of the blob,
rate results (Meleshko et al., 1991; Melesh- around a hyperbolic point of order one (), is indicat-
ed in green. The resulting deformed drop is given by
ko and Peters, 1996). Figure 1-25 shows a
the threads (red, partly covered by the blue line) after
typical line stretch obtained in this period- six and (blue) 12 periods. The bottom figure gives an
ic flow, if the original blob is located at a enlargement showing not only the extremely good
hyperbolic point of order one. Fig. 1-26 resolution obtained from these analytical solutions,
illustrates the effects of different initial blob but also some higher order periodic points (order 6),
positions and wall movement protocols. indicated with small squares, of the hyperbolic (filled
squares) and elliptic (open squares) type (Krasnopols-
Important in following the blob deforma- kayaetal., 1996, 1997).
tion is the necessity to nonuniformly distrib-
ute the points on the circumference of the 1-29, where all periodic points are shown,
original blob that are to be traced with time. combined with the different line stretching
The reason for this is obvious: during fold- of blobs placed at these points.
ing and stretching, two neighboring points Different measures for mixing can be
can, ultimately, be separated infinitely far defined: the statistical square density, the
from each other. This is the definition of intensity of segregation, and the entropy
(deterministic) chaos. An iterative proce- (Krasnopolskaya et al., 1996, 1997). They
dure is adopted which adds extra initial yield different results when applied to the
points between two points that tend to sep- periodic flow in the curved cavity. More
arate too far. The necessity of this is illus- importantly, they implicitly demonstrate the
trated in Fig. 1-27. problems of scale-up in mixing operations,
Also periodic points of higher order than since the absolute grid size chosen for the
one prove to be relevant for efficient mix- evaluation of the mixing quality clearly
ing. This is illustrated in Figs. 1-28 and determines the outcome (see Fig. 1-30).
1.3 Structure Development During Flow 35

; . $ !

Figure 1-27. Influence of the distribution of the trac-

er points on the original blob circumference, (a) Non-
uniform distribution of 50000 points, (b) nonconnect-
ed, and (c) connected originally uniformly distribut-
ed, after 12 periods (Krasnopolskaya et al., 1996,

Figure 1-26. Influence of different wall motion pro-

tocols and initial blob positions on the final stretch- 2.5
ing. In Fig. 1-26 a a different protocol (half of the wall
displacement of Fig. 1-25) and a different initial posi-
tion (around an elliptical point of order one) were used
(results are shown after 20 periods, yielding the same
total wall displacement, and consequently the same
"money for mixing", as in Fig. 1-25). Figures l-26b
(original blob in a hyperbolic point of order one),
l-26c (central), and l-26d (four blobs with the same
total size as the big blob, arbitrarily placed) illustrate
the influence of the blob position (all results after 10
periods) (Krasnopolskaya et al., 1996, 1997).

-1.5 -1
Figure 1-28. Higher order periodic points in the curved
cavity flow. Order 1 (), order 2 (o), order 4 (+), and
order 6 () (Krasnopolskaya et al., 1996, 1997).
36 1 Processing for Properties

Thus periodicity is sought exclusively and

attempts are made to identify periodic
points. This is not a straightforward task. A
further extension of this knowledge is
sought in the coupling of the overall flow
behavior to the local microprocesses that
occur, for example, during emulsifying
(Tjahjadi and Ottino, 1991; Tjahjadi et al.,
1992, 1994; Janssen, 1993; Janssen et al.,
1993; Meijer and Janssen, 1994; Janssen
andMeijer, 1995).

1.3.3 Dispersive Mixing

As stated above, exponential mixing con-
tinuously decreases the length scale of the
dispersed phase in the direction perpendic-
ular to the flow, and once the radius of the
threads formed are of the order of 1 \m, typ-
ical for polymer blends, the interfacial ten-
sion becomes dominant and Rayleigh dis-
tortions grow with (as a driving force) the
decrease in the surface-to-volume ratio.
Threads disintegrate into lines of drops.
This process was studied in the mid 1930s
by Tomotika (1935, 1936), both in a quies-
cent surrounding and during flow. The lat-
ter proves to stabilize the threads, thus
retarding disintegration and yielding small-
Figure 1-29. Resulting dimensionless line stretch S er drops. His analyses were later extended
after n periods of identical protocols of blobs with by, e.g., Stone et al. (1986), Stone and Leal
initial size 0=5 mm positioned close to a hyperbolic (1989 a, b, 1990, 1994), Tjahjadi and Otti-
H(o) or elliptical E(o) periodic point of order (o). Fig- no (1991), Tjahjadi et al. (1992, 1994),
ure 1-29 a: w = 9, E(2) surrounded by H(6), 5=1800.
Figure l-29b: n = 9.5, E(2), 5=1800. Figure 1-29c:
Janssen (1993), and Janssen and Meijer
n=10, H(2), 5=1700. Figure 1-29d: w=12.5, H(l), (1995), clearly showing that the effects of
5 = 5600 (Krasnopolskaya et al., 1996, 1997). both the viscosity ratio p and the absolute
values of the viscosities of both phases are
completely different from the conclusions
Since the prerequisites for efficient mix- based on quasi-equilibrium experiments
ing are now well understood, at least in ele- such as the classical experiments performed
mentary geometries, attempts are nowadays by Taylor (1932, 1934) and Grace (1982).
made to analyze real 3D mixers (including Details can be found in Chap. 3 of this Vol-
those that are frequently used in the process ume. Here only an illustration is given that
industry, e.g., stirred tanks, etc.) via flow break-up processes take time (see Fig.
simulations using these basic concepts. 1-31).
1.3 Structure Development During Flow 37

Distributions after 12 periods Distributions after 12 periods

Figure 1-30. Distribution of different mixing measures after 12 periods of mixing: square density (top), inten-
sity of segregation (middle), and entropy (bottom) for two grid sizes. The large grid size (left column) is repre-
sentative for a typical small scale laboratory mixer, while comparably the small grid size (right column) repre-
sents a larger production mixer. During scale up in the practice of mixing, the absolute sizes of the mixed domains
should stay constant and longer mixing is necessary in the larger mixers (Krasnopolskaya et al., 1996, 1997).

1.3.4 Two-Zone Models ure these thinning rates (see, e.g.,

Dell'Aversanaet al., 1996), even for partial-
In a real process, apart from dispersive ly mobile interfaces where the viscosity of
mixing, the coalescence of drops also the dispersed phase plays a dominant role
occurs, so coarsening the morphology (Chesters 1975, 1988, 1991; Chesters and
again. Coalescence takes place in the quies- Hofman, 1982; Abid, 1993; Abid and Ches-
cent zones of the mixer, and a successful ters, 1994). Based on the original work of
process depends on the collision frequency Manas-Zloczower et al. (1982, 1984), who
(determined by the volume fraction of the derived a simplified two-zone model for the
dispersed phase and the shear rate) and the dispersive mixing of carbon black (see
thinning rate of the continuous matrix phase Fig. 1-32), Janssen and Meijer (1995) suc-
in between the drops (which strongly ceeded in deriving an analogous model for
depends on the mobility of the interfaces, liquid-liquid mixing. In these types of
which in its turn is influenced by the pres- dynamical models, two typical zones are put
ence of compatibilizers). Successful mod- in series: a strong zone, representing (typi-
els have been proposed to predict and meas- cally) the passage of a narrow kneading
38 1 Processing for Properties

Figure 1-31. (a) Different morphologies as obtained in blends of the incompatible system HDPE/PS. The dif-
ference between (b) the threads and (c) the drops is a small increase in the air gap between the extruder die and
the quench bath, giving time for break up (Elemans, 1989).

flight in an extruder or batch mixer, and a these combine all the elementary steps of
weak zone, representing the bulk of the vol- the mixing process and yield not only a
ume of the mixer. The fluid is pumped dynamic equilibrium of the distinct process-
around from one zone to the other, given the es, the dispersive action of deformation and
overall mixing time available. Models like break-up, and the coarsening action of
1.3 Structure Development During Flow 39

1 i

affine stretching thread breakup at rest Figure 1-32. Schematic diagram

thread breakup in flow drop coalescence of the two-zone model for mixers
(Janssen and Meijer, 1995).

1.0 10" 5

0.6 \
6 0.4

0.2 \

0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1
1 2 3 4 5 6 6IH
Gap height (mm)
Figure 1-33. Optimum gap size in dispersive mixing Figure 1-34. Optimum gap size in fluid-fluid mix-
of carbon black in styrene-butadiene rubber (SBR) ing (Janssen and Meijer, 1995).
and low density polyethylene (LDPE). The explana-
tion of the differences between the matrix materials is mixing of carbon black to that of emulsify-
found in the differences in the viscosity. The high vis- ing flows. The reason for this is that in the
cosity of the rubber causes almost all agglomerates to
break, even if the gap height is large (and thus the
dispersive mixing of solids break-up is a
shear rate is relatively low) (Manas-Zloczower, 1994). simple yes-no criterion, depending on
whether the shear stress overrules the cohe-
sive stresses and is, moreover, independent
coalescence, but also provide tools to opti- of the absolute size of the agglomerates
mize the mixing geometry. A basic design (Manas-Zloczower et al., 1982, 1984;
parameter of any mixer is the ratio of the Manas-Zloczower (1994) gives a detailed
gap height to the channel depth 8IH. If this treatment of the prediction of these cohesive
ratio tends to zero, a very strong zone exists, forces via a fractal analysis) and no coales-
but hardly any material will pass through cence takes place, where with fluid-fluid
this zone, yielding zero throughput in the mixing the distinct local time scales play a
available mixing time. If, on the other hand, decisive role, while the capillary pressure
this ratio tends to one, no strong zone exists clearly depends on the local drop (and
at all. A clear optimum is found (see Figs. thread) radius; moreover, severe coarsening
1-33 and 1-34). can occur. Nevertheless, these basic
Apparently, it took more than a decade to approaches clearly demonstrate the quality
extend the elegant approach of dispersive of today's predictive power in mixing.
40 1 Processing for Properties

1.3.5 Phase Separation tion processes (L-L, G-G, or L-G), includ-

ing their driving forces, are depicted in
In membrane formation, gel applications,
Table 1-1.
and recently also in reactive molding or
Membranes can be symmetric or asym-
reactive extrusion, structures are formed via
metric with different pore sizes (typically
phase separation. Phase diagrams based on
0.2-5 |Lim) or dense. In asymmetric mem-
thermodynamics are the key to understand-
branes the skin takes care of the selectivity,
ing these processes. The attention in mod-
while the supporting porous underlayer pro-
eling is now focused on understanding the
vides a high yield. Microfiltration, ultrafil-
kinematics of the process, since mostly non-
tration, and reverse osmosis are all pressure-
equilibrium morphologies are vitrified. A
driven processes where liquids are separat-
schematic representation of different mem-
ed (Mulder, 1991; Kesting, 1985 a, b).
brane morphologies is given in Fig. 1-35
Microfiltration is used when relatively large
[after Mulder (1991)], while some separa-
particles (>100nm) have to be separated;
these membranes usually have an open
Table 1-1. Separation processes of liquid-liquid,
structure, and only low pressure drops are
gas-gas, or liquid-gas separation and their driving required. When macromolecules need to be
forces. separated from a solution, denser mem-
Process Separation Driving force3
branes are used, accompanied by a larger
pressure drop requirement. The process is
Microfiltration L-L Ap now called ultrafiltration. For even smaller
Ultrafiltration L-L Ap
molecules reverse osmosis is used, with a
Reverse osmosis L-L Ap
Gas separation G-G Ap very dense membrane and high pressure
Prevaporation L-G Ap drops [10-100 bar (10 6 -10 7 N m"2)].
Thermo-osmosis L-L AT/Ap When gas molecules need to be separated,
Membrane-distillation L-L AT/Ap
Dialysis L-L Ac the mechanism used is not sieving. Instead
Electrodialysis L-L AE a so-called solution-diffusion mechanism
a takes place (Graham, 1866). The solubility
Ap=pressure, Ac = concentration, AE=electric field,
and AT= temperature. is determined by the membrane material and


cylindrical pores cylindrical pores

porous porous with dense toplayer

Figure 1-35. Schematic representa-

tion of different membrane morpholo-
gies (Berghmans, 1995).
dense (homogeneous) Composite
1.3 Structure Development During Flow 41

the molecule to be dissolved. At the per- Table 1-2. Ideal selectivities and permeabilities
meate side of the membrane, the chemical towards oxygen and nitrogen for some typical mem-
brane materials.
potential of the molecules is lower, causing
diffusional mass transport as long as a gra- Membrane a
dient exists. The permeability of a mem- material (Barrers5) (Barrers)
brane is the product of the solubility S and PPE 15.5 3.1 5.0
the diffusion constant D (von Wobreski, PA 1.7 0.33 5.1
1879) PC 1.5 0.27 5.6
PSF 1.2 0.20 6.0
PEI 0.4 0.05 7.6
P = DxS (1-3) PH 0.1 0.015 6.7
Since both the solubility and the diffusion a
For abbreviations, see text; Barrer=10~ lo cm 3
constant are material parameters, the perme- 2
(STP)-cm/crn -s-cm-Hg, data from Kesting and
ability of a membrane is a fundamental Fritzsche (1993) and from Smid et al. (1991).
property, independent of the thickness of the
membrane (Koros and Fleming, 1993). The
flux J can be expressed as the permeability Table 1-3. As Table 1-2, but now towards heli-
P multiplied by the pressure gradient Apld, um/methane and carbon dioxide/methane.
with d the thickness of the membrane
Membrane material He/CH4 CO2/CH4
Ap PPE 20.8 15.6
d PA 35 18.8
PC 51 23.6
The ideal separation of these membranes PSF 52 23.4
can be expressed with the separation param- PES 80 28.0
eter, or the selectivity, a AB , for a pair of PEI 264 37.4
PH 132 21.2
components A and B, and is defined as

rubbery polymers, but this can be compen-
In principle this selectivity is a fundamen- sated for by reducing the thickness of the
tal property, so it has a fixed value. In prac- skin. Table 1-2 gives an overview of their
tice, the selectivity is usually lower and selectivities and permeabilities towards
determined by measuring the flow rate of oxygen and nitrogen, indicating that the
both gases and taking their ratio. Polymers selectivity increases when the permeability
used for membranes can be rubbery as well decreases, while Table 1-3 indicates the
as glassy. Typical membrane materials selectivity differences for different gases to
include silicone rubber, polysulfone (PSF) be separated.
and polyethersulfone (PES), polycarbonate In order to reach a high yield combined
(PC), polyetherimide (PEI), polyarylate with maximum selectivity, asymmetric
(PAR), polyhydroxyether (PH), polypheny- membranes are used, made via a phase sep-
lene-ether (PPE), and cellulose derivatives aration process for which different tech-
such as cellulose acetate (CA), cellulosetri- niques are available. If a crystallizable poly-
acetate, and ethylcellulose. For gas separa- mer is dissolved in a solvent, liquid-solid
tion membranes glassy polymers are used, (L-S) phase separation can occur. Other-
because of their higher selectivity. Their wise, liquid-liquid (L-L) phase separation
permeabilities are lower than for the more can generally take place, where the solution
42 1 Processing for Properties


Figure 1-36. Schematic representation of the TIPS

and DIPS processes (T, temperature; P, polymer;
S, solvent; NS, nonsolvent (Berghmans, 1995).

separates into two liquids. These phase sep-

arations can be induced by either changing
the temperature (TIPS) or changing the con-
centration (DIPS) (see Fig. 1-36).
solvent non-solvent
In order to freeze in the morphology
induced by phase separation, solidification Figure 1-37. (a) TIPS: mechanism of phase separa-
tion by lowering the temperature (B.P. is the Bergh-
of the polymer has to be realized. This is mans point); (b): DIPS: phase separation by changing
usually obtained by passing the glass tran- the composition, exchanging solvent for nonsolvent
sition temperature of the polymer, although (Berghmans, 1995).
crystallization itself can also be used (L-L
followed by L-S). The use of TIPS in mak-
ing membranes is only recent and mostly is depicted in the ternary phase diagrams of
DIPS, as originally introduced by Loeb and Fig. 1-38.
Sourirajan (1962), is applied. In this pro- As an example we will use the continuous
cess, no temperature change is required to spinning of hollow porous asymmetric fibers
induce phase separation. Instead, a change of poly(phenylene-ether) (PPE), used for
in concentration is induced by exchanging oxygen/nitrogen gas separation. Although
solvent for nonsolvent. Of course the sol- PPE is known as an amorphous polymer, it
vent and the nonsolvent have to be mutual- can crystallize from solution. Interestingly,
ly soluble. The formation of the structure the crystallization line and the liquid-liquid
with both processes is schematically shown demixing line almost coincide, see Fig.
in Fig. 1-37. 1-39, which shows the phase behavior of PPE
Vitrification, either by crystallization or using cyclohexanol as a solvent. In this case
by passing the glass transition temperature L-S and L-L demixing mutually interfere.
1.3 Structure Development During Flow 43

crystallization (5C/min)
o melting (10C/min)
a glass transition
cloud point

solvent non-solvent


Tg - line
0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0

b 300

solvent non-solvent

Figure 1-38. Ternary phase diagrams where interfer-

ences with liquid-liquid demixing are possible: (a)
crystallization and (b) glass transition (Berghmans,

This is indirectly made use of in spinning

asymmetric hollow fiber membranes.
Initially, a homogeneous polymer solution 0.0

is prepared of PPE-TCE (trichloroethy-

lene), to which some nonsolvent (EtOH, Figure 1-39. Temperature-concentration diagram of
2-ethyl-l-hexanol) is added in order to start PPE in cyclohexanol, (a) as measured and (b) sche-
at a position closer to the binodal demixing matically. W2 is the weight fraction of PPE (Bergh-
line. This situation is enhanced by the eva- mans, 1995).
poration of some solvent in the air gap,
yielding gradients over the thickness of the bath, the solvent is replaced by nonsolvent
fiber that are even more enlarged by the (MeOH, methanol), i.e., the DIPS process,
introduction of temperature gradients due to combined with efficient cooling, yielding
slight cooling in the same air gap (mostly fast vitrification, and eventually a closed,
TIPS, consequently). In the coagulation thin skin. From the inside, the hollow fiber
44 1 Processing for Properties

is fed with a solvent/nonsolvent mixture to instabilities on the surface and possesses a

allow only DIPS here, resulting in an open, kind of fractal structure (see Fig. 1-41).
porous structure. The process was success- In this section, it was illustrated how spe-
fully developed by KRITNO and Aquilo cific structures can be obtained in the pro-
[see Smid et al. (1991)]. Theoretical cessing of polymers if phase separation and
approaches have been developed for TIPS early vitrification are used as a way to create
and DIPS processes [see Cheng (1993), the desired morphologies. In Sec. 1-4 of this
Cheng et al. (1994), and Berghmans introductory chapter, and in Chap. 10 of this
(1995)]. In Berghmanns's thesis, some nice Volume, the focus will be on the chemical-
illustrations can be found using the more ly induced phase separation process, CIPS,
accessible system poly(ethersulfone)M- where phase separation is chemically
methyl-pyrolidine (PES/NMP) with water induced by polymerizing the (reactive) sol-
as a nonsolvent, illustrating funny shaped vent after molding. Upon polymerization,
interiors of the fibers (see Fig. 1-40), and the solvent converts into a nonsolvent, thus
more seriously, a closer study of unwanted introducing phase separation, and in most
macrovoid formation, which grows from cases, phase inversion. Finally, the solvent

Figure 1-40. Different cross sections of PES fibers made using different compositions of the internal bore liq-
uid causing DIPS on the inside (Berghmans, 1995).
1.3 Structure Development During Flow 45

from completely rubbery to glassy by start-

ing with aliphatic or aromatic epoxies as the
reactive solvent.

1.3.6 Crystallization
As already mentioned in the introduction
to this section (Sec. 1.3.1), even in one-
phase systems morphology development
during flow can be important for the final
properties, provided that we deal with crys-
tallizable polymers. Two chapters (Chaps. 4
and 5, respectively) of this Volume, are
devoted to the modeling of shear-induced
crystallization, so in this introductory chap-
ter only some examples will be given.
As in the determination of proper constit-
utive equations for the time- and tempera-
ture-dependent nonequilibrium density and
the history dependent viscoelastic stresses,
also in crystallization the problem is not so
much a mathematical one, but much more
an experimental one. In differential scan-
ning calorimetry (DSC), the crystallization
25 (am kinetics can in principle be measured. How-
ever, upon shear, drastic changes of orders
of magnitude can occur, caused by shear-
induced nucleation. Important in this
respect is the fact that the high end tail of
the molecular weight distribution will be
oriented in flow the easiest. It is this tail that
Figure 1-41. Visualization of the formation of mac-
rovoids in PES placed in between two glass plates, and can hardly be measured using conventional
at different times after being surrounded by nonsol- characterization equipment, e.g., gel per-
vent (Berghmans, 1995). meation chromatography (GPC). These
flow-induced nuclei not only accelerate the
crystallization process tremendously, but
becomes, as a second, dispersed phase, an also cause anisotropy by directing the crys-
integral and often even structural compo- tal growth direction. As a particular exam-
nent of the final product. This method ple, it was shown by Bevis and co-workers
proves to have great potential for creating at Brunei University (Allan and Bevis,
unique materials, on the one hand by pre- 1992; Bevis, 1994) that by using a special
cise control of the size of the dispersed phase injection molding technique, the so-called
(from 1 |nm down to 20 nm) via the preven- multi-live-feed system which keeps mildly
tion of coalescence, and on the other hand shearing the melt during solidification (thus
by turning the final properties of this phase only orienting those molecules that have a
46 1 Processing for Properties

long relaxation time; i.e., the high molecu- and plate geometry, were molten at a high
lar weight tails which are close to the crys- enough temperature, usually 260 C, long
tallization temperature), a more than 90% enough to erase the crystal memory but for
shish-kebab morphology could be realized insufficient time to obtain excessive degra-
through the whole thickness of the product. dation. Subsequently the sample and the
Originally, the technique was developed to measuring chamber were brought to a lower
eliminate weld lines. Later it was used to temperature, usually 138 C, and a dynam-
control the (eventually multiaxial) orienta- ic test was started. The temperature for
tion over the thickness by shearing in dif- (slight) supercooling was chosen as such
ferent directions at different stages of the that it took a long time before any notice-
cooling process. Most interesting is that this able effect of the proceeding crystallization
technique allows, for the first time, the con- occurred in both the increasing dynamic
trol of whatever happens in the mold, inde- modulus and the decreasing loss angle. Sec-
pendent from the product design and the ondly, the samples were pre-sheared at the
position of the filling gates (the sprues), high temperature and the same procedure
since the influence of the flow during mold was repeated; the results are plotted in
filling is clearly overruled by the flow Fig. 1-42.
applied during solidification. The influence of the nucleation-induced
As a second example some recent data are crystallization is clear. Using different shear
presented, as obtained in our laboratory for histories, it could be established that the
isothermal crystallization experiments with total shear proves to be the determining fac-
slightly supercooled polypropylene (PP) tor, although a higher shear rate results in a
melts using a standard Rheometrics device high shear time. Of concern is that different
(RDSII) (Vleeshouwers and Meijer, 1996). grades of PP, with different molecular
The following procedure was adopted: PP weight (distributions), revealed completely
samples, placed between the standard cone different behavior (see Fig. 1-43).

10 7
: shearing times (s)
lOO/' /50 38
! 2 0 0 / / / /
no shearing

10 i 4 L /

Figure 1-42. Isothermal

10 3 crystallization experiments
in a Rheometrics RDSII for
a PP melt with different
10 2
pre-shear histories, 5 s~! at
260 C (tan 8 is the loss
10 1 angle and G'the dynamic
. .
modulus) (Vleeshouwers
10 i i i i i i i and Meijer, 1996).
2500 500C
time (s)
1.3 Structure Development During Flow 47

- I KJ tt

106 I G1

105 /PP3

To "
o t
10 3

10 2
tan 6

i i I

0 1OOO 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000 7000 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000 7000
time (s) time (s)

Figure 1-43. As Fig. 1-42, for three different PP grades: a high molecular weight (PPl) a low molecular weight
(PP2), and a broad molecular weight distribution (PP3), in between the other two. The conditions were: (a) with-
out shearing before quenching to 138C, (b) after pre-shearing at 200 C and 5 s"1 for 100 s, (c) without pre-
shearing before quenching to 140 C, and (d) after pre-shearing under the same conditions as (b) with subsequent
quenching to 140 C (Vleeshouwers and Meijer, 1996).

These aspects are relevant for all polymer More research is apparently needed in this
processes where crystallization occurs after area.
pronounced shearing, and the different
behavior of different grades of, e.g., PP and
1.3.7 Liquid Crystalline Polymers
PE in fiber spinning, film blowing, and
injection molding, could possibly be Of all polymers, the liquid crystalline
explained based on these properties. Tuning polymers show the most pronounced struc-
of the molecular weight distribution still ture development during flow. Lyotropic
proves to be a powerful tool in designing systems are used in high performance fiber
optimum grades for these (bulk) processes, processes (see Chap. 11 of this Volume),
especially now the new metallocene catalyst while thermotropic systems are generally
systems, which enable previously impos- extruded and, in particular, injection mold-
sible fine-tuning, are increasingly used. ed. Numerous papers have been published
48 1 Processing for Properties

on the resulting layer structure in molded mer matrix, such that the rods act as a rein-
products. It is far beyond the scope of this forcing component. Although a mixture of
introductory chapter to review all these rigid rod and flexible coil polymers on a
developments. It could even easily be stat- molecular scale is entropically unfavorable
ed that most of the structure development (Flory, 1953,1969) and self alignment of the
can be considered as an unwanted effect, rods via phase separation will occur, there
yielding delamination problems. More are ways to prevent macroscopic phase sep-
restrictive still, however, is the price of liq- aration between the two types of polymer.
uid crystalline polymers, and after a boom Firstly, a chemical bond between the two
of attention in the late 1980s and early polymers in terms of block and graft copol-
1990s, industrial interest seems to have ymers results in a phase separation limited
stopped completely, apart from some niche to nanoscopic dimensions (Dang and Evers,
markets, in particular the electronics indus- 1991; Dotrong et al., 1992; Arnold et al.,
try, which requires properties such as 1989, 1990). These types of polymer assure
dimensional stability at high temperatures, an efficient translation of the stress applied
solvent resistance, etc., and of course the between the reinforcing element and the
fiber world. Scientifically interesting matrix material. Besides this, other chemi-
results on the structure development of liq- cal variations lead to molecular composites
uid crystalline polymers have been obtained such as the homogeneous blending of two
on the theoretical side by Doi (1981), Mar- flexible polymers where one can be trans-
rucci and Greco (1993), and Marrucci and ferred at elevated temperatures into a stiff
Maffetone (1993), and experimentally by chain configuration [so-called in situ gener-
the group of Mewis and Moldenaers in Leu- ation of molecular composites (Arnold
ven [see, e.g., Moldenaers et al. (1989, et al., 1989, 1990)]. Here a phase separation
1993), Yanase et al. (1991), Grizaud et al. cannot occur and the stiff chain macromol-
(1993), and Maffetone et al. (1994)], and in ecules are somewhat "trapped" in the flex-
Bristol by Fischer et al. (1996). ible matrix. Finally, the use of low molecu-
Also worthwhile mentioning are the lar weight stiff compounds with Y-shapes
many attempts that have been made in the and star shapes (multipodes) may increase
direction of blending stiff molecules with the compatibility due to the small molecu-
flexible ones, mainly aimed at lowering the lar weight of the multipodes. They might act
price of the resulting systems and reducing in the same way as reinforcement on a
the processing and delamination problems. molecular scale (Braun et al., 1993). Most
Interesting morphologies were obtained by important is the fact that such a reinforce-
uniaxially stretching macroscopic blends in ment is reported to act in all three dimen-
a spinning device [see, e.g., Crevecoeur and sions. Other investigations on polymers
Groeninckx (1990 a, b, c, 1991), and Crev- with similar structural elements show syn-
ecoeur (1991)]. The mechanical properties ergistic effects in blends with PETP (Hin-
of these systems, however, never exceeded richsen and Rotting, 1993). However, the
the Halpin-Tsai type rule of mixtures, and processing of blends of unmodified rigid rod
the limitation to fiber-shaped products pre- and flexible chain polymers can also lead to
vented their widespread application. polymer composites with stiff reinforcing
More interesting in view of the perspec- elements on a nanoscopic scale. For that
tive properties is a dispersion of single rigid purpose, processing via dissolving both
rod macromolecules in a flexible coil poly- polymers in a common solvent is required.
1.4 Reactive Processing 49

The critical concentration above which still a lot of research is necessary in this area
phase separation will occur even in solution, to really be able to predict the performance
is limited to about 4 - 5 % polymer (Flory, of polymeric systems, as obtained via pro-
1953, 1969). Rapid coagulation of such cessing, depending on the properties of the
solutions leads to the composites described constituent phases. In the next section, reac-
above with mechanical properties according tive processing is briefly reviewed.
to the Halpin-Tsai equation, and with aspect
ratios of the reinforcing elements of above
100 (Takayanagi et al., 1980; Helminiak
et al., 1983; Kummerlowe and Kammer,
1.4 Reactive Processing
1.4.1 Introduction
The synthesis of stiff chain polymers in
solutions of flexible chain polymers, or a Reactive processing is traditionally
shear-induced homogenization of demixed exploited in molding processes such as
solutions, can shift the value of the critical (R)RIM, (S)RIM (reinforced and structural
concentration to about 8% polymer in the reaction injection molding) and RTM (resin
solution (Berger et al., 1993). Phase separ- transfer molding), also in BMCs (bulk
ation may even be completely suppressed if molding compounds) that are injection or
specific interactions between the two poly- compression molded, and in composite pro-
mer types (ionic interactions, acid-base cesses like GMC [glassfiber (mats) rein-
interactions) exist. This has not only been forced compounds]. They are applied in pre-
predicted theoretically (Eisenbach et al., pregs and in monomer-wetted, continuous
1995; Noolandi and Shi, 1996), but it has roving processes, e.g., pultrusion and fila-
also been experimentally explored by ment winding. Finally, hand lay-up process-
Eisenbach et al. (1995) and Harra and Chen es exist which involve a lot of labour and
(1996). The resulting blends are on a molec- where, eventually, hot presses or autoclaves
ular scale but, more important they are trans- are used to cure the product. Another
parent and melt-processable. The reported extremely important area is that of coatings
mechanical properties for these composite and paints. Usually epoxies, unsaturated
materials exceed the theoretically predicted polyesters, and polyurethanes (PUR) are
values. used, although specialities like caprolactam
(anionically polymerized) also find applica-
tions. Handbooks that summarize the state-
1.3.8 Discussion of-the-art of the modeling of these process-
In this section, it has been demonstrated es are available, see, e.g., Macosko (1989),
that structure development during flow is of Isayev (1987), and Tucker (1989). Chapter
utmost important for the processing of poly- 9 of this Volume deals with (R)RIM process-
mer systems. The main reason is that almost es, especially of the most important class of
without exception polymers are combined materials: the PURs in RIM processes,
with other polymers, reinforcing agents, sta- while Chap. 7 of this Volume treats the fun-
bilizers, antioxidants, etc., to make them damentals of network formation. Today
really suited for their final task. Apart from reactive extrusion has also gained a lot of
the case of reactor-modified polymers, pro- attention, mainly because of the versatility
cessing plays a decisive role. It is clear that, of the continuous compounding technique.
despite the progress made in recent years, Since extruders can in principle be defined
50 1 Processing for Properties

as intensively stirred, self-transporting mix- vent, and becomes, after the concurrent
ers with a small volume (thus expensive) phase separation and phase inversion, an
and an improved heat exchange possibility integral and often structural part of the final
relative to stirred vessels, which is, howev- product. Interestingly, specific morpholo-
er, still limited, especially if highly viscous gies, in terms of the size of the dispersed
systems are used; hence severe limitations (previous solvent) phase formed or the posi-
exist in practice with respect to the number tion and thickness of the in situ formed inter-
of possible reactive systems that can be layers if polymerization occurs in the pres-
explored successfully. The requirement of ence of a polar surface, can be obtained
total conversion puts an even more severe which can otherwise be extremely difficult
constraint on the choice of system to be to realize. Moreover, the flexibility of the
used. Chapter 6 of this Volume gives a choice of the reactive solvent creates tune-
detailed review on reactive extrusion, while able mechanical (and if requested, other)
Chap. 8 of this Volume focuses on the reac- properties for these phases, varying from
tion at interfaces in polymer blends. In this glassy, with a Tg of typically 200 C, to com-
section the CIPS (chemically induced phase pletely rubbery, with a Tg far blow room
separation) process will be briefly intro- temperature. Of course a disadvantage of
duced, in addition to the TIPS and DIPS pro- the technique is that a polymerization step
cesses dealt with the previous section must occur after the shaping process. Com-
(Sec. 1.3), while more details can be found pared to more standard reactive processing
in Chap. 10 of this Volume. techniques, however, clear advantages exist
with respect to the absence of the need for
100% conversion, the occurrence of early
1.4.2 Thermoplasts in Reactive Solvents vitrification (yielding a fast demolding pos-
The use of reactive solvents offers an sibility) produced by the reaction-induced
interesting and flexible route to extend to phase inversion, and the fact that the con-
processing characteristics of thermoplastic tinuous thermoplast phase ultimately deter-
polymers beyond their existing limits. This mines the main product properties, includ-
holds for both intractable and tractable poly- ing the possibility of second stage deform-
mers. The first mainly applies for amor- ability and reprocessability.
phous, high Tg polymers, where processing In order to meet the ever-increasing
is usually limited due to the high tempera- demands put on polymeric materials in new
tures required, which are close to their dete- applications, polymer chemists continue to
rioration temperature, and where the solvent synthesize new polymers that can often be
helps to reduce the processing temperature regarded as intractable from a processing
considerably. The second mainly holds for point of view. This is the case for the group
semi-crystalline polymers, and the attention of high temperature polymers developed for
here is focused on obtaining low viscosities structural applications, where a high glass
in order to be able to apply alternative pro- transition temperature is required, and for
cessing routes, e.g., pouring or casting, for polymers designed for those applications
those polymers that are generally easy to where a high molecular weight is necessary
process by more conventional techniques for mechanical reasons. Basically, the main
such as injection molding or extrusion. In advantage of polymers over the more tradi-
both cases the solvent is polymerized after tional materials, which is their easy process-
molding, thus converting it into a nonsol- ability, is often lost and either compromis-
1.4 Reactive Processing 51

es are accepted, e.g., by introducing flex- possess a stable enough morphology to sur-
ibility to the polymer backbone, thus low- vive the subsequent shaping step. The easi-
ering the Tg or by blending with more flex- ly recognized alternative of using reactive
ible polymers, e.g., in PPE-PS blends processing techniques, as mentioned in Sec.
(Noryl from General Electric Plastics), or 1.4.1, seemingly solves the problem, since
expensive post-machining is used, e.g., in monomers are generally present during pro-
products made from ultrahigh molecular cessing and they are converted into poly-
weight polyethylene (UHMWPE) pressed mers only after their final shaping operation.
and fused plates; alternatively processing Disadvantages and limitations exist, how-
aids like volatile solvents are applied, e.g., ever. Apart from the introduction of chem-
in spin coating or solution spinning, for istry to the end-user, which does not auto-
example, of the same UHMWPE used to matically guarantee the best control during
produce high performance fibers. This last polymerization, there is a need for almost
solution is restricted to products with a high complete conversion, since the product's
surface-to-volume ratio, usually fibers and properties are directly and exclusively
films, and violates the air quality regula- determined by the chemistry, and only at the
tions, thus necessitating the need for com- end of the polymerization are the final
plete solvent recovery. Moreover, the final mechanical properties obtained.
product is only a (often relatively small) part A possible solution to some of the prob-
of the main stream in the production pro- lems mentioned is to make use of reactive
cess, which almost exclusively consists of solvents. Basically the idea is to sell the sol-
closed loop evaporation and condensation vent with and within the product after hav-
operations for the solvent. All these prob- ing made it harmless by applying a polymer-
lems make the products of such a process ization step. During processing, the solvent
necessarily expensive but, more important- either causes a strong reduction in the pro-
ly, they limit the use of these attractive poly- cessing temperature (which is important for
mers in many possible new applications. the intractable high temperature polymers)
Basically it could be stated that the major or it decreases the viscosity of the polymer
part of recent polymer development, as such that standard (for intractable high
occurs in most of the large research labora- molecular weight polymers) or alternative
tories of the main polymer producers all (for tractable polymers) processing tech-
over the world, and sometimes in the labor- niques, where a low viscosity is a prerequi-
atories of important and big enough end- site, come within reach. After shaping, the
users, can be summarized as being a contin- solvent is converted into a nonsolvent
uous compromise to the stated necessity of induced by the first polymerization steps.
introducing a low enough viscosity as Phase separation results, generally accom-
required for easy processing while main- panied by phase inversion, which happens to
taining the most important mechanical occur anyway if the volume fraction of the
properties of the product: stiffness, strength, polymer exceeds about 10%. A dispersed
and especially, work-to-break (impact phase results, locking the original solvent
strength). The molecular weight (distribu- inside the thermoplastic matrix material that
tion) of the pure polymers is finely tuned forms the continuous phase. A schematic
and/or blending/compounding with differ- impression of this is depicted in Fig. 1-44.
ent polymers is practised to obtain princi- In Chap. 10 of this Volume, several
pally heterogeneous materials that should systems which can be regarded as primary
52 1 Processing for Properties

mers. In these cases, crystallization inter-

PPE feres with the chemically-induced phase
separation and the focus will be on the mor-
epoxy resin phology development during reaction.
extruder / kneader
Some of the outlooks on possible applica-
1 tions in other fields, making use of the flex-
Homogeneous 1 ibility of this technique, are mentioned.
low Tg, viscosity
1.4.3 In Situ Characterization
Systems like these resemble the tech-
Cure solvent - > non-solvent niques used to obtain IPNs (inter-penetrat-
Epoxy particle
1 ing networks), where one monomer is poly-
'filled' PPE merized in the presence of a polymer net-

Figure 1-44. Schematic diagram of the procedure for
work, so forming a second, interpenetrating
network. Also, both networks can be formed
simultaneously or sequentially. Depending
on the chemical or physical nature of the net-
processing polymers using reactive solvents (after
work, crosslinks or entanglements, or com-
Venderbosch, 1995).
binations of both, the nomenclature is dif-
ferent. The above examples can be classi-
fied as semi-IPNs. Not only is the introduc-
examples of this novel processing tech- tion of processability an important issue in
nique are reviewed: The first, and by far these systems, but a controlled phase separ-
most extensively investigated system, is ation is also of importance for obtaining the
PPE-epoxy, an example of the processing desired properties in the final product. As in
of an intractable polymer (Venderbosch, the in situ polymerizations of block copol-
1995; Venderbosch et al., 1994, 1995 a, b; ymers, e.g., with hard and soft segments, as
Meijer et al., 1996). The phase diagram and in polyurethanes, chemically induced phase
the (chemo)rheology (which are important separation can yield unique morphologies
for polymer processing) are determined and and the monitoring thereof is of great prac-
the morphology development, which yields tical use. Therefore complex in situ charac-
the final product properties, is recorded. terization methods are increasingly being
Different epoxies, aromatic versus aliphat- used [see e.g., Goossens et al. (1997) and
ic, are used to adjust the properties of the Chaps. 10 and 9 of this Volume]. Examples
dispersed phase. Accordingly, composite of these methods are Raman spectroscopy,
applications have been explored, where which can distinguish between reaction
unique morphologies are obtained since kinetics and the kinetics of phase separation
phase separation preferentially occurs at the (see Figs. 1-45 and 1-46 for examples), and
polar surfaces of the fibers and the "opti- combined time-resolved wide and small
mal" composite could possibly be fabricat- angle scattering patterns (WAXS and
ed using this technique. Subsequently, the SAXS), which can distinguish between the
systems polyethylene-styrene (PE-St) and kinetics of phase separation and crystalliza-
polyethylene-butylmethacrylate (PE-BA) tion (see Fig. 1-46). The last measurements
are reviewed as examples of tractable poly- are usually performed using synchrotron X-
1.4 Reactive Processing 53

Figure 1-45. Raman

spectra of PE, PS, and
00 700 800 900 1000 1100 1200 1300 1400 1500 1600
W&venumber [cm"1]

ray sources like those in Daresbury, Ham- by either slowing down coalescence by
burg, and Grenoble. keeping the continuous phase highly vis-
As an example of the possible control cous, thus performing the polymerization
of the morphology of the dispersed close to the (composition-dependent) Tg of
phase, the system poly(methylmethacry- the matrix material, or by overcoming
late)(PMMA)-(aliphatic) epoxy is used. coalescence by reaction kinetics. Both
Polymerizing two compositions (50/50 and aspects can be seen by inspection of the
70/30) at three temperatures (60, 100, and results presented in Fig. 1-47. Given the
140 C, resp.) yields not only completely composition-dependent glass transition
different particle sizes of the dispersed temperature of the original solution (Fox
phase, but also different trends (see Fig. equation, see, e.g., Fig. 1-37), plotting
l-47)(Jansenetal., 1997). the resulting particle sizes against
In this case we are aiming at the smallest r e f f =(r p o l - r g ) would result in a single
possible particle sizes of the rubbery dis- curve showing a maximum. From Teff=0,
persed phase (usually ca. 20 nm) in order to the particle sizes increase due to the pro-
obtain the maximum mechanical properties nounced effect of coalescence; after the
in terms of toughness (see Sec. 1.5 of this maximum, the particle sizes decrease due to
Chapter and Chap. 12 of this Volume). The the temperature dependence of the reaction
explanation for the experimental findings kinetics. By chemically increasing the reac-
concerning the resulting particle size in tion kinetics, independent of the polymer-
Fig. 1-47 is based on the understanding that, ization temperature, the whole curve would
during polymerization, coalescence of just come down. From this analysis, a time-
phase-separated particles should be avoid- dependent polymerization temperature can
ed as much as possible. This can be realized eventually be derived by a stepwise
54 1 Processing for Properties

20 wt% PE in styrene polymerized at 120 degC Depending on the relative reaction kinetics
of both monomers, the time- and composi-
tion-dependent glass transition temperature
will change, and thus different polymeriza-
tion protocols will result. Generally, in the
polymerization of IPNs this is not taken care
of and, almost without exception, these
materials are polymerized at a relatively
high temperature. A lack of control of the
phase separation process results unless
multi-block polymers are synthesized as in
80 1800
Wavenumber [cm~1]
Time [min] the case of, e.g., polyurethanes.

1.4.4 Discussion
In this section the CIPS process has been
introduced, which combines easy processing
with unique properties of the resulting poly-
meric systems via a controlled, chemically
induced phase separation process. A disad-
vantage of the technique described is that
Time [min] chemistry is introduced to the end-user,
q [1/A] since, in order to obtain small particle sizes,
CIPS should be applied in quiescent sur-
roundings, e.g., in the mold. Raw material
manufacturers are currently investigating
how the technique using reactive solvents
can be successfully exploited in the produc-
tion of feedstock polymers in the form of
(thermoplastic) granules, e.g., via reactive
compounding. From a combination of the
conclusions from Sees. 1.3 and 1.4 of this
introductory Chapter, it will be directly clear
Time [min]
that in this case a large number of time-
Figure 1-46. (a) Time resolved Raman spectra, and dependent processes interfere, which is com-
(b) WAXS and (c) SAXS patterns measured during plicated by a shear-induced phase inversion
polymerization at 120C of 80% styrene (slow process. In fact, HIPS (high impact poly-
system) in 20 % polyethylene (Goossens et al., 1997). styrene) and ABS (acrylonitrile-buta-
diene-styrene) polymers are more or less
increase, given the conversion-dependent made via these routes in stirred vessels. It is
Fox equation and thus the conversion- obvious that a lot of research is still neces-
dependent r g (see Figs. 1-48 and 1-49). sary in this field in order to be able to make
Things become even more complicated if quantitative, or even qualitative, predic-
both constituents are reactive, such as in the tions. Apart from the necessity to chemical-
case of MMA-epoxy (Jansen et al., 1997). ly stabilize the structure obtained, advantag-
1.5 Processing for Ultimate Properties 55

- = c

e= 100C

^ m

Tcure= 140C

a "
Figure 1-47. Resulting particle size after polymerizing PMMA-epoxy of two compositions: (a) 70/30 and (b)
50/50, at three different temperatures (Jansen, 1996).

es with respect to low viscosities in the sub- least partly, determines the properties of the
sequent shaping process are naturally lost. final product. Particularly in the area of ulti-
The next section deals with obtaining the mate properties, processing makes all of the
ultimate properties of polymers via process- difference between mediocrity and excel-
ing. lence. This might be best illustrated by the
processing of high performance fibers
(HPF) based on flexible polymers, notably
1.5 Processing for Ultimate the linear polyethylenes. The difference in
mechanical properties between a garbage
Properties disposal bag and an HPPE ultra strong fiber
is only obtained by orienting the macromol-
1.5.1 Introduction
ecules in a processing operation. In this sec-
In the preceding sections, it has become tion we will briefly review some of the ele-
clear that the processing of polymers, at mentary steps in these processes. Starting
56 1 Processing for Properties

increased reaction rate

limits the available
time for phase
separation and

Temperature T

increased reaction rate

reaction temperature

Temperature T

Tg(cured epoxy)

Tg(epoxy monomer)
weight fraction polymer <j)

Figure 1-48. (a) Solvent-polymer phase diagram

(schematic) and (b) epoxy-PMMA phase diagram
showing the glass transition temperature of a one-
phase epoxy monomer-PMMA solution, the glass 60 100 140
transition temperature of the molecular, dispersed,
reaction temperature Tcure
cured epoxy-PMMA solution (hypothetical), and the
coexistence curves between epoxy and PMMA which
shift in the direction of the arrow as the epoxy poly-
merizes (Jansen, 1996).

with mechanical properties such as the mod-

ulus and strength (Sec. 1.5.2; see also
Chaps. 11 and 16, respectively, of this Vol-
ume), we will continue with the toughness
(Sec. 1.5.3.; see also Chap. 12 of this Vol-
ume) and end with a short discussion
(Sec. 1.5.4). 80 120
T T rorn
cure g
1.5.2 Ultimate Modulus and Strength
Figure 1-49. Resulting particle size as a function of
The invention of high performance aro- the (conversion-dependent) effective polymerization
matic polyamide fibers, such as Kevlar from temperature for aliphatic epoxy blends with either
70 wt.% PMMA or 50 wt.% PMMA; (a) schematic,
Dupont and Twaron from Akzo-Nobel, (b) as measured (compare with Fig. 1-47), and (c)
started a long time ago with the observation replotted data of Fig. l-49b in terms of Fig. 1-49 a
that, upon increasing the concentration of (Jansen, 1996).
1.5 Processing for Ultimate Properties 57

relatively stiff aramid molecules in solution, sarily required for the ultimate strength,
a tremendous drop in viscosity was sudden- given the generally strong hydrogen bonds
ly observed. This drop in viscosity proved between the individual macromolecules of
to be related to the occurrence of the so- aramids (see for details Chap. 11 of this Vol-
called nematic state: a kind of self-assem- ume).
bling of the individual molecules into In contrast with the processing of these
domains: bundles of molecules. This pro- lyotropic systems, the orientation of flexible
cess is a natural one and has been exploited macromolecules during processing is much
through the ages, e.g., in the transport of tree more complicated. This is mainly due to the
trunks via natural and cheap mechanisms presence of the restoring entropic forces and
like flowing rivers. This self-assembly can the absence of possibilities to freeze in the
also be found in disposits and wreckwood ultimate flow-induced orientation. In this
in natural vortices as occur, e.g., close to respect is it worthwhile remembering that
waterfalls, notably Niagara Falls. Also clos- the frozen-in orientation in, e.g., injection
er to home: floating fishfood in the form of molding, where both high strain rates and
cylinders with a limited aspect ratio tends to high cooling rates prevail, is only of the
form bundles, even in the absence of flow, order of 2% of the maximum molecular
in the backyard pond. Back to aramids: the orientation that is obtainable (see Sec. 1.2 of
drop in viscosity observed, not only served this Chapter). In injection molding, even the
to provide easy processability of rigid rod presence of this minor orientation proved to
molecules in solution, but also made it pos- be relevant for long term dimensional stabil-
sible to orient complete domains rather than ity, since it introduces anisotropic relaxation
individual molecules, e.g., in extensional and physical ageing. Here we need to
flows. This orientation is prerequisite for achieve the maximum orientation since,
obtaining the ultimate properties of macro- given the typical series character of amor-
molecules, as already explained in the intro- phous and oriented structures, yielding rule-
duction (Sec. 1.1 of this Chapter). Apart of-mixtures type behavior with emphasis on
from the problems encountered in the poly- the enormous influence of the weakest
merization of rigid rod molecules and the component, even if only a few percent of
aggressive solvents that have to be used, the unoriented material is present, this will ruin
spinning of these solutions into fibers is a our ultimate properties, e.g., in terms of stiff-
relatively straightforward task. The strong ness (see Irvine and Smith, 1986). Therefore
elongational flow into the die, followed by almost without exception [a nice example
the complete irrotational flow during the thereof is the interlocking shish-kebab struc-
draw-down applied in the (small) air gap ture as obtained via a very well controlled,
between the die exit and the subsequent directed crystallization in supercooled
coagulation bath, is sufficient to orient these melts, see Odell et al. (1985), Chap. 4 of this
domains into the direction of the fiber axis. Volume] drawing in the solid state is the only
Given typical polymer concentrations of way to approach maximum orientation. The
15 %, the only mismatch originates from the reason is that two prerequisites for orienting
removal of solvent during coagulation. This flexible macromolecules exist: first, the
pushes the case for high molecular weight product of the deformation rate and the
polymers, given their more modest off-axis relaxation time should be larger than one, in
rotation during this process of removal of order to overcome the natural tendency of
the 85 % solvent, even if this is not neces- polymers to coil up, and second, the prod-
58 1 Processing for Properties

uct of the deformation rate and the deforma- arrests the disentangled state of the poly-
tion time, i.e., the total deformation, should meric material [see, e.g., Smithet al. (1979),
be large enough to get full extension of the Smith and Lemstra (1980 a, b, c, 1982),
chains. In the solid state, the first require- Smith et al. (1981), Lemstra et al. (1987)].
ment is easily met, given the long relaxation Even after removal of the solvent, the dis-
times below the melting temperature. How- entangled precursor fibers can be postdrawn
ever, the second requirement produces in the solid state to HPPE (high performance
severe limitations, and naturally, there is a polyethylene fibers). Impressive mechani-
molecular weight dependent limit to the cal properties in terms of specific strength
drawing, even at temperatures approaching and modulus are today realized in continu-
the melting temperature. In apolar polymers ous industrial processes.
with relatively weak van der Waals intermo- In their final application, e.g., fishing
lecular interactions, even within the crys- lines, nets, wovens for impact protection,
tals, these constraints are caused by the pres- and composites, some of the properties of
ence of the entanglement network. They can the original fibers are lost, but moreover, the
be removed by the crystallization of poly- heat resistance and especially the dimen-
mers from dilute or semi-dilute solutions. sionality of the fibers limits their applicabil-
Remarkable in this respect is the fact that the ity. This is mainly reflected in the poor com-
first strong PE fibers were made from pressive and shear strengths of some of the
stirred, seeded, supercooled solutions in high performance fibers, which is directly
which a gel was formed close to the rotor, related to their molecular structure. More
from which a fiber was drawn using a seed specifically, to their secondary bonds. The
that created a strong, elongational, orienting sequence HPPE (ID), aramids (1.5D), car-
flow near its tip (Penningset al., 1970; Zwij- bon (2D), and glass (with 3D covalent
nenburg and Pennings, 1975). bonds) reveals their compressive strength
As a consequence of the above, all orient- and creep resistance (Govaert, 1990; Bas-
ed structures are (in practice) nowadays tiaansen, 1991; Peijs, 1993). As a conse-
obtained in the solid state (see Chaps. 11 quence, only the latter fibers are generally
and 16 of this Volume). The most extreme used in structural applications, whereas the
example is the rather academic single-crys- first ones give the best impact protection,
tal-drawing, using coextrusion techniques and only limited adhesion to the matrix of
with split billets, as developed by Kanamo- the composite is necessary in this case. For
to and co-workers [see,e.g.,Kanamotoet al. further details, see Peijs (1993), De Kok
(1983, 1984)]. High draw ratios are realized (1995), De Kok and Meijer (1996), and De
and the mechanical properties reach their Kok and Peijs (1996). Especially in De
upper limit in terms of the maximum crys- Kok's thesis, the attention is focused on the
tal modulus as measured by X-ray scatter- transverse properties of composites, which
ing [see, e.g., Nakamae and Nishino often limit their applicability. Interestingly,
(1991)]. A much more practical technique the use of reactive solvents in composite
is the so-called gel-spinning process, where applications with thermoplastic matrices
semi-dilute solutions of UHMWPE are offers new routes to design interfaces be-
continuously spun via a dry- or air-gap tween the fibers and the matrix, and to tune
(dry-wet) spinning process, and the gel both their thickness and their (eventually
formed upon cooling, which is accompanied rubbery) properties (see Figs. 1-50 and
by crystallization, is the intermediate that 1-51).
1.5 Processing for Ultimate Properties 59

plastic strain [%]



Figure 1-50. Plastically deformed areas in (a) carbon fiber, (b) rubber fiber, and (c) rubber-coated carbon fiber
reinforced composites, with a hexagonal fiber array, at different percentages of the transverse strain (De Kok,

80 120

fibre carbon
rubber coated
cylindrical hole /
carbon fibre

rubber fibre

cylindrical hole

5 10 15 2 4 6 8 10

Macroscopic transverse strain [%] Macroscopic transverse strain [%]

Figure 1-51. (a) Maximum local plastic strains in fiber composites as a function of the transverse strain applied,
and (b) calculated stress-strain curves (De Kok, 1995).
60 1 Processing for Properties

The concept of (ultra)drawing of poly- ior is contained in how the strong localiza-
mers via control of their entanglement struc- tions of strain that naturally occur can be
ture proved to contain the key to the under- controlled prevented from developing into
standing of their mechanical properties, in a catastrophic event, like a crack. The intro-
general, and toughness, in particular, even duction of small rubbery particles, which
for unoriented amorphous polymers. This should be able to cavitate, in, e.g., a glassy
brings us to a short review on toughness matrix, provides stress concentrations and,
enhancement. as a consequence, localized plastic flow
occurs before the breaking stress of the
matrix material is reached. Given the large
1.5.3 Ultimate Toughness
number, typically 1010 per cm3, of small,
As stated above, product development at typically 1 |nm in diameter, weak inclusions
the large research laboratories of polymer ("holes"), multiple crazing or shearing
manufacturers is often aimed at reaching the mechanisms are introduced which finally
best compromise between processability yield volume deformation rather than in-
and mechanical properties. To be more spe- plane deformation (e.g., behind a macro-
cific: to compromise between stiffness and scopic notch) with impact values of
strength on the one hand and impact prop- 105 J/m2, as compared to the 1 J/m2 which
erties on the other, especially in the devel- is roughly the theoretical work to break an
opment of engineering plastics that are used interface made out of strong covalent bonds
in structural applications. Various methods only.
are used to control the molecular structure, It is the control of these mechanisms that
by changing the flexibility of the polymer contains the secret of successful product
backbone and of the (sub)micron structure, development in tough engineering polymer
or by blending different polymers, e.g., with systems. Interesting in this respect is that,
a large difference in Tg. The general prob- compared to a completely covalently bonded
lem is that a large number of internal and system, like diamond, the replacement of a
external variables influence the toughness large number of the strong covalent bonds
of the resulting system and, more seriously, by weak van der Waals bonds (with a bond
that, as a result, experience obtained with strength that is typically only 10~5 that of
one particular polymer system can rarely be the covalent bond), thus changing diamond
used for another. Consequently, a lot of into polyethylene for example, yields a 1010
empirical knowledge exists which is diffi- times increase in the work-to-break. It is
cult, if not impossible, to transfer to the next clear that volume deformation is the cause
generation of researchers, and too many and that this is controlled by the fact that
nonconclusive experiments are carried out. only the weak intermolecular secondary
Hence the development time and the time- bonds are allowed to break, while the strong
to-market increase unnecessarily. The main covalent bonds in the polymer backbone
reason for this is that the problems met in survive and give rise to "strain hardening"
"jumping scales" are not yet solved, i.e., it at some distance from the growing strain
is relatively unknown how events on the localization induced by the plastic flow. The
molecular and microstructural scale influ- oriented fibrils that occur in crazes, bridg-
ence the resulting properties on the macro- ing the crack, give a good illustration of this
scopic continuum level and vice versa. In principle, but similar arguments hold for the
retrospect, the secret of a material's behav- oriented molecules in shear bands. Basical-
1.5 Processing for Ultimate Properties 61

ly it could be stated that the control of micro- the deformable areas. Figure 1-55 shows an
deformation in material systems, where example of the calculated deformation in
mainly one bond type prevails, without one of these systems.
exception should be realized via the intro- In order to model the deformation behav-
duction of surviving crack-bridging ele- ior in real systems in terms of the local de-
ments. Metal fiber reinforced metals, or formation on the microscale, the number of
ceramic fiber reinforced ceramics are the mechanisms involved demand special
logical consequence, but even the stones numerical techniques where either a homog-
added to concrete introduce a similar mech- enization procedure is adapted, using a non-
anism. local constitutive model on the macroscop-
As an illustration, Fig. 1-52 shows the ic level [see, e.g., Vosbeek (1994) and Vos-
development of crazes in a polystyrene (PS) beek et al. (1997)], or the so-called "multi
tensile bar tested at different deformation level finite element model" should be used
rates. The number of crazes that occur, (Smit, 1996; Smit et al., 1997). This is, how-
before one of them develops into a macro- ever, still an area which requires a lot of
scopic crack, increases with increasing de- research, and from now we will focus on the
formation rate; however, their number is ultimate toughness concept, as introduced,
limited, and brittle behavior results. As an amongst others, by Van der Sanden (1993),
illustration of what might happen on a Van der Sanden et al. (1993 a, b, 1994 a, b)
microscale, Figs. 1-53 and 1-54 show the and Van der Sanden and Meijer (1993,
deformations of (at least if unnotched) mac- 1994 a, b); Chap. 12 of this Volume.
roscopically tough polycarbonate (PC) A breakthrough in our understanding of
plates with macroscopic holes of different the deformation and failure of polymer
sizes and in different packing orders. Clear- systems originated from the work of
ly, localizations influence each other and the Kramer's group in Cornell, who carefully
macroscopic response of the system measured the maximum drawability real-
depends on the threshold of percolation of ized in extremely localized deformation

Figure 1-52. Crazes in a

PS test bar, tested at (from
left to right) 10 4, 1(T3,
1CT2, and KT1 s"1 (Smit,
62 1 Processing for Properties

ij O i 4
0 o ) O I
'% t

Figure 1-53. Macroscopic shear band development Figure 1-54. Deformation behavior in PC with holes
in a PC test plate with (a) one hole, (b) four holes, and beyond a rounded notch, with (a) a square (b) a hex-
(c) a rounded notch (Smit, 1996). agonal stacking, and (c) with more, smaller holes, but
with an equal volume fraction of holes (Smit, 1996).

zones like crazes and shear bands [see Don- bonds by temperature rather than by stress,
ald and Kramer (1982 a, b, c) and Henkee thus measuring the height of the rubber pla-
and Kramer (1984,1986)]. A comparison of teau modulus above the Tg and applying
these results with those obtained on the con- classical rubber elasticity theory to relate
straints present for ultradrawability (a chal- this modulus to the effective entanglement
lenging discussion during a visit of Kramer density (Tervoort, 1996). This density is the
to Smith and Lemstra in the early 1980s at reciprocal of the molecular weight between
the DSM central laboratories in Geleen, The entanglement points, Me, or alternatively
Netherlands, proved to be useful for that the molecular weight between crosslinks in
purpose), revealed that locally the maxi- thermosets, Mc, which directly determines
mum drawability originating from the phy- the maximum drawability of the network;
sical network was indeed realized. This this scales approximately with the square
maximum drawability of polymer networks root of Me or Mc. As already stated above,
can be measured by removing the secondary this result completely changed the focus of
Ultimate Properties 63


Figure 1-55. Calculated

deformation in a PC plate
containing holes (Smit,
/\ 1996).

research via a change of the general under-

standing of the deformation of polymer
" \ PS
systems, and moreover, it changed the tar- 300 - \
gets on material development, since the
attention since then has been focused on the
question: "How to avoid catastrophic local- 200 -
^ \ ^ ^ PC
izations?" Exaggerating it could conse-
quently be stated that all polymers can prin- theory ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ _ ^
100 " "--.
cipally be characterized by only one param- practice '"\
eter, their network density, and that, e.g., a
polymer like polystyrene (PS) is so ductile, n j .y , \ j

given its large Afe, that its localization is so 10 20 30 40 50

Network density (x1025chains/m3)
pronounced that premature failure always
occurs on too localized a scale (see Fig. Figure 1-56. Macroscopic drawability () and
1-56). theoretical maximum (-) drawability as a function of
the network density of all polymers [after van der San-
The solution to this problem was more or den (1993)].
less straightforward: Make the material so
thin, by controlling its microstructure, that
its specific thickness (e.g., that of the duc- hering core-shell rubbers of typically 200
tile fibrils within the crazes) is reached and 100 nm diameter at increasing volume
throughout. The concept of the material spe- fractions, the macroscopic strain-to-break
cific thickness was, accordingly, proposed. of the polymers suddenly increased when
Processing proved to be able to provide the the local thicknesses went beyond a materi-
necessary tools to reach this new goal. By al-specific critical thickness and the ulti-
making tapes of alternating nonadhering mate toughness was reached. These results
layers of decreasing thickness, applying the are summarized in Figs. 1-57 and 1-58 (see
Multiflux technique, or by adding nonad- Chap. 12 of this Volume).
64 1 Processing for Properties

the ultimate toughness is realized as much

as possible without degrading the other
mechanical properties, so that the modulus
and yield strength of the material are pre-
The use of reactive solvents provides the
necessary requirements to indeed realize
these microstructures (Jansen 1996;
Chap. 10 of this Volume).
0 25 50 75
Network density (x1025chains/m3)
Figure 1-57. Macroscopic ductility reached, as a 1.5.4 Discussion
function of the network density, by decreasing the
local material thickness to a value below the materi- In this section it has been shown that,
al-specific critical thickness (Van der Sanden, 1993). especially with respect to obtaining the ulti-
mate properties of polymers, specific pro-
cessing routes proved to be of utmost rele-
vance. Basically, the same arguments hold
for other nonstructural properties of poly-
mers, such as those in functional applica-
tions, e.g., optical clarity, light emission, or
intrinsic conductivity. The conjugated poly-
mers developed for these last applications
cannot generally be processed as such, but
elegant processing methods have been
O developed, e.g., by Smith and Heeger at
UCSB, California, and later at the Uniax
0.01 Company [see Andreatta et al. (1988,
25 50 75 1990), Tokito et al. (1990, 1991), Moulton
Network density (x1025chains/m3)
and Smith (1992 a, b, 1993),Motamediet al.
Figure 1-58. Material specific critical thickness as a (1992), Cao etal. (1992, 1994), Cao and
function of the network density. Solid line: results of Smith (1993), Yang et al. (1993), and Wes-
a first-order theory (Van der Sanden, 1993).
terweele et al. (1995)].

The goal of the present research in our

1.6 Extruder Modeling
laboratory is based on this critical thickness,
D Ic , between rubbery inclusions ("holes"),
1.6.1 Introduction
by realizing that the smaller "holes", which
do not have to cavitate anymore and conse- Although both this introductory Chapter
quently do not have an "optimal" (read and the rest of this Volume of this Series on
"minimum") size, yield the same critical Materials Science and Technology focus on
interparticle distance, Dlc, at much lower a coupling of the material to be processed
volume fractions of the dispersed phase. and the different processing techniques
Consequently, in these polymer systems, employed (via, e.g., the study of structure
called engineering foams (see Fig. 1-59), development during flow, reactive extru-
1.6 Extruder Modeling 65


Figure 1-59. Foam density as

a function of the size of the
dispersed phase ("holes") for
given material-specific critical
(inter-hole) distances (Van der
0.00 Sanden, 1993).
0.01 0.1 1 10 100

Ceil diameter (pm)

sion, phase separation, and crystallization), exist. This is why efficient mixing (homog-
and aim at predicting product properties enizing) elements are frequently employed
(e.g., the short and long term dimensional or why, alternatively, gear pumps are some-
stability, modulus, strength, and toughness times introduced in the process to pressur-
of polymeric systems), at least one section ize the melt at higher efficiency, thus avoid-
of this introductory chapter should deal with ing too large temperature rises. In this sec-
the aspects of extrusion modeling. The tion we will briefly review the develop-
majority of practical polymer systems expe- ments in plasticating single screw extruders
rience an extrusion operation either during and in closely intermeshing, self-wiping,
the preparation process, e.g., the final devol- corotating twin screw extruders. These
atilization process following the polymer- types of extruders are by far the most fre-
ization reactors or a compounding step, or quently used in practical polymer process-
during the final shaping process. Extruders ing.
can be defined as viscosity independent drag
pumps with a dramatically low pumping
efficiency. The first part of this definition 1.6.2 Single Screws
reveals why extruders are frequently used in The theory of single screw extruders is
polymer processing, given the generally now well established, and our understand-
high viscosities that prevail, while the sec- ing and modeling of the distinct zones, such
ond part of this definition elucidates some as solids conveying, melting, melt pumping,
of the disadvantages of extruders, although and mixing, have finally led to the develop-
in plasticating processes most of the heat ment of a functional screw design, where the
generated can be used for melting the solid distinct zones are geometrically separated
feedstock. Nevertheless, the dangers of (see Fig. 1-60).
unwanted local overheating and the occur- Despite numerous improvements in the
rence of large temperature gradients always theory, developed over the years, the origi-
66 1 Processing for Properties

Figure 1-60. Functional

screw design in plasticating
single screw extruders
showing the feed section
with one channel, the opti-
mal square pitch, and the
three-channel-pair melting
section with three solids
conveying and melt chan-
nels separated by an extra
flight (Meijer, 1980).

nal first-order models for the feed section book on extrusion, and Verbraak and Meijer
(Darnell and Mol, 1956), the melting section (1989), who tested modern screw design in
(Tadmor, 1966), and the metering section the practice of injection molding, including
(Anonymous, 1922; Rowell and Finlayson, the CTM (Verheijen, 1988). It is interesting
1928), are still useful for a general under- that these approaches are now gradually
standing. Based thereupon, axially and heli- finding their way into practice, not least by
cally grooved feed sections have been devel- the extra stimulation of the regular VDI
oped, especially by the group of Menges at courses on "Single Screw Extruders, Basic
IKV, Aachen, Germany, during the 1970s Principles and System Optimization", as
and 1980s. Efficient multichannel melting organized by Wortberg [see Wortberg
sections with a larger (than the "square" (1991)]. The simulation code REX, "Rech-
screws which are optimal in the solid con- nerunterstiitzte Extrusions Auslegung",
veying section) pitch and obtaining complete developed by Potente's group in a multi-
phase separation via the addition of an extra sponsored research program, executed in
flight, combined with maximum compres- Paderborn, Germany, summarizes the exist-
sion in the solid plug channels and decom- ing knowledge on screw design and can be
pression in the melt channels, were devel- considered as a simple, but user-friendly,
oped in the same period by the group of Ingen development tool.
Housz in Twente, The Netherlands, and by
Griinschloss at IKT, Stuttgart, Germany.
These concepts of functional screw design 1.6.3 Twin Screws
should be combined with efficient homogen- Apart from the rotating and axially oscil-
izers, e.g., the multichannel Maddock type lating Buss-cokneader, which introduces a
mixers, or even better, the CTM (the cavity unique mixing operation, generated by the
transfer mixer), as originally developed by relative motion of the pins in the barrel wall
Barmag, Germany, and later by Rapra, Eng- that weave through the screw channel [see,
land, and improved with respect to its design e.g., Elemans (1989), Elemans and Meijer
in Twente, The Netherlands. For a detailed (1990), and Elemans (1994)], and which has
treatment, see, e.g., Meijer (1980), Ingen found its characteristic applications in, e.g.,
Housz and Mei-jer (1981 a, b), and Rauwen- food processing and polymer blending,
daal (1986), who copied these analyses in his especially of temperature-sensitive poly-
1.6 Extruder Modeling 67

mers or reactive systems, the only frequent- [see Elemans and Meijer (1994)]. In sum-
ly used compounding and devolatilization mary, the problems encountered stem in all
extruder is the closely intermeshing, self- but the rather rare adiabatic cases from the
wiping, corotating twin screw extruder [see problems met in obtaining a similar temper-
e.g., White (1990 a) for an extended review]. ature development in both the small and the
These types of extruder are based on the large extruder and, consequently, in obtain-
building block principle and their variety is, ing melt temperature control. Given their
consequently, enormous and they can in difference in surface-to-volume ratio, yield-
principle be designed for many different ing a different heat exchange with the sur-
tasks. This flexibility in screw design and roundings, specific scaling laws for equiv-
barrel choices evokes a large number of alent temperature development exist which
experiments in practice, in order to optimize basically differ from the scaling laws for
the systems under consideration for their constant mixing, and generally lead to dis-
specific task. This fact provided the need for appointing scaling factors for the attainable
a comprehensive model, in order to predict throughput on the larger machines. The dif-
some of the main aspects of the screw per- ferent scaling strategies, following from dif-
formance. Simple models were derived [see, ferent requirements, clearly elucidate the
e.g., Meijer and Elemans (1988), David problems that can be expected and help
et al. (1994), and White (1990 a)]. The basic engineers to make proper choices for their
outcome of models like these is that they can test conditions and plant layout. Of course,
predict the lengths of those parts of the these results are only indicative. Quantita-
screw that are completely filled, dependent tive predictions of the differences to be
on the screw design chosen and the operat- expected, and the effects of the different
ing conditions, such as metered throughput possible measures that can be adopted to
and screw speed. Given the large difference overcome these problems, at least partly,
in mechanical energy conversion in the part- can only originate from full nonisothermal
ly filled channels compared with that of modeling. Improvements in the basic mod-
those that are completely filled, useful pre- els must still be strived for [see, e.g., White
dictions are obtained for the critical screw (1990a) for a detailed survey].
speeds (below which vent ports overflow), An interesting consequence of the present
the average residence time, the power understanding of the working principles of
requirements, the specific energy used, and these kinds of extruders is that the variety
as a consequence, the temperature rise of the of screw elements available only serves to
melt during extrusion, provided that noniso- change the pumping characteristics, locally,
thermal models are used [see, e.g., Meijer i.e. the throughput-pressure gradient rela-
and Elemans (1988)]. tion, and thus helps to control the filled
As a result, a lot of the usual trial and error lengths and the overall residence time. Thus
could in principle be avoided. More practi- mixing is only indirectly controlled. This
cal is the fact that, based upon these insights, could have been concluded before, since the
elementary scaling concepts could be cross section of, e.g., positive or negative
derived. These concepts reveal why in prac- transport elements with different pitch
tice problems are often met if results from angles, and positive, negative, and neutral
experiments on typical laboratory scale kneading blocks, etc., is exactly the same
extruders must be transferred to the large and geometrically predicted by the self-wip-
scale of production plants and vice versa ing requirements. These requirements can
68 1 Processing for Properties

be combined with the urgent need for min- the years improved by Martens and Bulters
iaturization in product development, elimi- at DSM, Geleen (generation 3) and by Meij-
nating this influence of screw design on the er and Garenfeld at CPC, Eindhoven (gen-
residence time, as occurs in every continu- eration 4) (see Fig. 1-61).
ous extrusion operation, by designing a A number of prototypes have been build
small, recirculating mixing device. today, and they are used by different
Attempts to develop such useful devices research groups all over the world and prove
were started in the early 1980s at DSM Cen- to be successful and efficient, since only (at
tral Laboratories in Geleen by Meijer and choice) 1, 3, or 5 g of material is needed,
Martens, the last as the chief designer, using while the main characteristics of intensive
in the first instance a recirculating single mixing and/or dissolution are preserved.
screw extruder without (generation 1) and The small material samples from these
with (generation 2) an internal (Sulzer) stat- devices can, subsequently, be molded into
ic mixer. Independently, a similar device test plates or bars, or they can be spun direct-
was constructed by Macosko's group in ly into fibers. At DSM, Geleen, Bulters and
Minnesota. Since these types of extruder Martens even designed a miniature injection
proved to seriously suffer from cleaning dif- molding device which can be combined with
ficulties, it was decided to make use of the the mini-mixer, allowing for the production
self-cleaning properties of corotating twin of a few test bars out of each batch.
screw extruders. Martens proposed a basic
design of a conical version in order to reduce
the contents and still be able to design a 1.6.4 Discussion
bearing and thrust system, which was over In the last few decades, a lot of attention
has been paid to the modeling of extrusion
processes, focusing on obtaining a qualita-
tive and quantitative understanding of the
(local) working principles. The theory of sin-
gle screw extruders is relatively well estab-
lished, but suffers from the uncertainties that
naturally occur when the solid bed starts to
be converted into a (initially highly viscous)
liquid by pressure-, friction-, and tempera-
ture-induced melting. Between the pumping
characteristics of the solids conveying zone,
which are based on friction and consequent-
ly yield a wall shear stress that is proportion-
al to the absolute value of the local pressure,
and those of the melt conveying zone, large
differences exist. In the latter the wall shear
stress is only related to the viscosity and to
the local velocity gradient (which is large in
the initial stages of melting given the thin
Figure 1-61. Mini-mixer, allowing for mixing or dis-
layers present), and not to the absolute pres-
solving 1, 3, or 5g of material (CPC Eindhoven, sure. As a consequence, a consistent model
1995). of the whole extruder screw is generally still
1.7 Concluding Remarks 69

lacking. This is mainly due to the large pres- should necessarily be nonisothermal, and
sure gradients that can practically be real- sometimes it is important to incorporate the
ized just at the end of the solid conveying details of micro-mixing and/or devolatiliza-
section, especially if grooved feed sections tion into the overall analysis.
are used, yielding the characteristic and
unique pressure build-up capacity of these
sections. A small misjudgement in the exact 1.7 Concluding Remarks
axial position of the solid-to-melt transition
at the barrel wall gives rise to a substantial In this introductory chapter it has been
change in the pressure gradients and thus to demonstrated that polymer processing is an
the pressure build-up capacity, and gives a interesting, broad, and multidisciplinary
large error in the predicted absolute pressure. area of research. Especially if the focus is
Thus the pumping characteristics of the plas- on predicting product properties and not
ticating extruder (as a whole) cannot gener- solely on the description of process param-
ally be predicted well. This basic problem is eters and the prediction of typical process-
unsolved, even in useful computer models related parameters such as the pressure,
like REX (Rechner unterstiitzte EXtruder torque, and power requirements, or clamp-
Auslegung) (Wortberg, 1991), which are ing forces, the position and number of gates
currently being improved, e.g., by Potente in to control those of weld lines, etc. The rea-
Paderborn. A second, more scientific, prob- son is that in this case the necessary coupling
lem is the missing knowledge of the exact with typical material parameters, such as
deformation of the solid bed which contains described by their constitutive behavior, and
large temperature gradients and is subjected with local processes that occur, such as
to large shear and pressure forces, and might micro-mixing or (the opposite) phase sep-
even break up under tension. This deform- aration and coalescence, requires that the
ability determines the pressure gradient in normal methods of the researchers in this
the melting section and the melting length area (advanced 3 D, nonisothermal, non-
required to a great extent (Meijer, 1980). Newtonian, transient, mathematical mod-
This, again, prevents a prediction of the els) have to be extended to those of the poly-
accurate total pumping characteristics of mer physicists (theoretical and practical
plasticating extruders. rheology and rheometry, composition and
The theory of corotating twin screw prediction of phase diagrams, inclusion of
extruders and oscillating and reciprocating the kinetics in the local processes), yielding
single screw extruders with pins through the interesting challenges for coupling the mac-
barrel wall should be improved by adapting roscopic flow field with the microscopic
a full 3D model. In particular in the inter- processes. The basic reason for this is that
meshing section, where one screw takes in polymer technology neither the chemis-
over the material from the neighboring try, nor the production technology, nor the
screw, the details of the flow are extremely final design solely determine the product
important, not only for predicting the local properties. The whole trajectory from poly-
transport characteristics, and thus the pres- mer synthesis, via polymer physics, poly-
sure gradients, but more with respect to the mer processing, and design proves to be rel-
exact folding and stretching that occurs evant, and each discipline has its own input
here, which is of the utmost importance for in the final result. A newly synthesized poly-
efficient mixing. Moreover, these models mer that cannot be processed will find lim-
70 1 Processing for Properties

ited applications. More important, howev- Abid, S., Chesters, A. K. (1994), Int. J. Multiphase
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2 General Principles of Polymer Processing Modeling
Jean-Francois Agassant

Centre de Mise en Forme des Materiaux, URA CNRS n 1374, Ecoledes Mines de Paris,
Sophia Antipolis, France

List of Symbols and Abbreviations 78

2.1 Introduction 80
2.2 Physical Peculiarities of Polymers and the Consequences for Processing 80
2.2.1 The Highly Viscous Nature of Molten Polymers 80
2.2.2 The Non-Newtonian Nature of Molten Polymers 80
2.2.3 The Highly Temperature Dependent Viscosity of Molten Polymers 81
2.2.4 The Low Thermal Diffusivity and Conductivity of Polymers 82
2.3 Polymer Forming Processes 82
2.3.1 Extrusion 82
2.3.2 Injection Molding 85
2.3.3 Stretching Processes 86
2.4 Governing Equations and Simplification Methods 88
2.4.1 Introduction 88
2.4.2 Governing Equations 88
2.4.3 The Simplifying Assumptions 89
2A3.1 Rheological Assumptions 89 Boundary Conditions 90 Geometrical Simplifications 91 Flow Kinematics Assumptions 91 Energy Balance Assumptions 93
2.4.4 Preliminary Conclusions 94
2.5 Examples of Polymer Flow Computations 94
2.5.1 Coat Hanger Flat Die Geometry 94
2.5.2 Tube Die Geometry 96
2.5.3 Profile Die Geometry .. 100
2.5.4 Injection Molding 102
2.5.5 Fiber Spinning 105
2.6 Conclusions and Perspectives 108
2.7 References 108

Materials Science and Technology

Copyright WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co KGaA. Allrightsreserved.
78 2 General Principles of Polymer Processing Modeling

List of Symbols and Abbreviations

a material parameter; thermal diffusivity

A dimensionless variable
Br Brinkman number
Ca Cameron number
heat capacity
Cf, C\ constants
De Deborah number
DY draw ratio
E activation energy
F force
h flow gap
I identity tensor
k thermal conductivity
K consistency index
I length
L channel length
n power law index; normal to the wall
n vector normal to the border
Nu Nusselt number
P isotropic pressure; coefficient
pressure field
P isotropic part of the stress tensor
Q volumetric flow rate
R ideal gas constant; radius
e inner radius of die
?i radius of mandrel
r* location of maximum velocity within flow gap
S cross-section
So initial cross-section
T temperature
z glass transition temperature
Ti initial temperature
Tr controlled temperature of machinery
wall controlled temperature
To reference temperature
T mean temperature approximation
u velocity
u* velocity
U, V, W velocity components
U, V mean velocity components
V mean flow velocity; dimensionless variable
Vs slip velocity
w0 initial velocity
List of Symbols and Abbreviations 79

x, y> z directions
7 height
z* location of maximum velocity

a coefficient; fill factor

7 shear
T shear rate
7 second invariant of rate of strain tensor; generalized shear rate
r border of the control volume
8 rate of strain tensor
ri viscosity
viscosity at reference temperature
9 constant relaxation time
X material parameter; heat transfer coefficient
nondimensional variable
P density
a stress tensor
a: 8 viscous dissipation
X extra stress tensor
Tw shear stress at wall
nondimensional variable
Q control volume area

CAD computer assisted design

PVC polyvinyl chloride
W.L.F. William-Landel-Ferry
80 2 General Principles of Polymer Processing Modeling

2.1 Introduction make it possible to obtain problems of

reduced complexity. These will be present-
This chapter deals with thermoplastic ed in Sec. 2.4. Finally, the modeling of cur-
polymers. The processing of thermosets is rent thermoplastic polymer processes, e.g.,
generally achieved with very different tech- extrusion, injection molding, or fiber spin-
niques and will not be described here. On ning, will be summarized (Sec. 2.5).
the other hand, elastomer compounds are
processed on the same type of machines as
thermoplastic polymers (extruders, injec- 2.2 Physical Peculiarities of
tion molding machines, calenders, etc.), but Polymers and the Consequences
additional cross-linking reactions have to be
for Processing
taken into account.
Most thermoplastic polymers are pro-
cessed in the following way: additives (sta- 2.2.1 The Highly Viscous Nature
bilizers, lubricants, plasticizers, processing of Molten Polymers
aids, etc.) are mixed with the raw polymer The viscosity of a molten polymer in clas-
to obtain a compound (powder or pellets). sical processing conditions is in the range
This compound is then melted (semi- 10 2 -10 4 Pas. The consequences for the
crystalline polymer) or plasticized (amor- process are important:
phous polymer) by thermal conduction and
viscous dissipation. The highly viscous melt 1) The Reynolds number is low and, conse-
is then forced through a die or in a mold to quently, molten polymer flows can never
obtain a preliminary shape. Finally, the mol- be turbulent. Moreover, inertia terms can
ten polymer is cooled down (injection mold- be neglected in most engineering situa-
ing), sometimes simultaneously stretched tions. This may not be true, for example
(fiber spinning, film blowing) to obtain the for high speed fiber spinning.
final solid product. Its properties will not 2) Mass forces are also generally negligible,
only depend on the chemical species (mac- especially in horizontal processes.
romolecule, molecular weight distribution, 3) Viscous dissipation is very important
additives, etc.), but also on the thermome- (between K)6 and 108W/m3) and the
chanical parameters they have encountered temperature of the molten polymer may
during the process. increase, even if the temperature of the
Therefore at first glance, polymer pro- equipment is controlled.
cessing appears to be a classical problem of 4) High torques and pressures are encoun-
fluid mechanics and heat transfer. How- tered in most polymer processing
ever, some of the peculiarities of polymers, machines which necessitates powerful
both in the molten and the solid state, need motors, highly resistant equipment, as
specific approaches, which will be high- well as high clamping forces in injection
lighted in Sec. 2.2. This will allow us to molding.
understand the main thermoplastic polymer
processes which will be described in
2.2.2 The Non-Newtonian Nature
Sec. 2.3. Polymer processing modeling
of Molten Polymers
requires us to solve, generally speaking, a
set of eleven equations with eleven At a low rate of deformation, the viscos-
unknowns. Simplifying assumptions often ity remains constant, which means that the
2.2 Physical Peculiarities of Polymers and the Consequences for Processing 81

entanglement density between macromole- (Beraudo, 1995), but even the simplest
cules is constant too. At higher shear rates Maxwell model leads to nonlinear and non-
(especially in the range of shear rates explicit equations.
encountered in most polymer processes),
a = -p'I + % (2-3 a)
macromolecules are progressively disen-
tangled and the viscosity (77) decreases sig-
nificantly. Several equations have been pro- (2-3 b)
posed to account for this shear thinning
where 6 is a constant relaxation time, 8x/8?
behavior. The most popular is the power law
is the upper convected derivative of the
(also called Ostwald-De Waele)
extra stress tensor T, is the rate of strain
r\=Kyn~x (2-1) tensor, I is the identity tensor, and// the iso-
tropic part of the stress tensor a. At present
where K is the consistency index, 7 is the
Johnson-Segalman (Johnson and Segal-
shear rate, and n the power law index.
man, 1977) or Phan-Thien-Tanner (Phan-
This equation allows the development
Thien and Tanner, 1977) equations are the
of analytical computations for several
most popular.
simple flow situations, but gives an infinite
viscosity at a vanishing shear rate. The
Carreau-Yasuda equation (Yasuda et al., 2.2.3 The Highly Temperature
1981) makes it possible to account simulta- Dependent Viscosity of Molten Polymers
neously for a Newtonian plateau (r/0) at a
low shear rate and for a large viscosity Increasing the polymer temperature leads
decrease at higher rates to a significant decrease in the viscosity. For
semi-crystalline polymers or for amorphous
77 ?7o [1+ {X y) ] (2-2) polymers (at T>Tg+ 100 C, where Tg is
where X and a are material parameters. the glass transition temperature) an Arrhen-
The high entanglement density encoun- ius law is proposed to account for the change
tered in molten polymers leads to important in viscosity with temperature
viscoelastic phenomena, for example: stress
overshoot and stress relaxation in step (2-4)
shearing flows, strain hardening of the elon- R[T
gational viscosity, and important swelling at where E is the activation energy, which is
the die exit. The fundamentals of entangle- very different from one polymer to another,
ment and its effects on rheology are dis- R is the ideal gas constant, and 7]0 is the vis-
cussed by Doi (Chap. 9, Vol. 12 of this cosity at the reference temperature TQ.
Series). For amorphous polymers [between Tg
Rheological equations accounting for and (r g + 100 C)] the W.L.F. equation is
these phenomena are numerous. Pertinent used (Williams-Landel-Ferry) (Williams et
reviews have been presented recently by al., 1955)
Tanner (1985) and Larson (1988). Integral
constitutive equations are the most intuitive -Cf{T-Tg)
ones but lead to numerical difficulties in
nontrivial flow geometries [see Kiriakidis
etal. (1983)]. Differential constitutive Cf and Cf are two constants varying with
equations are now common practice the polymer.
82 2 General Principles of Polymer Processing Modeling

In either case, the temperature depen- 2.3 Polymer Forming Processes

dence of the viscosity means that the
mechanical and the thermal equations have Only the main thermoplastic polymer
to be solved simultaneously. processes will be described here.

2.2.4 The Low Thermal Diffusivity 2.3.1 Extrusion

and Conductivity of Polymers
Extruders (single screw or twin screw) are
Polymers are well known as thermal insu- commonly used to produce pellets as well
lators. Typically, their thermal conductivity as to manufacture tubes, profiles, films, and
k and diffusivity a are a hundred times lower sheets, and to coat wires.
than those of steel. The obvious conse- The geometry of a single screw extruder
quence of this is that polymer parts are gen- is constituted of a hopper which is used to
erally thin (less than 5 mm) in order to feed the system with pellets (or sometimes
obtain a reasonable cooling time. In the with powder), a heated barrel (in fact suc-
same way, polymer plastication needs thin cessive zones with different controlled tem-
layers, both for heat transfer and for high peratures may be observed along the barrel),
viscous dissipation. and a rotating screw whose core geometry
Another consequence is the high value of generally increases from the hopper to the
the Brinkman number Br which balances die (Fig. 2-1). Three different mechanisms
viscous dissipation and heat conduction may be observed along the single screw
(Brinkman, 1951) extruder:
1) The solid polymer coming from the hop-
(2-6) per is progressively compacted and
simultaneously conveyed due to friction
where Vis the mean flow velocity and Tw is
mechanisms along screw and barrel
the wall controlled temperature. In most
(Archimedes's screw principle). In the
polymer processes, the Brinkman number
feeding zone, the diameter of the screw
may be higher than 10, which means that the
generally remains constant.
temperature of the molten polymer cannot
generally be controlled by the regulation 2) When the solid polymer enters the zone
temperature of the equipment. where the barrel is heated (above the
glass transition or the plastication tem-
As a last consequence, high transverse
perature), a thin layer is melted along the
temperature gradients may be induced, even
barrel. As long as the liquid layer remains
in thin flow geometries, because the local-
thinner than the leakage between the
ized dissipated energy (where the rates of
screw flight and the barrel, it is not con-
strain are high) cannot be balanced by heat
veyed forwards. But as soon as this liq-
transfer to the equipment.
uid layer becomes thicker than the leak-
All these physical peculiarities of poly-
age, the liquid is pressurized along the
mers will affect the different polymer pro-
rear flight, inducing deformation of the
cesses and explain the main features of poly-
solid compacted polymer and the initia-
mer processing modeling.
tion of a liquid pool along the rear flight.
This liquid pool will push the remaining
solid bed towards the front flight an the
2.3 Polymer Forming Processes 83

Figure 2-1. Schematic dia-

gram of a single screw
Feed zone Molten polymer

heated barrel. The liquid film at the solid

polymer/barrel interface develops both
by thermal conduction and viscous dissi-
pation. The liquid pool then progressive-
ly increases and the solid bed simultane-
ously disappears. This "rear flight
corotating counterrotating
plastication phenomenon" has been
described and modeled by Tadmor and Figure 2-2. Corotating or counterrotating twin screw
extruder motion.
Klein (1970). Other types of plastication
mechanism have been described by Lindt
(1976). In this plastication zone, the
ly splits the liquid pool along the rear main
diameter of the core of the screw gener-
flight and the solid bed along the front
ally increases.
main flight (Maillefer, 1959).
3) In the last zone of the extruder, the screw
Splitting of the conveying and plastication
acts like a pump on the highly viscous
functions on the one side and of the meter-
polymer in order to obtain a high and reg-
ing function on the other side using a two-
ular flow rate in the die. This is achieved
stage single screw with intermediate vent-
by adjusting the geometry of the die and
the geometry of the metering zone.
In an intermeshing twin screw extruder
Figure 2-1 presents a schematic view of
(corotating or counterrotating - see Fig.
a single screw extruder. A good understand-
2-2), the conveying mechanism is provided
ing of the physical phenomena occurring in
by the interpenetration of the two screws in
the machine has led to significant technical
an eight-shaped barrel. This allows it, in par-
developments during the last few decades:
ticular, to convey powder. The core of the
A cooled and grooved barrel in the feed- screws is generally of constant diameter, but
ing zone in order to increase the friction the screw elements (direct flight, reverse
coefficient between the solid polymer and flight, mixing geometries) may be adjusted
the barrel and thus to also increase the feed leading to quite an infinite number of geom-
rate significantly. etries. The plastication mechanism is not
The introduction of an additional flight in very well understood at present, and the
the plastication zone, which progressive- metering mechanism is generally different
(a) distribution channel (c) 00






Figure 2-3. (a) Coat

hanger die geometry.
(b) tube die geometry,
(c) wire coating die
geometry, and (d) pro-
file die geometry of
extrusion dies.
2.3 Polymer Forming Processes 85

from the one encountered in a single screw 2.3.2 Injection Molding

extruder in the sense that the twin screw
extruder is not filled everywhere, which Injection molding is used to produce parts
allows the screw rotation speed and the flow of complex geometry in one single opera-
rate to be varied independently. tion. This is a cyclic process and its main
Extrusion dies are adjusted to a single or steps are shown in Fig. 2-4:
a twin screw extruder. Several geometries 1) First the polymer is melted in a plasticat-
are presented in Fig. 2-3: ing single screw geometry similar to the
one described in Sec. 2.3.1. During the
(a) In a coat hanger die, the molten polymer rotation stage, the screw goes backwards
is distributed in a manifold of decreas- and the molten polymer is accumulated
ing cross section before entering a nar- in front of the screw.
row slit. A straining bar and a relaxation 2) Second, the polymer is injected at high
channel make a more uniform polymer velocity in a mold which is temperature
distribution possible in the lips. Obvi- controlled (generally around ambient).
ously, the construction of the die must be During this filling stage, the pressure is
such that the extruded polymer plaque, very important due to the high viscosity
sheet, or film is of constant thickness and and also due to the fast injection rates;
uniform temperature (Fig. 2-3 a). this necessitates very high clamping
(b) In a tube die (Fig. 2-3 b), the molten forces for the mold.
polymer is distributed around a mandrel 3) During the cooling stage, additional
that is attached to the die by spider legs. polymer is fed into the mold in order to
The design must be such that uniform balance the variation of the specific vol-
tube thickness is achieved. For film
blowing, more complex tube die geom-
etries are used.
(c) In a wire coating die (Fig. 2-3 c), the wire
is fed by a guider perpendicular to the
extruder. The polymer is distributed
around the guider using a distribution Ptasticatiorr. The screw backs up
while rotating
channel, and then flows between the
wire and the axisymmetric part of the
die. The major problems encountered
are eccentricity of the wire with respect
to the insulation and rupture of the wire
due to the large forces exerted by the
polymer on the wire (especially tele-
phone wires a few millimeters in diam-
(d) In a profile die (Fig. 2-3 d), the polymer
is progressively fed from the cylindrical
The screw is at rest
geometry of the barrel to the complex
profile geometry. The objective is to Ejection of object
from the moid
obtain a uniform velocity field at the die
exit with the required shape. Figure 2-4. Injection molding cycle.
86 2 General Principles of Polymer Processing Modeling

ume of the polymer due to the tempera- 1) In the cast-film process, the film is
ture and pressure decrease. This is called stretched over a short distance between
the packing phenomenon. the coat hanger die exit and a chill roll.
4) Finally, the solid part is ejected, and cool- The thickness and also the die width of
ing is achieved outside the mold. the film decrease and overthickness
defects (generally called "dogbone
The main problems encountered in injec- defects") appear on each side of the film,
tion molding are as follows: which necessitates cutting the two bor-
Optimizing the mold filling by adjusting ders of the film (Fig. 2-6).
the channels, gates, and runners in order 2) In the film blowing process, a tube of
to obtain a balanced filling in the shortest molten polymer is simultaneously inflat-
period of time with a controlled tempera- ed under pressurized air and stretched
ture. with the help of rollers (Fig. 2-7). Cool-
Optimizing processing parameters (dur- ing is generally achieved by the forced
ing the filling and the packing stages) in convection of air through an air ring sit-
order to control the weight of the part as uated above the die. New film blowing
well as its final shape (warping phenom- systems include internal air cooling.
ena linked to the residual stress distribu- Once the film is solidified, its shape does
tion may be observed). not change: it is then pulled, folded, and
wound on cylindrical cores. The main
problems are the thickness regularity
2.3.3 Stretching Processes
along the perimeter as well as the bubble
Fiber spinning represents a great variety stability.
of processes: molten polymer spinning or
solution spinning, cooling in air over a long Blow molding is used to produce bottles,
distance or stretching in air over a short dis- containers, and tanks. Two main processes
tance and then cooling in water, high or low are encountered:
draw ratio, etc. Figure 2-5 represents the 1) In extrusion blow molding, an extruded
high speed spinning process for polyamide tube is punched at the die exit in the mold
or polyester fibers: the molten polymer geometry. Blowing air inflates the mol-
flowing from the extruder is filtered through ten parison along the cold mold walls; the
a "spinning pack" and then distributed on a solidified part is then extracted.
plaque with several hundred holes, the
2) In injection blow molding, parisons are
diameters of which are less than one milli-
first injected, then reheated, and finally
meter. The polymer filaments emerging
simultaneously inflated and stretched
from these holes are stretched over a long
with pressurized air and a moving rod.
distance (one meter or more) and simulta-
This second blow molding process
neously cooled by forced convection. Sev-
makes it possible to achieve a better
eral filaments are assembled as a fiber which
thickness distribution, as well as
is wound up. The main objective is to obtain
enhanced mechanical properties (due to
very thin filaments (final diameter around
biaxial stretching) (Fig. 2-8).
10 (Lim) at a high speed and without instabil-
ities. In all these forming processes, complex
Polymer films are obtained with two dif- geometries, rich flow kinematics, as well as
ferent techniques: high thermal coupling are encountered.
2.3 Polymer Forming Processes 87

_i m L J

\ Q hopper

(2) extruder

\L V (|)

spinning pack

air blowing

Q winding system

Figure 2-5. High speed spinning line.

Figure 2-6. Diagram of the cast film process. Figure 2-7. Diagram of the film blowing process.
88 2 General Principles of Polymer Processing Modeling

these numerical models have to be based on

an accurate physical description of the phe-
nomena encountered in the process: how
can we model single screw extrusion with-
out understanding the so-called "rear flight
plastication mechanism"? Also, that these
models need a lot of physical data (viscos-
ity, elasticity, heat capacity, and also density
and macromolecular orientation, etc.).
Some of these data are very difficult to
the preform the preform preform measure at present.
is heated in is transferred biaxial
an infrared into the mold stretching
Figure 2-8. Diagram of the injection blow molding 2.4.2 Governing Equations
A set of eleven equations must be solved
in the general case:
Governing equations as well as approxima-
tion methods are presented in the next sec- (i) Mass balance (one equation)
tion. dp
where p is the density and u is the velocity
2.4 Governing Equations field. The polymer may generally be con-
and Simplification Methods sidered as incompressible, which leads to
div u = 0 (2-8)
2.4.1 Introduction
(ii) Momentum balance (three equations)
The main objective of polymer convert-
ers is to obtain satisfactory products at a diva + F - p 7 = 0 (2-9)
competitive price. A satisfactory product
As pointed out in Sec. 2.2.1, mass forces
means achieving certain overall dimensions
(F) as well as inertia forces (pf) may, in
as well as a nice surface aspect. It also
general, be neglected, which leads to
requires satisfactory properties, which
means a specific molecular orientation, a div a = (2-10)
minimum of residual stresses, or a specific
(iii) Energy balance (one equation) - sever-
crystalline structure. A competitive price
al energy balance equations are available; if
means that the process rapidly attains steady
no phase transformation is considered dur-
state conditions with a minimum of waste
ing the process, it may be written as
and a maximum output in extrusion, or a
minimum cycle time in injection or blow grad T) + a: (2-11)
Polymer processing modeling is a useful where cp is the heat capacity, k the heat con-
tool to achieve these objectives. Computer ductivity, and G: 8 is the viscous dissipation,
assisted design (CAD) of die or mold geom- which is the most important parameter in
etries is now common practice. It is never- most polymer processes, as pointed out in
theless very important to keep in mind that Sees. 2.2.1 and 2.2.4.
2.4 Governing Equations and Simplification Methods 89

(iv) Constitutive equations (six equations) 2.4.3 The Simplifying Assumptions

- a broad number of constitutive equations
are available and one of the most difficult Assumptions may be introduced for the
problems is to select a "reasonable" constit- constitutive equation, the boundary condi-
utive equation. This problem will be tions, the geometry, the flow kinematics,
addressed in Sec. 2.4.3. and the energy equation. The relative impor-
tance of each assumption has to be careful-
The Newtonian constitutive equation can ly weighed (Agassant et al., 1993).
only provide a crude approximation to
most processes Rheological Assumptions
a = - p I + 2 7]E (2-12)
Before introducing a sophisticated con-
where p is the isotropic pressure and I the stitutive equation in a model, it is important
identity tensor. to know if it is necessary for the purpose of
The generalized Newtonian constitutive the computation and if the corresponding
equation is often used rheological parameters may be measured: it
is now common practice to measure the
o = -pI + 2 r\(T, j)e (2-13)
complex modulus as a function of the fre-
The viscosity (77) may follow a power law quency (small deformations) or the shear
[Eq. (2-1)] or a Carreau-Yasuda law [Eq. viscosity as a function of the shear rate
(2-2)] with the temperature dependance (large deformations). The Cox and Merz
obeying Arrhenius [Eq. (2-4)] or W.L.F. rule (Cox and Merz, 1958) makes it possible
[Eq. (2-5)] laws, ^is the second invariant of to superimpose these two kinds of shear
the rate of strain tensor. measurement for simple molten polymer
Differential as well as integral constitu- systems. This is no longer true for polymer
tive viscoelastic equations are available. blends, reinforced polymers, and even PVC
The Maxwell constitutive equation has formulations. It is more difficult to measure
been presented before [Eq. (2-3)]. elastic parameters, e.g., the first normal
stress difference and relaxation times; this
The more general shape of the constitu- may only be achieved over a narrow range
tive equation may be written of deformation rates. Measuring the elonga-
/(T,e) = 0 (2-14) tional viscosity (in uniaxial or biaxial
stretching), the second normal stress differ-
The unknowns to be determined are the ence, and the rheology of fiber-reinforced
three components of the velocity u, the five polymers in relation to filler orientation
components of the extra stress tensor T, the (Ausias et al., 1992) is, even now, a difficult
hydrostatic pressure p (or the isotropic part task. Nowadays computation facilities
of the stress tensor p in the viscoelastic make it possible to directly fit the rheolog-
case), the temperature T, and the density p. ical parameters to complex but well instru-
This general problem with eleven equa- mented experiments.
tions and eleven unknowns remains difficult
It is then interesting to know what kind of
to solve, especially for the complex process-
flow situations will be encountered in the
ing geometries described in Sec. 2.3. Sim-
plifying assumptions may be used in order
to obtain appropriate, but accurate, solu- (i) In simple shear flows, or in nearly shear-
tions with reasonable computing costs. ing flow situations (as indicated in Sec. 2.5,
90 2 General Principles of Polymer Processing Modeling

nearly shearing flow situations will be imum first normal stress difference to the
encountered in a wide range of die flow or maximum shear rate).
injection molding problems), elasticity will If these numbers are lower than one, a
mainly affect the extra stress components, purely viscous model will give a reason-
and to a lesser extent, the velocity field (i.e., able approximation of the problem. If
the flow rate) and the stress normal to the not, viscoelastic computations have to
wall (which is generally called the pres- be introduced, but this may lead to
sure). On the other hand, both the velocity numerical difficulties if stress singular-
field and the pressure will be strongly ities are encountered in the flow [see
dependent on the shear viscosity. As a con- Keunings (1989)], and to high computa-
sequence, a precise viscous constitutive tion times.
equation has to be used in order to predict
accurate pressure-flow rate relationships, Finally, it is important to clearly identi-
(ii) In elongational flows (or in nearly elon- fy the problem to be solved: if only
gational flows such as fiber spinning, film pressure-flow rate relationships have to be
blowing, and blow molding), the elonga- established, a precise, purely viscous
tional viscosity is a key parameter and is description of the polymer is often suffi-
strongly dependent on the elasticity. For cient. On the other hand, stress distributions,
example, if we consider the elongation of a die swell prediction, macromolecule orien-
filament at a constant rate of strain [see tation, and fiber orientation require sophis-
Denn and Marrucci (1971)], a Newtonian ticated viscoelastic equations.
behavior will result in a constant elonga-
tional stress (Trouton experiment), whereas Boundary Conditions
even the simplest viscoelastic Maxwell
behavior will lead to an elongational stress Only confined flow boundary conditions
increasing with both time and elongation will be considered here, both for the veloc-
rate. This is qualitatively in agreement ity and for the heat transfer.
with the experimental results observed for
molten polymers. As a consequence, viscoe- Velocity
lastic constitutive equations have to be con- Generally, at reasonable flow rates, a stick-
sidered to account for elongational process- ing contact is taken into account at the wall
es. (zero velocity). At very high flow rates, flow
(iii) A large number of confined flow geom- instabilities are often observed, which may
etries encountered in die flows or in injec- be linked to stick-slip phenomena at the wall.
tion molding involve mixed flows with both These phenomena will not be considered
shear and elongation deformations. Two hereafter. For PVC compounds as well as for
nondimensional numbers have to be consid- elastomer compounds, slip boundary condi-
ered: tions may be observed, even at low flow
1) The Deborah number compares the char- rates. This necessitates the determination of
acteristic relaxation time of the polymer a "slip constitutive equation". A power law
(the mean relaxation time, for example) is often used (Mourniac et al., 1992)
with the mean residence time.
T r/K Vp (9-1^
2) The Weissenberg number compares the
first normal stress difference to the shear where Tw is the shear stress at the wall, Vs is
stress (for example, the ratio of the max- the slip velocity, and a and p are two coef-
2.4 Governing Equations and Simplification Methods 91

ficients which may be determined experi- (i) In several confined polymer forming pro-
mentally using capillary rheometry with dif- cesses, the polymer flows as a thin layer, so
ferent die diameters [see Mooney (1931)]. that this flow is either one-directional or
two-directional. This is, for example, the
Heat Transfer case for the geometries encountered in a
The simplest but crude approximation coat hanger die (Fig. 2-3 a), in the cross head
consists of assuming a constant and fixed of a wire coating die (Fig. 2-3 c), or in many
temperature at the machinery wall (Tw). A injection molds.
more realistic boundary condition consists If we consider the flow of a Newtonian
of defining a heat transfer coefficient X fluid [Eq. (2-12)] in a 3 D geometry (Fig.
between the molten polymer and the 2-9), Eqs. (2-8) and (2-10) will lead to the
machinery well-known stokes equations

dT d2u d2u d2u

k (2-16) (2-17 a)
dn wall dx2 dy2 dz2

where Tr is the controlled temperature of 1

the machinery and n is the normal to the 2 2
(2-17 b)
dx dy dz2
w d2 w dw
2 (2-l7c)
dx dy Geometrical Simplifications
It is often useful to unroll a three- (2-l7d)
dy dz
dimensional geometry to obtain a planar
one. This is common practice for describing The lubrication approximation [see
the flow in the channel of an extruder [see Streeter [1961)] may be introduced if the
Tadmor and Klein (1970)], but it is also used flow gap h is small compared to the length
for annular geometries encountered, for of the flow geometry L(hlL<\) and if h var-
example, in wire coating (Fig. 2-3 c) or spi- ies slowly (dh/dx< I and dhldy< I), so that
ral mandrel dies. it is possible to consider locally a pure shear
A lay flat approximation was used in the flow, with only two velocity components u
first mold-filling softwares in order to trans- and v in the x and y directions (see Fig. 2-9)
form the complex 3 D geometry of a mold
into a planar one. The two-dimensional flow (2-18 a)
2r\ dx
may then be divided into several unidirec-
tional flows [see Alles et al. (1988)]. This (2-18 b)
technique has also been used in flat die
extrusion (Vergnes et al., 1980) or in a spi- Integrating the mass balance equation
ral mandrel die (Saillard and Agassant, throughout the thickness leads to the Hele-
1984). Shaw equation (Hele-Shaw, 1899)
div(/z3grad/?) = O (2-19) Flow Kinematics Assumptions
This may be generalized for a power law,
Confined flows and free surface flows temperature-dependent fluid: the general-
will be considered successively: ized Hele-Shaw equation is [see Vergnes
92 2 General Principles of Polymer Processing Modeling

and Agassant (1986)]

d2p d2p] + 2n(dpdh j dpdh^ h (dpdK } dp dK^
dx2 dy2] n \^ 3JC 3JC dy dy ) Kny dx dx dy dy )
dp)2d2P (dpXd2p dp dp d2p
\-nydx) dx2 \dy) dy2 dx dy dxdy
+ h- =0 (2-20)

The two first terms are equivalent to

Eq. (2-19); the third term corresponds to the where z* corresponds to the location of max-
temperature dependence of the viscosity (if imum velocity throughout the thickness.
the consistency index K is independent of Generally speaking, the lubrication or
the temperature, this term is zero); the fourth Hele-Shaw approximation makes it possible
term corresponds to the shear thinning to reduce a mechanical problem with four
behavior (if n- 1, this term is zero). equations [Eq. (2-17) in the Newtonian
For more general viscous behavior case] and four unknowns (u, v, w, p) to a
[Eq. (2-13)], the Hele-Shaw equation can be problem with one equation (Eq. (2-19),
expressed as [see Agassant et al. (1993)] (2-20), or (2-21)] with the pressure as an
div (P grad p) = 0 (2-21 a)
(ii) Thin film or fiber approximations may
where [3 is defined as
be introduced in most stretching situations.
( *\2
nz-z*) (2-21 b)




Figure 2-10. Fiber spinning of a unique filament.

Figure 2-9. Typical geometry of confined flow. (The notation is defined in Sec. 2.5.5.)
2.4 Governing Equations and Simplification Methods 93

If we consider the fiber spinning of a New- differential equation, with only one veloc-
tonian fluid (Fig. 2-10), two velocity com- ity component unknown.
ponents - the longitudinal component w,
which may be considered as a constant in
each section [w(z)], and the radial compo- Energy Balance Assumptions
nent [u(r, z)] - as well as the hydrostatic
(i) In a 2 D confined flow geometry between
pressure have to be determined.
parallel plates, the temperature balance
The continuity equation makes it possible equation [Eq. (2-11)] is, in steady condi-
to express the radial velocity component as tions and for a constant heat conductivity
a function of the longitudinal one
U(r,z) =~ ^ (2-22)

Shear stresses are neglected with respect Introducing a mean temperature approx-
to elongational stresses, and as a conse- imation T throughout the flow gap h leads
quence the stress tensor is diagonal to a first order partial differential equation

pc ox ay pc
0 pc h
where u and v are the mean velocity com-
ponents which may be derived from Eq.
The thin fiber approximation consists of (2-18). The Nusselt number Nu represents
assuming that if the radial stress is zero at the nondimensional value of the heat trans-
the periphery of the fiber, it remains zero fer coefficient X with the walls of the con-
everywhere. As a consequence fined geometry. This Nusselt number is a
- ^dw function of the Brinkman number [Eq.
(2-24) (2-6)] and the Cameron number
which leads to the well-known Trouton Nu = /(fir, Co) (2-29 a)
equation (Trouton, 1906)
Ca (2-29 b)
dz where L is the flow length, V the mean
Assuming that the stretching force is a velocity, and a the heat diffusivity. The func-
constant results in a mean velocity balance tion/may be derived in simple flow situa-
equation tions from analytical or numerical compu-
tations [see, for example, Agassant et al.
(2-26) (1988)].
The validity of this mean temperature
where Q is the volumetric flow rate. approximation will depend on the accuracy
The same type of equation will be derived of the Nusselt number and the importance
for other elongation situations. Here again of the temperature difference between the
a set of several differential equations with polymer (f) and the wall (TJ. If (F - TJ
several unknowns is reduced to one single is small (as in many die flows or in calen-
94 2 General Principles of Polymer Processing Modeling

dering problems), the accuracy of a mean In more complex flow geometries none of
temperature approximation may be suffi- these approximations are available. Never-
cient. On the other hand, if (T - Tw) is theless, 3 D, nonisothermal, viscoelastic
important (as in injection molding), it computations are not easy to achieve at
will be necessary to solve the global ener- present. Purely viscous, 3 D, isothermal
gy balance equation [Eq. (2-11) or Eq. computations in a profile die geometry will
(2-27)]. be presented in Sec. 2.5.3.
(ii) In a free surface flow problem (fiber
spinning or film blowing), a mean temper-
ature approximation is again often used. 2.5 Examples of Polymer Flow
Generally, viscous dissipation may be Computations
neglected. For example, in fiber spinning
2.5.1 Coat Hanger Flat Die Geometry
-Nuk (2-30)
**%- R It is interesting to optimize the die geom-
etry in order to obtain a uniform thickness
where R is the radius of the fiber at height and temperature distribution at the die exit,
z. Heat transfer with the surrounding air will at the maximum possible flow rate. The flow
be governed by free convection, forced con- for the geometry in Fig. 2-3 a is nearly
vection, and radiation. It is not easy to define shearing flow; as a consequence, a purely
the balance between these different contri- viscous approximation has been used.
butions. In fiber spinning, forced convec- Lubrication approximations are available;
tion will be dominant and the Nusselt num- only the transition between the distribution
ber will be a function of the Reynolds num- channel and the narrow slit before the strain-
ber of the surrounding air [see Agassant ing bar presents severe flow restrictions. For
etal. (1991)]. a power law, temperature-dependent poly-
mer, Eq. (2-20) will be considered with the
2.4.4 Preliminary Conclusions following boundary conditions: zero pres-
sure at the die exit, a zero pressure gradient
Some of these simplifying assumptions along the periphery of the die (which means
may be used to obtain accurate solutions for a zero flow rate through the die border but
several polymer processing geometries: not a zero velocity along the border), and an
- purely viscous, Hele-Shaw and mean tem- imposed pressure gradient at the die entry
perature approximations, in a coat hanger (which means an imposed flow rate).
flat die geometry (Sec. 2.5.1); A mean temperature approximation
- the same approximation, plus unrolling [Eq. (2-28)] will be used. An imposed wall
the flow, in a tube die geometry (Sec. temperature Tw and an initial temperature at
2.5.2); the die entry T{ will be considered; u and v
- purely viscous and Hele-Shaw approxi- in Eq. (2-28) will be derived from the pres-
mations (but with a temperature profile sure field using Eq. (2-18) (or equivalent
throughout the thickness) in injection equations for power law fluids).
molding (Sec. 2.5.4); As a consequence, the set of eleven equa-
- thin fiber approximation, but with a vis- tions with eleven unknowns [Eqs. (2-8),
coelastic constitutive equation in fiber (2-10), (2-11), and (2-14)] will be restrict-
spinning (Sec. 2.5.5). ed to a set of four equations [Eqs. (2-18),
2.5 Examples of Polymer Flow Computations 95

(2-20), and 2-(28)] with four unknowns (p, distribution and then a new pressure field,
T, u, and v). They can be solved iteratively etc., until convergence.
using a finite difference or a finite element
Generally three or four iterations are
method (Ito, 1970; Klein and Klein, 1973;
required before convergence.
Matsubara, 1979; Vergneset al., 1984; Puis-
Figure 2-1 l a shows the pressure field
sant etal., 1994):
and the flow rate distribution in the die. If
An initial (for example, uniform) temper- the flow lines are equidistant at the die exit,
ature field is considered. the flow rate distribution will be uniform.
The value of the viscosity (or the consis- As shown in Fig. 2-11 b, the flow rate dis-
tency index K when considering a power tribution will be strongly dependent on the
law) is deduced using an Arrhenius equa- power law index: for a low value of the
tion [Eq. (2-4)] or a WLF equation power law index (ft = 0.2), the flow rate is
[Eq. (2-5)]. more important in the central part of the die
Equation (2-20) is solved with the boun- than at the periphery; the opposite situation
dary conditions presented above. is encountered for higher n values (n = 0.35
The mean velocity components u and v and n = 0.5). As a consequence, a sheeting
are deduced. die has to be designed for each polymer.
The mean temperature balance equation Figure 2-12 a presents the mean tempera-
[Eq. (2-28)] is then solved with the previ- ture field within the die for T{ = Tw = 200 C.
ously determined pressure and velocity The flow seems to be nearly isothermal and
fields. it could be believed that heat transfer can-
A new temperature distribution is deduced not modify the flow distribution. In fact,
in the whole die which makes it possible when modifying the temperature of the die,
to define a new viscosity (consistency) the flow distribution is markedly affected:

100 bars

90.1 bars 802bars

6O.d r^
50.5 J
30.7 '
20.8- ______ (a)
in g 1

= 1.0-

i" a
a) n = 0.2
b) n = 0.35
(b) Figure 2-11. (a) Coat
hanger die - pressure and
01 c) n = 0.5 flow rate distribution
^ 0.9
T (b) relative flow rate distri-
bution at die exit.
96 2 General Principles of Polymer Processing Modeling


AI p
Wall femperafure:
t" / a) T = 180 C
b) T = 200 C
c) T = 220 eC (b)
2 1.1
J c
> 1-0
Figure 2-12. (a) Coat
I 0.9 hanger die - temperature

/ distribution; (b) influence
of the temperature of the

v' die on the flow rate distri-
bution at the die exit.

when r w = 180C, a very bad flow distribu-

tion is obtained (30%), where as when oversweilinq
Tw = 220 C the quality of the distribution is
very even (4%) (Fig. 12b). This example
clearly points out how important the THICKNESS DEFECT SYMMETRICAL
thermo-mechanical coupling is in polymer DUE TO MANDREL THICKNESS DEFECTS
flow modeling. ECCENTRICITY

Figure 2-13. Examples of thickness defects in poly-

mer pipe extrusions
2.5.2 Tube Die Geometry
One of the main problems encountered in
polymer pipe processing, especially at high As can be observed in Fig. 2-3 b, the
output rates, is a thickness irregularity along geometry of the tube die is axisymmetric,
the perimeter of the pipe (Saillard et al., except around the spider legs. However, the
1984). In some cases, this defect is due to overswelling defects are not connected to
the mandrel eccentricity, but generally, two the location of these spider legs. Getting an
symmetrical swelling nonuniformities irregular thickness by using an axisymmet-
appear, even when the mandrel is well cen- rical die is an unexpected result. In fact, for
tered in the housing (Fig. 2-13). PVC processing, counterrotating twin
2.5 Examples of Polymer Flow Computations 97

where Q is the volumetric flow rate, rx and

re are the radius of the mandrel and the
inner radius of the die, respectively, and
r* is the location of the maximum veloc-
ity within the flow gap (see Fig. 2-15).
section aa
The temperature balance equation is
deduced from Eq. (2-28) n .

Equations (2-31) and (2-32) are coupled

section bb through the temperature dependence of
Figure 2-14. Typical temperature profile at the exit the viscosity [Arrhenius law - Eq. (2-4)]
of a counterrotating twin screw extruder; a maximum Equations (2-31), (2-32), and (2-4) are
temperature gradient of 10C may be observed. solved by using a slab method: the flow
rate Q and the initial temperature T{ in
each sector of the die entry should be
screw extruders are commonly used and
known. The polymer consistency index K
nonaxisymmetrical temperature profiles
is deduced in the first slab using Eq.
may be measured at the die entry (Klenk,
(2-4). The pressure drop is then obtained
1969), as shown in Fig. 2-14. It is easy to
in the first slab by introducing this value
speculate that these cool and hot areas will
of K in Eq. (2-31). It is then possible to
be separated by the mandrel and will follow
compute the temperature gradient in the
independent ways along the die. Along a
first slab using Eq. (2-32). The tempera-
"hot" flow line, the viscosity will be lower
ture at the extremity of the first slab will
and the local output rate higher, which
lead to a new value of the consistency
explains the emergence of a local overswell-
index for the second slab, and so on until
the die exist.
As a consequence, the flow is no longer
Figure 2-16 a presents the pressure profile
axisymmetrical, but at first glance, it is
along the die; the pressure drop occurs at
tempting to assume that the flow equations
the die exit, after the spider legs. In the
remain those of the axisymmetric calcula-
same way, Fig. 2-16 b shows that the mean
tions, but with different viscosity values in
temperature also increases in the last part
the "hot" and the "cool" regions.
of the die.
As pointed out in Sec. 2.4.3 A, lubrication If different values of the initial tempera-
approximations can be used to reduce the ture are now introduced in the axisymmet-
two-dimensional axisymmetric flow into ric computation, corresponding to the dif-
a one-directional one. The Hele-Shaw ferent sectors of Fig. 2-14, the resulting
equation is now called a Reynolds equa- thickness distribution is far more impor-
tion [Eq. (2-31)]. For a power law fluid, it tant than in the experiments (1.9 mm com-
is written as

dXdr (2-31)
98 2 General Principles of Polymer Processing Modeling

Figure 2-15. Details of the

tube flow geometry.

0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4

Axial distance, z im)

Figure 2-16. (a) Pressure

profile along the tube die,
(b) mean temperature profile
along the tube die.
0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4
Axial distance, z ( m ) * -
2.5 Examples of Polymer Flow Computations 99

puted thickness variation as opposed to 192 190 184 180 187 190 192

0.6 mm in the experiments). This illus-

trates that this "sectorial" axisymmetric
computation is not valid and that the initial
temperature gradients promote orthoradi-
al flow velocity components within the
axisymmetric geometry.
This has been illustrated by unrolling the
flow geometry in the last part of the die (after
the spider legs), where both the pressure gra-
dient and the temperature gradient are
important. It is now a confined flow geom-
etry (Fig. 2-9) and the Hele-Shaw equations
[Eqs. (2-18), (2-20), and (2-28)] used in the
preceeding section have been solved.
For an entry temperature varying between
180 and 192 C, the isotherms and the flow
rate distribution at the die exit are indicat-
ed in Fig. 2-17, the temperature heteroge-
neity reduces from 12 C at the die entry
to 7C at the die exit (Fig. 2-17 a); the
resulting flow rate distribution is about
10% (Fig. 17b), which induces a thick-
ness eccentricity of 1.3 mm. This value
has to be compared to the axisymmetrical (b)
computation (1.9 mm) and to the experi-
mental result (0.6 mm).
In order to improve the agreement
between computation and experiment, it
would be necessary to take into account
the real experimental temperature profile DIE WIDTH Y

at the die entry (Fig. 2-14) and not aver- Figure 2-17. (a) Mean temperature distribution in the
aged values in different flow sectors. This unrolled geometry of the final part of the tube die. The
would necessitate three-dimensional temperature of the die is uniform. Only half of the
computations, which will be presented in geometry is represented, (b) Resulting flow rate dis-
tribution at the tube die exit (half of the exit section).
the next section.
Nevertheless, this computation method
makes it possible to propose technological ery of the die (this can be achieved by set-
solutions in order to decrease these over- ting heating cartridges all around the die).
swelling defects. It is suggested to use a dif- We observe in Fig. 2-18 b that the tempera-
ferential thermal regulation in order to ture field at the die exit is quite uniform. The
"heat" the cool flow lines and to "cool" the resulting flow rate distribution (Fig. 2-18 c)
hot flow lines. In Fig. 2-18 a we impose a reduces to 3%, and the thickness varia-
30 C temperature difference at the periph- tions are lowered to 0.2 mm.
100 2 General Principles of Polymer Processing Modeling

three-dimensional and no geometrical or

kinematic assumption is a priori valid.
(a) First, we assume a purely viscous constit-
utive equation and an isothermal flow. The
main problem in profile die extrusion is the
flow balance at the die exit; even a slight
imbalance can cause the profile to bend. The
variational formulation equivalent to mass
[Eq. (2-2)] and stress [Eq. (2-10)] balance
equations with a purely viscous constitutive
equation is the following. Find (u, p), which
\ir[ e(w): E(M*) dv - \pVu * dv = 0 (2-33 a)
a Q
jp*Vudv = 0 (2-33 b)
for any arbitrary (w*, /?*).
Equation (2-33) is solved using a Galer-
kin finite element method. This leads to the
resolution of nonlinear equations, which are
solved by a classical Newton-Raphson
method. Using an isotropic mesh of the flow
domain would lead to an unrealistic storage
requirement (it is necessary to introduce a
minimum of four meshes within the finest
exit section). As a consequence, anisotrop-
ic meshes based on non-Euclidian metrics
have been introduced (George et al., 1991;
Figure 2-18. (a) Differential temperature control
Magnin, 1994) in a three-dimensional mesh
along the periphery of the tube die, (b) resulting mean generator (Coupez, 1994). Figure 2-19
temperature distribution in the unrolled geometry of presents an example of an anisotropic mesh.
the tube die, (c) resulting flow rate distribution at the Figure 2-20 gives the pressure field in the
tube die exit. half geometry (Gobeau et al., 1995). The
pressure remains quite constant in the
This second example shows that nonuni- upstream region. The pressure drop is locat-
formity in the temperature may transform a ed in the thinner region near the die exit. The
geometrically axisymmetric flow into a far isobar lines seem to be parallel to the exit
more complex one. section, which would lead to a uniform
velocity at the exit if the flow gap was a con-
stant. In fact, as indicatd in Fig. 2-21, the
2.5.3 Profile Die Geometry
velocity distribution is not uniform, even in
If we consider the profile die geometry the flow regions where the gap is constant.
presented in Fig. 2-3 d, the flow is really The mean velocity field throughout the gap
2.5 Examples of Polymer Flow Computations 101

Figure 2-19. Anisotropic meshing of the profile die.

<imum : 20.01 MPa




[> 14.5882

|> 13.2314


|> 10.5178

i > 9.16096








Figure 2-20. Pressure field in the profile die geometry of Fig. 2-19; only one half of the geometry is represented.
102 2 General Principles of P o l y m e r P r o c e s s i n g M o d e l i n g

<imum : 4.10 mm/s

I> 3.82986

> 3.SS606

> 3.28226

> 3.00847

> 2.73467

> 2.46088

|> 2.18708

!> 1.91329

|> 1.63949

> 1.36570

> 1.09190

> .818104

> .544308

> .270513

> -.328290E-02

Figure 2-21. Velocity field at the profile die exit.

has been compared to experimental meas-

urements performed on PVC compound
0) profile extrudates (Fig. 2-22). The numeri-
a. cal computation overestimates the observed
o velocity gradients, but the general trends are
CO in agreement.

2.5.4 Injection Molding

2 3 4 5 6 7
Injection molding is one of the more com-
perimeter of the die exit plex situations encountered in polymer pro-
Figure 2-22. Velocity distribution at the profile die cessing:
exit; comparison between experiment () and numer-
ical computations ().
A high injection speed induces a large vis-
cous dissipation.
High temperature gradients are encoun-
tered between the hot polymer layer and
the cold mold walls.
2.5 Examples of Polymer Flow Computations 103

Mold geometries are often complex. al., 1989; Chiang et al., 1991; Boshouwers
Additional polymer is introduced after and Van der Werf, 1988) may be used.
mold filling in order to compensate for A mean temperature approximation is not
shrinkage during cooling. valid due to the high transverse temperature
Polymer part warpage may be observed gradients. As a consequence we have to
after demolding. solve the following energy balance equation
The main questions polymer converters pc
are asking are the following:
How to design the mold and in particular (2-34)
the gates and runners in order to achieve dz
filling in the most uniform way? The generalized shear rate f is defined by
How to adjust the injection speed, poly- 1/2
mer and mold temperatures, packing pres- 7= (2-35)
sure, and packing holding time in order to dz)
obtain a part with the required properties The gapwise convection term w dT/dz
(good mechanical properties, no warpage, cannot generally be neglected because,
etc.)? although the w velocity component is very
small in comparison with the u and v veloc-
In this section, we focus our interest on
ity components, the dT/dz temperature gra-
mold filling. No general three-dimensional
dient is generally very high. The boundary
software is available at this time. In several
conditions are as follows: a given injection
mold geometries, the Hele-Shaw approxi-
temperature at the mold entrance (r inj ), an
mation may be applied (the flow gap is small
imposed wall temperature, interfacial tem-
in comparison with the overall mold dimen-
perature, or heat flux condition at the mold
sions), which means solving Eq. (2-21) at
wall, and a zero temperature gradient along
each time step with the following boundary
the borders.
conditions (Fig. 2-23): zero pressure at the
Equation (2-34) can be solved using finite
flow front (/? = 0), a zero pressure gradient
difference, finite element, or control volume
along the borders (dpIdn-Q) an imposed
methods. In this last method, the control vol-
pressure gradient (which means imposed
umes are built by joining the centroids of the
flow rate Q) at the gate. Finite difference
finite elements (which are used for the
methods (Broyer et al., 1975; Hieber and
description of the geometry and for the pres-
Shen, 1978; Subbiah et al., 1989), or finite sure computation) to the center of each side
element methods (Willien, 1992; Couniot et of the elements (Fig. 2-24 a). Then sub-
control volumes are built by discretization
through the thickness (Fig. 2-24 b), in which
a heat balance leads to the temperature.
Finally, when the pressure, velocity, and
temperature are known, the flow front posi-
tion must be updated for the next time step.
This may be achieved using temporary
dp/dn = 0
meshes with a Lagrangian description of the
Figure 2-23. Mechanical boundary conditions dur- front (Couniot et al., 1989). Another meth-
ing mold filling. od consists of defining for each control vol-
104 2 General Principles of Polymer Processing Modeling

0.09 s

Figure 2-24. (a) Control volumes built on the trian-

gular finite element mesh of the mid surface, (b) sub-
control volumes within the gap thickness.

ume (Fig. 2-24 a) a fill factor a varying from (b)

0.15 s
0 (empty volume) to one (filled volume). A
value of a between 0 and 1 means that the
flow front will be located within the control
volume. At each time step the value of a is
updated by solving Eq. (2-36) for each con- (c)
trol volume (Willien, 1992) 0.21

u)adl (2-36)
Q r
where Q represents the control volume area,
h the local flow gap, Fthe border of the con- 0.27
trol volume, and n the vector normal to the
border. These methods are now widely used
in most of the commercially available soft-
ware packages. Figure 2-25 represents the
pressure field at successive time steps dur-
Figure 2-25. Mold filling of a rectangular box; the
ing the filling of a rectangular box. The same pressure field at successive time steps.
kind of results may be presented for more
complex mold geometries.
Even in a simple mold geometry, this area is determined with an arbitrary
method is not able to capture the velocity, Lagrangian-Eulerian method. This means
stress, and temperature fields near the mold that only the filled area is meshed. This
gate and at the flow front where marked mesh is updated between two time steps but
velocity components may be observed out with a velocity that is different from the
of the mid-plane of the part. These velocity material velocity (Lagrangian method), and
components, even located in a restricted which minimizes mesh distortion.
area, are of importance in order to predict The equation of energy is solved by a
fiber orientation (for injection molding of method of characteristics to account for the
short fiber reinforced thermoplastics) or convection terms. Anistropic meshes, based
polymer crystallization. A two-dimensional on the same principle as for the 3 D profile
nonisothermal finite element method has die calculations, are used in order to capture
been developed by Magnin (1994). the very high temperature gradients along
At each time step, the velocity and the mold wall.
pressure are computed by solving Eq. Figure 2-26 illustrates the so-called
(2-33) (in 2 D). The evolution of the filled "fountain" flow for a Newtonian and for a
2.5 Examples of Polymer Flow Computations 105


(b) Figure 2-26. Fountain flow

for (a) a Newtonian and (b)
a shear thinning fluid.

T100,4 200.1 T<225.0

100.4<T< 125.3 226.0<T<250.0

125.3<T< 160.3 25Q.0<T274.9

150.3<T<176.2 274.9T


Figure 2-27. Center-gated disk geometry: (a) anisotropic meshing (b) flow lines, and (c) temperature field.

shear thinning fluid. Figure 2-27 represents polymer. Different spinning processes are
the flow lines and the temperature field in a encountered: dry, wet, and air-gap spinning,
center-gated disk, as well as the anistropic with generally high draw ratios with air
meshing used. cooling over a long distance, or low draw
ratios over a short distance in air, before
cooling in a water bath (see Fig. 2-10).
2.5.5 Fiber Spinning
In this last case, the spinning can be con-
Synthetic fibers are manufactured by sidered as isothermal. As pointed out in Sec.
spinning a polymer solution or a molten, a viseoelastie constitutive equation
106 2 General Principles of Polymer Processing Modeling

is required for elongational flow. A Max- 150

well constitutive equation may be selected

as a preliminary choice. A thin fiber approx-
imation is introduced and the extra stress \
100 Unattainable
components are [Eqs. (2-37)]
-rrr - 77 (^z-j/aj 50 V

0 0.01 0.02 0.03 0.04

Considering that there is no force acting De-
on the surface of the filament, the stress
component in the spinning direction reads Figure 2-28. Fiber spinning of a viscoelastic fluid
showing the unattainable zone.
ozz=Tzz-Trr (2-38)
Subtracting Eq. (2-37 a) from Eq. (2-37 b)
leads to
d(Jzz dw ^ -> dw ^

It is interesting to note that a zero relax-

ation time (0=0) leads to the well-known
Trouton relationship. We need additional
A constant flow rate
= S(z)w(z) (2-39)
A constant drawing force, which means
that the mass, inertia, air drag, and surface
tension may be neglected 0.01 0.02 0.03
F=azz(z)S(z) (2-40)
The boundary conditions are as follows: Figure 2-29. The drawing force as a function of the
Deborah number.
the initial section 5(0) = 5 0 is supposed to be
equal to the die section, the initial velocity
w0 and the draw down velocity w(L) are
known, and we assume that the initial extra ratio Dr = w(L)/W0; the Deborah number
stress component TZZ(0) is equal to the mean De = 6W0/L; as well an a nondimensional
extra stress component in the flow direction force HE = FL/(riS0W0) into Eqs. (2-37) to
at the end of the capillary die. (2-40) yields the following set of differen-
Introducing the nondimensional vari- tial equations:
ables: V= w/W0; A = S/S09 =z/L9 *?= Tzz So/F, dV = V
and the nondimensional numbers: the draw
2.5 Examples of Polymer Flow Computations 107

Figure 2-30. Velocity profile along

the spinning path for a Newtonian
fluid and for a viscoelastic one.

150 from the die exit to the take-up point for slab
after slab V(,) and *F() by integration
Eqs. (2-41 a) and (2-41 b).
If the calculated value of V(l) is different
from D r , E is modified and the process is
repeated until convergence, if it occurs. In
fact, for high Deborah numbers, it is not pos-
sible to find a solution. This shows the exis-
tence of an unattainable zone, which phys-
ically corresponds to conditions under
spinning length which spinning is not possible (Fig. 2-28).
The drawing force increases markedly in the
Figure 2-31. Diameter profile along the spinning
path; a comparison between computations ( New- vicinity of this unattainable zone (Fig.
tonian; Maxwell) and experiments (o). 2-29). The velocity profile is exponential in
the Newtonian case (0= 0) and becomes pro-
gressively more linear on increasing the
Deborah number (Fig. 2-30).
The diameter of the filament may be
measured along the spinning path by using
an optical device. The diameter computed
(2-41 b) with a viscoelastic model (D^ = 0.016) is
DeV very close to the measured one, whereas it
with the boundary conditions: A(0)=l, is quite different for a Newtonian model
V(0) = l, V(l) = D r and *F(0)= *F* (deduced (Fig. 2-31). This clearly points out again the
from rzz(0)). great influence of viscoelasticity in elonga-
The solution is obtained by selecting an tional processes. (Denn et al., 1975; Demay,
arbitrary value for E and then computing 1983.)
108 2 General Principles of Polymer Processing Modeling

2.6 Conclusions and Perspectives Agassant, J. R, Avenas, P., Sergent, J. P., Carreau, P.
(1991), Polymer Processing, Principles and Mod-
eling, Chap. 3. Munich: Hanser.
Polymer processing modeling appears to Agassant, J. R, Vergnes, B., Vincent, M. (1993), Mak-
be a useful tool for optimizing die and mold romol. Chem., Macromol. Symp. 68, 153.
Alles, H., Agassant, J. R, Vincent, M., Dehay, G.,
geometries and the processing conditions Lerebours, P., Ginglinger, B. (1988), Int. Polym.
(flow rate, polymer and machine tempera- Proc. 2, 191.
ture). Nowadays computer-assisted design Ausias, G., Agassant, J. R, Vincent, M., Lafleur, P. G.,
is starting to be widely used by polymer pro- Lavoie, P. A., Carreau, P. J. (1992), JRheol. 36, 525.
Beraudo, C. (1995), These de Doctorat, Ecole des
cessing manufacturers and by polymer con- Mines de Paris, France.
verters. Boshouwers, G., Van der Werf, J. (1988), Ph. D. The-
sis, Technical University of Eindhoven, The Neth-
In the near future, polymer processing erlands.
modeling will be used progressively in order Brinkman, H. C. (1951), Appl. Sci. Res. A2, 120.
to optimize the physical properties of the Broyer, E., Gutfinger, C , Tadmor, Z. (1975), Trans.
part (transparency, mechanical properties, Soc. Rheol. 19, 423.
Chiang, H. H., Hieber, C. A., Wang, K. K. (1991),
etc.), but this will require a better under- Polym. Eng. Sci. 31, 116.
standing of macromolecular orientation and Couniot, A., Dheur, L., Dupret, R (1989), in: Numer-
crystallization kinetics under complex flow ical Methods in Industrial Forming Processes:
Thomson, R. D., Wood, O. C , Zienkiewicz, A.
fields and high temperature gradients. (Eds.). Rotterdam: Balkema, p. 235.
From a numerical point of view, finite ele- Coupez, T. (1994), in: Numerical grid Generation
ment methods are now efficient for purely in Computational Fluid Dynamics and Related
Fields: Hanser, J., Weatherhill, N. P., Eiseman,
viscous nonisothermal flow conditions. In P. R., Thomson, J. R (Eds.). Swansea: Pineridge
three-dimensional flow geometries the main Press, p. 615.
problem consists of obtaining an accurate Cox, W. P., Merz, E. M. (1958), J. Polym. Sci. 28, 619.
Demay, Y. (1983), Ph. D. Thesis, Nice University.
meshing of the geometry while saving com- Denn, M. M., Marrucci, G. (1971), AICHEJ. 17, 101.
putation time and memory requirement. Denn, M. M., Petrie, C. J. S., Avenas, P. (1975),
Iterative solvers, parallel computing, and AICHEJ. 21, 791.
George, P. L., Hecht, R, Vallet, M. G. (1991), Adv.
error estimators are essential developments Eng. Software 13, 303.
if nontrivial flow geometries are to be con- Gobeau, J. R, Coupez, T., Vergnes, B., Agassant J. R
sidered. For viscoelastic flow computa- (1995), in: Simulation of Materials Processing:
Theory, Methods and Applications, NUMIFORM
tions, the choice of an accurate constitutive '95: Shen, S.-R, Dawson, P. (Eds.). Rotterdam: Bal-
equation remains open. The mixed charac- kema, p. 59.
ter of these constitutive equations (both Guillet, J., Carrot, C , Kim, B. S., Agassant, J. R,
Vergnes, B., Clermont, J. R., Normandin, M.,
elliptic and hyperbolic) leads to numerical Bereaux, Y. (1996), in: Rheology for Polymer Melt
difficulties, especially when stress singular- Processing: Piau, J. M., Agassant, J. R (Eds.).
ities are present in the flow geometry (reen- Amsterdam: Elsevier, p. 285.
Hele-Shaw, H. S. (1899), Proc. Roy. Soc. 16, 49.
trant corners, stick-slip). At this time, only Hieber, C. A., Shen, S.-F. (1978), Israel J. Technol.
two-dimensional viscoelastic computa- 16, 248.
tions, mostly in isothermal conditions, are Ito, K. (1970), Jpn. Plastics 4, 227.
Johnson, M. W., Segalmann, L. (1977), /. Non Newt.
available. FluidMech.2, 255.
Keunings, R. (1989), in: Fundamentals of Computer
Modeling for Polymer Processing: Tucker, C. L. Ill
(Ed.). Munich: Hanser, p. 403.
2.7 References Kiriakidis, D. G., Park, H. J., Mitsoulis, E., Vergnes,
B., Agassant, J. R (1983),/. Non Newt. FluidMech.
Agassant, J. R, Saillard, P., Vergnes, B. (1988), Rev. 47,339.
Gen. Therm. Fr. 272, All. Klein, I., Klein, R. (1973), SPEJ. 29, 33.
2.7 References 109

Klenk, K. P. (1969), Thesis, Institut fur Kunststoffe Vergnes, B., Agassant, J. F. (1986), Adv. Polym. Tech-
Verarbeitung, Aachen, Germany. nol. 6,411.
Larson, R. G. (1988), Constitutive Equations for Poly- Vergnes, B., Saillard, P., Plantamura, B. (1980),
mer Melts and Solutions. London: Butterworths. Kunststoffe 11,152.
Lindt, J. T. (1976), Polym. Eng. Sci. 16, 284. Vergnes, B., Saillard, P., Agassant, J. F. (1984), Polym.
Magnin, B. (1994), Ph. D. Thesis, Ecole Nationale Eng. Sci. 24, 980.
Superieure des Mines de Paris, France. Williams, M. L., Landel, R. R, Ferry, J. A. (1955),
Maillefer, C. (1959), Swiss Patent No. 363 149. J.Am. Chem. Soc. 77, 3701.
Matsubara, Y. (1979), Polym. Eng. Sci. 19, 169. Willien, J. L. (1992), Ph. D. Thesis, Ecole des Mines
Mooney, M. (1931), J. Rheol. 2,210. de Paris, France.
Mourniac, P., Agassant, J. F, Vergnes, B. (1992), Yasuda, K. Y, Armstrong, R. C , Cohen, R. E. (1981),
Rheol. Acta 31. 565. Rheologica Acta 20, 163.
Phan-Thien, N., Tanner, R. I. (1977), J. Non Newt.
Fluid Mech. 2, 353.
Puissant, S., Demay, Y., Vergnes, B., Agassant, J. F.
(1994), Polym. Eng. Sci. 34, 20. General Reading
Saillard, P., Agassant, J. F. (1984), Polym. Proc. Eng.
2,31. Agassant, J. F., Avenas, P., Sergent, J. P., Vergnes, B.,
Saillard, P., Vergnes, B., Agassant, J. F. (1984), Polym. Vincent, M. (1996), La Mise en forme des matieres
Proc. Eng. 2, 53. plastiques. Paris: Techniques et Documentation.
Streeter, V. L. (1961), Handbook of Fluid Dynamics. Cours, J. A., Agassant, J. F, Diogo, A. C , Vlacho-
New York: McGraw-Hill. poulos, J., Walters, K. (1995), Rheological Funda-
Subbiah, S., Trafford, D. L., Guceri, S. I. (1989), Int. mentals of Polymer Processing. Dordrecht: Kluwer.
J. Heat Mass Transfer 32, 415. Dealy, J. M., Wissbrun, K. M. (1990), Melt Rheology
Tadmor, Z., Klein, I. (1970), Engineering Principles and Its Role in Plastics Processing. New York: Van
of Plastic ating Extrusion. New York: Van Nostrand Nostrand.
Reinhold. Fenner, R. T. (1979), Principles of Polymer Proces-
Tanner, R. I. (1985), Engineering Rheology. Oxford: sing. London: Macmillan.
Clarendon. Tadmor, Z., Gogos, C. G. (1979), Principles of Poly-
Trouton, F. T. (1906), Proc. Roy. Soc, London A77. mer Processing. New York: Wiley.
3 Emulsions: The Dynamics of Liquid-Liquid Mixing
Jos M. H. Janssen

General Electric Plastics, Bergen op Zoom, The Netherlands

List of Symbols and Abbreviations 115

3.1 Introduction 118
3.1.1 Blend Morphologies 118
3.1.2 Mixing Mechanisms 119
3.1.3 Chapter Survey 121
3.2 Stretching 121
3.2.1 Affine Deformation 121 Theoretical 121 Experimental 123
3.2.2 Stretching and Folding 125 The Cavity Flow 126 Static Mixers 127 Dynamic Mixers 128
3.2.3 Conclusion 128
3.3 Breakup 129
3.3.1 Breakup of a Viscous Thread at Rest 129 Theoretical 129 Experimental 131 Numerical 133
3.3.2 Breakup of a Viscoelastic Thread at Rest 136 Experimental 136 Numerical 139
3.3.3 Breakup of a Viscous Thread During Stretching 141 Theoretical 141 Experimental 144
3.3.4 Drop Breakup in Viscous Systems 146 Measurement of Cacrn 147 Drop Breakup Times 149 Retraction of an Extended Drop 149
3.3.5 Drop Breakup in Viscoelastic Systems 150
3.3.6 Comparison of Dispersion Mechanisms 150 Plane Hyperbolic Flow 151 Simple Shear Flow 152
3.3.7 Conclusion 153
3.4 Coalescence 154
3.4.1 Collision of Drops 154

Materials Science and Technology

Copyright WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co KGaA. Allrightsreserved.
114 3 Emulsions: The Dynamics of Liquid-Liquid Mixing

3.4.2 Film Drainage 155 Theoretical 155 Experimental 159
3.4.3 Coalescence Probability 160
3.4.4 Combination of Breakup and Coalescence 162
3.4.5 Conclusion 164
3.5 Applications 164
3.5.1 A Two-Zone Mixing Model 164 Principle 164 Results 166
3.5.2 Passage Through a Die 171
3.5.3 Phase Inversion 172
3.5.4 A Full Continuous Phase Flow Simulation 174
3.5.5 Conclusion 174
3.6 Concluding Remarks 175
3.7 Appendices 176
3.7.1 Linear Flow Types 176
3.7.2 The Opposed Jets Device 178 Design of the Flow Cell 179 Position Control of the Drop 180
3.7.3 Characterization of the Model Liquids 181
3.7.4 Viscous Thread Breakup During Stretching 182
3.7.5 The Functions & and 186
3.8 References 186
List of Symbols and Abbreviations 115

List of Symbols and Abbreviations

a radius of the flattened area of a deformed drop
A Hamaker constant (~ 10~20 J)
B width of a deformed drop
Bo Bond number (ApgR2/<j)
c (as superscript) conjugate
C collision frequency
C right Cauchy-Green tensor (F c F)
Ca capillary number (ricyR/a)
Cacra critical capillary number necessary for drop breakup
C collision frequency per unit volume
D drop deformation [L-B)/(L + B)]
D rate of deformation tensor [(L + Lc)/2]
De Deborah number ( # f l o w )
E residence time distribution function
ef stretching efficiency (D: mm) I / ( D : D)
F contact force
F deformation gradient tensor
g gravity constant (9.81 m/s2)
G velocity gradient
h film thickness
H channel depth
hcrit critical film thickness
h0 initial film thickness
/ mode number
I unit tensor
Io , modified Bessel function of the first kind (of order 0,1)
I{ derivative of \x with respect to x
k B o l t z m a n n ' s constant (1.38xlO~ 2 3 J/K)
K0l modified Bessel functions of the second kind (of order 0,1)
K\ derivative of Kx with respect to x
L length of a deformed drop
L velocity gradient tensor
m orientation vector
Mw molecular mass
n number of drops per unit v o l u m e ; n u m b e r of ideal mixers in a cascade;
n u m b e r of viscoelastic m o d e s
n normal vector
Af number of cycles
N{ first normal stress difference (Txx-Tyy)
p viscosity ratio (77d/7?c); pressure
Pcoa coalescence probability
P coll collision probability
^drain drainage probability
116 3 Emulsions: The Dynamics of Liquid-Liquid Mixing

q disturbance growth rate

Q volume flow rate
R radius of a drop or thread
Rb radius of a bulb
Re Reynolds number (pyR2/ri)
Rf radius of a filament
Rcrit critical radius at which the fatal disturbance starts growing
^drops radius of drops formed
R equivalent drop radius
R average radius of a disturbed thread
Ro initial radius of a thread
RX2 principal radii of curvature
s time 'slab' (time element)
t time
T absolute temperature
tb breakup time
tc critical time at which a disturbance starts growing
tg disturbance growth time
tcoll required collision time
tcrit critical time at which the fatal disturbance starts growing
Win required drainage time
tnow characteristic time of the flow
tmt available interaction time
Voc available process time
ta characteristic time for cr-driven processes (rjcR/a)
T mean residence time
t* dimensionless time (tlta or t/tnow)
u velocity vector ([u, v, w] or [w, v])
ug grid velocity
V volume
x disturbance wave number (2nR/X)
x position vector ([x, y, z] or [z, r])
xc critical x at which a disturbance starts growing
xm dominant wave number
x crit critical x at which the fatal disturbance starts growing
x0 initial wave number
x0opt optimum x0 causing breakup
V gradient operator

a disturbance amplitude; flow type parameter

ab disturbance amplitude at breakup
a0 initial disturbance amplitude
7 shear
7 shear rate [V/(2D:D)]
8 phase angle in oscillatory shear (tan S= r\'lr\")
List of Symbols and Abbreviations 117

S gap height
strain; nonlinearity parameter in the Phan-Thien Tanner model
elongation or stretching rate (D : mm)
7] viscosity
7]c eff effective matrix viscosity
rjdc viscosity of the dispersed or continuous phase
r/s 'solvent' viscosity
r\y simple shear viscosity (Txy/y)
rj elongational viscosity [(rzz-Trr)/]
r\r dynamic viscosity in oscillatory shear
77" rigidity in oscillatory shear
1? relaxation time of a fluid
A disturbance wavelength
Am dominant wavelength
AQ initial wavelength
p density
pd c density of the dispersed or continuous phase
a interfacial tension
O Cauchy stress tensor
T shear stress (in fact, rxy)
X extra stress tensor
cp angle between longest drop/thread axis and streamlines
0 volume fraction of dispersed phase
(j)m maximum packing density
0Perc percolation threshold
0, 0 functions of the wave number x and viscosity ratio p
co frequency of oscillation
Q spin tensor [(L-L c )/2]
Q dimensionless growth rate
Qm dominant dimensionless growth rate

ALE arbitrary Lagrange Euler (mesh)

FEM finite element method
HDPE high density polyethylene
LDA laser Doppler anemometry
PS polystyrene
PTT Phan-Thien Tanner (model)
SUPG streamline upwind Petrov Galerkin
tr trace (operation on a tensor)
118 3 Emulsions: The Dynamics of Liquid-Liquid Mixing

3.1 Introduction different morphologies can be obtained.

Figure 3-1 shows elucidative examples
obtained from blends of polystyrene (PS)
3.1.1 Blend Morphologies
and high density polyethylene (HDPE).
The dispersion of one liquid in another is Since the properties of a blend are large-
of indisputable relevance in many industri- ly influenced by its morphology, it is essen-
al processes. In polymer processing, for tial to model the development of the mor-
example, melt blending of homopolymers is phology during compounding. Any mixing
a common route towards materials with spe- model should incorporate the fundamental-
cific properties that are superior to those of ly transient character of the governing
the constituents. Most polymers are thermo- mechanisms in order to be applicable to a
dynamically immiscible in the molten state. practical situation. In particular, the time
Hence the blending process yields a hetero- scales of the distinct micro-rheological pro-
geneous morphology that is characterized cesses have to be considered to see wheth-
by the shape, size, and distribution of the er the available process time suffices for a
constituting domains. At the end of the melt specific event to occur. A frozen-in blend
blending process the morphology is frozen- morphology is not necessarily in its equilib-
in in the solid state. Depending on the mate- rium state. Moreover, in a subsequent pro-
rials and the processing conditions, quite cessing step, such as injection molding or

K V \ VH ri \ \
1 i
Figure 3-1. Typical morphologies of PS/HDPE blends: (a) spheres or (b) fibers (HDPE) in a matrix (PS), (c) a
cocontinuous, and (d) a lamellar structure (Meijer et ah, 1988).
3.1 Introduction 119

film blowing, the morphology achieved essarily, see Sec. 3.5.3) present as the dis-
may alter due to the typical processing con- persed phase (drops or filaments) in a con-
ditions there. That is why fixation of mor- tinuous phase of the major component. An
phologies is essential. Possible routes for elementary step in the mixing process is the
fixation include the addition of compatibi- deformation of a dispersed drop in a flow
lizers, electron beam irradiation (van Gis- field, yielding an increase in the interfacial
bergen, 1991), or, more promising, the cur- area between the two components and
ing of a dispersed thermoset, e.g., after accompanied by a decrease in the local
phase inversion (Venderbosch et al., 1993, dimensions perpendicular to the flow direc-
1994). All three routes aim at the prevention tion, i.e., the striation thickness. In many
of coalescence, which usually follows the cases, e.g., for molten polymers, the viscos-
dispersion process. ities are large, so the Reynolds number (Re)
Melt blending of polymers generally is small and inertia can be neglected with
involves non-Newtonian, nonisothermal, respect to viscous shear stresses. Further-
time-dependent, complex 3-D flows. Con- more, the density difference, and hence the
sequently, direct research on industrial com- Bond number, is small, implying that buoy-
pounding equipment mainly yields com- ancy effects are negligible with respect to
pound- and machine-limited results that interfacial effects. Drop deformation is then
might be useful for the specific problem mainly governed by the capillary number
under investigation, but are not conclusive (Ca), the ratio of the (deforming) shear
in a more general sense. Most fundamental stress T exerted on the drop by the external
research on the blending of immiscible liq- flow field, and the (shape conserving) inter-
uids focuses on idealized systems, e.g, iso- facial stress alR (with crthe interfacial ten-
lated drops of well-characterized model liq- sion and R the local radius)
uids at room temperature in elementary flow
_TR _ rjcyR
fields. The results of this research are gen- Ca (3-1)
erally given in dimensionless representation
suitable for scaling to practical processes. with 77C the viscosity of the continuous phase
Most of the fundamental studies are restrict- and 7 the shear rate, which is defined as
ed to Newtonian (viscous) systems, where-
as viscoelasticity is an essential feature of 7 = V2D:D (3-2)
polymeric melts and solutions. The question D being the rate of deformation tensor. If
is whether or not the influence of viscoelas- the capillary number is small, the interfacial
ticity is such that it should inevitably be stress withstands the shear stress and a
taken into account in the distinct mixing steady ellipsoid drop shape exists. Above a
mechanisms. An analysis of its relevance critical value, Cacriv the viscous shear stress
might result in approval of the usual omis- overrules the interfacial stress and no stable
sion of viscoelasticity, which was up to now equilibrium drop shape exists. The drop is
evidently caused by the complexity of the stretched and finally breaks into fragments.
)roblem. Experimentally, Cacv[t is determined by
slowly increasing the shear rate and evalu-
ating whether or not the deformed drop
.1.2 Mixing Mechanisms shape is stable in the long run; in fact, this
In the mixing of immiscible liquids, the is drop breakup under quasi-equilibrium
linor component is generally (but not nec- conditions. Taylor (1934) and Grace (1971)
120 3 Emulsions: The Dynamics of Liquid-Liquid Mixing


102 . r

- simple shear\
101 . :

\ 1
Figure 3-2. Critical capil-
100 .
= lary number for drop break-
: 2-D elongatlon^-^ up versus viscosity ratio p
in simple shear and 2-D
elongational flow (Grace,
10-1 1971).
10-6 10-5 10-4 10-3 io- 10 101 102 103


showed that the critical capillary number during the process due to the length scale
depends on both the viscosity ratio and the reduction (roughly from 1 mm to 1 |im):
flow type. Figure 3-2 shows Grace's experi-
(i) Stretching of dispersed drops when
mental results for Newtonian liquids in both
Ca^>Cacrit (typically in the initial
simple shear and 2-D elongational (plane
stage of mixing when the dipersed
hyperbolic) flow for a wide range of the vis-
domains are large). Drops are stretched
cosity ratio p between the dispersed and the
affinely with the matrix into long, slen-
continuous phase
der threads. Since the interfacial stress
P=rid/ric (3-3) alR is overruled by the shear stress r,
From Fig. 3-2 it can be seen that under the drops and threads do not (yet)
quasi-equilibrium conditions it is easiest to exhibit interfacial disturbances leading
deform and break drops around/? ~ 1. Fur- to breakup; they are only distributed
thermore, elongational flow is more effec- over the matrix (i.e., distributive mix-
tive than simple shear flow. If p > 4 it is ing with passive interfaces).
impossible to break drops in simple shear (ii) Breakup of drops and threads when
due to the rotational character of the flow. Ca~\ (small radii of curvature). The
Bentley and Leal (1986 a, b) showed experi- interfacial stress alR becomes signifi-
mentally that intermediate flow types (see cant and favors the growth of interfa-
Sec. 3.7.1) yield values of Cacrii in between cial disturbances. This leads to break-
the two curves of Fig. 3-2. Numerical stud- up of the formed liquid threads into
ies on the critical capillary number in dif- lines of small drops (i.e., dispersive
ferent types of flow agree with experimen- mixing with active interfaces). Depend-
tal data (see, e.g., Khakhar and Ottino, 1986, ing on their size, these drops may even-
and Fig. 3-28). tually be stretched and broken again. If
A useful subdivision of the mixing process the drops are small enough, alR protects
can be based on the value of the (local) cap- them against further deformation (they
illary number, which continuously decreases become more 'rigid').
3.2 Stretching 121

Although in reality stretching and break- tinct processes. The effects of compatibiliz-
up do not occur separately during liquid-liq- ers or surfactants were not specifically stud-
uid mixing, the above distinction is useful ied but are discussed where appropriate,
for modeling the mixing process. In the case while the influence of viscoelasticity is
of mixing solid agglomerates in a liquid included where possible.
matrix, distributive and dispersive mixing This chapter is based on a thesis by Jans-
do proceed separately, i.e., agglomerates sen (1993) and a number of publications,
have to be broken before the fragments can i.e., Elemans et al. (1990, 1993), Janssen
be distributed. A liquid drop, on the other etal. (1992, 1993), Janssen and Meijer
hand, can be distributed (by stretching and (1993, 1995), and Meijer and Janssen
folding) before breakup has occurred. (1994).
Apart from a tendency towards finer mor-
phologies resulting from stretching and
breakup, a coarsening of the morphology
occurs during processing due to coalescence 3.2 Stretching
of the dispersed droplets. Coalescence takes
place preferentially in quiet regions of the 3.2.1 Affine Deformation
mixer in contrast to the dimension-reducing
mechanism of stretching. Theoretical
As a typical starting morphology, a drop-
3.1.3 Chapter Survey in-matrix structure is considered with a drop
size of the order of magnitude of millime-
The outline of this chapter closely follows ters (e.g., molten polymeric granules). In
the subdivisions of the different mixing polymer processing, some attention has
mechanisms. Section 3.2 discusses the prin- recently been given to lamellar starting mor-
ciples of stretching, including the key role phologies originating from the melting
of reorientations and folds. In Sec. 3.3 the stage (Ghosh et al., 1991; Lindt and Ghosh,
interfacial tension is incorporated. In partic- 1992). These lamellae break up into threads
ular thread breakup during stretching is and subsequently into drops. In a more gen-
emphasized. In order to determine the effect eral approach to the mixing process, such a
of viscoelasticity, the breakup of viscoelas- particular melting stage is omitted and a
tic threads has been studied both experimen- large initial length scale is considered as the
tally and numerically. Section 3.4 presents starting point. For immiscible polymer
an approach to the modeling of coalescence. melts, an order of magnitude estimate of the
Finally, in Sec. 3.5, the assemblage of the capillary number is
distinct mechanisms into an overall mixing
model is illustrated. The model simulates
the development of the morphology of a o/R~l(T2/l(r3 =
blend in a compounder with a large amount
of freedom in the material parameters and (3-4)
operating conditions. After the conclusions
in Sec. 3.6, some additional aspects are with Tthe shear stress (Pa), rjc the viscosity
elaborated in the appendices (Sec. 3.7). of the continuous phase (Pa s), y the shear
The general emphasis of this research rate [s~], see Eq. (3-2)], crthe interfacial ten-
focuses on the specific time scales of the dis- sion (N/m), and R the drop radius (m).
122 3 Emulsions: The Dynamics of Liquid-Liquid Mixing

From Eq. (3-4) it follows that in the initial streamlines is given by

stage of mixing Ca ^> CaCTlt since Cacrit ~ 1. -1
In other words, the shape conserving inter- (3-6d)
facial stress (a/R) is overruled by the
deforming shear stress and the (millimeter- Initially (7=0), the spherical drop stretches
sized) drops are deformed affinely with the maximally in the 45 direction. As the total
matrix, i.e., stretching with passive interfac- shear increases, the extending ellipsoid rotates
es or distributive mixing. Note that for mis- with its long axis toward the streamlines.
cible liquids (no interfacial tension) this Evidently, the affine deformation of a
convective mixing is the only relevant pro- drop in simple shear flow only depends on
cess (apart from some interdiffusion). the total shear y(= ft) applied. The shear
Figure 3-3 illustrates the affine deforma- rate y and the time t are interchangeable,
tion in simple shear flow of a sphere with i.e., slow deformation over a long time will
radius Ro into an ellipsoid with length L and give the same result as fast deformation over
width B. The extent of drop deformation is a short time, leading to the same total shear.
usually defined as Of course, the shear rate must be sufficient-
ly high to fulfill Ca ^>Cacriv Moreover, in
L-B (3-5)
D= simple shear, affine deformation is princi-
pally only possible for viscosity ratios p < 4.
and ranges from 0 (sphere) to 1 (infinitely This additional limitation follows from the
extended thread). In the case of affine infinite value of Cacrit for larger values of p,
motion, the deformation of the drop can be see Fig. 3-2.
calculated from the eigenvalue problem of As a result of the 2-D character of simple
the right Cauchy-Green tensor C (= F c - F, shear flow, the extending drop becomes flat-
with F the deformation gradient tensor). In tened (one cross-sectional axis is com-
simple shear flow this gives pressed while the other one is invariant). In
reality, however, as the curvature becomes
(3-6a) large enough, the interfacial tension prohib-
its further flattening and favors a circular
and cross-section; the width of the drop is no
longer deforming affinely. Assuming a cir-
(3-6b) cular cross-section, incompressibility
requires that BI{2RQ) = [LI2RO)YV1. Thus
so that affine length stretch [Eq. (3-6 a)] implies
D= (3-6c) (3-7a)
r +

The corresponding orientation angle (p (3-7b)
between the longest drop axis and the

Y (= Yt)
Figure 3-3. Affine deformation of a liquid
drop in simple shear flow.
3.2 Stretching 123

so that tion effectively

D= (3-7c)

For large shear values (y>5), Eq. (3-7) so that

can be approximated by e3g/2-l
D= (3-10c)

ik-~7 (3-8a)
The effect of the interfacial tension mak-
ing the flattened cross-section circular was
(3-8b) also pointed out by Mikami et al. (1975) and
Khakhar and Ottino (1987). Note that the
so that assumption of a circular cross-section
[Eqs. (3-7) and (3-10)] causes a slower
(3-8c) decay of B and thus a slower growth of D
compared to the completely affine 2-D drop
Most important is that in simple shear deformation with flattening [Eqs. (3-6) and
flow the length increases almost linearly (3-9)].
with the total shear. As shown in Sec. 3.2.2, As demonstrated in Fig. 3-4, affine de-
this is not very efficient. formation proceeds much faster in elonga-
In elongational flows, an affinely ex- tional flow than in simple shear. However,
tending drop remains aligned with the in practice elongational flows with a con-
principal direction of the strain rate and stant stretching rate are difficult to sustain
the deformation proceeds exponentially. for long times (convergencies are either
In 2-D elongation (plane hyperbolic finite or yield no throughput).

= e (3-9a) Experimental

A dispersed drop is expected to deform
B (3-9b)
=e affinely if the interfacial stress alR is over-
ruled by the shear stress r exerted; in other
so that words, if Ca C a c r i t . The question is how
large the excess of Cacrit should be in order
(3-9c) to allow neglect of the interfacial stress and
e +1
apply the simple rules of affine deformation.
Only the total strain e (= t, with the This was investigated experimentally in
elongation rate) is important. In 2-D elon- an opposed jets device (specially designed
gation, as in simple shear flow, affine de- for this research; see Sec. 3.7.2) using test
formation results in flattening of the drop. liquids at room temperature (Sec. 3.7.3).
Again, arriving at a certain degree of flat- The flow field in this device is plane hyper-
tening, the interfacial tension will make the bolic. A drop of castor oil (Newtonian, vis-
cross-section circular yielding 3-D elonga- cosity 0.74 Pa s) was instantaneously sub-
124 3 Emulsions: The Dynamics of Liquid-Liquid Mixing

Figure 3-4. Evolution of

affine deformation of a
sphere into a (flattened)
thread in simple shear and
2-D elongational flow [Eqs.
(3-6) and (3-9)].

be affine for sufficiently large values of

Ca/Cacriv say beyond an excess of a factor
of 5.
Concerning flattening of the drops due to
+ 10 the 2-D character of the flow, deformation
o 5
x 3 of the cross-section is not directly observ-
* 2 able in the experimental setup used. The
1.2 drop width in the invariant z-direction can
only be estimated from the two measurable
drop dimensions using conservation of vol-
Figure 3-5. Deformation of an initially spherical Initially the drop axis in the invariant
drop in steady 2-D elongational (plane hyperbolic) direction remains constant, which indeed
flow at different ratios of Ca/Cacrit (>1); both liquids
are Newtonian, p = 0.19. The full curve corresponds indicates the affine squeezing of the drop.
to affine deformation, Eq. (3-9 c). After a total strain e of a few units the invar-
iant axis starts contracting due to the action
jected to a steady plane hyperbolic flow of of the interfacial tension. Unfortunately, in
silicone oil (Newtonian, viscosity 4.0 Pa s, the present experiment a circular cross-sec-
interfacial tension to castor oil tion is not reached, since after a certain
4.1 x 1(T3 N/m). In different runs, the elon- degree of drop extension the long axis falls
gation rate was set such that the capillary outside the field of view and can no longer
number exceeded Cacrit with different be measured; consequently, it is impossible
ratios. to estimate the drop width in the unobserved
In Fig. 3-5 the experimental data are direction.
given together with the theoretical curve for Experiments at a viscosity ratio/? = 0.80
affine deformation in 2-D elongational flow. gave similar results. For viscosity ratios far
It can be seen that the deformation tends to from unity, affine drop deformation is to be
3.2 Stretching 125

expected if 7]d<C r\c but not if 7] d 7]c, since with D the rate of deformation tensor of the
in the latter case the low viscosity matrix is flow and m the local orientation vector of
unable to transfer the shear stress to the the drop or thread under consideration. The
highly viscous drop (Starita, 1972). In the stretching efficiency, ef is the ratio of the
case of simple shear flow, affine deforma- actual and its upper bound
tion of a drop with p > 4 is impossible any- D:mm
way, since Cacr[t is infinite (Fig. 3-2). In a ef=- (3-12)
practical, complex flow field, however, a
drop once sufficiently deformed (no matter Using the definition of the shear rate
how) always continues stretching affinely [Eq. (3-2), i.e., y= X /(2DTD)] it follows
(except for the ends). that
From experiments with various visco-
elastic drops, basically the same results are (3-13)
obtained, although the Cacr[t excess required
may be considerably higher than a factor In steady linear flows, / i s constant while
of 5, depending on the elastic contribution and hence ef may vary due to a transient
of the rheological behavior of the test liq- orientation m. In elongational flows, the
uids (Sec. 3.7.3). This resistance to elonga- orientation of an extending drop is perma-
tion is a well-known feature of viscoelastic nently aligned with the principal axis of the
liquids: the build up of a large elongational strain rate and is the usual elongation rate;
viscosity in combination with a much small- an affinely deforming drop is stretched
er shear viscosity. exponentially with the total strain applied.
In simple shear, affine deformation was In the case of 2-D and 3-D elongation, the
found to occur at an excess of Cacr[t of shear rate /equals 2 and v 3 , respective-
greater than 2 (Elemans, 1989), a conclu- ly, and thus the stretching efficiency ef is
sion that is in principle similar to that from V(l/2) or V(2/3). In simple shear flow the
Figure 3-5. In that particular study, the theo- orientation m of the extending drop turns
retical curve was based on a circular cross- away from the principal direction of strain
section [Eq. (3-7 c)], so the effect of initial rate (45) toward the streamline direction;
flattening was neglected. Taking flattening thus in the steady case / i s constant while ef
into account, the theoretical curve [Eq. and decay toward zero (Eq. 3-6 d)]. Affine
(3-6 c)] lies somewhat higher, so that the drop stretching proceeds almost linearly
criterion for the required excess of Cacrit [Eq. (3-8a)]. In general, the presence of a
becomes larger than 2 in simple shear too. rotational component in the flow is the prin-
cipal difference between so-called strong
(mainly irrotational) and weak (mainly rota-
3.2.2 Stretching and Folding tional) flows (Sec. 3.7.1).
By the repeated reorienting of an extend-
The main difference between affine drop
ing drop in simple shear, directing its main
deformation in simple shear and elongation-
axis perpendicular to the streamlines, the
al flows can be shown using the definitions
stretching efficiency can be enhanced: the
of stretching rate and stretching efficiency
drop axis passes through the 45 direction
(see, e.g., Ottino, 1989). The stretching rate
again and again. Ng andErwin (1981) illus-
e is defined as
trated this using a Couette device with col-
= D: mm (3-11) ored strokes of polymer.
126 3 Emulsions: The Dynamics of Liquid-Liquid Mixing

stretching \ folding t \ folding f1

\ /stretching ^ \ stretching Figure 3-6. The baker's
transformation: stretching
and folding leading to
exponential mixing.

Similarly, the efficiency of mixing can be wall displacement applied equals 25 times
enhanced by a combination of stretching the length of the top wall. In example (a),
and folding, the so-called 'bakers' only the top wall moves and mixing pro-
transformation' (see, e.g., Aref, 1991), ceeds linearly. In example (b), both top and
which changes the efficiency of the distrib- bottom wall move steadily, simultaneously
utive mixing from a linear dependence on at the same speed (displacement 12.5 for
the total shear into an exponential depen- each wall): the flow pattern is close to a rigid
dence. The principle is schematically body rotation and the tracer line is stretched
depicted in Fig. 3-6. Every fold doubles the less than in the former case. In example (c),
number of filaments or layers (in the 3-D again the top and bottom walls both move,
case) that are stretched simultaneously. The but now in a periodic way, one after the other
quality of mixing, characterized by the for five periods with a wall displacement of
interfacial area, the number of layers, or the 2.5 during each half period: folds emerge
reciprocal of the striation thickness, grow indicating deterministic chaos with expo-
exponentially. nential mixing.
From Fig. 3-8 it can be seen how the folds
in the periodic flow example of Fig. 3-7c The Cavity Flow
originate. The deformation of the tracer line
A beautiful visualization of stretching is monitored during the second of the five
and folding is obtained in the so-called 'cav- periods. During each half period a steady
ity flow' (see, e.g., Leong and Ottino, 1989; streamline pattern holds that closely resem-
Ottino, 1990). The cavity is a rectangular bles Fig. 3-7a or its mirror image. So, at the
cell (quasi 2-D) filled with, e.g., glycerin. switching of the walls (e.g., at period 1, 1.5,
The two short walls are fixed while the two and 2) the streamline pattern flips upside
long walls can translate as moving belts. The down yielding 'crossing streamlines' in
deformation of an injected tracer line or time: locally, the flow direction changes and
drop (passive: without interfacial tension) is the stretching line is folded.
studied in relation to the protocol of wall When analyzing the periodic flow pat-
movements. Here, the numerical simula- terns in the cavity, periodic points are of
tions of some typical experiments are pre- interest. Periodic points (of order n) are
sented. The simulations were based on the material points that return to their initial
analytical solution of this 2-D Stokes flow position after every (n) period(s). They
problem (Meleshko et al., 1991; Meleshko characterize the local mixing ability of the
and Peters, 1996). flow. Figure 3-9 shows the affine deforma-
Figure 3-7 shows the difference between tion of two passive drops. Per period the top
steady and periodic flows. In all three cases, and bottom walls are subsequently dis-
the initial condition is a straight vertical line placed, each over a distance of three times
through the center of the cell, while the total the top wall length. The drop on the left is
3.2 Stretching 127

(a) steady (b) steady (c) periodic

Figure 3-7. Deformation of a passive tracer line in a cavity (initial position: a vertical line through the center):
(a) the top wall moves steadily; (b) top and bottom wall move steadily; (c) top and bottom wall move periodi-
cally one after the other for 5 periods. The total wall displacement is 25 times the top wall length in all three

1.125 1.25

Figure 3-8. Deformation of a passive tracer line in a cavity. The second period of Fig. 3-7 c is monitored visu-
alizing the origin of folding. The numbers indicate the period.

positioned at an 'elliptic' periodic point of size of the unmixed islands. The detailed
order 1: during each period it travels around analysis of streching and folding can be
the cavity as an island without being combined with criteria for breakup and
stretched significantly. The other drop is coalescence; as discussed in Sec. 3.5.4,
positioned at a 'hyperbolic' periodic point Tj ahj adi and Ottino (1991) combined chaot-
producing exponential stretching with ic flow and thread breakup.
folds. The goal in any mixing device is to
generate only hyperbolic points of as low as Static Mixers
possible order. However, the presence of
elliptic and hyperbolic points is coupled so Application of the efficient baker's trans-
that islands cannot be avoided completely. formation is realized in most well-designed
Therefore the objective is to minimize the static mixers. In a static mixer both the chan-
128 3 Emulsions: The Dynamics of Liquid-Liquid Mixing

0 1 2

Figure 3-9. Deformation of two passive tracer drops in the periodic cavity flow: the left drop is positioned in
an island and remains undeformed; the other one is stretched and folded, quickly covering a large area. The bro-
ken curves at period 0 give the paths of the periodic points.

nel wall and the mixing elements are fixed of material are transported, which is not very
and the throughput is generated by a pres- efficient for distributive mixing. However,
sure flow. Due to the specific shape of the a nonintermeshing, counterrotating twin
mixing elements, the material is repeatedly screw extruder can achieve efficient distrib-
stretched, cut, and stacked, closely resem- utive mixing due to nonequal screw speeds.
bling the stretching and folding mechanism Single screw extruders are inferior for dis-
illustrated in Fig. 3-6. The specific working tributive mixing since, despite the helical
principles of four types of static mixer, i.e., movement of the flow inside the extruder
Multiflux, Ross ISG, Sulzer SMX, and Ken- channel (Ottino and Chella, 1983; Chella
ics, are discussed in, e.g., Meijer and Jans- and Ottino, 1985), no reorientations or folds
sen (1994). are introduced. Another practical example
of efficient distributive mixing is the Buss-
Cokneader (see, e.g., Elemans and Meijer, Dynamic Mixers 1990) that couples an axial oscillation to a
tangential rotation, thus weaving and fold-
The key principles of reorienting and ing the material during axial transport.
folding can also be achieved in dynamic
mixers, e.g., extruders, where the motion of
mixing and transporting elements generates
3.2.3 Conclusion
the flow of the material. An example is the
intermeshing, co-rotating twin screw The stretching of dispersed drops pro-
extruder. During the take-over of the mate- ceeds affinely if the critical capillary num-
rial from one screw to the other, folds and ber for drop breakup is surpassed by a fac-
reorientations are (partially) achieved. (The tor of 5 or more. The key point for efficient
take-over between the two screws is, in fact, distributive mixing of the forming threads
a space-periodic flow comparable to the is the combination of stretching and folding
time-periodic cavity flow discussed above). that is realized in periodic flows. If the dis-
In an intermeshing counterrotating twin persed phase is viscoelastic, stretching is
screw extruder, effectively closed volumina retarded (deformation less than affine) if (i)
3.3 Breakup 129

which means that elongational bance amplitude and wavelength, it follows

stresses build up faster than they relax that only disturbances with a wavelength
(# being the relaxation time of the materi- larger than the initial thread circumference
al) and (ii) e t > 1, i.e., the total strain should (X>2KR0) will grow due to a monotonic
be substantial (this is automatically fulfilled decrease of the interfacial area. For distur-
when a drop is stretched into a thread). bances with smaller wavelengths the area
(initially) increases upon amplitude growth;
therefore, these disturbances damp.
Rayleigh (1879) was the first to study the
3.3 Breakup
breakup of water jets in air taking into
account the interfacial tension and inertia of
3.3.1 Breakup of a Viscous Thread the thread phase. Weber (1931) added vis-
at Rest cous stresses in the thread. In 1935 Tomoti-
ka extended the analysis by incorporating Theoretical
the viscosity of the matrix. In his elabora-
When the original millimeter-sized liquid tion for the entire range of viscosity ratios
drops are extended into long slender fila- (thread/matrix) he considered an infinitely
ments due to affine stretching, local radii long, viscous cylinder embedded in a quies-
are decreased such that the interfacial ten- cent matrix of an immiscible, viscous liq-
sion starts playing a role (active interfaces). uid; both liquids are assumed to be incom-
Following the example of Eq. (3-4), the pressible and inertia is neglected. A small
shear stress r and the interfacial stress alR sinusoidal disturbance is imposed on the
become of the same order of magnitude if interface and the appropriate boundary con-
the radius of the threads has decreased to ditions are prescribed with a normal stress
1 \xm jump across the interface due to the interfa-
cial tension (see Sec. Solving the
balance equations of mass and momentum
cT/R~l(T2/l(r6 = with Newtonian constitutive equation and
boundary conditions leads to the evolution
(3-14) of the initial disturbance with time.
a As indicated in Fig. 3-10, these so-called
The interfacial tension tends to minimize 'Rayleigh disturbances' are typically sinu-
the interfacial area between the two phases. soidal
As a consequence, small disturbances
asin(27iz/A) (3-15)
present at the interface of the liquid cylin-
der grow and finally result in the disintegra- with the average radius R (in 2-D projec-
tion of the thread into a line of drops. Ana- tion) smaller than the initial radius Ro
lyzing the interfacial area of a sinusoidally
disturbed cylinder as a function of distur- (3-16)

Figure 3-10. Sinusoidal 'Rayleigh dis-

turbance' on a liquid cylinder.
130 3 Emulsions: The Dynamics of Liquid-Liquid Mixing

It is convenient to use the dimensionless growth rate Qm. Figure 3-12 shows both xm
wave number x instead of the wavelength A and Qm as a function of p.
As the growth rate of the fatal disturbance
x = 2 71 Ro/X (3-17) is known, the time required for breakup of
The disturbance amplitude a is assumed a thread can be calculated using Eq. (3-18)
to grow exponentially with time from the initial disturbance amplitude a0 to
the amplitude at breakup ah
a=aoeqi (3-18)
with growth rate q (s"1) (3-20)

where it should be noted that Tomotika's

it "19) growth rate Q stems from a linear (small
where Q is the dimensionless growth rate of amplitude) analysis. So using the same
the disturbance, a function of the wave num- value of Q to the point of breakup is a con-
ber x and the viscosity ratio p, see Fig. 3-11. siderable extrapolation that requires verifi-
The mathematical description of Q (Tomo- cation (Sec. Breakup occurs when
tika, 1935; Palierne and Lequeux, 1991) is the amplitude equals the average radius
given in Sec. 3.7.5. For wave numbers x >1 {a-R) yieldings
(i.e., X<2nRQ), the value of JQ is negative; p. /9 / ^ /? s; (1 R9 /? C\ 0 W
these disturbances damp, as explained
before. Kuhn (1953) proposed an estimation of
Initially, small disturbances of all wave the initial amplitude a 0 based on Brownian
numbers are present. For a given value of/?, motion due to temperature fluctuations.
the maximum of Q versus x gives the fast- With T the absolute temperature and k
est growing or dominant disturbance that Boltzmann's constant (1.38 x 10~23 J/K) he
finally causes breakup (indicated by the derived
drawn curve in Fig. 3-11). During the entire
process of disintegration, the same distur- 21 kT
bance remains dominant. This fatal distur- 871'3/2,
bance is characterized by the dominant Kuhn's prediction yields values of
wave number xm and its corresponding a0~10~9 m (both for the model liquids used

Figure 3-11. Dimension-

less growth rate Q as a
function of the wave num-
ber x and the viscosity ratio
p(=r\Jr\c)\ in fact, co(x = 0)
does not exist but lim Q = 0
105 for all p. xli)
3.3 Breakup 131

Figure 3-12. Dominant

wave number xm and corre-
sponding growth rate Qm of
interfacial disturbances ver-
sus the viscosity ratio
10-5 104 10 -3

and for polymer melts). Other authors obtained from the conservation of volume
(Mikami et al., 1975) suggest 10"*-10"' m. 3[
| 371
In Sec. some comments are given ^drops - (3-26)
concerning this somewhat arbitrary param- V
eter. For instance, given the viscosity ratio
The combination of Eqs. (3-19) through p = l , jtm = 0.56 (see Fig. 3-12) so that the
(3-22) results in droplets formed are twice as thick as the
original thread.

In Eqs. (3-19) and (3-23) the characteris- Experimental

tic time scale for cr-driven processes
The breakup of viscous threads in a quies-
becomes evident, i.e., tG = ricR0lo, so that
cent matrix has been the subject of many
the time can be made dimensionless
experimental studies (Rumscheidt and
at (3-24) Mason, 1962; Chappelear, 1964; Elmen-
dorp, 1986, Elemans, 1989). Most results,
thus either on polymer melts or on test liquids at
room temperature, are in agreement with
(3-25) Tomotika's (1935) linear theory. Therefore
the experimental results on this subject are
Note that some authors (Stone and Leal, discussed only briefly.
1989 a, b; Tjahjadi and Ottino, 1991; Stone, Experiments were performed using vis-
1994) use ta= rjc(l +p) R0/o= (^7C+ Hd) Ro' cous model liquids at room temperature in
in order to account for the higher of the two the opposed jets device (Sec. 3.7.2). A drop
viscosities. is subjected to a plane hyerbolic flow, with
For incompressible liquids, the radius of Ca > Cacriv and stretched into a long thread
the droplets formed by thread breakup is with a diameter of several tenths of a milli-
132 3 Emulsions: The Dynamics of Liquid-Liquid Mixing

Measurement of Interfacial Tension

Assuming Tomotika's theory to be valid,

thread breakup experiments can be used to
measure the interfacial tension in liquid-
liquid systems. Determination of the experi-
mental growth rate of the amplitude pro-
vides an estimate of the interfacial ten-

O O o sion, (7.
Elemans et al. (1990) applied this concept
(with a theory for viscous systems) to poly-

O O o mer melts (see also Chappelear, 1964). A

long polymer filament with diameter 10-50
|im is embedded between two plates of a sec-
Figure 3-13. Disintegration of a Newtonian thread of ond immiscible polymer. The sample is
0.35 mm diameter (castor oil, r\c = 0.74 Pa s) in a melted on a hot-stage under a light micro-
quiescent Newtonian matrix (silicone oil,
7]c = 0.94 Pa s, <J= 4.1 x 10~3 N/m); photographs scope. The disturbances are sine waves that
taken every second. grow exponentially. From the slope of the
ln(a) versus time plot, the growth rate q is
meter. The flow is stopped and the growth determined. Using Eq. (3-19) with 2=i2m
of disturbances is observed and recorded on (Fig. 3-12), the interfacial tension a is
videotape. Figure 3-13 shows a few stages found. The reliability of the experiment is
of a typical experiment. indicated by the agreement between the
The experimental data show linear depen- observed wave number and the theoretical-
dence in a plot of \n(a) versus time, corre- ly dominant one. The extrapolation of
sponding to the theory [Eq. (3-18)]. From Tomotika's linear (small amplitude) theory
the slope of the plots [and Eq. (3-19)], the to large amplitudes is supported by the
dimensionless growth rate Q is determined. numerical calculations presented in the next
The agreement with the theoretical domi- section (see Fig. 3-16). The success of the
nant values Qm (Fig. 3-12) is satisfactory. so-called 'breaking thread method' for
Also the experimentally determined wave polymer blends, which are generally visco-
number and the theoretical value xm coin- elastic, is due to the small deformation rates
cide. The total breakup time corresponds (~10~3 s"1), and to the relaxation of stress-
reasonably to the prediction of Eq. (3-23) es that were induced during the formation
which includes Kuhn's estimation of the of the thread (a typical experiment takes
initial amplitude (~10~9 m). As recognized minutes while the relaxation time $-10 s).
by many researchers, a0 is the most uncer- Carriere and Cohen (1991) analyzed the
tain parameter in the theory. retraction of embedded short fibers back to
Elmendorp (1986) (using model liquids at a sphere in order to estimate the interfacial
room temperature) experimentally deter- tension between molten polymers. How-
mined the growth rate Q of artificially initiat- ever, the underlying formulae are partly
ed disturbances with wave numbers deviat- empirical, which is not the case for the
ing from the dominant one (xm). His results breaking thread method. Tjahjadi et al.
agree with Tomotika's function Q(x) at the (1994) present ready-to-use polynomial fits
viscosity ratio under consideration (p= 13). (based on full numerical simulations) to
3.3 Breakup 133

estimate the interfacial tension from both Strouhal number): the steady solution of the
breaking threads and retracting short fibers. velocity field is used to displace the mesh
In Fig. 3-13 small satellite drops can be during the next time step. Due to axisym-
seen in between the main drops. These are metry, the calculation can be performed in
formed in the last stage of the process due cylindrical coordinates (quasi 2-D). Fig-
to the (fast) growth of Rayleigh disturban- ure 3-14 shows a typical mesh with boun-
ces on the fine filaments (alR large) between dary conditions. In the radial direction the
adjacent drops. Tjahjadi et al. (1992) unbounded matrix (with zero velocity at
numerically investigated the formation of r=oo) is approached by 10 times the undis-
satellite droplets. They found unique radius turbed thread radius. In the axial direction a
distributions of satellite and sub-satellite repeating unit is taken with symmetry at the
generations for various viscosity ratios. A ends. As a consequence, mass is conserved
general conclusion is that as the viscosity in both the thread and matrix phases and at
ratio increases, fewer (but larger) satellites both ends of the thread the interface is par-
emerge due to viscous damping of internal allel to the thread axis. Hence the distur-
motions. bance wavelength A is restricted by the fact
that the mesh length must cover multiples
of A/2. Numerical
At the interface between thread and
Numerical simulations of viscous thread matrix, the velocity and the tangential stress
breakup in a quiescent matrix were per- are continuous (no slip condition). How-
formed using the finite element method ever, the interfacial tension cr, the driving
(FEM). For the inertialess flow of incom- force for the evolution of disturbances,
pressible liquids the balance equations of causes a normal stress jump
mass and momentum reduce to
V u=0 (3-27) + (3-31)

with V the gradient operator and u the veloc- with A presenting the difference between the
ity vector and thread and the matrix phase, n the vector
V o=0 (3-28) normal to interface, and R^ and R2 the main
radii of curvature: R1 is the radius in the r-z
with G the Cauchy stress tensor plane and R2 lies in a perpendicular plane.
O = -p\+i (3-29) They are given by the profile of the inter-
face R(z) (Levich, 1962)
split into the contribution from the ambient
pressure p and the extra stress tensor T that /?i = and
is given by a constitutive equation. I is the d2R/dz2
unity tensor. In this section viscous flow is
considered, so the Newtonian constitutive =-R (3-32)
equation holds
x = 2riD (3-30) The position of the interface is deter-
mined by the kinematic condition
where r\ is the viscosity. Although the flow
problem is transient, a quasi-steady (3-33)
approach is applied (small Reynolds and dt dz
134 3 Emulsions: The Dynamics of Liquid-Liquid Mixing

on A, B : u = 0, = 0
on C v = 0, 11=0

on D u = 0, v = 0

Figure 3-14. Finite element mesh (axi-

symmetric) with boundary conditions.

In fact, Eq. (3-31) is an elastic constitu- So, as the amplitude grows, the time step
tive equation for the interface, i.e., at any decreases.
moment the normal stress jump is explicit- The FEM code used was written in Mat-
ly given by the shape of the interface. lab (1993), which is flexible and fast while
To solve the obtained set of equations, a developing the code, but has the intrinsic
mixed (X, u, p) formulation is used (Baai- disadvantage of not being very efficient and
jens, 1993). The stress and velocity fields fast while performing the final calculations.
are interpolated quadratically while the
pressure field is bilinear. Moreover, the
interpolations for stress and pressure are Results
discontinuous across the element boundar-
ies. The position of the interface is found by The calculations on viscous systems were
solving Eq. (3-33) with a so-called stream- performed as a first step towards viscoelas-
line upwind Petrov Galerkin (SUPG) algo- tic threads (Sec. So some of the
rithm (Johnson, 1987), while the interfacial analytical results of Sec. were veri-
tension is computed according to Keunings fied. Figure 3-15 shows the simulation of a
(1986). growing disturbance on a viscous thread of
Special attention is paid to the displace- 1 mm diameter; both thread and matrix vis-
ment of the mesh during each time step. A cosities are 1 Pa s and the interfacial
Lagrangian (material) mesh treatment leads tension <7= 1(T2 N/m. Initially, half a sine
to unacceptable deformation of the ele- wave is prescribed with the dominant wave
ments, while a Eulerian (spatial) mesh gives number according to Tomotika (1935)
the complication that the position of the (Fig. 3-12) and an amplitude ao/Ro= 10~2.
interface does not coincide with nodal Although the figure shows two waves, the
points and has to be interpolated. Therefore, numerical simulation involved only half a
an arbitrary Lagrange Euler (ALE) mesh is wave.
used that allows nodes to move radially but Figure 3-16 shows the amplitude growth
not axially. Thus the interface coincides with time for the calculation of Fig. 3-15
with nodal points while deformation of (solid line). The dashed line gives the pre-
the elements in the axial direction is sup- diction according to Tomotika's linear
pressed. Each time step is normalized such (small amplitude) analysis up to
that the largest node displacement is only a alR0 = 72 / 3, which is the amplitude at
fraction of the smallest local thread radius. breakup in the case of a perfect sine wave
3.3 Breakup 135

[Eq. (3-21)]. The calculated exponential to the point of breakup, i.e., up to a/R0 = 0A
growth rate agrees with the dominant the relative error in the amplitude is less than
growth rate Qm from Fig. 3-12. Moreover, 4%, while at a/R0 = 0.6 it has only increased
Tomotika's analytical prediction derived to 10%. This verification supports the
from small amplitudes remains valid almost extrapolation of Tomotika's linear theory
for the measurement of interfacial tension,
the so-called breaking thread method (see
Sec. and Elemans et al., 1990).
t = 0 [s] The error in Tomotika's theory at large
amplitudes is due to the fact that near the
point of breakup nonlinear effects become
3 lllil ifiil= ijilh: important and the disturbance is no longer
a perfect sine wave: in the necks it flattens
somewhat and satellite droplets emerge (see
4 Illlilfi illflff: HtlHfi IIIHIIi Fig. 3-13). The sinusoidal amplitude aloses
its sense. In the FEM calculation, the time
step (initially 0.1 s) rapidly decreases as the
point of breakup is approached, i.e., the cal-
culation stagnates in time. For a good sim-
ulation of the last stage, local mesh refine-
ment is necessary in the neck regions. Tja-
hjadi et al. (1992) performed detailed sim-
ulations of the formation of satellites in vis-
Figure 3-15. Disturbance growth with velocity fields cous systems using the boundary element
on a viscous thread in a quiescent viscous matrix; method.
rjd = r\c = 1 Pa s, a= 1(T2 N/m, 2R0 = 10"3 m, a^RQ =
10~2. Only half a wavelength was computed; the veloc- Initiating a disturbance amplitude CXQ/R0
ities are normalized separately for each picture. smaller than 10~2 only increases the time until


Tomotika (1935)
FEM calculation


Figure 3-16. Amplitude

growth in the system of Fig
136 3 Emulsions: The Dynamics of Liquid-Liquid Mixing

breakup; the exponential growth rate is still 3.3.2 Breakup of a Viscoelastic Thread
the same. Another point is the pre- at Rest
scription of the dominant wave number Experimental
according to Tomotika. Variation of the wave
number x (= 2 nR0/X) was carried out by In contrast to purely viscous systems, the
varying the axial length of the FEM mesh; as disintegration of viscoelastic threads is less
mentioned, the symmetry boundary condi- well modeled. At least, no general theory
tions imply that the axial length of the mesh exists, which is due to the complexity of the
covers multiples of A/2. Variations of x problem and the diversity of possible con-
around Tomotika's dominant wave number stitutive equations to be used. Most of the
xm revealed that the maximum growth rate Q literature on the breakup of viscoelastic jets
indeed occurs exactly at xm. If a sine wave is confined to jets of polymer solutions in a
with x=xm/3 (i.e., ^ = 3 ^ ) is prescribed gaseous matrix (Bousfield et al., 1986;
initially, this wave spontaneously rearranges Goren and Gottlieb, 1982; Schiimmer and
into three waves; i.e., the dominant wave Thelen, 1988). Less research incorporates a
overrules nondominant ones. The expected viscous matrix phase (Elmendorp, 1986;
dominant wave also emerges spontaneously Chin and Han, 1979, 1980; Palierne and
when random noise is the initial disturbance. Lequeux, 1991). Although the viscous the-
Finally, the viscosity ratio p (= 77d/7]c) was ory may be applied successfully to polymer
varied over the range 1(T 2 -10 2 . The growth melts under specific conditions (e.g., the
rate Qm at the dominant wave number xm breaking thread method, Sec., poly-
agreed with the theoretically predicted p mer solutions are found to exhibit more
dependence (Fig. 3-12). extreme elastic effects.
In summary, the numerical simulations Experiments were performed using
agree with the linear (small amplitude) the- model liquids in the opposed jets device
ory of Tomotika (1935), which is able to (Sec. 3.7.2). The thread phase was visco-
describe the experiments (Sec. elastic and consisted of a dilute (homogene-
Moreover, it has been shown that for a quick ous) solution of poly aery lamide in a viscous
(algebraic) calculation, the small amplitude corn syrup/water mixture. The rheological
theory can be extrapolated until the point of data of four such thread phases were mea-
breakup. A useful extension of the present sured and fitted to the Phan-Thien Tanner
FEM program would be a nonsymmetry constitutive equation (Sec. 3.7.3). Roughly,
boundary condition at one of the thread ends the shear viscosity of the different thread
allowing an arbitrary slope of the interface phase liquids used was of the order of
and thus decoupling the wavelength from 1 Pa s, and the major relaxation time about
the mesh length. The problem with a non- 15 s (Figs. 3-50 and 3-51). The continuous
symmetric boundary is that the boundary phase consisted of Newtonian silicone oil
condition is unknown. A second extension with viscosity in the range 0.1 - 1 0 Pa s.
could be to impose an external flow field on A drop is stretched into a long thread and
the matrix (in view of Sec. 3.3.3); in that then the flow is stopped. After some time,
case, a complication arises from the extreme dumbbell shapes appear (Fig. 3-17) rather
change in the aspect ratio of the deforming than sinusoidal disturbances. The bulbs are
mesh: the wave number (x c RIX) may eas- not distributed uniformly and shift along the
ily decrease by several decades before the thread in either direction. Hence there is no
point of breakup is reached. sense in defining a wavelength and an
3.3 Breakup 137

breakup process itself). As already pointed

out, viscoelastic effects are expected to be
significant if (i) the Deborah number
De = i}>\, i.e., stresses build up faster
(time scale lie) than they relax (time scale
#) and (ii) t > 1, i.e., the total strain is sub-
stantial. During formation of the thread,
both criteria are fulfilled since ft ~ 10 s and
~ 0.1 s"1 so that De ~ 1, while it is evident
that the total strain is substantial. Hence
upon cessation of the flow, the starting point
of the actual thread breakup experiment,
considerable orientational stresses are
present. The disintegration process itself
may cause additional stress build up local-
ly where a large deformation (rate) is
present, i.e., preferentially in the filaments.
Figure 3-17. Disintegration of a 0.07 mm thick vis- In Sec., the development of local
coelastic thread (80% corn syrup/20% water/0.01% stresses in a disintegrating viscoelastic
polyacrylamide, Sec. 3.7.3) in a quiescent Newtonian
matrix (silicone oil, r\c = 2.0 Pa s, <j=18xl0" 3 thread is studied in more detail using the
N/m); photographs taken every 3 s. finite element method discussed in
Sec. with the Phan-Thien Tanner
amplitude. Instead of growing exponential- constitutive model.
ly, the disturbance growth almost stagnates. Using the above-mentioned criteria, vis-
Very slowly liquid drains from the filaments coelastic effects are expected to be negli-
into the bulbs. If the filaments have thinned gible in the thread breakup experiments of
considerably, a second generation of dumb- Elemans et al. (1990) using polymer melts.
bells appears. Once a filament breaks, the The relaxation time is typically # ~ 1 0 s ,
force balance is disturbed and loose filament while disintegration of the threads takes
ends quickly retract towards bulbs that are minutes so that De ~ 10 -1 and pre-built up
still connected. Small and big drops shift stresses easily relax before disturbances
and, occasionally, flow together. This start to grow substantially. Next, the disin-
dynamic phenomenon proceeds until all fil- tegration process itself proceeds too slowly
aments have broken. The four different vis- to build up stresses to a significant extent.
coelastic liquids used gave similar results. In contrast, fibers formed in the dynamic
The explanation of the typical breakup mixing process in extruders are thinner, typ-
behavior of these viscoelastic threads lies in ically 1 |im, and breakup occurs within sec-
the build up of orientational stresses. These onds, just as in the case of the model liquids
may drastically enlarge the elongational vis- (De~l). Still, elastically induced dumb-
cosity of the viscoelastic thread phase bells (to the extent as in Fig. 3-17) are rare-
(strain thickening) and hence slow down the ly observed in polymer blends (e.g., Ele-
elongational flow in the filaments. Stresses mans, 1989) where, moreover, both thread
may build up both during the formation of and matrix are viscoelastic.
the thread (prior to the breakup process) and Few explanations are possible for the
during the drainage of the filaments (in the nonuniformity of the disturbances. Firstly,
138 3 Emulsions: The Dynamics of Liquid-Liquid Mixing

there is always some irregularity in the def- sidered as perfect cylinders (radius Rf) and
ormation history along the thread (e.g., due the bulbs as spheres (radius Rb). A single fil-
to small diameter fluctuations). Conse- ament exhibits 3-D elongational flow and is
quently, for a viscoelastic fluid the stress considered as a test specimen. The (uncon-
distribution is irregular, which may cause a trollable) elongation rate is generally not
nonuniform disturbance pattern. Another constant with time, but can easily be meas-
explanation is suggested by Milliken et al. ured
(1993) and Stone (1994). Polymer mole-
= -2Rf/Rf (3-35)
cules added in order to make the model liq-
uids viscoelastic may accumulate at the The stress difference (tzz- Trr) can be esti-
interface and act as a surfactant. Inhomo- mated from the difference in the interfacial
geneities in the interfacial concentration of pressure jumps between the bulb and the fil-
this surfactant (and thus of the interfacial ament. (The assumption is made that the
tension) may easily lead to nonuniform ambient pressure in the matrix is constant,
breakup patterns. which will be valid if the matrix viscosity is
not too large.) The interfacial pressure jump
is given by the Laplace equation [equivalent
Measurement of Elongational Viscosity toEq. (3-31)]

As mentioned, the elongational viscosity (3-36)

is a crucial material property in the breakup
of viscoelastic threads. It is also well known where Rx2 a r e the main radii of curvature.
that for viscoelastic liquids the Trouton ratio A force balance leads to
Tjjrjy (the ratio of elongational and simple
shear viscosity) can be far beyond 3, the ZZ rr
J? J?
value found in the case of a viscous liquid. Kb
Rheological characterization of model liq- and hence
uids, however, is mostly done in simple
= a/Rf-2(T/Rh
shear. Measurement of r] is quite difficult; (3-38)
steady state values are rarely obtained (e.g., -2RfIRf
Sridhar etal., 1991; Bulters and Meijer, Following Schiimmer and Tebel, the
1990). Among the many different tech- elongational viscosities were estimated
niques used, the one studied by Schiimmer from the disintegration of viscoelastic
and Tebel (1983) is worth mentioning in threads in a quiescent viscous matrix
view of the topics dealt with in this chapter. (instead of a gaseous matrix). In a typical
They use the disintegration of a viscoelas- experiment increases to about Is" 1 ; the
tic jet in air to estimate the elongational vis- elongational viscosity builds up with time
cosity, defined as and the Trouton ratio grows to the order of
103. Unfortunately, a steady state is not
Tl = Tzz~Trr (3-34) reached: keeps verying during the time of
the experiment, which is limited to about 5 s
with rzz and xrr the stress components in the due to the resolution in measuring Rf. More-
axial and radial directions and the elonga- over, the different pre-stretching in each
tion rate. The dumbbell shape as shown in experiment prohibits accurate reproducibil-
Fig. 3-17 is idealized: the filaments are con- ity. Trouton ratios of 10 2 -10 3 are also pre-
3.3 Breakup 139

dieted by the Phan-Thien Tanner model tial time derivative by

using the material parameters obtained in
simple shear. This prediction encourages the (3-43)
use of the Phan-Thien Tanner model for
these liquids. Multiple modes are necessary to describe
measured rheological data over a certain
range of deformation rates. The Phan-Thien Numerical Tanner model includes the Oldroyd-B
model (, = 0), the upper-convected Max-
The growth of disturbances on a visco- well model (, = 0 and rjs = 0), and the New-
elastic thread in a quiescent matrix was tonian or viscous model (, = (), #, = 0, and
numerically simulated using the finite ele- 7]s = 0). The nonlinearity parameter z is
ment technique as used for the viscous responsible for the shear thinning behavior
threads (Sec. A number of features of the simple shear viscosity and, moreover,
are identical (geometry with boundary con- it limits the steady state elongational viscos-
ditions, ALE mesh displacement, and the ity which goes to infinity [as - (2&)~l] in
incorporation of interfacial tension), and both the Oldroyd-B and the upper-convect-
some are different (the constitutive equa- ed Maxwell model.
tion, of course). The numerical technique is based on an
As the constitutive equation, the Phan- operator splitting methodology in order to
Thien Tanner model was used with the extra handle the time derivatives of the stress ten-
stress tensor [see Eq. (3-29)] sor, see Baaijens (1993). In this algorithm,
the stress of a given material point at its pre-
vious position (p) at the previous time level
(t-At) is computed first and is subsequently
consisting of one viscous 'solvent' mode Xs
used in a regular mixed (X, u, p) formula-
and n viscoelastic modes X,. The solvent tion. For the ALE method applied here, the
contribution (in fact, a viscoelastic mode 'old' stress Tp is obtained by solving
with relaxation time $ = 0 ) is given by
Xs = 2?7S D (3-40)
with ?7S the solvent viscosity. The extra
stress contributions X, are given by
se(t-At,t) (3-44)
(3-41) with ug the grid velocity. Both time and
space are discretized in finite elements
with i}j the relaxation time, fy the viscosity, yielding so-called 'space-time slabs'. The
and , the nonlinearity parameter of mode time discretization is piecewise continuous,
number /. D is the rate of deformation ten- but discontinuous across the space-time
sor and v represents the Truesdell or upper- slabs, allowing each time step to be analyzed
convected time derivative subsequently; a constant in time approxima-
v tion is used. The elements have quadratic
= x-L-x-x-Lc (3-42) interpolation functions for stress and veloc-
with L the velocity gradient tensor and t the ity and a bilinear pressure. Stress and pres-
material time derivative related to the spa- sure are both discontinuous across the ele-
140 3 Emulsions: The Dynamics of Liquid-Liquid Mixing

ment boundaries. Consequently, they can be

eliminated on the element level, thereby t = 0 [s]
reducing the number of unknowns of the
resulting set of equations substantially.
4- ^ ~Z t J 1 > ;'.':i:v
6.4 .rr^'t ' 1 i ) ;J~J=-~~ J


Although the model liquids used experi- 8.4 : : : : = = = = = = : rr ;r

mentally have been characterized by a

5 mode Phan-Thien Thanner fit, excessive L
' . ' . ; ; - .

computation times restrict the number of 10.4
modes to only 1 plus the 'solvent mode'.
(The computation time is directly propor-
tional to the number of modes.) An accept-
able one-mode fit for test liquid cs 10.9
80/20/0.01 (Sec. 3.7.3), used as the visco-
elastic thread phase in the experiment of Fig. Figure 3-18. Disturbance growth with velocity fields
3-17, is given by 7]s = O.6Pa s, 77! = 0.4 Pas, on a viscoelastic thread (PTT with rjs = 0.6 Pa s,
#! = 15 s, and ex = 0.01. The matrix was mod- rix = 0.4 Pa s, #! = 15 s, { - 0.01) in a quiescent vis-
cous matrix (j]c = 1 Pa s); a- 10~2 N/m, 2R0 = 10~3
eled as a viscous liquid with ?7C= 1 Pa s. The m. Uniform initial stress xzz - 29 Pa in the thread. The
interfacial tension <7 = 10~2N/m and the velocities are normalized separately for each picture.
thread diameter 2R0 = 1 mm. Arrows indicate the positions where zzz is monitored
(Fig. 3-19).
Figure 3-18 shows a typical flow simula-
tion. The axial length of the mesh is taken
as 2X^ with Xm the theoretical dominant In Fig. 3-19 the viscoelastic extra stress
wavelength of a comparable viscous system component TZZ is monitored at two positions
(using p = fld/r]c = (7]s+J,r]i)/Tic)m This was on the thread axis, as indicated by the arrows
done to allow the thread to develop a (non- in Fig. 3 -18: one in a final neck and the other
periodic) disturbance of nearly arbitrary in a fat bulb (solid curves). The dashed curve
length. The disturbance was initiated as ran- indicates relaxation of the initial stress level
dom noise with amplitude a^R0 = 10~2. The at a fixed point, i.e., in the absence of a
initial stress condition in the thread was esti- deformable interface. Initially, the stress
mated from a typical experiment where a from the FEM simulation relaxes just like at
thread is formed by a steady elongational the fixed point. Once the interface starts to
flow (prior to t = 0 in the present simulation) deform significantly (after about 6 s), stress
with e = 0A s"1. Using the Phan-Thien Tan- relaxation in the bulb is enhanced due to the
ner model with the present material param- compression flow. In the neck the flow is
eters, the steady state stress component elongational and new stresses build up.
Tzz = 29 Pa, uniformly in the thread. In the Large Trouton ratios (rj/77y) are reached:
matrix, modeled as a viscous liquid, an values of about 10 2 -10 3 , which qualitative-
initial stress condition makes no sense (#= 0 ly agree with the results from the measure-
s). The disturbance is irregular and at the left ment of 77, as discussed in Sec.
a long neck develops suggesting a dumbbell (Note that the stresses in Fig. 3-19 are mon-
shape as in the experiments (Fig. 3-17). itored at specific positions in space and do
3.3 Breakup 141

Figure 3-19. Solid curves:

evolution of the viscoelas-
tic extra stress component
Xzz in the simulation of
Fig. 3-18 at the two posi-
tions indicated. Dashed
curve: relaxation of the
initial stress at a fixed
point, i.e., ignoring the free

not track a single material point, as is nec- bance wavelength is dominant (the one with
essary to calculate the true Trouton ratio.) the fastest amplitude growth) and leads to
Due to this high local flow resistance, the breakup. On an extending thread, however,
flow in the thinner sections slows down and the waves are continuously stretched. Hence
the onset of filament formation can be seen. at any moment another disturbance wave-
Similar results were found by Bousfield length is dominant and the moment of break-
et al. (1986), although they considered a vis- up is postponed compared to the same thread
coelastic thread surrounded by a gas instead in a quiescent matrix. Breakup occurs as
of a viscous liquid. Compared to a viscous soon as the amplitude of a disturbance is
thread they report: (i) an initial retardation magnified such that it equals the continu-
of the growth rate upon the prescription of ously decreasing mean thread radius.
a tensile stress, (ii) then a stage of exponen- In 1987 Khakhar and Ottino extended the
tial growth, and (iii) finally necking and theory for breakup of an infinitely long liq-
flow stagnation due to a new build up of uid cylinder in a 3-D elongational flow
elongational stresses. Starting with a zero (Tomotika, 1936; Mikami etal., 1975) to
initial stress, they find an initial enhance- general linear flows. Any linear flow can be
ment of the growth rate with respect to vis- decomposed into a 3-D elongation and a
cous systems, followed by the same final shear component. They showed that under
stress build up and flow stagnation. some circumstances the shear part may be
neglected so that the only relevant flow
parameter in the analysis is the (orientation
3.3.3 Breakup of a Viscous Thread dependent) stretching rate e {- D mm). It
During Stretching is convenient, however, to make the time
dimensionless with respect to the (orienta- Theoretical
tion independent) shear rate y |= X/(2D : D) 1
During the disintegration of a viscous
thread in a quiescent matrix, one distur- * = yt (3-45)
142 3 Emulsions: The Dynamics of Liquid-Liquid Mixing

Consequently, the ratio Ely shows up momentary mean thread radius at the break-
and hence the stretching efficiency ef up time f *; the extending thread breaks leav-
[Eq. (3-13): ef = ^2e/y]. As discussed ing a line of drops with radius Rdrops.
in Sec. 3.2.2., ef is constant in steady 2-D For a constant stretching rate (i.e., the
or 3-D elongational flow [ef= \j(V2) or external flow is either steady 2-D or 3-D
v (2/3) respectively], while it decays elongational), the breakup process was ana-
towards zero in steady simple shear flow lyzed over a broad range of the relevant
(due to rotation of the extending thread parameters. The results are condensed fur-
towards the streamline direction). ther than was done by former authors.
The main principle of the breakup process The independent variables are reduced to
at a constant stretching rate is illustrated in only two relevant dimensionless groups:
Fig. 3-20. Disturbances of all initial wave- 77ca0/o"and/?, while only three dependent
lengths Ao/ (or wave numbers xOi = 27t/?/AO/) variables are of interest: Rcv{t/a0, ^droPsM)>
evolve with time. At the same time, the and eft*. In fact, all lengths are scaled with
wavelengths increase and the thread radius respect to the initial amplitude a0. More-
decreases (due to stretching). Section 3.7.4 over, the main results of the analysis are
outlines the equations governing the evolu- insensitive to the initial thread radius Ro: in
tion of an initial disturbance amplitude a0 Fig. 3-20, Ro may be anywhere left of Rcrii;
as a function of material properties, flow Ro is only relevant for the stage of affine
conditions, and geometry. In general, the deformation down to Rcr{t (> t*rii). Fig-
disturbance amplitude first stays at the noise ures 3-21, 3-22, and 3-23 give the con-
level ((XQ), then it grows for a while and densed results (see also Janssen and Meijer,
damps again, back to the noise level. The 1993); all other dependent variables can be
disturbance having one specific initial derived from these plots. For instance, the
wavelength appears to be fatal and causes total breakup time
breakup. The amplitude of this disturbance
starts growing at the critical time r*rit, where ~~ *crit " ^g ~~
23/2 j + ef *
the thread radius has decreased to Rcriv After ^rit

the growth time * the amplitude equals the (3-46)

ln(R/a0) /
* /
t -^
and V /
ln(a/a 0 )

t x
01 <x 02 <x 03 / 1
- . 01
Figure 3-20. Evolution of
the undisturbed radius R of
a thread that is extending at
a constant rate (dashed
line) and of the amplitude a
of disturbances with differ-
ent initial wave numbers
0 . / . / (solid curves).
3.3 Breakup 143

Figure 3-21. Dimension-

less critical thread radius
indicating the start of
growth of the disturbance
that leads to breakup of a
constantly stretching thread
as a function of the dimen-
sionless stretching rate; the
parameter is the viscosity
ratiop(=77 d /i7 c ).

Figure 3-22. Dimension-

less drop radius resulting
from thread breakup during
stretching at a constant rate
as a function of the
dimensionless stretching
rate; the parameter is the
viscosity ratio.
io- 9 IO-S io- 7 io- 6 io- 5 io- 4 io- 3 io- 2 io- 1 io io 1
T| c 6a 0 /o

In a flow of constant stretching rate (with From Figs. 3-21 and 3-22 it is evident that
known , ef, and y), the breakup time upon an increase in the stretching rate the
fb(= t%ly) of a thread (with known p, 7]c, <7, thread is thinned further before breakup
a0, and Ro) can be calculated from Eq. occurs, which results in smaller drops. The
(3-46) using the theoretical values of Rcrii influence of the viscosities is somewhat dif-
and eft* from Figs. 3-21 and 3-23. The ficult to determine from the figures since rjc
resulting drop size is obtained from is included both in the horizontal axis and
Fig. 3-22. Figures 3-21 and 3-22 look quite in the parameter p(=T/d/r]c). For the
similar since /? drops and Rcrh are coupled via descending straight lines the proportional-
c r i t ], which is ity RdrovJa0oc(ncea0/cj)-0-9xp-0A5 holds
nearly constant (~1) in all cases. (see also Tjahjadi and Ottino, 1991), so that
144 3 Emulsions: The Dynamics of Liquid-Liquid Mixing

Figure 3-23. Flow type
independent growth time of
the fatal disturbance that
leads to breakup of a con-
stantly stretching thread as
a function of the dimen-
sionless stretching rate; the
parameter is the viscosity

^drops (^d^c) 45- A higher viscosity of in Figs. 3-21, 3-22, and 3-23, since the
either phase retards interfacial motions and initial thread radius and orientation appear
postpones the moment of breakup leading as extra independent variables. Moreover,
to smaller drops. At constant 7]c, any in simple shear flow it has to be checked
increase in the viscosity ratio/? yields small- whether the influence of the shear compo-
er drops. Only for large values of rica/0(J nent on the disturbance is negligible under
is there an optimum viscosity ratio for the present conditions. Nevertheless, a num-
obtaining the smallest drop size. ber of trends can be derived from their
A physical lower limit for the drop size results (Fig. 8 from Khakhar and Ottino,
arises from the fact that the mean thread 1987). The drop size Rdrops oc y'03 rather
radius cannot decrease below a0. Kuhn's than 7~ 9 in steady elongation, its depen-
(1953) prediction of a 0 [Eq. (3-22)] yields dence on p is less, and the resulting drops
values of about 10~9 m. Although Mikami are bigger than in elongational flow of equal
et al. (1975) suggest 10~ 8 -l(r 7 m, Kuhn's shear rate (in 2-D elongation y=2e).
estimate appears to be satisfactory for
the experiments of Sec. From
Figs. 3-21 and 3-22, the value of a0 is not Experimental
as important as it seems, since a0 is includ- In contrast to thread breakup in a quies-
ed in both the horizontal and the vertical cent matrix and drop breakup under quasi-
axes: effectively, RCTit and Rdrops <* a00A on equilibrium conditions, the breakup of an
the linear descending parts of the plots; only extending thread has rarely been studied
at the apparent bottom levels (for large p) experimentally (Mikami et al., 1975).
does this change to Rcrii and ^ d r o p s = a0. Therefore the results from the above analy-
In steady simple shear flow, the results are sis were verified using model liquids in an
more complicated since and hence ef opposed jets device generating plane hyper-
decay (as know functions) with time. Kha- bolic flow (Sec. 3.7.2). Castor oil
khar and Ottino (1987) elaborated this case, (7]d = 0.74 Pa s) was used as the drop phase,
but the results cannot be condensed as far as while the continuous phase consisted of dif-
3.3 Breakup 145

ferent grades of silicone oil; the interfacial is remarkable anyway since the theory is
tension amounted to 4.1 x 10~3 N/m. A drop based on an extrapolation of a linear (small
of a few millimeters diameter was subject amplitude) analysis.
instantaneously to a steady elongation rate, As well as the final drop size, the experi-
sufficiently high to deform it affinely (see mental breakup time tb was compared to cal-
Sec. The original drop was extend- culated values (Fig. 3-25). The separate
ed sufficiently to regard the thread formed contributions of fcrit and tg cannot be mea-
as infinitely long and to neglect end effects. sured because it is experimentally impos-
Disintegration of the thread during stretch- sible to detect the critical point where the
ing was studied using a microscope and fatal disturbance starts growing (see Fig.
video recordings. 3-20). Therefore only the total breakup time
Mikami et al. (1975) compared some is checked. The measured value spans from
experimental data to calculated values; an (arbitrary) initial thread radius Ro to the
however, not the final drop size. Fig- point of breakup. The calculated breakup
ure 3-24 compares experimental drop sizes time is obtained from Eq. (3-46) with the
to calculated ones derived from Fig. 3-22. experimental value of Ro and the theoretical
The scatter in the experimental data is due values of Rcrit and ef t* (from Figs. 3-21 and
to nonuniformity of the breakup process and 3-23). So in fact the comparison of mea-
to satellite droplets emerging between the sured and calculated breakup times verifies
main drops. The relevant drop size was aver- the theoretical plots of Rcri/a0 and eft* (the
aged over many experiments. The influen- assumption of affine stretching is certainly
ces of T]ce/(jandp are predicted properly by valid in the experiments). With ao= 1CT9 m,
the theory. The value of 10~9 m for a0 the agreement is again satisfactory, while a
(Kuhn's estimate) gives reasonable agree- better fit is obtained by increasing a0 to 10~8
ment. A better fit is obtained using 1(T10 m; m (rather than by decreasing a0 like in
however, such small disturbances are phys- Fig. 3-24). In the experiments tg is typical-
ically unrealistic. Moreover, the agreement ly about 2 s. If RQ Rcrit, as is the case in


Figure 3-24. Experimental

(symbols) and calculated
(lines) drop sizes as a func-
tion of the flow parameter
r\clo in steady plane
hyperbolic flow; in the cal-
culations OQ = 10~9 m (solid
lines) or 10~10 m (dashed
lines); the parameter is the
viscosity ratio p (= T\Jr\c).
146 3 Emulsions: The Dynamics of Liquid-Liquid Mixing

Figure 3-25. Experimental

(symbols) and calculated
(curves) breakup times as a
function of the flow param-
eter rjc elo in steady plane
hyperbolic flow; 2R0 = 1(T3
m; in the calculations
(XQ = 1CT9 m (solid curves)
or 1CT8 m (dashed curves);
the parameter is the viscos-
ity ratio.

In practice, drop sizes are generally larg-

er than predicted by theory. Apart from
coalescence of the drops formed, one of the
possible reasons is the collision of dispersed
drops (or threads) onto an extending thread,
as illustrated in Fig. 3-26. Locally, a large
disturbance amplitude is imposed that leads
to early breakup of the thread into two parts.
Subsequently, end-pinching (Stone and
Leal, 1989 a, b) produces drops that are larg-
er than in the case where they were produced
by disintegration via uniform capillary
waves. To incorporate something of this
effect in the modeling of mixing, an effec-
tive a0 could be introduced having a prob-
ability that depends on the volume fractions,
the viscosity ratio, and the interfacial ten-
sion of the liquid phases. Even at low vol-
Figure 3-26. Collision of a drop onto an extending
thread; early 'scission' leads to end-pinching produc- ume fractions the phenomenon may
ing relatively large drops. Both liquids are viscous increase the drop size significantly.
with p = 0.35; the photographs were taken every 2 s.

most practical situations, tg becomes negli- 3.3.4 Drop Breakup in Viscous Systems
gible with respect to /crit and the total break- After stretching and disintegration of the
up time can be approximated by affine de- threads into drops, the drops (with R of the
formation only [the first term of Eq. (3-46) order of micrometers) may finally be sub-
with Rcrit from Fig. 3-21]. ject to further deformation and eventual
3.3 Breakup 147

breakup since Ca ~ Cacriv Whether breakup 1

, . , , ,
occurs or not depends on the local velocity leading to breakup Ca
gradient and the type of flow, the viscosity 0.53
x x
- / . . x . - - X
. o . - < 3 o----Q
X 0.46
ratio, and the time available. 0.6 ? jfr'' o- -0- o -o 0 0.43
Drop breakup is the classical subject of I ^ O--Oo ** ^ ^
0 0.39
study in dispersive mixing. Excellent 0.4 ;' ."-'

: . Q .' 0
0 0--..<). Q

^o O o - "
^J. O-
" " 0
0 0.35
0 0.30
reviews are given by Acrivos (1983), Ralli- 0 0.25
son (1984), and Stone (1994). Experimen- 0.2 ^ p = 0.09 -
tally, drops (with R~ 1 mm) of model liquids
1 1 1

at room temperature are studied in well- 0 20 40 60

defined flow fields. Commonly used flow t'H
devices are the Couette and the parallel band Figure 3-27. Deformation of a spherical drop in
device for simple shear flow and the four- steady simple shear flow as a function of dimension-
roll mill for plane hyperbolic flow (see, less time. The parameter is the capillary number
(Meijer and Bos, 1989).
e.g., Taylor, 1934; Grace, 1971; Bentley,
1985; Elmendorp, 1986; Stone and Leal,
1989 a, b; Meijer and Bos, 1989; Elemans, acteristic time of the flow (tf\ow=l/y)
1989; de Bruijn, 1989; van der Reijden- resembles the capillary number
Stolk, 1989;Milliken and Leal, 1991,1992).
For the present study an opposed jets device Ca = f (3-47)
was developed (Janssen et al., 1993 and Sec. flov
3.7.2) to generate plane hyperbolic flow. usually interpreted as the ratio of shear and
interfacial stress [Eq. (3-1)].
Depending on the viscosity ratio p (drop/ Measurement of Cacrit
matrix), different characteristic drop shapes
The most well-known study on drop can be distinguished (Rumscheidt and
breakup originates from Grace (1971). He Mason, 1961): For/? > 1 the deformed drops
determined the critical capillary number have rounded ends, while for smaller values
under more or less equilibrium conditions of p these become pointed. If p > 0.1 in sim-
(Fig. 3-2), i.e., by slowly increasing the ple shear flow, extremely small droplets
velocity gradient until a stable drop shape break off from the sharply pointed ends.
could no longer be obtained. Figure 3-27 This phenomenon, called tipstreaming, is
illustrates the deformation of an initially caused by gradients in the interfacial ten-
spherical drop [D = 0, Eq. (3-5)] into an sion due to the convection of surfactants
ellipsoid. Below CaCYit the interfacial ten- along the drop surface accompanied by dif-
sion dominates and the drop is only slight- fusion from the bulk. At the tips the interfa-
ly deformed. A typical internal circulation cial tension decreases and tiny droplets
maintains a stable equilibrium drop shape. break off (de Bruijn, 1993).
Above Cacrit no stable drop shape exists: the Another effect of surfactants is that they
shear stress dominates and leads to irrever- immobilize the interface. Hence the internal
sible stretching and breakup. Time has been flow in the drop is suppressed, which may
made dimensionsless with respect to the retard deformation and breakup (compare
characteristic time for interfacial tension with interface immobilization in coales-
driven processes, t(7=ricR0/a' [see Eq. cence, Sec. 3.4). In a full analysis the con-
(3-24)]. Note that the ratio of r^and the char- vection/diffusion problem of the surfactant
148 3 Emulsions: The Dynamics of Liquid-Liquid Mixing

concentration has to be solved (Stone and both Bentley's and Khakhar's curves for dif-
Leal, 1990; Milliken et al., 1993; Janssen ferent flow types practically reduce to one
and Boon, 1993). Chang and Olbricht curve. (Bentley's results do not include sim-
(1993 a, b) investigated the effect of immo- ple shear flow). This cannot be recognized
bile interfaces using viscous drops that were in the original figures of Bentley (1986 b)
encapsulated by a thin polymeric mem- and Khakhar and Ottino (1986), where a
brane. This closely resembles the behavior broader range of curves are presented due
of red blood cells in blood vessels (Fischer to an improper definition of the capillary
et al., 1978). number, i.e., Ca = r\cGRIo with G being the
Determination of the critical capillary velocity gradient of the flow, instead of
number of viscous drops in the opposed jets Ca = ricyR/a [Eqs. (3-1) and (3-2)] with y
device (plane hyperbolic flow) yields the shear rate [=V(2D:D=G(l + a)l that
results that agree with literature data. It is automatically accounts for the rotational
interesting to show the influence of the flow contribution of the flow.
type on Cacrit as measured by Bentley As for distributive mixing, for dispersive
(1986 b). In Fig. 3-28 the parameter a (see mixing elongational flow is more efficient
Sec. 3.7.1) characterizes the flow type, than simple shear flow, especially for p > 4
ranging from simple shear (a=0) to plane where the presence of rotational compo-
hyberbolic flow (a = l). Intermediate flow nents in simple shear flow prevents drop
types ( 0 < a < l ) give critical capillary breakup. Independent of the flow type, the
numbers in between the curves for the two minimum in Cacrit is found around p = 1. As
'regular' flow types. The numerical results emphasized in Sec. 3.3.6, this does not nec-
of Khakhar and Ottino (1986) agree reason- essarily imply that the finest morphology is
ably well with the experimental data of always obtained at p = 1, since a dispersion
Bentley; Grace's (1971) experimental mechanism via stepwise equilibrium break-
results, from Fig. 3-2, show some deviation. up at Cacrit (the typical experiment underly-
Interestingly, for moderate viscosity ratios ing Figs. 3-2 and 3-28) is unlikely to occur


Khakhar k Ottino (1986)

a= 0 .2 .4 .6 .8 1
Bentley & Leal (1986 b)
a = .2 .4 .6 .8 1
Grace (1971)
0 1

Figure 3-28. Critical capil-

lary number as a function
10 of the viscosity ratio for
different types of flow
ranging from simple shear
(a = 0) to 2-D elongation
(a= 1). Solid curves:
numerical, others: experi-
105 10- 4 10-3 10-2 io-i 100 101 102

3.3 Breakup 149

in a practical situation. A transient disper- stage. Moreover, the breakup time depends
sion mechanism of thread breakup during on the initial drop size because the second
stretching generally gives a smaller drop stage concerns extension from Ro down to
size that, moreover, reduces upon increas- Rcriv the onset of thread breakup during
ing the viscosity ratio (see Sec. 3.3.6). stretching (see Sec. Drop Breakup Times Retraction of an Extended Drop

Apart from Cacr[i measurements, Grace Retraction of extended drops in a quies-
(1971) experimentally determined breakup cent matrix is another typical experiment
times of drops above Cacriv The breakup that has been studied in the opposed jets
time of a drop at Cacrit (in fact, slightly device. On an extended drop two competi-
above Cacrit since exactly at Cacrlt the break- tive processes occur: (i) overall retraction
up time is infinite) increases with the vis- towards a sphere, driven by the pressure dif-
cosity ratio. Breakup times for Ca far above ference between the ends and the drop cen-
Cacrit are given in a plot of the dimension- ter [Eq. (3-36)] and (ii) growth of capillary
less breakup time versus Ca/Cacrit. As sug- waves leading to breakup. Depending on the
gested by Meijer and Janssen (1994), this initial extension of the drop and the viscos-
plot is ambiguous since the measured break- ity ratio, either total retraction or breakup
up time is the sum of three distinguishable results. Figure 3-29 shows an experiment
stages each with a different characteristic with viscous liquids where, apparently, the
time scale. The first stage is the initial de- time scale of disturbance growth is smaller
formation of the original drop, which takes than that of total retraction. This type of
more time as Ca tends to Cacrit; the relevant breakup of a slightly extended drop via a
time scale is ta=ricR/a. The second stage dumbbell shape is called 'necking' and is
involves the affine stretching of the unstable different from 'end-pinching', the break-off
drop; the relevant time scale is tnovv=l/y. of drops from the ends of a moderately
The last stage is growth of the fatal distur- extended drop. In fact, the experiment sim-
bance leading to breakup of the filament, ulates the passage of a drop through a con-
with ta= rjcRf/a. Consequently, it is not very verging channel.
conclusive to cover all three stages by only Stone and Leal (1989 a, b) extensively
one dimensionless time based on the first studied the retraction of extended viscous

flow on flow off

t = 0 sec.

Figure 3-29. Deformation

of a 1.5 mm drop in the
opposed jets device (2-D
elongation) and breakup via

o o
necking after cessation of
the flow; castor oil drop
and silicone oil matrix both
10 with viscosity 0.7 Pa s.
150 3 Emulsions: The Dynamics of Liquid-Liquid Mixing

drops. Both experimentally, using Bentley nificant (e.g., a factor of 2). Moreover, the
and Leal's (1986 a) four-roll mill, and definitions of viscosity (ratio) and Deborah
numerically, using the boundary element number are arbitrary in such systems.
method in axisymmetric elongational flow, In general, viscoelasticity only plays a
they elaborated a whole range of possible significant role if the deformation is fast and
flow situations. For example, they deter- large enough (#>1 and et >1). In quasi-
mined the maximal extension from which a equilibrium drop deformation experiments,
drop still retracts without breaking. Upon the total strain may be sufficient but the de-
increasing the viscosity ratio (?7d/77c), the formation rate is quite small, so that stress-
growth of instabilities is retarded with es quickly relax. Consequently, viscoelas-
respect to overall retraction; this results in ticity in drop breakup is not as significant
a larger critical extension. Uniform Ray- as in thread breakup (Fig. 3-17).
leigh disturbances develop only on suffi- The tipstreaming that Milliken and Leal
ciently long threads (except near the ends). (1991) observed using viscoelastic drops is
In practical situations this breakup via uni- probably not caused by the viscoelastic
form capillary waves is the main mecha- behavior of the fluid. It may in fact be a con-
nism, because end-pinching and necking sequence of polymer molecules (added in
involve only a small fraction of the dis- order to modify the rheological behavior)
persed phase volume. accumulating at the interface and acting as
a surfactant (Milliken et al., 1993; Stone,
1994), as indicated by de Bruijn (1993).
3.3.5 Drop Breakup in Viscoelastic
Experiments on the retraction of an
extended drop back to a sphere also proved
Contradictory results are reported in the to be quite insensitive to the viscoelasticity
literature concerning the effect of viscoelas- of the drop phase. Again, the total strain
ticity on drop deformation and breakup. appears to be insufficient or applied too
Generally, it is assumed that the viscoelas- slowly to build up a significant level of
ticity of both the drop and the matrix phase orientational stresses. Moreover, stresses
retards deformation and breakup. that have eventually built up relax faster
For viscoelastic drops (Sec. 3.7.3) in a than expected from the relaxation time of
viscous matrix, Cacrit values have been the liquid, #, due to the free interface which
determined in the opposed jets device (2-D induces a compression flow (compare with
elongation). For viscosity ratios of the order Figs. 3-18 and 3-19). The maximum exten-
of 1, no significant difference from Newton- sion from which a viscoelastic drop still
ian drops was found. Milliken and Leal retracts without breaking is much larger
(1991, 1992) studied viscoelastic drops in than in the case of viscous drops, since dis-
linear 2-D flows over a broader range of vis- integration by capillary waves is largely
cosity ratios. For p > 1 they reported no dif- retarded (Sec.
ference with respect to Newtonian drops.
For small values of /?, smaller values of
3.3.6 Comparison of Dispersion
Cacrii were found. De Bruijn (1989), on the
contrary, reported a slight increase of Cacrit
in simple shear flow upon introducing vis- Now that the breakup of drops and threads
coelasticity to the drop phase. However, in has been discussed, it is possible to compare
all cases the change in Cacrit is not too sig- the final drop sizes resulting from the
3.3 Breakup 151

(a) (b)

o o4 Figure 3-30. Schematic representation of

the two dispersion mechanisms: (a) the
o'o o o I
stepwise equilibrium mechanism of
repeated breakup at Cacrit: (b) the tran-
sient mechanism of thread breakup during
T y v v

OOOOOOOO stretching.

two dispersion mechanisms depicted in Fig. atively large drop (with Ca Ca c r i i ) is

3-30: (a) a stepwise increase in shear stress stretched affinely into a thin liquid thread
breaking drops repeatedly under quasi-equi- that finally disintegrates into a line of drops
librium conditions (at Cacrit) until the (Sec.
machine dependent maximum shear stress
is reached, or (b) the transient mechanism Plane Hyperbolic Flow
of exerting the same maximum shear stress
directly on the original drop, thus inducing Figure 3-31 compares the drop sizes gen-
one-step thread breakup during stretching erated by the two distinct mechanisms in
(Janssen and Meijer, 1993). plane hyperbolic flow (Janssen and Meijer,
Often, the stepwise equilibrium mecha- 1993). The solid curves are deduced from
nism is considered in order to predict the Fig. 3-22, the transient process with a con-
minimum attainable drop size of a disper- stant stretching rate; the dashed lines from
sion. This can easily be done using the crit- Eq. (3-48), the stepwise equilibrium mech-
ical capillary number (Fig. 3-2): knowing anism. Generally, the transient mechanism
the material properties and estimating the yields smaller drops, and it is evident that
maximum deformation rate in the mixing p-\ is not the optimum viscosity ratio. In
device, the value of Cacrit gives the small- fact a higher viscosity ratio yields a finer
est drop size that can still be broken. Assum- dispersion, as already noted by Tjahjadi and
ing the drop breaks into two equal parts Ottino (1991). If drops are formed by the
without satellite droplets in between, the transient mechanism, whereas the equilib-
minimum drop size resulting rom the step- rium mechanism would have resulted in
wise dispersion route is smaller droplets (typically at high values of
r]clo), they just break once more. Note that
(3-48) the dashed curves in Fig. 3-31 continue
77,7/CT down to unrealistic length scales. Of course,
Since the value of Cacvit is a minimum at a lower limit exists due to the length scale
p 1 , it is often concluded that the finest below which continuum mechanics fails
morphology is obtained if both viscosities (~10~9 m). To deduce the full curves, a0 was
match. The stepwise breakup mechanism, taken as 10~9m. As explained in Sec.
however, is unlikely to occur in real mixing, changing the arbitrary value of a0
processes and, moreover, the time necessary has a minor effect on the drop size. The value
for drop breakup should be taken into of the flow parameter r\celotypically rang-
account. More realistic appears to be the es from 1 - 1 0 5 nT1 for model liquids in an
transient breakup mechanism, where a rel- experimental device (e.g., opposed jets or
152 3 Emulsions: The Dynamics of Liquid-Liquid Mixing

p = 10"3 .
Nv \ ^ & v BREAKUP 103 -

R drops Figure 3-31. Minimum

attainable drop size in plane
ml 10-5 - hyperbolic flow resulting
from (i) the step wise equi-
io- 6
librium mechanism of drop
y p breakup at Cacrn (dashed
lines) and (ii) the transient
mechanism of thread break-
up during stretching with
10-8 NO BREAKUP ^ (XQ - 10" m (solid curves);
the parameter is the viscos-
10-9 ity ratio p(=T]d/T)c).
10-1 10 101 10 2 103 10 4 105 106 107 10 8 10 9


Couette) and from 10 5 -10 8 m l for poly- ao=l0 9 m and the initial angle between
mer melts in compounding equipment (e.g., thread axis and streamlines (po = 27 (corre-
extruders). sponding to 2 tan <Po=l> a n upper limit).
In a practical situation, a point to consid- Upon decreasing % to 3 (corresponding to
er is whether the time available for each of 2 tan <p0 = 0.1, a lower limit), the solid curves
the idealized processes in Fig. 3-30 is suffi- shift one decade to the right. Note that along
cient. For the transient mechanism, the the horizontal axis the (constant) shear rate
breakup time is given by Eq. (3-46). For the 7 is used rather than the time-dependent
stepwise equilibrium route the breakup time stretching rate ; for comparison with plane
is generally longer. The time for breakup at hyperbolic flow, in Fig. 3-31 should be
CaCYh was measured by Grace (1971). (Note replaced by y/2.
that Grace's experiments must have been Again, the transient mechanism may
performed slightly above Cacrit since exact- yield smaller drops than the stepwise equi-
ly at Cacrit, th = oo.) librium route, but the difference is much less
pronounced than in elongational flow. The
influence of the viscosity ratio is extreme in Simple Shear Flow the equilibrium process (see also Fig. 3-2):
for p > 4 the equilibrium mechanism is not
For simple shear flow, the drop size able to break drops since Cacrit goes to infin-
resulting from the stepwise equilibrium ity. For the transient mechanism, an increas-
mechanism is, again, easily obtained from ing p keeps reducing the drop size. Beyond
Eq. (3-48). Drop sizes resulting from tran- p = 4, stretching of the original drop into a
sient thread breakup in steady simple shear thread is impossible in simple shear; how-
were deduced from Fig. 8 of Khakhar and ever, it is sufficient that it occurs only
Ottino (1987). Both the initial radius and once, e.g., in a local region of elongational
orientation of the thread have to be chosen. flow.
In Fig. 3-32 a comparison is made using two In simple shear flow, reorientations and
initial radii Ro and viscosity ratios p; with folds can enhance the mixing efficiency
3.3 Breakup 153

Figure 3-32. Minimum

attainable drop size in sim-
ple shear flow resulting
from (i) the stepwise equi-
librium mechanism of drop
breakup at Cacrit (dashed
lines) and (ii) the transient
mechanism of thread break-
up during stretching with
ao= 10~^m, % = 21, and
2R0 = 3x l(T 4 m(A)or
10~5 m (B) (solid lines); the
parameter is the viscosity

r\cy/o [m"- l1- ]i

exponentially (see Sec. 3.2.2). In such flows 3.3.7 Conclusion

the analysis for the constant stretching rate
may hold just as for steady elongational In dispersive mixing the deformation rate
flows. Hence periodic reorientations and and time are both important, and not only
folds improve not only distributive mixing their product, as in distributive mixing. The
but also dispersive mixing by postponing main dispersion mechanism is the breakup
thread breakup. of long liquid threads due to capillary waves
Practical flow situations bring arbitrary at the interface. Thread breakup in Newton-
histories of the deformation rate. The ian systems both at rest and during stretch-
analysis of thread breakup during stretching ing can be calculated. Other breakup mech-
can accordingly be performed using the anisms involve end-pinching at the ends of
local function e{t)\ results of general valid- moderately extended drops and necking of
ity are hard to obtain. If, however, the slightly deformed drops.
local stretching rate varies slowly with For Newtonian liquids it has been shown
respect to the disturbance growth time (g), that the more realistic transient mechanism
the results for constant can be used (see of thread breakup during streching general-
Sec. 3.5.4). In practice, complications ly results in smaller drops than the stepwise
arise due to the presence of many drops equilibrium mechanism of repeated drop
and threads. For instance, the collision of a breakup at Cacvit. The transient mechanism
drop onto an extending thread, as illustrat- predicts a finer morphology upon increas-
ed in Fig. 3-26, which leads to early scis- ing the viscosity of either phase. This is
sion and larger drop sizes than predicted by quite different from the commonly used rule
uniform disintegration. The drop sizes of thumb that the viscosities of both phases
from Fig. 3-31 actually represent a lower have to match. In fact, the two dispersion
limit. Another, more important, aspect caus- mechanisms mentioned could have been
ing dispersions to be coarser than suggest- compared in the 1930s (Taylor, 1934; To-
ed here is the coalescence of drops motika, 1936). Only the complexity of the
(Sec. 3.4). transient analysis and the lack of computa-
154 3 Emulsions: The Dynamics of Liquid-Liquid Mixing

tional facilities apparently delayed the inter-

pretation of the consequences of these clas-
sical studies.
The influence of viscoelasticity is signif-
icant if the applied deformation is suffi-
ciently fast (De =$>l) and large
(e = t>l); in other words, if substantial
orientational stresses build up. Particularly Figure 3-33. Collision of two deformable drops in
in the breakup of viscoelastic threads, these simple shear flow with drainage of the film in between.
circumstances are realized and the disinte-
gration process is largely retarded, while pie shear flow. The 'external flow' and the
typical dumbbell shapes evolve instead of volume fraction of dispersed phase govern
sine waves. In situations where drops are the collision frequency. In addition, the
moderately deformed, viscoelastic effects external flow is responsible for the contact
are not observed. For example, for viscos- force and the interaction time of the colli-
ity ratios of the order of unity the critical sion, the boundary conditions for the film
capillary number for the breakup of viscoe- drainage or 'internal flow'.
lastic drops is roughly the same as that for For equal spheres following the basic
Newtonian drops. Also, in drop retraction external flow, the collision frequency can be
from an initially deformed shape, the effect estimated (e.g., Smoluchowski, 1917; Ches-
of viscoelasticity is not very significant. ters, 1991). In simple shear flow the colli-
sion frequency of an individual drop is given
3.4 Coalescence
C = ^yR3n (3-49)
3.4.1 Collision of Drops where n is the number of drops per unit vol-
Up until now, the disperson of isolated ume. Upon multiplication with n/2 the col-
drops and threads has been discussed. Most lision frequency per unit volume is obtained
practical applications, however, involve (the factor of 1/2 accounts for the fact that
blends that are sufficiently concentrated to each collision involves two drops)
exhibit coalescence of the drops formed.
Elmendorp (1986) experimentally showed c' = fc=fr*V (3-50)
that even at a volume fraction of a few per-
The number of drops per unit volume (n)
cent dispersed phase, the morphology is sig-
can be expressed in terms of the volume
nificantly coarsened by coalescence. At
fraction of dispersed phase (/)
high volume fractions (around 50%, see
Sec. 3.5.3), phase inversion may occur.
In the modeling of coalescence, two
aspects have to be considered: (i) do drops hence (3-51)
collide within a given process time and (ii) 30
will a collision be successful, i.e., does the n = 3^
film between the drops drain sufficiently 4nR
during the available interaction time? Fig- The elimination of n in Eq. (3-49) yields
ure 3-33 shows two colliding drops in sim- the collision frequency of a drop as a func-
3.4 Coalescence 155

tion of the shear rate and the volume frac- probabilities has been chosen in view of
tion the 2-zone mixing model of Sec. 3.5 that
deals with a given process time (or resi-
C = ~y(j) (3-52) dence time) in each zone. An extra advant-
age of using the collision probability is
independent of the drop radius. So, on aver- that drop collision and film drainage (next
age, a drop collides after every time section) are now treated in a similar way,
so that they can easily be combined after-
(3-53) wards.

In other words, a drop collides after every

shear y= ytcoll = 7i/(80). 3.4.2 Film Drainage
The ratio between the required collision Theoretical
time tcoll and the available process time tproc
indicates whether or not a collision is to be The second part of the modeling of
expected. However, tcoU is the idealized coalescence deals with drainage of the liq-
value of a distribution (reality implies uid film between the colliding drops. Fig-
complications such as varying collision ure 3-34 schematically shows how the film
angle, nonspherical drop shape, and poly- drainage proceeds when drops collide.
dispersity). An exponential function of Initially, at a large separation, the drops
the ratio tcoU/tproc provides a continuous col- approach according to the velocity gradient
lision probability function (Ross et al., of the external flow field: the drainage rate
1978) -dh/dt is of the order of yR. At a certain sep-
aration (h0) hydrodynamic interaction
becomes significant (the drops 'notice' each
(3-54) other) and the collision starts. The driving
force for film drainage is now the contact
tending to zero if /proc <C tcoU, and to unity force F that acts during the interaction time
in the other extreme. Evidently, the collision tinV The drainage rate -dh/dt decreases and
probability increases with the shear rate the film thickness h asymptomatically
applied and the volume fraction, whereas it decays to zero. However, when a critical
is independent of the drop size. film thickness (hcrit) is reached, instabilities
Usually, drop collisions are accounted grow at the interfaces and film rupture sud-
for directly by the collision frequency or denly occurs: the drops coalesce. If the
the collision rate. Here, the approach with interaction time of the collision is insuffi-

J / . V.-dh/dt = Figure 3-34. Schematic plots of the

-dh/dt h
film drainage between two colliding
YR " drain drops: first, at large separations, they
drainage/ approach affinely with the external
model/ drainage \ flow (~ yR); at h0 the collision 'starts'
and the drainage rate decreases, at hcrh
k h
crit \ the film suddenly breaks and the
drops coalesce.
3 Emulsions: The Dynamics of Liquid-Liquid Mixing

(b) ^ - \ (c)

Figure 3-35. Internal flow field of

film drainage between colliding
deformable drops with (a) immobile,
(b) partially mobile, and (c) fully
mobile interfaces.

cient to reach hcriv the drops do not coalesce, for partially mobile interfaces
but tumble and separate.
Several theories are available to model 717/j F 1
^drain (3-56b)
the process of film drainage. They differ in 2(2KOIRY11 ^/icrit h
the mobility of the interfaces: immobile,
and for fully mobile interfaces
partially mobile, or fully mobile interfaces.
Figure 3-35 schematically depicts the
velocity profiles. The model with partially ^draii (3-56c)
mobile interfaces is the only one that
accounts for the flow inside the drops. The contact force F is the Stokes drag
Assuming (i) deformable drops with a par- force acting on the drops; it can be estimat-
allel-sided film in between, (ii) a constant ed from the external simple shear flow con-
contact force F, and (iii) viscous flow, the sidered
rate of film drainage for immobile interfac- F~6TI77C7R2 (3-57)
es is given by (MacKay and Mason, 1963)
As indicated in Fig. 3-34, the initial film
dh 8TI a2 h3 thickness h0 corresponds to the separation at
dt 3/7c R lF which the constant approach velocity at large
for partially mobile interfaces (Chesters, separations yR equals the decaying approach
1988) velocity -dhldt from the drainage models
[Eq. (3-55)]; for immobile interfaces
dh 2(2na/R)3'2 h2 (3-55b) 1/3
dt KI (3-58a)
and for fully mobile interfaces (Chesters,
1975) for partially mobile interfaces
dh 2a h y/4
(3-55c) - p112 Ca3/4 (3-58b)
dt 377, R
The required drainage time tdmin to reach and for fully mobile interfaces
coalescence is obtained by integration from
h0 to hcriv In the case of immobile interfac- ho~R-Ca (3-58c)
es this gives
with Ca the capillary number (=7icyR/(j)
^drain ~ (3-56a) and/? the viscosity ratio (=
Krit h)
3.4 Coalescence 157

The critical film thickness hcrit at which and large interaction time available) and not
sudden rupture of the film and thus coales- in regions with high deformation rates
cence occurs is governed by van der Waals (large drainage time and small interac-
forces destabilizing the thin film; it can be tion time). The interaction time, i.e., the
approximated by (Chesters, 1991) duration of the collision, can be approximat-
1/3 ed from the external shear rate
( ) (3-59) hm ~ i/y (3-60)
A few words can be said about the effect
with A as the material-dependent Hamaker of the assumptions made (flat, parallel-
constant (typically 1(T20 J). For micrometer- sided film and constant contact force). If
sized drops with a- 5 x 10~3 N/m, the instead of prescribing a flat film the inter-
resulting value of hCTit is about 5 x 10~9 m. Its face is free to deform, a dimple is formed
dependence on the drop radius is fairly weak. that influences the drainage time. However,
From Eq. (3-56) it is clear that all three in the case of liquid-liquid systems, Ches-
models predict that larger drops need more ters (1991) and Abid (1993) showed that the
time to drain the film. This is mainly due to flat film approximation does quite a good
the smaller pressure peak at the center of the job. Due to the tumbling of colliding drops,
film at larger drop radii; in addition, a larger the contact force generally shows a maxi-
radius gives a larger flattened area so that mum (at a collision angle of 45 with respect
there is more liquid to drain. The conse- to the streamlines in simple shear flow). In
quence is that small drops coalesce preferen- particular the decay in F at the end of the
tially: above a certain drop size they do not collision may favor coalescence since it
coalesce further under given conditions. reduces the flattened area, thus increasing
Interfacial tension tends to make the drops the drainage rate [Eqs. (3-55 a, b)]. So, in
more spherical, resulting in a smaller flat- the present modeling with constant F,
tened area and a shorter drainage time. The coalescence is probably underestimated. An
model with partially mobile interfaces is the additional point is that the Stokes drag force
only one that includes the viscosity of the dis- [Eq. (3-57)] should, in fact, contain the
persed phase (and thus the viscosity ratio/?). effective viscosity of the dispersion, which
Furthermore, it is interesting that accord- depends on the volume fraction 0 and may
ing to two models, a larger value of F leads be considerably larger than rjc. In the numer-
to slower drainage of the film. The reason ical simulations in Sec. 3.5 this effect is
is the larger flattened area between the included; here, it is omitted in order to serve
drops at a higher contact force [i.e., with a the clarity of the analysis.
the radius of the flattened area, it follows Up until now, the collisions of equally sized
from the pressure balance F/na2~2o/R drops have been considered. For unequal
than a ~ ^{FRIlno) or, using Eq. (3-57), drops, the same equations for the film drain-
a ~ Ry]'(3Caj]. Hence, at larger F (or Co) age hold provided that an equivalent drop
more liquid has to drain over a larger dis- radius is used (Chesters and Hofman, 1982)
tance which, of course, increases the drain-
age time. An important consequence is that (3-61)
coalescence preferentially takes place in rel-
atively quiet zones of the mixer with soft so that Req ranges from /?, (if R2=/?,) to 2/?,
collisions ( small drainage time required
158 3 Emulsions: The Dynamics of Liquid-Liquid Mixing

Restrictions of the Drainage Models inside the drops); p d is the density of the dis-
persed phase.
The transitions between the different A proper choice for h is the value of hcriv
drainage models follow from the restric- since the last stage of the film thinning is
tions of the partially mobile interfaces rate determining. The first two restrictions
model, as obtained by equaling the drainage indicate the transition to the extreme mod-
rates of the different models (Chesters, els: for too small p{- T]d/77C) the drops can
1988; Abid and Chesters, 1994). In the equa- be considered inviscid, yielding fully
tions below, the transitions to other models mobile interfaces, while for too large p the
are first given in terms of a the radius of the drops become rigid with immobile interfac-
flattened area (Fig. 3-35). In the second part es. An additional restriction follows from
of each equation, a is substitutd by R^j (3Ca) the estimation of <zl~ R^j(3Ca) I, since a
so that the restrictions can be transcribed in
cannot be much larger than the original drop
terms of R and the flow parameter rjc y/<7(in
radius R. In fact, this restricts all three mod-
view of Fig. 3-40). The validity of the model
with partially mobile interfaces requires all
of the following conditions: < 1 hence

p> hence -l (3-66)

1/3 -1/3 (3-62)
U a Note that the flow parameter rjc y/<j (com-
parable to 77c/crin Sec. 3.3) is welcome in
or transition to fully mobile interfaces, and view of the combination of all the mixing
mechanisms in Sec. 3.5.
p< ^h hence
Drainage Probability
{ 27 j uJ A few simplifications are now introduced
or transition to immobile interfaces, and
to maintain a clear view on the main points of
hence the modeling of coalescence. First, the terms
l/h0 and 1/(/IQ) in Eqs. (3-56 a, b) are neglect-
U2 1/2 (3-64)
ed since generally ho^>hcrit; in Eq. (3-56c),
(4h) (n c/y
UJ I o J h0 is approximated by the drop radius R. Sec-
ondly, the value of hCTit is taken as constant at
or transition to drainage without flattening, 5 x 1CT9 m. (In the numerical simulations of
and Sec. 3.5, h0 and hcrit are computed correctly.)
By analogy with the collision probability,
/z < -r-^ hence the drainage probability is defined as
R< (3-67)
48/z2zpdz CJ
or transition to boundary layer growth and ranges from zero if tint <C tdmin to unity
(instead of a stationary boundary layer in the other extreme. Substitution of the
3.4 Coalescence 159

required film drainage time according to the

three models, together with the proposed
expressions for F and tmv gives for immo-
bile interfaces

~ exP < * I Ca- (3-68a)

for partially mobile interfaces


and for fully mobile interfaces

Figure 3-36. A cascade of coalescence events in a
~ exP -Cain (3-68c) string of drops that are pushed together; both liquids
are Newtonian.
Again, it can be seen that a weak flow
(small Ca) favors film drainage. is pushed together softly in (reversed) plane
hyperbolic flow. Upon coalescence with the
first drop from the left, the second drop is Experimental
slightly released from the third one. Conse-
Experimental work on coalescence has quently, the contact area reduces to a con-
been performed using Newtonian model liq- tact point favoring drainage, and confluence
uids in the opposed jets device (Sec. 3.7.2). of the third drop with the first two is the
After the breakup of a drop, the directions result. Similarly, a cascade of coalescence
of flow are reversed and the drops formed events occurs with each event inducing the
are forced to collide very softly head-on next one.
(typically ~ 0.1 s"1). Since it is not pos- Other experiments have been carried out
sible to keep two drops positioned near the by letting a drop sink in a layer of a less
stagnation point at the same time, the dura- dense, immiscible liquid towards a bottom
tion of an experiment is limited; coalescence layer of its own liquid. In fact, this is a col-
events may take place outside the field of lision of two drops (one of radius <) driven
view. The total time for coalescence was by gravity. These experiments give basical-
measured, which is, in this case, the drain- ly the same result as the previous ones: the
age time. The results show unacceptable order of magnitude of the model with par-
scatter. Only the order of magnitude (-10 s) tially mobile interfaces seems the best of the
seems reliable and corresponds to the par- three, but reproducible data cannot be
tially mobile interface model, but definite- obtained. A probable explanation is the fact
ly not to the models for immobile interfac- that the critical film thickness is occasion-
es (103 s) and fully mobile interfaces (Is). ally affected by disturbances or dust parti-
Although the quantitative results are not cles. Variation of hcrit has a tremendous
very satisfying, a nice sequence of coales- effect on the drainage time, as is evident
cence events is visualized in Fig. 3-36: a from Fig. 3-34. Therefore it appears that
typical experiment where a string of drops experiments are only useful if the entire
160 3 Emulsions: The Dynamics of Liquid-Liquid Mixing

decrease of the film thickness is measured i.e., the probability that a collision takes
instead of only the total drainage time (see place within the (given) process time avail-
Abid, 1993). able and, additionally, that this collision is
In polymer blending only a few experi- successful and leads to coalescence. In
mental studies concerning film drainage are Fig. 3-37 the behavior of the probabilities
available. Elemendorp (1986) showed that P coll , Pdrain, and P coa is shown for a specif-
the model with fully mobile interfaces pre- ic situation.
dicts too small coalescence times, whereas Evidently, collisions occur more readily
immobile interfaces predict too large times, if the deformation rate is high enough, inde-
thus supporting the partially mobile inter- pendent of the drop radius [Eq. (3-54)]. On
faces model. Elemans (1989) and van Gis- the other hand, soft collisions are more suc-
bergen and Meijer (1991) also found experi- cessful in draining the film than fast ones.
mental support for the use of the partially The transition of P drain from 1 to 0 depends
mobile interfaces model in polymer blend- on the drop radius: smaller drops coalesce
ing. in faster flows than larger ones. The combi-
nation of P coll and P drain results in a bound-
ed hump, an area in the (R - r\c yld) plane
3.4.3 Coalescence Probability where coalescence occurs: collisions take
place and succeed in sufficient drainage of
In the former sections expressions have
the film to reach the point of film rupture
been presented for both the collision and the
and coalescence. In too slow flows no col-
drainage probability. From these the overall
lisions take place within the given process
coalescence probability can be calculated
time. In too fast flows the required drainage
time has increased beyond the decreasing
*coa "" *c interaction time. For drops that are too large,
the above two boundaries intersect and
(3-69) coalescence is impossible for any value of

Figure 3-37. (a) Collision, (b)

drainage, and (c) overall coales-
cence probability as a function of
the radius R and the flow parame-
ter r\c ylo. Conditions: simple
shear flow, tproc = 50 s,
7]d = 7]c = 1 Pa s, (7= 1(T2 N/m,
hCTit = 5 x 1(T9 m, 0 = 0.1, drain-
R[m] age with partially mobile interfac-
3.4 Coalescence 161

r/c y/<x On the other hand, there is no lower all three models and thus enlarges the
limit for the drop radius below which coalescence window. A higher value of 7]c
coalescence cannot take place. The hump reduces the window.
even diverges along the r\cylo axis for It is possible to imagine cross-sections
smaller drops. through the 3-D P coa graph at constant val-
Variation of the material and flow param- ues of the drop radius (Pcoa versus TjQ y/afor
eters has the following qualitative effects. different values of/?). These are even more
First it should be noted that the left side of illustrative after multiplying the flow
the P coa hump is determined only by the parameter r\c y/crby R yielding the capillary
occurrence of collisions [Eq. (3-54)]. The number. Figure 3-38 shows the coalescence
volume fraction and the process time both probability as a function of the capillary
exhibit the same influence, i.e., increasing number for different drop radii. Smaller
the product 0 fproc enlarges the hump to the drops coalesce more readily than larger
left, without affecting its right side. The ones, but most striking is the fact that coales-
right side is governed by the process of film cence typically occurs at capillary numbers
drainage [Eq. (3-68)]. A larger viscosity of that are considerably smaller than necessary
the dispersed phase retards the drainage of for drop breakup (Cacrit ~ 1). So coalescence
the film and suppresses coalescence. Fully and breakup take place in different regions
mobile and immobile interfaces respective- of a mixer: breakup (and stretching) in
ly enlarge and diminish the coalescence strong, and coalescence in weak regions.
window but are insensitive to r/d, which is It should be noted that the restrictions of
quite unrealistic. The influences of the inter- the partially mobile interfaces model
facial tension and the continuous phase vis- [Eqs. (3-62) to (3-66)] have not been
cosity look somewhat more complex since applied to the results given in Figs. 3-37 and
both are included in one of the axes. In short, 3-38. Actually, for very small drop radii
it can be said that a larger interfacial tension (roughly below 10~7 m) these graphs lose
accelerates the film drainage according to validity.

Figure 3-38. Coalescence

probability as a function of
the capillary number; the
parameter is the drop radi-
us. The partially mobile
COALESCENC interfaces model is used;

io-7 io-6 io-5

j. v
io-4 io-3
the conditions are the same
as in Fig. 3-37.
162 3 Emulsions: The Dynamics of Liquid-Liquid Mixing

3.4.4 Combination of Breakup and and for fully mobile interfaces, R has to be
Coalescence solved from
In order to compare the distinct criteria for (3-70c)
drop breakup and coalescence in a simple crit O
way, a few assumptions are made. First, a
Evidently, the radius of the drops formed
flow is considered that acts for sufficiently
(^drops)is 2 1/3 (1.26) times that of the orig-
long to reach the final equilibrium state. So
inal drops (R). The minimum attainable drop
transient effects are not considered here
size due to coalescence is now known as a
although they are essential, as indicated
function of the flow parameter r\c yla. The
throughout this chapter. Just as in Sec. 3.3.6,
viscosity ratio p only shows up in the model
the breakup criterion for stepwise equilibri-
with partially mobile interfaces for which
um drop breakup is obtained from the criti- ,-6/13
cal capillary number. The coalescence crite- the proportionality R x 77c can
ria given in the former sections are partly be derived from Eq. (3-70b) (taking into
restricted to simple shear flow, but give a account that /zcrit c Rl/3). Figure 3-39
good insight into the main phenomena. Final- shows the maximum drop size resulting
ly, the continuous coalescence probability from the coalescence of smaller drops after
(Pcoa) is transformed into a simple criterion. a sufficiently long time (i.e., long enough to
reach the limiting drop size given by [Eq.
The overall coalescence probability
(3-70)]. The fully mobile interfaces model
Pcoa is made up of P coll and P drain . Both
(dash dotted curve) predicts fast film drain-
contributions are defined as
age and allows for the coalescence of larg-
P = exp (-*required"available) er drops than the immobile interfaces model
A simple way of making them binary is (dashed line). The partially mobile interfac-
to use the criterion P = 1 if ravailable > frequired es model (solid lines) is restricted by
and P = 0 otherwise. With respect to the col- Eqs. (3-62)-(3-66). These restrictions more
lision probability, it is assumed that the or less coincide with the intersections of the
available time tproc is sufficiently long so curves. (Not exactly because of the assump-
that P coll = 1 and thus Pcoa = P drain . The cri- tions on h0). For smaller drop sizes the pre-
terion for coalescence now simply reads dictions of the two extreme models
'yes' if tint > tdmin and 'no' otherwise. approach each other, and the range where
Elaboration of the equality ^nt-^drain [Eqs. the partially mobile interfaces model holds
(3-56) and (3-60) with the assumptions for becomes narrower.
h0 and hCYlV as mentioned just before Eq. Now coalescence and quasi-equilibrium
(3-67)] yields a critical drop size below breakup can be compared. In Fig. 3-40
which coalescence takes place and above the maximum drop size resulting from
which it does not. For the drainage model coalescence is given for the three curves of
with immobile interfaces Fig. 3-39 corresponding to the different
drainage models (p= 1). The (steepest) solid
1/4 -1/2
h 1/2
line stems from Eq. (3-48) and gives the
R= (3-70a)
smallest possible drop size from stepwise
equilibrium breakup in simple shear (as
for partially mobile interfaces depicted in Fig. 3-30). It is clear that drops
that are too large will break while drops that
are too small coalesce. The area between the
3.4 Coalescence 163

Figure 3-39. Drop size

resulting from the coales-
cence of drops after a suffi-
ciently long process time
according to the different
film drainage models: (i)
immobile interfaces
(dashed), (ii) partially
mobile interfaces with p
dependence (solid), and
(iii) fully mobile (dash dot-
102 103 104 105 1Q7 iO8 1Q9
r\j/o [m" ]

Figure 3-40. Comparison

of drop sizes resulting from
stepwise equilibrium break-
up and coalescence after a
long process time in simple
1 10 101 102 1Q3 104 1Q5 1Q6 1Q7 1Q8 10

breakup curve and one of the coalescence be different. Generally, the 'steady state'
curves gives the possible range of drop sizes drop size decreases almost proportionally
after a long process time as a function of the with the flow parameter.
flow parameter 7]cy/<x In most cases the Surfactants (or compatibilizers) present
model with partially mobile interfaces is the in the drop phase may immobilize the inter-
most realistic. For viscosity ratios deviating face and thus retard film drainage and pre-
from unity, the picture looks similar, vent coalescence. Surfactants present in the
although the choice of drainage model may continuous phase are generally much less
164 3 Emulsions: The Dynamics of Liquid-Liquid Mixing

effective, since they cannot reach the inter- 3.5 Applications

face as easily as surfactants dissolved in the
drop phase (Ivanov, 1980). A complete anal-
ysis of the film drainage with a surfactant 3.5.1 A Two-Zone Mixing Model
includes the convection/diffusion problem Principle
giving concentration and thus interfacial
tension gradients. In specific cases, surfac- In the preceding sections, the most rele-
tants may also suppress coalescence by ster- vant stages of the blending process of
ic hindrance. immiscible liquids have been discussed, i.e.,
Apart from the prevention of coalescence, affine stretching of dispersed drops includ-
the finer morphology usually experienced ing reorientations and folds, disintegration
upon the addition of surfactants is due to a of the formed liquid threads, further drop
decrease of the interfacial tension a induc- deformation and breakup, and the coales-
ing (i) a delay in the thread breakup, so cence of small drops into larger ones. The
allowing for thinner threads prior to break- resulting criteria for Newtonian liquids are
up, and (ii) an increase in the local capillary quite complete and can be combined into an
number, so allowing for the breakup of overall mixing model that describes the
smaller droplets. Viscoelasticity is expect- development of the morphology during the
ed to retard film drainage, since (biaxial) blending process (Janssen and Meijer,
elongational viscosities may build up, espe- 1995). A schematic 2-zone model has been
cially in the squeezing film. chosen that has an analogy with the mixing
model for carbon black in rubber, as pro-
posed by Manas-Zloczower et al. (1982).
3.4.5 Conclusion The 2-zone model is depicted in Fig. 3-41.
The material cycles through alternating
The modeling of coalescence consists of 'strong' and 'weak' zones. A diversity of
two parts: (i) collisions, the easier part and practical mixing devices can be modeled by
(ii) film drainage, for which three models variation of the flow conditions in the zones
are available. The elaboration of simple (residence times and deformation rates).
analyses leads to important conclusions. The 2-zone model is directly applicable to
Coalescence preferentially takes place in stirred vessels (with the impeller region the
regions with small deformation rates: not strong, and the macro circulation, the weak
too small, to ensure a certain collision fre- zone), but it can also be applied to complete-
quency, but especially not too large, since ly different types of mixers. Here the model
in a fast collision the liquid film cannot drain
enough. The capillary numbers at coales-
cence are typically much smaller than those
required for breakup.
Simplification of the criteria for coales- STRONG ZONE WEAK ZONE
cence leads to a comparison with stepwise affine stretching thread breakup at rest
equilibrium breakup in simple shear. In the thread breakup in flow drop coalescence

long run, a possible range of drop sizes is

found, descending with the shear rate. Drops
Figure 3-41. Principle of the two-zone mixing
that are too large break, drops that are too model: material cycles through alternating strong and
small coalesce. weak flow zones.
3.5 Applications 165

is treated mainly in view of polymer blend- ber of ideal mixers in the cascade increas-
ing in melt extruders. es, with the limiting case of plug flow if
The strong zone represents regions of a n = oo. In the simulations a cascade of two
mixer where high deformation rates are ideal mixers is used to generate a broad res-
present. It is modeled by an elongational idence time distribution in the weak zone.
flow with a high elongation rate and a short
residence time t. In this zone exponential
stretching of dispersed drops and threads Numerical Approach
takes place unless drops with Ca/Cacr[i< 5
are considered (see Sec. During The numerical simulation of the 2-zone
stretching it is checked whether the threads model is performed as follows. Since the
formed are thin enough to disintegrate in the number of drops increases enormously
flow (Sec. Although the strong (a lmm sized drop yields 109 micrometer
zone is modeled by elongational flow, sim- sized drops), drop 'families' are considered
ulating, e.g., the entrance of a narrow gap rather than individual drops. Each family
before a kneading disk, it may also repre- contains a number of identical drops/threads
sent a sequence of stretching and folding in that are characterized by a single radius R,
a simple shear dominated region. In both an aspect ratio L/B (with B = 2R), and a
cases stretching proceeds exponentially. cumulative residence time. Within a family
The weak zone represents quiescent no time distribution is applied, so a number
regions of the mixer and is modeled by sim- of different drop families have to be used
ple shear; the shear rate y is small, and the (instead of one) in order to generate a dis-
residence time t is large. Threads entering tribution of drop sizes. This distribution is
this zone may break up at (almost) rest if the initiated artificially to have a certain range
residence time suffices (Sec. from the start. Further distribution is
Drops coalesce if the remaining residence achieved as a result of the residence time in
time allows for collisions with successful the weak zone. All drop families start in the
film drainage (Sees. 3.4.1 and strong zone, pass through a specified num-
Repeated coalescence may take place dur- ber of cycles, and finally leave from the
ing each passage through the weak zone if weak zone. Passing each zone, subroutines
there is time available. In order to get a dis- check for each drop family whether or not
tribution of drop sizes, the residence time in the current size and flow conditions give rise
the weak zone is distributed as a cascade of to stretching, breakup, or coalescence.
n ideal mixers (Levenspiel, 1972) Concerning the distinct stages of the mix-
ing process, a number of assumptions have
been made. Drops with 1 < Ca/Cacvh < 5 are
iln\iln) (n-l not deformed in the strong zone although
with E the distribution function and t the they are unstable. The reason for this is that
mean residence time in the entire cascade of they would only stretch slowly (less than
ideal mixers, i.e., the residence time of one affine, Sec., while the residence
passage through the weak zone. (An ideal time in the strong zone is short. Further-
mixer is a hypothetic mixer in which differ- more, affine deformation is calculated
ent components are homogenized perfectly according to 3-D elongational flow, where-
after zero mixing time.) The residence time as values of Cacrlt are taken from 2-D elon-
distribution becomes narrower as the num- gation. Coalescence only takes place with-
166 3 Emulsions: The Dynamics of Liquid-Liquid Mixing

in each drop family because it is computa- in the local process of film drainage prior to
tionally intractable to give an individual coalescence is r\c of the pure component
drop the opportunity to collide with all indi- maintained.
vidual drops in the system; moreover, the For the effective viscosity of the emul-
collision frequencies of unequal drops are sion, the Krieger and Dougherty (1959)
still quite poorly modeled. Consequently, equation for monodisperse rigid spheres is
the number of collisions would be underes- used with a modification to account for fluid
timated; this is prevented here by taking the spheres. The modification is similar to Tay-
total volume fraction 0 (summarized over lor's (1932) extension of Einstein's (1911)
all drop families) into account within each expression for rigid spheres at small vol-
drop family. Film drainage prior to coales- ume fractions (Einstein Tjceff/ric= 1 + 2.50;
cence is modeled with partially mobile Taylor rjceff/ric = 1 + 2.5 0(p + 0.4)/(p + 1)
interfaces unless restrictions are met that with/? the viscosity ratio 77d/f7c). The mod-
indicate a transition to immobile or fully ified Krieger and Dougherty equation is
mobile interfaces. The values of the initial
(h0) and the critical film thickness (hcrit) are
computed using Eqs. (3-58) and (3-59). (3-72)
Becher and McCann (1991) propose a sim- with 0m the maximum packing density. For
ulation of the emulsification process in which p oo the ratio (p + 0.4) /(p + 1) approach-
the time dependence of the different stages is es unity and the original Krieger and Dou-
'hidden' in rate constants. Hence the effect gherty equation for rigid spheres results.
of varying material parameters and process- The value of 0m may range from 0.6 for ran-
ing conditions is less clear than in the two- dom packing to 0.74 for closest packing of
zone model. Both models may predict over- monodisperse rigid spheres. For fluid drops,
emulsification: a morphology that is tempo- 0m depends on the viscosity ratio p and the
rarily finer than in its final steady state. interfacial stress alR (due to the deformabil-
ity of the dispersed particles), and may even
approach 1 (foam). In the simulations, a
Effective Viscosity maximum packing density of 0.8 was cho-
sen, which is close to l-0 perc with 0perc the
In the detailed analysis of stretching, percolation threshold (-0.156), as pro-
breakup, and coalescence, the volume frac- posed by Utracki (1993). The exact value of
tion of the dispersed phase (0) is only taken the factor 2.5 in the above equations (in fact,
into account in the collision frequency the intrinsic viscosity) holds for an ideal
involved in coalescence; all other rules and diluted dispersion but may deviate signifi-
criteria hold for an isolated drop or thread cantly in practical systems. Following
in an unbounded matrix. To incorporate the Eq. (3-72), the effective matrix viscosity
volume fraction in the entire model, individ- ranges from r\c for 0=0 to infinity for
ual drops and threads are assumed to expe- 0 -> 0m ( s e e curve in Fig. 3-45).
rience an effective matrix viscosity (7]c eff)
that is larger than the viscosity of the pure
continuous phase component (?]c) due to the Results
presence of neighboring drops and threads
that immobilize the dispersion. Throughout As a typical illustration of the two-zone
the entire model rjc is replaced by r\c eff; only model, the melt blending of polymers in an
3.5 Applications 167

extruder is simulated. Although most poly- the drop size is reached. After six cycles a
mer melts exhibit viscoelastic behavior, the dynamic steady state is reached: drops that
simulation is based on analyses for Newton- are too small coalesce (repeatedly) and
ian liquids. The relevant material parame- drops that are too large stretch and break
ters are chosen as follows: rid=ric = again.
100 Pas, (j = 5 x l 0 - 3 N / m , a o =10~ 9 m, This simulation is supported by existing
and 0 = 0.2. The strong zone is modeled experimental studies. For example, in the
using = 30 s"1 and t=0.l s (yielding work of Elemans (1989) the blending of
L/# = e3/e~3/2 = 90 upon affine stretching of PS/HDPE on a corotating twin screw
a sphere); in the weak zone y= 3 s~] and the extruder (25 mm screw diameter) yields a
residence time distribution resembles a cas- typical length scale in the micrometer range
cade of two ideal mixers with a total mean after a similar residence time in the extrud-
residence time t - 10 s. A population of 100 er. Evidently, the neglect of viscoelasticity
drop families is initiated with diameters in the present two-zone mixing model is not
around 1 mm. Figure 3-42 shows the evolu- too serious for a global simulation of the
tion of the drop size distribution as the pop- blending of polymer melts. As mentioned,
ulation cycles through alternating strong the strong zone represents both a convergen-
and weak zones. The probability density is cy before passage over a kneading flight and
calculated after discretization of all the drop linear stretching in simple shear dominated
families into equal intervals; it is defined as flow regions accompanied by folding
(y,/ytotal)/A(log R), with Vt the volume (Sec. 3.2.2). Generally, an extruder screw
occupied by drop families with a radius in has a large number of kneading disks but,
the interval A(log R) around Rt. depending on the gap width between flights
During the first three cycles of alternat- and barrel, only a fraction of the material
ing strong and weak zones, all the drops are actually passes through. The majority is
stretched affinely in the strong zone and pushed sideways by an approaching knead-
threads of about 10|Lim thick are formed. ing flight (in the axial direction) and avoids
This is too thick to break up either during the gap. The weak zone represents transport
stretching or at rest in the weak zone (given through the screw channel at low deforma-
the residence time), so nothing happens in tion rates.
the weak zone. The extremely large aspect
ratios (L/B) represent packages of folded
threads (see Figs. 3-6 to 3-9). During the Influence of Material Parameters
fourth cycle, after further stretching in the
strong zone, some of the threads break up Before discussing simulations with dif-
into droples (L/B = 1) in the weak zone. The ferent constituent viscosities, an overview
breakup time required at rest has decreased is first given of the scaling laws for the dis-
with the radius [Eq. (3-23)] and has now tinct stages (valid under limited conditions).
reached the mean residence time in the weak For drop stretching and breakup, governed
zone. In the fifth cycle the drops and remain- by Ca/Cacriv Eq. (3-1) and Fig. 3-2 show
ing threads are stretched again. All threads that around p l:R c r]"1 xp or T]~x.
formed are thin enough to disintegrate dur- For thread breakup during stretching,
ing the residence time available in the weak Fig. 3-22 indicates thatR oc 77~09x/?~45or
zone. At this point, submicron drops appear (7]d77c)~045. For coalescence with partially
that may easily coalesce: the lower limit of mobile interfaces, Eqs. (3-70b) and (3-59)
168 3 Emulsions: The Dynamics of Liquid-Liquid Mixing

Q ir ii' 1r 1i n
i nr nn i
i i Il IiMn I nI '"i JIr
i 1rr

after 0 cycles after 1 cycle

L/B = l L/B = 90.02

I I Mill I I I I III
01 f mi i i i i IIIII i i i i mn

10-7 10-
10-5 10-4 10-6 io- 5 io- 4 io- 3
R[m] R[m]

-mmi 1 i i nun

after 2 cycles after 3 cycles

L/B = 8103 L/B = 7.294e+05
4 -

l0^ 10- 10-5
L 10-t 10-3
io- 7 io- 6 io- 5 io- 4 io- 3
R[m] R[m]

after 4 cycles
L/B = 6.565e+07

I I I I 1 Illlr-iIII I I I I l l l l l ' I i Mini i i i

10-5 IO-4 IO-3

R[m] R[m]

io- 7 io- 3

Figure 3-42. Morphology development in the two-zone mixing model with rjd = r\c = IO2 Pa s, o= 5x10 3 N/m,
^ = 10~9 m, and 0 = 0.2; strong zone f = 30 s~x and ? = 0.1 s; weak zone / = 3 s"1 and 7 = 10 s. Note that after
four cycles two distributions with different L/B apply.
3.5 Applications 169

(a) (b) 0.03

p=100 p=l p=0.01 after 10 cycles

i 2
H 0.02


f -
o io-6 10-5 50 100 150
R[m] t[s]
Figure 3-43. (a) Steady state morphology from the two-zone mixing model with rjc = 102 Pa s and r\d = 104,
102, or 1 Pa s (p = r\dlr\c = 102, 1, and 10~2); other conditions are the same as in Fig. 3-42. (b) Residence time
distribution characteristic for all three cases.

yidd/?oc n ^'3 x ^6/,3 or morphologies. In addition, the smaller value

thread breakup at rest, Eq. (3-26) and of ?]d favors coalescence (eventually switch-
Fig. 3-12 (around p l ) show that the ing to fully mobile interfaces). From the
resulting drop radius depends mainly on the scaling laws given above, it is evident that
initial radius and only slightly on the p- systems with higher viscosities favor a
dependent wave number; hence a scaling thread-like dispersion route (larger time
law between R and r\d c is only of little use. required for thread breakup) with the sup-
However, for the required breakup time of pression of coalescence. A similar effect of
a thread at rest, Eq. (3-23) and Fig. 3-16 (for the viscosity ratio on the dispersion route
0.1 < p < 4 where Qm ^ p~0'5) lead to and the drop size was reported by Tjahjadi
tb~ricxp0-5 or (/7dr?c)0-5. and Ottino (1991) and Muzzio et al. (1991):
Figure 3-43 shows the steady state drop in addition, they found a broader drop size
sizes (after 10 cycles) for different viscos- distribution upon increasing /?, which is
ity ratios p, and the residence time distribu- probably due to their omission of coales-
tion that is characteristic for all three cases. cence.
(The probability density for t is defined as In general, for a given set of processing
(Yi /^totaiVAO- The drop size distribution for conditions a lower level of both viscosities
p-\ corresponds to Fig. 3-42 and confirms yields a coarser morphology, while highly
that the result after six cycles is indeed the viscous systems can be dispersed more fine-
steady state. Keeping 7]c constant, a larger ly. However, given, e.g., the processing
Tjd (p = 100) promotes a finer dispersion due conditions of Figs. 3-42 and 3-43, highly
to retardation of both thread breakup (allow- viscous systems cannot be dispersed finer
ing for further stretching) and coalescence than 10~7 m, since for smaller drops coales-
(eventually switching to immobile interfac- cence becomes dominant. Evidently, a
es). The dispersion route is mainly the one- decrease in the interfacial tension yields a
step breakup of highly extended threads. proportionally finer morphology: olR
Upon decreasing 7]d (p = 0.01), threads break affects all stages in a similar way. Only
up more quickly implying a stepwise coalescence is favored less than proportion-
stretching and breakup route. As empha- ally [Eqs. (3-70b) and (3-59): Roc a 9713 ],
sized in Sec. 3.3.6, this results in coarser causing the lower limit of the drop size.
170 3 Emulsions: The Dynamics of Liquid-Liquid Mixing

Influence of Processing Conditions trated based on the two-zone mixing model.

The resulting mean drop size is calculated
The two-zone model is flexible for com- as a function of 8/H. Therefore the process-
paring the influence of processing condi- ing conditions are varied as follows. As a
tions. Increasing the strain (e t) applied in reference case, the calculation of Fig. 3-42
the strong zone yields thinner threads with- after six cycles is used with identical
in a single passage. In the extreme, thread material parameters (rjd= rjc = 102 Pa s,
breakup during stretching results in drop G = 5 x 10~3 N/m, aQ= 10"9 m, and 0 = 0.2).
sizes according to Fig. 3-22. In most cases, In the strong zone (the gap entrance)
however, the final drop size strongly the strain is determined by the compres-
depends on the occurrence of coalescence. sion from H to S: =-2 In (8/H) since
In the weak zone, a longer residence time S/H = c~/2. (In the reference case =3,
favors thread breakup at rest and thus which corresponds to S/H = 0.223). Taking
implies a stepwise breakup route. Whether the time in the strong zone as constant at
coalescence is also favored by a longer 0.1 s, the stretching rate is (s~l) =
residence time in the weak zone depends on /0.l =-20 \n(8/H). In the weak zone, the
the shear rate; this should be not too small shear rate is constant at y=3 s"1, and the
to be sure of collisions and not too large to mean residence time t = ttotai/N with ttotal the
assure successful film drainage (the 'coales- (mean) total residence time fixed at 60 s.
cence window' in Fig. 3-38). The volume The number of cycles (or flight passages) TV
fraction (j) affects the model via both the within this total mixing time is taken as pro-
enlarged effective matrix viscosity and the portional to the relative gap height N c 8/H
collision frequency for coalescence: gener- with N=6 if S/H=0.223 (the reference
ally, a larger (j) gives a coarser morphology. case).
Moreover, in reality a larger 0 generates a The points in Fig. 3-44 represent the
higher level of initial disturbances oc0 due to mean drop diameters resulting from the sim-
the pushing of neighboring drops and ulations; the curve is a fit. For very narrow
threads (Fig. 3-26). This accelerates thread gaps (regime I), the stretching rate is large
breakup and makes the dispersion route (e.g., = 44 s"1), but only a few cycles are
more stepwise, resulting in a coarser mor- performed within the residence time given
phology. (e.g., N=3). The dispersion route contains
An interesting example of varying the a few large stretching operations followed
processing conditions is the optimization of by final breakup. In regime II more cycles
the gap height ^between the screw or knead- are included, while is still substantial
ing flight and the barrel wall. By decreasing (e.g., in the reference case, indicated by the
the gap height, the converging flow at the arrow, N=6 and = 30 s"1). The dispersion
gap entrance becomes more effective for route includes stretching, breakup, and
stretching, but at the same time less materi- coalescence. In regime III the value of
al will pass through. Two extreme cases are becomes quite small, but the number of
(i) 5=0, so that = <*> but no material can cycles is large enough the obtain a steady
pass, and (ii) 8=H (the channel depth), i.e., state morphology. In regime IV, although N
no flight at all, so that all the material will is large (e.g., Af=20), the strain per passage
pass, but with = 0. Somewhere in between is so small that it takes this many cycles to
these extremes is an optimal gap height S/H. thin the stretching threads down to the
In Fig. 3-44 such an optimization is illus- micrometer range. At the same time, the res-
3.5 Applications 171

Figure 3-44. Mean drop

size as a function of the gap
height using the two-zone
mixing model with the
material parameters from
Fig. 3-42. Symbols give
simulation results; the
curve is a fit. The arrow
indicates the reference case
(i.e., conditions as in
10-6 Fig. 3-42 after 6 cycles).
0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9

idence time in the weak zone becomes so computer, it is also possible to simulate a
short (e.g., t =3 s) that only very thin single drop using the appropriate graphs and
threads (R < 1 \im) break up. equations in order to gain some insight.
If, in the simulations underlying Fig. Complications, such as shear rate dependent
3-44, threads result after the last cycle, they viscosities or different flow conditions in
are broken artificially to obtain drops. (Thus subsequent cycles, can easily be incorporat-
mixing ends with a long stay in a weak zone ed. An important conclusion after many
in all cases.) The presence of an optimum simulations is that the final drop size can-
gap height S/H of about 0.25 is evident. For not be predicted just by the critical capillary
large 8/H values, however, the simulations number for drop breakup under quasi-equi-
are questionable since some basic assump- librium conditions. The transient character
tions no longer hold. In particular, the strong of the mechanisms (including coalescence)
zone becomes weaker and loses its charac- has to be taken into account to predict the
ter. Irrespective of the exact values, the main typical trends observed in practice.
message from this exercise is that 'worn'
extruder screws or kneader wings might
be superior to new (more closely fitting) 3.5.2 Passage Through a Die
ones, as already pointed out by Manas-
Zloczower et al. (1982). Moreover, this sug- In the examples of Figs. 3-42 and 3-43,
gests that in the scaling up of a compound- the blending process ended with quite a long
er, the gap should be scaled accordingly in stay in the weak zone, which resulted in a
order to keep 81H optimal (instead of to min- drop-in-matrix morphology. Practical poly-
imize it). mer blending may also yield thread-in-
The two-zone model is relatively simple matrix structures. As shown by Elemans
but clearly illustrates the dynamics and (1989), this is due to quickly quenching the
interaction of the relevant mechanisms. strand in a water bath on leaving the extrud-
Instead of simulating many drops using a er die. In terms of the two-zone mixing
172 3 Emulsions: The Dynamics of Liquid-Liquid Mixing

model, the die is a strong zone and the stage stretching, but a large part of the compound-
between the die and the quenching bath a er just transports particles that are already
weak zone (in fact, a one-cycle case of the on the final length scale. At the end, the die
two-zone model). A simple example illus- generates threads that eventually break up
trates what may happen to a dispersed drop into drops. In order to avoid coalescence in
that passes through a die. the almost quiescent strand, the time before
Consider a drop of 1 |am radius and vis- quenching should be minimized.
cosity 10 3 Pas that is suspended in an
immiscible molten polymer of equal viscos-
3.5.3 Phase Inversion
ity; the interfacial tension between the mate-
rials is 5x10~3 N/m. The material passes At large volume fractions, phase inver-
through the die of an extruder, experiencing sion may occur, i.e., the dispersed phase
a mainly 3-D elongational flow with a total becomes continuous and vice versa. A sim-
strain =4.2 (convergence from 25 to 3 mm ple criterion for phase inversion is obtained
diameter). Since the residence time in the by comparing the effective viscosities of an
die is about 0.1 s, the elongation rate A in B and a B in A emulsion: a flowing
e = 42 s"1. The drop experiences a capillary system will choose the emulsion with the
number of 17 so that Ca/Cacrit = 75. Conse- lower viscosity. Thus the critical fraction
quently, the drop is stretched affinely can be estimated from Tjceff(A in B)
[according to Eq. (3-10 b)] into a thread of = 7]ceff(B in A) (see also Utracki, 1991,
0.12|nm radius. From Fig. 3-21 it can be 1993). Figure 3-45 shows this concept for a
seen that the thread is about 40 times too system with viscosities that differ by a
thick to disintegrate during stretching, so it decade using Eq. (3-72), with the maximum
stays stable during its passage through the packing density of the dispersed particles
die. After the strong die region, the polymer 0 m = O.8.
strand is transported through the air towards Determination of the intersection point as
the quenching bath. During this time the a function of the viscosity ratio of the con-
threads inside the strand may disintegrate as stituents leads to the phase inversion dia-
the required time for thread breakup at rest gram of Fig. 3-46. Upon addition of B to
amounts to 3 s [see Eq. (3-23)]. Hence a pure A, phase inversion occurs at an even
thread-in-matrix morphology is obtained if smaller value of fa if the viscosity ratio
the blend is quenched within these 3 s. Oth- T7B/i]A is smaller; in other words, the low
erwise the thread disintegrates into 64 drop- viscosity constituent is more ready to serve
lets of diameter 0.5 |um [Eq. (3-26) with as the continuous phase than the high vis-
xm= 0.56]. So in polymer blending, thread- cosity component. The phase diagram pre-
in-matrix morphologies in the micrometer sented strongly depends on the maximum
range can easily be obtained in a strand. packing density (f)m required in Eq. (3-72).
This example illustrates that the last stage The value of 0m depends on the viscosity
of the blending process, including the ratio 7]B/riA. In addition, (j)m depends on the
moment of quenching, is important for the polydispersity and the shape of the dis-
final morphology. Unless a specific resi- persed particles, the latter of which is cou-
dence time is required, such as for reactive pled to the interfacial stress (a/R) and thus
extrusion, most extruders are probably over- to the particle size. These complications
designed for their mixing job. Of course, have not yet been modeled for a general
some length is required for melting and case.
3*5 Applications 173

IU c 1 1 1 n

IN 1 I-l1

Mil 1 1 1
: \

102: phase inversion /

- \ /
AinB Figure 3-45. A criterion
101 . - . for phase inversion [using
I B in A Eq. (3-72) with 0m = 0.8]:
at the intersection the
system chooses the lower
viscosity case.

0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1

Figure 3-46. Phase inver-

sion diagram predicted
from the principle of Fig.
3-45 for three values of the
maximum packing density

0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9

The kinetics of phase inversion are not ity system; in the high viscosity case (e.g.,
included. The mechanism is probably based molten polymers), the value of the critical
on the inclusion of continuous phase volume fraction even seems to degenerate
domains upon multiple coalescence in a to cover a range. In the melt blending of
highly concentrated emulsion. Also, small polymers (high viscosities) this may give
drops of the continuous phase included by rise to frozen-in cocontinuous structures (or
dimple formation during coalescence might interpenetrating networks). Experimental
play a role. Evidently, in a system with data on phase inversion are given by, e.g.,
higher viscosities, the inversion process will Elemans (1989); qualitative agreement is
proceed more slowly than in a low viscos- found with the concept presented here.
174 3 Emulsions: The Dynamics of Liquid-Liquid Mixing

3.5.4 A Full Continuous Phase Flow sion stabilizes drops, whereas it destabiliz-
Simulation es threads].
A special phenomenon occurs at the folds
The two-zone mixing model includes all of the threads. Around a fold the stretching
relevant mixing mechanisms, while the flow rate changes sign, producing local compres-
is extremely simplified in comparison with sion of the thread. While stretching sup-
a practical, complex flow field. A different presses thread breakup, compression pro-
approach is applied by Ottino and cowork- motes it. So at a fold the thread is relative-
ers: The complexity of the original flow is ly thick and breaks easily. Additionally,
maintained, while not all relevant mixing at the ends of a thread large drops break
mechanisms are included. Only stretching off by end-pinching (Stone and Leal, 1989 a,
and folding accompanied by thread break- b).
up during flow are considered; coalescence Clearly, some stages of the mixing pro-
is omitted. Tjahjadi and Ottino (1991) stud- cess, from affine stretching of large drops,
ied drop breakup in chaotic flows using the via distintegration of threads, to deforma-
'journal bearing flow', i.e., the 2-D flow tion and breakup of relatively small drops,
between two eccentric cylinders. The device are present in this experiment. However, to
allows for the independent rotation of each simulate a real mixing operation using vol-
rotor in either direction, implying periodic ume fractions that do not tend to zero,
motion and chaotic flow patterns compar- coalescence has to be included. The combi-
able to the cavity flow (Sec. nation of transient, complex flow simula-
A drop of an immiscible liquid (now with tions and all relevant mixing mechanisms is
interfacial tension) is stretched, folded, and a challenging next step in the modeling of
eventually disintegrates. Numerical simula- multiphase mixing. Even complex 3-D
tion of the flow provides the stretching his- flows are accessible (see, e.g., Avalosse
tory along the extending thread. If locally et al., 1992,1993) provided that sophisticat-
the thickness of a thread segment goes ed software and powerful hardware are
below the critical value given in Fig. 3-21, available.
this thread segment disintegrates into drop-
lets. The use of this criterion for thread
3.5.5 Conclusion
breakup at constant e is allowed since
e changes only slowly in comparison with It has been shown that a highly simplified
the growth time of disturbances (tg in Fig. flow model combined with the relevant
3-20). In other words, the local stretching (Newtonian) mixing rules provides a pow-
rate can be assumed to be constant during erful tool for simulating the development of
the time interval of fatal disturbance growth. immiscible liquid-liquid morphologies. The
Simulations of the local stretching history model predicts drop dimensions that coin-
in combination with the thread breakup cri- cide, at least by an order of magnitude, with
teria closely resemble experimental obser- the experimental data of even viscoelastic
vations (see Tjahjadi and Ottino, 1991). blends. Moreover, the dependencies on the
[Note that an extending liquid filament different material parameters and process-
breaks if it is thin enough, i.e., Cafcrit ing conditions are illustrative and indicate
(Fig. 3-21), whereas a drop breaks if it is guidelines for the preparation of blends with
thick enough, i.e. Cad > Cadcrit (Fig. 3-42). desired morphologies. Clearly, quasi-equi-
This is due to the fact that the interfacial ten- librium data are insufficient as the dynam-
3.6 Concluding Remarks 175

ics and interaction of all relevant mecha- important is the introduction of folds and
nisms are indispensable for making realis- reorientations leading to exponential mix-
tic predictions. The two-zone mixing model ing. In the analysis and design of mixing
can serve as a guideline both in analyzing equipment, attention should be focused par-
existing mixers and designing new ones. ticularly on the minimization of islands
Moreover, it can be used as a guideline for where no effective deformation occurs.
developing blends. Affine deformation of large drops renders
In order to attain the finest possible mor- long slender threads that keep thinning until
phology, use should be made of thead break- a local radius is reached at which the inter-
up during stretching, although this demands facial tension becomes active. The threads
a high stretching rate for a sufficiently long become unstable with respect to interfacial
time (or 'smart' mixing with stretching and disturbances and disintegrate (dispersive
folding). This mechanism of thread break- mixing with active interfaces). Deformation
up is favored in particular in the case of high rate and time are not interchangeable, but
viscosities of both phases, while coales- are important separately. Therefore atten-
cence is suppressed. The required breakup tion has been paid to the time scales of the
time of a thread largely increases with the competitive processes such as flow induced
viscosities, which may result in thread-in- deformation and the growth of interfacial
matrix structures. With a little more time a disturbances. The breakup of viscous
very fine dispersion may finally result. threads both in a quiescent matrix and dur-
In the melt blending of polymers, the pas- ing stretching can be calculated. Interesting-
sage through the die and the moment of ly, for identical final deformation rates a
quenching are crucial, while part of the one-step process of breaking an extending
screw length may be omitted. In many cases, thread yields smaller drops than the repeat-
a morphology once obtained is not stable ed breakup of drops under equilibrium con-
and may change during subsequent process- ditions (at Cacrit). Moreover, the transient
ing steps that could also be taken into one-step mechanism predicts a finer disper-
account in a simulation of mixing. In food sion upon increasing either viscosity (dis-
technology the viscosities are generally persed or continuous phase). This is quite
smaller (~1 Pa s) than in polymer blending different from the commonly accepted rule
(~103Pa s) so threads disintegrate faster. (based on the stepwise equilibrium route)
Consequently, the dispersion route in food that both viscosities should match.
technology is more stepwise than in poly- A morphology once formed generally
mer processing where a one-step thread becomes coarser due to coalescence of the
mechanism is dominant. dispersed phase. Although a larger velocity
gradient of the flow implies a larger colli-
sion frequency, these fast collisions do not
3.6 Concluding Remarks generally lead to coalescence, since the
short interaction time is insufficient for
In the initial stage of blending immiscible drainage of the liquid film between the col-
liquids, dispersed phase domains are so liding drops, and so they tumble and separ-
large that Ca Cacrii\ they deform affine- ate. Consequently, coalescence takes place
ly with the global flow and the deformation preferentially in quiescent regions of a mix-
rate and time are interchangeable (distribu- ing device (small Ca) while stretching
tive mixing with passive interfaces). Most occurs in strong flow regions (large Ca).
176 3 Emulsions: The Dynamics of Liquid-Liquid Mixing

The proposed two-zone mixing model (biaxial extension) be retarded by the vis-
combines a largely schematized flow model coelasticity of the continuous phase in par-
with all the relevant mixing rules and crite- ticular.
ria. It provides a useful tool for simulating A challenging next step in the current
the morphology development during blend- modeling is the extension of the present
ing. The influence of the different process- two-zone model to more complicated flow
ing conditions and material parameters on fields. In principle, a full 3-D flow simula-
the transient mixing process and its final tion (using a quasi-homogeneous continu-
result is illustrative and indicates guidelines um) could be combined with all kinds of
for the preparation of desired morphologies. local processes such as stretching, breakup,
It is evident that quasi-equilibrium criteria and coalescence, but also mass transfer and
are insufficient; modeling the transient chemical reaction. An effort should also be
character of the mixing mechanisms is made to investigate the role of surfactants
indispensable. To attain a fine morphology, on these local processes.
thread breakup during stretching should be
aimed at. High viscosities of both phases
especially favor this mechanism and, more- 3.7 Appendices
over, suppress coalescence. Note that the
breakup time of threads also increases with
3.7.1 Linear Flow Types
the viscosities, which may lead to thread-in-
matrix structures after quenching. Small Most flow types used in experimental
viscosities induce stepwise drop breakup studies are linear 2-D flows. These can be
and lead to coarser morphologies. The last described by the velocity vector
steps of the blending process (e.g., die flow,
u = (Vu)c =L x (3-73)
filament stretching, and quenching) are cru-
cial for the final morphology. where V is the gradient operator, x the posi-
Viscoelastic effects play a significant role tion vector, and L the velocity gradient
if stresses are built up quicker than they tensor (Giesekus, 1962; Fuller and Leal,
relax (# >1) and if the total strain is sub- 1981)
stantial (et >1). Under these conditions,
orientational stresses lead to a high elonga- 1 + a 1-a 0
tional viscosity that considerably hinders L - G -1 + a -1-a 0 (3-74)
2 0 0 0
further flow. Particularly, in the breakup of
stretched viscoelastic threads the criteria are with - 1 < a < !
fulfilled. Typical dumbbell shapes emerge
and breakup is largely retarded, at least for In a Cartesian coordinate system x (x, y, z)
the (extremely) elastic model liquids used. the components of u (u, v, w) are
The deformation of drops is less sensitive
to viscoelasticity. The value of Cacrit is
not affected as significantly as thread break-
up. Also the retraction of moderately (3-75)
deformed drops in a quiescent matrix back
to a sphere is rather insensitive to viscoelas-
ticity. For coalescence, it is expected that where G(s l) is the (scalar) velocity gradi-
the film drainage between colliding drops ent and a indicates the type of flow [the ratio
3.7 Appendices 177

a= -1

Figure 3-47. Streamlines

of specific linear 2-D
flows: a = 1, plane hyper-
bolic (or 2-D elongational)
flow; a- 0, simple shear
flow; a- - 1 , pure rotation-
a = -0.4 al flow.

between vorticity and strain rate is given by As usual, L is split into the rate of defor-
(l-a)/(l +a)]. In Fig. 3-47 the streamlines mation tensor D [=(L + Lc)/2] and the spin
are shown for various values of a. tensor Q[=(L - L c )/2]. For the linear 2-D
flows, Eq. (3-74), gives
F o r a = l , the velocity components are
u = Gx, v - -Gy, w = 0. This l+a 0 0
represents plane hyperbolic or G 0 -1 - a 0
2-D elongational flow, where G 2
0 0 0
is usually denoted , the elonga- (3-76)
tion rate. 0 1-a 0
G -l + a 0 0
Fora=0, the velocity components are ?
given in a basis that is rotated by 0 0 0
45: u' = Gy', i/ = 0, w' = 0. This
Plane hyperbolic flow (a = l) is free of
is simple shear flow, where G
rotation (Q = 0) and therefore called strong
is usually denoted y, the shear
in terms of deformation. In pure rotational
flow (a = - l ) , no effective deformation
For a = - l , the velocity components read
results (D = 0). Simple shear flow (a= 0)
u = Gy, v = -Gx, w = 0. This
includes contributions from both D and Q.
represents pure rotational flow.
In order to define the capillary number for
For values of a in between these specif- drop breakup in all these different flow
ic values, combined flow types are obtained. types, it is necessary to use a scalar value
The four-roll mill is able to generate the for the shear rate. Using the definition
entire range of linear 2-D flows; this is 7 = v (2D: D), the rotational components of
accomplished by varying the ratio of the L are subtracted and only effective defor-
speeds of the diagonal roller pairs (Giesek- mation is considered. For the linear 2-D
us, 1962; Bentley, 1985; Bentley and Leal flows this yields
1986a). a) (3-77)
178 3 Emulsions: The Dynamics of Liquid-Liquid Mixing

and hence the capillary number Sec. 3.7.1). For the present study, however,
an opposed jets device was developed in
_rjcyR _ order to generate plane hyperbolic flow.
Ca = (3-78)
This appendix outlines the main features of
In this way, the vorticity of the flow type the opposed jets device (details are dis-
is automatically taken into account. For cussed in Janssen et al., 1993).
example, it is evident that a pure rotational In order to explain the choice for a new
flow (a = -1) is unable to exert a deform- device, first some (dis)advantages of the
ing stress on a dispersed liquid drop (Ca = 0 conventional four-roll mill are discussed.
no matter how large the velocity gradient The four-roll mill consists of four parallel
G). Dispersive mixing generally considers cylinders positioned in a square. It is flex-
only the so-called strong flow types (0 < ible in generating the entire range of linear
a < 1) and not the weak flow types (-1 < a < 2-D flow types by variation of the speeds of
0). The definitions of y and Ca given here the diagonal roller pairs (Giesekus, 1962;
are in accordance with those used by Taylor Bentley and Leal, 1986 a). However, a dis-
(1934) and Grace (1971). Bentley and Leal advantage is its complexity: the roller
(1986b) use the velocity gradient G in the speeds not only determine the velocity
capillary number instead of the shear rate gradient G and the flow type parameter
y[=G(l + a)], thus omitting (1 + a). In Sec. a (Sec. 3.7.1), but are also used to keep the
3.3.4 the present choice is supported by deforming drop at its unstable position at
Fig. 3-28. the center of the device. In addition, a four-
In numerical studies, 3-D elongational roll mill does not allow for highly viscoe-
flow is popular due to its rotational symme- lastic fluids, because the shear stresses
try. It is a linear 3-D flow with the velocity generated by the rotating rollers may be too
field again given by Eq. (3-73), but now weak to overcome the large elongational
with the velocity gradient tensor stresses that occur at the inflow between two
rollers; so the fluid may not enter the cen-
2 0 0 tral region between the rollers (Metzner and
G 0 - 1 0 (3-79) Metzner, 1970). In the case of strongly shear
2 thinning fluids, a steep velocity gradient is
0 0 - 1
present at the roller walls and the rollers can
so that u = GJC, V = -Gy/2, and w = -Gz/2, hardly get the bulk flowing. Finally, the
with G usually denoted as , the elongation large volume of fluid required and the
rate. As in 2-D elongational flow, here also mobile parts of the setup may give rise to
Q = 0, i.e., the flow is free of rotation. The practical problems when using specific
shear rate y equals GA/3 , so that Ca = r\cGR fluids like, e.g., molten polymers (at
V3/C7. 200-300 C).
Given the above considerations, the aim
was to design a device that can generate lin-
3.7.2 The Opposed Jets Device
ear 2-D flows (in particular plane hyperbol-
In experimental studies on drop breakup, ic flow), but is smaller and easier to con-
commonly used flow devices are the struct and to operate than the four-roll mill,
Couette device (simple shear) and the four- and has the potential to be suitable for
roll mill (plane hyperbolic flow or even all experiments with viscoelastic fluids. The
linear 2-D flow types, as discussed in concept is shown in Fig. 3-48 and is based
3.7 Appendices 179 Design of the Flow Cell


position x
In order to select the shape and dimen-
sions of the device, numerical flow simula-
tions were performed for the base flow
(without a dispersed drop). Using the finite
element package Sepran (Sepran, 1991), the
T velocity u steady (Navier-)Stokes flow problem was
solved. For various shapes and flow condi-
thickness 4 cm 2 cm tions, 2-D calculations yield the distribution
i 1 cm
of G and a over the flow domain. The
Figure 3-48. The opposed jets device: drop deforma-
tion in 2-D elongation. dimensions given in Fig. 3-48 result in a
central region of 1 cm2 where the flow field
is quite uniform (less than 10% deviation in
on the stagnation flow of opposed jets G) and plane hyperbolic (a= 1) with
(Muller et al., 1988). The liquid is pumped u = Gx, v = -Gy, w = 0. Several full 3-D
in from two opposite directions and the two flow simulations, taking into account the
flows impinge at the center of the cell, which finite thickness of the cell, showed that at
consists of four solid blocks between two least up to G - l O s " 4 (i.e., Re-I), the
parallel, transparent plates. velocity component w is negligible with
In comparison with the four-roll mill, respect to u and v; in other words, the geom-
the opposed jets device generates a similar etry indicated in Fig. 3-48 produces an
flow field in the central region. The three acceptable 2-D flow. The calculated veloc-
'functions' (G, a, and the position control ity field was verified experimentally using
of the drop) are completely independent: laser Doppler anemometry (LDA). The area
the velocity gradient G is determined by of uniform velocity gradient (1 cm2) suffic-
the flow rate, the flow type parameter a is es for drop breakup experiments with milli-
related to the shape of the cell, and the posi- meter-sized drops.
tion control is governed by the ratio of the Compared to the flow in a four-roll mill
exit flow rates. Separation of these functions of similar dimensions, the velocity gradient
makes the device less complex than the in the opposed jets device is more uniform
four-roll mill. Furthermore, the opposed over a larger area. Shear thinning fluid
jets device is expected to allow for highly behavior reduces the influence of the walls
viscoelastic and shear thinning fluids, since and even enlarges the area of constant G, in
the fluid is pushed directly into the cell contrast to the (wall driven) four-roll mill.
(instead of driven indirectly by rollers; i.e., The present geometry just consists of circu-
pressure instead of drag flow). The small lar parts and straight lines. It was shown that
and closed flow cell can be made suitable variation of the angle between entering and
for polymer melts as well. The main disad- exiting streams (other than 90) leads to lin-
vantage of the opposed jets device is the fact ear 2-D flow types in between plane hyper-
that a different shaped cell has to be installed bolic and simple shear flow (0 < a< 1).
in order to change the type of flow, in con- After the selection of a suitable geome-
trast to the four-roll mill that allows for the try, the flow field was calibrated in order to
variation of a even during a single experi- carry out quantitative measurements on
ment. drop breakup. Under Stokes flow condi-
180 3 Emulsions: The Dynamics of Liquid-Liquid Mixing

tions, the velocity gradient is directly pro- and to restrict the stagnation point to the
portional to the flow rate through the cell. x-axis. In practice, the ratio of the exit flows
Calibration of the proportionality constant is varied using a special valve in which both
was carried out in three different ways: (i) exits are combined to one flow. Rotating this
from the numerical flow simulations, (ii) valve increases one of the two flows and
from the LDA velocity measurements, and automatically decreases the other one. Thus
(iii) from experimental particle tracking the rotation of the valve is the only variable
using x = x0 exp(G0 (since u = Gx) in the in this 1-D control problem.
central area. The results of all three For the opposed jets device, a computer-
techniques confirmed the scaling between based control system was developed of
the velocity gradient G and the flow which the sensor part is similar to that of
rate Q with reasonable agreement (5%): Bentley and Leal's (1986 a) control system
G(s"1) = 0.13 x 106 Q(m3/s) for the dimen- for the four-roll mill. The first step of the
sions of Fig. 3-48. control cycle is the detection of the drop. An
image processor grabs an image from the
video camera and thresholds it yielding a Position Control of the Drop
binary image of a black drop on a white
As mentioned before, the position of a background. (Optimal illumination is cru-
dispersed drop at the stagnation point is cial to accomplish sufficient contrast in the
unstable to disturbances; the drop tends to video image.) Next, a contour operation is
leave the device. For studying the deforma- performed and the position of the drop cen-
tion behavior of the drop, the flow has to be ter is calculated as the mean position of the
adjusted to keep the drop at the center. This contour pixels. Once the position of the drop
is done by frequently shifting the stagnation is known, and thus the displacement from
point beyond the displaced drop, forcing it the origin, a computer calculates the newly
to return towards the origin. In the opposed required position of the stagnation point and
jets device, a shift of the stagnation point is the corresponding angular position of the
achieved by variation of the ratio of the exit control valve. Finally, rotation of the valve
flow rates as illustrated in Fig. 3-49. The is carried out via a motor with a gear wheel
actual stagnation point shifts to the exit with reduction. A sample rate of 25 control cycles
the smallest flow rate. The more the ratio of per second results in a stable position for the
the exit flows differs from unity, the further deforming drop at the stagnation point: up
the stagnation point is shifted from the ori- to G ~ 5 s"1, the variation in the drop posi-
gin. The two entrance flows are kept equal tion is typically one pixel (the minimum
to maintain a constant velocity gradient G detection level).

(a) (b)

Figure 3-49. (a) Principle of the

control system for the drop posi-
tion; the stagnation point is shifted
by varying the ratio of the exit
flows, (b) The control valve com-
bining the two exit flows to one
that leaves perpendicularly from
the center.
3.7 Appendices 181

3.7.3 Characterization of the Model geometry. In the range of deformation rates

Liquids applied (10 - 2 -10 2 s"1) the viscosities were
indeed constant, while no first normal stress
In all the experiments in this study, vis- difference could be measured. The densities
cous (Newtonian) liquids were used as the were determined using a pycnometer and a
continuous phase: different grades of sili- balance. The interfacial tensions were meas-
cone oil (Rhodorsil, Rhone-Poulenc) were ured using different techniques: (i) spinning
blended homogeneously to cover a viscos- drop (Vonnegut, 1942; Elmendorp, 1986),
ity range of 0.1 - 1 0 Pa s. (ii) breaking thread (Chappelear, 1964;
Both viscous and viscoelastic (non-New- Elemans et al., 1990), and (iii) small defor-
tonian) model liquids were used as the drop mation theory. The last technique is based
phase. The viscous drops consisted of either on Taylor's (1934) linear theory for the
castor oil (Ashland Slid Chemie) or homo- deformation of a dispersed drop, which
geneous blends of corn syrup (Globe, Cere- predicts a proportionality between the cap-
star Benelux) and water. Castor oil has the illary number applied and the induced
advantage of a big difference in refractive steady extent of drop deformation, i.e.,
index with respect to silicone oil, which D = Ca(\9p+\6)/(16p+\6) for small D,
gives good contrast in the images. More- both in simple shear and plane hyperbolic
over, it has almost the same density as sili- flow. From a steady drop deformation
cone oil, thus excluding buoyancy effects. experiment in the opposed jets device, all
The corn syrup/water blends have the dis- the parameters in this equation are known
advantage of being rather more dense than except the interfacial tension (din Ca). For
silicone oil, but their viscosity is easily the system castor oil versus silicone oil, all
adjustable by variation of the water content. three techniques give the same value for a
The corn syrup/water liquids are coded by (10%). For the corn syrup/water versus sil-
the weight percentages of corn syrup and icone oil systems, the values may deviate by
water: e.g., cs 70/30 contains 30% (by almost a factor of 2, small deformation the-
weight) water. These mixtures were pre- ory yielding the lower values. In all cases
pared by gently tumbling the containers for the small deformation technique was cho-
several days. To avoid growth of bacteria sen as the most representative for later
and mold, a trace of NaN3 was initally added experiments under similar dynamic condi-
to the water. tions. The values of crlisted in Table 3-1 are
Table 3-1 lists the relevant properties of valid with respect to all grades of silicone
all the viscous model liquids. The viscos- oil used.
ities were measured both in oscillatory and For the viscoelastic drop phases, some
steady simple shear on a Rheometrics polyacrylamide (Separan AP30, DOW
RFS-II equipped with a cone and plate Chemicals) with a molecular mass (Mw) of

Table 3-1. Properties of the viscous model liquids at room temperature .

Property Silicone oil Castor oil cs 70/30 cs 80/20 cs 90/10

Viscosity, ?](Pa s) 0.1-10 0.74 0.073 0.35 3.4

Interfacial tension, a (N/m) 0.0041 0.018 0.018 0.021
Density, p (kg/m3) 976 963 1273 1322 1373
Interfacial tensions are given with respect to silicone oil.
182 3 Emulsions: The Dynamics of Liquid-Liquid Mixing

about 4 x 106 g/mol was added to the corn Figure 3-50 gives the experimental
syrup/water mixtures; in fact, the polymer results of model liquid cs 80/20/0.01 in
was first dissolved in the water at an elevat- oscillatory shear and the best fit using five
ed temperature before the corn syrup was modes. Figure 3-51 gives the results in
added. Four different fluids were prepared: steady shear. Predicted values of the elon-
cs 70/30/0.1, cs 80/20/0.1, cs 80/20/0.01, gational viscosity are also included; meas-
and cs 90/10/0.01, with the last number indi- ured data in steady uniaxial extension are
cating the weight percentage of polymer. It not available except from the thread break-
was found that both the density and the inter- up experiments (Sec. that indicate
facial tension with respect to silicone oil Trouton ratios (7?^7?r) of 10 2 -10 3 . The
were the same as without the polymer. material parameters for all four viscoelastic
The rheological characterization of the model liquids are given in Table 3-2. Note
viscoelastic drop phases was performed in that the values of the so-called solvent
simple shear using a cone and plate geome- visocsity r/s determined using the Phan-
try. The measured data were fitted to the Thien Tanner model agree reasonably well
Phan-Thien Tanner model [Eqs. (3-39) to with the viscosities of the actual solvents,
(3-41)1. Small amplitude oscillatory shear as given in Table 3-1.
measurements were performed to determine
the linear viscoelastic parameters (77,, #,,
and 7]s). Next, from steady simple shear 3.7.4 Viscous Thread Breakup During
experiments, the nonlinearity parameter Stretching
(,) was estimated. Start up experiments
(from zero to a steady shear rate), necessary The analysis of the breakup of an extend-
to indicate after what time the steady ing liquid cylinder surrounded by another
state is reached (e.g., 10-60 s), provided immiscible liquid was first carried out by
a control of the determined material param- Tomotika in 1936. He considered an infi-
eters, i.e., the build up of the viscosity nitely long axisymmetric liquid thread in a
and the first normal stress difference with 3-D elongational flow. Both thread and
time. matrix liquid are incompressible, Newton-

Figure 3-50. Model liquid

cs 80/20/0.01 in oscillatory
shear: dynamic viscosity r\\
rigidity 77", and phase angle
<S(tan 8= 77777") vs. fre-
quency co. Symbols give
experimental results, curves
the five-mode Phan-Thien
75 Tanner fit.
10-2 10-1 100 101 102 103

co [rad/s]
3.7 Appendices 183

Figure 3-51. Model liquid

cs 80/20/0.01 in steady sim-
ple shear and uniaxial
extension: shear viscosity
r\y and first normal stress
difference Nl vs. shear rate
/and elongational viscosity
r] vs. elongation rate .
Symbols give experimental
results, curves the five-
mode Phan-Thien Tanner

Table 3-2. Material parameters of the viscoelastic model liquids fitted to the five-mode Phan-Thien Tanner

Parameter cs 70/30/0.1 cs 80/20/0.1 cs 80/20/0.01 cs 90/10/0.01

Solvent viscosity, rjs (Pas) 0.11 0.54 0.43 4.1

Relaxation time, #i(s) 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.0251
#2(s) 0.1 0.1 0.0891 0.200
tMs) 1 1 0.794 1.59
#4(s) 10 10 7.08 12.6
^s(s) 100 100 63.1 100
Viscosity, ?], (Pa s) 0.0633 0.130 0.0041 0.0174
7]2(Pas) 0.183 0.460 0.0466 0.198
773 (Pas) 0.572 1.21 0.102 0.404
^4 (Pas) 2.00 3.80 0.254 1.12
f75 (Pas) 4.17 13.7 0.324 2.49
Nonlinearity, 1-5 H 0.1 0.05 0.02 0.02

ian, and of equal density; the Reynolds num- In 1975 Mikami et al. improved the anal-
ber is small. A small sinusoidal disturbance ysis and clarified it by further numerical
is imposed at the interface and the appropri- elaboration. Khakhar and Ottino (1987)
ate boundary conditions are prescribed with extended the theory for 3-D elongational
a normal stress jump across the interface due flow to general linear flows. The analysis is
to the interfacial tension, the driving force illustrated for a constant positive stretching
for capillary instabilities. Solving the bal- rate e. For time-dependent the basic equa-
ance equations gives the evolution of the tions are similar; only a time-dependent
initial disturbances with time. Unfortunate- has to be integrated or differentiated where
ly, Tomotika's results are quite complex, so appropriate. One parameter differs from
that, at the time, only a few computations Khakhar and Ottino's paper (1987), i.e., the
could be done. shear rate 7 to which time is made dimen-
184 3 Emulsions: The Dynamics of Liquid-Liquid Mixing

sionless: here A/(2D:D) is used instead of t* = 23/2/(3ef) ln(jco/jc)]. Note that in the
V(D:D). case of e = 0, Eq. (3-83) reduces to
An infinitely long liquid thread is dlna/dt= a(l-x2) &/(2ricR0) (with time
assumed to extend affinely with the stretch- not dimensionless): After replacing
ing rate . The initial wavelength Xo of a dis- (l-x2)0 by Q, this corresponds to Eqs.
turbance is stretched accordingly (3-18) and (3-19).
Upon integrating Eq. (3-83) (from t = 0
X- (3-80) to f*, or rather from x0 to x), the magnifica-
tion of an initial amplitude a0 of a distur-
The cross section of the exending thread
bance with initial wave number x0 is
is assumed to remain circular, thus the
obtained as a function of x
thread radius R decays as
= R0Qxp(-et/2) (3-81) &(x,p) +
and the dimensionless wave number
X[=2KR/XJ containing the current radius R
instead of Ro, as in Eq. (3-17)] also decreas- 3x
es exponentially with time (3-84)
x = x0 exp (-3 t/2) (3-82) Generally, the development of the initial
disturbance amplitude consists of three
As indicated in Sec., the efficien- stages (Fig. 3-52): first the amplitude is
cy parameter ef(= v 2 //) appears in the damped, then it grows for a while, and final-
analysis upon making the time dimension- ly it continues to be damped.
less with respect to the shear rate y. In order Since the amplitude cannot damp below
to find the evolution of the amplitude of a the initial 'noise' level a 0 , the first damping
disturbance having a specific initial wave stage is omitted, i.e., the amplitude remains
number xo(=2nRo/Ao), the balance equa- equal to a0. The second stage starts at the
tions of mass and motion with Newtonian critical time denoted tf, the amplitude is
behavior and prescribed boundary condi- magnified from a0, and the dashed horizon-
tions are solved. The resulting growth rate tal line in Fig. 3-52 becomes the baseline
of a small sinusoidal disturbance amplitude where ln(a/a o ) = O. The magnification at
a can be written in terms of the material time t*(>t*) is calculated by integration
properties (ric,p, a), flow conditions (ef, ), from t* up to t* (or rather from xc down
and current geometry (R, x) to x). In the third stage the amplitude damps
again, but can, once more, not decrease
d\na (3-83) below 0CQ. The magnification of ao during
the three stages can be summarized as fol-

if x <x c (i.e., t*>t*)

\n(a/a0) = Eq. (3-84) integrated
The functions <X>{x, p) and &(x, p) are
taken from Mikami et al. (1975); they are fromxc to x provided
given in Sec. 3.7.5. It is convenient to use that l n ( a / a o ) > O
the wave number x as the current variable otherwise
instead of time [t = 2/(3e) ln(xo/x) or
3.7 Appendices 185

Figure 3-52. Typical mag-

nification curve of an initial
disturbance amplitude a 0 as
a function of time t* (linear
scale) or wave number x
(logarithmic scale).

Disturbances of all initial wave numbers Different strategies are possible to deter-
xOi evolve according to Eq. (3-85). Mean- mine the fatal disturbance characterized by
while, the (undisturbed) thread thins the initial wave number x0opt, e.g., a func-
according to Eq. (3-81), which can be tran- tion t$(x0) can be constructed so that x0opt
scribed as simply corresponds to the minimum func-
tion value. The procedure for this function
\n(R/a0) = ln(R0/a0) - (3-86)
is as follows: For a given x0 the value of xc
Upon plotting ln(a/a0) and ln(R/a0) ver- (Fig. 3-52) is determined by evaluating
sus time (Fig. 3-20) the point of intersec- dln(a/a o )/dj:[= the integrand of Eq. (3-84)
tion, if present, corresponds to breakup, i.e., with a minus sign]. Next, the \n(a/a0) and
a(t) = R(t). For small values of x0 the initial \n(R/a0) versus x(or *) curves are calculat-
amplitude a0 is not magnified sufficiently ed using Eqs. (3-85) and (3-86). An eventu-
to cause breakup. With increasing x0 the al intersection point gives the breakup time
stage of amplitude growth starts later and t% for the disturbance wave number x0 con-
the magnification reaches a higher level. If sidered; if the curves do not intersect, t%
x0 is large enough, intersection occurs, giv- is infinite. For too small values of x0 the
ing a possible point of breakup. There is stage of amplitude growth is absent and xc
only one disturbance with the optimum does not exist; these values of x0 are irrele-
initial wave number x0opt, which corre- vant.
sponds to the shortest breakup time and From the shape of the ln(a/a0) curves in
actually leads to breakup. The critical time Fig. 3-20, it can be seen that the smallest
at which this fatal disturbance starts grow- breakup time does not just correspond to the
ing is denoted f*rit; at this time the thread smallest x0 that gives intersection. There-
radius and the wave number have decreased fore a procedure is adopted that encloses the
to Rcdt and xcrit, respectively. The actual minimum of the function t$ (x0) between two
growth time of the fatal disturbance, *, limits. First, a value of x0 is chosen that is
spans from f*rit to t%. small enough not to have an intersection
186 3 Emulsions: The Dynamics of Liquid-Liquid Mixing

point (t% =); in this case x0opt is definitely

Ix Xlx xKx
larger. Next, x0 is increased stepwise until
an intersection is obtained (7g finite); the h h + xh -Ko+xKx
previous x0 value (not quite yielding inter- Ph pxlo -xK0
section) is the lower limit for x 0opt . Then,
x0 is increased further until a larger break- h xl[ Kx
up time is found; this provides the upper h k+xlx -Ko
limit for x0opV In this way, the minimum of Ph pxlo Kx
t$(x0) is enclosed and the interval can be
decreased down to the desired accuracy for
p[(x2 I,-xI0] xKt (x2 +\)Kl+xK0
3.7.5 The Functions & and & A) + xh -K0+xK]
The functions <2> and & appear in the anal-
ysis of thread breakup in viscous systems pxlx xKx (x2 +l)K\+ xK0
(Tomotika, 1935, 1936; Mikami et al., Ix Kx xK[
1975; Palierne and Lequeux, 1991). In the IQ -KO -KO + xKx
breakup of a stretching thread both <2>and 0
are used (Sec. 3.7.4). In the case of thread where Iox and Kox are functions of x only;
breakup in a quiescent matrix only 0 is Iox are modified Bessel functions of the first
required; the growth rate of disturbances kind (of order 0,1) and Kox are modified
is then given by Q = (l-x2)0 (Sec. Bessel functions of the second kind (of order 0,1). Using Matlab (1993) these are standard
Both 0 and 0 depend on the wave num- functions. /[ and K[ are the derivatives of Ix
ber x and the viscosity ratio p (=Tid/ric) and Kx with respect to x and can be calcu-
lated as
0 = ~(IXAX-XI[A2) and
A = Io - - and Kx =-K0-^-
x x
0 ( I l A l x

A = pxIxAx -p[(x2 +1)/! -xI0]A2
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4 Flow-Induced Orientation and Structure Formation
Andrew Keller

H. H. Wills Physics Laboratory, University of Bristol, Bristol, U.K.

Hans W. H. Kolnaar

DSM Research BV, Geleen, The Netherlands

List of Symbols and Abbreviations 191

4.1 Introduction 192
4.1.1 Objective of this Chapter 192
4.1.2 Scope of this Chapter 194
4.2 The Fundamentals of Chain Extension 195
4.2.1 The Extension of Isolated Chains as Explored in Solutions 195 Preliminaries and Methodology 195 Molecular Characterization by the Elongational Flow Methodology 197 Flow-Induced Scission 199
4.2.2 Chain Extension in Permanent Networks 199
4.2.3 Transiently Interacting Chains 200 General Considerations 200 The Elongational Flow Approach to Transiently Interacting Chains 201
4.3 Structure Formation in Flowing Solutions 203
4.3.1 The Origin of Shish-Kebabs 203
4.3.2 The Structure of Shish-Kebabs 207
4.3.3 On the Mechanism of Shish-Kebab Formation 209
4.4 Structure Formation in Flowing Melts 211
4.4.1 General Considerations 211
4.4.2 Structural Analogies - Overall Morphology 212
4.4.3 Chain Extension - Fiber Generation 213
4.5 Relation Between Morphology and Orientation 217
4.5.1 The General Scheme 217
4.5.2 Examples of Fibrous and Parallel Lamellar Columnar Structures 221
4.5.3 A Special Case of Fiber-Platelet Structures: Interlocking Shish-Kebabs . . . 225
4.5.4 'Row Structures' 226
4.5.5 Interpretation of Orientation Effects 227 General 227 Orientation in Terms of Fiber-Platelet Morphologies 229
4.6 Orientation and Structure Formation in Simple Shear Flow 232
4.6.1 General Considerations 232
4.6.2 On the Role of Entanglements in Simple Shear Flow 233

Materials Science and Technology

Copyright WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co KGaA. Allrightsreserved.
190 4 Flow-Induced Orientation and Structure Formation

4.7 Oriented Crystallization in Stretched Networks 235

4.7.1 Cross-Linked Polyethylenes 235
4.7.2 Crystallization of Traditional Elastomers 236
4.8 Discussion 239
4.8.1 General Considerations 239
4.8.2 On the Circumstances of Shish-Kebab Formation and Its Implications . . . . 240
4.8.3 A Special Case of Chain Extension: Adsorbed Molecules 243
4.9 Orientation Due to the Alignment of Supramolecular
Structure Entities 244
4.9.1 Orientation in Weak Flows 244
4.9.2 Orientation in the Absence of Flow 246
4.10 The Effect of Structure on Rheology:
The 'Extrusion Window' in Polyethylene 248
4.10.1 Introduction and Basic Features of the Window Effect 248
4.10.2 The Significance of the Window Effect for Melt Flow Rheology 255
4.10.3 Wider Implications 257
4.11 Some Practical Applications of the Concepts Developed 259
4.11.1 Structure Formation Relying on Elongational Flow 259 'Hard-Elastic' Fibers 259 Extrusion and Molding Processes 261
4.11.2 Structure Formation Relying on Controlled Solidification and Shear Flow:
The SCOREX and SCORIM Processes 262
4.12 Concluding Remarks 263
4.13 Note Added in Proof 265
4.14 References 266
List of Symbols and Abbreviations 1 91

List of Symbols and Abbreviations

c concentration
c+ critical concentration
c* concentration for chain overlap
/ intensity
/ fold length
M molecular weight
Mn number-average molecular weight
Mw weight-average molecular weight
p extrusion pressure
pc critical pressure
t time
fdis disentanglement time
tnow flow time
T temperature
Tc crystallization temperature
Tm melting point
T^ theoretical melting point of infinite crystal
(T m ) h melting point of metastable modification (hexagonal phase)
(rm)o melting point of stable modification (orthorhombic phase)
v piston velocity
vm mean velocity
crystal growth velocity

7 shear
7 shear rate
7A apparent wall shear rate
7A,C apparent critical wall shear rate
7C critical shear rate
e strain, elongational
e strain rate, elongational
c critical strain rate, elongational
ef critical fracture strain rate, elongational
n critical strain rate for transient, mechanically effective network formation,
a stress
ac critical shear stress

PE polyethylene
PEEK polyphenylene-ether-ether-ketone
192 4 Flow-Induced Orientation and Structure Formation

4.1 Introduction be an inopportune repetition in view of the

context of this section.
For the case of the orientation of chains
4.1.1 Objective of this Chapter
in their random state (solution or melt) and
The present chapter aims to provide a sur- their subsequent crystallization [subject
vey of orientation phenomena in polymers area (2) above], the theme is as follows: in
and their consequence for structure forma- terms of flexible chain conformations there
tion, along with the potential connection and are only two stages of orientation, i.e., the
relevance to processing and products. It essentially fully stretched out and the essen-
hardly needs stating these days that long tially unoriented, random chain, with no
chain molecules lend themselves to the intermediate stages that are of consequence
attainment of oriented products with asso- here; in addition, all we observe in the final
ciated advantageous properties. There are products are the consequences of these two
principally two different routes towards this extremes. Intermediate orientations such as
goal: (1) drawing (or otherwise orienting) are seen in partially or not fully oriented
an initially random crystalline solid, and (2) products are due to the different combina-
to orient chains in their random state (solu- tions of the two extremes just stated, and not
tion or melt) first and 'set' this orientation to intermediate chain orientations as such.
by subsequent crystallization. In this respect We consider these assertions as basic, with
a distinction needs to be made between rigid a vast and diverse amount of observational
rod molecules and flexible chains. To evidence and also some fundamental back-
achieve orientation, rigid rods only need to ground to support them, which we shall
be aligned, while flexible chains need both attempt to convey here.
extending and aligning, the two occurring There are two stages to be considered: (i)
simultaneously in the course of a normal the primary chain orientation itself, and (ii)
orientation process. Having stated this, we the fixation of the chain orientation, which
shall only be concerned with flexible chains occurs mainly by crystallization. Our theme
and hence the stretching out of chains, in of two extremes with no intermediate stage
what follows. We shall also only be con- applies to both stages, but in different inter-
cerned with route (2), leaving the issue of related contexts. Thus when a single chain
orientation from the solid state unaddressed. within an assembly, which is mechanically
[Solid-state orientation will be dealt with in unconnected to others, is exposed to exter-
part by Ward in Chapter 16 of this Volume.] nal orienting influences (in our case flow),
Surveys with the above-defined content it either extends almost completely or stays
have been presented repeatedly before (Kel- as a random coil. This is of course a bold,
ler, 1977, 1979; Keller and Mackley, 1974; generalizing statement, not intended to
Keller and Kolnaar, 1993). However, in the imply that departures from the fully
present paper the pertinent material will be stretched towards the contracted state do not
presented with a specific underlying theme. exist. Clearly they do, but we maintain that
In aid of this we shall first invoke some work within steady state conditions such depar-
on the fundamentals of chain extension, per- tures are small, and as a first approximation
formed on solutions. Again, the latter has do not invalidate our main theme. We shall
been presented before, but in the context of 'lump' such departures together within the
solution behavior; its reinvoking in connec- random or fully oriented categories accord-
tion with crystallization may therefore not ing to which they are closest. Of course there
4.1 Introduction 193

Figure 4-1. Lamellar single crystal of polyethylene

grown from solution. Electron micrograph (Keller.

Figure 4-3. Extruded film of polyoxymethylene

showing fibrous crystals (NW-SE) in addition to the
oriented crystal lamellae (NE-SW) seen largely from
an edge-on view. The fibrils are aligned along the
extrusion direction (arrow) and act as nuclei onto
which the lamellae crystallize (Garber and Clark
1970, 1971).

In the above we referred to the primary

chain extension. With crystallization two
distinct categories again arise from the
above two extremes: the random chain leads
to chain-folded lamellae and the extended
Figure 4-2. Lamellar crystal of polyethylene grown
from the melt and extracted subsequently from the
chain to fibrous crystals, with the chains
solidified material (scale bar = 1 urn). Electron micro- essentially (including all kinds of defect)
graph (Toda and Keller, 1993). extended within them. Examples of folded-
chain lamellae from solution are shown in
Fig. 4-1 and from the melt in Fig. 4-2, the
must be intermediate states as transients (as latter being obtained by specially low under-
opposed to the steady state) on the way to cooling (for a comprehensive review see,
full chain extension, but we have yet to note e.g., Keller, 1985; see also Chapters 3 and
their influence in the wide ranging effects 4 in Volume 12 of this series). A more gen-
to be referred to here; so far we have found eral situation representing the lamellar com-
no need to take note of them. In what fol- ponent arising in a certain type of oriented
lows we shall first place these effects on the crystallization from the melt (Sec.
map. is depicted in Fig. 4-3, which also displays
194 4 Flow-Induced Orientation and Structure Formation

the second kind of crystal, namely the orientation-induced crystallization and

fibrous species. These two morphologies hence the formation of fibrous crystals will
are again distinct, with, to our knowledge, always proceed faster and can also take
nothing intermediate in between. place at a higher temperature than the crys-
Having introduced the principal morpho- tallization from the random state yielding
logical players, namely the lamella and the the lamellar crystals.
fiber, the question that remains is the degree In what follows we shall try to combine
of chain extension that is needed to 'switch' the works on flow-induced crystal morphol-
from the lamellar to the fibrillar morpholo- ogy with those on flow-induced chain exten-
gy. In situations where the chain orientation sion, the latter irrespective of crystallization
prior to crystallization can be diagnosed or preceding crystallization. Historically, at
(such as in solutions, Sec. 4.2.1) the ques- least as far as we are concerned in Bristol,
tion does not arise because no intermediate the elucidation of the crystallization effects
state of chain extension, i.e., no 'halfway was the first objective which then, for great-
house', could be found, at least as a steady er understanding, prompted a separate pro-
state. In cases where a similar diagnosis gram on chain extension itself. The latter
could not be carried out with the same con- line, pursued for the simpler case of dilute
clusiveness (as, e.g., in melts) the question solutions, has become a pursuit of its own,
remains as to the degree of chain extension providing an improved insight into the
required for the morphology to switch from extensibility of long chain molecules. The
lamellae to fibers within a continuous spec- present article aims to bring these two sub-
trum of chain extensions. Nevertheless, as ject areas, stemming from the same roots but
will be seen, the situation as regards pursued separately, together again in the
'on-off' (or 'yes-no') effects so closely par- service of the theme stated. The main point
allels the solution case that a direct transfer is that there is a two-way connection
of experience from solutions to melts is between chain extension and the crystal
clearly invited: more specifically, the exis- morphology resulting therefrom: the chain
tence of a coil > stretch transition and the extension determines the morphology on
exclusive (to a first approximation) duality subsequent crystallization, while the mor-
of the random and fully extended chains. phology, as observed after crystallization,
This is in spite of difficulties to envisage can serve as a pointer to the preexisting state
such a situation in the molten state, be it for of chain extension, provided we can read the
intuitive or preconceived reasons. message it conveys.
At this point an important injection has to
be made as regards crystal formation from
4.1.2 Scope of this Chapter
preextended chains. Chain extension pro-
motes crystallization both for thermody- Having declared the guiding theme, the
namic and kinetic reasons: thermodynami- article itself is to cover the following mate-
cally, because it increases the melting point rial, and this in the following sequence.
(the entropy of the melt or solution is low- First, the fundamentals of chain extension
ered, hence the free energy is raised) and will be briefly reviewed as achievable
kinetically, since an extended chain is clos- through elongational flow, together with the
er to its state in the crystal and has less of a relevant underlying experimental material,
kinetic barrier to overcome than a chain in first for isolated and then for interacting
the random state. It follows therefore that chains, touching briefly on the issue of net-
4.2 The Fundamentals of Chain Extension 195

works. By its very nature such material will linked, hence forming part of a network, as
be confined to solutions. This will be fol- the two extremes. Between (i) and (ii) lies
lowed by a very brief survey of the crystal- (iii) the whole spectrum of physical con-
lization of chain-extended material, still in nectedness, which by its very nature is tran-
solutions, providing the morphological sient, its effectiveness being determined by
basis for the more general case of melts, the time scale of the chain-extending influ-
which will form the core of the article. ence. In what follows we shall take (i), (ii),
The discussion of structure formation and (iii) in turn.
from the melt will start by drawing parallels First we must state that reasonably pre-
with the more readily observable and con- cise information is available on (i) and (ii),
trollable effects in solutions, specifically with the situation under (i) having been
with the description of common morpholog- (amongst others) our own working area and
ical features and the generation of fibers. that under (ii) being the well-grounded sub-
From here the discussion will proceed to the ject of the stretching of rubber networks.
various macroscopic orientation effects to The situation under (iii), however, is much
which the microscopic morphology can give more elusive, we shall only be able to con-
rise, still based on elongational flow-gener- tribute to this by setting some pointers.
ated chain extension. After this, the effect
of simple shear flow will be considered, the
subject of much of conventional melt rheol- 4.2.1 The Extension of Isolated Chains
ogy, to be followed by a brief section on net- as Explored in Solutions
works. In the last connection some totally
open-ended issues regarding the strain Preliminaries and Methodology
required for orientation-induced structure The situation of isolated chains can only
formation will be placed on the map, as a be realized in solution, and this only in high
concluding and at the same time forward- dilution, which is the subject of the present
looking section. section. Special as such systems may
Other topics will also be touched upon in appear, they serve to establish basic knowl-
the course of the above, such as macroscop- edge, which (as it will become apparent)
ic orientation effects only attributable to can, to a surprising extent, be transferred to
very weak flow (or no flow at all) with no more general situations where by a priori
stretching out of the chains, some cases geometric considerations the chains can no
relating to technological practice, and the longer be regarded as isolated.
all-important feature of the influence of As will be familiar, extending a long
structures reacting back onto the flow which chain substantially is not as straightforward
has initially generated the structures them- as it may first appear. For uncross-linked
selves. chains, stretching forces can only be trans-
mitted by means of flow through frictional
contact between a given chain and its sur-
4.2 The Fundamentals rounding medium, which in the case of
of Chain Extension dilute solutions is of course the solvent.
The customary simple shear flow is inad-
First we need to distinguish between the equate in this respect because of its rotation-
extension of chains (i) as in isolation and al component. To achieve full, or nearly full,
(ii) as permanently, i.e., chemically, cross- chain extension the flow has to be
196 4 Flow-Induced Orientation and Structure Formation

'elongational', i.e., the dominant compo- response of macromolecules to flow, and

nent of the velocity gradient has to be par- vice versa, i.e., for the effect of macromol-
allel to the flow direction, the simplest case ecules on the flow itself. This is the subject
of the latter being unidirectional accelerat- area which the Bristol program set out to
ing flow. The effect of elongational flow on explore over the last decade (Mackley and
an isolated random coil macromolecule, as Keller, 1975; Pope and Keller, 1978; Odell
found in dilute solutions, was worked out etal., 1985, 1992a, b; Keller and Odell,
theoretically by de Gennes (1974) [follow- 1985; Miles and Keller, 1980; Keller et al.,
ing preceding works by Peterlin (1966)], 1985; Chow et al., 1988), some landmarks
leading to the prediction of a sharp coil > of which will be recalled in what follows.
stretch transition at a specific strain rate (). The first requirement was the creation of
This means that as the elongational flow rate well-characterized elongational flow fields,
is gradually increased through increasing and secondly a diagnostic tool to follow
the velocity gradient along the flow direc- chain extension when this occurred. For the
tion, there will only be small changes in the former several methods were designed
conformation of the random coil at first up and/or used. Foremost amongst them was
to a critical strain rate (c) beyond which the the flow cell consisting of two opposed jets.
coil will stretch out almost completely. It The two jets were immersed in the solution
follows that there is no steady intermediate that was being sucked out simultaneously
state: below c there is practically no chain through both jet orifices. This created a
extension, while above c the chain becomes purely elongational flow field between the
practically fully extended. In addition to two jet orifices along the center line. Here
reaching the critical strain rate, the exten- the velocity is zero at the center (stagnation
sional influence must also be maintained for point) and increases linearly in both direc-
a long enough time (t) for the high strain (e) tions towards the jet orifices (Fig. 4-4).
corresponding to final steady state exten- Chain orientation was registered by observ-
sion to be reached. The latter can be ing the resulting birefringence between
achieved through appropriate flow field crossed polarizers. This became apparent as
geometries. Thus, if there is a stagnation a sharply defined bright line against a dark
point present, the high strain condition will background along the central jet axis
automatically be satisfied. In simple words,
the origin of the coil stretch transition lies 0.08 cm
in the fact that once the resistance of the ran-
dom coil to substantial extension is over-
come on reaching c, its frictional contact
with the surrounding fluid (solvent) medi-
um is increased, which in turn increases the Symmetry
resulting chain extension, and so on. Thus
the extension of the chain becomes a run-
away effect until close to near complete
chain extension; continuing extension is Fluid flow
opposed by the intrinsic resistance to lines
stretching of the valence bonds themselves. Figure 4-4. The principle of the opposed jet tech-
It is apparent that the above considera- nique for the study of molecular extension by elonga-
tional flow showing flow lines (Keller and Odell,
tions are of salient significance for the 1985).
4.2 The Fundamentals of Chain Extension 197

achieved. It will become apparent that we

acquired a powerful visual method for prob-
ing the influence of flow on macromole-
cules, and vice versa, i.e., the influence of
macromolecules on the flow itself, which
was exploited in the works that followed.
[See "Note Added in Proof at the end of the
chapter.] Molecular Characterization

by the Elongational Flow Methodology
One of the follow ups of the above-men-
tioned recognitions was the relation be-
Figure 4-5. Chain extension by elongational flow tween the critical strain rate (c) and the
between two opposed jets seen as a birefringent line molecular weight (M). First the basic quan-
between crossed polars, in this case in a polyethylene
solution above the crystallization temperature (Mack- titative aspect of the experiment will be
ley and Keller, 1975). recalled. For this the transmitted light inten-
sity, / (which for low optical retardations is
proportional to the square of the retarda-
(Mackley and Keller, 1975) (Fig. 4-5).
tion), along the central axis of the jet is plot-
When closely monodisperse [sharp molec-
ted as a function of . As seen, e.g., from the
ular weight (M) distribution] polymer was
curve for Mj in Fig. 4-6, /is practically zero
used, this bright line appeared discontinu-
till (ec)i where it suddenly rises to a plateau
ously at a critical strain rate (c) as was
value. Here (c)l is the critical of the coil
increased. The degree of chain stretching
stretch transition for material of molec-
could be determined from the magnitude of
the birefringence which, within the latitude
of known polarizability values, was found
to correspond closely to full chain extension
(Pope and Keller, 1978). These findings thus
confirmed the reality of a coil > stretch
transition in elongational flow in support of
theory; conversely it established the meth-
od, possibly the only method, by which a
long-chain flexible molecule can be
stretched out nearly completely in a con-
trolled and registrable way. The sharpness
of the lines could be satisfactorily attribut-
ed to the fact that they corresponded to flow (U
paths going through or near the stagnation strain rate
point where the deforming fluid element Figure 4-6. Schematic plots of transmitted intensity
spent the longest time; hence where for a vs. strain rate for three different molecular weights
M{>M2 > M3, showing the coil > stretch transition at
given strain rate (>c) the required strain the critical strain rates (ec)u (c)2, and (c)3, respec-
(= t) for full chain extension could be tively.
198 4 Flow-Induced Orientation and Structure Formation

ular weight Ml9 and the plateau value of / It can thus be seen that the coil > stretch
corresponds to that due to the practically transition, as assessed by the single parame-
fully stretched out chain. Now, taking close- ter c, has a two-fold criticality: for a given
ly monodisperse polymers of different M M there is a critical and for a given there
(M2 and M3 in Fig. 4-6), different curves is a critical M. The latter acquires particular
with different c values are obtained. The significance in the usual situation of a molec-
schematic plots in Fig. 4-6 illustrate the ular weight distribution when subjected to an
trend: the lower M, the higher c, and vice elongational flow field of a particular . Here
versa. This means that longer chains can be only the longest chains will be extended, with
extended using lower strain rates and hence a low end cut-off at a specific M, correspond-
less strong flows, and vice versa; in simple ing to the appropriate c from Eq. (4-1),
words the long chains are more readily while the rest of the molecules remain
extensible. Quantitatively this is expressed unstretched. Thus we have a bimodal distri-
by the relation bution of chain extension constituted of prac-
tically fully stretched out and essentially
8cooM-p (4-1)
unstretched chains with no intermediate
where /3 was found to be 1.5 by our experi- stage in between, a result of salient impor-
ments, rather remarkably, independent of tance for what follows. Increasing will not
the solvent quality (Odell et al., 1992 a). substantially increase the degree of chain
It will be readily apparent that this newly extension (i.e., in terms of end-to-end dis-
found relation [Eq. (4-1)] and the method to tance), but will increase the amount of mate-
determine c experimentally provide a new rial that becomes extended within a bimod-
route toward the determination of molecular al distribution of extended and unextended
weights, with certain advantages over con- chains by increasingly 'cutting into' the dis-
ventional methods (Keller and Odell, 1985; tribution from the high molecular tail down-
Miles and Keller, 1980). First, it is most sen- wards. This situation is illustrated by Fig.
sitive at the highest M (where c is lowest), 4-7 with reference to three strain rates (c) of
where most other methods are either too increasing magnitude, which are meant to
insensitive or difficult to apply. Secondly, correspond to the three M values in Fig. 4-6.
when there is a continuous distribution of
molecular weights (as is usually the case),
then the resultant / vs. trace will be a sum
of components such as Mx, M2, M3, etc. in Fig.
4-6; this can be readily dissected into its com-
ponents by differentiation. This then provides
a method for obtaining the actual molecular
weight distribution from the highest M end
down to a low end cut-off, which, in accor-
dance with Eq. (4-1), is determined by the
highest that can be achieved in a given appa-
ratus. Thus we see that a flow-induced effect
can provide a tool for basic molecular weight molecular weight >
characterization by utilizing chain extensibil-
ity, possibly the most intrinsic characteristic Figure 4-7. Schematic plot of molecular weight dis-
tribution showing the three different cut-offs for the
of a flexible filamentous molecule. molecular weights corresponding to Fig. 4-6.
4.2 The Fundamentals of Chain Extension 199 Flow-Induced Scission 4.2.2 Chain Extension

in Permanent Networks
We now turn to a further notable aspect of
the present type of chain stretching experi- In relation to the extension of chains with-
mentation in elongational flow fields, name- in permanent networks, it is best to refer to
ly flow-induced chain fracture. Consider a the extensive literature on the molecular
given molecular weight, say Mx in Fig. 4-6, aspects of network deformation and rubber
and continue to increase e beyond (c)\, i.e., elasticity. Nevertheless, in view of the fore-
proceed along the plateau of the /vs. e curve. going a few pertinent statements will be
Here, at some stage, the fully stretched out added at this point.
chain will break as a result of increasing First, a network and correspondingly the
stretching forces along its length, transmit- chains constituting it, can be deformed stat-
ted by frictional contact from solvent to ically: forces applied externally will be
chain. It is the salient result of this experi- transmitted throughout the whole system by
ment that the chains were shown to break means of the network junctions 1 . Under,
exactly at the center. The latter was estab- e.g., uniaxial, stretching forces the macro-
lished using the same experimental setup by scopic sample will extend uniformly in an
which the chains had been broken initially affine manner, as will the underlying net-
to determine the molecular weight of the work elements, and this extension will be
scission fragments by the elongational flow maintained for as long as the forces are
method described in the previous paragraph. applied. For a given macroscopic strain, the
[For a recent review of the Bristol works on molecular strain will be determined by the
chain scission, seeOdellet al. (1992b).] The length of the network (chain) element
halving of this chain through flow-induced which, in turn, is in inverse relationship to
scission, exact within the accuracy of avail- the number of cross-links per unit volume
able methods for molecular weight determi- (cross-link density): the higher the cross-
nations, is perfectly accountable theoretical- link density, the shorter the chain in between
ly and is presently one of the cornerstones of them and the higher the molecular strain.
our understanding of mechanically induced The second point follows from the above.
chain degradation in flowing systems. As is Namely, in the event of a distribution of
derivable by simple application of Stoke's chain lengths, it is the shortest one that, for
law, the critical fracture strain rate (f) obeys a given macroscopic strain, will become
the relation most highly stretched out. As in a 'real life'
1 system, the cross-links are never distribut-
1 (4-2) ed uniformly (even in the ideal simplest case
of cross-linking, the distribution of 'chain'
It follows that not only does this fracture lengths will be statistical); there will be a
behavior set a limit on the flow strength that corresponding nonuniformity in the lengths
can be applied without permanently altering of the chains connecting these cross-link
the molecular characteristics of the materi- points, where (as stated above) the shortest
al, but it also sets a limit on the length of
chain (hence M) that can be stretched out
without the chain breaking first (as a conse- 1
Strictly speaking, in a rubber network besides per-
quence of the fact that the c vs. M [Eq. manent (chemical) cross-links, temporary (physical)
(4-1)] and f vs. M [Eq. (4-2)] curves cross cross-links are also present. In the present context we
over). shall only be concerned with the former.
200 4 Flow-Induced Orientation and Structure Formation

ones will be the most highly stressed and systems, than to what would be expected
hence strained. It should be noted that this from a network by the above a priori con-
is the opposite to what applies to the isolat- siderations, an issue that (as will be dis-
ed chain in elongational flow (Sec., cussed later - see Sec. 4.7) represents one
where it is the longest chains in a distribu- of the most open-ended aspects in the mate-
tion that respond most (i.e., first) to the rial of the present review.
externally imposed extensional influence
(i.e., strain rate).
There are also further major differences 4.2.3 Transiently Interacting Chains
which follow directly from the above. General Considerations
Namely, in a network a chain element be-
tween two junction points is uniformly This situation arises when there is physi-
stressed. This is in sharp contrast to an iso- cal contact between different chains that can
lated chain extended in an elongational flow act as network junctions, but only on an
field where the stress distribution along a appropriately limited time scale. Here then
chain is grossly nonuniform, the stress being a physical network arises where mechani-
maximum at the geometric center of the cally active junctions keep forming and
chain [the source of the central scission at breaking up in a kind of statistical equilib-
the appropriately high strain rate (f)]. rium. Clearly, such systems cannot be
As a consequence of all of the foregoing stressed statically through an externally
there will be a fundamental difference be- applied force field, as they will flow in the
tween the response of a network and that of form of a viscoelastic liquid. Here the chains
an isolated chain to the imposed elongation- connecting the transient junctions are
al influence. At an increasing macroscopic expected to become temporarily extended as
elongation, a given network chain will in a network, but subject to the time-depen-
extend progressively, each stage of exten- dence of the process. In this case the elon-
sion corresponding to a state of equilibrium gational nature of the flow which provides
with respect to the extensional forces (with the extensional influence is no longer a pre-
a corresponding distribution of extensions requisite for a high degree of chain exten-
in the normal situation of nonuniform cross- sion: simple shear flow should also be
link distribution). In contrast, in the exten- capable of achieving it even if elongational
sion of an isolated chain (as achievable by flows still remain the most effective.
the only possible means of elongational The situation just described pertains to
flow) there is no steady (only a transient) the conventional Poiseuille flow of melts
state between the two extremes of the unde- and concentrated solutions. Its experimen-
formed random coil and the practically fully tal investigation and theoretical treatment is
stretched out chain (allowing for compara- the mainstream subject of the hydrodynam-
tively small gradations within the extremes, ics and rheology of polymeric systems.
as discussed in Sec. 4.1.1). Nevertheless, extension of the previously
The above represents the a priori expec- presented elongational flow approach, as
tations. In light of this, it will come as a sur- applied to isolated molecules, to more con-
prise to note that the actual observed mor- centrated solutions where the overlapping
phologies arising in stretched networks con- molecules start to interact provides a useful
form more closely to the elongational flow- and instructive entry into this complex sub-
induced structures, as found in dilute ject, which will be pursued in the following.
4.2 The Fundamentals of Chain Extension 201 The Elongational Flow Approach as the manifestation of the formation of a

to Transiently Interacting Chains mechanically connected network (Odell
et al., 1985; Keller et al., 1985). At the strain
The opposed jets technique for creating
rate n, at which the flare shown in Fig.
uniaxial extensional flows can readily be
4-8 occurs, the chains no longer extend indi-
extended to solutions of increasing concen-
vidually under the influence of the flow, but
tration where, by simple geometric consid-
in a cooperative fashion as a result of which
erations, increasing coil overlap and conse-
the flow becomes unstable.
quent entanglement is expected. Referring
There are two criticalities defining these
to what was said for dilute systems contain-
happenings: (1) a critical polymer concen-
ing chains in isolation, here, in the case of
tration 2 c+, at which (and beyond) the above
more concentrated solutions, two stages
'flare', signaling network formation, can
were found upon increasing the elongation-
occur, and (2) for a solution of concentra-
al strain rate in the flow field between the
tion above c+, a critical strain rate n has to
jet orifices: more explicitly, two critical
be reached where n >c.
values occurred at a sharply defined critical
Figure 4-9 attempts to convey what is hap-
concentration. The first corresponds to the
pening. It depicts an overlapping system of
coil stretch transition as before, i.e., as
chains. As the strain rate reaches c, the
is increased, at a certain a bright central
chains disentangle and stretch out individu-
line appears between the jets, as in Fig.
ally (Fig. 4-9 a). As is increased (while
4-5, signaling c and hence a coil stretch
fresh solution with overlapping molecules is
transition. Increasing further, with new
becoming exposed to the flow of increasing
solution containing still unstretched mole-
strength) and the second critical strain rate n
cules constantly entering the system, a sec- is reached, the chains, now on the much short-
ond distinct event occurs (following some er time scale corresponding to n, 'grip each
intermediate stages not to be enlarged upon other', so to speak, and will act like a mechan-
here). Instead of the steady, central bright ically connected network (Fig. 4-9 b). Separ-
line, the birefringence pervades the whole ate work also established that at this stage the
volume between the jets, the system becom- flow resistance (viscosity) is enormously
ing unsteady and the birefringence flicker- increased and flow-induced chain scission,
ing like a flame; a still picture of this is given which now becomes increasingly random (as
in Fig. 4-8. This 'flare' effect we consider opposed to being precisely central), is great-
ly enhanced (Odell et al., 1992b; Keller
et al., 1985; Chow et al., 1988). It can be seen
therefore that from simple visual criteria such
as Figs. 4-5 and 4-8, it is possible to explore
the effect of flow on molecules, and use these
effects to characterize them and diagnose the
interactions between them.

c+ is substantially smaller than the conventionally
defined concentration for chain overlap, i.e., c*. The
Figure 4-8. Optical micrograph observed between reason for this is that the elongational flow-induced
crossed polars showing the 'flare' phenomenon; 0.1 % interchain interaction requires a smaller degree of
atactic polystyrene solution; M = l.2xlO6 (Odell et chain overlap than that in contact at the radius of gyra-
al., 1985). tion, the criterion used to define c*.
202 4 Flow-Induced Orientation and Structure Formation

Figure 4-9. Schematic drawing of the response of

dissolved molecules to an elongational flow field (at Concentration >
c > c+): (a) 4 < <n (extensibility within a strain rate Figure 4-10. Strain rate vs. concentration plot show-
window); (b) c < n < (mechanically effective net- ing the critical strain rate for the coil > stretch tran-
work formation giving rise to the flare phenomenon). sition (ec) and the critical strain rate for network for-
mation (n) in the case where a finite strain rate win-
dow (n-c, shaded area) exists up to c=\ (single
The relation between c, n, and concen- component melt).
tration (c) can be expressed by graphs, as
shown in Figs. 4-10 and 4-11. This is a sche-
matization of numerous results reported in
specific detail in individual works. They all
have the following features in common: (i)
c is a slowly decreasing function of c. This
is the consequence of the increasing solution
viscosity with increasing c, which in turn
increases the conformational relaxation time
T=l/ c (see Pope and Keller, 1978; Odell
etal., 1985, 1992a, b; Keller and Odell,
1985; Miles and Keller, 1980; Keller et al.,
1985; Chow et al., 1988). It is important to
note that the extending chain responds to the
frictional forces corresponding to the mean Concentration
viscosity of the medium surrounding it (i.e.,
Figure 4-11. Strain rate vs. concentration plots as in
the viscosity compounded by solvent and Fig. 4-10, but now for the case of crossover of the n
solute), (ii) n (where n >c) becomes oper- and c vs. concentration lines, in which case the strain
ative, i.e., the flare phenomenon results (see rate window ceases to exist with increasing concen-
Fig. 4-8), at and beyond a particular c=c+.
This means that for c>c+ there is an upper
limit to , up to which the chain is individu- than c, the strain rate window n - c nar-
ally extensible, and hence there is a strain rows with increasing c (Fig. 4-10). (iv) n
rate 'window' n - c for such chain exten- seems to approach c asymptotically, with
sion (shaded area in Figs. 4-10 and 4-11). n - c narrowing accordingly, but with no
(iii) As n is found to decrease more steeply evidence of a crossover of n with c as a
4.3 Structure Formation in Flowing Solutions 203

function of c. This is highly significant as the core fiber (the 'shish') and lamellae (the
existence of a crossover (Fig. 4-11) would 'kebabs') as if strung along this core. Such
signify that a given molecule can no longer composite entities (as shown in Fig. 4-12)
be extended in its entirely, because it would are the most conspicuous consequence of
have become part of a mechanically active the on-off effect of chain stretching by elon-
network as was increased. It follows that gational flow. Historically, shish-kebabs
as long as condition (iv) holds, a chain will were observed ubiquitously in solutions
remain extensible within its appropriately very soon after the recognition of lamellar
narrowed down n - c strain rate window at single crystals and feature under various
the correspondingly lowered strain rate. names throughout the early literature on the
The question that arises at this point is subject. It was gradually recognized that
how far the condition in Fig. 4-10, i.e., the orientation and flow are instrumental in
existence of a finite strain rate window of their formation (e.g., Kawai et al., 1968),
chain extensibility, holds with increasing c, but their true origin was first incisively
and specifically, whether it still holds for grasped by Pennings (Pennings, 1977; Pen-
c- 1, i.e., for the single component melt. As nings and Kiel, 1965; Pennings et al., 1970)
will be seen below, the evidence in our work in his pioneering studies on crystal forma-
on the melt is consistent with the conditions tion in solutions under the influence of stir-
embodied by Fig. 4-10, i.e., that the exten- ring. The structures observed and their par-
sibility of the full chain pertains even there. ticular attribution to flow-induced crystal-
Even so, situations will be quoted (cross- lization, as emerged from the seminal works
linked melts) where this cannot be so a pri- of Pennings and coauthors, have remained
ori and where n<c must pertain, i.e., where the basis of our understanding of flow- and
we must have a crossover at the high c side, stress-induced structure formation and will
such as in Fig. 4-11, but where nevertheless therefore have a prominent place in the
morphological effects equally attributable present article. In the tradition of the study
to the fully extended chain (but now be- of polymer morphology, the clearest mani-
tween fixed entanglement points) can be festations are the structural entities that arise
seen. The existence or nonexistence of a from solutions, to which we shall turn first.
crossing over of n with c, and its depen- However, from the earliest days onwards,
dence (if and when it exists) on c and on pre- once recognized for what they are, shish-
existing cross-links is clearly crucial for the kebabs and related structures were also
attainment of full chain extension, and identified, either directly or through their
beyond, for the understanding of entangle- effect on orientation and certain physical
ments and melt behavior in general, and will properties, in single component systems.
remain the open-ended issue in this chapter, Amongst the latter were melts of polyethy-
to be referred to again in Sec. 4.8. lene in the form of hauled-off or blown
films, through the underlying studies on
slightly cross-linked, stretched melts (Kel-
4.3 Structure Formation ler and Machin, 1967) and stretched natural
in Flowing Solutions rubber (Andrews, 1964, 1966), both of
which we shall return to later in this article.
4.3.1 The Origin of Shish-Kebabs Historically, the focus of Pennings's stud-
Shish-kebabs are crystalline assemblies ies was the recognition of, and the account-
consisting of two components: a central ing for, the dual fiber-platelet morphology



: <
&'-?$^i,Z :



1 um
Figure 4-12. Various versions of shish-kebab crystals as obtained from flowing (stirred) solutions. Electron micrographs [from Hill et al. (1980, 1983)]:
(a) micro shish-kebab; (b) enlarged view of a micro shish-kebab as shown in (a) (the black dots originate from decoration with gold); (c) micro shish-kebab
showing connecting veil (lcm represents 0.3 um); and (d) macro shish-kebab.
4.3 Structure Formation in Flowing Solutions 205

constituting the curious, profusely occurr- dence for the preexisting duality of extend-
ing effects observed at the time, and their ed and unextended chains prior to crystal-
origin. The latter was done through visual- lization, through our basic studies on elon-
izing the coexistence of highly stretched and gational flow-induced chain extension in
essentially unstretched chains, where the closely monodisperse material of noncrys-
former crystallize first giving rise to fibers tallizable polymers, as detailed in Sec. 4.2.
of which the unstretched chains avail them- In Pennings's original works, the source of
selves as nucleating templates for their dep- elongational flow was identified as conver-
osition in the form of chain-folded lamellae gent and divergent flow field regions be-
afterwards, usually on subsequent cooling tween Taylor vortices created by stirring
of the system. Figure 4-13 should serve as (Pennings et al. 1970). In subsequent stud-
a highly schematic illustration of the pro- ies by ourselves on elongational flow-
cess [originating from a later date based on induced chain extension, such flow fields
Bristol work (Keller and Mackley, 1974)]. were created purposefully in the appropri-
The molecules that stretch out to form fibers ately constructed apparatus (jets, slots, roll-
are the longest ones in an average broad dis- ers, etc.) as explained in Sec. 4.2. Figure
tribution with the rest remaining unextend- 4-14 should provide the link between the
ed, giving rise to platelet overgrowth at a two areas of work where, using the crystal-
later stage. Shish-kebab formation was seen lizable polymer polyethylene, flow-induced
to be highly fractionating, the fiber portion chain extension was created and registered
precipitating first and containing the long- first, with fibrous crystallization induced
est molecules. [In fact originally Pennings's subsequently at an appropriately lower tem-
work was concerned with fractionation perature (Keller and Mackley, 1974). Elec-
(Pennings and Kiel, 1965).] tron microscopic examination of fibers,
For our present purpose we will now use such as seen optically in Fig. 4-14, indeed
this original argument and invoke the ubi- confirmed the shish-kebab character of the
quitously documented shish-kebabs as evi- underlying crystals.
In subsequent works the emphasis of
Pennings' and collaborators' and that of the
Bristol workers diverged. Pennings's
a researches, essentially focusing on the
attainment of high modulus fibers, contin-
ued to concentrate on shish-kebabs, but this
b. (as we see it) with the intention of prepar-
ing ultrahigh modulus fibers of which shish-
kebabs can be either constituents or stations
Figure 4-13. Schematic representation of orienta- along the route of their preparation. Under
tion-induced crystallization, (a) Formation of smooth
extended-chain fibers: (i) random coils; (ii) the chains
these conditions, in the hands of Pennings
have become oriented by extensional influences; and and collaborators, the solutions pass
(iii) the preoriented chains have crystallized, (b) For- through a gel stage prior to, or concurrent-
mation of fiber-platelet composites (shish-kebabs).
Here not all the chains have been aligned and at stage ly with, the occurrence of crystallization.
(iii) only the oriented chains crystallize; the unorient- Stretching of the gel by the particular meth-
ed chains are left in their random conformation. The ods of Pennings leads to macroscopic and
latter use the crystalline fibers already formed as
nuclei for subsequent crystallization in the form of microscopic fibrillation, of which shish-
chain-folded platelets (iv). kebabs, or bundles of shish-kebabs, are the
206 4 Flow-Induced Orientation and Structure Formation

the dispersion of liquids, respectively. In

molecular terms these studies consider the
entanglement nature of the deforming and
concurrently crystallizing systems, and spe-
cifically, the role of preexisting entangle-
ment 'clusters' (Smook and Pennings,
1984). The common denominator in this
interpretation is thus the existence of entan-
gled chains, and hence of sufficiently high
concentrations to create mechanically effec-
tive chain overlap on the time scale of the
deformation to which the system is being
subjected in the course of fiber preparation.
We have no reason to query the pertinence
of the above view to the circumstances under
which those structures were obtained. Nev-
ertheless, we are disinclined to accept them
as the sole, or even the most basic mecha-
nism for shish-kebab formation. There is no
doubt that the stretching of gels (just as of
any mechanically connected system) will
produce shish-kebab type structures on
crystallization, of which more will be said
in Sec. 4.8.2. Also, we readily accept that
once the stretching effect becomes cooper-
ative and extends over macroscopic sample
volumes, macroscopic phenomena such as
invoked in Roukema (1991) and Smook and
Pennings (1984) will arise. Nevertheless,
we maintain that the mechanism, as repre-
Figure 4-14. (a) The development of crystallization
observed during suction in the opposed jet apparatus sented by Fig. 4-13, remains valid in
for a 3 wt.% polyethylene solution at 7=100C, systems that are below the concentration
= 2.3xl0 3 s"1, M^2xlO5. Polars crossed at 45. (b) required for interchain interactions and
Fibrous crystal deposit obtained during suction; it has
blocked one of the jets. Polars crossed at 45 (Keller where, accordingly, the chains are extend-
and Mackley, 1974). ing (under the appropriate elongational flow
conditions) in isolation. This issue has in
ultimate structural elements. The interpre- fact been explicitly addressed more recent-
tation arising from these studies attributes a ly in the light of knowledge acquired in pur-
macroscopic origin to the shish-kebabs, i.e., posefully conducted elongational flow
as originating through a kind of crazing or experiments, through investigations in the
through meniscus instability (Roukema, opposed jet apparatus such as underlie
1991), which happens when extending gels Fig. 4-14. Specifically, the question was
or viscous liquids, effects carried over from asked as to whether or not shish-kebabs can
well-documented studies in other fields: the arise from initially nonoverlapping chains
inhomogeneous deformation of solids and when suitably extended, or whether chain
4.3 Structure Formation in Flowing Solutions 207

overlap, i.e., network formation, is neces- is the attribute of elongational flow-induced

sary for their formation (Narh and Keller, extension of the isolated chain, supporting
1991c). This distinction has become pos- the argument that follows.
sible since recognition of the flare phenom-
enon (Fig. 4-8) as a criterion for chain over-
lap. For this purpose experiments were per- 4.3.2 The Structure of Shish-Kebabs
formed on polyethylene to determine the
effect of polymer concentration on c and en, The shish-kebab crystals are more com-
as laid out in Sec. 4.2.3 by the sharp bire- plex and intriguing than the schematic draw-
fringent line and flare criteria, respectively ings (Fig. 4-13) and the more elaborate ver-
(Figs. 4-5 and 4-8), first at a temperature sion (Fig. 4-15; Pennings, 1977) might sug-
sufficiently high to avoid crystallization and gest. In particular, the kebabs (i.e., platelets)
thus establish the value of c+. Subsequent- can be molecularly connected or unconnect-
ly, fibers such as in Fig. 4-14 b were pro- ed to the shish (core fiber). The unconnect-
duced by performing the same experiment ed platelets constitute the larger exterior por-
at appropriately lower temperatures. It was tions and can be removed by selective dis-
found that fibers with a shish-kebab charac- solution, leaving behind a core that is a shish-
ter did form, both above and below c+. kebab structure itself, but on a finer scale.
We assigned to the two structure types the
These unpublished experiments thus
terms macro and micro shish-kebabs,
attest to the fact that shish-kebab crystals
respectively (Keller and Willmouth, 1972),
can form from chains that become extend-
(schematic drawings in Fig. 4-16); the actu-
ed as if in isolation. (The question still
al shish-kebabs in Fig. 4-12a-c are micro
remains open as to how and when the
stretched out chains come together to form
fibers.) We shall take this model as the basis
of the presentation to follow. This is not to
say that we wish to bypass systems that are
extending in the form of networks. The dif-
ference between the extension of the two
systems (isolated and mechanically con-
nected chains) is a crucial one, as already
raised when juxtaposing Figs. 4-10 and
4-11, and will arise again when dealing with
the single component system of melts. At
this juncture it has arisen in connection with
the different modes of generating shish-
kebabs from solution. The fractionating
properties in particular are consistent with
either mode of formation, namely the long-
est chain molecules are the ones that extend
preferentially in an elongational flow field,
but they are also the ones that are more effec-
tive at forming a network. Nevertheless the Figure 4-15. Schematic representation of a micro
criticality in the strain rate leading to a cut- shish-kebab indicating the intimate connectedness of
the platelets with the central core [after Pennings
off in M in terms of extensibility (Fig. 4-7) (1977)].
208 4 Flow-Induced Orientation and Structure Formation



Figure 4-16. A sketch illus-

trating the difference between
macro and micro shish-kebabs.
In the macro shish-kebabs the
micro large platelets can be removed
shish- kebab to reveal the central micro
shish-kebab whose platelets are
intrinsically attached to the
central thread (Keller and Will-
mouth, 1972).

uncertainty as regards the nature of the

objects in question in specific papers.)
Thus the platelets of the macro shish-
kebab are additions to, while those of the
micro shish-kebabs are intrinsic constitu-
ents of flow-induced crystallization. The
latter arise because the fibers, as initially
formed, are 'hairy' (Fig. 4-17), with loose
chains dangling off their outer surface.
These hairs may crystallize later when the
solution is cooled further, or even after flow
has stopped, when in a random conforma-
tion they will form chain-folded platelets,
but now intimately attached to the fibrous
core. Alternatively, they can give rise to
veils connecting the platelets (Fig. 4-12 c),
or they may add smoothly to the core itself.
Figure 4-17. A sketch illustrating a current view of
the structure of the central core of a shish-kebab. Elon- In brief, such hairs can impart different
gated bundle-like crystals are connected by fringe-like appearances to the central fiber according to
amorphous regions. The chains ('hairs') emanating the conditions of their deposition in the final
(sideways) from these regions crystallize later to form
platelets. The ends of the crystals are shown tapered precipitation. We called these appearances
to allow for the lower density of the amorphous 'hairstyles'; they can be readily altered and
regions (Barham and Keller, 1985). interconverted by subsequent heat and
solution treatments, which we termed
shish-kebabs and in Fig. 4-12 d macro shish- the 'hairdressing' of shish-kebabs, Fig.
kebabs (mostly too thick, hence opaque for 4-12a-c being examples (Hill and Keller,
direct transmission electron microscopy). (It 1981; Hill etal., 1980, 1983).
should be noted that the distinction between We now turn to the structure of the cen-
macro and micro shish-kebabs is not adhered tral core, already invited by reference to Fig.
to in much of the literature, leaving some 4-17 above. Historically, this was first
4.3 Structure Formation in Flowing Solutions 209

envisaged as a more or less continuous, tron microscopy in quantitative agreement

extended-chain crystal. In the light of fur- with the size distribution calculated from
ther evidence it is now pictured as an assem- the thermal shrinkage behavior (Grubb and
bly of elongated, bundle-like crystals of Hill, 1980).
finite length with a broad length distribu- The above is intended merely as a guide
tion, where the mean length is an increasing through some of the salient structural fea-
function of the formation temperature. As tures of shish-kebab crystals. Much of the
shown schematically in Fig. 4-17, the bun- literature on this subject is associated with
dle-like crystal regions themselves are con- the development of high strength-high
ceived as connected by fringe-like, partial- modulus fibers, for which shish-kebab crys-
ly oriented amorphous regions, the whole tals provide one of the routes; many further
fibrous entity being enveloped in a shroud structural features have therefore been dis-
of loosely dangling cilia which, as described cussed in this particular context, for which
above, give rise to the kebab component and we refer the reader to the Ph. D. thesis by
connecting veils (when such are present) of J. P. Pennings (1994), which contains most
the micro shish-kebab on subsequent crys- of the relevant references.
Evidence for the ciliated shroud has come
4.3.3 On the Mechanism
from the variability of the appearance of the
of Shish-Kebab Formation
micro shish-kebab with treatment condi-
tions, i.e., from the hairdressing character- The present section is a more specific
istics referred to above. That for the seg- extension of that on the origin of shish-
mented structure of the core fiber emerged kebabs (Sec. 4.3.1). Again, we cannot be
from a study of the thermal behavior (Grubb comprehensive; the features selected have
and Keller, 1978). More precisely, on heat- some general principles to convey and are
ing close to the melting region the platelet at the same time of relevance to the present
structure which forms the kebab melts first, article. Here, within the framework of the
as to be expected. On heating further, a grad- scheme represented by Fig. 4-13 we shall
ual shrinkage is observed which is rever- confine ourselves to the formation of the
sible in the sense that the fiber unit extends innermost central fiber. There are two
again on cooling (self extension!). This is aspects to consider: (i) the mode of chain
best interpreted as melting of the crystal extension, and (ii) the formation of crystals
bundles within the fibrous entity. As long as from preextended chains.
such a fibrous chain assembly remains in (i) Chain extension - We shall consider
existence, melting will produce shrinkage here only the extension of isolated, or at
and crystallization extension. The melting least mechanically noninteracting chains. In
itself is envisaged as progressive, the short- addition to the previously discussed chain
er crystals melting first. From a detailed extending effect of elongational flow, a fur-
study of the shrinkage-extension behavior ther interesting associated factor comes into
as a function of temperature, the crystal play, the lead into which was provided by
length distribution could be calculated, also the Zwijnenburg-Pennings 'tip growth'
as a function of the formation temperature method (Zwijnenburg and Pennings, 1975)
of the shish-kebab (Grubb and Keller, for producing high modulus fibers. In this
1978). Subsequently, this segmented nature method, a preexisting polyethylene fiber (at
of the core was confirmed by dark field elec- a later stage even a cotton fiber) was
210 4 Flow-Induced Orientation and Structure Formation

immersed in a flowing solution of polyeth- cles to create flow-induced structures will

ylene held at a temperature slightly above be reinvoked again later (Sec. 4.4).
that for precipitation. As the fiber was with- (ii) Crystallization from preextended
drawn counterstreamwise, it was observed chains - As already stated in Sec. 4.1, it is
that it was growing at the tip, and by adjust- apparent that crystallization will be promot-
ing the flow and withdrawal speed, a steady ed by chain extension both on thermody-
state could be reached where the growing namic and kinetic grounds. To recapitulate,
fiber tip always stayed at the same position the extension and concomitant orientation
while being wound up at the other end: a of chains reduces the entropy of the solution
stage where clearly the speed of winding up (or for that matter melts), thus raising the
matched that of the fiber growth. The above melting point (Tm). Consequently, for any
procedure lends itself to continuous fiber temperature T<Tm this will increase the
production (potentially at least), but for amount of supercooling and hence the driv-
the present purpose it illuminates a scientif- ing force for crystallization. In addition, as
ic principle, namely that of the chain ex- the chains have become more or less par-
tending effect behind the tip when tip and allel, the kinetic hindrances which prevail
fluid are in relative motion. In this case a in the random coil state will become large-
stagnation point arises behind the tip (or ly reduced.
behind any other solid obstacle), with an Attempts to treat the situation theoretical-
associated elongational flow field at that ly have focused largely on the issue of the
locality. orientation-enhanced nucleation rate. Even
The above situation can be readily trans- though this topic might be of great impor-
ferred to the growth of shish-kebab crystals. tance for the present article, we shall not
Once a shish-kebab fiber has formed it will embark on it in any detail besides giving
modify the flow field around it. Specifical- some references (Hay et al., 1976; Ander-
ly, it acts like the seed fiber in the fiber grow- sen and Carr, 1984; Pucci and Carr, 1984).
ing method outlined above: downstream the The nucleation enhancement is enormous
tip acts as a kind of 'windbreaker' to the by any a priori expectation, but the spread
flow, creating a stagnation point and a con- in attempted numerical assignments is so
sequent elongational flow region which large (in keeping with general experiences
extends the chains, so enhancing the effect in the nucleation field) that explicit predic-
of the overall flow field. In this way growth tions are fraught with problems. This par-
of the shish-kebab fiber should be maintain- ticular subject will receive more specific
able even outside the locality of the macro- attention from Eder and Janeschitz-Kriegl
scopic elongational flow field, which in Chapter 5 of this Volume. For a most
caused the shish-kebab to be formed in the informative earlier review see Pucci and
first instance. Mackley (1975 a) has shown Carr (1984).
by calculation that such expectations are Having stated the above, we shall confine
indeed realistic, and in fact has put these ourselves to a few specific theoretical con-
principles to use in the preparation of shish- siderations on crystallization such as are rel-
kebabs through the immersion of prede- evant to the structural features of the core
signed obstacles into the streaming solution fiber mentioned in the foregoing. Amongst
of otherwise straightforward, simple shear these is the likelihood of near simultaneous
flow (i.e., not elongational flow) character crystal nucleation at several points along a
(Mackley, 1975 b). Ths influence of obsta- stretch of preextended chains, a situation
4.4 Structure Formation in Flowing Melts 211

envisaged by Pennings (1977) and by Hoff- tioning that is seemingly in conflict with the
man (1979), amongst others. Irrespective of mainstream view outlined above. In experi-
the actual rate values, this type of nuclea- ments analogous to the Zwijnenburg-Pen-
tion will create a 'crossing over' of chains nings tip-growth fiber production method
in such a way that crystals growing out lon- (1975), McHugh and collaborators (Riet-
gitudinally from the different nucleation veld and McHugh, 1983; Vrahopoulou-Gil-
sites along the chains will not be able to bert and McHugh, 1984) observed a dark
match up in perfect register when they meet. zone forming behind the solid tip (i.e.,
This will lead to defective regions along the downstream), as seen between crossed
fibrous crystals and thus to a limited crystal polars, with the birefringent fibers emerg-
size along the chain direction, with a length ing subsequently from whithin this dark
distribution corresponding to the distribu- zone. This dark zone, obviously isotropic
tion of nuclei and hence also to the nuclea- (but why darker than the equally isotropic
tion density. Such a situation is consistent environment is not clear), is attributed by
with the schematic structure in Fig. 4-17 and the above authors to a randomly oriented
has in fact been invoked previously to amorphous gel-like liquid precursor phase,
account for the observed thermal behavior which is the result of flow-induced liq-
(Grubb and Keller, 1978). uid-liquid phase separation, and is seen as
In addition to the above, Hoffman's the primary product of the orientation and
approach (1979) also provides an explana- as the source of all subsequent happenings,
tion for the small diameter of the central core in a way elaborated in a series of papers sub-
fiber, which using the available experimen- sequently. In these works the view is taken
tal evidence [see George and Tucker (1975)] that the observed increase in birefringence
is in the range of 20-30 nm, a dimension it is the consequence of the growth of orient-
seems incapable of exceeding. Hoffman ed crystals within the unoriented precursor
considers that in a model such as in Fig. fiber, as opposed to the initial formation of
4-17 there must be strains at the interface oriented amorphous regions which subse-
between the crystal and the disordered quently crystallize. To account for the
regions at the crystal tips because of the larg- observations underlying the above model
er cross-sectional area requirement of the and to reconcile them with the mainstream
latter. As the crystal diameter increases view expounded by the present chapter
through continuing lateral growth, this strain remains a task for future work. But until then
will increase correspondingly in a cumula- the possibility of a precursor phase result-
tive manner until further lateral growth is ing from orienting influences has left a mark
brought to a halt. Invoking basic principles on the whole subject (see the next chapter
of mechanics, a match between the observed, in this Volume).
apparently limiting diameter and its calcula-
tion is obtained. The ciliated shroud envel-
oping the fiber but not crystallizing on it (at
4.4 Structure Formation
least at this stage) would be a natural conse-
quence of such a model, several additional in Flowing Melts
predictions arising from it inviting further
experimental investigations. 4.4.1 General Considerations
At this point and to end this section, a fur- The main concern of this chapter is flow-
ther, totally different departure needs men- induced structures formed under the condi-
212 4 Flow-Induced Orientation and Structure Formation

tions of processing, or the equivalent of pro- overlap need not necessarily mean mechan-
cessing. For a large majority of cases this ical interaction under the orienting influenc-
means structure formation from the melt. As es: whether the overlapping chains extend
solution processing is currently gaining individually as in solution (Fig. 4-9 a) or as
ground, e.g., gel processing, experiences parts of a mechanically connected network
with solutions (as described in Sec. 4.3) [with entanglements as junction points (Fig.
should become increasingly relevant in an 4-9b)] depends on the time scale (i.e., strain
explicit fashion. Even so, the main signifi- rate) of the orienting influence, a shorter
cance of the earlier described experiences time scale (higher strain rate) tending to
on chain orientation and the resultant struc- activate the network mode. Whether one or
tures formed in solutions lies in the fact that the other mode is operative in the case of
such experiences provide a basis for the geometrically overlapping chains, or both if
understanding of analogous effects arising each mode is active, is a crucial question, as
in the melt which are not as amenable to such already raised when discussing the alterna-
experimentation, at least not in a similarly tives of Figs. 4-10 and 4-11 (as appropriate
definitive and controllable fashion. One rea- for high concentrations and ultimately to the
son for this is the lack of similarly well- melt). If we cannot provide the final answer
defined crystallizable material in sufficient here, we can at least put these, what we
quantities as needed for such experiments: believe to be the basic alternatives, on the
the high molecular weight polyethylene map. We can, however, draw close parallels
available for such a purpose is inevitably between solutions and melts irrespective of
highly polydisperse (to recall, orientability whether they arise through the isolated
is an inverse power function of the chain chain extension or the network alternative.
length). Further and more significantly, the As will be apparent, there are, rather
resulting structural entities cannot be as remarkably, many analogies with the case
readily identified and even less separated of the extension of noninteracting chains, as
from the remaining, still untransformed ascertained in solution, suggesting that such
material and thus examined in isolation, as considerations may also not be out of place
in the solution case. Even so, there are ade- for the melts.
quate indications that some, if not all, of the
principal conclusions reached on solutions,
and set out above, can be carried over to melt 4.4.2 Structural Analogies -
systems. This, with due qualifications, Overall Morphology
applies to the structures as such, i.e., to the Just as in the solution case, the dominant
morphology, to the underlying molecular orientation-induced crystalline structure is
processes, and to some of the associated rhe- the shish-kebab. Its visibility and hence
ology. These we shall describe and discuss detectability is usually obscured by the sur-
in turn in the following. rounding material, but thanks to the diffe-
First, however, the main qualification rential melting behavior and to the contrast
needs stating. In a solution there can be both provided by the polarizing light microscope,
isolated and overlapping chains according shish-kebab entities can under certain cir-
to concentration. In melts there are no such cumstances, be made conspicuously appar-
alternatives, the chains are always (neces- ent (Grubb etal., 1975) (Fig. 4-18). The
sarily) overlapping. Nevertheless, we have similarity to the solution case (Fig. 4-12) is
seen in the solution case that topological obvious: both the kebab (platelet) structure
4.4 Structure Formation in Flowing Melts 213

blending of such high M materials (Afw

~ 106) into standard M samples, even in very
small proportions (-1%) (see Bashir et al.,
1984), which suggests that the shish-kebab
entities represent the high M fraction in a
given distribution. This sensitivity to the
high M fraction present is consistent with
the preferential alignment of the longer
molecules with a sharp, low M cut-off in
elongational flow, as diagnosed in solutions
of noninteracting chains. On the other hand,
long chains will also promote network for-
mation, and hence a broad consistency also
exists with a network-based model, even if
the step from a stretched network to shish-
kebab crystals cannot be as readily envis-
aged as in the case of isolated (or at least
Figure 4-18. Shish-kebab crystals in a film of poly- noninteracting) chains through schematic
propylene formed after the melt was sheared by press- drawings, as in Fig. 4-13. We shall return to
ing. Polarizing optical micrograph, crossed polars
(Grubbetal., 1975). this point later.

and the shish (the central thread) are mani-

4.4.3 Chain Extension -
fest. However, in contrast to the solution
Fiber Generation
case, it is not possible to tell whether it is
the macro or micro shish-kebab variety, as Here we recall early applications of the
the selective dissolution test for removing jet-based elongational flow experiments as
the 'macro' portion of the platelets is not performed on melts, which have shown con-
applicable in this case. The main feature, the spicuous analogies with their solution coun-
dual platelet morphology, remains apparent terparts (Mackley and Keller, 1973; Mack-
nevertheless, which according to the fore- ley et al., 1975). For our present purpose we
going is the 'signature', so to speak, of the shall confine ourselves to experiments per-
dual nature of the underlying chain align- formed at or closely above the stationary
ment corresponding to essentially random state solidification temperature where crys-
and essentially fully or at least highly tallization can occur as a consequence of
extended chains. As stated in Sec. 4.1, this preceding chain extension, i.e., to situations
dual nature of the chain alignment, as analogous to those pertaining to Fig. 4-14 in
reflected by the resulting morphology (or on the solution case. In double-suck-jet experi-
the other hand, giving rise to this particular ments such as shown in Fig. 4-19, sharply
morphology), is our principal theme in this defined fibers appear along the central line
article. Significantly, the formation of shish- between the jets; this is closely analogous
kebabs is promoted by high molecular to fiber formation from solutions (Fig.
weight (M) material: shish-kebabs occur 4-14). (In the melt case the fibers are most
more profusely in material of higher M treat- clearly visible in unpolarized light, because
ed similarly otherwise, and their number can between crossed polars the effect is overlaid
be significantly increased by the subsequent by the brightness of the background. This is
214 4 Flow-Induced Orientation and Structure Formation

the time (Keller and Mackley, 1974; Mack-

ley and Keller, 1973), originate behind the
grid bars of a metal gauze placed there as a
filter, which in turn generates stagnation
points for flow downstream, as any station-
ary obstacle would do as a matter of course.
The last point is brought out most striking-
ly by Fig. 4-20. Here a solid needle is placed
in the flow field with the melt flowing into
a single orifice. As the flow velocity
increases, a fiber appears at the needle tip
spreading downstream into the orifice
(Fig. 4-20b). Clearly, the fibrous tip has
generated a stagnation point which in turn
gives rise to a longitudinal velocity gradi-
ent and hence elongational flow, which,
when of sufficient magnitude, leads to chain
extension and at the appropriate tempera-
Figure 4-19. Bright field photograph taken during ture to fibrous crystal entities. Note that the
flow of the region between the orifices of the opposed fiber only appears beyond a certain veloc-
jets apparatus, showing the formation of the central
fiber and additional fibrous crystallization induced by
ity [when going from Fig. 4-20a to (b)],
a gauze upstream in the polymer melt supply. Poly- which suggests that the critical strain rate
ethylene, T= 140 C (Mackley and Keller, 1973). criterion for the coil > stretch transition is
likely to apply and hence that the extension
due to the massive optical retardation behavior of noninteracting chains may
caused by the surrounding melt, which has apply. (Firming up on this point by perform-
a small birefringence but a very large opti- ing such experiments in smaller velocity
cal path. In other words, in the melt case the increments using sharp M fractions is clear-
effects cannot be seen as a bright line against ly invited.) Further, the generation of fibers
a dark background as with solutions.) The by an external obstacle, a needle tip in
resemblance to the corresponding solution particular, is analogous to the Zwijnen-
case, both before and after crystallization, burg-Pennings tip-growth method (Zwij-
is evident (compare Figs. 4-19 and 4-14b). nenburg and Pennings, 1975) of fiber pro-
From this, to us compelling, evidence it thus duction from solution, and on the scale of
appears that given the appropriate strain rate the individual shish-kebab fiber, to the
and strain (ensured by the stagnation point mechanism of shish-kebab growth due to
along the central axis), molecules in the melt the perturbation of the flow field by the
can align and stretch out just as they do in newly formed shish-kebab (Mackley,
solutions, which is made visible in Fig. 1975 a, b), as described in Sec. 4.3.
4-19 by fixation of the stretched out state The reality of the above theme is corrob-
through crystallization. orated by additional features of Figs. 4-20
Another feature of Fig. 4-19 deserves and 4-21. In Fig. 4-20 c, on increasing the
pointing out, namely the fibers along the strain rate a further effect is seen, namely
parabolic streamlines entering the jets from fibers entering the single jet along the con-
the top downwards. These, as recognized at verging flow lines across the full jet diam-
4.4 Structure Formation in Flowing Melts 215

Figure 4-20. Photographs viewed between crossed polars showing the development of fibrous crystallization
for a polyethylene melt flowing (left to right) into an orifice with a stationary needle-like obstruction upstream;
T= 140C. (a) Mean velocity into orifice (vm) = 0.8 c m s " ' , ( b ) ^ m = 3.3 cm s"1, (c) z;m = 8.0 c m s 1 (Mackley et al.,

Figure 4-21. Photograph

viewed between crossed
polars showing four succes-
sive stages of the develop-
ment of crystallization with
time at a single entry ori-
fice. (As in Fig. 4-20 but
here without an obstacle.
In this case the flow direc-
tion is from right to left.
vm - 2.6 cm s (Mackley
etal., 1975).

eter. This corresponds to the generation of Fiber formation in flowing melts entering
fibers, as a result of underlying chain exten- a single jet has received additional attention
sion, by a single orifice where (as opposed (Mackley etal., 1975), (Fig. 4-21). Here,
to the double jet) there is no stagnation just as in Fig. 4-20 c, fibrous crystals
point. It follows that for the same overall appeared at the jet entrance at and beyond a
strain rate, the achievable strain here will be particular melt-flow velocity (Fig. 4-21 b).
smaller than behind the needle tip at the On increasing the velocity further, the fibers
locality of the stagnation point. Indeed, as 'grow' away from the jet entrance into the
seen from Fig. 4-20 c, the strain rate had to melt interior along the converging flow lines
be increased (as compared with Fig. 4-20b) (Fig. 4-21 c), finally 'settling' at a particu-
for this type of fiber formation in a single lar distance from the orifice as determined
jet to result. by the flow velocity (Fig. 4-21 d).
216 4 Flow-Induced Orientation and Structure Formation

The behavior shown in Fig. 4-21 can be

described by a self-stabilizing, dynamic
equilibrium, which we consider both impor-
tant for practice and pertinent for our under-
standing of flow-induced structure forma-
tion. Fig. 4-22 should help to convey the
essential details. First, however, it is impor-
tant to realize that fibers as seen in Figs.
4-19 to 4-21 are not stationary: they are con-
stantly being swept into the orifice by the
surrounding melt, in fact they are moving
together with the melt. They are seen as sta-
tionary because they are in a state of con-
stant self-renewal, growing out from the spe-
cific localities where they are being gener-
ated. The site of fiber creation depends on
the nature of the flow field. In Fig. 4-19 this (b)

site is along the central jet axis at the stag-

nation point, which is the geometric center
of the system. In Fig. 4-20 there is also a
stagnation point, but in this case located
down-stream behind the tip of the solid nee-
dle, created by the needle itself, and similar-
ly for the fibers along the parabolic flow lines
in Fig. 4-19, where the obstacles creating the
stagnation point are outside the field of view.
In the single jet case of Fig. 4-21 and in
the relevant part of Fig. 4-20, there is no
stagnation point. The fibers first arise close
to the orifice at points along a surface where
the velocity gradient is at a maximum. This
surface is not as uniquely defined as in
the case of a stagnation point-containing (c)

system, and indeed strong fluctuations of the

loci of fiber initiation are seen (recorded on
a motion picture). Once a fiber is formed it
Stationary fiber
is swept into the orifice with a velocity cor-
responding to that of the flowing melt with-
in the capillary. Since the velocity in the cap-
illary is larger than at some distance outside
it (where the fibers arise), the fiber tip will Figure 4-22. Schematic representation of flow into a
move faster than the surrounding melt, thus single orifice (Mackley et al., 1975): (a) flow field
creating a local elongational flow field at the with flow unobstructed; (b) flow field as modified by
the fiber itself being swept into the orifice but grow-
tip, which then produces chain extension and ing upstream at the tip; and (c) local flow field around
consequent crystallization. In fact the situa- growing fiber, considering the fiber to be stationary.
4.5 Relation Between Morphology and Orientation 217

tion is analogous to that envisaged for shish- a maximum with r, from which the existence
kebab growth, as described in the preceding of a surface (at a distance rmax) of dynamic
section, where the role of the local elonga- equilibrium follows in agreement with the
tional flow field generated by the newly aris- observation even on such qualitative
ing fiber tip was first recognized. In the grounds. In fact the r region where fcryst has
present instance we have the superposition a maximum can be calculated analytically
of simultaneous removal and growth of the and, with coefficients that are pertinent to the
fiber, the former generating the flow condi- situation under consideration, reasonable
tions giving rise to the latter. Here, by obser- quantitative agreement with experiment
vation, growth is faster initially, until at a could be established (Mackley et al., 1975).
specific distance from the orifice the two (In reality the velocity gradient willl also be
processes become equal in a state of dynam- zero within the capillary, and hence # gen
ic equilibrium (Mackley et al., 1975). To be itself will need to have a maximum with r.
more specific, consider two flow fields, a However, this maximum occurs close to the
general macroscopic one and a local one capillary entrance at an r value comparable
created by the tip of the newly arising fiber to the orifice diameter - more precisely at
which is moving into the capillary and hence r=5a/3, where a is the orifice diameter - at
is in relative motion with respect to the melt. a distance that the fibers soon outgrow. Such
The situation is depicted diagrammatically particulars are taken into account by the
in Fig. 4-22. Here Fig. 4-22 a represents the quantitative treatment.)
general flow field, Fig. 4-22b the field as The above demonstration of fiber gener-
modified by the fiber, and Fig. 4-22 c the ation, as seen under low powers of light opti-
local flow field around the fiber taking the cal viewing, fully conforms with expecta-
fiber as stationary. For the two flow fields in tions from chain stretching in elongational
Figs. 4-22 a and 4-22c the corresponding flow fields, in close analogy with what has
strain rates will be deonted gen and loc. been observed under the more readily defin-
These vary spatially with a different func- able and explorable conditions of the solu-
tional dependence in terms of the spatial dis- tion experiments. In addition, the last-pre-
tance r (from the orifice entrance). The crys- sented case of the converging single jet ori-
tal growth velocity, ^cryst, is a linear function fice leads us into a system that is common
of both gen and loc with different coeffi- in the technological practice of melt char-
cients of proportionality (A and B) acterization and melt processing and which,
in addition, has been the reason for further
v AF\ + RF (A-V\
fundamental studies relevant to the subject
In view of the fact that the fiber movement of this review. These are covered in the fol-
downstream conforms to the highest veloc- lowing sections.
ity in the system, hence the relative velocity
between the fiber tip and the melt with
increasing r, it follows that Aloc increases 4.5 Relation Between
as a function of r. On the other hand, as the
velocity gradient will be highest in the region
Morphology and Orientation
of greatest convergence near the orifice, fall-
4.5.1 The General Scheme
ing off to zero further out towards the melt
interior, on the whole, Be will decrease as In what follows we revert again to our
a function of r. Thus Eq. (4-3) should have initial theme, namely that in orientation
218 4 Flow-Induced Orientation and Structure Formation

induced by flow we have essentially two strength of the flow creates more fibers, i.e.,
types of entity: those that are virtually fully it orients and extends more chains, as
extended and those that are virtually unex- opposed to extending all the chains uniform-
tended, with (to a first approximation) noth- ly to some higher degree in a progressive
ing in between. The 'entity' can refer to two manner.
different dimensional levels, namely to the Before proceeding, the spherulite, i.e., the
chains and to the crystals arising therefrom. relevant structural element of melt crystal-
The common ground is that flow of the lization, which arises in the absence of flow,
appropriate kind and strength will extend needs explaining. Figure 4-23 shows its
the chains in a limited portion of the mate- familiar appearance under the polarizing
rial giving rise to fibrous crystals aligned microscope. It shows a spherically (or cir-
along the flow field, with the remainder of cularly, in two dimensions) symmetrical
the material crystallizing into chain-folded arrangement of birefringent structural ele-
platelets just as it would in a state of rest. ments. In this instance they are displayed in
Thus the flow-oriented, final crystalline consecutive stages of growth, illustrating
product is constituted of a combination of the evolution of structure with time. This is
these two morphological entities. In the fol- a cornerstone in the major field of crystal-
lowing we shall look at the possible combi- lization kinetics, specifically as interpreted
nations. In the first place this will be irre- in terms of structure development, a subject
spective of how they originate on a molec- to feature in the next chapter in this Volume,
ular level, merely restating the fact that, to and hence will not concern us further
a first approximation, increasing the here.

Figure 4-23. Spherulites,

an example of their optical
features and growth in the
case of polyethylene. This
figure shows six successive
stages of spherulite growth
from the melt at the (con-
stant) temperature of
123 C. The times of crys-
tallization are indicated in
each frame; polarizing opti-
cal micrograph; crossed
polars (Chivers et al.,
4.5 Relation Between Morphology and Orientation 219

Figure 4-25. Lamellar structures in melt-crystallized

Figure 4-24. Schematic model of a spherulite incor- spherulitic polyethylene. The interior three-dimen-
porating the following main features: spherical sym- sional structures are revealed thanks to solvent extrac-
metry, lamellar crystal constituents, and periodic tion of lower molecular weight material that had not
orientation variations of these constituents along the crystallized at the intended high crystallization tem-
spherulite radius. perature of 128.8 C, only on subsequent cooling.
Scale bar = 1 um (for A and B see source reference).
Scanning electron micrograph (Winram et al., 1978).

In Fig. 4-23 the spherulites are seen to as Fig. 4-24, in as far as they reveal the
have a concentrically banded structure, lamellar structural elements also indicating
which is due to the periodically varying their twisting nature.)
orientation of the birefringent structure ele- In the following the overall pattern of
ments along the radii (see reviews, e.g., Kel- structure development as a function of flow
ler, 1985). In morphological terms this aris- strength will be outlined in the light of the
es from crystal lamellae growing radially dual fiber-platelet morphology scheme.
outwards from a common center (which is This will be followed by illustrations
normally the centre of the initial sheaf) with through case histories with emphasis on his-
a continuous periodic variation in the orien- torical development. The subsequent sec-
tation. The latter is normally envisaged as tion (Sec. 4.5.5) will then treat the macro-
some kind of helicoidal twisting. Even if the scopic orientation in terms of the morpho-
morphological details are by no means clear, logical background established in the pre-
for the purpose to follow it will be repre- ceding sections.
sented through the model of Fig. 4-24. For the overall pattern of structure-mor-
(Detailed study of the fine structure, and phology development, Fig. 4-26 should
specifically how the lamellae build up the serve as guidance. Starting at the high flow
spherulite in three dimensions is not quite strength end of the spectrum, the situation
straightforward, because rather drastic etch- here is as follows. A large majority of the
ing or extraction procedures are required to chains will be stretched out under the strong
make the pertinent features accessible. Nev- orienting influence and, when crystallized,
ertheless, micrographs such as Fig. 4-25 are will give rise to fibers. Thus the situation of
at least broadly consistent with a model such an entirely, or at least predominantly,
220 4 Flow-Induced Orientation and Structure Formation

XDOOO ooooc x x x o ooooc

>oooo OOOOC X X X X ) ooooc

a) b) c)
Figure 4-26. Schematic representation of the crystal texture originating during orientation (flow)-induced crys-
tallization of polymeric melts, shown for polyethylene. Details (a), (b), and (c) show the effect of decreasing the
strength of the orientation influences. Orientation generates fibrous crystals as shown in (a). On weakening the
orientating influence, fewer and hence more widely spaced fibers form, and the intervening material subsequent-
ly crystallizes as platelet overgrowth. With a moderate fiber separation the platelets are all essentially parallel
(b), but with a large fiber separation, arising under a still weaker orienting influence, the platelets will twist (c)
(meant to be conveyed by the plaited lines) as they would in spherulitic growth under stationary conditions (see
Fig. 4-24), except here they are confined to planes normal to the fiber (hence flow) direction. [Scheme based on
Keller and Mackley (1974) and Keller and Machin (1967)].

may be an intrinsic limitation on the fiber

diameter, as observed in solutions (George
and Tucker, 1975) and accounted for theo-
retically by Hoffman (1979) as discussed in
Sec. 4.3.3, conditions which may well also
be applicable to the melt. Also in reality a
small amount of unextended chains is like-
ly to be left, giving rise to some stunted
platelet overgrowth, not represented in the
sketch of Fig. 4-26 a.
With diminishing flow strength, fewer
chains will become extended because the
cut-off of chain extension will move
increasingly towards higher molecular
weights in a given molecular weight distri-
bution for a given strain rate (see Fig. 4-7),
Figure 4-27. X-ray diffraction pattern of a highly
oriented polyethylene filament showing oaxis orien- which leaves an increasingly larger portion
tation (by courtesy of A.W.M. Braam). of the chains unextended. Thus there will be
fewer fibrils where the space between them
will become filled with lamellar overgrowth
fibrous morphology will arise giving rise to analogously to solution grown shish-kebabs
the characteristic c-axis X-ray fiber diffrac- (Fig. 4-26b).
tion pattern of Fig. 4-27. This is the case that As, with a decreasing flow strength the
we attempt to illustrate schematically in Fig. number of fibers decreases, with a concom-
4-26 a. We have no a priori knowledge of a itant increase of the spaces in between, there
specific fiber diameter, but by experience will be a corresponding increase in the lat-
(see Sec. 4.3), and by analogy with the solu- eral extension of the chain-folded over-
tion case, the fibrils are likely to be in the growth layer. However, based on extensive
10-100 nm region. It is possible that there long-standing experience, as the distance
4.5 Relation Between Morphology and Orientation 221

between the fibers increases a further, new lamellae will appear prominent giving the
factor comes into play. The growing lamel- overall impression of a fibrosity that is per-
lae will not stay parallel but will progres- pendicular to the flow direction. Under still
sively randomize as they would in a sphe- higher magnification a further distinction
rulite. In spherulites this randomization is may become possible within the transverse
usually achieved through regularly alternat- fibrosity, namely straight fibers (lamellae
ing orientation variations, giving rise to seen edge-on, see Fig. 4-26 b) or further
periodic banding as in Fig. 4-23. This ran- structural features along the transverse
domization is represented in terms of peri- fibrosity due to orientation variations along
odic helicoidal winding, as visualized in the the lamellae (Fig. 4-26 c). Irrespective of
model of Fig. 4-24 in our schematization the last-mentioned distinction, fibrosity
(Fig. 4-26 c). The columnar object in Fig. transverse to the orienting influence is
4-26 c can thus be regarded as a parallel seemingly contrary to a priori expectations.
stack of two-dimensional spherulites, which Clearly the borderline between the two
can be best appreciated through the three- cases, as perceived at a given magnification,
dimensional representation in Fig. 4-37 (see will be much affected by the width of the
Sec. Note that in the case of very columns, which is determined by the num-
weak flows very few fibers form. These, in ber of fibers, in turn determined by the
themselves, would be inadequate to influ- strength of the flow.
ence the final sample characteristics if it
were not for setting the pattern of the ensu-
ing lamellar overgrowth for the overwhelm- 4.5.2 Examples of Fibrous and
ingly major portion of the material, which Parallel Lamellar Columnar Structures
has remained unextended. This will impart The first examples used in developing the
a characteristic texture, on a morphological theme just stated relate to experiences with
level, and a characteristic orientation pat- a capillary rheometer (Fig. 4-28). Here, the
tern, on the level of X-ray diffraction diag- portion effective in producing orientation is
nosis, to the sample as a whole; these will the entrance orifice, which is equivalent to
be taken in turn in the following. the single jet case discussed in Sec. 4.4.3
On a morphological level the scheme of (Fig. 4-21 there), thus forming a natural link
Fig. 4-26 has the following to convey: the between the subject matter of the two sec-
characteristic effect is a fibrosity along two tions.
mutually orthogonal directions, one parallel We start with the high flow strength
and the other perpendicular to the initial end of the spectrum, which was also the
orienting influence (flow), but on different starting point of the seminal works of van
scales. At low magnification it will be the der Vegt and Smit (1967). These authors
parallel fibrosity that is apparent, represent- performed standard rheological measure-
ed by the original flow-induced fibrils plus ments using a capillary rheometer (Fig.
the surrounding envelope of transverse 4-28) on polyolefins (polypropylene, poly-
lamellae, where the latter may not be indi- ethylene, and ethylene propylene copolym-
vidually resolvable. The impression of par- ers) and also on natural rubber, but in con-
allel fibrosity is thus created by the parallel trast to usual practice, not only at conven-
columns consisting of core fibers and over- tional processing temperatures (i.e., far
growth platelets. At high magnifications, on above the melting point where the viscosity
the other hand, the transversely growing is lower), but also closer to temperatures
222 4 Flow-Induced Orientation and Structure Formation

^ 10



10 101

Apparent wall shear rate (s l)

Figure 4-29. Apparent flow curve (uncorrected
DIE stress vs. apparent wall shear rate) for a linear poly-
ethylene (M=2.8x105) measured at 146C showing
Figure 4-28. Schematic representation of a capillary the onset of elongational flow-induced crystallization
rheometer used in many of the experiments referred (Kolnaar and Keller, 1995) (indicated by yc). Our own
to throughout the review. repeat of the effect discovered by van der Vegt and
Smit (1967) (but expressed differently there).

where the respective materials solidify van der Vegt and Smit (1967) interpreted
under stationary conditions in practice. the effect in question as the consequence of
Here they made the observation, unexpect- elongational flow-induced chain extension
ed at the time, that for sufficiently high associated with converging flow into the
strain rates (as calculated from the plunger entry orifice, which then raises the melting
speed) the viscosity increased (instead of point, in turn leading to crystallization. The
decreasing, as for the usually expected shear latter being from preoriented chains leads to
thinning behavior) with increasing rate, this the macroscopic orientation observed.
rise proceeding to infinity, i.e., until com- Attribution of the blocking effect to elon-
plete cessation of flow, meaning blockage gational flow is substantiated by the depen-
of the capillary at a critical shear rate (yc). dence of the (apparent) critical elongation-
(A pressure vs. plunger velocity curve of our al strain rate eAc on the entrance angle of
own illustrating this phenomenon is shown the conical orifice, in the sense that a larg-
in Fig. 4-29.) The solidified polymer er a (where a is half the cone angle), corre-
blocking the flow in the form of a plug sponding to higher convergence and hence
showed a very high degree of orientation by to a larger elongational flow component,
X-ray diffraction, corresponding to c-axis required a lower critical throughput
orientation in a normal drawn fiber (see (expressed in terms of an apparent wall
Fig. 4-27). shear rate yAc) and hence a lower piston
4.5 Relation Between Morphology and Orientation 223

velocity for the blockage effect to occur. In

fact the anticipated relation of van der Vegt
and Smit (1967)
A c = K yAc tan 2a (4-4)
(expressed here in our own notation; K is a
constant3) was found to be closely obeyed.
The van der Vegt-Smit line of experimen-
tation was pursued further in numerous
studies by Porter and collaborators (e.g.,
Southern and Porter, 1970; Porter et al.,
1975). The emphasis here was on the prod-
uct (plug) arising through the blockage,
which showed advantageous properties, Figure 4-30. Two strands of the same high density
polyethylene. The opaque strand (bottom) is conven-
specifically a high modulus (70 GPa) and tionally extruded. The translucent strand (top) has
breaking strength ( 3 GPa), placing the been prepared under special conditions involving
solidification in the capillary (Porter et al., 1975).
plug thus obtained in the ultrastiff and ultra-
strong material category. The latter arises
from the very high chain extension making squeezing the solidified material out
the C-C valence bonds along the almost through a further increase in the pressure.
fully stretched out chain the stiffness and From a practical point of view this was con-
strength determining element. Most essen- venient as it enabled the continuous produc-
tially for the present discussion, the materi- tion of filaments. Nevertheless, from the
al is highly fibrous and, as far as can be scientific point of view, it gave the resulting
assessed from the published scanning elec- product a hybrid origin. Namely, these prod-
tron micrographs, consists largely, if not ucts are the combined outcome of flow-
entirely, of fibrous structural elements. The induced crystallization and subsequent
macroscopic plug readily fibrillates, as is to 'solid-state extrusion'. The latter is a solid-
be expected from a predominantly fibrous state deformation process (even if per-
morphology, nevertheless it is highly homo- formed at high temperatures close to the
geneous in its undisturbed state, at least on melting point), a subject outside the scope
the light optical scale, as testified by its of the present chapter (see Chapter 16, by
transparency (Fig. 4-30). Ward, in this Volume). In the following we
While the above-mentioned, highly chain shall focus on experiments involving flow-
extended, essentially fibrous plugs are induced crystallization alone, without any
obtainable by merely extracting the solidi- subsequent deforming influence.
fied material from the capillary after the While keeping to a capillary rheometer as
blockage has occurred, most of the so-called in Fig. 4-28, we shall now consider struc-
'Porter plugs' referred to in the literature, ture formation at lower strain rates, i.e.,
including the work in Bristol (Farrell and before the onset of blockage yet still while
Keller, 1977), have been obtained by in the course of flow. In the particular work
3 concerned (Keller and Odell, 1978), the
Following rheological practice we use here the sym-
bol 7 to denote shear rates as rheologically defined, temperature and plunger velocity were
while retaining the symbol as the elongational strain adjusted so as to create fibrous crystal
rate experienced by the individual chain molecule. entities that are solely flow induced but
224 4 Flow-Induced Orientation and Structure Formation

insufficient in number to produce blockage. The formation of parallel lamellar tex-

The fiber formation was monitored by tures with the lamellae having grown trans-
polarizing light optical methods. These verse to the initial orienting influence is
were of two kinds: (i) Viewing the melt dur- widespread and not confined to the special
ing flow in situ in an apparatus equipped conditions just described; the example
with a glass capillary (Keller and Odell, given should serve merely as an illustration
1978). Here the appearance of birefringent of how they can be controlled and purpose-
lines at a low magnification could be regis- fully designed. Such structures can appear
tered directly, (ii) After complete solidifica- under a range of conditions involving solid-
tion in the stationary state within the result- ification during flow and are a common
ing product. Here the initially formed fibers occurrence in, e.g., injection molding. Fig-
could be made apparent on the hot stage ure 4-32 illustrates such a case where it was
under a polarizing microscope when, at a a coincidental consequence of the process-
sufficiently high temperature within the ing conditions adopted and only understood
melting range, only the fibrous entity after the above-described morphological
remained visible in high birefringence con- framework had been established (Davis,
trast (Grubb et al., 1975). 1966; Clark, 1967). In full knowledge of the
Having ensured that the conditions for principles involved such structures can now
fibrous crystal generation were established be purposefully created. This can be for
without blockage occurring, the resulting scientific studies or for technological appli-
final morphology could be purposefully cations. Amongst the former is a special
controlled and designed. In this way, over a thin-film preparation method (Petermann
wide range of conditions, columnar struc- and Gleiter, 1973; Gohil and Petermann,
tures with parallel lamellar overgrowth 1979) involving hauling off molten films
could be created conforming to stage (b) of from glass slides, extensively used as mod-
Fig. 4-26 in the general scheme, which els of parallel lamellar structures, as seen in
could be made apparent through special edgewise projection. Examples with tech-
sample preparation methods under the elec- nological purpose or potential will be out-
tron microscope (Fig. 4-31). lined in Sec. 4-11.

Figure 4-31. Columnar struc-

ture containing lamellae per-
pendicular to the column and
hence the flow direction in a
sample of polyethylene crystal-
lized under the influence of
flow (SW -> NE). (The lamel-
lae from adjacent columns in
fact interlock - see in detail in
Fig. 4-33 below.) Transmission
micrograph of a section, heavi-
ly stained in order to show up
the columns (Odell et al.,
4.5 Relation Between Morphology and Orientation 225

Figure 4-32. Surface of an injection-molded bar of

polyoxymethylene showing edge-on lamellae trans-
verse to the injection direction. Electron micrograph
replica [Davis (1966) based on Clark (1967)].

4.5.3 A Special Case of Fiber-Platelet Figure 4-33. Enlargement of the interlocking, zip-
Structures: Interlocking Shish-Kebabs fastener type, lamellar structure as shown in Fig.
4-31. The section has only been lightly stained in order
Within the topic of fiber-platelet struc- to show up better the lamellar detail (Odell et al.,
tures in melt-crystallized material, a special 1978).
situation deserves a separate mention. This
is still in the category of Fig. 4-26 b with the ture decreases in the course of crystal
columnar structures and the lamellae all par- growth, the lamellar thickness will decrease
allel. Here, by appropriate control of the continuously according to the above rela-
flow rate in a capillary rheometer and the tion, leading to tapered overgrowths. Inter-
cooling rate of the emerging extrudate, the locking is achieved by suitable control of
lamellae can be obtained in a tapered form this taper and of the fibril separation. The
where the wedge-shaped lamellae from latter is governed by the combined effects
adjacent columns interlock. Figure 4-31 in of strain rate (flow strength) and molecular
fact falls into that category, with the taper- weight according to the foregoing, the for-
ing apparent at the higher magnification of mer by the conditions of cooling of the
Fig. 4-33 (Odell et al., 1978), together with extrudate. The model in Fig. 4-34 was com-
the underlying computer-generated model puter-generated from the actual experimen-
shown in Fig. 4-34. The origin of the taper- tal input parameters and from the appropri-
ing lies in the well-known relation between ate relations determining layer thickness
the lamellar thickness, i.e., the fold length and growth rates as a function of AT.
(/), and the crystallization temperature (r c ), The interlocking shish-kebab structures,
namely / <*> D/AT, where AT=T^-TC with having the appearance of a zip-fastener, in
T^ being the equilibrium melting point and Figs. 4-33 and 4-34 are of interest from sev-
D is a constant containing the material eral points of view. They represent a special
parameters [see, e.g., review by Keller manifestation of the fiber-platelet duality
(1985)]. It follows that when the tempera- theme of this paper: they show the potential
226 4 Flow-Induced Orientation and Structure Formation

Figure 4-35. X-ray diffraction pattern of a hauled-off

polyethylene film possessing the 'row structure' (Kel-
ler, 1955).

the common feature was solidification dur-

ing flow, under rather mild orientation con-
Figure 4-34. Columnar-lamellar interlock model, ditions such as leave the primary product of
computer-generated from the input parameters of the the flow-induced crystallization, once
experiments underlying Figs. 4-31 and 4-33 (Odell formed, undeformed by the prevailing
etal., 1978).
orienting influence4.
Spherulite formation was already famil-
of harnessing the morphology for specific
iar at the time (even if not receiving the gen-
purposes, and chiefly, that the extrudates
eral attention given to it later), but lamellae
themselves thus prepared can have special,
and shish-kebabs were yet to be discovered
advantageous properties (Bashir et al.,
and so was the consequent distinction be-
1986). We shall return to this in Sec.
tween lamellar and fibrous crystals. Never-
theless, it was recognized even at that time
that if primary crystal growth, such as would
normally lead to three-dimensional spheru-
4.5.4 'Row Structures'
lites, were initiated from rows of closely
Structure elements corresponding to case spaced nuclei, the rather unusual diffraction
(c) in Fig. 4-26 arose before any of the other pattern of Fig. 4-35 would result; the essen-
variants of the scheme. Historically, such tial point, in widest generality, being that the
structures were invoked to account for some orientation displayed by a pattern such as in
anomalous X-ray orientation effects, such Fig. 4-35 is not due to deformation, but to a
as in Fig. 4-35, in certain polyethylene sam- particular kind of oriented primary crystal
ples. Such patterns were first noticed by one
of us for certain polyethylene tubes prepared A ready and virtually foolproof way to achieve the
in the laboratory from standard insulating said orientation (Fig. 4-35) even manually is to hold
covers (for purposes extraneous to the a film of polyethylene across a heated zone (e.g.,
present article) and were identified as being above a small flame) until its central portion just about
identical to those given by commerical poly- melts. At this stage the film should be slowly extend-
ed while being removed from the heated zone. The
ethylene sheets, which at that time were extension should be stopped as soon as the progress-
obtained through hauling off the melt from ing solidification offers noticeable resistance to fur-
rollers (Keller, 1955). It was recognized that ther drawing.
4.5 Relation Between Morphology and Orientation 227

growth. The underlying model called the

'row structure' is in the light of later knowl-
edge (Keller and Machin, 1967) identical to
that in Fig. 4-26 c (and Fig. 4-37 c below).
Even if the term 'row' or 'row-nucleated'
structure is nowadays often applied collec-
tively to both variants (b) and (c) in the
scheme of Fig. 4-26, here we shall confine
it to that under (c) alone, as originally des-
As is apparent from the foregoing, the
Figure 4-36. Transmission electron micrograph of a
main evidence for structures as in Fig. thin film of polyethylene crystallized from a lightly
4-26 c, arising at the low end of the flow stretched melt snowing ribbons transverse to the draw
strength spectrum, comes from diffraction direction (vertical); these are either fully twisted or
are in varying stages of partial twist (1 cm represents
patterns. Therefore the class of structure 0.25 Jim).
patterns will be treated in detail in the sec-
tions to follow, which are devoted specifi-
cally to orientation-related issues as regis- to account for the characteristic diffraction
tered by diffraction. Here just a few com- pattern of Fig. 4-35. Reverting to the pre-
ments will be made concerning the row ceding experimentation using the capillary
structure's morphology. At the time when rheometer (Fig. 4-28), diffraction patterns
the row structure was originally postulated such as in Fig. 4-35 were the regular out-
and verified [against considerable scepti- come at the lowest end of the extrusion rate
cism; for the historical controversies see spectrum. By that time the reality of the row
Keller and Mackley (1974); Keller and structure of Fig. 4-26 c was firmly estab-
Machin (1967) - the full story has not yet lished, yet the underlying morphology has,
been put down as a coherent record], elec- to our knowledge, not received further
tron microscopic techniques for the study of attention involving the use of the more
the bulk interior were not yet available. advanced electron microscopic sample
Morphological substantiation of structures preparation techniques which have become
such as in Fig. 4-26 c was confined to thin available in the meantime.
films amenable to direct transmission. Fig-
ure 4-36 is an example that, even if it was
obtained not by flow but by static orienta- 4.5.5 Interpretation of Orientation
tion of the melt (see Sec. 4.7), illustrates the Effects
reality of the morphological model pro-
posed, and particularly its relation to the dif- General
fraction pattern (in the case of Fig. 4-36 the In general, flow-induced structure forma-
electron diffraction pattern) given by such tion leads to an overall orientation of the
morphologies. Analogous morphological macroscopic product, irrespective of wheth-
effects were also later verified in bulk, flow- er attainment of the orientation is the intend-
oriented, low density polyethylene samples ed purpose or an associated by-product of
(Dlugosz and Ungar, 1979), which even if the underlying melt processing. In either
involving rather drastic interference with case the resulting orientation needs to be
the structure, substantiated the model used characterized, which as far as the crystal
228 4 Flow-Induced Orientation and Structure Formation

orientation is concerned is most informa- registered orientation to the underlying

tively done by X-ray diffraction and inter- structure requires a model. Usually, this is
preted in terms of the underlying structure implied without being specifically spelled
(unit cell) and morphology. In common out or even recognized. Such is the case for
practice the characterization is carried out a normal fiber, in, e.g., textile application,
in terms of a single reference, i.e., the chain where the model is a crystallite with c
direction, which in crystallographic nota- inclined at specific angles to the fiber axis,
tion corresponds to the c-axis, and is done which is itself an axis of cylindrical symme-
by the quantification of such an orientation try. Here all c-axes corresponding to a par-
in terms of a single parameter (i.e., the orien- ticular inclination (0) are represented by a
tation parameter). We maintain that without mantle of a cone, there being some specifi-
an adequate appreciation of the morpholog- able distribution of 0 values peaking at 0= 0
ical background, such a procedure can be (i.e., c-axis parallel to the fiber axis). It is
grossly inadequate and even misleading. this distribution that is normally extracted
In general, the nature of the orientation in from X-ray diffraction patterns and often
question has first to be assessed in qualita- expressed in terms of a single parameter. It
tive terms, i.e., what kind of orientation we is to be noted that, even within the confines
are dealing with in a specific case, before of this simple model, the attribution of orien-
quantification in the above sense acquires tation to the structure remains incomplete,
any meaning. It happens that in common as it does not specify whether there is to be
fiber drawing practice it is the c-axis align- rotational averaging around c first within the
ment alone that is pertinent and the descrip- relevant structure unit, e.g., the microfiber,
tion of the resultant orientation in terms of it being at a particular 0, before rotational
a mean angle (or a term containing this averaging around the macroscopic fiber
angle) with respect to the fiber axis is con- axis, or whether we have a range of separ-
sidered an adequate representation, particu- ate crystal units with different orientations
larly at high levels of orientation (draw around c for each inclination 0. In terms of
ratios). But even in the case of normal fiber the X-ray patterns, the two alternatives will
practice, the above procedure often be- be indistinguishable, yet the underlying
comes manifestly inadequate at low levels morphology could be grossly different. The
of overall orientation, such as encountered above example refers to the simplest con-
at low draw ratios and particularly in the ceivable X-ray diffraction pattern of a uni-
spinning operation. Under more general axially oriented structure (c-axis oriented
conditions of melt processing the above- fiber pattern); for more complex orientation
mentioned procedure may break down com- patterns the ambiguities regarding the pos-
pletely, a factor often not even recognized. sible underlying structure are increasingly
At this point an important injection needs manifold. The above relates to the most
to be made. Orientation, even when fully informative technique, namely X-ray dif-
characterized, e.g., by an X-ray pole figure fraction, which can provide full orientation-
mapping over full reciprocal space (never al mapping of each crystallographic plane;
completely achievable in practice and sel- it goes without saying that techniques that
dom even approximated), can never be are only capable of giving some average in
uniquely interpreted in terms of the spatial terms of a single parameter will provide
arrangement of the underlying structural incomparably less information with a corre-
entities. Any attribution of macroscopically sponding increase in ambiguities.
4.5 Relation Between Morphology and Orientation 229 Orientation in Terms their corresponding schematic diffraction

of Fiber-Platelet Morphologies patterns for the discussion to follow.
As regards crystallographic orientation,
In this section we consider the orientation the fibrous crystals will always impart a c-
that is imparted to the macroscopic sample axis orientation parallel to the flow direc-
by the underlying fiber-platelet morpholo- tion (Fig. 4-37 a). As long as the transverse
gy. Once again we shall follow the scheme lamellae are all parallel to each other
of Fig. 4-26. First, however, it must be (Fig. 4-37 b), they too will represent c-axis
remembered that for all except thin film orientation with respect to the flow direc-
samples, Fig. 4-26 is a projection: in a bulk tion, so imparting the usual fiber orientation
sample there will be cylindrical averaging with the familiar c-axis diffraction pattern
around the flow direction (the vertical in (Fig. 4-38 a and sketch in Fig. 4-37 d) to the
Fig. 4-26), which in the simplest case is that sample as a whole. (This, amongst others, is
of uniaxial orienting influence; we shall the case for a parallel assembly of solution-
take this as our starting point. In order to grown shish-kebabs.) In such a structure, the
convey this, cases (b) and (c) in Fig. 4-26 fiber and platelet components are indistin-
are represented in a three-dimensional per- guishable by the usual wide angle X-ray dif-
spective view in Fig. 4-37, together with fraction pattern. However, in situations


Thin film

a) b)

020( f 020 r j ) O2o( r \

d) e) f)
Figure 4-37. Schematic diagrams such as in Fig. 4-26 showing, in addition, the influence of the various mor-
phologies generated by orientation-induced crystallization on the resulting macroscopic orientation, as revealed
by the respective X-ray diffraction patterns. The structures have rotational symmetry around the direction of the
orienting influence (vertical) such as they would in a three-dimensional bulk sample. The similarities to the two-
dimensional versions in Fig. 4-26 should be obvious [(a), (b), (c)]. The diffraction patterns [(d), (e), (f)] are
sketches representing the main features of the two principal reflections in polyethylene for each structure type
beneath which they are placed in the diagram. Pattern (d) refers to both structures (a) and (b). Note that (c) is
the row structure giving the pattern in Fig. 4-35 [(f) in the present figure]. There is no structure drawn for the
intermediate orientation pattern of (e). This is accounted for by the scheme in Fig. 4-40 (to follow). Both scheme
and interpretation are based on Keller (1955), Keller and Machin (1967), and Keller and Mackley (1974) (in
chronological order).
230 4 Flow-Induced Orientation and Structure Formation

Figure 4-38. X-ray diffraction pat-

terns of polyethylene films crystal-
lized under stress at three different
stress levels [decreasing in the
sequence (a) to (c)].

where fibers are few and hence widely more complex, e.g., having a biaxial char-
spaced, as arises in weak flow, the trans- acter, such as arises in the blow-molding
verse lamellae can twist (and hence random- fabrication of films, the same consideration
ize around b in the case of polyethylene) as will still hold, except that here, as shown by
they do in a spherulite but here confined to Choi et al. (1982), the resulting multiaxial
planes perpendicular to the flow direction orientation is now in terms of the rows
(Fig. 4-37 c). This type of arrangement, the (Fig. 4-39) and not directly in terms of
originally termed row structure, gives rise molecules and crystals, as might be envis-
to a characteristic X-ray diffraction pattern aged without recourse to the morphological
(Fig. 4-35), as sketched in Fig. 4-37 f and background. Thus even in such a complex
readily derivable by pole figure construc- case, the 'oriented-unoriented' crystal tex-
tions from a structure such as Fig. 4-37 c ture or in molecular terms 'extended and
(Keller and Mackley 1974; Keller and random' chain duality (our main theme
Machin 1967). (Note, it involves two rota- here) still applies.
tional averagings: the first around the b- However, even when confining ourselves
axis, the radial direction for a spherulite in to purely uniaxial situations, orientations
polyethylene, and the second around the that are intermediate between those in
flow direction, which is orthogonal to it.) Fig. 4-38 a and Fig. 4-35 can arise (Figs.
Such a diffraction pattern, displayed by the 4-38 b, 4-38 c, and sketch in Fig. 4-37 e). In
hauled off and blown polyethylene films, is the beginning such orientations were taken
generally distinctly different from that of as intermediate orientations of crystals be-
either a normal drawn fiber, or from that of tween the c-axis and the a-axis orientations
a random bulk, yet it does not represent an (the latter by incorrect reading of diffraction
intermediate state between the two, either in patterns such as in Fig. 4-35). However, it
terms of the alignment of crystals or in terms has become apparent (Keller and Mackley,
of molecular extension preceding crystal- 1974; Keller and Machin, 1967) that such
lization; it is in fact due to a particular super- orientations are intermediate only in the
position of fully oriented fibers arising from morphological sense and not in the sense of
oriented, stretched out molecules and of an the initial orientation of molecules and of
essentially disoriented overgrowth, with a the resulting crystals. Namely, the exclusive
directionality that is determined merely by fiber-lamella duality, together with the pre-
its expitaxial relation to the fiber but other- ceding extended and random chain duality,
wise arising from initially random chains. (our principal theme here) remains opera-
In cases where the orienting influence is tive; the disposition of the lamellae will
4.5 Relation Between Morphology and Orientation 231

MD og

Figure 4-40. Scheme (Nagasawa et al., 1973) to

account for orientations intermediate between c-axis
and 'row' orientation (such as in Fig. 4-38), also includ-
ing predominant a-axis orientation, in terms of increas-
ing row (columnar) diameter. A and B refer to two
Figure 4-39. Morphological model for a tubular stages in the lamellar growth - see reference quoted.
blown film with equal biaxial orientation. MD and TD
denote machine and transverse directions, respective-
ly (Chori et al., 1982). diameter, the intermediate cases between
pure c-axis orientation (core fiber plus c-
merely be intermediate between those in axis aligned lamellar overgrowth close to
Figs. 4-37 b and 4-37 c, so giving rise to the core) and the final row orientation [such
'intermediate' diffraction patterns such as as in Figs. 4-35 and 4-37 f, corresponding to
Figs. 4-38 b and 4-38 c and sketch 4-37 e. full randomization around b (i.e., to the fully
In morphological terms the above inter- developed two-dimensional spherulites)]
mediate situations are best rationalized include the observed intermediate orienta-
along the llines of Nagasawa et al. (1973), tions such as in Figs. 4-38b, 4-38 c, and
as represented by Fig. 4-40 from their work. 4-37 e (including stages of predominant
Here, the lamellar overgrowth starts with an <2-axis orientation). Here the variable deter-
epitaxial c-axis alignment along the c-axis mining the final overall orientation is the
oriented core fiber. As the lamellae grow cylinder diameter, which is determined by
outwards they gradually twist (or in gener- the distance between the fibers, in turn
al randomize) around b (in the case of poly- determined by the number of fibers them-
ethylene). Full randomization (around b) in selves. That is, many closely spaced fibers
terms of the resulting orientation is only yield overall c-axis orientation (constituted
reached after a number of turns of the lamel- of fibers plus overgrowths), but few, wide-
lar crystal. As worked out quantitatively in ly spaced fibers yield the row structure, with
Nagasawa et al. (1973), by integrating the the orientation of the lamellae essentially
orientation over cylinders of increasing forming two-dimensional spherulites with
232 4 Flow-Induced Orientation and Structure Formation

the spherulite planes perpendicular to the complete, or nearly complete, chain exten-
flow direction; an intermediate number of sion, uniaxial accelerating flow (i.e., elon-
fibers will allow only partial randomization gational flow) is prerequisite. Here the forc-
of the lamellar overgrowth so giving rise to es required to stretch out the chains are trans-
orientations in between. All the above is mitted by the surrounding fluid. In simple
again in full accord with our theme here, shear flow, as it contains a rotational besides
namely that all observed orientations are an extensional flow component, full chain
accountable in terms of a fiber-platelet extension of individual chain molecules can-
duality as arises from the two extremes of not be accomplished (see, e.g., de Gennes,
extended and random molecules without 1974). Here, in simple shear flow, the pres-
intermediate stages in terms of chain exten- ence of mechanical connectedness of the
sion and resulting crystal orientation, such individual chain molecules, in the form of
as may be construed (mistakenly) from a entanglement points, is a prerequisite to
picture of the affine deformation of mole- achieve chain extension, which then takes
cules and the resulting gradual orientation place between these topological constraints.
of crystals. For a given material the orient- Once stretched out at the appropriate tem-
ing influence, namely the strength of the perature, these molecules can crystallize in
flow, only affects the fiber-lamella ratio, the form of fibrous crystals, the morpholog-
stronger flow creating more fibers, with the ical particulars of which (shish-kebabs) have
consequences just given. For a given flow been discussed in earlier sections.
strength the determining factor is the molec- Thus it is possible to generate fibrous cry-
ular weight: as will be referred to below, stals in concentrated solutions and melts
higher molecular weight yields more fibers. employing flow fields that are of simple
In conclusion, it will have become appar- shear character, but with some uncertainties
ent that the whole family of apparently com- as to the nature of the flow on the local level.
plex orientations follows from a single mor- For example, there could be turbulence (in
phological scheme. Or conversely, that solutions), or chains anchored along walls
without such a morphological scheme such (Sec. 4.8.3) or in already solidified layers
a series of diffraction patterns would evade (Sec. 4.11.2), etc.
a meaningful interpretation. When the flow is of truly simple shear
character down to the molecular level,
shish-kebab creation is still possible
4#6 Orientation and Structure through entanglements, yet less effective
compared with elongational flow fields. It
Formation in Simple Shear Flow was demonstrated in the 1960s that the
application of a low level of shear to a super-
4.6.1 General Considerations
cooled melt significantly increases the rate
In the preceding sections attention was of crystallization, both in the course of flow
focused on chain stretching as explored both (Andersen and Carr, 1978; Pucci and Carr,
on isolated chains in solution and on chains 1984) and in the subsequent quiescent state
forming a mechanically effective network - after flow has been stopped (Maxwell et al.,
as is the case in concentrated solutions and 1964; Maxwell, 1965). In comparison with
melts - and on subsequent crystallization. quiescent crystallization conditions, the
For the case of isolated chains in dilute solu- presence of simple shear flow thus affects
tion it was argued that in order to achieve both the rate of polymer crystallization, as
4.6 Orientation and Structure Formation in Simple Shear Flow 233

well as the resulting crystalline morpholo- mented chain. [The latter is, e.g., also the
gy (Fritzche and Price, 1974; Krueger and case for the well-known molecularly based
Yeh, 1972). In a steady state of flow there Doi-Edwards theory (Doi and Edwards,
is then a balance between shear flow- 1979), which does not refer to specific
induced structure formation and nucleation points of entanglement, i.e., the molecular
(Lagasse and Maxwell, 1976; Wolkowicz, weight between entanglement points does
1978) on the one hand, and material renew- not appear as a parameter. Instead, the
al on the other. Moreover, most melt-form- model starts with a mathematical chain,
ing operations of crystallizable polymers namely a molecule composed of a tube.]
involving shear flow, e.g., injection mold- In the quiescent state entanglement points
ing, are not conducted isothermally, but are created and removed through Brownian
involve cooling, which needs to be taken motion. The rate of both processes is
note of when considering structure forma- enhanced by temperature. During the steady
tion. Therefore for control of the underly- flow of a polymer melt there is again a bal-
ing nucleation and crystal growth process- ance between entanglements forming and
es, besides the flow, heat transfer should disappearing. However, now the number of
also be taken into account (Janeschitz- topological constraints (i.e., the entangle-
Kriegl and Eder, 1990; Eder et al., 1989). ment density) will be determined not only
The broad subject area of orientation and by temperature but also by the rate of de-
texture formation in shear flow will be cov- formation and the total strain imposed, i.e.,
ered extensively by the following chapter in the macroscopic response of the melt is time
this Volume. Here, in the light of the themes dependent. Being non-Newtonian in nature,
underlying the present review, only some under steady state flow conditions at low
brief remarks will be made, partly for com- rates a polymer melt will display high resis-
prehensive presentation and also as they tance to flow, i.e., high viscosity, which
provides further material to strengthen our qualitatively reflects a high entanglement
main points. Like most of the literature on content. At higher rates of deformation the
shear flow-induced structure formation, we fluidity of the melt is enhanced, an effect
shall confine ourselves to the case of poly- known as 'shear thinning'. Thus, here in
mer melts. simple shear flow, qualitatively, with an
increasing rate of shear deformation the
entanglement density is gradually reduced.
4.6.2 On the Role of Entanglements
Another effect related to the (de)coupling
in Simple Shear Flow
of entanglements is noted during start-up of
It was pointed out above that topological the flow (Lagasse and Maxwell, 1976). With
constraints are a prerequisite for the stretch- short time scales relative to the rate of de-
ing out of chain molecules in simple shear formation, the melt will behave like a high-
flow fields. In fact, the major factor govern- ly entangled elastic solid. Accordingly, the
ing the overall motion of polymer in a dense stress will increase in proportion to the total
system is the effect of entanglements. The strain (f) imposed, which at a constant rate
concept of entanglements forms much of the of flow (y) means the time elapsed (y= yt).
basis for polymer melt rheology. Entangle- Eventually, with much longer times, steady
ment points may be specified, or described state conditions will take over, in which
by mathematical models, in which case a state through the action of the flow itself the
polymer molecule is envisaged as a seg- number of entanglements will become sub-
234 4 Flow-Induced Orientation and Structure Formation

stantially lower compared to the state at after start-up of the shear flow, particularly
t 0. For the entanglement density to decay at large supercoolings where the nucleation
to its steady state value, a finite time (fluid rate is high relative to the rate of the chain-
strain) will be required. When the disentan- orienting influence. Lagasse and Maxwell
glement process is slow relative to the rate (1976) therefore suggested that the high
of flow, i.e., the disentanglement time tdls degree of extension of the chain segments
exceeds the time scale of the flow between entanglements, accomplished
(/Lflow= I//), 'delayed disentanglement' will when conditions of delayed disentangle-
occur accompanied by an overshoot in the ment are present (i.e., during transient start-
stress (apparent as viscosity) compared with up of simple shear flow), governs the kinet-
the steady state value. Thus, depending on ics of the crystallization rather than the
the balance of the time scale of straining and molecular extension created under steady
the rate of decoupling of the temporary top- state simple shear flow conditions. This
ological constraints, the entanglement den- would imply that a strain requirement for
sity may remain high for a sufficient time, the shear flow-induced crystallization effect
and during this period of delayed disentan- would hold rather than a shear rate criter-
glement the elastic chain extension between ion. Very broadly, the same picture is emerg-
entanglement points may overshoot its ing from the works of Andersen and Carr
steady state value. Some consequences of (1978), but in their case relating to steady
this will be commented on next. shear conditions.
In start-up flow experiments, shear flow- Whether a total strain or a strain rate
induced crystallization effects become man- requirement exists at the onset of flow-
ifest as a sudden rise in the melt viscosity induced crystallization of polymer melts in
(which can be diagnosed using rheological simple shear flow remains unanswered.
characterization methods such as cone-and- Neveretheless, it is clear that in order to be
plate and sliding plate rheometers). Concur- able to crystallize at temperatures where oth-
rently, a fine fibrillar-like morphology (row erwise no crystallization would be expected
structure) begins to develop, as revealed by in the quiescent state, a certain degree of
examination of the subsequently quenched molecular extension must be achieved. Also,
product. At a given temperature and shear when the time scale of straining is long rel-
rate, the shear-accelerated crystallization ative to the time scale of disentanglement,
effects are found to be critical in relation to orientation relaxation will occur prior to
the molecular weight (M) (Lagasse and achieving a sufficient degree of molecular
Maxwell, 1976), a higher M requiring a extension for nucleation to become possible.
lower induction time, hence fluid strain. It thus seems that both a certain strain and
This would imply that a critical fluid strain strain rate have to be present for shear flow
is a precondition for the effects to occur. On to induce crystallization. Further, it will
the other hand, at a given temperature the depend on the balance between the rates of
critical shear rate for accelerated crystal- chain extension and nucleation. While rap-
lization shifts to a lower value as the molec- idly crystallizing materials, such as polyeth-
ular weight increases. This is indicative of ylene, may crystallize under conditions of
an underlying molecular relaxation process, delayed disentanglement, slower crystalliz-
which could, in particular, be a coil > ing polymers will show an increasing ten-
stretch transition. The onset of crystalliza- dency to crystallize only under steady state
tion effects in polyethylene occurs shortly shear flow conditions.
4.7 Oriented Crystallization in Stretched Networks 235

As already stated, the present section on structural elements arising on stretching-

the effect of simple shear flow should only induced crystallization of a network, nor did
serve as a pointer to the much wider litera- they consider the possibility of orientations
ture on this particular subject. The point of other than chain (c-axis) alignment. The
emphasis for the present article is that flow- present sections will deal briefly with these
induced crystallization in dense systems two last-mentioned aspects, as they bear
shows both the characteristics of dilute solu- directly on what has been said on flow-
tions in elongational flow and those of chem- induced structure formation in the forego-
ically cross-linked networks under uniaxial ing parts of this article. The relevant works
extension. The latter will be addressed more fall into two categories developed indepen-
specifically in the next section. dently, practically simultaneously. The first
was on lightly cross-linked polyethylene,
and as such readily connects with the mate-
4.7 Oriented Crystallization rial and examples in the rest of this article,
in Stretched Networks with which it is also in close relation histor-
ically. The second category relates to a par-
The study of the crystallization of net- ticular type of electron microscopic study
works on stretching is nearly as old as X-ray on the crystallization of traditional elasto-
diffraction and older than polymer science; meric polymers, including natural rubber,
in 1925 Katz recognized that rubber can pro- forming a class of its own not integrated into
duce crystal X-ray reflections on stretching. either the mainstream of polymer crystal-
The orientation associated with stretching lization or that of conventional elastomer
induced crystallization, corresponding to research even though, as we shall point out,
c-axis orientation, was consistent with a pri- it is highly relevant to both, raising some
ori expectations. The emphasis at that time core issues in polymer science.
was not on the orientation (which was taken
for granted), but on the specific feature that
stretching could induce crystallization in 4.7.1 Cross-Linked Polyethylenes
systems which would not otherwise be crys-
talline at that temperature. In the tempera- The origin of this subject is linked to the
ture range where this occurred, stress- research concerning the row structure and
induced crystallization was reversible: on related effects in Sec. 4.5. Polyethylene
the removal of stress, crystallization is also (PE) when cross-linked, most conveniently
removed, i.e., the crystals melt and the elas- by irradiation, becomes a rubber in the mol-
tomeric sample shrinks back to its original ten state where it can be stretched and held
length. Crystallization of this kind leads to a in the stretched state and where, at the
length increase at a constant load, or to a appropriate temperature, crystallization
reduction of the load at a constant length, will occur. In this way stretching induced,
effects consistent with a priori expectations hence oriented, crystallization can be fol-
as the chain, or chain portion, within the lowed statically5 by X-ray diffraction and
crystal has a larger end-to-end distance than other techniques.
in the oriented yet noncrystalline state. 5
Here and in the following by 'static' as opposed to
None of the traditional studies on the 'dynamic' deformation we mean that, to a first approx-
above phenomena were concerned with the imation, the macroscopic deformation is time inde-
morphological aspects of the crystalline pendent.
236 4 Flow-Induced Orientation and Structure Formation

Such a study was first carried out by Stein gin of the core fibers arising from stretched
and Judge (1961) as a function of sample out molecules could then be readily carried
extension. They obtained a series of orienta- over to the row structure scheme, being con-
tion patterns which were like Fig. 4-35 and solidated at the time by the static experi-
the ones in the sequence (c), (b), (a) in Fig. ments on lightly cross-linked films. In fact
4-38 with increasing chain extension. Clear- the following details fell neatly into line.
ly this is the sequence arising in flow-induced The time-dependent in situ X-ray diffrac-
crystallization with increasing flow rate, tion on stretched melts held isothermally
which at the time was leading to the morpho- always recorded a oaxis orientation pattern
logical scheme in Fig. 4-37 including the row first (which was reversible with extension)
structure. In the light of this it then appeared followed, at low extensions, by the appear-
that the whole subject could be studied in the ance of the other orientations, such as, e.g.,
more readily accessible static manner instead (e) and (f) of Fig. 4-37 in the later stages of
of conducting such an investigation dynam- crytallization. This is fully consistent with the
ically in the course of flow. sequential formation of core fiber and lamel-
The above recognition was followed by a lar overgrowth (Keller and Machin, 1967;
series of coordinated morphological and dif- Hill and Keller, 1971). Further, when the sam-
fraction studies (including electron diffrac- ple was held freely and stretched by a con-
tion on thin films) using PE specimens light- stant load, the sample length was observed to
ly cross-linked by radiation (Keller and increase and subsequently decrease (Keller
Machin, 1967; Hill and Keller, 1969, 1971; and Machin, 1967; Hill and Keller, 1969; Hill
Hill et al., 1970). In fact it was in the course et al., 1970); these two successive stages were
of these investigations that the row structure, observed to be associated with the formation
postulated previously from X-ray diffraction of the two successive kinds of orientation.
patterns alone, as obtained from melt- This again was fully consistent with the antic-
extruded and commercial hauled-off films, ipated length increase on initial chain-extend-
was confirmed and the full scheme of ed crystallization with a sharp change in
Figs. 4-26 and 4-37 established. Figure 4-36 behavior, manifest by contraction, when the
is in fact taken from these works. As seen, overgrowth formation occurred. Neverthe-
the findings on flow-induced and stretching- less, from our present viewpoint there is a
induced crystallization were meshing close- basic difference between the stretching out of
ly, in fact they seemed undistinguishable as chains that are independent and those that are
regards both morphology and orientation part of networks, which should lead to corre-
effects. In view of this, the intrinsic differ- sponding differences in their crystallization
ence between them, namely that the materi- and resulting morphology. We shall return to
al in the former consists of unconnected this still open-endd issue again in Sees. 4.7.2
molecules which can become displaced with and 4.8.2.
respect to each other, and hence can flow,
while that in the latter is a chemically con-
nected system which can extend but not flow, 4.7.2 Crystallization
has not been given any attention up till now. of Traditional Elastomers
Shish-kebabs, together with the underlying As already indicated, this subject has devel-
fibrous crystallization, were recognized at oped along separate lines, seemingly having
about the same time as originating from a life on its own. Here we try to link it up with
flowing solutions. The conclusion on the ori- the mainstream subject of this review.
4.7 Oriented Crystallization in Stretched Networks 237

Traditional elastomers, i.e., rubbers, are

polyenes, and hence unsaturated, which
makes them suitable to a particular metho-
dology which characterizes the whole class
of work under the present heading. Name-
ly, they react with heavy metal stain, which
by leaving the crystals unstained differen-
tiates between the crystals and the noncrys-
talline parts of the morphology in very high
contrast. In addition, when the stain (in
vapor form) is introduced in the course of
crystallization, it also arrests the crystalliza-
tion so enabling the morphology to be inves-
tigated at any selected stage. All these inves-
tigations relate to thin films and to their
examination on crystallization in the
stretched state under the transmission elec-
tron microscope.
This class of study was introduced by
Andrews (1964, 1966) and Andrews and
Reeve (1971) who found that rubber, when
crystallized under stress, has an electron
microscopically identifiable morphology of
a kind and on a scale that was at that time
totally unsuspected, as shown in Figs. 4-41
and 4-42 [the latter is from a later date
(Davies and Long, 1977)]. The full devel-
opment of the structures with increasing
extension is displayed schematically by Fig.
4-43. As is apparent, there are columns of
transverse lines. At first these were desig-
nated as fibers, but subsequently, with the
lamellar nature of polymer crystals gaining Figure 4-41. Thin film of cross-linked polychloro-
recognition at that time, the transverse lines prene crystallized under 100% strain at -5 C: (a) par-
were identified as edgewise projections of tially crystallized, (b) fully crystallized. Transmission
electron micrographs, OsO4 stained (Andrews and
lamellae confined to within the thickness of Reeve, 1971).
the films (in fact when the orientation
departs from the edge-on view the lamellar
nature of the entity becomes directly appar- visibility is variable (Fig. 4-42), it can in
ent). Clearly, all of this conforms with the some instances appear in surprisingly high
scheme of columns of parallel lamellae orig- contrast (Davies and Long, 1977). At high-
inating from a central line of nuclei, and er extensions the columns gradually become
hence with the scheme in Figs. 4-26 and the dominant and eventually, when closely
4-37. The central line only appears beyond spaced, the only visible structural elements.
a certain extension (Fig. 4-43). Even if its Clearly, this is again in line with the scheme
238 4 Flow-Induced Orientation and Structure Formation

Figure 4-42. Thin film of

strained 150% and partially
crystallized at 45.5 C
showing central threads.
Electron micrograph
(Davies and Long, 1977).

-100% strain

Figure 4-43. Schematic

diagram illustrating the
effect of prestrain on nucle-
ation and growth patterns in
a high polymer. The arrow
represents the direction of
applied strain (Phillips,
-400% strain 1990).

in Figs. 4-26 and 4-37 (even if by Andrews's the range in Fig. 4-26, i.e., to parallel lamel-
nomenclature - he refers to the fibers, when lae and hence to c-axis orientation, which
profusely visible, as /-filaments - the over- makes them more closely allied to the shish-
lap between the two schemes in Figs. 4-43 kebabs than to the row structures as such.
and 4-26 may not be complete). As they Nevertheless, there are also well-document-
stand, the structures revealed in this class of ed cases of twisting (e.g., Davies and Long,
work correspond mostly to the (b) side of 1977) where, however, in their more flat-on
4.8 Discussion 239

view the contrast and hence visibility of the low in Sees. 4.9,4.10 and 4.11, a discussion
lamellae can become much reduced. of the material featuring so far may be
There has also been work on the kinetics opportune.
of structure formation in such elastomers In the preceding sections an overview was
(Andrews and Reeve, 1971). Significantly, given of structure formation in polymer
the columns themselves (Andrews's /-fila- systems, as ensuing from orienting chain
ments) establish themselves very rapidly. molecules in their random state followed by
Most of the crystallinity development that crystallization. This survey was presented
can be followed kinetically is associated with an underlying theme, namely, that in
with the much more slowly developing terms of the preceding chain conformations
lamellar overgrowth (see Fig. 4-41 b). The there are only two structural elements: the
latter is unaffected by the level of strain and one arising from nearly completely
corresponds to that of the spherulite of the stretched out chains and the one from essen-
same material. Rather significantly, this tially unoriented, random chains, these two
indicates that the material forming the structure elements usually arising sequen-
lamellae is unstrained - see Sec. 4.8.2. Here tially. The various combinations of structur-
we cannot survey this large subject area in al elements are referred to collectively as
any detail. The salient point appropriate to shish-kebab morphologies. Here the
the present review is the close resemblance strength of the orientation will affect the
between structure formation in stretched number of core fibers formed but not, to a
networks and flowing melts, the latter being first approximation, their overall orienta-
the main subject of this review. As seen, the tion.
former even includes the traditional elasto- Concerning the initial, unoriented
mers (rubbers), raising issues more appro- system, four different physical states have
priate to the elastomeric field but neverthe- to be distinguished: (i) Dilute solutions,
less, through their close resemblance, perti- where according to the present definition the
nent also to the main subject of this chapter. polymer concentration is below the critical
From the traditional viewpoint of stretching overlap concentration, and hence individu-
induced crystallization of rubbers, the dual al chains cannot 'sense' one another. Con-
fiber-platelet morphology and the underly- sequently, entanglements are absent, (ii)
ing implication of respective chain-extend- Concentrated solutions, i.e., solutions at
ed and chain-folded crystallization should concentrations above the critical overlap
be particularly surprising, and especially the concenration, in which case physical con-
scale of the structures and the scale of their tact points are present which, for the appro-
distribution in the sample. All of this implies priate topology and even then only on the
pronounced inhomogeneity in the structure appropriate time scale, may act as physical
and the preceding stress distribution, a point entanglements. Such entanglements appear
to which we shall return in Sec. 4.8.2. and disappear in steady state equilibrium,
their number being dependent on the poly-
mer concentration and temperature, (iii)
4.8 Discussion Melts, which are similar to concentrated
solutions, i.e., the entanglement points are
4.8.1 General Considerations physical and temporary and hence are form-
Even though further experimental, ing and disappearing but are, within the
including some practical, aspects will fol- steady state, present in much larger num-
240 4 Flow-Induced Orientation and Structure Formation

bers. (iv) Cross-linked networks - in this region continuous material renewal takes
case both fixed chemical junction points and place. In the discussion to follow, both elon-
temporary physical entanglements are gational and simple shear flow types will be
present, our emphasis here being on the for- considered.
Concerning the mechanism of the under-
4.8.2 On the Circumstances
lying chain extension, the material is most
of Shish-Kebab Formation
readily subdivided according to the method
and Its Implications
by which the chains are extended. Depend-
ing on the consistency of the system, chain It is well known that depending on the
extension can essentially be achieved in two mode [(1) or (2) above] and on the strength
ways: of the deformation, the systems [(i-iv)
(1) Static extension - in this case the above] may display rheological behavior
material is stretched and kept in this state that is distinct for each mode and each
until crystallization results. The prerequi- system. Yet in spite of these differences and
site for crystallization is the retention of rather unexpectedly by any a priori consid-
orientation, which is normally associated erations, both dilute and concentrated solu-
with the absence of stress relaxation on the tions, as well as melts and cross-linked net-
time scale of the crystallization process. works, are observed to produce closely sim-
This is satisfied by the networks of cross- ilar morphologies which are all within the
linked systems where the ensuing crystal- shish-kebab family (see Table 4-1).
lization corresponds to the familiar stress- Table 4-1 also refers to cases not includ-
induced crystallization effects of elasto- ed in the foregoing. Of these, mentioned
mers. In the case of static deformation, we here separately is shish-kebab formation in
shall confine ourselves to extensional de- sheared isotactic polystyrene, which has
formation for the purposes of this discus- subsequently been vitrified (Petermann
sion. et al., 1979; Dlugosz et al., 1972; Grubb and
(2) Dynamic extension - in this case chain Keller, 1974). In such cases central core
extension and ensuing crystallization is fibers can be conspicuously visible in high
induced by flow, a situation in which the contrast (Dlugosz et al., 1972). The forma-
material response is time-dependent and tion of such structures in these cases is most
most importantly, where in a given flow remarkable in view of the relatively low

Table 4-1. Interchain relations and modes of deformation under which shish-kebab morphologies have been

Interchain relation Mode of deformation

Dynamic Static

Elongation Shear Extension

Dilute solution yes no

Concentrated solution yes yes a
Melt yes yes n.a.
Cross-linked network n.a.1 n.a.b yes
By our definition, in concentrated solutions the chains interact; b n.a. = not applicable by our definition.
4.8 Discussion 241

(several hundred percent) macroscopic Here the strain requirement is met by the
strains involved. presence of a stagnation point such as is the
In all cases in Table 4-1 for crystalliza- case, e.g., in the opposed jet apparatus.
tion to occur a certain molecular strain At the other extreme, with static exten-
requirement must be satisfied. In molecular sion in the cross-linked network, the forma-
terms this means a level of chain extension, tion of shish-kebab morphologies relies on
parallel to the direction of principal defor- the straining of chain segments between
mation, such as leads to the formation of entanglement points that are regarded as
fibrous (as opposed to lamellar) crystals. In fixed, including, in addition to chemical,
most cases the actual molecular strain also temporary physical cross-links on the
involved is unknown and it cannot be mea- appropriately short time scale. According-
sured directly. Possible attempts to calcu- ly, it will be the shortest links between these
late the molecular strain from the macro- fixed entanglements that become loaded and
scopic strain imposed would require either stretched out first. As the deformation of
exact mapping of the flow field present, or elastomers can only be imposed in a static
assumptions as regards the homogeneity of fashion (i.e., to a first approximation rub-
the deformation, specifically, that the de- bers do not flow), in this case only a strain
formation proceeds affinely down to the requirement exists (see Fig. 4-43). In this
molecular level. respect it is important to note that in rubbers
Next, the particulars of the various com- the usually studied stretching induced crys-
binations of system and modes of deforma- tallization effects are reversible: on remov-
tion depicted by Table 4-1 will be briefly al of the external force the crystals 'melt'
summarized. Attention will be focused on and the network rearranges to the situation
the formation of the fibrous crystal and the present prior to loading. Most theoretical
underlying mechanism of chain extension. approaches to calculate the molecular strain
For this purpose the distinction between presume proportionality between the mac-
static and dynamic extension in Sec. 4.7.1 roscopic deformation and the molecular
will be taken up further and extended so as strain, i.e., affine deformation [see, e.g.,
to include physical entanglements. Treloar (1958)]. If this is the case, on stress-
With regards to the number and nature of ing, nuclei would form randomly through-
entanglements, two extreme cases can be out the sample. Morphological observations
distinguished in Table 4-1, namely dynam- (Sec. 4.7.2) show, however, that crystalliza-
ic extension in dilute solutions and static tion propagates along specific, relatively
extension in chemically cross-linked net- widely spaced and sharply defined path-
works. As the chains cannot sense one ways. It is difficult to envisage how such a
another, and hence entanglement points clearly delineated propagation would result
must be absent, in the former, while they are from a homogeneous stress distribution as
permanent in the latter, the mechanisms of presumed by the traditional models. It
formation of shish-kebab crystals in these appears that an (initially) inhomogeneous
two cases must necessarily be different. stress distribution is present. Further, the
For dilute solutions, formation of the cen- stress-induced shish (i.e., fibrous) crystals,
tral core relies on the forces imposed by the once formed, would lead to stress relief
fluid, so causing the chains to stretch out along the direction of propagation, thereby
almost fully, thus forming the backbone dispersing the load over a larger area, and
(shish) of the shish-kebab morphology. hence this would terminate rather than pro-
242 4 Flow-Induced Orientation and Structure Formation

mote continuing crystal growth along the melt, will necessarily pertain to chemically
same path. Thus the formation of long, line- cross-linked systems, but whether it also
shaped nucleus crystals separated by micro- pertains to uncross-linked systems remains
scopic distances raises basic questions, not an open-ended question. If so, it would mean
only about stress-induced crystallization, that, owing to entanglements, a highly vis-
but also about the stress distribution preced- cous melt can sustain sufficient stress to dis-
ing crystallization. If we now add that, as play the characteristics of a cross-linked
evidenced by subsequent lamellar kebab elastomer, while itself remaining in a con-
formation, all the material in between the tinuing state of elongation, i.e., flow (until
shish must essentially be unstressed (recall- flow ceases due to solidification in the case
ing Sec. 4.7.2, specifically Figs. 4-41 and where the conditions for crystallization
4-42), we note that the possibility of gross apply). The time-scale (hence strain rate)
stress inhomogeneities arises, an issue that dependence will still pertain, namely, that a
should also be of concern to the whole sub- threshold strain rate will have to be reached
ject of rubber elasticity. first, which in this case is n, i.e., the strain
With regards to the mechanism of forma- rate at which the chains begin to 'grip' each
tion of a shish-kebab morphology, the other and thus where the mechanically
remaining systems in Table 4-1 must corre- active entanglements begin to arise. As
spond to behavior intermediate between the shown by Fig. 4-11 ate 1 (i.e., in the melt)
two extremes of dilute solutions and cross- n < c; the critical strain rate (c) for a coil
linked networks. More specifically, depend- > stretch transition cannot be reached
ing on the solution concentration, the type before the network response begins.
of flow (i.e., extensional or simple shear Relating to alternatives of cases (1) and
flow), and the strain rate, a coil stretch (2) to shish-kebab formation, the shish
transition will or will not occur, the condi- could then be compounded either by chain
tions for which are exemplified by Figs. segments stretched out between entangle-
4-10 and 4-11 in Sec. 4.2, and which will be ment points as in case (2) (such should be
briefly recalled in the following. the situation for very concentrated solutions
The distinction between Figs. 4-10 and and melts in shear flow - see below), or if
4-11 is basic for our appreciation of what case (1) applies, it would consist of fully
happens in the melt. As stated at the end of stretched out chains.
Sec., if the conditions of Fig. 4-10 There are a number of experimental
pertain the chains can, by a coil > stretch observations that make a strong point for a
transition, become practically fully extend- coil stretch transition also occurring in
ed for all concentrations up to and includ- the melt: (i) Experiments carried out using
ing the melt within the strain rate interval a single jet and solid obstacles demonstrat-
n - c , which even if narrowed down and ed the effectiveness of elongational flow at
shifting to low strain rate values remains producing fibers, and specifically the role
finite and positive [case (1)]. On the other of a stagnation point and a lower limit in the
hand, the conditions represented by Fig. effective strain rate (Sec. 4.4.3). (ii) A two-
4-11 imply that the strain rate interval of full fold criticality between the molecular
chain stretchability becomes zero at the con- weight (A/) and the strain rate, which is char-
centration corresponding to the crossover acteristic of the coil stretch transition in
[case (2)]. The situation beyond the cross- dilute solutions, seems to also be present for
over, which includes the single component the formation of fibers in the melt, (iii) Cor-
4.8 Discussion 243

roborating (ii), it has been observed that the the present article, this entanglement den-
addition of only a minute amount of ultra- sity is not uniquely related to the topologi-
high M material significantly promoted cal chain overlap per se, but also to the time
fiber formation (Bashir et al., 1984), sug- scale of the molecular contact and thus in
gesting that a cut-off in M is operative at the addition to the temperature (Brownian
high end tail, a feature previously found to motion) and the rate of deformation
pertain also for the formation of fibrous imposed (including the differences between
crystals in dilute solutions. the start-up of flow and steady state condi-
The above observations were all made tions).
using some version of the jet flow metho- On coming to fiber formation, the above
dology. As the total strain and the strain rate deformation rate determined time-scale
cannot be varied independently, these dependence needs compounding with that
experiments cannot be conclusive as to of the crystallization process. Depending on
whether a strain rate or a total strain require- the rate of nucleation, it has been hypothe-
ment is pertinent to the onset of fibrous crys- sized that crystallization may occur both
tallization in flowing concentrated solutions under transient flow conditions, i.e., after
and melts. Clearly, a strain requirement start-up an overshoot in the stress is
would hold for both a coil stretch and a observed corresponding to a state of high
cross-linked network-like mechanism of entanglement density, and under steady
shish-kebab formation, while a strain rate state conditions (i.e., when the entangle-
criterion would only be present for a coil > ment density is constant in a kind of dynam-
stretch transition. In order to decide which ic equilibrium). More about crystallization
mechanism is operative, experimental data in shear flow will be said in the following
from a set-up where the strain rate and the chapter in this Volume.
total strain can be varied independently are
clearly invited. This is a long recognized
need (Lagasse and Maxwell, 1976), which 4.8.3 A Special Case of Chain Extension:
to our knowledge is unrealized so far. Adsorbed Molecules
The formation of shish-kebab morpholo- As opposed to elongational flow, in sim-
gies in shear flow should rely entirely on the ple shear flow there can be no sharp coil
presence of entanglements to achieve the stretch transition (de Gennes, 1974). Nev-
chain extension required for the creation of ertheless, a special situation arises, even in
the core fiber. Therefore, in dilute solutions the case of simple shear flow, when the
under shear flow conditions, shish-kebab molecules are anchored (adsorbed) to a solid
crystals have never been observed. [In fact, wall. This situation can be treated mathe-
the formation of fibrous crystals in the matically as a kind of 'quasi-elongational'
Couette apparatus by Pennings's original flow. As predicted by Brochard and de
experimentation technique did not rely on Gennes (1992) and confirmed by experi-
shear flow (the laminar flow between two ment (Migler et al., 1994), chains of equal
concentric cylinders), but on elongational length constituting a so-called 'weak brush'
flow between Taylor vortices occurring may undergo a sharp transition from an
beyond a certain flow velocity (Pennings entangled state to one in which the anchored
et al., 1970).] The number of entanglement molecules become disentangled from the
points (entanglement density) thus plays a bulk. This process, which takes place at a
decisive role. As pointed out repeatedly in critical value of stress, is accompanied by a
244 4 Flow-Induced Orientation and Structure Formation

sharp increase in the slippage velocity in a some specific circumstances (e.g., Keller
boundary layer at a short distance from the and Pope, 1971). However, we shall restrict
solid boundary [referred to as a 'marginal ourselves here to cases that are associated
state' in Brochard and de Gennes (1992)]. with the primary crystallization process tak-
Within and beyond this marginal state fur- ing place in deforming or flowing melts.
ther chain extension can take place, but now Lamellae growing in a flowing (deform-
being disentangled from the bulk, not ing) melt will tend to align with their lamel-
through the action of entanglements, but as lar planes parallel to the flow (deformation)
imposed by monomeric frictional forces. direction. In view of the fact that in chain-
The whole issue of the potential role of folded lamellae the chain direction is per-
molecules at or close to the surface will be pendicular, or at a specific large angle to the
raised again in specific terms in Sees. 4.10.2 lamellar surfaces, the sample (as a whole)
and 4.10.3. will display an orientation in which the
The macroscopic orientation effects dis- chains are perpendicular, or at a specific
cussed so far all rely on the presence of com- large inclination, with respect to the flow
paratively strong flow fields or, in the case direction. Such, by conventional expecta-
of cross-linked networks, on relatively large tions, highly anomalous orientations feature
static extensions. Under certain circum- frequently in the literature. They may also
stances macroscopic orientation effects can be due to other causes (see below), but in
also arise in weak flows or even in the many instances they are attributable to flow-
absence of flow. It is to the latter kinds of induced lamellar alignment. In addition to
orientation effects, which are related to the the alignment of the basal planes, it will be
alignment of supramolecular structural the most elongated and hence fastest grow-
entities (and not directly to that of chain ing lateral crystal direction that, in general,
molecules), to which we turn next. will become parallel to the flow, i.e., the
direction that is normally radial in a spher-
ulite (e.g., b in polyethylene - see Fig.
4.9 Orientation Due to the 4-24). It follows that the macroscopic orien-
tation displayed by such a sample will be
Alignment of Supramolecular equivalent to that along the radius of a
Structure Entities spherulite. A corresponding X-ray diffrac-
tion pattern (in this case from a nylon) is
4.9.1 Orientation in Weak Flows shown in Fig. 4-44. This situation was real-
If the flow is too weak to extend the ized early on by one of us, even before the
chains, it may still lead to macroscopic lamellar nature of the basic crystal entity
orientation by aligning larger scale structur- was recognized (Keller, 1956). Identifica-
al entities, themselves resulting from the tion of the effect with preferential lamellar
crystallization of unextended, random alignment in the flow direction soon fol-
chains, also influencing the direction of lowed (Keller and O'Connor, 1957) after the
their continuing growth. The entities discovery of chain-folded lamellar crystals
involved are of course the lamellae and still from solution. In fact the latter was the first
larger scale units arising therefrom. Lamel- (at that time debated) inference that the
lar reorientation is known to be one feature novel findings for crystallization in solu-
in the early stages of solid state deformation tions have counterparts in the less readily
of the already solidified material under accessible crystallization from the melt.
4.9 Orientation Due to the Alignment of Supramolecular Structure Entities 245


Figure 4-44. X-ray diffraction pattern of a nylon 6.6
filament solidified during weak flow while exuding
unconstrained from an extruder (Keller, 1956). Flow
direction vertical.

This line of reasoning was well substantiat-

ed by later events and is pursued further in Figure 4-45. Structure formation under very weak
this chapter (Sec. 4.9). flow where the influence of the flow is only to orient
The pattern of alignment of growing the lamellae in various stages of branching/sheaving
in the course of their development towards a spher-
lamellae and that of the resulting larger ulite, and does not otherwise affect the formation of
entities is best illustrated by the compara- the lamellae themselves (which is the same as in the
tively recent case of polyphenylene-ether- stationary state). The present figure shows the scheme
as established for the polymer PEEK (which, amongst
ether-ketone (PEEK) polymer. Here a others, displays a characteristic 'cartwheel'-like
sequence of X-ray orientation patterns, both morphology intermediate between the sheaf and the
wide and low angle, and the development of spherulite). Development of a lamella (i), into a sheaf
(ii), then into a cartwheel (iii), where the 'axle' is the
birefringence could be successfully crystallographic a axis. [Out of plane sheaving beyond
accounted for by the scheme in Fig. 4-45, as (iii) would then lead to a spherulite.] Flow direction
briefly described in Waddon et al. (1988) vertical (Waddon et al., 1988).
and Blundell et al. (1989), and given in
detail by Waddon (1988). Figure 4-45 (i) the course of continuing growth, the lamel-
represents the lamella with both basal planes lae will branch as in (ii) leading to the
and the long and hence fastest growing 'cartwheel'-like structure as in (iii), which
direction, b, parallel to the orienting influ- corresponds to randomization around a. The
ence (vertical). With random orientation randomization of this carthwheel around the
around the flow direction, the macroscopic flow direction (vertical) - the cartwheels are
orientation (as indeed observed) corre- present in all orientations with their axles
sponds to a /?-axis fiber pattern (with the (i.e., a) normal to the flow direction - results
chains, i.e., the c-axis, perpendicular), in the overall orientation actually observed
which is similar to the orientation along a at that stage of crystal development, as is
spherulite radius (Waddon et al., 1987). In deducible by pole figures analysis (Waddon
246 4 Flow-Induced Orientation and Structure Formation

et al., 1988; Blundell et al., 1989; Waddon, tween. The above example on PEEK there-
1988). Full development of the final spher- fore illustrates the orientability of large
ulite leads to total overall randomness. scale morphological entities in different
However, as PEEK can be quenched into the stages of their own structural hierarchy.
glassy state, any of the intermediate stages
of crystal development can be preserved
4.9.2 Orientation in the Absence of Flow
within the final sample, and with it the mark
they leave on the macroscopic sample orien- Macroscopic orientation can arise even
tation. Further, the range of structure units without any flow, due to the selection of the
can be preserved in the fully crystallized primary crystal growth direction being
sample even without any intervening pre- brought about by other causes. This can lead
mature quenching pending on the nucleation to orientations that are indistinguishable
density. Namely, if there are many nuclei, from some of those mentioned above.
and hence the growing entities are closely Therefore their appreciation is essential for
spaced, this development will be arrested by any attribution of orientation effects of the
mutual impingement, and, depending on the kind under discussion to flow or deforma-
stage at which this impingement occurs in tion, in addition to the fact th^t such spon-
the sequence (i) - (iii) (and beyond towards taneous, purely growth-generated orienta-
a full spherulite), the corresponding orien- tion effects are of interest in their own
tation will remain imprinted on the macro- right.
scopic sample. Indeed, upon increasing the One way such oriented growth without an
nucleation density (by self-seeding), the externally imposed orienting influence can
opposite orientation sequence (iii)-(i) (i.e., arise is through a thermal gradient coupled
the reverse to the crystal development pur- with movement of the sample in a direction
sued above) was obtained in agreement with opposite to that of the crystal growth, with
expectations (Waddon et al., 1988; Blundell a velocity matching that of the growth of the
etal., 1989; Waddon, 1988). crystal. In the case of polymers, this meth-
Thus we have essentially two levels of od, which is equivalent to that of growing
morphological entity that can become single crystals of simple substances in zone-
aligned, the lamella and the cartwheel6, refining experiments, leads to unidirection-
with all intermediate splay stages in be- al spherulite-type growth along the moving
temperature gradient. The resulting macro-
The 'cartwheel' needs some comment. Such entities
scopic orientation corresponds to that along
have been identified by Lovinger and Davis (1985) as a spherulite radius. The method was intro-
specific to PEEK. We regard them as a form of the duced by Seto and coworkers (Tanaka et al.,
familiar sheaves, leading to spherulite formation in 1963) and has been followed up by numer-
which the branching of the lamellae is more confined ous workers since. Figure 4-46 is one exam-
to a plane than usual. Or rather, that the randomiza-
tion around the sheaf axis (vertical b in Fig. 4-45),
ple of an attempt to prepare such a unidirec-
which normally occurs before the sheaf closes up on tional spherulite sample in a controlled man-
itself, is here delayed until after sheaf closure, i.e., ner (Lovinger and Davis, 1985). The result-
until after the randomization around the normal to the ing macroscopic orientation is clearly iden-
sheaf axis, here a, is complete. Accordingly, there tical to that arising from lamellar alignment
should be no difference in the overall pattern from
what is normal, but merely in the relative degree of
due to weak flow, i.e., corresponding to
sheaving in different directions for reasons that must stage (i) in the scheme of Fig. 4-45, leading
lie in the specific nature of this particular polymer. to X-ray diffraction patterns such as in
4.9 Orientation Due to the Alignment of Supramolecular Structure Entities 247

Figure 4-46. Oriented banded spherulites in nylon

6.12 directionally solidified. Polarizing micrograph,
crossed polars (Lovinger and Gryte, 1976).

Fig. 4-44 for the appropriate polymer, even

if the ultimate underlying cause is basical-
ly different.
Another source of oriented growth arises
from nucleating surfaces (transcrystalliza-
tion) and from alien fibrous inclusions that
nucleate crystallization (the nucleating abil-
ity of which could involve epitaxial
growth). An example, a common occur- Figure 4-47. PEEK-C fiber composite with transcry s-
rence in fibrous polymer composites with talline structure arising through spherulite nucleation
along the C fiber. In this instance cleavage along the
thermoplastic matrices, is shown in Fig. columnar interfaces is also displayed. Polarizing opti-
4-47 (Waddon, 1988; see also Chapter 8 in cal micrograph, crossed polars (Waddon et al., 1987).
Volume 13 of this Series). Here and in many
similar other cases [e.g., for polypropylene an oriented fiber composite, a macroscopic
in Varga (1992) to quote a salient recent orientation will arise that is indistinguish-
work], closely spaced nuclei confine spher- able from the row structure of the corre-
ulitic growth to directions normal to the sponding polymer (e.g., polyethylene will
nucleating fiber, so leading to the equiva- give an X-ray diffraction pattern as in
lent of two-dimensional spherulites with the Fig. 4-35). In addition to the effect of the
spherulite planes normal to the nucleating morphology on the orientation, Fig. 4-47
fiber direction. Such an assembly is clearly also contains an instructive demonstration
equivalent to the flow orientation-induced of fracture along the column boundary, and
row structure of Fig. 4-37 c (discussed in hence of the influence of the morphological
length in Sec., except that here the hierarchy on the macroscopic properties.
nucleating entity is not a polymer but an Finally, orientation by directional growth
alien body, and no chain stretching is can arise due to special constraints (as in the
involved in its formation. Orientation may familiar capillary method of single crystal
nevertheless play a prominent part, not by production in the crystal growing practice
stretching chains but by aligning the fiber of simple substances). A particularly
component of the fibrous composite. In such instructive and potentially significant situ-
248 4 Flow-Induced Orientation and Structure Formation

carbon fibres

x nucleation site

(a) (b)
Figure 4-48. Diagrammatic representation of two possible spherulite morphologies resulting from constrained
growth in thermoplastic composites. Depending on the nucleation density along the fibers and on the fiber sep-
aration distance, two different, mutually orthogonal growth directions may arise, imparting the corresponding
orientations to the macroscopic sample (Waddon et al., 1987).

ation can arise in fibrous composites, again opposite as regards the dominant crystallo-
exemplified by experience with PEEK. Fig- graphic growth direction for the two alter-
ure 4-48 should serve to convey the princi- natives (a) and (b) in Fig. 4-48. The deter-
ples involved. In (a) we have carbon fibers mining factors are the nucleating ability and
that nucleate the crystallization leading to the separation of the fibers (hence the load-
two-dimensional spherulite development, ing of the composite). The above situations
i.e., the row structure analog discussed in have in fact become pertinent for technolog-
the preceding paragraph. If the carbon fibers ical situations (Blundell et al., 1989) where,
are not strongly nucleating (a factor depen- in addition, a combination of weak flow-
dent on the preceding surface treatment), induced crystal orientation (in the sense of
they will merely act as a confinement to nor- Fig. 4-45) and directional crystal growth, as
mal spherulite growth occurring in the spac- influenced by nucleation and confinement
es between them (as in Fig. 4-48 b), sporad- (Fig. 4-48), were found to be operative.
ically along the fiber surface or also within
the confined melt interior. If, in addition,
they are closely spaced, the overall spher- 4.10 The Effect of Structure
ulite growth direction will tend to be par- on Rheology: The 'Extrusion
allel to the fiber constituent of the compos-
ite. If the fibers are all parallel, as they usu- Window' in Polyethylene
ally become under the weak orienting influ-
ence of the technological processing 4.10.1 Introduction and Basic Features
involved, there will be an overall orienta- of the Window Effect
tion in the macroscopic sample. Note that So far we have been concerned with the
this orientation is different, in fact exactly consequences of flow-induced chain exten-
4.10 The Effect of Structure on Rheology: The 'Extrusion Window' in Polyethylene 249

sion on the crystal morphology of the solid- predictable way from conventional rheolo-
ified sample, and through them, the type and gy. It involves reduced flow resistance cou-
strength of orientation in the final product. pled with the absence of extrudate distor-
Now we turn to a further aspect of the inter- tions, and utilization of the effect may offer
play between flow and structure formation, practical advantages in processing. The
namely modification of the flow pattern anomaly itself we attribute to chain exten-
through the presence of structures previous- sion and chain extension-induced phase
ly created within the flow field. transitions.
A situation where flow-induced struc- In the case of linear polyethylene, solid-
tures can give rise to a change of the flow ification (crystallization) occurs between
field was introduced earlier in the discus- 120 and 130 C on cooling, depending on
sion on flow-induced crystallization effects the cooling rate, while on heating a solidi-
in the opposed jet apparatus and in connec- fied product melting occurs at 132-136 C
tion with shish-kebab formation (Sees. 4.3.3 (practical melting point) with the maximum
and 4.4.3). To recapitulate, the presence of (theoretical) melting point generally held to
fibrous crystals within the orifice could lead be 145 C (see, e.g., Flory and Vrij, 1963).
to a change of the local velocity gradient at Conventional melt processing is usually
the solid growing tip of the fiber (Keller and conducted at much higher temperatures, i.e.,
Mackley, 1974; Machley, 1975 a, b), there- 160 C and above, to avoid any possible
by generating an accelerating elongational interference of the solid state with the melt
flow component which, in turn, could give flow (for this and the foregoing see the anno-
rise to further stretching out of the chain tated temperature scale of Fig. 4-49). In
molecules. contrast, the subject matter of present con-
In the following we shall describe cern is melt flow within the range at which
another, recently discovered example of such an interaction can occur, not only
how flow-generated structures can react because of its intrinsic scientific interest,
back on the flow itself, in this case creating but also because processing at these lower
a major, macroscopically registered rheo- temperatures can be advantageous, either by
logical effect in the capillary flow of high virtue of the melt properties or by that of the
molecular weight (M) polyethylenes (PEs). properties of the resulting solidified prod-
This anomalous effect is part of the broad- uct. This is the temperature region of the
er subject area discussed in the foregoing pioneering works by van der Vegt and Smit
(Sec. 4.4), namely, melt flow not too far (1967) on elongational flow-induced crys-
above the solidification point of the poly- tallization. The central point of these works
mer - in this case polyethylene. This has was essentially rheological. In subsequent
been reported in several publications (Wad- works, taking up the above theme, the
don and Keller, 1990, 1992; Narh and Kel- emphasis shifted to the structure and prop-
ler, 1991a, b; Kolnaar and Keller, 1994, erties the extrudate (Southern and Porter,
1995; Kolnaar, 1993) [it also features in a 1970; Porter et al., 1975). Subsequent
publication from a different source but is not works (Bashir et al. 1984, 1986; Keller
followed up there (Titomanlio and Marruc- and Odell, 1978; Odell et al., 1978) contin-
ci, 1990)], and involves a specific singular- ued to focus on the resulting extrudate,
ity in the extrusion behavior occurring with- 'fine tuning' the morphology by what may
in a narrow temperature interval of 1 - 3 C be termed 'micro-morphological engineer-
around 150 C, which does not follow in any ing'.
250 4 Flow-Induced Orientation and Structure Formation

ton velocity (v), measuring the extrusion
pressure (p) as a function of temperature (I).
Here v relates to the shear rate at the capil-
lary wall, most readily expressed as an
'apparent wall shear rate' yA, where

7A = (4-5)
with Q being the material throughput per
EXTRUSION WINDOW unit time, which is proportional to v. R is the
150C capillary radius and the ratio ply A relates to
the apparent flow resistance, and hence the
145C apparent melt viscosity7.
SOLIDIFICATION The key effect, the basis of what follows,
MELT is shown in Fig. 4-50. Here, just as in the
first experiments leading to the discovery
T -~132C
of the effect in question (Waddon and
Keller, 1990,1992; Narh and Keller, 1991 a,
CRYSTAL b), comparatively high M material
Figure 4-49. Temperature scale for melt flow of lin- (M=10 5 -10 6 ) was used, such as may dis-
ear polyethylene in a capillary extruder. The scale on play several kinds of extrudate distortion
the left relates to the quiescent state (Tm = practical
melting temperature; T^ = theoretical melting point of and unsteady flow at the usual processing
an infinite crystal). The scale on the right applies to temperatures (i.e., at 160 C and above).
the melt flow, which leads to solidification, and dis- However, rather surprisingly, at lower
plays the 'extrusion window' (Kolnaar and Keller,
1995). extrusion temperatures, between the tem-
perature at which solidification of the flow-
ing polymer leads to blockage and roughly
More recent works reverted to the reex- 152 C, the flow becomes steady. The pres-
amination of melt flow properties, that is to sure displays a pronounced minimum with-
rheology, at or just before the stage at which in a narrow temperature interval of
the above-mentioned structures started 150-152C (Fig. 4-50). The singularity of
forming. A new, unexpected phenomenon the 'window effect' is even more strikingly
(Waddon and Keller, 1990, 1992; Narh and apparent from the appearance of the extru-
Keller, 1991 a, b; Kolnaar and Keller, 1994, date. For the high Ms in question, and for
1995; Kolnaar, 1993) arose in the course of practicable values of v (i.e., yA), the extru-
these investigations, to be described and dates display nonuniformities and gross dis-
pursued in what follows. The experiments tortions of various kinds under the usual
quoted again involved a capillary rheome- processing conditions (see, e.g., Vinogra-
ter consisting of a converging die entry (see
Fig. 4-28) followed by a capillary, used 7
As we shall be concerned with anomalous flow con-
either as a viscometer to measure the melt ditions at which rheological correction schemes such
as the Rabinowitsch-Weissenberg correction lose
flow properties or as an extruder for obtain-
their validity, the apparent yA values will not be cor-
ing an extrudate. rected to obtain the real shear rates (y). Qualitatively,
For the effects to be observed, the capil- it follows that an increase in v will have the result of
lary rheometer is operated at a constant pis- increasing fA, f, and hence e.
4.10 The Effect of Structure on Rheology: The 'Extrusion Window' in Polyethylene 251




Figure 4-51. Photograph of extrudate obtained dur-

ing a heating run corresponding to the pressure vs.
temperature trace of Fig. 4-50. Barrel wall tempera-
tures are indicated (Kolnaar and Keller, 1995).

145 150 155 reached, the window effect usually reap-

pears with the same strength on cooling. In
temperature (C) contrast, if the system is held at that high-
Figure 4-50. Pressure vs. temperature trace recorded est temperature (e.g., 180 C) for some time
during heating at a fixed extrusion rate showing the and the pressure is allowed to decay to zero,
pressure minimum associated with the extrusion win-
dow. The vertical arrows denote pressure oscillations the window effect may not reappear after-
[v= 1.25 mm min"1 (yA= 1.89 s"1), heating rate= 1 C wards. Similarly, if a cooling run is started
min"1, M=4.4xlO5] (Kolnaar and Keller, 1995). from the high Tend (e.g., 180C), without
a preceding heating run, depending on the
dov et al., 1972). Several of these are absent extrusion rate the window may or may not
within the T window where the extrudate is appear. As recognized in Narh and Keller
smooth. Figure 4-51 illustrates the effect in (1991 a), this 'conditional' reversibility has
terms of a photograph of an extrudate where all the hallmarks of a memory effect, name-
the temperature was raised during extrusion. ly, that a particular structure ('phase' - see
The smooth region corresponding to the below) is created by the flow which is
extrusion temperature of -150 C, in con- responsible for the window effect. This
trast to the gross distortions of various kinds always happens on heating, but needs to be
both below and above this temperature nucleated on cooling, a process much aided
should be strikingly apparent. The effect is if some memory of the structure still exists.
reversible with temperature (Narh and Kel- Accordingly, storage at an elevated temper-
ler, 1991 a); it takes place both on heating ature before cooling starts could erase this
and on cooling. Nevertheless, this rever- memory effect, and of course in the absence
sibility is not quite unconditional (Narh of any previous heating run such memory
and Keller, 1991a): the p minimum at would be altogether nonexistent. In either
150-152 C always appears on heating, but case, renucleation of the structure in ques-
not always, and not always in the same tion would be required. This view has been
strength (i.e., the same magnitude of the p confirmed by ongoing works since, where it
drop) on cooling. Namely, if on completion was found that even when considering heat-
of a given heating run cooling starts imme- ing runs only, the 'strength' of the effect
diately after the highest T (~180C) is (i.e., the depth of the p minimum) increas-
252 4 Flow-Induced Orientation and Structure Formation

es on repeated heating runs (Kolnaar and

Keller, 1994).
To sum up (at this stage), we have the rath-
er surprising effect that material that would
conventionally be unprocessible at such low
extrusion temperatures becomes potentially OH

processible at temperatures below those

used in conventional technological practice,
with a narrow temperature window of min- en
imum flow resistance ('extrusion window').
Thus, in the heating experiment, the oscil-
lations are absent up to the upper edge of the
window, at which stage they first appear (see
Fig. 4-50). In the reverse experiment on
cooling they are present to begin with but
disappear when the upper edge of the win- 145
dow is reached. Cooling through the T
region of the window approaches the con- temperature (C)
ditions for solidification. This is the region Figure 4-52. Pressure vs. temperature traces for
leading to the various fiber-platelet mor- increasing apparent wall shear rates showing the onset
of the extrusion window. From bottom to top:
phologies and eventual blockage of the flow j A = 2.21, 2.65, 3.02, 3.78 s'] (M=2.8xlO5) (Kolnaar
through massive solidification into a pre- and Keller, 1995).
dominantly fibrous, crystalline structure.
When this occurs the pressure is rising, as ious other kinds of distortion, and so it is not
is to be expected (the increase in p with as easy to recognize and even less easy to
decreasing T eventually swinging up quantify.
towards infinity when the flow stops; this is The above window effect (such as in
seen best in Fig. 4-52 to feature below). In Fig. 4-50) was found to occur discontinu-
spite of this increase in p with decreasing T ously above a certain piston velocity (hence
on crystallization, the p vs. T trace remains apparent shear rate, yAc) for a given molec-
smooth compared to the oscillations at the ular weight (M) (Waddon and Keller, 1990;
high T side of the window. This would also Narh and Keller, 1991 a; Kolnaar and Kel-
apply to the appearance of the extrudate if ler, 1994). This is shown in Fig. 4-52. Here,
it were hauled off at sufficient speed. If this for the lower values of yA, p is a slowly
is not done, there is pronounced die swell decreasing function of T without any sign of
on exit, particularly at Tbelow the window; a minimum, as is expected from a steady
hence the extrudate again becomes grossly decrease of the melt viscosity with temper-
nonuniform, as is conspicuously apparent ature (yA and the associated extrusion out-
from Fig. 4-51. In the window itself die put here are very low, such that flow
swell is again at a minimum, displaying the instabilities that would characterize the
special advantage of the window condition extrusion at more practical speeds do not yet
(Wadden and Keller, 1990; Kolnaar and appear). However, the onset of a minimum
Keller, 1994). Die swell reappears at T in p at 150-152C appears sharply on a
above the window minimum (Kolnaar and small increment increase of yA beyond a cer-
Keller, 1994), but compounded there by var- tain yA. Increasing yA further does not affect
4.10 The Effect of Structure on Rheology: The 'Extrusion Window' in Polyethylene 253

the location of the minimum along the tem-

perature axis, but it makes the window more
pronounced (Kolnaar and Keller, 1994).
Therefore onset of the flow effect is critical
in yA, hence a critical apparent wall strain
rate y Ac .
Analogous criticality also applies to the
molecular weights (Waddon and Keller,
1990, 1992; Kolnaar and Keller, 1994). We
found that yA c was strongly dependent on
M: a lower M requiring a much enhanced yA
for the minimum to appear, and vice versa.
In spite of the fact that we did not have sharp
fractions for this purpose, but only materi- molecular weight
als with comparatively broad, but neverthe- Figure 4-53. Critical onset apparent wall shear rate
less in a given series, comparable M distri- at the inception of the extrusion window vs. weight
butions (Mw/Mn ~ 5), we could establish an average molecular weight as obtained from heating
runs (Kolnaar and Keller, 1995).
apparently very well defined relation be-
tween Mw (= M) and the critical wall shear
rate yA c for the creation of a minimum in experimental results are displayed by the yA
thep vs. Tcurve (Kolnaar and Keller, 1994). vs. Tcurves of Figs. 4-54 and 4-55 obtained
Accordingly, we found that at increasing values of constant p. In Fig.
4-54 yA is an increasing function of T, as is
7A,C ~ (4-6) to be expected from the increasing fluidity
as derived from the double logarithmic yA (or decreasing viscosity) of the melt with T.
vs. M plot Fig. 4-53). As can be observed, the yA (or v) values are
At this stage we may remark that, bear- higher for higher values of p (the curves lie
ing in mind the intrinsic complexity of the above each other in order of increasing p)
effect in question and the polydispersity of in line with the expectation of higher shear
the materials used, the emergence of such a rates in response to higher applied stresses.
clear cut effect is remarkable and indicative (The steep drop at the low T end of the T
of some basic underlying cause. Even the range corresponds to solification and to ulti-
exact meaning of the - 4 functional depen- mate flow blockage, the counterpart of the
dence apart, the message of Figs. 4-52 and rise of the p vs. T curves in Figs. 4-50 and
4-53 is clear: The appearance of this effect 4-52). So far it is all normal rheological
(i.e., the minimum in the p vs. T curve) is behavior. However, as shown in Fig. 4-55,
critical in both yA and M, the double criti- the situation changes dramatically on a fur-
cality that is the hallmark of a flow-induced ther increase of p: at a specific p the yA vs.
coil > stretch transition. T curve shows a sharp maximum at
The same criticality is strikingly con- 150- 151 C. On a further increase in p the
firmed by extrusion experiments carried out position of this maximum in yA remains
at constant p (Kolnaar and Keller, 1994). unaltered but increases in size.
Here, the pressure p was kept fixed while As will be apparent, the above experi-
lowering the temperature with the piston ment, as represented by Figs. 4-54 and 4-55,
displacement rate (v) being measured. The is the precise complement of that in Fig.
254 4 Flow-Induced Orientation and Structure Formation

7.7 MPa
n D a
7.0 MPa
_2 3
5.6 MPa
o o o oo oooo
o oooo

Molecular weight (g/mol)

Figure 4-56. Critical pressure (pc) vs. weight aver-
140 145 150 155 160 165 age molecular weight as obtained from heating runs
such as in Fig. 4-50 (Kolnaar and Keller, 1995).
temperature (C)
Figure 4-54. Apparent wall shear rate (yA) vs. tem-
perature plots recorded during extrusion at a constant
pressure. Pressure values increasing from bottom to 4-52, both registering the same effect. The
top are indicated (Kolnaar and Keller, 1995). first in the form of p as a function of T at
constant v (hence yA), the latter in the form
50 of v (hence yA) as a function of Tat constant
p. In the first case the effect is manifest in
8.4 MPa
the form of a minimum and in the latter as
a maximum in the respective curves vs. T.
We interpret the opposite, mutually comple-
menting effects displayed by Figs. 4-52 and
.2 30 4-55 as manifestations of the criticality inp,
in Fig. 4-55 directly and in Fig. 4-52 indi-
rectly via yA, where, by our interpretation,
20 p increases with yA until its critical value pc.
8.0 MPa
Additional results (Kolnaar, 1993) indicate
that the criticality in M is also mirrored by
10 both types of experiment with constant rand
also with constant p.
j% o o o o o o o o o o o o ooA As a next step we consider the pressure
value (pc) for each yA in Fig. 4-53. A plot of
140 145 150 155 160 165
pc vs. M shows that the pc values were all
temperature (C) closely in the same range, around 7.0 MPa
Figure 4-55. As in Fig. 4-54 but extending to the (Fig. 4-56). The points broadly define a hor-
higher pressure values where a sharp maximum in yA izontal line: even if there is some scatter
appears at 150 C; this develops rapidly with a further about this line, the deviations are negligible
increase in pressure (Kolnaar and Keller, 1995). The
three curves in Fig. 4-54 are also included. (Note the compared to the huge variations in yA over
contracted abscissa scale compared to Fig. 4-54.) the same M range. We can assert therefore
4.10 The Effect of Structure on Rheology: The 'Extrusion Window' in Polyethylene 255

that while yA varies steeply (to the power of low T end of the p minimum (see, e.g.,
minus four) with M, pc is to a good approx- Figs. 4-50 and 4-52) and the downturn of yA
imation constant over the same M range. (v) at the low T end of the maximum in the
rate in Fig. 4.54, are in fact due to crystal-
lization, which can indeed lead to complete
4.10.2 The Significance of the Window
cessation of the flow, the effect first
Effect for Melt Flow Rheology
observed by van der Vegt and Smit (1967).
The existence of the window effect may Based on such considerations, from the very
offer a potentially significant advantage for beginning, the hexagonal phase of PE was
processing that involves melt flow through suggested as responsible for the window
orifices. The advantages include: less ener- effect (Waddon and Keller, 1990, 1992;
gy for a given throughput, uniform pressure, Narh and Keller, 1991a). This hexagonal
and chiefly, a uniform extrudate under con- phase is known to contain the chains in a
ditions where nonuniformity would other- highly mobile form and has rather liquid
wise prevail, and could in fact make the crystal-like characteristics. This, in princi-
manufacture of unidirectional products such ple at least, could account for the low flow
as, e.g., monofilaments, rods, and pipes resistance and for the absence of features,
impractical if not impossible. In addition to such as die swell, associated with the elas-
the above practical considerations, an ticity of melts constituted by randomly
understanding of the origin of the window interpenetrating molecules. This hexagonal
effect has posed a significant scientific chal- phase is metastable at atmospheric pressure,
lenge, to be addressed by much of the work but there is evidence that it can be produced
to follow. as an apparently stable phase, e.g., by hold-
It was recognized early on that the origin ing the chains stretched by appropriately
of the window effect cannot be explained by constraining ultra-drawn fibers or flow-
the continuum rheology of polymer melts oriented shish-kebab crystals (Pennings and
alone, and that the sharp singularity with Zwijnenburg, 1979; van Aerie et al., 1987;
temperature points to a thermodynamic fac- Hikmet et al., 1987; Clough, 1970). In such
tor, in particular a phase transition. The cases the melting points (Tm) of all modifi-
above results lend further support to this cations are increased, but that of the meta-
contention: namely, the uniqueness and stable modification (Tm)h to a greater extent
sharpness of the effect, its clearly defined than that of the stable one (Tm)o with the
temperature range, and the further evidence result that a temperature range is created
that memory effects (conditional reversibil- where the previously metastable phase
ity with heating and cooling, etc.) may be becomes stable (subscripts o and h above
operative. refer to orthorhombic and hexagonal phas-
With regards to the nature of the phase es in PE, respectively). In most previous
involved in the proposed phase transition, experiments a temperature of 150 C, or
in analogy to the antecedents surveyed in close, is recorded for an o h transition in
the previous sections of this chapter, a liq- such a constrained system, in remarkable
uid to crystal transformation would be con- coincidence with the present observation of
sidered likely. However, such a transforma- the p minimum.
tion would increase the flow resistance, as It is implied by the above that the suggest-
opposed to decreasing it, which is the ed phase transition is induced by the chains
present effect. In fact the upswing of/? at the becoming stretched out in the course of
256 4 Flow-Induced Orientation and Structure Formation

flow, modifying the free energy of the ler, 1994, 1995). It is readily envisaged,
system in such a way as to 'uncover' the even in qualitative terms, that such a plug
originally metastable, hexagonal phase flow component could have the characteris-
(Keller and Ungar, 1991). Or looking at it tics required by the newly found window
in another way, we create a situation analo- effect: namely, low flow resistance and an
gous to that of the constrained fiber referred absence of flow irregularities both in terms
to above. Having reached this stage of the of the p vs. T trace and in that of the extru-
argumentation, the first works (Waddon and date appearance. Further, it is to be noted
Keller, 1990,1992; Narh and Keller, 1991 a, that, as regards the window effect at least,
b) envisaged chain extension as arising the emphasis has shifted from the entry ori-
through the effect of the elongational flow, fice to the capillary as the likely site respon-
such as is necessarily present at the orifice sible for the flow singularity under discus-
entry, already invoked to account for the sion.
crystallization-solidification effects (at a Plug flow (or wall slip) is of course a
slightly lower temperature but still above familiar phenomenon in rheology. Howev-
the practical solidification temperatures) by er, this is by no means a downgrading of the
van der Vegt and Smit, Porter, and previous window effect to a known, somewhat trivi-
Bristol works (referred to in Sec. 4.5.2). The al precedent. Specifically, we see that a ther-
present effect of reduced (instead of modynamical factor, a phase transition in
increased) flow resistance would fall natu- particular, is required, because without it
rally in this schema by invoking the mobile there is no reason why plug flow should
hexagonal instead of the conventional occur at a specific, sharply defined temper-
orthorhombic phase, as created at the par- ature. Secondly, the phase responsible for
ticular temperature. As argued above, chain the window effect should be 'slippery', con-
extension by elongational flow is a rather sistent with it being 'mobile': as already
discontinuous process, corresponding to a stated, proper crystals would block, not pro-
coil > stretch transition with no steady mote, flow, hence the invoking of the hex-
intermediate stage in between, it being crit- agonal phase. The transition to the new
ical both in strain rate and molecular weight, phase at a particular temperature must be
both criticalities pertaining to the creation chain extension-induced, otherwise there
of the present window effect. would be no reason for a phase other than
So far the argument seems self-consis- the orthorhombic crystal. Recent in situ
tent, its different ingredients mutually sup- experiments conducted at the synchrotron
porting each other. However, one item, the radiation facility (DESY) in Hamburg have
last finding in Sec. 4.10.1., i.e., the constan- indicated (Kolnaar et al., 1995) that a phase
cy of pc as a function of M (Fig. 4-56), does with a single X-ray reflection, different
not fall in line. Namely, it makes the win- from both the orthorhombic phase and the
dow effect analogous to a 'yield' phenom- melt, indeed forms within the capillary
enon, a runaway effect at a particular stress portion of the rheometer at temperatures
(crc) rather than the direct consequence of a around 50 C. Within registration sensitiv-
critical rate. This suggested the yield as slip- ity, this single reflection could indeed be
page of the material at or in close vicinity attributed to the hexagonal phase. A subse-
to the solid boundary, converting a Poiseulle quent study confirming the hexagonal
type flow behavior into at least partial plug nature of this new phase has further shown
flow within the capillary (Kolnaar and Kel- (van Bilsen et al., 1995) that this phase
4.10 The Effect of Structure on Rheology: The 'Extrusion Window' in Polyethylene 257

also arises in the elongational flow field of channel. In specific terms, because the new
the constriction, as could have been envis- structure arises along the surface, and in
aged from elongational flow considerations wider terms, because it raises the issue of
such as in Sec. 4.5, but as just stated, will the role of surfaces in polymer melt flow in
only affect the rheology when it appears at broader generality, we shall return to it
or near the boundary wall of the capillary below.
portion of the rheometer (Kolnaar and Kel- Even if the window phenomenon has
ler, 1995). directed attention to the effects along the
The question therefore arises as to wheth- wall of the capillary during flow in a rhe-
er such chain extension could also be ometer (such as in Fig. 4-28), the possibil-
expected at the walls, where the flow is of ity of elongational flow inducing chain
simple shear character. It is apparent qual- extension in the orifice remains unques-
itatively that it could in the case of chains tioned, as this has been the origin of all past
that are adsorbed to the walls of the flow studies on solidification effects and of the
channel. This issue has arisen previously in purposeful creation of specific micro-mor-
connection with the formation of shish- phologies by extrusion not too far above the
kebabs, in fact, of extended chain-type static melting point (see Sec. 4.5). The par-
fibers from solution by Pennings's surface ticular question that arises is the connection,
growth method (Pennings, 1977). Adsorbed if any, between those past works on solid-
molecules anchored at the wall could pro- ification effects attributed to happenings in
vide the answer, as invoked in Sec. 4.8.3. In elongational flow at the die entry and the
fact the Brochard-de Gennes theoretical present window effect, which seems to be
considerations (1992) [together with corre- associated with happenings along the capil-
sponding experimental observations of sur- lary wall in simple shear flow. At present
face layers (Migler et al., 1994)] quoted this question remains unanswered. The
there, envisaging disentanglement between commmon underyling feature is the
adsorbed molecules and the flowing bulk 'on-off effect of chain extension with crit-
with an associated criticality in the shear icality in both the strain rate and the molec-
stress, are likely to be applicable to our win- ular weight, in turn leading to structure for-
dow effect, in which case a phase transition, mation even if in two different portions of
occurring at a specific temperature, would the flow system, with different consequenc-
still need to be superposed on the envisaged es in the two cases.
chain extension.
We gave the rheological window effect
4.10.3 Wider Implications
such detailed attention in the foregoing part-
ly because of its quite recent topicality, but Interesting as it is in its own right, the
chiefly since it is a salient example of struc- extrusion window effect may well be
ture formation through flow with a striking regarded as a highly special phenomenon
feedback effect of the structures arising on with relevance limited to special systems
the flow itself, with as yet unforeseeable under rather circumscribed conditions. To
consequences for both basic knowledge and counteract such an impression here, we
practical exploitation. In addition, the par- draw attention to wider issues, of which
ticular structure formation in question the present effect may be a special manifes-
brings in a new element, namely, the role tation, with pointers to future develop-
and importance of the surface of the flow ments.
258 4 Flow-Induced Orientation and Structure Formation

First there is the influence of surfaces on sides of the melt, fully consistent with the
the polymer melt flow itself. Here the atten- concurrently observed structure formation.
tion is focused on happenings at the wall, The second surface-related effect was in
which, as recognized by Brochard and the field of melt rheology (Burton et al.,
de Gennes (1992), can be important factors 1983). Namely, the torque measurement in
in determining the nature of the flow itself. a parallel plate rheometer was found to be
Our present findings certainly fit into this flow gap-size dependent, specifically
newly opened framework. While starting decreasing below a gap size of 200 |im. The
from experimental observations on macro- torque reduction could become very pro-
scopic flow behavior, it arrives at inferen- nounced for a gap of 50 (Xm and below, and
ces that mesh with the new theoretical increasingly so for increasing molecular
approaches that start from molecular con- weights (5xl0 5 and above). This effect
siderations and focus on the nature and requires the invoking of a boundary melt
behavior of the polymer chain at the layer of broadly 20 \xm attached to the solid
solid-liquid interface. From a more gener- surface. The two alternative ways by which
al standpoint, a special effect such as the this could then lead to the observed torque
present phase transition may be regarded as reduction are laid out in Burton et al. (1983).
a useful aid. Namely, it serves to illuminate Here we merely remark that the rheological
the underlying generalities through enhanc- effect in question could be consistent with
ing these effects, resulting in conspicuous the structural effect in Grubb and Keller
consequences by which they can be readily (1974) (preceding paragraph) and could be
recognized, appreciated, and possibly even pertinent for the window effect, the main
utilized. subject of the present section, while of
In connection with the influences of sur- course of note in its own right.
faces on flow and structure formation, we Also, the interaction between a polymer
recall two further, possibly relevant classes and the solid surface of another material has
of observational fact. Both involve a differ- consequences beyond melt flow (or solution
ent flow system, simple shear flow between flow). It is of direct consequence to the fric-
plates, and material, high-M polystyrene. tion between two moving solids in contact,
One concerns the formation of shish-kebabs where at least one is a polymer. The pos-
and row structures in simple shear flow, as sibility of chain alignment arises, whether
invoked previously in Sec. 4.8.2. In addi- cold or through the intermediary of local
tion to the unresolved issues raised there, melting. In the latter case the subsequent
those arising in Grubb and Keller (1974) are formation of chain-aligned 'mobile' meso-
specially pertinent to the discussion at this phases would have a potentially profound
point. Namely, here the resulting crystalline influence on the frictional properties.
'columns' were seen to be confined to layers In addition to its own intrinsic interest,
20 |im from both shearing surfaces, indicat- the window effect is yet a further phenom-
ing stress concentration there. In addition, enon contributing to the principal theme of
the leading external edges of the film sam- this chapter, namely, the 'on-off' effect of
ples displayed 'lips' of about 20-|Ltm thick- chain extension with all its consequences for
ness as seen in cross section, indicating that the resulting structure and orientation, and
sheets of such a thickness must be moving in the case of the window, also for melt rhe-
together with the bounding solid surfaces ology. This theme then raises issues about
which are transmitting the shear on both melt flow in wider terms. Specifically, why
4.11 Some Practical Applications of the Concepts Developed 259

and how could such an on-off effect exist experience that polydispersity is favorable
in the melt, and further, how is it that the to steady stretching flows, while the trend
melt flow under the circumstances quoted towards monodispersity is inducive to flow
in this chapter 'senses' the presence of the instabilities [network response (Vinogradov
longest chains, even if present only in min- et al., 1972)1 is supportive of the above
ute proportions [e.g., see Bashir et al. argument.
(1984)], far beyond their contribution to
conventional flow properties (e.g., simple
shear viscosity)? In principle at least, a coil 4.11 Some Practical Applications
> stretch transition would provide the
of the Concepts Developed
answer, as established in dilute and semi-
concentrated solution (Sec. 4.5), but its
In Sec. 4.5 a detailed description is given
transference to the melt would test our tra-
of the various ways in which flow-induced
ditional conceptions on melt flow. This
crystallization and the oriented crystalliza-
point has already been raised in Sec.
tion of chains can lead to a wealth of intri-
and 4.8.3 through Figs. 4-10 and 4-11; here
guing morphologies such as row-nucleated
we bring it up again from yet another view-
structures and (interlocking) shish-kebabs.
In the next sections, attention will be direct-
At this point an attractive, even if highly ed briefly towards a few selected processes
speculative, possibility presents itself. In and products of technological applicability,
the case of solutions the coil > stretch tran- realized or potential, that have been devised
sition is conceptually clear. Namely, in the relying on the formation of shish-kebab type
non free-draining coil state the coil interior morphologies created in elongational flow
is screened from the effect of flow in the sur- (fiber spinning, extrusion, and molding) and
rounding solvent, and the runaway effect of shear flow (extrusion and molding), respec-
the coil > stretch transition on increasing tively. As will be shown below, the presence
the strain rate (with no intermediate stage as of shish-kebab type morphologies and par-
a steady state, except as a transient) is the allel lamellar structures can lead to signifi-
consequence of the coil interior becoming cant enhancement of the mechanical, ther-
increasingly exposed to frictional contact mal, dimensional, and various other proper-
with the solvent, as it starts opening up ties in an advantageous manner.
beyond a critical strain rate. We suggest that,
in the melt, the same effect may be due to
the same cause, namely that analogous 4.11.1 Structure Formation Relying
screening effects may be operative there as on Elongational Flow
well. This effect could be provided by a high
degree of polydispersity in normal polymer 'Hard-Elastic' Fibers
melts. Accordingly, a molecule at the high 'Hard-elastic' fibers display long range
tail end of the distribution could be regard- elasticity (even if with a substantial time
ed as a long molecule in a solution of its delay in recovery) such as is more appropri-
shorter species, which provide a screening ate to elastomers than to crystalline thermo-
effect analogous to that in a solvent. The plastics, yet retaining the high stiffness
indicated response to elongational flow, (modulus) of a thermoplastic, i.e., high com-
including the coil > stretch transition, pared to a rubber. This hard-elastic mechan-
would then occur. Possibly the general ical behavior, as is apparent from Fig. 4-57,
260 4 Flow-Induced Orientation and Structure Formation


Figure 4-57. Tensile curves (tensile

stress in grams per denier versus per-
centage elongation) illustrating the
long range elasticity (coupled with
hysteresis) of hard-elastic ('springy')
fibers [from Park and Noether as
quoted in Cannon et al. (1976)].
10 20 30 40 50

is not relatable to the molecular character- els to account for them, the lamellae are vis-
istics alone (as, e.g., in rubbers), but arises ualized acting as leaf springs, somewhat as
from the crystalline micro-morphology, sketched and modeled in Fig. 4-58. As seen
which has to be specially created for this from Fig. 4-58, the model implies pro-
purpose, as described in the patent literature nounced void formation as the lamellae sep-
[see Cannon et al. (1976), which is a arate, a fact conspicuously apparent from
summarizing article on this whole field]. the whitening of the sample and the inhibi-
The essential feature of this micro-mor- tion of wetting liquids and directly access-
phology is the parallel lamellar arrange- ible by low angle X-ray scattering. In fact
ment throughout the whole macroscopic such voids can be locked in (by overstretch-
sample. ing and annealing), in which case appropri-
The special long range elasticity of these ate thin films with lamellae edge-on can
materials arises from the lamellae being serve as filters (Celgard filters - Fig. 4-59).
pulled apart by the load applied and from In such a case the voids between the lamel-
the resistance of the lamellae to such separ- lae become subdivided into still smaller
ation, which provides the comparatively ones through fine fibrils spanning the gaps
high modulus and the driving force for that formed on preceding overstretching
reversibility. This type of high elasticity is (interlamellar fibers), where these subvoids
energy as opposed to entropy driven, as is lead to the high filtering efficiency of the
the case for traditional elastomers. In mod- product.
4.11 Some Practical Applications of the Concepts Developed 261

mon to all variants, in that the parallel lamel-

lar structure arises through row nucleation
life created by stress/flow imposed on the melt
in the course of the spinning operation, in
some cases followed by slight additional
drawing and sometimes annealing [see, e.g.,
review by Cannon et al. (1976) and further
references there]. The desirable structural
element is the lamella, the fibers only serv-
ing as nucleating entities setting the pattern
of the lamellar texture: since they are few in
number, they make, little contribution to the
Figure 4-58. Row structure model for energy driven
elasticity in springy polymers: (a) Schematic diagram overall properties. It is desirable to keep the
of lamellae in deformed and undeformed states. Tie lamellae straight, and hence to be on the par-
points represent interlamellar tie molecules, (b) Paper allel side of the scheme of Fig. 4-26. The
bell mechanical model [after Clark as quoted in Can-
non et al. (1976)]. materials worked on so far are polymers
where the lamellae have comparatively lit-
tle tendency to twist, which allows for wider
columns of still straight lamellae to be
attained with fewer nucleating fibers. Poly-
propylene, polybutene, polypivalolactone,
and polyoxymethylene were found to be
appropriate in this respect, even if lamellar
twisting does occur even there (particularly
with polyoxymethylene). Figure 4-3 in Sec.
4.1.1 in fact originates from studies on such
hard-elastic fibers where, after some etch-
ing procedures, the fiber-platelet duality
(with some twisting of the platelets)
becomes clearly apparent, to the extent that
we selected it here as one of the introducto-
ry micrographs of this article.

Figure 4-59. The submicroscopic structure of a Extrusion

'Celgard' filter, having arisen from overstretching and
subsequent setting of a film of hard-elastic polypro- and Molding Processes
pylene. Electron micrograph. (From the prospectus of
Hoechst-Celanese.) The first publication of relevance for
present consideration was, as discussed in
Sec. 4.5.2, by van der Vegt and Smit (1967),
The origin of the crystal morphology who observed that the flow through a cap-
responsible for the hard-elastic properties illary die in a melt extruder became blocked
falls neatly within the subject of the present by crystals induced by the elongational flow
article. The preparation details are in the at the constriction. As already described in
domain of patent rather than scientific liter- Sec. 4.5, taking up the concept of elonga-
ature. This much is clear, however, and com- tional flow-induced crystallization further,
262 4 Flow-Induced Orientation and Structure Formation

Porter and coworkers (Southern and Porter, tionally extruded profiles, here the profiles
1970; Porter et al., 1975) recognized that produced exhibit a 10-fold increase in the
such extrudates had advantageous proper- Young's modulus, homogeneous transpa-
ties. Subsequent works in the Bristol labor- rency, and improved thermal stability as
atory (Bashir et al., 1984, 1986; Keller and well as good dimensional stability. In addi-
Odell, 1978;Odellet al., 1978) continued to tion, the presence of the shish-kebab mor-
focus on the resulting extrudate, 'fine phology was shown to result in better trans-
tuning' the morphology by what may be verse mechanical properties.
termed 'micro-morphologicalengineering'. Besides extrusion, molding processes
This consisted of the purposeful variation of have also been devised that introduce elon-
the ratio of the two morphological compo- gational flow along the injection direction
nents (fibers and lamellae), leading to, to induce orientation and pressure in the
amongst others, the 'zip-fastener morphol- flow channel for the fixation of the result-
ogy' of Figs. 4-31 and 4-33, which could ing shish-kebab morphology with advanta-
give rise to the advantageous properties geous properties (Rueda et al., 1989; Bayer
itemized in Sec. 4.5.3, such as high Young's et al., 1989).
modulus - ranging from 100 GPa (discon-
tinuous process) to 20 GPa (continuous pro-
cess) - without, however, possessing the 4.11.2 Structure Formation Relying
fibrillating behavior and thermal shrinkage on Controlled Solidification
that usually accompany the attainment of a and Shear Flow: The SCOREX
high modulus by a process such as fiber and SCORIM Processes
drawing, with prospects of technical appli- This type of processing, developed at
cability (Bashir et al., 1984). In the latter Brunei University, UK (Allan and Bevis,
continuous process the fibers were wound 1991; Gibson et al., 1990), is based on the
taut on a drum so as to prevent relaxation of principle that by applying a controlled
the orientation created within the extrusion shearing action to the melt in the course of
die. The application of a subsequent hot- solidification, the resulting microstructure
drawing stage after winding up could can be purposefully 'managed'. Designed
enhance the modulus even further (Bashir et originally for the fabrication of fibrous com-
al., 1985). posites with thermoplastic matrices, it can
By another approach, based on the same also be applied to single component crystal-
theme, under high extrusion pressure and lizable thermoplastics where the micro-
controlled flow conditions at temperatures structure to be managed is the crystalline
slightly above the melting point, in conjunc- structure itself, explicitly, the fiber-platelet
tion with a longitudinal flow gradient in the morphology under discussion. In this way a
die, Pornnimit and Ehrenstein (1992) pro- predesigned overall orientation, created by
duced high-strength, rigid profiles from alignment of the morphological entities
high density polyethylene using a conven- along desired directions, is produced with a
tional screw extruder. Here, again, enhance- corresponding improvement in the mechan-
ment of the mechanical properties origi- ical properties. The principle can be applied
nates from the presence of a shish-kebab to injection molding (SCORIM) and extru-
morphology (which is sometimes also sion (SCOREX).
termed 'self-reinforcement' or 'PE-PE Technically, molten material is fed from
composite'). In comparison with conven- the extruder (or mold) through one or more
4.12 Concluding Remarks 263

channels into the die block. The material

solidifies within the die block while being
sheared through the controlled, reciprocat-
ing displacement of two or more pistons
which are located within the die block. Typ-
ically, there are four pistons with the strokes
acting in different phases according to the
particular design and purpose of the opera-
tion. The process is complete when the
desired orientation is 'locked in' through
solidification. In the case of extrusion the
solidified extrudate is expelled in a contin-
uous manner. As the appropriate chambers
containing the polymer are cooled from out-
side, solidification starts at the outer surfac-
es of the sheared melt, spreading gradually
inwards. In this way there is constant rela- D
tive displacement of the melt with respect
to the already solidified portions, the strong
shearing effect near the interface producing
the orientation. Figure 4-60. Internal morphology of a polyethylene
plaque fabricated via the SCORIM process. The recip-
The oriented morphology as revealed by rocating shear direction is along the NE-SW diago-
electron microscopy is of the row-nucleat- nal. Solidification started at the outside walls of the
mold (i.e., from top left and from bottom right inwards)
ed type in accord with the scheme in Fig. where it gave rise to shish-kebab type structures while
4-26. Figure 4-60 gives an example. The under shear. In this case shearing was interrupted,
fiber-platelet shish-kebab type morphology leading to the central zone D being formed from the
still uncrystallized material. Here the lamellae are
is clearly apparent, aligned parallel at the more extended laterally, and have started to curve and
top left and bottom right portions of the twist, gradually going over to a random spherulitic
micrograph. In this instance the shearing type of arrangement (by courtesy of M. J. Bevis).
was stopped before solidification was com-
plete. This is reflected by the central portion ponent melts is the fabrication of pipes, even
where the material crystallized without any up to very large diameters (several tens of
orienting influence, thus giving rise to more centimeters), in which case orientation is in
or less unoriented lamellae indicating incip- the hoop direction, stiffening the pipe in lat-
ient spherulite development. It is instructive eral compression (e.g., against the weight of
to note how the row-nucleated columns soil in common water pipe applications).
widen towards the center, which is indica-
tive of the reduction in the number of nucle-
ating fibers as the shearing action gradual- 4.12 Concluding Remarks
ly came to a halt, a visually instructive illus-
tration of our basic theme throughout this It will have become clear that, within the
article, in this case purposefully utilized in existing space limitations, the present arti-
a technological application. cle cannot be a fully comprehensive survey
One of the most promising applications on flow-induced structure formation.
of the SCOREX technique with single com- Instead, a specific theme was chosen to
264 4 Flow-Induced Orientation and Structure Formation

serve as a guide for traversing an extensive structures when going from dilute to con-
and varied territory. The theme, as spelled densed systems, and beyond to systems that
out in (Sec. 4.1.1), is the dual nature of the are lightly cross-linked: the fiber-platelet
fiber-platelet crystal morphology, with duality, and this on a microscopic (optical
apparently nothing in between, which trans- and low power electron) scale, persists as
lates in molecular terms into the preceding the salient feature throughout, irrespective
duality of essentially random and highly of any interpretation in molecular terms.
extended chains, respectively. The above Clearly, this must remain the experimental
two aspects, namely the structural features basis for any interpretation of the resulting
and the preceding respective molecular con- orientation and properties.
formations and processes, have in the past As regards molecular interpretation we
been subjects of investigations along separ- have made, what we believe, a promising
ate lines; the present survey is [following a start by building on the behavior of dilute
preliminary paper (Keller and Kolnaar, systems with the underlying conception of
1993)], to our knowledge, the first attempt the coil > stretch transition, as already stat-
to combine the two in one and the same trea- ed. Its extension to condensed and lightly
tise. cross-linked systems, so as to account for
As will have become apparent, the par- the observed structures, with due regard to
allel between the molecular processes and feasibility considerations of molecular
the structural features has proved to be sur- behavior, remains a challenge for the future.
prisingly productive in accounting for a For this, at least some guidelines are provid-
wide range of experimental observations: ed in this paper together with highlighting
specifically, the parallel between the coil of the problems that arise.
stretch transition and the fiber-platelet As referred to repeatedly throughout the
duality, as based on observations in dilute text, the problems that arise come down to
systems. In fact, this parallel holds up only the question as to which of the two alterna-
too well, as it seems to be applicable even tives as expressed by Figs. 4-10 and 4-11
when it should not, as based on existing applies: Fig. 4-10 allowing for the coil >
notions on the behavior of chain molecules stretch transition of individual molecules to
in mutual interaction. As will have been be taken up to the melt, or Fig. 4-11 with a
noted, the conception of stretching out changeover to network behavior at a partic-
chains as individual entities can be taken ular concentration through the agency of
quite far into the concentrated regimes, fur- transient entanglements arising beyond a
ther than might have been thought possible certain strain rate (n). The alternative of
in view of the anticipated intervention of Fig. 4-10 ensures full continuity between
entanglements. While there may be a broad dilute solutions and the melt, which is the
latitude in the limits where such entangle- message of the structural observations,
ments can become effective, particularly in while the alternative in Fig. 4-11 is more in
view of the time-scale dependence of such line with expectations from conventional
interactions emphasized throughout this knowledge of macromolecular behavior.
chapter, the 'isolated' chain approach Whatever weight is given to points of
should certainly become inapplicable once agreement as compared to issues that create
permanent chemical cross-links are intro- difficulties in the respective alternatives, the
duced. Nevertheless, there seems to be no notion that identical (or at least closely sim-
break in continuity regarding the observable ilar) structures in different systems are not
4.13 Note Added in Proof 265

likely to be due to totally disparate causes the ensuing high degree of chain extension
must remain a reasonable pointer for the is upheld. At this stage we confine ourselves
way ahead. merely to a few essentials which should suf-
As regards orientation and properties, the fice to safeguard the viewpoint that we
issues are clear. Only by taking note of the adopt in this chapter.
full complexities of the structural hierarchy, From the experimental point of view the
resulting from orientation-induced crystal- critique is based primarily on values of bire-
lization, is there any chance for meaningful fringence obtained for the supposedly
interpretation and prediction. Complex as extended-chain regions in the appropriate
the structures may appear in themselves, flow field (e.g., in the region of the bright
they are in fact the straightforward conse- line such as in Fig. 4-5), which are claimed
quence of the fiber-platelet duality, the prin- to be much lower than what is expected from
cipal theme of this article, even irrespective nearly full chain extension (Nguyen et al.,
of how and why they arise in molecular 1995). To this we reply that, not only did
terms. values of the earliest work (Pope and Kel-
ler, 1978) conform to expectations from
nearly full chain extension, but so do the lat-
4.13 Note Added in Proof est values arising from the much more
sophisticated most recent measurements
Since submission of this chapter, an issue (Carrington and Odell, 1996; also Leal,
of potential consequence for the whole sub- 1996, as presented at the above-mentioned
ject has come to the forefront. Namely, some workshop and published in part previously
doubts have been voiced regarding the exis- by Dunlap and Leal, 1987).
tence of a true criticality for the coil > However, sharing the views of Carring-
stretch transition and consequent attainment ton and Odell (1996), we are sure that the
of a high degree of chain extension in elon- case for near full extension rests on much
gational flow experiments such as reviewed firmer ground than reliance on numbers
in Sec. 4.2. If such a critique is valid it would arrived at by the combination of rather del-
clearly affect not only the content of Sec. icate measurements with evaluation of the
4.2 but also the conceptual scaffolding of data obtained [raising, for example, ques-
some other parts of the chapter, the reason tions about the precision of sampling of the
for the matter needing to be addressed at this narrow birefringent line, such as in Fig.
late stage of preparation of the book. A fully 4-5, or about the homogeneity or otherwise
reasoned argumentation of the issue is avail- of the orientation distribution within the
able [Carrington, S. P., Odell, J. A. (1996), confines of such a line, etc., all points which
in the special issue of the Journal of Non- apply even more so to light-scattering data,
Newtonian Fluid Mechanics edited by K. which are also claimed to be at variance with
Walters on the Workshop "Unresolved near full chain extension (Menasveta and
Experimental Dilemmas in the Dynamics of Hoagland, 1991)]. Namely, there are two
Complex Fluids", which was held at the uncontested facts - even qualitative trends
Isaac Newton Institute of Mathematical Sci- of general nature - that are in favor of near
ences, Cambridge, in January 1996]. In the full chain extension, and, in fact, could hard-
light of the analysis in this paper (with which ly be explained otherwise, but which are not
we fully concur), the validity of the critical given their due weight in the contrary argu-
nature of the coil > stretch transition and ments.
266 4 Flow-Induced Orientation and Structure Formation

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5 Crystallization
Gerhard Eder and Hermann Janeschitz-Kriegl

Institute of Chemistry, Linz University, Austria

Dedicated to Prof. em. Jan Koppelmann, Leoben.

List ofSymbols and Abbreviations 270

5.1 Fundamentals 273
5.1.1 Disposition 273
5.1.2 The General Theory 275
5.1.3 Some Special Cases 277
5.1.4 The Rate Equations 278
5.1.5 Nucleation Models 279
5.1.6 Influence of Temperature Gradients 280
5.1.7 Crystallization in Confined Samples 282
5.2. Experiments in Quiescent Melts 288
5.2.1 Differential Scanning Calorimetry (as Applied to Isotactic Polypropylene) . 288
5.2.2 Other Measurements Concerning the Growth Speed
of Isotactic Polypropylene (i-PP) 295 Dilatometry 295 Optical Measurements 296 Transcrystallization 296 Crystallization Zone 299 Quenching of Extremely Thin Samples 301 Compilation of Growth Data for the a-Modification of i-PP 302
5.2.3 Crystallization Kinetics Data for Some Other Polymers 304 Isotactic Polystyrene 304 Polyethylene terephthalate) 306 Linear Polyethylene 308 Some Complementary Measurements on i-PP 313
5.3 Flow-Induced Crystallization 314
5.3.1 Introduction 314
5.3.2 Apparatus 315
5.3.3 Results 317
5.3.4 Theoretical Considerations 320
5.3.5 Towards a Quantitative Evaluation 323
5.3.6 Further Evidence for the Correlation Between the Model and Reality 327
5.3.7 Towards the Recognition of Molecular Parameters 330
5.3.8 Chances for Numerical Simulation 333
5.4 Closing Remarks 338
5.5 Acknowledgements 340
5.6 References 340
Materials Science and Technology
Copyright WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co KGaA. Allrightsreserved.
270 5 Crystallization

List of Symbols and Abbreviations

a heat diffusivity of the melt
A growth area/set
a(T) shift factor obtained from rheological measurements on melt
a (t, sy x) area
b constant
c, cp heat capacity of the melt
cp, cs heat capacity of the DSC pan and sample
C constant
D thickness of slab; average distance between threadlike precursors; dia-
dA, dy characteristic distances between neighboring surface nuclei/bulk nuclei
Dw average distance between threads at the wall
/ function in Eqs. (5-39), (5-67)
Fo Fourier number
G growth rate
gh gn factors in Eqs. (5-97), (5-98)
Gw growth rate at wall temperature
g function in Eqs. (5-39), (5-67)
Go constant radial growth speed; growth speed factor in Eq. (5-94)
G growth rate as a function of the temperature
h latent heat of crystallization per unit mass
H duct height
/*_, h+ functions
/ intensity
k nonnegative integer
K(T) kinetic function
L length of precursors
La average length of threads
L tot total length of precursors/threads
M confined volume; molar mass
Mn number-average molecular weight
Mw weight-average molecular weight
Mz z-average molecular weight
rap, ras mass of DSC pan/sample
n number of nuclei; power-law index
n, neff (effective) Avrami index
n average number of points
An birefringence
N number of nuclei/spherulites/scatterers per unit volume
A^ A number of spherulites per unit of surface area
Afc, TVS number of existing spherulites per unit volume
Afv number of potential sites/nuclei per unit volume
A^v number of spherulites nucleated per unit volume in bulk of material
List of Symbols and Abbreviations 271

N number of spherulites per unit surface

p fraction of crystallinity in the final product shortly after its manufac-
ture; relative growth rate gradient
r(t,s) radius of sphere
R ratio of time constants in Eq. (5-3)
R, Rs radius of spherulite
s, t0 time at which spherulite is nucleated
S intensity of light scattering
St Stefan number
t time
tc starting point of light scattering
tD thermal equilibration time
t{ an induction time
t0 time when actual crystallization temperature reached; nucleation time
ts shearing time
tT residence time in tunnel
f dimensionless time
t\/2 dimensionless time when mean degree of crystallinity is Vi
tl/2 time of half conversion
tx/2 time at which the retardation reaches half the wavelength
T temperature (in mid-plane of sample)
Th base line temperature
Tc crystallization temperature
Tf furnace temperature
Tf constant cooling rate of furnace
Tfr furnace starting temperature
Tg glass transition temperature
T{ initial (melt) temperature
Tm melting temperature
To reference temperature
Ts sample temperature
Tw temperature of quenched wall
T2 short term quench temperature
u velocity in x-direction
v volume (of spherulite)
w dimensionless time
x position of crystallization front or zone
x* thickness of highly oriented boundary layer
xm position of spherulite center
x0 position of spherulite nucleation
x dimensionless space
xy y} z coordinates

a nucleation rate; relaxation time; heat transfer coefficient

a 2 , oc3 surface/bulk relaxation rate
272 5 Crystallization

temperature sensitivity coefficient of G; constant in Eq. (5-104)

7 effective heat transfer coefficient
7 shear rate
optical retardation
r critical shear rate
characteristic shear rate
wall shear rate
So Dirac function concentrated at t=0
e error
critical strain rate
zero shear viscosity
e dimensionless shearing time
0 angle at maximum intensity
i characteristic length (see Eq. (5-18)); wavelength (of light):
thermal conductivity
A, A2, A3 intensity measure
A (A) expectation value of points in A
Aot dimensionless Ltot
nucleation frequency
degree of crystallinity
2> S(2)> S3' S(3) functions relating to degree of crystallinity due to surface nucleation/bulk
density; dimensionless square of shear rate
functions defined by Eq. (5-49)
activation time; time constant in Eq. (5-89b)
relaxation time
O heating power
(undisturbed) total volume of all spherulites grown per unit of volume
auxiliary functions
u Vi> 3 auxiliary functions
probability of an event B

CCT continuous cooling transformation

DSC differential scanning calorimetry
HDPE high density polyethylene
i-PP isotactic polypropylene
IR infrared
PE polyethylene
PETP polyethylene terephthalate
PP polypropylene
PS polystyrene
TTT time-temperature transformation
5.1 Fundamentals 273

5.1 Fundamentals If the average distance between nucleation

sites on the wall surface is small enough (see
below), a crystallization front starts at the
5.i.l Disposition
wall, as in the classical case. The initial
In Fig. 5-1 a schematic drawing is given speed of progress of this front, however,
of the consequences of a quench at the plane is finite and equal to the growth speed
x = 0 of the half infinite space filled with a of spherulites at the temperature of the
melt of initially uniform temperature above quenched wall (Eder and Janeschitz-Kriegl,
the melting point. According to the classi- 1984). The principal difference to the clas-
cal theory of Neumann in the 1860s (see sical treatment, however, is that with a
Carslaw and Jaeger, 1959) and Stefan supercooled crystallization front a certain
(1891), the so-called square root law is zone of the fluid in front of the already crys-
obtained, which means that the thickness of tallized layer is also supercooled. (In the
the solidified layer will increase with the classical approach the fluid is above or at
square root of time (r) if the wall at x = 0 is the melting point throughout and does not
quenched to a temperature below the melt- contain nuclei per definition). However, this
ing point at time zero. In this theory the means that in a real situation nucleation in
assumption is made that crystallization the said zone of the fluid can no longer
occurs as soon as the thermodynamic equi- be excluded. In practice it happens that,
librium melting or crystallization tempera- because of diffuse nucleation in the bulk of
ture is reached during cooling. It goes with- the fluid, a more or less diffuse crystalliza-
out saying that such a description of the tion zone (Berger and Schneider, 1986),
progress of crystallization can only be valid comes into existence, which moves with a
for a very slow process that proceeds in higher speed into the melt than the said front
quasi equilibrium. However, at short times which, as a consequence, is superseded ear-
a fast process (with nominally infinite initial lier or later by this zone. Why the crystal-
slope) is predicted. This means that this the- lization zone moves faster can easily be
ory is inconsistent. understood. The front movement can be
But what happens in reality? Crystalliza- compared with a single runner on a sports
tion always starts from certain spots (called field. The movement of the zone, however,
nuclei) within the material or on its surface. reminds us of a relay race where with every
handing over of the baton two arm lengths
are gained. These two arm lengths are com-
parable with the radii of two impinging
spherulites, of which one is nucleated in
front of the other. If the overall speed of
crystallization is raised, e.g., by the creation
of more nucleation sites in the melt, the zone
becomes narrower and supersedes the front
at an earlier time. In the limiting case of an
infinite crystallization speed, the classical
front movement is obtained. Interestingly
enough, the location of the zone is indepen-
Figure 5-1. Schematic presentation of the progress dent of the number of nuclei at the wall. If
of crystallization starting at a quenched wall. For
explanation see text. this number is zero, the only difference is
274 5 Crystallization

that no crystallization front can be observed occurs almost isothermally afterwards (thin
in the beginning. This front movement has slab, slow crystallization: nucleation rate-
been called transcrystallization (Wunder- controlled process). For a large value of/?
lich, 1973). Its footprints can be found in the almost the classical situation of a (narrow)
cross sections of quenched samples of crys- crystallization zone moving from the sur-
tallizable polymers, and also in metal casts face into the slab is obtained (thick slab, fast
(columnar phases). This sort of superstruc- crystallization: heat diffusion-controlled
ture can even be found in volcanic rocks like process). Berger and Schneider (1986) con-
the well-known basalt pillars. sidered the cases of St = 0, whereas Astari-
It goes without saying that the sketched ta and Kenny (1987) treated the cases for
morphology is the result of a complicated St > 1, which are more relevant for metals.
interaction of heat transfer and crystalliza- Mathematical treatments of this situa-
tion kinetics. If, tentatively, a time tl/2 of half tions were first given by Berger and Schnei-
conversion (into crystallized material) is der (1986) and Astarita and Kenny (1987)
defined, a classification can be formulated. for tl/2 being assumed as a unique function
In fact, with a slab of finite thickness D the of the temperature, with a maximum some-
said time of half conversion must be com- where halfway between the melting point
pared with the time tD of thermal equilibra- and the glass transition temperature. Malkin
tion, which reads (Astarita and Kenny, 1987) et al. (1984) treated crystallization like a
chemical reaction [see also Tadmor and
(5-1) Gogos (1979)], assuming that the speed of
Aa crystallization is a unique function of the
where a is the heat diffusivity of the melt degree of conversion achieved (self-accel-
and St is the Stefan number defined as erating process). These treatments are bet-
ter than the classical treatment, where the
h (5-2) latent heat has simply been incorporated
St =
into the temperature dependence of the heat
where T{ and Tw are the initial melt temper- capacity as a peak at the melting point. Nev-
ature and the temperature of the quenched ertheless, these improved treatments do not
wall, c is the heat capacity of the melt, and permit the prediction of structure (grain,
h is the latent heat of crystallization per unit texture) of the final product and, moreover,
mass. The denominator gives the amount of do not express one very important fact, i.e.,
heat that must be removed per unit mass if that the speed of crystallization is by no
no crystallization occurs. This amount is means a unique function of the temperature
removed during the time D2/(4a). The rela- or of the degree of conversion. This can eas-
tive increase corresponding to crystalliza- ily be explained with the aid of a simple
tion is expressed by the second term (in example. For this purpose the process of
brackets) of Eq. (5-1). crystallization is compared for two samples
The ratio of the same material, one without (or with a
low portion) of nucleation agent (inocu-
(5-3) lant), the other with a high content of the lat-
h/2 ter additive. At a certain stage of crystalliza-
is characteristic for the type of process tion (a certain volume fraction of crystal-
occurring. For a small value of R the sam- lized material), the first sample contains a
ple is cooled down first and crystallization relatively small number of relatively large
5.1 Fundamentals 275

spherulites, whereas the second sample con- the sets At. In that which follows, only a sin-
tains many smaller spherulites. At the same gle set A is considered and the question is
total volume of these spherulites the growth raised about the probability that the number
surface in the second sample is obviously N(A) in this set is equal to zero. In fact, the
bigger, which means that in this sample the question will arise as to whether a certain
rate of crystallization is higher than in the point in the melt is not yet swallowed by
first sample. And, in the general case, the crystallized matter.
number of growing spherulites is also a As a first special case one may assume for
function of the thermal history. (Further the expectation value in the four-dimension-
background on the crystallization of semi- al coordinate system of space and time
crystalline polymers may be found in
Chap. 4 of Vol. 12 of this Series.) A[(x, x + Ax) x (y, y + Ay) x (z, z + Az)
In this way we believe that we have char- x (t,t + At)] = f(x) a(t) Ax At
acterized the starting point for our investi-
gations sufficiently well. where/(x) Ax is an abbreviation for/(x, y,
z) Ax Ay Az and a is the nucleation rate. For
homogeneous nucleation within a confined
5.1.2 The General Theory volume M, the following specification will
be used
With respect to the latest development of
the theory of crystallization processes, a 1 for x e M
/(*) = 0 (5-7)
recent compilation, as given by one of the otherwise
present authors (Eder, 1997), will be fol-
lowed. As a starting point, the definition of With respect to the growth of nucleated
Poissonian point processes is used. If N(A) crystallites, a deterministic point of view is
accepted in connection with the assumption
is the number of points of a point configu-
that for quiescent isotropic melts spherulites
ration (set) A in state space X, *(B) is the
are formed. The volume of a spherulite
probability of an event B and A (A) is the
nucleated at time s and considered at time t
expectation value of points in A, one has for
will be according to these assumptions
mutually disjoint sets Au ..., Am of the state
space and nonnegative integers ki9 ...,km
v(t,s) = 4/r JG(U)AU (5-8)
i) = ki for i = l , . . . ,

A(At)k' A(Ai) (5-4)

where G(t) is the growth rate at time t. If the
i=\ further assumption is made that G is a
The quantity A is called the intensity mea- unique function of the (changing) tempera-
sure of the Poisson process. The reader may ture r, the time dependence of G is unique-
recognize that Eq. (5-4) is a generalization ly connected to the time dependence of T.
of the ordinary Poisson distribution on the As is well-known, the growth speed as a
line function of the temperature is a bell-shaped
curve showing a maximum somewhere
n (5-5) between the equilibrium melting point and
the glass transition temperature, reaching
with the average number n in a certain inter- zero at both ends (van Krevelen, 1978). If
val being replaced by the measure A(At) of the density changes by crystallization are
276 5 Crystallization

(as in Fig. 5-2). Now a kind of inverse

space growth area Axt is drawn from the arbitrary
point xj backwards. Also for the confining
curves of this area, the respective slopes are
G{t). It becomes clear that the probability
n{xj) that at time t the point x is not swal-
lowed by any spherulite nucleated at an ear-
lier time is equal to the probability that with-
in the set Axt of Fig. 5-3 no nucleation has
tine occurred (k=0). In this way, the following
equation can be obtained from Eq. (5-4)
Figure 5-2. Schematic space-time diagram for the
growth (G) of a single spherulite nucleated at time t0,

the growth speed being time-dependent (Eder, 1997).
(Courtesy of Marcel Dekker, New York.) n{x,t) = (5-9)

This means that the degree of space cover-

space ing is


The subscript "g" refers to the geometric

approach performed.
The set Ax t consists of all points (x\ t') of
our four-dimensional space for which the
distance between x and x is
Figure 5-3. Schematic presentation of a set Axj. If a x-x <r(t,t') with
single nucleation event occurs within Axt, point x will (5-11)
be covered at time t by a spherulite (Eder, 1997).
(Courtesy of Marcel Dekker, New York.)

Using Eq. (5-6) with/(x)= 1 (i.e., homo-

ignored, the problem reduces to a purely geneous nucleation in the unconfined three-
geometric problem provided the tempera- dimensional space), Kolmogoroff 's famous
ture gradients are small enough. In Fig. 5-2 equation (Kolmogoroff, 1937), is obtained,
the growth of a spherulite is symbolized on i.e.,
the x-axis. If its growth starts at t-10 and the
temperature is varied during its growth, the
hatched area of Fig. 5-2 is obtained, where
the slopes of the two curves are equal at all jduG(u)
times except for the sign. If more spheru-
lites are nucleated at different times, a fam-
ily of curves are obtained, as shown in where a(t) is the nucleation rate at time t.
Fig. 5-3, again where the curves have the An additional equation for the number of
same slope at all times except for the sign existing spherulites per unit volume is
5.1 Fundamentals 277

obvious where the exponent of Ms three ("Avrami

index" 3). For the first assumption an Avra-
Nc(t)= (5-13) mi index of 4 is obtained.
More importance has been ascribed to the
Both Eqs. (5-12) and (5-13) are not depen- so-called isokinetic case. This case has been
dent on the particular position. As can be constructed in order to enable the descrip-
deduced from this derivation, these equa- tion of nonisothermal cases (Nakamura
tions are the result of a correct stochastic et al., 1972). For this purpose the following
treatment of the problem. No "improve- assumption was made for the nucleation rate
ments" are possible or desirable (Tobin, atf > 0
1976), as long as the basic model remains t
unchanged. Au
-f- (5-17)
5.1.3 Some Special Cases with 7VV = const and with
For the isothermal case, Avrami (1939) G(t) x(t) = const = X (5-18)
assumed that a=0 and G = 0 for t < 0 and
defining a characteristic length A.
a(t) = ~e~t/T and G{t) = Gc = const The latter equation expresses the isoki-
(5-14) netic concept: The primary nucleation, as
governed by l/r(0, shows the same time
for t > 0, with Nv being the number of poten- dependence (= temperature dependence) as
tial nucleation sites per unit volume and x the secondary nucleation leading to G(t).
being a mean activation time. Inserting Here, again, the assumption is tacitly made
these assumptions into Eq. (5-12) gives that, primarily, x and G are unique func-
g (0 = 1 - exp [-8;r Nv G3 r 3 e4 (-t I x)] tions of the temperature, which is related to
the time by the special heat transfer prob-
(5-15a) lem.
Equation (5-15 a) was obtained by partial
Nc(t) = (5-15b) integration of the exponent of Eq. (5-12), in
tlx which tlx is used as a new variable. The
Nv \&u exp \-u - 8/r 7VV G3 T3 same can be done when a dimensionless
time w defined by

where e4(z)= X ~^ is an exponential rest ( . _ r Au

/=4 v / J (5-19)
series. These equations contain the well-
known two limiting cases of a-const is used as the new variable. (In this equation
(x> Oand a=NvS0(t), where 50 is the Dirac it can be assumed that the integration starts
function concentrated at t = 0 (x> 0). The at ?=0, because at temperatures above the
second assumption yields the familiar equa- melting point the activation time is infi-nite.)
tions for a constant number of nuclei, i.e. In this way, the following equations are
obtained for the isokinetic case
(5-16b) (5-20a)
278 5 Crystallization

and a flowing system) is of the differential type,

it is not easy to combine this equation with
an integral of the type in Eq. (5-12). So it
has been considered useful to transform the
Wv dw exp \-w - 8/r Ny A3
integral into a more suitable configuration.
This has been done by Schneider et al.
For us the most important result is the (1988) by differentiating the integral % in
final number of spherulites per unit volume the exponent of Eq. (5-12) step by step with
at t > oo, which forms a characteristic of the respect to time. With every step, a useful
obtained structure. Since w(i) usually goes auxiliary function cp{ is created. A system of
to infinity with time differential equations (the "rate equations")
is obtained in this way. It reads, in a slight-
Nc(oo)= (5-21)
ly modified version
Nv J Aw exp \-w - 8/r NY /L3
Because of this integral being a constant for i= 1,2, 3 and p.(-oo) = 0.
independent of the thermal history of the The said auxiliary functions are
cooling process, the conclusion is reached
that the isokinetic approach is unable to pre-
dict a structure formation. The structure is J dt'a(t') ]duG(u) (5-23)
predetermined by the choice ofNv. The well-
known experience that, with many polymers, where % is the (undisturbed) total vol-
the obtained spherulite number increases ume of all spherulites grown per unit of vol-
strongly with increased speed of cooling, is ume
completely ignored by this approach. Even
the case where w(t) does not go to infinity,
which is the case when the glass transition = An \ &t'a(t') jduG(u) (5-24)
temperature is reached before crystallization
has finished, can only predict a smaller value being the total growth surface of the men-
for the final number of spherulites than tioned spherulites per unit of volume
Eq. (5-21). It remains questionable whether
the interaction of the evolved latent heat of
crystallization with the cooling process can &t'a(t') jduG(u) (5-25)
be described well enough with this method.
The present authors have warned their col- being 8/r times the sum of the radii of the
leagues at several conferences, but so far said spherulites per unit of volume and,
only a few have listened. For a correct treat- finally,
ment of nonisothermal processes, a more
powerful method must be found. This meth- = Sn \&t'a{t') (5-26)
od is described in the next section.
being 8/r times the number of these spheru-
5.1.4 The Rate Equations lites per unit of volume, if impingement and
Because the equation of heat conduction swallowing are disregarded. If the nuclea-
(or more generally the equation of energy in tion rate a(t) is required, Eq. (5-26) can be
5.1 Fundamentals 279

differentiated another time. We obtain 5.1.5 Nucleation Models

(5-27) In the previous sections, the problem has
been solved in principle. But this does not
Equation (5-22) is of particular interest for
mean that practical use can directly be made
/= 1. It reads, after rearrangement,
of these equations. Ways must be found to
<Po(t) = G(t) <px(t) (5-28) determine the functions G{t) and a{t).
Major problems can be expected with
If impingement is taken into account, we
respect to the general form of the time and
temperature dependence of the nucleation
C^a\l) l~J\l) ip\ \J) e \Z)-Z*y) rate. From the examples given in the last two
sections, it is to be expected that a(t) will
This equation is obtained by differentiation
not only depend indirectly on the time
of Eq. (5-12). According to this equation,
through the time dependence of the temper-
the speed of crystallization is proportional
ature, as is the case with the growth rate,
to the inner free surface <jf>i(l- g), which
for which one has G(t) = G(T(t)) with G
is the only correct description of this pro-
describing the growth rate as a function of
the (instantaneous) temperature. For a(t), a
If secondary crystallization can be disre-
direct time dependence must also exist, as
garded in the course of a relatively fast cool-
Avrami's examples show.
ing process, the real degree of crystallinity
Probably, the most general representation
of a (t) is in terms of an activation time spec-
= />lg (5-30) trum (Eder et al., 1990), in analogy with the
well-known relaxation time spectrum of
where p < 1 is the fraction of crystallinity in
viscoelasticity theory. In fact, at least three
the final product shortly after its manufac-
mechanisms can be expected, i.e., thermal,
ture. If the equation of heat conduction is
athermal, and heterogeneous nucleation
written for a one-dimensional cooling pro-
(e.g., Zachmann, 1964); in the latter case
cess, i.e.,
various types of active centers can be
ul O 1 . ft /c ^5 1 \ expected on a solid particle (edges, holes,
= 0 _ ^ + _ (5-31) crystal surfaces). Hence
it is immediately obvious the way in which
the equations are coupled by virtue of the
gradually evolved heat of crystallization h%. with (5-33)
In Eq. (5-31) a is the heat diffusivity of the ds
melt, c is its heat capacity, and h is the latent exp -J
heat per unit mass.
For the development of the morphology, The difficulty with such an equation,
Eq. (5-13) can be used in its differential however, is that it contains too many param-
form, which reads eters that can never be determined experi-
mentally. In principle, there are two pos-
lycyl) CX\T) e yD-JZ)
sibilities for simplification.
This equation can be integrated simulta- Avrami chose the case for a single mech-
neously with Eqs. (5-22), (5-27), and anism with a constant N (number of nuclea-
(5-31). tion sites) and a temperature-dependent acti-
280 5 Crystallization

vation time. In contrast to the isokinetic case, This latter model directly yields the num-
a proof of deficiency cannot be given with ber of nuclei per unit of volume as a unique
respect to the predictability of the structures. function of the temperature
On the other hand, as has been shown by
N(T)= I Nj (5-36)
Mandelkern (1964), many crystallizable j with
polymers reveal an Avrami index of 3 at
slight degrees of supercooling, where the Without further argumentation, such an
processes are slow enough for the applica- approximation has been proposed by Van
tion of traditional dilatometry. But an Avra- Krevelen (1978). Formally, in this case the
mi index of 3 means that the activation time
rate of nucleation becomes
must be so short that the limiting case
Bm(I- !->*(> (5-34) at at
However, when the rate equations are
is approached or, in other words, that the
used, it is possible to start simply with
activation time obeys the relation
Eq. (5-26) instead of Eq. (5-27).
where the right side gives the time needed 5.1.6 Influence of Temperature
for the radius of a growing spherulite to Gradients x
become of the order of the average distance
Kolmogoroff s equation [Eq. (5-12)] and
between nucleation sites. However, under
its differential forms [Eqs. (5-22) and (5-
these conditions all potential nucleation
27)] describe spatially homogeneous crys-
sites are activated even with slight super-
tallization processes in unconfined samples.
cooling. No additional sites are available for
However, due to the low heat conductivity
crystallization at a lower temperature. But
of polymer melts, rather remarkable temper-
this is in contrast to experience.
ature gradients can result. For the first
The only practicable alternative is to attempt, these equations can be used with
assume a variety of activation temperatures the local kinetic quantities G(t,x) and a(t,x)
Tt for every type of nucleation, and to in Eq. (5-12). In this treatment only the local
simplify Eq. (5-33) by replacing the various temperature histories of small volume ele-
terms a((t) by Dirac functions concentrated ments are taken into account, which are con-
around the times when the sample temper- sidered as a type of "physical volume ele-
ature T reaches the respective activation ments" with their well-known restrictions:
temperatures during cooling. In other small size compared with that of the appa-
words, the activation times T,, which are all ratus, but still containing many items.
infinite at the melting point, jump from infi-
In the preceding sections the assumption
nite to zero one by one, when their activa-
was tacitly made that the crystallizing
tion temperatures T( are reached. It may be
entities are always spherical. This is, how-
noted that for athermal nucleation this
ever, no longer true if the temperature gra-
model can be particularly realistic because
dients become so large that the (tempera-
of the fact that growth starts in this type of
ture-dependent) growth speed G varies con-
nucleation around frozen-in fluctuations as
siderably within one spherulite. Interesting
soon as their fixed size becomes critical dur-
ing cooling. May be skipped at first reading.
5.1 Fundamentals 281

derivations are given for such cases by same formulae are obtained as given by Eqs.
Schulze and Naujeck (1991), one of which (5-38) and (5-39), with R(t) = Got replaced
deals theoretically and experimentally with by
the case where a single two-dimensional
spherulite grows in a stationary, linear field = \G(T(u,0))du (5-41)
of growth speed G(x) = G0(l +px) where Go
is the constant radial growth speed at x = 0.
To calculate the degree of crystallinity as
Growth under these conditions results in
a function of the time and position we can
crystallites whose shape is again spherical.
use Eq. (5-10). We only have to recalculate
However, the geometrical center of the
the set Axt, which consists of all (nuclea-
spherulite moves in the direction of the gra- tion) points Qc\f) leading to crystallites cov-
dient of the growth speed, and the radius of ering the point of observation x at time t.
the spherulite as a function of time is no After some elementary calculations, it can
longer linear. The surface of a crystallite be seen that this is the case if
nucleating at t = 0 and x = 0 is given by
[x'-xm{t\ t, x)f + ( / - yf < r{t\ t, xf
with with
xm(t) = g(pR(t))R(t) xm(t\ t, x)=x+(l+px) R(t\ t)g(p R(t\ 0)
r(t)=f(pR(t))R(t) r(f, t, x) = (\+px)R(t\ t)f(pR(t', 0)
using and (5-43)
cosh(a)-l R(t', t) = R(t)-R(t')
f{^_ sinh(w) As a next step, a(t\ x) has to be integrat-
ed in the integration domain given by
and Eq. (5-42). In the case where the nucleation
rate is not dependent on xr(this assumption
R(t) = Got seems to be reasonable because the third
Ifp R(t)<\, which is the case if the growth power in G is of much more influence than
speed variations in the spherulite are small, the first power in a), instead of Eq. (5-12)
concentric circles will grow with a constant the following result would be obtained for
radial growth speed Go. the degree of crystallinity:
For a more realistic case we now study the
situation where the temperature field, and
thus the growth speed field, also varies with (5-44)
1 - exp -jdt'a(t')v(t',t,x)
time. As a first-order approximation one has
G(t, x) = G(T(t, x)) - G(T(t, *] with
with (5-40)

According to Eq. (5-43), r{t\ t, x) is the

If the coefficient p is not dependent on the product of the factor (1 + p x) R (t\ t), which
time t, for the shape of the crystallites the is the radius of a spherulite growing under
282 5 Crystallization

local conditions with growth rate G(t,x) due Allowing for a relative error of =0.05,
to Eq. (5-40), and a correction factor for the for the case of isotactic polypropylene
gradient, i.e.,/(p/?(*', t)). Since/is an even (i-PP) with typical values of l3lnG/3ri
function with a lower limit of 1 and/(0) = 1, = 0.2K"1 and N v =10 12 and 1015 nT3,
we always have faster crystallization as com- respectively, upper limits are obtained for
pared with crystallization under localized the temperature gradient of about 3xlO 4
conditions. If this factor/(/?/?(/^ t)) is close and 3xl0 5 K/m, respectively, which are
to 1, the classical equation [Eq. (5-12)] is frequently exceeded in practice.
obtained using the local kinetic parameters.
Deviations occur if the correction factor
f(pR(t', t)) becomes noticeably larger than 5.1.7 Crystallization in Confined
1 when the crystallization process has not yet Samples 2
finished (i.e., when <^g < 1). In the case of
Temperature gradients, as dealt with in
nucleation at time 0, i.e., a(t)=Nv80(t), a
the preceding section, play a minor role if
simple criterion can be derived for the max-
the sample size or the cooling rate during
imum tolerable temperature gradient. From
the crystallization process is small. Howev-
er, in both of these cases the influence of the
confining walls is important or even
becomes predominant. Kolmogoroff's
and the half time of crystallization for p = 0 equation [Eq. (5-12)], however, describes
given by spatially homogeneous crystallization pro-
x _ J 3 In 2 cesses in unconfined samples. Since in prac-
tice we always have confining walls or sur-
faces, which can even be active in the nucle-
the relative error at time tl/2 and x = 0 reads ation process, there is a need to generalize
these equations for confined samples (Eder,
* ( r 0 ) 1997).
We deal here with the case of an infinite-
ly extended slab M of constant thickness D
If this error is bounded by e, using series (i.e., M=[-D/2, +D/2]xRxR) with bulk
developments for small and p and replac- nucleation and surface nucleation. Billon
ing the function/(M) by 1 + w2/6 gives et al. (1989) treated the case of isothermal
conditions and nucleation rates, as given in
2e Eq. (5-14). This approach was also later
Vln2 generalized by the same authors for the non-
isothermal isokinetic case (Billon et al.,
With Eq. (5-40) 1994), where temperature gradients within
the sample were ignored during the cooling
dT process (see Sec. 5.2.1). However, the con-
3lnG cept introduced in Sec. 5.1.2 also allows the
dT (5-45) treatment of a more general nonisothermal
with situation if the temperature gradients are not

= 3.09
V31n2 Vln2 May be skipped partly at first reading.
5.1 Fundamentals 283

too large (see preceding section). We just

have to evaluate Eq. (5-10) using an appro- +D/2-
priate intensity measure A, which due to the
two nucleation mechanisms is the sum of
two intensity measures
A = A2 + A3 (5-46)
with A3 being concentrated on M and A2
being concentrated on the surfaces of M, Figure 5-4. Classification of the variables t and x. For
explanation see text.
i.e., on dM= {-D/2, +D/2}xRxR. Further-
more, we assume that within the sample as
well as on the surfaces we have no depen- Table 5-1. Classification of variables {t,x).
dences on the position. Thus we get
Class Condition
A3 [(x, x + dx) x (y, y + dy) x (z, z + dz)
1 \x\<D/2-R(t)
x (f, t + dt)] = a3 (t) dt dx dy dz
2+ \D/2-R(t)\<x<D/2
if U K D/2 (5.4?) 2- -D/2 <x<- ID/2 -R(t)\
A2 [{x} X (y, y + dy) x (z, z + dz) 3 \x\<R(t)-D/2
x(t,t + dt)] = a2 (t) dt dy dz
if JC = D/2 Next we introduce in Table 5-1 a classifi-
and zero elsewhere. Here a2 is the surface cation for the variables t and x (see also
nucleation rate and oc3 the bulk nucleation Fig. 5-4), using R(t) = r(t, -). It is easy to
rate of the nucleation process. In this way see that for (t,x) in class 1 and every s < t
we obtain from Eqs. (5-10) and (5-11) the function v(t,s,x) is the volume of a full
sphere and a(t,s,x) = 0. For (t,x) in class 2+
or 3 (class 2 - or 3, respectively), we are able
with to define auxiliary functions z+(t,x) [or
T_a*)] by
(po(t,x)= jdsa3(s) v(t,s,x)
and (5-48)

t,x)= jds a2(s) a(t,s,x) and (5-49)

J duG(u) = D
The function v(t,s,x) is the volume of the
body, which a sphere with its center at x and
a radius r(t,s) [see Eq. (5-11)] cuts out of These functions give the time at which a
the sample M. This may be either a full spherulite has to be nucleated at the right or
sphere or a sphere truncated on one or both left surface, respectively, in order to reach
sides by intersection with the wall. The the position x within the slab exactly at time
function a (t,s,x) is the area that a sphere with t. If s represents an earlier time than z+(t,x)
its center at x and a radius of r{t,s) cuts out [and/or r_(t,x)], then v{t,s,x) is a sphere trun-
of the sample surfaces dM. This is either cated at its right (and/or left) side, whereas
zero or consists of the area of one or two a(t,s,x) consists of disks from the right
disks. (and/or left) sample surface. So, for exam-
284 5 Crystallization

pie, if (t,x) is in class 2+, for v(t,s,x) we may A set of rate equations equivalent to
have two cases depending on the particular those of Eq. (5-48) can now be derived, as
value of s, i.e., a full sphere or a sphere trun- Schneider et al. (1988) did with the clas-
cated at its right side. sical Kolmogoroff equation (see Sec.
Since our problem is symmetric with 5.1.4). First we define auxiliary functions
respect to x we may now assume x > 0, for / > 1
which simplifies further calculations.
Asymmetric cases with two different sur-
face nucleation rates on either side of the
slab may also be treated without difficulty. and
In our case we have T_(t,x) < T+(t,x). Using
h+(t,s,x) = r(t,s) - [(D/2) - JC] and h_(t,s,x) = Yi(t,x) =
r(t,s) - [(D/2) + x] (see Fig. 5-5) gives
with (5-52)
v(t,s,x) =
T+ < S < t G(t) dt
a{i)(t,s,x) = 1 3

(5-50) It is easy to see that vw = 0 for i > 4 and

a^ = 0 for / > 3. By successive differentia-
a(t9s,x) = tion we get the following set of rate equa-
0 T+ < S < t tions:
7ch+(2r-h+) z_<s<T+ (5-51)
~< Kh+(2r-h+)
+ 7th_(2r-h_)


-D/2 +D/2
Figure 5-5. Schematic presentation of the intersec-
tion of a sphere with its center at x and a radius r(t, s)
with a slab of thickness D. (5-53)
5.1 Fundamentals 285

and Let us now have a closer look at the crys-

tallization process if only bulk nucleation
[with 02(0 = 0, generating %3(t,x)], or only
surface nucleation [with a3 (t) = 0, generat-
ing 2(t,x)], is occurring. Under these cir-

or (5-55)

With Eq. (5-48), for the combined process

we get
+\2nG(t) (t, x) = %2 (t, x) + 3 (t, x) - 2 (r, x)%3 (r, x)
These equations are only valid for the The time derivative of this equation reads
most complicated case, i.e., where (t,x) is in
class 3. For (t,x) in class 2+ or 1, the second
term in braces has to be replaced by zero, +E (tx)\l- (t x)] (5 57)
for (t,x) in class 1 even the first term in bra-
ces disappears. These seven rate equations The first term on the right side of this equa-
have to be completed by two additional dif- tion describes the increase of crystallinity
ferential equations for the quantities z+(t,x) by the surface-nucleated spherulites multi-
and T_(J,JC), which are obtained by differen- plied by the probability that at time t point
tiation of Eqs. (5-49). They read x is not covered by bulk-nucleated spheru-
lites. Thus for the degree of crystallinity
G(t) %(2)(t,x) due to surface-nucleated crystal-
G(T+(t,x) lites in the presence of bulk nucleation we
and (5-54) have
These equations are only applicable if (t,x) and in an analogous way for the degree of
is in class 2+ or 3 (first equation) and in class crystallinity %(3)(t,x) due to bulk-nucleated
3 (second equation). For the other cases, we crystallites in the presence of surface nucle-
must replace the values of T+(t,x) and T_(t,x) ation we obtain
by -oo. The initial values for the functions
%, <p1? <p3, y/0, \j/x, y/2 are all zero.
In the case of unconfined samples (D >
oo), the variables (t,x) always belong to
Instead of Eq. (5-56) we now get the fol-
class 1, and the rate equations under Eq.
lowing simple addition for the crystalliza-
(5-53) are exactly reduced to the rate equa-
tions by Schneider, i.e., Eqs. (5-22) and tion process in terms of (2) a n ^ o>
(5-26). (t Y\ % (t r\ . % (t r\ (* ftm
286 5 Crystallization

The quantities <^(2) and <^(3) may be calcu- is initiated per unit of surface area on both
lated easily in a general situation using aux- sides of the slab. In Eder (1997) it has been
iliary functions, as introduced in Eqs. (5-48) shown that the solution of this problem can
and (5-52), i.e., be written as

xexp[-(po(t,x)-y/o(t,x)] with
and (5-61) (5-66)


Most interesting for practical purposes is the

case t > oo, i.e., the final profiles ^(2)(,x) with two auxiliary functions
and ^(3)(OO,JC), because these profiles can be
determined from experiment through opti-
cal investigation of the cross sections of the if r' < (1 - JC')
samples (seeFigs. 5-13 and5-14). Forthese
profiles we have, from Eq. (5-60) 6 24
(2) (oo, JC) + (3) (oo, JC)= 1 (5-62)
For the number of existing bulk-nucleat- 6 24
ed spherulites per unit of volume N3iC(t,x)
and surface-nucleated spherulites per unit i f / ' > ( ! + *')
surface area N2c(t) we have, similar to
Eq. (5-32) and (5-67)
(5-63) g(t',x') =
xexp[-(po(t,x)-y/o(t,x)] 0 if f <{\-x)
2,c if) = a2 (t) (5-64)
xexp[-(po(t,D/2) y/o(t,D/2)] if (!-*')<*'

This section is finished with a simple

example concerning the isothermal case,
and is comparable to Avrami's case, as given
in Eq. (5-16), i.e.,
The solution written in dimensionless coor-
dinates (t\ x) is dependent on only two
parameter combinations, i.e., on
and (5-65)
^ _ 1
G = const
At time = 0, a number of A^v spherulites is and (5-68)
nucleated per unit of volume in the bulk of
the material and a number of NA spherulites
5.1 Fundamentals 287

d A =10 d A =0.1

d v =10

0.175 0.175
0.125 N 0.15
0.125 N
d v =0.1 t'=0.1 t'=0.1
\\ \
0.05 \
0 i i i i i i i i i i i i i i

0 1 0 1 0
Figure 5-6. Crystallinity profiles under isothermal conditions for various combinations of the parameters dw
and dA according to Eq. (5-66).

which are the characteristic distances value near the surface (x ~ 1). This behav-
between neighboring bulk nuclei and sur- ior is due to the fact that, initially, for a point
face nuclei, respectively, on the length scale near the surface the probability of being
of the sample thickness D. covered by some spherulite is exactly half
In Fig. 5-6, crystallinity profiles are given the probability observed for a point near the
for the combinations of parameters, dA, center, because only half of the surrounding
dw = 0.l, 1, and 10. If both dA and dv are volume of a surface point is filled with crys-
large compared to 1, growth from very few tallizable material. In the upper right dia-
nuclei is observed. This comes down to a 2D gram (dA<l and dw>l), where there is
growth of NVD + 2NA disks (of thickness D) dense nucleation at the surfaces only, after
per unit of area. The crystallinity profiles a short time, a frontlike growth occurs from
are uniform across the slab thickness (upper the surfaces towards the center, resulting in
left diagram in Fig. 5-6). In the case dA>\ a process which proceeds linearly with time.
and dv < 1 (lower left diagram), where If both dA and dv are small, a superposition
many bulk nuclei and only few surface of frontlike (one-dimensional) growth from
nuclei are present, crystallinity profiles are the surfaces and uniform (three-dimension-
obtained that are always flat in the center al) growth in the bulk of the sample is
and, for short times, drop to half the center obtained.
288 5 Crystallization

Table 5-2. Dimensionless time of half crystallization

and effective Avrami indices for various combinations
of dA and dy.

dA == 10 dA=l </A = 0.1

dv=\0 (6. 58/2.06) (1.11/3 .22) (0.513/1 .47)

dv=\ (1. 19/2.69) (0.904/2 .95) (0.483/1 .54)
dw = 0.l (0.1 11/2.97) (0.111/2 .97) (0.108/2 .95)
0.2 -

In Table 5-2 a compilation is given of the 0.0
dimensionless time t[/2 when the mean x'=2x/D
degree of crystallinity is 1/2, i.e., when
Figure 5-7. Final profile of the degree of crystallin-
ity due to bulk-nucleated spherulites in the presence
(5-69) of surface nucleation.

together with an effective Avrami index [see passes the position x. Thus
also Eq. (5-16 a)] defined as
d[ln(O] t'=t'\,2
= l-exp -
The effective Avrami index varies within the DJ
chosen set of values for dy and dA between
In particular the position JC1/2, at which we
1.47 and 3.22 (!). This is an effect of the spa-
have ^(3)(o, *1/2) = 1/2, can be used in this
tial arrangement of the nuclei only, while the
case to determine the number of nuclei in
spherulites themselves grow three-dimen-
the bulk
sionally, leading to an Avrami index of 3.00
in an unconfined volume.
Nv = 61n2 1
The crystallinity profiles (2)(f,Jc) and n (D-2xl/2y
%^(t,x) cannot be calculated analytically.
Similar considerations will be necessary
Some of the numerically calculated final
for the cases where the growth of two crys-
profiles (3)(, x) are shown in Fig. 5-7 for
tal modifications compete in the bulk, or
the parameter combinations used in Fig.
where two types of (compatible) polymers
5-6. In some limiting cases, however, we
start crystallizing in the bulk.
also have analytical solutions. If both dY and
dA are large, the final profile (3)(, x) is
constant with a value of 1/[1 + 2NA/(DNW)]. 5.2 Experiments in Quiescent
If dA is small, a superposition of a sharp
frontlike growth is obtained starting at the
surfaces with some process nucleated in the
5.2.1 Differential Scanning Calorimetry
interior. In this case the final profile
(as Applied to Isotactic Polypropylene)
(3)(oo, x) is given by the degree of crystal-
linity reached by the bulk-nucleated process This most popular type of thermal mea-
at the time when the crystallization front surement also attracted our attention in con-
5.2 Experiments in Quiescent Melts 289

nection with our search for physical data. with

We found that, in principle, we were able to
determine the number of nuclei and the a = m c r+ m c (5-76)
p p s s
growth speed as functions of the tempera-
ture. This statement, however, deserves where T{ can be any initial temperature, and
some elucidation. the base line is
To begin with, we have to investigate the
internal heat transfer problems arising at r b (0 = r f (0- (5-77)
higher cooling rates, which are needed for
the investigation of the crystallization kinet- with Tf(t) according to Eq. (5-74). The DSC
ics at lower crystallization temperatures. In signal itself is given by
fact, it is well-known that the exothermal 0(t) = y[Ts(t) - Tb(t)] (5-78)
peak of the differential scanning calorime-
try (DSC) curve shifts to lower temperatures where & is the heating power.
with increasing cooling rates. If \ff\ln<P is now plotted against Tf
which, according to Eq. (5-74), takes over
The following balance equation was for-
the role of a time parameter, we have
mulated (Janeschitz-Kriegl, 1992, 1994;
Janeschitz-Kriegl et al., 1993 a, b; Eder and f (5-79)
Janeschitz-Kriegl, 1993; Wu et al., 1993)
For a series of cooling runs (with varying
-(ra p cp + ras values of Tf), it is important that the sam-
At At (5-73) ples fit exactly into the pan. Otherwise the
heat transfer coefficient /would vary too
much. The same sample cannot be used for
where mp and ms are the masses of the DSC
all runs with our strategy, because each sam-
pan and of the sample, cp and cs are the cor-
ple is needed after the relevant cooling run
responding heat capacities, h is the specific
for a microscopic investigation, as we shall
heat of crystallization, Ts is the temperature
see below.
in the mid-plane of the sample, % is the
In Fig. 5-8 a relevant plot is shown for an
degree of crystallinity, 7 is an effective heat
industrial polypropylene. The cooling rates
transfer coefficient and
are indicated near the curves. The expected
Tf(t) = Tfr + tft (5-74) linearity and parallelism is clearly shown.
The slight curvatures at the lower ends of
is the furnace temperature as a linear func-
the curves must be ascribed to small errors
tion of time, with ff < 0 the constant cool-
in the base-line position. From the common
ing rate and Tfr the starting temperature of
slope a, a value of y= 10 mW KT1 can be
the furnace.
deduced with the aid of Eq. (5-76) by insert-
The determination of the heat transfer
ing the values of mp, ras, cp, and cs. If the
coefficient / i s based on the fact that the
apparatus is calibrated with indium, a high-
DSC signal returns to the base line accord-
er value of the heat transfer coefficient (=16
ing to an exponential function of time as
mW K"1) is obtained in accord with the fact
soon as the phase transition is complete. In
that metals have a higher heat conductivity.
fact, for A%/At=O the solution of Eq. (5-73)
For completeness it must be mentioned that
in these experiments three little knobs were
(5-75) punched into the bottoms of the pans with
290 5 Crystallization

Figure 5-8. Plot of DSC curves

for an industrial polypropylene
(Daplen KS 10) according to
Eq. (5-79). The cooling rates
applied are indicated near the
curves (Janeschitz-Kriegl, 1994).
(Courtesy of Hiithig & Wepf Ver-
lag, Basle.)
30 40 50 60 70 80 90
furnace temperature Tf [C]

the aid of a special tool. In this way the of the peak, the first term on the right side
reproducibility can be increased but, at the is of importance. So far, however, everyone
same time, the heat transfer coefficient is has overlooked the presence of a term that
lowered a little bit. In a special publication is influenced by the heat transfer coefficient
(Wu et al., 1993) it was shown that such a through a. Equation (5-80) enables us to cal-
measure improves the validity of the culate the progress of the crystallization as
approximation represented by the balance a function of the time variable Tf. This is
equation [Eq. (5-73)]. shown on the left curve of Fig. 5-9 for the
If, in this balance equation, the time is industrial polypropylene of Fig. 5-8 and a
replaced with the aid of Eq. (5-74) by Tf and cooling rate of 100 K/min.3 Such a high
an integration is carried out with respect to cooling rate is not easily achievable, as can
this latter variable, we get be seen from the next figure (Fig. 5-10). In
this figure the furnace temperatures are indi-
cated at which the control system of the
OC machine stopped to function at the various
cooling rates. Liquid nitrogen is strictly nec-
Because of the starting temperature (Tfr) essary as a coolant for these measurements.
of the furnace being outside the peak area As can be seen, a cooling rate of 200 K/min,
on the high temperature side, only the lower which is only 3.33 K/s(!), cannot be realized
limit Tf of the integral is of importance. If at all. (Later we shall return to the discus-
Tf is chosen at the lower end of the temper- sion of this restriction in connection with the
ature scale of the furnace, i.e., also outside determination of data that are relevant to
the peak area, the well-established integral real processing conditions.)
is obtained over the whole peak which, as is
well-known, must be equal to p ms h I ff\
(because % = p%g with g = 1 at the lower end The authors are very much indebted to Philips
Research, Eindhoven, The Netherlands, for enabling
of the scale). In fact, &(Tf) becomes zero as two of our co-workers (P. Jerschow and C. Paulik) to
soon as the base line is reached. However, carry out these measurements on a properly equipped
if Tf is chosen inside the temperature range machine.
5.2 Experiments in Quiescent Melts 291


tf = -100 K/min
a = 0,16/s
0,6 y = 10,0 mW/K
ms = 15,9mg
m = 25,4 mg


20 40 60 80 100 120

Figure 5-9. The left curve gives the course of the crystallization of the polypropylene of Fig. 5-8 at a cooling
rate of 100 K/min, according to Eq. (5-80). The furnace temperature Tf takes over the role of time according to
Eq. (5-74) (Janeschitz-Kriegl, 1994). The right curve gives the course of the crystallization as a function of the
real temperature Ts in the sample.




100 -200 K/min "

100 K/min
- 80 K/min
50 - 60 K/min
- 4 0 K/min
20 K/min
- 10 K/min

50 100 150 200 250

Figure 5-10. Directly measured heating power (uncorrected DSC curves) for seven runs at the indicated (nom-
inal) cooling rates for the polypropylene of Fig. 5-8. For the three highest cooling rates, the incipient failure of
the control system is indicated by full circles on the curves. The parts (of the curves) to the left of these points
are unreliable. The double arrow gives the restricted range in which the crystallization temperatures are actual-
ly located for cooling rates between 10 and 100 K/min (Janeschitz-Kriegl, 1994). (Courtesy of Huthig & Wepf
Verlag, Basle.)
292 5 Crystallization

Another important point is that, at higher stant owing to the heat transfer problem
cooling rates than, e.g., 5 K/min, correction involved. In Fig. 5-11 the usual exothermal
of the peak temperature becomes strictly DSC peak is plotted as the left line (cooling
necessary. In other words, the temperature rate 100 K/min).
in the sample, where the crystallization As a next step we have to report on the
occurs, can become quite different from the evaluation of the cross sections that were cut
furnace temperature at the maximum of the from the samples removed from the DSC
DSC peak. In fact, according to a combina- pans after the runs. Photographs were taken
tion of Eqs. (5-77) and (5-78), the internal of these cross sections under a polarizing
temperature in the sample is given by microscope. On these photographs the num-
bers N of spherulites per unit surface were
(5-81) counted. To a good approximation, the cor-
a y responding numbers per unit of volume TV
If this transformation of Tf(t) into Ts(t) is are simply (N)3/2. This method is indepen-
applied to the abscissa of Fig. 5-9, the right dent of the knowledge of G. This is a great
curve of this figure is obtained, which shows advantage, as will be seen below. The
that crystallization occurs virtually at a con- obtained values of N are, of course, the min-
stant internal temperature of 99 C in the imum possible N-values. However, they
present case. If the left curve is differentiat- give just the information needed for our
ed with respect to time (r f c t), multiplied approximate model, in which N is given as
by ms /z, and plotted against Tf(t), the right a unique function of the temperature, as in
curve of Fig. 5-11 is obtained, showing the Eq. (5-36). (Remember the Dirac functions
heat evolved by crystallization against the are immediately activated when their acti-
furnace temperature. It cannot be consid- vation temperatures are reached. For a sin-
ered, however, as an ideal DSC curve, gle activation mechanism, the Dirac func-
because the relevant cooling rate is not con- tion concentrated at zero time means a con-

tf = -100 K/min
a = 0,16/s
Y = 10,0 mW/K
= 15,9mg
100 m
= 25,4 mg
Figure 5-11. The left curve
gives the exothermal peak
of the DSC curve for the
polypropylene of Fig. 5-8
50 at a cooling rate of
100 K/min. The right curve
is the heat evolved in the
time span represented by
the span of Tf. Both lines
are drawn against the fur-
nace temperature Tf.
20 40 60 80 100 120
5.2 Experiments in Quiescent Melts 293

i*io n -

Figure 5-12. Number of spherulites per

unit volume against true crystallization
temperature for the polypropylene of
1x10 Fig. 5-8. (Unpublished work by C. Paulik.)
105 110 115 120 125

Crystallization Temperature [C]

stant number of nuclei from the beginning, peak (Billon et al., 1994; Eder and Jane-
so that all the nuclei can grow out into sphe- schitz-Kriegl, 1993). The theoretical treat-
rulites.) ment of such a situation has been sketched
In Fig. 5-12 the result of this determi- in Sec. 5.1.7 [see also Eder (1997)]. From a
nation is plotted as the number of nuclei practical point, however, low cooling rates
per unit volume against the real crystalliza- are not so important. It will also be particu-
tion temperature, as given by Eq. (5-81). larly difficult to find the numbers of nuclei
It can be seen that, for the investigated per unit surface at the wall and per unit vol-
industrial polypropylene Daplen, KS 10 ume in the melt simultaneously.
(Mz= 1400000, Mw = 330000, Mn = 52000, Finally, we arrive at the interpretation of
solubility in cold xylene: 2-3%), the num- the left curve in Fig. 5-9. Because of the fact
ber of nuclei increases by about two decades that the crystallization occurs practically at
when the crystallization temperature is low- a specific constant temperature, Avrami's
ered from 125 to 105 C. For completeness, equation [Eq. (5-16 a)] for an index of 3 can
in Figs. 5-13 and 5-14 photographs are tentatively be applied, i.e.,
shown of cross sections of samples from the
same polymer, after cooling runs of 5 and (5-82)
50 K mnT1. The differences in the structures
are clearly seen. In particular, at the lower with t0 being the time when the actual crys-
cooling rate part of the crystallization is tallization temperature is reached.
caused by nucleation at the wall of the pan. The shape of the left curve in Fig. 5-9 sug-
This transcrystallization becomes more and gests that the best way of evaluating the
more important with lower and lower cool- parameter G (AT being known from the just-
ing rates, and can even cause a small shoul- mentioned procedure) is to take the time
der on the high temperature side of the DSC derivative of <L at <^ =0.5. This differentia-
294 5 Crystallization

Figure 5-13. Cross section

through a sample of the
polypropylene of Fig. 5-8,
as obtained from the DSC
pan after a cooling run of
5 K/min.

Figure 5-14. As in Fig.

5-13, after a cooling run of
50 K/min.

tion yields for t=tU2 (with g = 1/2)

= 1.894Nin G
Introducing 7f instead of t finally gives
This result is explained by the fact that the
exponential function remains intact during
G(T) = 0.528 (5-84)
the differentiation and that Eq. (5-17) yields W(T)
5.2 Experiments in Quiescent Melts 295
1x10 I I


I lxl 7
Figure 5-15. Growth speeds of spheru-
s lites of the polypropylene of Fig. 5-8 as a
function of the crystallization tempera-
O lxlO'8
ture, according to Eq. (5-84) (unpublished
work by C. Paulik, E. Ratajski, and G.
Eder). Solid line from optical measure-
lxlCP ments.
100 110 120 130 140

Temperature (C)

In this equation d^g/dTf and ff are both 5.2.2 Other Measurements Concerning
negative, so their product is positive. With the Growth Speed
the aid of this equation, the G values are of Isotactic Polypropylene (i-PP)
obtained; these are plotted in Fig. 5-15
In principle, the reliability of the growth
against the crystallization temperature with
the aid of filled symbols. Unfortunately, the data, as obtained from DSC measurements,
DSC values cannot be extended to higher can only be enhanced by comparison with
temperatures because of the growing and the results of alternative methods. A num-
disturbing influence of transcrystallization. ber of these methods will be discussed in the
The curves obtained at higher temperatures following sections.
with the aid of optical measurements will be
discussed in Sec. In previous mea- Dilatometry
surements we have used transcrystallization
with a steep temperature gradient (in order This method has been used successfully
to suppress the diffuse nucleation in the for the investigation of the overall rates of
bulk) in order to obtain G values at lower crystallization by Boon et al. (1968 a, b). In
temperatures. Discrepancies must be particular, it was applied to isotactic poly-
cleared up before the sketched DSC meth- styrene (PS), which is a very slowly crystal-
od can be used for high density polyeth- lizing polymer. In this context the density
ylene, for which so far only a few values measurements of van Antwerpen and van
of G(T) have been obtained in the tempera- Krevelen (1972) on samples of polyethylene
ture range relevant for practical process- terephthalate (PETP) should also be men-
ing. With high density polyethylene, elec- tioned. This polymer also crystallizes rath-
tron microscopy is needed to count the er slowly and has the advantage that the den-
spherulites in the cross sections of DSC sities of samples quenched from several
samples. crystallization temperatures after several
296 5 Crystallization

crystallization times to room temperature regularly built for the application of this
can be measured in a density column. How- method. Also, some still unpublished meas-
ever, for quickly crystallizing commodity urements in our own laboratory indicated
polymers, like polyethylene (PE) or isotac- that quickly crystallized samples of PP and
tic polypropylene (PP), this type of mea- PE did not show noticeable depolarization
surement cannot be applied. effects. As will be shown below, however,
another quite simple interpretation of
increasing light scattering, as occurs during Optical Measurements
rapid crystallization, has been successfully
First we must mention hot stage micros- used in our laboratory (see Sec.
copy, which has been used quite successful-
ly both for the determination of the numbers Transcrystallization4
of nuclei and for the growth speeds at not
too high degrees of supercooling. In this On this occasion the reader is reminded
context the works of von Falkai (1960) and of Fig. 5-1. From this figure we learn that,
Padden and Keith (1959) on polypropylenes depending on the ratio of the average dis-
should also be mentioned. Lovinger et al. tances of nuclei on the wall and in the bulk,
(1977) took pictures in a temperature gradi- the crystallization front, starting at the mold
ent for the first time using this method. wall, is superseded earlier or later by a dif-
Magill et al. (1973) have carried out a tre- fuse crystallization zone. However, in order
mendous amount of measurements on spe- to suppress the occurrence of the diffuse
cially prepared polymers of sufficiently low crystallization zone, we created a steep tem-
rates of crystallization. It would be possible perature gradient in the sample. This can be
to write a special review on all these mea- achieved in a rather thin tablet of the sam-
surements, including very recent develop- ple. This tablet is quenched to the desired
ments. In the present context, however, crystallization temperature on one side only,
results from von Falkai (1960), Padden and whereas the other side is kept at the origi-
Keith (1959), and Lovinger et al. (1977) nal high temperature. An additional advan-
will be used to complement the results tage is that in a rather thin tablet the transi-
that have been obtained for isotactic poly- tion to a linear temperature profile occurs in
propylenes by the faster methods described a rather short period of time, before the layer
below. growth from the quenched surface becomes
Light scattering should also be mentioned considerable.
here. An interesting method of measuring In Figs. 5-16 and 5-17 two situations are
depolarized light scattering, as caused by depicted. In both cases the mentioned wall
the formation of spherulites [four-leaved was quenched from 200 C to a temperature
clover patterns, as detected and interpreted in the range where the growth speeds are
by Stein's school (Stein and Rhodes, 1960; close to their maximum, i.e., 100 C in both
Stein and Misra, 1973; Stein et al., 1977; cases. As is well-known, this maximum
Higgins and Stein, 1978)], has also been occurs somewhere half-way between the
used by van Antwerpen and van Krevelen melting point and the glass transition tem-
(1972) for PETP and by Keijzers (Keijzers, perature (Magill et al., 1973). In the first
1967; Keijzers et al., 1968) for isotactic PS. picture, a layer is shown which is obtained
However, as Keijzers pointed out, the sphe-
rulites of isotactic PP are not sufficiently Wunderlich(1973).
5.2 Experiments in Quiescent Melts 297

Figure 5-16. Transcrystal-

lized layer of the a-modifi-
cation after quenching the
lower side to a temperature
of 110C for a contact time
of 48 s. Notice the bright
/3-cones! Incidentally, the
apex of the cone in the mid-
dle is practically in the sur-
face of the cross section,
hence "Lovinger's angle"
can easily be determined.
Thickness of a-layer:
0.15 mm.

Figure 5-17. Transcrystal-

lized layer of the /3-modifi-
cation with "a-spherulites"
included. For this purpose
the surface (lower side) has
been treated with Cinqua-
sia-gold. Temperature of
the quench 110 C, contact
time 80 s. Thickness of
/3-layer: 0.105 mm.

after a "contact time" (i.e., the time between excluded completely. As a consequence,
first and final quench) of 48 s. Because no several bright cones are visible between
special precautions were taken, the layer is crossed polars. [Because of epitaxial
mainly built up of the a-crystal modifica- growth, the birefringence of the ce-modifi-
tion5. However, /3-nucleation could not be cation is much lower (Padden and Keith,
1959).] According to Lovinger et al. (1977),
The term a-modification stands here for the the ratio of the growth speeds can be calcu-
spherulites of low positive birefringence, reportedly lated from the opening angle of the cones:
of the monoclinic type (Norton and Keller, 1985). A
similar remark holds for the spherulites of high (neg-
The speed of the /3-modification is shown to
ative) birefringence of the j3-type of hexagonal sym- be a factor of 1.27 higher in the demonstrat-
metry. ed cases. As the ^-modification dominates
298 5 Crystallization

at the front of the layer, the conclusion must temperature in the sample (Eder et al.,
be drawn that, in contrast to the results 1990), if the temperature gradient is steep
obtained at higher temperatures of the enough.
quenched wall, there is no reliable way to c) The heat diffusivity a is considered to be
determine the growth speed of the a-mod- independent of the degree of crystallinity.
ification from transcrystallization in a tem- d) The Fourier number
perature range between 115 and 90 C. This
was shown by Ratajski (1993). (5-86)
On the other hand, preparation of the sam-
ple surface with a nucleation agent for [3- (with D the sample thickness and t the time)
nucleation [Cinquasia-gold (Leugering, is large enough for a practically linear tem-
1967)] leads to a transcrystallization layer perature profile to exist when the first mea-
of the latter modification, as shown in surement is taken. In fact, this holds for Fo >
Fig. 5-17 [see Ratajski (1993)]. Some of the 0.5. With D= 1 mm and a= 10"7 m2 s"1, this
a-spherulites show the shape of a pear with means
its stem in the growth direction, as first
t>5 s (5-87)
observed by Lovinger. But these inclusions
do not seriously disturb the advance of the With these assumptions and with x as the
layer front. In principle, the growth speed at distance of the crystallization front from the
the temperature of the quenched wall is wall, we get
obtained by plotting the layer thicknesses,
as determined under the microscope on x(t) = Gw (5-88)
cross sections of the completely solidified
samples, against the contact times. The where G is put equal to i, T{ is the initial
initial slopes of the obtained curves give the temperature, and Tw is the wall temperature
required growth speeds at the wall (Jane- after the quench. This is a differential equa-
schitz-Kriegl et al., 1987 a). However, as is tion for x(t), which can easily be integrated.
well-known, it is difficult to draw such an The logarithmic version of the solution of
initial slope on the basis of scattered experi- this differential equation reads
mental points.
In order to cope with this problem, a
curve-fitting method has been developed
(Eder, 1993) [see also Ratajski (1993); Ra- with
tajski and Janeschitz-Kriegl (1996)], which
is based on the following assumptions: r= (5-89b)
a) In the vicinity of the wall temperature Tw
the growth speed as a function of the tem- For several assumed values of r, the sec-
perature can be approximated by ond term of Eq. (5-89 a) is calculated as a
function of time. Such a plot is given in
G(T) = G w e x p [ - p ( r ~ r w )] (5-85)
Fig. 5-18, where a logarithmic time scale is
where Gw is the growth rate at the wall also used for t for convenience. On log [x(t)]
temperature and /3 is the temperature vs. log(0 scales the experimental points are
sensitivity coefficient of the growth rate. shifted in a vertical direction until the best
b) The evolution of the latent heat of crys- fit with the shape of one of the theoretical
tallization has no important influence on the curves is obtained (see the crosses in the fig-
5.2 Experiments in Quiescent Melts 299

ure). In this way a value of r is obtained. ments on the hot stage of a microscope. In
According to Eq. (5-89 a), the vertical shift the range of overlap the agreement is quite
of log x(t), which leads to the described good. On the other hand, it becomes quite
curve fitting, gives a (quite reliable) value of obvious that the use of transcrystallization
Gw. A rather inaccurate value of /? can also extends the range of measurements over as
be calculated from the obtained value of T. much as 30 degrees to lower temperatures.
In Fig. 5-19 the results obtained with the For a calculation of the growth speeds of the
aid of this method are presented (full cir- a-modification from these data, with the
cles) together with Lovinger's values (open aid of the mentioned cone angles (see Fig.
rhombs) and some of our own measure- 5-16), Sec. on data compilation
should be consulted. In fact, the data for
the a-modification are of greater impor-
P-PP = -100 ,
tance, because PP crystallizes mainly in the
T=120C a-modification if no special nucleation
agents for the /^-modification are applied. Crystallization Zone 6

Again, the reader is reminded of Fig. 5-1.
This time the diffuse crystallization zone is
considered. In Fig. 5-20 this zone is meas-
ured for an industrial PP (Daplen PT 55) for
log(t) several temperatures of the quenched wall,
Figure 5-18. Curve fitting for the determination of as indicated near the agglomerations of
the growth speed G, as explained in the text. Temper-
ature of the quench 120 C. Logarithm of the time of
thermal adjustment 0.7. Ederetal. (1990).

90 100 110 12C) 130 140

i | r
! !

-5- -5

* : :
p-Polypropylene j "
' radial growth rate 1 Figure 5-19. Growth speed
. ' '.
of /3-spherulites as a func-

tion of temperature, as
ST -6- - -6
: : : o : :
obtained from transcrystal-
o lization experiments
: ; : co : :
: : o ; ; (closed circles) (Ratajski
o : <
- -7 and Janeschitz-Kriegl,
2 -7- o 1996), optical microscopy
(closed squares) (Ratajski
Ratajski/front growth data : <>o ;
o Lovinger
: o :

and Janeschitz-Kriegl,
-8- 1996), and from zone crys-
tallization by Lovinger
et al. (1977) (open rhombs).
90 100 110 120 130 140
Temperature (C)
300 5 Crystallization

i 1 1

XXX >(
oD 1 10C
X XX an a D DO
- X D a CD
an o o o o o
o o o
XXX c r D o o o
o o
D o
OO O O o 120C
a o
D o o o
Q oo
~ X D 0
m o

X DD oSo + + +
+ + +
x nn
X D og^ + + + +

x a? O
OO + +-r + +
a 1 1 + + -H 1 I

) 500 1000 1500 20(

t [sec]
Figure 5-20. Progress of diffuse crystallization zones (compare with Fig. 5-1) for i-PP Daplen PT 55 with time.
The temperatures of the quenched wall are indicated near the "curves", which are according to Ratajski (1993).

points indicating the respective zones zone advanced, larger and larger portions of
(Ratajski, 1993). The initial melt tempera- the microscale became undiscernible. (The
ture Tx was 200 C after slow cooling from advancement of this zone cannot be
240 C. For these measurements a cylinder observed with the aid of a cathetometer from
of the polymer of 20-mm diameter and about outside because of the bending that light
10 mm in height was used. This sample was rays experience in a strong temperature gra-
melted in a glass tube in which hollow metal dient.)
pistons were inserted from both ends, touch- Previously, we tried to calculate the
ing the polymer cylinder with their end sur- shapes of the zones by drawing lines at
faces. The polymer sample contained a degrees of crystallinity of 0.2, 0.5, and 0.8.
microscale printed on a little strip of paper. These lines were obtained with the aid of
This scale was situated along the central line Schneider's rate equations (Eq. (5-22) using
and touched the piston to be quenched. For preliminary data for G(T) and N(T) (Eder
the quench of this piston, which was effec- et al., 1990; Ratajski, 1993). In this way we
tuated with the aid of a heat-transfer fluid could show that these shapes were in qual-
pumped through its interior, a time of about itative agreement with theoretical expecta-
3 s was required. The microscale was tions. Recently, however, we have discov-
observed with the aid of a telescope which ered that the locations on the time axis where
was inclined at an angle of 30 with respect the respective zones become apparent are
to the end surfaces of the sample. (Because accessible to a quantitative interpretation.
of the larger refractive index of the sample, For this purpose it has to be realized that,
an angle of about 20 resulted inside the at the chosen wall temperature, crystalliza-
probe.) When the diffuse crystallization tion starts in the bulk of the fluid by the for-
5.2 Experiments in Quiescent Melts 301

mation of little Ray lei gh scatterers. (The of N is of minor importance. It can almost
transcrystallizing boundary layer, which be absorbed in the constant SIC. This meth-
cannot be disregarded at the higher wall od of determining G(T) has been rather suc-
temperatures, does not disturb the observa- cessful, as will be shown in Sec.,
tion of the initiation of the diffuse zone.) For where a compilation of results will be
Rayleigh scatterers, however, the intensity shown.
of light scattering grows with the square of For the moment only one comment may
their volume. Because of this volume being be made. The possibility of an interpretation
proportional to (Gt)3, we obtain of the locations of the starting points in
Fig. 5-20 in terms of the growth speeds of
= CN(Gtf (5-90)
spherulites throws a critical light on the
where N is the number of scatterers per unit myth of a temperature-dependent incuba-
volume and C is a mostly optical constant. tion time, which is suggested if only a super-
Actually, when the scattering losses are so ficial glance is taken at this figure.
large that the microscale becomes undis-
cernible in our experiment, S should have a Quenching of Extremely Thin
certain fixed value. However, when this
happens, it is no longer in the regime of Ray-
leigh scattering. But one fact is clear: The As is well-known from experimental work
more complex scattering phenomena can on PE [by Barham et al. (1982) as well as by
never occur earlier than the preceding Ray- Chew et al. (1989)1 and also from theoreti-
leigh scattering. cal considerations (Billon et al., 1989 - see
From Eq. (5-90) we obtain also Sec. 5.1.6), the number of interfering
nuclei per unit of volume can be reduced by
G JS-)
1 choosing very small samples (little droplets,
= (5-91)
c) NU6 tc thin threads, or thin slices). The only condi-
where tc indicates the "starting point" (i.e., tion is that the confining continuous phase
the center) of the zone along the time axis. does not initiate nuclei at the phase boundary.
In order to determine the effective value For our PP samples we have chosen thin slic-
of the constant SVC, use is made of the fact es prepared with the aid of a microtome.
that in the range of higher temperatures, e.g., Thicknesses down to 10 \xm were chosen.
near 130 C for PP, N(T) and G(T) are well- These slices were sandwiched between cover
known from other types of experiments (see glasses and heated between metal plates. A
Figs. 5-12 and 5-15, where the full line is first quench was carried out by dropping
from microscopic determinations). In order these sandwiches into a thermostat bath at
to obtain values for G(T) also at lower tem- the desired crystallization temperature. (This
peratures, we now have to assume that the thermostat was filled with diethylene glycol
origins of light scattering always pass at the appropriate temperature.) After sever-
through the same stadia, which may not be al exactly measured residence times in this
completely true, but should suffice for our bath, the samples were finally quenched in
present purpose. In the case of PP the tem- tap water and, subsequently, viewed and pho-
perature-dependent value of N can be taken tographed under a polarizing microscope
from curves like the one given in Fig. 5-12. (Ratajski and Janeschitz-Kriegl, 1996).
However, because of the occurrence of the The purpose of this procedure was to
sixth root of N in Eq. (5-91), the influence enable the material to create larger spheru-
302 5 Crystallization

Figure 5-21. Photograph

of spherulites from a micro-
tome slice of 5-jim thick-
ness. Temperature of the
quench 110 C, time of the
quench 32 s. Diameter of
the biggest spherulite
0.14 mm (Ratajski and
Janeschitz-Kriegl, 1996).

lites, which (of course) were virtually two- the biggest spherulites against the crystal-
dimensional. At the relatively low temper- lization times for several crystallization
atures of interest, impingement terminates temperatures. Nice straight lines are
their growth untimely if the material is obtained in this way, as shown in Fig. 5-22.
investigated in the bulk. In Fig. 5-21 a pho-
tograph is shown of a sample that was crys- Compilation of Growth Data for
tallized at 110C for 32 s. On this figure,
the a-Modification of i-PP
areas can be observed where impingement
has occurred. These areas are of no interest Finally, in Fig. 5-23 a compilation is
for the determination of the growth speed G. given of growth data for a-PP, as obtained
There is also a shrink hole which, apparent- by the methods discussed. As all these meth-
ly, is caused by the shrinkage undergone by ods are subject to limitations, such a com-
the sample during crystallization. But there parison of data is of great importance. The
are also a few flawless a-spherulites sur- reader may notice that, previously, reliable
rounded by a fine-grained structure which data were only obtained at temperatures of
was certainly formed during the final more than 110C. For our part, data from
quench. At some places, these a-spherulites PP Daplen KS 10 were mostly used. How-
are surrounded by a structureless continu- ever, as the good agreement of the literature
um. As is well-known, such areas can also data, as obtained on very different PP
be formed in PP during a rapid quench (Pic- grades, with our data suggests, the growth
carolo et al., 1992). speed of spherulites of industrial polypro-
Measurement of the diameters was pylenes must really be independent of the
always carried out on the biggest spheru- molar mass, as Magill (1967) pointed out
lites. If the crystallization times are account- previously with the aid of an interesting
ed for, this procedure must lead to a fair esti- model polymer. On inspecting Fig. 5-23, the
mate of the growth speeds at crystallization following features may be noticed: The col-
temperatures between 120 and 80 C. This lected data roughly indicate the height of the
becomes obvious from a plot of the radii of growth speed maximum. This is important
5.2 Experiments in Quiescent Melts 303

0,20 -,

0,18 -
0,16- * 81C
0,14 - 90C
0,12 - 95C
* 97C
0,10 - A 100C
cr: * 105C
0,08- v 110C
0,06- * 115C
o 117C
0,04- * 120C


0 20 40 60 80 100
t (sec)
Figure 5-22. Radii of the biggest spherulites against growth time for a series of quenching temperatures for
i-PP Daplen KS 10 (Ratajski and Janeschitz-Kriegl, 1996).

0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9

i i
' i. .' ! i. ; J :
: : A
: '
: : A
A %^o; A : a-Polypropylene
-6- - -6
~. '. ', ', radial growth rate

: \
K ! i - -7
; 2 : : :
-8- -. A -: -;..._
: : o : ;

: : o * :
-9- - -9

' m

-10 -10
80 90 100 110 120 130 140 150 160
Temperature (C)
Figure 5-23. Compilation of growth speeds for the (^-modification of i-PP vs. temperature from various sourc-
es. Literature data are indicated by open symbols [Lovinger et al., 1977 (rhombs); Padden and Keith, 1959 (cir-
cles); von Falkai, 1960 (triangles); Olley and Bassett, 1989 (stars)]. Values calculated from /3-transcrystallization
with the aid of Lovinger's cone angles (closed squares) (Ratajski, 1993), from microtome slices (closed circles)
(Ratajski and Janeschitz-Kriegl, 1996), from DSC according to Eder's method [closed triangles pointing upward
(Paulik, 1993), closed diamonds (Ratajski and Janeschitz-Kriegl, 1996)], and from the so-called incubation times
of Fig. 5-20 (closed triangles pointing downward) (Ratajski and Janeschitz-Kriegl, 1996) are also given.
304 5 Crystallization

because of the symmetry of the growth because of its low speed of crystallization.
curve postulated previously by Magill et al. But the low speed of crystallization makes
(1973). So, it is at least possible to guess the it very useful for fundamental investiga-
course of the curve at lower temperatures. tions. The classical investigation was car-
For practical calculation purposes, Fig. 5- ried out by Boon et al. (1968 a, b). The
23 will provide a sufficient amount of infor- growth speed of spherulites was investigat-
mation because the exact course of the line ed on the hot stage of a microscope. These
at temperatures below 80 C seems to be of measurements cover practically the whole
minor importance for cooling processes. range of interesting temperatures, as can be
An inspection in more detail reveals the seen from Fig. 5-24. At this point it should
following facts: be emphasized that Magill (Magill et al.,
1973; Magill, 1967) got similar results for
a) The data derived from transcrystalliza-
a tremendous number of mostly specially
tion experiments on the /3-modification [by
synthesized polymers. We have chosen the
taking into account the cone angles (see Fig.
work of Boon and co-workers because of its
5-16)] provide points above those from all
completeness with respect to the methods
the other measurements.
chosen. The melting point of this polymer
b) The data derived from DSC measure-
was found by an extrapolation method to be
ments according to the method described in
240 C.
Sec. 5.2.1 give rise to the lowest points.
An interesting experience with this poly-
c) Probably, the most reliable data are from
mer was that the thermal history had a sub-
the quench of extremely thin samples. In any
stantial influence on the number of nuclei
case, these points reach down to the lowest
Nv per unit volume. This fact is reflected by
temperature (81 C).
Fig. 5-25, in which the dilatometric curves
d) The points from the starting points of the
are shown for a crystallization temperature
diffuse crystallization zone (closed trian-
of 140 C, dependent on a previous short
gles pointing downwards) are in between
term (-10 min) of supercooling to several
the other points. The point of adjustment lies
lower temperatures T2 indicated on the fig-
at 130 C.
ure. The results are given in Table 5-3 with
With respect to item b) there are some com- y- l/r=the nucleation frequency. In the
ments: The DSC points may really be too third column the effective Avrami expo-
low. Notwithstanding the fact that the role nents (n) are quoted. Clearly, the limiting
of the internal heat transfer coefficient has
been thoroughly investigated, there still Table 5-3. Data of the curves of Fig. 5-25 for differ-
remains the problem of the time delay ent values of T2.
caused by the internal control system.
T2 (C) tm (min) n v(min ]) Ns, (crrT3)

20-75 29 3.6 0.08 3.4 XlO11

5.2.3 Crystallization Kinetics Data for 80 32.5 3.2 0.30 7.6 xlO 1 0
Some Other Polymers 82 62 3.3 0.19 l.OxlO 1 0
86 70.5 3.1 0.47 1.1 xlO 1 0 Isotactic Polystyrene 90 82.5 3.0 6.2 x 109
As is well-known, this polymer is of no 100 153 3.1 0.17 1.1 xlO 9
110 535 2.7 2.8 xlO7
industrial interest. In fact, it cannot be used 140 730 2.4 1.0 xlO 7
as an amorphous or crystalline polymer
5.2 Experiments in Quiescent Melts 305

Figure 5-24. Growth speed of the

spherulites of isotactic polystyrene
against the crystallization tempera-
ture, according to Boon et al. (1968 a).
(Courtesy of John Wiley, New York.)

0.99 -

0.98 -

0.97 -

20 -co 80 100 200 00 800 1000 2000


Figure 5-25. Dilatometer curves (Vt vs. log t) for isotactic polystyrene. Crystallization temperature 140C; the
previous short term quench temperatures (T2) are indicated on the graph (Boon et al., 1968 b). (Courtesy of John
Wiley, New York.)

cases for spherulitic growth, i.e., n = 3 (neg- On the same sample of isotactic polysty-
ligible activation time r) and n = 4 (sporad- rene, Keijzers (1967) carried out small-
ic nucleation) are not fulfilled. Values small- angle light-scattering measurements. He
er than 3 cannot easily be explained for bulk used a slightly modified version of the well-
crystallization, but are frequently reported known equation
(see Sec. 5.1.7). In the fifth column, the
respective numbers of nuclei are quoted 4.U
5 Crystallization

Figure 5-26. Spherulite radius

against crystallization time at a crys-
tallization temperature of 140 C for
isotactic polystyrene, according to
Keijzers et al. (1968). (Courtesy of
The American Chemical Society.)
200 400 600 aoo 1000

as derived by Stein and Rhodes (1960) equation

for small-angle light scattering between
crossed polars, where R is the radius of the (5-93)
spherulite, X is the wavelength of the light,
In this way Keijzers obtained Ns=l.l x
and <9is the angle at the maximum intensity
1013 nT3, while Boon obtained iV s =1.0x
of the obtained four-leaved clover pattern
1013 nT 3 under the same thermal conditions.
(see Fig. 5-27 in the next section). In this
These agreements are quite good in view of
way he determined the growth of the (aver-
the difficulties encountered. Over a range of
age) spherulite radius. One of Keijzers'
temperatures between 240 C (melting
results is shown in Fig. 5-26. In this figure
point) and 150C, the number of nuclei
the growth of R is given at 140 C for the
increased by about two decades. When the
case where the sample was directly
samples were quenched first from 256 C to
quenched to this temperature (adjustment
below the glass transition temperature
time about 5 min) from 265 C. A growth
(-100 C), these numbers were enhanced by
speed G of 0.044 |Lim/min was obtained from
five decades.
the initial slope of this curve, whereas Boon
found a value of 0.036 |Lim/min (see his
Fig. 1). As can be seen from Fig. 5-26, the
value of R levels off after about 700 min at Poly(ethylene terephthalate)
25 |iim. The reason for this is that growth is The growth rates of the spherulites of a
stopped by impingement of the spherulites. great number of poly(ethylene terephtha-
The final size of these spherulites was lates) of different molar masses were inves-
observed under the microscope to be near- tigated by van Antwerpen and van Kreve-
ly equal. The effect of interference between len (1972) by the light-scattering method.
these spherulites on the scattering was dis- To demonstrate the four-leaved clovers seen
regarded. Assuming for simplicity a degree between crossed polars, Fig. 5-27 is intro-
of packing of unity (hexagonal close-pack- duced. For large scale investigation, how-
ing being 0.74), it is possible to estimate ever, a proper photometer was developed, in
the number of nuclei Ns with the aid of the Fig. 5-28 the results are given for a series of
5.2 Experiments in Quiescent Melts 307

angle (rad): 0 7T/6 0 7T/6 0 7l/6
tcr>st(s): 16 25 58

Figure 5-27. Four-leaved clover pattern [see Stein and Rhodes (I960)] for an industrial poly(ethylene tereph-
thalate) at the indicated crystallization times after a quench to 175 C, according to van Antwerpen and van Kre-
velen (1972). (Courtesy of John Wiley, New York.)

120 highest growth rate. The full lines are the

result of curve fitting on the basis of an ana-
lytical equation, as proposed by Hoffman
(1964) for the case where the formation of
secondary nuclei on the crystal surface is the
rate-determining step in crystal growth.
Apparently, this assumption is realistic for
slowly crystallizing polymers like isotactic
polystyrene or poly(ethylene terephthalate).
Hoffman's equation is a product of three fac-
tors, a temperature-independent factor Go,
an exponential function for the transport
processes, and an exponential function
(Boltzmann term) containing the free ener-
gy of the newly formed (crystalline) phase.
From the mentioned curve fitting, Go must
be inversely proportional to the number
470 490 average molar mass according to the equa-
Figure 5-28. The spherulite growth rate versus the
crystallization temperature for poly(ethylene tereph-
thalate) samples of various number average molar
G0(nm/s) =-35 x 106 (5-94)
n (g
masses (van Antwerpen and van Krevelen, 1972), 1)
19000, 2) 22 300, 3) 24 800, 4) 27400, 5) 30100, 6) For infinite molar mass, a negative value of
35400, 7) 39 100. (Courtesy of John Wiley, NY.) Go would result. This is, of course, impos-
sible. This result means that Go must level
polymers for practically the whole range of off with increasing molar mass at some pos-
interesting temperatures. From the figure it itive value of Go outside the range of molar
can be seen that the growth rates are strong- masses used in this investigation. This
ly dependent on the molar mass, the poly- would be in agreement with the observa-
mer of the lowest molar mass showing the tions of Magill (1967), according to which
308 5 Crystallization

120 140 160 180 200

upperlimit of the

3- 39,100

Figure 5-29. Final spherulite radii

2- of plain poly(ethylene terephtha-
late) samples of the indicated
molar masses against the crystal-
lization temperature (van Ant-
werpen and van Krevelen, 1972).
(Courtesy of John Wiley, NY.)
390 430 450 470
Crystallization temperature (K)

the growth speeds of polymers formed by the results of the measurements are tabulat-
reasonably long chain molecules should be ed.
independent of the molar mass. The conclusion is that for sufficiently
In Fig. 5-29 the final spherulite radii [see slowly crystallizing polymers a host of data
Fig. 5-26, from the work of Keijzers et al. is available. The reason for this fact is that,
(1968)] are given as a function of the crys- with quenching, we are clearly in the regime
tallization temperature, when plain and dry of the nucleation rate-controlled processes
PETP samples were quenched from 285 C. (see Sec. 5.1.1). Unfortunately, the situation
Here the influence of the molar mass is also is less clear for some very important indus-
quite obvious. Using Eq. (5-93), the corre- trial polymers.
sponding numbers of nuclei can be derived.
Interestingly enough, for PETP this number
seems to be practically independent of the Linear Polyethylene
crystallization temperature, at least for high If, for isotactic polypropylene, crystal-
molar mass samples. As we know, this is in lization kinetics data are unavailable for the
contrast to the findings with other polymers. temperature range below a temperature half-
This Ns is of the order of 1016 nT 3 . In the way between the melting point and the glass
work of van Antwerpen and van Krevelen transition temperature, then the situation is
(1972), the positive influence of several pul- even more serious for linear polyethylene,
verized solid additives on this number is which is probably the most important poly-
also investigated. Small amounts of liquid mer for the production of commodities. For
additives enhance the growth speed. The linear polyethylene with a melting point of
reader is exhorted to look up the original 146 C, no detailed data are available below
literature if he wants to know more details. 121 C, whereas the glass transition is at
In the thesis of van Antwerpen (1971), -80 C. Certainly, the reason for the diffi-
5.2 Experiments in Quiescent Melts 309

culties encountered with this polymer is the from the curve predicted by Avrami [Eq. (5-
high speed of crystallization at temperatures 16 a)] for the degree of crystallinity as a
below 120 C. function of time occurs at lower and lower
In spite of the tremendous amount of degrees of crystallinity (and shorter times)
papers devoted to the crystallization kinet- with increasing molar mass. So, it is prob-
ics of polyethylene, we have to be selective, ably no longer possible to speak of an Avra-
focusing on the present purpose. From a mi plot in the proper sense for the highest
paper by Ergoz et al. (1972) we learn that, molar masses, for which an apparent index
except for extremely low molar masses, the of 2 has been found. For us, the index 3
Avrami index has been found to be very would show that our kinetic model with a
close to 3 in a temperature interval between number of nuclei depending only on the
126C and 132 C, which is accessible by temperature, but not explicitly on the time,
dilatometric measurements. At the same should be applicable to polyethylene. So far,
time, it is found by these authors that with however, it is not altogether clear whether
increasing molar mass, the final degree of with polyethylene the number of nuclei per
crystallinity decreases from about 80% at unit volume is dependent on the tempera-
relative molar masses between 50000 and ture. Chivers and co-workers (Chivers et al.,
660000 to only about 30% at a relative 1982) claimed that no evidence could be
molar mass of 8000000. However, this found down to 75 C (see below). Probably,
means that the concept of the impingement the most interesting figure from the paper
of growing spherulites becomes shaky even by Ergoz et al. (1972) is reproduced here as
in the narrow temperature range investigat- Fig. 5-30. It seems that the minimum time
ed. In fact, the first (downward) deviation for the development of 1% crystallinity is

Figure 5-30. Minimum time for

the development of 1 % crystallin-
ity (To.oi) at the indicated crystal-
lization temperature against the
molar mass of linear polyethylenes
according to Ergoz et al. (1972).
(Courtesy of The American Chem-
ical Society.)
310 5 Crystallization

affected by two counteracting processes: In a significant influence of the thermal histo-

the low molar mass range the growth speed ry on the results. Observations were made
may decrease with increasing molar mass as using a Mettler FP-82 hot stage, mounted on
with polyethylene terephthalate. In the high a microscope. Heating and cooling were
molar mass range primary nucleation may controlled by a Mettler FP-80 unit. (The
become increasingly active. The range of maximum heating and cooling rates were
crystallization temperatures is larger than 20 K mm"1.) Photographic recording was
indicated above. However, no numerical applied using the phase-contrast mode rath-
data were obtained for the whole range. er than the polarizing mode. The method
Explicit values for the growth speed as a was essentially two-dimensional since the
function of the temperature were first given smallest observable spherulites of radius
by Chivers et al. (1982) and Barham et al. 5 |im were already larger than the sample
(1982). These values were, however, thickness. Successive photographic nega-
derived in a quite indirect way. In the first tives were projected onto a screen in order
paper the growth speed was found as a "fit- to determine the spherulite radii (or the half-
ting parameter" for the actual melting point lengths of axialites). From the known time
of lamellae. Interestingly enough, the right intervals the growth speeds were obtained.
order of the growth speed was found near The fraction of material transformed into the
T c =120C [compare with the value given crystalline state was obtained with the aid
in Chew et al. (1989) (see below)]. of a point-counting technique. For this pur-
In the second paper a procedure was pose a square grid of points was superim-
developed to select those particles that, after posed onto the photographs. The ratio of the
remelting on a glass slide coated with lano- number of points lying within the spheru-
lin, crystallized at the lowest temperature. It lites and the total number of points was
was assumed that these particles contained taken as the above-mentioned fraction. The
a minimum of heterogeneous nucleation number of nuclei was also determined
centers, in the ideal case a single one. The directly as a function of time. For this pur-
time that such a particle of known diameter pose the number of just-visible spherulites
needed for its transformation from an amor- was determined as a function of the time of
phous ball to a birefringent particle was esti- observation. The real time of the birth of a
mated. The minimum growth speed at 80 C nucleus was obtained by extrapolating back
was believed to be 2 m s"1. We recall this with the aid of the known growth rates, the
experience in order to emphasize the diffi- order of the primary nucleus being assumed
culties encountered with this polymer. to be of the order of 10 nm. The nucleation
The most recent approach is the one pub- rate in the untransformed material was
lished by Chew et al. (1989). This paper found by dividing the observed rate by the
contains a complete set of isothermal crys- area of still untransformed material. In
tallization results for the temperature range Fig. 5-31 the spherulite radii (in |im) are
between 121 and 129 C. Some nonisother- plotted against the time of crystallization for
mal experiments were also carried out in several crystallization temperatures. In
order to evaluate the influence of the ther- Fig. 5-32 the fractions of transformed mate-
mal history on the results. However, in the rial are plotted against time for various tem-
present context we restrict ourselves to the peratures. Finally, in Table 5-4 the half-con-
isothermal measurements by the authors, as version times (tl/2), the growth rates (G),
the nonisothermal experiments did not show and the numbers of nuclei (n) are gathered
5.2 Experiments in Quiescent Melts 311

Figure 5-31. Spherulite

radii of linear polyethylene
with time of crystallization
for the indicated crystal-
lization temperatures,
according to Chew et al.
(1989). (Courtesy of But-
0.5x103 1.0x103 1.5x103

Time of crystallization (s)

Figure 5-32. Fraction of

transformation ("degree of
crystallinity") against time
for various indicated crys-
tallization temperatures for
a linear polyethylene,
according to Chew et al.
(1989). (Three sets of mea-
surements indicated by
three different symbols.)
(Courtesy of Butterworths.)

for all applied crystallization temperatures temperatures using better quenching modal-
(Tc). There was no pronounced dependence ities and electronic devices fro monitoring.
of the number of nuclei on the time of obser- At 121 C the growth speed is similar to
vation. This is the most complete set of data the one obtained by Chivers et al. (1982)
known so far. It seems quite possible to andBarhamet al. (1982). At higher temper-
extend these data to lower crystallization atures, however, the growth rates of Table
312 5 Crystallization

5-4 fall below the ones determined in the From electron microscopic pictures and
1982 papers of the latter group. So, extrap- from extremely thin slices investigated
olation of the tabulated growth rates to under the light microscope, as obtained
lower temperatures, e.g., 80 C, does not from DSC samples after varying cooling
seem justified. rates, we learnt that the number of (tiny)
We should probably mention a recent, spherulites (diameter=10 |im) is quite inde-
quite remarkable experience, which was pendent of the crystallization temperature
obtained on the basis of Eq. (5-91) for line- for a medium density polyethylene and has
ar high density polyethylene (HDPE). As a a value of about 5 x 1014 m~3. For truly lin-
prerequisite for the use of this equation, the ear polyethylene the situation seems quite
number of nuclei per unit of volume are similar. In fact, in Chew et al. (1989) prac-
needed as a function of the temperature. tically the same value of N is quoted for
HDPE. Since N = const can be absorbed in
the constant of Eq. (5-91), the growth speed
Table 5-4. Results of isothermal experiments on high
density polyethylene (HDPE)a
can be derived from tc anyway, if the con-
stant S/C is calibrated at 121 C from the
rc(c ) *1/2(S) G (nm/s) n (mm 2) data of Chew etal. (1989). In this way
Fig. 5-33 is obtained, which contains the
121 30.5 3.5 523 135 577 data from Table 5-4 (full squares) and, in
122 65 5 245 58 545
123 115 10 142 17 524
addition, data derived in our laboratory with
124 250 20 77 7.5 465 the aid of Eq. (5-91), where the tc values are
125 650 70 41.5 4.5 282 taken from Fig. 5-34, which gives similar
126 1800 200 13.7 2.1 481 plots for an HDPE as shown in Fig. 5-20 for
127 4700 400 5.74 0.6 387 an i-PP. Remarkably, the data of Chew and
128 25 000 2500 1.55 0.12 373
129 195 000 25 000 0.287 0.00 303
co-workers can be extended over at least
another ten degrees to a temperature range
Chew etal. (1989). between 105 and 110C (Fig. 5-33). One

70 80 90 100 110 120 130 14

i i i i i '

- 0
Figure 5-33. Growth speed
radial growth rate -_ -2 of spherulites of various
polyethylenes versus the
CO crystallization temperature,
- -4

as obtained with the aid of
3 o a variety of methods:
O "6-
Chew etal. (1989) (opti-
O : - -6
cal microscopy, HDPE),
Barhametal. (1982)
-8- _ (use of tiny particles),
' : : O Ratajski and Janeschitz-
: ; : Kriegl, 1996) (from incipi-
. *
-10- I i i -10 ent light scattering, HDPE).
70 80 90 100 110 120 130 140
5.2 Experiments in Quiescent Melts 313

3- Tw=105C
Figure 5-34. Location of
the crystallization zone
(rather narrow for HDPE)
versus the square root of
time. The temperatures of
the quenched wall are indi-
cated (Ratajski, 1993).


single point (filled diamond), as obtained by upon these investigators some time ago that
Barham et al. (1982), should be added for cooling rates, as are obtainable with the
completeness. This point, however, cannot DSC machine, are unrealistically low when
be very trustworthy. In fact, at a growth compared with those characteristic of real
speed of more than 1 m s"1, the time elaps- processing conditions (Piccarolo et al.,
ing between the quench and the opaque 1992;Piccarolo, 1992).
appearance of the particle must have been For this purpose an i-PP sample of
extremely small, less than milliseconds. Mw = 476000 and Mn = 79 300, as provided
And how much time did the quench need? by Himont, was investigated by these
Was this process really nucleation rate-con- authors. Thin samples of 5 0 - 100-|Lim thick-
trolled? (See Sec. 5.1.1). This question also ness were sandwiched between 20-|im alu-
holds for the low temperature points from minum foil and enclosed in a suitable cop-
our laboratory in Fig. 5-33. per block which was quenched in a variety
of liquid coolants. The temperature of the
copper was monitored. In this way a great
number of cooling histories could be real- Some Complementary ized. The cooling speed obtained when the
Measurements on i-PP samples passed a temperature of 70 C was
So far the measurements on i-PP, as chosen as a characteristic parameter. After
reported in this review, have the character the quench the samples were kept at -20 C
of exemplary measurements for the illustra- for further investigation. They were charac-
tion of proposed experimental techniques. terized by their densities, as obtained in a
In order to obtain a more complete picture density column, by their morphologies, as
of the behavior of i-PP, some other interest- determined from optical microscopy
ing measurements should also be men- between crossed polars, and by their crys-
tioned, notably the work that was carried out talline structures, as obtained with the aid of
at the University of Palermo. It dawned wide-angle X-ray scattering.
314 5 Crystallization


s o
o <> <> <>
0 o <^
>! <
o oi ic

0.1 10 100 1000
dT/dt @ 70 C (C/sec)
Figure 5-35. Densities of i-PP samples vs. the cooling rate at 70 C, as obtained from a density column. Filled
symbols refer to results from DSC measurements (Piccarolo et al., 1994). (Personal gift from Prof. Piccarolo,

In Fig. 5-35 the densities are plotted ence of the molar mass and nucleation activ-
against the cooling rate at 70 C. A contin- ities of several samples of i-PP 7 (Piccarolo
uous decrease of the density is observed etal., 1994).
with increasing cooling rate. This is an
important observation in view of our
assumptions made so far, i.e., that the effect 5.3 Flow-Induced Crystallization
of density changes can be disregarded to a
first approximation. At extremely high cool- 5.3.1 Introduction
ing rates, where X-ray investigations show
the almost exclusive formation of a meso- In the following only crystallization as
morphic crystal modification, a lower lim- induced by shear flow, and in particular,
iting plateau is obtained for the density. what we have called, short term shear flow
After relatively low cooling rates, the mor- will be treated. The basic experience under-
phologies reveal impinging (monoclinic) a- lying this method is that during short term
spherulites. After higher cooling rates, this shearing no major effects are observed,
type of spherulite eventually becomes insu- whereas after the cessation of flow, struc-
lated, being surrounded by a weakly bire- ture development proceeds conspicuously
fringent medium formed by the mesomor- at a quite slow pace so that it can easily be
phic phase. This is demonstrated in Fig. 5- monitored. Conclusions can be drawn (from
36 for six selected, widely differing cooling these measurements) with respect to the pro-
rates. cesses that have occurred during the shear
This method has also been applied to a treatment. In fact, if shearing is continued
polyamide 6 (Brucato et al., 1991, 1993), to 7
The present authors are very much indebted to Pro-
a polyethylene terephthalate (Brucato et al., fessor S. Piccarolo for his kind assistance with the fig-
1994), and to an investigation into the influ-
5.3 Flow-Induced Crystallization 315

Figure 5-36. Optical

micrographs as obtained
between crossed polars
from cross sections of i-PP
samples that underwent the
indicated cooling rates at
70 C. (Personal gift from
Prof. Piccarolo, Palermo.)
70K/s 1 K/s 0.2 K/s

- 100

at shear rates that are realistic for practi- fact, a noticeable degree of crystallization is
cal processing until solidification starts only observed after cessation of this short
(Lagasse and Maxwell, 1976), changes will term shearing.
finally happen in fractions of a second and
a lot of latent heat will be freed almost at
5.3.2 Apparatus
once (Larsen et al., 1991). Another point
which deserves our attention is a rule of The experimental setup is shown in
thumb of rheologists, according to which Fig. 5-37(Liedaueret al., 1993). The essen-
after a total shear of about five shear units tial part of the apparatus is formed by an
a steady flow situation is always created for oblong duct of rectangular cross section of
polymer melts. This serves as tremendous aspect ratio 1 x 1 0 (mm2). Behind the
bonus for our method, because total shear, entrance to this duct, a pressure gauge is
as applied in our experiments, easily mounted flush in one of the large side walls
exceeds the mentioned five shear units: of the duct. Close to the exit, two glass win-
Take short term shearing at a shear rate of dows are mounted in opposite positions in
100 s~l for 1 s. This means that one hundred the large side walls of the duct for optical
shear units are produced. An important con- monitoring purposes. The temperature is
sequence for our experiments is that steady controlled by electric heating bands
flow rheology can be applied, e.g., the well- clamped to the outer cylindrical surface of
known Carreau equation (e.g., Bird et al., the part containing the duct, and also, alter-
1987 a) or, in less sensitive situations, the natively, by a heat transfer fluid circulated
power-law rheology (Bird et al., 1987 b). through the hollow body of the part. The
These equations can be applied without whole arrangement is mounted on the head
wavering because the melt rheology is not of an ordinary single screw extruder. The
changed much during the flow period. In chamber situated between the extruder head
316 5 Crystallization



valve duct
Figure 5-37. Schematic
representation of the appa-
pressure windows ratus for measuring short
gauge term shearing (Liedauer
extruder etal., 1993). (Courtesy of
bypass Hanser-Verlag, Munich.)

and the duct possesses two lateral outlets. 143-157 C for our experiments with iso-
An accumulator is mounted on one of them tactic polypropylene). After thermal equili-
and a valve is attached on the other, form- bration has taken place in the surrounding
ing a bypass. The piston, which fits sliding- of the duct, extrusion is resumed for a sharp-
ly in the tube of the accumulator, can be ly determined period of time. In this time
loaded by various weights for the purpose hot melt from the extruder is pushed into the
of creating the desirable constant pressures. duct. This measure is necessary to avoid
With another valve the entrance to the duct crystallization at the entrance under the
can be closed. In order to check the obtained influence of the stretching flow characteris-
pressures, there is also a pressure gauge in tic for the entrance zone [see van der Vegt
the wall of the chamber. and Smit (1967)]. But this use of the hot melt
Before the experiment is started proper- does not matter so long as it does not pene-
ly, the part containing the duct is heated by trate down to the windows, where the iso-
the electrical heating bands to a temperature thermal process is monitored with the aid of
well above the melting point of the polymer. the growing optical retardation and/or tur-
The extruder barrel is kept at the same tem- bidity.
perature. For polypropylene, a temperature In order to obtain short term extrusion at
of 200 C was chosen. A normal extrusion a constant pressure, the following measures
through the duct is carried out for a while, are taken: With the entrance to the die
before flow through the die is stopped by closed, the extruder is started up again.
closing the valve in the entrance and stop- Because there is no other escape, the melt
ping the extruder. Of great importance is the ejected from the extruder screw pushes the
introduction of a sufficient time of rest so loaded plunger into the accumulator. The
that the melt in the duct can completely relax valve at the duct entrance is subsequently
and forget the previous treatment. If a suf- opened. After the intended shearing time,
ficient time for relaxation has elapsed, heat the valve in the bypass is opened. This was
transfer fluid of a temperature according to found to be the most convenient way of
the level of desired supercooling is pumped creating a "box-like" pressure-time profile
through the body of the duct (i.e., at the duct entrance. The success of this pro-
5.3 Flow-Induced Crystallization 317

cedure was checked by the pressure gauge these shearing times are when compared
in the duct wall. with the monitoring times during which the
For the purpose of a practically continu- optical retardations grow from practically
ous monitoring of the optical retardation, a zero. Also of importance is the observation
system was developed in which a rotating that, initially, these curves show a rather
analyzer was used. Whilst the polarizer was long linear part. So, it makes sense to deter-
kept at 45 to the flow direction, the analyz- mine the monitoring times tm a t which the
er periodically changed its position from retardation reaches half the wavelength.
parallel to perpendicular to the polarizer. In These monitoring times are something like
this way, the intensities I and / could be the reciprocal initial slopes of these curves.
determined practically continuously (at a In Fig. 5-39 these monitoring times t^2 a r e
frequency of -30 s"1). The optical retarda- plotted against the shearing times ts on dou-
tion follows from the well-known equation ble logarithmic scales for a shearing tem-
perature of 143 C. The wall shear rates (yw)
sin (5-95) applied are indicated near the straight lines,
where Fis the retardation and A is the wave- which are drawn with a slope of -2 at ver-
length. For further information the turbid- tical distances equal to 4 log (7;/7/-i)> where
ity, which increases with the progress of the Yi is the wall shear rate for one series of
crystallization, can be obtained. A more measurements. Very similar sets of lines are
quantitative interpretation of this turbidity obtained for the shearing temperatures of
was recently obtained after completion of 150 and 157 C. Only these lines are shift-
this manuscript. ed in a vertical direction by roughly one and
a half and three decades, respectively, to
higher monitoring times. Interestingly
5.3.3 Results enough, these shifts nearly correspond to the
In Fig. 5-38 the optical retardations are temperature dependence of the growth
shown for PP Daplen KS 10 as functions of speed of spherulites in a quiescent melt, so
the monitoring time after a wall shear rate that the product of (t^2 G) depends only
yw = 108 s~* at a temperature of 150 C for slightly on the temperature. (This may point
the shearing times ts (in seconds), as indi- to a kinematic mechanism of nuclei forma-
cated near the curves. Notice how short tion.) Because of the slopes and the mutual


Figure 5-38. Optical retardation

against monitoring time for PP
Daplen KS 10 with yw= 108 s"1
and T= 150 C, shearing times
being indicated in seconds near the
curves (Liedauer et al., 1993).
(Courtesy of Hanser-Verlag,
t (s) 800
318 5 Crystallization

T=143C positions of the lines in Fig. 5-39, the con-

clusion may be drawn that for shear-induced
crystallization, precursors are formed dur-
log (tX/2>
ing the flow, which reach the same effec-
tiveness at y 4 1 \ - const. This curious result,
which has never been found previously, puz-
zled us for years!
From the samples that were extracted
from the duct after complete solidification,
a host of further information was obtained.
Cross sections were prepared from these
samples. One type of cross section was
obtained by cutting in a direction parallel to
the small side walls of the duct at a plane
somewhere in the middle (at sufficient dis-
tances from the small side walls, where the
two-dimensional flow profile is undis-
turbed). A photograph of such a cross sec-
tion, as taken under a polarizing micro-
scope, is shown in Fig. 5-40. This picture
was obtained after a shear treatment of
ts = 15.6 s, at a wall temperature of 150C,
log ( t . ) and a wall shear rate yw = 67.8s~1. Two
types of layer are found under the surface of
Figure 5-39. Double logarithmic plot of the observa- this sample. One highly oriented layer is
tion time at which a retardation of half the wavelength
is reached against the shearing time at 143 C for the
found close to the surface. A second fine-
polymer of Fig. 5-38 (Liedaueret al., 1993). (Courte- grained layer forms an intermediate area
sy of Hanser-Verlag, Munich.) between the highly oriented layer and the

Figure 5-40. Cross section

through a sample of PP
DaplenKS 10 after short
term extrusion for 15.6 s at
a temperature of 150C,
with a shear rate of
yw = 67.8 s"1 at the duct
wall (Liedauer et al., 1995).
(Courtesy of Hanser-Ver-
lag, Munich.)
5.3 Flow-Induced Crystallization 319

(spherulitic) core. The applied shear treat- vailing during the flow at the distance of the
ment can be classified as being of medium said boundary from the duct wall can be cal-
strength. After strong shearing, as occurs in culated quite accurately. In fact, it can be
the mold of an injection-molding machine, assumed that the rheology of the melt does
only an oriented layer is found. The much not change very much during short term
more complicated texturing, as found in the shearing. Obviously, the straight line, as
latter molds, can be ascribed to the fact that drawn through the points at a slope of-1/2,
a melt front first moves into the empty mold, represents the dependence of log (yc) on log
causing some stretching flow behind the (ts) quite well. Similar results were also
melt front [Tadmor's fountain flow (Tad- obtained for 150 and 157 C. If the boun-
mor, 1974)]. There is also the effect of the dary is characterized by a constant critical
packing stage. In our experiments, pure number of nuclei (per unit volume), it
shear flow is obtained. With only weak becomes quite obvious that our characteris-
shearing, a fine-grained layer is found. tic parameter here is y\ ts = const. (Admit-
In Fig. 5-41 the critical shear rates yc at tedly, a higher power, e.g., y\ t\ would also
the boundary between the fine-grained layer be possible, because its consequences
and the core are plotted against the shearing would be the same in such a plot.)
time ts on double logarithmic scales for a In Fig. 5-42, the critical shear rates yc at
temperature of 143 C. These shear rates the boundary between the highly oriented
were calculated with the aid of Carreau's layer and the fine-grained layer are plotted
modified equation against the shearing time ts on double loga-
rithmic scales. In this case a slope of -1/4
] (5-96) is found to a good approximation. This
would point to a characteristic parameter
where 7] is the viscosity and y is the shear y4 ts= const. A more detailed discussion
rate, with its parameters A, a, n, r/0 fitted to will follow.
the flow curve of the polymer melt extrap- A second type of cross section is obtained
olated to 143 C with the aid of the by cutting the sample perpendicular to the
time-temperature superposition principle previous flow direction. It is remarkable that
(Ferry, 1980). In this way the shear rate pre- the birefringence in such a cross section is

Figure 5-41. Critical shear rate yc

at the boundary between the fine-
grained layer and the core for PP
Daplen KS 10 at 143 C and the
following wall shear rates:
67 s"1, 85 s"1, 106 s"1,
1 - and O 131 s"1 (Liedauer et al.,
1995). (Courtesy of Hanser-
Verlag, Munich.)
log U s ] 2
320 5 Crystallization


Figure 5-42. Critical shear rates

yc at the boundary of the highly
oriented layer at 143 C for the
polymer and for the wall shear
rates indicated in Fig. 5-41 (Lie-
dauer et al., 1995). (Courtesy of
Hanser-Verlag, Munich.)
log t. [s]

zero. If electron microscopy is applied, star- ing.) The formation of these nuclei is
like structures are discovered, as will be assumed to be governed by the following
shown below. differential equation

5.3.4 Theoretical Considerations

The striation of the highly oriented layer, Jn
which becomes apparent at high resolution, where N is the number of nuclei per unit vol-
and the starlike objects seen in a cross sec- ume, yn is a characteristic shear rate, gn is a
tion perpendicular to the previous flow factor of the dimensions m~3 s"1, and Tn is a
direction lead us to the conclusion that relaxation time. Such a relaxation time
during shear flow thread-like precursors seems necessary because, according to our
result as a primary structure for the highly previous experience at higher temperatures,
oriented layers, probably by liquid-liquid the ability of a melt to crystallize in the men-
phase separation (Vrahopoulou-Gilbert and tioned way relaxes if the time span between
McHugh, 1984; Keller and Kolnaar, 1993). the cessation of flow and the quench is
The latter conclusion is also backed up by increased (Janeschitz-Kriegl and Eder,
the experience that shearing at temperatures 1990; Eder et al., 1989).
well above the melting point also leads to
In a subsequent step it is assumed that
the same type of highly oriented layers after
some of the spotlike nuclei grow out into
swift quenching (Eder et al., 1990; Jane-
threadlike precursors during further shear-
schitz-Kriegl et al., 1987 a, b).
ing. For the length of these precursors the
The following mechanism has been con- following differential equation is proposed
cocted by our group (Liedauer et al., 1993):
As a first step, spotlike primary nuclei are
formed sporadically with a frequency pro- (5-98)
portional to y 2 . The square of the shear rate
is assumed because it is the most simple where again y7is a characteristic shear rate,
even function of y. (This process is not g7is a factor of the dimensions m s"1, and xi
allowed to depend on the direction of shear- is a relaxation time.
5.3 Flow-Induced Crystallization 321

Finally, we are interested in the total (see Fig. 5-42). Apparently, at this boundary
length Ltot of precursors per unit volume. there is a fixed critical value of Ltot. A sim-
For this length, with Ls(t) being the solution ilar conclusion can be drawn from Fig. 5-41
of Eq. (5-98) for the initial condition with respect to a fixed critical value of N at
Ls(s) = 0 the boundary between the fine-grained layer
and the core, except that such a fixed value
2\dsN(s)Ls(ts) (5-99) is linked to a fixed product y\ ts. This lat-
o ter result means that Tn must be large com-
pared with all shearing times ts applied at
In order to be able to carry out this inte-
the reported temperatures. In fact, for ts < Tn
gration, it is necessary to assume Tn =o for
the solution of Eq. (5-97) reads N=(y/yn)2
those nuclei growing out into threads. In
orther words, it is assumed that these par-
ticular nuclei cannot cease to exist. With this Looking once more at Eq. (5-100), it can
qualification we obtain be seen that the dependence on the shear rate
is concentrated in the front factor, so that the
7 transition from Eq. (5-101) to Eq. (5-102)
7n7/ only depends on the chosen shearing time.
(5-100) This fact caused us to look later for a more
realistic version of the theory.
At this point the reader might puzzle
If the exponential term is expanded to the
about an acceptable physical explanation,
second order why a constant value of Ltot(oc y4 ts) should
74 : be characteristic for the boundary of the
(5-101) highly oriented layer. For this point it has to
be realized that there is a relation between
Indeed, the first term of the expansion Ltot and the average distance D between
cancels against the first term in the square threadlike precursors. The total length Ltot
brackets of Eq. (5-100). Equation (5-101) of threads per unit volume can be compared
does not contain r^and gives a very satisfy- with the total length of wooden logs of thick-
ing result, i.e., that Ltot = const means ness D and of 1 m length each, in a stack of
y4 tl = const. Apparently, Fig. 5-39 is 1 m3. This leads to the relation
explained quite simply by this equation, in
that T must have been rather large compared , _ 1 (5-103)
with ts in all cases leading to Fig. 5-39 and
to similar figures at the other temperatures. So it can be imagined that the distance
Another interesting situation is if T is between threads becomes so large at a cer-
small compared with ts. In such a case a tain (low) value of Ltot that the human eye
steady growth of Ltot is obtained perceives a disintegration of the layer.
In fact, one big problem still remains to be
T/ ts (5-102) solved. Figure 5-39 seems to show that a
7n 7/ light beam transmitted perpendicularly
From this equation Ltot = const for through the oriented layer always indicates
y\ = const. This latter combination the validity of Eq. (5-101), whereas at the
reminds us of the relation between yc and ts boundary Eq. (5-102) holds. This may mean
at the boundary of the highly oriented layer that at the same shearing time ts the value of
322 5 Crystallization

T must be much higher than ts in the interi-

or of the layer and much lower at its boun-
dary. This leads us compulsorily to the
assumption that Ti will be a function of the
process conditions, which are most severe at
the duct wall but ease off towards the boun-
dary. The simplest solution is to assume a
linear function of the length of the individ-
ual thread (Liedauer et al., 1995), i.e.,
= a+ /3L (5-104)
For long lengths this assumption leads to
a negative constant second term of Eq. (5- -2 -1 3 Iog0
98), i.e., -l/p. For short lengths, however,
Figure 5-43. Results of the theory, as expressed by
the term a cannot be omitted to avoid a finite
Eqs. (5-97, (5-98), and (5-104) with rn = oo. For an
speed of decay for a thread of zero length, explanation of the dimensionless variables and the
which is, obviously, physical nonsense. curve parameter see the text (Liedauer et al., 1995).
So, a quite acceptable physical picture is (Courtesy of Hanser-Verlag, Munich.)
developed, even if a much stronger depen-
dence on L may finally turn out to be more time. (Observe the different influences of p
realistic: A sufficiently long thread can only and a in these variables!) The mentioned
decay at a constant speed, probably as a curve parameter is
function of temperature, from its ends. Only
very short and still unstable threads can be P2 rl gi
Ant = " (5-105)
ruptured by thermal motion at any point 2a y]2

along their contour, which is related to a

constant relaxation time a. (Later we will At first sight it seems very difficult to
see that an estimate of a leads to a value of decide what the physical meaning of this
about 0.25 s, which is smaller than any parameter is. One thing is clear: If ^decreas-
shearing time applied in the presented mea- es (i.e., if the influence of the thread length
surements!) on x decreases), we move down along the
It turns out that Eq. (5-99) can be inte- p-axis. A factor of 10"1 in p means a factor
grated in its closed form if r^is taken from 10~2 in Atot. At 6-values smaller than unity
Eq. (5-104) (Liedauer et al., 1995). In the this means that a change of a factor 10~2 in
present context, however, only the numeri- Atot just causes a change of 10"1 for p. All
cal results are presented in Fig. 5-43. Unfor- the curves are parallel and reflect pO =
tunately, the dimensionless variables and const, which means y11^-const. In fact,
the dimensionless curve parameter are rath- small values of 6 mean that a is much larg-
er cumbersome and must be explained a lit- er than ts. An analytical solution for this lim-
tle more explicitly. On the ordinate axis the iting case reads (Liedauer et al., 1995)
logarithm of the dimensionless variable
pe = ^l2At0{ (5-106)
P=(?/Y/)2 g//?is plotted. On the abscissa is
the logarithm of 6 = tja. This means that the On the other hand, if the 0- values are larg-
dimensionless square of the shear rate is er than unity, ts will be larger than a. In such
plotted against the dimensionless shearing cases it depends on p, and implicitly on j8,
5.3 Flow-Induced Crystallization 323

whether another limiting case with whole cross section of the sample. Howev-
p 2 6 = const, is actually obtained (which er, on entering the said domain of Fig. 5-43
means y4 ts = const, lower right side of the within the unfortunately rather narrow
graph). For this lower right corner of range of /-values characteristic of the
Fig. 5.43 the analytical limiting relation oriented layer, y\ ts = const is characteristic
reads for the boundary, while y\ t\ = const reigns
z over practically the whole interior of the
P e=Au (5-107) layer. (This explains our desire for a strong-
For p<\ the transition between the parts er dependence of r^on L.)
of the curves referring to these limiting So, we can consider the fact that
cases occurs at Aot,cnt. = 1 to be an interesting and persuad-
ing criterion. Unfortunately, so far we are
0=2 or t=2a (5-108)
not able to give a verbal argumentation as
(i.e., at the intersection of the limiting to why this simple principle should hold.
straight lines). This corresponds to the When comparing the theoretical curves of
behavior of Eq. (5-100), with y showing up Fig. 5-43 with the experimental curves
only in the front factor. In fact, starting at given in Figs. 5-41 and 5-42, it is possible
low values of the curve parameter Atot and to arrive at the conclusion that the bend
moving up to a value of Atot = 1, this tran- shown in Fig. 5-43 for A tot = 1 at 0 = 2 must
sition is always found at the just-mentioned be expected at about ts = 0.5 s in Fig. 5.42.
fixed 0-value. At higher values of Atot, how- This speculation is based on the observation
ever, the bend in the curves shifts to higher that the extrapolation of the straight line
values of 6. At the same time a more com- with slope -1/4 in the latter figure to values
plicated shape of the curves is obtained at of ts < 1 s (log (/s) < 0) leads to a crossing
0-values above the value where the bend is point with the straight line in Fig. 5-41.
noticed. Because the assumption has been made that
Now the reader is reminded of Fig. 5-42, the threadlike precursors grow out of some
where the limiting case of y\ ts = const, is of the spotlike nuclei, the existence of
localized at the boundary between the high- threadlike precursors cannot be expected to
ly oriented layer and the fine-grained layer, the left of the straight line of slope -1/2.
at least for ^-values larger than 0.5 s. At the Admittedly, for direct proof the experimen-
same time the conclusion was drawn that in tal window is too small. However, accept-
the interior of the highly oriented layer ing the indicated consideration, the value of
Eq. (5-101) must be valid, because this was ainEq. (5-104) must be 0.25 s = fs>c/2, with
proven by the transmitted light (see Fig. 5- tsc being the Rvalue observed at the bend.
39). According to Fig. 5-43, this means that If our speculation should be invalid, an even
the critical value for Atot must be near unity, smaller value of a would be the conse-
because at lower values of Atot the bend in quence.
the curves is invariably at 0 = 2. This also
means that by moving in a vertical upward
direction (i.e., at a constant value of 0) from 5.3.5 Towards a Quantitative
the lower right parts of the curves, at values Evaluation
of Atot > 1 the domain where the said bend As is quite obvious from the experimen-
shifts to higher values of 0 is reached. This tal results, the initially linear growth of the
is important because /s is the same over the optical retardation occurring after the ces-
324 5 Crystallization

sation of flow (see Fig. 5-38) must be due direction of the duct height H, it is neces-
to the lateral overgrowth on the threadlike sary to carry out a corresponding integration
precursors formed during the short shearing of the space coordinate. Integration of the
period. As this overgrowth occurs in a stag- time coordinate becomes very simple for the
nant fluid, we can assume that the speed of linear range of F vs. t: Because of the fact
growth is equal to the speed of growth as that no impingement of laterally growing
observed on spherulites in a quiescent melt. bodies takes place over this range, J dt = t.
This saves us from determining a further (In fact, the observed saturation tendencies
parameter as a function of temperature. A of the curves in Fig. 5-38 must be ascribed
second conclusion can be drawn from the to impingement. Later on we shall make use
observed linearity of the curves shown in of this fact.) So, we have for the said linear
Fig. 5-38. If lateral overgrowth on the range
threads occurs in cylindrical symmetry, /2
quadratic initial growth of the optical retar- = 27i(tG)Ancb J (5-109)
dation should be expected. Previously, the
linear initial section led us to assume the
where Anc is the birefringence in the order-
presence of membrane like precursors. Only
ly crystallized lamellae, t is the monitoring
the electron microscopic pictures of cross
time, L t o t (x,ts) is the total length of threads
sections perpendicular to the flow direction
per unit volume at distance x from the mid-
brought us round to believe in threadlike
plane [according to Eq. (5-101)], and ts is
precursors. This contradiction can be over-
the shearing time, which is the same for all
come by the assumption that the lateral
distances from the mid-plane.
growth gradually loses its regularity with
increasing distance from the thread. Elec- For the integration of Eq. (5-109), the
tron microscopic pictures also supported power-law rheology can be used
this supposition. Actually, it seems that the Aln
lamellae growing out of the central area (5-110)
H )
maintain a practically constant thickness,
like the spokes of a wheel 8 . For such a case, where n is the power-law index, which is
the share of highly oriented lamellae in the usually 0.33 for industrial polypropylenes
crystalline overgrowth is very nearly b/r, (Petrochemie Danubia, 1993). There are
with r being the distance from the center and still two unknown parameters in Eq.
b being a constant. In this way the accretion (5-109), i.e., Anc and b. Fortunately, these
of oriented material during an increase of r parameters appear as a product
by dr is not 2/r rLtot dr but only 2/r bLtot dr
Anc b = An^ (5-111)
or In bLioi Gdt, if dr = Gdt.
Because of the fact that in this experiment In this equation (4b/D) is digested as the
in a rectangular duct the shear rate y is not fraction of orderly oriented material in a cyl-
a constant over the trajects of the transmit- inder of diameter Z), and An is the resulting
ted light beam, but varies mainly in the birefringence of the macroscopic body. As
already expressed by Eq. (5-103), the value
8 of D is uniquely related to L t o t . If L t o t w is
Professor B. Lotz of Strasbourg informed one of the
present authors (G.E.) that, in fact, lamellae of i-PP the total length of threads per unit volume
do not branch at these relatively high crystallization at x = H/2 (i.e., at the duct wall), after inte-
temperatures (Lotz and Wittmann, 1986). gration of Eq. (5-109) with the help of
5.3 Flow-Induced Crystallization 325


Anw H (5-112)
(4 + n)
where D w is the (average) distance between
threads at the wall. Apart from D w , all the
parameters of Eq. (5-112) are accessible by
direct measurement. In fact, the monitoring
time t can be specified as t^ a t which F
reaches half the wavelength A/2. Replacing
r by A/2 and solving Eq. (5-112) with
respect to D w gives

A (4 + n)
This is a remarkable equation, permitting
the calculation of the microscopic quantity
D w from independently measurable macro-
scopic quantities. In principle, An must be Figure 5-44. Electron micrograph of a cross section
measured by a light beam directed in a per- perpendicular to the flow direction of a sample of PP
pendicular direction to the large sample sur- Daplen KS 10 after a shear treatment of yw = 72 s"1
face. However, because of the experience and ts = l s at 150C. In the vertical upward direction
that the birefringence of the sample is zero this picture stretches from the rim to about 11-jim
inward (Liedauer et al., 1993). (Courtesy of Hanser-
in a cross section perpendicular to the flow Verlag, Munich.)
direction, Anw can easily be measured at the
rim of a cross section that is cut parallel to
the small side walls from the middle of the
sample. Direct proof of Eq. (5-113) was cal directions on the micrographs). The
obtained with the aid of electron microsco- already described starlike structures (which
py. As a first satisfying experience it is are thrown into relief after a staining with
noticed that the average distance between RuO4, where the dark areas show the areas
the centers of the starlike structures in cross of lower crystallinity) are clearly seen. It
sections perpendicular to the flow decreas- can easily be imagined that, as long as
es inversely proportional with the square of these distances Ax of only 11 (im are small
y. In view of Eq. (5-103), this is very satis- compared with the distance from the mid-
factory. plane x, the pictures within such fixed dis-
In Figs. 5-44 and 5-45 electron micro- tances Ax must be similar after appropriate
graphs are shown from a cross section changes of scale. A distance of 55 \im from
perpendicular to the flow for a sample that therimmeansanx-valueof 350 |im-55 |um
has undergone a shear treatment of ts = 7.0 s = 295 |Ltm. Hence, Ax is certainly small com-
at a wall shear rate of y w =72 s"1 and a pared with x. As a next step it is necessary
temperature r=150C. The first micro- to calculate the proper enlargement of the
graph covers a distance from the rim to picture taken at the rim in order to make that
11 |Lim, the second covers a distance from picture match the one at 55 jam. Because of
55 |xm to 66 |im from the rim (in the verti- Eq. (5-103), this enlargement will not be
326 5 Crystallization

Figure 5-45. Electron micrograph of a cross section Figure 5-46. Comparison of parts of Figs. 5-44 and
perpendicular to the flow direction, as in the previous 5-45 after an appropriate enlargement or reduction,
picture, but stretching from 55 |um to 66 |im from the respectively (Liedauer et al., 1993). (Courtesy of
surface (Liedauer et al., 1993). (Courtesy of Hanser- Hanser-Verlag, Munich.)
Verlag, Munich.)

(2x/H)4/n but only (2xlH)2ln = (2x/H)6. of txi2 = 316 s was found. The growth rate G
From a practical point of view, however, at this temperature is G= 1.32 x 10~9 m s"1
it is more convenient to apply an appro- (see Sec. 5.2.2), the duct height#=0.7 mm,
priate change of scale to both pictures in and the wavelength A=550 nm. The bire-
order to meet somewhere halfway. So fringence at the edge of the cross section of
we decided to enlarge the picture from the solidified sample was Arcw =0.016. With
the rim by a factor of 1.5 and to reduce the aid of Eq. (5-113)
the picture from 55 |Lim by a factor of 0.54,
Dw = 5.92 x 10-7 m = 0.6 jam (5-113 a)
since 1.5/0.54 =2.8 = (350/295)6.
This comparison is shown in Fig. 5-46. was calculated. A look at Fig. 5-44 confirms
The similarity is (except for the natural dif- that this is the right order of magnitude, the
ference in sharpness) quite convincing. This height of this figure corresponding to
means that the electron micrographs direct-
ly confirm the fourth power dependence of Let us now return to the evaluation of Sec.
Ltot on 7, as has been demonstrated in a quite 5.3.4. The line for A tot = 1 in Fig. 5-43 shows
different way by Fig. 5-39. two sections. According to Eq. (5-101), the
This seems an appropriate moment for a steeper part corresponds to a total length of
quantitative comparison between the result threads per unit volume of
of Eq. (5-113) and the electron micro-
graphs. For the mentioned shear treatment: r - S g y4 2s
22 '
2 7
7 w =72s~ 1 ,r s = 7.0s,and7=150 o C,avalue Mot ~ 7n 7/
5.3 Flow-Induced Crystallization 327

For the less steep part Eqs. (5-102) and Relaxation Phenomenon in Polymer Melts"
(5-104), with pL <c a, give (Eder et al., 1989). In the corresponding
experiments the melt of an industrial poly-
T -
.? 2 (5-115) propylene was sheared at temperatures well
7n7/ above the melting point, where no shear-
Because A,tot,cnt = const = 1, the left sides induced crystallization occurred during or
of these equations should be equal. By divid- after shearing in an isothermal experiment.
ing Eq. (5-114) by Eq. (5-115), the result of However, crystallization in the form of a
Eq. (5-108), i.e., tsc = 2a, is obtained, as highly oriented boundary layer occurred if
should be the case. However, this is the easi- the melt was quenched after the cessation of
est step in a further evaluation. It should be flow. Two methods were developed for this
noticed that (5 has no influence on these investigation.
results. A reason for this will be shown below. According to one of these methods, the
If, with the aid of Eqs. (5-113) and melt was extruded from a slit die (rectangu-
(5-103), Ltot w is calculated instead of Dw for lar duct of large aspect ratio) of variable
the just-evaluated shear treatment [see length onto a conveyor belt made of an
Eq. (5-113 a)], we obtain extremely thin stainless steel strip welded
together at its ends. The apparatus is shown
Aot,w = 1-648 x 1012 nT2 (5-116) in Fig. 5-47. Along its horizontal part the
4 4 2 belt is supported by a heatable pad. A tun-
Also, with y t\ being 7 2 x 7 = 1.317
x 109 s~2, for the factor of Eq. (5-114) we nel is mounted in segments on this heatable
have pad, so that its length can be adjusted to the
length of the transport path, which is varied
by shifting the whole support of the convey-
= 1.26xl0 3 s 3 nT 2 (5-117)
or belt in a horizontal direction, so that the
low side of the duct exit touches the belt at
With rs c at the bends of the experimental varying distances from the chill roll (Rj)
curves of yc vs. ts being 0.5 s, a value of where the extrudate is quenched after an
0.25 s is obtained for a. Taking the value of adjustable temper time in the tunnel. In fact,
~108 s~3 for y4 ts from a figure correspond- extruder, duct, heating pad, and tunnel seg-
ing to Fig. 5-42, but for T= 150 C, it is pos- ments are all kept at the extrusion tempera-
sible to calculate the limiting total length of
150C with the aid of Eqs. (5-117) and
(5-115). In this way we obtain
Aciim = 6-3 x 1010 m-2 (5-118)
It appears that for this experiment the value
at the wall is 26.2 times this limiting value.

5.3.6 Further Evidence for the Figure 5-47. Apparatus for the measurement of the
Correlation Between the Model and relaxation of precursors: E extruder, D slit die
Reality (exchangeable), T tunnel (in segments), U heatable
pad, F conveyor belt, R^ chill roll, R2, R3 pulleys, B
The title of an early paper from our group bath (Eder et al., 1989). (Courtesy of Steinkopff Ver-
was "Shear Induced Crystallization, a lag, Darmstadt, and Springer-Verlag, New York.)
328 5 Crystallization

ture, for which 200 C was chosen. After the

quench, cross sections were taken in a plane
parallel to the extrusion direction and per-
pendicular to the axes of the pulleys. For
zero tunnel length (i.e., zero temper time),
it was found that the thickness of the high-
ly oriented layer increased not only with the
extrusion speed but also with the duct
length. (In fact, at a constant extrusion speed
the duct length is linked to the shearing
In contrast, no influence was found of the
duct length on the rheology. For this inves- Figure 5-48. Thickness of the highly oriented boun-
tigation the flow birefringence was mea- dary layer as a function of the residence time tT in the
sured at the duct exit with the aid of a light tunnel. Length of slit die 111 mm, extrusion temper-
ature 200 C, chill roll temperature 10 C. Parameters
beam directed perpendicular to the large near the curves: extrusion speeds and tunnel temper-
side walls of the duct. For this purpose a atures (Janeschitz-Kriegl et al., 1987b; Eder et al.,
suitable adaptor containing the necessary 1989). (Polypropylene Daplen KS 10, courtesy of
glass windows was mounted at the duct exit. Alfred Hiithig-Verlag, Basle, Steinkopff Verlag,
The conclusion was that the precursors, Darmstadt, and Springer-Verlag, New York.)
which were formed during the shear flow
and which were responsible for the layer Except for the extrusion speed of 60 mm/s,
thickness growing after the quench, were so the curves show the occurrence of deforma-
tiny (so thin) that they did not influence the tion at short temper times. We believe that
rheology. Truly an important conclusion for these deformations are the consequence of
the later work! the change of the flow profile at the exit of
The most interesting results, however, are the duct from nearly parabolic to flat. With
put together in Fig. 5-48. In this figure layer this transition fluid layers leaving the duct
thicknesses are plotted against the temper near the duct wall are stretched, but form a
time in the tunnel. All curves below the very thin layer on the conveyor belt, where-
curve labeled 200 C have the same temper as fluid layers at larger distances from the
temperature of 200 C. The largest available duct wall are upset (uniaxially compressed)
duct length of 110 mm was chosen for these during this transition and form a rather thick
experiments. The extrusion speeds (average core on the conveyor belt. In fact, at higher
speeds over the slit cross section, chosen a extrusion speeds precursors are also formed
little lower than the belt speeds for reasons at larger distances from the duct wall. It
of workability) form the curve parameters. seems that these precursors at larger distanc-
It can be seen that the layer thicknesses at es are destroyed by this compression. For
zero temper time (zero tunnel length) the apparently undisturbed curve at
decrease with decreasing extrusion speed. 60 mm/s a relaxation time of about 1.5 s is
The most striking feature of these experi- estimated. (Another interesting feature of
ments is that the ability to form oriented Fig. 5-48 is that lowering the temper tem-
layers dies out with increasing temper time. perature has a substantial effect. At 130C
This experience led us to introduce the no relaxation of the ability to form a highly
model reflected by Eqs. (5-98) and (5-104). oriented layer is found within the available
5.3 Flow-Induced Crystallization 329

temper times. From this experience it can

easily be explained why chill roll tempera- log
tures which could only be varied between
10 and 90 C had no effect, which puzzled
us tremendously in the beginning.)
The success and failure of the just-
described arrangement instigated Wippel
(1989) [see also Eder et al. (1990)] to change
the experimental conditions. This author 3-
quenched the duct itself, extracted the solid- log r
ified strip, and investigated the birefrin-
gence in a cross section taken parallel to the
small side walls of the duct from the middle Figure 5-49. Double logarithmic plot of zero shear
of the strip. At the same time they estimat- viscosity vs. the relaxation time of precursors of PP
Daplen KS 10 after extrusion at a speed of 200 mm
ed the residence time distribution over the s"1 and various extrusion temperatures varying
cross section after steady state extrusion at between 210 and 190 C (Eder et al., 1990). (Courte-
200 mm/s. As is well-known, these resi- sy of Pergamon Press.)
dence times change from infinite at the duct
wall to a lowest finite value in the center.
With increasing time lapses between the relaxation times, the line in Fig. 5-49 should
cessation of flow and quenching they found occur at an angle of 45. The slope of this
a decrease in the birefringence of the said line is obviously much lower. At the time
cross section. Plotting the logarithm of this we concluded that this fact gives indirect
birefringence against the temper time, they evidence of the decay of a supermolecular
obtained a straight line, the slope of this line structure. Recently we detected that all these
characterizing a particular relaxation time. phenomena are in qualitative agreement
For an extrusion speed of 200 mm/s and a with our new model.
temperature of 200 C they found a relaxa- In order to show this, Eq. (5-112) must be
tion time of 7.3 s. Our puzzle - which rewritten in a form still containing the prod-
remained unsolved until recently - was why uct of Anc b. Anw is determined in an addi-
this relaxation time was so much larger than tional measurement. We find
the one found in the above-mentioned
experiment. (5-119)
Wippel extended his measurements at an
invariant extrusion speed of 200 mm/s to a After completion of the crystallization
variety of extrusion temperatures between (the case of completed impingement),
190 and 210 C. He found that the relaxa- tG = Dw/2. For this case Eq. (5-119) chang-
tion times varied from about 60 s down to es into
about 1 s over this range. In Fig. 5-49 a dou-
F1 Tj
ble logarithmic plot is given of the zero
x/3 A (4 + n)
shear viscosity vs. the said relaxation time.
Along this curve the temperature changes [Dw is replaced by LtotjW according to Eq.
from 210 C to 190 C. If a relaxation pro- (5-103).] In this equation C is a constant
cess of an orientation distribution function independent of the shear rate at the wall (the
of single molecules was traced by these output rate).
330 5 Crystallization

From an experimental point of view, how- However, this is what we actually found and
ever, Eq. (5-120) is not useful. Because of what puzzled us for such a long time. In fact,
the relatively high turbidity of the complete- the ratio of the respective extrusion speeds,
ly solidified sample, it is not possible to i.e., 200/60, is about 3.3. Because La
measure the optical retardation with a light depends quadratically on the shear rate, a
beam directed perpendicular to the large factor of 10 is expected, which is not too
surfaces of the sample. Thin slices must be high in view of the limited accuracy of the
taken and the contributions added up. underlying experiments.
Another possibility is to cut the sample near However, our model can also give a qual-
the middle in a plane parallel to its small itative explanation for the strong depen-
side. The found birefringence distribution dence of rpr on the temperature. In fact, f3
can be added up for our purpose, because in will depend on the temperature in a strong
a plane perpendicular to the flow direction way (the destruction of a supermolecular
the birefringence is zero. (Uniaxial symme- strand starting at its ends).
try!) For his measurements, Wippel (1989)
used the birefringence near the rim of such
a cross section. This only changes the con- 5.3.7 Towards the Recognition
stant in Eq. (5-120). of Molecular Parameters
For the interior of the highly oriented Crystallization is obviously tremendous-
layer we have to assume that pL > a. As can ly enhanced by flow. For solutions of low
be seen from Eqs. (5-98) and (5-104) with molecular weight compounds, an interesting
7 = 0, this means that above the melting explanation was given by Larson and Gar-
point the decay of the precursors should side (1986 a) only about ten years ago. Clus-
occur during the temper time according to ter formation is observed in supersaturated
the linear equation solutions of these compounds. Apparently,
the tendency to cluster formation is related
(5-121) to the fact that the surface tension of a newly
formed phase is not constant, as supposed so
where La is the average length of threads far, but decreases with the decreasing size of
obtained during previous flow. For t <La/3 the newly formed aggregates (Larson and
the logarithmic version of Eq. (5-120) Garside, 1986 b). This fact causes an unex-
reads, with pected (flat) minimum in the curve describ-
ing the free energy of the newly formed
(5-121a) phase as a function of its size, e.g., its radi-
us. This minimum occurs very close to zero
radius. The energy barrier, well-known from
(5-122) the work of Becker and Doring (1935),
occurs only at larger radii. Whereas in the
In this way the relaxation time Tpr, as iden- latter theory the assumption was made that
tified by Wippel's experiment [In a sufficiently large number of solute mole-
vs. t], cules gathers spontaneously to form a nucle-
us of over-critical size - which is incredibly
Based on this equation, our prediction is that
improbable (!) - according to Larson, stable
subcritical clusters can be formed because
Tpr must increase with the extrusion rate. of the said minimum. The experimental evi-
5.3 Flow-Induced Crystallization 331

dence for the existence of these clusters was initially low flow birefringence suddenly
given with the aid of several methods rises to a plateau value at a critical strain rate
[infrared (IR) Boltzmann distribution, or c. This strain rate was found to correlate
density in a column of only 40 cm]. A low with the molar mass M by
number of these clusters (two or three)
cocM~L5 (5-124)
would suffice to form an overcritical nucle-
us after their unification. However, the ther- This was found for solutions of (noncrys-
mal motion will have insufficient impetus tallizable) standard polystyrenes (Narh
for producing an encounter between these et al., 1992). But such a process also seemed
clusters. But, stirring will be immediately possible in the melt of a nonuniform crys-
successful, as experience shows. tallizable polymer if molecules were select-
The nagging question is what kind of ed by their length. The whole idea was based
model consideration can replace the one that on the resemblance of the crystalline shish-
is valid for solutions of low molecular kebab structures found for both the solutions
weight compounds by one suitable for poly- and the melts of crystallizable polymers,
mer melts. Some time ago Vrahopoulou- polyethylene in particular.
Gilbert and McHugh (1984) showed that, In contrast to Keller's school the group of
from a thermodynamic point of view, a stack the present authors concentrated on shear
of oriented chain molecules will differ suf- flow. Although the described effects seem
ficiently from a haymow of unoriented to be much more pronounced in elongation-
molecules for the formation of a separate al flow, shear flow is more related to what
phase. However, nothing could be said happens in extrusion and injection molding.
about the kinetics of the required phase tran- But there is also another advantage: With
sition. In this respect the pioneering work of elongational flow a truely steady state situ-
Keller and Kolnaar (1993) on elongational ation is difficult to achieve from a Lagran-
flow can provide the clue (see Chap. 4 of gian point of view (for an imaginary observ-
this Vol.). In a nonuniform polymer, pos- er moving with a molecule). In fact, new
sessing a broad molar mass distribution with molecules are continuously transported
a long tail at the high molar mass end, the towards the stagnation point, which is sur-
longest molecules are susceptible to a com- rounded by only a rather small area where a
plete stretch, while the shorter molecules steady state exists for these molecules. This
still behave as a kind of solvent in an almost becomes obvious from Mackley's experi-
unoriented, random state. For this model the ments (Mackley and Keller, 1973), where a
said authors have given evidence with the rather narrow birefringent string is found
aid of several ingenious experiments. If the between the opposite orifices through which
process of stretching continues, as happens the melt leaves the pressurized vessel con-
near the stagnation point of a proper flow taining the stagnation point at its center.
field, more and more of the long molecules According to Ziille et al. (1987), a constant
join the new extended phase. The same hap- Hencky strain measure is comparable with
pens at the tip of a needle immersed into a a shear rate increasing exponentially with
stream in a downstream position. At this tip time. This means that shear flow at a con-
a stagnation point is also formed. [This is stant shear rate will create a much more per-
well-known from solution work (Rietveld spicuous situation. In fact, it was shown
and McHugh, 1983)]. With a continuously some time ago by Wolkowicz (1978) that
increasing (Hencky) extension rate, the after the sudden onset of such a shear flow,
332 5 Crystallization

a steady state situation can be reached Table 5-5. Molar mass averages for two industrial
before shear-induced crystallization de- Daplen grades of i-PP a.
velops noticeably. The question which Grade
remained unsolved was whether a highly
oriented second phase, as known from elon- OldKSlO 1360 322 47 6.8
gational flow, could also be created in shear. NewKSlO 545 235 77 3.1
So far, the suspicion has prevailed that this a
kind of phase was only created in the con-
vergent entrance flow to a capillary or along
some obstacles in the fluid. In our work, rial of which, at the time, quite an amount
however, we could clearly demonstrate the was laid in store. In Table 5-5 the usual
occurrence of such a phase in clean shear molecular mass averages are given for these
flow at sufficiently high shear rates relevant polymers. Meanwhile, it was realized that
for normal processing conditions9. Appar- the tail of the molar mass distribution at the
ently, because of the high level of control of high molar mass side, as is characteristic for
the mechanics of shear, a quantitative eval- the "old" material, is responsible for the for-
uation of data became feasible. mation of the highly oriented layers in injec-
So far, the measurements in shear have tion molding, which are undesirable from
been carried out on the industrial polypro- the point of product quality.
pylene i-PP Daplen KS 10, as quoted in Sec. As can be seen, the so-called centrifuge
5.2.1. In order to enable at least a nascent average Mz is particularly high for the
discussion on the influences of molecular outdated Daplen KS 10. As Mz is defined
parameters, another industrial polypropy- as I f i f M f / d ^ M ? ) [with M w =I/i l -M?/
lene was recently included in our experi- (Ln( Mi) and Mn = w,- M;/!>;], a high value
mental program. In fact, this second i-PP of Mz is indicative of the presence of a large
goes under the same code "i-PP Daplen fraction of very long molecules. As we shall
KS 10", but with a date of production of see, the choice of the outdated grade of
about one decade later than the "old" mate- Daplen KS 10 was very lucky. As it turned
out, we were able to obtain the described,
Recently, Monasse (1995) reported a quite interest- very pronounced results because of the very
ing process occurring in the supercooled melt of a broad molar mass distribution of this poly-
polyethylene. For the purpose, this author produced mer. These results could only be vaguely
shear flow between parallel glass plates in order to
enable optical observation in a direction perpendicu- reproduced with the new material (Jer-
lar to the shearing plane. At rather low rates of shear schow, 1994).
(~2 s"1), birefringent strings were formed perpendic- However, the new grade unexpectedly
ular to the flow direction. At slightly higher rates of provided us with further ways of proving the
shear, some of these strings were diverted into the flow
direction. This is possibly a primary process overcom- correctness of the given model theory. In
ing the disturbing influence of the rotational compo- fact, as the achievable (average) length L of
nent of shear flow on the far going orientation of sin- the threadlike precursors may depend on the
gle macromolecules in the flow direction. Inspired by said high molar mass tail of the distribution
Monasse's observation, we recently found (Jerschow
function of the molar masses, the extension
and Janeschitz-Kriegl, 1996), that the same has hap-
pened in the above-mentioned fine-grained zones, the of the theory, as given by Eq. (5-104) for the
white spots simply being the cross sections through relaxation time r/5 may become superfluous
these structures extending perpendicularly to the sur- for a narrower molar mass distribution. In
faces of the cut. such a case, T, may be so small that the
5.3 Flow-Induced Crystallization 333

Figure 5-50. New Daplen KS 10:

Plot similar to that of Fig. 5-39; verti-
cal distance 41og()'z/7/_]), slope - 1 ,
10 r=150C(Jerschow, 1994).

Shearing time t [s]

approximation of Eq. (5-102) is even valid This prediction has also been implied
for the measurements in transmitted light. recently (Janeschitz-Kriegl, 1995), as is
This has actually been found (Jerschow, shown in Fig. 5-51. Here we see that the ver-
1994), and is shown in Fig. 5-50. On com- tical distance is only 2 log (fc/fc_i)> where-
parison with Fig. 5-39, it is noticed that the as the slope of log t^2 vs. s is - 1 , as should
vertical distance between the lines for equal be the case.
shear rates is still 4 log (%/%_]); the slope of In conclusion, more systematic investiga-
log t^ 2 vs - lg ^s is> however, equal to minus tions should be carried out with a basic poly-
one instead of minus two. Both findings are mer of rather narrow molar mass distribu-
in accord with Eq. (5-102). Would anybody tion, to which various amounts of long
have been able to interpret such a result with- molecules are added in order to check their
out having the experience with the old grade? influence on T/. An alternative way would
Also, the determination of layer thicknesses be to investigate a series of well-defined
turns out to be much more difficult with the reactor grades with widely varying average
new grade: Of course, there is no longer a molar mass distributions. Last but not least,
sharpening mechanism, with the second term this type of research should also be trans-
in Eq. (5-104) having no influence. ferred to other polymers, like polyethylene.
Another situation may prevail if a nucle-
ation agent (inoculant) is added to the poly-
mer. In such a case the number N of primary 5.3.8 Chances for Numerical
nuclei per unit of volume will become vir- Simulation
tually constant. Integration of the appropri-
Assuming that around a threadlike pre-
ately modified Eq. (5-99) would lead to
cursor space is gradually occupied by later-
f ** (5-125) al growth, in which not only the oriented
334 5 Crystallization

D 51s"1
O 32 s-1
A 19 s-1



Figure 5-51. Nucleated i-PP: Plot

similar to that of Fig. 5-39, vertical
distance 21og(y, //,_]), slope - 1 ,
10u 7 = 1 5 0 C (Janeschitz-Kriegl, 1995).
10 1 10' 102
Shearing time t [s]

lamellae, as discussed in the previous sec- become of less importance. On the whole
tion, are involved, but also the less orderly the lateral extension of the highly oriented
crystallized volume elements, we obtain layer is determined by the existence of
for the "unrestrictedly" growing volume threadlike precursors in a sufficient den-
per unit volume due to oriented growth (p0 or sity.
(disregarding impingement) Equation (5-126) can be differentiated
twice with respect to time without any dif-
jduG(u) (5-126)
G(t) dt,
where, again, the assumption is made that t t
the growth speed G(t) is unaffected by flow = 47i\dLioi(s)\duG(u)
despite our intention to also use this equa- 0 s
tion for the more general situation of later- This is the internal growth surface per unit
al growth during flow. In fact, this assump- volume, as in the case of spherulitic growth
tion seemed fair for lateral growth occurring
after the cessation of previous flow. But here 4^Ltoott(r) (5-128)
a more rigorous situation is envisaged. ^orw G(t) dt ^
However, trusting Wolkowicz (1978), who This is 4;r times the total length of precur-
reported that mainly the primary nucleation sors per unit volume.
is affected by flow, the assumption does not So far we have followed Schneider's
seem to be too bad. Also, if the average method in the use of G(t). Using Eq. (5-99)
distance between threadlike precursors for Ltot together with the differential equa-
becomes small, the exact values of G(t) tion [Eq. (5-98)], the next rate function <p3 or
5.3 Flow-Induced Crystallization 335

can easily be defined

?>3,or(0 =

= $n N(t) (5-129)

which is proportional to the number of

threads per unit of volume. This simple
equation holds only if T is not dependent
on the length of the individual threads
[i.e., )3=0 in Eq. (5-104)]. Using the diffe-
rential equation [Eq. (5-97)] for N, the
following equation is finally obtained for

dt ^-| (5-130)

The main problem is always the determi-

nation of the parameters, which are Tn, T/5
gjj2w and g//y| in the present case, as func- Figure 5-52. Electron micrograph of a cross section
tions of temperature. As a new aspect, the from the middle of the sample in a plane perpendicu-
local shear rates should be linked to a change lar to the large duct surface for the PP sample and the
shear treatment described under Fig. 5-44. In the ver-
in the rheological behavior by proceeding tical upward direction this picture stretches from the
lateral growth on the precursors. As we have rim to about 20.8-|Lim inward (Liedauer et al., 1993).
seen in the previous sections, with isother- (Courtesy of Hanser-Verlag, Munich.)
mal short term shearing experiments only
the temperature dependence of the product
of the latter two parameters can be deter- presence of the rim.) The length of the
mined [see Eq. (5-117)]. strands can be estimated to be of the order
In principle, there should be a method for of 10 |im. So far, however, no micrographs
the separate determination of N. In fact, the have been taken with the intention of carry-
mean length of the threads < L > is given by ing out this evaluation. Nevertheless, it is
possible to try to obtain an impression of the
(5-131) value of Nby dividing the value of Ltotfrom
N Eq. (5-116) by this < L >, which is obtained
which should be accessible to independent under identical conditions. In this way, for
evaluation from electron micrographs. This r=150C, 7=72 s"1, andfs = 7 s
becomes evident from Fig. 5-52. This
N = 1.7 x 10 17 nT 3 (5-132)
micrograph covers a distance of 20.8 |am in
the vertical direction and is taken from a which seems of the right order of magnitude
cross section parallel to the previous flow in view of the fact that in quiescent melts
direction near the duct wall. (See the dam- values up to 1015 m~3 have been found for
age at the lower side which indicates the polypropylene.
336 5 Crystallization

However, this method will be quite inac- be included if practical processes are mod-
curate (even in isothermal short term shear- eled.
ing), so that from a temperature and shear Finally, some remarks with respect to the
rate dependence of N it will be difficult to goal of such calculations should be made.
conclude on a respective dependence of L. The main purpose of such a calculation will
Probably, another principle may be useful in certainly be the calculation of the distance
this connection, i.e., the time-temperature from the wall where the highly oriented
superposition principle (Ferry, 1980). This layer breaks down. A critical value Ltot>lim
principle may be useful despite the fact that was given earlier [see Eq. (5-118)]. If such
Wippel's (1989) experiments show a quite a value is accepted, the procedure given by
different temperature dependence of the Eqs. (5-126) to (5-130) must be carried out,
relaxation of precursors. This deviating where in Eq. (5-130) Tn is always put equal
dependence may be due to the factor (5 in to infinity (omission of the second term on
Eq. (5-104). This factor should describe the the right), whereas Eq. (5-129) must be used
disintegration of a supermolecular structure in two forms, i.e., with T = and T -a.
in a quiescent melt under the influence of Finally, the solution is used for which Ltot lim
thermal motion, whereas the creation of is reached at a later time or, at a given shear-
nuclei by flow and their growth may be ing time, at a smaller distance from the wall
influenced by the behavior of single mole- (higher shear rate).
cules. The same may hold for a in Eq. In fact, for isothermal short term shear-
(5-104), which describes the disintegration ing this procedure can be explained quite
of very loose aggregates in their nascent easily. This is demonstrated by a sketch
state. With this argumentation as a back- given in Fig. 5-54. This figure reminds us
ground, it may be assumed that of Figs. 5-41 and 5-42. If the scale of ts is
extended to lower values, which may be
characteristic for injection molding, the
and (5-133) bend which is also shown in Fig. 5-43 is
obtained. In our sketch the two lines drawn
N(t, Y,T) = N(tla, fa, To) show the location where Ltot lim is reached,
where To is a reference temperature and a if Eqs. (5-101) or (5-102) are used, respec-
(T) is a shift factor obtained from rheologi- tively. If the growth process is followed at
cal measurements on the melt. Such an a sufficiently high value of ycl (above the
assumption would be in line with the fact bend), a corresponding horizontal line is
discussed earlier in this paper, according moved along until the steeper line is crossed.
to which a plot of (Gt^2) against Y\ ts no This is the end of our process, which means
longer shows a significant temperature that after crossing this cross-over Ltot
dependence, as is shown in Fig. 5-53. As becomes larger than LtotVim. However, at a
pointed out previously, the main influence yc 2, which is below the bend, the descrip-
of the temperature on the curves, as shown tion varies. Assuming the validity of Eq. (5-
in Fig. 5-39, was ascribed to the large tem- 101), Ltot,iim will be reached at the cross-
perature dependence of G(T). At this over of our horizontal line with the steeper
stage in our knowledge, no further attempts line. However, when the corresponding time
at an evaluation should be tried, however. is reached, the validity of Eq. (5-101) is no
Apparently, the problems are still formid- longer given. With further growing time a
able. In fact, convective terms also have to transition is passed through, as given by
5.3 Flow-Induced Crystallization 337

log(G(T)t x/2 )

A "
??A - f t -
-o O

A - TfT %. ^

Q- Figure 5-53. Double logarithmic plot of

-7 O the product Gt^2 against the product yj t
for PP Daplen KS 10. Temperatures of
V experimentation: 143 C (little squares:
67 s"1 bib right, 85 s"1 bib down, 110 s' 1
-a A bib left, 139 s"1 bib up); 150 C (rhombi:
83 s"1 bib right, 104 s"1 bib down, 133 s"1
bib left, 169 s"1 bib up); 157 C (large
squares: 151 s"1 bib right, 195 s"1 bib
down) (Liedauer et al., 1993). (Courtesy
-8 of Hanser-Verlag, Munich.)

log (Ywt a


o Figure 5-54. Sketch for the
calculation of the boundary
of the highly oriented layer
according to the text. The
scales are similar to those
r in Figs. 5-41 and 5-42, but
extended to lower ts values,
which may be expected
under real injection mold-
ing conditions.

Eq. (5-100), and reaches the cross-over with for the total degree of crystallinity
the less steep line, corresponding to Eq. (5- g = 1 - exp[-(p 0 (t,x) - y/0 (t, x) - <p0,or (t, x)]
One final remark, however, seems worth- (5-134)
while: According to the method of the Pois- No simple relation can be obtained for the
son processes [see Eqs. (5-10) and (5-48)], morphology, however, like Eq. (5-13). Nev-
338 5 Crystallization

ertheless, from the course of the calculation reduced. However, in our National Working
it will become apparent which type of pro- Party on Injection Moulded Parts S 33,
cess will be predominant locally and deter- Fleischmann and Koppelmann (1987) car-
mine the morphology. ried out injection-molding experiments with
short shots. This means that the stresses
were immediately released when the filling
5.4 Closing Remarks procedure was stopped. Nevertheless, the
well-known highly oriented layers were
Obviously, one goal of this investigation found in the cross sections. In our terminol-
should be the simulation of a realistic pro- ogy, these experiments were short term
cess, e.g., injection molding. From our shearing experiments. This means that at
experience of cooperation with industrial least part of the layers was developed only
partners, however, we also know that just after the cessation of flow, i.e., where the
the understanding of a process itself is of temperature did not decrease, e.g., below
nearly equal importance. In fact, if the final 140 C, during the filling procedure. In this
structure of a product should be predicted area, the rheology was not noticeably influ-
by numerical calculations, these calcula- enced during flow by crystallization.
tions would be terribly involved. We think The energy equation for the filling of a
that this has become clear from the content rectangular duct of large aspect ratio cor-
of this chapter. For the manufacturer, the rectly reads
way he has to alter the composition or the
chemical structure (e.g., the molar mass dis-
tribution) in order to achieve a desirable 'U dx dt dx
physical structure (morphology) is of great
importance. And with very involved com- ay
puter programs, the calculation still takes where u is the velocity in the x-direction
more time and is more costly than a simple (flow direction), y is the coordinate in the
molding experiment. The design of such an gap-wise direction, h is the heat of crystal-
experiment is almost as important as the lization per unit mass, p is the density, cp is
design of an adequate computer program. the specific heat, X is the heat conductivity,
If the progress made so far for numerical y(y, t) is the shear rate as a function of the
simulations is considered, it is immediately distance from the mid-plane, and r\(T, y) is
clear that the respective authors had an the viscosity as a function of the tempera-
insufficient knowledge of the real process- ture and shear rate. The two expressions in
es. A popular assumption that is usually parentheses are the total derivatives with
made is the existence of an induction time. respect to time of the temperature DT/Dt and
However, we have clearly shown (at least of the degree of crystallinity D^/Dt.
for i-PP) that such an incubation time does The problem with this equation, howev-
not exist (see Fig. 5-22 and Sec., er, is similar to that of Eq. (5-31), i.e., that
where the growth speed of spherulites could the rate of crystallization D^/Dt is not a
be calculated from the time span character- function of the local state variables as used
istic for the occurrence of noticeable light in Eq. (5-135), i.e., (t, x, y) and T(t, x, y).
scattering). Another important point is that In fact, % is a function of the previous shear
with the growth of a shear-induced layer, the and temperature history, as we have clearly
width of the duct (strip mold) is effectively shown in Sec. 5.3.
5.4 Closing Remarks 339

The most widely used crystallization and Schneider (1986) for the quiescent melt,
kinetic equation in computer simulations is who assumed a unique temperature depen-
a generalization of Avrami's equation, as dence of the overall speed of crystallization,
given by Nakamura et al. (1972) which became zero at the glass transition
temperature (Tg) and at the melting point
(r m ). These authors predicted an amorphous
\K(T(t'))dt' (5-136)
vitreous layer between the quenched wall
and the crystalline interior. However, except
where n is the Avrami index, t{ is an induc- for a continuous increase of the degree of
tion time, and K(T) is a kinetic function, crystallinity from zero to a maximum final
which can be determined from the half time value at a sufficient distance, no more
of crystallization under isothermal condi- detailed structural features could be predict-
tions. Since this equation has the property ed.
that the time derivative of can be written An analogous case was treated by Hsiung
in the form and Cakmak (1991) for the injection mold-
ing of a high temperature polymer (poly-
| (0 = K(T{t)) /( (t)) (5-137)
phenylene sulfide). These authors could
with some function/, the rate of crystalliza- predict for intermediate mold temperatures
tion is not dependent on the current crystal- (not too far below the glass transition tem-
line structure and therefore also contains no perature) a three-layer structure: a vitreous
information on it [see Eq. (5-21) of the layer close to the mold wall, a crystalline
present review]. An assumed continuous layer at some distance from the wall, and,
change in the Avrami index n from 3 to 1 again, a vitreous region in the core. Qualita-
with increasing shear stress could be the tively, this structure can be explained by Fig.
only indication of structural changes 5-55. In this figure a situation is character-
(Hsiung and Cakmak, 1991). ized with the aid of the nearly parabolic, so-
The only exception where a reasonably called CCT (continuous cooling transfor-
realistic structure can be predicted is for mation) or TTT (time-temperature transfor-
high temperature polymers that show a glass mation) curve. This curve stretches along
transition temperature above the mold and the ordinate axis over a temperature span
room temperatures. Such a treatment has from Tg to Tm. The crystallization time is
been carried out in an early paper by Berger plotted on the abscissa. With nonzero stress

high stress intermediate stress low stress

fast cooling intermediate cooling low cooling

I Tw

time time

skin shear zone core

Figure 5-55. Cooling curve and CCT curve for slowly crystallizing material at three different positions in the
mold. (Courtesy of the Society of Plastics Engineers.)
340 5 Crystallization

it is supposed to have an apex at a shorter "Injection Moulded Parts" over many years,
time and at a temperature closer to Tm when is acknowledged, as well as the more recent
compared with the curve assumed for a aid received from the Christian-Doppler-
quiescent melt. Nevertheless, for the high- Society in the form of a senior research fel-
est shear stresses, which occur close to the lowship "Flow and Solidification of Ther-
duct wall, the cooling rate, as represented moplastics". The authors are also indebted
by the monotonically decreasing curve, is so to Petrochemie Danubia for its direct inter-
high that the apex of the CCT curve is not est and cooperation in this subject. In this
touched. At a distance more remote from the connection, the "Forschungsforderungs-
wall, the shear stress is lower, so that the fonds fur die gewerbliche Wirtschaft"
CCT curve shifts to a lower temperature and should also be mentioned. Several details
to a higher time. However, due to the lower from classified work could later be used to
cooling rate, the CCT curve is cut by the round off the general picture.
cooling curve. This causes the occurrence
of crystallinity. In the core the CCT curve
retracts drastically, because of nearly zero
shear stress. Even if the cooling is even 5.6 References
slower there, the cooling curve is again to
Astarita, G., Kenny, J.M. (1987), Chem. Eng. Com-
the left of the CCT curve. This causes the mun. 53,69.
vitreous core region. It will not surprise the Avrami, M. (1939), /. Chem. Phys. 7, 1103; ibid.
reader that at a mold temperature above Tg (1940), 8, 212; ibid. (1941), 9, 177.
Barham, P.J., Jarvis, D.A., Keller, A. (1982), J. Polym.
the whole sample crystallizes, whereas at Sci., Polym. Phys. Ed. 20, 1733.
an extremely low mold temperature, the Becker, R., Doring, W. (1935), Ann. Phys. (Leipzig) 5
whole sample vitrifies. However, this model (24), 719.
Berger, J., Schneider, W. (1986), Plast. Rubber Pro-
cannot predict details of the crystalline cess. Appl. 6, 127.
structure. The "structure" of the sample is Billon, N., Escleine, J.M., Haudin, J.M. (1989), Col-
solely determined by the gradual transition loid Polym. Sci. 267, 668.
Billon, N., Magnet, C , Haudin, J.M., Lefebvre, D.
from the amorphous to the crystalline state. (1994), Colloid Polym. Sci. 272, 633.
The CCT curve is a concept taken from met- Bird, R.B., Armstrong, R.C., Hassager, O. (1987 a), in
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New York: Wiley, p. 171.
occurrence of a certain crystallinity, e.g., = Bird, R.B., Armstrong, R.C., Hassager, O. (1987b),
1/2. Also, the shape of the curve will in Dynamics of Polymeric Liquids, Vol. 1, 2nd ed.
depend, at least in the case of a shear treat- New York: Wiley, p. 173.
ment, on the previous shear and temperature Boon, J., Challa, G., van Krevelen, D.W. (1968 a), J.
Polym. Sci.A-2, 6, 1791.
histories, and cannot be a unique function Boon, J., Challa, G., van Krevelen, D.W. (1968b), /.
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(1991), Polym. Eng. Sci. 31, 1411.
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Macromol. Chem., Macromol. Symp. 68, 245.
5.5 Acknowledgements Brucato, V, Donarelli, A., Piccarolo, S., Titomanlio,
G. (1994), Presented at the European Regional
Meeting of the Polymer Processing Society, Stras-
The financial support by the Austrian bourg.
"Fonds zur Forderung der Wissenschaftli- Carslaw,H.S., Jaeger, J.C. (1959), Conduction ofHeat
in Solids, 2nd ed., Oxford: Clarendon, p. 282.
chen Forschung" in Vienna, which was sup- Chew, S., Griffiths, J.R., Stachurski, Z.H. (1989),
plied for a national working party S 33 Polymer 30, 874.
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6 Fundamentals of Reactive Extrusion: An Overview
Guo-Hua Hu and Morand Lambla+

Laboratoire d'Extrusion Reactive, Ecole d'Application des Hauts Polymeres,

Institut Charles Sadron (CRM - EAHP), Strasbourg, France

List of Symbols and Abbreviations 346

6.1 Introduction 348
6.2 Fundamentals of Reactive Extrusion 351
6.2.1 Scientific Classification 352
6.2.2 Basic Features 353
6.2.3 Fundamental Principles 353 Continuous Flow Reactors 353 Screw Extruders as Continuous Flow Reactors 357
6.3 Case Studies 362
6.3.1 Melt Chemical Reactions in a Batch Mixer 363 Functional Reactions 363 Free Radical Grafting of Monomers onto Polymers 375
6.3.2 Screw Extruders as Continuous Flow Reactors 381 Functional Reactions in a Microfluid 382 Free Radical Grafting of Monomers onto Polymers 383
6.3.3 Screw Extruders as Reactive Blenders (Compounders)
for the In Situ Compatibilization of Immiscible Polymer Blends
by One-Step Reactive Extrusion 388 Devolatilization: A Critical Sequential Operation 390 Effects of Processing Parameters 392
6.3.4 Residence Time Distributions in Screw Extruders: A Statistical Theory . . . . 394
6.4 Conclusions 396
6.5 References 400

Materials Science and Technology

Copyright WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co KGaA. All rights reserved.
346 6 Fundamentals of Reactive Extrusion: An Overview

List of Symbols and Abbreviations

A total final interfacial area

total initial area
a, b initial molar concentration
A,B apparent initial molar concentration
C concentration
D electron-donating monomer
D diffusivity; axial dispersion coefficient; diameter
f(0 residence time distribution density function
F{t) residence time distribution function
g(T) dimensionless residence time distribution density function
h diffusion length
K equilibrium constant
^app apparent rate constant
k\,k'2 forward and reverse reaction rate constants
ku kXc; k2, k2c forward and reverse intrinsic kinetic constants
L length
M n , M_n number-average molecular weight
MW,MW weight-average molecular weight
n number
N screw speed
nx,n2 molar number of functional group
P conversion
Pe Peclet number
Q feeding rate
r bla
R reaction rate
S(k'uk'2,) objective function
t residence time
t mean residence time
T temperature
*D diffusion time
*R reaction time
U axial velocity
U velocity; specific energy
u average velocity in axial direction
Vi volume of reactive polymer
Vi volume of inert polymer
axial coordinate

a (A+B + 1/IQ
7 total strain
A \/a2-4AB
List of Symbols and Abbreviations 347

partition coetticient; areal chain density

e tIE
T dimensionless time

Cat catalyst
CSTR continuously stirred tank reactor
CTC charge transfer complex
DBTDL dibutyltin dilaurate
DBTO dibutyltin oxide
DHBP 2,5-dimethyl-2,5-di(ter/-butylperoxy)hexane
DIPP l,3-bis(terr-butylperoxy-isopropyl)benzene
DTFR dispersion tubular flow reactor
EMA poly(ethylene-c6>-methyl acrylate)
EPR ethylene and propyl rubber; electron paramagnetic resonance
EVA poly(ethylene-co-vinyl acetate)
GMA glycidyl methacrylate
HPLC high performance liquid chromatography
IBVE isobutylvinylether
MA maleic anhydride
MAc methyl acrylate
MMA methyl methacrylate
NMR nuclear magnetic resonance
NVP N-vinylpyrrolidone
OL12 1-dodecene
PA polyamide
PBT poly(butylene terephthalate)
PGMA poly(ethylene-co-ethyl acrylate-glycidyl methacrylate)
phr part per hundred resin
PLR plug (piston) flow reactor
PP polypropylene
PPOH 3-phenyl 1-propanol
PS polystyrene
PSOH mono-hydroxylated polystyrene
PVC poly(vinyl chloride)
REX reactive extrusion
RTD residence time distribution
SEC size exclusion chromatography
ST styrene monomer
TMVS trimethoxyvinylsilane
VAc vinyl acetate
VCH vinylcyclohexane
348 6 Fundamentals of Reactive Extrusion: An Overview

6.1 Introduction enhancements than would have been pos-

sible with classical reactors. This has been
For years, both chemistry and engineer- confirmed by our recent literature survey
ing practice involving polymer systems (Lambla, 1993): the majority of people who
used inert liquid carriers to avoid complica- are active in REX are industrial scientists
tions caused by the high viscosity of undi- and engineers rather than academic
luted bulk systems; these systems are other- researchers; there were about 800 patents
wise difficult to handle in classical reactors compared to about 100 papers in the open
of a stirred-pot version, such as beakers, ket- literature during the 1980s. Apart from the
tles, and tanks. When a polymeric system aforementioned commercial interests, the
was too viscous, it was simply diluted with primary reason for the success of REX is
more liquid effluents. that as a reactor or a blender, a screw extrud-
During the last three decades and due to er has the unique ability to convey and mix
ever-increasing concerns and tougher gov- highly viscous fluids and to facilitate the
ernment regulations about the excessive staging of multiple process steps in a single
use of solvents, reactions have more and machine, including feeding, solids convey-
more been run in solventless polymer ing, melting, mixing, reacting, side-stream
melts using polymer processing machines incorporation (reactants, fillers, and/or
as chemical reactors, e.g., batch mixers stripping gases), degassing, pumping, and
and screw extruders. However, the absence under some circumstances, shaping.
of solvent may raise other complications: Based upon the above discussion, reac-
high temperature, heterogeneity of the tive extrusion (REX) may be defined as a
reacting media, low mass and heat transfer, manufacturing process that combines the
low polarity, etc., rendering proper control traditionally separated polymer chemistry
of the selectivity and the rate of reaction dif- (polymerization or chemical modification)
ficult. and extrusion (blending, compounding,
The same period of time has also seen structuring, devolatilization, and shaping)
increasing demands for polymeric materials into a single process carried out in a screw
of high performance. Due to high R&D and extruder. This definition indicates that from
reactor start-up costs, introducing new an engineering standpoint, REX bears vir-
monomers (formerly the most frequently tually all the basic features of classical
practised method by polymer chemists to extrusion processes; from a chemistry view-
create new polymers), has gradually given point, REX is the use of screw extruders as
way to other methods in response to these chemical reactors. This duality provides
demands. Resin suppliers, speciality com- REX with two important fields of applica-
pounders, and even end-product users are tion:
now trying to diversify existing polymers by
chemically modifying or reactively blend- 1) The use of screw extruders as chemical
ing them inside a screw extruder. reactors for the polymerization of
In fact, the use of extruders as chemical monomers and the chemical modifica-
reactors and reactive blenders (or corn- tion of existing polymers.
pounders), nowadays commonly called 2) The use of screw extruders as blenders
reactive extrusion (REX), has proven to be to reactively blend existing polymers
a critical technology in the polymer indus- (sometimes in the presence of fillers or
try to achieve more decisive property other additives).
6.1 Introduction 349

Listed below are four main advantages of ous reactions can be carried out along
using screw extruders as chemical reactors the extruder length. Thus, polymers that
or reactive blenders: are sometimes "impossible" to make in
a classical reactor can be made in an
1) Solventless polymerization/polymer extruder.
modifications. A typical solution-pro-
cess reactor usually comprises sol- Of course REX also has disadvantages:
vents/diluents 5-20 times the weight of 1) Short residence times. If the residence
the desired polymer product. This means time required for accomplishing a reac-
that some big commercial processes of tion is long (e.g., more than 30 min), an
this type use up to more than ten tons of extruder is unlikely to be an economical
solvents per day. Therefore the reactor. This means that slow reactions
extruder's unique ability to handle high- are not good candidates for REX.
ly viscous polymer fluids without the 2) Limited heat transfer capacity. The lim-
need for solvents results in dramatic cost itations on heat transfer out of an extrud-
reductions in raw materials, solvent er are the primary concern when reac-
recovery, product separation, and drying tions releasing a large amount of heat are
equipment. The absence of solvents also to be performed in an extruder. For
makes REX a process that is more envi- example, breaking one mole of the car-
ronmentally friendly and less bulky bon-carbon double bond of vinyl
compared to a classical polymer reaction monomers by free radical initiation
process. yields a heat of some 50-90 kJ. The heat
2) High overall reaction rate. This is main- released on converting 1 kg of styrene
ly due to much greater concentrations of may reach as high as 700 kJ. This
reactive species in the melt than in solu- amount of heat may be too much for
tion. Also, the reaction temperatures are common extruders to handle. Very often
usually 50-150C higher than in solu- a well controlled reacting system on a
tion. laboratory scale extruder may run into
3) Continuous and flexible process for low trouble when it is processed on a pilot or
tonnage trials or production. Making an industrial scale machine simply due
new materials of low tonnage (e.g., to a reduced heat transfer capacity.
below 5000 tons per year) does not usu- 3) Side reactions. Because of disparity in
ally justify the expense of reactor start- the temporal, compositional, and ther-
up and associated costs. Screw extrud- mal mixing histories the reacting species
ers are ideal for such processes. Under may have experienced in a screw extrud-
certain circumstances, speciality com- er, side reactions may become important
pounders can just use their extruders and and difficult to control.
make products in a ready-to-use form in
order to meet specific needs without Whatever the pros and cons of REX
having to rely on their resin suppliers. described above, virtually all types of chem-
4) Staging of multiple reactions. Owing to ical reactions developed in polymer chem-
the unique ability of an extruder to per- istry can, in principle, be processed by REX.
form multiple and sequential operations, From an engineering viewpoint, these reac-
including side-stream reactant incorpo- tions can be classified into the following
ration and multi-venting systems, vari- three main categories:
350 6 Fundamentals of Reactive Extrusion: An Overview

1) Polymerization of monomers. The vis- PA 6 has amine groups at its chain ends
cosity of the system rises as polymeriza- while EPR is chemically inert with respect
tion proceeds. In the case of some free to it, the in situ compatibilization of this
radical polymerization reactions, heat blend requires that the latter be functional-
run-away may be another important ized with a monomer bearing desired func-
challenge; for condensation reactions, tional groups by free radical grafting. The
which release volatile products, effi- free radical grafting of maleic anhydride
cient removal of these volatile products (MA) is the process most employed for this
by devolatilization may be crucial for purpose. The MA-grafted EPR then reacts
obtaining high molecular weight poly- with the amino group of the PA 6 to form an
mers. amphiphilic copolymer (EPR-g-PA 6)
2) Chemical modification of existing poly- through interfacial reaction during extru-
mers. In many cases, a small amount of sion.
a low molecular weight reagent is used It is not the purpose of this chapter to give
to chemically modify the backbone or an overview of the state-of-the-art of REX
pendant groups of polymers. Thus the in a systematic manner by retrieving all the
viscosity change is usually less dramat- published results. This is because REX as a
ic than in the case of polymerization. new engineering discipline is still in its
Nonetheless, it may be difficult to inject infancy despite the knowledge that has been
and/or to achieve adequate dispersion of gained in an ever-increasing number of aca-
a low molecular weight reagent into a demic and industrial laboratories. Also,
molten polymeric fluid due to a large there is already an excellent monograph
disparity both in the viscosity and the which attempts to review the state-of-the-
volume fraction between them. art of REX [Xanthos (Ed.), 1992]. As such,
3) Polymer-polymer reaction. Here again, this chapter will attempt only to provide
the viscosity rise is usually less pro- some general guidelines on selected funda-
nounced than what is often encountered mental problems raised in REX, rather than
in free radical polymerization. However, an exhaustive list of published examples
because of the fact that chemical reac- and/or industrial applications. Specifically,
tions between two immiscible polymers the following aspects, which to a great
take place primarily at their interfaces, extent constitute the framework of REX,
an efficient interfacial renewal becomes will be addressed:
the most critical parameter that controls
the overall reaction rate. the behavior of chemical reactions
involving polymers in the melt in a batch
Shown in Table 6-1 are selected examples
the performance of screw extruders as
of these three types of reactions of REX.
continuous flow reactors;
In fact, these last two types of reaction in-
the performance of screw extruders as
volve the underlying chemistry for the in
reactive blenders or compounders;
situ compatibilization of existing immis-
the residence time distribution in screw
cible polymer blends. This latter is probably
the most important application of REX. A
well-studied example is the reactive blend- This will be done exclusively using exam-
ing of an ethylene and propylene rubber ples investigated in our laboratory. For the
(EPR) with a poly amide (PA 6 or PA 66). As sake of readability, a brief overview will be
6.2 Fundamentals of Reactive Extrusion 351

Table 6-1. Selected examples of chemical reactions explored by REX.

Reaction Free radical reactivity Functional reactivity

Bulk poly- polymerization of styrene synthesis of polyurethane

merization of (Stober and Amos, 1950) (Fryeetal., 1966)
monomers heat HOOC(CH )COOH + HO(CH )OH
into polymers 2RO*


Chemical grafting of maleic anhydride onto poly(ethylene-c<9-vinyl acetate) to

modification polypropylene (Flat, 1991) poly(ethylene-co-vinyl alcohol)
of existing (Bouilloux et al., 1987)
polymers heat CH-CH
ROOR " 2RO* 2 I
I 3
2 *

3 I I
^c c> - CHCH*
C Cv

"W + CH-C-OR

Polymer-polymer polymeric free radical coupling polymer-polymer coupling

reaction (Zouikri, 1982) (Scott and Macosko, 1988)

\ \
I 2 | 2
* \

given in the first part of this chapter on some ciality which combines the multiple disci-
fundamental aspects of using screw extrud- plines of polymer chemistry, physical chem-
ers as continuous chemical reactors from the istry, polymer processing, chemical engi-
chemical engineering viewpoint. neering, mechanical engineering, fluid
mechanics, etc. Owing to this multi-disci-
plinary nature, REX has attracted increas-
6.2 Fundamentals of Reactive ing attention from scientists and engineers
Extrusion of different backgrounds, therefore provid-
ing a common interest in relation to which
Disregarding the above mentioned vir- they can communicate and interact. Inter-
tues and vices of REX and its industrial estingly, people with different backgrounds
applications, it is important to point out that or interests see REX differently. For chem-
REX has become a distinct engineering spe- ists REX is the use of screw extruders as
352 6 Fundamentals of Reactive Extrusion: An Overview

special chemical reactors to carry out chem- This way of dividing a REX process
ical reactions involving polymers in the reveals that mechanical engineering,
absence of solvents. On the other hand, electrical engineering, and process control
chemical engineers consider screw extrud- are also important for REX.
ers as special chemical reactors of a plug While mechanical engineering, electrical
flow form which operate on the principle engineering, and process control are impor-
of drag flow (relative motion between tant for REX, they are, to some extent, aux-
screws and barrel). Transport phenomena, iliary disciplines of REX. The core of REX
mixing and chemical reactions associated as a new engineering discipline is more a
with non-Newtonian polymeric and often cross between chemical engineering and
heterogeneous fluids in these strange reac- science and polymer engineering and sci-
tors give the traditional chemical and poly- ence. This is illustrated in Fig. 6-2. This
mer reaction engineering a new horizon of hierarchy chart shows how REX features in
research. relation to various disciplines. When a
screw extruder is used as a chemical reac-
tor, REX is a branch of polymer reaction
6.2.1 Scientific Classification engineering. This latter in turn is part of
chemical reaction engineering. Of course
From a geometrical viewpoint, a REX chemical reaction engineering is included in
process is basically the same as an extrusion chemical engineering and science. When a
line, except that in the former case addition- screw extruder is used as a reactive blend-
al auxiliary equipment may be needed, such er, REX can be considered as a blending or
as for the side-stream feeding of reactants compounding process with chemical reac-
and the devolatilization of unwanted vola- tions involved. Blending and compounding
tile products. In other words, the extruder are two important topics of polymer pro-
constitutes the heart of a REX process cessing. Needless to say, polymer process-
(Fig. 6-1). The assembly of a REX line may ing falls into the general area of polymer
be divided into three parts: engineering and science. This hierarchy
1) the interior of the extruder (barrel, chart also indicates that chemical engineer-
screws); ing and polymer engineering interact at each
2) the exterior or auxiliary equipment hierarchical level of REX.
(side-stream feeding, devolatilization, Although the above description may be
pelletizing system, etc.); oversimplified or artificial, the real message
3) data acquisition and control systems it intends to convey is that a good under-
(temperature, feeding, screw speed, standing of REX requires the understanding
pressure, etc.). of chemical engineering and science and

solid feeding

i liquid injection devolatilisation

Figure 6-1. A geometrical diagram of a REX line.

6.2 Fundamentals of Reactive Extrusion 353


the use of screw extruders as the use of screw extruders as

chemical reactors reactive blenders

\ f \ r
polymer blending and
reaction engineering compounding

1r f

chemical reaction polymer

engineering processing

\ f r Figure 6-2. Hierarchy

chart of REX in the context
chemical engineering polymer engineering of chemical engineering
& science & science and science and polymer
engineering and science.

polymer engineering and science, as well as sequential manner: feeding, solids con-
interactions between the two. veying, melting, mixing, reacting, vent-
ing, pumping, and shaping.
Today's screw extruders for REX are
6.2.2 Basic Features so well designed that the geometrical
boundaries that demarcate these individ-
The basic features of screw extruders as ual sequential operations are more or less
chemical reactors which distinguish them well defined, which facilitates the control
from other types of reactors are as follows: of a REX process.
A screw extruder can be considered as a These features make screw extruders
continuous tubular reactor due to its ideal chemical reactors for performing reac-
lengthwise geometry (length-to-diameter tions involving highly viscous, molten poly-
ratio 15 <LID< 50). mers in the absence of solvents.
A screw extruder is capable of carrying
out chemical reactions in molten poly-
mers owing to its unique transport mech- 6.2.3 Fundamental Principles
anism. Continuous Flow Reactors
As a screw extruder is used primarily for
transporting highly viscous fluids, the Regardless of the above features for the
flow pattern is laminar. use of screw extruders as chemical reactors,
Owing to the fact that the flow in a screw they are nonetheless continuous flow reac-
extruder is laminar, the extruder has the tors. In a continuous flow reactor a reaction
ability to perform various operations in a occurs on a continuous basis with reactants
354 6 Fundamentals of Reactive Extrusion: An Overview

entering continuously at one end of the reac- difference is called spatial mixing. Obvious-
tor and products leaving at the other. Such ly, spatial mixing aims to promote physical
a system is usually designed for steady-state motion of the components involved in the
operation, implying that the conditions at mixture. Physical motion is induced by
any point in the reactor are time-invariant. three basic methods: mechanical agitation,
This contrasts highly with a batch reactor eddy diffusion, and molecular diffusion.
where the fluid elements all experience the Molecular diffusion is a random motion on
same time in the reactor, and the composi- a molecular scale driven by compositional
tion is time-dependent. gradients (chemical potentials). Eddy diffu-
The ultimate goal in understanding the sion is also a random motion, but on a larg-
performance of a reactor, be it continuous er scale and driven by turbulence. To a cer-
or batch, is to be able to predict the extent tain extent, eddy diffusion can also be
of reaction. The extent of reaction in both viewed as the superimposition of molecular
types of reactor is determined by the follow- diffusion on the gross random motion of
ing three aspects: time, concentration, and molecules. Mechanical agitation is the bulk
temperature. As suggested previously (Hu, or macroscopic motion of fluid elements
1994), these three independent aspects may driven by mechanical forces. It is common-
be unified by one single word: mixing, if this ly called mechanical mixing, convective
is defined as a process that is intended to mixing, or mixing.
alter the state of a mixture in terms of time, The above discussion can be summarized
composition, or temperature. A process in Fig. 6-3. Note that the temporal, compo-
whose aim is to reduce the compositional sitional (spatial), and thermal aspects of

Batch reactor Continuous flow reactor

Extent of reaction

temporal aspect compositional thermal aspect

of mixing aspect of mixing of mixing
residence time compositional temperature
distribution distribution distribution
Figure 6-3. The three aspects of mixing:
macromixing micromixing thermomixing
temporal, spatial, and thermal mixing.
6.2 Fundamentals of Reactive Extrusion 355

mixing are described by the residence time of particles for which the residence time is
distribution, the compositional distribution, in the time interval (t, t+dt). F(t) is the pro-
and the thermal distribution, respectively. In portion or probability of particles with a res-
chemical engineering literature they are idence time less than t.
often referred to as macromixing, micromix- Aside from the particular features of the
ing, and thermomixing1, respectively. In numerous continuous flow reactors which
what follows, temporal and spatial mixing actually exist, each reactor falls into one or
will be discussed. a combination of the following three ideal
flow reactors: plug (or piston) flow reactor
(PLR), dispersion tubular flow reactor
Temporal Mixing (DTFR), and continuously stirred tank reac-
tor (CSTR). Their basic features are given
A fundamental difference between a in Fig. 6-4.
batch reactor and a continuous flow reactor
is that in the former the fluid elements all
experience the same length of time before Spatial Mixing
they are discharged, while different flow
elements take different lengths of time to The performance of a continuous flow
pass through a continuous flow reactor (res- reactor cannot be determined by the RTD
idence time distribution or RTD), except in alone, except in the case of the three ideal
the case of an ideal plug flow reactor. There- ones mentioned above or combinations of
fore a knowledge of the RTD in a given con- them. This is because the RTD function is a
tinuous flow reactor is important for evalu- form of "black box" analysis applied to con-
ating its performance (extent of reaction tinuous flow reactors. It can be obtained
and/or selectivity). Danckwerts (1953, experimentally by applying a stimulus to a
1958) was first to introduce the concept of continuous flow reactor at the inlet, and
the RTD as a measure of the gross quality monitoring the response at the outlet. The
of mixing in a continuous flow reactor. relationship between the output and input
Today RTD has become probably the most provides the temporal aspect of mixing of
important aspect in the field of chemical this reactor with little information about the
reaction engineering. It has been treated mechanisms of the mixing processes. In
largely in the standard chemical engineer- other words, the only information which can
ing literature and related textbooks (Leven- be revealed by an experimentally measured
spiel, 1972; Nauman and Buffham, 1983; RTD concerns the various time intervals
Villermaux, 1985). during which the various fluid elements
The residence time distribution of parti- have stayed in the system, ignoring the inti-
cles (they can be in the form of molecules, mate contact the fluid elements may have
aggregates of molecules, etc.) is described experienced therein. This indicates that the
by what is called the residence time distri- correspondence between the RTD and the
bution density function, f(t) dt, or the resi- mixing process is unclear. A particular mix-
dence time distribution function, F(t).f(t) dt ing process corresponds to a particular RTD,
is defined as the proportion or probability whereas a particular RTD may result from
various mixing processes. In order to illus-
This terminology was invented by the authors and
trate this point, look at the two extremes of
does not apparently exist in the literature. the state of a mixture in a continuous flow
356 6 Fundamentals of Reactive Extrusion: An Overview


plug or piston flow reactor dispersion tubular flow
(PLR) continuously stirred
reactor (DTFR)
tank reactor (CSTR)
All the particles entering at a The degree of mixing of the The particles are mixed so
particular time remain particles is between that for well that there are no
associated with each other, the PLR and the CSTR, and concentration or temperature
and they can only leave as a is characterized by the Peclet gradients; all particles have
group. There is no mixing number: the same chance of leaving;
among particles that enter at D
and no particle has a greater
different times.
In other where U is the average velo- chance than any other. In
words, there is no axial city of the fluid in the axial other words, the
mixing while the mixing in direction, L the pipe length and concentration and
the radial direction is perfect. D the dispersion coefficient. temperature are the same
Pe -> oo, PLR throughout a CSTR.
Pe -Pe(l-tfi)2 Figure 6-4. Basic features
= S(t~t) f(t) = 4n(t/i) At It
of three ideal flow reactors:
the plug (piston) flow reac-
tor (PLR), the dispersion
tubular flow reactor
(DTFR), and the continu-
ously stirred tank reactor
(CSTR). t is the mean resi-
dence time.

reactor (Fig. 6-5): one extreme is of course tor. The two different fluids concerned, in
the state of the mixture on a molecular level, terms of compositional distribution, may
where the molecules move and collide with well have the same RTD function. Howev-
each other freely (Fig. 6-5 a); the other er, because of the difference in the compo-
extreme is the state of the mixture in which sitional distribution, the extent of reaction
the molecules are gathered together as of nonfirst order will not be the same for
aggregates (Fig. 6-5b). The aggregates are these two systems. This is the reason why
small in size in comparison to the volume the temporal aspect of mixing as character-
of the reactor, for example, yet they contain ized by the RTD function is also called mac-
a large number of molecules. These aggre- romixing while the spatial aspect of mixing
gates or domains of segregation may be well (state of the intimate contacts between par-
mixed, but the molecules contained in a par- ticles) is called micromixing. The former
ticular domain of segregation are close concerns all phenomena associated with the
together. These molecules will have spent RTD, and the latter characterizes the inter-
the same time in the continuous flow reac- actions among the fluid elements during
6.2 Fundamentals of Reactive Extrusion 357

flow, independent of macromixing. There- State of the Mixture

fore, unless the extent of spatial mixing or
micromixing is known, the RTD and the As described earlier, there are three ideal
intrinsic kinetic data alone are not enough residence time distribution functions corre-
to predict the reaction yield except in the sponding to the three ideal continuous flow
case of first-order reactions. reactors (Fig. 6-4). For a given reactor
(batch or continuous), the state of a mixture
therein falls into one of three primary ideal
distributions: microfluid, partially segre-
Y Y gated fluid, or macrofluid (Fig. 6-6). The
state of a mixture can be quantified by two
0 I parameters (Danckwerts, 1952): the scale of
segregation and the intensity of segregation.
These two parameters are illustrated in Fig.
6-7. The scale of segregation is a measure
of the size of segregated regions, and the
a- -a intensity of segregation is the relative dif-
ference in concentration of the property of
interest between segregated regions. Screw Extruders as Continuous

(a) (b) Flow Reactors
Figure 6-5. Two mixtures mixed on different spatial
scales having the same RTD function: (a) a mixture of A variety of single screw and twin screw
two fluids mixed at a molecular level; (b) a mixture extruders have been employed as continu-
of two fluids whose molecules are phase separated. ous flow reactors for REX processes. What-

State of fluid
Microfluid Partially segregated fluid Macrofluid
The state of the fluid is mixed The state of the fluid is The state of the fluid whose
at the molecular level. The between microfluid and molecules are gathered
molecules move and collide macrofluid. together as aggregates.
freely with each other. These aggregates may be
well mixed together.

. *

A mixture of a white fluid and A mixture of a white fluid and A mixture of a white fluid Figure 6-6. Definition and
a black fluid mixed at a black fluid with one being and a black fluid with one
graphical representation of
three primary fluids: micro-
the molecular level. partly miscible with the other. being completely immiscible
fluid, partially segregated
with the other. fluid, and macrofluid.
358 6 Fundamentals of Reactive Extrusion: An Overview

1 dispersive mixing distributive mixing


Figure 6-8. Schematic illustration of dispersive and
distributive mixing.
scale of segregation
Figure 6-7. Schematic representation of scale and
intensity of segregation. aims to randomize the component distribu-
tion of a noncohesive mixture. Dispersive
mixing requires stress while distributive
ever the nature of a reacting system or the mixing requires strain. The quality of dis-
geometry of a particular screw extruder, tributive mixing of laminar flow is often
their performance is dictated by the princi- characterized by the striation thickness or
ples described earlier concerning general the amount of interfacial area (Tadmor and
continuous flow reactors: temporal, spatial, Gogos, 1979).
and thermal mixing. However, the behavior As a screw extruder constitutes the heart
of these three aspects of mixing in a screw of a REX process, the proper selection of an
extruder may differ from that in a classical extruder is of great importance. However,
continuous flow reactor, primarily due to the such selection is still carried out on an
fact that a screw extruder is designed to pro- empirical basis, despite the ever-increasing
cess highly viscous polymeric fluids. In the understanding of REX. A REX process
latter case, convective mixing is the only comprises various sequential operations
mechanism responsible for spatial mixing. which are more or less coupled. While it
As early as 1951, Spencer and Wiley (1951) would be ideal to have a "universal extrud-
realized that "an efficient mixing process er" which is capable of handling all these
must accomplish two things so as to keep sequential operations regardless of the
fluctuations in average composition below nature of the system to be processed, so far
some desired level: (a) subdivision of the such an extruder does not exist. This is
materials present, and (b) distribution of the because a particular REX system has partic-
subdivided materials". This is better seen in ular sequential operations to performe,
Fig. 6-8. The terms subdivision and distri- while a particular extruder has certain
bution are nowadays called dispersive or capacities for handling certain sequential
intensive mixing and distributive or exten- operations. The system to be processed and
sive mixing, respectively. Dispersive mix- the extruder may not match fully. Thus
ing aims to reduce the size of cohesive selecting an extruder amounts to searching
agglomerates, while distributive mixing for a compromise between the specificity of
6.2 Fundamentals of Reactive Extrusion 359

the extruder and the diversity of the systems, 1) The difference in the transport mecha-
or the universality of the extruder and the nism that takes place in an extruder.
specificity of the system. Obviously this is Material transport in a single extruder is
not an easy task. Nonetheless, for a given a drag-induced flow, i. e., frictional drag
REX application, the following general in the solids conveying zone and viscous
guidelines may be useful for selecting an drag in the melt conveying zone. In other
extruder: words, the transport is primarily deter-
mined by the frictional properties of the
What sequential operations are the real
solid material in the solids conveying
bottlenecks in the whole process?
zone and the viscous properties of the
Is a single screw extruder inadequate for
molten material in the melt conveying
processing most of the REX system so
zone. In contrast, the transport in an
that a twin screw extruder ought to be intermeshing twin screw extruder is by
used? a positive displacement mechanism.
Is a co-rotating twin screw extruder bet- This is achieved by having a geometri-
ter suited to the REX system than a coun- cal configuration in which the material
ter-rotating one? is more or less confined in compart-
Identification of the real bottleneck in the ments formed by the two screws and the
sequential operations is crucial, as it makes barrel. The degree of positive displace-
little sense to drastically improve a particu- ment depends primarily on the extent to
lar sequential operation while other opera- which the two screws are intermeshed,
tions limit the process to a greater extent. namely, the closeness between the flight
Although single screw extruders appear to of one screw and the opposing channel
be of limited use in REX for the reasons to of the other screw. The better the seal
be discussed below, under certain circum- between the flight and the channel, the
stances they may be able to handle simple more positive will be the conveying
REX applications. If so, it would not be wise characteristic. The most positive dis-
to use twin screw extruders which are much placement is obtained in a counter-rotat-
more expensive and mechanically less reli- ing, closely intermeshing twin screw
able. The capability of a co-rotating extruder. However, it should be noted
machine for handling a given sequential that there is no purely positive displace-
operation may also be very different from ment screw extruder because of mechan-
that of a counter-rotating machine. ical constraints, i.e., a twin screw
extruder cannot be designed with zero
clearances. Thus leakage flows through
Single Versus Twin Screw Extruders clearances reduce the degree of positive
conveying mechanism that can be
In relation to the numerous extruder achieved in a twin screw extruder.
designs existing in the polymer and food 2) The difference in the flow patterns in the
industries, there is a general consensus machines. The velocity, pressure, and
among scientists and engineers that there is temperature profiles in single screw
a clear distinction between single and twin extruders are fairly well defined and rel-
screw extruders. Below are two fundamen- atively easy to describe. The flow situ-
tal differences between single and twin ation in twin screw extruders is consid-
screw extruders (Rauwendaal, 1986): erably more complicated, thus the veloc-
360 6 Fundamentals of Reactive Extrusion: An Overview

ity, pressure, and temperature profiles mechanical reliability of twin screw

are much more difficult to describe. The extruders comparable to that of single
complexity of the problem in twin screw screw extruders. However, twin screw
extruders stems primarily from the inter- extruders still do not generally have as
meshing region, the centerpiece of the high a thrust-bearing rating as single
twin screws. This complexity has often screw extruders.
been neglected in the analysis of the 2) Twin screw extruders have established a
flow in such a machine. However, the solid position in the polymer processing
mixing characteristics and the overall industry. Although many commercial
performance of the machine is deter- polymeric materials can be processed in
mined, to a large extent, by the mixing either single or twin screw extruders,
action associated with leakage flows twin screw extruders generally outper-
occurring in the intermeshing region. form single screw extruders. The main
Thus results from analyses that do not areas of application for twin screw
take into account the flow in the inter- extruders are in the profile extrusion of
meshing region have little practical use. thermally sensitive materials (a typical
Analyses that attempt to accurately example is PVC) and speciality polymer
describe the flow in the intermeshing processing operations such as com-
region can easily run into great mathe- pounding, devolatilization, and reactive
matical complexity, which is of little use extrusion. As speciality polymer pro-
in practice either. cessing operations have gained increas-
ing importance in the polymer process-
The above two major differences that
ing industry, the use of twin screw
exist between single and twin screw extrud-
extruders is expected to increase. The
ers can be used to explain some of the spe-
fact that twin screw extruders are partic-
cific advantages of each type of extruder and
ularly suited to thermally sensitive
the field of application in which each type
materials and/or speciality polymer pro-
of extruder dominates over the other:
cessing operations is due to their inher-
1) The single screw extruder is the most ent advantages over single screw extrud-
important type of extruder employed in ers:
the polymer industry. Its key advantag-
es lie in low cost, straightforward (i) Better feeding and positive trans-
design, ruggedness, high throughput, port characteristics. This allows the
and mechanical reliability. These advan- machines to handle hard-to-feed
tages were the disadvantages of twin materials (powders, slippery mate-
screw extruders during their initial stage rials, etc.). As stated above, materi-
of development. In particular, twin al transport in single screw extrud-
screw extruders had a number of ers is very sensitive to the friction-
mechanical problems, and the most al and viscous properties of the
important one was the thrust bearing material. There are many materials
design. The early thrust bearings were with unfavorable frictional proper-
not strong enough to give twin screw ties that cannot be fed into single
extruders good mechanical reliability screw extruders without developing
and a high torque capacity. The modern feeding problems. For instance,
thrust-bearing design has made the ultrahigh molecular weight poly-
6.2 Fundamentals of Reactive Extrusion 361

ethylene can hardly be processed in sin- heat transfer area also ensure good
gle screw extruders. Polyamides are control over stock temperatures, there-
also difficult to cope with using single fore minimizing hot spots, polymer
screw extruders as they are very viscous degradation, and chemical heterogene-
when not completely melted but ity.
become very fluid when melted. Also, (iv) Larger melting capacity. A single screw
the basic functions of a single screw extruder usually has a long and contin-
extruder, such as feeding, solids con- uous solid bed, while in a twin screw
veying, melting, melt conveying, and extruder melting generally takes place
metering, are highly sensitive to chang- early in the extruder and over a short
es in material and mechanical charac- screw length. This is because a twin
teristics. Sometimes an optimized pro- screw extruder has a large heat transfer
cess can malfunction because of only a area, as mentioned above. Additional-
minor change in the material properties ly, there are special screw elements
or mechanical wear. which allow the operator to control
(ii) Better control over residence time and and/or accelerate the melting. The larg-
residence time distribution. This is par- er melting capacity of twin screw
ticularly important for thermally sensi- extruders compared to single screw
tive materials and REX processes. extruders leaves more screw length for
Thermally sensitive materials can only accomplishing other sequential opera-
be processed properly with a short res- tions. In fact, most of the sequential
idence time and a narrow residence time operations in REX can only be per-
distribution. Closely intermeshing formed when the polymer in question is
counter-rotating twin screw extruders molten. For instance, chemical reac-
best satisfy these requirements. For tions proceed mostly in molten poly-
REX processes, a sufficiently long res- mers.
idence time and a narrow residence time (v) Larger devolatilization capacity. This is
distribution are required in order that related to the fact that twin screw
the reactions proceed to the desired lev- extruders have higher surface/volume
els and that the resulting material is as ratios. Also, there is a continuous crea-
uniform as possible in terms of chemi- tion of new and thin surface layers on
cal modification. However, a narrow the barrel wall and screw surfaces of a
residence time is concomitant with poor twin screw extruder, which again
backmixing (or small leakage flows). enhance reaction, mixing, and mass and
(iii) Better mixing and larger heat transfer heat transfer.
area. To enhance chemical reactions, (vi) Greater process flexibility. Twin screw
the chemical ingredients in question extruders are usually of modular
ought to be mixed at molecular or poly- design. They have removable screw and
mer segmental level. As convective barrel elements. There are a variety of
mixing (or laminar mixing) is virtually screw elements available, each having
the only mechanism that reduces the specific functions in relation to convey-
size scale of highly viscous polymeric ing, melting, (dispersive or distribu-
fluids, how to enhance the mixing has tive) mixing capacities, etc. The screw
been the most important topic in REX. design can be altered by simply chang-
An effective mixing along with a large ing the sequence or the nature of screw
362 6 Fundamentals of Reactive Extrusion: An Overview

elements along the shafts. In this way, ious sequential operations involved in a
almost an infinite number of screw pro- REX process. At the same time, it brings
files can be made "at will". Thus the researchers an enormous challenge of how
modular design offers enormous pro- to "pick" the design out of so many possibil-
cess flexibility and allows careful ities that best suits a given application.
optimization of the screw and barrel
geometry for a particular application.
This is in contrast to single screw Co-Rotating Versus Counter-Rotating
extruders which usually have a poor Twin Screw Extruders
capacity to adapt themselves to a new
application. In this case, a specific If there is a general consensus about the
screw design may be necessary. above distinction between single and twin
screw extruders, the virtues and vices of a
However, it should be pointed out that the co-rotating machine compared to a counter-
several advantages of twin screw extruders rotating one remain controversial. This is
over single screw extruders mentioned due, at least in part, to a lack of in-depth
above result from the more complicated understanding about the functioning of
flow patterns in twin screw extruders. In this these two types of machine. As a result, for
sense, it is fair to say that in extrusion tech- a given REX application, the criteria for
nology, this "complexity" dictates the qual- selecting an extruder may not be based on
ity and/or the performance. It is also due to solid scientific arguments, but rather on the
this complexity that extrusion in general, user's funding level or preference. How-
and REX in particular, has been viewed ever, the fact is that nowadays co-rotating
more as an art than a science. This is twin screw extruders dominate overwhelm-
because, admittedly, extrusion and REX are ingly over counter-rotating machines for
still not sufficiently developed to allow rea- most REX applications.
sonable prediction of such processes. This
is particularly true for extrusion or REX in
twin screw extruders. It is indeed difficult 6.3 Case Studies
to predict the performance of a twin screw
extruder based on the extruder geometry, As discussed earlier, REX is a distinct
thermomechanical properties of the poly- engineering speciality at the border between
mer, and processing conditions. Converse- chemical engineering and polymer engi-
ly, it is equally difficult to predict a proper neering. An important feature is that a REX
screw geometry and processing conditions process comprises a number of sequential
for a given application. Interestingly, this is operations, such as feeding, solids convey-
one of the reasons why machine manufac- ing, melting, mixing, reacting, venting,
turers fabricate their twin screw extruders pumping, and shaping. The control of a REX
with modular designs. In this way, the per- process requires that the mechanism of each
formance of their machines has little to do individual operation be identified and its
with the fabricants, but depends entirely on contribution to the overall process quanti-
how a user plays with the modular designs. fied.
Modular designs provide a twin screw Considering the complications of a REX
extruder with much greater process flexibil- process, in what follows are case studies that
ity in order to cope with changes in the var- attempt to provide some general guidelines
6.3 Case Studies 363

to selected fundamental problems raised by carried out using molten polymers in the
REX. Specifically, they are: absence of solvents, comparing where pos-
sible with that in solution. Batch reactors
How does a chemical (functional or free
will be used for this purpose because the
radical) reaction involving polymers pro-
problem of the residence time distribution
ceed in the molten state? What are the
encountered in continuous reactors is
main factors that govern its kinetic behav-
removed. Two types of reaction based upon
functional and free radical reactivities will
What are the main parameters that dictate
be taken as examples.
the performance of a screw extruder as a
continuous chemical reactor and how can
it be predicted? Functional Reactions
How to use screw extruders as reactive
blenders (or compounders) for reactively Reactions based on functional reactivity
blending existing polymers in order to are usually better defined or "cleaner" than
produce new materials of high perfor- those based on free radical reactivity. Thus
mance with reduced costs? How to inte- we will use functional reactions as exam-
grate chemical and processing parameters ples to illustrate the behavior of chemical
such that the overall process reaches its reactions in the following three types of
best performance? mixture: microfluid, partly segregated fluid,
and macrofluid (Table 6-2).
Finally, the problem of the residence time
distribution in screw extruders will be
addressed. The residence time distribution
In a Microfluid
is an important issue in REX, as it is prob-
ably the most important and fundamental
When chemical reactions are carried out
parameter that distinguishes a continuous
in a molten polymer medium without any
flow reactor from a batch one.
solvents, the simplest situation is where the
reacting mixture is homogeneous (a micro-
fluid). In this case, the first question a chem-
6.3.1 Melt Chemical Reactions
ist would ask is how the behavior (mecha-
in a Batch Mixer
nism and kinetics) of such a reacting system
A basic question raised by REX is relat- differs from that if it is run in the presence
ed to the kinetic behavior of the melt chem- of an inert solvent. In response to this basic
istry concerned. This is why we will first question, various model reactions have been
discuss the behavior of chemical reactions investigated in homogeneous polymer melts

Table 6-2. Examples of the reacting systems to be discussed.

Reacting fluid microfluid partly segregated fluid macrofluid

Controlling factors kinetics kinetics + solubility interfacial area

Example reactive polymer + inert polymer + reactive reactive polymer 1 +
small reactive polymer + small reactive reactive polymer 2
molecule molecule
364 6 Fundamentals of Reactive Extrusion: An Overview

Figure 6-9. Schematic diagrams of

the flask reactor and the batch mixer
used for carrying out reactions in
Flask reactor for solution reactions Batch mixer for melt reactions solution and in the melt, respectively.

(Hu et al., 1992 a, b, c; Hu and Lambla, with r=b/a, k{ = klc VfDBTDL] and k2=k2c
1994) using a batch mixer as a batch reac- VlDBTDL] . The constants kXc and k2c are
tor. For a better understanding of the reac- the forward and reverse intrinsic kinetic
tions occurring in the melt, they have also constants, respectively.
been studied in solution using a classical The conversion is shown in Fig. 6-10 as
flask as a batch reactor (Fig. 6-9). Two a function of the time of this reaction at var-
examples are given below: the transesterifi- ious temperatures in a solution of 1-dode-
cation of poly(ethylene-co-vinyl acetate) cane and in the melt. Clearly the reaction
(EVA) with 3-phenyl 1-propanol (PPOH) in proceeds much faster in the melt, even
solution and in a homogeneous melt using though the alcohol is not in excess in this
dibutyltin dilaurate (DBTDL) as a catalyst, case (r=0.902 instead of 3.65 in solution).
and the grafting of 1-naphthylacetic acid Additionally, the reactions carried out in
onto poly(ethylene-c<?-ethyl acrylate-co- solution and in the melt follow the same
glycidyl methacrylate) (PGMA): reaction mechanism as given by Eq. 6-2 and
Example 1) The transesterification of fit the corresponding conversion-time
EVA with PPOH (Hu et al., 1993) - this curves well. More interestingly, the intrin-
reaction can be described as

2 I o
3 2'3

t=0 a b 0 0
t>0 a(l-p) b(l-p) ap ap (6-1)

where a and b denote the initial molar con-

centration of the vinyl acetate group and the
alcohol, respectively, and p is the conver- sic reaction rate constants, klc and k2c, dif-
sion in terms of the vinyl acetate group con- fer only slightly between the solution and
centration. The overall conversion rate was the melt (Fig. 6-11). This indicates that a
found to be (Hu et al., 1993 a) faster reaction rate in the melt results sole-
ly from much higher concentrations of the
(6-2) reacting species.
6.3 Case Studies 365

80.0 -

o o o o o o 150 C
AAA A A 1 50C
a DO na 180C
C best fit

VA=0.170M;r=3.65;Cat = VA=1.44 M; r=0.902;

150 RPM;1-dodecane C = 0.029M; 64 RPM
200 400 600 800 20 40 60 80
Time (min) Time (min)

a b
Figure 6-10. Conversion as a function of time: (a) in solution, and (b) in the melt. VA = vinyl acetate. (From Hu
et al., 1992c. Copyright 1992, John Wiley & Sons, Inc. Reprinted by permission of John Wiley & Sons, Inc.)

o o o o o k 1ci m e l t
be made plausible by comparing the rate
k1c, s o l u t i o n time scales of the reaction and molecular
D D D D a k2c, m e l t diffusion of the reacting species tR and tD,
k2c, s o l u t i o n
A r r h e n i u s law since both reacting systems are homogene-
ous (the alcohol concentrations are below
its solubility limit in the melt). The charac-
teristic reaction time, tR=l/(kxa), when
compared to the characteristic diffusion
time, tD = h2/D, appears to be very large.
Both the diffusion length, h, and the diffu-
sivity, D, are functions of viscosity; even in
the melt (where a and h tend to be relative-
ly large and D small) the ratio tR/tD is still
Figure 6-11. Temperature dependence of k]c and k2c much larger than unity (> 1000).
in solution and in the melt. (From Hu et al., 1992c. The lack of competition for the reactant
Copyright 1992, John Wiley & Sons, Inc. Reprinted molecules between reaction and molecular
by permission of John Wiley & Sons, Inc.) diffusion is further confirmed by perform-
ing this reaction under different mechanical
It may be somewhat surprising that the mixing conditions: after the reacting
similarity between the kinetic results from mixture is mixed with a rotating speed
the melt and solution experiments is not of the rotors of 64 turns per minute (rpm)
masked, at least partly, by the five orders of for 3 min, it is then allowed to proceed in
magnitude difference in viscosity between three different modes: without additional
the two reacting media. This implies that mixing, at the same rotating speed, and
neither the effect of viscosity nor that of at twice the rotating speed. It turns out
mechanical mixing is significant within the that this reaction proceeds with virtually
time scale of the reaction. This finding can the same speed, regardless of the mechani-
366 6 Fundamentals of Reactive Extrusion: An Overview

sion rate can be described by

60.0 -
^ = k](a-bp)(l-p)-k2p (6-4)
s A
Shown in Fig. 6-13 is the conversion of
O 40.0 -
m 8 this reaction when carried out in the same
en A
batch mixer as that used in Example 1. The
g acid concentrations are below its solubility
20 0 A
limit in the molten PGMA. The relatively
o o o o o 54 rpm good agreement between Eq. (6-4) and the
D D D D i 28rpm experimental data indicates that the classi-
A A A A A o rpm
0.0 ^ i . . cal kinetic theories developed for chemical
0 20 40 60 80 100
TIME (min)
reactions in solution also apply to those car-
ried out in a homogeneous mixture involv-
Figure 6-12. Mechanical mixing effect on the over- ing a reactive polymer and a low molecular
all reaction rate in the melt. (From Hu et al., 1992c.
Copyright 1992, John Wiley & Sons, Inc. Reprinted
weight reagent. Apparently the mechanical
by permission of John Wiley & Sons, Inc.) mixing at 64 rpm is sufficiently good that
the diffusion length is reduced to such a
cal mixing mode (Fig. 6-12). This implies small size that the characteristic molecular
that the first 3 min mixing at 64 rpm diffusion time of the small reactive mole-
reduces the diffusion length to a sufficient- cule is much shorter than the characteristic
ly small size that no subsequent mixing is reaction time. In order to further support this
necessary. point, after an initial pre-mixing at 64 rpm
Example 2) The grafting of 1-naphthyl- for 3 min, this reaction was run using two
acetic acid onto PGMA (Hu and Lambla, different mixing modes: at the same mixing
1994) - the main reaction is expected to pro- speed, and without additional mixing. As
ceed as follows:


2 2 21 2| 2 2 2| 2|
c=o c=o
O O oI o
2 5
I 2

a b 0
t>0 a-bp b(l-p) bp (6-3)

where a and b are the initial molar concen-

tration of the epoxy group of the copoly- shown in Fig. 6-14, both reaction rates were
mer PGMA and the acid, respectively, and very close.
p denotes the conversion with regard to con- The above two examples have shown that
sumption of the acid. The overall conver- when a chemical reaction is carried out in a
6.3 Case Studies 367

The overall reaction rate is controlled by

its intrinsic kinetics.
The mechanisms and kinetics in solution
and in the homogeneous melt are identi-
cal provided that the solvent does not
interfere with the reaction pathway.
Mechanical mixing is only important for
GMA = 0.477 M
Acid = 0.391 M; the homogenization or diffusion length
64 rpm. reduction of the reacting system at the
initial stage of the reaction. Once this is
achieved, it is no longer necessary.
20 40 60 In fact, the kinetic results of the trans-
Time (min) esterification of EVA with PPOH in solution
Figure 6-13. Conversion as a function of time for the and in the melt reveal important advantages
reaction between poly(ethylene-c6>-ethyl acrylate-c<9- of polymer chemistry in the melt over poly-
glycidyl methacrylate) and 1-naphthylacetic acid in mer chemistry in solution: in addition to the
the melt. (Reprinted from Hu et al., 1997b, copyright absence of solvents and their associated ben-
1997, with kind permission from Elsevier Science Ltd,
efits, the rate of a reaction carried out in the
Kidlington, Oxford, U.K.)
melt can be much faster than it would be in
100 solution. This is because when solvents are
not employed, the concentrations of reacting
64 rpm
species can reach their ultimate values.
80- no mixing

60- In a Partially Segregated Fluid

40- Situations are often encountered in REX
GMA = 0.477 M; where chemical reactions are occurring in
o 20-
Acid = 0.391 M; the presence of other chemically inert spe-
Temperature: 140C. cies. A simple case is a mixture of three
components: a reactive polymer, a small
o* reactive molecule, and an inert polymer. If
20 40 60 80
these three components constitute a micro-
Time (min) fluid, then the kinetic problem reduces to
Figure 6-14. Mechanical mixing effect on the over- what has been discussed above. If these two
all reaction rate in the melt. (Reprinted from Hu et al., polymers are immiscible while the small
1997b, copyright 1997, with kind permission from reactive molecule is miscible with both of
Elsevier Science Ltd, Kidlington, Oxford, U.K.)
them, then the mixture is partially segregat-
ed. In this case, the small reactive molecule
microfluid (where the reacting medium is is partitioned between both polymeric phas-
homogeneous, be it in solution or in a homo- es. Consider a case where the reaction mech-
geneous melt), if the ratio of the characteris- anism is the following:
tic reaction time to the characteristic diffu-
sion time is much larger than unity (R/D > 1), reactive polymer + small reactive molecule
then the following statements are valid: <r^ new polymer product
368 6 Fundamentals of Reactive Extrusion: An Overview

If the molecular diffusion rate of the small zero, or the small reactive molecule is com-
reactive molecule in these two polymeric pletely immiscible with the reactive poly-
phases is really rapid, then a partition equi- mer and is solubilized only in the chemical-
librium is established between them in terms ly inert polymer phase, no reaction will
of this small reactive molecule concentra- occur. Integration of Eq (6-5) gives
tion. Furthermore, if the characteristic dif-
fusion time is much shorter than the charac- = (6-6)
teristic reaction time, then the conversion
rate can be described by
where a= 1 ,and A=ya2- 4AB,

= J Vi+(Vj/) n2p
K'e is the equilibrium constant, which is
equal to the ratio k[lk2.
The constants k\ and k^ in Eqs. (6-5) and
= k{(A-Bp)(\-p)-kip (6-5) (6-6) can be obtained by a minimization pro-
cess with the following objective function:


The main difference between the micro-

where k\ and k2 are the forward and reverse fluid and the partially segregated fluid lies
reaction rate constants, respectively; nx and in that in the latter case the overall reaction
n2 denote the molar number of the function- rate is not only affected by its intrinsic kinet-
al group in the reactive polymer and that of ics but by the partition coefficient as well.
the small reactive molecule, respectively; Vj The partition coefficient is determined by
and V, are the volume of the reactive poly- the thermodynamic properties of the two
mer and that of the inert polymer phase, polymers of interest.
respectively; is the partition coefficient of The example given below illustrates the
the small reactive molecule which is defined situation described above. Again, it con-
as the ratio of its amount in the reactive poly- cerns the grafting of 1-naphthylacetic acid
mer phase to that in the inert polymer phase: (small reactive molecule) onto PGMA
A=nl/[v] + (vi/)] and B = n2/[Vi + (vi/e)]. A (reactive polymer) in the melt, the kinetic
and B can be called the apparent initial molar behavior of which was discussed earlier. But
concentrations of the functional group of the this time polystyrene (PS) is added as an
reactive polymer and that of the small reac- inert polymer, immiscible with the PGMA
tive molecule, respectively. copolymer. The acid has a solubility in PS
Note that when is infinite, or the small of greater than 25% by weight at 50C. Fig-
reactive molecule is completely immiscible ure 6-15 illustrates the schematic morphol-
with the chemically inert polymer phase and ogies of this partially segregated reacting
is solubilized only in the reactive polymer mixture (PGMA + PS + acid) and the homo-
phase, then Eq. (6-5) reduces to Eq. (6-4). geneous one (PGMA + acid).
This means that the presence of the chemi- This reaction is allowed to proceed in the
cally inert polymer will not interfere, in any batch mixer at 160C with various propor-
way, with the concerned reaction. When is tions of PS dispersed in the system: 0, 10,
6.3 Case Studies 369

ing conditions: 64 rpm for the entire reaction

time, and 64 rpm for the first 3 min only and
thereafter no more mechanical mixing. This
implies that the diffusion rate of the acid in
the PS and PGMA phases is so rapid that an
equilibrium is always established for the par-
tition of the acid between both polymeric
phases during the entire course of the reac-
(a) (b)
tion, and the overall reaction rate is not con-
Figure 6-15. (a) Homogeneous mixture of PGM A + trolled by diffusion but by its intrinsic kinet-
acid, (b) Partially segregated mixture of PGMA + PS
ics and the partition coefficient of the acid.
+ acid (the acid is partitioned in both the PGMA and
the PS phases). If the overall reaction rate is indeed con-
trolled by its intrinsic kinetics alone, it is
expected that:
a Basically, the overall reaction pathway
80- should be the same as that of the homo-
geneous reacting mixture (PGMA +
60- acid), except that the partition coefficient
o of the acid between the two polymer phas-
es ought to be taken into account in the
0 0% PS kinetic analysis. In other words, Eq.
O 10% PS
o A 40% PS
(6-6) should be able to fit the experimen-
If 160C; V 70% PS tally obtained conversions.
I Acid: 5% 70% PS The values of the forward and reverse rate
20 40 60
constants, k\ and k!2, should be identical
to those of the homogeneous reacting
Time (min)
mixture (PGMA + acid) at the same tem-
Figure 6-16. Conversion as a function of time for the perature, regardless of the proportion of
partially segregated mixture of PGMA + PA + acid
with four proportions of PS: 0, 10, 40, and 70 wt.%.
PS added.
The reaction temperature was 160C, and the rotating The constants k\ and k^ of this partially
speed was 64 rpm for all runs except for ( ) , where
mixing was carried out at 64 rpm for only the first
segregated fluid at 160C are determined as
3 min. (Reprinted from Hu et al., 1997b, copyright follows: introducing into Eq. (6-7) all the
1997, with kind permission from Elsevier Science Ltd, conversion data obtained at the various PS
Kidlington, Oxford, U.K.) weight fractions, and then searching for the
minimum of S(k[, k^, ). As the partition
40, and 70% by weight with respect to the coefficient is unknown experimentally, it
total mass of the two polymers and the is also a variable in Eq. (6-7). Obviously, the
weight of the acid being unchanged. The values of k{, ^ , and obtained by this
mixing speed is 64 rpm. As shown in Fig. 6- process are valid only when they allow Eq.
16, the conversion rate decreases with (6-6) to generate conversion values that
increasing PS proportion due, at least in part, agree with all the experimental data obtained
to dilution of the reacting species. Addition- with the various PS weight fractions. This is
ally, the conversion rate with 70% PS is indeed the case, as shown in Fig. 6-16. The
about the same under the following two mix- relative closeness between the measured
370 6 Fundamentals of Reactive Extrusion: An Overview


O Lnk1 without PS 2.8- O LnKe without PS
Lnk1 with PS at 160C. LnK'withPSat160C.
-2.5- , i

2.20x10'3 2.30x10'3 2.40x10' 3 2.20x10' 3 2.30x10"3 2.40x10"3

1/T (K" )
Figure 6-17. (a) Comparison of the forward rate constant of the reaction in a homogeneous mixture (PGMA +
acid) with that in a partially segregated mixture (PGMA + PS + acid) at 160C. (b) Comparison of the equilib-
rium constant of the reaction in a homogeneous mixture (PGMA + acid) with that in a partially segregated mix-
ture (PGMA + PS + acid) at 160C. (Reprinted from Hu et al., 1997b, copyright 1997, with kind permission
from Elsevier Science Ltd, Kidlington, Oxford, U.K.)

conversions and the solid curves also con- the molecular diffusion rate of the small
firms that the reaction between the PGMA reactive molecule in these two polymeric
and the acid in this partially segregated react- phases is so rapid that a concentration equi-
ing mixture proceeds in the same manner as librium is always established between them,
that in the homogeneous reacting mixture of and if tR/tD > 1, then
PGMA and the acid. The k\ value of the par-
the overall reaction rate is only controlled
tially segregated reacting system at 160C is
by its intrinsic kinetics and the partition
reasonably close to that of the homogeneous
coefficient of the small reactive molecule
one at the same temperature (Fig. 6-17 a).
in these two polymeric phases;
This is also true for the equilibrium constant
mechanical mixing is important only for
reducing the diffusion length of the react-
The above discussion concerns the kinet- ing system at the initial stage of reaction.
ic behavior of a chemical reaction carried Once this is achieved, no more mechani-
out in a partially segregated fluid. An exam- cal mixing is necessary.
ple has been given of a reacting mixture
composed of a reactive polymer, a chemi-
cally inert polymer, and a small reactive In a Macrofluid
molecule. These two polymers are immis-
cible while the small reactive molecule is A much greater tR than tu is possible for
miscible with both of them. In other words, polymer-small molecule reacting systems,
the small reactive molecule is partitioned as seen above, but this is unlikely for poly-
between both polymeric phases. A kinetic mer-polymer reacting systems. This is
comparison with the reaction carried out in because, in the latter case, the mutual diffu-
a homogeneous mixture has shown that if sion rate is usually very slow. Moreover, due
6.3 Case Studies 371

to the fact that most polymers are immis- Here, a and b denote the initial apparent
cible (macrofluid), the diffusion length, h, molar concentration of the methyl acrylate
is also large. As such, a chemical reaction moieties in the EMA copolymer and the
between two immiscible polymers cannot hydroxyl group in PSOH, respectively. Each
usually proceed to a measurable extent rely- is defined as the ratio of its molar number
ing only on their mutual diffusion process. over the total volume of the reacting mass.
In fact, because of the immiscibility The conversion p is the percentage of the
between two reacting immiscible polymers, reacted PSOH with regard to its initial
the chemical reaction should preferentially amount. This reaction is reversible in nature,
take place at their interfaces. Thus mechan- as confirmed experimentally upon reacting
ical mixing plays a crucial role in acceler- EMA with 3-phenyl 1-propanol (PPOH) in
ating the overall reaction rate, as the total a microfluid (Hu and Lambla, 1994). How-
interfacial area depends on the amount of ever, at high temperatures along with suffi-
mechanical mixing applied. For example, if cient mechanical mixing, it behaves as an
a reacting system composed of two immis- irreversible reaction due to fast and complete
cible polymers undergoes simple shear lam- removal of the methanol product from the
inar flow and if the interfaces are randomly hot polymer melt (Hu and Lambla, 1994).
oriented, then the ratio of the total final The reaction between EMA and PSOH is
interfacial area to the total initial area, A/AQ, a clean reaction involving at most three
is one half the total strain, 7, imposed on the polymers, as shown above. A quantitative
system (Tadmor and Gogos, 1979). follow-up of the reaction by size exclusion
In order to appreciate how a chemical chromatography (SEC) or high performance
reaction between immiscible polymers (a liquid chromatography (HPLC) is relative-
mixture of macrofluids) differs from that in ly easy (Hu, 1990), which is rarely the case
a microfluid, an example is given of the melt for polymer-polymer reacting systems. As
transesterification between poly(ethylene- a matter of fact, difficulty in analyzing the
co-methyl acrylate) (EMA) and polystyrene extent of reaction has been the main reason
that is mono-hydroxylated at the chain end for a lack of relevant work in the literature
(PSOH), using DBTDL or dibutyltin oxide which addresses the behavior of chemical
(DBTO) as a catalyst (Hu and Lambla, reactions between immiscible polymer
1995). The reaction between EMA and melts.
PSOH forms a graft copolymer EMA-g-PS If this reacting system were homogene-
through the following mechanism (Hu and ous, the overall reaction rate upon neglect-
Lambla, 1994)

2 I
2 I
CH I 2
I 2

t=0 a b 0 0
t > 0 a-bp b(l-p) bp bp (6-8)
372 6 Fundamentals of Reactive Extrusion: An Overview

ing the reverse reaction could be written as so, the variation of &app with time may help
(Hu and Lambla, 1994) shed light on the kinetic behavior of a het-
erogeneous reacting system.
= kaw(a-bp)(l-p) Selected features of the EMA/PSOH het-
erogeneous reacting system are presented
or below, with some of them being general for
1 a-bp other similar reacting systems (Hu and
k app
In (6-9)
~(a-b)t \a-ap Lambla, 1995).
The in situ formation of the graft co-
The apparent rate constantfcappshould not polymer EMA-g-PS at the interface
vary with reaction time for a homogeneous between EM A and PS OH decreases the
reacting system if the overall reaction rate apparent reaction rate constant fcapp. Plotted
is controlled only by its intrinsic kinetics. in Fig. 6-18 a and (b) are the conversion and
This is confirmed experimentally with the &app as a function of time, respectively (the
EMA/PPOH reacting system (Hu and number molecular weight of the PSOH used
Lambla, 1994). This standard analysis for here is 3000 g/mol, and will be denoted as
homogeneous reaction kinetics cannot, a PSOH3). Such a decrease in &app is more
priori, be used to treat kinetic data of heter- pronounced at a higher temperature or after
ogeneous reacting systems without know- a longer reaction time. This decrease in /capp
ing the interfacial area, the solubility, and with increasing reaction time is surprising
the concentration profiles of the reacting at first glance. This is because it is observed
species at the interface. It is conceivable that experimentally that as the reaction pro-
for a heterogeneous reacting system, kapp ceeds, this heterogeneous reacting system is
may no longer be constant because all these becoming more and more homogeneous,
parameters vary as the reaction proceeds. If driven by the formation of the amphiphilic

75 0.04-


o 180C
Q. 200C
2 0.01- & 220C
EMA: 35 g o
PSOH3: 15 g -o_Q
DBTO: 0.4 g
Mixing speed: 64 rpm
10 15 20 25 10 15 20 25 30
Time (min) - Time (min)

(a) (b)
Figure 6-18. (a) Conversion as a function of time for the EMA/PSOH3 system, (b) Apparent rate constant k.dpp
vs. time for the EMA/PSOH3 system. (From Hu and Lambla, 1995. Copyright 1995, John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
Reprinted by permission of John Wiley & Sons, Inc.)
6.3 Case Studies 373

graft copolymer EMA-g-PS. Thus k.dpp is tional moieties of the two polymers are
expected to increase. A moment's reflection totally excluded from the interfacial region
will show that the decrease in kapp with time by the in situ formed graft copolymer. As a
is explicable: on the one hand, formation of result, instead of increasing the overall reac-
the EMA-g-PS graft copolymer at the inter- tion rate, the graft copolymer assisted com-
face increases the miscibility of this heter- patibilization of the reactive mixture would
ogeneous reacting system; on the other decelerate the overall reaction rate.
hand, because of the fact that the EMA-g- Adding the EMA-g-PS graft copolymer
PS copolymer is formed and located prefe- to the EMA and PSOH reacting system
rentially at the interface, it tends to separate decreases kapp, which is in agreement with
the two reacting species EMA and PSOH3, the above discussion. For example, when
therefore obscuring their interfacial contact. 2 wt.% of a preformed EMA-g-PS copoly-
This effect, called the interfacial screen mer with regard to the total mass of EMA +
effect, can be illustrated by Fig. 6-19; for PSOH3 is added, the conversion obtained
thermodynamic reasons, the two parts after 20 min of reaction at 180C decreases
(skeleton and grafts) of the EMA-g-PS from the original value of 33% down to
copolymer formed at the interfaces pene- 19%. This phenomenon, not reported before
trate preferentially into their respective in the literature, confirms the above-men-
polymer phases. By this mechanism, the tioned interfacial screen effect caused by the
graft copolymer serves to reduce the inter- occupation of the interfaces by the graft
facial tension, helps strengthen the adhesion copolymer.
at the phase boundary, and thus stabilizes Mechanical mixing promotes the overall
the morphology of the mixture. In fact, more reaction rate. This is clearly shown in Fig.
often than not, the volume fraction of such 6-20 a, in which the conversion is plotted as
a copolymer near the interfaces can be close a function of time at 64, 90, and 128 rpm.
to unity (Shull and Kramer, 1990). If this When the conversion-time curves in Fig.
perception is true, it will mean that the func- 6-20 a are converted to conversion-rotating
speed curves (Fig. 6-20b), it is seen that con-
version increases almost linearly with
EMA-g-PS increasing rotating speed. If it is assumed
that the laminar mixing theories apply to the
present reacting system and that the appar-
ent shear rate exerted on a fluid in a batch
mixer is proportional to the rotating speed of
the rotors, then the interfacial area genera-
tion rate A/Ao is proportional to the rotating
speed of the rotors. Thus the conversion is
proportional to the interfacial area genera-
tion of the EMA/PSOH3 system. This
implies that the overall reaction rate is con-
trolled by the interfacial area generation rate.
Figure 6-19. Occlusion of the functional moieties of An increasing interfacial area also helps
two polymers by a graft copolymer located at the inter- decrease the areal chain density of the
face. (From Hu and Lambla, 1995. Copyright 1995,
John Wiley & Sons, Inc. Reprinted by permission of copolymer "brush", thus reducing the inter-
John Wiley & Sons, Inc.) facial screen effect (Norton et al., 1995).
374 6 Fundamentals of Reactive Extrusion: An Overview

o 64 rpm 60- A

60- 90 rpm
A 120 rpm 50-
50- o
0) 3 0 -

o 20- 8 2- O
n I5min
EMA: 35 g A 20 min
PSOH3: 15 g 10-
DBTO: 0.4 g
Temperature: 180C
10 15 20 25 60 70 80 90 100 110 120 130
Time (min) Mixing speed (rpm)

Figure 6-20. (a) Conversion as a function of time at three different rotating speeds, (b) Conversion as a func-
tion of rotating speed for three different reaction times. (From Hu and Lambla, 1995. Copyright 1995, John
Wiley & Sons, Inc. Reprinted by permission of John Wiley & Sons, Inc.)

Another way to understand the impor- ature, mixing speed, and concentration of
tance of mechanical mixing is based upon the catalyst (DBTO).
the diffusion time scale. The characteristic Adding minor amounts of a common sol-
diffusion time, tD, is of the order of h2/D. In vent increases the overall reaction rate. When
order to shorten tD, D should be increased or 2 wt.%rc-hexadecaneor 1,2,4-trichloroben-
h reduced. Mechanical mixing does not zene is added to the EMA/PSOH3 system, a
increase D but reduces h. The diffusion dramatic increase in the overall reaction rate
length of the above reacting system, as is found (Fig. 6-21). This may be due to an
revealed by scanning electron microscopy, accrued solubilization of PSOH3 in the mol-
is roughly 10 |um after 3 min of mixing at 64 ten EMA and an enhanced diffusion coeffi-
rpm. It reduces to a point where it is too small cient of these two reactive polymers, which
to estimate as the reaction proceeds further. reduces the diffusion time. In fact, it has been
If D for PSOH3 is taken as l.OxKT 14 m2/s, shown experimentally (Duda et al., 1982)
tD will be in a range between several and sev- that the presence of a few percent of a sol-
eral dozens of minutes. This time range is of vent may enhance the diffusivity of a melt
the same order of magnitude as the charac- polymer by up to 2-5 orders of magnitude.
teristic reaction time for the EMA/PSOH3 The pronounced effect of adding a solvent
system. Thus this reaction is likely to be con- is also observed for mono-hydroxylated PS
trolled both by its intrinsic kinetics and dif- of different molecular weights (1700 and
fusion. This statement is also supported by 8000 g/mol, denoted as PSOH1 and PSOH8,
the fact that the value of app for the respectively). Shown in Fig. 6-22 is the
EMA/PSOH3 system at 180C and 64 rpm effect of adding 2.0 wt.% n-hexadecane on
is 0.0086 JVT1 min"1, which merely amounts the conversion of three PSOHs of different
to half that for the EMA/PPOH homogene- molecular weight. When no solvent is
ous system (0.019 M"1 min"1) under the present, the conversion decreases with
same conditions in terms of reaction temper- increasing molecular weight of PSOH.
6.3 Case Studies 375

75- o without solvent PSOH1 is insignificant. This also seems to

o 2.0 wt.% trichlorobenzene^ be true for PSOH8 in terms of the absolute
A 2.0 wt.% hexadecane value, but its conversion is almost tripled.
The minor difference in the conversion with
or without the solvent for PSOH1 implies
45 that PSOH1 is more miscible with the mol-
ten EMA copolymer, thus the effect of the
:30 solvent assisted solubilization of the
EMA: 35 g PSOH1 in the molten EMA is no longer as
PSOH3:15 g relevant as for PSOH3 or PSOH8.
DBTO: 0.4 g
Temperature: 180C
Mixing speed: 64 rpm
10 15 20 25 Free Radical Grafting
Time (min) of Monomers onto Polymers
Figure 6-21. Effect of solvents on the conversion for
the EMA/PSOH3 system. (From Hu and Lambla,
Free radical reactions are usually more
1995. Copyright 1995, John Wiley & Sons, Inc. "messy" than functional reactions. Further-
Reprinted by permission of John Wiley & Sons, Inc.) more, the state of the mixture is not as
easily identified as in the examples of func-
tional reactions presented above. One of
the most important free radical reactions
explored by REX is the free radical grafting
50 of vinyl monomers onto polymer backbones.
Its underlying chemistry generally involves
40 the generation of primary free radicals from
the thermal decomposition of a peroxide, the
0) 30
formation of polymeric free radicals result-
20 ing from hydrogen abstraction from the poly-
mer backbones, and the grafting of vinyl
10 monomers onto the macromolecular free rad-
0without solvent
with 2.0 wt.% n-hexadecane ical sites along the backbones. As the reac-
2000 4000 6000 8000 tivity of polyolefins stems from the hydro-
Mn of PSOH (g/mole) gen atoms along the hydrocarbon skeleton
Figure 6-22. Effect of solvents on the conversion for
that are subjected to free radical attack, aside
three different molecular weights of PSOH. (From Hu from the desired grafting, crosslinking or
and Lambla, 1995. Copyright 1995, John Wiley & degradation may occur. Due to the various
Sons, Inc. Reprinted by permission of John Wiley & and interdependent reactions involved, some
Sons, Inc.) of which are largely unknown, the overall
process of melt free radical grafting is diffi-
When 2 wt.% n-hexadecane is added, the cult to predict. Here are some qualitative
conversions of all three PSOHs are guidelines to such processes:
increased. A closer look at this plot shows
that the magnitude of increase is very sig- The solubility of peroxides and mono-
nificant for PSOH3. The conversion mers can be low in molten polymers.
increases from the original value of 33% up As the temperatures used for free radical
to 63%. But the increase in conversion for grafting are usually high (>150C), the
376 6 Fundamentals of Reactive Extrusion: An Overview

decomposition of classical peroxides is maleic anhydride (MA) and glycidyl

very rapid and their half-life times are methacrylate (GMA) onto polypropylene
extremely short (<100 s). (PP) in a batch mixer. The common objec-
Due to the high formation rate of primary tive of these two systems is to obtain the
free radicals, free radical grafting usual- highest grafting yield possible while mini-
ly proceeds rapidly (<100 s). mizing free radical induced degradation of
Because of the short half-life times and the PP. As discussed above, the underlying
sometimes low solubility of peroxides, chemistry can be described as follows (Flat,
the initiator efficiency is also low (<0.3). 1991; Sunetal., 1995 a, b):
This latter is also related to an accrued (a) Primary free radical formation from
cage effect caused by the high viscosity the decomposition of the peroxide 2,5-
of molten polymers. dimethyl-2,5-di(ter-butylperoxy)-hexane
As the initiator efficiency is low, the (DHBP)
grafting yield is usually much below R-O-O-R heat
)2RO* (6-10)
100%. In other words, there are always
unreacted monomers left in the system. (b) Hydrogen abstraction, grafting, and
I 3
-CC + RO* + ROH

Grafting B-Scission (6-11)


1 3 1 3
~C* + CH=C

(c) Homopolymerization
RO (6-12)

Note that the macroradicals, once formed

on the polymer backbone, will undergo
Grafting is concomitant with other side
either degradation or grafting. Furthermore,
reactions (chain degradation, crosslink-
due to the high instability of tertiary macro-
ing, polymerization of monomers, color-
radicals, the chain degradation process is
ing, etc.).
extremely fast at elevated temperatures.
In order to have a clearer idea about free Thus effectively stabilizing and/or consum-
radical grafting, two examples are given ing macroradicals in favor of grafting are
below: the melt free radical grafting of almost the only means of reducing chain
6.3 Case Studies 377

degradation under melt processing condi- (3) the substitution of one of the hydrogens
tions. of MA by a strong electron-donating or
-attracting group such as bromine.
Example 1. Melt Free Radical Grafting Presented below is the activation of the
of MA onto PP MA double bond by method (1). Experi-
mental details can be found elsewhere along
It is well known that MA is chemically
with the results of the other two methods
sluggish towards free radical attack due to:
(Flat, 1991).
a strong steric hindrance associated with The low free radical reactivity of MA
the substitution of the two adjacent car- alone onto PP is illustrated by Fig. 6-23, in
bonyl groups at positions 1 and 2 of the which are plotted the grafting yield of MA
double bond; and the weight average molecular weight,
a deficiency of electrons surrounding the respectively, as a function of the added
double bond of MA due to the electron- amount of MA. The grafting yield goes
attracting nature of the carbonyl groups; through a maximum when the added MA
the symmetry of the double bond and the amounts to about 4 wt.% with respect to the
electron cloud. PP resin (or 4 phr), and then decreases. This
observation is explained by the fact that with
Three alternative methods were devel- increasing MA content, the PP/MA mixture
oped to chemically activate the double bond changes from a single phase to a two-phase
of MA in order to increase the grafting yield system with MA droplets dispersed in the
with reduced PP degradation (Flat, 1991): molten PP, therefore reducing the effective
(1) the addition of an electron-donating concentrations of MA and peroxide (Hogt,
monomer such as styrene which is 1988). The low grafting yields are concom-
capable of forming a charge transfer itant with severe PP degradation, as the ter-
complex (CTC) with MA; tiary PP radicals that are not used for the
(2) the addition of a diene that is capable of grafting undergo /J-scission.
forming an adduct product of type The limited grafting yield and severe PP
Diels-Alder with MA, which can fur- degradation are caused by the low reactivity
ther decompose into an activated MA; of MA towards free radicals and its low sol-



Figure 6-23. Grafting yields and weight-aver-

age molecular weights of MA modified PP in
the mixer. Temperature = 215-220C; rotating
speed = 64 rpm; reaction time = 15 min; per-
oxide (DHBP) = 0.5 phr. (From Hu et al.,
-60000 1993b. Reprinted by permission of Hiithig and
Wepf Publishers, Zug, Switzerland.)

introduced (phr)
378 6 Fundamentals of Reactive Extrusion: An Overview

BrMA / St J^
H 120-
o MA/St s ^
T MA/aMeSt y ^
V MA/NVP ^ sS*
MA/TMVS iT ^ ^ ^
+ 100- A MA/MMA / y/s*
H H MA/MAC y y*C^
CC MA/0L12 # / / ^
80 - MA/IBVE / <// / ^
O=C o=c N o MA / VCH //IT X
o7 X 60-
Figure 6-24. Schematic representation of the charge
transfer complex (CTC) formation between MA and 40-
styrene. (From Hu et al., 1993 b. Reprinted by per-
mission of Hiithig and Wepf Publishers, Zug, 20-
14:1 2 3 4 5 6
Concentration of electron-donating monomer [D] (M)

ubility in the molten PP. As stated above, the Figure 6-25. Chemical shifts (AH) for various MA
low reactivity of MA is inherently due to its (or BrMA)/D systems as a function of the concentra-
tion of D in CDC13 at 22C. BrMA: bromomaleic
structural symmetry and an electron defi- anhydride; OL12: 1-dodecene; ocMeST: oc-methyl
ciency in the double bond. It is conceivable styrene; MMA: methyl methacrylate; TMVS: tri-
that the presence of a monomer capable of methoxyvinylsilane. (From Hu et al., 1993b. Reprint-
donating electrons could activate MA by ed by permission of Hiithig and Wepf Publishers, Zug,
rendering its structure unsymmetrical and its Switzerland.)
n bond of radical-anion character. For exam-
ple, the styrene monomer (ST) is a good elec-
tron-donating monomer, and its interaction
with MA can be represented as in Fig. 6-24.
This complex is called the charge transfer
complex (CTC). In this study, *H NMR was
used to select various monomers as poten-
2.5- MA alone
tial electron-donating species. This tech- A St
A /

nique allowed quantification of the interac- A cxMeSt /

2.0- MMA /
tion between MA and an electron-donating Q- 0L12
ifted (

monomer using the chemical shift of the pro- 1.5-

T NVP / /
tons of the double bond of MA. The differ- B

ence in the chemical shift with and without 1.0-


an electron-donating monomer (D), AH, ^VA ^^

measures the degree of interaction (Hu et al. 0.5-
1993 b). As shown in Fig. 6-25 for the Delta -~5^r
values in the presence of various monomers, f
0.01 r
styrene is the monomer with which MA 0 2 4 6 8 10

interacts the most. Additional results show MA introduced (phr)

that the stability of the CTC complex Figure 6-26. Grafting yields at various initial
between MA and ST decreases only slight- concentrations of MA with or without a second
ly with increasing temperature (the activa- potentially electron-donating monomer. Molar ratio
[MA]/[D] = 1; reaction conditions the same as in Fig.
tion energy is as low as -5 kJ/mol). About 6-23. (FromHuetal., 1993 b. Reprinted by permission
25% styrene is in the CTC form at 120C. of Hiithig and Wepf Publishers, Zug, Switzerland.)
6.3 Case Studies 379

D MA alone
140000- A MA/St
130000- MA/OL12

& 100000-

^ 90000-



4 6 8 10 0.5 1.0 1.5
[St]/[GMA]i (mole/mole)
MA introduced (phr)
Figure 6-28. Grafting yields of GMA and styrene
Figure 6-27. Weight average molecular weights of
as a function of the initial molar ratio of [ST]/
the modified PP samples. The reaction conditions are
[GMA]j. [GMA]i=6.0 phr, [DHBP] =0.20 phr, tem-
the same as in Fig. 6-23. (From Hu et al., 1993b.
perature = 200C, rotating speed =64 rpm, reaction
Reprinted by permission of Hiithig and Wepf Publish-
time =15 min. (From Sun et al., 1995 a. Reprinted by
ers, Zug, Switzerland.) permission of Hiithig and Wepf Publishers, Zug,

As shown in Fig. 6-26, the magnitude of the Interestingly, when styrene is added as a
grafting yield corresponds exactly to the second monomer, the grafting yield of
degree of interaction between MA and GMA is greatly improved. This is better
the monomer with the exception of NVP seen in Fig. 6-28, in which the grafting
(N-vinylpyrrolidone). In fact, this latter yields of GMA and styrene as a function of
simply serves as a free radical scavenger, as the initial molar ratio of [ST]j over [GMA]j
also confirmed by the high molecular are plotted. The grafting yield is 0.38 phr
weights of the PP products (Fig. 6-27). without styrene and it is increased to
1.8 phr when [ST]j/[GMA]j is 1.5 mol/mol.
Compared to the case where styrene is not
Example 2. Melt Free Radical Grafting added, the number^ and weight-average
of GMA onto PP (Sun et al., 1995 a) molecular weights, Mw and M n , of the mod-
ified PP samples are also increased, but to
Similar to MA, the free radical reactivity a lesser extent than the grafting yield
of GMA alone onto PP is weak and the PP (Fig. 6-29).
chain degradation significant. For example, The significant contribution of the pres-
when a mixture of 5.8 phr GMA, 0.24 phr ence of styrene to the GMA free grafting is
DHBP, and 100 phr PP is mixed at about surprising. This is because, unlike the
200C for 15 min, the grafting yield of GMA MA/styrene system, there is no reason, a pri-
is 0.38 phr, i.e., only 7% of the total GMA ori, to expect the formation of a CTC in the
is grafted. When the concentration of DHBP GMA/styrene system. In fact, both nuclear
is raised to 0.44 phr, 9% of the total GMA magnetic resonance (NMR) and electron
is grafted. paramagnetic resonance (EPR) do not detect
380 6 Fundamentals of Reactive Extrusion: An Overview




.5P 200-

3 150-
100- D Mn

50 0.0
0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 4 8 12
[St]/[GMA]j (mole/mole) Reaction time (min.)

Figure 6-29. Mw and Mn of the reacted PP as a func- Figure 6-30. Grafting yields of GMA and styrene as
tion of the initial molar ratio of [STytGMAJj. Mwi a function of mixing time in the batch mixer at 200C.
( ) and Mni ( ) denote the Mw and Mn of the PP alone [DHBPJ^O.20 phr, [GMAj-6.0 phr, [STytGMAJj
after 15 min of mixing in the mixer. (From Sun et al., = 1.0 mol/mol. (From Sun et al., 1995 a. Reprinted by
1995 a. Reprinted by permission of Hiithig and Wepf permission of Hiithig and Wepf Publishers, Zug,
Publishers, Zug, Switzerland.) Switzerland.)

any interaction between GMA and styrene peroxide is also responsible for the exis-
between room temperature and 120C. At tence of a plateau for the grafting yield. This
the present time, detailed mechanisms is because the concentration of primary free
explaining the contribution of styrene to the radicals is very high at the beginning of the
GMA free radical grafting remain unknown. grafting, but depletes quickly at longer
It is plausible that when styrene is present times. As a result, the grafting process ceas-
the dominating grafting mechanism is that es after a few minutes.
styrene reacts with the PP macroradicals to The grafting yield of GMA or styrene
form more stable styryl macroradicals. always increases with increasing peroxide
These latter then react with GMA to form concentration (Fig. 6-31). This indicates
GMA-grafted PP. The rate of this reaction that the final grafting yield of GMA is dic-
is much greater than that between the PP tated by the effective concentration of the
macroradicals and GMA. primary free radicals. Note that the ratio of
The kinetics of the free radical grafting of the concentration of the monomers to that
a mixture of GMA and styrene at about of the peroxide, [GMA + STytROOR];, for
200C are shown in Fig. 6-30. The free rad- the grafting is between 40 and 150, which
ical grafting of the mixture of GMA and sty- is almost of the same order of magnitude as
rene is a rapid reaction, as the grafting yields for a typical polymerization. On the other
reach a plateau within two or three minutes hand, the conversion of GMA or styrene is
of mixing time. This very fast grafting speed far less than 100%, i.e., between 10 and
is due primarily to the fast decomposition 40%. As the efficiency of a classical initia-
rate of the peroxide into primary free radi- tor is about 0.5-0.7, which is enough to con-
cals (the half-life time of DHBP is about vert monomers completely into polymers by
6 s at 200C). The short half-life time of the a typical polymerization in solution, it is
6.3 Case Studies 381

2.5 As for GMA, it is very possible that the dom-

inating mechanism is that styrene reacts first
with the very unstable tertiary macroradicals
of PP at a much greater rate than GMA form-
ing more stable styryl radicals. The GMA
1-5- then reacts with these styryl radicals leading
to the grafted GMA moieties. More detailed
1.0- discussion on this subject can be found else-
where (Hu et al., 1997 a).
[GMA] g withDHBP
0.5- n [St]g with DHBP
[GMA]gwithDIPP 6.3.2 Screw Extruders as Continuous
[Stlg withDIPP
0.0 O
Flow Reactors
0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5
Peroxide concentration (phr) So far we have discussed the behavior of
the polymers in the molten state using
Figure 6-31. Grafting yield vs. the concentration of
selected representative chemical systems.
DHBP (O) or l,3-bis(ter^butylperoxy-isopropyl)-
benzene (DIPP) at 200C for 15 min. [GMA]j Below we examine these systems using the
= 6.0 phr; [ST]j/[GMA]j = 1.5 mol/mol. (From Sun et screw extruder type of continuous reactor.
al., 1995 a. Reprinted by permission of Hiithig and The goal of analyzing the behavior of a con-
Wepf Publishers, Zug, Switzerland.) tinuous chemical reactor is to be able to pre-
dict the extent of reaction under given chem-
estimated that the initiator efficiency for the ical and processing conditions. However,
free radical grafting of GMA onto PP in the the ability to do so is still weak. This is
molten state is 3-10 times lower, say because the three aspects of mixing (tempo-
between 0.1 and 0.3. A much lower initia- ral, compositional and thermal) in a practi-
tor efficiency in the molten PP medium is cal REX process are usually largely
due to the high viscosity of the medium and unknown. Moreover, chemical reactions are
a fast decomposition rate of the peroxide. often ill-defined. As a screw extruder
As a result, the cage effect is very impor- behaves more closely to a tubular laminar
tant. flow reactor, the Taylor-Aris axial disper-
In addition to the basic features illustrat- sion model (Taylor, 1953; Aris, 1956) is
ed by these two free radical grafting systems, expected to be able to describe the perfor-
i.e., maleic anhydride (MA) and glycidyl mance of this continuous reactor.
methacrylate (GMA) onto polypropylene The axial dispersion model is a simple
(PP), it is important to note that the most mathematical description of a flow travel-
important result, from the chemistry view- ling through a tube in which both con-
point, is that the presence of styrene as a vection and diffusion are important (Fig.
comonomer greatly improves the grafting 6-32). In the one-dimensional case, it is
yield of MA or GMA. Furthermore, the usually written as a partial differential
mechanism by which styrene contributes to
the free radical grafting appears to be differ-
ent. In the case of MA, the formation of a Q. Q
charge transfer complex (CTC) between MA
and styrene is important because it activates
the otherwise sluggish double bond of MA. Figure 6-32. Sketch of a flow passing through a tube.
382 6 Fundamentals of Reactive Extrusion: An Overview

equation files be simple and the chemical reaction

well defined.
(6-13) The chemical reaction chosen as an exam-
dt dz dz2
ple is the functional grafting of 1-naphthyl-
or in a dimensionless form acetic acid onto an ethylene-ethyl acrylate-
glycidyl methacrylate copolymer (PGMA)
(6-14) in the melt. The kinetics of this reaction in
d6 dx dx2
a microfluid were presented earlier (see
where C=C(t, z), z the axial coordinate, u Example 2 in Sec. This PGMA
the axial velocity, D the axial dispersion copolymer has a number molecular weight
coefficient, R the reaction rate, 6=tlt-utlL, of 10000 g/mol with a melting temperature
and x-zlL. This model contains three ranging from 36 to 86C. Thus it can be pro-
parameters: the mean residence time t, the cessed in an extruder at relatively low tem-
Peclet number, Pe=uL/D (micromixing), peratures, e.g., 110C. Its viscosity is also
and the reaction rate R. The first two param- much lower than that of most polymers.
eters can be evaluated from the residence 1-Naphthylacetic acid has a melting temper-
time distribution function of the flow in the ature of about 130C.
tube, and the third one is determined by the A Werner and Pfleiderer ZSK-30 co-
kinetics of the reaction. In a steady state rotating, self-wiping, twin screw extruder is
reacting system, Eq. (6-14) reduces to an used. The screw diameter is 30 mm with a
ordinary differential equation length-to-diameter ratio LID of 42. The
1 d2C dC screw profile is composed primarily of
Pe dx2 dx right-handed conveying screw elements
(Fig. 6-33). In this way, the flow can be
approximated to the flow in a tube. A knead- Functional Reactions ing block is placed near the feeding point in
in a Microfluid order to ensure rapid and complete melting
and homogenization of the reacting system.
Below we examine the applicability of the In other words, this kneading block tends to
axial dispersion model for a co-rotating, reduce the first zone (between the hopper
self-wiping, twin screw extruder. As a REX and the kneading block) for solids convey-
process usually involves feeding, solids ing and melting, and to decrease the inten-
conveying, melting, mechanical mixing, sity and scale of segregation. Obviously, the
reacting, and pumping, and some of these location of this kneading block depends on
are difficult to evaluate, an experimental the thermomechanical properties of the
validation of the axial dispersion model reacting system. It should be as close to the
requires that the screw and temperature pro- feeding point as possible so that the resi-

Figure 6-33. Screw profile used for the reaction between PGMA and 1 -naphthylacetic acid.
6.3 Case Studies 383

Table 6-3. Comparison between experimental conversions and calculated onesa by the axial dispersion model.

Speed Experimental Microtracer Macrotracer Experimental Microtracer Macrotracer

170C 170C 170C 190C 190C 190C

30 rpm 54.5 57.8 53.3 76.0 74.6

50 rpm 49.7 51.2 47.9 71.2 71.0 70.8
70 rpm 46.9 41.4 43.0 66.5 65.9 64.8

a The conversions have the units %.

Table 6-4. Comparison between experimental conversions and calculated ones by the combined axial dispersi-
on + fiCSTR model.

Speed Experimental Microtracer Macrotracer Experimental Microtracer Macrotracer

170C 170C 170C 190C 190C 190C

30 rpm 54.5 59.1 54.6 76.0 73.5

50 rpm 49.7 45.2 49.2 71.2 67.8 70.1
70 rpm 46.9 41.7 43.8 66.5 65.7 64.5

dence time in the solids conveying and melt- Apparently, there is only a slight improve-
ing zones can be neglected with respect to ment with this combined model (Table 6-4).
the overall residence time. Two flat barrel This is because the length of a CSTR in
temperature profiles are used: 170 and series is found to be relatively short com-
190C. The residence time distributions pared to the total length of the screw extrud-
under these reaction conditions are meas- er (< 15%).
ured using two different tracers, both being From the above discussion, it can be said
sensitive to ultraviolet: a micro-molecule that the ZSK-30 twin screw extruder with
and a macromolecule containing the former. the chosen screw profile and reacting
The kinetics generated from the batch system behaves as a tubular chemical reac-
mixer (Hu et al., 1997b) and the residence tor. More generally, it can be said that for a
time distributions in the screw extruders chemical reaction of a homogeneous mix-
measured under the reaction conditions ture whose kinetics are not controlled by dif-
allow the conversions to be calculated using fusion but by its intrinsic reactivity, the axial
Eq. (6-15). As shown in Table 6-3, the cal- dispersion model should be capable of pre-
culated conversions agree reasonably well dicting the conversion upon coupling the
with the experimentally measured ones for kinetics and the residence time distribution
both tracers despite some differences in the with good accuracy.
Peclet number. This indicates that the axial
dispersion model is indeed capable of
describing the performance of this screw Free Radical Grafting
extruder with this homogeneous reacting of Monomers onto Polymers2
system. Considering the fact that a pressure
Owing to the various complications
flow exists near the die, a combined axial
involved in melt free radical grafting of
dispersion + ftCSTR model is also used to
predict the conversions at the exit of the die. Sunetal. (1995b).
384 6 Fundamentals of Reactive Extrusion: An Overview

monomers onto polymers discussed earlier, ing, twin screw extruder. Shown in Fig.
the performance of a screw extruder as a 6-34 are the screw and temperature profiles.
flow chemical reactor for such a reaction is As shown in Fig. 6-35, the grafting yield
difficult to evaluate. Nevertheless, it can be reaches a plateau after traveling a certain
said that, qualitatively, the behavior of a free screw length downstream: more than 70%
radical grafting carried out in a screw of the final grafting yield is already achieved
extruder is the same as that in a batch mixer: by the first sampling point (36% of the total
screw length downstream from the hopper
the grafting rate is very high due to the
or Z/D = 15.5); almost 100% of the final
short half-life times of classical initiators
grafting yield is obtained by the second sam-
(organic peroxides) at elevated tempera-
pling point (half-way downstream from the
tures (>150C);
hopper or LID-21). In other words, the first
the initiator efficiency is usually low due
half of the screw is long enough for the reac-
to its limited solubility in molten poly-
tion to reach its limit, including accomplish-
mers and the cage effect exerted on the
ing solids conveying and melting. Note also
primary free radicals;
that the ultimate grafting yield is far below
the grafting rate and yield are determined
100%: 24, 33, and 50% corresponding
by the effective concentration of the pri-
respectively to 0.30, 0.50, and 0.70 phr of
mary free radicals.
the peroxide introduced. This shows that the
The particular feature of a screw extrud- ultimate grafting yield is dictated by the
er as a continuous flow reactor for free rad- concentration of the peroxide or primary
ical grafting is that its performance cannot free radicals. This latter decreases consid-
be determined by the overall residence time erably along the screw length because the
distribution, but by a local residence time temperature in the first zone between the
distribution. This latter is in turn related to feeding point and the first sampling point is
the half-life time and efficiency of the initia- high (200C), and the corresponding half-
tor used. life time of the peroxide is about 6 s.
In order to have a better feel about the The decrease in the concentration of the
above statements, we again take as an exam- primary free radicals should be more abrupt
ple the melt free radical grafting of glycidyl beyond the first screw zone. This is because
methacrylate (GMA) onto polypropylene the temperature between the second sam-
(PP) in the ZSK-30 co-rotating, intermesh- pling point and the die (the second zone) is

PP + monomers + peroxide
Sampling Sampling

i l l i Ml nn ' ii LDljE
\7 Pt ^7
11/ f i 17 1 iZ 11 f ] iT ^

200C - 230C 240C Sampling

Figure 6-34. Screw and temperature profiles for the free radical grafting of GMA onto PP. (From Sun et al.,
1995b. Copyright 1995, John Wiley & Sons, Inc. Reprinted by permission of John Wiley & Sons, Inc.)
6.3 Case Studies 385

in this particular zone. Thus the half-life time

and the initiation efficiency of the peroxide
under the free radical grafting conditions are
the two critical parameters that govern the
performance of a particular melt free radical
grafting system. Unfortunately, these two
parameters are usually difficult to evaluate
[DIPP],: under practical grafting conditions.
A 0.70 phr An alternative way to overcome the lim-
0.50 phr ited GMA grafting yield due to the short
o 0.30 phr half-life time of the peroxide may be to add
the peroxide to the extruder further down-
0.0 stream, as well as at the first and/or the sec-
10 20 30 40
L/D ond sampling points, for example. Howev-
er, this alternative may not be ideal as it
Figure 6-35. Grafting yields along the screw length.
[GMA]; = 3.0 phr; [ST]i/[GMA]i = 1.40 mol/mol; makes the process more complicated.
(2 = 3.5 kg/h; JV=150 rpm. The peroxide (DIPP): The above results indicate that the behav-
1,3-bis(terr-butylperoxy-isopropyl)benzene. (From ior of the free radical grafting of GMA in
Sun et al., 1995b. Copyright 1995, John Wiley & the twin screw extruder is very similar to
Sons, Inc. Reprinted by permission of John Wiley &
what is observed in a batch mixer (see
Sons, Inc.)
Example 2 in Sec. The major fun-
damental difference is that in the batch
raised to 240C, and the corresponding half- mixer the grafting yield varies as a function
life time of the peroxide is reduced to 0.3 s. of time, while in the twin screw extruder it
As a result, most of the free radical grafting changes along the screw length.
has taken place in the first zone. This implies As the local residence time associated
that free radical grafting in a screw extruder with the half-life time of the efficiency of a
may not necessarily be characterized by peroxide is important for the grafting yield,
the overall residence time distribution a variation in screw speed (N) or feeding rate
(between the hopper and the exit of the die), (<2) should alter the grafting yield as well.
but by the one that corresponds to the zone This is shown in Figs. 6-36 and 6-37; an
where the primary free radicals exist. The increase in N or Q decreases the grafting
length of this zone is determined by the rate yield of GMA due to a reduced residence
of decomposition or roughly the half-life time in the first screw zone between the hop-
time of the peroxide under the processing per and the first sampling point (L/D = 15.5).
conditions. Put another way, for a particular On the other hand, mixing does not seem to
zone of interest, if the concentration of the be important because an increase in N
primary free radicals at the exit of this zone enhances mixing whereas an increase in Q
is literally greater than zero, the grafting reduces mixing. Thus the equivalence in
yield of GMA will be affected by the resi- terms of the grafting yield between N and Q
dence time distribution therein. By contrast, can only be conciliated through the resi-
if the primary free radicals are totally deplet- dence time distribution in the first screw
ed before the exit of this zone, the ultimate zone. The effects of N and Q on the free rad-
grafting yield may no longer be affected by ical grafting are exerted mainly through
a variation in the residence time distribution changes in the residence time distribution,
386 6 Fundamentals of Reactive Extrusion: An Overview

It was suggested above that it is through
the residence time distribution that Q or N
0.4 affects the grafting yield. Spatial mixing
appears to be unimportant, probably due to
sufficient solubility of the monomers and
peroxide in the PP melt. In order to further
support these two statements, the effect of
the specific throughput (Q/N) is examined.
0 = 5.6 kg/h The specific throughput is defined as the
150 rpm ratio of throughput to screw speed, Q/N,
o 240 rpm with the units kg/rpm. As discussed else-
where (Hu, 1994), Q/N measures, to some
O.OO extent, the pumping capacity of a particular
30 40
twin screw extruder: the amount of materi-
al each turn of the screw can pump. It also
Figure 6-36. Grafting yield of GMA along the screw
length at two different screw speeds (150 and 240 rpm)
characterizes the degree of fill of a twin
for a given throughput of PP (5.6 kg/h). (From Sun et screw extruder in partly filled zones. The
al., 1995 b. Copyright 1995, John Wiley & Sons, Inc. reverse of this ratio, N/Q, has the units
Reprinted by permission of John Wiley & Sons, Inc.) rpm/kg. It can be viewed as being the
number of screw turns a unit amount of
material has experienced before it exits from
the extruder. Thus it measures the intensity
of mixing the material has experienced in
the partly filled zones. If the pressure flow
in a twin screw machine due to the die resis-
tance and/or other pressure consumers is
N = 90 rpm unimportant, then Q/N and N/Q character-
A2.1 kg/h ize the degree of fill and the intensity of
n3.4 kg/h mechanical mixing in the whole machine,
o5.6 kg/h respectively. If this is true, unlike a change
in Q or N which affects not only the resi-
dence time but also the axial mixing, varia-
0.0 tions in both Q and N for a particular Q/N
will only affect the residence time distribu-
tion. This was confirmed experimentally.
Figure 6-37. GMA grafting yield along the screw For example, shown in Fig. 6-38 a is the res-
length at various feed rates of PP for a given screw
speed (90 rpm). (From Sun et al., 1995b. Copyright idence time distribution density function
1995, John Wiley & Sons, Inc. Reprinted by permis- f{t) as a function of time for a given
sion of John Wiley & Sons, Inc.) Q/N (=1/43 kg/h/rpm) and three different
throughputs and screw speeds. The corre-
and variations in mechanical mixing are sponding dimensionless residence time
apparently unimportant. This latter may distribution density function /(T) as a func-
imply that the mixing imposed on our free tion of dimensionless time r iz=t/t with
radical grafting is good enough under all the t being the mean residence time) is shown
processing conditions. in Fig. 6-38b. The/0) curve is shifted to a
6.3 Case Studies 387


A 5.6 kg/h 240 rpm

5.6 kg/h; 240 rpm A o 3.5 kg/h, 150 rpm
o 3.5 kg/h; 150 rpm 2.0-
A 2.1 kg/h; 90 rpm
A2.1 kg/h; 90 rpm
, 0.008

0.004 * O
o \
150 300 450 600 750
0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0
Time (s) ^

a b
Figure 6-38. Residence time distribution density function as a function of time for three different throughputs
and screw speeds with a particular QIN (1/43). Polymeric fluid: polystyrene (2 = 3.5 kg/h). (a) f(t) versus /; (b)
/(T) versus T. (From Sun et al., 1995b. Copyright 1995, John Wiley & Sons, Inc. Reprinted by permission of
John Wiley & Sons, Inc.)

short time domain when Q and N are

increased (Fig. 6-38a). Interestingly, the
three/(0 curves in Fig. 6-38 a superimpose
well when they are converted to/(r) curves
(Fig. 6-38b). This means that when QIN A 90 rpm
is fixed, an increase in Q with a concomi- 150 rpm
tant increase in N shortens the residence o 240 rpm
time only, while the axial dispersion
remains almost the same. Thus the observed
decrease in the grafting yield (Fig. 6-39)
with increasing Q and N for a given QIN is
related only to a decrease in the residence Q/N= l/27(kg/h)/rpm
time. o.o
30 40
It is also found that the specific energy,
the energy that is imparted to a unit amount Figure 6-39. Grafting yield of GMA at a given spe-
of material, is not a measure of the perfor- cific throughput (Q/N=l/43) with three correspond-
mance of this melt free radical grafting by ing screw speeds and throughputs. (From Sun et al.,
reactive extrusion. This is shown in Fig. 1995b. Copyright 1995, John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
Reprinted by permission of John Wiley & Sons, Inc.)
6-40: the grafting yield of GMA decreases
when U increases. In other words, as
opposed to what might be expected, the the fact that the residence time is the criti-
higher the energy that is imparted to the cal parameter. An increase in specific ener-
system, the worse the grafting yield. This gy for a given QIN is concomitant with a
apparent paradox can only be explained by decrease in the residence time.
388 6 Fundamentals of Reactive Extrusion: An Overview

but an academic term. This is due to diffi-

0.5- culties in designing and synthesizing inter-
at L/D = 42 (die)
facial agents that should be satisfactory for
the industrial production of polymer blends.
Furthermore, only part of a compatibilizer
added to an immiscible polymer blend goes
M 0.3- to the interface due to thermodynamic rea-
sons (micelle formation, preferential mis-
atL/D= 15.5 cibility with one polymeric phase, etc.),
and/or dynamic reasons (dispersion of the
compatibilizer by diffusion or a convective
0.1 -
mixing mechanism is not always easy).
500 600 700 800 900 Recent years have seen increasing efforts
U(kW/kg) towards the in situ compatibilization of
immiscible polymer blends by reactive
Figure 6-40. Grafting yield of GMA as a function
extrusion (Lambla and Seadan, 1993; Liu et
of the specific energy for a given specific throughput
(g/N=l/43). (From Sun et al., 1995b. Copyright al., 1993): instead of synthesizing interfa-
1995, John Wiley & Sons, Inc. Reprinted by per- cial agents as a separate step, they are creat-
mission of John Wiley & Sons, Inc.) ed during extrusion through interfacial reac-
tions between selected functional polymers.
This is also called reactive blending. Com-
6.3.3 Screw Extruders
pared to separately synthesized compatibi-
as Reactive Blenders (Compounders) lizers, in situ formed compatibilizers are
for the In Situ Compatibilization expected to be more effective at compatib-
of Immiscible Polymer Blends ilizing the corresponding blends as they are
by One-Step Reactive Extrusion formed at the interface. However, not all
Multiphase polymer blends are of great polymers contain functional groups. When
importance in the development of new syn- a polymer bearing functional groups is to be
thetic materials. A usable polymer blend mixed with another polymer which is chem-
requires the interfacial tension and the inter- ically inert with respect to these functional
facial adhesion in the blend to be properly groups, this latter ought to be functional-
controlled, due to their role in governing the ized. Free radical grafting of a vinyl
blend morphology and its associated monomer bearing desired functional groups
mechanical properties. This can be achieved is employed the most for functionalization.
by adding to an immiscible polymer blend In this case, two reactive blending process-
appropriate interfacial agents (compatibi- es are conceivable: (a) the polymer is func-
lizers) like block and graft copolymers that tionalized as a separate extrusion step, and
locate preferentially at the interface. As a the functionalized polymer is then blended
result, the interfacial tension is reduced, with the functional polymer as a second
the interfacial adhesion strengthened, and extrusion step; (b) both the functionaliza-
coalescence minimized (Guegan et al., tion and blending steps are executed in the
1994). However, if a particular interfacial same extrusion process. For example, func-
agent had to be synthesized separately for a tionalization can be carried out in the first
particular pair of immiscible polymers, then part of the extruder followed by subsequent
"polymer blend" would have been nothing interfacial reaction between the functional
6.3 Case Studies 389

and functionalized polymers. Process (a) is tial operation such as devolatilization may
called the in situ compatibilization of become a bottleneck in the whole process;
immiscible polymers by two-step reactive and (2) the performance of a reactive blend-
extrusion and process (b) one-step reactive ing process may be determined by the tem-
extrusion. To some extent, it can be said that poral aspect of mixing, the spatial aspect of
one-step reactive extrusion is technologi- mixing or both, depending upon the relative
cally more difficult to control but more eco- importance of both aspects of mixing. In
nomical than two-step reactive extrusion. order to address both points in a limited
While the in situ compatibilization of space, an example is taken of the in situ com-
immiscible polymer blends has been the most patibilization of PP and poly(butylene
important application of REX, it is also the terephthalate) (PBT) by one-step reactive
most complicated process compared to other extrusion. The main reason to choose this
REX processes. This is because the presence system is that the underlying chemistry has
of chemical reactions interferes with other already been described in the preceding par-
sequential operations, and vice versa. The agraphs. It involves the free radical grafting
morphological development of the blend is of GMA onto PP (free radical reactivity) fol-
affected by the twisted chemistry and extru- lowed by interfacial reaction between the
sion process. As there are so many factors functionalized PP and the carboxylic group
involved in the process, not many general of the PBT (functional reactivity):
conclusions have so far been generated. (a) Grafting of GMA onto PP (function-
In what follows, we will address two alization) (Eq. 6-16).
important points: (1) an individual sequen- (b) Interfacial reaction between the func-
tionalized PP and PBT (Eq. 6-17).



HO- ~co (6-17)

390 6 Fundamentals of Reactive Extrusion: An Overview De volatilization: In order to show that devolatilization is an

A Critical Sequential Operation important operation (Hu et al., 1996 a), three
different screw configurations (Fig. 6-41)
It has been shown that the grafting yield were chosen to process a mixture of PP/PBT
of GMA onto PP is far below 100%. As a (70/30) in the presence of the same amounts
matter of fact, there are three types of epoxy of low molecular reagents as the compatib-
group in the process: grafted GMA, poly- ilizer precursor (initial concentrations of the
merized GMA, and residual GMA. Thus small molecule reagents: [GMA]j=3.0 phr,
aside from the desired reaction between the [STV3.0 phr, [DIPP]i=0.3 phr):
GMA-grafted PP and the functional groups The performance of the in situ compati-
of the PBT, the residual and possibly poly- bilization of these three screw configura-
merized GMA are also expected to react tions is evaluated in terms of the elongation
with the PBT and probably at a greater rate. at break and the impact strength of the result-
Therefore the residual GMA monomer ing blends. As shown in Fig. 6-42a and (b),
should be removed efficiently from the screw configuration A2 (Fig. 6-41) yields
system to reduce these unwanted reac- better compatibilization than Al in terms of
tions. the elongation at break and impact strength.

PP + Reagents PBT

Solids conveying, Mixing and reaction Devol - Pumping

melting and reaction atilization


PP + Reagents

Solids conveying, PBT melting Mixing and reaction Devol - Pumping

melting and reaction atilization


PP + Reagents

Solids conveying, Devolatilization PBT melting Mixing and reaction Pumping

melting and reaction
Figure 6-41. Three different screw configurations used for the in situ compatibilization of the PP/PBT system.
6.3 Case Studies 391

300- 30 T

2 200
150 + I
I 10 +
n . II
Mech. Al A2 A3 PP PBT

Figure 6-42. Comparison of various materials in terms of (a) the elongation at break according to the falling
weight test ISO 6603/2 and (b) the impact strength according to ASTM 638-71 A. Mech: mechanical blend PP/PBT
(70/30); Al, A2, and A3: compatibilized blends PP/PBT (70/30) obtained from screw profiles Al, A2, and A3,

Screw configuration A3 gives the best com- from the desired free radical grafting of
patibilization as the elongation at break and GMA onto PP with a subsequent interfacial
impact strength of the corresponding blend reaction with PBT, the free GMA monomer
are the highest. Bear in mind that the main also reacts with PBT (mostly with the car-
difference between screw configurations A1 boxylic acid group at its chain end). In fact,
and A2 and the associated processing con- GMA may react with PBT much faster than
ditions for blending lies in the manner of PP-g-GMA (grafted PP) due to its greater
feeding the components involved in the mobility. The downstream feeding of PBT
blend. In the case of screw configuration A1, using screw configuration A2 circumvents
all components (PP, GMA, styrene, perox- these problems in favor of the formation of
ide, and PBT) are fed through the same hop- the amphiphilic copolymer PP-g-PBT.
per; and in the case of screw configuration As pointed out earlier, the three types of
A2, PBT is fed further downstream, separ- epoxy group in the system: GMA grafted
ate from the other components. Screw con- onto PP [GMA]g, unreacted GMA [GMA]r,
figuration A.I allows for easier feeding than and homopolymerized and/or copolymer-
screw configuration A2, and it is largely ized GMA (when styrene is present)
used intuitively for reactively blending [GMA]p, are capable of reacting with PBT.
polymers. The real impact of the difference The first reaction is desirable, whereas the
in feeding between screw configurations Al other two reactions are not. Thus it is impor-
and A2 on the compatibilization results from tant to evaluate the amounts of these three
the difference in the physical environment types of epoxy group under our blending
for the underlying chemistry. With screw conditions. Such a quantitative evaluation is
configuration Al, the free radical grafting not feasible with screw configuration Al
of GMA onto PP is disturbed by the pres- due to the presence of PBT. However, it is
ence of PBT: this latter dilutes the concen- possible with screw configuration A2 prior
trations of GMA and PP, therefore reducing to the feeding point of PBT. Experimental-
the grafting rate; more importantly, aside ly, the amounts of the three different GMA
392 6 Fundamentals of Reactive Extrusion: An Overview

structures were measured with various The merit of screw configuration A3

initial amounts of GMA introduced to the compared to A2 is that the devolatilization
PP. The results are shown in Fig. 6-43. With zone, which in screw configuration A2 is
increasing initial concentration of GMA placed prior to the pumping zone, is shifted
([GMA]j) the amounts of the three different upstream to just after the first kneading
GMA structures, [GMA]g, [GMA]r, and block. Moreover, the devolatilization length
[GMA]p, increase. Apparently, the residual is increased. Therefore the unreacted GMA
GMA ([GMA]r) increases faster than the can be removed more efficiently from the
grafted GMA ([GMA]g). Within the extruder before the PBT is fed.
initial concentration range of [GMA]j
(1.4-7.0 phr), [GMA]r is 2 - 7 times higher Effects of Processing
than [GMA]g. This means that [GMA]r is
four times higher than the concentration of Parameters 3
the terminal carboxylic group of the PBT As described earlier, the free radical
(f-COOH]) when [GMAJ^l.4 phr. It can grafting of GMA onto PP and the interfacial
be as high as seventeen times [-COOH] reaction between the grafted PP and the car-
when [GMA]i = 7.0 phr. This clearly shows boxylic group of the PBT are carried out in
the need to remove [GMA]r effectively from a consecutive manner: basically, the first
the system before the PBT is fed, in order part of the screw length (as demarcated by
to promote the desired reaction between the first kneading block) is assigned primar-
PP-g-GMA and PBT-COOH. ily for the free radical grafting, while the
second part is made available for the inter-
facial reaction between the GMA-grafted
PP and the carboxylic acid group of the PBT.
The morphology of the blend starts devel-
oping in the second part of the screw length.
The final morphology of the blend as well
as its associated mechanical properties are
affected not only by the temporal, spatial
(compositional), or thermal mixing history
the mixture of PP/PBT has experienced
o within the screw machine, but also by the
rate and amount of formation of the PP-g-
PBT copolymer at the interface. In other
words, any processing parameter that influ-
ences the temporal, spatial, or thermal mix-
[GMA]i (phr) ing history, and/or the rate of formation and
amount of PP-g-PBT copolymer has an
Figure 6-43. Amounts of grafted, polymerized, and
residual GMA, [GMA]g, [GMA]p, and [GMA]r, as a
impact on the final morphology of the blend
function of the amount of GMA introduced, [GMAjj, as well as its associated mechanical proper-
during the free radical grafting of GMA onto PP by ties. Thus it is important to understand and
reactive extrusion with screw configuration A2. The to quantify the contribution a particular pro-
data were collected prior to the feeding point of PBT.
The PBT contains 0.040 eq./kg of carboxylic group.
(From Hu et al., 1996 a. Reprinted by permission of
Society of Plastics Engineers.) Huetal. (1996b).
6.3 Case Studies 393

cessing parameter has to each of these var- reduced residence time. Interestingly, they
ious aspects, so that its overall effect can be decrease virtually linearly with Q or N.
evaluated. Unfortunately, in most practical When both Q and TV increase proportional-
situations, these various aspects are so inter- ly for a given specific throughput {QIN),
twined that their individual contributions to these mechanical properties also decrease,
the overall effect of a particular processing almost linearly [Fig. 6-44 a and (b)].
parameter are difficult to identify and/or Similar to the free radical grafting of
quantify. GMA onto PP in this co-rotating twin screw
It has been found that, similar to the free extruder, the specific energy is not a meas-
radical grafting of GMA onto PP carried out ure of the effectiveness of this in situ com-
in the same extruder (Sun et al., 1995b), the patibilization process either. This is clearly
fundamental physics that dictates the effects shown in Fig. 6-45: the impact strength of
of these processing parameters (Q, AT, QIN) the compatibilized PP/PBT blend decreases
on the performance of the in situ compati- when [/increases, as opposed to what might
bilization of the PP/PBT blend is the resi- be expected, i.e., the higher the energy that
dence time (macromixing). Mechanical is imparted to the blend, the better its impact
mixing per se (micromixing), on the other strength. Again, this apparent paradox can
hand, is so good with the screw profile cho- only be explained by the fact that the resi-
sen that it is not a critical parameter for such dence time is the critical parameter. An
processes. Thus it is expected that the elon- increase in the specific energy for a given
gation at break and the impact strength will QIN is concomitant with a decrease in the
decrease with increasing Q ox N due to a residence time.

160- 25- Q/N = constant

\ Q / N = 1 / 30
> 20-
120- N

X> 15-
Q/N = 1/19
o 5-

1 0-
50 100 150 200 250 60 120 180 240

N(rpm) N(rpm)

a b
Figure 6-44. (a) Variation of the elongation at break and (b) the impact strength of the compatibilized PP/PBT
blend as a function of the screw speed for two particular specific throughputs (Q/N=l/30 and 1/19). Impact test
temperatures in Fig. 6-44b: ( ) 0C; ( O ) - 2 0 C ; ( ) 0C; ( ) - 2 0 C . (From Hu et al., 1996b. Copyright
1996, John Wiley & Sons, Inc. Reprinted by permission of John Wiley & Sons, Inc.)
394 6 Fundamentals of Reactive Extrusion: An Overview

ious sequential zones are separated physi-

cally by mixing and/or pressure consuming
elements, and flow at the boundaries
between these zones is very complicated.
Consequently, a number of models for the
RTD in a screw extruder have been devel-
oped during the last two decades with lim-
ited use. Todd used the Taylor-Aris axial
dispersion model to fit RTD curves to an
intermeshing counter-rotating twin screw
extruder (Todd, 1975). This model was also
used recently by Zuilichem et al. (1988).
400 500 600 700 800 Other authors tried to develop theoretical
models through flow mechanism analysis.
Most of these models only hold for the RTD
Figure 6-45. Variation of the impact strength of the in the part of the extruder where the flow
compatibilized PP/PBT blend as a function of the
pattern is relatively simple. For example,
corresponding specific energy (/); ( ) Q/N=l/30,
0C; (O) Q/N=\/30, -20C; ( ) Q/N=l/\9, 0C; Matsubara developed models for a T-die and
(n)Q/N=l/\9,-20C. a coat-hanger die (Matsubara, 1983); Pinto
and Tadmor developed a model for the RTD
for a single screw extruder (Pinto and Tad-
mor, 1970); Kemblowski and Sek present-
6.3.4 Residence Time Distributions in ed a model for the mean residence time and
Screw Extruders: A Statistical Theory the variance of the RTD in a single screw
The residence time distribution (RTD) in extruder (1981); Potente and Lappe studied
a screw extruder is an important parameter the effect of different tracers on the accura-
for extrusion processes, as it characterizes cy of RTD measurement and proposed a
the temporal aspect of mixing. This is par- mathematical model for the mean and min-
ticularly the case when chemical reactions imum residence time in a single screw
are occurring during extrusion (see Sees. extruder (1986); Kao and Allison studied
6.3.2 and 6.3.3). Optimization of such a pro- the effects of some selected process param-
cess requires an in-depth understanding of eters, and the results were explained by the
the RTD function for each of the sequential, flow mechanism in a partly filled channel
yet dependent, zones (feeding, solids con- (1984).
veying, melting, mixing, chemical reaction, A notable model was developed by Jans-
devolatilization, pumping, etc.). However, sen et al. (1979) for the RTD in an inter-
access to these individual RTD functions is meshing, counter-rotating, twin screw
often difficult experimentally. Flow analy- extruder. The extruder was treated as C-
sis may be useful but only qualitative for chambers (the geometric configuration of a
most practical situations, because (1) the single screw turn through which fluid pass-
flow path and the thermomechanical histo- es resembles a C-shape) connected in series,
ry of polymers for a reactive extrusion pro- along with two important assumptions: the
cess (often in a twin screw extruder) are leakage flows in the solids conveying, melt-
complicated, (2) polymer fluids are highly ing, and partly-filled zones are unimportant,
viscous and non-Newtonian, and (3) the var- and the C-chambers in the last fully filled
6.3 Case Studies 395

zone are perfect mixers. Foster and Lindt The individual f(i) functions in Eqs.
treated the screw elements of a noninter- (6-18) and (6-19) are interchangeable since
meshing, counter-rotating, twin screw they are independent of each other. The sta-
extruder as perfect mixers in series (1990). tistically independent RTDs in elements in
However, it is well known that a single C- series physically imply that perfect mixing
chamber is far from a perfect mixer, and the exists at the junction or the boundary
calender leakage flow is significant even in between any two adjacent elements, so that
partly filled screw channels. fluid particles at this location are totally ran-
In order to search for an alternative solu- domized. Of course, the individual elements
tion, we have examined the applicability of should be closed systems: fluid particles
a statistical theory for the RTD in an extrud- enter the system only one time; once they
er. The fundamental basis of this theory have left the system they will never return.
(Nauman and Buffham, 1983; Chen and Hu, The validity of this statistical theory was
1993; Chen et al., 1993) is that for a flow examined experimentally using two combi-
passing through a closed system composed nations: (1) a die and a single screw, and (2)
of two closed elements in series, if fluid par- a die and a twin screw. Specifically, a sin-
ticles leaving the first element have the same gle screw extruder (Haake Rheomix 254;
probability of occupying a particular posi- screw diameter: 19 mm; length-to-diameter
tion at the entrance of the second element, ratio: 25) and a laboratory conical, inter-
the RTDs in these two elements are statisti- meshing, counter-rotating, twin screw
cally independent of each other. Then the extruder (Haake Rheomix TW-100, tip-
RTD of the whole system can be calculated screw diameter: 19.7 mm; screw length:
from the RTDs of the individual elements 331.78 mm) were chosen as the extruders.
using a statistical method. For a closed A small die (Fig. 6-47 a) was used as an
system consisting of n closed and statistical- adapter to measure the RTDs of these two
ly independent elements connected in series, screws (the length of the adapter was so
whose residence time density functions are small that the residence time in it could be
fx(t),f2(t), to/(*), respectively (Fig. 6-46), neglected). A large die (Fig. 6-47b) having
the overall/(0 function is related to those of a long cylindrical channel (L = 114mm)
the individual elements in the time domain with a diameter of D=19 mm was used to
by the following n-fold convolution

For a closed system composed of two
closed elements, Eq. (6-18) reduces to measure the RTDs in these two combina-
tions of die and screw. Polystyrene was cho-
(6-19) sen as the polymer fluid and 1-aminoanthra-

element 1 element 2 element n-1 element n

Figure 6-46. n elements
fl(t) f2 fn-lW fn(t) connected in series.
396 6 Fundamentals of Reactive Extrusion: An Overview

Experiment (single screw
Calculation by Eq. (6-19)
Experiment (twin screw + large die)
Calculation by Eq. (6-19)


, 0.004-

Figure 6-47. Dies used for RTD measurements: (a)

small die used for the RTD of the screw; (b) large die
for the RTD of the combination of the screw and the
die. 0.000
200 400 600 800 1000 1200 1400 1600

Time (s)
quinone incorporated with the polystyrene Figure 6-48. Comparison between the RTD predict-
as the tracer. RTD runs were carried out at ed by Eq. (6-19) and the experimental results.
H e r c / ^ 0 is denoted as the RTD in the
screws and/ 2 (0 as that in the large die. This this theory has also been confirmed for mod-
latter for the fully developed laminar flow erately concentrated polymer solutions
of a Newtonian fluid is given by passing through a multi-staged, counter-
fo t<tQ
rotating, nonintermeshing, twin screw
extruder (Chen et al., 1995). It has also been
t>t0 used to develop a predictive RTD model for
an intermeshing, counter-rotating, twin
with screw extruder with success (Chen et al.,
nD2L (6-20) 1993). Other applications of this theory to
REX are under investigation.
As shown in Fig. 6-48 a and (b), the
experimental RTD results and those predict-
ed by Eq. (6-19) agree well with the experi- 6.4 Conclusions
mental ones for both combinations, indicat-
ing that flow at the junction between the Reactive extrusion (REX) has already
large die and the single or twin screw is suf- become a distinct multi-disciplinary engi-
ficiently mixed radially that the RTD in the neering speciality in the framework of poly-
large die and that in the single or twin screw mer engineering and science and chemical
are practically independent statistically. engineering and science. Nonetheless, the
Considering the degree of mixing the flow scientific understanding of REX is still poor
has experienced at the above junctions, it due to the various, highly coupled sequen-
appears that this statistical theory is useful tial operations involved (feeding, solids
for obtaining RTDs in the various sequen- conveying, melting, mixing, reaction, vent-
tial zones of an extrusion process where ing, pumping, and shaping). The first part
staged operations are demarcated by strong of this chapter was devoted to introducing
mixing and/or pressure consuming elements the historical background and basic features
(kneading discs, calender gaps, etc.). In fact, of REX, and to reviewing selected funda-
6.4 Conclusions 397

mental aspects of this multi-disciplinary reactive polymer, a chemically inert poly-

engineering speciality. In the second part, mer, and a small reactive molecule. These
selected examples were given in order to two polymers are immiscible, while the
provide some general guidelines to some of small reactive molecule is miscible with both
the fundamental problems encountered in polymers. In other words, the small reactive
REX including: molecule is partitioned between both poly-
meric phases. In this case, if the molecular
the kinetic behavior of functional and free
diffusion rate of the small reactive molecule
radical reactions in the molten state;
in these two polymeric phases is so rapid that
the performance of screw extruders as
an equilibrium is established between them
chemical reactors for functional and free
in terms of concentration and if tR/tD > 1,
radical reactions;
then the overall reaction rate is only con-
the performance of screw extruders as
trolled by its intrinsic kinetics and the parti-
reactive blenders;
tion coefficient of the small reactive mole-
the residence time distribution in screw cule in these two polymeric phases. Here
extruders. again, mechanical mixing is important only
The first example was aimed at describ- for reducing the diffusion length of the react-
ing the kinetic behavior of functional chem- ing system at the initial stage of reaction.
ical reactions carried out in three different Once this is achieved, mechanical mixing is
bulk media (microfluid, partially segregat- no longer needed.
ed fluid, and macrofluid). The advantage of As for the chemical reaction between
using functional reactions is that they are immiscible polymer melts (macrofluid), its
chemically cleaner than free radical ones. kinetic behavior is expected to be similar to
When a chemical reaction is carried out in that in a microfluid in terms of the effects
a microfluid (the reacting medium is homo- of temperature and the nature and concen-
geneous, be it in solution or in a homoge- tration of the catalyst. However, as opposed
neous melt), if the ratio of the characteris- to a reaction in a microfluid, mechanical
tic reaction time to the characteristic diffu- mixing and the presence of minor amounts
sion time is much larger than unity of solvent are two additional and critical
(tR/tD > 1), then the overall reaction rate is means to control the overall kinetic behav-
controlled by its intrinsic kinetics. More- ior of chemical reactions between immis-
over, it is expected that the mechanisms and cible polymer melts. Mechanical mixing
kinetics in solution and in the homogeneous increases the reaction rate since it generates
melt are identical provided that the solvent an interfacial area and reduces the diffusion
does not interfere with the reaction pathway. length. Adding a small amount of an inert
On the other hand, mechanical mixing is solvent may increase the overall reaction
only important for the homogenization or rate greatly due to increased interfacial mix-
diffusion length reduction of the reacting ing and diffusion. The formation of a block
system at the initial stage of the reaction. or graft copolymer at the interfaces between
Once this is achieved, no more mechanical the immiscible polymers reduces the inter-
mixing is necessary. facial tension and increases the miscibility
The kinetic behavior of a chemical reac- of the reaction mixture. However, its occu-
tion carried out in a partially segregated fluid pation of the interfaces reduces contact
was discussed by taking as an example a between the reactive moieties, thus decreas-
reacting mixture that was composed of a ing the overall reactivity.
398 6 Fundamentals of Reactive Extrusion: An Overview

The melt free radical grafting of mono- veying elements, this extruder behaves as a
mers onto polymer backbones has been tubular chemical reactor. When processing
taken as an example to appreciate the kinet- a chemical reaction of a homogeneous mix-
ic behavior of free radical reactions. In gen- ture whose rate is controlled only by its
eral, the kinetic behavior of a melt free rad- intrinsic kinetics, the axial dispersion model
ical grafting is more difficult to evaluate is capable of predicting the conversion upon
than a functional reaction due to the low sol- knowing the kinetics and the residence time
ubility of peroxides and monomers in mol- distribution.
ten polymers, the very short half-life time The performance of the ZSK-30 extruder
and low efficiency of peroxides, the very as a chemical reactor is more difficult to
high grafting rates, and side reactions (chain evaluate quantitatively for the free radical
degradation, crosslinking, polymerization grafting of monomers onto polymers. But
of monomers themselves, coloring, etc.). basically, the chemical aspect of the prob-
These features are seen clearly from the fol- lem is similar to what is expected in a batch
lowing two examples: the free radical graft- mixer. For example, when GMA is to be
ing of maleic anhydride (MA) and glycidyl grafted onto PP at 200C, the grafting reac-
methacrylate (GMA) onto polypropylene tion almost ceases somewhat half-way
(PP). The most important result, from the downstream of the extruder. At a given
chemistry viewpoint, is that the presence of GMA concentration, the grafting yield is
styrene as a comonomer greatly improves directly related to the concentration of the
the grafting yield of MA or GMA. More- peroxide. On the other hand, it is the local
over, the mechanism by which styrene con- residence time distribution in the zone
tributes to the free radical grafting appears where primary free radicals exist that con-
to be different. In the case of MA, the for- trols the grafting process. The effects of
mation of a charge transfer complex (CTC) screw speed, throughput, and specific
between MA and styrene is important throughput are exerted mainly through the
because it activates the otherwise sluggish residence time distribution. By contrast, the
double bond of MA. As for GMA, the dom- specific energy is not a proper parameter for
inating mechanism is that styrene reacts characterizing the performance of the
with the very unstable tertiary macroradi- extruder.
cals of PP at a much greater rate than GMA, Two important points have been exam-
so forming more stable styryl radicals. ined concerning the use of extruders as reac-
GMA then reacts with these styryl radicals tive blenders: an individual sequential oper-
leading to the grafted GMA moieties. A ation such as devolatilization may become
kinetic study reveals that the free radical a bottleneck in the whole process; the per-
grafting of GMA onto PP ceases within formance of a reactive blending process
2 - 3 min at 200C. For a given concentra- may be determined by the temporal aspect
tion of GMA, its final grafting yield is dic- of mixing, the spatial aspect of mixing, or
tated primarily by the half-life time and the both, depending upon the relative impor-
efficiency of the peroxide used. tance of both aspects of mixing.
A ZSK-30 co-rotating, intermeshing, Devolatilization may be an important
twin screw extruder was used to appreciate sequential operation in the in situ compati-
the basic features of using a screw extruder bilization of an immiscible polymer blend
as a chemical reactor. When the screw pro- by one-step reactive extrusion, because the
file is simple and composed mostly of con- grafting yield of a monomer is usually far
6.4 Conclusions 399

below 100%. In other words, there is always less important than that induced by the
a certain amount of unreacted monomer left. chemistry. The specific energy, i.e., the
Thus aside from the desired reaction energy that is supplied to a unit amount of
between the functionalized polymer and the material, is not a good measure of the effec-
functional polymer, the unreacted and pos- tiveness of in situ compatibilization by one-
sibly polymerized functional monomer also step reactive extrusion.
reacts with the functional polymer and prob- The residence time distribution (RTD) is
ably at a greater rate. Therefore, the residu- an important parameter for extrusion pro-
al monomer should be removed efficiently cesses as it characterizes the temporal
from the system to reduce those unwanted aspect of mixing. Moreover, when a chem-
reactions. In the case of PP and poly(buty- ical reaction is occurring during extrusion,
lene terephthalate) (PBT), when the func- optimization of such a process requires an
tional polymer (PBT) is fed downstream in-depth understanding of the RTD function
separately from the inert polymer (PP), and for each of the sequential, yet more or less
the residual monomer (GMA) is removed independent, zones. In this chapter, the
prior to the feeding point of PBT, the result- applicability of a statistical residence time
ing blend displays much better mechanical distribution theory in screw extruders has
properties in terms of elongation at break been examined. The fundamental basis of
and impact strength than the one obtained this statistical residence time distribution
upon feeding all the components together theory is that for a flow passing through a
and removing the residual monomer down- closed system composed of two closed ele-
stream near the die. Upstream devolatiliza- ments in series, if fluid particles leaving the
tion of residual monomers reduces by-reac- first element have the same probability of
tions (i.e., reaction between the functional occupying a particular position at the
monomer and the functional polymer, entrance of the second element, then the
homo- and/or copolymerization of the resid- RTDs in these two elements are statistical-
ual monomer), therefore favoring formation ly independent of each other. Physically this
of the desired grafted amphiphilic copoly- means that perfect mixing exists at the junc-
mer at the interface. tion or the boundary between these two adja-
The fundamental physics that dictates the cent elements so that fluid particles at this
effects of processing parameters (screw location are totally randomized. Then, the
speed and feeding rate) are the residence RTD of the whole system can be calculated
time and the residence time distribution from the RTDs of the individual elements
(macromixing) for the in situ compatibiliza- using a statistical method. The validation
tion of the PP/PBT blend using GMA as the experiments have shown that the intensity
functional monomer. This is because it is the of mixing required for this theory to hold
rate and amount of the PP-g-PBT amphi- can be satisfied relatively easily at various
philic copolymer that govern the morpho- locations in a twin screw extruder. This sta-
logical development of the blend. The spa- tistical theory has also been used to devel-
tial mixing per se (micromixing) provided op a predictive RTD theory for a counter-
by a few kneading blocks characteristic of rotating, intermeshing, twin screw extruder
this type of screw machine is not critical as with success.
it is high enough to promote the chemical Finally, a few words to end this chapter.
reaction. Moreover, the mechanical mixing Despite how much we have learnt about
induced morphology development is much REX so far, there are still numerous prob-
400 6 Fundamentals of Reactive Extrusion: An Overview

lems to be solved or raised. If this chapter Hu, G.-H., Flat, J.-J., Lambla, M. (1997a), in. Reac-
tive Modifiers for Polymers: Al-Malaika, S. (Ed.).
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ing them to new solutions, and if it brings Hu, G.-H., Triouleyre, S., Lambla, M. (1997b), Poly-
criticism and comments to us, then it has mer 38, 545.
Janssen, L. P. B. M., Hollander, R. W., Spoor, M. W.,
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Eng.Sci.27, 1221. New York: Pergamon, Chap. 21.
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7 Network Formation
Karel Dusek

Institute of Macromolecular Chemistry, Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic, Prague,

Czech Republic

List of Symbols and Abbreviations 402

7.1 Introduction 403
7.2 Classification of Crosslinking Reactions 403
7.3 General Features of Network Formation 405
7.4 Kinetics of Network Formation 407
7.4.1 General Features 407
7.4.2 Diffusion Control and Reaction Rates 408
7.5 Description of Network Structure 412
7.5.1 Pre-gel Region 412
7.5.2 Post-gel Region 413
7.5.3 Inhomogeneities in Networks 414
7.6 Outline of Network Formation Theories 415
7.6.1 Factors Determining the Growth of Network Structures 416
7.6.2 Classification of Network Formation Theories 416
7.6.3 Calculation of Structural Parameters 417
7.6.4 Recommendations for Selection of Theory 419
7.7 Examples of the Most Important Crosslinking Reactions 419
7.7.1 Polyester Networks 420
7.7.2 Polyurethane Networks 421
7.7.3 Cured Epoxy Resins 422 Epoxy-Amine Networks 422 Curing with Polyphenols 424 Ionic Mechanisms of Network Build-up 424
7.7.4 Network Obtained by Crosslinking Reactions Involving
Silicon-Containing Groups - Sol-Gel Reactions 425
7.8 Conclusion 426
7.9 References 426

Materials Science and Technology

Copyright WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co KGaA. All rights reserved.
402 7 Network Formation

List of Symbols and Abbreviations

D diffusion coefficient; coefficient of segmental mobility
Do constant
Ea activation energy
/ functionality
/v fractional free volume
/vg fractional free volume at the gel point
^app apparent rate constant
k rate constant for chemical kinetics controlled reaction
kc rate constant for chemical kinetics controlled reaction
kD rate constant of diffusion-controlled formation of the activated complex
k_v rate constant for diffusion-controlled dissociation of the activated complex
kc XY rate constant for chemical kinetics controlled reaction of molecules characterized
by composition X and Y
rate constant of diffusion into the activated complex of molecules characterized by
composition X and Y
rate constant of diffusion out of the activated complex of molecules characterized
by composition X and Y
Mn number-average molecular weight
Mw weight-average molecular weight
Ngf number of unreacted groups
Pw,Pn degree of polymerization
R gas constant
T temperature
Tg glass transition temperature
t time
vx volume fraction of solvent
xp degree of polymerization

(Xf expansion coefficient of the free volume

% molar conversion of functional groups
T relaxation time

DC dangling chain
EAC elastically active crosslink
EANC elastically active network chain
RT recursive theory
TPB theory of branching processes
7.2 Classification of Crosslinking Reactions 403

7.1 Introduction discussion of covalently crosslinked poly-

mer networks.
Crosslinked polymers or polymer net- Common polymer networks are com-
works include a wide range of polymeric posed mainly of organic constituent units.
materials with specific processing and Equally interesting are inorganic networks
materials properties. The crosslinked mate- formed by the sol-gel process (hydrolytic
rials range from vulcanized elastomers, to and condensation reactions of metal alkox-
thermosetting materials, and a considerable ides) and corresponding organic-inorganic
number of adhesives and coatings, soft gels, hybrids (Hench and West, 1990).
polymeric sorbents, etc. The advantages of This chapter addresses the conditions of
crosslinked polymers are well known: their network formation and the main common
dimensional stability, higher thermal and features of the network formation process;
chemical resistance, reversible rubber elas- it gives examples of formation of the most
ticitiy (see Chapter 8 in Volume 12 of this common polymer networks and briefly
series), and generally their ability to store deals with the specifics of reaction kinetics.
information characterizing their birth and The characterization of structural changes
growth processes. during network build-up and of the final net-
The fact that some, or practically all con- work structure will also be discussed in this
stituent units are covalently bonded into an chapter.
"infinite" three-dimensional structure is the
main common feature of polymer networks.
The passage from a collection of molecules 7.2 Classification
of finite size to an infinite network proceeds
through the "gel point" at which the infinite
of Crosslinking Reactions
network structure appears in the system for
Linear polymers are formed by linking
the first time. This is another characteristic
bifunctional monomers. If one of the reac-
feature of network formation. In a wider
tion components has functionality higher
sense, physical or temporary polymer net-
than two, an infinite structure (network) can
works, the network formation and network
be formed. Functionality higher than two for
structure of which are determined by the
at least one of the components is a neces-
existence of (strong) interactions between
sary, but not sufficient, condition for the for-
polymer segments, also feature among the
mation of an infinite network. In order for
group of polymer networks, and their for-
an infinite structure to exist, a certain (crit-
mation and properties, which exhibit simi-
ical) number of bonds has to be formed.
lar features (Clark and Ross-Murphy, 1987).
Network formation is influenced by sev-
Gelatin crosslinked through strong spe-
eral factors. The main ones are (1) the mech-
cific interactions, solutions of long-chain
anism and kinetics of the crosslinking reac-
hydrocarbon crosslinked by formation of
tions, and (2) the functionality of the start-
crystallites, or gel-like (concentrated) solu-
ing components.
tions of higher-molecular-weight polysty-
By classifying according to the reaction
rene "crosslinked" by relatively weak inter-
mechanism and kinetics, one can distin-
actions, can serve as examples. Whether the
guish three cases.
bonds are permanent or transient can be
determined by the time-scale of experiment. (a) Bond formation by stepwise reactions.
However, here we will limit ourselves to the All unreacted functional groups can take
404 7 Network Formation

part in the reaction irrespective of the structure growth resembles more that
whether they are bonded to monomers of group (b).
or polymeric products. Polycondensa- (c) Control of bond formation by chemical
tion with elimination of a low-molecu- reactivity or mobility (diffusion) of
lar-weight product or stepwise polyad- reacting groups is another important fac-
ditions (such as the formation of poly- tor affecting network build-up. A large
urethanes by reactions of isocyanate number of systems obey the convention-
with hydroxyl groups, or the curing of al chemical kinetics with Arrhenius tem-
epoxy resins by reaction of amine perature dependence of the rate con-
groups with epoxy groups) can serve as stants). Diffusion control of bond for-
examples. In this case, the molecular mation can occur for several reasons:
weight of the products grows gradually The overall diffusion control of all reac-
and the molecular weight distribution tion steps sets in as a result of increas-
becomes continuously wider, ing glass transition temperature due to
(b) Initiated bond formation with fast prop- bond formation and the probability of
agation (chain mechanism). Long mul- encountering two groups is then con-
tifunctional chains are already formed at trolled by segmental diffusion. Specific
the beginning of the reaction. Free-rad- diffusion control is characteristic of fast
ical chain crosslinking (co)polymeriza- reaction steps and depends, for instance,
tion of poly vinyl monomers is a typical on translational diffusion of reacting
example. In the case of a monovinyl species. The Trommsdorff (gel) effect
monomer, a polymer of a relatively high can serve as an example: in free-radical
molecular weight, dissolved in the copolymerization, the termination by
monomer, can be already formed at the recombination of two free radicals is the
beginning of the reaction. In the case of first step to be controlled by translation-
crosslinking polymerization, this grow- al diffusion of the macroradicals. We
ing "primary" chain carries a large num- will see later that in free-radical cross-
ber of pendant vinyl groups. They also linking copolymerization, the diffusion
take part in copolymerization, so that control is very important. Diffusion con-
many intramolecular crosslinks are trol is always important for aggregation
formed just at the beginning of polymer- steps in network formation, as in the for-
ization. This special chain mechanism mation of silica gel networks.
feature gives rise to the formation of
compact, internally crosslinked struc- Classification according to functionality
tures. is another possible criterion:
Sometimes, the distinction between (a) Components with high functionality:
the two groups is not clear. There are Crosslinking (vulcanization) of primary
initiated reactions with stepwise propa- chains is a typical example; usually each
gation (ionic polymerizations) where monomeric unit can become crosslinked
the structure of products resembles more with another monomeric unit. There-
that of group (a), and (rarely) stepwise fore, for high-functionality components
bond formations with a so-called posi- the fraction of crosslinked units neces-
tive substitution effect where the reac- sary to reach the gel point is very low.
tivity of one group is increased by the In functional copolymers (copolymers
reaction of a neighboring group. Then, in which monomeric units of one kind
7.3 General Features of Network Formation 405

carry functional groups), the functional- order of a few nanometers. The assumption
ity can be varied by changing the com- of infiniteness is definitely not valid for
position as well as the molecular weight. microgels which are formed in some
The chain crosslinking polymerization systems as intermediate products.
may somewhat resemble vulcanization At the gel point, the number-average
in that long "primary" chains are already molecular weight remains finite, whereas
formed in the beginning, the weight average and averages derived
(b) Components with low functionality from higher moments of the distribution
(usually 2, 3, 4, 6): This group includes diverge. Therefore, the polydispersity
usual monomers like di-, tri- and oligo- MJMn also diverges. Beyond the gel point,
isocyanates, diols, triols, tetrols, di- the fraction of material in the infinite struc-
amines, diepoxides, etc. Telechelic ture - called gel - also increases by linking
polymers carrying terminal functional finite molecules to it. The assembly of finite
groups are also included in this catego- molecules is called "sol" because the finite
ry. molecules are soluble and can be extracted
from the system. The average molecular
weights of the sol decrease with increasing
7.3 General Features conversion and the polydispersity of sol
of Network Formation molecules becomes lower. Also, the struc-
ture of the gel changes. More and more
The courses of various crosslinking reac- groups bonded to the gel mutually react and
tions have several common features, despite the gel becomes more densely crosslinked.
possible large differences in their network- Therefore, it can better resist mechanical
formation mechanisms and final network deformation. The retractive force of a net-
structures. work in rubbery state is proportional to the
In the first stage of the crosslinking reac- number of sequences (strands) between
tions, the molecular weights of the system, branch points that are elastically active.
as well as the polydispersity, increase. At These sequences are called elastically active
the gel point, an "infinite" gel structure network chains (EANC) (see below).
appears in the system for the first time. The An example of changes in some structu-
term "infinite" means that the size of the ral parameters is given in Fig. 7-1 a, b.
largest molecule becomes commensurable In spite of the qualitative similarity of the
with the dimensions of the reaction vessel, changes of many structural parameters,
i.e., it spans the vessel walls. A common there are considerable quantitative differ-
reaction vessel can be considered statistical- ences in the position of the gel point and in
ly infinite. When the reaction volume the shape of the conversion dependences.
becomes very small, gelation can be consid- For instance, the gel point conversion can
ered to occur at conversions lower than range from 10~3 to near unity. The increase
those characteristic of a macroscopic ("infi- in Mw before the gel point and the increase
nite") system. It can be shown that latex par- in the gel fraction beyond the gel point can
ticles are still too large to exhibit a measur- vary in steepness. The variation in the con-
able decrease in the gel point conversion. centration of elastically active network
However, it may be not so, for instance, in chains (EANC) can be more complex. In
a system with dispersed filler particles exceptional cases, the concentration of
where the interparticle distances are of the EANCs in the gel can pass through a maxi-
406 7 Network Formation

mum; for instance, if the bi- or monofunc-

tional monomers are incorporated into the
gel (due to reactivity reasons) at the end of
the network formation process. Figures
7-1 a, b show the influence of the increasing
or decreasing reactivity of functional groups
if the neighboring groups have reacted.
Formation of a macroscopic network -
macronetwork - can sometimes be more
0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 complex and proceed via formation of
micronetworks. Silica-gel networks are a
typical example (Fig. 7-2). Depending on
initial conditions (pH), either compact
micronetworks or dendritic structures are
formed which are then linked together to
form the macronetworks.
Networks formed by free-radical cross-
linking copolymerization (at higher concen-
trations of the polyfunctional monomer)
represent another example of the macro-
0.8 1.0 network-from-micronetwork mechanism
Fig. 7-1. Changes in the number-average (Pn) and (Dusek, 1982). Firstly, compact, internally
weight-average (Pw) degree of polymerization, gel crosslinked (possibly microgel-like) mole-
fraction (wg) and number of elastically active network cules are formed. These molecules are grad-
chains (EANCs) per monomer unit in the gel (Neg) for
polycondensation of tetrafunctional monomer: (a)
ually linked together by newly forming
positive substitution effect, (b) negative substitution molecules, as shown in Fig. 7-3.
effect; - - gel point conversion. Dependence on con- Also, the structure of networks prepared
version of functional groups. in several stages can be quite complex.
Silica aerogel Cab-O-Sil

Fig. 7-2. Silica-gel micro- and macronet-

works (Klems and Posselt, 1988).
7.4 Kinetics of Network Formation 407

Outer shell

Free radical Inner core

Monochain Two-chain
microgel microgel


Fig. 7-3. Schematic representation of network formation by free-radical copolymerization via microgelation
(Dusek, 1985).

7.4 Kinetics appears, it is not due to a change in the elec-

of Network Formation tronic structure of the group but rather to a
change in mobility - diffusion - of the whole
molecule or its segments. General problems
7.4.1 General Features
of reactivity and reaction rates have been
Polymer networks are formed by reac- discussed by Jenkins and Ledwith (1974),
tions between functional groups which are and Allen and Patrick (1974).
bonded to molecules of various sizes. In Diffusion control of chemical reactions is
organic chemistry, the rate at which the a well-known (but not so well understood)
respective groups react depends on their phenomenon in polymer science. It governs
reactivity and concentration. The intensity certain stages of free-radical polymeriza-
of the reaction is given by the rate con- tions, ion recombinations, photochemical
stant k, the temperature dependence of and photophysical processes, reactions in
which is described by the Arrhenius equa- solid polymers, etc. (Horie and Mita, 1989).
tion. The question arises whether the rate Whether a given chemical reaction is con-
constant depends on the size and structure trolled by diffusion depends on the relative
of the molecules to which the reacting rates of the diffusion process (translational
groups are bonded. This is an important diffusion, or segmental diffusion) and
issue for polymers, and particularly for intrinsic chemical reaction. For instance, in
polymer networks where the increase in the the case of bond formation, the two respec-
size of the reacting molecules is very large. tive groups must diffuse into a "reaction vol-
When a dependence on the molecule size ume" to form an activated complex and this
408 7 Network Formation

activated complex is either transformed into polymerizations because the gel effect
a stable bond, or the two groups can diffuse already sets in in the vicinity of the gel point.
out of the complex without forming any A schematic representation of structural
bond. If the transition in and out of the acti- changes during chain crosslinking copol-
vated complex is much more frequent than ymerization is shown in Fig. 7-3. The pre-
the transition into the stable bond, the reac- gel conversion region can be very narrow.
tion is controlled by chemical kinetics. Moreover, this type of network build-up is
When the frequencies of these transitions known to proceed inhomogeneously and not
are comparable, or the transition into the only the specific, but also the overall (seg-
stable complex is faster, the reaction is con- mental) diffusion control is operative
trolled by diffusion. The diffusion control (Kloosterboer, 1988).
can be specific or non-specific (overall dif- Overall (segmental) diffusion control is
fusion control). characteristic of all systems in and below the
To what extent are polymerization and glass transition region where the segmental
network-formation reactions diffusion-con- motion is considerably slowed down. It is
trolled? We will first consider the case in also characteristic of densely crosslinked
which the segmental rate control is absent systems. One should not forget that the onset
(weak), i.e., at temperatures well above the of the segmental diffusion control is taken
glass transition temperature. relative to the bond formation rate, and that
There is abundant experimental evidence free-radical propagation is by several orders
to show that the majority of stepwise linear of magnitude faster than step reactions.
polymerizations obey conventional chemi- The overall diffusion control is typical of
cal reaction kinetics. The rate constants are thermosets where the glass transition tem-
independent of the degree of polymerization perature increases during network forma-
and their temperature dependence obeys tion by several tens of kelvin. The onset of
Arrhenius dependence (Flory, 1953; Jenkins this diffusion control results in a drastic
and Ledwith, 1974). The same is true for decrease in curing rate and eventually in an
stepwise network build-up until high cross- undercured system.
linkitfg densities are reached and the reac- An example of curing a diepoxide with a
tion is slowed down (Rozenberg, 1985; diamine (Dusek and Havlicek, 1993) is
Dusek, 1986). The passage through the gel given in Figs. 7-4 and 7-5. The increase in
point where the macroscopic flow ceases Tg with conversion slows down the reaction
does not have any marked influence on the rate until the curing is practically stopped.
reaction rate. Several other experimental and theoretical
On the contrary, some steps in chain poly- papers deal with this problem (Horie et al.,
merizations are known to be diffusion-con- 1968; Huguenin and Klein, 1985; Rohr and
trolled. Best known is the Trommsdorff, or Klein, 1988; Rohr and Klein, 1990; Matsu-
gel effect in free-radical copolymerizations oka et al., 1989; Sanford and McCollough,
when the termination by recombination of 1990; Wisanrakkit and Gillham, 1990).
macroradicals becomes dependent on their
degree of polymerization. In concentrated
7.4.2 Diffusion Control
systems (at high conversions), even the
and Reaction Rates
propagation rate is diffusion-controlled.
The specific diffusion control is much more There have been many attempts to corre-
important for crosslinking free-radical late quantitatively the diffusivities of mole-
7.4 Kinetics of Network Formation 409

cules or segments with reaction rates. The internal structure of the reactants (e.g., com-
problem is outlined below. position and symmetry of the molecule). In
According to the theory of absolute reac- the general case,
tion rates, the formation of a stable product
proceeds via formation of an activated com- [X)A-B(Y)Y
plex. Let us consider formation of bonds
A - B between reactants A(X) and B(F)
where the vectors X and Y characterize the -(X)A-B(Y) (7-1)
where []* is the activated complex, fcD and
k_D are rate constants for diffusion-con-
I 1 1 1 trolled formation and dissociation of the
400 -
activated complex, and kc is the rate con-
Tg,K stant for the transformation of the activated
complex into a stable product. These rate
constants generally depend on the vectors X
and Y. The reaction scheme (7-1) is
350 described by an infinite set of differential
equations which can be regarded as gener-
i alized Smoluchowski (1918) coagulation
equations, and the rate constants represent
the kernels of these equations. The transfor-
300 - mation rates for the molecules are propor-
tional to the concentrations of the reacting
molecules, and the kernels are a function of
the number and kind of unreacted function-
al groups in the molecule. Under the condi-
tions of the diffusion control (translational
or segmental), kD,XY, k_r>XY<kCXY, the dif-
1 1 1 1
0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 g fusion rate into the complex becomes the
rate-controlling step. If the encounter of the
Fig. 7-4. Dependence of Tg of the system diglycidyl
ether of bisphenol A (DGEBA) - 1,3-diaminopropane
reacting groups is controlled by translation-
(DAP) on conversion of epoxy groups % (Dusek, and al diffusion by reptation, the collision rate
Havlicek, 1993). is proportional to (D(X) + D(Y)) and D(X)

Fig. 7-5. Dependence of conversion of

epoxy groups on time for various curing
temperatures. The same system as in
Fig. 7-4.
50 100 150 t, min
410 7 Network Formation

is roughly proportional to x p 2 , where xp is (a) Not all changes of motion in the poly-
the degree of polymerization of the mole- mer are associated with the main transi-
cule. tions; there are secondary transitions
In the case of chemical kinetics control, determined by smaller scale mobilities.
the kernels are proportional to the numbers (b) Small species (monomers) can still
(monomolecular reaction), or products of move deeply below Tg. For example,
numbers (bimolecular reactions) of the Kloosterboer (1988) observed that the
respective functional groups. A different rate of monomer consumption in cross-
functional dependence can account for dif- linked polyacrylates in the glassy state
fusion control, steric hindrances, etc., (Hen- obeyed the Williams-Watts function,
dries et al., 1983; Dusek and Somvarsky, i.e., it was proportional to exp(-/r)/3),
1992). The solution to the general Smolu- where /3<1, somewhere 100 K below Tg.
chowski equations can be obtained by (c) Some reactions (even on the polymer
Monte Carlo simulation (Somvarsky and backbone) do not require large spatial
Dusek, 1994a, b). rearrangements, so that they can proceed
Specific diffusion control is characteris- deep in the glassy state (e.g., cis-trans
tic of dilute solutions where there are few isomerizations, splitting of bonds and
overlaps and weak interactions affecting recombination of the respective free rad-
diffusion of individual molecules. In con- icals) (Eisenbach 1980).
centrated solutions and melts, the diffusion
of reactive groups into the activated com- Within these limitations, one can corre-
plex becomes rather nonspecific and con- late the reaction rate with segmental mobil-
trolled by segmental mobility irrespective ity in the glass transition region using the
of the sizes of the molecules (parts of the free-volume theory or an alternative theory,
network structure) to which they belong. e.g., that of Adam and Gibbs (1965). Within
the free-volume concept, the diffusion-con-
Thus, the characteristic situation for over-
trolled reaction rate can then be taken pro-
all diffusion control is a dependence of the
portional to exp [(Tc-Tg)/(TC-Tg + c2)],
rate constants not on particular values of the
where Tc is the temperature of cure and c2
components of vectors X and Y but only on
is the constant in the Williams-Landell-
their average values, for instance on the
Ferry (WLF) equation. If Rabinowitch's
average molecular weight. Then, Eq. (7-1)
(1937) assumption about the steady state
can be rewritten as follows:
concentration of the activated complex
d [AB*]/d = 0 is used, one gets from
o-A + B - o =^ [ o - A - B - o ] * Eq. (7-2)
d [AB]/dt=[kckD/(kc +
= * app [A][B] (7-3)
where the structure of - o need not be spec-
ified. The infinite number of equations which gives the apparent rate constants of a
having an infinite number of rate constants bimolecular reaction in terms of kc, kD and
(7-1) then degenerate to Eq. (7-2).
The overall diffusion control is governed (Vkc)(k_D/kD) (7-4)
by segmental mobility, which is associated
with the glass transition. However, one or
should realize that: (7-5)
7.4 Kinetics of Network Formation 411

It can be seen that k.dpp = k'c for kD>k'c An example comparing the predicted and
and kapp = kD for kD<k'c. For slow reactions experimental rate constants for curing
in mobile systems, the condition kD>k'c is diglycidyl ether of bisphenol A with 1,3-
usually fulfilled, but for fast reaction and propanediamine (Dusek and Havlicek,
low mobilities kD<k'c is valid. 1993) is shown in Fig. 7-6.
Since kD depends on local mobility and The sharp fall in the rate constant starting
the mobility, in turn, depends on structural in the vicinity of Tg predicted by the theory
changes, and the structural changes depend is also found in experiments.
on conversion, fcapp is no longer a constant In addition to segmental mobilities asso-
but is conversion dependent under the con- ciated with the glass transition, the reaction
ditions of diffusion control. kinetics can be affected by two other fac-
The temperature dependence of k'c is tors:
given by the Arrhenius equation
(a) sub-r g mobilities already discussed in
kQ = kCQQxp(-EJRTc) (7-6) this section,
(b) physical ageing which accompanies cur-
where Ea is the activation energy of the
ing and becomes considerable over long
chemical reaction. The "constant"fcDcan be
curing times (final curing stages in
related to the coefficient of segmental
undercured systems). Volume relaxation
mobility, D, through one of the theories of
has a dual effect on the reaction rate: it
glass transition assists the reaction by a density increase,
k k D(T E v ) (7-7) but makes the glass denser and its inter-
nal motion slower.
where kD0 is a constant, is degree of con-
version of functional groups, and vx is the
volume fraction of the possibly present dil-
uent. The free-volume theories (e.g., Turn- 1 I I 1
bull and Cohen, 1961) offer log k
O |9
70 c O ^ 3 <j vD
60 QLl \
where -1 - > *
40 u*-

and Do and bD are constants,/ v and/ vg are

fractional free volumes at temperatures T

-2 -
and 7 g , respectively, ccf is the thermal expan-
sion coefficient of the free volume. The
denominator fv in Eq. (7-8) has the same 9
form as in the WLF equation and determines o
the fall of mobility with increasing Tg, i.e., -3 -
with conversion.
1 1 i
To predict the dependence of the rate 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 ^
constant on conversion, it is necessary to
Fig. 7-6. Comparison of the rate constant k as a func-
determine the conversion dependence of Tg tion of conversion of epoxy groups for curing of
and the kinetic law governing the curing DGEPA with DAP calculated and measured. The same
reaction in the absence of diffusion control. system as in Fig. 7-4.
412 7 Network Formation

Of great importantance is the amount of degree of polymerization or molecular

free volume locked in by vitrification weight, and by their symmetry. The molec-
during the course of the curing. The locked- ular weight distribution can be obtained by
in free volume is the higher the faster the chromatographic separation methods, and
reaction and the lower the vitrification c by the molecular weight averages obtained
onversion which determines the potential by various physical methods such as
reaction contraction. The conversion depen- osmometry, light scattering, and ultracen-
dence of the rate constant at various temper- trifugation.
atures can vary due to the interplay of Molecules of the same molecular weight
locking-in free volume and volume relaxa- can have different shapes which differ in
tion. the radii of gyration. For instance, a 17-mer
of a tetrafunctional monomer (without
cycles) can be symmetric, composed of 17
7.5 Description (=1+4+4x3) monomeric units with four
reacted functional groups and 36 (4x3x3)
of Network Structure end units with one reacted functional group;
or linear, composed of 15 units with two
In this section, the topological structure
reacted groups and two end units with one
which develops during the crosslinking pro-
reacted group (Fig. 7-7).
cess will be characterized. In contrast to lin-
In general, symmetry or asymmetry of the
ear polymers, the description of branched
structures are given by the distribution of
and crosslinked structures needs more infor-
the number of bonds issuing from the units.
mation. The topological structure is simpler
Any tree-like structure composed of N units
than the spatial structure; a given topologi-
(of functionality j) is connected by AM
cal structure can assume many forms in
bonds; N-\ bonds correspond to 2{N-\)
reacted functional groups out of TV/* groups.
The topological structure of molecules
Therefore, the number of unreacted groups,
and of the network composed of units which
Ngf is given by the relation
are interconnected by bonds can formally be
described as "adjacency" or "incidence" Ngf=Nf-2(N-l) = N(f-2) + 2 (7-9)
matrices. Also, the bonds can be sequential-
For a/-functional monomer, a fully sym-
ly numbered according to the chronological
metric tree-like structure can be construct-
order in which they were formed. In this
ed from N units issuing Nf bonds and N(f-2)
way, structures determined by history
+ 2 units with one reacted and/-I unreact-
effects of any possible complexity can be
ed groups. Alternatively, when N units with
described. However, the laws of network
two reacted groups and/-2 unreacted ones
formation are usually relatively simple and,
form a linear chain terminated by two units
also, experimental characterization meth-
with one reacted and/-I unreacted groups.
ods cannot differentiate between fine details
The number of branch points in the mole-
of structures.
cule in the former case is N9 in the latter zero.
So, increasing polydispersity of the distri-
bution of building units in a molecule with
7.5.1 Pre-gel Region
respect to the number of bonds they are
The distribution of molecules before the engaged in means increasing sphericity of
gel point can be characterized by their the molecule.
7.5 Description of Network Structure 413

Fig. 7-7. Schematic representation
of symmetric (top) and asymmet-
ric structures of the same degree of
polymerization composed of tetra-
functional monomer units.

7.5.2. Post-gel Region

Beyond the gel point, the molecules in the
sol can be characterized in the same way as
before the gel point. The infinite molecule
- the gel - can be characterized by various
substructures: elastically active junctions
(crosslinks), elastically active chains, and
dangling chains (Fig. 7-8).
These substructures differ in the connec-
tivity of units - characterized by the num- Fig. 7-8. Part of a system crosslinked beyond the gel
ber of bonds with infinite continuation. A point. A: elastically active crosslinks; B: units in elas-
tically active network chains (EANCs); C, D: units in
bond with infinite continuation is defined as
dangling chains; E: units in sol; > bonds with infi-
one through which, looking out of the unit, nite continuation.
one can reach the (infinitely distant) surface
of the sample. For a tree-like structure, the
classification is simple. Further from the gel point, the gel always
Elastically active crosslinks (EACs, contains a nonnegligible number of cycles
structure A in Fig. 7-8) are represented by (circuits). Some of these are large and involve
units issuing three or more bonds with infi- several elastically active crosslinks and
nite continuation. chains (circuits) (Fig. 7-9 a). Their formation
Elastically active (network) chains is considered uncorrelated with the proper-
(EANCs, structure B in Fig. 7-8) are com- ties of the connecting chains. However, some
posed of units that have two and only two of them can be smaller (Fig. 7-9 b), and their
bonds with infinite continuation. formation is definitely determined by the
Dangling chains (DCs) are composed of properties of the connecting chains. Gener-
units that issue only one bond with infinite ally, this is a very complicated problem
continuation. They are bonded either to an described in fully by the adjacency matrix.
EANC (structure C in Fig. 7-8), or EAC However, in order to be still able to apply
(structure D in Fig. 7-8). the above criteria on classification of units
414 7 Network Formation

gation; spatial inhomogeneity during cross-

linking enhances topological heterogeneity.
The inhomogeneity can eventually result in
phase separation and induce formations of
interphase boundaries. In this section, only
those topological inhomogeneities in multi-
component systems that arise from statisti-
A B cal arrangements of units will be discussed.
Fig. 7-9. Example of cyclic structures in a network These arrangements are affected by differ-
(gel); (a) circuit with elastically active crosslinks and ences in reactivities and by special reaction
network chains, (b) elastically inactive crosslink and
mechanisms (Dusek and Somvarsky, 1996).
elastically inactive loop.
Figure 7-10 shows a part of the network
formed in a three-component system where,
with respect to the number of their bonds
for instance, two components having the
with infinite continuation, a redefinition of
same groups but differing in some property
"infinite continuation" is necessary. The
(e.g., molecular weight) are crosslinked
units will be distinguished according to the
with a common substance. Such a case cor-
number of bonds with independent contin-
responds, for instance, to a polyurethane
uations to infinity. However, beyond the gel
network formed from a long chain diol (soft
point, where closed circuits exist, some of
unit) and a low-molecular-weight triol (hard
the paths must be dependent. Examples are
unit) crosslinked with a diisocyanate (hard
shown in Fig. 7-9. In Fig. 7-9 a, the cyclic
unit) (Dusek, 1989), where clusters of
path passes through many active branch
"hard" triol-diisocyanate units exist within
points before it comes back. The given bond
will have continuation to infinity irrespec- the soft diol-diisocyanate "matrix".
tive of whether such a circuit exists or not. The size of these clusters increases with
This circuit closing does not affect, in any increasing hard-unit content and conver-
practical sense, the probability of the bond
Macrodiol (soft)
continuation from a given unit to infinity.
Small cycles cause bonds with infinite con-
tinuation to be dependent. Examples are
given'in Fig. 7-9. Structure B is just a dan-
Y Triol (hard)

gling cycle which is elastically inactive. o-o Diisocyanate (hard)

Also, partly double-chained EANCs can
exist. The mechanical behavior of these
more complex structures can be quite com-

7.5.3 Inhomogeneities in Networks

Hard cluster
Polymer networks can be topologically
and spatially inhomogeneous. However,
spatial and topological inhomogeneity can
be interdependent: topological inhomogene- Fig. 7-10. Schematic representation of a hard cluster
ity may cause physical association or segre- formed in the system macrodiol-diisocyanate-triol.
7.6 Outline of Network Formation Theories 415

Fig. 7-11. Calculated average degrees

of polymerization P of hard clusters in
the gel for a stoichiometric system
macrodiol - diisocyanate - triol.
Stoichiometric system, no substitution
effect, initial ratio of OH groups in
macrodiol and triol is 1. One-stage
and two-stage processes. Subscripts:
s - in sol, g - in gel; % conversion.

sion. Cluster formation is also enhanced by structures and substructures as a function of

higher relative reactivity of OH groups in the relative numbers of formed bonds dif-
the triol with respect to that of those in the fering in type. These relative numbers are
diol. Some calculated dependences are related to conversions of the respective
shown in Fig. 7-11 (Dusek and Ilavsky, functional groups.
1979). The input information needed to apply the
In certain cases, the structure of hard clus- theories includes: initial composition of the
ters can become continuous. This corre- system in terms of type and functionality of
sponds to a percolation threshold of hard the components, and mechanism and kinet-
clusters within the soft matrix. This perco- ics of the bond formation or bond scission
lation threshold is reached after the macro- reactions. The mechanism and kinetics
scopic gelation in which the diol bridges information determines the time (conver-
also take part. For the random system shown sion) sequences in which bonds between
in Fig. 7-11, the percolation threshold is just component units are formed.
reached at 100% conversion. Reaction time or conversion(s) of func-
Microgel-like types of inhomogeneities tional groups are the independent variables.
are typical of chain crosslinking copolym- The kinetics information includes the histo-
erizations as mentioned in Sec. 7.2, Fig. ry of network formation (in one or several
7-3. In this case, the chain mechanism is stages).
mainly responsible for inhomogeneous net- The output information includes:
work formation.
- molecular-weight and compositional dis-
tributions, and averages of the branched
polymers before the gel point,
7.6 Outline of Network - averages of radii or gyration of these
Formation Theories molecules, or other parameters character-
izing the symmetry of molecules,
The network formation theories describe - the gel point time or gel point (critical)
development of branched and crosslinked conversion,
416 7 Network Formation

- fractions of sol and gel, (1) Statistical theories, by which the struc-
- molecular-weight averages of the sol, tures are built up from monomeric units
- information about the gel structure in (or other fragments) differing in reaction
terms of dangling chains, elastically states. The reaction state is described by
active network chains, elastically active the number of reacted functional groups
crosslinks, topological inhomogeneities, and types of bond they are engaged in.
etc. The connections between such units
occur at random, but differences
All this information is important for
between bond types are respected. The
understanding and predicting various pro-
generation of structures occurs at any
cessing and materials properties, like the
extent of reaction, so that any correla-
development of viscosity and viscoelastic
tion with the history of bond sequences
properties, equilibrium elasticity, swelling, formation is lost. These theories are
etc. mean-field, so that time and space cor-
relations can be taken into account only
by some (perturbation) approximations.
7.6.1 Factors Determining the Growth The Flory-Stockmayer theory, the
of Network Structures branching processes (cascade) theory, or
Of the factors affecting structure devel- the "recursive" theory of Miller and
opment in polymer network, the following Macosko are included in this category.
are the most important (Dusek and Som- (2) Kinetic (coagulation) theories, in which
varsky, 1993): the existing structure of reacting mole-
cules is kept intact. The structure growth
(a) short-range "chemical" effects - rules of
is described by a (infinite) set of diffe-
making (or breaking) bonds between
rential equations for the time evolution
constituent units determined by reaction
of numbers (concentrations) of distin-
paths (mechanism) and their kinetics,
guishable molecules. The rate constants
(b) long-range connectivity (time, history) for reactions of molecules depend on the
correlations by which the structure number and reactivities of their func-
"remembers" the sequential orders of tional groups. Physical effects on the
units and bonds in the structure devel- growth rates of molecules can be incor-
oped in time, porated. The approach is mean-field, but
(c) long-range spatial correlations affecting time correlations are taken into account
the reaction probabilities through exactly. Space correlations can be dealt
cyclization, unequal accessibility of with as an approximation, but the rate
groups bonded to molecules of different constants for reactions between func-
size and symmetry (excluded-volume tional groups in a molecule, or between
effect), or diffusion control of certain a pair of molecules, can be made depen-
reaction steps. dent on their structure and mobility. In
the case of incorporation of physical
effects, the kinetic equations are of the
7.6.2 Classification of Network type of generalized Smoluchowski
Formation Theories coagulation equations.
The existing network formation theories (3) Simulation in space is performed in
can be grouped into three categories: finite systems by computer. The most
7.6 Outline of Network Formation Theories 417

frequent simulations are based on lattice The solution using the kinetic (coagula-
percolations which can be either random tion) theory is less simple but manageable.
(Stauffer et al., 1981) or kinetic (initiat- Only in the simplest cases, does the infinite
ed) (Boots et al., 1985). Off-lattice sim- set of differential equations of chemical
ulation (Leung and Eichinger, 1984) kinetics have an analytical solution. Most
have some advantages. The simulations frequently, these equations are solved by the
in space are non-mean-field and can take moment method, in which differential equa-
into account time and space correlations. tions for the time evolution of the moments
The classic percolation methods suffer of the distributions (degrees of polymeriza-
from the rigidity of the lattice corre- tion, molecular weights, composition, etc.)
sponding to a complete diffusion control can be derived. The values of the moments
of the network-forming reaction. The of distributions are calculated numerically
diffusivity of the molecules can be taken (Kuchanov and Povolotskaya, 1982; Galina
into account by different statistical and Szustalewicz, 1990). This approach has
weightings for reactions of molecules of also been used for modeling free-radical
different sizes and at different distances copolymerizations (Tobita and Hamielec,
(see e.g., Gupta et al., 1991). 1988, 1989; Mikos et al., 1986).
In more complex cases, a Monte-Carlo
For simulating aggregation, there are var-
simulation of the process as described by the
ious models of diffusion-controlled pro-
differential equations can be used (e.g.,
cesses (ballistic, diffusion-limited aggrega-
Mikes and Dusek, 1982; Somvarsky and
tion, and other models) (Family and Lan-
Dusek, 1994 a, b). The random-number gen-
dau, 1984). Network-formation simulations
erator selects a given pair of molecules for
have not yet advanced for enough as to be
reaction; the probability of finding a mole-
able to take into account the effect of phys-
cule is weighted by its "reaction ability",
ical interactions on the transformation rates
which is given by the numbers and reactiv-
of molecules during network formation.
ities of the unreacted functional groups of
the given molecule and its reaction partner.
As the size of the system increases, the dif-
7.6.3 Calculation of Structural ference between the molecular weight of the
Parameters largest and the second-largest molecules
Network-formation theories differ not rapidly increases when a certain conversion
only in their rigor of treatment of long-range is surpassed, and diverges when the system
correlations but also in their ability to cal- size approaches infinity at the gel point. The
culate various structural parameters when mass fraction of the largest molecule
applied to real systems. The theories of becomes equal to the gel fraction.
group (1) are easy and require minimum The difference between the statistical and
information; the possibility of characteriz- kinetic network-formation theories are
ing details of the infinite gel structure (elas- schematically shown in Figs. 7-12 a, b.
tically active network chains, pendant If the branched and crosslinked structures
chains and their distributions, elastically are built up from monomeric units, the input
active crosslinks, lengths of various information is the distribution of monomer-
sequences having a certain property, etc.) is ic units in different reaction states. The reac-
their great advantage for finding and pre- tion state of a monomeric unit is character-
dicting structure-property correlations. ized by the number of reacted bonds and type
418 7 Network Formation


Fig. 7-12. Schematic representation

of network build-up; (a) from mono-
meric units in different reaction states
by the statistical theories, (b) by kinet-
ic theories.

al bonds. This distribution expresses the abil-

ity of the structure to propagate along bond
sequences and determines the molecular
weight distribution and condition for the gel
Fig. 7-13. Four reaction states of a trifunctional point. Beyond the gel point, this distribution
monomeric unit; unreacted (o) and reacted () func- also determines the so-called extinction prob-
tional groups. ability, i.e., the probability that a certain bond
starts a sequence which will become extinct,
of bonds the reacted groups are engaged in. i.e., one without infinite continuation.
In the simple case shown in Fig. 7-10 a, there In the case of kinetic theories, the build-
is only one type of groups and bonds: the tri- up rate is a function of the concentrations of
functional monomer unit exists in four reac- the two reacting molecules, the number and
tion states with zero, one, two, and three type of unreacted functional groups in each
reacted functional groups (Fig. 7-13). The of them, and their reactivities.
number fractions (probabilities of finding) of There are a number of approximate meth-
these units, p0, pu p2, and p3 are the input ods enalbing us to take into consideration
information for the application of the theory. the effects of long-range correlations (see,
In polycomponent systems, distinguish- e.g., Dusek and Somvarsky, 1993).
ing between various types of units and bonds Treatment of specific systems and the
makes it possible, for example, to calculate corresponding mathematical relation for
the distribution of hard clusters (Sec. 7.5.3). calculating structural parameters can be
This can be achieved by taking into account found in various publications, e.g. the
only bonds connecting hard units. review of percolation treatment by Stauffer
The distribution of units in different reac- et al. (1981), or two monograph chapters
tion states in the whole system determines the dealing with the theory of network build-up
distribution of units already bonded to other in the case of polyurethane and epoxy res-
units with respect to the number of addition- ins (Dusek, 1986; Dusek, 1989).
7.7 Examples of the Most Important Crosslinking Reactions 419

7.6.4 Recommendations for Selection formulation of the kinetic equations is not

of Theory difficult and, in the absence of space corre-
lations, their solution using the moments
Anyone wanting to use a theory to method is feasible. Limited information on
describe network formation in a given the post-gel state is a disadvantage of the
system and develop a predictive theoretical kinetic treatment at present.
approach is often faced with the problem of Long-range space correlations (cycliza-
which type of theory to start with. The tion, steric and thermodynamic excluded-
answer is not simple; it depends, firstly, on volume effects, diffusion control) and their
how much and in what sense the real system combination with long-range time correla-
deviates from the ideal one (without time tions, represent the most difficult problem.
and space correlations); secondly, whether Spatial simulations (percolation tech-
the entire conversion region should be cov- niques) or kinetic differential equations
ered, or whether one is interested in the based on generalized Smoluchowski equa-
detailed description of the critical region; tions, combined with Monte-Carlo solu-
and, thirdly, what hardware is available. tions, are the current approaches. This group
Many systems of practical importance of theories is being developed with the aim
can be described with satisfactory accuracy of finding efficient ways to model various
by the modern versions of statistical theo- types of space correlations as well as simu-
ries - either the theory of branching process- lation methods.
es (TBP) (cascade), or the recursive theory
(RT). They are exact in the absence of long-
range time and space correlations, and both
groups of theories give identical results. 7.7 Examples
TBP uses the generating-function formal- of the Most Important
ism to describe distributions, which is a def- Crosslinking Reactions
inite advantage if more complex cases
(initial distributions, complex reaction Almost all reactions between groups pro-
mechanism, combination of kinetic theories ducing bonds can be used for the prepara-
with statistical theories) are treated. tion of polymer networks. The condition is
Systems formed by stepwise reactions that some of the constituent units must par-
where cyclization is weak, can be treated ticipate in three or more bonds by which
very well by these theories. To treat weak they are linked to neighboring units. This
cyclization, perturbation methods have condition can be fulfilled by the presence of
been developed. The description of the gel units carrying more than two functional
structure in terms of the various elements groups. Alternatively, branching can also be
discussed in Sec. 7.5.2 is easy. produced if the reaction between two groups
If long-range time correlations are impor- yields a new reactive group (etherification
tant, statistical approaches cannot be used. following epoxy-amine reaction, or alloph-
This is often the case with complex reaction anate formation following isocyanate -
mechanisms, particularly for those based on hydroxyl reaction).
initiated structure growth (chain mecha- If is not the aim of this chapter to review
nism). Living polymerization-type build-up chemical ways of synthesizing covalent
or multistage network formation can serve polymer networks, but simply to show some
as examples. Although more complex, the typical examples of various build-up
420 7 Network Formation

mechanisms and their implications for the acted to yield unsaturated polyesters where
choice of theoretical strategies used for the double bonds are functional groups
modeling network formation. The theoreti- active in crosslinking by copolymerization
cal approaches to specific problems are not with another monomer.
discussed here in any detail, but references Epoxide-carboxyl reactions produce
are made to the relevant publications. Due hydroxyester groups, whereas cyclic an-
to the limited size of this chapter, only a few hydride-epoxide reactions only produce
examples will be briefly discussed. diester groups. The epoxy group appears to
be monofunctional in its reaction with a
carboxyl group, but bifunctional when it
7.7.1 Polyester Networks reacts with the anhydride. Therefore, a die-
poxide and a dicarboxylic acid give primar-
Conventional methods of making ester
ily a linear poly(hydroxyester), whereas
bonds are reactions of carboxyl groups with
from a diepoxide and a cyclic anhydride a
hydroxyl or epoxy groups, and the reaction
crosslinked product is formed (Dusek,
of hydroxyl or epoxy groups with a cyclic
(or polymeric) anhydride

-COOH + H O - ^ - C O O - + H2O (7-10)

-COOH + - C H - C H 2 > -COOCH 2 -CH(OH)- (7-11)


The condensation reaction (7-10) is not
suitable for making bulk objects due to the Since these reactions can be considered
elimination of water. It has been employed stepwise, statistical theories can be used. Of
in the preparation of branched saturated great importance is the tendency of the
functional polyester precursors earring OH hydroxyester group towards transesterifica-
or COOH groups. A triol or tetrol (e.g., tri- tion, which has a considerable effect on net-
methylolpropane or pentaerythritol) are work build-up. For example, equimolar
added as branching agents. Alternatively, quantities of diepoxide and a dicarboxylic
diols, unsaturated cyclic anhydrides, and acid initially produce a linear hydroxypol-
saturated diacids and monoacids are core- yester. As a result of transesterification, a
diester and a glycol are formed
\ I

Rl COOCHo - CHR 2 + HOCH 9 - CHR 2 (7-14)

7.7 Examples of the Most Important Crosslinking Reactions 421

Transesterification causes a redistribu- reactions of polyisocyanate compounds.

tion of the number of bonds by which the The urethane, urea, and isocyanurate groups
epoxy unit is bonded to the carboxyl unit. are the most frequent types of stable bonds
In hydroxyester, the epoxy unit is mono- used in network formation; allophanates
functional but, as a result of transesterifica- and biurets are less stable. Since the isocya-
tion, is converted into equimolar quantities nate group is very reactive, a variety of prod-
of bifunctional diester and non-functional ucts can be formed as shown in Fig. 7-14
glycol. In the case of a dicarboxylic acid and (Saunders and Frisch, 1962; Reegen and
diepoxide, the change in functionality / of Frisch 1971).
the diepoxide to yield a distribution / = 0 to Simple polyurethane networks with units
4, causes gelation which has been proved connected by urethane bonds can be pre-
theoretically and experimentally (Dusek pared from diisocyanates and polyols
and Matejka, 1984). (triols, tetrols) or from diols and polyisocya-
In the diepoxide-cyclic anhydride reac- nates. These networks have also been wide-
tions, the diepoxide unit is tetrafunctional ly studied as model networks for the verifi-
and the anhydride unit difunctional. cation of network formation and rubber
elasticity theories (Dusek, 1989; Ilavsky
etal., 1993;Stepto, 1982).
The reaction of diisocyanates with poly-
7.7.2 Polyurethane Networks
ether or polyester triols and tetrols in the
The group of polyurethane networks easiest way of preparing these networks.
includes a variety of systems obtained by Tris(4-isocyanatophenyl) thiophosphate (I)

-N N-



(amine) (urethane) CO CO

I + OCN-
tl OCN-
+ OCN- (allophanate)

-NCONH- Fig. 7-14. Most important

reaction paths of isocyanate
CONH- groups in polyurethane for-
(biuret) mation.
422 7 Network Formation

can most conveniently be used as a source and Frisch 1971). As a result of this addi-
of polyisocyanate branch points. tional crosslinking, even a system prepared
from a diisocyanate and a diol can gel and
form a network. If the composition is
described in terms of the respective frag-
ments (urethane, urea, allophanate, biuret,
uretedione, isocyanurate), the network for-
mation can be described quantitatively
(Dusek et al., 1990).
Cyclotrimerization of urethane end-
In preparing these simple networks, one capped oligomers (polyethers, polyesters,
should avoid an excess of isocyanate polybutadienes, etc.) is a convenient way
groups. If the NCO groups are in excess and/ of manufacturing crosslinked polyure-
or traces of water are present, other "side" thanes. Cyclotrimerization is catalyzed,
reactions set in as shown in Fig. 7-14. for instance, by carboxylates or tertiary
Somewhat more complicated are three- amines. Every diisocyanate participates in
component poly urethane networks prepared the formation of two trifunctional cross-
from a diisocyanate, a polyether or poly- links. The contribution of a fully reacted
ester diol, and a low-molecular-weight diisocyanate unit to the number of cross-
polyol (e.g., trimethylolpropane or penta- links is 2x(l/3).
erythritol). The structure of these networks Related to polyisocyanurates are poly-
can be more complicated because of clus- cyanate networks (polycyanurates) obtain-
ters of hard units (Sec. 7.5.3 and Fig. 7-10). ed by polycyclotrimerization of dicyanates.
The size of the clusters depends on wheth- Aromatic polycyanurates are technically
er the network is prepared in one or two stag- valuable products (Shimp, 1994) and also
es. If preparation occurs in one stage, all an interesting object for gelation studies.
hydroxyl groups react from the very begin-
ing and, if the reactivity of OH groups of the
polyol is higher than that of the macrodiol, 7.7.3 Cured Epoxy Resins
hard cluster formation is enhanced. In a two- Epoxy-Amine Networks
stage process, the macrodiol and diisocya-
nate react in the first stage. A distribution of Networks prepared by reaction of poly-
NCO terminated oligourethanes is formed epoxides with polyamines represent the
and part of the free diisocyanate remains in most important group of cured epoxy resins
the system. In the second stage, the NCO (May, 1988). Of the other important curing
groups react with the polyol and the free di- reactions, acid curing (reactions with poly-
isocyanate contributes to cluster formation. carboxylic acids and cyclic anhydrides)
When isocyanate groups are in excess, has already been discussed briefly in
more types of bonds are formed, as shown Sec. 7.4.1. Curing with polyphenols and
in Fig. 7-14. The bifunctional groups ionic polymerizations will be mentioned in
already formed (urethane, urea) can react the next section. The basic aspects of net-
with isocyanate groups, and trifunctional work formation and its relation to the struc-
allophanate and biuret, as well as a stable ture and properties of cured products were
trifunctional triomer (isocyanurate), can be reviewed in a monograph (Dusek, 1985
formed (Saunders and Frisch, 1962; Reegen 1986).
7.7 Examples of the Most Important Crosslinking Reactions 423

The basic reaction between an epoxy group and a primary amine proceeds in two steps:

\ /
o OH

+ R 2 CH-CH 2 R1N(CH2CH(OH)R2)2 (7-16)

I \ /
Hydroxyl groups are formed which, in an difunctional and diamine tetrafunctional.
excess of epoxide groups, can react and start The fragments necessary for network build-
a polyether sequence. Therefore, polyether- up are represented by a distribution of di-
ification is a reaction initiated by the formed epoxide and diamine units with different
OH group. However, the polyetherification numbers of reacted functional groups (0, 1,
process is in reality more complicated than 2 for diepoxide, and 0, 1,2, 3,4 for diamine)
that shown - a simple stepwise polyaddition (Fig. 7-15; Dusek, 1986).
of epoxide groups initiated by the OH The epoxide-amine addition is as simple
groups of the reaction products of Eqs. as that shown in Fig. 7-15 only for certain
(7-15) and (7-16). Splitting-off of the initiat- classes of resins, such as those based on the
ing species and reinitiation are the main diglycidyl ether of bisphenol A (DGEBA)
complicating features (Berger and Lohse (II). However, the mechanism of addition
1985; Matejka etal. 1992). of amines to some other epoxy resins is
The epoxide-amine addition is controlled much more complicated. Curing the difunc-
by the relative reactivities of hydrogens in tional Af iV-diglycidylamine (III) or the
the primary and secondary amino groups. If tetrafunctional MMA^TV'-tetraglycidyl-
the reactivity of the hydrogen in the secon- 4,4/-diamino-diphenylmethane (IV) with
dary amino group is lower than that of the amines is complicated by dependent reac-
primary amino group, chain extension is tivities of glycidyl groups bonded to the
preferred to branching and gelation is same nitrogen atom and extensive formation
delayed on the conversion scale. As with of small cycles (Matejka et al., 1995). For a
other networks formed by alternating addi- theoretical build-up of the polymer network
tion mechanisms, the crosslinking density is many more fragment types are necessary
very much affected by off-stoichiometry. If (Matejka and Dusek, 1995).
the excess of an amine (with excess epox-
ide, crosslinking is complicated by etherifi- CH 2 CHCH 2 O OCH2CHCH2
cation) is high enough, the so-called critical 0 0
molar ratio is reached and the network is not
formed at all. The critical molar ratio is an
important guideline for the preparation of
still liquid and soluble epoxy-amine V III
adducts. In amine curing, diepoxide is CH 2 CHCH 2
424 7 Network Formation

Diamine units

Diepoxide units

Fig. 7-15. Diamine frag-

ments used for statistical
build-up of epoxy-amine
O, Q unreacted; # , reacted functionalities networks (Dusek, 1986). Curing with Polyphenols initiated process and, therefore, a simple

statistical approach is not adequate.
The phenolic group is a much stronger
Polyetherification in the presence of basic
proton donor than an aliphatic hydroxyl
catalysts involves several reaction steps of
group. The reaction with phenolic hydro-
which the splitting-off of the initiating spe-
xyl can initiate polyetherification. Diphe-
cies is very important, so that polyether
nols are bifunctional and are often used as
chains formed are usually very short (Vaz-
chain extenders. Usually, polyphenols, such
quez et al. 1990). Network formation has
as reaction products of phenols and formal-
been treated by combining kinetic and sta-
dehyde (novolacs), are used as curing agents
tistical branching theories (Dusek et al.,
to give thermally stable epoxy resins. In the
description of network build-up, the func-
Cationic polymerization is used for fast
tionality distribution of polyphenols has to
curing. The most widely used catalysts are
be taken into account.
complexes of BF3 with amines, or some
other proton donors (May, 1988). The reac-
tion scheme is even more complicated than Ionic Mechanisms
that suggested for the anionic mechanism
of Network Build-up
(Matejka et al., 1993). From the point of
Anionic as well as cationic polymeriza- view of the theoretical description of net-
tions are widely employed for curing epoxy work build-up (Matejka et al., 1997), the
resins and a great number of catalysts have degradative termination represents quite a
been used (May, 1988). From the point of difficult problem. The ether groups in the
view of polymerization mechanisms, these existing chains are attacked by an active end
polymerizations involve several types of and a part of the attacked chain is split off
transfer and termination reactions. The net- and the other part is recombined with the
work build-up should be considered as an attacking species.
7.7 Examples of the Most Important Crosslinking Reactions 425

7.7.4 Network Obtained called the sol-gel process).

by Crosslinking Reactions Involving
Silicon-Containing Groups - - S i - O R + H2O -Si-OH + ROH
Sol-Gel Reactions I I
Poly(dimethylsiloxane) networks have
been one of the most frequently studied I I I I
-Si-OH + H O - S i - - > - S i - O - S i - + H 2 O
model networks. Two main reactions of I I I I
silicon groups have been employed. (7-20)
One involves formation of - S i - O - S i - I I I I
bond by crosslinking hydroxy-terminated -Si-OH + RO-Si- -Si-O-Si-+ROH
poly(dimethylsiloxanes) with polyfunc- I I I I
tional alkoxysilanes, e.g., with tetraethoxy-

O-Si(CH 3 ) 2 O-
2 HO-[Si(CH3)2O]IISi(CH3)2OH + Si(OEt)4 * -OSi(CH 3 ) 2 O-Si-O-Si(CH 3 ) 2 O-
O-Si(CH 3 ) 2 O-
The reaction by which a Si-H group is added to a double bond, for instance to an allyl
group, is called hydrosilylation:

3H-[Si(CH3)2O],zSi(CH3)2H + 2Y(CH2CH = CH2)3

Si(CH 3 ) 2 OSi(CH 3 ) 2 -
(CH2)3 (7-18)
-Si(CH 3 ) 2 OSi(CH 3 ) 2 CH 2 CH 2 CH 2 -Y

According to the above equations, both

crosslinking reactions are simple stepwise The formation of Si-O-Si bonds is a
(a + b) alternating reactions. However, in result of consecutive reactions with substi-
reality, the crosslinking is not so simple tution effects. The substitution effect and
since these reactions suffer from side reac- overall structure growth depends on pH,
tions. Condensation crosslinking is compli- presence of complexing agents, etc. At low
cated by self-condensation of the alkoxysi- pH, the substitution effect on the hydrolysis
lane. Hydrosilylation may exhibit approxi- reaction is negative, so that the increase in
mately 10% side reactions at higher conver- the number of bonds per monomeric unit is
sions. slow and units with a high number of bonds
More complicated is the catalyzed (four) are not numerous. Therefore, the
hydrolysis-condensation of alkoxysilanes, increase in molecular weights of the struc-
titanates, etc., in the presence of water (also tures is slow and the structures are more
426 7 Network Formation

open. At high pH, there is a positive substi- 7.9 References

tution effect in the condensation reaction, so
Adam, G., Gibbs, J.H. (1965), J. Chem. Phys. 43,
that large, bulky structures are formed even 139.
at low conversions (Hench and West, 1990; Allen, P.E.M., Patrick, C.R. (1974), Kinetics & Mech-
Marketal., 1995). anisms of Polymerization Reactions. Application of
Physico-Chemical Principles. Chichester: E. Hor-
However, formation of siloxane clusters wood.
is complex and cannot be described by sim- Berger, J., Lohse, F. (1985), Eur. Polym. J. 21, 435.
ple statistical or chemical kinetics network Boots, H.M.J., Klosterboer, J.G., van de Hei, G.M.M.,
Pandey, R.B. (1985), Br. Polym. J. 17,219.
formation theories. Physical interactions Clark, A.H., Ross-Murphy, S.B. (1987), Adv. Polym.
and diffusion control are operative, partic- Sci. 83, 57.
ularly in the case of formation of condensed Dusek, K. (1982), Development in Polymerisation,
structures at high pH. Therefore, the struc- 3rd ed. Barking, U. K.: Applied Science Publishers.
Dusek, K. (1985), in: Physics of Finely Divided
ture growth must be simulated in three- Matter: Boccara, N., Daoud, M. (Eds.). Berlin:
dimensional space as a diffusion-limited Springer, p. 107.
aggregation process, or modeling can be Dusek, K. (1985-1986), Epoxy Resins and Compos-
ites, Vols. 1-4, Adv. Polym. Sci., Vols. 72, 75, 78,
attempted by the generalized Smoluchovski 80. Berlin: Springer.
coagulation equations. Dusek, K. (1986), Adv. Polym. Sci. 78, 1.
Dusek, K. (1989), in: Telechelic Polymers. Boca
Raton: CRC Press, pp. 289-361.
Dusek, K., Havlicek, I. (1993), Prog. Org. Coat. 22,
7.8 Conclusion 145.
Dusek, K., Ilavsky, M. (1979), Polym. Eng. Sci. 19,
At present, there are a number of theoret- Dusek, K., Matejka, L. (1984), Adv. Chem. Ser. 208,
ical methods enabling the description of the 27.
Dusek, K., Somvarsky, J. (1993), in: Synthesis, Char-
structural changes which occur when mul- acterization and Theory of Polymeric Networks and
tifunctional monomers react. When select- Gels. New York: Plenum Press, p. 283.
ing an appropriate method, the mechanisms Dusek, K., Somvarsky, J. (1996), Faraday Discuss.
Chem. Soc. 101, \\1.
and kinetics of basic bond formation reac- Dusek, K., Spirkova, M., Havlicek, I. (1990), Macro-
tions should be respected. Therefore, suffi- molecules 23, 111 A.
ciently extensive information on "chemis- Dusek, K., Somvarsky, J., Ilavsky, M., Matejka, L.
(1991), Comput. Polym. Sci. 1, 90.
try" is a necessary prerequisite for model- Eisenbach, CD. (1980), Ber. Bunsenges. Phys. Chem.
ing network build-up. In certain cases, stat- 84, 680.
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8 Reactive Processing of Polymer Blends:
Polymer-Polymer Interface Aspects
Takashi Inoue and Philippe Marechal

Department of Organic and Polymeric Materials, Tokyo Institute of Technology, Tokyo,


List of Symbols and Abbreviations 430

8.1 Introduction 433
8.2 Polymer-Polymer Interfaces: Theoretical Background 433
8.2.1 Interfacial Thickness and Interfacial Tension 433
8.2.2 Interfacial Segregation 436
8.2.3 Interfacial Properties 437
8.3. Interfacial Activity of Block and Graft Copolymers 437
8.3.1 Thermodynamics of Interfaces with Block Copolymers 437
8.3.2 Reduction of the Interfacial Tension with Block Copolymers 440
8.3.3 Mechanical Properties of Interfaces Modified by Block Copolymers
(BCPs) and Graft Copolymers (GCPs) 441
8.4 Interfaces in Reactive Blends 444
8.4.1 In Situ Formation of Block and Graft Copolymers by Reactive Blending . . . 444
8.4.2 Effects of Chemical Modification on Morphology Development 448
8.4.3 Kinetics of the Interfacial Reaction 451
8.4.4 Pre-Made Versus In Situ Formed Block Copolymers 455
8.4.5 Search for Optimal Reactive Molecules 456
8.4.6 Morphology, Interfaces, and Properties 457
8.5 Concluding Remarks 458
8.6 References 460

Materials Science and Technology

Copyright WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co KGaA. Allrightsreserved.
430 8 Reactive Processing of Polymer Blends: Polymer-Polymer Interface Aspects

List of Symbols and Abbreviations

b the Kuhn segment length
c local composition in a blend
ca, CR compositions of the two coexisting phases in a binary blend
d particle diameter
D length of periodicity in a lamellar domain
D^ equilibrium interfacial thickness between two amorphous polymers of infinite
molecular weight
/ free energy density
/o free energy in the absence of a gradient
Gc interfacial toughness; fracture energy
h thickness of a brush of adsorbed molecules
k, kB Boltzmann constant
/ interfacial thickness
L thickness of a brush
N number of statistical segments of a polymer
Nw number of molecules in the system considered
p viscosity ratio
S total interfacial area in the system considered
Sc surface area covered by BCP molecule
S sp specific interfacial area
So surface area covered by a BCP molecule at saturation of the interface
t time
T absolute temperature
V volume of the system considered
We Weber number (or capillary number)
x coordinate perpendicular to the interface (x = 0 is the middle point of the inter-
z distance from the middle of an interface
Zf excess concentration of BCP at an interface, relative to the equilibrium con-
centration in the homopolymer phases

a, J3 symbols for the coexisting phases in a binary blend

y shear
y shear rate
A energy gain on adsorption
0, c surface coverage
r/b viscosity of the blend
?7 d viscosity of the dispersed phase
T] m viscosity of the matrix
K interfacial gradient energy coefficient
A interfacial thickness
/u chemical potential
ve entanglement density
List of Symbols and Abbreviations 431

correlation length measured by light scattering

Po number density
a interfacial tension
surface coverage (= 1/5C)
surface coverage of BCP at saturation (= l/5 0 )
concentration of BCP in the PS homopolymer phase
volume fraction of blend components (d for dispersed phase, m for matrix
the Flory interaction parameter

AA acrylic acid
ABS acrylonitrile butadiene styrene copolymer
AN acrylonitrile
APS y-aminopropyl triethoxysilane
A,B components of a binary blend
A/B blend of polymers A and B where A is the major component
A-BBCP block copolymer consisting of polymers A and B
A-B-A triblock copolymer
A-g-MA a polymer with maleic anhydride grafted on it
A-r a polymer terminated by a group r
BA butyl acrylate
BCP block copolymer
BTTT brittle-ductile transition temperature
C1PE chlorinated polyethylene
cmc critical micelle concentration
CTBN poly(butadiene-co-acrylonitrile)
CTBR a,o>carboxy terminated poly (butadiene)
J-PS deuterated polystyrene
DMA dynamic mechanical analysis
EA ethyl acrylate
EP ethylene propylene copolymer
EPDM ethylene propylene diene monomer rubber
EPMA ethylene propylene copolymer functionalized with maleic anhydride
EPR ethylene propylene copolymer rubber
EPX reactive rubber
FRES forward recoil spectroscopy
GCP graft copolymer
GPC gel permeation chromatography
LS light scattering
MA maleic anhydride
MAA methacrylic acid
NBR poly(acrylonitrile-butadiene-acrylic)acid
NR neutron reflectivity
NS neutron scattering
432 8 Reactive Processing of Polymer Blends: Polymer-Polymer Interface Aspects

PA polyamide
PB polybutadiene
PC polycarbonate
PCL -caprolactone
PDMS poly(dimethylsiloxane)
PE polyethylene
PEO poly(ethylene oxide)
PET poly(ethylene terephthalate)
PMMA poly(methylmethacrylate)
PP polypropylene
PPO poly(dimethyl phenylene oxide)
PS polystyrene
PS AN poly(styrene-c<9-acrylonitrile)
PVP poly(vinyl pyridine)
SAN styrene-acrylonitrile copolymer
SANS small angle neutron scattering
SEBS hydrogenated SBS (styrene-butadiene-styrene) triblock copolymer
SEM scanning electron microscopy
SMA styrene-maleic anhydride copolymer
TEM transmission electron microscopy
THF tetrahydrofuran
VA vinyl acetate
8.2 Polymer-Polymer Interfaces: Theoretical Background 433

8.1 Introduction mobility of the interface, and the absence of

repulsive interactions between interfaces of
Most polymer blends are phase-separated approaching particles (Favis and Willis,
systems with some dispersion of one poly- 1990). Good adhesion between the phases
mer in the other. The properties of the poly- is also often required for the establishment
mer blends deeply depend on the morphol- of good properties (Bucknall, 1977;
ogy. Generally some 1 |iim or even smaller Epstein, 1979).
particles are required to get good synergy of Hence a fine and stable morphology and
the properties of the component polymers. good interfacial adhesion can be reached by
A typical example is shown in Fig. 8-1, effective control of the interfacial proper-
which shows that, for amorphous materials ties through adequate interfacial modifica-
with a tendency to fracture by crazing, the tion. These processes of interfacial modifi-
optimal rubber particle size for toughening cation resulting in lower interfacial tension,
is uniquely related to the entanglement den- inhibited coalescence, and improved adhe-
sity (Wu, 1990). sion are generally called 'compatibilization
The mean particle size in polymer blends processes' (Utracki, 1982) or 'technologi-
is the result of a balance between mechani- cal compatibilization' (Coran and Patel,
cal and interfacial forces: the lower the 1983). Interfacial modification can be
interfacial tension, the smaller the particles brought about by the addition of block
(Chen and White, 1993; Plochocki, 1983). (BCP) or graft (GCP) copolymer at the inter-
Moreover, if good dispersion is obtained face (Fayt et al., 1987). However, the syn-
after compounding, then it must remain thesis of pre-made block copolymer is often
stable upon further processing and shaping difficult and/or expensive. Therefore, in
of the material. The instability of the mor- many cases, the block or graft copolymer is
phology is due to particle coalescence, produced in situ by blending reactive mate-
which is favored by high interfacial tension, rials.
In this chapter, after a brief review on the
current understanding of the polymer-poly-
mer interface, the principles of interfacial
modification by the introduction of BCP
will be explained. Then the interfacial
aspects of the reactive processing of poly-
B mer blends will be presented and some com-
ments for the future will be made.
0.5 -
8.2 Polymer-Polymer Interfaces:
Theoretical Background
8.2.1 Interfacial Thickness
0.0 0.1 0.2
and Interfacial Tension
Entanglement density of matrix ve(mmol crrr3)
Figure 8-1. Optimum rubber particle diameter d ver-
The interface is a space in which the com-
sus the entanglement density ve of a brittle matrix, position is not uniform but has a gradient.
based on the notched Izod impact strength (Wu, 1990). The thermodynamics of the inhomogeneous
434 8 Reactive Processing of Polymer Blends: Polymer-Polymer Interface Aspects

system were established by Cahn and Milli- gradient terms of Eq. (8-1). So a balance
ard (1958). They formulated the free ener- between the gradient term and the / 0 term
gy density (/) as a function of both the com- (A/in Fig. 8-2) is optimized by the interfa-
position (c) and the composition gradient cial profile.
(grad c) From the resulting concentration profile,
shown in the inset of Fig. 8-2, the interfa-
/ = j[/o+*-(gradc)2+...]dV (8-1) cial thickness, /, is generally defined by
where K is the gradient energy coefficient, (8-2)
V is the volume, and / 0 is the local free (dc/dx) max
energy for a homogeneous mixture; e.g., for and the interfacial tension, a, by
a polymer solution, f0 is given by the
Flory-Huggins equation. For immiscible (8-3)
binary systems, the function fo(c) generally
has the shape shown in Fig. 8-2. where Nv is the number of molecules, S is
Between the coexisting compositions ca the total interfacial area, and/ ref is the ener-
and cp, the phase-separated system is ener- gy of a reference state, which is a hypothet-
getically favored and an interface separates ically homogeneous system of A and B
the phases a and /3. On going from a to /3 molecules having the same chemical poten-
phase, i.e., crossing the interface, energeti- tials, \ia and fip, as in the bulk phases a and
cally disfavored compositions are encoun-
tered: hatched region in Fig. 8-2. One way
In comparison with systems of small
to minimize this would be the formation of
molecules, macromolecular systems have a
an infinitely thin interface with an infinite-
very small entropy of mixing but important
ly sharp gradient. However, a very thin
effects due to the conformational entropy of
interface is energetically disfavored by the
polymer chains. The number of possible
conformations is reduced near the interface
and this reduction results in a decrease of
c the conformational entropy. The conforma-

\ ^
CO tional entropy should be taken into account
Q. as an additional gradient term, which is
_ / _r^ > / much larger than the enthalpic gradient term
c -100 -50 0 50 100 / discussed earlier. As a matter of fact, a nar-
CD Distance from interface
row interface minimizes the disfavorable
> enthalpy of contact between the two phas-
es, but also strongly contrains the possible
LL conformations of macromolecules that are
entropically disfavored. Then the interfacial
thickness results from the best compromise
0 Ca Cp 1 between the enthalpic contribution favoring
Mole fraction of component B a narrow interface and the mostly entropic
Figure 8-2. Free energy density of a homogeneous
gradient contributions resulting in a broad-
polymer mixture f0 versus the mole fraction of com- er interface.
ponent B. Inset: Composition versus distance from the For an incompressible and symmetric
interface (Cahn and Hilliard, 1958). system, under the hypothesis of high molec-
8.2 Polymer-Polymer Interfaces: Theoretical Background 435

ular weight, the concentration profile c(x), by neutron reflectivity (NR)1 (Anastasiadis
interfacial thickness /0, and interfacial ten- et al., 1990). The hyperbolic tangent profile
sion cr0 were given analytically by (Helfand given by Eq. (8-4) perfectly fits the experi-
and Tagami, 1972) mental results. The error function used by
Fernandez et al. (1988) gives practically the
c(x) = (8-4) same interfacial thickness. It must be
stressed that in NR experiments, within a
with given roughness of the surfaces, the interfa-
cial thickness is defined with only a few
tenths of a nanometer error. The interfacial
thickness (/) in most polymer systems falls
2b (8-5) between 2 and 20 nm.
/n =
The theory was extended to take account
of the effects of polydispersity and finite
(8-6) molecular weight (Anastasiadis et al., 1988;
Broseta et al., 1990)
where x is the distance perpendicular to the
interface and x = 0 is the midpoint of the (8-7)
interface, T is the absolute temperature, kB
Boltzmann's constant, % the Flory-Huggins
interaction parameter, b the Kuhn segment (8-8)
length of a polymer chain, and p 0 the num-
ber density of the polymer segments. where cot = x^h ^i being the number of sta-
Figure 8-3 shows a typical interfacial tistical segments of polymer /. Combining
profile in polymer blends, as it is measured Eqs. (8-5) to (8-8), we observe that thicker
interfaces and lower interfacial tensions are
expected for systems with smaller % and
lower molecular weight.
1 1 r i i i
However, the results of Eq. (8-8) are still
different from those obtained by NR experi-
- function / ments. Better agreement could possibly
/ come from a better estimation of the %

o tangent parameter. As a matter of fact, this parame-

X ter depends on the choice of the Kuhn seg-
^5 ment length b (Helfand and Sapse, 1975;
Helfand, 1975 a). Moreover, the value of x
depends on the model (Kressler, 1994). It
-100 -50 0 50 100 also been shown that the compressibility
Distance (A)
Figure 8-3. Comparison of a hyperbolic tangent Neutron reflectivity (NR) is based on the analysis
function where the effective width of the interface is of the reflection of neutrons by a plane sample. This
50 A with the error function profile derived from a technique has one of the best resolutions for the char-
roughness parameter of 20 A. The sample was consti- acterization of the interfacial profile. However, for NR
tuted of a thick PMMA film on an Si substrate over- a deuterated polymer is practically required (Russell,
lapped by a thin film of d-PS (deuterated PS) (Anas- 1990). The main source of discrepancy probably aris-
tasiadis et al., 1990). es from capillary waves on the interface (Jonas, 1997).
436 8 Reactive Processing of Polymer Blends: Polymer-Polymer Interface Aspects

may have a significant effect on the ^param- shorter chains this is not so important.
eter determined by small angle neutron scat- Therefore polymer systems exhibit an inter-
tering (SANS) (Kumar, 1994). facial excess of small molecules (Helfand
and Tagami, 1972), chain ends (Helfand and
Tagami, 1972), or lower molecular weight
8.2.2 Interfacial Segregation
molecules (Broseta et al., 1990; Helfand
In the reactive blend systems, the chain and Sapse, 1975; Helfand, 1975 a; Kressler,
ends are often reactive (e.g., amino end 1994; Kumar, 1994; Reiter et al., 1990;
groups of polyamide), and a third compo- Birosel, 1991).
nent with low molecular weight is some- The situation is shown in Fig. 8-4 where
times added as a reagent (e.g., a coupling a low molecular weight compound prefer-
agent). ably locates at the interface, i.e., the concen-
In the bulk, individual polymer chains tration is higher at the interface than in both
have a gaussian distribution around their bulk phases. A similar situation is expected
center of gravity. The size of this distribu- for chain ends of both polymers, i.e., com-
tion is typically described by the radius of pared to a mid-chain segment, end segments
gyration. However, at an interface there is a have a higher probability of locating at the
spatial perturbation of the chain conforma- interface. This situation can easily be under-
tion (Reiter et al., 1990). The conformation- stood by counting the number of chain con-
al restriction of a long chain at or near the formations, which remains higher when a
interface is entropically disfavored, but for chain end is at the interface than when a mid-
chain segment is at the interface. Hence the
segregation phenomena imply that the
0.08 r polymer-polymer interface should be a very
interesting place for the reaction in phase-
separated systems.

8 1.0
sz "8 A = 20 nm /
S 0.6
Distance / /0 CD nJ3- 200 nm

Figure 8-4. Profile of the excess of the lower mass CD

compound at the interface between polymer A and xo-
< 0.2
polymer B, which have a bimodal molecular weight
distribution: ^A^=5 and 7 for the low and high molec-
ular weight compounds. The curves come from self-
0 5 10
consistent field calculations including both the entrop-
ic term from the chain conformation limitation at the Interfacial thickness172/nm1/2
interface and the gradient term introduced in Eq. Figure 8-5. Adhesive strength a divided by the adhe-
(8-1). The fraction of the lower molecular weight com- sive strength of the homogeneous blend o^ versus the
pound is varied: (dotted) 50%, (full) 33%, and square root of the interfacial thickness of a miscible
(dashed) 25% (Broseta et al., 1990). PMMA/SAN system (Cho et al., 1994).
8.3 Interfacial Activity of Block and Graft Copolymers 437

8.2.3 Interfacial Properties

As the interface between two polymers is
often much smaller than the radius of gyra-
tion of the bulk polymers, the entanglement
density is strongly reduced at the interface.
Therefore the mechanical strength of an
interface is directly related to its thickness
(Choetal., 1994).
This relation between the thickness and 0.01 X
strength of the interface is shown in Fig.
8-5 for a weld of miscible polymers where the
interface thickness, which was measured by
- 0.005 Q.
ellipsometry2, increases with time with a par- O
allel increase of the interfacial strength (Kim
and Wood, 1983; Wu et al., 1986; Brochard- 1
Wyart and de Gennes, 1990; Yukioka et al.,
1992). Similar results were obtained for _ 10 20 30 40 50 60
immiscible polymers, as shown in Fig. 8-6 AN content of the SAN (wt. %)
where the interfacial strength in terms of the Figure 8-6. Interfacial thickness /, interaction
parameter %, and fracture energy Gc of a PMMA/SAN
fracture toughness of the interface increases
system versus the AN content in the SAN (Yukioka
linearly with the interfacial thickness or etal., 1992).
equivalently %XI1 [see Eq. (8-5)].

interfacial tension and poor interfacial

8.3 Interfacial Activity of Block strength. The improvement of these interfa-
and Graft Copolymers cial properties through the addition of block
(BCP) or graft copolymer (GCP) will be
It was shown that the incompatibility of explained.
most polymer pairs induces relatively high
Ellipsometry is based on the analysis of the inten- 8.3.1 Thermodynamics of Interfaces
sity and polarity of reflected light on a plane sample with Block Copolymers
(Azzam and Bashara, 1977). It is a remarkable tech-
nique since it only requires the difference in the indi- The A - B BCP notation will be used to
ces of refraction, which exists between most polymer signify a diblock copolymer consisting of
pairs. However, its resolution is not as high as that polymers A and B. Our main interest is the
obtained by NR (Walsh et al., 1990). It is effective for interface modification of an A/B sysem with
systems with an interfacial thickness above 2 - 4 nm
(Yukioka and Inoue, 1993). The validity of the tech- A - B BCP.
nique has been confirmed by TEM analysis (Kressler First of all it must be stressed that the
et al., 1993). Ellipsometry was also applied success- A - B BCP preferentially locates at the A/B
fully to analyze the diffusion process (Yukioka et al., interface with the A and B blocks on the A
1992). The accuracy of ellipsometry can be improved
and B side, respectively. Experimental evi-
by analysis of the retardation angle as a function of
the incident angle (Kim et al., 1989). This improve- dence of this tendency was given with a film
ment was called "scanning angle reflectometry" of poly(2-vinyl pyridine) (PVP) covered
(Leermakers and Gast, 1991). with a thin film of PS containing about 10%
438 8 Reactive Processing of Polymer Blends: Polymer-Polymer Interface Aspects

of dissolved d-PS-PVP BCP. The location (a) 0.20

of the d-PS block in the film and at the inter-
face before and after annealing at 170 C
was analyzed by forward recoil spectrosco-
py (FRES)3, as shown in Fig. 8-7.
In Fig. 8-7 a, it is shown that, before
annealing, the BCP is homogeneously dis-
tributed in the PS film. However, after
annealing at 170 C, (Fig. 8-7 b) a high con-
centration of BCP is found at the interface,
while the concentration of BCP in the PS film
is reduced to about 2% (Shull et al., 1990). o oo
-2000 0 2000
(A) 6000 8000
At equilibrium, the respective concentra-
tions of BCP in the bulk and at the interface
are given by the condition of constancy of
the chemical potential throughout the
system. However, it must be stressed that
the chemical potential of the BCP does not
increase indefinitely. Above some critical
value, small micelles will spontaneously
develop to form a BCP-rich phase. As the
micelles start to form, any increase of the
BCP concentration in the system will only
result in an increasing micelle concentration
with a negligible increase of the chemical 0.00
potential of the BCP. This limiting concen- -2000 2000 4000 6000 8000
tration of BCP above which the micelles Depth (A)
form is the critical micelle concentration Figure 8-7. Block copolymer distribution versus dis-
(cmc). Depending on the system, several tance; 0 A: air/PS interface, 5000 A: PS/PVP inter-
equations are given to predict the cmc (Shull face; (a) prior to annealing and (b) after 8-h anneal-
ing at 178 C (Shull et al., 1990).
etal., 1990; Leibler, 1988).
Since above the cmc the interface is not
modified further, the interface saturated in pure BCP system. For example, for a pure
BCP Is often modeled by the interface in a symmetric BCP a lamellar structure is
formed spontaneously during annealing.
FRES requires the use of deuterated and protonat- The spacing of the lamellae D only depends
ed polymer. The technique analyzes the energy of the on the molecular weight of the blocks. In the
elastic recoil of the particles. The incident particles
are He ions. This technique was used successfully to case of PS-PMMA BCP, it was described
show the preferential location of the BCP at the inter- by the following experimental relation
face 20 nm below the surface and at the surface of a (Anastasiadis et al., 1990)
flat sample (Shull et al., 1990). It was also powerful
for the analysis of the surface enrichment in d-PS/PS = 4.1 N 0-65 (8-9)
(Sokolov et al., 1989; Jones et al., 1989). The resolu-
tion is typically 80 nm, but it can be improved with where N is the degree of polymerization or
the time-of-flight technique down to 35 nm (Stamm, the number of monomer units in the chain
1991). and D is given in angstroms.
8.3 Interfacial Activity of Block and Graft Copolymers 439

As a result of the space-filling require- Table 8-1. Thickness of the interface after annealing
as a function of the thickness of the film of a
ment, there is some stretching of the BCP PS-PMMA BCP at the PS/PMMA interface.
block perpendicular to the interface. The
stretching of individual chains in a lamella Thickness of Interfacial thickness
was experimentally confirmed by neutron PS-d-PMMA
(nm) (nm)
scattering (NS) (Matsushita et al., 1990).
End-attached chains on a surface are all 0 5 0.2
stretched perpendicular to the surface and 8 6.60.3
8.5 6.60.3
are therefore called a polymer brush (Hal- 19.1 7.40.4
perin et al., 1992). 23.9 8.40.5
34.1 26.52
As illustrated in Fig. 8-8, the chains in a 37.2 29.92.5
brush occupy some area (Sc) defining the oo 5 0.2
surface coverage and extend to some aver-
age thickness L taken to be the thickness of
the brush. In Eq. (8-9), D was the sum of lower constraint is imposed for the BCP than
two brush thicknesses. for the homopolymer, so the interfacial
At saturation, the area per BCP corre- thickness becomes more affected by the
sponding to Eq. (8-9) is given by presence of BCP (Helfand, 1975 b).
Table 8-1 shows the interfacial thickness
S0 = 48.6N 0 - 39 (8-10)
for the PS/PMMA interface with varying
where So is in A2. The surface coverage Zo BCP content. The measurement were per-
is generally defined as the reciprocal of So. formed by NR. It is observed that the thick-
In the strong segregation limit (%N >20), ness of the interface increased slightly with
the effect of A - B BCP on the A/B interfa- increasing BCP content. Above some criti-
cial thickness is predicted to be quite small cal concentration, the interfacial thickness
(Noolandi and Hong, 1984). In contrast, in jumps to higher values. This jump is due to
the weak segregation limit (%N <20), a the formation of the first diblock lamella
parallel to the interface. However, in the
neat BCP system constituted of successive
regular PS and PMMA lamellae, the inter-
facial thickness is identical to that of the
PS/PMMA interface (Russell et al., 1991).
Nevertheless, it must be stressed that, when
dealing with such measurements, the inter-
facial roughness or interfacial disorder may
be interpreted as an increased interfacial
thickness (Char et al., 1993).
Although the addition of BCP results in
very little change in the interfacial thick-
ness, the interfacial bonding between the A
and B homopolymer phases is greatly affect-
Figure 8-8. Schematic representation of a BCP mole- ed. As a matter of fact, when the BCP is
cule at an interface. Sc is the surface area occupied by
one BCP molecule and SQ is the surface area occupied
added the total number of contacts between
by the same BCP in the case of a saturated interface the homopolymers strongly decreases. The
(Nakayama, 1994). BCP pushes the homopolymers away from
440 8 Reactive Processing of Polymer Blends: Polymer-Polymer Interface Aspects

8.3.2 Reduction of the Interfacial

Tension with Block Copolymers
An interesting benefit of the addition of
BCP is the dramatic reduction of the inter-
facial tension. Figure 8-10 shows the inter-
facial tension measured by the sessile drop
method in a poly(ethylene oxide) (PEO37)/
poly(dimethylsiloxane) (PDMS32) as a
function of the PDMS32-PEO37-PDMS32
-30 -20 -10 0 10 30 tri-BCP concentration. The subscripts hold
Distance Ib for the molecular weights in kg/mol (Wag-
Figure 8-9. Interfacial profile of A homopolymer ner and Wolf, 1993).
(full line), A block (dashed line), B homopolymer (full
line), and B block (dashed and dotted line) of an
It is observed that with the addition of
A/B/A-B/solvent system with polymers A and B of small concentrations of BCP the interfacial
infinite molecular weight and BCP with A and B tension is dramatically reduced and then lev-
blocks of 500 and 1000 segments, respectively. els off. Similar conclusions were obtained
Weight of BCP/weight of polymer A = 5%. Here the earlier from the dependence on the BCP con-
calculation is made for a PS/PB/PS-PB BCP/styrene
tent of the particle size after processing. It
system (Noolandi and Hong, 1982).
was found that 2% BCP gives a dramatic
reduction of the particle size, while higher
concentrations do not strongly improve it
the interface, this is more important for further (Fayt et al., 1986). However, the rela-
BCPs of high molecular weight. Figure 8-9 tion between the particle size and the inter-
shows the concentration profiles of A homo- facial tension should be discussed more care-
polymer, A block, B block, and B homo- fully, as will be shown later.
polymer near the interface (Noolandi and
The reduction of the interfacial tension by
Hong, 1982). This system consists of sol-
the added BCP is theoretically interpreted
vent, polymers A and B of infinite molecu-
in terms of several contributions, as sum-
lar weight, and BCP with A and B blocks of
500 and 1000 segments, respectively.
The dotted lines in Fig. 8-9 show the total ^ 12
concentration of A and B species. This is not
very different from the profile of the A/B
interface. However, the A and B segments
of the homopolymers are pushed away from
the interface. This is more serious on the B
side since the B block has a higher molecu-
lar weight. It is also important to note that
the interpenetrations of A and B block with
0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5
A and B homopolymer, respectively, are Weight fraction of BCP (wt.%)
achieved at higher levels than the interpen-
etration of the A and B segment in the Figure 8-10. Interfacial tension of a PEO37/PDMS32
interface versus the PDMS 32 -PEO 37 -PDMS 32 tri-
unmodified A/B interface. This aspect will BCP concentration. The subscripts (37 or 32) indicate
be discussed later in connection with the the molecular weights in kg/mol (Wagner and Wolf,
interfacial strength. 1993).
8.3 Interfacial Activity of Block and Graft Copolymers 441

Table 8-2. Contributions to the interfacial tension for ymer should have a shorter chain on the dis-
a 200-200 BCP with BCP chemical potential =
4/cB7, homopolymer degree of polymerization =
persed side of the block. However, this is
1000, and #=0.1. modulated by the degree of interpenetration
of the blocks by their corresponding homo-
Term Energetic
polymers. This interpenetration or swelling
of the brush of BCP depends on the molec-
CAB 0.111 bpokB T ular weight of the homopolymers compared
Localization of joints cr, 0.052 b p0 kB T to that of the blocks: With a homopolymer
corresponding block <7AA + <7BB 0.0\4bp0kB T of higher molecular weight than the blocks,
Chain stretching -0A26bp0kB T swelling was not observed (Roe, 1986;
Total 0.051 b pokB T Cheng et al., 1989; Hashimoto et al., 1990;
Shull and Winey, 1992; Cho et al., 1990),
while it was well established in the other
marized in Table 8-2 (Shull and Kramer, case (Hashimoto et al., 1990; Tanaka et al.,
1990). 1991; Winey et al., 1991; Babaet al., 1994;
The main term giving rise to the interfa- Koisumi et al., 1990).
cial tension is the enthalpy of contact Swelling of the BCP by the homopolymer
between unlike segments at the interface induces important modifications to Eqs.
(crAB). Then the restriction of the location of (8-9) and (8-10). When homopolymer of
the joint at the interface gives rise to an low molecular weight is added, Sc increas-
entropic term (<7j). The contributions of the es while D is not changed. In the opposite
interfaces between the homopolymers and situation, D increases but Sc is unchanged
the corresponding brushes (<JAA and (JBB) (Hashimoto et al., 1990). In PS/PMMA
are quite small and are often neglected by blends, it was found that a symmetric
assuming that o"0= crAB + <7AA + crBB, where PS-PMMA BCP tends to form micelles
<70 is the interfacial tension between the preferentially in the phase of lower molec-
homopolymers (Leibler, 1991). The term ular weight (Marechal et al., 1994).
giving the reduction of the interfacial ten- Swelling of the BCP by a lower molecu-
sion is due to the stretching of the blocks of lar weight homopolymer has an entropic
the BCP. It comes from the fact that if the driving force. However, enthalpy driven
interfacial area is increased the blocks relax swelling also occurs when the A brush is
in a state of lower stretching. Such theories surrounded by a polymer C which is mis-
predict that very low, even zero, interfacial cible with A (with negative %). For exam-
tensions could be obtained. Moreover, for ple, the swelling of a d-PS block by PPO
plane interfaces it is also shown that the homopolymer was clearly observed by
optimal copolymer is a symmetric block FRES (Brown et al., 1990), as well as indi-
copolymer (Leibler, 1988, 1991). This is rectly by dynamic mechanical analysis
also concluded from experimental work (DMA) (Auschra et al., 1993).
(Teyssie et al., 1988).
The plane interface is a quite idealized sit-
8.3.3 Mechanical Properties of
uation, since in most practical systems small Interfaces Modified by Block Copolymers
particles of one polymer are dispersed in a (BCPs) and Graft Copolymers (GCPs)
matrix. As the particles become very small,
curvature effects cannot be neglected (Lei- In addition to the reduction of the inter-
bler, 1988). Hence the optimal block copol- facial tension, the BCP added at an interface
442 8 Reactive Processing of Polymer Blends: Polymer-Polymer Interface Aspects

improves the adhesion and promotes repul- r- , r- pT [ i i .

sive interactions when two interfaces close- : / ' A / A

/ / / / *
7 f//
ly approach each other. This improvement
of the adhesion was mainly studied by the
analysis of crack propagation at the inter- 100
84K :
face between dissimilar materials. It was :
shown that the adhesion at the interface may :
I /// A 282K ;
A 355K
be improved by up to a hundred times that
of the neat interface.
/^ 900K
10 ~ i , i ~
Figure 8-11 shows the variation of the i ,

i i i



80 100
fracture energy of the interface as a function BCP film thickness (nm)
of the BCP film thickness added at the inter- Figure 8-11. Interfacial toughness Gc versus the
face for various molecular weights of BCP thickness of the film of PS-PMMA BCP added at the
(Char et al., 1993). The toughness of the PS/PMMA interface. The tests were performed after
interface increases exponentially with the annealing bilayer specimens for 2 h at 150 C (Char
etal., 1993).
amount of block copolymer added. In gen-
eral, it is shown that the main controlling
parameters are the molecular weight of the
BCP, the amount of BCP added, the degree 500
of symmetry of the BCP, and the structure
of the interface after annealing.
Depending on these parameters, several
fracture mechanisms may be observed. For
low molecular weight BCP, the blocks are
too short to promote entanglements with the
matrix polymer and the resulting fracture
mechanism is pullout of the less entangled
block. For very high molecular weight BCP, _E 0
100 200 300 400 500 600
the saturation coverage of the interface BCP molecular weight x 103
becomes low. Then, although the blocks are
Figure 8-12. Highest obtainable interfacial tough-
well entangled, fracture occurs through ness versus the BCP molecular weight in
breaking of the BCP near the joint segment PPO/PMMA/PS-PMMA BCP systems (Char et al.,
(Creton et al., 1992). This is exemplified in 1993).
Fig. 8-12 with a plot of the maximum
obtainable toughness as a function of
the molecular weight of a symmetric the entanglement density. For interfaces at
PS-PMMA BCP at a PPO/PMMA interface equilibrium, with well-ordered and regular-
(Char et al., 1993). The highest toughness is ly distributed BCP, theories based on mean-
obtained with a BCP with molecular weight field calculations were developed to calcu-
low enough to give high coverage, but also late the entanglement density and the corre-
large enough to promote entanglements lated interfacial toughness (Creton et al.,
with the matrix. 1992). It was shown that the toughness of
When fracture propagates through plastic the interface depends on the square of the
deformation of the interfacial region, the surface coverage (Zc), which perfectly fits
interfacial toughness is directly related to the results shown in Fig. 8-11. Moreover,
8.3 Interfacial Activity of Block and Graft Copolymers 443

the pullout mechanism of fracture could be It is surprising that the disorder of a BCP
predicted by calculation of the effective layer at an interface was also found to be
entanglement density of the BCP with the beneficial to the interfacial toughness. This
homopolymers (Creton et al., 1992). is also explained by the higher entanglement
However, for systems with a homopoly- density throughout the disordered interface
mer of low molecular weight, if homopoly- (Brown et al., 1993). Upon annealing, order
mer chain has an effective entanglement is obtained and the fracture toughness
with the brush, it must also have another decreases. This may be particularly dramat-
entanglement with the homopolymer in ic for BCP layer thicknesses greater than the
order to realize bridging of the brush and the thickness of BCP at interfacial saturation.
homopolymer. The effective entanglement In this case, lamellar microdomains of BCP
concept of the previous model must be rec- may form parallel to the interface. The inter-
tified by the bridging probability (Washiya- lamellar region was found to be quite weak,
ma, 1995). The correlation between experi- and this weakness is enhanced still further
ment and theory was found to be very good. if low molecular weight components are
Figure 8-13 illustrates this correlation for a concentrated in this region (Washiyama
PS/PVP interface modified by a PS-PVP etal., 1993).
BCP as a function of the PS homopolymer Beside improvement of the interfacial
molecular weight. The ordinate axis is the adhesion, the BCP at an interface promotes
toughness of the interface reported to that repulsive interactions when two interfaces
of the system with high PS molecular are closely approached. Indeed, compress-
weight. Including the bridging probability, ing a brush would cause a change in the scal-
a much better fit of the experimental results ing in Eq. (8-9), which in principle would
is obtained. cost energy. In polymer melts, this results in
a reduction of the coalescence of dispersed
particles. Such repulsive forces could not be
measured in polymer melts, but they could
CD be measured in dilute solutions. That is
c why we will consider this case in the next

o paragraph, even though it can hardly be

.H applied to the case of BCP brushes in poly-
mer melts.
B A polymer bearing adsorbing groups may
CD form a brush on a substrate and, with the
s6 apparatus designed by Israelachvili (Horn

and Israelachvili, 1981, 1988; Israelachvili
500 1000 10000 et al., 1984), the force as a function of the
Degree of polymerization of the PS distance (from 0 to 300 nm) between two
Figure 8-13. Ratio of the interfacial toughness to that brushes could be measured directly (Taun-
measured with a PS of degree of polymerization 6440 ton et al., 1988; Hadziioannou et al., 1986).
versus the degree of polymerization of the PS in For PVP-PS BCP adsorbed on mica from
PS/PVP/PS-PVP BCP systems. Full squares: experi-
toluene solution, the force measured as a
mental results, triangles: theory including the effec-
tive entanglement density concept, and circles: theo- function of the distance between two mica
ry including both the effective entanglement density plates is plotted in Fig. 8-14. The first the-
and the bridging probability (Washiyama, 1995). ories behind this behavior assumed a step
444 8 Reactive Processing of Polymer Blends: Polymer-Polymer Interface Aspects

and Willis, 1990; Elmendorp, 1986; Elmen-

dorp and Van Der Vegt, 1986).
It was shown in this section that modifi-
cation of the interface by the BCP is great-
ly dependent on the brushes formed on both
sides of the interface: the stretching of the
blocks is responsible for the reduction of the
interfacial tension. The entanglements
between the blocks and the corresponding
homopolymer are responsible for the
improved adhesion, and steric interactions
200 400 600 800 1000 1200 1400 between brushes help inhibit the coales-
Separation between surfaces (A) cence. Such "brush effects" cannot be
obtained with interfacial modification by a
Figure 8-14. Force of a brush versus the separation
between the plates. Dark and open points: experimen- homopolymer component even if the inter-
tal results. Dotted curve: theory assuming step distri- facial tension may be reduced in this case
bution profile of the brush. Dashed curve: self- (Noolandi, 1994).
consistent field theory. Solid curve: self-consistent
field theory considering the polydispersity of the
brush (Milner, 1988). 8.4 Interfaces in Reactive Blends
8.4.1 In Situ Formation of Block and
function for the concentration profile of the
Graft Copolymers by Reactive Blending
brush (Alexander, 1977). The predictions of
the theories are given by the dotted curve in As stated before, interfacial modification
Fig. 8-14. However, it was recently shown by block or graft copolymer is quite power-
that the concentration profile of a moderate- ful for the control of the particle size, the
ly concentrated brush has a parabolic shape morphology stability, and the interfacial
(Milner, 1990). With this parabolic profile, adhesion. Such a block or graft copolymer
the dashed curve in Fig. 8-14 gives a better can be produced in situ by reaction between
fit to the results (Milner, 1988; Milner et al., specific chemical groups of the components
1988). of the blend.
The polydispersity is an important factor Table 8-3 gives a list of several reactions
affecting the interaction of closely approa- that may be applied for the interfacial mod-
ched brushes. For similar molecular weight ification in polymer blends (Liu and Baker,
polymers, a larger polydispersity gives 1992). For the notation used, P A is any poly-
longer range interactions. Taking account of mer bearing the reactive group and P B is the
the polydispersity, the experimental points one with the coreactive group.
could be correctly fitted as shown by the Among the reactive blends, blends
solid line in Fig. 8-14. involving polyamide as one of the compo-
The steric interactions act between dis- nents have been studied, extensively, start-
persed particles in polymer blends and ing with the works of Ide and Hasegawa
therefore reduce the coalescence rate. The (1974), and provide greately improved
other reason for the reduction of the coales- toughening (Epstein, 1979). For polyamide
cence rate is the "immobility" of the inter- 6 systems, many reactions are conceivable,
face induced by the presence of BCP (Favis as shown in Table 8-4.
8.4 Interfaces in Reactive Blends 445

Table 8-3. List of the most important reactions used for interface modification by in situ formed BCP a .

Reaction type Reactive group Coreactive Reaction equation


Amidation carboxyliac acid amine PACOOH + P B NHR- A C O - N R - P B + H2O

Imidation MA PA-C7 V +PB-NH2- hH2O
Esterification carboxylic acid hydroxyl PACOOH + PBOH > A C - O - P R + H2O
and MA O

Concerted addition maleate double bond

and MA
Urea formation carbodiimide carboxylic acid PAN=C=NR + P B COOHP A NHC-N-C-P B
Urethane formation isocyanate hydroxyl P A - N = C = O + PB OH-PA NH CO-OP B
Substitution amine hydroxyl/halide PA NH2 + PBX(X = OH.Br) - PANHPB + HX

Interchange reaction
Aminolysis ester amine PACOOR + P B N H 2 ^ - P A CONHP B + ROH
Ester interchange ester ester P A -COOP A + P B COO P A COOP B
Transesterification ester hydroxyl phenol PACOOP + P B OH *- P A COO^P B + ROH
Amide-ester exchange amide ester P A -CONHP A + P B C O O P B

Ring-opening reaction
Epoxide ring epoxide hydroxyl PAO+PR-- - P A CH(OH)CH2OPB

amine B N H 2 - PACH(OH)CH2NHPB
carboxylic acid PBCOOH -+ P A -CH(OH)CH 2 -O-C-P B

Oxazoline ring oxazoline carboxylic acid PA<( J + P B COOH * PACNHCH2CH2OCPB


phenol PAC-NHCH2CH2-O-P

Lactam ring lactam P A - N - C O + P B N H 2 - ^ P A NHC-(CH 2 hNHP B
(CH 2 ) 3

Ionic bonding
Pyridine/amine acid PANH3 + P B SO 3 H^ PANHR3SO3PB
Ionomer ionomer (PASO3)2Z^+ (PBSO3)2Zn ^ P A s6 3 Zns6 3 P B

PA indicates polymer A and P B indicates polymer B.
446 8 Reactive Processing of Polymer Blends: Polymer-Polymer Interface Aspects

Table 8-4. List and examples of reactions used for in situ interfacial modification in reactive blends containing
polyamide 6.

Polyamide Other polymer Reactive group Concentration References

PA6 PP-g-MA anhydride 1.15% Ide and Hasegwa (1974)

3% Park etal. (1990)
0.5% Holsti-Miettinen et al. (1992)
ExxelorPO2011 Rosch and Mulhaupt (1993)
PA-6 PP/E co butyl- fumaric acid 0.4% Holsti-Miettinen et al. (1992)
fumaric acid
PA6 PP/ionomer methacrylic acid, 20% Favis and Willis (1990)
isobutyl aery late
70% neutralized
with Zn
PA6 PE-g-MA anhydride 3% Serpeetal. (1990)
PA6 PE-co-YA vinyl acetate 20-30% D'Orazio et al. (1986)
or to 40% Addonizio et al. (1991)
PA-6 PE-co-BA butyl acrylate 17.6% Ravaletal. (1991)
PA-6 PE-co-MAA methacrylic acid 6.8-18% Macknight et al. (1985)
PA-6 PE-co-EA ethyl acrylate 8 or 25% Kung and Williams (1988)
PA6 PE/C1PE chlorinated PE 36-40% Deaninetal. (1990)
PA-6 PE-g-AA acrylic acid 3.5-6% Deaninetal. (1990)
PA-6 PE functionalized carbonyl 0.07,0.11, Curtoetal. (1990)
by photooxidation 0.28 mol/1
PA-6 ionomer (Du Pont Surlyn Borggreve et al. (1988)
9950 with Zn cation)
PA-6 EPDM-g-MA anhydride 0.1,0.2,0.4, Borggreve et al. (1988)
and 0.8%
PA-6 EPR-g-MA anhydride 3% D'Orazio etal. (1988)
0.6, 2.4, or 4.5% Greco etal. (1987)
0.7% Ban etal. (1988)
PA-6 PS-co-MA anhydride 11-25% Chang and Hwu (1991)
2.6 or 13% Takeda and Paul (1992)
2% Angola etal. (1988)
15 and 30% Angola etal. (1988)
8% Kim and Park (1991)
KratonG 1901 X Rosch and Mulhaupt (1993)
208 mmol/kg
PA-6 PS-&-MA anhydride chain end 85 or 60% Park etal. (1992)
of the chains
PA6 PS-co-MAA methacrylic acid 10% Ide and Hasegawa (1974)
PA-6 PS-oxazoline oxazoline 1% Takeda and Paul (1992)
PA6 PS-glycidyl glycidyl 3% Chang and Hwu (1991)
methacrylate methacrylate
PA6 sulfonated PS sulfonic acid 2.2, 5.4, or Molnar and Eisenberg (1991)
or sulfonic acid 9.7 mol%
neutralized with Li
PA-6 ABS/SMA anhydride 30% Triaccaetal. (1991)
8.4 Interfaces in Reactive Blends 447

Table 8-4. (continued)

Polyamide Other polymer Reactive group Concentration References

PA-6 ABS-g-MA anhydride 1% Aoki and Watanabe (1992)
PA-6 ABS-g-oxazoline oxazoline 1% Triaccaetal. (1991)
PA-6 SEBS-g-MA anhydride 2% Holsti-Miettinen et al. (1992)
1.84% Oshinskietal. (1992)
PA6 PET amide ester Pillon and Utracki (1984)
interchange reaction
catalyzed by
p-toluene sulphonic
PA6 PA 66 amidation organic 1% Aharonietal. (1984)
phosphites Largman and Aharoni (1984)

In the reactive systems in Tables 8-3 and widely used in polyamide blends, different
8-4, the concentration of the reactive group assumptions were made for the occurrence
may be varied. Moreover, in some cases, a of a parallel amide-anhydride reaction
catalyst may be added in order to improve (Borggreve and Gaymans, 1988), which
the reaction kinetics. were nevertheless found to be negligible
Comparing the efficiency of interfacial under normal polyamide processing condi-
modification of various reactive groups with tions (Marechal et al., 1995). Moreover, in
polyamide, it was found, for example, that general there are very few published data on
the sulfonic acid group is better than the car- the reaction kinetics at high temperatures in
boxylic acid group (Molnar and Eisenberg, a molten polymer medium (Guegan et al.,
1991), and the anhydride group is more effi- 1994). In spite of the lack of such informa-
cient than the carboxylic acid group tion, the most important and well-established
(Epstein, 1979), showing that high reactiv- phenomena in reactive polymer blends will
ity of the reactive group with the polyamide be described in the following sections.
is important for efficient interfacial modifi- At first, it is quite obvious that the product
cation. To balance the lack of reactivity of of the reaction between two immiscible poly-
carboxylic groups with polyamide, their con- mers is a block or a grafted copolymer. It may
centration was increased up to 10% (Deanin have a quite complicated structure, since
et al., 1990) or 20% (Favis and Willis, 1990). after reaction some insoluble fraction may be
Even with a high concentration of acetate found even in a good solvent of the two com-
groups, some instability of the morphology ponents of the blend (Guegan et al., 1993;
was still observed in PA/PE-co-vinyl acetate Baker and Saleem, 1987). However, at least
blends (Addonizio et al., 1991). it is possible to discuss the location of the
However, the processing temperatures of block or graft copolymer after the reaction.
the polymers are generally between 180 and In the case of a PA 6/maleic anhydride
300 C. Therefore, beside the well-known grafted PP blend, the unreacted polyamide
room temperature chemistry, other "unex- could be removed by solvent extraction; the
pected" reactions may occur. For example, remaining particles were then dispersed in
for the amine-anhydride reaction, which is epoxy resin, microtomed, and stained with
448 8 Reactive Processing of Polymer Blends: Polymer-Polymer Interface Aspects

ing the control of the morphology develop-

ment in reactive polymer blends, the param-
eters controlling the reaction kinetics at an
interface, the relative advantages of the in
situ versus the pre-made block or graft
copolymers, and the effect of interfacial
modification on the mechanical properties
of reactive blends.

8.4.2 Effects of Chemical Modification

0.1 put on Morphology Development
Figure 8-15. TEM observation of PP particles sur- Because of the importance of the mor-
rounded by the reacted PA of a PA 6/maleic anhydride
grafted PP blend. PP particles accompanied by the phology in relation to the mechanical prop-
grafted PA were separated, dispersed in epoxy resin, erties of polymer blends (Fig. 8-1), the pre-
microtomed, and stained with iodine. The grafted diction and control of the final particle size
PA 6 appears dark around the PP particles (Yokoya- is of primary importance. From the early
maetal., 1994).
work of Taylor describing the stability of a
Newtonian droplet of diameter d suspended
in another Newtonian liquid undergoing a
iodine before TEM observation. Iodine steady shear flow shear rate y, the dimen-
stains PA preferentially, so that the grafted sionless Weber number or capillary number
PA 6 appears dark around the PP particles,
(We = rim ydld), which is the ratio of the
as shown in Fig. 8-15 (Nishio et al., 1991).
shear forces (T]m y) to the interfacial forces
This clearly shows that the reaction produc-
of the droplet {aid), is generally the starting
es graft copolymer which tends to remain at
point for all predictions of the particle size
the interface.
in polymer blends. When the Weber num-
The situation may however, be slightly ber of a particle is above the critical Weber
different in a system where the interfacial number, the particle will break, otherwise it
area is not mechanically extended. For
cannot (Taylor, 1932, 1934). For polymer
example, it was shown that by static anneal-
blends with a fixed volume fraction of dis-
ing of a bilayer system made of amorphous
persed phase, Wu (1987) pointed out that the
PA (Grilamide TR 55 LX) and poly(styrene-
critical Weber number was a function of the
co-maleic anhydride), the interfacial thick-
viscosity ratio (p = T]d/7]m)
ness measured by ellipsometry increases as
the reaction proceeds (Yokoyama et al., -f(p) (8-11)
1994; Okamoto and Inoue, 1993). However,
it was also shown by TEM that micelles with The function f(p) was defined by plotting
an SMA core are diffusing into the PA phase the Weber number as a function of the vis-
(Higashida and Inoue, 1994). This shows cosity ratio (/?), as shown in Fig. 8-16. There
that when the interface cannot be extended, is a minimum at p = 1.
the BCP may escape from the interface. In Fig. 8-16 both reactive and nonreactive
However, the mechanism is still not clear. blends are found. To calculate the Weber
In the following sections, special atten- number for the reactive blend, an interfacial
tion will be paid to the main results concern- tension of 0.25 mN/m at 280 C was used,
8.4 Interfaces in Reactive Blends 449

PET/EP rubbers
Nylon Z-1/EP rubbers
Nylon Z-2/EP rubbers
A Nylon Z-1/EPX rubbers


Figure 8-16. Dimensionless

master curve of yrjm dla ver-
sus p after melt of different
polyamide and PET/rubber
blends. EPX means reactive
1 I rubber (Wu, 1987).
0.1 1 10 100
Viscosity ratio p

as measured by the pendent drop method Kamal, 1982). The improved formulation
(Wu, 1982). For the corresponding nonre- given by Serpe and co-workers is
active PA/EPR blends the interfacial tension a
was much higher at 9.7 mN/m. All effects d= -ftp) (8-12)
of the reaction on the interface were
assumed to affect the interfacial tension.
The effect of the coalescence was pre-
Therefore, when the particle size is known,
sumably introduced in the composition
Eq. (8-12) is sometimes employed to calcu-
dependent factor [l4(<Pd # m ) 0 " 8 ]. How-
late the relative interfacial tension with a
ever, the coalescence process is also depen-
reference value for the nonreactive blend
dent on the interfacial modification (Elmen-
(Tang and Huang, 1994).
dorp, 1986). It would therefore be very
In subsequent work by Serpe and co- interesting to distinguish between the
workers (Serpe et al., 1990), it was found respective effects of the reduction of the
that upon variation of the dispersed phase interfacial tension and the inhibition of the
volume fraction, the particle size is changed. coalescence on the particle size. For this dis-
An additional empirical factor was intro- cussion, Fig. 8-17 shows the mean particle
duced into Eq. (8-12) to consider this effect. size measured by light scattering4 as a func-
Moreover, in the formulation of the Weber
number used by Wu, the term representing Compared with electron microscopy, light scatter-
the mechanical force only included the vis- ing (LS) is a remarkably rapid method for the charac-
cosity of the matrix phase (7]m). This proce- terization of the morphology of submicrometer to sev-
eral micrometers size. For two-phase blends, the
dure is valid in relatively dilute systems, Debye-Bueche analysis often holds to obtain the cor-
while in concentrated ones, the viscosity of relation length () (Debye and Bueche, 1949). From
the blend (rjb) should be more representative this parameter, the mean particle size (d) and the spe-
of the actual mechanical forces. As a matter cific interfacial area (Ssp) are easily calculated, i.e.,
of fact, in a concentrated system with good d=l.5 /(l -<2>)andSsp = 4 0(1 - <)/ as soon as the
volume fraction of the dispersed phase is known. LS
dispersion of the phases, the viscosity is also quite powerful for the analysis of the size reduc-
becomes higher than that of the matrix (Plo- tion during mixing and of the coalescence kinetics of
chaki, 1983; Sherman, 1968; Utracki and blended materials (Okamoto and Inoue, 1993).
450 8 Reactive Processing of Polymer Blends: Polymer-Polymer Interface Aspects

presented as an horizontal line called the

Taylor limit in Fig. 8-17. Both the reactive
1.5 - o Reactive blend and the nonreactive blend have a par-
ticle size above the Taylor limit. The differ-
ence could either be explained by a visco-
elastic effect of polymer melts (Milliken and
Leal, 1991; Bousfield etal., 1986; Van
Oene, 1972) or by difficulties in accurate
^-Taylor limit
estimations of the actual shear stresses.
0 10 20 30 40 50 Nevertheless, near the Taylor limit the
Fraction of dispersed phase (wt.%) difference existing between the particle size
of the reactive and the nonreactive blends is
Figure 8-17. Diameter measured by light scattering
versus the weight fraction of the PMMA dispersed
only due to the interfacial tension reduction.
phase in PS/PMMA blends mixed at 180C in the For higher volume fractions, the difference
minimax molder. Full points: nonreactive blends. in the particle size observed is far more
Open points: reactive blends. With cr=1.5mN/m, important. Therefore the smaller particle
p = 3l, ??m = 420 Pa s, and 7= 21 s"1, the Taylor pre- size observed in reactive polymer blends
diction in the low concentration limit is 0.15 jLtm
(Nakayama, 1994).
seems to mainly result from inhibition of the
coalescence process.
The reduction of the coalescence rate in
tion of the weight fraction of the dispersed reactive blends is well exemplified in
phase for PS/PMMA and PS-COOH/ Fig. 8-18 in the case of PS-COOH/
PMMA-epoxy blends (Sundaraj, 1994; PMMA-epoxy (70/30) blends, where the
Nakayama, 1994). [These blends were coalescence rate at 180C as measured by
mixed in a small scale Maxwell mixer (Max- light scattering (LS) is plotted as a function
well, 1972) at HOrpmand 180C]. of the relative interfacial coverage (SQ/SC) in
For the nonreactive blend, the particle a block copolymer (Nakayama, 1994). In
size significantly depends on the volume Fig. 8-18, the abscissa is the surface per
fraction of the dispersed phase. This behav- BCP at saturation of the interface (50),
ior was well integrated by Eq. (8-12). How- which was calculated from Eq. (8-10),
ever, for the reactive blend, the dependence divided by Sc.
of the particle size on the dispersed phase It is observed that the coalescence rate in
volume fraction was much smaller. More- a static condition decreases rapidly with the
over, when comparing the limiting particle interfacial coverage, and that above a criti-
size for a small volume fraction of the dis- cal value the coalescence is completely
persed phase, there is only a very small dif- inhibited. It is also remarkable that this crit-
ference between the reactive and the nonre- ical value of Sc is much larger than the sat-
active blends. In this range of concentra- uration value. Again the results emphasize
tions, the coalescence process becomes very the important reduction of the coalescence
slow and may reasonably be neglected. rate brought by the in situ formed BCP.
Therefore the particle size may be compared Since it was shown in this part that inter-
to the prediction of the Taylor law giving the facial modification by in situ formed block
biggest size of a particle that cannot break or graft copolymer is a quite efficient way
up. The result of this calculation, with inde- to control the morphology and improve the
pendently measured interfacial tension, is morphology stability, the next question is
8.4 Interfaces in Reactive Blends 451

o R1 0) 2.0
A R2 -Q CTBR >/

faction of cc)nverted i
O R3

+ R4
0.2 A R5
R6 / / CTBN

V NR /
CO 0.5
o a>
n/ I I I
0 1 2 3
APS content of the blend (wt.%)
Figure 8-19. Weight percent of liquid rubber con-
0 0.4 0.8 1.2 verted to BCP versus the APS content for PCL/CTBR
Relative interfacial coverage S0/Sc or CTBN/APS blends mixed for 5 min at 120 C (Oko-
moto and Inoue, 1993).
Figure 8-18. Coalescence rate upon static annealing
at 180C of different PS/PMMA blends versus the
interfacial coverage of the BCP relative to the satu-
rated interface S0/Sc (Nakayama, 1994). the coupling agent content. The BCP con-
tent was measured by GPC5 in THF. Obvi-
ously, the APS improved the reaction kinet-
how fast is the interfacial modification in ics and resulted in a higher conversion level.
reactive blends. As expected from the interfacial modifi-
cation by BCP, the particle size was reduced
in proportion to the content of BCP. This is
8.4.3 Kinetics of the Interfacial Reaction exemplified in Fig. 8-20 where the specific
In comparison with the reaction rate in an interfacial area, relative to that of the corre-
inhomogeneous system, effects of the mix- sponding blend without APS, is plotted as a
ing rate, the dispersability of the materials, function of the APS content. By comparing
the chemical reaction rate, the polymer chain Fig. 8-19 and 8-20, it is seen that APS
diffusion rate, and the presence of a catalyst improves the reaction level and consequent-
can be expected in the interfacial reactions. ly the morphology becomes finer.
A kinetic analysis on interfacial modifi-
cation was carried out for OH-terminated 5
Gel permeation chromatography (GPC) is a unique
-caprolactone (PCL)/a,co-carboxy termi- technique for the characterization of the reaction level
nated poly(butadiene) or poly(butadiene- in polymer blends for system with a common solvent.
co-acrylonytrile) (CTBR or CTBN) blends The product of the reaction, BCP or GCP, is general-
ly of higher molecular weight than the initial compo-
with a coupling agent: y-aminopropyl tri-
nent polymers. Hence it can be distinguished from the
ethoxysilane (APS (Okamoto and Inoue, unreacted polymer (Okamoto and Inoue, 1993). Quan-
1993). Figure 8-19 shows the dependence of titative analysis may be obtained using a good choice
the fraction of rubber converted to BCP on of detector.
452 8 Reactive Processing of Polymer Blends: Polymer-Polymer Interface Aspects

1.2 50
- (a) "O CD Complete
^ - C "O conversion
I -8
CTBN I O 10 rpm
-Or~ 30 rpm
30 O 75 rpm
0.4 - CTBR

0 i i 1 i i t
E 10
5.0 - (b) (2 minutes of mixing)
CO 0 10 20 30 40 50 60
3.0 -
Anhydride introduced in the blends with
- /^ CTBN the EP-g-MA in ^imol g~1 of polyamide
1.0 Figure 8-21. Conversion level versus EP-g-MA
1 i i
weight fraction in PA 6/EP-g-MA blends mixed for
0 1.0 2.0 3.0
2 min at 240 C at 10, 30, and 75 rpm in a Brabender
APS content of the blend (wt.%)
batch mixer (Marechal, 1993).
Figure 8-20. (a) Rate of increase of the specific inter-
facial area Ssp during processing, and (b) normalized
rate: Ssp divided by the rate of increase of the specif-
6/reactive rubber blends (Marechal, 1993;
ic interfacial area without APS (Ssp0) versus the APS
content for PCL/CTBR or CTBN/APS blends mixed Marechal et al., 1992). In Fig. 8-21 the reac-
at 120C (Okomoto and Inoue, 1993). tion level, calculated from amine chain end
titration results6, is plotted as a function of
the anhydride group concentration intro-
Similar results were obtained for a ternary duced in the blend with the reactive rubber.
system, for example, a PA 6/maleic anhy- The blends were mixed for 2 min at 240 C
dride grafted PP/PP system, where an at various shear rates.
increased concentration of the reactive It is observed that the reaction level is
groups is beneficial for obtaining a higher higher for the blends mixed at high shear.
concentration of BCP (Rosch and Mul- High shear promotes fast dispersion and dis-
haupt, 1993). This was shown by keeping a tribution of the materials and therefore gives
constant dispersed phase volume fraction in a larger specific interfacial area (5sp).
a ternary blend and varying the ratio of reac- Hence, since the reaction occurs at the inter-
tive to nonreactive component. If the parti- face, the larger Ssp gives a faster reaction.
cle size is plotted as a function of the frac- It must be stressed that upon further pro-
tion of reactive component, it has similar cessing the blends in Fig. 8-21, the reaction
shape to that shown for the interfacial ten-
sion as a function of the content of BCP in
Fig. 8-10; the particle size decreases rapid- Titration is quite helpful for the characterization of
the reaction level. Of course, it must be ensured that
ly for small concentrations of reactive com- the reaction between the blend components does not
ponent, but on increasing the concentration progress significantly in the titration solution. For
of the reactive component further, the par- example, amine chain end titration of the polyamide
ticle size decreases more and more slowly is an accurate method for the analysis of the reaction
down to that of the fully reactive system. level in polyamide blends (Waltz and Taylor, 1947;
Kruissinket al., 1958; Hermans et al., 1958; Giori and
The mixing rate is also important for the Hayes, 1970). However, below 10 jimol of amine per
development of the reaction at the interface. gram of PA the accuracy of the technique becomes
Such an effect was found in polyamide poor (Waltz and Taylor, 1947).
8.4 Interfaces in Reactive Blends 453

levels of the blends mixed at 30 and 75 rpm 1 1 i i

do not improve. For the blends mixed at CO

10 rpm, although improving during pro- 0.8 60 I
cessing, the reaction level never gets as high
as under high shear mixing. This could be 0.6 50 r
due to a reduction of the reaction rate as the 03

interface coverage with the BCP approach- 0.4

es saturation (see Figs. 8-25 and 8-26). CD
Therefore, with constant total deformation D
0.2 - 30 "cc
(shear multiplied by mixing time), a high 12,12
shear is favorable to the reaction rate. 6,12
I I 20
In relation to the effect of the specific 11 13
interfacial area, it was also shown that the NHCO/CH 2 Of the PA
initial state of dispersion of the materials
Figure 8-22. Reaction level and estimate of the inter-
before mixing is important for the final con- facial thickness versus the amide/methyl ratio of the
version level. It was shown in PS-COOH/ polyamide of PA-x,x/-SEBS-g-MA blends processed
PMMA-epoxy blends that the reaction level in a single screw extruder at 240 C (Paul, 1994).
is higher when powdered materials are
mixed than when pellets of the same poly-
mers are mixed (see Fig. 8-26 and Table For further discussion on the reaction
8-5 in next section) (Nakayama, 1994). kinetics at an interface, a comparison with
A high specific interfacial area and a thick the adsorption of polymer chains from a
interface should be favorable to the reaction dilute solution on a substrate can be made.
rate. Indeed, a thick interface can either be In both cases, the reactive/adsorbing group
obtained by adjusting the % value between has to reach the interface before undergoing
the two polymers (Paul, 1993, 1994; reaction/adsorption.
Majumdar et al., 1994) or by the addition of The kinetics of adsorption from a dilute
small molecules at the interface (Lambla, solution were found to be limited by diffu-
1991; Seadan, 1992). In both cases, the reac- sion of the chains from the solution to the
tion level was found to be improved. For interface. As the coverage of the interface
example, the % value of polyamide x, x with increases, the adsorbing chains have to cross
SEBS-g-MA is a function of x. For small x, a layer of grafted chains forming a wet brush
the amide groups are numerous and there is at the interface. As shown in Fig. 8-23, the
a very narrow interface. For larger x, the adsorbing chain has to overcome a steric
polarity of the PA is lower and this gives a repulsive barrier (Ligoure and Leibler,
broader interface. Figure 8-22 shows the 1990).
reaction level calculated from amine chain As the adsorption progresses, the brush of
end titration results and an estimate of the adsorbed chains becomes denser and dens-
interfacial thickness of these PA-JC, x/SEBS- er, and it is more and more difficult for poly-
g-MA blends as a function of the amide/ mer chains to reach the interface. Conse-
methyl ratio of the polyamide. The blends quently, the adsorption kinetics decrease
were processed in a single screw extruder at with coverage of the interface (Hugenard
240 C. It is observed that a thin interface et al., 1991). Figure 8-24 shows an example
(high amide concentration) is disfavorable of the evolution of the adsorption kinetics
to the reaction level. with the surface coverage in the case of the
454 8 Reactive Processing of Polymer Blends: Polymer-Polymer Interface Aspects

, Brush


o Figure 8-23. Schematic pro-

Q_ file of the potential energy act-
ing on a chain penetrating a
grafted layer of macromole-
cules. ji is the maximum of the
potential barrier for a given
coverage and A is the energy
gain by adsorption (Ligoure
andLeibler, 1990).

10" As diffusion is strongly dependent on the

molecular weight, it should be interesting to
analyze the importance of the molecular
weight of the reacting molecules. For exam-
ple, in polyamide 6/reactive rubber blends,
the molecular weight of the free polyamide
as well as that of the grafted polyamide
could be measured. Figure 8-25 shows these
molecular weights as a function of the reac-
10~ 6
0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 1.2 1.4 tion time for various rubber concentrations
Surface coverage (mol/cm2) (Marechal, 1993; Marechal et al., 1993 a).
Figure 8-24. Kinetic coefficient of adsorption versus The rubber particles with the grafted poly-
surface coverage for a PVP-PS BCP adsorbing on sil- amide can be separated by centrifugation.
ica from a toluene solution (Hugenard et al., 1991). Then the molecular weight of the nonreact-
ed polyamide was measured by viscometry
adsorption of a PVP-PS BCP on silica from and that of the grafted by dividing the weight
toluene solution. As the interface becomes of grafted PA by the reaction level. The
saturated in block copolymer, a dry brush decrease of the molecular weight during
tends to form and, at this point, any progres- mixing was explained by hydrolysis of the
sion of the reaction/adsorption becomes polyamide after amine chain end reaction
quite improbable. This is exemplified in the with the anhydride of the rubber (Marechal
right part of Fig. 8-24 with a more rapid drop et al., 1995; Marechal, 1993). However, the
of the adsorption kinetics. most striking effect is that the molecular
8.4 Interfaces in Reactive Blends 455

[75 rpmj

Figure 8-25. Number average molec-

ular weight of the nonreacted poly-
amide (open symbols) and the reacted
polyamide (full symbols) versus the
mixing time for PA 6/EP-g-MA blends
mixed at 75 rpm and 240 C in a Bra-
bender batch mixer (Marechal, 1993).
8 12 16 20
Mixing time (min)

weight of the grafted polyamide is about comparison was made for PS(40K)/
half that of the unreacted polyamide. This PMMA(40K)/symmetric BCP(80K) non-
difference could only be explained by a fast- reactive and PS-COOH(40 K)/PMMA-
er reaction at the interface of the chain ends epoxy(40K) reactive blends. All compo-
of the polyamide chain of low molecular nent polymers had narrow molecular weight
weight. distributions. For both, since the equilibri-
This was called molecular weight segre- um of the interface should be the same, the
gation induced by interfacial reaction. In the kinetics of interfacial modification by pre-
case of a fast reaction and of a reaction made or in situ formed BCP can be com-
involving end groups like in PA 6/EPR-g- pared. Figure 8-26 shows the particle size
MA blends, it may originate mainly from measured by LS as a function of the mixing
chain elasticity effects at the interface. It time for nonreactive blends, one with BCP
may also partly be caused by the diffusion (Bp 1) and one without (NR 1), and two reac-
kinetics and segregation of low molecular tive blends mixed from initial pellets (R 1)
weight species at the interface (see or powder (R4). For these blends, the con-
Sec. 8.2.2). The effects of these various phe- tent of BCP was determined by GPC.
nomena should be modulated by varying the Table 8-5 summarizes the results of particle
mixing conditions, reaction rate, concentra- size and BCP content (Nakayama, 1994).
tion of reactive groups, location of the reac- It is remarkable comparing Pb 1 and R 1
tive groups on the chain, and fraction of that the particle size is smaller in the reac-
reactive chains (Marechal, 1993; Marechal tive blend although the content of BCP is
etal., 1993 a). lower. This is explained by the fact that in
the case of Pb 1, not all the BCP is at the
interface. In Fig. 8-27 part of the pre-made
8.4.4 Pre-Made Versus In Situ Formed
BCP is found in the form of micelles in the
Block Copolymers
PS phase. In this TEM micrograph, the PS
From a technological point of view it phase was stained with RuO4. Such micelles
should be very interesting to compare the could not be observed for the R1 and R4
effects of pre-made BCP and in situ formed blends. Therefore the specific interest of the
BCP on the interfacial modification. This in situ formed block copolymer comes from
456 8 Reactive Processing of Polymer Blends: Polymer-Polymer Interface Aspects



200 nm
Figure 8-27. TEM picture of Pb 1 blend (see Fig.
8-26) mixed for 15 min. The PS is stained with RuO4
and appears darker (Nakayama, 1994).
10 15 20 25
Mixing time (min)
Figure 8-26. Mean particle diameter measured by this ternary system, the EPR-g-MA was first
light scattering versus mixing time for different mixed with the PA, then after complete reac-
PS/PMMA blends mixed at 180C in the mini-max- tion, the EPR was added. The interfacial
molder from Custom Scientific Instrument. NR1:
nonreactive; Pb 1 with 5% pre-made BCP; R 1 and R4 modification of the EPR particles was found
reactive system mixed from pellets and powder, to be very slow, and large EPR particles
respectively (Nakayama, 1994). were surrounded by small EPR-g-MA par-
ticles (Marechal, 1993; Marechal, et al.,
Table 8-5. Particle size and BCP content in PS/ 1992).
PMMA pre-made BCP and PS/PMMA in situ formed
BCP blends.
8.4.5 Search for Optimal Reactive
Blend name Particle size measured BCP Molecules
by light scattering content
(Jim) (wt.%) The efficiency of reactive components for
NR 1.1 0 interfacial modification by melt reactivity
Pbl 1 5 was investigated on polyamide 6/anhydride
Rl 0.75 1.6 terminated PS (one chain end functionalized
R4 0.5 1.7
for 60% or 85% of the chains)/PS ternary
blends (Park et al., 1992). High anhydride
concentration (or low molecular weight of
the fact that the reaction rate to provide BCP the reactive species) gave higher efficiency
at the interface can be faster than the rate of for a fixed fraction of reactive PS, but had
diffusion of a pre-made BCP to the inter- lower efficiency per reactive group intro-
face. duced. This could again show that a high
The slow diffusion of a BCP in micelles concentration of reactive groups is favor-
or a very finely dispersed phase to a poorly able, but a high molecular weight of the
modified interface is generally conceivable. blocks is also interesting.
In connection with this, of particular inter- However, extensive reaction of PA with
est is a bimodal particle size distribution SMA of high MA concentration (11 or 25%)
generated in PA 6/EP-g-MA/EPR blends. In can lead to embrittlement of the polymer
8.4 Interfaces in Reactive Blends 457

(Chang and Hwu, 1991), showing that an occurred (Legros et al., 1994). However, in
excess of reaction can be, in this kind of these studies, the reaction could modify not
blend, detrimental to the mechanical prop- only the interfacial adhesion, but also the
erties. This comes from degradation of the particle size. It would therefore be very
poly amide if a large amount of amine interesting to compare reactive and nonre-
chain ends are consumed (Marechal et al., active blends having the same morphology
1995). This detrimental effect of an excess in order to point out the pure effect of the
of reaction is also found for PA/PC blends. interfacial adhesion.
Through an excess of exchange reactions, ForPP/PP-oxazoline/poly(acrylonitrile-
the polymers lose both their identity and butadiene-acrylic acid) (NBR) blends the
their properties. It was shown in this case particle size was varied either by changing
that interesting blends could be obtained by the processing temperature or by changing
a reduction of the reaction rate between the the PP-oxazoline content. It was found that
PA and the PC if rapid consumption of the the fracture energy in notched Charpy tests
amine chain ends of the PA by an anhydride for reactive and nonreactive blends are sig-
occurred (Smith, 1958). nificantly different. Figure 8-28 a shows
this fracture energy as a function of the aver-
age particle size (Liu and Baker, 1994). For
8.4.6 Morphology, Interfaces,
a particle size of about 0.8 |Lim, the tough-
and Properties
ness of the reactive blend is about three
The relationship between the morpholo- times higher than the toughness of the non-
gy and the properties is well exemplified by reactive one. This difference is therefore
Fig. 8-1. It seems also that the kind of rela- only due to the improved interfacial adhe-
tionship between the optimal morphology sion brought about by the reaction.
for toughening and the entanglement den- Poly(ethyleneterephthalate)/EPR-epoxy
sity can be extended to the materials that blends showed similar results. In Fig.
mainly deform by shear yielding without 8-28 b, the Izod impact strength is plotted as
crazing. For these materials, the critical a function of the particle size determined by
interparticle distance required for toughness light scattering. At a given particle size,
is proportional to the entanglement density reactive blends had higher toughness than
(Wu, 1990). The morphology was consid- nonreactive blends (Yokoyama et al.,
ered to be the unique parameter defining the 1994).
toughness. Using the finite element method to ana-
On the other hand, it is generally recog- lyze the deformation mechanism of rubber-
nized that the interfacial adhesion is bene- toughened PA, it is shown that fracture
ficial to the mechanical properties (Noolan- occurs much faster if the dispersed rubber
di and Hong, 1982; Triacca, 1991; Saleem particles having good adhesion with the
and Baker, 1990). In most cases, an matrix are replaced by voids (Fukui et al.,
improvement of the properties was observed 1991). This suggests that, with poor adhe-
in relation to the occurrence of the reaction sion, dispersed particles are not very differ-
at the interface (Yokoyama et al., 1994; Liu ent from voids at sustaining the mechanical
and Baker, 1994). Sometimes, the proper- stresses, hence a certain level of interfacial
ties of a reactive blend are found to be bet- adhesion is required for toughening.
ter than those of a nonreactive one, and In Fig. 8-28, it also appears that some
therefore it is concluded that a reaction has adhesion of the phases promoted by the in
458 8 Reactive Processing of Polymer Blends: Polymer-Polymer Interface Aspects

15 improved characterization of the structure

and molecular weight of the BCP or GCP

CD Reactive blends
produced at the interface. Actually, in
Sec. 8.4.6 on the analysis of the effect of the
interfacial modification on the mechanical
properties, nothing was described about
either the molecular weight or the surface
coverage, but these parameters were recog-
nized as essential for the interfacial tough-
ness, as shown in Figs. 8-11 and 8-12.
Some experiments of this sort were per-
Nonreactive formed in the case of polyamide 6/reactive
blends rubber blends. In these blends, with a con-
0.3 0.5 1 stant rubber volume fraction, it was found
(a) Mean particle diameter that the brittle-tough transition temperature
(BTTT) increases with the particle size of
T 5 the rubber (Borggreve et al., 1987, 1988;
o 7 mix =260C Borggreve, 1988). However, for these
o 270C blends, the molecular weight of the block
280C copolymer could not be controlled and
^3h \ PET/EPR decreases with increasing particle size
c 0 7~mix =: 280C (Marechal et al., 1993 b). Blends with var-
ying particle size and constant grafted poly-
^ ^ PET/f-EPR
T> amide molecular weight could be prepared
Q. 1 by control of the molecular weight segrega-
g , i , i
tion (see Sec. 8.4.3) (Marechal et al.,
2 4 1993 a). For these blends with constant
(b) Mean particle diameter (urn) molecular weight at the interface, the BTTT
Figure 8-28. Impact strength versus (a) the particle was found to be nearly independent of the
size measured by image analysis on SEM pictures for particle size (between 0.15 and 0.4 (im).
PP/NBR blends and (b) particle size measured by light Figure 8-29 shows the BTTT for PA 6/EPR-
scattering for PET/EPR blends [28 a: Saleem and g-MA (80/20) blends with constant grafted
Baker (1990) and 28b: Yokoyama et al. (1994)]. polyamide molecular weight (full symbols)
and with decreasing grafted polyamide
situ formed BCP is important in achieving molecular weight (open symbols) as a func-
more easily a transition from brittle to tough tion of the particle size. From this figure it
behavior. can be concluded that the grafted polyamide
molecular weight controls the BTTT. The
constancy of the BTTT with particle size
8.5 Concluding Remarks seems provocative in view of most results
obtained previously (Margolina, 1988,
Future development in the reactive pro- 1990; Wu and Margolina, 1990). In the case
cessing of polymer blends will more and of polyamide/reactive rubber blends, as a
more require an analysis of the reaction sufficient level of reaction is reached, adhe-
level between the two polymers, and also an sion between the PA and the rubber is not
8.5 Concluding Remarks 459


Increasing particle size> lower reaction level

decreasing grafted PA molecular weight

Figure 8-29. Brittle-tough

transition temperature ver-
sus mean particle diameter
5= .0)
Gain with control
of the BCP
for polyamide 6/reactive
rubber (80/20) blends. Full
-20- symbols: PA 6/EP-g-MA/
phthalic anhydride blends;
Increasing particle sizeslower reaction level open symbols: PA6/EPDM-
but constant grafted PA molecular weight g-MA blends (Marechal,
0.10 0.15 0.20 0.25 0.30 0.35 0.40 1993).
Mean rubber particle diameter (jim)

the critical parameter, but the entanglement

density in the grafted polyamide around
the rubber is, since the grafted polyamide is
not a negligible fraction of the polyamide of
the blend. Nevertheless, Fig. 8-29 under-
lines the importance of the control of both
the amount and the molecular weight of
BCP or GCP formed during reactive pro-
It was shown in Sec. 8.4.1 that the BCP
locates at the interface, but in some cases,
the BCP formed at the interface during reac-
tive blending can escape the interface in 500 nm
the form of micelles. This is, for exam- Figure 8-30. TEM picture of a PS-COOH/PMMA-
ple, the case in a reactive blend of epoxy 30K/20K (70/30) blend mixed at 180C for
PS-COOH (30 K) / PMMA-epoxy (20 K), 15 min (Nakayama, 1994).
where the amount of BCP formed by reac-
tion exceeds the saturation coverage. The
fine morphology of this blend is revealed by Nevertheless, interesting interfacial mod-
TEM in Fig. 8-30. It is shown that large ification could be obtained with low molec-
PMMA particles are surrounded by small ular weight PS-PMMA BCP if the PS and
clouds of micelles. The mechanism of for- PMMA are replaced by PPO and SAN,
mation of these micelles is still not estab- which are miscible with the PS and PMMA
lished, but it is strongly related to the molec- blocks, respectively (Auschra, 1993). Such
ular weight of the BCP. In this case, micelles a system, generally referred to as A/C-D/B,
could escape the interface while in a system with A/C and B/D miscible, seems to have
involving a BCP of higher molecular quite interesting possibilities (Vilgis and
weight, this process of micelle formation Noolandi, 1990; Jo et al., 1991;Braunet al.,
did not occur (Nakayama, 1994). 1994). However, interfacial modification of
460 8 Reactive Processing of Polymer Blends: Polymer-Polymer Interface Aspects

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9 Structure Development in Reactive Systems
John L. Stanford, Anthony J. Ryan, and Michael J. A. Elwell*

Polymer Science and Technology Group, Materials Science Centre,

University of Manchester and UMIST, Manchester, U.K.

* Present address: Dow Benelux N. V., P.O. Box 48, 4530 AA Terneuzen, The Netherlands

List of Symbols and Abbreviations 466

9.1 Introduction 469
9.1.1 Reactive Polymer Processes 469
9.1.2 Concepts of Structuring 471 Time-Temperature-Transformation Diagrams 471 Phase Diagrams 473
9.2 Single-Phase Materials 475
9.2.1 Gelation and Network Formation: Classical Theory 476
9.2.2 Evolution of Structure and Properties During Polymer Network Formation . 478
9.2.3 Application of Network Theory to Reactive Processing:
Model Reaction Injection Molding (RIM) Systems 481
9.3 Multiphase Materials 483
9.3.1 Phase Diagrams and Reactive Processing: Basic Principles 483 Blends, Mixtures, and Solutions of Homopolymers 484 Block Copolymers 488
9.3.2 Linear Segmented Block Copolymers 490 Copolyurethanes 490 Copolyamides 496
9.3.3 Lightly Crosslinked Copolymers 497 Copolyurethanes and Copolyureas 497 Flexible Copolyurethane Foams 498
9.3.4 Highly Crosslinked Copolymers and Resins 502 Rigid Copolyurethane Foams 502 Isocyanurate-Based Resins 503 Rubber-Modified Epoxy Resins 505
9.3.5 Interpenetrating Networks 508
9.4 Summary 509
9.5 References 510

Materials Science and Technology

Copyright WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co KGaA. Allrightsreserved.
466 9 Structure Development in Reactive Systems

List of Symbols and Abbreviations

A, B, C composition
d interdomain spacing
Deff interdiffusion coefficient characterizing phase separation
/ functionality, block copolymer composition
/an'/bn'/aw/bw number-average, weight-average functionalities of A and B
G free energy
G', G " elastic shear modulus, loss shear modulus
G static shear modulus for a perfect network at complete conversion
G static shear modulus for a perfect network at conversion a
AG m Gibbs free energy of mixing
A//m enthalpy of mixing
AHU heat of fusion per mole of repeat unit
I(q,t) scattering intensity
k crystallization rate constant
K ratio of rate constants
/ number of units of RA 2
m, n degree of polymerization
MQ ideal number-average molar mass between elastically active
junction points
Mc molar mass between network junction points
Mn, M w number-average, weight-average molar mass
n number of units of RB^, critical rheological exponent at gelation,
Avrami exponent
N polymerization index, degree of polymerization, chain length
a0> ^bo initial numbers of A and B groups
nc number of elastic chains in a perfect network
n,/-mer chain comprising n units of RB^ and / units of R A 2 reactants
7Va, Afb number of moles of A- and B-functionalized reactants
^A2> NBf initial numbers of R A 2 and RByr units
7Vn, Afw number-average, weight-average sequence length
N0l, Nn> r number of RA 2 monomers, n^'-mers
AfHcrit critical hard-segment block length
p conversion
/7a, ph extents of reaction of A- and B -functional groups
PNCO> P(NCO)c,th,exP extent of reaction of isocyanate groups, critical, theoretical,
q scattering vector
q* scattering peak intensity
Q' relative scattering invariant
r stoichiometric ratio
R gas constant
Rg radius of gyration
List of Symbols and Abbreviations 467

R (q) scattering amplification factor

RA 2 , RB^ bifunctional, multifunctional reactants
ASm entropy of mixing
t reaction time
tg gel time
T absolute temperature
7, r p temperature
Tc cure temperature
Tg glass-rubber transition temperature
r | , T soft-segment, hard-segment glass transition temperature
r g 0 gel 7 g , r goo reactant(s), gel, complete conversion glass transition temperature
7^, Tm pure polymer, polymer-solvent melting point
Tx crystallization temperature
r0, rmold reactant(s), mold temperature
u u u
$, g, sfi ugf un
i t fractions of sol and gel
un i unit fraction of n,/-mer
unV unit fraction of n,/-mer in the sol
Vu dry undeformed volume of network
Vu, Vx molar volume of repeat unit, monomer
w weight fraction of each component
jcn, xw number-average, weight-average degree of polymerization
fractions of RA2 and RB^ reactants

a product of extents of reaction of A and B groups

a* lowest root of P=a(l-a)f~2
acth predicted gel point
tan<5 loss tangent
0 relative proportion of ordered material (Avrami)
p density of network
0 volume fraction
X Flory-Huggins interaction parameter

AIBN azobisisobutyronitrile
ATBN, CTBN, ETBN amino-, carboxyl-, epoxide-terminated butadiene-acrylonitrile
random copolymer
ATR adiabatic temperature rise
BDO 1,4-butanediol
CFC chlorofluorocarbon
CM compression molding
DBTDL dibutyltin dilaurate
DETDA diethyltoluene diamine
DGEBA diglycidylether of bisphenol-A
DMTA dynamic mechanical-thermal analysis
DP degree of polymerization
DSC differential scanning calorimetry
468 9 Structure Development in Reactive Systems

DVB divinylbenzene
EDO 1,2-ethane diol
FTIR Fourier transform infrared (spectroscopy)
IPN interpenetrating polymer network
LS light scattering
LT light transmission
MDI 4,4'-diphenylmethane diisocyanate
MMA methylmethacrylate
MST microphase-separation transition
NCO isocyanate
NG nucleation and growth
NMR nuclear magnetic resonance
ODT order-disorder transition
OH hydroxyl
PBMA poly(butylmethacrylate)
PDO 1,5-pentane diol
PMMA poly(methylmethacrylate)
POE polyoxyethylene
POP polyoxypropylene
PU copolyurethane
PUr copolyurea
PUrl copoly(urea-isocyanurate)
PUUr copoly(urethane-urea)
RIM reaction injection molding
RTM resin transfer molding
S styrene
SALS small-angle light scattering
SANS small-angle neutron scattering
SAXS small-angle X-ray scattering
SD spinodal decomposition
SEM scanning electron microscopy
TBA torsional braid analysis
TDI toluene diisocyanate
TEM transmission electron microscopy
TTT time-temperature-transformation
WAXD wide-angle X-ray diffraction
9.1 Introduction 469

9.1 Introduction involving the use and results obtained from

time-resolved analytical techniques. Exam-
The reactive processing of polymers and ples are presented from studies reported on
composites involves simultaneous develop- systems that produce a wide range of poly-
ment of the polymer structure and materials mer types, classified, in general terms, as
shaping to produce polymer artifacts with linear thermoplastics and crosslinked ther-
final properties suitable for particular appli- mosets (single-phase materials), and block
cations. In engineering terms, reactive pro- copolymers, toughened resins, and inter-
cessing is concerned primarily with the penetrating networks (multiphase materi-
design and control of the equipment and the als).
rheological processes required for particu-
lar polymer-forming systems. Equally
9.1.1 Reactive Polymer Processes
important, in scientific terms, is an under-
standing of the molecular processes By way of introduction, a brief overview
involved in the transformation from (reac- of some of the more common reactive poly-
tive) liquid state to solid polymer material, mer processes is presented first. More
which occurs during reactive processing. detailed descriptions are given elsewhere
The transformation processes, which define (Charrier, 1990; Elias, 1993). The methods
polymer structure development, require in used in reactive processing come under the
situ measurements and analyses to provide general headings of casting, coating, and
the fundamental understanding upon which molding, and involve the use of viscous (as
appropriate process models can be devel- opposed to viscoelastic) materials, which
oped for the control and improvement of include liquid monomers, pre-polymers,
reactive processing and materials proper- polymer solutions, dispersions, and (low
ties. molar mass) polymer powders. The reactive
This chapter deals specifically with poly- processing of such materials may be char-
mer structure development in reactive acterized, therefore, by the flow (usually
systems in terms of polymerization, cross- under gravity and requiring little pressure)
linking, and gelation; phase separation and of liquids either within a mold cavity or on
vitrification processes, and the basic theo- a substrate surface.
ries underpinning these processes in single- The simplest reactive polymer process is
phase and multiphase (linear and nonlinear) perhaps monomer casting, and examples
systems are presented. Often such process- include monomers such as methylmeth-
es occur competitively, either simultaneous- acrylate, styrene, 8-caprolactam, and N-
ly or consecutively, in terms of the kinetics vinyl carbazole. This process requires inex-
of the chemical reactions and the thermody- pensive molds and is used for the small vol-
namics that define structure development. ume production of shaped articles. The
As a consequence, reactively processed polymerizations are exothermic and require
materials are characterized by complex good temperature control and long reaction
morphologies, which largely determine times. Structure development in this process
their final physical properties, and post- is via molar mass development and may, in
mortem studies on structure-property rela- some cases, involve polymer crystalliza-
tions for such materials are extensive. How- tion.
ever, the emphasis in this chapter is placed Coating is a surface-modification meth-
upon in situ studies of reacting systems, od that may be divided into planar and con-
470 9 Structure Development in Reactive Systems

tour techniques. The former include spread,

roller, and spray coating of flat substrates, JL
and the latter involve the coating of objects Preform
having complex shapes using liquid-
dipping and fluidized-bed equipment.
Reactive molding processes include com-
pression (CM), resin transfer (RTM), and plunger
reaction injection molding (RIM), and these
are shown schematically in Fig. 9-1. Com-
pression molding (Fig. 9-1 a) is used almost
exclusively for temperature-activated ther-
mosetting polymers, usually requiring tem-
peratures in the range 140 - 200 C and mold
pressures in the range 35-700 bar
(3.5-70MPa). Structure development in-
volves crosslinking processes that occur in
~1 min as, for example, in the production of
phenolic moldings, and vulcanization pro-
cesses taking >60 min for the manufacture Pneumatic
of very thick rubber components. (i) fibre mat placed (ii) mould is closed (iii) mat impregnation
in mould by injected resin
Resin transfer molding (Fig. 9-1 b) is a
process intemerdiate between compression
and injection molding, and is used primari-
ly for the manufacture of composite mate-
rials products based on unsaturated polyes-
ter and epoxy resins as matrices. The low-
viscosity thermosetting resin, containing a
catalyst, is pumped under moderate pressure
[~5 bar (0.5 MPa)] into a mold cavity con- (iv) heat-activated
(v) mould opening
and demoulding
(vi) demoulded and
postcured article
taining the pre-placed reinforcing fiber
mats. Gel- or in-mold coating prior to mat
placement is frequently employed. Mold (c)
filling and fiber impregnation are facilitat-
ed by evacuation of the cavity.
Reactant A Reactant B
Polymerization is temperature-activated
(140-200C) and structure development
occurs by crosslinking and gelation in cycle
times of up to 20 min. Additionally, phase
separation processes are involved when displacement displacement
cylinder cylinder
reactive liquid rubber or thermoplastics are

Figure 9-1. Schematic representations of various

reactive polymer molding processes: (a) compression
molding; (b) resin transfer molding; and (c) reaction
injection molding.
9.1 Introduction 471

included in the resin formulations to with reactive molding; the initial stage of
improve the toughness of the otherwise brit- the shape stabilization process involves
tle polyester and epoxy resins. polymerization, during which solidification
Reaction injection molding (Fig. 9-1 c) is occurs (often in competition with polymer-
a relatively new process, and for the rapid ization) by any of the primary mechanisms
and automated production of large, thin of endlinking and crosslinking (involving
(~3 mm), and complex-shaped parts. Capi- gelation), vitrification, crystallization, and
tal investment and operational costs are phase separation, either individually or in
much less than those for conventional injec- combination. Both reactively processed
tion molding. In RIM two or more low- single-phase (amorphous) and multiphase
viscosity reactant liquids (monomers and/or materials are considered. In the former,
pre-polymers) are accurately metered, molar mass development and crosslinking,
according to chemical stoichiometry, and due to chemical reactions, sometimes
impingement mixed at high pressure accompanied by vitrification, are the impor-
[200-300 bar (20-30 MPa)] in a hydraul- tant mechanisms for solidification during
ically operated mixhead. The reactant processing. The fundamental relationships,
mixture then flows under low pressure [<10 based on polymerization statistics, between
bar (1 MPa)] into a mold cavity. Reactant molar mass development, chemical gela-
throughputs can be up to 100 kg s"1; tion, and network formation will be
mold-fill times of ~ 1 s and cycle times of addressed. In multiphase systems, the solid-
<60 s are typical. Mix-activated copoly- ification processes, namely, reaction-in-
(ether-urethane) and copoly(ether-urea) duced crystallization in the case of semi-
systems are most commonly used in RIM. crystalline polymers, and macrophase and
Nylon copolymer (based on e-caprolactam), microphase separation in the case of poly-
epoxy, acrylic, and olefinic (polydicyclo- mer blends, block copolymers, and their
pentadiene) systems have also been devel- mixtures, are also considered. Generally,
oped commercially. Compared to the other during the reactive processing of blends,
reactive process methods, structure devel- IPNs, and block copolymers, chemical reac-
opment in the RIM copolymer-forming tion causes a chemical quench from a one-
systems is much more complex, involving phase region to a two-phase region of the
polymerization (often with crosslinking and phase diagram. The morphology developed
gelation) processes and competitive phase- in the material produced is dominated by the
separation and vitrification processes. route taken through phase space, and this
aspect of structure development will also be
dealt with in detail.
9.1.2 Concepts of Structuring
In the production of a useful polymer arti- Time-Temperature-
fact, via reactive polymer processing, the
Transformation Diagrams
transformation of a liquid polymer or pre-
polymer mixture is carried out using a Structure development in single-phase
device such as a die or a mold cavity. If the materials, compared with that in multiphase
liquid is not to lose its shape it must be solid- materials, is relatively easy to model and
ified either in the cavity (during molding) interpret using polymer statistics. In nonlin-
or shortly after exit from the die (during ear systems, gelation and network theories
extrusion or pultrusion). This chapter deals are used to predict the evolution of struc-
472 9 Structure Development in Reactive Systems

ture, principally in terms of the number of temperatures (Tc). Such data were obtained
network chains or the density of junction using torsional braid analysis (TBA) on var-
points (or crosslinks) formed, which, ious thermosetting systems, including
together with chemical structures and the epoxy, polycyanurate, and polyimide resins.
average molar mass (Mc) between junction The glass transition temperatures for the
points, determine the network properties. initial reactants and the partially cured reac-
For example, viscosity, modulus, and glass tant mixture at the gel point are designated,
transition temperature (Tg) all increase dur- respectively, as Tg0 and gel T g on the ordinate
ing processing. In particular, for highly in Fig. 9-2. Also shown is Tgoo, the glass
crosslinked (thermoset) systems with low transition temperature of the fully cured
Mc, the increase in the Tg as polymerization thermoset material. Curing the system to
progresses can be such that vitrification complete conversion produces a change in
occurs as the Tg becomes equal to the pro- the r g from Tg0 to Tgoo. The characteristic
cessing or cure temperature. features of the TTT diagram are the gelation
In the context of the reactive processing and full cure contours, and the S-shaped
of thermosets, considerable progress has vitirification contour marked on Fig. 9-2,
now been made in the description and under- which also shows the various states of mat-
standing of both the relationship between ter in which the thermosetting material can
the cure and the properties of the materials, exist during cure. The gelled glass region is
and the significance of the Tg of a system divided into two parts by the full cure con-
undergoing cure. This (and other) relation- tour (Tg = Tgoo), i.e., the sol-gel glass and the
ships have been characterized in general fully cured gel glass. The char region results
terms through cure-property diagrams, from thermal degradation, which also caus-
such as the time-temperature-transforma- es devitrification and a decrease in Tg at high
tion (TTT) isothermal cure diagram (Enns values of Tc.
and Gillham, 1983). An abbreviated version Overall, the evolution of structure and
of the TTT diagram is shown in Fig. 9-2, and properties is controlled and determined ulti-
is based on contours of the time-to-gelation mately by the two dominant processes,
and the time-to-vitrification for systems namely, gelation and vitrification. Chemi-
cured at different isothermal reaction or cure cal gelation occurs at a specific conversion



3 el
SOL -GEL G L A S S ^ ^ ^ o g ^ R

Figure 9-2. Schematic time-temperature-

transformation (TTT) isothermal cure dia-
gram for a thermosetting system. (Adapted
from Enns and Gillham 1983.)
Log (time)
9.1 Introduction 473

of the reactant functional groups (see amorphous polymer and a good solvent. The
Sec. 9.2) corresponding to the incipient for- only boundary is that of the glass transition
mation of "infinite" molecular species (the temperature (not actually a phase transi-
gel). Vitrification occurs either on cooling tion), which is dependent on the composi-
from the liquid or rubbery state through Tg tion of the mixture according to the Fox
to the glassy state, or by increasing Tg (1956) equation
(through reaction) up to or above Tc. Con-
version can be related to any time and tem- (9-1)
perature cure path by modeling the TTT dia-
gram in terms of kinetic- and diffusion- where w is the weight fraction of each com-
controlled reactions. The relationship ponent and the subscripts p and s refer to the
between the Tg and conversion can also be polymer and solvent, respectively. Figure
established. 9-3 illustrates the phase diagram for
The TTT diagram approach provides con- poly(methylmethacrylate) (PMMA) and its
venient summaries of the relationships monomer, methylmethacrylate (MMA),
between conditions of cure and the states of which is a good solvent for PMMA. The
the resulting materials. It is possible, there- value of Tg for the mixture varies continu-
fore, to design cure paths in order to opti- ously with composition between 243 K
mize processing and materials properties, (-30 C) for the monomer solvent and 400 K
and to provide a more complete understand- (127 C) for the polymer.
ing of structure development during reac- The process typically used to form PMMA
tive processing. into sheet, tubes, and rods involves slow
polymerization rates and slow cooling rates
to give stress-free articles with isotropic Phase Diagrams
properties, particularly the refractive index,
The concept of the phase diagram (famil- so that the PMMA products are crystal clear.
iar to physical chemists or materials scien- Batch and continuous processes are utilized
tists) is the key to understanding and con- and, essentially, both involve taking an iso-
trolling the reactive processing of polymers, thermal path through the phase diagram until
and the phase diagram is the starting point the vitrification curve is intersected.
for this section. Relatively simple phenom-
ena, such as vitrification and crystallization,
are considered before attempts are made to
PMMA: Tg = 127 C~
relate the morphologies of multiphase poly- 9ioo:
mers to the mechanism(s) of phase separa-
In basic terms, a binary phase diagram
comprises two axes; one for composition
and the other for temperature. The existence
or co-existence of various phases, such as 0.8
separated liquids, crystalline phases, vitri-
fied glasses, and various mixed phases, is
Figure 9-3. Simple phase diagram of the polymer-
denoted by their phase boundaries. monomer system, PMMA-MMA. The solid curve is
The simplest phase diagram in polymer calculated from the Fox equation and represents the
terms is that of a mixture of a single-phase boundary between liquid and glassy phases.
474 9 Structure Development in Reactive Systems

Cast PMMA is produced using simple Another example of a simple phase dia-
molds that comprise a cavity (formed by gram in polymer terms is that for a mixture
glass plates) and a diaphragm (in the form of a crystallizable polymer and a good sol-
of a rubber gasket). Typically, a mold is vent, which may also be its monomer. This
charged with a mixture of 20% by weight of situation is analogous to a liquid-gas
PMMA in MMA containing an appropriate system. Two phase boundaries now define
amount of free-radical initiator, usually the two phases in equilibrium, namely, the
azobisisobutyronitrile (AIBN). (It is pos- solidus and liquidus regions, and the equa-
sible to start with pure monomer, but the tion (Mandelkern et al. 1952) defining the
shrinkage on polymerization is unaccept- melting point of the polymer-rich composi-
ably high.) The filled mold is heated slow- tion (ignoring the effects of molar mass and
ly to 60 C and maintained at this tempera- crystal size) is
ture until a monomer conversion of-80% is
achieved. (The time taken is dependent upon
<9 2)
the thickness of the casting being prepared.) -
At this conversion, the T2 of the mixture is where (f)x is the volume fraction of diluent,
reached and the propagation reaction T^ is the melting point of the pure polymer,
becomes diffusion controlled so that poly- Tm is the melting point of the mixture, R is
merization is effectively arrested. The tem- the gas constant, Vu and Vx are the molar
perature is raised to 105 C and held for a volumes of the repeat unit and of the
period until complete conversion of the monomer, AHU is the heat of fusion per mole
monomer is attained. (Note that the ceiling of repeat unit, and %x is the Flory interac-
temperature of PMMA is 105 C.) The mate- tion parameter. Thus when a solution of
rial is cooled at a rate that keeps the temper- composition C, comprising a crystallizable
ature gradient through the thickness of the polymer melt in its liquid monomer, is
molding to <10C cm"1, and when the mid- cooled from a temperature Tp to a crystal-
plane temperature is <60 C, the PMMA can lization temperature Tx, a crystalline solid
be removed from the mold. Because of the phase of composition A is formed, which is
relatively long times involved and the slow immediately surrounded by a liquid phase
release of the enthalpy of polymerization, of composition B, which cannot crystallize
thermal gradients in the mold are minimal. at Tx. This behavior is illustrated in Fig.
All regions (on the molecular level) of the 9-4 in which the upper line defines the melt-
casting experience similar homogeneous ing point of the polymer-rich phase. The
thermal and chemical histories, and the solution of a polymer in a good solvent has
material is annealed uniformly to equilibri- two equilibrium phases (one rich in crystal-
um so that structure development in this line polymer and the other rich in solvent)
polymerization system results in the forma- at any combination of composition and
tion of materials with isotropic properties. temperature. Generally, the composition of
In terms of the shape stabilization process the polymer-rich crystalline phase tends
during the formation of multiphase poly- towards that of the pure polymer.
mers, phase diagrams such as that shown The process generally used to produce
in Fig. 9-3 are equally important as they cast nylon-6 involves isothermal polymer-
can be used to define the composition of ization, and this process has been used for a
a vitrified phase in a phase-separating number of years in the production of small
system. and complex parts. (The process was com-
9.2 Single-Phase Materials 475

TO i
9.2 Single-Phase Materials
***'*^liquidus In the context of reactive processing,
many of the polymer-forming systems of
interest involve step polymerizations, par-
ticularly non-linear systems that exhibit the
phenomenon of chemical gelation. Poly-
merization in such systems usually proceeds
A B via endlinking reactions of functional
0 1
pure Composition pure
groups on polyfunctional (f>2) monomers
and/or low molar mass pre-polymers.
Figure 9-4. Binary phase diagram showing the sol- Crosslinking reactions based on chain
idus and liquidus curves for a crystallizable polymer polymerizations are also important in reac-
(with melting temperature 7^) in equilibrium with a
solvent of melting point 7,. Cooling a homogeneous tive processing and include systems involv-
polymer-solvent mixture of composition C from Tp ing mixtures of divinyl and monovinyl
(>7^) to Tx (<T^) results in a two-phase solid-liquid monomers, and addition reactions between
mixture comprising solid-rich (A) and liquid-rich (B) a small proportion of double bonds in pre-
components. formed unsaturated polymer chains of rela-
tively high molar mass. Examples of the for-
mer include methylmethacrylate with ethy-
mercialized in the 1980s under the trade lene dimethacrylate, vinyl acetate with di-
name NYRIM by Monsanto and DSM.) vinyl adipate, and styrene with divinylben-
Monitoring crystallization during nylon-6 zene, which has been used in structure
formation (a relatively simple two-phase development studies on semi-IPNs (inter-
system) exemplifies some of the problems penetrating polymer networks) and is dis-
associated with the study of structure devel- cussed in detail in Sec. 9.3.5. Examples that
opment during rapid reactive processing. involve unsaturated polymers include the
Only recently have these problems been vulcanization of rubbers and the curing with
overcome, as reported by Ishida and Scott vinyl monomer of unsaturated polyester
(1986) in a study on the fast isothermal pre-polymers.
polymerization of -caprolactam, which In all cases, the development of structure
required the use of specially constructed and properties essentially begins at the gel
RIM equipment interfaced to an FTIR spec- point, accelerates in the post-gel region, and
trometer. Details of this study are given la- is optimized (often by so-called postcuring)
ter (see Sec., but it is useful to as the network material is formed at com-
consider this study in general terms. The plete reaction. The evolution of the struc-
isothermal polymerization takes a hori- ture in nonlinear step polymerizations,
zontal route through the phase diagram sim- including predictions of the gel point and
ilar to that shown in Fig. 9-4. However, by the network properties, can be modeled
using time-resolved FTIR spectroscopy, it using polymerization statistics; this was
is possible to measure the crystallization initially developed by Flory (1953 a) and
kinetics continuously along the route, and Stockmayer (1943, 1952). To a first approx-
to interpret the mechanism(s) responsible imation, the early theories give good
for the development of the crystalline struc- descriptions of network development but
ture. they treat the ideal case since they neglect
476 9 Structure Development in Reactive Systems

known experimental phenomena, such as 9.2.1 Gelation and Network Formation:

side reactions, intramolecular reaction, Classical Theory
incomplete reaction, nonrandom reactions
The prediction of gel points and the mod-
(as in crosslinking), topological entangle-
eling of network formation are essential.
ments, and chain interactions (even those
However, despite recent advances, none of
developed at a very localized or simplistic
the theories and models of nonlinear poly-
level). Thus many theories and models, for
merization referred to in the previous sec-
example, cascade theory, rate theory, Monte
tion describes, either accurately or com-
Carlo simulation, and percolation models,
some of which account for the various pletely, the development of the structure and
experimental phenomena, have been devel- properties in network-forming systems. In a
oped in an attempt to give more complete chapter dealing with reactive processing,
descriptions of structure development dur- however, the use of classical Flory-
ing network formation. Discussion of these Stockmayer statistics may be considered
theories is beyond the scope of this chapter adequate in order to demonstrate how struc-
and the reader is referred to an excellent ture development during single-phase net-
review of this subject published recently by work formation can be modeled.
Stepto(1992). For a network-forming system compris-
ing polyfunctional reactants, RA^a and RB^,
The importance of the gel point in
in which only A-functional groups can react
reactive processing terms is obvious, par-
with B-functional groups, the condition for
ticularly when considered in a broader tech-
gelation (Stockmayer, 1952, 1953) is given
nological context, as depicted by the so-
called cure-property diagrams, i.e., the
time-temperature transformation (TTT) -1) = 1 (9-3)
diagram (Enns and Gillham, 1983), de- where oc=pSipb, and/?a and/?b are the extents
scribed earlier. The two major events occur- of reaction of the A and B groups. This equa-
ring during network formation (gelation and tion is based on mixtures of N.di and NbJ moles
vitrification), together with the network of A- and B-functionalized reactants with
chemical structure, determine all the prop- any funcionality,/a/ and/ bj , where /, j= 1, 2,
erties of thermosetting materials. Gelation 3 , . . . The average functionalities/^ and/ bw
marks the point of incipient network forma- in Eq. (9-3) are given by the summations
tion, when infinite molecular species form
and the reacting system develops infinite
viscosity and significant elasticity, as the f =-L _
and / b w = J
number of junction points or crosslinks Jaw v
increases (see Fig. 9-6, Sec. 9.2.2). This
liquid-to-solid transformation must be pre- At the gel point, infinite molecular spe-
dictable and controllable for successful cies are formed and the degree of polymer-
reactive processing in which the shaping of ization (DP) distribution diverges. From the
the polymer networks (involving material beginning of the polymerization up to the
flow during molding or extrusion) must be gel point, the expressions for xn and JCW, the
achieved prior to gelation. number-average and weight-average DP,
are given by Eqs. (9-5) and (9-6)

xn = (f +rf )-rp f f (9-5)

an bn a an bn
9.2 Single-Phase Materials 477

^ \\7 (9-6)

In Eqs. (9-5) and (9-6),/ an and/ bn are the

number-average functionalities given as system containing polyfunctional reactants,
the distribution of finite species reverts so
that, with reference to the generalized gel
/an v^ point equation [Eq. (9-3)] conjugate values
of a(a and a*) exist at which the distribu-
tions, pre-gel and post-gel, are identical.
and (9-7) In the context of reactive processing, for-
mulations based on RA2 + RB^ polymeriza-
tions are more commonly encountered. In
r (=na0/nb0=pb/ps) is the stoichiometric such systems, an x-mer is more precisely
ratio of the functional groups, and na0 and defined as an nj-mer comprising n units of
nb0 are the initial numbers of A and B RB^and / units of RA2. The nj-mer possess
groups. Equations (9-5) to (9-7) clearly (fn-2n + 2) chain ends of which (/ - n + 1)
show that at the gel point xn is finite, where- are A groups and (fn-n-l+1) are B groups.
as xw becomes infinite. All finite species In addition, Eq. (9-8) needs to be modified
formed before and after the gel point con- to take account of RA2 monomer, that is, by
stitute the sol fraction; infinite species including the unit fraction u0 x for the spe-
formed at the gel point and up to complete cies,ft,/= 0, 1. Thus Eq. (9-8) becomes
network formation constitute the gel frac-
oo fn-n+\
tion. However, the infinite species cannot be
enumerated as individual molecules, and n=\ l=n-\
post-gelation distributions are better
The double summation in Eq. (9-9) is
defined in terms of reactant units that have
made (Stepto, 1992) by transforming the
combined to form finite and infinite species.
limit / to V [= (/ - n + 1)] with n= 1, 2, . . .,
Thus the unit fraction (approximately
oo, The unit fractions of RA2 monomer and
equivalent to the mass fraction) of gel (wg)
is the sum of units combined in infinite spe- n,l'~ mer are, respectively
cies. The value of ug increases from zero at
the gel point to unity at complete network
formation, assuming r- 1. The unit fraction
of sol (us) is evaluated directly by summing and unV = 1) ^ (9-10)
the units in finite species using the DP dis- NA2+NBf
tribution. The case of a simple RA^ self- where N0l and Nnr are the numbers of RA2
polymerization, for which the unit fraction monomers and ft,/'-mers, and NA2 and NBf
ux of x-mer is are the initial numbers of RA2 and RB^units.
After substitution and summation (Rolfes,
1992), the expression for us becomes
s = 5 X = ( l - K g ) (9-8)
u =X (I- )2+X ( 1 - a
) <**
has already been dealt with in detail (Step-
to, 1992). It should be noted that at the gel
point and onwards for any network-forming
478 9 Structure Development in Reactive Systems

where XA2 and XBf are the monomer unit RA2 + RBf network formation. This is done
fractions, i.e., in terms of the distributions of species {unj>)
in the sol fraction, the unit fractions (us and
fr wg) of sol and gel, and the DP distributions
fr+2 (xn and JCW), given by Eqs. (9-9) to (9-15),
and XBf = (9-12) which apply in both the pre-gel and the post-
fr+2 gel regions.
As an example, the distributions evaluat-
In Eq. (9-11), a and a* are conjugate val-
ed for a stoichiometric RA2 + RB 3 network-
ues, where a* is evaluated as the lowest root
forming system are shown in Fig. 9-5. In
of the equation p=a(l - a)f~2. Thus a*
this case, Eqs. (9-9) to (9-15) are plotted as
<l/[(/aw " l)C/bw ~ 1)] a n d ^* ^ 0 as com- functions of the conversion p (= a 1/2 ); the
plete network formation is reached (a>l). reversion is unsymmetrical about p at the
Note that prior to the gel point, a* = a and
gel point (/?= 1/V2), although the distribu-
tions, pre- and post-gel, map onto each other
The unit fraction (unl>) of any species in accordance with the conjugate values
within the sol is then given as determined for a and a*. During network
formation, the larger species possess pro-
<v^Uf- (9-13) portionally greater numbers of unreacted A
and B groups and therefore react with high-
Generalized DP distributions for xn and
er probability than smaller species, so that
xw are obtained (Stanford and Stepto, 1996)
in the post-gel region increasing numbers of
using the expressions
units become attached to gel species. The
finite species therefore diminish in number
n oo fn-2n+2 (9-14)
and comprise increasing proportions of
X I Nn,l> smaller molecules. Figure 9-5 shows clear-
n=\ /'=0
ly that as p 1, the sol fraction decreases
(9-15) rapidly and eventually contains only RA2
and RB3 reactants (u'ox + u'l0), and the gel
fraction [= (1 - us)] becomes the network at
n=\ l'=Q complete reaction.
To obtain a perfect network with ideal
Equations (9-14) and (9-15) are numeri- physical properties, all reactions (sol-sol,
cally equivalent in the pre-gel region to Eqs. sol-gel, and gel-gel) are assumed to yield
(9-5) and (9-6) for xn and xw given previous- elastically active network chains between
junction points at complete network forma-
tion. Gel-gel reaction (which must occur to
give the final network) is by necessity intra-
9.2.2 Evolution of Structure
molecular, but some of this reaction leads to
and Properties During Polymer
elastically inactive chains. Application of
Network Formation
Flory-Stockmayer statistics (Stepto, 1990)
The Flory-Stockmayer statistics pre- allows the relative amounts of sol-sol,
sented in the previous section can now be sol-gel, and gel-gel reactions to be evalu-
used to describe, to a first approximation, ated in RA2 + RByrpolymerizations. For stoi-
the development of the structure during chiometric systems at a= 1, the proportion
9.2 Single-Phase Materials 479

Figure 9-5. The evolution of

molecular structure in a stoichio-
0.8 - metric RA2 + R'B 3 network-
forming system, in terms of the
Unit fraction distribution curves for the sol spe-
(u) cies. Reversion of the distributions
occurs at the gel point (p= 1/V2),
0.6 -
as indicated by the vertical dashed
line. The solid curves for
monomer, dimer, and tetramer are
given, respectively, as the unit
0.4 - fractions (uQl + u\0), (u'ul), and
(u\3 + ^2,2)' calculated according
to Eq. (9-13). Pre-gel, the sol frac-
tion us= 1 and decreases post-gel
0.2 - according to Eq. (9-11), as shown
by the curve marked us. Distribu-
--tetramers tions for the degree of polymeriza-
tion (DP) are shown as the dashed

0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1

Extent of reaction (p)

of gel-gel reaction was calculated as 1/6. In (Mn^700 g mol l). Polymerizations were
real networks, it has been shown experimen- carried out at 60 C in bulk using a catalyst
tally that -10% of bonds formed via sol-sol (triethylene diamine) with different stoichi-
and gel-gel reactions in the post-gel region ometric ratios r {- [NCO1/[OH]) in the range
produce inelastic loops. Such loops, togeth- 2/3 < r < 3/2. Both of the time-resolved tech-
er with those formed by pre-gel intramolec- niques allowed structure development in
ular reactions, produce imperfect networks terms of polymerization kinetics and rheo-
with physical properties inferior to those logical data to be monitored continuously
expected for corresponding perfect net- through the gel point and up to complete net-
works. These observations lead to the con- work formation. The rheological data were
clusion that the occurrence of structural obtained in steady shear (giving the viscos-
defects is inevitable in single-phase network ity and normal stress difference versus time
materials produced experimentally. data), and in oscillatory shear (giving the
Structure development during the for- storage and loss moduli, G' and G"\ and the
mation of such networks may be moni- loss tangent, tan 8 versus time data). In the
tored using a variety of time-resolved tech- latter case, multifrequency data in the range
niques. For example, simultaneous time- 20-100rad s"1, were obtained in single-
resolved FTIR spectroscopy and rheometry sweep, oscillatory shear runs utilizing com-
have been used (Griffiths et al., 1996) to posite dynamic wave forms analyzed via a
study model RA2 + RB3 polyurethane- Fourier transform algorithm. The gel point
forming systems, in which RA2 is 4,4'- (in terms of the time to gelation) was eval-
diphenylmethane diisocyanate (MDI) and uated from (i) the divergence in plots of vis-
RB3 is polyoxypropylene (POP) triol cosity and normal stress difference versus
480 9 Structure Development in Reactive Systems

time, (ii) cross-over points in G' and G" ver- the bulk PU-forming system defined earli-
sus time plots, and (iii) tan S congruency er. In this case,ft= 0.5 and the G7G" cross-
(frequency independent) points. The results over point and the divergence of the viscos-
showed clearly that the only truly accurate ity clearly define the gel point in terms of
and absolute method for determining the gel the critical extent of reaction, (/?Nco)c> f
point, as a materials parameter independent isocyanate functional groups. The predict-
of reaction and test conditions, was based ed gel point for this system is a*h = 0.5 [see
on data obtained from tan S congruency Eq. (9-3)], giving (/^co^th^ 0 - 7 0 7 * a n d i s
measurements. shown as the dashed vertical line in Fig.
Power-law dependencies of the moduli 9-6. The experimental gel point (indicated
(G' and G") and the loss tangent (tan S) in by the solid vertical line) gives a value of
terms of the critical exponent, n, were deter- (/?NCO)c,exp = 0-740. As reported (Stanford
mined using dynamic scaling theory. The and Stepto, 1982; Stanford et al., 1984)
values of n obtained were interpreted in for other polyurethane network-forming
terms of gel point theories based on branch- systems, experimental gel points always
ing (for which n-112) and percolation (for exceed the ideal values predicted by the
which ft = 2/3), to examine critically the classical Flory-Stockmayer theory, and the
principle of universality of (model) excess reaction required for gelation is
network-forming systems. The results attributed to the loss of functional groups
clearly showed that gelation for the model via intramolecular reaction.
PU (copolyurethane)-forming system was Figure 9-6 indicates that the storage shear
nonuniversal, since ideal branching behav- modulus increases rapidly in the gel point
ior was observed only for systems formed region: at the gel point, G' -0.04 MPa and
in bulk, either with stoichiometric equiv- reaches a limiting value of ~ 1.0 MPa at
alence of NCO and OH functional groups or complete network formation (/?NCO-1-0)-
with an excess of the bifunctional (RA2) The static shear modulus, G, of a perfect
unit. With increasing excess of the branch- network is related to the number of elastic
ing unit (RB3), the value of n increased from chains, nc, as given by the statistical rub-
a minimum (branching) value of 0.5 towards ber elasticity theory
an apparent (percolation) limiting value of
0.67. The trends observed were interpreted G=-^K-RT = !^-RT (9-16)
in terms of hydrodynamic screening and
interactions. where p and Vu are, respectively, the den-
Such simultaneous time-resolved data are sity and the dry (undeformed) volume of the
extremely important for providing a funda- network at absolute temperature T, and MQ
mental insight into structure development is the number-average molar mass between
during reactive processing. For example, elastically active junction points. Equation
accurate reaction kinetics data (FTIR) and (9-16) can be generalized (Stanford and
unambiguous gel times (rheometry) allow Stepto, 1996) using Flory-Stockmayer sta-
chemo-rheological plots (representing tistics to predict the ideal shear modulus,
structure development during network for- G, as a function of the conversion a in the
mation) to be constructed by transposing the post-gel region.
time axes of functional group conversion Thus
and rheological property (viscosity, G', and 0 _ /b
G") plots. Figure (9-6) shows such a plot for
9.2 Single-Phase Materials 481

8.00 106

Storage modulus, G1
r 105
Loss modulus, G"



Figure 9-6. Structure development in

r10 3 terms of viscosity and modulus increases
with conversion for an experimental RA2
(pNC0)c.exp = " 7 4 0 + R'B 3 network-forming system. Polyure-
thane network formed from the stoichio-
(PNC0)c.th = " 7 0 7 metric polymerization of MDI and POP
10 2 triol (Mn=700 g mol"1) at 60 C in bulk.
0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1
Extent of reaction, c

where A ^ is the initial number of branched example, G^= 1.53 MPa, and increases to a
units of functionality / b , and wg^is the unit limiting value of 3.48 MPa at complete
fraction of the gel species, given as reaction. The lower shear modulus values,
obtained experimentally in the post-gel
ugf =(l-usf) = l- {\-af region in Fig. 9-6, therefore provide direct
a (l-a*Y evidence that, as complete network forma-
(9-18) tion is approached, increasing proportions
Thus the general expression describing of elastically inactive network chains are
the development of the elastic shear mod- formed which, as described earlier, result
ulus G, from the gel point to complete net- from intramolecular reactions. Such real-
work formation, becomes time experimental data and their theoreti-
cal interpreation demonstrate clearly, there-
_ /b ^Bj
RT fore, how structure development in poly-
~ 2 Vn mer network-forming systems can be quan-
(9-19) tified.
In the case of an RA2 + RB 3 system,/b = 3
and a* = (l - a), and Eq. (9-19) reduces to
9.2.3 Application of Network Theory
3 3 to Reactive Processing: Model Reaction
~a -(l-a) '
RT (9-20) Injection Molding (RIM) Systems
Using Eq. (9-20) for the polyurethane The development of structure during RIM
network-forming system shown in Fig. 9-6, copolymerizations has been modeled (Stan-
the calculated value for the shear modulus ford et al. 1995) in terms of the growth of
at a= 0.55 (equivalent top NCO = 0.74) is, for the weight-average copolymer molar mass
482 9 Structure Development in Reactive Systems

(Mw) and hard segment sequence length of the rate constants for the two basic
(Nw) as functions of the conversion (p). The reactions, isocyanate-polyether and iso-
modeling uses recursive method calcula- cyanate-DETDA, is assumed to be indepen-
tions (Lopez-Serrano et al., 1980) based on dent of temperature and conversion. As for
classical Flory-Stockmayer polymerization linear systems (Pannone and Macosko,
statistics. The recursive method is a simple 1988), overall second order kinetics were
method for calculating the average molar assumed, and the values of K used for the
masses of polymers without first determin- nonlinear systems corresponded approxi-
ing their distributions, and has been applied mately to the degree of unequal reactivity
to linear (Pannone and Macosko, 1988) and expected in the formation of RIM copolym-
nonlinear (Wang et al., 1990; Stanford ers, that is, 0.1<#<1.0 for PUUr and
et al., 1995) RIM copolymerizations. This 100<^<1000 for PUr. The kinetics equa-
method utilizes the recursive nature of a tions were solved numerically to determine
step-copolymerization modeled as a first- the conversion of each reactant as a func-
order Markov chain process (Lopez- tion of time which, when coupled with the
Serrano et al., 1980). Thus to determine the recursive method calculations, allowed the
weight-average molar mass in a typical calculation of Mw and A^w as functions of the
three-component RIM system, a unit of each isocyanate conversion (p).
reactant is selected at random and the Representative plots of Mw (normalized
expected weight of the molecule of which it to Mw0, the molar mass of the initial reac-
is a part is calculated; Mw is then obtained tant mixture) and Nw versus p are shown in
by averaging the weights of the three select- Fig. 9-7 for trifunctional (/=3) RIM
ed polymer molecules. systems (Stanford et al., 1995). When the
To demonstrate the recursive method, reactivity of the soft segment pre-polymer
calculations have been made on a nonline- is high (K= 1000 or 100), the pre-polymer
ar, three-component system, RA2 + R'B 2 + is consumed during the early stages of the
R"Cj, as a model for copoly(urethane-urea) reaction (that is, 0</?<0.1), resulting in a
(PUUr) and copolyurea (PUr) RIM systems sharp increase in Mw as the prepolymer
(Stanford et al., 1995). Formulations used undergoes oligomerization and is capped
in these RIM copolymers are based, typical- with MDI. At lower values of K, this sharp
ly, on MDI and diethyltoluene diamine increase in Mw is not observed, and only a
(DETDA) as the hard segment, and either gradual increase in MJM^0 with p occurs
hydroxy- or amino-functionalized polyeth- and the rate of molar mass development
er pre-polymers, withMn~2000 g mol"1 per increases with the value of K. For the non-
functional group and/= 2, 3, or 4 as the soft linear RIM systems with/= 3, the ideal con-
segment. The data on various formulations, version of isocyanate at gelation, calculat-
for copolymers comprising 50% by weight ed according to Eq. (9-3), is 0.96. The
of polyurea hard segment, were coupled dependence of Nw onp for various values of
with a set of kinetics differential equations K (see Fig. 9-7 b) shows the limiting value
to introduce time dependence and unequal of 7VW to be 20.8, which is dictated by the
reactivity between the reactants. Assump- initial ratio of the three components. When
tions used in the modeling require that the relative reactivity of the soft segment
homogeneous reaction conditions exist pre-polymer is very low (K=0.l), this lim-
and that all groups react independent of iting value is reached at p = 0.96, whereas
each other. Additionally, the ratio, K, for higher values of K it is achieved only in
9.3 Multiphase Materials 483

10 materials having higher values of T^ than

the equivalent PUUr. The differences
between experiment and theory are readily
explained by additional critical phenomena,
such as phase separation and vitrification,
which inevitably occur in experimental RIM
systems. Phase separation creates heteroge-
neous polymerization conditions which
slow the rates of reaction, and the onset of
0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 vitrification effectively quenches copoly-
Extent of reaction, p merization at relatively low conversions;
chemical gelation is often prevented in these
nonlinear RIM systems. Despite these dif-
ferences, the use of polymerization statis-
tics to predict molar mass development pro-
vides a useful basis for modeling RIM

9.3 Multiphase Materials

0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8
Extent of reaction, p 9.3.1 Phase Diagrams and Reactive
Processing: Basic Principles
Figure 9-7. Distribution curves for model RIM
systems. Variations with the extent of reaction, p, of In Sec., two examples were given
(a) the relative molar mass, Mw/Mv,0, and (b) the
to illustrate the use of simple phase dia-
hard segment sequence length, Nw, for a nonlinear
polymerizing system comprising three reactants grams to describe reactive polymer process-
RA2 + R'B 2 + R"C3, for which the B- and C-functional ing. The first (Fig. 9-3), describing the vari-
groups are not mutually reactive but have different ation with composition of a liquid-to-glass
intrinsic reactivities toward A-functional groups. K transition, is not really a phase diagram. The
is the ratio of the rate constants for the reactions second (Fig. 9-4) was a liquid-solid (crys-
RA2 + R'B2 and RA2 + R"C3.
tal) separation, and it is important to distin-
guish it from the liquid-liquid phase separ-
ation process. Liquid-liquid phase separa-
the limit of complete reaction. The model tion can occur with any polymer in solution
therefore proposes that PUUr copolymers (or with a blend), whereas crystal-liquid
develop longer hard segment sequence phase separation is restricted to those poly-
lengths compared to equivalent PUr copol- mers that can crystallize. The differences
ymers, and PUUr should therefore exhibit between the two processes, as defined by the
superior properties such as stiffness and terminology liquid-liquid and liquid-solid,
glass transition temperature, Tf. However, refers precisely to the separation process,
experimental data obtained using dynamic not the separated phases. As shown later,
mechanical-thermal analysis (DMTA) liquid-liquid phase separation can eventu-
(Stanford et al., 1990; Ryan et al., 1988, ally result in rubbery, glassy, or crystalline
1991 a, b, 1993) show the reverse with PUr precipitates.
484 9 Structure Development in Reactive Systems Blends, Mixtures, combinatorial terms, being products of

and Solutions of Homopolymers molar mass and volume fraction, are con-
stant. For example, simple mixtures, such as
Consider initially liquid-liquid phase
pairs of isomeric polyolefin polymers or
behavior. As the thermodynamic behavior
polystyrene-polyisoprene, which are dom-
of most polymer mixtures is dominated
inated by van der Waals interactions, have
by the free energy of mixing, classical
interaction parameters of the form
solution theory (Flory, 1953 b) is the most
convenient starting point for describing Z = A+| (9-25)
liquid-liquid phase diagrams. All polymer
solution theories are based on the determi- where A is the constant entropic contribu-
nation of the enthalpic and entropic contri- tion and B/T is the temperature-dependent
butions to mixing, and for mixing to occur, enthalpic contribution. More complex mix-
the conditional expression tures, such as polystyrene-poly(vinylmeth-
ylether), have interaction parameters that
AG m = AHm TASm<0 (9-21)
are dominated by volumetric parameters
applies, where AG is the Gibbs free ener- and are of the form
gy, AHm is the enthalpy, and A5m is the
entropy associated with the mixing process X = A + ^ + CT (9-26)
at the absolute temperature T. This solution
theory is based on a lattice model, and poly- where CT is a second enthalpic term given
mer segments and solvent molecules are by a complex function of the coefficients of
assumed to have the same volume, such that thermal expansion of the two polymers
for a polymer-solvent mixture, the entropy (Olabisi et al., 1979).
change is defined by the combinatorial The Flory-Huggins theory and the
expression temperature-dependence of x c a n then be
used to predict the equilibrium behavior of
A5m= - R [nx \n(fa) + n2 In (02)] (9-22) two liquid polymers (in the form of a homo-
where n and (j) are, respectively, the numbers geneous melt) or a polymer and a solvent. (It
and volume fractions of components 1 and may be noted that this theory describes the
2, and R is the gas constant. The enthalpic behavior of polymer mixtures better
term contains a temperature-dependent than the behavior of the polymer-solvent
interaction term, y1? so that systems for which it was derived.) A good
derivation of the theoretical aspects of poly-
nx 02 (9-23) mer blends and a review of the phenomenol-
These two expressions may be combined ogy is given by Hashimoto in Volume 12 of
to give the Flory-Huggins equation this Series (Chap. 6, p. 251). The thermody-
namics and phase diagrams of polymers have
AGm = - RT[nx\n(fa)
a number of important implications for poly-
(9-24) mer processing which are often overlooked.
which may then be used to calculate phase Thus a phase separation mechanism can dic-
boundaries for polymer mixtures if the tem- tate the morphology of a material formed
perature dependence of the interaction from a polymer blend or produced by reac-
parameter, X\-> *s known. tive processing. Different morphologies
Equation (9-24) is dominated by the con- result depending on how and at what rate a
tact dissimilarity term %xn x (1 - fa), since the material passes through the phase diagram.
9.3 Multiphase Materials 485

HI one-phase region


critical point Figure 9-9. A generalized phase diagram, in terms of

ex *- 1/(^AO versus the composition for a polymerizing

mixture, showing the coexistence and spinodal curves.
The vertical lines I, II, and III represent quenching
routes from the miscible region into the stable (single-
phase), the metastable, and the unstable (two-phase)
regions of the phase diagram. The equilibrium con-
centrations of the two phases formed are $ and $>
(coexistence) and (f)\ and (pi (spinodal).

and the interaction parameter dominates the

Composition, <>
| phase diagram and an effective "tempera-
Figure 9-8. Free energy of mixing versus composi- ture" may be defined as 1/(%N), where % is
tion curves (top) defining the generalized phase dia- the the Flory-Huggins interaction parame-
gram (bottom) for a liquid-liquid system. ter and N is the polymerization index. Thus
polymerization, which changes % and
increases N, is parametrically equivalent to
A generalized phase diagram for a poly- quenching a polymer mixture, and the gen-
mer mixture is shown in the top part of eralized phase diagram may be redefined as
Fig. 9-8. The binodal is obtained from the shown in Fig. 9-9. The use of the phase dia-
points of cotangency in the free energy ver- gram in this form may be exemplified by
sus composition curve (shown in the top considering three quenching or polymeriza-
part of Fig. 9.8), where the temperature tion routes, marked as I, II, and III on Fig.
increases from Tx to T5. The spinodal 9-9. These routes represent changes in the
depicts the condition of thermodynamic position of a polymerizing mixture: (I) from
stability and is where the free energy versus the one-phase region of the phase diagram
composition curve changes from concave to to another position in the one-phase region;
convex (that is, when 82G/S(j)2 = 0). The crit- (II) to a position in the metastable region;
ical point is where the binodal and spinodal or (III) to a position below the spinodal
converge (that is, when <53G/<503 = O). Con- curve. No phase separation occurs via route
ventionally, the abscissa is labeled as com- I. Polymerization via route II may result in
position and the ordinate as temperature. As phase separation by nucleation and growth
already stated, the product of the molar mass and, in the case of polymerization via route
486 9 Structure Development in Reactive Systems

One-dimensional evolution of concentration profiles

Two-dimensional representation of
the resultant phase structure
Figure 9-10. Schematic represen-
tation of the nucleation and growth
process showing the evolution of
(sharp) concentration profiles for
the two continuous-discontinuous
phases being formed.

Ill, phase separation will occur by spinodal tion process are characterized by the exis-
decomposition. tence of a continuous-dispersed phase mor-
The nucleation and growth process is phology. Only if the nuclei grow to such an
shown schematically in Fig. 9-10 and extent that they reach the percolation limit
occurs when a mixture in the metastable and coalesce, will they achieve continuity
region is stable to infinitesimal (thermal) and, unless phase separation is arrested
concentration fluctuations but is unstable to either by vitrification or by crystallization,
sufficiently large concentration fluctuations two layers will eventually form.
where nuclei are formed. [A more detailed The spinodal decomposition process is
review of the thermodynamics of nucleation shown schematically in Fig. 9-11. In the
has been reported by Pelton in Volume 5 of unstable region of the phase diagram
this Series (Chap. 1).] Once the energy bar- (beneath the spinodal curve) the mixture is
rier has been overcome by the formation of unstable to infinitesimal concentration fluc-
nuclei, randomly in space and time, the tuations and there is no thermodynamic bar-
nuclei then grow. Note that the concentra- rier to phase growth, so that phase separa-
tion of nucleated species is depleted around tion occurs by a continuous and spontane-
the nucleus and the molecules or chain seg- ous process. Since the mixture is initially
ments that feed the new phase follow the uniform in composition, this spontaneous
ordinary transport phenomena with a posi- process must occur by a diffusional flux
tive diffusion coefficient ("downhill" diffu- against the concentration gradient. Diffu-
sion). The early stages of the phase separa- sion of a species from a region of low con-
9.3 Multiphase Materials 487

1\ f \
One-dimensional evolution of concentration profiles

Two-dimensional representation of Ostwald

the resultant phase structure ripening

Figure 9-11. Schematic represen-

tation of the spinodal decomposi-
tion process showing the evolution
of (sinusoidal) concentration pro-
files for the two co-continuous
phases being formed.

centration to a region of high concentration nisms of vitrification, crystallization, and

is unusual and is termed "uphill" diffusion, crosslinking, and it is nearly impossible to
and when this process occurs, negative dif- discern from the final morphology which
fusion coefficients can be measured. The phase separation mechanism was operative
spinodal decomposition process is charac- if the early stage structure is lost. Neverthe-
terized by a bicontinuity of the phases in the less, it is possible in some cases to observe
early stages, although this feature may be relics of a phase separation mechanism, and
lost through Ostwald ripening as the system some examples are presented in later sec-
seeks to minimize its free energy by mini- tions.
mizing its interfacial area. As for nucleation A novel technique, used to produce poly-
and growth, unless phase separation is mer membranes for filtration purposes,
arrested, either by vitrification or by crys- involves the thermally induced phase sep-
tallization, two layers will eventually form. aration of a polymer solution (Hikmet et al.,
This minimization of the interfacial area 1988; Aubert, 1988). In this technique, a
causes Ostwald ripening in a system under- polymer solution is cooled rapidly causing
going spinodal decomposition and the phase separation to occur, and the demixing
coalescence of particles in systems under- solution travels down the tie-lines on the
going nucleation and growth: both mecha- coexistence curve until the polymer-rich
nisms, given time, eventually form two phase intersects the glass transition versus
layers. The morphologies are generally composition curve (at the Berghmans
fixed by the classic solidification mecha- point). When this temperature-dependent
488 9 Structure Development in Reactive Systems

ond polymer but soluble in its monomer.

homogeneous solution The quench is performed by allowing the
monomer of the second polymer to polymer-
ize, and this process is used as a method of
processing intractable polymers, as dis-
Berghmans cussed by Lemstra and Meijer (Chap. 10 of
Point this Volume).

9.3,1.2 Block Copolymers

1 Block copolymers are fundamentally dif-
pure Composition, pure
solvent polymer ferent from polymer mixtures in that they
Figure 9-12. A generalized phase diagram in terms
comprise only one type of molecule contain-
of T versus the composition for a nonpolymerizing ing sequences of unlike monomer units
polymer-solvent mixture, showing how the phase sep- covalently bonded together. Figure 9-13
aration process interacts with vitrification. Vitrifica- illustrates the phase diagram and equilibri-
tion arrests phase separation and leaves nonequilibri- um morphologies of model di-block copol-
um structures with compositions (// and </>" which are
ymers. When a homogeneous melt of block
relics of the spinodal decomposition process.
copolymers is cooled, unlike interactions
will become unfavourable and unlike
monomer units will try to segregate, so that
composition is reached, the polymer-rich an apparent upper-critical solution point is
phase vitrifies and the phase separation pro- observed. Phase separation per se is impos-
cess effectively stops. The solvent may then sible and a local ordering process will occur.
be removed by freeze-drying to leave a low- For block copolymers in the bulk state, free-
density polymer foam with a fine structure, energy minimization results in the forma-
which is a relic of spinodal decomposition. tion of ordered structures which are depen-
The phase diagram in Fig. 9-12 is a sche- dent on the composition. The surface curva-
matic representation of the process and the ture and domain size are effectively set by
characteristic length of the structure formed the ratio of the radii of gyration of the poly-
may be controlled by arresting the spinodal mer chains forming the two blocks. The
decomposition process by vitrification at transition, analogous to freezing, is from a
different stages, as illustrated. The limita- disordered state (liquid or melt) to an
tions of the process are obvious in that the ordered state (crystal), although the poly-
solidification process requires heat transfer mer chains are amorphous locally and the
and the structure formed is temperature- and microstructure has long-range order. The
time-dependent. Asymmetric membranes phase diagram shown (Fig. 9-13) was deter-
are formed if there is a thick section of solu- mined experimentally via a combination of
tion relative to the rate of heat transfer: the small-angle X-ray scattering (SAXS),
solution closest to the cooled surface under- small-angle neutron scattering (SANS),
goes a rapid, deep quench, whereas the transmission electron microscopy (TEM),
material furthest from the surface undergoes and rheology (Khandpur et al., 1995), com-
a slow, shallow quench. The reactive analog pared with that predicted theoretically
to this processing route is the situation (Leibler, 1980). The phase diagram is pre-
where one polymer is immiscible with a sec- sented in terms of the product %N (which is
9.3 Multiphase Materials 489

Im3m HEX :




0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1.0



Cylinders Perforated
Spheres Bicontinuous Layers Lamellae

Figure 9-13. An experimental phase diagram for the polystyrene-polyisoprene di-block copolymer system in
terms of %N versus/ PI , the volume fraction of polyisoprene. Open and closed symbols represent the order-order
and order-disorder transitions, respectively, determined from rheological transition temperatures. The ordered
phases formed (Im3m, HEX, Ia3d, HPL, and LAM), determined from a combination of scattering and micros-
copy data, are illustrated at the bottom of the figure. The solid curves have been drawn to delineate the differ-
ent phases observed and may not define precise phase boundaries. The dashed curve (bottom) is the mean field
prediction (Liebler, 1980) of the ODT (order-disorder transition). (Adapted from Khandpur et al., 1995.)

inversely proportional to the temperature) which have alternating polystyrene-poly-

and the block copolymer composition,/. butadiene blocks (di-blocks and tri-blocks
There are effectively two routes for the are the most common, although multi-
synthesis of block copolymers. Anionic blocks are available). Anionic polymeriza-
polymerization is used to make very well tion tends to form polymers with narrow
characterized di-block and tri-block copol- molar mass distributions of both the blocks
ymers by sequential monomer addition to a per chain and the block length. Step poly-
living polymerization. Typical examples condensation is used to make multiblock
are the polyolefin block copolymers copolymers, and industrially, these are
490 9 Structure Development in Reactive Systems

made via one-step bulk reactions where a sition from an initial homogeneous (disor-
low Tg oligomer is introduced into a poly- dered) state to a microphase-separated
merization forming a high Tm polymer. A (ordered) state. The resultant morphology is
typical example is the use of a poly ether diol determined by the competition between the
in the reaction between 1,4-butane diol and kinetics of polymerization and those of
an aromatic isocyanate to form a segment- microphase separation (Ryan, 1990; Ryan et
ed block copoly(ether-urethane) which has al., 1990). Additionally, both homopoly-
rubbery polyether segments and semi- meric and oligomeric species undergo sim-
crystalline polyurethane segments. Typical- ilar phenomena, resulting in macrophase
ly, this process is used to make polymer separation. The copolymer morphology that
components via the RIM process. Step eventually evolves may reflect phase separ-
copolycondensations always form multi- ation and/or vitrification, crosslinking, or
block copolymers with distribution in both crystallization, and is determined by the
the blocks per chain and the block lengths. competition between the kinetics of two or
more of these processes.
Understanding the complex competition
9.3.2 Linear Segmented Block
between polymerization and microphase
separation requires in situ, time-resolved
This section mainly deals with a class of analytical techniques. The application of
block copolymers that are formed via reac- FTIR spectroscopy and rheometry to obtain
tive polymer processing. For most of the chemical and macroscopic property infor-
materials discussed, reaction injection mation during polymer formation in single-
molding (RIM) is the process (Becker, phase systems has already been discussed
1979; Kresta, 1982; Macosko, 1989; Ryan (Sec. 9.2.2). In multiphase systems, moni-
and Stanford, 1989) that is most commonly toring the kinetics of structure formation
employed to form the block copolymers: the requires time-resolved scattering tech-
RIM process is described in Sec. 9.1.1. The niques such as SAXS and SALS (small-
unique combination of physical properties angle light scattering), depending on the
provided by block copolymers is related length scales of the evolving molecular
to their microphase-separated morpholo- structures. The acquisition of absolute and
gies. The development of a microphase- accurate time-resolved scattering data then
separated morphology during polymeriza- enables the length scales, microphase-
tion is extremely complex. As the different separation transitions and mechanisms,
chemical reactions proceed, the chain density changes, and derived diffusion coef-
lengths of all the polymeric moieties pro- ficients to be determined for any reactive
duced increase, giving an increase in the polymer-forming system. An example
overall degree of polymerization, N. Addi- (Elwell etal., 1994) of the information
tionally, the interaction parameters (#), obtained in a time-resolved SAXS experi-
characterizing the miscibilities between the ment carried out on a polyurethane foam-
different moieties, also change as a result of forming system is given in Fig. 9-14.
the increase in N. In the specific case of seg-
mented block copolymerization, such
changes in % a n d N (or more strictly the Copolyurethanes
product %N) drive the system across ther- The formation of polyurethanes and poly-
modynamic boundaries and result in a tran- ureas is based principally on the chemistry

t = 60 2 s

20 40 60
time /s


The maximum in / (q) occurs at q = 0.05 A

corresponding to a d spacing of = 126 A
1 +O.6A 2 S 1
86 s



0.01 0.03 0.05 0.07 0.09 0.11 0.002 0.004 0.006 0.008 0.01
scattering vector q /A q 2 /A 2

Figure 9-14. The application of time-resolved SAXS to the study of structure development in reactive polymer systems. The three-dimensional SAXS data
from a flexible polyurethane foam-forming system, comprising 38% by weight of polyurea hard segments, provide information on macroscopic density chang-
es, microphase separation, and domain size-scale, with simultaneous cell formation and copolymerization. The I(q) versus time plot shows data obtained at CO
scattering vector values of # = 0.036 (+), 0.050 (O), 0.076 (A).
492 9 Structure Development in Reactive Systems

of the isocyanate functional group involv- tion occurred at a characteristic number-

ing, in particular, reactions with hydroxyl average, hard-segment sequence length
and amino-functional groups. Several ex- (iVn= 1.2). This observation was in agree-
tensive reviews exist on the chemistry of ment with results obtained from earlier stud-
isocyanates (Saunders and Frisch, 1962; ies (Camargo et al., 1981) using light trans-
Wright and Cummings, 1969;Lyman, 1966; mission and differential scanning calorime-
Reegan and Frisch, 1971). try. In a later study (Camargo et al., 1985),
Much of the work carried out on linear the molar mass of the polyether and the
segmented copolyurethanes formed by RIM structure of the chain extender were varied.
has been reviewed by Macosko (1989). For The polyether molar mass was varied from
example, structure-property relations were 2000 to 4000 g mol"1 and the butane-1,4-
determined for copolyurethanes comprising diol (BDO) was replaced by ethane-1,2-diol
a polyoxyethylene (POE)-tipped polyoxy- (EDO). Employing a higher molar mass
propylene (POP) diol (Mn-2000 g mol"1) as polyether at the same hard-segment content
the soft segment, and hard segments formed resulted in materials that exhibited a higher
from 4,4/-diphenylmethane diisocyanate degree of microphase separation. The EDO-
(MDI) and 1,4-butane diol (BDO). Factors based materials gave hard segments with
that determined the final properties of the higher melting temperatures compared with
copolyurethane included the hard segment the BDO-based materials.
content, the structure, the degree of crystal- The dynamics of microphase separation
Unity, the copolymer molar mass, and the during fast, isothermal bulk copoly-
degree of microphase separation. The urethane-forming systems were studied at
effects of processing variables on the seg- different temperatures and concentrations
mental structure, molar mass, and degree of of dibutyltin dilaurate (DBTDL) catalyst
phase separation of a linear poly ether-based (Yang and Macosko, 1989). The copolyure-
copolyurethane elastomer have also been thanes comprised 50% by weight hard
investigated (Camargo et al., 1982, 1983, segment (MDI and BDO), and the soft
1985). In these studies, copolyurethanes segment was a POE-tipped POP diol
prepared in the absence of catalysts exhib- (Mn^2000 g mol"1). FTIR spectroscopy and
ited macrophase separation and were of low dynamic rheometry were used to investigate
molar mass. Consequently, the materials structure development during the bulk
were brittle and possessed a highly hetero- copolymerizations. Reaction kinetics, ana-
geneous morphology comprising hard lyzed by calculating the isocyanate conver-
segment-rich globules with a spherulitic sion from the decay in the isocyanate
texture. In contrast, the use of catalysts absorption band, showed the copolymeriza-
drove the copolyurethane-forming system tion to follow second order kinetics in the
into the high-temperature, single-phase initial stages, but to become diffusion con-
region of the phase diagram. The resulting trolled at higher conversion. The phase sep-
materials were microphase-separated and of aration dynamics were monitored using the
higher molar mass. Cooling after copoly- carbonyl absorption bands to determine the
merization produced materials with a fine, extent of inter-urethane hydrogen bonding.
interconnected microstructure. Monitoring The point at which the concentration of free
structure development in slow reacting carbonyl passed through a maximum and
systems at low temperatures using FTIR that of the hydrogen-bonded carbonyl
spectroscopy indicated that phase separa- showed a rapid increase was designated as
9.3 Multiphase Materials 493

the onset of phase separation. The data indi- and exceeds the copolymerization temper-
cated that phase separation occurred early ature (Tg>Treaction), vitrification occurs,
in the reaction (<50% conversion of isocya- "freezing-in" the incipient morphology.
nate). At low temperatures (<100C), the Synchrotron small angle X-ray scattering
onset of phase separation occurred at an (SAXS) has been used (Ryan et al., 1991 b)
average sequence length of 1.0 to 1.3, in to study microphase separation during the
good agreement with the results from earli- bulk polymerization of a copolyurethane
er studies by Camargo et al. (1982, 1985). comprising 48% by weight hard segment
The trend with temperature (at constant cat- (MDI and BDO) and a POE-POP diol soft
alyst concentration) for the onset of phase segment. A constant concentration (0.02%
separation, as detected by the growth in the by weight) of DBTDL catalyst was used.
dynamic mechanical modulus, was consis- Small-scale microRIM equipment was used
tent with the FTIR data. However, the two to meter, mix, and inject stoichiometric
techniques probe different types of structu- amounts of the reactants into a thermostatted
ral development, so that the estimates of the cell, positioned in an optical bench in the
time for characteristic phase separation SAXS beam line. The results showed that the
were not in agreement. rate of microphase separation was faster the
Similar studies by Blake et al. (1987) higher the polymerization temperature, but
using adiabatic rheometry to investigate a that the degree of microphase separation in
linear, phase-separating RIM system, the finally formed material was lower.
showed the sharp rise in viscosity to be coin- Although the scattered intensity at a fixed
cident with physical gelation resulting from angle was observed to increase with the
vitrification of the hard segment-rich phase. square of time and the length scale charac-
As the hard-segment content, catalyst con- terizing the morphology of the material to
centration, and initial reactant temperature increase with temperature, it was not possible
were increased, the gel time decreased and to distinguish with certainty whether the ulti-
the conversion at gelation increased. Iso- mate morphology was due to crystallization
thermal rheometry on similar, but highly of the hard segment or microphase separa-
catalyzed, copolyurethane-forming systems tion of the noncrystalline regions. Despite
was carried out (Perry et al., 1985) using further analysis (Elwell et al., 1996 b) of the
laboratory scale RIM equipment interfaced FTIR and SAXS data (Yang and Macosko,
to a specially designed rheometer. Systems 1989; Ryan et al., 1991b) in terms of the
at four different hard-segment contents were Avrami equation, it is still not possible to
studied at various temperatures and catalyst resolve which of these processes is dominant.
concentrations. The results showed that the The reanalyzed data are shown in Fig. 9-15
increase in viscosity during the reaction and, for both the FTIR and the SAXS data,
occurred more rapidly than predicted sole- the structural growth exponent n~2. The
ly from molar mass increases. Viscosity plots indicate that growth occurs either by
increases were shown to be due to phase microphase separation involving nucleation
separation of the hard-segment blocks, and growth (Fig. 9-15 a) or by crystallization
which subsequently associate via hydrogen involving either homogeneous nucleation of
bonds to form domains rich in hard segment discs or heterogeneous nucleation of rods
which act as physical (labile) crosslinks. (Fig. 9-15b). The use of wide angle X-ray
As the glass transition temperature of diffraction (WAXD) to resolve this question
the hard segment-rich phase approaches has proved inconclusive.
494 9 Structure Development in Reactive Systems

least squares fit with slope = 2.03

least squares fit with slope = 2.05 and correlation coefficient = 0.98
and correlation coefficient = 0.99

-0.5 -

2.5 -0.5

Figure 9-15. Analyses in terms of the Avrami equation "] of the structure development occurring
during the formation of linear copolyurethanes from a polyether diol (Mn~2000 g mol" ), 1,4-butane diol, and
MDI. The hard segment content equals 48% by weight and the reaction temperature was 60 C. (a) Avrami plot
with 6 as the fractional degree of hydrogen bonding, normalized by NCO conversion. Data derived from time-
resolved FTIR obtained during polymerizations catalyzed with -0.01% by weight of DBTDL. (b) Avrami plot
with 6 as the relative invariant, Q/Q^, derived from time-resolved SAXS data obtained during polymerizations
catalyzed with -0.02% by weight of DBTDL.

Other attempts to model phase separation into the numerical values of critical param-
in linear segmented copolyurethanes have eters, their distributions, and their influence
been made by Speckhard et al. (1986 a, b) on the structuring processes.
using Monte Carlo simulations. The effects More recent advances (Bras et al., 1995)
of molecular parameters such as the extent in the understanding of structure develop-
of reaction, the structure and relative reac- ment during the bulk copolymerization of
tivity of monomer on the copolyurethane linear segmented copolyurethanes have
composition, the hard-segment length dis- involved the use of simultaneous time-
tribution, and the molar mass distribution resolved SAXS/FTIR. The system studied
were studied. Additionally, the effects of comprised 30% by weight of hard segment
premature phase separation on the compo- (formed from MDI and pentane-l,5-diol)
sition, molar mass, and hard segment and a soft segment based on a monofunc-
sequence length were predicted using a par- tional POE-POP (monol pre-polymer,
titioning model which separates the reac- M n ^2000 g mol"1). The kinetics of micro-
tants into two separate phases prior to reac- phase separation were derived from SAXS
tion. Although the initial reaction condi- data, while FTIR provided reaction kinetics
tions used in the model are not a true repre- and hydrogen bonding dynamics data. The
sentation of reaction-induced phase separa- importance of this work is twofold. First, it
tion, typical in many multiphase polyure- demonstrates (for the first time) the use of
thanes, the model does give some insight the simultaneous SAXS/FTIR technique
9.3 Multiphase Materials 495

d118A (b) ' \

KI-LJ rY~K a s *

'. K ' D

bonded ^
135 urethane
" (1700 cm"1) a
ff H ^

I free urethane
| (1730 cm-1) ;

0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140

time /rnin.

(C) (d)

15 25 35 45 55 65 75 85 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140

time An in. time /min.

Figure 9-16. Simultaneous SAXS-FTIR data showing microphase separation and hydrogen bonding occurring
during the formation of a model linear copolyurethane from a polyether monol (Mn~2000 g moP1), 1,5-pentane
diol, and MDI. The hard-segment content was 30% by weight and the reaction temperature was 20 C. (a) SAXS
presented as I(q,t)q2 versus time; (b) relative FTIR absorbances of hydrogen-bonded urethane (D) and free
urethane (O) versus time; (c) relative SAXS invariant and relative FTIR absorbance of hydrogen-bonded urethane
(normalized to isocyanate conversion,/?NCO) versus time; (d) FTIR reaction kinetics data expressed as isocyanate
conversion versus time.

and, second, it shows clearly that in a phase- will not in itself drive a phase transition. The
separating copolyurethane system, the onset mixture phase separates first, creating
of microphase separation precedes that of regions containing high local concentra-
hydrogen bonding. The latter is illustrated tions of urethane structures, thereby
in Fig. 9-16c, which shows the growth in increasing the rate of hydrogen bonding.
the SAXS invariant (scattering power) and The important conclusion drawn from this
the concentration of hydrogen-bonded ure- study is that in the characterization of mul-
thane carbonyl moieties as functions of the tiphase copolyurethane-forming systems,
reaction time. The order in which these phe- the use of a single technique should not be
nomena occur has been a source of contro- relied upon for the detection of the onset of
versy for many years. Hydrogen bonding a phase transition. The fact that there is no
496 9 Structure Development in Reactive Systems

indication of hydrogen-bonded urethane es involving the developing polyamide

and/or urea carbonyl moieties does not sim- chains. Information regarding the transient
ply imply that the reacting system is still in crystallization behavior prior to completion
a single phase. of the polymerization reaction was obtained.
Figure 9-17 a shows the change in the peak
position of the amide N-H stretch band dur- Copolyamides ing the reaction. The shift indicates an
Structure development during the increase with time of the strength and/or the
anionic ring-opening polymerization of extent of hydrogen bonding of the amide
8-caprolactam to form nylon-6 has been hydrogen. The break in the curve at ^50 s
investigated by Ishida and Scott (1986). indicates the point at which the monomer
Competition between the kinetics of the was completely consumed. Figure 9-17 b
polymerization and crystallization process- shows the variation of the normalized area
es, occurring during the reactive processing under the absorption peak at 1201 cm"1 asso-
of nylon-6, was determined spectroscopical- ciated with the a-crystal form of nylon-6
ly using computer-controlled micro-RIM which develops during the reaction.
equipment interfaced to an FTIR spectropho- The curve in Fig. 9-17b essentially
tometer. The technique enabled detailed data describes the crystallization kinetics during
on the competitive kinetics processes to be the reaction. Initially, the concentration of
obtained independently and, in addition, pro- monomer is high; this plasticizes the poly-
vided information on subtle structural chang- mer formed and, as polymerization pro-


300 300

Figure 9-17. Crystallization kinetics derived from real-time FTIR data obtained during the polymerization (via
RIM) of 8-caprolactam to form nylon-6. The polymerization was carried out at 160 C using hexamethylene di-
isocyanate as the initiator and sodium hydride as the catalyst, (a) Shift in peak position of the amide N-H stretch
band with polymerization time, (b) The increase with time of the amide N-H stretch band at 1201 cm"1 (nor-
malized to the band at 2930 cm"1) associated with the a-crystal form of nylon-6.
9.3 Multiphase Materials 497

gresses, the rate of crystallization increases the time resolution of the analytical equip-
due to the increased rate of nucleation. The ment is unsuitably slow. However, the model
crystallization process continues until at linear systems discussed in Sec. can
-50 s, as again indicated by the break in the be used to interpret the nature of the struc-
curve, there is insufficient monomer ture development processes. In nonlinear
remaining to plasticize the polymer: at this copoly(urethane-urea) and copolyurea
point, there is a transition to homopolymer systems, the macro-diol has been replaced
crystallization kinetics. by, respectively, a nominally trifunctional
hydroxy and amino-functionalized polyeth-
er as the soft-segment phase, and hindered
9.3.3 Lightly Crosslinked Copolymers aromatic diamines are used as chain extend-
ers with MDI to form the hard-segment Copolyurethanes
phase (Ryanet al., 1988,1990,1991 a; Stan-
and Copolyureas
ford et al., 1995, 1996). Typically, nonsto-
The majority of the work reported on ichiometric systems containing a small
lightly crosslinked copolyurethanes and excess (up to 5 mol%) of isocyanate groups
copolyureas formed via RIM has involved are used. The isocyanate conversion
post-mortem analyses (see, for example, required for such systems to form a covalent
Stanford et al., 1985, 1995,1996;Macosko, chemical network is >90% (see Sec. 9.2.3).
1989). However, there have been some theo- However, as before, there is competition
retical studies of mold filling and mold cur- between the kinetics of polymerization and
ing during RIM. A series of theoretical mod- those of phase separation, and the critical
els was used (Manzione and Osinski, 1983; hard-segment block length (NUcrit) a t the
Tighe and Manzione, 1988) to investigate onset of microphase separation for the
the effects of the resin and mold properties majority of the systems studied is between
on mold filling and mold curing during reac- 1.0 and 1.3 (Camargo et al., 1981-1985;
tion injection molding of crosslinked poly- Yang and Macosko, 1989). This corresponds
urethanes. Computer simulations of the to an extent of reaction, with respect to the
reactant flow and polymerization of these chain extender, of approximately 50-55%
systems within a mold cavity were present- and amounts to an overall isocyanate con-
ed in the form of a three-dimensional con- version of the order of 50-60%.
version map. However, the application of Thus microphase separation of the hard-
these models required prior knowledge of segment sequence lengths in these nonline-
the physical and chemical properties of the ar systems occurs via spinodal decomposi-
resins. The curing and temperature profiles tion (Ryan, 1990) well before a covalent net-
that develop in the mold cavity were com- work can be formed. Once the hard segment-
puted and applied to predict the process rich phase attains a composition that has a
cycle time and the possibility of excessive r g >r m o l d , the material undergoes vitrifica-
exotherms within the mold. tion to produce a nonequilibrium co-
There have been no reports on in situ stud- continuous morphology in the as-molded
ies of the structure development in these materials. Annealing these types of RIM
copolymer-forming systems mainly due to materials at temperatures above T^ leads to
the rapid rates of the reactions involved. In an increase in the degree of purity of the
these nonlinear systems, the reactions are so hard- and soft-segment phases and a sharp-
fast (7gel <2 s are common) that quite often ening of the interfaces between the phases.
498 9 Structure Development in Reactive Systems

However, complete microphase separation insulated by the surrounding polymerizing

and a truly covalent chemical network are mixture creating, in effect, a quasi-adiabetic
difficult to achieve in these fast copolymer- temperature environment. It is this particu-
forming systems (Ryan et al., 1993; Stan- lar aspect of the study on foam production,
ford etal., 1995, 1996). especially of the kinetics processes
involved, that early investigators ignored.
Many of the kinetics studies (Merten et al., Flexible Copolyurethane Foams 1968; Rossmy etal., 1977, 1979, 1981;
The reactive processing of water-blown Hauptmann et al., 1980; Bailey and Critch-
flexible polyurethane foam from liquid field, 1981) were conducted under isother-
monomers and oligomers involves a com- mal conditions and this led to erroneous
plex combination of chemical and physical results and misinterpretation of the kinetics
events (Artavia and Macosko, 1990). From data. Only when it was realized that analyt-
room temperature and in less than five min- ical investigations had to be conducted under
utes, a liquid mixture of relatively low molar forced-adiabatic conditions, was further
mass components is transformed into a progress made in the understanding of
material with a supramolecular architecture structure development for foam-forming
in the form of a solid foam. Flexible poly- systems. The use of a forced-adiabatic FTIR
urethane foam is formed by the simultane- cell placed in the sample compartment of an
ous reactions of a diisocyanate with a poly- FTIR spectrometer was first reported by
ether polyol and water. The combination of Artavia and Macosko (1990) for determin-
these two exothermic reactions leads to the ing the reaction kinetics during the forma-
formation of a segmented block copoly- tion of TDI-based polyurethane foams. More
(urethane-urea), of the -(HmS)w-type, where recently, Elwell et al. (1996 c) developed the
Hm represents the polyurea hard segment technique further by using a different cell
with a degree of polymerization m, and S is design which enables sampling to be done
the poly(ether-urethane) soft segment; n is outside the spectrometer, they have also
the degree of polymerization of the block applied this technique to the study of struc-
copolymer. ture development during the formation of
During copolymer formation and as the MDI-based polyurethane foams. Further
viscosity increases, foaming occurs by the details of the experimental arrangement and
co-generation of carbon dioxide gas evolved analytical procedure are given elsewhere
from the water-isocyanate reaction. Mor- (Elwell et al., 1993, 1995, 1996a).
phological development of the copolymer Several studies of forced-adiabatic, time-
during foam formation is complex (Artavia, resolved FTIR spectroscopic measurements
1991; Elwell, 1993). As the chemical reac- during polyurethane foam formation have
tions proceed, the chain lengths (N) of all the been reported (Artavia and Macosko, 1990;
products increase and the interaction param- Priester etal., 1990; Elwell etal., 1993,
eters (%) also change, forcing the system 1995). The results demonstrated that the for-
across thermodynamic boundaries and caus- mation of both urethane and soluble urea
ing a transition from an initial homogeneous moieties occurred in the initial stages of the
(disordered) state into a microphase separ- foaming reaction rather than sequentially, as
ated (ordered) state as discussed previously suggested in earlier studies conducted under
in Sec. 9.3.2. As copolymerization proceeds, isothermal conditions. The onset of micro-
the core of the rising foam bun becomes self- phase separation (MST) of polyurea hard-
9.3 Multiphase Materials 499

segment sequence lengths occurs early in separation. The study of real-time morpho-
the reaction at 50-60% conversion of the logical changes during polyurethane foam
isocyanate functional groups (Artavia and formation requires the acquisition of kinet-
Macosko, 1990; Elwell et al., 1993, 1995), ics data for the structure development
and, as discussed previously, this is well obtained using time-resolved, forced-
before a covalent network could be devel- adiabatic SAXS measurements. Such in situ
oped. SAXS experiments during foam formation,
Figure 9-18 shows the wide range of employing a forced-adiabatic SAXS sam-
information on in situ structure develop- pling cell positioned in the optical bench
ment that is obtained from time-resolved assembly of a synchrotron beam line, have
FTIR measurements conducted during the been reported by Elwell et al. (1994). The
formation, under forced-adiabatic condi- importance of such time-resolved SAXS
tions, of MDI-based polyurethane foam. analyses, in terms of the wide range of struc-
The three-dimensional data clearly illustrate tural information that can be obtained, has
the decay of isocyanate absorbance and the already been demonstrated (see Fig. 9-14 in
growth in the carbonyl absorbance (Elwell Sec. 9.3.2). It is also possible to conduct a
et al., 1995, 1996 a). This study also showed more rigorous analysis on data such as those
the correlation between the isocyanate con- in Fig. 9-14 (Connell et al., 1991) to deter-
version calculated from adiabatic tempera- mine the mechanism of phase separation
ture rise data and that from FTIR spectros- and the effective diffusion coefficients of
copy to be within 3% after approximately particular moieties during the phase separ-
40 s of the reaction. In Fig. 9-18 b, the plots ation process.
of the normalized concentrations of soluble Despite the widespread applications of
and hydrogen-bonded urea groups versus cellular polymers, little has been reported
time clearly show the onset of microphase on the development of rheological proper-
separation (MST), indicated at the isocya- ties during foam formation. The reason for
nate conversion of 0.550.05. The rate of this lack of information is explained by the
association of the microphase-separated scale of the dramatic changes that occur as
urea, hard-segment sequences have been the foam is formed. A 20- to 30-fold change
observed to increase with an increase in the in volume, a rapid increase in the viscosity
amount of added water, thereby increasing from -10 to ~104 Pa s, and a rapid reaction
the ratio of urea to urethane groups (Elwell, exotherm make the acquisition of accurate
1993). The rate of association passes and reproducible data, via conventional rhe-
through a maximum in close proximity to ometry, and the analysis and interpretation
the onset of vitrification of the polyurea hard of data for reacting polymer foams extreme-
segments, as the system passes through the ly difficult. Much of the work reported on
Berghmans point (Ryan et al., 1993). reacting foam systems was conducted under
FTIR spectroscopy alone, although isothermal conditions (Bessette and Sund-
capable of providing much information on strom, 1985; Nabata et al., 1988; Carriere
the reaction chemistry and on the sequence et al., 1992). The development and use of
of chemical events, both prior to and after an adiabatic rheometer was first reported
microphase separation, does not give any by Mora et al. (1991). More recently, the
indication of the mechanism(s) of phase evolution of rheological properties during
separation, the size scale of the developing the formation of MDI-based copoly-
morphology, or the degree of microphase (urethane-urea) foams, under adiabatic
1.00 cn

0.60" CD


(a) kinetics
0.20" CD


0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 0)

H soluble urea
(1715 cm-1) hydrogen-bonded
urea (1654 cm 1 )
(1730 cm-
hydrogen 2
(b) bonding I


50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400

9.3 Multiphase Materials 501



0.60 Figure 9-19. Structure develop-
ment in terms of microphase- and
macrophase-separation processes
0.40 occurring during the formation of
the flexible polyurethane foam
described in Fig. 9-18. Compara-
tive plots versus time of the rela-
tive invariant, Q\ from SAXS (A),
the hydrogen-bonded urea concen-
tration, [ / C = O ] b , from FTIR (o),
and the elastic shear modulus, G',
from rheometry ().
0.00 0.20 0.40 0.60 0.80 1.00

temperature conditions, has been investigat- divided into four main stages: (i) bubble
ed using a Rheometrics (RMS 800 series) nucleation, (ii) liquid foam and microphase
rheometer (Elwell et al., 1995). In this separation, (iii) physical gelation resulting
study, a specially designed, temperature- from vitrification of the hard segment-rich
controlled rheometer plate was used in the phase, and (iv) chemical gelation to yield
rheometer (Elwell, 1993). The technique the foamed copolymer. A graphical repre-
was developed further by Neff and Macos- sentation of the structure development
ko (1995). In general, the studies on foams occurring during the formation of MDI-
formed under adiabatic conditions show based foam is shown in Fig. 9-19 in terms
that the rheological development can be of the combined date derived from SAXS,
FTIR, and rheological analyses (Elwell
etal., 1995, 1996a). In Fig. 9-19, micro-
Figure 9-18. Time-resolved FTIR data obtained phase separation is shown to occur at an iso-
under forced-adiabatic reaction conditions during the cyanate conversion of/?NCO~0.5 and is fol-
formation of flexible polyurethane foam from a poly- lowed quickly by hydrogen bonding. The
ether trial (Mn~6000 g mol"1), water, and an isomer-
ic MDI mixture, (a) Copolymerization kinetics in
rheological properties around this conver-
terms of isocyanate conversion, /?NCO versus time, sion are not well developed and are typical
determined from the decay of the NCO stretch band of a liquid foam system: the system rheolo-
(2270 cm"1), (b) Hydrogen-bonding dynamics, in gy is only sensitive to hard-segment vitrifi-
relation to the microphase-separation transition cation, which causes an increase of approx-
(MST), derived from the variations with time of
the ^ C = O absorbances associated with soluble
imately two orders of magnitude in the value
urea (1715 cm"1) (O) and hydrogen-bonded urea of the elastic shear modulus G'. This rapid
(1654 cm"1) (). development in the system rheology is
502 9 Structure Development in Reactive Systems

"^ ~ Start of reaction Figure 9-20. Application of the gen-

PNCO = eralized phase diagram for a copoly-
~* decrease in density merizing system to the interpretation
of structure development during the
Microphase separation formation of copolyurea and poly-
p N C 0 = 0.5$ 0.05
urethane foam. Superimposed on the
1/XN Cell opening phase diagram is the Tg versus com-
constant density position (0H) curve. The vertical line
Modulus growth through the critical point represents
PNCO = -' 1 0 0 2 the increasing extent of reaction
(pNco) a s t n e system approaches
equilibrium (Eq) and the horizontal
lines represent the degree of micro-
phase separation achieved as copoly-
merization proceeds, relative to the
maximum amount defined by the
coexistence curve. Vitrification of
V 1 the hard segment-rich phase occurs
pure Composition, <|> pure
soft segment M
hard segment when TgH = Tfoam, i.e., where the Tg
curve intersects the coexistence
curve (the Berghmans point).

shown by the dramatic change in slope of is the case in flexible foams. Very little work
the G' versus /? NCO plot at /?NCO~0-8- An has been carried out on the structure devel-
interpretation of the structure evolution of opment during rigid foam formation. Inves-
this foam-forming system, in terms of a gen- tigations (Marciano et al., 1982) of the effect
eralized phase diagram, is presented in of the catalyst concentration on the curing
Fig. 9-20. The sequential processes occur- kinetics, carried out using the adiabatic tem-
ring during foam formation as the system perature rise technique, showed that second-
passes down through the phase diagram order kinetics gave a good fit to the data prior
have been correlated with the conversion to the gel point. Isothermal curing of a rigid
(PNCO) of isocyanate groups, as indicated on foam system was studied by Nabata et al.
the right-hand side of Fig. 9-20. (1988) utilizing a dynamic viscoelastic
method, although there was little discussion
of structural development. In studies on rigid
9.3.4 Highly Crosslinked Copolymers polyisocyanurate foam systems incorporat-
and Resins ing different blowing agents (CFC and a
50/50 w/w % CFC/H2O mixture), time- Rigid Copolyurethane Foams resolved, forced-adiabatic FTIR spectrosco-
Rigid polyurethane foam is also formed py was used (Priester et al., 1990) to moni-
by the simultaneous reactions of a diisocya- tor differences in the reaction chemistry, par-
nate with a polyether polyol and water ticularly in the formation of carbodiimide
except that, compared with flexible foam moieties. A recent, in-depth study (Griin-
systems, polyols with a much lower molar bauer et al., 1992) has investigated the
mass (typically 400-2000 g mol"1) and a effects on the structure development of
higher (nominal) functionality (4-8) are reducing the functionality and increasing the
emloyed. In rigid foams, the majority of the equivalent molar mass of the polyol in
cells (>80%) are closed, whereas the reverse systems incorporating either water or CFC
9.3 Multiphase Materials 503

blowing agents. Time-resolved, forced- and final properties are readily controlled
adiabatic FTIR spectroscopy showed that in by systematically varying the molecular
water-blown systems, urea formation occurs structure, the stoichiometric ratio of the
early in the reaction, followed by competi- monomers and polyether, and using appro-
tive polyurethane formation. In FTIR spec- priate catalysts and temperature levels.
tra, a peak associated with hydrogen-bonded Both in situ and post-mortem studies have
urea is readily discernible at -1654 cm"1. been carried out on the formation and prop-
Post-mortem analyses on the foams were erties of PUrls, and their use as matrices in
conducted using dynamic mechanical- RIM structural composites. In the former
thermal analysis (DMTA) and SAXS. The case (Wilkinson et al., 1996), structure
DMTA data showed that the value of Tg was development was monitored using time-
unaffected by a variation in the polyol func- resolved synchrotron SAXS. Micro-RIM
tionality, and the damping peak around Tg apparatus was used to meter and mix the
was broad in all cases. The SAXS data two reactants [MDI and polyoxypropy-
showed no maxima in the scattered intensity, lene(POP)diamine], and to inject the reac-
as observed in flexible copoly(urethane- tant mixture into a mold cell positioned in
urea) foams. A more recent SAXS study on the optical bench assembly of the synchro-
water-blown rigid foam by Griinbauer and tron beamline. Typical scattering data for a
Folmer (1994) suggests that the phase- copolymerization carried out at 90 C are
separated morphology in rigid foam systems shown in Fig. 9-21 a, in which the evolution
is of an irregular 'fractal' nature. of a microphase-separated structure is illus-
trated by the development of a maximum in
the scattering profile at g*~0.065 A"1, Isocyanurate-Based Resins which increases in intensity as copolymer-
Isocyanurate-based resin-forming sys- ization progresses from -38 to 68 s. The
tems involve multiple competitive reactions interdomain spacing (d) of this structure was
which can be tailored to provide controlled calculated from the scattering maxima to
processability during the reactive process- give a value of d~91 A, which agrees well
ing of structural composites (Vespoli and with post-molding values of d determined
Alberino, 1985; Ryan et al., 1993, 1995). via static SAXS and TEM measurements on
For example, copoly(urea-isocyanurate)s this system (Ryan et al., 1993).
(PUrls) have been formed by reacting (via PUrl formation was studied at different
RIM) a polyether diamine (Mn^2000 g temperatures in the range 70-135C, and
moP1) with a large stoichiometric excess of values of Q' (the relative invariant) were
MDI in the presence of an organic trimer- determined from SAXS data as a function
ization catalyst (Ryan et al., 1993). Copol- of the reaction time. At each temperature,
ymerization occurs by a two-stage process Q versus time is characterized by an induc-
initially involving the rapid formation of tion period (negligible growth), a period of
isocyanate-tipped poly(ether-urea) oligo- rapid growth (microphase separation), and
mers and, secondly, involving the trimeriza- a plateau region (growth arrest). Represen-
tion of isocyanate-functionalized moieties tative data are shown in Fig. 9-21 a for a
to form the final glassy, highly crosslinked PUrl formed at 70 C for which the induc-
PUrl resin. Thus in the production of struc- tion period (0-74 s) and the microphase-
tural composites via RIM, the mold-filling separation region (74-128 s) are clearly
viscosity, the gel time, PUrl resin formation, evident. The onset times for microphase
504 9 Structure Development in Reactive Systems

(a) 1 , 1 . . . .

90 c ; 70 C

reaction * V) 0.7-
time t = 128 0.5 s j$P^

rbit rary ui

68 s " oo^

arbitrary units

50so b

cr _
0.3- //
38 s /
/ 20 s; oo I ^ N = 74 0.5 S
nr i,,,, 1 1 1 1 1 ri 1 1 rT 1 . 1 1 1 1 1 1

0.00 0.05 0.10 0.15 0.20 50 100 150 200

q/A"1 Time / s

(b) 4000

1000 -

0.00 0.05 0.10 0.15 0.20 0.25

q/A" 1
Figure 9-21. Structure development in copoly(urea-isocyanurate)s (PUrls) formed via RIM of a polyether dia-
mine (Mn=2000 g mol"1), liquefied MDI, and a trimerization catalyst. Reactant temperatures = 35 C; mould tem-
perature =90 C. The copolymers comprise -50:50 v/v % polyether rubber: polyisocyanurate glass, (a) Time-
resolved SAXS data with derived plots of the relative intensity I(q)q2 versus q and the relative invariant Q ver-
sus time, (b) TEM and SAXS data (post-mortem) for a PUrl formed at 90 C, showing the effects of annealing
on the microphase-separated structure. The improvement in the phase contrast of the co-continuous morpholo-
gy is shown clearly by comparing the as-molded PUrl (top TEM) and the PUrl annealed at 150C for 1 h (bot-
tom TEM).

separation decrease with increasing temper- temperatures, the scattering peak intensity
ature following an Arrhenius rate depen- increases exponentially with time, indica-
dence, indicating that the MST occurs at the tive of spinodal decomposition, as predict-
same degree of isocyanate conversion, inde- ed by the linearized theory of Cahn and Hil-
pendent of the temperature. At all reaction liard (1958).
9.3 Multiphase Materials 505

As expected for a block copolymer, the intensity q* and the relative invariant Q' in
size scale of the growing structure is inde- the static SAXS data. These data confirm
pendent of temperature and the molecular the co-continuous morphologies (with
connectivity between the polyether and length scales -100 A) of the post-cured
polyisocyanurate phases restricts the inter- PUrl materials, which may be classed as
domain spacing to values in the range rubber-modified resins exhibiting two glass
2<(<?* Rg)<3, as predicted by Leibler (1980). transition temperatures, one at -40 C
The radius of gyration Rg of combined hard associated with the polyether rubber phase,
block-soft block segments in the PUrl is not and the other at ^180C associated with
known, although values of Rg have been the crosslinked polyisocyanurate phase.
determined from SANS data for a polyure- The PUrl materials show only a small
thane block copolymer formed using a modulus-temperature dependence between
POP pre-polymer of similar molar mass -20 and 250 C, with flexural moduli of =2.0
(-2000 g mol"1). The radius of gyration and 0.5 GPa at 20 and 200 C, respectively.
(T^g)pop for POP chains was measured as In addition, the PUrl systems were success-
13.5 A in the disordered (relaxed) state, and fully used to produce structural hybrid com-
16 A in the ordered (stretched) state. Using posites (Ryan et al., 1995) comprising up to
these values for the PUrl, for which the vol- 40% by weight of pre-placed fiber mats, in
ume fraction of POP is </>pOp = 0.43 and Rg cycle times of under 60 s.
is approximated by [(/?g)pop/0pop]> gives
values of (q* Rg) in the range 2.0-2.4.
These values are typical of a block copol- Rubber-Modified Epoxy Resins
ymer. Thus values of d calculated using Structure development resulting from
(^g)pop= 16 A lie in the range 74<d<l 15 A reaction-induced phase separation in epoxy
and are in reasonable agreement with the resin systems containing functionalized liq-
experimental value of 97 A determined from uid rubbers has been studied by a number of
the SAXS data (Wilkinson et al., 1996). workers (Chen et al., 1993; Ohnaga et al.,
These studies lead to the somewhat surpris- 1994). The liquid rubbers used are amino-,
ing conclusion that a complex copolymer- carboxyl-, and epoxide-functionalized ran-
ization, ultimately producing a microphase- dom copolymers of butadiene and acrylo-
separated glassy polymer network, shows nitrile, designated, respectively, ATBN,
the dynamics of simple liquid-liquid phase CTBN, and ETBN, with Mn typically
separation. between 2000 and 4000 g mol"1.
Microphase separation is arrested prema- In one study (Ohnaga et al., 1994), net-
turely by vitrification of the polyisocyanu- work formation of epoxy resin systems,
rate phase, and produces materials with non- comprising diglycidylether of bisphenol-A
equilibrium, co-continuous morphologies. (DGEBA), a secondary amine curing agent,
Some representative data from post-mortem and either a CTBN or an ATBN, was mon-
studies on the as-molded and post-cured itored using light scattering (LS), torsional
PUrl materials are shown in Fig. 9-21 b braid analysis, and scanning electron
(Ryan et al., 1993). The TEM micrographs microscopy (SEM). For systems cured at
show that high-temperature annealing 100 C, the use of a high-reactivity curing
improves the phase contrast of the agent (Versamid) produced an epoxy resin
microphase-separated structure, as con- containing uniformly sized spherical
firmed by the increases in both the peak domains, whereas with a low-reactivity cur-
506 9 Structure Development in Reactive Systems

10 20 30 40 50
Scattering angle, 20/degree

Figure 9-22. Time-resolved light scattering data for

the rubber-modified epoxy resin system comprising
DGEBA, amine-terminated butadiene-acrylonitrile
liquid rubber, and Versamid (100:45 :50 pbw). The
development of a regular, phase-separated structure
begins after ~4 h at a polymerization temperature of
24 C, as shown by the growing peak at 20-28.

ing agent (piperidine), the spherical domain

structure produced comprised a bimodal Figure 9-23. Scanning electron micrographs of the
fully cured epoxy resin defined in Fig. 9-22. (a) The
size distribution. In contrast, an epoxy
resin cured at 24 C for 10 h and postcured at 100 C
system containing ATBN, cured with piper- shows an interconnected globular structure, (b) The
idine at room temperature, yielded a resin resin cured at 100 C (without prior curing at 24 C)
with a co-continuous, two-phase morpho- shows a spherical domain structure.
logical structure. For the latter system, light
scattering data obtained at increasing reac-
tion times, given in Fig. 9-22, show that comprising DGEBA, 4,4'-diamino-3,3'-
after ~4 h, a scattering peak appears, sug- dimethyldicyclohexylmethane, and 15% by
gesting the development of a regular phase- weight of ETBN rubbers of different molar
separated structure. The intensity of this mass. Investigations included the influence
peak increases exponentially with time, of the pre-cure temperature, the molar mass
although the peak position does not change of the rubber, the postcure, vitrification, and
with time. Similar behavior was also gelation on the evolution of the structure.
observed for the CTBN system cured with Reaction-induced phase separation was
piperidine at 90 C. Such behavior is indic- monitored in situ using SAXS, light trans-
ative of phase separation proceeding via spi- mission (LT), and light scattering (LS) tech-
nodal decomposition. Figure 9-23 shows niques to provide structural information
representative SEM micrographs of the dif- over two size scales, that is 20-1000 A
ferent types of morphological structure (SAXS) and 0.1 |im (LT). In addition,
formed in these rubber-toughened epoxy post-mortem analyses of final morphologies
resins by varying the curing schedule. were carried out using DSC (differential
More recently, Chen et al. (1993) have scanning calorimetry), DMTA, SEM, and
investigated epoxy resin-forming systems TEM. Reaction-induced phase separation
9.3 Multiphase Materials 507

Figure 9-24. Structure development

during the formation of a rubber-
toughened epoxy resin system com-
prising DGEBA, 4,4'-diamino-3,3'-
dimethyldicyclohexylmethane, and an
epoxy-terminated butadiene-
acrylonitrile liquid rubber. The time-
resolved SAXS data, in the form of
integrated intensity versus pre-cure
time at 50 C, show three distinct
regions (I, II, III) of morphological
development, as depicted by the inset
schematic diagrams. [Adapted from
Chenetal. (1993).].
200 400 600
Time / minutes

was attributed to entropy changes resulting point in a plot of the scattered

from molar mass increases in the system as light intensity versus reaction
the polymerization proceeded. The SAXS time.
scattering data given in Fig. 9-24 show three Region III: The SAXS scattered intensity
distinct regions which may be described as again increases and then
follows: exceeds the values reached in
Region I: An initial period (from time zero region I. At longer times (t
to tx), during which the reaction >500 min), the scattering curve
mixture is homogeneous. At the reaches a plateau and further
onset (time t{) of phase separa- structure development is found
tion, there is a monotonic to be blocked by postcure.
increase in the scattered inten- The results were interpreted in terms of
sity (SAXS) with time over the the development of two topological levels
period tx to t2. of morphology. These consisted of a glassy
Region II: As the structure giving rise to matrix of epoxy resin in which there were
the scattering grows and its size dispersed rubbery particles. Each of these
exceeds the observation win- rubbery particles itself acts as a sub-matrix
dow of size scales amenable to and contains glassy sub-particles of epoxy
SAXS, the scattered intensity resin. The evolution of the two morpholog-
apparently decreases over the ical levels is shown schematically in Fig.
period t2 to t3. This structure, 9-24 in relation to the three regions of
however, is detectable by LT/LS behavior described above. It was proposed
and is manifested as a cloud that the primary structure grows out of the
508 9 Structure Development in Reactive Systems

size-scale window amenable to SAXS and

is responsible for the decrease in the SAXS
scattered intensity in region II, and it is the
sub-structure that gives rise to the second
increase in intensity of the SAXS data, as
observed in region III.

9.3.5 Interpenetrating Networks A

Structure development during the forma-
tion of both full and semi-interpenetrating Figure 9-25. Schematic ternary phase diagram
polymer networks (IPNs) has been investi- for the system styrene/divinylbenzene (S/DVB)
monomer: S/DVB copolymer: poly(butylmethacry-
gated, usually through the use of light scat- late) (PBMA). The shaded area depicts the two-phase
tering techniques. Studies on various IPN region, and the reaction routes for miscible and immis-
systems have been reported, such as, for cible S-PBMA mixtures are represented by the lines
example, divinylbenzene-styrene copoly- AA, and B B b respectively.
mer and poly(butylmethacrylate) semi-
IPNs (Lipatov et al., 1985), polyurethane 10
and polystyrene semi-IPN s (He et al.,
1993 a, b), and IPNs based on unsaturated
10 u 1
polyester and polyurethane (Lee and Kim,
The formation of the semi-IPN com-
prising styrene-divinylbenzene (S/DVB) 2nd branch
copolymer and poly(butylmethacrylate)
(PBMA), studied by Lipatov et al. (1985),
is shown on the schematic ternary phase dia-
gram in Fig. 9-25. The reaction paths of two
compositions (A to Ax and B to Bx) are
shown. Initially the mixture of PBMA and
the monomers is homogeneous, but as the 1 st branch

polymerization proceeds, the system enters

the two-phase region of the diagram and 500 1000 1500 2000
phase separation occurs. Light scattering Time / s

was used to monitor the structure develop- Figure 9-26. Phase separation during the formation
ment during IPN formation and Fig. 9-26 at 60 C of a semi-IPN from a 10% by weight solution
shows the scattered intensity at two repre- of PBMA in S/DVB monomer. The plots show time-
sentative scattering angles (10 and 20) resolved, scattered light intensity data obtained at two
registration angles: 10 (o); and 20 ().
plotted against time. The reaction-induced
phase separation process has two stages, and
the exponential growth of the scattered fusion coefficients, length scales, and acti-
intensity was interpreted as a signature of vation energies. The data have been reana-
spinodal decomposition. The two growth lyzed (Elwell et al., 1996b) in the context
regimes were interpreted qualitatively as of the Cahn-Hilliard theory for spinodal
regions characterized by different interdif- decomposition. The slope of the plot \nl(q)
9.4 Summary 509

raised to 70 C to promote polymerization

of the styrene. The reaction kinetics were
studied using FTIR spectroscopy in trans-
mission mode and the phase separation
kinetics were studied using light transmis-
__ 40 ~ sion. It was observed that if the system
underwent chemical gelation prior to phase
separation, the extent of phase separation
was limited and the samples remained opti-
cally clear. However, if phase separation
preceded chemical gelation, macrophase
separation occurred and the samples pro-
duced were turbid.
10" The phase separation behavior of unsatu-
rated polyester-polyurethane IPNs has been
studied (Lee and Kim, 1993) using light
0 10 20 30 40 50 scattering measurements during simultane-
10'8. q 2 /cm" 2 ous polymerization at various temperatures.
Figure 9-27. Plots of the amplification factor, R (q) q2,
The dominant phase separation process was
versus q2, derived from the scattering data for the semi- observed to be spinodal decomposition. The
IPN defined in Fig. 9-26. Extrapolation of the plots change of the scattered light intensity with
gives values of 13xl(T13 and 51xl(T 13 cm2 s"1 for the time showed the formation of the dispersed
interdiffusion coefficient Deff for the two stages (I and domains, and the average domain correla-
II, respectively) of phase separation.
tion length could be calculated from the
angle of maximum scattering intensity. As
versus q is taken to give the amplification the reaction temperature increased, the
factor R(q). The value of the cooperative domain correlation length increased and the
diffusion coefficient, Deff, for each of the scattering peak broadened, indicating a
two growth processes is determined from greater size distribution of the heterogene-
the intercept of the plot of R(q)/q2 versus q2 ous structure present. As the reaction tem-
(see Fig. 9-27). Thus the cooperative diffu- perature is increased, the rate of reaction
sion coefficient for the initial, slower pro- increases and gelation occurs earlier, thus
cesses is estimated to be 13xl0~13 cm2 s -1 , restricting the extent of phase separation.
and that for the second, faster process,
51xlO- 13 cm 2 s- 1 .
The reaction and phase separation kinet- 9.4 Summary
ics involved during the formation of
polyurethane-polystyrene semi-IPNs were The results presented in this chapter show
investigated by He et al. (1993 a, b). The net- that the understanding of structure develop-
works were prepared via a single step route. ment in reactive processing is well
The polyurethane network was prepared by advanced. The techniques required to gain
the catalyzed reaction of polypropylene- the necessary information to model reactive
oxide) with pluriisocyanate in styrene at processes are available. The quantitative
room temperature. After a specified time, determination of polymerization reaction
the temperature of the reaction mixture was kinetics requires spectroscopic techniques
510 9 Structure Development in Reactive Systems

such as NMR (nuclear magnetic resonance), ics and thermodynamics may be possible in
Raman, and FTIR, and these are well estab- only a few specific systems. Nevertheless,
lished. The development of polymer mor- it should be explored.
phology is best studied by time-resolved
photon scattering techniques using either
lasers (for SALS) or synchrotron sources
(for S AXS). Physical property development 9.5 References
is studied by mechanical spectroscopy of the Artavia, L. D. (1991), Ph. D. Thesis, University of
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The theoretical framework for reaction- Artavia, L. D., Macosko, C. W. (1990), J. Cell Plast.
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lished. Once the routes through phase- Bailey, F. E., Critchfield, F. E. (1981), J. Cell Plast.
space are known, there are three basic 17, 333.
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10 Processing of Polymers Using Reactive Solvents
Piet J. Lemstra, Jenci Kurja and Han E. H. Meijer

Centre for Polymers and Composites, Eindhoven Polymer Laboratories,

Eindhoven University of Technology, The Netherlands

List of Symbols and Abbreviations 514

10.1 Introduction 516
10.2 Classification of Synthetic Polymers 518
10.2.1 Thermoplastics 519
10.2.2 Thermosets 520
10.2.3 Rubbers 521
10.3 Guidelines for the Selection of a Reactive Solvent 521
10.4 Basic Aspects of Processing with Reactive Solvents 523
10.4.1 Phase Behavior of Amorphous Polymers in Solution 523
10.4.2 Phase Behavior of Semicrystalline Polymers 525
10.4.3 Thermally Versus Chemically Induced Phase Separation 527
10.5 Example of an Intractable Polymer/Reactive Solvent System:
The Poly(phenylene ether) (PPE)/Epoxy System 529
10.5.1 Materials Choice: PPE/Epoxy 529
10.5.2 Phase Behavior of PPE/Epoxy Solutions 529
10.5.3 Curing of PPE/Epoxy Solutions 531
10.5.4 Morphology Development 533
10.5.5 Mechanical Properties 536
10.5.6 Composite Applications 538
10.6 Examples of Tractable Polymer/Reactive Solvent Systems 540
10.6.1 The Poly(methylmethacrylate)/Epoxy System 540
10.6.2 The Polyethylene/Styrene System 542 Miscibility of Polyethylene and Styrene 542 Morphology Development as Revealed by Small Angle X-Ray Scattering
(SAXS) and Wide Angle X-Ray Scattering (WAXS) 543 Morphology as Revealed by Electron Microscopy 545
10.7 Concluding Remarks and Future Outlook 545
10.8 References 546

Materials Science and Technology

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514 10 Processing of Polymers Using Reactive Solvents

List of Symbols and Abbreviations

critical interparticle distance
number-average particle diameter
weight-average particle diameter
Gc critical strain energy release rate
Glc fracture toughness
AH{ heat of fusion per mole of repeating units
Hq) intensity
weight-average molar mass
q scattering vector
Q experimental invariant
R gas constant
gel gelation time
vitrification time
temperature corresponding to the Berghmans point
dissolution temperature
glass transition temperature
T melting temperature of the crystals in the solvent
m equilibrium melting point of a pure crystal
polymerization temperature
room temperature
molar volume of solvent
molar volume of the monomer unit in the polymer chain

77* dynamic viscosity

e scattering angle (26)
i wavelength
electron density
(fo volume fraction of polymer in polymer-solvent mixture
volume fraction of solvent in polymer-solvent mixture
X Flory-Huggins interaction parameter

ABS acrylonitrile-butadiene-styrene graft copolymers

B.P. Berghmans point
CIPS chemically induced phase separation
CSAI compressive strength after impact
CTBN carboxyl-terminated butadiene-acrylonitrile
DGEBA diglycidyl ether of bisphenol-A
DGEPPO diglycidyl ether of polypropylene oxide
DMTA dynamic mechanical-thermal analysis
EPDM ethylene-propylene-diene monomer rubber
HDPE high density polyethylene
HIPS high-impact polystyrene
List of Symbols and Abbreviations 515

IPN interpenetrating network

LCP liquid crystalline polymer
L-L liquid-liquid phase separation
L-S liquid-solid phase separation
M-CDEA 4,4/-methylene-bis(3-chloro-2,6-diethyl aniline)
MMA methylmethacrylate
PBT poly(butylene terephthalate)
PC polycarbonate
PE polyethylene
PEI polyetherimide
PES poly(ether sulfone)
PETP poly(ethylene terephthalate)
PMMA poly(methylmethacrylate)
PP polypropylene
PPE poly(2,6-dimethylphenylene ether)
PPO polypropylene oxide
PPTA poly-/?-phenylene-terephthalamide
PS polystyrene
PSU polysulfone
SAXS small angle X-ray scattering
SEM scanning electron microscopy
TEM transmission electron microscopy
TIPS thermally induced phase separation
UCST upper critical solution temperature
UHMWPE ultrahigh molecular weight polyethylene
WAXS wide angle X-ray scattering
516 10 Processing of Polymers Using Reactive Solvents

10.1 Introduction poly(phenylene ether) (PPE)], copolymer-

ization (to reduce the melting or glass tran-
Polymer science and technology is the sition temperature), and the use of solvents.
paradigm of a multidisciplinary area. The All of these methods, however, have spe-
path from monomer via polymer to func- cific disadvantages. For example, PPE has
tional materials and products travels a r g of approximately 215 C, but it is tem-
through the various disciplines of macromo- perature-sensitive and susceptible to degra-
lecular science, polymer chemistry and dation. The PPE/polystyrene system is a
physics, thermodynamics, rheology, pro- classical example of a miscible polymer
cessing, and design. The successful design pair. In practice, PPE is processed by blend-
of novel and improved polymeric materials ing with high-impact polystyrene (HIPS).
and products requires an integrated Owing to this miscibility, however, the pres-
approach and a profound understanding of ence of polystyrene lowers the Tg and con-
the disciplines met en route. For example, sequently the advantage of a high Tg is lost
in the past two decades polymer chemists in the final product. In the case of liquid
have developed an impressive range of crystalline polymers, notably the aromatic
novel polymeric materials, including intrin- polyesters, copolymerization is commonly
sically conductive polymers, high glass used to lower the high melting points of the
transition temperature (Tg) polymers with homopolymers; processable aromatic poly-
an increased temperature resistance, includ- esters are a compromise between ultimate
ing liquid crystalline polymers (LCPs), and temperature stability and processability
functional polymers for optical and medical (Blackwell and Biswas, 1987). If no chem-
applications. The success of novel present ical compromise is made between the ulti-
day and future 'speciality polymers', how- mate properties and the processability, sol-
ever, in terms of application potential and vents can be used to facilitate processing, as
product design will depend to a large extent in the case of the aromatic poly amides.
on their processability. In this respect many Poly-p-phenylene-terephthalamide (PPTA)
pitfalls have been and will be encountered. is the base material for the well-known Kev-
For example, intrinsically conductive poly- lar and Twaron high-performance fibers
mers are rather intractable materials, as well which are obtained by spinning from nemat-
as many newly developed high Tg polymers ic solutions (Ciferri, 1987). Other, more
developed by creative polymer chemists. classical, examples in this respect are fibers
These intractable polymers often decom- based on polyvinyl alcohol and polyacry-
pose during processing owing to a limited lonitrile. The use of solvents, however, is
thermal stability at the elevated tempera- generally limited to products with a high
tures required for processing. surface-to-volume ratio, such as fibers,
As stated above, the successful design of coatings, and pre-impregnated (pre-pregs)
a novel polymeric material and product materials for composite applications, and
requires an integrated approach and the has one major disadvantage: the solvent
close cooperation of specialists from vari- usually has to be removed completely after
ous disciplines, in particular between chem- processing, which is increasingly cumber-
ists and process engineers. In the past, sev- some in view of environmental legislation.
eral methods have been developed for the Within the Centre for Polymer Compos-
processing of intractable polymers. These ites of Eindhoven Polymer Laboratories, a
include blending [e.g., polystyrene with project was started in the early 1990s to
10.1 Introduction 517

Solvent Curing; Figure 10-1. Schematic
Phase Separation outline of processing with
Phase Inversion reactive solvents.

explore the possibility of using reactive sol-

vents to facilitate the processing of intract-
able polymers. Figure 10-1 shows schemat- o
ically the basic principles of processsing
with reactive solvents. A thermoplastic
polymer is dissolved, usually at elevated
temperatures, in a reactive solvent
(monomer). The homogeneous solution is
transferred into a mold or into a fabric, as in
> Temperature
the case of composites. Upon curing in the
mold, phase separation and phase inversion Figure 10-2. Schematic temperature-viscosity dia-
occur since the two polymers are immis- gram.
cible, and the polymer concentration in the
initially homogeneous solution is chosen removal! Moreover, the cured reactive sol-
such that the originally dissolved polymer vent can even be a useful constituent, for
becomes the continuous matrix phase. After example, if rubbery epoxies are used, the
curing, the polymerized reactive solvent dispersed phase can be used to toughen the
(monomer) is dispersed as a particulate material (Venderbosch, 1995; Venderbosch
phase in the matrix. For example, PPE dis- et al., 1995 a, b), see also Sec. 10.5.
solves in epoxy (resin) at elevated temper- During the course of our investigations,
atures. The PPE/epoxy (resin) solution, con- we have found many polymer-reactive sol-
taining a hardener, can be transferred into a vent systems which have proved to be suit-
mold where, upon curing, phase separation able for this novel processing technique. In
and phase inversion occur and the cured fact, processing with reactive solvents
epoxy is dispersed as thermoset particles in showed not only to be of interest for intract-
the continuous PPE matrix. able polymers, but also for standard tract-
The obvious advantages of using reactive able polymers like polyolefins and rubbers.
solvents are discussed in detail in subse- Dissolving polyethylene, for example, in a
quent sections. The viscosity and process- reactive solvent like styrene renders it pos-
ing temperatures when using a reactive sol- sible to obtain low viscosity 'pourable'
vent are low in comparison with the case of polyethylenes and to make very large and
pure PPE (see Fig. 10-2 and later), and con- complex-shaped parts, which cannot nor-
sequently thermal degradation can be pre- mally be obtained via injection molding.
vented. After curing, the continuous matrix As will be discussed in subsequent sec-
is PPE and hence the properties of the com- tions, epoxy resin is often used as a reactive
posite system are dominated by this poly- solvent in our processing route. Epoxy res-
mer. The reactive solvent remains in the ins are well-known solvents for many poly-
system and there is no need for solvent mers and thermoset epoxies are often tough-
518 10 Processing of Polymers Using Reactive Solvents

ened by dissolving rubbers or even high Tg penetration of the various phases. In fact, in
thermoplasts. Liquid rubbers, for example, the system PPE/epoxy (resin), the chemical-
carboxyl-terminated butadiene-acryloni- ly induced phase separation is virtually
trile (CTBN) rubbers, can be dissolved in complete (Venderbosch, 1995). The use of
epoxy resins and upon curing phase separ- reactive solvents provides the potential to
ation occurs (Garg and Mai, 1988; Levita, extend the processing characteristics of
1989). Instead of rubbers, thermoplastic thermoplastic polymers beyond their exist-
additives have been used to toughen cured ing limits. This concept can be employed for
epoxy resins like poly(ether sulfone) (PES) both intractable and tractable polymers. In
and poly (ether imide). The advantage of principle, there are two major advantages,
high Tg polymers over rubbers is that tough- as shown in Fig. 10-2.
ening is not achieved at the expense of the The use of reactive solvents can reduce
stiffness of the cured epoxy resin. Howev- the processing temperature (route 1), thus
er, compared with conventional rubber preventing thermal degradation in the case
toughening, the glassy thermoplastic dis- of intractable polymers, or reduce the vis-
persed particles are less capable of initiat- cosity (route 2) in the case of tractable poly-
ing yielding in the surrounding matrix. Con- mers. In actual practice, route 3 is usually
sequently, the use of high Tg thermoplastics followed, providing a reduction in both the
as additives in epoxy resins is limited to processing temperature and the viscosity.
densely crosslinked systems, since these The application of reactive solvents thus
systems are not capable of yielding; conse- enables alternative processing routes, such
quently, an increased toughness depends on as processing intractable polymers and
secondary toughening mechanisms, such as pouring or casting standard polymers, oper-
particle tearing, crack bridging, and crack ations where a low viscosity is a prerequi-
bifurcation (Mlilhaupt, 1990; Pearson, site. In this chapter, the processing route
1993; Hedrick et al., 1993). The difference with reactive solvents will be discussed for
between the method for toughening epoxies various systems, including PPE/epoxy res-
and the novel processing route described in (Sec. 10.5), poly(methylmethacrylate)/
in this chapter, involving epoxy resin as a epoxy (Sec. 10.6.1), and polyethylene/sty -
solvent, is that in the former case phase rene (Sec. 10.6.2).
separation is induced chemically, but no
phase inversion is attempted; the thermoset
epoxy is and remains the continuous matrix 10.2 Classification of Synthetic
phase. Polymers
Last, but not least, a method that comes
close to the processing route with reactive Synthetic polymers/plastics are typical
solvents is the synthesis of interpenetrating materials of the 20th century, and they have
networks (IPNs), notably the semi-IPNs, displayed an enormous growth in produc-
where one polymeric constituent is cross- tion in the past few decades. Currently,
linked and the other constituent remains lin- approximately 100 million tonnes are pro-
ear (Sperling, 1994). However, an IPN duced annually. Considering their low spe-
should possess, to some extent, a certain cific mass (ca. 900-1500 kg/m3), plastics
degree of molecular interpenetration. In our are approaching steel in terms of production
process of using reactive solvents, no volume. Based on their molecular structure,
explicit attempts are made to pursue inter- synthetic polymers can be subdivided into
10.2 Classification of Synthetic Polymers 519

three main categories: thermoplastics, ther- tic polymers can be subdivided into three
mosets, and synthetic rubbers. categories: bulk or commodity plastics,
engineering plastics, and speciality poly-
10.2.1 Thermoplastics mers. In Fig. 10-3, these three classes are
represented in a product triangle.
In terms of production volume, the major- The commodity plastics are the most
ity of present-day polymers belong to the important class of present-day thermoplas-
class of thermoplastics. The adjective ther- tic polymers and constitute over 70% of the
moplastic is indicative of the processing of total synthetic polymer production [approx-
these polymers. Thermoplastic polymers imately 50 million tonnes of polyolefins (PE
are obtained from the chemical industry, and PP), and about 25 million tonnes of
where specific monomers are polymerized poly vinyl chloride and polystyrene]. Poly-
under controlled conditions and supplied to ethylene (PE) and polypropylene (PP) are,
the converter in the form of pellets and in fact, only generic names, representing an
sometimes powder. These are transformed entire family of polymers which usually dif-
into products by the converter by heat- fer in molecular characteristics, e.g., molar
ing/melting, shaping (extrusion/molding), mass distribution, homopolymers or copol-
and cooling (crystallization/vitrification). ymers, stereoregularity (PP), etc. The com-
An impressive range of thermoplastic poly- modity plastics may at first sight appear to
mers is available nowadays, and molecular be rather low-tech and well-established
structures can be fine-tuned by proper con- comprising a full range of types and sub-
trol of the catalyst and the polymerization types, tailored for the end-user and well-
in the reactor in order to obtain an optimum defined application areas. However, the
structure and performance. It is beyond the field of commodity plastics is, after the dis-
scope of this chapter to discuss in detail cur- covery of the stereospecific polymerization
rent trends and product ranges, and conse- of olefins by Ziegler and Natta in the mid-
quently we limit ourselves to a discussion 1950 s, once again in a revolutionary stage
on polymers that are relevant to the novel due to the introduction of metallocene
reactive processing technique. Thermoplas- catalysis. After a developmental period of

Polycarbonate, PMMA
Polyphenylene ether, ABS

Figure 10-3. The three classes

of thermoplastic polymers (See
the List of Symbols and Abbre-
AMORPHOUS SEMI-CRYSTALLINE viations for an explanation of
the different acronyms.)
520 10 Processing of Polymers Using Reactive Solvents

approximately 25 years (1970-1995), met- mechanical response compared with com-

allocene 'single-site' catalysts have been modity plastics. In the field of engineering
introduced into the chemical reactor, pro- plastics, a distinction is usually made be-
viding the opportunity to produce novel tween amorphous and semicrystalline plas-
types of polyolefins (Thayer, 1995). For tics. Typical examples of semicrystalline
example, very low density polyethylene engineering plastics are the polyamides
('plastomers') can be produced. Syndiotac- (most notably nylon-6, -6,6, and -4,6) and
tic polypropylene and syndiotactic polysty- polyesters such as PETP and PBT. Well-
rene can be made on a technologically fea- known amorphous engineering plastics are
sible scale, whereas novel copolymers ABS, PC, PMMA, and PPE (for an expla-
based on ethylene and cyclic olefins pos- nation of the abbreviations, see the List of
sessing Tgs well above 100 C have recent- Symbols and Abbreviations). In Sec. 10.5,
ly been introduced. the use of reactive solvents with respect to
At first glance, there seems to be no need the processing of intractable polymers, most
to use (reactive) solvents for processing notably PPE, will be discussed, aimed at
commodity plastics in view of the well- enhanced processability, while in Sec. 10.6,
established processing techniques and the the processing of tractable polymers, e.g.,
large range of (sub)types on the market, PMMA and HDPE will be discussed. In the
which are tailored for specific applications. case of PMMA, the major aim is to intro-
However, there are a few exceptions, includ- duce specific product properties.
ing UHMWPE (ultrahigh molecular weight Speciality polymers are polymers with
polyethylene), which is a linear polyethy- very specific properties. Typical examples
lene grade possessing, according to ASTM of speciality polymers are high Tg polymers
definitions (D4020), a molar mass of at least such as PEI and PSU, and polymers which
3000 kg/mol. UHMWPE products are usu- become intrinsically conductive after dop-
ally obtained by machining semi-finished ing (e.g., polyaniline and polypyrrole).
stock, which is obtained by compression Owing to their high Tg, polymers like PEI
molding (sintering) or ram extrusion. Sol- and PSU seem to be suitable candidates for
vents are used, however, for UHMWPE processing with reactive solvents. Up to
fibers produced by DSM (DYNEEMA) and now, no significant literature data are avail-
its licensee, Allied Signal (SPECTRA). able concerning the processing of high Tg
These high-performance polyethylene polymers with" reactive solvents.
fibers are obtained by solution(gel)-spin-
ning and are described in detail by Bastiaan-
sen in Chap. 11 of this Volume. 10.2.2 Thermosets
To the best of our knowledge, the use of Thermosets are obtained by polymerizing
reactive solvents in processing commodity (curing) low molar mass resins (monomers
plastics has not been exploited. Neverthe- with a functionality >2). For this reason, the
less, some preliminary results will be pre- viscosity of thermoset resins before curing
sented in Sec. 10.6.2 concerning the pro- is initially low. For example, the viscosity
cessing of polyethylene using reactive sol- of a standard bisphenol-A epoxy resin at
vents. 25 C is of the order of 10 Pa s. This low
Engineering plastics are typically poly- initial viscosity is useful in applications
meric materials with an improved tempera- such as coatings, adhesives, and for impreg-
ture resistance (related to a higher Tg) and nation of pre-pregs in the preparation of
10.3 Guidelines for the Selection of a Reactive Solvent 521

fiber-reinforced composites. Curing is often dispersed phase, containing small domains

achieved by the addition of curing agents of polystyrene. A similar procedure is
and/or initiators, and eventually a chemical applied in the preparation of ABS copolym-
network is formed. Depending on the func- ers.
tionality of the starting resin, a more or less It is important to note that for these rub-
densely crosslinked system is obtained. ber-modified polymers, which are formed in
Typically, the curing procedure is per- the reactor, the morphology is stabilized by
formed by the end-user during in-mold grafting and crosslinking of the dispersed
shaping. In view of the fact that thermosets rubbery phase. Consequently, upon subse-
are crosslinked systems after curing and quent processing, the induced morphology
low viscosity resins before curing, process- does not change significantly. With respect
ing with reactive solvents is not of direct to the processing of polymers with reactive
interest. However, some resins, e.g., the solvents, however, the morphology is
epoxies, can be very useful reactive solvents obtained in the mold, which has important
themselves, as shown in (Sees. 10.5 and consequences for handling and subsequent
10.6). processing (see Sec. 10.7).

10.2.3 Rubbers 10.3 Guidelines for the Selection

Rubbers are materials that possess elas- of a Reactive Solvent
tomeric properties, i.e., they can be
stretched reversibly to high extension ratios. Like polymers, reactive solvents can be
Elastomeric properties are related to the classified according to their potential use in
flexibility of the polymer chains, which are polymeric materials derived from them.
lightly crosslinked to prevent permanent However, it is more common to classify
flow. The processing of green (uncross- monomers according to the polymerization
linked) rubbers using reactive solvents is mechanism that converts them into a poly-
possible in principle [e.g., EPDM rubber mer, i.e., a chain-growth or a step-growth
with styrene (pourable rubbers)]. To the best polymerization mechanism (Bikales, 1985).
of our knowledge, no data are available con- Among the important thermoplastics pro-
cerning the processing of rubbers with reac- duced by a chain-growth type of polymer-
tive solvents, at least not within the concept ization, are polymers such as polyethylene,
of the present technique. Rubbers, howev- polypropylene, and polystyrene. Via the
er, are dissolved in reactive solvents nature of the propagating species, variations
(monomers) in the reactor, and during poly- in the polymer microstructure can be
merization, phase separation and inversion achieved, such as block copolymers and
take place, resulting in rubber-modified pel- stereoregular polymers. During chain-
lets or powders. Two typical examples of growth polymerization, the monomer
rubber-modified polymers are high-impact present adds to a propagating polymer
polystyrene (HIPS) and ABS. HIPS is pre- chain, thus extending the chain by one
pared by dissolving polybutadiene in sty- monomeric unit per propagating step.
rene, after which the styrene is polymerized In the case of step-growth polymeriza-
under continuous agitation. This results in tion, however, the polymer chain is formed
a morphology in which polystyrene forms not exclusively via the addition of monomer
the continuous phase and polybutadiene the to a growing polymer chain, but also via the
522 10 Processing of Polymers Using Reactive Solvents

combination of monomer, oligomer, or ing polymerization of the reactive sol-

polymer molecules with other monomer, vent, have a profound effect on the
oligomer, or polymer molecules. Step- phase behavior of the polymer-reactive,
growth polymerizations can be performed solvent-polymerized, reactive solvent
in the so-called condensation or addition system (see also Sees. 10.5 and 10.6).
mode. During polycondensations, mole-
cules are linked via a condensation reaction, Based on this, the following can be said
upon which a small molecule is released, with respect to the mode of polymerization
e.g., water. In the case of polyadditions, on by which the reactive solvent can be trans-
the other hand, the separate monomers are formed to polymer, and concomitantly the
linked via addition reactions, resulting in a choice of reactive solvent for a specific
polymer chain that is a perfect sum of all the system: Concerning step-growth polymer-
atoms in the monomers. Typical examples izations, polycondensations are less favor-
of polycondensations are the formation of able than polyadditions, since the molecules
polyesters and polyamides, while the reac- that are eliminated during a polycondensa-
tion between amines and epoxies, or diiso- tion can cause problems in the end products,
cyanates and diols can be designated as a e.g., the small molecule released during
polyaddition. polymerization can act as a plasticizer for
The major differences between step- the continuous and/or dispersed phase. Fur-
growth and chain-growth polymerizations ther, chain-growth type polymerizations
are: offer greater possibilities for controlling the
molecular microstructure of the polymer
1. During step-growth polymerizations, formed, e.g., semicrystalline, amorphous,
reactive groups are consumed during the or rubbery, by changing the monomer(s),
polymerization, whereas in chain- and/or the mode of initiation/propagation,
growth polymerizations the reactive than step-growth polymerizations.
groups are continuously generated dur- For instance, epoxy resins fulfill the
ing the polymerization process. At any above criteria very well, as has been dem-
instance, the chain-growth polymeriza- onstrated by Venderbosch (1995) and Ven-
tion system contains unreacted derbosch et al. (1994, 1995 a, b) (see also
monomer, while this is not necessarily Sec. 10.5). Some commercially available
true for a step-growth polymerization. epoxy resins are shown in Fig. 10-4;
2. The average molar mass of the polymer DGEBA has an aromatic and DGEPPO an
formed during step-growth polymeriza- aliphatic backbone. These epoxy resins can
tion is a function of the conversion, and be cured using different curing agents, for
a high molar mass polymer is only example, poly(propylene oxide) diamine
formed at very high conversions. The (Jeffamine D-400) or the sterically hin-
polymer formed during a chain-growth dered, and thus slow, 4,4'-methylene-bis(3-
polymerization, on the other hand, chloro-2,6-diethyl aniline) (M-CDEA) (see
already has a high molar mass at low Fig. 10-4). The curing utilizing aromatic
monomer conversions. These differenc- epoxy resins (A) results, at high crosslink
es between chain-growth and step- densities, in high Tg, brittle, thermoset epox-
growth polymerizations, especially the ies, whereas the aliphatic epoxy resins (B)
difference in the development of the exhibit elastomeric properties after curing
molar mass of the polymer formed dur- (see also Sees. 10.5 and 10.6).
10.4 Basic Aspects of Processing with Reactive Solvents 523

CH3 OH -1 CH3
CH 3 -L = nn CH,

/\ r I CHC \
1 2-CH-CH2
3 n ~ 5
CH, L CH^ -I _

C ) H2NCH-CH2- )-CH2-CHf-NH2

Cl C2H5
Figure 10-4. Structural formulae of: (A) DGEBA, (B) DGEPPO, (C) Jeffamine D-400, and (D) M-CDEA.

10.4 Basic Aspects of Processing 10.4.1 Phase Behavior of Amorphous

with Reactive Solvents Polymers in Solution
In the case of an amorphous polymer, the
During the processing of polymers with Tg will be lowered in the presence of a
reactive solvents, it is of importance to know (good) solvent. The solvent acts as a plasti-
the phase behavior of the particular poly- cizer and the Tg decreases with increasing
mer/reactive solvent system. Processing of solvent content. Couchman (1983) has
the polymer and reactive solvent should pro- developed a thermodynamic approach for
ceed in the homogeneous state, i.e. the poly- predicting the glass transition temperature
mer should be dissolved. In the mold, upon of polymer mixtures, but in actual practice
curing, complex changes take place due to the simpler Fox equation (Fox, 1956), [see
chemically induced phase separation and Eq. (10-1)] is often used to describe the Tg
inversion. To some extent, these complex reduction in the presence of a solvent. In Eq.
morphological changes due to chemically (10-1), cp represents the volume fraction of
induced phase separation (CIPS) are simi- the polymer in the polymer-solvent mix-
lar to the morphology development during ture.
thermally induced phase separation (TIPS).
Therefore, in this section, TIPS will be dis- 1 _ (1-cp) <P (10-1)
^Solvent j^Polymer
cussed first, for amorphous as well as
semicrystalline polymers, to provide the Depending on the solvent quality, various
basics for understanding the more complex situations can be encountered, as shown
phenomena that occur during CIPS. schematically in Fig. 10-5 A and B.
524 10 Processing of Polymers Using Reactive Solvents

In the case of a good solvent (Fig.

10-5 A), the r g decreases with increasing
solvent concentration and below (px a homo-
geneous solution is obtained at room tem-
perature, TR. Above <px, the solution will vit-
rify into a homogeneous glass upon cooling
to room temperature. In the case of a poor
solvent, the phase diagram can become
more complex. The Tg curve often interferes
with a liquid-liquid demixing curve, as
shown in Fig. 10-5B. The intersection
point, where the Tg composition curve inter-
sects with the L-L demixing or cloud-point
curve, is called the Berghmans point, B. P.
B in Fig. 10-5 B, named after Prof. H. Bergh-
mans (KU-Leuven), who noticed the impor-
tance of this intersection point for the phase
behavior of polymer solutions (Arnauts
et al., 1993). At a concentration cp higher
than %, the homogenous solution vitrifies
upon cooling below the Tg curve, as dis-
cussed previously for Fig. 10-5 A. At con-
centrations lower than (jOg, the homogene-
ous solution will become metastable upon
cooling into the L-L demixing region. From
a purely thermodynamic point of view, the
most favorable and final equilibrium situa-
tion will be the separation into two coexis-
tent macroscopic phases, respectively a
Homogeneous Solution dilute and a concentrated polymer/solvent
<PA <PC <PD phase. This process, however, is rather slow
in polymer systems. If the temperature,
upon cooling, passes, TB (the temperature
corresponding to the Berghmans point) the
metastable solution will vitrify if continuity
of the glassy phases (domains) is present in
the system, usually at higher polymer con-
centrations, or vitrified particles will separ-
ate from solution at lower concentrations.
s <p ^B P The formation of a vitrified gel or the pre-
Figure 10-5. Phase diagrams of an amorphous poly- cipitation of vitrified particles is, as men-
mer (P) and a solvent (S) for (A) a system with a poly- tioned earlier, dependent on the polymer
mer and a good solvent and (B) a system with a poly- concentration in solution.
mer and a poor(er) solvent. (C) Illustration of the mor-
phology development during different phase separa- Although a detailed thermodynamic
tion mechanisms. description is beyond the scope of the
10.4 Basic Aspects of Processing with Reactive Solvents 525

present chapter, we will briefly address develop and the fluctuation length with the
some details. In the case of thermally highest growing rate (the most dominant
induced phase separation, a distinction must wavelength) results in the most-frequently
be made between binodal and spinodal found domain size. At the start of the dem-
decomposition. In practice, we are dealing ixing process, interconnectivity (co-contin-
with multicomponent systems, since poly- uous structure) prevails, but gradually the
mers are usually polydisperse materials texture coarsens, approaching an ultimate
with a broad molar mass distribution. In separation into two macroscopic phases
these polydisperse systems, the critical (Fujita, 1990). However, this situation is not
point is not on the top of the cloud-point reached, since the system vitrifies upon
curve but shifted somewhat to the right, and cooling below the temperature correspond-
the cloud-point curve is usually indented, as ing to the Berghmans point.
shown in Fig. 10-5 B (Koningsveld et al.,
10.4.2 Phase Behavior of Semicrystalline
In order to illustrate the morphology
development and its dependence on the
mechanism of phase separation, i.e., bino- In the case of semicrystalline polymers,
dal or spinodal, Fig. 10-5 C shows that in the we have to focus on the melting temperature
case of a binodal system (monodisperse Tm instead of Tg. The melting point depres-
polymer and solvent), the critical point is at sion due to the presence of solvent(s) is usu-
the top of the cloud-point curve, where the ally described by the well-known melting
binodal and spinodal curves meet. Upon point depression relationship, which reads
cooling from the homogeneous solution, for high molar mass polymers (Flory, 1956)
either spinodal (through the critical point)
or binodal demixing occurs. ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ s - m 2
) dO-2)
In the case of binodal demixing, phase V
separation proceeds through nucleation and In Eq. (10-2), Tm represents the melting
growth of the minor phase. Cooling a solu- temperature, or equivalently the dissolution
tion with a polymer concentration (pA, into temperature, of the crystals in the solvent,
the binodal region will result in the precip- T^ is the equilibrium melting point of the
itation of (spherical) particles. The overall pure crystal, R is the gas constant, <ps the vol-
polymer concentration is too low to provide ume fraction of solvent, x th e Flory-Hug-
material continuity. Upon cooling a solution gins interaction parameter, Vu the molar vol-
with a polymer concentration, (jCfo, the con- ume of the monomer unit in the polymer
centrated polymer phase will form the con- chain, Vs the molar volume of the solvent,
tinuous matrix which will then vitrify at the and AHf is the heat of fusion per mole of
temperature corresponding to the Bergh- repeating units.
mans point, TB. In the case of spinodal Figure 10-6 A shows the melting point
decomposition (<pcX spontaneous phase depression of a polymer crystal in equilib-
separation occurs via concentration fluctu- rium with the surrounding solution. Equa-
ations. The word spontaneous does not tion (10-2) is only applicable to concentrat-
mean that phase separation via spinodal ed and semidilute systems, and consequent-
decomposition is an instantaneous process. ly the far left part of the phase diagram is
According to the Cahn-Hilliard theory represented by a dotted line. The melting
(Cahn, 1963), concentration fluctuations point of the polymer is lowered by the pres-
526 10 Processing of Polymers Using Reactive Solvents

It is important to note that the equilibri-

um curve Tm(<p) in Fig. 10-6 A is never
Homogeneous obtained experimentally. Equilibrium refers
to perfect, large crystals, i.e., so-called
extended-chain crystals in the case of poly-
mers. In practice, however, polymer crys-
tals consist of folded-chain crystals and the
fold length, or equivalently the thickness of
Crystallization Lin
the folded-chain crystals is of the order of
10-30 nm. These imperfect and small crys-
tals melt or dissolve at a lower temperature,
<p as indicated in Fig. 10-6 A by the curve
rm(<p); in the literature the melting point is
given as Tm to distinguish it from the equi-
librium melting point, T^.
The experimental Tm((p) curve as drawn
/ schematically in Fig. 10-6 A should
TmP) approach the melting point of the pure sol-
^ ^ vent when the polymer concentration
approaches zero. In Fig. 10-6 A, the inter-
section of the experimental melting (disso-
- \

Crystallization lution) Tm((p) curve with the temperature

B.P. axis is represented by an open circle. Melt-
ing (dissolution) of polymer crystals at low
S (p P concentrations is currently, yet again a mat-
Figure 10-6. Phase diagrams of a semicrystalline ter of debate (Nies and Berghmans, 1996).
polymer and a low molar mass solvent for (A) a system When the polymer concentration approach-
in which the solvent is a good solvent for the polymer es zero, the melting point Tm should
and (B) a system in which the solvent is a poor(er) sol- approach the melting point of the solvent.
vent for the polymer.
However, it is found in practice that the
melting point Tm becomes independent of
ence of a solvent, and vice versa, i.e., the the polymer concentration when <p
melting point of the solvent is lowered by approaches zero. The reason for this is prob-
the presence of the polymer. Consequently, ably that upon melting (dissolution) of a
a eutectic point is to be expected. However, polymer crystal, the polymer chain goes
as shown by Smith (1976), a eutectic point from a folded-chain conformation within
is not observed if the difference between the the crystal to a random-coil chain in solu-
melting point of the polymer and the solvent tion. The random coil in solution has its own
exceeds 100 K. In Fig. 10-6 A, the melting local concentration, i.e., upon dissolution
point of the solvent is not indicated in view the chain experiences a low but finite local
of the fact that in the systems to be discussed concentration of the order of a few percent,
below, the melting point of the solvent is far related to the coil dimensions. Consequent-
below room temperature and the difference ly, the melting (dissolution) temperature
between the melting point of the polymer remains constant at low <p, i.e., the local con-
and the solvent is > 100 K. centration of a random coil.
10.4 Basic Aspects of Processing with Reactive Solvents 527

Crystallization is a nucleation-controlled domains will crystallize upon cooling below

process and only occurs at a certain degree the temperature TB.
of supercooling, as indicated by the crystal-
lization line in Fig. 10-6 A. For crystalliz-
10.4.3 Thermally Versus Chemically
able polymers in solution, crystallization
Induced Phase Separation
can also interfere with liquid-liquid demix-
ing. This is depicted schematically in As noted before, the morphology develop-
Fig. 10-6 B. The L-L demixing curve can be ment during thermally induced phase separ-
located above or below the equilibrium ation (TIPS) is very similar to the morphol-
melting curve, T^((p). The latter case is ogy development during chemically induced
shown in Fig. 10-6B. Even if the L-L dem- phase separation (CIPS) (see Fig. 10-7 A and
ixing curve is below the equilibrium disso- B, respectively). The reason is that upon cur-
lution curve, T^((p), L-L demixing usually ing a polymer/reactive solvent system, the
occurs before crystallization, since the crys- polymerized reactive solvent becomes
tallization process is a slower process and immiscible with the dissolved polymer and
requires a certain degree of undercooling. phase separation should occur at some stage
Instead of vitrification, the concentrated during the curing (polymerization) step.

One Phase Region
A / /-\ (Homogeneous)

Figure 10-7. Schematic representation of

the changes in miscibility of a polymer in
a poor solvent in the case of (A) cooling
from 7] to T2 (TIPS), (B) isothermal
polymerization of the reactive solvent
from tx to t2 (CIPS), and (C) a ternary
phase diagram of the polymer-polymeriz-
ing reactive solvent system. Lines A-A',
Polymer C Polymerized B-B', and C - C represent polymerization
Reactive lines, and the horizontal line is a tie line
Two Phase Region
Solvent connecting the coexisting phases.
528 10 Processing of Polymers Using Reactive Solvents

There is, however, one important difference itantly, the L-L demixing curve will shift
between TIPS and CIPS. In the case of TIPS, upwards. Phase separation will occur when
a two-phase system will be formed, consist- the L-L demixing curve shifts to tempera-
ing of a dilute and a concentrated polymer tures above Tp. This situation is encoun-
phase, either in the form of two separate mac- tered, for example, in the system PPE/epoxy
rophases or in microdomains if vitrification (see Sec. 10.5).
occurs, i.e., cooling below the Berghmans Let us consider a polymer-reactive sol-
point. In the case of CIPS, liquid-liquid dem- vent system where the reactive solvent is
ixing will occur due to immiscibility of the polymerized via a chain-growth polymer-
originally dissolved polymer and the poly- ization mechanism. Initially, the polymer-
mer that is formed during polymerization reactive solvent system can be considered
(curing). Coarsening of the structure is as a binary system, with a phase diagram
strongly surpressed by an increase in the vis- as represented by the dashed line in Fig.
cosity, induced by phase separation and the 10-7 C. Upon polymerization of the reactive
polymerization reaction. Moreover, fixation solvent, a polymer is formed with a high
of the structure via vitrification, crystalliza- molar mass, which will not change signifi-
tion, or crosslinking will prevent the forma- cantly during polymerization. Concomi-
tion of two macrophases. Another important tantly, a ternary system is formed consisting
difference from TIPS is that phase separation of polymer-reactive solvent-polymerized
is complete, or at least should be attemped, reactive solvent (see Fig. 10-7 C). Although
not in the sense of the formation of two mac- the reacting system is not in equilibrium due
rophases but in terms of 100% conversion of to the continuous formation of polymer, and
the reactive solvent into polymer. moreover because we are dealing with poly-
Considering the morphology develop- disperse polymers, the use of a simple (equi-
ment upon curing, an important distinction librium) ternary phase diagram, as shown in
has to be made between step-growth and Fig. 10-7 C, might be useful for the discus-
chain-growth polymerizations. In all cases sion on the morphology development. The
curing (polymerization) should start from initial composition of the homogeneous
homogeneous solutions in view of process- solutions is located on the polymer-reactive
ability and morphology control. In the case solvent axis. Upon polymerization, a reac-
of step-growth polymerization, the molar tion line is followed as indicated by the
mass of the polymerizing reactive solvent dotted-dashed lines (A-A', B-B' and C-C)
changes continuously with conversion. At in Fig. 10-7 C. After a small amount of con-
50% monomer conversion, the number- version of the reactive solvent, the binodal
average degree of polymerization is 2, i.e., line (solid line) is crossed and the system
the main products present are dimers (see becomes metastable. This might lead to
Sec. 10.3). Suppose a polymer (P)/reactive phase separation. However, when the spino-
solvent (S) system with an upper critical dal line (dashed line) is crossed, the system
solution temperature (UCST) phase behav- will phase separate. The positions of the
ior as depicted schematically in Fig. 10-7B binodal and spinodal curves depend on the
is cured at temperature Tp. The phase behav- molar mass of the polymer and polymerized
ior will change during the polymerization reactive solvents and the interaction param-
process due to the increasing molar mass of eters between the polymers and the reactive
the polymerizing reactive solvent, i.e., the solvent. Considering the case where the
formation of dimers, trimers, etc. Concom- interactions between the solvent and both
10.5 Example of an Intractable Polymer/Reactive Solvent System 529

polymers are identical, the critical point is 10.5.2 Phase Behavior of PPE/Epoxy
located at the maximum of the binodal and Solutions
the corresponding tie lines are horizontal
when the polymers have equal molar mass- In order to estimate the processing win-
es. The examples given above show that for dow of PPE/epoxy solutions, the phase dia-
these reactive systems the morphology gram was investigated first. The phase dia-
depends not only on the thermodynamics, gram of PPE-DGEBA was constructed
but more importantly on the relative rate of from a combination of light scattering
phase separation and the rate of polymeriza- experiments, dynamic mechanical thermal
tion. In the case where the dissolved poly- analysis (DMTA), and rheology [for further
mer is amorphous, vitrification can interfere details see Venderbosch (1995) and Vender-
with L-L demixing (see Sec. 10.4.1), while bosch et al. (1994, 1995 a, b) and referenc-
in the case of a semicrystalline polymer, es cited therein]. The resulting phase dia-
crystallization can interfere with L-L dem- gram is presented in Fig. 10-8, from which
ixing. The occurrence of vitrification/crys- it can be seen that rather high temperatures
tallization enables fixation of the nonequi- are required to reach the region of homoge-
librium morphologies. When all the reactive neous solutions.
solvent has been transformed into polymer, The cloud-point curves exhibit a typical
the system can be considered as a binary upper critical solution temperature (UCST)
system again, containing the polymer and behavior, commonly observed for poly-
the polymerized reactive solvent.

10.5 Example of an Intractable

Polymer/Reactive Solvent System:
The Poly(phenylene ether)
(PPE)/Epoxy System

10.5.1 Materials Choice: PPE/Epoxy

Epoxy resins prove to be surprisingly
effective solvents for many polymers, as can
be concluded from a literature survey by
Venderbosch (Venderbosch, 1995). PPE is
20 40 60 80 100
chosen for its interesting mechanical prop-
Polymer Content
erties in terms of a high Tg, a relatively high
intrinsic impact strength, and average val- Figure 10-8. Phase diagram of PPE/epoxy solutions
as derived from light scattering experiments (closed
ues for the modulus, yield stress, and break- circles, triangles, and squares), DMTA (open circles),
ing strength. Given its high Tg of 220 C, the and rheology (closed chevrons). Open and closed cir-
processing temperature should be around cles and closed chevrons: Mw = 30 kg/mol; open and
350 C. This, in combination with its limit- closed triangles: Mw = 18 kg/mol; closed squares: Mw =
ed thermal and oxidative stability, results in 10 kg/mol. The solid lines indicate the onset of phase
separation, the dashed lines on the right the ^-com-
severe degradation, and consequently PPE position line of the homogeneous solutions, and the
can be considered as a classical example of horizontal dashed line with closed chevrons the
an intriguing, but intractable polymer. ^-composition line of the heterogeneous solutions.
530 10 Processing of Polymers Using Reactive Solvents

mer-solvent systems. As expected, a not situated at the top of the curves. The
decrease in the PPE molar mass enhances rg-composition lines, as determined by
the miscibility of the system and results in DMTA, and as calculated with the Fox equa-
a considerable shift of the cloud-point surve tion (using a Tg of 222 and 213 C for PPE
to lower temperatures. Since PPE as well as with a molar mass of 30 and 18 kg/mol,
the epoxy resin is polydisperse, the cloud- respectively, and a Tg of -18 C for the
point curves may not be regarded as bino- epoxy monomer), are also given in Fig.
dal curves. The inflection in the curves 10-8 and they intersect the cloud-point
clearly reveals the influence of the molar curves at a PPE content of approximately
mass distribution, i.e., the critical point is 70%. Thus solutions with less than 70 wt.%

80 wt.%

70 wt.%

60 wt.%

50 wt.%

40 wt.% -

30 wt.%

lOkg.mol"1 30 kg.mol"1

Figure 10-9. Scanning electron micrographs of PPE/epoxy solutions with a PPE molar mass of 10 and 30 kg/mol
and a PPE content of 30-80 wt.%, after cooling from 200C to room temperature at a rate of 1 C/min.
10.5 Example of an Intractable Polymer/Reactive Solvent System 531

PPE will phase separate upon cooling; how- RDSII spectrometer [experimental details
ever, phase separation is not complete but are mentioned elsewhere, see Venderbosch
arrested as soon as the PPE-rich phase vit- (1995), and Venderbosch et al. (1994,
rifies at this intersection point (the Bergh- 1995 a, b) and references cited therein]. The
mans point, see also Sec. 10.4). As a result dynamic viscosity as a function of the
of this phenomenon, which can be regarded reduced frequency for the PPE/epoxy solu-
as a thermo-reversible gelation (TIPS), all tions with various epoxy contents is shown
of the phase-separated solutions will exhib- in Fig. 10-10. The plot shows typical shear
it a Tg of ~ 100 C, as indicated by the dashed thinning behavior, which is commonly
horizontal line in Fig. 10-8 and confirmed observed for semidilute solutions. The
by rheological experiments. The morpholo- expected strong dependence on the volume
gies resulting from the TIPS (thermally fraction of the PPE is confirmed. Moderate-
induced phase separation) process are ly high zero shear viscosities were found at
shown in Fig. 10-9. In accordance with the 200 C; these are comparable to those of
phase diagram in Fig. 10-8, a homogene- standard thermoplastic polymers. The suc-
ously vitrified material is found above cess of the original aim for intractable PPE
70wt.% PPE. Below 70 wt.% PPE, dis- is demonstrated by the fact that the process-
persed epoxy droplets are observed in a con- ing temperature of PPE was lowered from
tinuous PPE matrix. The size of the dis- >300C to <200C, thus introducing pro-
persed epoxy phase is relatively uniform cessable PPE.
and depends on the PPE fraction. With
increasing PPE content, the viscosity of the
solution increases, and consequently during 10.5.3 Curing of PPE/Epoxy Solutions
phase separation (TIPS), the coarsening Curing of PPE/epoxy solutions requires
process is retarded with increasing viscos- the incorporation of a curing agent which
ity. should be compatible with the solution.
In order to verify the concept of enhanced Aromatic diamines are particularly suitable
processability of PPE via the application of because of their excellent compatibility
epoxy as a reactive solvent, the rheology of with the PPE/epoxy solution. Owing to the
PPE/epoxy was investigated. The dynamic addition of a curing agent, which enhances
rheological behavior of the homogeneous the miscibility of the system, the phase dia-
solutions was studied using a Rheometrics gram, as shown in Fig. 10-8, is no longer

5 30 wt.% epoxy
cd 4
c 3 50 wt.% epoxy

Figure 10-10. Dynamic viscosity versus

68 wt.% epoxy reduced frequency of PPE/epoxy solu-
tions with epoxy contents of 30, 50, and
68 wt.%, while the molar mass of the PPE
-1 used was 30 kg/mol, at 170 C.
- 3 - 2 - 1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6
Reduced Frequency
532 10 Processing of Polymers Using Reactive Solvents

valid. However, it remains useful for indi-

cating the minimal miscibility of the system.
Ternary solutions of PPE/epoxy/curing
agent still reveal UCST behavior and the
absence of phase separation upon cooling at
high PPE contents (see Fig. 10-7 B). In ter-
nary solutions, the main driving force for
phase separation is the increase in molar
mass of solvent into dimer, trimer, etc.,
induced via step-growth polymerization 30 40 50
(curing) (see also Sec. 10.3). As shown by
Curing agent content [phr]
Verchere and co-workers [Verchere et al.
(1991) and references cited therein] and de Figure 10-11. Glass transition temperatures versus
Graaf (1994) for epoxy systems toughened curing agent concentration of epoxy phase (open tri-
angles) and PPE phase (closed triangles), as deter-
with (in order to prevent phase inversion) mined by DMTA (frequency 1 Hz) for cured blends
relatively small volume fractions of car- containing 35 wt.% epoxy, while the molar mass of
boxyl-terminated butadiene-acrylonitrile the PPE was 30 kg/mol.
copolymer (CTBN rubber) and polyether-
sulfone, respectively, minor increases in the
molar mass of the solvent significantly epoxy phase, was determined using DMTA.
reduce the miscibility of the system and Figure 10-11 demonstrates that virtually
phase separation is initiated at relatively low complete phase separation is obtained, at
conversions. CIPS can be regarded as induc- least for the polymerization temperatures
ing a shift and a concurrent change in the used. This is of essential importance, not
shape of the cloud-point curves on the phase only for the expected mechanical properties,
diagram towards higher temperatures. The but also for the nontoxicity of the final prod-
coarseness of the final morphology is con- uct. The latter is clearly illustrated by the
trolled, on the one hand, by the competition optimal concentration of (generally toxic)
between the rates of phase separation and curing agent which proves to be very close
coalescence (i.e., diffusion-Ostwald ripen- to, or even equal to, the stoichiometric ratio,
ing and hydrodynamically driven break-up as revealed by the pronounced maximum in
and coalescence processes), and on the other the epoxy Tg. This can be explained by the
hand by the rates of vitrification and chem- fact that a deficiency (incomplete curing) as
ical gelation. well as an excess (yielding a more linear
The required compatibility of the curing polymerization) results in a lower Tg. The
agents with the PPE/epoxy solutions ren- morphology of the cured samples is shown
ders it difficult to estimate their appropriate in Fig. 10-12 for four volume fractions in
concentration. For aromatic diamines, the the relevant mid-region, prepared by extrac-
concentration should be equal to the stoi- tion of the PPE matrix. Relatively monodis-
chiometric ratio, but an excess is likely to perse epoxy spheres with a particle size
be required in order to compensate for any distribution of Dw/Dn~1.2 are found (see
loss of curing agent due to dissolution in the also Fig. 10-13). This is not a general rule,
PPE phase. For this reason the optimal con- however, since for some other poly-
centration, which is defined as the concen- mer-reactive solvent systems, such as those
tration that results in the highest Tg of the recently being investigated in our laborato-
10.5 Example of an Intractable Polymer/Reactive Solvent System 533

^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^

/ V:

Figure 10-12. Scanning electron micrographs of the dispersed epoxy phase isolated from PPE/epoxy cured at
225 C with initial compositions of (a) 60, (b) 50, (c) 40, and (d) 20 wt.% epoxy.

interferes with phase separation (see also
Sec. 10.6.2).

10.5.4 Morphology Development

In order to study morphology develop-
ment, the chemo-rheology of PPE/epoxy/
M-CDEA (see Fig. 10-4) was investigated.
00 150 200 250
The dynamic viscosity and loss angle ver-
Curing temperature (C)
sus time of an isothermally cured PPE/
Figure 10-13. Number-average particle size (Jim) of epoxy system are presented with the curing
PPE/epoxy system as a function of the initial curing
temperature for a constant composition of 40 wt.%
temperature (Fig. 10-14) and the blend
epoxy. composition (Fig. 10-15) as parameters
(Yenderbosch, 1995; Venderbosch et al.,
1994, 1995 a, b).
ry, a distinct dependence on curing temper- The onset of phase separation (arrows)
ature and curing rate is sometimes found. and the gradual increase in viscosity due to
This effect becomes increasingly important the formation of a PPE-rich continuous
for semicrystalline polymers, where lock- phase are apparent (I). Accordingly, vitrifi-
ing-in of the morphology by crystallization cation of this phase (II) and gelation of the
534 10 Processing of Polymers Using Reactive Solvents

- ^ (+8)

- III >*
12 - II y-
I (+4)
/ III f
237 C

cd I / II & I i /
a. 9 -- 2 1 5 C J
o - II & HI/ IV
195 c w '

6 - 175 c 3>
i J
152 c

i I I I l i i i i



Figure 10-14. Rheology

upon isothermal curing of
PPE/epoxy (50 wt.%
epoxy) versus temperature:
(a) dynamic viscosity; (b)
loss angle (strain 2%, fre-
quency = 10 rad/s, plate
diameter = 8 mm). The
arrows indicate the onset of
phase separation. (For clar-
ity the curves are shifted
upwards by the values indi-
cated in parentheses.)

dispersed epoxy phase (III) are found, the final morphology can be expected. At
although they are usually difficult to distin- high temperatures this could be the case,
guish as they happen almost simultaneous- although basically only in the case where
ly, followed by the vitrification of the epoxy reaction rates exceed the rate of phase sep-
phase (IV). At a low temperature, vitrifica- aration, can a pronounced influence be
tion of PPE occurs before gelation of the anticipated. In the slow curing system with
epoxy and no interference of the gelation on M-CDEA, this is not the case, and the mor-
10.5 Example of an Intractable Polymer/Reactive Solvent System 535



8 -


Log(t/s) Figure 10-15. Rheology

upon isothermal curing of
PPE/epoxy at 200 C versus
450 composition (as indicated
in the separate figures): (a)
dynamic viscosity; (b) loss
angle (strain <2%; 10 rad/s;
360 the plots are a combination
of measurements with a
plate diameter of 50 mm (-
closed circles); 8 mm in the
case (+) of the system with
39 wt.% epoxy). The drawn
line in Fig. 10-15 a was
obtained on a Brookfield
rheometer. For clarity the
curves are shifted by the
values in parentheses. The
times, fgel and /vitr of
epoxy/M-CDEA are given
as reference points.


phology depends uniquely on the viscosity and phase inversion is detected at between
of the matrix at the moment of phase separ- 90 and 78 wt.% epoxy, accompanied by a
ation. large rise in the viscosity, yielding early
The composition data in Fig. 10-15 a and matrix vitrification (most pronounced at
b clearly reveal that the minimum time for intermediate polymer concentrations be-
phase separation occurs with 78 wt.% tween 78 and 60 wt.% epoxy), and hence the
epoxy, in accordance with UCST behavior, potential for early demolding. In conclu-
536 10 Processing of Polymers Using Reactive Solvents

sion, rheological measurements prove to (flexible) epoxies (see Fig. 10-4). The glass
provide a useful tool for monitoring the transition temperatures of the DGEBA/
morphology development upon isothermal DGEPPO mixtures; 110/0, 80/20, 60/40,
curing of PPE-epoxy-M-CDEA. 40/60, 20/80, and 0/100, cured with
In this system, the morphology is mainly M-CDEA or Jeffamine D-400, are shown in
controlled by the formation of a highly Fig. 10-16. The Tg of the resulting epoxy
viscous, PPE-rich continuous phase during material gradually decreases from 200 C to
the early stages of the reaction-induced -30 C, as a unique function of the total
phase separation process. Only at polymer- polypropylene oxide content. The tensile
ization rates considerably higher than the properties of the final epoxy network reveal
rate of phase separation is a pronounced the great flexibility obtained by tuning the
influence on the final morphology anticipat- properties of the epoxy phase from a brittle
ed. glass to a ductile or relatively brittle rubber,
depending on the position of Tg relative to
room temperature [for further details see
10.5.5 Mechanical Properties Venderbosch (1995) and Venderbosch et al.
In order to systematically vary the (1994, 1995 a, b) and references cited there-
mechanical properties of the dispersed in].
epoxy phase, the flexibility of the epoxy net- The above-mentioned mixtures of
work was tuned by blending aromatic DGEBA/DGEPPO were applied as reactive
DGEBA (stiff) and aliphatic DGEPPO solvents for PPE. The miscibility of

250 250

-5 -50
100/0 80/20 60/40 40/60 20/80 0/100 20 40 60 80 100
DGEBA/DGEPPO ratio total PPO content [wt.%]

Figure 10-16. Glass transition temperatures, as determined by DMTA, of mixtures of DGEBA and DGEPPO
resin cured using M-CDEA (closed triangles) or Jeffamine D-400 (open triangles) versus (a) the DGEBA/DGEP-
PO ratio and (b) the total polypropylene oxide (PPO) content. Solid lines: Fox equation.
10.5 Example of an Intractable Polymer/Reactive Solvent System 537

(a) (C)

10 -
3 - \

100/0 & 60/40 8 -

2 6

T 100/0
4 - T
O %
2 - 1

20 40 60 80 100 20 40 60 80
epoxy content [wt.%] epoxy content [wt.%]

100 PPE-DGEPPO proved to be decreased rel-

ative to PPE-DGEB A, but only a very small
shift in the cloud-point curve towards high-
er temperatures resulted. The morphology
of the cured systems proved to be very sim-
ilar to what we had already found, i.e.,
micrometer-sized droplets of epoxy in a
continuous PPE phase. The main mechani-
cal properties of the total system are sum-
marized in Fig. 10-17, listing the modulus,
yield stress, and (high speed) fracture tough-
ness values as a function of the amount of
epoxy added, and with the ratio of
DGEBA/DGEPPO as a parameter. Indeed
the properties can be tuned to requirements
but, more interestingly, the reactive solvent,
i.e., after being used as a processing aid, is
20 40 60 80
locked up as an integral part of the resulting
epoxy content [wt.0/
product, inside the thermoplastic matrix. Its
Figure 10-17. Tensile properties of PPE/epoxy ver- usefulness as a structural element is clearly
sus the epoxy content for DGEB A/DGEPPO ratios of illustrated by the remarkable toughness
100/0 (closed triangles), 60/40 (open triangles), 20/80
(closed squares), and 0/100 (open squares): (a)
enhancement obtained in the already tough
Young's modulus; (b) yield stress; and (c) fracture PPE when rubbery epoxies are used (see
toughness (Glc) (testing speed of 1 m/s). Fig. 10-17C).
538 10 Processing of Polymers Using Reactive Solvents

10.5.6 Composite Applications the case of high fiber loadings, and, for a
fiber volume fraction of 50%, a morpholo-
Making use of these newly developed gy of epoxy-coated fibers in a pure PPE
polymer systems, high Tg thermoplastic matrix is found (see Fig. 10-18). This
composites were prepared using the film (unique) morphology is not only of great
stacking technology. By introducing epoxy importance with respect to the possibility of
resin(s) as a reactive solvent, the flow drastically improving the strength of the
became sufficiently high to fully wet and interphase or the level of adhesion between
impregnate the fibers, yielding composite fibers and matrix, but also offers the poten-
materials of high quality (Venderbosch, tial to individually coat fibers with a thick
1995; Venderbosch et al., 1994, 1995 a, b). and adjustable (e.g., glassy or completely
Microscopic analysis revealed an interest- rubbery) interphase. Apart from the appar-
ing composite morphology, i.e., the epoxy ent influence of the fiber volume fraction or
phase tends to accumulate at polar surfaces the fiber spacing, a prerequisite for com-
such as those of glass and surface-treated plete phase separation to occur is that suffi-
carbon fibers (see Fig. 10-18). Remarkably, cient mobility and time exist for completion
this phase segregation is almost complete in of this diffusion process. For the fixed reac-
tion rate of the system, the viscosity of the
matrix plays a dominant role. If more than
30% epoxy is present, complete phase sep-
aration to the fiber surface is achieved and
a nearly neat PPE matrix results (see
Fig. 10-19). This is confirmed by transverse
flexural strength tests on unidirectional
composites which show that the maximum
properties are obtained as soon as a contin-
uous epoxy interphase is formed (see
Fig. 10-20).

Figure 10-18. SEM micrographs of fracture surfac- Figure 10-19. SEM micrographs of the fracture sur-
es of short-fiber-reinforced composites (17 vol.% face in a fiber-rich area of PPE/epoxy-based (40 wt.%
fibers) based on PPE/epoxy (56 wt.%, 25 phr Etha- epoxy, 55 phr M-CDEA) carbon-fabric reinforced
cure 100): (a) Grafil X-AS carbon fiber; (b) E-glass composite (50 vol.% fiber): (a) fiber (imprint); (b)
fiber. epoxy layer; (c) PPE matrix.
10.5 Example of an Intractable Polymer/Reactive Solvent System 539

150 the C-scan results after impact (see Fig.

10-22). The synergy found in the mode II
results can be explained by an apparent opti-
mal combination of brittle and ductile
matrix components. The brittle epoxy
phase, enclosing all the fibers, not only
yields a strong and well adhering interphase,
but also induces an increase of the deforma-
tion area of the crack and, consequently, of
the level of toughness, assuming that cracks
in the epoxy coating can initiate yielding in
the adjacent PPE matrix. Since the mode II
20 40 60 80 results of the interlaminar fracture tough-
Epoxy content (wt.%) ness tests relate linearly to the values of the
Figure 10-20. Transverse flexural strength (MPa) of practical (Boeing) compressive strength
unidirectional PPE/epoxy composites with a fiber vol- after impact (CSAI) (Cantwell and Morton,
ume fraction of 50 (open triangles) and 60% (closed 1991), they are of great practical impor-
triangles) versus the epoxy (DGEBA) content (wt.%) tance. Possibly, by the introduction of these
of the matrix.
brittle interphases, a method has been found
to toughen fiber-reinforced composites,
with a ductile thermoplastic matrix, beyond
the usual limits imposed by the presence of
rigid fibers.
The continuous variation of the proper-
ties of the interphases from glassy to rub-
bery can be realized by mixing DGEBA
with DGEPPO. Consequently, the macro-
scopic properties of the composites are
strongly influenced. Glassy interphases
20 40 60 80 100 were shown to be in favor of structural appli-
Epoxy content (wt.%) cations (mode II fracture toughness). On the
other hand, by increasing the ductility of the
Figure 10-21. Critical strain energy release rate GIc
of carbon-fabric reinforced composites (50 vol.% interphases, mode I fracture toughness is
fibers) versus the matrix composition: mode I (closed favored; superior Charpy impact values
circles) and mode II (open circles). were obtained and the transverse strength
and strain-at-break were significantly
improved. However, these ultimate trans-
Of all the properties measured [with typ- verse properties were obtained at the
ical values for the flexural moduli of 40 GPa expense of the compressive properties, due
and strength values of 0.7 GPa for this high to the low shear modulus of the interphase.
Tg (220 C), thermoplastic, 50% carbon- By changing the viscosity and the chemis-
fabric-reinforced composite], the impact try of the systems employed, e.g., by using
properties proved to be the most interesting, end-modified, low molar mass PPEs which
as shown by the mode I and II critical strain can co-react with the reactive solvent, the
energy release rates given in Fig. 10-21, and existing limits with respect to the diffusion-
540 10 Processing of Polymers Using Reactive Solvents



V 2 cm
Figure 10-22. Tensile face damage and schematic representation of C-scan images of carbon-fabric laminates
(50 vol.% fibers) impacted at an energy level of 9 J: (a) epoxy matrix; (b) PPE/epoxy matrix (40 wt.% epoxy).

controlled, complete phase separation could PMMA is brittle, with a low strain-at-break
be surpassed, and thinner interphases could and a poor impact performance. Upon de-
be realized. formation of PMMA and PS, crazing occurs
on a microscale and the small cracks which
appear in the material, perpendicular to the
10.6 Examples of Tractable stress direction, are bridged by numerous
Polymer/Reactive Solvent fibrils. The maximum elongation of these
Systems craze fibrils approaches the theoretical limit
estimated from the maximum draw ratio of
In this section, two polymer-reactive sol- an entanglement network, as shown by
vent systems will be discussed, in which the Kramer and Donald (1982). For example,
polymer is either amorphous (PMMA) or the molar mass between entanglements in
semicrystalline (HDPE), while the reactive the case of polystyrene is approximately
solvent is polymerized via a step-growth 20 kg/mol and, assuming that no chain slip-
(epoxy resin) or a chain-growth (styrene) page occurs through entanglements, the
polymerization, respectively. maximum draw ratio should be of the order
of 4, or equivalently a strain-at-break of
300%. In practice, however, polystyrene is
10.6.1 The Poly(methylmethacrylate)/
the paradigm of a brittle material with a
Epoxy System
macroscopic strain-at-break of 1 - 3 % . This
Poly(methylmethacrylate) (PMMA) is an paradox, a polymer possessing a loose
amorphous glassy polymer possessing a Tg entanglement network and a low macro-
of approximately 110 C. Like polystyrene, scopic strain-at-break, is discussed exten-
10.6 Examples of Tractable Polymer/Reactive Solvent Systems 541

sively by van der Sanden in Chap. 12 of this used to make tough and transparent PMMA
Volume. For the present discussion, we sim- via two routes. In route 1 PMMA was dis-
ply summarize that polystyrene is ductile solved in an epoxy resin, and in route 2 the
below a certain critical thickness, or equiv- monomer MMA was dissolved in epoxy
alently below a certain interparticle distance resin. In order to obtain finely dispersed rub-
(D Ic ).InChap. 12, Sec. 12.9, it is mentioned bery particles in a PMMA matrix via route
that submicrometer engineering foams, i.e., 1, the polymerization temperature proved to
materials possessing holes, or equivalently be crucial. It was stated that the polymeriza-
nonadhering submicrometer (rubbery) par- tion temperature Tp should be limited by
ticles, with an interparticle distance below
Tg (PMMA/epoxy) -20 C < Tp <
Dlc, are a great challenge for the future
r g (PMMA/epoxy) +20 C (10-3)
for toughening brittle glassy polymers. In
this respect, PMMA was mentioned as an As shown by Eq. (10-3), the Tgs of solu-
interesting candidate in addition to polysty- tions depend on the composition, i.e., in the
rene (see Chap. 12, Sec. 12.9). case of epoxy/PMMA solutions, the Tg will
In a recent Dutch patent application (Jan- increase during polymerization as a conse-
sen and van der Sanden, 1996), the process- quence of the conversion from epoxy resin
ing route involving reactive solvents was (the solvent for PMMA) into a thermoset

T = 60 C ;:v:."

Figure 10-23. The effect of curing tem-

perature on the morphology of the final
blend of 70 wt.% PMMA and 30 wt.%
542 10 Processing of Polymers Using Reactive Solvents

at lowering the viscosity. In this case, the

low viscosity solution can be cast or even
poured into a mold, which might be advan-
tageous for making large and complex struc-
tures, e.g., connectors for the cable indus-
try. The system polyethylene/styrene is dis-
cussed below, but we hasten to add that the
PE/styrene system is only used to serve the
purpose of demonstrating the structural
100 150
changes that take place as a result of CIPS
curing temperature [C]
(L-L) combined with crystallization (L-S).
Figure 10-24. Macroscopic strain-at-break of In actual practice, styrene is not a desirable
PMMA-epoxy (70/30) blend for different curing tem- solvent in view of environmental legisla-
peratures. tion, but other solvent systems are possible,
e.g., methacrylates. A detailed study con-
epoxy which is immiscible with PMMA. cerning the system PE/styrene has been car-
The morphology is the result of the rate of ried out Goossens and co-workers and is
polymerization versus the rate of coales- published extensively in his Ph.D. thesis
cence of the dispersed polymerizing epoxy (Goossens et al., 1996). Some salient fea-
phase. The more viscous the solution, i.e., tures are described below.
the closer to its 7\, the less coalescence is
to be expected. In actual practice, it is rath- Miscibility of Polyethylene
er difficult to follow the Tg of the system
and Styrene
from the reaction temperature profile, and,
as a compromise, the curing of epoxy in the As discussed in Sec. 10.4, it is of impor-
case of PMMA/epoxy systems is performed tance to know the phase behavior of the
at a low temperature, i.e., at a relatively high polymer/solvent system to be processed.
viscosity. The effect of the curing tempera- The experimental melting (dissolution) and
ture is striking. This is demonstrated in crystallization curves of polyethylene (in
Fig. 10-23, where the lower the polymeriza- this case a linear polyethylene possessing a
tion temperature, the finer the particle sizes molar mass, Mw, of 75 kg mol"1) in styrene,
of the dispersed epoxy particles. In Fig. as a function of the composition, are shown
10-24, the corresponding mechanical prop- in Fig. 10-25. Experimental melting or dis-
erties are shown and it can be seen that the solution curves are commonly analyzed
strain-at-break increases with decreasing using the well-known melting point depres-
particle size, or equivalently a smaller inter- sion relationship based on the Flory-Hug-
particle distance. gins lattice theory [see Eq. (10-2)].
As can be discerned from Fig. 10-25,
there is no indication of interference with
10.6.2 The Polyethylene/Styrene System
L-L demixing, as reported by Richards
In contrast with the polyphenylene (1946), Roginova and Slonimskii (1974),
ether/epoxy system, where a reactive sol- and Nakajima et al. (1966) for several
vent is used to lower the processing temper- PE-solvent systems. In conclusion, styrene
ature, the use of a reactive solvent in the case is a good solvent for PE at elevated temper-
of high-density polyethylene (PE) is aimed atures (Goossens et al., 1996).
10.6 Examples of Tractable Polymer/Reactive Solvent Systems 543

140 sented in Fig. 10-26B and D as three-

dimensional plots of intensity, 1(26), versus
the scattering angle 20, versus time. All the
SAXS patterns in Fig. 10-27 A, C, E, and F
initially show little scattering, indicative of
homogeneous solutions, as is to be expect-
ed from the phase diagram (Fig. 10-25).
During polymerization, all of the scattering
20 40 60 80 100 patterns gradually change. At a polymeriza-
PE content [wt.%] tion temperature of 120 C, the WAXS pat-
Figure 10-25. Experimental (V) and calculated (T)
tern observed at a later stage of the polymer-
equilibrium melting temperatures as a function of the ization process shows the characteristics
composition using literature values for the various 110 and 200 reflections and the reflections
parameters in Eq. (10-2). of the higher orders of the orthorhombic PE
unit cell (see Fig. 10-26 B and D). No
WAXS pattern is observed at 125 C, as
explained above. There is a noticeable dif- Morphology Development ference between the development of the
as Revealed by Small Angle X-Ray scattering patterns of the 20 and 60 wt.%
Scattering (SAXS) and Wide Angle PE/styrene solutions at 120 C. For the
X-Ray Scattering (WAXS) 20 wt.% systems, amonotonically decaying
In situ simultaneous SAXS and WAXS pattern is observed, and careful analysis
data collected during isothermal polymer- showed (Goossens et al., 1996) that the
ization at the Synchroton Radiation Source intensity is linearly dependent on the square
(SRS) in Daresbury (U.K.), during isother- of time, indicative of a nucleation and
mal polymerization, are shown in Fig. growth mechanism (binodal decomposi-
10-26 at two temperatures, 120 and 125 C, tion), according to Lipatov et al. (1985).
respectively. At a polymerization tempera- The 60 wt.% solution, on the other hand,
ture, Tp, of 125 C, no crystallization is shows a distinct maximum moving to lower
expected (see also Fig. 10-25), since Tp is q values with increasing polymerization
above the crystallization curve and only time. This periodic microstructure could be
L-L demixing can occur during polymeriza- indicative of a spinodal-type of phase-sep-
tion. At a polymerization temperature of aration process. According to the (linear-
120 C, crystallization can occur at a later ized) Cahn-Hilliard theory (Cahn, 1963),
stage of the polymerization process when concentration fluctuations with a dominant
the crystallization temperature of PE in wave number will grow giving rise to a peri-
residual styrene exceeds Tp (see also odic microstructure. More detailed informa-
Fig. 10-25). tion was obtained by Goossens by analyz-
The SAXS data (see Fig. 10-26 A, C, E, ing the data based on a simple two-phase
and F) are presented as three-dimensional model and making use of the experimental
plots of intensity, /(#), versus the scattering, invariant g, defined as <2 = 0i<?V(Pi~P2)2>
vector, q = (4n/X) sin 0, where 26is the scat- where 0 is the volume fraction and p is the
tering angle, as a function of the polymer- electron density. For the 20 wt.% PE
ization time. The WAXS data for the poly- systems, a maximum in the experimental
merization temperature of 120C are pre- invariant is found in the early stages of the
544 10 Processing of Polymers Using Reactive Solvents



- 40
20 10 60
Time [min]
q [I/A]
Time [min]


Time [min]

x10 x10

=i 0.8-
f; o.6~
w 0.4-
100 c 100
oJ 80
0.01 0.01
Time [min] 0.03 Time [min]
0.04 0.04
q [I/A]
Figure 10-26. SAXS (A, C, E, and F) and WAXS (B and D) data collected during isothermal polymerization at
120C (A, B, C, and D) and 125 C (E and F) for different polyethylene contents (20 wt.% PE in A, B, and E,
and 60 wt.% in C, D, and F).

L-L phase separation. Because the electron final value of 0.2. The invariant reaches a
density contrast, (P1-P2X between the PE- maximum close to equal phase volumes. For
rich and PS-rich regions only increases dur- the polymerization at 120 C, a second max-
ing the polymerization, the maximum must imum in the invariant is observed. This orig-
be attributed to changes in the volume frac- inates from the crystallization of PE. The
tions of the two phases. The volume frac- experimental invariants of the 60 wt.% PE
tion of the PE-rich phase ranges from 1.0 systems do not show a maximum, because
before the onset of L-L phase separation to the phase volumes do not become equal.
10.7 Concluding Remarks and Future Outlook 545

;\ Morphology as Revealed
by Electron Microscopy
Some representative TEM micrographs
of PE/PS blends are presented in Fig.
10-27 A, B, and C. The micrograph of the
20 wt.% PE system (Fig. 10-27 A) clearly
shows a phase-separated and phase-invert-
ed morphology of dispersed PS particles in
a matrix of PE. Considering the polydisper-
sity of the PS particles size, the morpholo-
gy is the result of a binodal type of phase
separation, as discussed in the previous sec-
tion. The micrographs of the 60 wt.% PE
systems clearly show the difference be-
tween the phase-separation mechanisms
(see Fig. 10-27B and C). For this system,
the PS is not dispersed as isolated particles,
but the co-continuous-like structures con-
firm the X-ray observations of spinodal-like
phase separation.

10.7 Concluding Remarks

and Future Outlook
The processing of polymers using reac-
tive solvents (monomers) is an extremely
versatile technique with respect to the crea-
tion of unique morphologies. In the case of
amorphous polymers, as illustrated previ-
ously for the PPE/epoxy system, the dis-
14 persed epoxy phase can migrate to the fiber
surface upon curing the PPE/epoxy resin in
Figure 10-27. Transmission electron micrographs
showing the polyethylene/polystyrene blends after
the presence of (polar) fibers. In the case of
complete polymerization at 120 and 125C, respec- PMMA/epoxy, the particle size of the dis-
tively: (A) polystyrene particles dispersed in a poly- persed thermoset epoxy phase can be con-
ethylene matrix obtained by polymerization at 120 C trolled by optimizing the polymerization
with 20 wt.% PE in styrene; (B) as (A), but at a high- temperature, resulting in tough and trans-
er PE concentration of 60 wt.% and (C) 60 wt.% at
125 C.
parent PMMA/epoxy blends. In the case of
a crystalline polymer, as shown for the poly-
ethylene/styrene system, a multitude of
structures can be created by the proper
choice of the phase-separation processes,
i.e., liquid-liquid or liquid-solid demixing.
546 10 Processing of Polymers Using Reactive Solvents

In this chapter, although only a few exam- 10.8 References

ples were presented, it is clear that in the Arnauts, J., Berghmans, H. (1987), Polymer 28, 66.
near future many more systems will be Arnauts, J., Berghmans, H., Koningsveld, R. (1993),
explored in view of the many possibilities Makromol Chem. 194, 11.
Berghmans, H., Arnauts, J. (1987), Polymer 28, 97.
for dissolving both intractable and tractable Bikales, N. M. (1985), in: Encyclopedia of Polymer
polymers in reactive solvents. In addition, Science and Engineering, 2nd ed., Vol. 3: Mark,
the process is not limited to polymers/reac- H. F., Bikales, N. M., Overberger, C. G., Menges,
G. (Eds.). New York: Wiley, p. 549.
tive solvents but monomers can be consid- Blackwell, J., Biswas, A. (1987), in: Developments in
ered as well, for example, MMA/epoxy (res- Oriented Polymers-2: Ward, I. W. (Ed.). Amster-
ins) or caprolactam/PPE (where nylon-6 dam: Elsevier Applied Science, pp. 153-199.
Cahn, J. W. (1963), /. Chem. Phys. 42, 93.
forms the continuous phase). Moreover, the Cantwell, W. J., Morton, J. (1991), Composites 22,
ultimate need for complete conversion, as is 347.
essential in standard reactive processing Ciferri, A. (1987), in: Developments in Oriented Poly-
mers-2: Ward, I. M. (Ed.). Amsterdam: Elsevier
techniques, is altered in the present process- Applied Science, p. 79.
ing techniques. After molding, the system Couchman, P. R. (1983), Macromolecules 16, 1924.
can usually be vitrified and postcured out- de Graaf, L. (1994), Ph. D. Thesis, University of
Twente, The Netherlands.
side the mold, permitting the feasibility of Flory, P. J. (1956), Principles of Polymer Chemistry.
short(er) cycle times. Ithaca, NY: Cornell University Press.
At present, the processing of polymers Fox, T. G. (1956), Bull. Am. Phys. Soc. 2, 123.
Fujita, H. (1990), in: Studies in Polymer Science,
with reactive solvents is limited to in mold Vol. 9. Amsterdam: Elsevier.
casting and curing (polymerization). The Garg, A. C , Mai, Y. (1988), Compos. Sci. Technol. 31,
process is based on CIPS and phase inver- 179.
Goossens, H., Rastogi, S., Meijer, H. E. H., Lemstra,
sion, which take place in the mold during P. J. (1996), unpublished.
polymerization. This in-mold operation dif- Hedrick, J. C , Patel, N. M., McGrath, J. E. (1993),
ferentiates our processing route from seem- Adv. Chem. Ser. 223, 293.
Jansen, B. J. P., van der Sanden, M. C. M. (1996),
ingly identical processes, at least from a Dutch Patent Application.
physical chemistry point of view, involving Koningsveld, R., Stockmayer, W., Nies, E. L. F.
chemically induced phase separation and (1996), Thermodynamics of Polymer Systems,
Vol. I, Phase Diagrams. Oxford: Oxford University
phase inversion, which occur in the reactor. Press, in press.
For example, a classical approach to tough- Kramer, E. J., Donald, A. M. (1982), Polymer 23, 461;
en glassy polymers like polystyrene is to 23, 1183.
dissolve polybutadiene rubber in styrene Levita, G. (1989), Adv. Chem. Ser. 222, 93.
Lipatov, Y. S., Grigor'yeva, O. P., Kovernick, G. P.,
monomer (high-impact polystyrene) (Rod- Shilov, V V, Sergryeva, L. M. (1985), Makromol.
riguez, 1983). During polymerization, Chem. 186, 1401.
grafting and phase separation occur. Due to Mulhaupt, R. (1990), Chimia 44, 43.
Nakajima, A., Fujiwara, H., Hamada, F. J. (1966),
grafting, the morphology is fixed, which is Polym. Sci.: Part A2, 4,501.
essential in view of the fact that the mor- Nelissen, L., Meijer, E. W., Lemstra, P. J. (1992), Poly-
phology within the pellets should survive mer 33, 3734.
Nies, E., Berghmans, H. (1996), private communica-
the subsequent processing step by the con- tions.
verter (see also Sec. 10.2.3). Pearson, R. A. (1993), Adv. Chem. Ser. 223, 405.
Richards, R. B. (1946), Trans. Faraday Soc. 42, 10.
Rodriguez, F. (1983), Principles of Polymer Systems.
New York: McGraw-Hill.
Roginova, L. Z., Slonimskii, G. L. (1974), Russian
Chem. Rev. 43, 1102.
Smith, P. (1976), Ph. D. Thesis, Groningen.
Sperling, L. H. (1994), Adv. Chem. Ser. 239,3.
10.8 References 547

Stoks, W., Berghmans, H. (1991), J. Polym. ScL: Part Venderbosch, R. W., Meijer, H. E. H., Lemstra, P. J.
B: Polym. Phys. 29, 609. (1994), Polymer 35, 4349.
Stoks, W., Berghmans, H., Moldenaers, P., Mewis, J. Venderbosch, R. W., Meijer, H. E. H., Lemstra, P. J.
(1988), Br. Polym. J. 20, 361. (1995a), Polymer 36, 1167.
Thayer, A. M. (1995), Chem. Eng. News 11, 15. Venderbosch, R. W., Meijer, H. E. H., Lemstra, P. J.
Vandeweerdt, P., Berghmans, H., Tervoort, Y. (1991), (1995 b), Polymer 36, 2903.
Macromolecules 24, 3547. Verchere, D., Pascault, J. P., Sautereau, H., Moschiar,
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ven. /. Appl. Polym. ScL 43, 293.
11 High-Modulus and High-Strength Fibers Based
on Flexible Macromolecules
Cees W. M. Bastiaansen

Eindhoven Polymer Laboratories/Centre for Polymers and Composites,

Eindhoven University of Technology, Eindhoven, The Netherlands
ETH Zurich, Institut fur Polymere, Zurich, Switzerland

List of Symbols and Abbreviations 552

11.1 Introduction 554
11.2 The Ultimate Stiffness, Strength, and Drawability
of Flexible Polymers 556
11.2.1 The Theoretical Young's Modulus 556
11.2.2 The Theoretical Tensile Strength 558
11.2.3 The Theoretical Maximum-Attainable Draw Ratio 559
11.3 Spinning, Ultradrawing, and Properties of Linear Polyethylene 560
11.3.1 The Spinning Process 560
11.3.2 The Drawing Behavior of Linear Polyethylenes 562
11.3.3 The Young's Modulus of Ultradrawn Polyethylenes 565
11.3.4 The Tensile Strength of Ultradrawn Polyethylenes 566 The Morphological and Molecular Approach 566 Other Approaches 568 Remarks 569
11.3.5 Miscellaneous Properties 569
11.4 The Drawing Behavior and Properties
of Flexible Semicrystalline Polymers 570
11.4.1 The Drawing Behavior and Properties of Semicrystalline Apolar Polymers 570
11.4.2 The Drawing Behavior and Properties of Semicrystalline Polar Polymers . 570
11.4.3 The Drawing Behavior and Properties of Semiflexible Polyimides 573
11.5 Outlook 574
11.6 Acknowledgements 574
11.7 References 574

Materials Science and Technology

Copyright WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co KGaA. Allrightsreserved.
552 11 High-Modulus and High-Strength Fibers Based on Flexible Macromolecules

List of Symbols and Abbreviations

A cross-sectional area
C modulus
d diameter
E Young's modulus
F force
I length
A/ length change
original length
m constant
M molecular weight
Mn number-average molecular weight
Mw weight-average molecular weight
n constant
An birefringence
Q polydispersity
s compliance
t thickness
T temperature
T glass transition temperature
Ug internal energy

e strain
9 angle
X draw ratio
2 maximum-attainable draw ratio
(7 stress
tensile strength
polymer concentration in solution

BPDA biphenyltetracarboxylic dianhydride

HP high performance
ILSS interlaminar shear strength
i-PP isotactic polypropylene
PA polyamide
PAN polyacrylonitrile
PE polyethylene
PECO polyketone
PEEK polyetheretherketone
PEO polyethyleneoxide
PET polyethyleneterephthalate
PI polyimide
POM polyoxymethylene
PP polypropylene
List of Symbols and Abbreviations 553

PPTA poly(/?-phenylene terephthalamide)

PPX polyparaxylylene
PTFE polytetrafluorethylene
PVOH, PVAL poly(vinylalcohol)
RT room temperature
TTM taut-tie molecules
UHMW-PE ultrahigh molecular weight polyethylene
UHS ultrahigh strength
UV ultraviolet
554 11 High-Modulus and High-Strength Fibers Based on Flexible Macromolecules

11.1 Introduction The first route was discovered by Kwo-

lek(Kwolek, 1972;Kwoleket al., 1977) and
Conventional polymers like polyolefins, is based on the experimental observation
polyamides, and polyesters consist of flex- that intrinsically rigid macromolecules,
ible macromolecules which adopt a random- such as PPTA [poly(p-phenylene tereph-
coil conformation in the (quiescent) melt or thalamide)], form liquid crystalline nemat-
solution. In the solid state, the random coil ic solutions above a certain critical concen-
is preserved in the case of amorphous poly- tration; these can be spun and oriented in an
mers. In the case of semicrystalline poly- elongational flow field. After quenching
mers, the coils tend to adopt a folded-chain and extraction of the solvent, highly orient-
conformation. One of the main characteris- ed fibers are obtained with excellent me-
tics of polymers is that the chemical bond- chanical properties. Nowadays, PPTA
ing is strong along the chain, whereas weak fibers are produced on an industrial scale by
interactions (van der Waals bonds, hydro- Dupont (Kevlar) and Akzo Nobel (Twaron),
gen bonds) usually exist between the chains. possessing Young's moduli and tensile
As a consequence, the Young's modulus of strengths of approximately 75-150 GPa
isotropic, flexible macromolecules is not and 2.5-3.5 GPa, respectively.
impressive compared to those of inorganic The second approach to produce high
materials such as metals, glasses, and modulus and high strength fibers is based
ceramics (Table 11-1). However, over the on intrinsically flexible macromolecules. A
past two decades impressive progress has large variety of techniques has been devel-
been made in exploiting the intrinsic oped to orient these flexible macromole-
properties of the macromolecular chain, cules and to obtain high modulus and high
especially in the field of (almost) one- strength structures (Fig. 11-1). References
dimensional objects such as fibers. Two dif- to typical examples of techniques to produce
ferent routes have been used to produce high stiffness and high strength structures
fibers with properties that approach the are listed in the footnote. A large range of
inherent stiffness and strength of the mac- synthetic polymers were investigated in the
romolecular backbone of polymers. described processes l.

Table 11-1. Stiffness (Young's modulus) of mate- Typical examples of techniques to produce high
rials. stiffness and high strength structures are: solid-state
(co-)extrusion (Southern, 1970 a, b; Southern et al.,
Material Young's modulus 1972; Zachariades and Porter, 1979; Zachariades
(GPa) et al., 1979; Kanamoto and Porter, 1983; Kanamoto
et al., 1988; Kanamoto, 1990), surface growth tech-
Rubber <0.1 niques (Zwijnenburg and Pennings, 1975, 1976 a, b),
zone-drawing techniques (Kunugi et al., 1979, 1981,
Amorphous thermoplast, T<Tg 2-4
1982 a, b), drawing of as-polymerized, nascent poly-
Semicrystalline thermoplasts 0.1-4 mers (Smith et al., 1985, 1987; Rotzingeret al., 1989;
Wood (fiber direction) 15 van der Werff and Pennings, 1988), swell-spinning
Bone 20 and ultradrawing (Mackley and Solbai, 1987), melt-
Aluminum 70 spinning and ultradrawing (Capaccio and Ward, 1973,
Glass 70 1974, 1975 a, b, 1976; Wu and Black, 1979, 1980),
Steel 200 and solution-spinning and ultradrawing (Smith and
Ceramics 500 Lemstra 1979a, b, 1980a, b, c, 1981; Smith et al.,
Carbon fiber 500-800 1979 a, b, 1981). Flexible semicrystalline polymers,
which were investigated in the above-described tech-
Diamond 1200 niques, are polyethylene (PE, see references above),
11.1 Introduction 555

/ processing
\ solution (gel)

x low temperature ^g=p|^p virgin polymer processing

polymerization drawing

liquid crystal J||1|

(3) polymerization
(4) crystallization solid-state polymerization


Figure 11-1. Schematic representation of techniques to generate oriented and chain-extended structures based
on flexible polymers. (Courtesy of P. Smith, ETH, Zurich, Switzerland; in part after S. Minami, Toray.)

This research effort resulted in several A complete and detailed overview of all
commercial high modulus and high strength the studies would be an enormous task and
fibers which are produced by Hoechst- is considered outside the scope of this chap-
Celanese (Tenfor), DSM/Toyobo (Dynee- ter. We will limit ourselves to basic princi-
ma), and Allied (Spectra). Particularly in the ples and highlights from a fundamental or
case of Dyneema and Spectra, the proper- applied point of view. The main part of this
ties of these fibers, with respect to the chapter focuses on a single polymer, i.e., lin-
Young's modulus (100-150GPa) and the ear polyethylene. This choice was made
strength ( 3 - 4 GPa), surpass even those of partly because linear polyethylenes are by
Kevlar and/or Twaron (Fig. 11-2). far the most extensively studied materials,
and partly because the principles as derived
for this polymer are, to some extent, appli-
polypropylene (PP) (Williams, 1973; Kunugi et al., cable to other semicrystalline polymers.
1983; Peguy and St. J. Manley, 1984), polyoxymethy-
lene (POM) (Clark and Scott, 1974; Nakamea et al., Moreover, we will limit ourselves to melt-
1990a), poly(ethyleneterephthalate) (PET) (Pereira and solution-spinning techniques in combi-
and Porter, 1983a, b; Kunugi et al., 1981, 1986), nation with ultradrawing. This latter choice
poly(vinylalcohol) (PVOH) (Schellekens et al., 1986;
Mokveld and Schellekens, 1986; Kunugi and Kawa- was made based on purely practical consid-
sumi, 1988), polyamides (PA) (Gogolevski and Pen- erations, e.g., (i) the processes resemble
nings, 1985; Hofman et al., 1989), polyethyleneoxide conventional fiber spinning operations, and
(PEO) (Kim and Porter, 1985; Mitchell and Porter,
1985; Roberts and Jenekhe, 1990), polyetheretherke- (ii) multifilament fibers can be produced on
tone (PEEK) (Lee et al., 1988), polyketone (PECO) an industrial scale. First, the ultimate prop-
(Lommerts, 1994), polyparaxylylene (PPX) (van der erties of linear polyethylene with respect to
Werff and Pennings, 1988), polyimides (PI) (Kaneda
etal., 1986a, b; Cheng et al., 1991) and polytetra- modulus, strength, and drawability are dis-
fluorethylene (PTFE) (Matsuo et al., 1993). cussed (Sec. 11.2). Subsequently, experi-
556 11 High-Modulus and High-Strength Fibers Based on Flexible Macromolecules

Figure 11-2. Specific

strength versus specific
modulus of high perfor-
mance fibers (Lemstra
etal., 1987 a). (Specific
strength = strength/density;
specific modulus = mod-
50 100 150 200 250

mental routes to approach the ultimate (At/) associated with a length change (A/)
properties and to produce high modulus and in the chain direction. The force (F) required
high strength fibers are discussed (Sec. to maintain a certain length change is given
11.3). Finally, developments concerning by the gradient of the internal energy func-
high modulus and high strength fibers based tion [Eq. (11-1)]. The modulus is calculat-
on polymers other than linear polyethylene ed from the ratio of the stress (a = F/A) to
are discussed in Sec. 11.4. the strain (e = Al/l0) at a strain which
approaches zero

11.2 The Ultimate Stiffness, F = dU

Strength, and Drawability (11-1)
E = dd
of Flexible Polymers dill o dl2

11.2.1 The Theoretical Young's Modulus The values of the theoretical Young's
modulus of polyethylene exhibit consider-
The theoretical Young's modulus of a per- able scatter (180-340 GPa) which is main-
fectly oriented polymer is usually derived ly caused by assumptions with respect to the
from semi-empirical or ab initio theoretical internal energy function.
calculation (Treloar, 1960; Shimanouchi Estimates of the maximum Young's mod-
etal., 1962; Odajima and Madea, 1966; ulus of semicrystalline polymers can also be
Frank, 1970; Wobser and Blasenbrey, 1970; derived from X-ray diffraction studies on
Perepelkin, 1972; Tashiro et al., 1978). The oriented fibers during mechanical load-
theoretical Young's modulus of a complete- ing (Nakamea et al., 1988, 1990a, b, 1991;
ly extended polymer chain can be calculat- Nakamea and Nishino, 1991). The strain in
ed from the change in the internal energy the oriented polymeric crystal is derived
11.2 The Ultimate Stiffness, Strength, and Drawability of Flexible Polymers 557

from the change in 001 spacing of the crys- is useful to consider the influence of, for
tal upon loading. The Young's modulus (E) instance, misalignment and crystal discon-
is calculated from the ratio of the macro- tinuity on the theoretical modulus of orient-
scopic stress (a) to the strain () in the crys- ed structures. The complete stiffness matrix
tal (E=a/e), i.e., a homogeneous distribu- of polyethylene single crystals was calcu-
tion of stress is assumed in the fibers. Usu- lated by Tashiro et al. (1978) [Eq. (11-2)]
ally, the Young's modulus calculated from
X-ray measurements (-240 GPa) is low in 7.99 3.28 1.13 0 0 0
comparison to the theoretical values. How- 3.28 9.92 2 .14 0 0 0
ever, it is obvious that the theoretical 1.13 2.14 3 .16 0 0 0
Young's modulus of polyethylene in the 0 0 0 3 .19 0 0
chain direction is indeed extremely high 0 0 0 0 1.62 0
(>200 GPa). 0 0 0 0 0 3.62
Theoretical Young's moduli (based on X- (11-2)
ray diffraction) of a range of semicrystalline From the stiffness matrix, the angular de-
flexible polymers are listed in Table 11-2. pendence of the Young's modulus of a sin-
This table shows that the theoretical gle crystal can be calculated [Eq. (11-3)]
Young's modulus of polyethylene is high in (Ward, 1985)
comparison to most other flexible polymers,
which is primarily due to the small cross-
sectional area of the polyethylene chain and = (S nsin4 0 + 2 Sl3cos2 0 sin2 6
to the planar zig-zag configuration of the + S33cos40- 2S35cos36 sin 0 (11-3)
polyethylene backbone. However, polyeth- 3 2 2
- 5 15 cos 0 sin 6 + S55 cos 0 sin 0)
ylene is far from unique, i.e., polymers such
as poly(vinylalcohol) and polyamide-6 also A typical result of such calculations is
possess a high theoretical Young's modulus. shown in Fig. 11-3. This figure shows that
In principle, the theoretical Young's mod- polyethylene single crystals are highly
ulus of polymeric crystals is calculated anisotropic with respect to the Young's
assuming a continuous, defect-free crystal modulus, which is primarily caused by the
which is perfectly oriented in the test direc- low shear and transverse moduli of the
tion. This highly idealized structure cannot crystal [Eq. (11-2)]. The low shear and
be mimicked in reality, and consequently it transverse moduli originate from the weak
intermolecular interactions (van der Waals
bonds) in polyethylene crystals. Moreover,
Table 11-2. X-ray diffraction moduli of some semi- this figure illustrates the need for a low mis-
crystalline polymers. match angle between the chain and test
Material X-ray Reference directions (or a high orientation) to obtain
modulus structures with a high Young's modulus.
(GPa) Usually, it is assumed that oriented fibers
PE 235 Nakameaetal. (1991)
are discontinuous with respect to the crys-
PVOH 230 Nakamea and Nishino (1991) tal structure (Fischer and Goddar, 1969;
PET 110 Nakameaetal. (1988) Peterlin, 1978; Dijkstra and Pennings, 1988;
PA-6 174 Matsuoetal. (1993) Prevorseket al., 1993). Moreover, it is often
PP 40 Sawatari and Matsuo (1989) assumed that a homogeneous distribution of
POM 73 Nakameaetal. (1990a)
stress exists between separate structural ele-
558 11 High-Modulus and High-Strength Fibers Based on Flexible Macromolecules

400 1985). The result of such an averaging pro-

cedure is strongly influenced by the largest
compliance or lowest Young's modulus of a
300 separate structural element. Of course, this
CD further emphasizes the need for a high
degree of structural perfection and orienta-
200 tion to generate structures with Young's
moduli that approach the theoretical values.
> 100
11.2.2 The Theoretical Tensile Strength
In the past, a variety of studies has been
devoted to the theoretical tensile strength of
30 60 90 oriented and chain-extended structures in
the chain direction (Zhirnov et al., 1969;
angle [degree]
Mark, 1971; Perepelkin, 1972; Boudreaux,
Figure 11-3. Young's modulus of polyethylene crys- 1973; Kausch, 1978; He, 1986; Kelly and
tals as a function of the angle between chain and test
direction (Bastiaansen, 1991).
Macmillan, 1986). The theoretical tensile
strength of a single extended polymer chain
can be calculated directly from the C-C
ments (Irvine and Smith, 1986; Dijkstra and bond energy. These calculations show that
Pennings, 1988). In Fig. 11-4, a hypotheti- the theoretical tensile strengths are extreme-
cal structure is shown consisting of discon- ly high (19-66 GPa). These values for the
tinuous, defect-free crystals with an imper- theoretical tensile strength are, in general,
fect uniaxial orientation. In the case of uni- considered to represent the absolute upper
form stress distribution, the Young's mod- limit. In an array of chain-extended polyeth-
ulus of an aggregate of crystals can be ylene macromolecules, these theoretical
calculated by averaging the compliances of values are only approached if all C-C bonds
the separate elements (Reuss, 1929; Ward, fracture simultaneously and this requires a
(virtually) defect-free, fully chain-extended
A more realistic approach was used in
studies on the theoretical tensile strength of
a perfectly oriented array of macromole-
cules with a finite molecular weight (Ter-
monia et al., 1985, 1986), i.e., one type of
defect (chain ends) is present in the struc-
ture. Termonia and co-workers used Monte-
Carlo simulations to model the fracture
behavior of both low and high molecular
weight, perfectly oriented continuous crys-
tals. Both chain slippage and chain rupture
were considered by introducing a stress-
Figure 11-4. Hypothetical aggregate of oriented sin- dependent activation barrier for rupture of
gle crystals with an imperfect uniaxial orientation. both inter- and intramolecular bonds. It was
11.2 The Ultimate Stiffness, Strength, and Drawability of Flexible Polymers 559

found that the molecular weight (or number orientation and chain extension are generat-
of chain ends) has a profound influence on ed in melt- and solution-spun fibers by two
both the fracture mechanism and the theo- different methods: (i) applying a drawdown
retical tensile strength of these hypothetical to the fibers during or immediately after
structures. It was shown that chain slippage spinning, and (ii) the solid-state drawing of
prevails at a low molecular weight, and fibers at temperatures below the melting or
this results in a low theoretical tensile dissolution temperature. A drawdown is
strength (Mn = 20 kg/mol, C7t = 1 - 3 GPa). applied to the polymer in the melt or solu-
At high molecular weights, fracture was tion and, consequently, nonaffine deforma-
initiated by the rupture of C-C bonds in the tion and relaxation of the orientation occur,
vicinity of a stress concentration (chain end) which reduce the effectiveness of the draw-
and this resulted in high tensile strength ing process (Mackley and Keller, 1975;
(Mn = 300 kg/mol, crt= 10-12 GPa). Inter- Mackley and Sapsford, 1982; Lemstra and
mediate fracture mechanisms combining Kirschbaum, 1985). In the case of solid-
chain slippage and chain rupture are ob- state drawing, relaxation phenomena are
served at intermediate molecular weights. restricted by the presence of polymeric crys-
Several approaches to estimate the theo- tals and, consequently, solid-state draw-
retical tensile strength of solution-spun, ing is considered far more effective at gen-
ultradrawn UHMW-PE fibers from experi- erating orientation and chain extension in
mental data were also proposed. For in- fibers.
stance, experimental results on the influ- Usually, it is assumed that the molecular
ence of the fiber diameter on the tensile and macroscopic deformation are identical
strength of UHMW-PE fibers were extra- in solid-state drawing, i.e., it is assumed that
polated to zero fiber diameter, and it the (pseudo-)affine deformation scheme
was estimated that the theoretical tensile is valid. The (pseudo-)affine deformation
strength of drawn UHMW-PE is approxi- scheme was originally derived for chemi-
mately 26 GPa (Smook et al., 1984). Also, cally crosslinked rubbers and relates the
the influence of the fraction of taut-tie average orientation of statistical chain seg-
molecules on the tensile strength was inves- ments (cos2 6) to a single external parame-
tigated, and a theoretical tensile strength of ter: the macroscopic draw ratio [Eq. (11-4)]
approximately 30 GPa was obtained using (Grim and Kuhn, 1942)
certain extrapolation procedures (Penning
et al., 1990; Penning, 1994). Both estimat- (11-4)
ed values for the theoretical tensile strength
are within the range of the theoretical
-arctan((A 3 -l) l/2 )
values for a single chain-extended poly-
ethylene chain.
In Eq. (11-4), the draw ratio (X) is defined
as the ratio of the length of a fiber after draw-
11.2.3 The Theoretical Maximum-
ing (/) to the original length of the fiber (/0).
Attainable Draw Ratio
The (pseudo-)affine deformation scheme
The requirements to produce high mod- simplifies the quest for obtaining a high
ulus and high strength fibers with respect to orientation and chain extension to a single
a high degree of chain orientation and exten- objective, i.e., the sole requirement for a
sion are virtually undisputed. Traditionally, high degree of chain orientation is a high
560 11 High-Modulus and High-Strength Fibers Based on Flexible Macromolecules

maximum-attainable draw ratio (see foot- 150

note in Sec. 11.3.3).
The maximum-attainable draw ratio of
semicrystalline polymers was calculated on
the basis of the ratio of the thickness of S 100

chain-folded lamellae (t) to the effective

chain diameter (d) (Peterlin, 1978). In the o

case of linear polyethylene, t and d are E

respectively 200 and 5 A (20 and 0.5 nm) 1 50
and, consequently, this results in a maxi-
mum-attainable draw ratio of approximate-
ly 40. In a second approach, it is assumed
that the theoretical maximum-attainable
draw ratio is determined by the ratio of the 100 1000
extended-chain length of the polymer to the
Molecular weight [kg/mol]
root mean square end-to-end distance of an
unperturbed random coil. The extended- Figure 11-5. Theoretical maximum-attainable draw
ratio: (a) unperturbed random coils, (b) chain-folded
chain length of a polymer scales with the
lamellae. The two horizontal lines indicate the esti-
molecular weight and the end-to-end dis- mated range (Lemstra and Kirschbaum, 1985).
tance with the square root of the molecular
weight and, consequently, it is predicted that
the theoretical maximum-attainable draw
ratio scales with the molecular weight 11.3 Spinning, Ultradrawing,
[Eq. (11-5)] (Kanamoto et al., 1983; Smith and Properties
et al., 1984; Irvine and Smith, 1986) of Linear Polyethylene
M 0.5 CH-5)
In the previous sections, the ultimate
The theoretical maximum-attainable properties of polyethylene with respect to
draw ratio of linear polyethylene is plotted modulus, strength, and draw ratio were dis-
in Fig. 11-5 as a function of the molecular cussed on the basis of a variety of hypothet-
weight of the polymer. A rather large dis- ical structures. On purpose, virtually all
crepancy is observed in the theoretical esti- experimental procedures to approach these
mates of the maximum-attainable draw ultimate properties were omitted. In this
ratio, especially at high molecular weights. section, topics such as spinning, drawabil-
However, in both cases the theoretical ity, stiffness, and strength are discussed
maximum-attainable draw ratio is high in again, but this time from a more experimen-
comparison with the draw ratios that are tal point of view.
applied in conventional fiber-spinning oper-
ations for polyamides, polyesters, polypro-
11.3.1 The Spinning Process
pylene, etc. (3<A<10).
Polymers such as poly(vinylalcohol) and
poly(acrylonitrile) possess a degradation
temperature below the melting temperature
and, consequently, are traditionally spun
from solutions (dry or wet spinning)
11.3 Spinning, Ultradrawing, and Properties of Linear Polyethylene 561

(Mclntyre and Denton, 1986). In general, used in the production of high modulus and
these polymers possess a rather low mo- high strength UHMW-PE fibers. A co-
lecular weight and homogeneous solutions rotating twin-screw extruder is used to ob-
can be produced quite easily. In the case tain homogeneous solutions of UHMW-PE
of linear polyethylene, extremely high mo- in xylene, decalin, or paraffin oil/wax (res-
lecular weight polymers [ultrahigh molec- idence time in the extruder 5-20 min). The
ular weight polyethylene (UHMW-PE) highly viscous and viscoelastic UHMW-PE
M w > 8 x 105 g/mol] are used to obtain high solutions can be spun quite easily at high
modulus and high strength fibers (see Sec. spinning speeds, provided that care is taken
11.3.2, 11.3.3, and 11.3.4); these polymers in the design of the spinnerets to prevent
cannot be spun from the melt due to their any of the typical viscoelastic flow distur-
high melt viscosity. The production of ho- bances that can occur in this kind of solu-
mogeneous solutions of UHMW-PE in sol- tion. Moreover, both wet and dry spinning
vents like xylene, decalin, or paraffin oil/wax can be performed, depending on the choice
in a conventional batch-scale fiber spinning of solvent (or other desirable features of the
operation is extremely laborious. Moreover, spinning process) (Bulters and Meijer,
the solutions have a high viscosity and are 1990).
strongly viscoelastic even at low polymer The use of UHMW-PE in combination
concentrations in solution (5 < </)< 15 % with solution spinning complicates the spin-
wt./wt.), which further increases the tech- ning operation in comparison to conven-
nological difficulties encountered in con- tional melt spinning. Of course, this should
ventional dry- or wet-spinning operations. be counterbalanced by a bonus in the fiber
In Figure 11-6, a schematic representa- properties and this is indeed the case, as will
tion is shown of a typical spinning process be explained in the following sections.


Continuous extrusion/solutions
Twin-screw / co-rotating

metering pump


quenching/extraction bath oven fibre

Figure 11-6. Schematic representation of the gel-spinning process (Lemstra et al., 1987 a).
562 11 High-Modulus and High-Strength Fibers Based on Flexible Macromolecules

11.3.2 The Drawing Behavior The influence of solid-state drawing on

of Linear Polyethylenes the root mean square end-to-end distance of
polyethylene macromolecules was investi-
The relationship between solid-state gated by Sadler and Barham (1990 a, b, c).
drawing and orientation/chain extension has The root mean square end-to-end distance
been investigated extensively in the past. In was determined using neutron scattering
retrospect, one of the most remarkable experiments on (partly) deuterated, linear
observations was that the previously dis- polyethylene. It was found that the root
cussed (pseudo-)affine deformation scheme mean square end-to-end distance of the
(Sec. 11.2.3) is indeed valid in the case of macromolecular coil after drawing is direct-
solid-state drawing at temperatures below ly related to the macroscopic draw ratio, and
the melting temperature (Ward, 1985; it was concluded that the (pseudo-)affine
Pazur etal., 1993; Dirix et al., 1995). In deformation scheme also applies with
Fig. 11-7, the birefringence of drawn poly- respect to the degree of chain extension after
ethylene fibers is plotted as a function of drawing.
the draw ratio. Experimental data are pre-
Since the early days of synthetic fibers, it
sented on melt-spun fibers with large dif-
has been realized intuitively that solid-state
ferences in molecular weight, branch con-
drawing is highly effective at generating a
tent, and type of branches. A single master
high degree of chain orientation and exten-
curve is observed which is independent of
sion. Consequently, research efforts into
the molecular architecture of the polymer.
producing high modulus and strength fibers
Moreover, an excellent agreement is ob-
almost automatically focused on obtaining
served between the experimental data
a high draw ratio. The first systematic
and theoretical predictions based on the
studies concerning the drawing behavior,
(pseudo-)affine deformation scheme (Sec.
the maximum-attainable draw ratio, and the
11.2.3) (see footnote in Sec. 11.3.3).
properties of melt-crystallized polyethylene
were performed by Capaccio and Ward
(1973, 1974, 1975 a, b) and Capaccio et al.
(1976) (see also Chap. 15 of this Volume).
It was discovered that high maximum-
attainable draw ratios (Amax = 20-30) could
o be obtained with melt-crystallized poly-
ethylene with a weight-average molecular
weight of approximately 102 kg/mol. More-
over, fibrous structures with a Young's mod-
ulus and tensile strength of respectively
70 GPa and 1.5 GPa could be produced
using specific crystallization procedures
prior to drawing (Wu and Black, 1979,
1980). Capaccio and co-workers also found
that the maximum-attainable draw ratio of
Draw ratio [-]
melt-crystallized polyethylene decreases
systematically with increasing molecular
Figure 11-7. Birefringence of drawn polyethylenes
with different molecular weights and molecular archi- weight (Fig. 11-8). Of course, this was a
tectures (Dirix et al., 1995). rather disappointing experimental observa-
11.3 Spinning, Ultradrawing, and Properties of Linear Polyethylene 563

polymer concentration

The above-described experimental ob-
03 servations inspired Smith et al. (1981) to
formulate a semi-empirical model to de-
scribe the drawing behavior of polyethylene
in terms of topological constraints such as
x entanglements. In principle, this model is
derived from classical rubber elasticity the-
ory. It is assumed that entanglements are
trapped in polyethylene upon crystallization
and act as semi-permanent crosslinks upon
solid-state drawing. Upon dissolution, the
Molecular weight [kg/mol]
entanglement density is reduced and conse-
quently the maximum-attainable draw ratio
Figure 11-8. Maximum-attainable draw ratio of is enhanced in comparison with that of melt-
melt-crystallized polyethylene (Capaccio et al.,
crystallized polyethylene. On this basis, the
experimentally observed dependence of the
maximum-attainable draw ratio on the
initial polymer concentration in solution
tion, especially since the theoretical maxi- was theoretically predicted [Eq. (11-6)].
mum-attainable draw ratio increases with Based on Eq. (11-6), it might be tempting
increasing molecular weight (Fig. 11-5). to conclude that the maximum-attainable
In the late 1970s, it was discovered that draw ratio of solution-spun UHMW-PE
the gap between the theoretical (Fig. 11-5) fibers is solely determined by the polymer
and experimental maximum-attainable concentration in solution, which is, of
draw ratio (Fig. 11-8) of high molecular course, an oversimplification (Bastiaan-
weight polyethylene can be bridged, to a sen, 1990). In Fig. 11-9, the maximum-
large extent, by spinning and casting from attainable draw ratio of solution-spun
semi-dilute solutions (Smith and Lemstra, UHMW-PE fibers, at a fixed polymer
1979 a, b, 1980 a, b, c; Smith et al., 1979 a, concentration in solution, is plotted as a
b). It was also found that the excellent solid- function of the weight-average molecular
state drawing behavior of solution-spun weight. A rather strong molecular weight
UHMW-PE fibers could be preserved even dependence is observed, and it was shown
after complete removal of solvent from the that the maximum-attainable draw ratio
fibers, i.e., the observed phenomena are not scales with the so-called Bueche parameter
simply related to a plasticizing effect of the (0, Mw) as
solvent but are related to some kind of struc-
tural or topological phenomena. In subse- A m a x oc(0M w ) 0 5 (11-7)
quent studies, the influence of the initial The maximum-attainable draw ratio of
polymer concentration in solution was polyethylene is also strongly influenced
systematically investigated (Smith et al., by drawing conditions (temperature, strain
1981) and it was found that the maximum- rate). In particular, drawing in a tempera-
attainable draw ratio scales with the initial ture gradient is an effective tool to further
564 11 High-Modulus and High-Strength Fibers Based on Flexible Macromolecules

ually and more or less follows the increase

in melting temperature upon drawing. The
influence of this multistage drawing in a
temperature gradient on the maximum-
attainable draw ratio is illustrated in Fig.
11-10 (Bastiaansen, 1991). It is shown that
multistage drawing in a temperature gradi-
ent enhances the maximum-attainable draw
ratio and reduces to a certain extent the need
for a low polymer concentration in solution
in order to obtain a high draw ratio, i.e., high
draw ratios can be obtained with fibers spun
from quite concentrated solutions (0> 10%
Molecular weight [kg/mol] In this section, it was shown that the draw
ratio uniquely determines the degree of
Figure 11-9. Maximum-attainable draw ratio of
solution-spun, ultradrawn UHMW-PE fibers as a chain orientation and extension in ultra-
function of the weight-average molecular weight: () drawn polyethylene fibers. Moreover, it was
melt-crystallized PE, (+) 0=10% w/w, () 0 = 2.5% shown that the maximum-attainable draw
w/w (Bastiaansen, 1990). ratio can be tuned to a large extent by a
proper choice of raw materials (molecular
weight), spinning conditions (initial poly-
enhance the maximum-attainable draw
ratio. Solution-spun UHMW-PE fibers pos-
sess a rather unique melting behavior
(Kirschbaum et al., 1986; Lemstra et al.,
1987 a, Bastiaansen and Lemstra, 1989).
Undrawn isotropic fibers have a melting
temperature of approximately 136 C, and o
the (unconstrained) melting temperature
increases to approximately 142 C upon I
solid-state drawing. An additional increase E
in the melting temperature is observed upon I
keeping the drawn fibers at a fixed length
(constraining) to approximately 155 C. The
fibers are, of course, constrained during
solid-state drawing, and consequently the
constrained melting temperature is the rel-
evant upper limit in temperature for ultra-
drawing. Therefore solution-spun UHMW- Molecular weight [kg/moll

PE fibers are usually drawn in a tempera- Figure 11-10. Maximum-attainable draw ratio of
ture gradient which starts at a low tempera- solution-spun ((/)= 10% wt./wt.), ultradrawn UHMW-
PE fibers: Influence of multistage drawing in a tem-
ture (80-120 C) and increases to a ceiling perature gradient: () isothermal drawing at 100C,
temperature of approximately 150 C, i.e., (+) multistage drawing 100-130C () multistage
the drawing temperature is increased grad- drawing 100-150C (Bastiaansen, 1991).
11.3 Spinning, Ultradrawing, and Properties of Linear Polyethylene 565

mer concentration in solution), and drawing drawn UHMW-PE fibers (Irvine and Smith,
conditions (drawing in a temperature gradi- 1986). It was shown that the Young's mod-
ent). In the following sections (Sees. 11.3.2 ulus versus draw ratio curve is identical for
and 11.3.3), the relationships between solid- melt- and solution-spun polyethylene fibers
state drawing and the properties of fibers in and that the Young's modulus versus draw
terms of stiffness and strength are discussed. ratio curve is independent of, for instance,
the initial polymer concentration in solution
(Bastiaansen, 1991)2.
11.3.3 The Young's Modulus
The ability to tune the maximum-
of Ultradrawn Polyethylenes
attainable draw ratio (Sec. 11.3.2) in com-
The influence of solid-state drawing on bination with unique relationships between
the Young's modulus of melt-spun poly- the draw ratio, birefringence (Sec. 11.3.2),
ethylene fibers was systematically investi-
gated by Cappacio and Ward (1973, 1974, 2
In both the theoretical (Sec. 11.2) and experimen-
1975 a, b) and Capaccio et al. (1976). Based tal (Sec. 11.3) sections of this chapter, it was claimed
on experimental results (Fig. 11-11), it was that 'unique' relationships exist between the draw
ratio, the degree of orientation/extension, and the
concluded that the Young's modulus of Young's modulus of ultradrawn polyethylene. More
drawn, melt-crystallized polyethylene is specifically, it was shown that the birefringence and
uniquely related to the draw ratio and inde- Young's modulus of drawn fibers depend solely on the
draw ratio and are independent of the initial polymer
pendent of the molecular weight and the concentration in solution, molecular weight, molecu-
molecular architecture (content and type of lar weight distribution, and type and content of
branches) of the polymer. The existence of branches. These observations were interpreted in
terms of the (pseudo-)affine deformation scheme
this unique Young's modulus versus draw which relates the orientation of the drawn polymer to
ratio curve was confirmed in subsequent a single parameter: the macroscopic draw ratio. More-
studies on the properties of solution-spun, over, aggregate models relate the Young's modulus of
a drawn polymer directly to the birefringence (and
thus also the draw ratio) (Irvine and Smith, 1986). The
above-described relationships are not truly unique,
i.e., certain prerequisites for (pseudo-)affine deforma-
tion, for instance, with respect to drawing conditions
and starting morphology, should be met. The prime
prerequisites are that: (i) solid-state drawing is per-
Q. formed at temperatures below the melting tempera-
CD ture, (ii) solid-state drawing is performed under opti-
mized conditions with respect to the drawing speed
and temperature, and (iii) the fibers possess a random
orientation prior to drawing (Capaccio et al., 1976;
Irvine and Smith, 1986). Frequently, these prerequis-
ites are not met and large deviations in the birefrin-
gence or Young's modulus versus draw ratio curve
o have been reported. A variety of studies was devoted
to determining the effective draw ratio of oriented
polymers from shrinkage measurements performed at
temperatures slightly above the melting temperatures.
It was shown that truly unique relationships exist
between the draw ratio, birefringence, and Young's
10 20 30 40 modulus if the effective draw ratio is determined. In
this particular case, the experimental relationships are
Draw ratio [-] also independent of, for instance, the drawing condi-
Figure 11-11. Young's modulus versus draw ratio tions and starting morphology (Candia et al., 1985;
curves of melt-spun, ultradrawn polyethylene fibers Hadziioannou et al., 1982; Watts et al., 1980; Wang
and Porter, 1981).
(Capaccio et al., 1976).
566 11 High-Modulus and High-Strength Fibers Based on Flexible Macromolecules

and Young's modulus (Sec. 11.3.3), has pro-

vided a powerful tool for bridging the gap
between the experimental and theoretical
Young's modulus of oriented polyethylene 05
fibers. In retrospect, it seems that the quest (3
for a high Young's modulus has been
extremely successful. Nowadays, drawn, (D

solution-spun UHMW-PE fibers with

Young's moduli of approximately 150 GPa c
are commercially available. Moreover, so-
lution-spun, ultradrawn UHMW-PE fibers
were produced in labscale experiments with
Young's moduli in excess of 200 GPa (van
der Werff and Pennings, 1991), and these 0 20 40 60 80 100 120
values start to approach the theoretical val-
Young's modulus [GPa]
ues (Table 11-2).
Figure 11-12. The tensile strength of solution-spun,
ultradrawn UHMW-PE fibers (Smith and Lemstra,
11.3.4 The Tensile Strength 1982).
of Ultradrawn Polyethylenes
Until the late 1970s, the maximum ten- lution-spun, ultradrawn UHMW-PE fibers
sile strength of textile and technical yarns (6-8 GPa) are low in comparison to the
based on flexible macromolecules was lim- theoretical values for a chain-extended
ited to approximately 1 GPa. This situation polyethylene chain with an infinite molec-
was drastically altered with the discovery ular weight (>20 GPa). In the past, differ-
that solution-spun UHMW-PE fibers could ent approaches have been used to describe
be ultradrawn to extremely high draw ratios and interpret the origin(s) of this low experi-
(Smith and Lemstra, 1979 a, b; Smith et al., mental tensile strength. In the following sec-
1979 a, b). In Fig. 11-12, the tensile strength tions, these approaches are roughly subdi-
of solution-spun UHMW-PE fibers is plot- vided into two groups which are discussed
ted as a function of the Young's modulus separately.
(Smith and Lemstra, 1982). This graph illus-
trates that the tensile strength of solution-
spun, drawn UHME-PE fibers rapidly The Morphological
increases with increasing draw ratio and Molecular Approach
(Young's modulus) and that fibers with a The influence of the weight-average
high tensile strength (>3 GPa) can be ob- molecular weight on the tensile strength of
tained. Nowadays, UHMW-PE fibers with melt- and solution-spun, ultradrawn poly-
a tensile strength of 3 - 4 GPa are produced ethylene fibers was systematically investi-
industrially and fibers with a strength of gated by Smith et al. (1981) and Smith and
6 - 8 GPa (van der Werff and Pennings, Lemstra (1982). In these studies, the tensile
1991) were obtained in lab-scale experi- strength of the fibers was compared at a
ments. fixed Young's modulus in order to eliminate
It is obvious that the experimental values the influence of degree of orientation and
for the maximum tensile strength of so- chain extension on the tensile strength. It
11.3 Spinning, Ultradrawing, and Properties of Linear Polyethylene 567

was shown that the tensile strength of drawn .uu

fibers increases with increasing molecular
weight, and an empirical relationship be- 2 .50

tween the tensile strength, Young's mod- (0


ulus, and molecular weight was derived 2. 2 .00 o

crtoc EnM
o +
(11-8) o*
1 .50
where ft = 0.7 and m = 0A.
The influence of the molecular weight

1 .00
CD o
distribution on the tensile strength of solu- I
tion-spun, ultradrawn UHMW-PE fibers 0 .50 y
was also investigated by Smith et al. (1981)
and Smith and Lemstra (1982), and it was n on
found that a reduction in the polydispersity 0 20 40 60 80 100 120
(Q = MV//Mn) enhances the tensile strength
Young's modulus [GPa]
at a fixed Young's modulus and weight-
average molecular weight. Figure 11-13. Tensile strength of solution-spun,
ultradrawn UHMW-PE fibers: () 0.5 CH3/1000 C-
The above-described studies focus on the atoms, (+) 2.5 CH3/1000 C-atoms, (o) 5 CH3/1000 C-
influence of morphological and molecular atoms, (O) 13 CH3/1000 C-atoms (Bastiaansen,
parameters on the tensile strength of solu- 1992b).
tion-spun, ultradrawn UHMW-PE fibers.
The morphology of drawn UHMW-PE
fibers is characterized in terms of the bire- (Fig. 11-13). Based on these experiments, it
fringence or the Young's modulus of the was assumed that C-C bond rupture domi-
drawn fibers and both are assumed to be nates the fracture mechanism of drawn
uniquely related to the draw ratio. The influ- UHMW-PE fibers, and the proposed frac-
ence of defects such as chain-ends on the ture mechanism closely resembles the
tensile strength is emphasized based on the mechanism of Termonia et al. (1985, 1986)
experimentally observed dependence of the for high molecular weight, perfectly orient-
tensile strength on the molecular weight ed structures with a finite molecular weight.
(Smith et al., 1981; Smith and Lemstra, The theoretical estimates of the tensile
1982). strength of structures with a number-
The influence of the propylene co-mono- average molecular weight of 300 kg/mol is
mer content on the tensile strength of solu- approximately 10-12 GPa and the highest
tion-spun, ultradrawn UHMW-PE fibers experimental values for the tensile strength
was investigated by Bastiaansen (1992 b). of solution-spun UHMW-PE with a similar
The methyl side groups of ethylene- number-average molecular weight seem to
propylene copolymers restrict intermolecu- approach these values (6-8 GPa). In other
lar chain slippage (Bastiaansen, 1992 b) in words, the experimental maximum values
drawn fibers, and it was found that the ten- for the tensile strength start to approach the
sile strength of drawn UHMW-PE fibers is theoretical values for an array of chain-
independent of the propylene co-monomer extended macromolecules with a finite
content if proper precautions are taken to molecular weight.
eliminate the influence of molecular weight
and Young's modulus on the tensile strength
568 11 High-Modulus and High-Strength Fibers Based on Flexible Macromolecules Other Approaches (Penning, 1994). The influence of the fiber

length on the tensile strength was also in-
A variety of studies has been devoted to
vestigated (Penning, 1994; Schwartz et al.,
the influence of macroscopic fiber dimen-
1986). Again, conflicting experimental ob-
sions on the tensile strength of solution-
servations were reported, although less pro-
spun, ultradrawn UHMW-PE fibers. In the
nounced than in the case of diameter effects
first set of studies, it is assumed that the ten-
on the tensile strength.
sile strength of ultradrawn UHMW-PE
The influence of the fraction of taut-tie
fibers depends on the fiber diameter (Smook
molecules (TTMs) on the tensile strength
et al., 1984; Wagner and Steenbakker,
of solution-spun, ultradrawn UHMW-PE
1989). This diameter effect was observed
fibers was investigated by Penning et al.
experimentally, shown by Fig. 11-14 a. In a
(1990), and Penning (1994). The fraction of
second set of studies, the influence of fiber
taut-tie molecules was derived from the
dimensions on the tensile strength was dis-
crystallinity of the drawn fibers, and a direct
puted, i.e., it was found that the tensile
relationship between the tensile strength
strength is independent of the fiber diame-
and the fraction of taut-tie molecules was
ter (Fig. 11-14 c) if the fibers are compared
observed (Fig. 11-15).
at an identical Young's modulus (Bastiaan-
sen, 1992 a). Recently, it was found that The above-described studies focus on the
diameter effects only occur for a certain influence of fiber dimensions or on the
range of fiber properties, i.e., diameter influence of taut-tie molecules on the ten-
effects are only observed above a Young's sile strength. Models to describe the experi-
modulus of 150 GPa (Fig. ll-14d and e) mental observations were derived and an
excellent agreement between experimen-
tal data and theoretical predictions was
observed. The models were used to estimate

Fibre diameter [a.u.] 0.00 0.04 0.08 0.12 0.16 0.20

Figure 11-14. Influence of the fiber diameter on the
tensile strength: (a) Smook et al. (1984), (b) Wagner TTM fraction [-]
and Steenbakker (1989) (c) Bastiaansen (1992a), Figure 11-15. Influence of the fraction of taut-tie
(d) Penning (1994) (E > 150 GPa), and (e) Penning molecules on the tensile strength of solution-spun,
(1994) (<150 GPa). ultradrawn UHMW-PE fibers (Penning, 1994).
11.3 Spinning, Ultradrawing, and Properties of Linear Polyethylene 569

the theoretical tensile strength of solution- able properties, such as a high impact resis-
spun, ultradrawn UHMW-PE fibers and tance, cutting resistance, a low dielectric
absolute values were obtained which close- constant, a low dielectric loss, low stretch,
ly approach the theoretical tensile strengths high heat conductivity, and a high sonic
as derived for an array of infinitely long, modulus. In particular, these 'secondar'
chain-extended, polyethylene chains. properties are an important advantage in
applications such as bullet-proof vests
(impact), helmets (impact), hybrid compos- Remarks
ites (impact), gloves (cutting resistance),
The approaches to describe the fracture fishing lines (low stretch), loudspeaker
mechanism and tensile strength of solution- cones (sonic modulus), and radomes/sonar
spun, ultradrawn UHMW-PE fibers are to domes (dielectric properties).
some extent mutually incompatible, i.e., Of course, solution-spun, ultradrawn
experimental parameters that are considered UHMW-PE fibers also possess a few disad-
dominant in a certain approach are ignored vantages, such as creep under static loading
in a second approach, and vice versa. For conditions, a low melting temperature, and
instance, the influence of the molecular a low compressive strength. The time/tem-
weight is considered of prime importance perature dependence of the mechanical
by Smith et al.(Sec. and is ignored properties of UHMW-PE fibers has been
by Pennings et al (Sec. Also, extensively investigated (Leblans et al.,
experimental studies on the influence of 1989; Govaert, 1990; Govaert and Lemstra,
fiber dimensions (diameter/length) on the 1992;Govaertet al., 1991,1993;Peijset al.,
tensile strength exhibit some serious 1994 a). It was found that the properties of
discrepancies (Fig. ll-14a, b). Moreover, these fibers are strongly nonlinear visco-
theoretical models to describe the fracture elastic and can be mathematically described
behavior of solution-spun, ultradrawn by a combination of a linear viscoelastic
UHMW-PE fibers and/or to predict the theo- contribution and a nonlinear plastic flow
retical tensile strength suffer from similar process. In recent studies (Peijs et al.,
drawbacks. The current situation with 1990a, 1994b; Peijs and Venderbosch,
respect to the understanding of the fracture 1991), it was shown that the low interlami-
behavior of solution-spun, ultradrawn nar shear strength (ILSS) of composites
UHMW-PE fibers seems undesirable from containing UHMW-PE fibers originates
a fundamental and an applied point of view. from their poor off-axis properties (Table
11-3). However, it was also found that
11.3.5 Miscellaneous Properties
Table 11-3. ILSS of unidirectional epoxy-based com-
In the previous sections the properties posites a.
of solution-spun, ultradrawn UHMW-PE
fibers were discussed in terms of their Fiber [ILSS (Pa)]
Young's modulus and tensile strength. PE (untreated) 13
These properties are, of course, relevant in PE (corona/plasma treated) 20-30
a large number of applications, such as fish- Aramid 45-70
ing nets and/or lines, ropes, and compos- E-glass 75-95
Carbon 80-120
ites. Solution-spun, ultradrawn UHME-PE
fibers also possess a number of other favor- Peijs etal. (1993).
570 11 High-Modulus and High-Strength Fibers Based on Flexible Macromolecules

hybrid composites based on, for instance, Young's modulus approach the maximum
carbon fibers and UHMW-PE fibers can Young's moduli, which illustrates that the
possess an optimal balance of impact prop- concepts derived for linear polyethylenes
erties and creep and fatigue resistance (Peijs can be used for other apolar polymers.
etal., 1990a, b, 1993; Peijs and Vender-
bosch 1991; Peijs and Klinken, 1992; Peijs
11.4.2 The Drawing Behavior
anddeKok, 1993).
and Properties of Semicrystalline
Polar Polymers
11.4 The Drawing Behavior Almost immediately after the discovery
and Properties of Flexible of the gel-spinning process for the produc-
tion of high modulus and strength UHMW-
Semicrystalline Polymers PE fibers, it was realized that these fibers
possess some intrinsic disadvantages, such
11.4.1 The Drawing Behavior
as a low melting temperature, creep under
and Properties of Semicrystalline static loading conditions, and a low com-
Apolar Polymers pressive strength (Leblans et al., 1989;
The drawing behavior and properties of a Govaert, 1990; Covaert andLemstra, 1992;
rather wide range of apolar polymers, other Govaert et al., 1993; Peijs et al., 1990a, b,
than linear polyethylene, have been investi- 1994b, 1995). These disadvantages are vir-
gated in the past. In particular, the drawing tually irrelevant in applications such as
behavior and properties of isotactic poly- bullet-proof vests, gloves, and fishing nets.
propylene and polyoxymethylene were However, they are a serious limitation in,
investigated extensively. The prime motiva- for instance, ropes and structural compos-
tion for using these polymers to produce ites. An extensive research effort has been
high modulus and high strength fibers is performed to produce high modulus and
(probably) their enhanced melting temper- strength fibers from 'polar' polymers, i.e.,
ature in comparison to that of linear poly- polymers that possess intermolecular inter-
ethylenes. In Table 11-4, the Young's actions such as hydrogen bonds. The prime
moduli of melt- and solution-spun, drawn objective was to use the concepts developed
polypropylene and polyoxymethylene are for solution-spun, ultradrawn UHMW-PE
compared with estimates of the maximum fibers to produce high performance fibers
Young's moduli based on X-ray measure- from polymers such as poly(vinylalcohol)
ments. The experimental values for the (PVOH), polyamides (PA), polyketones
(PECO, and polyacrylonitrile (PAN). How-
ever, attempts to produce these fibers were
Table 11-4. The experimental and X-ray Young's at best partly successful and the problems
moduli of melt- and solution-spun polypropylene and encountered will be discussed briefly in the
polyoxymethylene fibers. following sections.
Polymer Process Modulus (GPa) In the case of linear polyethylene, the
(exp.) (X-ray)
combination of a high weight-average
molecular weight with a low initial polymer
i-PP melt-spinning 22 40 concentration in solution results in a high
solution-casting 36 maximum-attainable draw ratio. The avail-
POM melt-spinning 60 73
ability of high molecular weight, linear
11.4 The Drawing Behavior and Properties of Flexible Semicrystalline Polymers 571

polyethylene proved to be of prime impor- In polyethylene, relatively weak inter-

tance in order to obtain a high maximum- molecular interactions (van der Waals
attainable draw ratio. In the case of low bonds) are present within the polymeric
molecular weight polymers such as poly- crystal lattice and it is usually assumed that
amide-6, polyamide-6,6, and polyethylene- the crystals hardly restrict the unfolding
terephthalate (PET), the maximum-attain- of lamellae upon solid-state drawing, i.e.,
able draw ratio is intrinsically limited by the the maximum-attainable draw ratio is sole-
molecular weight (Irvine and Smith, 1986). ly determined by topological constraints
Moreover, an additional barrier to obtaining such as entanglements (Smith et al., 1981).
a high draw ratio is present, as will be dis- In the case of polymers such as poly(vinyl-
cussed in the next section. alcohol) and polyamides, hydrogen bonds
In Fig. 11-16, the maximum-attainable are present within the crystal lattice and it
draw ratio of solution-spun poly(vinylalco- is usually assumed that these hydrogen
hol) and polyethylene fibers is plotted as a bonds have a detrimental influence on the
function of the Bueche parameter (Schelle- drawability, i.e., they restrict the unfolding
kens and Bastiaansen, 1991). As discussed of crystals upon solid-state drawing and
previously, the maximum-attainable draw limit the maximum-attainable draw ratio
ratio of polyethylene can be tuned to a large (Garrett and Grubb, 1988; Bastiaansen,
extent by a proper choice of the initial 1991).
polymer concentration in solution and the One way to illustrate the influence of
weight-average molecular weight. This tun- intermolecular interactions on the maxi-
ability is to a large extent lost in the case of mum-attainable draw ratio is briefly de-
PVOH and a rather low ceiling value for the scribed in this section. Semicrystalline
maximum-attainable draw ratio is observed polymers often exhibit a so-called a-
(Fig. 11-16). transition temperature which is related to a
certain degree of translational mobility of
the polymeric chains within the crystal lat-
tice. Usually, solid-state drawing is per-
formed in a temperature window between
the a-relaxation temperature (~80C) and
the melting temperature to facilitate the
unfolding of chain-folded crystals upon
a drawing. In the case of linear polyethylene,
E the a-relaxation temperature hardly in-
creases upon solid-state drawing (Gibson
et al., 1978; Smith et al., 1975; Saw atari and
Matsuo, 1985), and the mobility and de-
formability are preserved within the crys-
10 tal. The a-relaxation temperature, of, for
instance, PVOH rapidly increases with
increasing draw ratio, and the maximum-
C . Mw [-]
attainable draw ratio is reached as soon as
Figure 11-16. Maximum-attainable draw ratio of PE
() and PVOH (O) fibers as a function of the Bueche
the a-relaxation temperature approaches the
parameter (CAfw) (Schellekens and Bastiaansen, melting and/or drawing temperature, i.e.,
1991). the translational mobility in the crystal lat-
572 11 High-Modulus and High-Strength Fibers Based on Flexible Macromolecules

tice is lost, intermolecular slip is strongly and polyamide-6,6, the maximum-attain-

hindered, and fracture of the fibers occurs able draw ratio is even less (5 < Amax < 7)
(Garrett and Grubb, 1988). (Lommerts, 1994).
A second approach to interpret the above- The tensile strength of poly(vinylalcohol)
described phenomena with respect to the fibers is plotted in Fig. 11-18 as a function
limited drawability of polar polymers was of the draw ratio, and a comparison is made
recently proposed by Lommerts (1994). It with drawn, linear polyethylene (Schellek-
was shown that the maximum-attainable ens and Bastiaansen, 1991). The tensile
draw ratio of semicrystalline polymers is strength of PVOH fibers, at a fixed degree
related to their cohesive energy density (Fig. of polymerization, is high in comparison to
11-17), which, in principle, represents the that of linear polyethylene. Probably, this
total energy of all intermolecular interac- comparatively high tensile strength also
tions in a polymer. The experimentally originates from the presence of hydrogen
observed relationship between the maxi- bonds which, at a comparatively low molec-
mum-attainable draw ratio of semicrystal- ular weight, induces a transition from a
line polymers and the cohesive energy den- slippage-dominated fracture mechanism to
sity further illustrates that enhanced inter- a C-C bond rupture type of fracture mech-
molecular interactions in polar polymers anism. The favorable influence of an
dominate their solid-state drawing behavior. enhanced intermolecular interaction on the
In the case of polymers with an inter- tensile strength was theoretically predicted
mediate cohesive energy density, such as by Termonia et al. (1986) based on Monte-
PVOH and PECO, this results in moderate Carlo simulations of an array of chain-
maximum-attainable draw ratios (Amax = extended polymers with a finite molecular
= 15-30). For polymers with high cohesive weight (Fig. 11-19).
energy density levels, such as polyamide-6




1 10

Maximum draw ratio [-]

Cohesive energy/RTdraw [-]
Figure 11-18. Tensile strength of PE () and PVOH
Figure 11-17. Maximum-attainable draw ratio of a (O) fibers as a function of the draw ratio (degree of
series of flexible chain polymers as a function of the polymerization ~ 3500) (Schellekens and Bastiaansen,
cohesive energy density (Lommerts, 1994). 1991).
11.4 The Drawing Behavior and Properties of Flexible Semicrystalline Polymers 573

1.00 11.4.3 The Drawing Behavior

and Properties
0.80 of Semiflexible Polyimides
A series of studies on the processing and
- 0.60 properties of high modulus and high
strength polyimide fibers was published by
0.40 Kaneda et al. (1986 a, b) and Cheng et al.
(1991). In these studies, new polyimides
were prepared in a single step by the reac-
0.20 tion of 3,3',4,4'-biphenyltetracarboxylic
dianhydride (BPDA) with several aromatic
0.00 diamines. Subsequently, solutions of the
polymers were spun into an coagulation
Molecular weight bath and wound on a bobbin. Then the fibers
Figure 11-19. Theoretical tensile strength of a chain- were drawn at a temperature of 300 - 500 C
extended array of polymer chains with a finite molec- to a maximum-attainable draw ratio of ap-
ular weight. The arrow indicates the direction of
proximately 7 - 8 . Fibers with a Young's
increased strength of the secondary bonds. (Courtesy
of P. Smith, ETH, Zurich, Switzerland.) modulus and a tensile strength of, respec-
tively, 150 GPa and 3 GPa were obtained.
Moreover, these fibers possessed an en-
The above-described observations dimin- hanced solvent resistance, UV resistance,
ish, to a certain extent, the need for a high and temperature resistance in comparison
maximum-attainable draw ratio and a high with Kevlar (Kaneda et al., 1986 a, b; Cheng
molecular weight in order to obtain high etal., 1991).
strength fibers based on polymers with an In general, polyimides are rather rigid and
intermediate polarity (cohesive energy den- intractable polymers. However, solutions of
sity), such as PVOH and PECO. PVOH the above-described polyimides are homo-
fibers with a Young's modulus and tensile geneous, i.e., liquid crystalline structures,
strength of, respectively, -70 GPa and such as observed in PPTA solutions, are not
-2.5 GPa can be produced (Kwon et al., obtained. The as-spun fibers possess a low
1984; Schellekens and Bastiaansen, 1991; Young's modulus (<20GPa) and strength
Schellekens and Ketel, 1990; Schellekens et (<1 GPa). However, high modulus and
al., 1991; Mokveld and Schellekens, 1986), strength fibers are obtained after solid-state
and PECO fibers with a Young's modulus drawing despite a low maximum-attainable
and tensile strength of, respectively, draw ratio. The above-described fibers pos-
~50GPa and 3.5 GPa were produced by sess excellent properties in comparison to
Lommerts (1994). These fibers indeed pos- 'conventional' high modulus and strength
sess a strongly reduced creep (Lommerts, fibers based on flexible (PE, PVOH, PECO)
1994), an enhanced melting temperature and rigid polymers (PPTA). Moreover, the
(Lommerts, 1994), and an enhanced com- spinning process combines features of the
pressive strength (Peijs et al., 1995). More- process for PPTA fibers (rigid polymers, air-
over, these fibers potentially open a new gap spinning) with features of the process
range of applications for high modulus and for flexible polymers (homogeneous solu-
high strength fibers. tions, drawing), which was the prime moti-
574 11 High-Modulus and High-Strength Fibers Based on Flexible Macromolecules

vation for briefly discussing these high per- drawn in the solid state at elevated temper-
formance fibers. atures. Such fibers indeed possess enhanced
high temperature and creep properties in
comparison to polyolefinic high modulus
11.5 Outlook and high strength fibers. A second approach
involves fibers based on a new generation
Over the past two decades, tremendous of polyolefins such as syndiotactic polypro-
progress has been made in exploiting the pylene and syndiotactic polystyrene. These
intrinsic high modulus and high strength of polymers possess a high molecular weight
the polymer backbone of semicrystalline and a high melting temperature. Moreover,
flexible polymers. Fibers are produced both the maximum-attainable draw ratio is prob-
in lab-scale experiments and in industrial ably not limited by strong intermolecular
processes with moduli and strengths ap- interactions. Unfortunately, it is usually
proaching the theoretical values. This suc- expected that the properties of the above-
cess in bridging the gap between experimen- described fibers, in a best case scenario,
tal and theoretical values for the stiffness resemble conventional PPTA fibers or car-
and strength is, however, restricted to apo- bon fibers. This latter prospect explains to
lar polymers such as polyolefins. Attempts some extent the reduced academic and
to produce high modulus and high strength industrial interest and activity in the field of
fibers from polymers such as polyamides, new high modulus and strength fibers.
polyesters, polyketones, poly(vinylalco-
hol), and polyacrylonitrile were at best part-
ly successful. In retrospect this was rather 11.6 Acknowledgements
disappointing since high stiffness and high
strength fibers based on these polymers The author thanks T. Tervoort, T. Peijs,
should possess a number of advantages P. J. Lemstra, P. Smith, and H. E. H. Meijer
compared to polyolefinic fibers, such as: (i) (TUE, Eindhoven, The Netherlands) for
a high melting temperature, (ii) reduced correcting the manuscript and for their stim-
creep, (iii) enhanced compressive strength, ulating discussions. The author appreciates
etc. The limitations encountered are related the permission of P. Smith (ETH, Zurich,
to the chemical structure of the polymers Switzerland) to use some of his unpub-
(low molecular weight/intermolecular hy- lished results (Figs. 11-1 and 11-20) in this
drogen bonds), which restricts the attainable chapter. Also, he thanks G. Calis (DSM
draw ratio, modulus, and strength. Conse- Research, Geleen, The Netherlands), M.
quently, new processes, other than simply Jacobs, and J. van Dingenen (DSM High
spinning from solution and ultradrawing, Performance Fibres, Heerlen, The Nether-
should be developed to induce orientation lands) for their suggestions and comments.
and chain extension in these polymers.
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direction are fibers based on certain semi- 11.7 References
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12 Deformation and Toughness of Polymers
Marco C. M. van der Sanden

DSM Research Geleen, The Netherlands

List of Symbols and Abbreviations 580

12.1 Ultimate Properties 582
12.2 Molecular Network Structure and Natural Draw Ratio 583
12.3 Deformation Mechanisms 586
12.3.1 Crazing 586
12.3.2 Shear Yielding 587
12.3.3 Crazing Versus Shear Yielding 588
12.4 Natural Draw Ratio Versus Local Strain 589
12.5 Toughness Improvement in Practice 590
12.5.1 Plasticization 590
12.5.2 Rubber Modification 590 Multiple Crazing 591 Multiple Shear Deformation 592
12.6 The Concept of a Critical Thickness 593
12.7 The Critical Thickness of Polystyrene 594
12.7.1 Multilayered Tapes 594
12.7.2 Mechanical Properties of Polystyrene (PS) Tapes 595
12.7.3 Rubber-Modified Polystyrene 597
12.7.4 Local Thickness 600
12.8 Critical Thickness and Network Density 600
12.8.1 Entanglement Density 601
12.8.2 Multilayered Polystyrene-Poly(2,6-Dimethyl-1,4-Phenylene Ether)/
Polyethylene (PS-PPE/PE) Tapes 603
12.8.3 Rubber-Modified PS-PPE Blends 604
12.8.4 Theoretical Considerations 605 Macroscopic Strain 605 Critical Microscopic Thickness 606
12.9 Concluding Remarks 608
12.10 Acknowledgements 611
12.11 References 611

Materials Science and Technology

Copyright WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co KGaA. All rights reserved.
580 12 Deformation and Toughness of Polymers

List of Symbols and Abbreviations

aT frequency factor
C^ characteristic ratio
d root mean square end-to-end distance between junction points in a network
dl2 diameter
dp particle or hole diameter
Dl average interparticle distance
DIc critical matrix ligament thickness (critical intercellular distance)
Ex Young's modulus
G lc fracture toughness
GNO storage modulus of plateau
G' storage modulus
h diameter
k, kl2 constant
/e chain contour length
lQ average projected length of a chain segment
M molecular weight
Mc molecular weight between crosslinks
Me molecular weight between entanglements
Mn number-average molar mass
Mw weight-average molecular weight
Mcr critical molecular weight
Mo molecular weight of chain segment
NA Avogadro's number
p 'packing length', i.e., actual volume occupied by the chain divided by its mean
end-to-end distance
R gas constant
(R2) root mean square end-to-end distance of the polymer
T reference temperature
rg glass transition temperature
U polymer backbone energy
f/av available elastic energy per ligament
UrQ energy required to create a brittle fracture
V volume
Vo initial volume

7 van der Waals surface energy

F surface energy of the polymeric matrix material
8 loss angle
ADZ extension ratio in a shear deformation zone
^craze craze fibril extension ratio
^macr m a x i m u m macroscopic strain-to-break/draw ratio
Amax m a x i m u m draw ratio
^max, after ^max after craze formation
List of Symbols and Abbreviations 581

crosslink density
entanglement density
P density
Of fracture stress
CJy yield stress
polymer volume fraction in solution
weight fraction
CO angular frequency

ABS acrylonitrile-butadiene-styrene
DSC differential scanning calorimetry
EPDM ethylene-propylene-diene monomer
EPR ethylene-propylene rubber
HIPS high impact polystyrene
PC polycarbonate
PE polyethylene
PIB polyisobutylene
PMMA poly(methylmethacrylate)
PP polypropylene
PPE poly(2,6-dimethyl-1,4,-phenylene ether)
PPTA poly(/7-phenylene terephthalamide)
PS polystyrene
SAN styrene-acrylonitrile
SEM scanning electron micrograph
582 12 Deformation and Toughness of Polymers

12.1 Ultimate Properties solution spinning of ultrahigh molecular

weight polyethylene followed by an
The main feature that sets polymers apart (ultra)drawing process. The paramount fac-
from other materials is the constituting ele- tors controlling drawability and the related
ments, i.e., the long chain macromolecules. tensile properties are understood in molecu-
The main characteristic of the macromolec- lar terms. Upon dissolution of ultrahigh
ular chain is that the chemical bonding is molecular weight polyethylene, the long
strong and directional along the chain, chain macromolecules become disentangled
whereas usually only weak, secondary (e.g., and the disentangled structure is retained
van der Waals) interactions exist between upon quenching/crystallization in the gel or
the chains in the case of apolar polymers, or solid state. Ultradrawing in the solid state,
occasionally hydrogen bonding, in poly- in a temperature range close to but below the
amides, for example. melting point, is feasible since the polyeth-
Polymeric materials were not usually ylene crystals do not resist deformation and
associated with impressive mechanical the number of entanglements that act as
properties for engineering purposes. In fact, physical crosslinks on the time scale of the
the generic term "plastic" for (thermoplas- drawing operation have to a large extent been
tic) polymeric materials is indicative of the removed during the dissolution procedure.
generally expected mechanical perfor- The maximum draw ratio, A^a*, is related to
mance. the square root of the molecular weight
However, in the past two decades impres- between entanglements Me, i.e., A^^ooMg72,
sive progress has been made in exploiting whereas Me is inversely proportional to the
the intrinsic properties of the macromolecu- polymer volume fraction q> in solution; see
lar chain by producing high strength/high Eq. (12-1) for the dependence of Amax on Me
stiffness structures such as fibers and tapes. and (p (Smith et al., 1981)
Amongst the various developments in the
area of these so-called high performance (12-1)
fibers, two major routes can be discerned
which are completely different in respect of In contrast to the ultimate properties, e.g.,
the base materials, i.e., rigid chain molecules stiffness and strength, the ultimate tough-
as opposed to flexible macromolecules. The ness of polymeric materials, another impor-
prime examples of rigid chain polymers are tant engineering property, is poorly under-
the aromatic polyamides, notably poly stood, as demonstrated by numerous papers
(/?-pheny lene terephthalamide) (PPTA). with conflicting views and often system-
Fibers based on aligned PPTA macromole- related specific results which lack general-
cules are produced by DuPont (Kevlar) and ity. The current state of our understanding
AKZO (Twaron) with Young's moduli of is reviewed in Chap. 15 of Vol. 12 of this
90 GPa and tensile strengths of 3 GPa. The Series.
prime example of a high performance fiber Toughness can be considered, to a first
based on flexible macromolecules is (high approximation, as the work to break during
molecular weight) polyethylene. For a (tensile) deformation, i.e., the area of the
detailed discussion of the properties of both stress-strain curve during loading the spec-
classes of fibers see Chap. 13 of Vol. 12 of imen to failure. In this respect, toughness
this Series. High strength polyethylene should be related to the deformation of an
fibers are produced by DSM (Dyneema) via entanglement network, similar to tensile
12.2 Molecular Network Structure and Natural Draw Ratio 583

drawing for obtaining high strength/high ciple, i.e., that the maximum draw ratio is
modulus, oriented fibrous structures. determined by fully stretching the molecu-
In contrast with crystallizable polymers lar strands between entanglement nodes,
like polyethylene and polypropylene, the can be applied during the deformation of
entanglement network in the case of amor- glassy amorphous polymers.
phous polymers cannot be changed via a dis- In actual practice, however, polystyrene
solution procedure. Disentanglement can be is the paradigm of a brittle polymer with a
achieved by dissolving the amorphous poly- macroscopic elongation at break of 1-3%,
mer, but the disentangled state cannot be whereas polycarbonate is considered to be
made permanent via crystallization and, a tough engineering plastic. This paradox
consequently, upon removal of the solvent, initiated the present study and is the main
reentanglement occurs. Hence, in the case issue for this chapter. It will be demonstrat-
of amorphous, glassy polymers, the entan- ed that the apparent paradox can be solved
glement network is dictated by the macro- by tailoring the morphology of the compos-
molecular chemical structure (see Sec. ite through polymer processing, resulting in
12.2). Information concerning the entangle- the ultimate toughness of an amorphous
ment network structure in the solid state can polymer system on a macroscopic level.
be obtained via equilibrium rheological In Sec. 12.2 the molecular network struc-
measurements, since the molecular weight ture of amorphous polymers will be ana-
between entanglement nodes, Me, can be lyzed briefly, followed by an estimation of
derived from the rubber plateau modulus in the maximum (natural) draw ratio based on
the melt (Ferry, 1980)(seeSec. 12.2).In this this network structure. Sections 12.3 and
respect, polystyrene can be considered as a 12.4 mainly deal with a literature review of
rather loose network, the value for Me is the two deformation mechanisms that occur
approximately 20 kg mol"1, compared with in glassy amorphous polymers, i.e., crazing
polycarbonate and polyethylene where Me and shear yielding, and the relationship
is approximately 2 kg mol"1 (Wu, 1989). between these localized deformation mech-
Transferring the basic principles of draw- anisms and the polymer network structure.
ing (disentangled) semi-crystalline poly- Before discussing the importance of mor-
mers (e.g., polyethylene), polystyrene phology (i.e., processing) in achieving ulti-
would be expected to be a rather tough poly- mate macroscopic toughness (the concept of
mer in comparison with polycarbonate. The a critical thickness; see Sees. 12.6,12.7, and
maximum or natural draw ratio can be esti- 12.8), the classical toughening concepts will
mated from Me and is expected to be approx. be reviewed in Sec. 12.5. Finally, some con-
4 or an elongation at break of about 300% cluding remarks will be made in Sec. 12.9
(Kramer and Berger, 1990). In the early emphasizing the importance of polymer
1980s, Kramer (1983) performed pioneer- processing in achieving the ultimate tough-
ing and elegant experiments which showed ness of a polymeric system.
that the maximum extension ratios in craze
fibrils and shear deformation zones in amor-
phous glassy polymers, including polysty- 12.2 Molecular Network
rene and polycarbonate, corresponded with Structure and Natural Draw Ratio
the natural draw ratio calculated from Me
using Eq. (12-1), i.e., <p=\. These important Using small-angle neutron scattering,
experiments demonstrate that the basic prin- Kirste et al. (1973) demonstrated that the
584 12 Deformation and Toughness of Polymers

conformation of macromolecules of amor-

phous polymers in the glassy state is equal
to their conformation in a theta solvent (and
in the melt), i.e., the so-called unperturbed
From viscosity measurements performed
on melts of polystyrene it is known that
above a certain critical molecular weight of
polystyrene the viscosity suddenly increas-
es strongly: see Fig. 12-1 (Porter and John-
son, 1966). This effect is attributed to entan-
glement coupling; above a certain critical
molecular weight (Mcr) entanglements are
Log M w (g mol" 1 )
formed. The formation of entanglements
above this critical molecular weight can also Figure 12-1. Log-log plot of reduced melt viscosity
be noticed in an evaluation of the storage as a function of weight-average molar mass for poly-
modulus, G', of narrow distribution polysty- styrene [reproduced with permission from Porter and
Johnson (1966)].
renes with varying molecular weight as a
function of the reduced frequency (see
Fig. 12-2) (Onogi et al., 1970).
The storage modulus reveals a plateau
region above the glass transition. This so-
called rubbery plateau becomes more pro-
nounced with increasing molecular weight,
i.e., longer relaxation times of the polymer
chains. However, the height of this plateau,
GN0, remains unchanged upon increasing
the molecular weight above the critical
value. Similar to the rheological behavior of
crosslinked rubbers above their glass tran-
sition temperature, GN0 can be related to an
average molecular weight between nodes
of enhanced friction (i.e., entanglements in Log(coaT) (s 1)

the case of thermoplastic polymers, and Figure 12-2. Storage modulus of narrow distribution
crosslinks for chemically cured thermo- polystyrenes, plotted logarithmically against the fre-
sets). quency (co) reduced to 160 C as a function of the
viscosity-average molecular weight: (A) 59; (B) 215;
Also in the glassy state the effect of entan-
(C) 580 kg mor 1 [reproduced with permission from
glement coupling can be noticed. In Fig. Onogi etal. (1970)].
12-3 the dependence of the fracture stress
upon molar mass is shown for poly(methyl-
methacrylate) (PMMA) according to Vin- stress. The molecular weight at which this
cent (1960b). sudden increase in fracture stress occurs
At a number-average molecular weight of is experimentally found to be correlated
approximately 50 kg mol"1, a rather abrupt with the value of Me (Gent and Thomas,
increase can be observed in the fracture 1972).
12.2 Molecular Network Structure and Natural Draw Ratio 585

0.00 0.50 1.00 1.50 o.oo 0.25

6 1
Mn (10 g mole )

Figure 12-3. Dependence of the fracture stress, <7t, of Figure 12-4. Entanglement density versus 'packing
poly(methylmethacrylate) (PMMA) upon the volume' p~3 [reproduced from Fetters et al. (1994)].
number-average molar mass measured at -196 C
[reproduced with permission from Vincent (I960)].

Wu (1989, 1990) proposed a correlation ume occupied by the chain divided by its
between the chain stiffness (characteristic mean square end-to-end distance)
ratio C^) and the average molecular weight
vQocp~3 (12-3)
between entanglement nodes, Me. Wu's
theoretical evaluation and interpretation of In Fig. 12-4 this correlation is illustrated
the data, however, is highly speculative with for a large set of polymeric data, as taken
respect to the physical reality, especially the from Fetters et al. (1994).
assumption of a binary hooking type of It has been pointed ount that the molecu-
entanglement nodes; see also discussion in lar conformation of amorphous glassy poly-
Bastiaansen et al. (1990). Recently, Fetters mers can be characterized by a certain aver-
et al. (1994) proposed a more straightfor- age molecular weight between the network
ward approach to a correlation between the nodes. These network nodes can be both
entanglement density and the molecular physical and chemical in nature. Follow-
structure of the polymer. They define a ing the principles of network drawing, as
'packing length' p discussed in Sec. 12-1, a theoretical maxi-
mum draw ratio of a single strand in the
M (12-2)
P= polymer network, assuming no chain slip-
page or breakage takes place, can be given
where M is the molecular weight of the poly- by (Kramer and Berger, 1990; Kramer,
mer, (R2) the root mean square end-to-end 1983)
distance of the polymer, p the density of the
polymer, and NA Avogadro's number. As ^max=Jr (12-4)
demonstrated in Fetters et al. (1994), a very
simple physical argument can be given for where /e is the chain contour length and d
the correlation between the entanglement the root mean square end-to-end distance
molecular weight [or the entanglement den- between junction points in the network (i.e.,
sity, v e ;seeEq. (12-8)] and/? (the actual vol- the mesh size). According to Kramer
586 12 Deformation and Toughness of Polymers

(Kramer and Berger, 1990; Kramer, 1983), 12.3 Deformation Mechanisms

the value of /e is given by
_/ Q M e The experimentally derived (macroscop-
e (12-5) ic) elongation to break is often much lower
than the theoretical value, Amax. The macro-
where l0 and Mo are the average projected scopic elongation to break of polystyrene
length of a chain segment along the chain for instance is only 1-3% compared to the
and its molecular weight, respectively. The 300% expected from its network (density
value of d is related to the polymer network (see Sec. 12.1). The reason for this contra-
structure via (Kramer and Berger, 1990; diction is related to the fact that deforma-
Kramer, 1983) tion only occurs in localized areas in the
d=k(MQ) 1/2
(12-6) sample, in the so-called deformation areas.
Two types of localized deformation mecha-
where k is a constant that can be determined nisms are known for the group of amorphous
from neutron scattering measurements of glassy polymers: crazing and shear yielding
the radius of gyration of molecular coils in (see Sec. 12.3.3 for a classification).
the glass. Combining Eqs. (12-4), (12-5),
and (12-6) results in
12.3.1 Crazing
0 A craze can be described as a microcrack
which can be related to the network density bridged by polymer fibrils. Within the craze
via structure many microvoids can be found.
These microvoids develop in a plane per-
v e = ^ (12-8) pendicular to the maximum principal stress.
In contrast to a true crack, crazes are load
resulting in bearing due to the presence of bridging
fibrils. The thickness of these fibrils strong-
k (12-9) ly depends on the type of polymer, e.g., air-
kMovl 1/2 grown crazes in polystyrene (PS) have typ-
in which p is the density and NA is ical fibril diameters of 5-20 nm (Lauter-
Avogadro's number. Equation (12-7) is a wasser and Kramer, 1979). In Fig. 12-5 a
more detailed version of Eq. (12-1). transmission electron micrograph of a craze
Typical values of the theoretical draw structure in a styrene-acrylonitrile copol-
ratio of amorphous glassy polymers vary ymer is shown.
from 4.8 for poly(tezt-butylstyrene) (Don- The craze structure consists of numerous
ald and Kramer, 1982 a), i.e., an elongation fibrils running across from one craze inter-
to break of 380%, to less than 1.2 (Henkee face to the other. These main fibrils are inter-
and Kramer, 1984), i.e., an elongation to connected by somewhat thinner, so-called
break of 20% for a densely crosslinked ther- cross-tie fibrils (Miller et al., 1991). Since
mosetting polymer. For the latter type of crazing involves the formation of micro-
amorphous polymers Eqs. (12-7) and (12-9) voids, it is always accompanied by an
are still applicable if Me and ve are replaced increase in volume and is favored by a large
by Mc (i.e., the molecular weight between dilatational component of the stress tensor
crosslinks) and vc (i.e., the crosslink den- (Kinloch and Young, 1985). This latter con-
sity), respectively. dition can often be found ahead of a crack
12.3 Deformation Mechanisms 587

the breaking force of the chain molecules

and the square of the density of entangled
strands at the crack-tip interface.

12.3.2 Shear Yielding

Shear yielding involves plastic deforma-
tion that can either be very localized or quite
homogeneous, and occurs without any vol-
ume change. Localized shear deformation
arises from instabilities during homogene-
ous yielding which are induced by geomet-
Figure 12-5. Transmission electron micrograph of a ric irregularities (Haward, 1973; Nadai,
craze in styrene-acrylonitrile copolymer [reproduced 1950; Vincent, 1960 a) (neck formation as a
with permission from Bos (1989)]. consequence of slight variations in the
cross-sectional area) and/or the supposed
tip or in the vicinity of dust or other foreign intrinsic strain softening character of the
particles, sharp edges, and other types of polymeric material. Recently, new insights
inhomogeneities. Several types of crazes are were obtained concerning the supposed
reported in the literature with varying intrinsic strain softening character of poly-
coarseness of the microfibrillar structure, meric materials, and it was demonstrated
as reviewed extensively by Michler that necking is caused by a mechanical (and,
(1990a-c). In principle, the size of the to a lesser extent, thermal) runaway of
crazes is not limited since the growth of a (initially) small instabilities due to the
craze occurs via drawing unfibrillated strong nonlinear strain rate dependence of
polymeric material from the bulk into the the yield stress (Govaert and Tervoort,
craze structure (Kramer and Berger, 1990). 1993). Shear yielding occurs preferentially
Therefore the classification of crazes by in relatively densely entangled (or cross-
length or thickness as proposed by Michler linked) polymers (see Sec. 12.3.3) and is
(1990 a - c) seems to be wrong in retrospect. favored when the conditions that tend to
The maximum thickness of a craze is limit- promote crazing are suppressed (e.g., the
ed only in front of a crack tip due to the pres- application of hydrostatic pressure). Fig-
ence of cross-tie fibrils, as explained by ure 12-6 shows an optical micrograph of a
Brown (1991). polycarbonate sample viewed between
Recently, several studies have been crossed polars and uniaxially deformed just
reported in the literature on the prediction past the yield point at room temperature.
of the macroscopic fracture toughness GTc At an angle of approximately 45 C
from a molecular point of view where local- (direction of maximum shear stress), sharp
ized deformation is considered (Brown, shear bands are visible. Various types of
1991; DeGennes, 1991). Brown (1991) cal- shear bands are listed in the literature termed
culated the fracture toughness of polymers microshear bands or diffuse zones. Accord-
that tend to form crazes ahead of a crack tip. ing to Bowden (1970) the differences in the
He derived an analytical equation for the shear band structure mainly arise from their
value of GIc that scales with the square of differences in growth speed.
588 12 Deformation and Toughness of Polymers

large number of amorphous glassy poly-

mers. At a network density of approximate-
ly 9xlO25 chains m~3 the craze initiation
stress roughly equals the shear band initia-
tion stress; below this network density the
craze initiation stress is lower than the yield
stress and crazing prevails.
The experimental observations of a
crazing-shear yielding transition depending
Figure 12-6. Microshear bands in a polycarbonate
on the entanglement density of the amor-
sample that has been uniaxially deformed just past phous glass are also, at least qualitatively,
yield at room temperature, viewed between crossed confirmed by calculations performed by
polars (load direction: horizontal). Termonia and Walsh (1989). They modeled
the deformation behavior and mechanical
properties of polymeric glasses by taking
12.3.3 Crazing Versus Shear Yielding
into account the role of the interactive forc-
Henkee and Kramer (1984) demonstrat- es between macromolecular chains as well
ed a transition from crazing to shear yield- as chain slippage through entanglements.
ing in polystyrene (PS, a typical craze- The network structure can deform elastical-
deforming polymer) at room temperature as ly (0-2% elongation) and plastically. Plas-
a result of electron beam irradiation of the tic deformation occurs via stretching or slip-
material. The electron beam irradiation page (disentanglement) of the entanglement
induces crosslinking (at very high irradia- strands, depending on the strain rate and the
tion doses because PS is relatively inert to local stress state. Via a two-dimensional
electron beam irradiation) of the polysty- Monte Carlo simulation, the minimum ener-
rene resulting in an increased network den- gy state is retained after each increment in
sity (i.e., the total of physical entanglements the strain. These calculations clearly dem-
and chemical crosslinks). A more detailed onstrate a transition from a crazing to a
physical explanation for this network den- shearing mode of deformation with increas-
sity dependent transition in the deformation ing network density. This transition is visu-
mechanism, occurring at a network density alized if the network structure is observed
of 9xlO25 chains nT3, has been proposed by after a certain deformation. If crazing pre-
Kramer and Berger (1990). They ascribed vails 'holes' can be observed in the molec-
this transition to the fact that an increasing ular network. These holes are either the
network density results in a higher surface result of disentanglement, or are due to
tension, which hampers the void formation chain breakage. At higher network densities
process of crazing. shear yielding is observed, as indicated by
Wu (1990) proposed that polymers that the absence of holes in the network struc-
tend to deform by crazing possess network ture, and homogeneous deformation is
densities lower than 9xlO25 chains m~3 and observed instead. It has to be noted that
polymers that deform by shear yielding have these model calculations have to be inter-
network densities above the value of 9x1025 preted only qualitatively, since the thickness
chains m~3. This classification arises from of the calculated fibrils differs consider-
a comparison of the craze initiation stress ably from the experimentally determined
with the shear band initiation stress for a values.
12.4 Natural Draw Ratio Versus Local Strain 589

The applicability of the network density

classification proposed for the transition
from crazing to shear deformation accord-
ing to Wu (1990) is very limited since the
transition is highly influenced by the testing
conditions applied. For instance, straining
of a typical shear-deforming polymer like
polycarbonate at elevated temperatures
(instead of room temperature) results in a
transition from shear yielding to crazing.
This is explained by Donald (1985) in terms
of disentanglement crazing; high tempera-
tures enhance the disentanglement process
during deformation, resulting in a less
densely entangled network structure which
tends to deform by crazing.

12.4 Natural Draw Ratio Versus

Local Strain
Kramer and co-workers compared the
theoretical extension ratio of the molecular
network of a large group of amorphous poly-
mers [Amax; see Eq. (12-7) or (12-9)] with
the local extension ratio in a craze or shear
deformation zone (Donald and Kramer,
1982 a, b, c; Henkee and Kramer, 1984)
using the technique introduced by Lauter-
wasser and Kramer (1979). The extension Figure 12-7. (a) Craze fibril extension ratio Acraze
ratios in a craze fibril or within a shear de- versus the maximum extension ratio of an ideal entan-
formation zone can be determined from glement network, Amax (assuming no chain slippage
or scission); and (b) extension ratio in a deformation
optical densitometry of transmission elec-
zone, ADZ, versus Amax [reproduced with permission
tron micrographs of these structures. Fig- from Donald and Kramer (1982 a, b, c) and Henkee
ure 12-7 summarizes some of the results of and Kramer (1984)].
their studies: the craze fibril extension ratio,
Acraze, and the extension ratio in a shear def-
ormation zone, ADZ, are plotted versus the Independent of the type of network struc-
natural draw ratio (which is a polymer net- ture (entanglements or crosslinks), a clear
work parameter). In Figs. 12-7 a and 12-7b correlation can be observed between the
the data presented were obtained from value of Amax, on one hand, and the value of
measurements on entangled thermoplastic Acraze and ADZ, on the other. For the shear-
polymers. Similar results are published by deforming polymers, roughly 60% of the
Henkee and Kramer (1984) on chemically theoretical draw ratio is measured inside a
crosslinked polymers. deformation zone. In the case of craze-
590 12 Deformation and Toughness of Polymers

deforming polymers a one-to-one correla- al. Recently, the concept of controlled local
tion seems plausible, however, additional plasticization was introduced by Argon and
experiments revealed a large destruction of co-workers (Gebizlioglu et al., 1990; Argon
the original entanglement network during et al., 1990). This method is based on the
craze formation (Henkee and Kramer, principle of increased solubility under the
1986). Hence the one-to-one correlation is influence of high, negative pressures. Such
somewhat misleading for the crazing case, high negative pressures are supposed to
since the actual (local) network structure occur for instance in the active zone of a
possessed a higher value of Amax after craze widening craze. Hence only local plasticiza-
formation (Amax after). Consequently, rough- tion occurs in the region of the deformation
ly the same discrepancy between the natu- mechanism. Therefore the disadvantages of
ral draw ratio (after craze formation) and the addition of a 'traditional' plasticizer
the value of Acraze (/Lcraze/AmaX5 after = 0.6), as would be minimized to only a minor
found between the natural draw ratio and decrease of the Young's modulus and ten-
ADZ, results. sile strength. Recently, however, it has been
shown for the model system polysty-
rene/polyisobutylene (PS/PIB) (Janssen,
1993), where the solubility of the PIB can
12.5 Toughness Improvement be increased in a controlled manner (by a
in Practice decrease of the molecular weight as a con-
sequence of electron beam irradiation), that
To improve the macroscopic toughness of a substantial change in solubility did not
amorphous glassy polymers, several result in any change of the mechanical prop-
approaches have been proposed in the liter- erties of the blend. Therefore the applicabil-
ature. In principle, two possible methods ity and practical relevance of the mechanism
exist to increase the macroscopic toughness: proposed by Argon or the impact toughen-
(i) the addition of a plasticizer and (ii) the ing of polymeric systems must be ques-
initiation of multiple deformation mecha- tioned seriously.
nisms in a large volume of the material,
induced by the presence of a low modulus
dispersed phase. Both methods will be 12.5.2 Rubber Modification
reviewed briefly.
The most frequently applied method to
improve the toughness of polymeric
systems is in general the addition of dis-
12.5.1 Plasticization
persed rubbery particles. The function of
The addition of a plasticizer is a relative- these particles is to generate numerous
ly simple technique to improve the macro- stress concentrations throughout the poly-
scopic toughness of an amorphous polymer meric matrix (Bucknall, 1977; Coumans
(Kinloch and Young, 1985). The plasticizer et al., 1980). As a result, multiple deforma-
lowers the yield stress of the polymer and tion mechanisms are initiated in the matrix
can, consequently, increase the elongation and multiple crazing or multiple shear de-
at break of the polymer. The disadvantage formation is induced. The rubbery phase
of this approach is the (undesired) decrease only marginally contributes to the tough-
in the modulus, glass transition temperature, ness of the overall composite (Newman and
and yield strength of the polymeric materi- Strella, 1965).
12.5 Toughness Improvement in Practice 591 Multiple Crazing arate paper, where the detailed mechanisms

of craze initiation, growth, and breakdown
The influence of various parameters (e.g., around rubbery particles in thin films of
the rubber phase volume fraction, rubber HIPS and acrylonitrile-butadiene-styrene
particle size, and degree of adhesion copolymer (ABS) were studied using trans-
between the rubbery particles and the mission electron microscopy. They demon-
matrix) have been given a lot of considera- strated that crazes are rarely initiated in
tion since the introduction of the first com- polystyrene by particles having a size below
mercial type of high impact polystyrene 1 |im, and it was suggested that the stress
(HIPS) in 1948 (Bucknall, 1977, 1990; concentration induced by the rubbery parti-
Hobbs, 1986; Keskkula et al., 1986; Cigna cles must act over a certain critical distance
etal., 1992). The elongation to break of in order to initiate crazes, since the distance
polystyrene can be increased by optimizing over which the stress concentration of a rub-
the variables mentioned above, up to a value bery particle acts is directly proportional to
of about 30%. Even if the testing conditions its particle size. This critical size, below
become more severe (i.e., high strain rates, which the toughening efficiency decreases,
notched impact testing at low temperatures), depends on the type of polymeric matrix, as
the toughening effect of the dispersed rub- clearly reported in review papers by Wu
bery particles remains (Bucknall, 1977, (1990). The observation of a minimum
1990). particle size to initiate crazes automatical-
Although an enormous amount of papers ly explains the occurrence of an optimum
can be found in the literature dealing with particle size for a given concentration
the rubber-toughening of craze-deforming of rubbery particles, since this optimum
polymers, only a few systematic studies are particle size is equal to the minimum par-
reported on the influence of the rubber phase ticle size below which crazes cannot be
volume fraction and particle size on the generated. So-called optimum particle
rubber-toughening efficiency (Cigna et al., sizes are reported in the literature varing
1976, 1986, 1992; Bucknall etal., 1986, from 2.5 |im for polystyrene down to
1987). Bucknall etal. (1986) studied the 0.25 |Lim for poly(methylmethacrylate) (Wu,
influence of the rubber phase volume frac- 1990).
tion on the notched Charpy impact strength The influence of adhesion between the
of polystyrene by diluting a standard HIPS rubbery phase and the matrix on the Izod
sample with pure PS. A sharp decrease in impact strength of rubber-toughened poly-
the impact strength was observed below a styrene has been reported by Van Gisber-
certain rubber phase volume fraction, which gen and co-workers (Van Gisbergen, 1991;
was explained in terms of an altered local Van Gisbergen etal., 1990, 1991). It was
stress state of the matrix phase. The same shown that the impact properties of poly-
authors investigated the influence of parti- styrene/ethylene-propylene-diene mono-
cle size on the notched Charpy impact mer (EPDM) blends can be improved sig-
strength of rubber-modified polystyrene, nificantly with electron beam irradiation
and the toughening efficiency of the rubbery when a suitable compatibilizer is used (in
particles was found to decrease below a their experiments a styrene-butadiene
diameter of 1 |im (Bucknall et al., 1987). diblock copolymer). Differences in mor-
The explanation for this observation is given phology and crosslinking of the dispersed
by Donald and Kramer (1982 d, e) in a sep- phase could be eliminated as explanations
592 12 Deformation and Toughness of Polymers

for the observed phenomenon due to the 1.00

experimental setup used. Hence a change in

the interfacial adhesion is the most plausible
Only recently, the precise function of the
dispersed elastomer present in craze-
deforming matrices was clarified by Bubeck
et al. (1991), who performed real-time,
small-angle X-ray scattering measurements
on rubber-modified, craze-deforming ther-
moplastics. These experiments unambigu- 0.00
-50 -30 -10 10 30 50 70 90
ously demonstrate the occurrence of two
Temperature (C)
distinct events during the loading of rubber-
modified, craze-deforming thermoplastics. Figure 12-8. Critical matrix ligament thickness Dlc
The first step of plastic deformation is the versus temperature for nylon-6/rubber blends [repro-
duced with permission from Borggreve (1988)].
internal cavitation of the rubbery particles
leading to microvoids within the dispersed
spheres. Subsequently, crazes are initiated
at the equator of the rubbery particles, while value of Dlc is shown as a function of the
the microvoids within the rubbery phase testing temperature for nylon-6.
are prevented from coalescence to form Above a temperature of 50 C, a steep
larger voids (which could lead to prema- increase in the critical thickness is observed
ture crack initiation) as a result of a moder- due to temperature approaching the glass
ate degree of crosslinking of the rubbery transition temperature of nylon-6 (60 C).
phase. Below this temperature the value of Dlc
increases only moderately with increasing
temperature, independent of the glass tran-
sition temperature of the nylon-6 matrix or Multiple Shear Deformation
the dispersed EPDM rubber phase (Borg-
The influence of dispersed rubbery parti- greve, 1988). The physical explanation of
cles on the macroscopic toughness of shear- this critical thickness, below which the
deforming thermoplastic polymers has been polymer reveals a maximum degree of duc-
studied extensively by Wu (1985, 1988) and tility, is not fully understood. Several expla-
Borggreve (1988) for the semi-crystalline nations have been proposed by Margolina
nylon-6/EPDM rubber model system. For and Wu (1988) and Sjoerdsma (1989) based
shear-deforming polymers it has been dem- on the percolation of yielding ligaments,
onstrated that, independent of the rubber however, no convincing experimental ver-
phase volume fraction and particle size, the ification was given for any of the explana-
maximum degree of toughness can be tions proposed.
obtained on a macroscopic level if the poly- An important feature of these rubber-
meric material is made locally thin below modified, shear-deforming thermoplastic
the critical matrix ligament thickness (DIc). polymers has been demonstrated by Borg-
The value of the critical matrix ligament greve et al. (1989 a, b), who have shown a
thickness is related to the testing tempera- pronounced influence of the mechanical
ture (Borggreve, 1988). In Fig. 12-8 the properties of the dispersed elastomeric
12.6 The Concept of a Critical Thickness 593

phase on the brittle-to-tough transition of 12.6 The Concept

nylon-6 blends. Chou et al. (1988 a, b) have of a Critical Thickness
demonstrated for the system of polypropy-
lene (PP) blended with ethylene-propylene The original experiments performed by
rubber (EPR, the dispersed phase) that a Kramer and Berger in the 1980s (Kramer
brittle-to-ductile transition can be realized and Berger, 1990) resulted in considerable
not only by a change in the testing temper- progress in the understanding of toughness
ature, but also by a change in the strain from a molecular point of view. However,
rate. comparison of the local strain level within
Thermosetting polymers also suffer from a deformation area with the theoretical
brittle fracture, especially under relatively strain to break on stretching the molecular
severe testing conditions. Due to the high network structure to its full extension was,
network density (i.e., crosslink density), up to now, of no relevance to the macroscop-
thermosetting polymers deform by shear ic toughness of polymeric systems. Illustra-
deformation, although very recently, Sue tive in this context is the paradox between
and co-workers reported the observation of the theoretical draw ratio of the entangle-
crazes in a moderately crosslinked 1,2- ment network of polystyrene (300%) and
dihydrobenzocyclobutene-maleimide resin the macroscopic elongation to break of only
(Sue et al., 1995). The high network density 3%, i.e., the two orders of magnitude differ-
of these materials limits their intrinsic ence. On a microscopic scale, the theoreti-
toughness through their low natural draw cal draw ratio can be approached (inside
ratio [see Eq. (12-9)]. Therefore rubber crazes or shear bands), therefore, it can be
modification in these systems can only expected that a transition from brittle to duc-
result in a marginal toughness improve- tile deformation occurs upon changing the
ment. An excellent review on toughening sample dimensions (from 'macroscopic' to
mechanisms occurring in (rubber-modified) 'microscopic'). Some early hints of these
epoxides has been published by Garg and effects came from experiments that showed
Mai (1988). that the craze structure in thin polystyrene
Several systematic studies on the influ- films changed to a perforated sheet structure
ence of crosslink density on the toughen- much closer to that of a deformation zone
ability of chemically crosslinked polymers below film thicknesses of 150 nm (Donald
are reported in the literature, where the etal., 1981).
influence of the dispersed toughening agent Experiments performed by Wu( 1985,1988)
has been studied as well (Yee and Pearson, and Borggreve (1988) on the nylon-6/rub-
1986; Pearson and Yee, 1986, 1989) Com- ber system clearly revealed an influence of
pared to thermoplastic polymeric systems, the (local) dimension of the polymeric mate-
the toughening concepts do not differ much rial (ligament thickness between rubbery
for thermosetting polymers with respect particles) on the brittle-to-ductile transition
to the addition of a dispersed phase of of the blends. The physical explanation of
lower modulus. However, alternative tough- this transition as well as the more general
ening concepts are also applied, including validity of this dimension-induced brittle-
crack-tip bifurcation and crack-tip bridg- to-tough transition was not given by the
ing (Pearson and Yee, 1990). These alterna- authors.
tive mechanisms result in only a marginal The critical dimension below which
toughness improvement. amorphous glassy polymers macroscopical-
594 12 Deformation and Toughness of Polymers

ly deform up to the theoretical strain to break adhering rubbery particles, i.e., the equiva-
has been studied thoroughly for amorphous lent of holes.
glassy polymers by van der Sanden and co-
workers (van der Sanden et al., 1993 a, b, c;
1994 a, b; van der Sanden and Meijer, 12.7.1 Multilayered Tapes
1993 a, b; 1994 a, b). This concept of a crit-
PS and PE were coextruded using a Mul-
ical thickness will be discussed extensively
tiflux static mixer (Sluijters, 1965; Schilo
in Sees. 12.7 and 12.8 with an emphasis on
and Ostertag, 1972) into thin laminated
polymer processing.
tapes possessing a total thickness of approx.
For thermoplastic polymers with different
0.3 mm, a width of 10 mm, and infinite
entanglement densities [polystyrene; poly-
length, and containing a varying number of
layers (from 8 up to 1024). PS and PE were
ether) (PS-PPE) blends], the local dimen-
used in five different proportions, i.e.,
sions are decreased in one (films) or two
PS/PE: 100/0, 75/25, 50/50, 25/75, and
directions (ligaments between nonadhering
0/100. The principle of the static mixer is
rubbery particles) by control of the micro-
outlined in Fig. 12-9. Starting with parallel
structure. Below a critical (local) size, the
layers of both polymers (stage A, Fig.
sample macroscopically demonstrates the
12-9), the layers are split up and compressed
maximum degree of ductility, comparable
vertically in opposite directions (stage B,
with the theoretical strain to break. The
Fig. 12-9). Subsequently, an extension in
occurrence, and network density depen-
the horizontal direction results in double the
dence, of the critical dimension is modeled
number of layers (stage C, Fig. 12-9). If the
in terms of an energy based criterion (see
number of elements is increased, so too is
Sec. 12.8).

12.7 The Critical Thickness

of Polystyrene
In this section the concept of a critical
thickness below which brittle samples
become ductile will be outlined taking data
from van der Sanden and co-workers (van
er Sanden, et al., 1993 a, b, c, 1994 a, b; van
der Sanden and Meijer, 1993 a, b, 1994 a, b),
as published in the early 1990s. PS is taken
as the model system. Tapes consisting of
alternating layers of polystyrene and poly-
ethylene (PE) were prepared in order to
investigate the influence of the PS layer
thickness on the tensile deformation pro-
cess. The concept of a minimum thickness
Figure 12-9. Principle of the AKZO Multiflux static
is also transferred to a standard (3-mm mixer. One element is shown. In the text, 1 is referred
thick) PS system in which the critical thick- to as the vertical direction, 2 the horizontal direction,
ness is achieved locally by introducing non- and 3 the direction of flow.
12.7 The Critical Thickness of Polystyrene 595

cooling from the melt to room temperature.

Consequently, PE serves as a useful, mini-
mally adhesive layer for forming the thin,
stratified PS structures.
Figure 12-10 b represents the minimum
PS layer thickness attainable with this stat-
ic mixing equipment, i.e., 0.8 |um (PS/PE:
25/75 w/w; six mixing elements). Upon fur-
ther increasing the number of elements, the
tapes contain discontinuities due to rupture
of the layers (Fig. 12-10c: PS/PE: 25/75
w/w; nine mixing elements), probably, due
to flow instabilities caused by the large dif-
ferences in viscosity. For a matched
(PS/PMMA) system, the minimum achiev-
able thickness of still continuous layers
proved to be 40 nm (van der Sanden et al.,
1994 a).

12.7.2 Mechanical Properties

of Polystyrene (PS) Tapes
Figure 12-11 shows the stress-strain
curves of pure PS and PE tapes with a total
tape thickness of about 0.3 mm. Curve A
represents the typical stress-strain curve of
PS with a breaking stress of 40 MPa and a
strain at break of 1.5 %. PE, on the other hand
Figure 12-10. SEM micrographs of (a) a PS/PE (Fig. 12-11, curve B), is a very ductile poly-
50/50 w/w tape with 3 mixing elements, (b) PS/PE mer with a strain at break of about 225%
25/75 tapes with 6 mixing elements, and (c) 9 mixing under the same testing conditions.
In Fig. 12-12, a stress-strain curve of a
multilayered tape (PS/PE 25/75 w/w, six
the total number of layers (to the power of mixing elements) is shown (for dumbbell-
2). [For further experimental details the shaped samples pulled parallel to the direc-
reader is referred to van der Sanden et al. tion of coextrusion). The sharp decrease in
(1993 a)]. the stress at 33% strain is the result of rup-
Figure 12-10 a is an SEM (scanning elec- ture of the PS layers. After passing their
tron microscope) micrograph of an alternat- strong decrease in stress the measurement is
ing PS/PE 50/50 w/w tape (three mixing ele- stopped, with the PE layers unbroken, as
ments), possessing both PS and PE layers of indicated by the constant level of stress after
10-|Lim thickness. It is clear from this micro- passing 33% strain. If we assume that the
graph that the adhesion between the PS and stress-strain behavior of PE is not influ-
PE layers is poor, due to the fact that PE enced by a change in the absolute thickness
crystallizes (causing shrinkage) during (Pan et al., 1990) we can (corresponding to
596 12 Deformation and Toughness of Polymers



B 225 %

10 20 30

Strain (

Figure 12-11. Stress-strain curves of the reference Figure 12-13. Stress-strain curves for pure PS tapes
materials: (A) PS; (B) PE. with varying PS layer thicknesses: (A) 35 |um, (B)
4.5 um, (C) 1.5 pm, (D) 0.8 |im.

Curve A corresponds to a PS layer thick-

ness of 35 \im (PS/PE: 50/50 w/w) and
resembles the ordinary stress-strain behav-
ior of PS, as observed in Fig. 12-11, curve
A. If the layer thickness of PS is decreased
to 4.5 jam (PS/PE: 25/75 w/w), the maxi-
mum stress is raised to 70 MPa and the strain
at break is increased to a value of 5%
(Fig. 12-13, curve B). Further decreasing
the PS layer thickness results in a shift of
the strain at break to a value of more than
30% (Fig. 12-13, curve D, the thickness of
the PS layers is 0.8 |im; PS/PE: 25/75 w/w).
In Fig. 12-14 the strain at break of PS is plot-
Figure 12-12. Stress-strain trace of a PS/PE 25/75
w/w multilayered tape (6 mixing elements; strain rate
ted as a function of the absolute PS layer
0.25 mhT1). thickness, as obtained from the data for three
different PS/PE ratios.
As can be inferred from this figure, the
critical thickness for PS is below 1 |im for
the volume fraction of PE present in the total the given testing conditions. However, due
composite) subtract the stress-strain curve to limitations in the minimum continuous
of PE from the stress-strain curve of the PS layer thickness that could be achieved,
multilayered composite. The stress-strain the exact value of the critical PS layer thick-
trace of the thin PS component results. In ness cannot be determined. In fact, due to
Fig. 12-13, these traces are shown for four the presence of some adhesion between the
different tapes with different PS/PE compo- alternating PS and PE layers, multiple
sitions and numbers of layers. cracking is observed here. For the less crit-
12.7 The Critical Thickness of Polystyrene 597

system analyzed by Ma and co-workers a
considerable level of adhesion is present
between the two constituents of the compos-
ite, while in the case of the PS/PE system
the level of adhesion is negligible (Wu,
1982). Hence the size effects observed in the
r 30 nonadhesive PS/PE multilayered structures
are probably not induced by complex micro-
mechanics that strongly depend on the pre-
2 20 cise level of adhesion.
As in the (multiple) necking of tensile
bars (Ward, 1971), in this PS/PE multilay-
10 ered system, where adhesion is small, the
prerequisite of an increase in the drawabil-
ity below a certain minimum thickness is
more straightforward. The process of defor-
10"7 106 10"5 10" 4 10 3
mation can only be sustained if the stress in
Thickness (m) the oriented parts is below the breaking
Figure 12-14. Strain at break of PS tapes as a func- stress, while the stress in the undeformed
tion of PS layer thickness. connected matrix surpasses the yield stress.
This principle can be generally applied to
polymer systems that are characterized by
ical, more entangled system of PS-PPE the fact that the initiation of deformation
(40-60), the critical thickness shifts to always starts locally. By lowering the PS
higher absolute values and the transitions layer thickness (<1 jiim), these conditions
from brittle to multiple cracking and from are apparently approximated, resulting in a
multiple crazing to shearing can be observed continuation of the process of deformation.
[see van der Sanden et al. (1994 a) for fur-
ther details].
12.7.3 Rubber-Modified Polystyrene
Kramer and co-workers (Donald et al.,
1981; Chan et al., 1981) also noticed a The principle of a critical thickness, as
change in the craze structure if the thickness approximated for thin layers of PS (<1 \im),
of a PS film (free surface, exposed to air) should also exist in a standard PS sample if
was below 0.15 |Lim. Clearly, there is close the local thickness inside the sample is
correspondence with the critical thickness below the critical value. In order to test this
of PS reported here. hypothesis, holes were introduced to create
Another size effect in multilayered multiple thin PS ligaments inside the mate-
structures has been observed by Ma et al. rial. The holes were generated by the intro-
(1990). Their explanation for the strong duction of rubbery particles, which should
increase in strain at break of multilayered not be attached to the PS matrix. For this
composites upon decreasing the layer thick- purpose, core-shell rubbers were used pos-
ness, based on polycarbonate (PC) and sessing a PMMA shell (type-I): the PMMA
styrene-acrylonitrile copolymer (SAN), does not adhere to the PS matrix (Wu, 1982)
was related to the micromechanics of these and, as a consequence of thermal shrink-
multilayered structures. In the PC/SAN age, the rubbery domains easily become
598 12 Deformation and Toughness of Polymers

Figure 12-15. SEM micro-

graphs of core-shell,
rubber-modified PS: (a)
40 wt.% type I; (b) 50 wt.%
type-I; (c) 60 wt.% type-I;
(d) 60 wt.% type-II.

detached from the PS matrix upon, or even 50 wt.% results in an increase in the strain
before, mechanical deformation. In Fig. to break to 25%, comparable with the strain
12-15 SEM micrographs of both types of to break of commercially available high
core-shell, rubber-modified PS samples are impact polystyrene containing a rubber
shown, containing different weight frac- weight fraction of only about 25%, but with
tions of rubber (40, 50, and 60 wt.%). The a different microstructure. However, upon
samples are (at liquid nitrogen temperature) adding 60 wt.% core-shell rubber a sharp
cut from injection-molded tensile bars par- increase in the strain to break is observed,
allel to the direction of extrusion. In all clearly related to the critical ligament thick-
cases, discrete rubbery particles are ness below which a sharp increase in duc-
observed (size: 0.1-0.3 |Ltm) without any tility is obtained.
significant agglomeration. Clearly, local deformation can be initiat-
In Fig. 12-16 the stress-strain curves of ed at stress concentrations near defects
PS containing various amounts of type-I (holes) and more or less controlled by the
core-shell rubber are shown (40, 50, and introduction of a second, low modulus
60 wt.%; strain rate 0.05 mm"1). Lower phase; however, deformation, i.e., stretch-
weight fractions of rubber are omitted for ing of the entanglement network, can only
the sake of simplicity (these samples are all be sustained if the sample as a whole fol-
brittle, possessing a strain at break not lows this deformation process. If the aver-
exceeding 10%). Curve A corresponds to a age distance between the rubber particles is
blend containing 40 wt.% core-shell rubber. calculated (Wu, 1988) (Dx) (due to the high
The strain to break is rather low taking the rubber volume fraction, a body-centered
high weight fraction of rubber into account. cubic lattice is assumed), it can be stated that
Increasing the rubber weight fraction to the critical interparticle distance (Dlc) for PS
12.7 The Critical Thickness of Polystyrene 599

50 10

40 -

30 - A
C 200 %

Vj D

Strain (%)

Longitudinal strain (%)

Figure 12-16. Stress-strain curves of type-I, core- Figure 12-17. Volume-strain curves of type-I, core-
shell, rubber-modified PS [(A) 40 wt.%; (B) 50 wt.%; shell, rubber-modified PS: (A) 40 wt.%; (B) 50 wt.%;
(C) 60 wt.% rubber] and type-II core-shell, rubber- (C) 60 wt.% rubber (strain rate: 0.05 min"1).
modified PS [(D) 60 wt.% rubber].

is less than 0.05 |um. The PS modified with accompanied by an increase in volume (void
50 wt.% rubber contains ligaments of a formation) of the specimen during longitu-
thickness of about 0.06 |Lim, which is clear- dinal elongation (Kinloch and Young,
ly above the critical thickness, while the 1985). In the case of shearing, longitudinal
60 wt.% rubber-modified sample contains straining will not result in an increase in the
matrix ligaments of a thickness of about volume-strain. For rubber-modified mate-
0.04 (im, which is obviously just below the rials it is not always clear whether a volume
critical ligament thickness. increase during straining is the consequence
To check the importance of the absence of dilatation of the rubbery particles or the
of adhesion in obtaining locally thin PS lig- result of the crazing mechanism initiated at
aments that can easily be stretched to a mac- the rubbery particles.
roscopic strain of 200%, core-shell rubbers Figure 12-17 shows the results of some
having a polystyrene shell were also used dilatometric measurements for PS blends
(type-II; 'perfect' adhesion to the PS containing 40 wt.% (curve A), 50 wt.%
matrix). Even if 60 wt.% of the adhering (curve B), and 60 wt.% (curve C) type-I
core-shell rubber is present in the PS matrix, core-shell rubber (the volume-strain curves
a strain at break of only about 6% is meas- for the blends containing 10, 20, and
ured (Fig. 12-16, curve D). 30 wt.% rubber are omitted for the sake of
To gain more insight into the type of de- simplicity).
formation mechanism for blends containing For the blend containing 40 wt.% core-
polystyrene and the nonadhering (type-I) shell rubber, the (AV7V0) curve increases
core-shell rubber, tensile tests were per- slightly in the region of elastic behavior
formed with simultaneous volume measure- (0-1.5% longitudinal strain). At a longitu-
ments. Dilatometry allows measurement of dinal strain of about 2.5% the slope of the
the volume change (AV/Vo) of the specimen curve increases sharply. This may result
during longitudinal straining. Crazing is from either of two processes: (1) the core-
600 12 Deformation and Toughness of Polymers

shell rubber becomes more detached from because the minimum continuous PS layer
the PS matrix; or (2) the crazing mechanism thickness that could be achieved was
is operative in this material (Kinloch restricted to 0.8 |im. The true yield stress of
and Young, 1985). The slope of the PS was found to be about 70 MPa.
volume-strain curve goes asymptomatical- For rubber-modified polystyrene, the
ly to unity, indicating an equilibrium influence of the local ligament thickness
between the increase in volume-strain (void on the mechanical response was discussed,
content) and the increase in elongational and the exact value of the critical surface-
strain. If the rubber concentration is to-surface interparticle distance (i.e., liga-
increased to 50 wt.%, almost the same ment thickness) was determined to be
behavior is observed for the volume-strain 0.05 |im. Below this critical value the mate-
curve, except that in this case the slope of rial demonstrates a remarkably ductile
the curve is less than unity, after passing the behavior.
elastic region. This implies that the increase
in void content is lower than the increase in
longitudinal elongation. This can only be 12.8 Critical Thickness
explained by a contribution of shear defor- and Network Density
mation to the total deformation behavior of
the sample (Kinloch and Young, 1985), In Sec. 12-7 (van der Sanden et al.,
since it is known that the mechanism of 1993 a) it was shown that the macroscopic
shear, deformation occurs without an deformation and toughness of amorphous
increase in the sample volume. Finally, polymers, which are prone to catastrophic
curve C clearly confirms this statement: in strain localizations, can be controlled by
this case the slope of the (AV/V0) curve changing the microstructure. The concept of
decreases to zero and remains at zero until a material-specific critical thickness, either
a maximum strain of 200% is reached, indi- in the form of thin sheets in stratified struc-
cating that under these conditions the sam- tures (with a nonadhering polymer acting as
ple deforms purely by shear deformation. a spacer) or as ligaments separated by holes,
Hence a transition from crazing to shear de- was verified for polystyrene (PS). For PS,
formation occurs if the interparticle distance with ligaments of a (local) thickness of
is decreased from 0.06 |im(50 wt.% rubber) 0.05 \xm, the maximum macroscopic strain
to 0.04 |Lim (60 wt.% rubber), which corre- at break was found to be 200%, about 60%
lates well with the sharp increase in the of the theoretical maximum strain at break
strain to break shown in Fig. 12-16. (320%). Kramer and co-workers (Kramer
and Berger, 1990; Donald and Kramer,
1982) observed the same deviation between
12.7.4 Local Thickness
the (maximum) natural draw ratio (Amax) of
It was shown that brittle polymers a shear-deforming polymer and the local
become ductile below a critical thickness, strain level inside a plane-stress deforma-
as demonstrated for isotropic tapes of poly- tion zone (ADZ). Their explanation for the
styrene. The onset of a sharp increase in the discrepancy between the expected and the
strain to break of polystyrene was found if experimentally determined value is asso-
the thickness was reduced below 1 |Lim. The ciated with the rather naive character of the
exact value of the critical thickness could model (Kramer and Berger, 1990; Donald
not be determined using layered structures, and Kramer, 1982), which is based on the
12.8 Critical Thickness and Network Density 601

maximum extension of only a single entan- Table 12-1. Glass transition temperatures for neat
PS-PPE blends.
glement strand.
In order to transfer the maximum strains Blend composition Glass transition temperature
from the distinct localizations in crazes and
shear bands to the macroscopic level, the
80-20 105
stress in the deformed regions should not 60-40 123
surpass the breaking stress, while the stress 40-60 144
in the connected, undeformed material 20-80 174
should be higher than the yield stress. Thus
a dependence of the critical thickness on the
maximum extension ratio and thus on the blends with various entanglement densities.
network or entanglement density is to be Table 12-1 shows the glass transition tem-
expected. This aspect of the deformation perature (Tg) values of PS-PPE blends after
behavior of polymers will be discussed in extrusion and injection molding, as revealed
this section, combined with the influence of by DSC (differential scanning calorimetry).
the entanglement density on the final mac- For all blend compositions only a single Tg
roscopic strain to break. value is observed, clearly confirming the
The system polystyrene-poly(2,6- miscibility of PS and PPE on a molecular
dimethyl-l,4-phenylene ether) (PS-PPE) scale (Fried et al., 1982; MacKnight et al.,
was chosen as a model system (van der San- 1978).
den, 1993 b), because for this miscible pair The storage shear modulus (GO of neat
of amorphous polymers (Fried et al., 1982; PS-PPE blends was determined in the melt
MacKnight et al., 1978) the entanglement as a function of the angular frequency (&))
density can be varied by adjusting the rela- (10~ 2 -10 2 rad s"1) for at least five different
tive volume fractions of both constituents temperatures over a range of 50 C (for fur-
(Prest and Porter, 1972). The results for mul- ther experimental details the reader is
tilayered tapes of PS-PPE/PE [thin films referred to van der Sanden et al. (1993 b).
of PS-PPE alternating with polyethylene Shifting of the G versus co curves to a re-
(PE)] as well as for nonadhering core-shell, ference temperature of approximately 40 C
rubber-modified materials (thin matrix lig- above the glass transition temperature
aments) will be discussed [for a detailed resulted in a master curve. The rubber pla-
analysis of multilayered PS-PPE/PE tapes teau modulus GN0 is equal to the storage
the reader is referred to van der Sanden et al. modulus G' at the frequency where tan 8 is
(1994 a)]. The competition between crazing at its minimum in the plateau zone of the
and shear deformation was studied via dila- master curve (Wu, 1987 a, b). Applying the
tometry and, finally, a simple model has classical concept of rubber elasticity theo-
been proposed to explain the relationship ry, the molecular weight between entangle-
between the critical thickness and the entan- ment nodes, Me, can be calculated (Ferry,
glement density. 1980)as
M^pRTI G NO (12-10)
12.8.1 Entanglement Density
where p is the density, R the gas constant,
PS and PPE were compounded in various and T the reference temperature.
weight fractions (PS-PPE 80-20, 60-40, The master curves of the PS-PPE 100 - 0,
40-60, and 20-80) in order to obtain 80-20, and 60-40 blends obtained from
602 12 Deformation and Toughness of Polymers

10 6

CD 10
y.yy -
10 4
A: PS-PPE 100-0

B: PS-PPE 80-20

C: PS-PPE 60-40

10 3
10 10" 2 101 10 10 1 10 2 10 3 0 20 40

PPE concentration (wt%)

Reduced angular frequency (rad s 1 )

Figure 12-18. Master curves of PS-PPE blends [(A) Figure 12-19. Entanglement density versus PPE
100-0, (B) 80-20, and (C) 60-40] as obtained from content in PS-PPE blends. The solid curve is accord-
dynamic mechanical thermal analysis (the reference ing to Prest and Porter (1972).
temperatures are respectively 130, 145, and 160 C).

dynamic mechanical thermal analysis are composition (filled squares). Prest and Port-
shown in Fig. 12-18. The master curves for er (1972) have determined the entanglement
the PS-PPE 40-60 and 20-80 blends are density for several PS-PPE blends as well.
omitted because these samples showed void They experimentally derived an equation to
formation during measurement at the describe the entanglement molecular weight
required high temperatures, indicating ther- as a function of the blend composition
mal degradation of the samples. The tem-
peratures to which the master curves are (12-12)
shifted (7g + 40 C) are respectively 130,
145, and 160 Cforthe PS-PPE 1 0 0 - 0 , 8 0 - where % is the weight fraction of PPE in
20, and 60-40 blends. the blend and Me (PS) is the entangle-
It is clear from Fig. 12-18 that an increase ment molecular weight of polystyrene
of the PPE content in the PS-PPE blends (Onogi et al., 1970), Me(PS)= 19.1 kg
results in a shift of the G' curve to higher mol"1. Although Prest and Porter derived
values. The rubber plateau modulus is deter- this equation for a limited range of blend
mined at the minimim of tan 8 in the plateau compositions (0 < % < 0.4), it is assumed to
region and is used to calculate the molecu- be valid up to ^=0.8.
lar weight between entanglement nodes Values of ve for the various PS-PPE com-
using Eq. (12-10). The entanglement den- positions are calculated by combining
sity (ve) can be calculated using (Kramer Eqs. (12-11) and (12-12). The results of
andBerger, 1990) these calculations are also shown in Fig.
12-19 (solid curve). As can be inferred from
e=~~ (12-11) this figure, the entanglement density as
obtained from our rheological measure-
where NA is Avogadro's number. ments corresponds well with the values
In Fig. 12-19 the value of the entangle- obtained from the data of Prest and Porter.
ment density is plotted versus the PS-PPE The entanglement density varies linearly
12.8 Critical Thickness and Network Density 603

between the values of pure PS (3.2xlO25

chains m"3) and of pure PPE (13.2xlO25
chains m ).

12.8.2 Multilayered Polystyrene-

Poly(2,6-Dimethyl-1,4-Phenylene Ether)/
Polyethylene (PS-PPE/PE) Tapes
Multilayered PS-PPE/PE samples were
prepared using a Multiflux static mixer
(Sluijters, 1965; Schilo and Ostertag, 1972).
The principle of this mixer was described in
Sec. 12.7.1; however, in this study an
improved version of the previously intro-
duced Multiflux mixer was used. Thin lam-
inated tapes consisting of alternating layers
of PS-PPE and PE were prepared with a var-
ying number of layers: from 128 (6 mixing
elements) up to 4096 (11 mixing elements).
PS-PPE and PE were applied in three dif-
ferent proportions: 75/25, 50/50, and 25/75
In Fig. 12-20 SEM micrographs are
shown of various microtomed multilayered
PS-PPE/PE tapes. The continuity of the
layers is clear for Figs. 12-20 a and 12-20c
and only a small variation in the layer thick-
ness can be observed. For the PS-PPE/PE
25/75 w/w l tape (PS-PPE 80-20; 1 mixing Figure 12-20. SEM micrographs of multilayered
elements, Fig. 12-20b), however, the layer PS-PPE/PE tapes, (a) PS-PPE/PE 75/25 (PS-PPE
continuity is clearly absent. Obviously, the 80-20), 6 mixing elements, (b) PS-PPE/PE 25/75
PS-PPE composition (read: viscosity ratio (PS-PPE 80-20), 11 mixing elements, and (c)
PS-PPE/PE 25/75 (PS-PPE 60-40), 11 mixing ele-
of PS-PPE/PE) has a large influence on the ments.
maximum number of mixing elements pos-
sible to use in the Multiflux mixer before
layer discontinuity occurs (compare
Figs. 12-20b and 12-20c). (For pure PS, static mixer did not exceed 6; see Sec.
tapes consisting of continuous layers could 12.7.1).
only be obtained if the number of mixing For an extended discussion of the defor-
elements in the previously used Multiflux mation behavior and mechanical properties
of PS-PPE/PE tapes, the reader is referred
to van der Sanden et al. (1994 a). Here, only
The blend composition is indicated with a two num- a few results for the multilayered systems
ber code: 'weight fraction PS present in the matrix' - will be presented in order to compare these
'weight fraction PPE present in the matrix'. with data obtained from core-shell, rubber-
604 12 Deformation and Toughness of Polymers

+ PS-PPE/PE 25/75
reach its maximum macroscopic strain, and
A PS-PPE/PE 50/50
thus the true critical thickness is found. It is
75 O PS-PPE/PE 75/25
therefore even more interesting to compare
these data with the more practical 'holey'
structures obtained by adding nonadhering
50 OL PS-PPE 40-60 core-shell rubbers.
PS-PPE 60-40 \
12.8.3 Rubber-Modified PS-PPE Blends
Strain-to-break data obtained from slow
10" 2
10" 1
10 speed (0.05 min"1) tensile tests of various
PS-PPE Layer thickness (|jm)
rubber-modified PS-PPE blends are shown
in Fig. 12-22. The data for PS (Fig. 12-22,
Figure 12-21. Strain at break of PS-PPE/PE tapes as
curve A) are taken as a reference (see
a function of PS-PPE layer thickness (strain rate
0.25 min"1). Sec. 12.7.3). If 20 wt.% PPE is added to PS,
the strain to break as a function of the rub-
ber concentration (Fig. 12-22, curve B)
modified PS-PPE blends, in Fig. 12-21 the shows, analogous to PS, a steep increase
strain the break of stratified tapes is plotted with increasing rubber weight fraction.
versus the PS-PPE layer thickness for However, in this case the transition occurs
PS-PPE 60-40 and 40-60 blends. at a lower rubber concentration (50 wt.%),
As can be inferred from Fig. 12-21 i.e., a higher ligament thickness compared
(PS-PPE 60-40), the strain to break to PS. The maximum value of the strain to
increases with decreasing layer thickness. break in the 'tough region' is about 100%
The experimentally achievable maximum and considerably lower than the value for
strain at break (about 70%) is observed for
the thinnest PS-PPE layers (PS-PPE/PE
25/75, 11 mixing elements). A further 250
decrease in the layer thickness, by increas-
ing the number of mixing elements, results 200
in a discontinuous layer structure.
For PS-PPE 40-60 (Fig. 12-21), the 150
thickness below which an increase in the
strain at break is observed is located at
a higher level (-0.25 |im) compared to
PS-PPE 60-40 (-0.06 |nm). Thus a pro-
nounced influence of the entanglement den-
sity is found. For the PS-PPE 40 - 60 blend,
the maximum level of strain at break attain-
able in the ductile region can be estimated
Rubber concentration (wt%)
as 70%.
In contrast to pure PS (see Sec. 12.7), Figure 12-22. Strain at break of rubber-modified
PS-PPE blends versus rubber concentration with the
which only showed the onset of an increase matrix composition as the parameter (PS-PPE): (A)
in the strain at break with stratified struc- 100-0, (B) 80-20, (C) 60-40, (D) 40-60, and (E)
tures, the PS-PPE 40-60 blend seems to 20-80 (strain rate 0.05 min"1).
12.8 Critical Thickness and Network Density 605

core-shell, rubber-modified blends having a

pure PS matrix (strain at break of approxi-
mately 200%).
Curves C and D in Fig. 12-22 clearly con-
firm this trend. With an increasing PPE con-
tent in the matrix, two phenomena are
observed: (i) the critical ligament thickness
is positioned at a lower rubber concentra-
tion and (ii) the maxium value of the strain
to break in the ductile region decreases. (For
curves C and D the levels of the strain to
break are equal in the tough region).
Notice that the strain to break in the duc-
tile region of the core-shell, rubber-modified
PS-PPE 60 - 40 and 40 - 60 blends coincides Figure 12-23. Maximum macroscopic draw ratio
with the maximum strain to break observed (Amax) versus the natural draw ratio (Amax) for strati-
fied and core-shell, rubber-modified PS-PPE blends.
for the corresponding PS-PPE/PE tapes. For
the PS-PPE 20-80 blend, all the samples
show a macroscopic strain to break of about well with the results of Kramer and co-
65%, independent of the rubber weight frac- workers on strain levels determined locally
tion (Fig. 12-22, curve E). Clearly, no brittle- inside a deformation zone (Kramer and
to-ductile transition is found in the given test Berger, 1990; Donald and Kramer, 1982f)
range. As shown in van der Sanden and Meij- (ADZ = 0.6 Amax). The reason for the discrep-
er (1994 a), PS-PPE 20 - 80 blends can dem- ancy between the theoretical value, Amax,
onstrate a brittle-to-ductile transition under and XDZ (or Amacr) must be related to the non-
more extreme testing conditions (tensile ideal character of the entanglement network
speed: 1 m s"1; notched). and the assumption of taking one single
entanglement strand in order to estimate the
theoretical extension ratio of a three-
12.8.4 Theoretical Considerations dimensional entanglement network, as
already discussed in the introduction of Sec. Macroscopic Strain 12.8.
The maximum extension ratio of an The macroscopic strain-to-break data of
entanglement network can be calculated Fig. 12-23 can be presented as a function of
using the classical theory of rubber elastic- the entanglement density (see Fig. 12-24) to
ity (Kramer, 1983).InFig. 12-23 the experi- yield the overall picture of deformation and
mentally determined, maximum macro- toughness of amorphous polymers. The
scopic strain to break (Amacr) of the various open circles correspond to data obtained
multilayered and rubber-modified PS-PPE from multilayered and rubber-modified
blends is shown as a function of the theoret- PS-PPE blends, and the filled circles corre-
ical maximum extension ratio (Amax) of the spond to data obtained from a thermoset
entanglement network of the PS-PPE epoxide system possessing varying cross-
phase. link densities (van der Sanden and Meijer,
As can be inferred from Fig. 12-23, the 1993 a). This latter model system is beyond
experimentally determined values correlate the scope of this chapter, and therefore the
606 12 Deformation and Toughness of Polymers

PS-PPE matrix, creates thin ligaments of

polymeric material, i.e., potential deforma-
tion initiation places. The smallest size of a
fracture surface is the stretched fibril origi-
nating from the matrix ligament between
two neighboring particles. Brittle fracture
can only occur if the stored elastic energy
per matrix ligament is larger than the ener-
gy required to create brittle fracture of this
fibril. The stored elastic energy per ligament
can be considered to be correlated with the
25 50 75 volume of matrix material that is relieved
25 3
Network density (x1 0 chains/m )
from elastic stress if a brittle fracture were
to occur in the connecting fibril. Although
Figure 12-24. Draw ratio versus network density only detailed micromechanical analysis in a
(entanglement and/or crosslink density). For details,
see text. substantial volume around a matrix filament
could give conclusive answers on the elas-
tic energy stored in the volume that is
reader is referred to van der Sanden and released after rupture of the fibril, a rough
Meijer (1993 a) for further details. first approximation could be the matrix vol-
ume between two holes; see the shaded area
in Fig. 12-25 a (direction 1 is the direction Critical Microscopic Thickness of the applies stress). This volume can be
The rubber weight fraction at which a estimated to be a sphere, having a diameter
sharp increase is observed in the strain to of dx (= h). The maximum average stress in
break for rubber-modified PS-PPE blends this volume is estimated as the yield stress,
(Fig. 12-22) corresponds to a certain aver- cry, since higher stresses would result in duc-
age surface-to-surface interparticle dis- tile plastic deformation of the ligament. The
tance, Dj (i.e., ligament thickness), which available elastic energy, t/av, per ligament
can be calculated from the rubber particle is therefore
size and volume fraction (assuming a body-
centered-cubic lattice) (Wu, 1985, 1988; tfav=f(4)3^- (12-13)
Borggreve, 1987). It can be inferred from
Fig. 12-22 that the critical ligament thick- where E{ is the Young's modulus of the
ness increases with increasing PPE content PS-PPE blend.
present in the matrix (analogous to multi- The energy required to create a brittle
layered PS-PPE/PE tapes; see Fig. 12-21). fracture, /re, can be estimated from
In order to derive a simple first-order
model describing the phenomenon of the (12-14)
thickness-dependent brittle-to-ductile tran-
sition, the conditions have to be investigat- where F is the surface energy of the poly-
ed that allow for a continuation of local de- meric matrix material. The size of a possible
formation without fatal fracture. A lattice fracture surface (diameter d2\ Fig. 12-25 b)
of holes, which is a schematic representa- is proportional to the original cross-
tion of nonadhering rubbery particles in a sectional area of the matrix ligament divid-
12.8 Critical Thickness and Network Density 607

brittle-to-ductile transition (kx is a constant)

d\ = Ac = (12-16)

If the value of Dl is larger than Dlc (the

critical interparticle distance), brittle frac-
ture of the ligament is possible (f/av > Ure)
and will therefore occur. If, on the other
hand, Dl < >Ic, brittle fracture cannot occur
([/ av < Ure) and complete deformation of the
ligament will take place, eventually leading
to a fully ductile macroscopic fracture
Taking for PS, 7=40 mJ m~2, k} =
\ II

7.13xlO 15 J chain"172 m"172 (Kramer and
Berger, 1990), Ex = 3.28xlO9 Pa (Kambour,
2 J 1983), Amax = 4.2, and <7y = 82.8 MPa (Kam-
Figure 12-25. Schematic view of a matrix ligament bour, 1983) results in D lc = 0.055 |Lim
between two holes, representing nonadhering rubbery [Eq. (12-16)], which is surprisingly close to
particles: (a) before plastic deformation and (b) dur- the experimentally determined value
ing plastic deformation. The shaded area represents (0.05 |Lim; see Sec. 12.7) given the simplic-
the elastically deformed volume that is relieved of ity of the model and the assumptions made
elastic stress once the fibril breaks.
of the volume of matrix material released
after rupture of the fibril.
Extending the model by introducing the
ed by Amax, since this is the most critical con- ve dependence of Amax [Amax = 2 v ~1/2; the
dition, analogous to the use of the yield constant &2 = 2.36xl0 1 3 chains 172 m-3/2
stress in Eq. (12-13). (Kramer and Berger, 1990)] results in
The surface energy is given by (Kramer
and Berger, 1990) = Ac = (12-17)
r = y + -vcdU (12-15)
/ 4 e In Fig. 12-26 the calculated value of A c
where / i s the van der Waals surface ener- is plotted as a function of the entanglement
gy, d is the root mean square end-to-end dis- density for several PS-PPE blends. The full
tance between junction points in the net- curve is drawn according to Eq. (12-17),
work, and U is the polymer backbone bond taking for the yield stress a constant value
energy. (The influence of the moderate of 70 MPa; the broken curve is also drawn
degree of molecular orientation on the value according to Eq. (12-17), but taking for
of the surface energy is neglected.) Accord- the yield stress data published by
ing to Kramer and Berger, 1990), ve d scales Kambour (1983). The Young's modulus of
roughly as v^72 (the polymer backbone bond the PS-PPE phase is assumed to be inde-
energy is roughly equal for all amorphous pendent of the entanglement density
polymers). ( 1 = 3.28xl0 9 Pa). In Fig. 12-26 the
Combining Eqs. (12-13), (12-14), and experimentally determined values of Dlc
(12-15) results in an energy criterion for the for various core-shell, rubber-modified
608 12 Deformation and Toughness of Polymers

of the released volume containing stored

elastic energy, the results are promising
towards an understanding of the phenome-
E non of a brittle-to-ductile transition [for a
3 0.20
more detailed discussion of the critical
/ ' cjy after thickness observed for relatively densely
''DeGennes (1991)
crosslinked thermosets, the reader is
o referred to van der Sanden and Meijer
(1994 a)]. Moreover, the influence of test-
ing temperature and testing speed can be
incorporated relatively easily via the tem-
3 6 9 12

25 3
perature and strain rate dependence of the
Network density (x10 chains/m )
yield stress and Young's modulus of the
Figure 12-26. Critical material thickness (DIc) ver- matrix (van der Sanden and Meijer, 1994 a).
sus the matrix entanglement density (ve) for the vari-
ous PS-PPE blends. The curves are according to the
model. For details, see text.
12.9 Concluding Remarks

PS-PPE blends are given as well (filled As demonstrated by Kramer and co-
squares). The value of Dlc for the PS-PPE workers (see Sec. 12-4), a systematic inves-
20-80 blend is taken from van der Sanden tigation on a wide variety of different types
and Meijer (1994 a) (high speed tensile of polymers can result in a clear understand-
tests). Not only is the slope representing the ing of the strain to break (i.e., toughness) of
entanglement density dependence of the amorphous glassy polymers from a molec-
critical thickness predicted well by both ular point of view, at least on a microscop-
curves, but the absolute values of the criti- ic scale such as the craze extension ratio and
cal thickness are also surprisingly correct the draw ratio in a shear deformation zone.
taking into account the simplicity of the The network density is the key parameter in
model and the serious assumptions that have these investigations, since with a decreas-
been made. ing network (entanglement and/or cross-
In Fig. 12-26 two data points are also link) density both the theoretical and the
shown as obtained from multilayered experimental microscopic draw ratio
PS-PPE blends (open squares). As already increase strongly. Intriguing in this context
discussed, these data compare well with is that routes towards other ultimate prop-
those obtained from core-shell, rubber- erties like stiffness and strength, at least for
modified PS-PPE blends but, surprisingly, flexible semi-crystalline polymers like
they are also close to the predicted values. polyethylene, also depend fully on the
In the stratified structures, the estimation of drawability of the network. Analogously, in
the volume of matrix material containing the search for the ultimate toughness, the
elastic energy to create a brittle fracture is maximum attainable draw ratio can be cho-
much more complicated and, moreover, sen as a discriminating parameter since
requires a number of assumptions to be made toughness can be roughly defined as the
on the development of the deforming parts. product of deformation stress and strain to
Although the model presented needs break. The first parameter is relatively con-
refinements in, for instance, the estimation stant within the class of amorphous glassy
12.9 Concluding Remarks 609

polymers, while the latter shows some (see Fig. 12-24, network density of 3xlO25
apparent contradictions, since on a macro- chains m~3).
scopic scale the experimental strain to break In Sec. 12-8 of this chapter, the network
is in most cases more than two decades density dependence of the critical thickness
lower than the maximum strain of the and the maximum macroscopic toughness
molecular network. Striking in this context (strain to break) were investigated for the
is the theoretical draw ratio of polystyrene class of thermoplastic polymers (see
(PS), which equals 320% and is experimen- Figs. 12-24 and 12-26).
tally verified by Kramer and co-workers on The macroscopic draw ratios below the
a microscopic scale to be 300% (see material-specific critical thickness clearly
Sec. 12.4), while macroscopically the strain fit the curve given by 60% of the theoreti-
to break of polystyrene roughly equals only cal draw ratio (see Fig. 12-24). Obviously,
1-3%. the maximum macroscopic toughness is
In the research discussed in this chapter, influenced by the existence of a distribution
these discrepancies were investigated and a in the network densities (any other network
universal approach for the macroscopic arguments would only lead to higher pre-
toughness of amorphous polymeric systems dicted values)2.
was aimed at using a systematic experimen- Similar to the maximum macroscopic
tal approach covering the complete class of draw ratio, the critical thickness is depen-
polymeric networks. This approach has dent on the network density of the polymer.
resulted in the possibility to estimate the With increasing network density, the criti-
ultimate toughness of polymeric systems cal thickness below which the maximum
and a theory that is capable of defining degree of macroscopic ductility is observed
directions for further research in the devel- increases (see Fig. 12-26).
opment of controlled toughness. The physical explanation for the occur-
While the large microscopic draw ratio is rence and network density dependence of
found on the scale of local deformation the critical dimension was given in
mechanisms such as craze fibrils or shear Sec. 12.8 and originates from an energy
deformation zones, the low macroscopic based criterion for brittle fracture assuming
draw ratio is operative on a scale of a few that deformation will always be initiated
millimeters. Hence a decrease of the mac- locally. The stored elastic energy within a
roscopic sample dimensions should eventu- matrix ligament is compared with the
ally result in an increase of the macroscop- required fracture surface energy to generate
ic strain to break. In Sec. 12-7 of this chap- a brittle fracture of this ligament. If the
ter, the macroscopic dimensions of PS were stored elastic energy equals, or is higher
decreased in one (thin films) or two dimen- than, the fracture surface energy required,
sions (ligaments). Both approaches finally brittle fracture will occur locally and extend
resulted in a sharp increase of the macro-
scopic strain to break at a certain critical 2
For a given network density, the maximum draw
thickness of less than 1 |im. Below this crit- ratio is independent of the type of network, as physi-
ical size, either given by the film thickness cal entanglements and chemical crosslinks both act as
or by the average distance between the 'nodes of enhanced friction' on the time scale of a de-
formation process (typically a few seconds or less),
added nonadhering rubbery particles, the and no chain slippage and/or disentanglement can
macroscopic draw ratio reaches values com- occur at the testing temperatures applied (van der San-
parable with the theoretical strain to break den and Meijer, 1993 a).
610 12 Deformation and Toughness of Polymers

throughout the complete sample; if the as a very ductile polymer below a local
stored elastic energy is lower than the frac- thickness of 0.05 |im (see Figs. 12-24 and
ture surface energy, macroscopic ductile 12-26). This offers a challenging perspec-
fracture behavior occurs. The results of the tive in developing macroscopically tough
most simplified calculations concerning polystyrene by adding holes in order to
this fracture criterion were shown in create the required (local) critical thickness.
Fig. 12-26. Given the simplicity of the Generally, foams are materials with low
model, a surprisingly good correlation is stiffness and strength, which are not very
observed between the predicted values and tough. This is due to the too large cell diam-
the experimental data. Extrapolation of the eters used. In Fig. 12-27 the foam density of
predicted curve to network densities of polymers is plotted versus the cell diameter
200x1025 chains m~3 (typical for standard for different values of the (critical) intercel-
crosslinked thermosetting polymers) lular distance.
reveals that the critical thickness of these Traditional PS foams possess typical
samples is of the order of a few microme- cell diameters of 50 |im, gas volume frac-
ters [see van der Sanden and Meijer tions of 95 vol.%, consequent densities of
(1994 a)]. Hence the addition of only a few 0.05 g cm"3 (50 kg m~3), and therefore wall
percent of rubber to these systems results in thicknesses of a few micrometers or larger.
their maximum macroscopic toughness. Consequently, they do not show any ductile
However, the absolute toughness of this macroscopic properties, as the critical thick-
class of materials is of course limited. ness for PS is 0.05 |Lim (see Fig. 12-27).
These experiments clearly suggest a pos- Only the development of PS foam with cell
itive influence of a decreased cavitation diameters smaller than 0.1 |im can result in
stress of the elastomeric filler and the ben- extremely ductile foam-like structures with
eficial absence of adhesion between the a volume fraction of gas-filled cells <30%,
elastomer and the matrix in obtaining the which would shear without a considerable
ultimate toughness. This in clear contrast loss of stiffness. Logically, a lower limit
with earlier findings (see Sec. 12.5) if only exists in the cell size that can be applied,
an intermediate toughness is pursued, e.g.,
via the introduction of a multiple crazing 1.00
mechanism, where improved adhesion can
influence the macroscopic toughness in a 0.80 -
favorable manner. The optimal particle sizes
reported for craze-deforming materials (see 3 0.60 -
Sec. 12.5) are not relevant with respect to
the ultimate toughness of amorphous poly- 0.40 -
mers, since in principle no limitations exist
for a minimum hole size in the ultimate 0.20 -
toughening concepts presented here.
Based on the above understanding of ulti- 0.00
mate macroscopic toughness, the elegance 0.01 0.1 1 10 100

of developing sub-micrometer, or even Cell diameter (|jm)

nano-sized, polymeric structures emerges. Figure 12-27. Foam density as a function of the cell
One of the most brittle of all amorphous diameter for different values of the critical intercellu-
polymers, i.e., polystyrene, manifests itself lar distance.
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13 Photopolymerization and Ultraviolet Curing
of Multifunctional Monomers
Christian Decker

Laboratoire de Photochimie Generate, URA - CNRS 431, ENSCMu,

Universite de Haute Alsace, Mulhouse, France

List of Symbols and Abbreviations 617

13.1 Introduction 619
13.2 Basic Principle of Photoinitiated Curing 620
13.3 Different Types of Photoinitiator 620
13.3.1 Radical Formation by Photocleavage 621
13.3.2 Radical Generation by Hydrogen Abstraction 622
13.3.3 Cationic Photoinitiators 623
13.4 Different Types of Photocurable System 624
13.4.1 Photoinitiated Radical Polymerization 625 Unsaturated Polyester Resins 625 Thiol-ene Systems 625 Acrylate and Methacrylate Monomers 626
13.4.2 Photoinitiated Cationic Polymerization 627 Epoxides 627 Vinyl Ethers 628 Hybrid Systems 628
13.5 Processing of Ultraviolet-Curable Systems 629
13.5.1 Coating Applications 629
13.5.2 Ultraviolet Oven 630
13.5.3 Cure Test 631
13.6 Kinetic Study of Photoinitiated Curing 632
13.6.1 Methods of Curing Analysis 632
13.6.2 Real-Time Infrared Spectroscopy 632
13.7 Novel Acrylate Monomers 634
13.7.1 Reactivity 634
13.7.2 Kinetic Parameters 636 Quantum Yield 636 Kinetic Chain Length 636 Propagation and Termination Rate Constants 637 Rate of Chain Growth 637
13.7.3 Properties of Ultraviolet-Cured Polymers 638
13.8 Vinyl Ether Monomers 638
13.8.1 Photoinitiated Cationic Polymerization of Vinyl Ethers 638
13.8.2 Photoinduced Curing of the Acrylate/Vinyl Ether System 639
Materials Science and Technology
Copyright WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co KGaA. Allrightsreserved.
616 13 Photopolymerization and Ultraviolet Curing of Multifunctional Monomers Cationic Photoinitiator 639 Radical Photoinitiator 640
13.8.3 Photoinduced Curing of the Maleate/Vinyl Ether System 641
13.9 Ultraviolet Curing of Acrylic Monomers in a Polymer Matrix 643
13.9.1 Poly(methylmethacrylate) (PMMA) 643
13.9.2 Poly(vinylchloride) (PVC) 644
13.9.3 Polyurethane (PUR) 644
13.9.4 Natural Rubber 645
13.10 Industrial Applications of Ultraviolet Curing 646
13.10.1 Graphic Arts 646 Printing Plates 646 Ultraviolet-Curable Printing Inks 647 Overprint Varnishes (OPVs) 648
13.10.2 Coatings 648 Wood Finishing 648 Plastic Coatings 649 Metal Coatings 650
13.10.3 Adhesives 650 Laminated Adhesives 650 Pressure-Sensitive Adhesives (PSAs) 651
13.10.4 Electronics 651
13.10.5 Stereolithography 652
13.10.6 Dental Composite Materials 653
13.11 Conclusions 654
13.12 Acknowledgements 655
13.13 References 655
List of Symbols and Abbreviations 617

List of Symbols and Abbreviations

light absorbance
initial acrylate double bond concentration
Planck's constant
absorbed light intensity
incident light intensity
propagation rate constant
K termination rate constant
kcl kinetic chain length
I sample length
[MJ monomer concentration
[M], monomer concentration at end of irradiation, after given time t
rate of initiation
rate of polymerization
rate of polymerization at end of irradiation, after given time t
s photosensitivity
t time
glass transition temperature
x degree of conversion
X, Y coordinates

photoinitiator absorptivity
A wavelength
v frequency
quantum yield of formation of the initiating species
polymerization quantum yield

CW continuous wave
DSC differential scanning calorimetry
EDGA ethyldiethyleneglycol monoacrylate
HDDA hexanedioldiacrylate
IPN interpenetrating network
IR infrared
LDI laser direct imaging
MA maleate
NMR nuclear magnetic resonance
OPV overprint varnish
PC polycarbonate
PCB printed circuit board
PI photoinitiator
PMMA poly(methylmethacrylate)
PSA pressure-sensitive adhesive
PUR polyurethane
618 13 Photopolymerization and Ultraviolet Curing of Multifunctional Monomers

PVC poly(vinyl chloride)

QUV accelerated weathering device
RH hydrogen donor substrate
RTIR real time infrared
TMPTA trimethylolpropane triacrylate
UV ultraviolet
VE vinyl ether
13.1 Introduction 619

13.1 Introduction disks, microcircuits, and 3-D recording

plates for holographic devices. Photocuring
One of the most efficient methods to technology has recently achieved a predom-
rapidly generate strongly crosslinked poly- inant position in some specific sectors, such
mers consists of exposing multifunctional as for the coating of optical fibers and in
monomers to ultraviolet (UV) radiation in laser stereolithography.
the presence of a photoinitiator. A liquid Most of the research efforts devoted to
resin can thus be transformed within a frac- photocuring have been focused on the
tion of a second into a solid polymer, total- design of high performance formulations,
ly insoluble in the organic solvents and very which would polymerize both fast and
resistant to heat and mechanical treatments. extensively to give polymer networks show-
The term radiation curing is often used to ing outstanding physical and chemical prop-
designate such crosslinking polymerization erties. Great progress has been achieved in
induced by UV or visible light, lasers or recent years with the development of ever
electron beams. The subject has been exten- more efficient photoinitiators (Dietliker,
sively investigated and thoroughly surveyed 1991) and highly reactive new monomers
in some excellent textbooks and com- (Tu, 1985; Watt, 1985) and oligomers
prehensive review articles (Roffrey, 1982; (Oldring, 1991b; Martin, 1985) for both
Pappas, 1985, 1992; Decker, 1987, 1989, clear and pigmented resins. A large choice
1993 a; Hoyle and Kinstle, 1990; Oldring, of commercially available products makes
1991 a; Fouassier and Rabek, 1993). it possible to select the proper formula-
Because of its distinct advantages, i.e., an tions to meet the cure speed and product
ultrafast polymerization performed at ambi- properties required for particular applica-
ent temperature in the absence of any sol- tions.
vent, this advanced technology has experi- In this article, the basic principle of the
enced a steady growth during the last photoinitiated polymerization of multifunc-
decade. It has found an increasing number tional monomers will be outlined first,
of applications in various industrial sectors, together with a short review of the various
mainly for the hardening of thin specimens, systems most widely used in today's radia-
owing to the limited penetration of UV light tion curing applications. The performance
into organic compounds. The most impor- of some newly developed monomers will
tant end uses are to be found in the coating then be discussed with respect to both the
industry for the surface protection of all kinetics and mechanism of such ultrafast
kinds of materials (metals, plastics, glass, polymerization reactions, along with the
paper, wood, fabrics, etc.) by fast drying properties of the polymer network thus
varnishes, paints, or printing inks, as well formed. Special emphasis will be given to
as in the manufacture of radiation-curable the UV curing of multiacrylate resins, which
adhesives and composite materials. Another are among the most widely used photo-
unique feature of photocuring is that the polymers in radiation-curing applications,
polymerization reaction only occurs in the because of their high reactivity which
illuminated areas, thus allowing high reso- allows a quasi-instant formation of densely
lution relief images to be generated by light- crosslinked networks by a chain process.
induced insolubilization of photoresists.
Such photopolymers are now commonly
used to produce printing plates, optical
620 13 Photopolymerization and Ultraviolet Curing of Multifunctional Monomers

13.2 Basic Principle initially on the reactivity of the functional

of Photoinitiated Curing group, its concentration, and the viscosity of
the resin. The chemical structure and func-
Photocuring is typically a process that tionality of both the monomer and the oligo-
transforms a multifunctional monomer into mer are also important, for they will deter-
a crosslinked macromolecule by a chain mine the final degree of polymerization as
reaction initiated by reactive species gener- well as the physical and chemical character-
ated by UV irradiation. Since most of the istics of the UV-cured polymer. The various
monomers do not produce initiating species types of photoinitiator and of monomer
with a sufficiently high yield upon UV expo- systems currently employed in UV-curing
sure, it is necessary to introduce a photosen- applications will now be briefly described.
sitive initiator which will make the polymer-
ization start upon illumination. The overall
process can be represented schematically as 13.3 Different Types
in Scheme 13-1. of Photoinitiator
UV-curable formulations are usually
made of three basic components: An efficient photoinitiator has to have
high absorption in the emission range of the
1. A photoinitiator, which effectively ab- light source, usually a medium pressure
sorbs the incident light and readily gen- mercury lamp (248 < A<578 nm). The excit-
erates reactive radicals or ions. ed states thus formed must have a short life-
2. A functionalized oligomer, which by time (a few nanoseconds), to avoid quench-
polymerizing will constitute the back- ing by oxygen or monomer, and generate
bone of the tridimensional polymer net- initiating species with the highest possible
work formed. quantum yield. The various deactivation
3. A mono- or multifunctional monomer, pathways of the excited initiator molecule
which acts as a reactive diluent and will are represented schematically in Fig. 13-1.
thus be incorporated into the network. The rate of initiation (rt) is directly relat-
ed to the light absorbance (A) of the photo-
The photoinitiator plays a key role in that
initiator, to the quantum yield of formation
it governs both the rate of initiation and the
of the initiating species (0{) and to the inci-
penetration of the incident light into the
dent light intensity (70)
sample, and therefore it governs the depth
of cure. The rate of polymerization depends -A)] (13-1)


Reactive species
(radicals or ions)

UV radiation
- Crosslinked polymer

monomer Scheme 13-1.
13.3 Different Types of Photoinitiator 621


(O2, monomer)


Figure 13-1. Various deactivation pathways of the excited photoinitiator molecule. * represents an excited state.

A unique advantage of photoinitiation, 13.3.1 Radical Formation

compared to thermal polymerization, is that by Photocleavage
very high values of rx can be attained sim-
This class includes aromatic carbonyl
ply by adjusting the light intensity, which
compounds that are known to undergo a
can be varied over a large range, even dur-
homolytic C-C bond scission upon UV
ing the polymerization. Moreover, the depth
exposure, with the formation of two radical
of cure can be finely controlled through the
photoinitiator concentration, [PI], which
directly affects the light absorbance
= e/x[PI] (13-2) x
where / is the sample thickness and the
photoinitiator absorptivity.
A large variety of photoinitiators have c- + c x (1)
been developed during the past 20 years in
order to obtain photocurable resins that can o
be hardened within a fraction of a second The benzoyl radical was shown to be the
under intense illumination. Their photolysis major initiating species, while the other
mechanism and performance under UV or fragment may, in some cases, also contrib-
visible exposure have been studied exten- ute to the initiation (Hageman, 1985). The
sively (Crivello, 1981; Hageman, 1985; most efficient photoinitiators belong to this
Pappas, 1987; Fouassier, 1985) and are class, such as the benzoin ether derivatives,
reviewed in an excellent textbook (Dietli- benzilketals, hydroxyalkylphenones, a-
ker, 1991). The various photoinitiators used amino ketones, and acylphosphine oxides.
in UV-curing applications can be classified The last two compounds proved to be par-
into three major categories, depending on ticularly efficient for the photocuring of pig-
the way the initiating species are generated. mented systems (Desobry et al., 1990; Jaco-
622 13 Photopolymerization and Ultraviolet Curing of Multifunctional Monomers

bi et al., 1985). Photoinitiators containing 13.3.2 Radical Generation

one of these chromophores and an acrylate by Hydrogen Abstraction
double bond, as well as polymeric photo-
Some aromatic ketones, like benzophe-
initiators, have been shown to substantially
none, thioxanthone, or camphorquinone, do
reduce the amount of photoinitiator that can
not undergo fragmentation when they are
be extracted from UV-cured coatings with
promoted to their excited states by UV irra-
no significant loss in initiation efficiency
diation, but tend to abstract a hydrogen atom
(Li Bassi, 1987; Koehler and Ohngemach,
from an H-donor molecule via an exciplex,
to generate a ketyl radical and the donor rad-

O)-Ho>r RH

OH (2)
Initiation of the polymerization occurs through the H-donor radical, while the inactive
ketyl radical disappears by a radical coupling process. Tertiary amines are mainly employed
as co-initiators, because of the high reactivity of the a-amino alkyl radical towards the
monomer double bond
Ar2C = N-CH2- Ar 2 C-OH+ > N - C H -

CH2=CH- (3)


The use of tertiary amines has the additional advantage of helping overcome the inhibi-
tion effect of oxygen on radical-induced polymerizations (Decker and Jenkins, 1985). The
oxygen dissolved in the monomer is rapidly consumed by a-chain peroxidation process,
which generates hydroperoxide groups, which are still able to initiate detrimental thermal
and photochemical degradation reactions
:N-CH- :N-CH-
i I (4)

The role of amines in UV radiation cur-

ing has recently been reviewed (Davidson,
1993). Beside their beneficial effect in been erroneously considered as a synergis-
accelerating surface cure, amines tend to tic combination. Actually, both components
impart some yellowing to UV-cured prod- need to be present to produce initiating rad-
ucts and to decrease their hardness, due to icals upon UV exposure, as benzophenone
an efficient chain transfer process. It should alone is not capable of initiating the poly-
be mentioned that the benzophenone plus merization in the absence of an H donor
amine photoinitiator system has sometimes molecule.
13.3 Different Types of Photoinitiator 623

13.3.3 Cationic Photoinitiators Different types of these powerful proto-

nic acids can thus be formed with a large
Bronsted acids are readily generated by
yield, and they have been used to initiate the
the photolysis of diaryliodonium (Crivello
cationic polymerization of vinyl ethers and
and Lam, 1978 a) or triarylsulfonium (Cri-
heterocyclic monomers. Although the rate
vello and Lee, 1989) salts in the presence of
of polymerization of cyclo-aliphatic epox-
an H donor molecule
ides was found to be lower than for radical
Arl +Ar*+R'+HBF 4 curable acrylates (Decker and Moussa,
(5) 1992), cationic initiators are increasingly
being employed in UV-curing applications,
Ar3S+PF6 + RH Ar2S + Ar* + R' + HPF6 especially when the speed of cure is not the
(6) prime criterion. The two most remarkable


Benzoin derivatives

Benzil ketals


Acylphosphine oxides

Benzophenone derivatives

Thioxanthone derivatives


Diaryliodonium salts R R AsF 6 '

Figure 13-2. Different types of

Triarylsulfonium salts
photoinitiators used in UV radiation
624 13 Photopolymerization and Ultraviolet Curing of Multifunctional Monomers

features of cationic-initiated polymeriza- over the years for use in photocurable for-
tion are its lack of sensitivity towards atmos- mulations, and they produce highly cross-
pheric oxygen and the effective post- linked polymers. It should be noticed that
polymerization which continues to proceed once the initiating radicals or ions have been
in the dark after UV exposure (Decker and generated by photolysis, the following steps
Moussa, 1990 a). The formulas of some typ- (chain propagation and termination) will
ical cationic and radical photoinitiators are essentially be the same as in a conven-
given in Fig. 13-2. tional polymerization, except for the much
larger rate of initiation provided by UV irra-
diation. Figure 13-3 shows the formulas of
13.4 Different Types some typical multifunctional monomers and
oligomers used in the different kinds of UV-
of Photocurable System
curable formulations, which will now be
briefly reviewed.
A great number of multifunctional mono-
mers and oligomers have been developed


Polyester / Styrene

- pil -OUI C* .AAAAA


Thiol / ene

C(R SH)4 + CH2= CHR1CH = CH2



CH2 = C H - C - O - R - O - C - C H = CH2
o o
with R : polyester, polyether, polyurethane, polysiloxane



Vinyl ethers

C H 2 = C H - O - f CH 2 CH 2 O-jhCH=CH 2 DVE - 3

CH2 = C H - O - R - O - C H = C H 2

with R : polyester, polyether, polyurethane Figure 13-3. Different types of UV-

curable system.
13.4 Different Types of Photocurable System 625

13.4.1 Photoinitiated Radical multifunctional monomers are involved

Polymerization (Morgan et al., 1977). A great number of ki-
netic and mechanistic studies have been de-
There are three main classes of UV-
voted to this subject, which has recently been
curable resins that polymerize by a radical
reviewed in a comprehensive monography
mechanism, as discussed in the following
(Jacobine, 1993). With a hydrogen abstrac-
three sections.
tion type photoinitiator, the chain reaction
can be formally represented as follows Unsaturated Polyester Resins
Ar2C = O + R S H ^ A r 2 C - O H + RS' (8)
Photopolymerizable resins consisting of
an unsaturated polyester dissolved in sty-
rene were among the first to be used in large RS* +CH 2 =CH-R'>RS-CH 2 -CH-R'
scale UV-curing applications (Chandler, (9)
1970; Laus, 1976). Here the radical- RS-CH 2 -CH-R' + RSH >
initiated crosslinking occurs by direct addi- RS-CH 2 -CH 2 -R' + RS* (10)
tion copolymerization of the vinyl monomer The thiol-ene polymerization proceeds by
with the unsaturations (usually maleic or a step growth addition mechanism, which is
fumaric structures) located on the polyester propagated by a free-radical, chain transfer

C CH = CH C CH = Crosslinked (7)

The relatively slow cure, together with

volatility problems and the reduced number reaction involving the thiyl radical (RS*)
of monomers available, has limited the (Lenz, 1967). As with all step-growth
development of this system, which is main- processes, it requires stoichiometric con-
ly used in the wood finishing industry. ditions in order to achieve a fast and
complete polymerization. With multifunc-
tional monomers, such as tetrafunctional Thiol-ene Systems
thiols [C(RSH)4] combined with a diene
The photoinduced addition of a thiol (RSH) (CH 2 =CH-R'-CH = CH2), a three-dimen-
to an olefinic double bond can be used as a sional network is formed, in which the con-
network-forming reaction, provided that necting chains are made of an alternating

-R'-CH2-CH2-S-R-C-R-S-CH2-CH2-R'-CH2-CH2-S-R-C-R-S- (11)
626 13 Photopolymerization and Ultraviolet Curing of Multifunctional Monomers

The crosslink density of the polymer net- Acrylate and Methacrylate
work, as well as its properties, depends on Monomers
the functionality, the length, and the chem-
The light-induced polymerization of mul-
ical nature of the polyene (R') and thiol pre-
tiacrylate monomers and oligomers has been
polymer (R) chains, and can thus be tailored
studied extensively, particularly its kinetic
as desired. Because peroxy radicals formed
and mechanistic aspects (Blanding, et al.,
by the O2 scavenging of alkyl radicals
1978; Collins and Costanza, 1979; Tryson
are also capable of abstracting hydrogen
andSchultz, 1979; Tu, 1983; Decker, 1983 a,
atom from the thiol, UV-curable thiol-ene
1993 b; Kloosterboer et al., 1984; Klooster-
systems are much less sensitive to air inhi-
boer and Lippits, 1984; Ahn et al., 1986;
bition than conventional radical-induced
Decker and Moussa, 1987a, 1989, 1990b;
Kloosterboer, 1988; Nakamura et al., 1990;
Bowman and Peppas, 1991; Anseth et al.,
1995 a, b; Decker and Elzaouk, 1995 a). The
(12) great commercial success of these UV-
With the development of new types of curable resins stems from their high reactiv-
prepolymers, such as vinyl-functionalized ity, and from the possibility of creating a
silicones (Jacobine and Nakos, 1992), there large variety of crosslinked polymers with
has been a marked increase in interest in tailormade properties. The polymerization
thiol-ene photopolymerization, which is of a diacrylate monomer initiated by photo-
now used in a large number of applications generated benzoyl radicals can be schemat-
(coatings, adhesives, sealants, printing ically represented as shown in Scheme
plates, and microcircuits). 13-2.



+ monomer


-?- O
- CH
2 "- CH -- C H 2 -- CH -- CH2 -- CH
C =o

C =o c =o
1 1
CH C H 2 - - C H -- C H 2 - CH C H 2 - CH -- CH


n + Pm '" P ]
. j
^ Occlusion Scheme 13-2.
13.4 Different Types of Photocurable System 627

After a fast start, the polymerization pro- 13.4.2 Photoinitiated Cationic

gressively slows down, due to severe mobil- Polymerization
ity restrictions of the reactive sites caused by
Light-induced cationic polymerization is
gelation and ultimately vitrification, which
one of the most efficient methods to rapid-
leads to premature chain termination. Thus
ly cure monomers that are inactive toward
a certain amount of residual unsaturation and
radical species, in particular vinyl ethers and
trapped radicals remain in the UV-cured
heterocyclic monomers such as epoxides,
polymer network (Kloosterboer et al., 1984;
lactones, and cyclic ethers.
Decker and Moussa, 1987 a). Multifunction-
al methacrylate monomers undergo a simi-
lar crosslinking polymerization, but at a Epoxides
slower pace than the acrylate derivatives, In the presence of a photogenerated pro-
because of a less efficient propagation reac- tonic acid, the ring-opening polymerization
tion (lower value of kp). Although these of epoxides proceeds through the oxonium
radical-induced reactions are strongly in- ion

CH 2 CH 2
+ monomer) X-O-CH2-CH- < ' (13)
hibited by oxygen, a fast and extensive If difunctional epoxides or epoxy-
curing is achieved in the presence of air, even substituted polymers are used as the starting
for thin films, because of the very high initi- material, crosslinking readily occurs to gen-
ation rates provided by intense illumination. erate a tridimensional polymer network (Cri-
Different types of chemical structure can velloandLam, 1978 b; Crivello, 1978,1984;
be used for the prepolymer backbone, e.g., Pappas et al., 1984; Watt, 1985; Decker and
polyurethanes, polyesters, polyethers, and Moussa, 1994; Bayer and Lehner, 1990). By
polysiloxanes. As a general rule, low mod- contrast to radical-initiated polymerization,
ulus elastomers are obtained with aliphatic the chain carrier species is not interacting, so
chains, whereas hard and glassy polymers that the living polymerization will continue
are formed when the crosslinked segments to develop after the UV exposure and thus
contain aromatic structures. In addition, the provide a beneficial post-cure effect which
acrylate monomer introduced to reduce the can be enhanced further by a thermal treat-
viscosity also affects the physical and ment. Termination still occurs, either by
mechanical properties of the UV-cured poly- chain transfer to give an inactive species, or
mer, as well as the overall extent of cure. by reaction of the propagating species with
Viscoelastic measurements suggest that nucleophilic impurities, in particular traces
the UY-cured polyurethane-acrylate net- of water. Another advantage of cationic poly-
work consists of rigid acrylate clusters merization is that the oxonium ion and the
which are bonded together by the flexible carbocation are inactive toward the oxygen
urethane chain. As the quantity of monomer molecule, thus allowing even thin coatings to
added to reduce the viscosity can be as large be cured rapidly in the presence of air.
as that of the functionalized oligomer, these The actual rate of polymerization of
clusters may represent more than half of the difunctional epoxides is still one order of
total polymer network formed. magnitude lower than that of diacrylate
628 13 Photopolymerization and Ultraviolet Curing of Multifunctional Monomers

monomers, most probably because of a Hybrid Systems

lower propagation rate constant (Decker
and Moussa, 1992). In this respect the Polymer networks with well-defined
remarkable performance of some novel characteristics can be obtained by the pho-
cyclo-aliphatic epoxy-silicones should be toinitiated polymerization of a mixture of
mentioned, which were shown to polymer- multifunctional monomers. By taking two
ize cationically as fast and as extensively as monomers that polymerize by different
acrylate monomers to give polymers with mechanisms, e.g., radically for the acrylate
excellent physical and chemical properties and cationically for the vinyl ether, two
(Davidson, 1993; Crivello and Lee, 1990). interpenetrating polymer networks (IPNs)
with contrasting properties have been pro-
duced within a few seconds under intense Vinyl Ethers illumination (Crivello et al., 1983; Decker
and Decker, 1994). The IPN formed com-
Vinyl ethers are amongst the most reac- bines the main features of the two networks,
tive monomers that polymerize cationical- on the one hand, the elastomeric vinyl ether
ly, and they are increasingly used in photo- polymer, and on the other hand, the glassy
curable resins. The reaction kinetics have acrylate polymer. Kinetic studies have
been thoroughly investigated (Crivello shown that the two monomers can polymer-
etal., 1983; Dougherty and Vara, 1990; ize either simultaneously or one after the
Lapin and Snyder, 1990; Sauerbrunn et al., other, depending on their respective reactiv-
1990; Decker and Decker, 1994), and the ities (Decker and Decker, 1994).
subject has recently been covered in a com-
Different types of UV-curable hybrid
prehensive review (Lapin, 1992). Divinyl
system have been developed in recent years,
ethers, as well as vinyl ether terminated
in particular vinyl ether/unsaturated ester
polyesters, polyurethane, polyesters, and
(Noren et al., 1990; Schouten et al., 1992),
polysiloxanes, were shown to undergo fast
vinyl ether/acrylate (Dougherty and Vara,
and extensive polymerization when
1990; Sauerbrunn et al., 1990; Snyder and
exposed to UV radiation in the presence of
Green, 1992), and epoxide/acrylate (Per-
an onium salt. The high reactivity of these
kins, 1981; Ravijst, 1990) [for a review see
monomers is due to the electron rich C = C
(Peters, 1993)]. The major advantages of
bond and to the stabilization by resonance
these hybrid systems lie in their superior
of the carbocation
combinations of properties, which were
(14) achieved by adjusting the proportion of the
two components, thus allowing improve-
R - C H 2 - C H - O ~ - <H> R 2
ment of the solvent resistance, the adhesion,
The functional group attached to the vinyl and the abrasion and scratching resistance
ether has a strong effect on the rate of poly- of the UV-cured product.
merization, a fact that was explained on the A reliable evaluation of the respective
basis of differences in the nucleophilicity of reactivity of the different types of UV-
this group. Monomers containing aromatic curable system can be made by comparing
structures generally cure faster than their their polymerization profiles, as shown on
aliphatic homologs, because of the delocal- Fig. 13-4. These conversion versus time
ization of the nonbonding electrons by the curves were recorded by means of real-time
phenyl ring (Lapin, 1989). infrared spectroscopy operating under the
13.5 Processing of Ultraviolet-Curable Systems 629

Conversion (%) tions under which each of these two process-

100 es are conducted will depend on the consid-
ered application.

13.5.1 Coating Applications

Different types of application machines
have been developed in order to deposit a
uniform film of controlled thickness, which
can vary from a few micrometers for UV
inks or printing plates up to 100 |Lim for pro-
tective coatings. The viscosity of these
0 1 2 solvent-free formulations must be carefully
Exposure time (s) adjusted for the coating machine used by
Figure 13-4. Polymerization profiles of different adjusting the proportion of diluting
types of UV-curable system recorded by real-time monomer.
infrared spectroscopy: 1: acrylate, 2: vinyl ether, 3:
polyester/styrene, 4: methacrylate, 5: cycloepoxide. Roller coater: Thin layers of a fluid resin
can be applied on rigid or flexible sub-
strates by means of two rollers, which
rotate either in the same direction as the
same experimental conditions with respect conveyor belt or in reverse. These rollers
to light intensity and wavelength, photoini- are sometimes heated in order to reduce
tiator concentration, film thickness, and the the viscosity of the formulation without
presence of air. Acrylate monomers appear adding too much reactive diluent. This
to be the most reactive ones, a feature which, technique is restricted to flat surfaces and
together with the good properties of the is mainly employed for UV-curable print-
polymer formed, explain the great success ing inks and finishing varnishes.
of those compounds in UV-curing applica- Curtain coater: The resin is deposited by
tions. simply flowing laminarly onto a substrate
that moves horizontally. The thickness of
the film is controlled by the width of the
13.5 Processing of Ultraviolet- curtain and by the belt speed. This process
Curable Systems is used to apply relatively thick layers
(>50 |um) on substrates of variable thick-
Because of its distinct advantages, UV- ness and has found its main applications
curing technology is increasingly employed in wood finishing.
in an ever-growing number of applications, Spraying: A uniform film can also be
mainly in the coating industry, graphic arts, applied by means of a spray gun. It is nec-
and microelectronics. A typical industrial essary to use a highly fluid resin, a require-
line UV processor is made of two parts: the ment which can again be achieved by
coating machine, where the UV-curable warming up the formulation and using a
resin is applied onto the substrate, and the heated spray head. This technique is well
UV oven, where the liquid resin is dried suited for the surface treatment of three-
within a fraction of a second on passing dimensional objects and is widely em-
under a powerful lamp. The precise condi- ployed in furniture finishing.
630 13 Photopolymerization and Ultraviolet Curing of Multifunctional Monomers

13.5.2 Ultraviolet Oven today's UV-curing lines are equipped with

medium pressure mercury lamps which
The coated specimen is placed on a con-
can emit intense UV radiation over a long
veyor and passes into the UV oven where it
period of time (>2000 h). Figure 13-6
is exposed to intense UV radiation. The belt
shows a typical emission spectrum of such
speed can be varied over a large range,
a lamp ("H" bulb), together with the
depending on the application considered.
absorption spectrum of a benzilketal pho-
This is typically a few meters per minute for
toinitiator. It can be seen that part of the
wood coatings and rises up to several hun-
emission occurs in the visible range, and
dred meters per minute for overprint var-
even in the near infrared, thus leading to
nishes or printing inks. Figure 13-5 shows
heating of the curing chamber. An effi-
schematically the set-up of an industrial line
cient air-cooling device is therefore nec-
UV processor.
essary to prevent an excessive tempera-
As atmospheric oxygen has a strong inhi- ture rise in the UV oven, as well as to evac-
bition effect on the radical-induced poly- uate the ozone formed by photolysis of
merization of acrylates, especially when it atmospheric oxygen.
is carried out as thin films, performing the
The addition of metal halides to the
UV irradiation under oxygen-free condi-
mercury vapor leads to a shift of the spec-
tions will be highly beneficial. This can be
tral output towards the visible region. By
achieved by flushing the oven chamber con-
converting shortwave UV radiation into
tinuously with a nitrogen flow. Because of
longwave radiation, which is not so
its high cost, nitrogen blanketting is restrict-
strongly absorbed by the sample, such
ed to specific applications where very high
doped lamps allow a greater penetration
cure speeds are required, such as for the
of light and for a more complete deep-
coating of optical fibers (up to 10 m/s).
through cure to be achieved in thick spec-
UV lamp: The light source plays a key role imens. They also proved most useful for
in every UV-curing reaction, because only the photocuring of pigmented systems
the photons that are absorbed by the sam- (inks, paints), which have a narrow trans-
ple are likely to produce the initiating spe- mission window in the near UV range
cies. It is therefore important to achieve (350-400 nm). In addition, this type of
the best overlap between the absorption lamp ("D" or "V" bulbs) generates much
spectrum of the photoinitiator and the less ozone, because it emits hardly any
emission spectrum of the lamp. Most of radiation below 230 nm, where oxygen





3 Figure 13-5. Schematic representation of
an industrial processor for the UV curing of
organic coatings.
13.5 Processing of Ultraviolet-Curable Systems 631

Relative intensity bolic reflector provides a relatively wide,

100 parallel beam (10-20 cm). This is well
suited for curing three-dimensional
80- objects or for coating heat-sensitive sub-
strates. An elliptical reflector will give the
highest light intensity, which is reached at
the focal point. Such reflectors lead to the
fastest and most extensive curing, mainly
because of the sharp rise of temperature
that occurs during the very short exposure.
It should be emphasized that whichever
reflector is used the total amount of radi-
ation received by the specimen will be the
200 300 400 500 600 same, i.e., the product light intensity x the
Wavelength (nm) exposure time essentially remains con-
Figure 13-6. Emission spectrum of a medium pres- stant. At a line speed of lOm/min, the
sure mercury lamp and the absorption spectrum of a energy received by the sample is of the
benzilketal photoinitiator (a). order of 500 mJ cm"2 for each pass under
the lamp.

absorbs. A combination of the two types

13.5.3 Cure Test
of lamp is often mounted on the same line
in order to achieve successively a fast sur- Various empirical tests are currently used
face cure by means of the mercury lamp to get a rough estimate of the degree of cur-
and a deep-through cure by means of the ing of the coating emerging from the UV-
doped lamp. processing line. The simplest one consists
of touching the sample surface to evaluate
The power output of the lamps is usually
its degree of tackiness. The tack-free test
expressed in watts per linear centimeter. Its
can also be carried out by spreading talc
value is typically of the order of 8 0 -
powder onto the cured sample and seeing
120 W/cm, but it can rise up to 240 W/cm
whether all the particles can be removed
with some of the newly developed, high-
upon blowing. This widely used on-line test
powered lamps. A 1-m wide UV curing line
only gives information about the surface
will thus require an electrical power supply
cure. The deep-through cure is best evalu-
of 24 kW per lamp.
ated by the scratching test, which involves
Reflector: In order to convey the greatest scratching the film with the edge of a fin-
part of the light emitted isotropically by gernail under pressure or with a drawing
the UV source towards the sample, it is pencil of different hardness ranging from
necessary to use reflectors. These are gen- soft (2B) to extremely hard (9H). Other
erally made of polished aluminum, which methods are based on the evaluation of the
has a high reflectance in the UV and vis- coating properties, such as by pendulum
ible range. Their shape will depend on the hardness, dynamic modulus analysis, abra-
desired irradiation conditions, either a sion resistance, tape adhesion, or solvent-
short and very intense exposure, or a long- rub resistance. Although quite useful from
er exposure at medium intensity. A para- a practical point of view, these methods pro-
632 13 Photopolymerization and Ultraviolet Curing of Multifunctional Monomers

vide no quantitative data about the actual evolved, the shrinkage, and changes of
extent of cure. A number of analytical tech- the refractive index or the viscosity.
niques have been employed to more accu-
The first methods provide quantitative
rately determine the degree of polymeriza-
and reliable information on the extent of
tion of UV-cured polymers, i.e., the amount
cure but, besides being time-consuming
of functional groups which have reacted
techniques, they do not allow the separation
upon UV exposure. The performances and
of the post-polymerization reaction, which
limitations of these techniques have been
occurs during the lapse of time between the
discussed and compared in a recent review
end of the exposure and the measurement.
article (Decker, 1992 a), and will be present-
For this reason, real-time analysis is carried
ed briefly in the next section.
out more often, in particular differential
scanning calorimetry (DSC), which is by far
the most widely used technique for photo-
13.6 Kinetic Study curing kinetic studies [for a comprehensive
of Photoinitiated Curing review, see Hoyle (1992)]. Its major disad-
vantage lies in the slow response (typically
One of the common features of all UV- 2 s for a full scale response of the heat flow),
curable systems is the rapidity at which the so that it is not possible to monitor polymer-
polymerization takes place under intense ization reactions that occur within less than
illumination, usually less than one second. 10 s correctly by DSC. This constraint
Therefore it is difficult to accurately follow requires the use of low intensity radiation
the kinetics of such ultrafast reactions, (typically below 10 mW cm"2) and, as a con-
which is a prerequisite for a better under- sequence, operation in oxygen-free media,
standing and control of the curing process. since oxygen inhibition then becomes more
Moreover, evaluation of the kinetic param- important, especially in thin films.
eters (rate of polymerization, kinetic chain
length, propagation and termination rate
constants) is essential in order to compare 13.6.2 Real-Time Infrared Spectroscopy
the reactivity of different photosensitive
resins and assess the performance of novel A novel technique based on IR spectros-
photoinitiators and monomers. copy has been developed in order to over-
come these limitations. Real time infrared
(RTIR) spectroscopy combines the advan-
13.6.1 Methods of Curing Analysis tages of the two types of method as it allows
the kinetics of ultrafast photopolymeriza-
Two types of analytical method are cur-
tions to be monitored continuously and
rently used to study the kinetics of radiation
quantitatively (Decker and Moussa, 1988).
The sample is placed in an IR spectropho-
1) Those based on discrete measurements of tometer chamber and exposed simultane-
the chemical modifications induced after ously to the UV beam, which induces poly-
a short exposure to UV light (IR or NMR merization, and to the IR analyzing beam,
spectroscopy, gravimetry). which monitors the decrease of the IR absor-
2) Those based on the continuous monitor- bance of the monomer reactive group.
ing in real time of some physical modifi- Because of the short response time of the IR
cations induced by light, e.g., the heat detector (30 ms), this technique permits
13.6 Kinetic Study of Photoinitiated Curing 633

Conversion (%)

Figure 13-7. Influence of the photoinitiator

(1%) on the polymerization of a polyure-
thane acrylate: 1: benzophenone + amine,
2: benzoin derivative, 3: hydroxyalkyl-
0.5 1 1.5 phenone, 4: benzilketal, 5: acyl phosphine
Exposure time (s) oxide. Light intensity: 80 mW cm"2.

photochemical reactions that occur within a quantity is important, as it is likely to affect

few tenths of a second to be monitored and the long-term properties of the final product.
thus allows operation at the high light inten- RTIR spectroscopy has proved well suit-
sities found in industrial applications (up to ed for studying the influence of physical and
1 W cnT2). chemical parameters on the polymeriza-
Figure 13-7 shows some typical conver- tion kinetics of different types of mono-
sion versus time curves recorded by RTIR mer (acrylates, vinyliques, epoxides, vinyl
spectroscopy for an acrylate monomer ethers) exposed to UV, visible, or laser radi-
exposed to intense UV radiation in the pres- ation (Decker, 1991, 1995; Decker and
ence of different types of photoinitiator. The Moussa, 1990c, d). Figure 13-8 shows, for
typical S shape of these curves results from example, the influence of the light intensity
a combination of two factors: on the UV curing of an acrylate formulation.
This technique can be used for both clear
1) The initial induction period due to the
inhibition effect of oxygen on this
Conversion (%) mW cnrr2
radical-induced reaction. 100
2) The slowing down of the polymerization
above 30% conversion, due to gelation
with its related mobility restrictions.
The actual rate of polymerization (Rp) can
be determined at any stage of the reaction
simply from the slope of the RTIR profile.
Its maximum value, usually reached
between 10 and 30% conversion, is a reli-
able parameter for comparing the monomer
reactivity or the photoinitiator efficiency.
Another advantage of RTIR spectroscopy is Exposure time (s)
that it allows a precise evaluation of the Figure 13-8. Influence of the light intensity on the
amount of unreacted monomer that remains polymerization of a polyurethane acrylate. Photoini-
in the UV-cured polymer. Knowing this tiator: benzil diketal (3%).
634 13 Photopolymerization and Ultraviolet Curing of Multifunctional Monomers

and pigmented systems over the range of CH = CH C O CH 9 CHO N CH O

thickness typical of coating applications II II
(1-100 |Lim). RTIR spectroscopy is the most O C CH2
versatile technique currently available for O O
following in real time the dynamics of ultra- Acticiyl CL-959 (SNPE) (16)
fast curing reactions. Quantitative evalua-
tion, speed of analysis, and sensitivity are In the presence of a radical-type photo-
among its main advantages; these cannot be initiator, light-induced polymerization was
matched by any alternative method of kinet- found to occur faster than with typical
ic investigation (Decker, 1992 a). monoacrylates, and even diacrylate mono-
mers, as shown by the RTIR profiles record-
ed (Fig. 13-9). With a formulation contain-
ing a polyurethane-diacrylate as the oligo-
13.7 Novel Acrylate Monomers mer, close to 100% conversion was reached
within a few seconds, thus leading to a cured
The monomer used to lower the viscosity
polymer containing a very low amount of
of UV-curable resins plays a key role by act-
unreacted double bonds.
ing on both the polymerization rate and on
A striking feature observed with these
the overall extent of cure, as well as on the
monomers bearing a single acrylate func-
properties of the crosslinked polymer formed.
tion is that they become totally insoluble
Increasing the monomer functionality was
upon UV exposure, very much as a difunc-
found to accelerate the curing reaction, but
tional monomer would. An efficient chain
also to reduce the final degree of conver-
transfer reaction involving the labile hydro-
sion, because of early gelation of the irradi-
gens introduced by the carbamate or oxazol-
ated sample and related mobility restrictions
idone group was considered to be respon-
of the reactive sites. In addition, the great-
sible for such a crosslinking process, as well
er crosslink density leads to glassy polymer
as for the enhanced reactivity (Decker and
materials that are harder, but also less flex-
Elzaouk, 1995 a; Moussa and Decker,
ible than monofunctional-type systems.
1993). UV-curing experiments performed
with benzophenone as the photoinitiator
13.7.1 Reactivity have confirmed the H donor character of
One of the main goals in UV-curing chem- these novel monomers. The polymerization
istry is to create new monomers that under- developed rapidly and extensively upon
go fast and extensive polymerization to give irradiation, in marked contrast to the case
polymers with the desired physico-chemical with conventional mono- or diacrylate mono-
characteristics. Very promising results have mers like hexanedioldiacrylate (HDDA), as
been obtained by introducing a carbamate shown by Fig. 13-10.
or oxazolidone group in the structural unit The reactivity of the UV-curable resin also
of a monoacrylate (Decker and Moussa, depends on the functionality and chemical
1990 e; Moussa and Decker, 1993 a)

C H 2 = CH C O C H 2 C H 2 NH C O CH
I (15) (15)
Acticiyl CL-960 (SNPE)
13.7 Novel Acrylate Monomers 635

Conversion (%)


Figure 13-9. Influence of the monomer

used as reactive diluent on the light-
induced polymerization of a polyurethane
acrylate. Monomer/oligomer = 1. Photo-
1 2 initiator: benzil diketal (3%). Light inten-
Exposure time (s) sity: 120 mWcm" 2 .

Conversion (%) lar in combination with the oxazolidone-

100 acrylate monomer (Fig. 13-11). Energy as
Ebecryl 80
low as 0.1 mJ cm"2 proved to be sufficient
to completely insolubilize the photoresist
and obtain a sharp relief image after solvent
/ A c t i c r y l CL-960 development (Decker, 1993 c). Here again,
50- the high reactivity of this compound seems
to be related to a strong hydrogen donor char-
acter of the molecule (Fig. 13-10), which

y/ 1
Exposure time (s)

Figure 13-10. UV curing of various acrylate mono-

favors the chain transfer process and allows
the polymerization reaction to develop
extensively, even in the solid state.

Conversion (%)
mers in the presence of benzophenone (5%).
Ebecryl 80

structure of the acrylated oligomer used to

create the three-dimensional network, as
well as on its viscosity, which affects the
propagation and termination rate constants.
Aromatic systems usually undergo a faster
but less complete polymerization than their
aliphatic homologs, because of the forma-
tion of a stiff and glassy polymer material
0.5 1
(Fig. 13-11). In this respect, the remarkable Exposure time (s)
performance of a newly developed amino-
Figure 13-11. Light-induced polymerization of var-
polyester acrylate (Ebecryl 80 from UCB) ious acrylate functionalized oligomers, with an oxa-
should be mentioned; this was found to poly- zolidone-acrylate as the reactive diluent. Photoinitia-
merize both fast and extensively, in particu- tor: benzil diketal (1%).
636 13 Photopolymerization and Ultraviolet Curing of Multifunctional Monomers

13.7.2 Kinetic P a r a m e t e r s capable of inducing the polymerization of

more than 4000 acrylate double bonds, even Q u a n t u m Yield
in the presence of air. Besides providing an
A n important quantity, w h i c h can b e accurate evaluation of Rp and &p, RTIR
evaluated from the recorded profiles, is the analysis also permits the determination
polymerization q u a n t u m yield, &p, w h i c h of the amount of unreacted double bonds
expresses the p h o t o c h e m i c a l efficiency of that remain trapped in the UV-cured poly-
this chain reaction mer. For instance, in a rigid polyphenoxy-
acrylate, the unsaturation content was meas-
<PP= (13-3)
ured to be about 20% after prolonged irra-
number of monomer groups polymerized diation, compared to nearly 0% for the elas-
number of photons absorbed tomeric polyurethane-acrylate.
It can b e calculated simply by taking the
ratio of the a m o u n t of acrylate double b o n d s Kinetic Chain Length
p o l y m e r i z e d after a given exposure [Ao The polymerization of multifunctional
(1 - x), w h e r e x is the degree of conversion] monomers generates a three-dimensional
to the a m o u n t of p h o t o n s absorbed during polymer network with an infinite molecular
the same time (Iaxt, w h e r e Ia is the absorbed
weight. Therefore it is not possible to eval-
light intensity). This quantity was found to
uate the kinetic chain length (kcl) of cross-
drop above 3 0 % conversion as the reaction
linking polymerization from molecular
was slowing d o w n (Decker, 1990). T h e
weight measurements, as is usually done.
initial <Pp values obtained for the various
One of the distinct advantages of photo-
systems e x a m i n e d are reported in Table
chemical initiation is that it makes such an
13-1. T h e high reactivities of both the
evaluation possible from quantum yield
oxazolidone-acrylate and the polyester-
measurements, since
acrylate oligomer appear clearly from this
quantitative c o m p a r i s o n . With the best per- _ number of acrylates polymerized
forming system, each p h o t o n absorbed is number of initiating radicals

= (13
~0~ "4)
Table 13-1. Polymerization quantum yield of UV-
curable acrylate resins irradiated in the presence of Taking an initiation quantum yield &v of
aira. 0.4 radical photon"1 for the initiator used
Monomer Op (molecule/photon) (Groenenboom et al., 1982), the kinetic
chain length was calculated to be 10000
EDGAb HDDAC Acticryl acrylates polymerized per initiating radical
for the most reactive system irradiated in the
Polyurethane-acrylate 200 700 1700 presence of air, and up to 50000 in an
Polyphenoxy-acrylate 230 800 2000 oxygen-free medium. Such high kcl values
Polyester-acrylate 500 1700 4200 show how effectively the chain reaction
(Ebecryl 80) can propagate in these multifunctional
Film thickness: 25 |Ltm, light intensity: monomers, even at the high initiation rates
500 mW cm"2, monomer/oligomer = 1/1; provided by intense illumination.
ethyldiethyleneglycol monoacrylate;
13.7 Novel Acrylate Monomers 637 Propagation and Termination represent the monomer concentration and

Rate Constants the rate of polymerization, after a given time
/. The linear time dependence of the
Individual rate constants of propagation
left-hand term (Fig. 13-12) allows the ratio
(kp) and termination (kt) can be evaluated
kt/kp to be determined from the slope of
from the RTIR polymerization profile
the straight line. For the multiacrylate
recorded during and after the UV exposure
monomers studied, the kp value was as high
(Fig. 13-10). The ratio kp/k?5 was calculat-
as 6xlO3 L mol"1 s"1, while the kt value was
ed from rate measurements under steady-
only2xl0 4 molL"1 s"1, which is four orders
state irradiation conditions using the follow-
of magnitude lower than in the polymeriza-
ing equation
tion of methyl acrylate. A low value of kv
together with a high value of kp, are the main
reasons why such multiacrylate monomers
polymerize so fast upon intense illumina-
Under the nonsteady conditions prevail- tion (Decker and Moussa, 1990f; Decker
ing after the UV exposure, where initiating et al., 1996).
radicals are no longer produced (dark poly-
merization), the rate equation becomes
(Tryson and Shultz, 1979) Rate of Chain Growth
[M], An interesting observation was made by
(Rp\ studying the influence of the light intensity
on the polymerization rate of multiacrylate
where [M]j and (RF)l represent the monomer
monomers (Decker and Moussa, 1990 b). As
concentration and the rate of polymerization
the light intensity was increased above a cer-
at the end of the irradiation and the onset of
tain value (200 mW cm"2), exactly the same
the dark reaction (7 = 0), and [M]t and (RF)t
RTIR curves were recorded. This saturation
effect has been attributed to the fact that
when polymerization occurs very fast the
Conversion (%
diffusion of the monomer becomes the
rate-limiting factor, rather than the rate of
production of initiating radicals, which is
then extremely high. The RTIR profile
therefore provides a good estimate of the
actual rate at which the polymer chains are
Similar curing experiments have been per-
formed by using a pulsed nitrogen laser as
the light source. Here the duration of the UV
emission is only 10~8 s, which is about the
time it takes to generate the initiating radi-
Time (s)
cals. Thus the polymerization itself will only
occur in the dark, so that the curve recorded
Figure 13-12. Post-polymerization in the dark of a
polyure thane acrylate resin after a 100 ms UV expo- by RTIR spectroscopy will accurately reflect
sure in the absence of oxygen. Photoinitiator: triaryl- the chain growth process. Its rate will depend
sulfonium salt (2%). primarily on the propagation rate constant,
638 13 Photopolymerization and Ultraviolet Curing of Multifunctional Monomers

the number of initiating radicals generated ing a carbamate or oxazolidone group when
by the laser flash, and the monomer concen- they were introduced in a UV-curable
tration: Rv = kv [R'][M]. The fact that the polyphenoxy-acrylate formulation. These
same polymerization profile was obtained highly reactive diluents have the distinct
upon pulsed laser irradiation and upon con- advantage of imparting both hardness and
tinuous exposure to high intensity light is a elasticity to the crosslinked polymer. Such
point in favor of a monomer diffusion con- photocured films proved to be almost as
trolled reaction under these extreme irradia- hard as glass but, nevertheless, highly flex-
tion conditions (Decker, 1993 c). ible, with elongation at break values above
50% (Decker and Moussa, 1990 e).
13.7.3 Properties of Ultraviolet-Cured
13.8 Vinyl Ether Monomers
The UV-cured polymers based on the
novel acrylate monomers were found to be 13.8.1 Photoinitiated Cationic
completely insoluble in the organic sol- Polymerization of Vinyl Ethers
vents, which makes these very reactive pho-
toresists well suited for imaging applica- Vinyl ethers (VE) are known to undergo
tions. Because of their high crosslink den- an easy polymerization in the presence of
sity, these materials also exhibit a good protonic acids (Lapin, 1992). SuchBronsted
resistance to moisture, strong acids, and or Lewis acids can readily be generated by
weathering (Decker et al., 1991), as well as the photolysis of diaryliodonium or triaryl-
to thermal treatment. Accelerated aging sulfonium salts
tests conducted at 110 C in the presence of
P3 S + *2 RH
air have shown that the IR spectra of these
polymers remain essentially unchanged 0S OS OS 0 + 2 0+4R* +2HPF6 (17)
after 1000 h (Decker and Moussa, 1987 b). +
+ C H 2 = C H - O - R >
The mechanical properties of these UV-
cured polymers depend primarily on the CH3-CH-O-R (18)
chemical structure, functionality, and con- -> Polymer
+ monomer
centration of the various constituents of the
resin, as well as on the irradiation conditions Figure 13-13 shows the conversion ver-
and on the extent of cure. The crosslinked sus time profile of the divinyl ether of tri-
polymers containing aliphatic polyurethane ethyleneglycol (RapiCure DVE-3 from ISP)
chains show a strong elastomeric character exposed to UV radiation (50 mW cm"2) in
with a low Tg (<0C) and a good impact the presence of a sulfonium salt (2 wt.%).
resistance, and they are therefore ideally After a short induction period, the polymer-
suited for the surface protection of flexible ization developed rapidly until total con-
supports. By contrast, UV-cured coatings sumption of the monomer, so that the cross-
containing polyphenoxy chains are hard and linked polymer contained no residual unsat-
stiff and are more appropriate for the treat- uration. This is due to the elastomeric char-
ment of rigid substrates requiring a good acter of the polymer formed (low Tg), which
resistance to scratching. provides sufficient molecular mobility to
A quite remarkable feature was observed the reactive species for completing the chain
with the novel acrylate monomers contain- process.
13.8 Vinyl Ether Monomers 639

Conversion (%) 13.8.2 Photoinduced Curing

of the Acrylate/Vinyl Ether System Cationic Photoinitiator
The photolysis of onium salts generates
both protonic acids and free radicals by
hydrogen abstraction from a donor mole-
cule. Therefore it is possible with a single
photoinitiator to induce the polymerization
of both cationic and radical-type monomers.
Figure 13-14 shows the cure profiles of a 1/1
mixture of DVE-3 and trimethylolpropane
triacrylate (TMPTA) irradiated in the pres-
Time (s) ence of a sulfonium salt. RTIR spectrosco-
py is unique in that it allows the polymer-
Figure 13-13. Photoinitiated cationic polymeriza- ization of each individual monomer to be
tion of a vinyl ether monomer. Photoinitiator: triaryl- monitored in real time simply by selecting
sulfonium salt (2%).
the proper IR absorbance wavelength
(1415 cm"1 for acrylates and 1628 cm"1 for
vinyl ethers).
When compared to the radical-induced The triacrylate monomer was found to
polymerization of acrylate systems, the polymerize first and to reach a remarkably
cationic polymerization of vinyl ethers high 90% conversion within a few seconds
presents two distinct advantages: as a result of the plasticizing effect of the
vinyl ether monomer. By contrast, the pres-
1) It is insensitive to oxygen inhibition ence of TMPTA reduces both the polymer-
because of the lack of reactivity of the ization rate and the cure extent of the vinyl
propagating carbocation toward the O2
molecule. Conversion (%)
2) The carbocation species do not react 1001
among themselves, so that, in the absence 1415 cm-1
of nucleophilic species, the polymeriza- Acrylate
1628 cm"1
tion will continue to proceed after the UV
exposure when initiating species are no
longer being created, as shown by
Fig. 13-13.
Vinyl ethers are mainly used in UV-curing
applications, either as reactive diluents to
speed up the polymerization of epoxy-
functionalized oligomers (Crivello et al.,
1983), or to perform the crosslinking of 2 3
vinyl ether terminated polymers (Minoda Exposure time (s)
et al., 1987). Figure 13-14. Light-induced polymerization of a
vinyl ether/acrylate hybrid. DVE-3/TMPTA= 1. Pho-
toinitiator: triarylsulfonium salt (2%).
640 13 Photopolymerization and Ultraviolet Curing of Multifunctional Monomers

ether, because of chain mobility restrictions Conversion (%)

brought about by the formation of the stiff Acrylate
acrylate network. In such a hybrid system,
copolymerization is not likely to occur to a DVE-3 + TMPTA
great extent as vinyl ether and acrylate
monomers polymerize by different mecha- Vinyl ether
nisms with the formation of two interpene-
trating polymer networks with well con-
trasted characteristics: on one hand, a hard
and glassy acrylate polymer, on the other
hand, a highly flexible and elastomeric vinyl 1 2 3
ether polymer. Some vinyl ether units might Exposure time (s)

still be included in the acrylate network, as Figure 13-15. Light-induced radical polymerization
the acrylate radicals compete with the VE of a vinyl ether/acrylate hybrid. DVE-3/TMPTA= 1.
carbocations to react with the vinyl ether Photoinitiator: acylphosphine oxide (3%).
double bonds (see below). Radical Photoinitiator A direct consequence of the faster poly-

merization of the acrylate functions is that
Vinyl ether monomers have the particu- the UV-cured copolymer contains a larger
larity of undergoing a fast radical-induced amount of polymerized acrylate units than
copolymerization when they are exposed to of polymerized vinyl ether units. The com-
UV radiation together with an acrylate position of the monomer mixture was found
monomer (Crivello et al., 1983; Dougherty to have a strong influence on both the
and Vara, 1990). While inactive toward the respective rates of polymerization and the
electron-rich vinyl ether double bond, vinyl composition of the crosslinked copolymer
ether radicals are capable of reacting with (Decker and Decker, 1994). Based on these
the electron-poor acrylate double bond. data, acrylate radicals were shown to be
When a TMPTA/DVE-3 mixture was twice as reactive toward the acrylate double
irradiated in the presence of an acyl phos- bond as toward the vinyl ether double bond.
phine oxide photoinitiator, the two mono- All the kinetic results obtained point to a
mers were found to polymerize simultane- copolymerization mechanism involving a
ously (Fig. 13-15), with TMPTA polymer- cross-propagation of the vinyl ether and
izing twice as fast as DVE-3. A great differ- acrylate radicals, together with a homopoly-
ence was observed between the two merization of the acrylate moiety, to give a
monomers with respect to the overall cure copolymer with isolated VE units according
extent: nearly all the triacrylate had poly- to Scheme 13-3.
merized after 3 s of exposure (97% conver- For a 1/1 monomer feed composition, the
sion), whereas the vinyl ether polymeriza- copolymer will contain three times more
tion stopped after 2 s at only 50% conver- acrylate than vinyl ether units, with the fol-
sion. The cure limitation of the vinyl ether lowing type of sequence for the growing
must be due to the fact that essentially all of polymer chain
the acrylate functions have already poly-
merized or are no longer accessible to the -A-VE-A-A-A-VE-A-A-VE-A-
VE radicals after 2 s of irradiation. A-A-A-VE-A- (19)
13.8 Vinyl Ether Monomers 641

Scheme 13-3.

13.8.3 Photoinduced Curing of the dence of the polymerization rate on the

Maleate/Vinyl Ether System product of the monomer concentrations
(Decker and Decker, 1994)
Vinyl ethers can also copolymerize by a
radical mechanism with unsaturated esters, VE* + MA VE - MA* (20)
e.g., maleates or fumarates, with the forma-
tion of an alternating copolymer (Noren MA* + VE MA - VE* (21)
et al., 1990; Schouten et al., 1992). While 0.5
no significant homopolymerization could _[ fr2 k2\ (13-7)
be seen when DVE-3 or the dimaleate of
diethyleneglycol (DMA-2) was exposed x(<2>i / a ) 05 x[MA]0055 x[VE]] 0 5
alone to UV light in the presence of an a- The second mechanism is based on the
hydroxy-alkylphenone photoinitiator, a fast homopolymerization of an MA-VE accep-
copolymerization developed in an equimo- tor-donor complex, which leads to a linear
lecular mixture. Whatever the initial com- dependence of the polymerization rate on
position, the two monomers were found to the product of the monomer concentations
disappear at exactly the same rate to give a
highly crosslinked alternate copolymer con- MA ^ (MA-VE) (22)
taining equal amounts of vinyl ether and
maleate units (Fig. 13-16).
The rate of polymerization reaches its 1
maximum value for a DVE/DMA feed ratio
of 1, as shown by Fig. 13-17. Also, for an Photopolymerization experiments per-
equimolar composition, the total amount of formed at various compositions have shown
unreacted double bonds is the lowest. For that Rp varies linearly with the product
ratios different from unity, the monomer in [MA]x[VE] (Fig. 13-18). This result dem-
excess will remain unpolymerized in the onstrates that the photoinitiated copolymer-
cured polymer (Fig. 13-17). ization of DVE-3 with DMA-2 proceeds by
By studying the influence of the monomer a mechanism where the propagating species
concentration on the polymerization rate, is a donor-acceptor complex. The fact that
it was possible to determine whether the polymerization was found to occur even in
chain reaction was proceeding by a cross- the absence of added photoinitiator, by
propagation process or through a donor- direct excitation of the donor-acceptor com-
acceptor complex. The cross-propagation plex, provides further evidence in favor of
mechanism will give a square root depen- this mechanism (Decker and Decker, 1994).
642 13 Photopolymerization and Ultraviolet Curing of Multifunctional Monomers


I II k I

0 O Figure 13-16. Structure of the UV-
0II I cured vinyl ether/maleate copoly-
Total residual Rp (mol I"1 s-1
Cure Rate (mol kg" 1 unsaturation (%) '

DVE-3 50/50 DMA-2 5 10

Monomer molar ratio [VE][MA] in mol2 V2

Figure 13-17. Light-induced radical polymerization Figure 13-18. Variation of the rate of polymerization
of a vinyl ether/maleate hybrid. Dependence of the with the monomer concentrations product in the
rate of polymerization () and the residual unsatura- photopolymerization of a vinyl ether/maleate hybrid.
tion content (A) on the composition of the monomer DVE-3/DMA-2=l.
mixture. Photoinitiator: [a-hydroxyalkylphenone] = 2%.

One of the distinct characteristics of mul- sional polymers or interpenetrating polymer

tifunctional vinyl ethers, besides their great networks, as well as statistical or alternate
reactivity, lies in their versatility, because copolymers (Table 13-2). Polymer materi-
they can generate by UV-curing tridimen- als with quite different properties have thus

Table 13-2. UV curing of vinyl-ether-based systems.

Monomer Co-monomer Polymer Mechanism

Divinyl ether tridimensional network cationic

Divinyl ether triacrylate interpenetrating polymer network cationic + radical
Divinyl ether triacrylate crosslinked copolymer radical
with isolated VE units
Divinyl ether dimaleate crosslinked alternate copolymer radical
13.9 Ultraviolet Curing of Acrylic Monomers in a Polymer Matrix 643

been produced by acting on the formulation Conversion (%)

Sol fraction (%)
Hardness (s)
composition and on the selected photoini- 100
tiators and co-monomers.

13.9 Ultraviolet Curing -300

of Acrylic Monomers
in a Polymer Matrix -200

When the light-induced polymerization -100

of a multifunctional monomer is carried out
in a polymer matrix, a semi-interpenetrating
polymer network will be formed. This type Exposure time (s)
of photopolymer has recently attracted the
Figure 13-19. Light-induced polymerization of a tri-
attention of polymer chemists, for it makes acrylate monomer (TMPTA) in a PMMA matrix.
it possible to rapidly create new organic Photoinitiator: [a-hydroxyalkylphenone] = 5%. Light
materials with tailor-made properties, intensity: 600 mW cm"2.
which cannot be achieved with a single
polymer alone (Moussa and Decker,
1993 b). The reaction kinetics have been ing process. After 2 s of exposure, the gel
studied quantitatively by IR spectroscopy fraction was 93%, which means that up to
for a triacrylate monomer (TMPTA) 86% of the PMMA has been incorporated
dispersed in various polymer binders: into the acrylate polymer network, probably
poly(methylmethacrylate), poly(vinylchlo- through a chain transfer reaction.
ride), polyurethane, and natural rubber.
+ C (PMMA)
13.9.1 Poly(methylmethacrylate)
Conversion versus time curves show that
the polymerization of TMPTA, dispersed in (23)
PMMA in a 1/1 weight ratio, starts imme-
diately upon intense illumination (600 mW
cm"2), half of the aery late functions being TMPTA I
polymerized after only 0.1 s of exposure CH 9

(Fig. 13-19). Further irradiation leads to a I

slower increase of the degree of conversion, II
which levels off at about 80% compared to o
only 60% for the polymerization of TMPTA This process would also account for the
in bulk. At the same time, the UV-cured surprisingly high degree of cure reached in
polymer becomes hard and insoluble in the such a glassy material, where molecular
organic solvents. The fact that more than mobility is likely to be very low.
50% (the original binder content) of the A most remarkable feature is that it takes
cured material was found to be insoluble an exposure as short as 0.1 s to transform
provides strong evidence in favor of a graft- the elastomeric PMMA plasticized by the
644 13 Photopolymerization and Ultraviolet Curing of Multifunctional Monomers

triacrylate monomer into a high modulus, propagation by increasing the molecular

very hard material. Such an ultrafast photo- mobility. Indeed, moderate heating at 70 C
forming process is likely to find applica- for a few minutes was found to increase the
tions in various industrial sectors. Com- degree of conversion of the UV-cured sam-
pared to thermoforming, UV-curing tech- ple from 60 to 75%, in good agreement with
nology has the great advantage of allowing previous observations (Decker and Moussa,
molding to be performed at ambient temper- 1987 c). Based on the heat of polymeriza-
ature in a very short time, by simple expo- tion (80 kJ per mole of acrylate polymer-
sure to UV light. ized) and on the heat capacity of the system
(ca. 2 J/g/K), the temperature increase was
calculated to be of the order of 200 C, under
13.9.2 Poly(vinylchloride) (PVC)
adiabatic conditions, for the highest light
Similar results have been obtained by intensity used in this study. Because most of
exposing TMPTA to UV radiation in a PVC the heat evolved in the 25-|nm thick film is
matrix, in the presence of a radical photoini- rapidly dissipated by conduction, the actu-
tiator (3%) of an ce-hydroxyalkylphenone). al temperature is not likely to rise much
Here again, the high degree of conversion above 100 C.
(85%) and almost complete insolubilization
(95% gel fraction) observed after a few sec-
onds irradiation were explained on the basis 13.9.3 Polyurethane (PUR)
of an efficient chain transfer reaction in-
volving the labile hydrogens of the PVC Aliphatic polyurethanes (PURs) are
chain. attractive polymers because of their great
DSC experiments provide further evi- elasticity, high impact resistance, and good
dence indicating that a large fraction of the weatherability, but they prove vulnerable to
PVC binder is chemically bonded to the solvent attack and scratching. Polymerizing
acrylate polymer network. The glass transi- in situ a multifunctional monomer is one of
tion temperature of the TMPTA/PVC semi- the possible ways of improving the proper-
IPN was found to be located around 130 C, ties of such materials by creating a semi-
which is 50 C above the Tg of virgin PVC, interpenetrating polymer network.
but still below that of poly (TMPTA), which The rate of polymerization of TMPTA
rises above 150C for an extensively cured was found to be substantially lower in a PUR
polymer. matrix than in PVC or PMMA. In addition,
It should be mentioned that the light 80% of the binder remained soluble after
intensity has a strong influence not only on UV curing, thus indicating a poor grafting
the cure speed, as expected from the rate efficiency. A substantial improvement in
equation, but also on the final degree of con- reactivity has been achieved by replacing
version, which rises from 50 to 85% when TMPTA by an acrylate end-capped polyure-
Io is increased from 35 to 600 mW cm"2. thane chain (Actilane 23 from SNPE),
This enhancing effect was attributed to the which showed good compatibility with the
greater temperature reached in samples irra- PUR binder. The polymerization of the acry-
diated at high light intensities, because of late group initially developed as fast as in
the large amount of heat evolved by the reac- PVC or PMMA upon UV exposure, and
tion in such a short time (Kaczmarek and reached 100% conversion within less than
Decker, 1994). This should favor the chain 1 s (Moussa and Decker, 1993 b).
13.9 Ultraviolet Curing of Acrylic Monomers in a Polymer Matrix 645

This highly reactive photopolymer most of the acrylate double bonds have poly-
proved particularly well suited for adhe- merized, is a point in favor of a copolymer-
sives applications, because of its great elas- ization mechanism leading to a rubber-
ticity, good impact resistance, and excellent acrylate network with isolated isoprene
adhesion on various supports. It was units.
employed to produce safety glasses by a Similar results have been obtained
faster and cheaper process than the usual with an acrylate-functionalized rubber,
thermal cure of polyvinylbutyrals under which generates by copolymerization with
high pressure (Decker and Moussa, 1995). TMPTA a tridimensional polymer network
in which the TMPTA chains are chemically
13.9.4 Natural Rubber grafted onto the crosslinked rubber (Le
Xuan and Decker, 1993). Here again, the
Another elastomer that can be readily isoprene double bonds were found to under-
transformed into a semi-IPN by photocur- go a fast polymerization as long as acrylate
ing is natural rubber, as shown by Fig. 13- double bonds were available.
20. In this soft material, the light-induced A true IPN was formed when TMPTA was
polymerization of hexanediol diacrylate irradiated in an epoxidized rubber matrix in
(HDDA) occurred even faster than in PVC the presence of a cationic photoinitiator (tri-
and PMMA, with the formation of a hard but arylsulfonium salt). Here the crosslinking
still flexible film. Rapid polymerization of polymerization of the poorly reactive epoxy
the isoprene groups of the rubber chain was group developed surprisingly fast and
found to take place at the same time extensively, as shown by Fig. 13-21. The
(Fig. 13-20); this will therefore contribute radical initiated polymerization of TMPTA
to the crosslinking of the binder. The fact occurred at the same time, thus leading to
that the polymerization of the isoprene units the independent formation of two inter-
stops prematurely at 45% conversion, when penetrating polymer networks with well-

Conversion (%)
Conversion (%)



0.4 0.6
0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 Exposure time (s)
Exposure time (s)
Figure 13-21. Light-induced polymerization of a tri-
Figure 13-20. Light-induced polymerization of a acrylate (TMPTA) in an epoxidized rubber matrix.
diacrylate (HDDA) in a natural rubber matrix. Photo- Photoinitiator: [triarylsulfonium] = 4%; () triaryl-
initiator: [acylphosphine oxide] = 5%. Light intensity: sulfonium (4%) + acylphosphine oxide (2%). Light
600 mW cm' 2 . intensity: 600 mW cm"2.
646 13 Photopolymerization and Ultraviolet Curing of Multifunctional Monomers

contrasted characteristics. The UV-cured less than 30000 tonnes for the unsaturated
polymer combined the properties of the polyesters in styrene (mainly for wood coat-
elastomeric rubber network and of the hard ings), while cationic-type resins represent
and glassy acrylate network, and proved only a minor part (2000 tonnes). The appli-
therefore to be very resistant to impact, cation fields in radiation curing can be
scratching, and abrasion, which makes this divided in four main areas: graphic arts,
material particularly well suited for coatings coatings, adhesives, and electronics.
A dual polymer network was generated
13.10.1 Graphic Arts
by polymerizing a functionalized rubber
bearing both epoxy and acrylate groups in One of the most successful applications
its main chain (Decker et al., 1994) of UV-curing technology is found in the
graphic arts, where this process has expand-
CH 3 CH3 (24) ed at a sustained pace during the last decade.
UV curing is used both in the pre-press part
of the operation to produce the printing
plate, as well as in the printing process itself
O = C CH = C H 2 with the development of fast-drying, UV-
curable inks with low residual odours. It also
The interesting feature is that here the two intervenes in the last step, when an overprint
IPNs, which are formed by different mech- varnish is to be applied in order to obtain
anisms (cationic and radical, respectively), high quality glossy images.
are tightly bound together through the rub-
ber chain, thus enhancing the network char-
acter of the crosslinked polymer. Printing Plates
The printing process consists of the rapid
transfer through an ink of a given image
13.10 Industrial Applications from a printing plate to a substrate (usually
of Ultraviolet Curing paper), thus allowing a fast production of
prints. There are several processes current-
UV-curing technology has found its ly used in printing that involve the use of
major openings in sectors where its distinct UV curing: letterpress, gravure, flexogra-
advantages (fast cure, solvent-free formula- phy, screen printing, and lithography [for a
tion, selective cure in illuminated areas) detailed description, see Horton (1993)].
have allowed it to outclass the other process- The different steps of the imaging process
ing techniques. It must be recognized that, are shown schematically on Fig. 13-22.
except in some specific areas, such as in The printing plate is usually made of an
wood and plastic coatings, and overprint anodized aluminum sheet coated with a pho-
varnishes, UV-radiation curing has not yet tosensitive layer, which is sometimes pro-
achieved a real breakthrough and remains tected by a transparent film (laminate). The
marginal in terms of overall market share thickness of the UV-curable layer can vary
(Dufour, 1993). Acrylate resins remain by from a few micrometers (for lithographic
far the most widely used UV-curable plates) to a few millimeters (for flexolitho-
systems, with a total annual production of graphic plates). Imaging is achieved by
approximately 60000 tonnes, compared to selective UV-exposure through a photo-
13.10 Industrial Applications of Ultraviolet Curing 647


Protective layer

EXPOSURE Photosensitive layer




Figure 13-22. Manufacturing prin-
ciples of a printing plate by photo-

mask, i.e., a silver negative obtained by a Ultraviolet-Curable Printing

traditional photographic process. Each plate Inks
is uniformly exposed for about 30 s, usual-
Pigmented resins can be cured by UV
ly under vacuum. Photocrosslinking only
radiation provided that the proper photoini-
occurs in the illuminated areas and leads to
tiator be used, i.e., a compound that absorbs
insolubilization, with the formation of a
in the transmission window of the pigment.
contrasted image, which needs a develop-
A number of such photoinitiators have been
ment step in,order to be revealed. The solu-
developed for this specific application
ble, unexposed areas are easily washed
(Dietliker, 1991) and proved to be very
away by treatment with an aqueous-based
effective for instantaneously curing acrylic
solvent. The relief image thus obtained will
printing inks. Such UV inks present a
serve repeatedly to transfer ink to the sub-
number of advantages over conventional
strate to be printed. The photocured coating
solvent-based inks:
must be chemically inert towards the vari-
ous cleaning, development, and etching Their high viscosity allows several colors
solutions, as well as very resistant to abra- to be applied successively, wet on wet, and
sion in order to ensure a long service life in it allows the drying to be carried out by a
the printing operation. single UV-exposure step.
Because they contain no solvent, radia-
tion-cured inks show no broadening of the
648 13 Photopolymerization and Ultraviolet Curing of Multifunctional Monomers

dot, which leads to a better print defini- 13.10.2 Coatings

tion and high gloss images.
UV-curable varnishes are increasingly
The UV process is more economic in that
used, not only as overprint clear coats, but
it requires less energy and achieves a high-
also as highly resistant coatings to protect
er productivity, with cure speeds up to 400
essentially any substrate: wood, plastic,
m/min for a few micrometer thick layers.
metal, glass, optical fibers, paper, leather,
The whole process is performed at ambi-
fabrics, etc. In these applications the film
ent temperature, without any solvent
thickness is typically of the order of 20 -100
emission, which makes it more friendly to
|Lim to ensure a long-lasting protection. The
the environment.
coating can be applied onto the substrate
The remarkable performances explain either by spraying or by a roll coater or a
why UV-curable inks are used increasingly curtain coater, depending on the desired film
nowadays in the printing industry to achieve thickness. The low viscosity of these resins
high quality prints, not only on paper and allows the coating to flow and level to form
cardboard, but also on various kinds of plas- a smooth finish. The coating is cured by
tic and metal for decorative purposes. passing into a UV processor, up to 2 m wide,
consisting of a controllable, variable speed
conveyor belt and a battery of UV lamps, as Overprint Varnishes (OPVs) shown on Fig. 13-5. Some of the major
applications of UV curing in the coating
For some specific applications, it is industry will be briefly reviewed next.
necessary to further improve the surface
properties of the printed material, in partic-
ular its gloss, smoothness, abrasion and Wood Finishing
scratch resistance, as well as its weathering
resistance for outdoor applications. This can UV coatings have been used on wood sub-
be achieved by applying a thin layer strates for over 20 years, mainly as filters
(~5 |Lim) of a UV-curable varnish, which is and sealers for particle boards and other por-
known to give high gloss and smooth sur- ous substrates. With the development of
faces. high molecular weight/low viscosity resins,
Different types of polyurethane-acrylate UV-curing technology is increasingly em-
or epoxy-acrylate resins (or a combination ployed for finish and decorative purposes.
of the two) can be used in order to obtain a Currently, the most widely used resins are
top coat showing the desired properties to unsaturated polyester-styrene, because of
effectively protect a printed substrate, espe- their low cost, but they are being progres-
cially with respect to the flexibility, hard- sively replaced by the more suitable acry-
ness, and abrasion resistance. The varnish is late resins which offer a larger choice of end
usually applied by roller coaters, but also by properties of the cured film and are well suit-
offset machines which offer the possibility ed for a specific application. When more
of printing and overprinting in line. UV- than one layer is applied, e. g., base coat and
cured OPVs have found a number of appli- top coat, sanding in between each layer is
cations, in particular for the surface finish- often necessary to obtain a smooth surface
ing of postcards, book covers, metal cans, and achieve good interlayer adhesion. With
and all kinds of packing materials. the development of efficient photoinitiators
absorbing in the near UV region, UV-curing
13.10 Industrial Applications of Ultraviolet Curing 649

technology is not restricted to clear coats but and scratch resistance, as well as their
can now be applied to pigmented finishes, weathering resistance, without affecting
thus allowing more emphasis to be given to their optical properties. Good adhesion will
aesthetics and design than protection. The be achieved if some of the coating compo-
fastest growing market of UV-cured lac- nents can diffuse into the plastic substrate
quers is to be found in door finishing, par- to form a transition layer. Today, UV-curing
quet flooring, and furniture. finishing is used for a great variety of arti-
cles, such as lenses, mirrors, car headlamp
covers and reflectors, optical fibers, and Plastic Coatings
spectacle glasses.
A number of plastic materials are current- By introducing a light-stabilizer in the
ly protected by UV-cured, clear coats in coating formulation, the light-fastness of
order to improve their surface properties and polymer materials known for their poor
aspect. The most widely treated substrate is resistance to weathering, e.g., polycarbo-
poly(vinyl chloride) (PVC), which is used nates and PVC, can be substantially
in floor covering, either as flexible rolls or improved. By filtering the most harmful
as rigid tiles. The resin formulation usually solar radiation out, the UV absorber effec-
contains a polyurethane-acrylate which tively retards the photooxidation of the sub-
imparts good abrasion resistance, high strate, thus increasing the service life of the
gloss, and durability to the cured polymer. coated material. This stabilizing effect is
UV finishes are also applied on PVC wood clearly apparent on Fig. 13-23, which shows
grain printed foils designed to be laminated the yellowing and loss of gloss of a clear
onto particle boards using conventional PVC plate exposed to accelerated QUV
methods (pressure and temperature). aging. A five-fold increase in the light
UV-cured, clear coats are increasingly stability was achieved by simply covering
used for the surface protection of organic the PVC plate with a 50-|im thick, UV-
glasses, such as polycarbonates (PC) and cured, polyurethane-acrylate coating con-
poly(methylmethacrylate) (PMMA), in taining 1.5% of a hydroxyphenyl triazine
order to increase their hardness and wear stabilizer (Tinuvin 400 from CIBA)

Gloss (%)
100 p ^
80- PVC Coated PVC

i() PVC Coated PVC

J 1000 2000 3000

QUV Exposure time (hours)

Figure 13-23. Photostabilization of a clear
PVC plate using a UV-cured coating con-
taining a UV absorber.
650 13 Photopolymerization and Ultraviolet Curing of Multifunctional Monomers

(Decker, 1993 d). Delamination of the coat- Laminated Adhesives

ing upon weathering was prevented by the
addition of a radical scavenger which stabi- An important limitation to the use of UV-
lizes the polyurethane network as well as the curable adhesives for bonding an assembly
UV absorber, and greatly reduces the deg- is that one of the two parts must be trans-
radation at the coating/substrate interface. parent to UV radiation. The process
It should be mentioned that the introduc- involves the following three steps:
tion of a UV absorber slows down the cur- 1) The adhesive is applied in the liquid state
ing reaction because it reduces the initiation to one of the parts to be bonded.
rate by competing with the photoinitiator in 2) The two parts are assembled, taking care
scavenging the incident photons. This diffi- to avoid the formation of air bubbles.
culty can be overcome to a large extent by 3) The assembly is exposed to UV light to
using as a stabilizer a compound that is convert the adhesive from the liquid to
transparent in the near UV and generates a the solid state.
UV absorber in situ upon weathering (Deck-
er et al., 1995). The two elements to be bonded can be
identical (homolaminates) or of a different Metal Coatings nature (heterolaminates), and consist either
of flexible films (polyester, polyvinyl ace-
Although the energy savings provided by
tate, nylon, aluminum foil, paper) or of rigid
the UV curing process are the greatest on
transparent plates (PMMA, PVC, PC, min-
metal, this application sector has not yet
eral glass).
experienced great development. This is
UV-cured glass laminates show a great
partly due to the fact that good adhesion on
potential as safety or acoustic glasses,
metals is quite difficult to obtain, mainly
because they are produced by a process that
because of the tension forces produced by
is faster, cheaper, and easier to work out than
the shrinkage of the coating (Dufour, 1993).
the usual thermal cure carried out for hours
Protective UV varnishes are applied on steel
under high pressure. The photosensitive
pipes, to prevent corrosion, and on galva-
system can be either a liquid resin to be
nized steel used in metallic furniture.
poured into a glass mold and UV cured at
Another application of metal coatings is in
ambient for less than one minute, or a plas-
the manufacture of printed circuit boards,
ticized, photosensitive polymer film to be
where UV-curable photoresists are coated
squeezed between two glass plates under
onto a copper substrate before photo imag-
moderate pressure and hardened by a short
ing and subsequent etching of the unprotect-
UV exposure. In both cases, acrylate mono-
ed areas (see Sec. 13.10.4).
mers associated to an aliphatic polyurethane
were found to give the best performance in
13.10.3 Adhesives
terms of reactivity, adhesion, impact resis-
Radiation curing has found two main tance, transparency, and weathering resis-
areas of application in the field of adhesives: tance (Moussa and Decker, 1993 b; Decker
(i) to bond together two pieces of an assem- and Moussa, 1995). Promising results have
bly (laminate), thus acting as a quick-setting been obtained with a three-component, UV-
glue, and (ii) to produce pressure-sensitive cured laminate glass/polycarbonate/glass,
adhesives and release coatings (Woods, which combines the chemical inertness,
1992). scratch resistance, and hardness of mineral
13.10 Industrial Applications of Ultraviolet Curing 651

glass with a strong impact resistance due to ing step, but also as fast drying adhesives
the polycarbonate core, which is sand- and conformal coatings. In the manufacture
wiched between two sheets of a UV-cured of printed circuit boards (PCBs), the photo-
polyurethane acrylate elastomer (Moussa lithographic process, which generates high
and Decker, 1992). resolution relief images, is similar to that
presented in the graphic arts section Pressure-Sensitive Adhesives (Fig. 13-22), except that the printing step is
(PSAs) replaced by an etching step to transfer the
image into the copper substrate. Photocur-
The concept of radiation-curable PSA can able acrylate resins are currently used as
be simply described as a rapid photoinitiat- etch resists, solder masks, and marking inks.
ed crosslinking producing a viscoelastic The imaging performance of negative
system where the properties of tack, peel working photoresists, i.e., systems that
strength, and shear resistance are predeter- undergo insolubilization upon exposure, are
mined (Ellerstein et al., 1993). It is this quantified by two kinetics parameters: (i)
tackiness that causes the adhesive to stick the photosensitivity (S), which corresponds
instantly when it is pressed against a sub- to the amount of energy required for total
strate. Depending on the peel stength, PSA insolubilization (usually expressed in mJ
tapes are considered as temporary cm"2), and (ii), the contrast (7), which is cal-
(<35 N/100 mm) or permanent (above this culated from the slope of the insolubiliza-
value). tion profile and reflects the sharpness of the
The photosensitive resin consists either of relief image. S values of a few millijoules
a functionalized oligomer, usually with acry- per square centimeter, together with a y>2,
late groups, or of a reactive polymer which are required in the manufacture of PCBs,
will be applied as hot melt. There are basi- and are typically obtained with multifunc-
cally two classes of reactive polymer used: tional acrylate resins.
acrylic hot melts which may contain a tack- Conventional exposure tools, such as
ifying monomer, and thermoplastic rubbers, contact printers, require the fabrication of
predominantly block copolymers of styrene patterns on glass or film photomasks. Alter-
with isoprene or butadiene (Huber, 1993). natively, a computer-controlled scanning
The reasons for using radiation to produce laser can be used to define a pattern direct-
PSAs, rather than solvent-based adhesives, ly on the photoresist. This maskless tech-
remain essentially the same as for the other nology, laser direct imaging (LDI), offers a
UV-curable systems, and include pollution means to produce boards with finer geome-
control, economic gains, and enhanced per- tries at higher yields (Chinnock, 1994). The
formance. Today, UV-curable PSAs are basic principle of LDI and its great poten-
increasingly utilized in the graphic arts, tial in electronics have been discussed at
electronics, and packaging to produce self- length in a recent review article on laser cur-
adhesives foils, tapes, and labels. ing and imaging, and its manifold applica-
tions (Decker, 1994).
13.10.4 Electronics A schematic representation of the laser
writing device is shown in Fig. 13-24. The
UV-curable systems have found several modulated laser beam scans at high speed
applications in microelectronics where they the resist-coated board to produce the
serve not only as photoresists in the imag- desired pattern. Because the exposure time
652 13 Photopolymerization and Ultraviolet Curing of Multifunctional Monomers

Rotating Polygon
Modulator Mirror




CW Laser

Figure 13-24. Laser scanner for direct

imaging of printed circuit boards.

is very short (10 7 s), the sensitivity of the 13.10.5 Stereolithography

photoresist must be extremely high (low
One of the most remarkable features of
values of S). This can be achieved by using
laser-induced curing is that it allows a liq-
multiacrylate resins which have been found
uid resin to be transformed quasi-instantly
to polymerize quasi-instantly under UV
into a solid material; this phase change is
laser irradiation (Decker, 1983 b, c). With
carried out selectively in the very areas that
some recently developed photoresists,
are exposed to the laser beam (Decker,
which show excellent performance (S =
1984). A new technology, stereolithogra-
0.1 mJ cm"2, 7=4), writing speeds up to
phy, has taken advantage of this property to
1000 m/s can be reached by means of an
create three-dimensional solid objects, by
argon ion laser tuned to its UV emission
scanning the surface of a UV-curable resin
(Decker and Elzaouk, 1995 b).
with a laser to form a thin solid pattern, and
Laser direct imaging offers a number of building up the model step-by-step by add-
advantages, such as sharper and well- ing one layer on top of another (Bernhard
defined lines, fewer defects, rapid prototyp- et al., 1993). Complex 3D parts can thus be
ing, and greater flexibility in the manufac- obtained faster, with greater precision, and
ture of PCBs. This advanced technology is more flexible processing than with conven-
likely to become a valuable tool in the hands tional modeling techniques. Figure 13-25
of engineers to help overcome some of shows a schematic representation of the
today's limitations in the PCB industry, by laser stereolithography apparatus. Different
producing in a cost-effective way boards types of UV lasers can be used, the com-
with higher definition, more layers, and monest being the argon ion laser (351 nm)
smaller batch size. and the helium-cadmium laser (325 nm).
The photoreactive resin employed for
generating models by stereolithography
plays a key role in that it directly determines
13.10 Industrial Applications of Ultraviolet Curing 653

/ \

. ,*- X - Y PLOTTER
Laser beam


Figure 13-25. Apparatus for creating 3D
objects by laser stereolithography.

both the laser writing speed and the mechan- objects, for it obviates the use of molds,
ical properties of the final object. Most of machine dies, and cutting tools. The success
today's commercial resins are based on mul- of this advanced technology arises from the
tiacrylate systems, which were selected pri- fact that it allows the direct use of digital
marily because of their high cure speed design information to guide the formation
under laser irradiation (Decker, 1984,1994) of a model that closely represents the orig-
and the tailor-made properties of the cured inal design.
polymer. In addition, there is substantial
experience with this type of compound, 13.10.6 Dental Composite Materials
which is most widely used in UV-curing
applications. These laser-curable resins are In the same way that pigment particles are
essentially the same as those described in introduced in the formulations of UV-
Sec. 13.4. One of the practical problems curable printing inks or lacquers, it is pos-
encountered with acrylate resins is that the sible to add some mineral charges such as
liquid-to-solid phase change is accompa- glass or silica particles to obtain an extreme-
nied by a relatively important shrinkage ly hard and abrasion-resistant composite
(5 -10%). This will affect the ultimate accu- material. This approach has found its major
racy of the 3D-object created. For this rea- opening in dentistry, where photocured den-
son, cationic UV-curable systems are tal polymeric materials are increasingly
increasingly employed as laser-sensitive used as fast-hardening cements, sealants,
resins for 3D imaging applications, because adhesives, and coatings (Linden, 1993).
of their low shrinkage (nearly 0%) and good Such one-pack resins present a number of
reactivity when associated to vinyl ethers. advantages over conventional systems:
Stereolithography has proved of great - immediate readiness for use,
interest in various industrial sectors (auto- - extended working time,
motive and aerospace industries, medical - higher polymerization rate and short set-
engineering) for the prototyping of solid ting time,
654 13 Photopolymerization and Ultraviolet Curing of Multifunctional Monomers

- better adhesion of the filler particle to the The physical and aesthetic properties of
resin matrix. photocured dental resins are generally con-
sidered to be fully equal in quality to the
Photocurable dental pastes generally con- conventional ones. This feature, together
tain methacrylate functionalized oligomers with the distinct characteristics of photoini-
(mainly bisphenol-A derivatives and poly- tiation, accounts for the success of photo-
urethanes) and a reactive acrylate monomer curing technology in dentistry and the large
to render the paste more malleable and variety of products which are now commer-
increase its reactivity. Because UV radiation cially available (Linden, 1993). Light-cured
can cause skin cancer and damage to the polymeric materials with ready-to-use sin-
eyes, the curing has to be performed with gle paste are expected to experience a fast
visible light, typically 470-nm radiation, so growth in the near future, as they show the
the photoinitiator must absorb at this wave- great advantage of permitting complete con-
length. The most widely used photoinitiator trol over the working time, together with a
is camphorquinone which, in combination relatively short setting time.
with a tertiary amine, generates upon pho- Other promising applications of photo-
tolysis the initiating amine radical (see and laser-induced polymerization include
Sec. 13.3.2). the fast curing of composite membranes and
The inert filler is the most important com- reinforced plastics (Bellobono and Righet-
ponent of the formulation as it can represent to, 1993), the 3D imaging of holographic
up to 60% by volume of the total composi- recording media (Lougnot, 1993), and the
tion. It is usually made of small particles of production of micrometer-size optical
glass or silica, with a size ranging from 10 guides by a laser-direct-write process
to 50 |Lim. To increase the polishability of (Decker, 1992b).
the cured cement, microfilled composites
have been developed by using as filler col-
loid silica with submicrometer particles 13.11 Conclusions
(0.05 |Lim). Some of the mechanical proper-
ties (hardness in particular) are, however, Radiation curing has now become a field
inferior to those with larger particles, so that of recognized importance in various indus-
the present trend is towards hybrid systems trial sectors because of its unique advantag-
containing both types of particle. Because es regarding both process facility and prod-
of the high filler content, the penetration of uct quality. While this technology has found
light in these composite resins is limited, its major openings in the coatings industry
and it is difficult to cure more than 3-mm and in microlithography, new applications
thick layers. Dental restoration by photocur- have appeared in microelectronics, holog-
able composites therefore has to be carried raphy, and 3D-protoyping, as well as for the
out in a multiple step process, one layer on production of fast-drying adhesives and
top of another. Each layer is typically composite materials.
exposed for 15 s to the blue light of a halo- The high initiation rates that can be
gen lamp. reached under intense illumination allow
As expected for this kind of application, highly crosslinked polymeric materials to
light-cured polymeric dental materials have be synthesized quasi-instantly by the UV
to pass a number of tests in order to evalu- curing of multifunctional monomers. Such
ate their biocompatibility (Linden, 1993). ultrafast reactions are best monitored by
13.13 References 655

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Conf. Boston: Northbrook, IL: RadTech Inter- Technology: Pappas, S. P. (Ed.). New York: Plenum,
national North America, p. 291. p. 333.
Moussa, K., Decker, C. (1993 a), J. Polym. ScL,
Polym. Chem. Ed. 31, 2203.
Moussa, K., Decker, C. (1993 b), /. Polym. ScL,
Polym. Chem. Ed. 31, 2633. General Reading
Nakamura, H., Takata, T., Endo, T. (1990), Macromol-
ecules23, 3023. Crivello, J. V (1984), Adv. Polym. ScL 62, 2.
Noren, G. K., Tortorello, A. J., Vandenberg, J. T. Decker, C. (1996), Prog. Polym. ScL 21, 593.
(1990), in: Proc. RadTechnoi. Conf, Vol. 1, Chica- Fouassier, J. P. (1995), Photoinitiator Photopoly-
go: Northbrook, IL: RadTech International North merization and Photocuring. Munich: Hanser.
America, p. 201. Fouassier, J. P., Rabek, J. F. (1992), Radiation Curing
Oldring, P. K. T. (Ed.) (1991 a), Chemistry and Tech- in Polymer Science and Technology. New York:
nology of UV and EB Formulations for Coatings, Plenum Press.
Inks and Paints, Vols. 1-4. London: SITA (Selec- Hoyle, C. E., Kinstle, J. F. (Eds.) (1990), Radiation
tive Industrial Training Associates) Technology. Curing of Polymeric Materials, ACS Symp. Ser.,
Oldring, P. K. T. (1991 b), in: Chemistry and Technol- Vol. 417. Washington, DC: American Chemical
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and Paints, Vols. 1 and 2: Oldring, P. K. T. (Ed.). Kloosterboer, J. G. (1988), Adv. Polym. ScL 84, 1.
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Pappas, S. P. (Ed.) (1985), UV-Curing Science and Chapman & Hall.
Technology, Vol. 2. Stamford, CT: Technology Oldring, P. K. T. (Ed.) (1991), Chemistry and Technol-
Marketing Corp. ogy of UV and EB Formulation for Coatings, Inks
Pappas, S. P. (1987), J. Radiat. Curing 14(3), 6. and Paints, Vols. 1-5. London: SITA Technology.
Pappas, S. P. (Ed.) (1992), Radiation Curing Science Pappas, S. P. (Ed.) (1992), Radiation Curing Science
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14 Conducting Polymers and Applications
Ladislav M. Wilson

Department of Chemistry, University of Cambridge, Cambridge, U.K.

List of Symbols and Abbreviations 661

14.1 Introduction 663
14.2 The Main Polymer Types and Structures 664
14.2.1 Structure, Doping, Conductivity, and Processing 667
14.2.2 Polymer Structure, Morphology, and Processability 670
14.3 Processing Insoluble Conducting Polymers (CPs) 670
14.3.1 Chemical Synthesis and Processing 671
14.3.2 Electrochemical Synthesis and In Situ Deposition 673
14.4 Processing Soluble Conducting Polymers for Films:
Soluble Polymers and Solubility Induced in Polyaniline by 'Soaps' . . 675
14.4.1 Soluble Polymers by Chemical Polymerization:
(3-Alkyl)Polypyrroles and Polythiophenes 676
14.4.2 Polyaniline and Substituted Poly anilines 678
14.4.3 Poly[2,5-alkoxy(phenylene-vinylene)]s and Soluble Poly(/?-phenylene)s . 678
14.5 Precursor Routes to 'Unprocessable' Polymers 679
14.5.1 Precursor Routes to Polyacetylene (PAC) Films 679
14.5.2 Precursor Routes to Poly(phenylene-vinylene) (PPV)
and Heterocycle-Vinylenes 680
14.5.3 Precursor Routes to Poly(/?-phenylene)s and Other Polymers
with p-Phenylene and Vinylene Units 681
14.6 Oriented Langmuir-Blodgett and Other Thin Films 683
14.7 Processing Fusible Polymers, Polymer Blends, and Latexes 685
14.8 Forming Polymers into Fibers 685
14.9 Post-Forming Treatment for Conductivity and Strength:
Polymer Doping and Stretch-Aligning 686
14.10 Other Conducting Polymers: Polymer Electrolytes 692
14.10.1 Filled Polymers 692
14.11 Applications 692
14.11.1 Photopolymerization and Photolithography 693
14.11.2 Conducting Polymer Film Devices in Electronics 694 Polymer Transistors 695 Light-Emitting Polymers 696 Electrochromic Devices 698 Polymer Battery Electrodes and 'Electrolytic' Capacitors 699
14.11.3 Antistatic Fabrics, Coatings, Filled Matrices, and Shielding 700
14.11.4 Chemical Detectors and Electrode Sensors 700
14.11.5 Copper Electroplating for Printed Circuits 701
Materials Science and Technology
Copyright WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co KGaA. All rights reserved.
660 14 Conducting Polymers and Applications

14.11.6 Nonlinear Optics and Photonics 701

14.11.7 Miscellaneous 701
14.12 References 702
List of Symbols and Abbreviations 661

List of Symbols and Abbreviations

E Young's modulus
hv radiation energy
Mn number average molecular weight

a conductivity

ACN polyacene
COD cyclooctadiene
COT cyclooctatetraene
CP conducting polymer
CPA copolymer with perylene units
CSA camphor sulfonic acid
DC direct current
DMF dimethylformamide
DP degree of polymerization
EC electrochemical cell
ECD electrochromic device
EDTA ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid
FET field effect transistor
HT head-to-tail
IR infrared
ITO indium tin oxide
LB Langmuir-Blodgett
LCD liquid crystal display
LED light-emitting diode
LEP light-emitting polymer
LPPP "ladder" poly(/?-phenylene)
MEH-PPV poly[2-methoxy-5-(2-ethyl)hexyloxy]phenylene-vinylene
MIS metal-insulator-semiconductor
NLO nonlinear optical
NMP 7V-methylpyrrolidone
PAC polyacetylene
PANi polyaniline
PBD 1,4-poly(buta-1,3-diene)
PCB printed circuit board
PDAC polydiacetylene
PDMPV poly(2,5-dimethoxy)phenylene-vinylene
PEO poly(ethylene oxide)
PET poly(ethylene terephthalate)
PMMA poly(methylmethacrylate)
PP polypropylene
PPP poly(p-phenylene)
PPS poly-/?-phenylene sulfide
662 14 Conducting Polymers and Applications

PPV poly(phenylenevinylene)
PPy polypyridine
PTFE poly(tetrafluoroethylene)
PTH polythiophene
PVAcetate polyvinylacetate
PVAlcohol polyvinylalcohol
PVC polyvinylchloride
PVK poly(AT)vinyl carbazole
PYRo polypyrrole
ROMP ring-opening metathesis polymerization
S Siemens
SCE saturated calomel electrode
STM scanning tunneling microscopy
THF tetrahydrofuran
UHMW-PE ultrahigh molecular weight polyethylene
UV ultraviolet
14.1 Introduction 663

14.1 Introduction by the end of the millenium. Therefore,

although the total production volume of CPs
Traditional polymer materials or plastics might be low compared to that of conven-
have become almost universally used in tional polymers used in injection molding,
so many applications that it is now difficult film blowing, or extrusion, they are at least
to imagine a world without them. They as important because of the total sales turn-
have been used for their many useful prop- over of the final products, and while the pro-
erties, e.g., ease of processing into desired cessing of CPs for low volume electronics
shapes, low cost, electrical insulation, flex- applications can be expensive compared to
ibility or toughness, and often chemical the techniques used for conventional bulk
inertness. However, the use of polymers polymers, particularly if very high purity
for their electrical conducting or electronic and multi-step fabrication processes are
semiconducting properties is relatively needed, this cost is not a problem if it can
new, and these new conducting polymers be offset by the high value of the applica-
(CPs) offer an exceptional combination of tion.
useful properties and possibilities for a wide The processing of CPs covers a wide and
range of general and also specialized appli- rapidly changing area, with many unique
cations (Dai et al., 1996;Dodabalapuret al., processes distinct from conventional poly-
1995; Bakhshi, 1995). The possibility of mer processing techniques, although they
combining the useful properties of conven- are often applied as thin (or very thin) films
tional polymers, especially their ease of (Gardner et al., 1995;Saitoet al., 1994; Shi-
processing and good mechanical proper- midzu et al., 1996). While conventional
ties, with the electrical conductivity of nonconducting polymers are usually easily
metals have been the main goal and the driv- fabricated, strong, flexible, and often inex-
ing force for the new field of 'synthetic pensive, many CPs were not normally so
metals'. easily synthesized or processed until quite
The usefulness of a conducting or semi- recently, because they have a conjugated
conducting polymer is clear, since this con- structure. In fact some of the conjugated
ductivity is needed for electrical and elec- polymers used as CPs were originally
tronic applications. There is a need for the designed to be structural materials, with ten-
properties associated with plastics, e.g., sile properties comparable to rigid engineer-
their flexibility and their low weight com- ing polymers, and they often have the asso-
pared with metals. There are also process- ciated intractability and difficulties in pro-
ing advantages that make conducting poly- cessing. For example, poly(phenyleneviny-
mers desirable compared to metals or inor- lene), PPV, has elastic moduli and tensile
ganic semiconductors, for example, in the strength comparable to Kevlar. Another pro-
coating of large areas. There is now great cessing difficulty for some CPs (in the
interest in using (semi)conducting polymers doped conducting state) is their environ-
in electronics, as it is possible to make tran- mental instability in normal ambient condi-
sistors, light emitters, and batteries using tions. However, much progress has been
these polymer materials. Applications of made recently towards ease of processing
CPs can be in the high volume, 'low and higher stability, often with the develop-
technology' market as well as the low vol- ment of new types of polymers and the so-
ume, high value electronics market, and CPs called 'precursor' polymer routes or new
are expected to be a billion dollar business doping techniques.
664 14 Conducting Polymers and Applications

Research has also been directed towards 14.2 The Main Polymer Types
improving the conductivity of these materi- and Structures
als, either alone or in blends. Those that
are environmentally stable, such as polypyr- The structures of the main types of con-
role (PYRo), polyaniline (PANi), and poly- jugated polymers are shown in Fig. 14-1,
thiophene (PTH) based materials have together with some (initially) nonconjugat-
found a wide range of uses and are commer- ed structures, e.g., polyaniline (PANi),
cially available. As with conventional poly- which are made conducting (and conjugat-
mers, the processing of CPs largely deter- ed) by doping. Polyacetylene (PAC) has the
mines the properties of the final polymers most simple conjugated structure, being a
and is in turn itself determined by the prop- chain of trans - C H - units with alternating
erties required for particular applications. single and double carbon bonds and having
For CPs the processing treatment is crucial a band gap of 1.5 eV. Polydiacetylenes,
because it determines the conductivity of the polytriacetylenes, and copolymers such
final polymer as well as the mechanical as poly(aromatic diacetylenes) have been
properties. made by a copper-catalyzed coupling reac-
Although the conducting properties of tion, and some of these are soluble (Kwock
some organic polymers were discovered in et al., 1993). Other materials include poly-
the 1960s, research has accelerated over the pyrrole (PYRo), polythiophene (PTH),
past 20 years. The impetus came in the with a band gap of 2.1 eV (M. Kobayashi
1970s with the discovery by Shirakawa and et al., 1984), poly(p-phenylene) (PPP),
Ikeda (1971) that poly acetylene (PAC) poly(phenylenevinylene) (PPV), and poly-
could be made into free-standing films (Ito (p-phenylene sulfide) (PPS). Soluble mod-
et al., 1974), and that these could be made ifications of these polymers have been syn-
highly conducting (Chiang et al., 1977; thesized, e.g., (3-alkyl)PTH, (2,5-dialkoxy)
Shirakawa et al., 1977) by doping. But the PPP (Vahlenkamp and Wegner, 1994), and
environmental instability of PAC was a 2,5-dialkoxy)PPV, which are important pro-
drawback, and a boost came with the cessable polymers. Further modifications of
synthesis of the more stable conducting the structure are possible, e. g., to give fused
poly(p-phenylene) PPP, by Shacklette et al. dithiophene phenylenevinylenes, and the
(1979) and their discovery that this polymer phenyl-substituted PPV type polymers with
could also be made conducting by doping the phenyls on the vinylene units can be oxi-
(Shacklette et al., 1980), along with others: datively cyclized with ferric chloride to give
polypyrrole (PYRo) by Kanazawa et al. the fully aromatic phenanthrene polymers,
(1979), poly-/?-phenylene sulfide (PPS) by which are organic solvent soluble. Phenyl-
Chance et al. (1980) and Rabolt et al. substituted PPVs (with the phenyl substitu-
(1980), polythiophene (PTH) by Kaneto ents on the rings) have also been investigat-
et al. (1982), and the poly anilines (PANi) by ed, and can be drawn above their softening
MacDiarmid et al. (1985). This opened up points. Doping with iodine or SbF5 gave
the way for other conjugated and some non- conductivities of about 10~4 S/cm (Garay et
conjugated polymer materials. Intensive al., 1995).
research by both academic institutions and Many of these more specialized polymers
industry in the 1980s and 1990s has already with modifications to their chemical struc-
led to important commercial applications tures will not be discussed in detail as there
[see, e.g., Aldissi (1993b)]. are an almost endless number of possible
14.2 The Main Polymer Types and Structures 665

PAC variations and many are still at an experi-

mental stage. Polymers containing different
aromatic units, e.g., pyridine, pyrimidine,
quinones, and resorcinol ethers have been
PDAC synthesized (e.g., Maude et al., 1995).
Other recent materials, e.g., thiazole poly-
mers (Maruyama et al., 1995), poly(alkyl-
PYRo bithiazoles), and poly(isothianaphthene)
(Chen and Lee, 1995; Nanos et al., 1995),
having low band gaps, are conventionally
processable and conducting when doped.
Copolymers have also been investigated,
having combinations of different monomer
units in the polymer chains, for example,
(3-Alkyl)PTH copolymers based on phenylene and thio-
phene units (Czerwinski et al., 1988) or
phenylene and pyrrole (Reynolds et al.,
PPV 1994), and other polymers similar to PPV
but containing heterocyclic units together
with vinylene, such as poly(heteroarylene-
vinylene)s (Gandini and Mealares, 1994).
(2,5-Oxydialkyl)PPV Conducting polyalkyldioxy thiophenes
have been produced which are conductive-
ly very stable, the material containing units
that stabilize the positive charges on the
PPP conducting polymer (Heywang and Jonas,
Another class of polymers for which
(2,5-Dialkyl)PPP research is currently ongoing is the fused
ring 'ladder'-type polymers, which are
sometimes referred to as 'one-dimensional
graphite', for example, polyacene (as shown
PANi in Fig. 14-2), although the syntheses are
often difficult and the materials totally
intractable. However, some of these ladder
PPS polymers can be synthesized by Diels-Alder
condensation to give soluble precursor
polymers which are then converted to the
Figure 14-1. The structures of the main types of con-
ducting polymers: Polyacetylene (PAC), polydiacet- fully aromatic materials by dehydrogena-
ylene (PDAC), polypyrrole (PYRo), polythiophene tion (Schlicke et al., 1995); new soluble lad-
(PTH), poly(3-alkyl)thiophene [(3-alkyl)PTH], der polymers derived from the PPP struc-
polyphenylene-vinylene (PPV), poly(2,5-dialkyloxy)- ture (LPPP) have also been synthesized
phenylene-vinylene [(2,5-dialkyloxy)PPV], poly(/?-
phenylene) (PPP), poly(2,5-dialkyl)-/7-phenylene
(Scherf and Mullen, 1991), possessing a pla-
[(2,5-dialkyl)PPP], polyaniline (PANi), and poly-p- nar arrangement of the phenylene units
phenylene sulfide (PPS). along the polymer chain. An interesting
666 14 Conducting Polymers and Applications

Doped * AVV4#^A /V/
PAC c c xcd c d c c c
R1 = alkyl, R2 = aryl



CPA ci- ci-

Figure 14-2. Ladder-type polymers :PPP-type ladder =\ I /=
polymer (LPPP), the "one-dimensional graphite" A /- if\\ ^ N
polyacene (ACN), and a copolymer with perylene
units (CPA).


example of a soluble polyacene has been Figure 14-3. Schematic structures of doped conduct-
synthesized by a high temperature and pres- ing polymers. Iodine-doped PAC, p-doped PTH, and
sure solid-state polymerization from diphe- p-doped PANi showing the ideal structural formulas
nylacetylene (Kojima et al., 1995). of the different forms: (a) emeraldine salt, (b) emeral-
dine base, and (c) pernigraniline.
Polymers having electron donating and
withdrawing groups along the polymer
chain backbone have been found to have
extremely low band gaps, for example, conjugated structure (Fig. 14-3 b) when par-
polymers with quinoid aromatic units and tially oxidized. The materials shown are
thiophene units, and the polysquaraines and only a representative group, as there is in
polycroconaines with a band gap of 0.5 -0.7 fact an almost endless number of possible
eV (Havinga et al., 1992; Lambert and Fer- new variations of conjugated polymer struc-
raris, 1991). These can be water soluble and tures (for example, those with different sub-
the films have a conductivity of about stituents on the polymer) and of combina-
1 S/cm when doped. tions of different monomers and comono-
The doped, conducting forms of polymers mers to give copolymers.
represented in Fig. 14-1 are shown in An example of a different type of con-
Fig. 14-3. Note that although the undoped ducting polymer showing low conductivity
PANi (like the PPS) in the neutral state does is poly(AOvinyl carbazole (PVK), which is
not have a conjugated polymeric structure, not actually a conjugated polymer even
when it is doped in the fully oxidized per- when doped, as shown in Fig. 14-4. This
nigraniline form it does have a fully conju- material relies on electron hopping between
gated structure (Fig. 14-3 c) and a partially the carbazole units to give conduction.
14.2 The Main Polymer Types and Structures 667

gated system of multiple bonds, either in

PVK the doped or the undoped state, most often
containing alternating double and single
bonds along the polymer chains. This
conjugated system of covalent bonding
PBD leads to small band gaps. Therefore the
polymers are often intrinsic semiconductors
(but sometimes still insulators) when pure
Figure 14-4. Structure of two nonconjugated (semi-
conducting polymers, poly(/V)vinyl carbazole (PVK) (or 'pristine'), and these materials do not
and l,4-poly(buta-l,3-diene) (PBD). show high metal-like conduction until they
are doped by being oxidized (p-doped,
which is more common) or reduced (n-
The p-doped materials have positive
PEO-LiX charges on the polymer chains (except mate-
rials such as the PANi base forms shown in
Fig. 14-3; compare with the charged PANi
Figure 14-5. Structure of an ion-conducting poly- salt form) and contain negative counter ions,
mer: solid polymer electrolyte poly(ethylene oxide)
(PEO) doped with a lithium salt (LiX).
while the n-doped materials have negative
charges on the polymer chains and contain
positive counter ions. The intrinsic semicon-
ductor properties of the pure (undoped)
Another material having a nonconjugat- materials can be used in some semiconduc-
ed backbone is l,4-poly(buta-l,3-diene) tor device applications. In the terminology
(PBD), also shown in Fig. 14-4. The all of semiconductors, the materials are in fact
trans form of this polymer turns dark and extrinsic rather than intrinsic conductors
becomes a semiconductor when doped with when doped, although the latter term is nor-
iodine, having a conductivity of about mally used. The doping can be done in a
10~5 s/cm. variety of ways: chemical, electrochemical,
Filled conducting polymer materials are or by irradiation. In electronic devices such
of practical importance, but will not be dis- as field effect transistors (FETs) there is the
cussed in detail here. Some polymeric solid possibility of charge injection, as in other
electrolytes are important in some CP appli- semiconductors. Chemical doping is per-
cations, e.g., in secondary batteries, and are formed by treatment with oxidizing or reduc-
shown schematically in Fig. 14-5, but will ing agents, or with acids (Han and Elsen-
not be discussed further here. baumer, 1989). Examples of dopants include
I2, AsF5, SbF5, (oxidizing), Na, Li (reduc-
ing), and HC1, camphor sulfonic acid (CSA)
14.2.1 Structure, Doping, Conductivity, (acid), which can be applied in the vapor
and Processing state, for example, by exposing the polymer
The nature of the chemical bonding in to the dopant in a vacuum chamber.
conducting polymers is the key to their The effect of doping is shown schemati-
conducting properties and their processing. cally as follows
All the so-called intrinsically conducting
POL + nX (14-1)
organic polymers have an extensive conju- agent
668 14 Conducting Polymers and Applications

where X = I2, Br2, AsF5, SbF5, etc., and silver and copper), conducting polymers can
X" = l3,15, SbF^, etc. have values anywhere between these
extremes, as shown in Fig. 14-6. For exam-
POL + nM agent T (14-2) ple, PVK is conductive when doped with
SbF5, to about 1(T5 S/cm (Partridge, 1983),
+ + +
where M = Na, Li, etc., and M = Na , Li , polythiazole has conduction when n-doped
etc. with sodium of about 10~4 S/cm (Maruya-
ma et al., 1995), and the electron-accepting
POL + nHA - ^ U POL nH(n+) nA~ (14-3)
polyarylenes containing the 7T-deficient
where HA = HC1, etc., and POL = polymer. electron withdrawing imine nitrogens, such
Electrochemical doping can be per- as 2,5-polypridine (Kanbara and Yamamo-
formed in situ during synthesis of the poly- to, 1993) and 2,6-polyquinoxaline (Yama-
mer or after synthesis during further pro- moto et al., 1993), also show conduction
cessing of the polymer. Doping is accompa- when n-doped. All the CP materials inves-
nied by a drastic color change, often to a tigated so far have low to medium conduc-
dark color or black, together with a dramat- tivities when doped, e. g., PANi (Baughman
ic increase in the conductivity. While con- et al., 1988) and PPP (Mohammad et al.,
ventional plastics are insulating, with con- 1996), and up to several hundred or a little
ductivities between 10~14 and l(T 18 S/cm over a thousand Siemens per centimeter for
(the lower limit for Teflon and polystyrene) PTH, the exception being PAC, which has a
and metals have values in the range conductivity greater than a few thousand
104 S/cm to 106 (the higher value being for Siemens per centimeter up to about 105 S/cm

10 +06 1 0 + 0 6 -i Copper
Poly(arylene-vinylene) - 1 0 + 0 4 10+04-
Polythiophene, polypyrrole Graphite
PQlyaniline 10 +02 10+02_
<5 10+0 -
10-02. Germanium
10- 0 4 -
Semicon- Silicon
ductors 10-06-
o 1 0 -08_ Polyethylene

10 - 1 2 -

S/cm 1 0 " 1 8 - Quartz
Figure 14-6. Conductivity chart showing the conductivities of conventional materials and the highest conduc-
tivity values for various polymers.
14.2 The Main Polymer Types and Structures 669

when increased by stretch alignment (Naar- mers with fewer defects (of the nonconju-
man and Theophilou, 1987). The doped gated units) in the chains, which limit con-
films of PAC have a shiny metallic appear- ductivity. The conductivity can then be
ance and the very highly conducting form is increased further by increasing the order of
called Naarman polyacetylene, in honour of the polymer chain structure and packing,
Naarman who first reported it. Iodine is i.e., increasing the planarity of the monomer
often used as a dopant and another possible units in the chains and decreasing the num-
dopant for PAC is thionyl chloride, which ber of conformational defects (Salaneck,
can produce a highly conducting state (Cal- 1989) in the chain packing by alignment of
vertetal., 1988). the polymer molecule chains with each
In conventional metallic materials, the other, which increases the average conjuga-
electrical conductivity depends on the elec- tion length along the molecules, giving an
tronic band structure and the available elec- essentially parallel orientation. Thus the
trons in the bands. With the bands either processing determines the conductivity of
totally full or empty there is no conduction, the final polymer to a large extent. The con-
but with partially filled bands and a band formational defects in CPs can give rise to
gap that is comparable to the thermal exci- thermochromism [examples include polydi-
tation energy conduction can occur. In these acetylene and the substituted (3-alkyl)PTH,
polymers, however, conductivity is due to in solution and in the solid state], because
the formation of solitons, polarons, and the conformation of the monomers along the
bipolarons; the theoretical treatment of the polymer chain is temperature-dependent
conduction mechanisms have been covered and causes a color change on changing the
in Vol. 4 of this Series. The conductivity of degree of conjugation.
these polymers is therefore produced by Interestingly, the conductivity of CPs
doping (Rehwald and Kiess, 1992), and it often increases with temperature, unlike for
depends on the quantity and power of the metals, but for very highly doped PAC mate-
oxidizing or reducing dopant, which is con- rials the conductivity is nearly temperature-
trolled by the processing conditions. independent (Roth et al., 1989), as shown in
Defects in the molecular structure disrupt Fig. 14-22 b, and metallic-type conductivity
the conduction paths along the polymer has been observed, for example, in PANi
chains, since it is the actual average conju- [Holland et al. (1996), and see Sec. 14.9].
gation path length along the polymer chains Conduction theory predicts that in a per-
that carries the charge. This average length fect single crystal of doped polyacetylene
is the average distance between two defects the conductivity should be 2xlO7 S/cm,
or the chain ends, and in defect-free poly- which is higher than that of copper metal.
mers has been equated with the persistence This shows the importance of oriented CP
length of the polymer chain. For example, materials and why the processing of CPs is
the conductivity of PAC decreases rapidly crucial. However, in practice the presently
when this conjugation length is reduced observed maximum conductivity is a few
from 100 A (10 nm) (the value for pristine hundred times lower. Figure 14-6 shows the
polymer) to 10 A; it decreased by eight maximum presently observed conductivity
orders of magnitude (Roth et al., 1989), as of polymers on a scale from insulating
shown in Fig. 14-18 b. Work on the Ziegler (quartz and PTFE) to conducting (copper).
catalyzed polymerization to produce PAC The processing method is also important
has produced high molecular weight poly- in another way, as the nature of the contact
670 14 Conducting Polymers and Applications

interface of the metal or other conductor Some of the materials, for example, the
[e.g., indium tin oxide (ITO)] with the CP soluble polymers, can be processed by the
is critical in the performance of some devic- normal techniques used for conventional
es, e.g., transistors and light-emitting poly- polymers, while other processing methods
mer (LEP) devices; therefore the surface are more complex and are unique to CPs.
treatment must be carefully controlled. Among the main polymer types, PAC, PPP,
and PPV are usually prepared by the solu-
tion processing of a precursor polymer to
14.2.2 Polymer Structure, Morphology, give films, and the precursor is then con-
and Processability verted to give the product. PANi, PYRo, and
The conjugated structure of CPs presents PTH are usually electrochemically pro-
difficulties when it comes to processing of the cessed to give films, while soluble, modi-
materials, as mentioned when describing the fied 'hairy rod' forms of PPP, PTH, and PPV,
structures in Sec. 14.2.1. Because of the e.g., (2,5-alkoxy)PPV, and other materials
extended conjugation and often also the rigid have been synthesized, as well as the solu-
aromatic repeat units in the polymers, flex- ble ladder polymer LPPR They are soluble
ibility due to rotation about the axis of the in common organic solvents such as
bonds along the polymer chain is restricted. toluene; the LPPPs can be solution pro-
Thus the chains are rigid and stiff, and because cessed (Leditzky and Leising, 1995) and
twisting and coiling in solution or in the melt have been evaluated in LEP devices (Tasch
are prevented, they are insoluble, intractable, et al., 1996). The strategies used for pro-
infusible materials (or have such high 'melt- cessing these and other polymers are dis-
ing points' that the material itself degrades), cussed in the following sections.
and they are potentially highly crystalline. Several of the CPs can be prepared as dis-
The materials can also be chemically reac- persions and applied as coatings (Aldissi,
tive and very unstable in the doped state 1993 b). Many of them can be blended with
under ambient conditions, for example, conventional thermoplastics such as poly-
PAC; undoped pristine PYRo is also not oxi- ethylene or poly vinyl chloride to produce a
datively stable (but it is more stable in the p- conducting material that is readily pro-
doped state). It is an advantage to be able to cessed by conventional methods, e.g., extru-
process the polymers in the doped state, sion. These conventional processing meth-
avoiding the need to dope the polymers after ods are described elsewhere. To avoid rep-
they are formed. The processing techniques etition, each of the processing techniques
and strategies that have been developed are will be discussed in turn with respect to the
designed to circumvent these problems by relevant polymers.
modifying the chemical structures of the
polymers, the polymerization processes, and
the processing routes to the final materials. 14.3 Processing Insoluble
Over the last twenty years there has been a Conducting Polymers (CPs)
search for improved materials; these have
now been produced and are coming to the The problem of the processability of
application stage. Major advances in the insoluble and intractable polymers can be
chemical preparation of modified monomers circumvented in some cases by direct in situ
and polymerization techniques have led to deposition of the CP, for example, by elec-
many of these advances in processing. trochemical deposition of PYRo, PTH, and
14.3 Processing Insoluble Conducting Polymers (CPs) 671

PANi to give films and coatings of the insol- (80 kPa). The thickness of the PAC film
uble materials. The polymers can be formed could be controlled by the initial thickness
by photopolymerization and the films of the of the catalyst layer coating and by the poly-
materials crosslinked by irradiation, but merization time. The films could be washed
these processes will be discussed more with solvent in situ and were then handled
appropriately later (Sec. 14.11.1) in con- in an inert atmosphere, such as argon, to pre-
nection with the applications of photoli- vent oxidative degradation by air.
thography. Films of insoluble polymers can Films of several micrometers to about 100
also be formed by chemical synthesis, for jLim thickness can be produced. The materi-
example, the Ziegler catalyzed polymeriza- als as produced are initially cis-rich PAC
tion or ring-opening metathesis polymeriza- and can be converted to the predominantly
tion (ROMP) method for PAC. trans-PAC by heating at 150-160 C under
nitrogen or in a vacuum for 30 - 40 min, nor-
14.3.1 Chemical Synthesis mally under stress to retain the sample
and Processing geometry. The differences between films
produced by the different processes have
The original synthesis of PAC by Shira- been investigated (Shirakawa et al., 1991).
kawa and Ikeda [1971; also Ito et al. (1974)] It was found that the most important factor
used solution polymerization with a Ziegler affecting the conductivity was the thickness
catalyst to prepare the films. Materials with of the film, the conductivity increasing in
improved conductivity can now be pro- proportional with the inverse of the thick-
duced by this Ziegler catalyzed process ness, i.e., the thinner the films, the higher
using high temperature aged catalysts the conductivity, as shown in Fig. 14-7.
(Naarman and Theophilou, 1987; Basescu A different method for processing PAC
et al., 1987), although the material has a involves the ring-opening metathesis poly-
fibrillar, open morphology and is less com-
pact, with a lower density and conductivity
than the precursor route material discussed Film thickness (urn)
in Sec. 14.5.1. Highly strechable PAC films 5.0 2.5
with a higher density and high mechanical
strength have been produced by changing
the Ziegler process (Akagiet al., 1989; Sue-
zaki et al., 1987) to a nonsolvent process.
A standard Ziegler type catalyst such as
Ti(OC4H9)4-AlEt3 in cumene solvent was
aged at room temperature for 1 h, then heat-
ed at 150 C for 5 h under an inert argon
atmosphere. The catalyst solution was then
transferred into the polymerization vessel
and the cumene removed under vacuum 0 2 4 6 8 10
Reciprocal of film thickness (103 crrr 1 )
pumping until the vapor pressure fell below
5 m Torr (667 mPa) to leave a coating of the Figure 14-7. Relationship between the electrical
conductivity of iodine-doped, as-prepared films and
catalyst lining the vessel. Polymerization the reciprocal of the film thickness (Shirakawa et al.,
was then carried out at -78 C by introduc- 1991). Reprinted with permission from Elsevier
ing acetylene at a pressure of 600 Tor Science Ltd., Oxford, UK.
672 14 Conducting Polymers and Applications

merization (ROMP) of cyclooctatetraene polymer product is then purified using

(COT); by having a side-chain substituent EDTA (ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid) to
on the COT monomer, a soluble substituted ensure removal of any contaminating nickel
form of PAC can be made as follows compounds (Yamamoto, 1995). These orga-
nometallic nickel complex mediated
(14-4) coupling polymerizations give a much more
regular (and defect-free) product than the
oxidative chemical or electrochemical meth-
ods, because the coupling gives a well-
X \= defined regio-regular bonding between the
This method does not use the acetylene monomer units. Coupling of e.g., alkyl chain
gas monomer or the extremely air and mois- substituted bithiopene monomers can also
ture sensitive Ziegler type catalyst, instead give stereoregular polymer structures.
it uses a liquid monomer and a less sensitive PPP can be prepared by oxidative poly-
tungsten complex catalyst (Ginsberg et al., merization of benzene using copper com-
1990). The instability of doped and even pounds, dehalogenation polymerization
undoped PAC in normal atmospheric condi- with alkali metals or copper, and by the loss
tions is still a great hinderance to the appli- of nitrogen from diazonium monomer com-
cations of this highly conducting material. pounds. However, these methods do not give
Both PANi and PYRo can be chemically highly regular structures or high molecular
synthesized by oxidative polymerization, weights (the DP is often only about 10) and
usually using Fe m or Cu11 salts (Costello produce intractable polymer powders. High-
et al., 1996), or persulfate (for PANi), and er molecular weight PPP is obtained by the
PYRo can be polymerized directly onto fab- soluble precursor routes, and the organome-
ric fibers (Gregory et al., 1991), within pre- tallic catalyzed coupling polymerizations
formed polymer matrices (Pouzet et al., using the solubilizing side-chain substituted
1993); it can even be grown within micro- monomers (described in Sec. 14.4.1). The
tubules via a template synthesis (Liang conductivity of pure pristine undoped PPP
et al., 1992). is 10"9 to 10~13 S/cm, while the AsF5 doped
PYRo, PTH, PPy (polypyridine), PPP, and material normally has a conductivity of
other materials such as polyquinoxalines can about 10~2 up to about 500 S/cm, depending
be produced by the organometallic mediat- on the synthesis method.
ed coupling of dihaloaromatic monomers, The PTH type polymers can be prepared
usually with nickel complexes to give prod- by direct oxidative chemical polymerization
ucts with low to reasonable molecular (with an oxidizing agent such as ferric chlo-
weights (DP values, i.e., number of ride) and by the electrochemical oxidative
monomers in the polymer chain, depend on polymerization described in Sec. 14.3.2.
the type of polymer and are low for the insol- Chemically synthesized polythiophene has
uble conjugated materials, although they are about 35% crystallinity, which can be
sometimes up to about 100). For example, increased by post-synthetic thermal treat-
the 'Yamamoto coupling' reaction of the ment at 380 C for 30 min to about 56% (Mo
dihaloaromatic monomer can be carried out et al., 1985). These PTH type polymers are
in dimethyl formamide (DMF) solution with quite stable in air in the doped state and so
a nickel(cod)2 catalyst (cod= cycloocta- are useful in normal applications, but the
diene) and bipyridyl ligand present. The problem with all these insoluble (or very
14.3 Processing Insoluble Conducting Polymers (CPs) 673

low solubility) polymers is the difficulty of Table 14-1. Electrochemical peak potentials.
processing them. Unless they are formed in Compound Peak potential
situ, for example, as a film that can be used (vs. SCE)
directly, the products are intractable pow-
Pyrrole 1.2
ders which usually have low molecular
Bipyrrole 0.55
weights and cannot be used in applications. Terpyrrole 0.26
Thiophene 2.07
Bithiophene 1.31
14.3.2 Electrochemical Synthesis Terthiophene 1.05
and In Situ Deposition Azulene 0.91
Pyrene 1.23
Carbazole 1.30
Many objects, including those made from
insulating polymers, can be coated directly
with certain insoluble conducting polymers starting materials include (substituted)
(Tsumara et al., 1988). The polymer is derivatives of pyrrole, thiophene, aniline,
formed at an electrode surface and is elec- carbazole, azulene, pyrene, and tripheny-
trochemically doped as it is formed, so it is lene, as well as the bipyrrole dimers, etc., as
produced in an electroactive and conductive shown in Table 14-1.
form. The conductivity of the product is The electrochemical process for making
strongly dependent on the deposition con- these films is versatile and provides a way
ditions. For example, solutions of aromatic to vary the properties of the films. Polymer-
monomers, including bithiophene or bipyr- izations producing polyaromatic materials
role and terpyrrole, etc., can be oxidatively have stoichiometries in the range 2-2.5
polymerized at modest anode potentials to Faraday/mol of monomer. This is made up
produce conductive films. The polymeriza- of the charge for the stoichiometric forma-
tion proceeds by electrophilic substitution tion of the polymer chain, almost 2.0 if the
via a radical cation intermediate, retaining chains are long, and an additional 0-0.5 for
the aromaticity and the conjugated struc- the reversible oxidation of the polymer. This
ture. The growing polymer chains precipi- value depends on the type of monomer, the
tate onto the electrode surface when their anion of the electrolyte, and the solvent, etc.
solubility limit is reached; this growth con- The degree of polymerization varies from
tinues on the electrode surface to form a 10-1000 monomers per chain. The films
film, which grows uniformly. If the poly- have been investigated by a number of ana-
merization is carried out in a solvent in lytical techniques, and X-ray scattering
which the monomer adsorbs onto the elec- shows a mainly amorphous material with
trode surface, the film will be deposited uni- some 20-50 A (2-5 nm) microcrystallites.
formly from the beginning of the polymer- In the case of polypyrrole and polythio-
ization. Films cannot be deposited if the oli- phene, scanning tunneling microscopy
gomers are soluble when stirring or if con- (STM) has shown that the initial layer
vection occurs, nor from very dilute solu- [about 20 A (2 nm) thick] next to the elec-
tions [see later for soluble polymers trode is crystalline and the remaining outer
(Sec. 14.4)]. Many of the films are produced layer is amorphous (Yang et al., 1990), giv-
from commercially available reagents and ing a bilayer morphology.
are stable in an ambient atmosphere, show- The realization of applications for each
ing little degradation in their electrical and polymer depends on the control and in par-
mechanical properties. Monomers used as ticular the enhancement of the properties of
674 14 Conducting Polymers and Applications

the materials. Table 14-1 shows the oxida-

tion peak potentials for various starting
materials used to obtain CP films. These are
the normal potentials at which the electro-
polymerization is carried out, and it can be
seen that they are quite low, between about
1 and 2 V vs. SCE. In practice the potential
is kept at this value in an organic solvent to
avoid decomposition of the solvent, the
electrolyte, and the polymer. Reactions are
usually carried out in an organic solvent that
is aprotic and nonnucleophilic to avoid Figure 14-8. Method for producing continuous
sheets of conducting polymer using a partially
unwanted reaction with the cationic inter- immersed, cylindrical, horizontal revolving electrode.
mediates and the polymer product, although Key: (1) electrochemical cell, (2) working electrode,
electropolymerization of pyrrole and other (3) counter electrode, (4) electrolyte, (5) power sup-
monomers in aqueous solution has been car- ply, (6) microporous membrane, (7) roller, (8) poly-
ried out (Kupila and Kankare, 1995). Good pyrrole impregnated film, (9) roller, (10) squeezing
rollers (Kathirgamanathan et al., 1994).
films of PANi are formed galvanostatically
(i. e., at a constant current) from 1 M aniline
in aqueous 2 M HC1, at a current density of 8 - 1 0 m long. The sheet was fed through the
0.1 mA/cm2 (Kobayashi et al., 1984). rotating electrode at velocities of less than
The surface of insulators can be electro- 1 mm to over 1 cm/s at current densities of
chemically patterned with CPs (Zheng 60-230 mA/cm2, usually at room tempera-
et al., 1995), and multi-layers of different ture, giving conductivities of 10~3 to
CPs can be formed (Shimidzu et al., 1994) 10"4 S/cm (Kathirgamanathan et al., 1994).
by alternately electrochemically depositing Conducting sheets are available commer-
layers on a conducting (film-coated) sub- cially from Porvair (Norwich) and are quite
strate; modified polymers such as con- stable under ambient conditions.
ducting PANi-poly(methylmethacrylate) Polymerization can also be carried out on
(PMMA) and PTH-PMMA crosslinked conventional polymeric and inorganic sur-
films can also be prepared by electropoly- faces, which is commercially useful for con-
merization (Karakisla et al., 1996). ductive antistatic coatings on fabrics, etc.
Continuous sheets of conducting PYRo The polymerization mechanism of pyrrole
film can be produced electrochemically has been outlined above, and involves oxida-
using cells with partially immersed rotating tion of the pyrrole monomer to the radical
electrodes. This process is shown in Fig. cation and the coupling of a neutral monomer,
14-8. The CP is deposited on a carbon- beginning the chain sequence which contin-
loaded sheet of microporous polyurethane. ues until terminated by a side reaction or a
By ultrasonic pre-treatment of the polyure- lack of monomer. The polymerization is typ-
thane sheet with the electrolyte, electro- ically carried out at a potential of 1.2 V vs.
deposition of the CP is directed into the SCE, in an aprotic solvent, e.g., acetonitrile
pores of the substrate sheet and higher con- containing a soluble electrolyte, e.g., a tetra-
ductivities can be obtained. The carbon- alkyl ammonium salt. The final material is
loaded polyurethane was initially 150 or stable in air, making it suitable for applica-
510 |im thick, 11cm wide, and up to tions. PYRo is perhaps the most useful of the
14.4 Processing Soluble Conducting Polymers for Films 675

conducting polymers because crosslinking polyacid mixture is a colloidal suspension

occurs during the electrochemical polymer- in aqueous solutions and can be cast to give
ization, which gives the films toughness and a CP film (Aldissi, 1993 a). When the side
mechanical strength. The mechanical prop- chains occupy greater than approximately
erties and chemical stability can be optimized 0.5 of the bulk of the polymer main chain,
and controlled by changing the counter ion the material becomes soluble (in the neutral
in the p-doped (oxidized) PYRo. state) in common organic solvents, e.g.,
PTH and PANi can also be prepared elec- chloroform and THF, and they can also
trochemically to give continuous sheets of become fusible. Such polymers include
conducting polymer as in Sec. 14.3.2, which (2,5-dialkoxy)PPV, (3-alkyl)PTH, and sub-
are stable in air in the p-doped conducting stituted PPPs. For example, films of soluble
state. PTH is often made with polyanions as (3-hexyl)PTH can be prepared by dissolv-
the dopant counter ions for practical purpos- ing the material in chloroform, dichlorom-
es (Tourillon, 1986). ethane, toluene, or THF, and casting it onto
The PPV type polymers can also be depos- glass or ITO coated glass substrates from
ited electrochemically from a solution of these solutions by evaporation of the sol-
the di-bromomethyl arene monomers. The vent. Films of soluble polymers are also
polymer is formed via the quinodi- obtained by the normal techniques of spin
methane intermediate and copolymers and coating or blade coating onto a substrate (the
blends with PVA (polyvinylalcohol) can also methods for the solution processing of con-
be made (Utley et al., 1995). Similarly, PPP ventional polymers are given elsewhere), as
can be formed by electrochemical anodic shown in Fig. 14-9. Films of polymer blends
oxidation from benzene or biphenyl. It can (Sec. 14.7) containing CPs can be formed
also be formed by the cathodic reduction of from mixtures of soluble polymers.
dihalobenzenes, e.g., dibromobenzene; the Although PANi (base) itself is soluble in
conductivity of these films was about 1CT3 NMP and concentrated sulfuric acid, an
to 10"5 S/cm (Goldenberg et al., 1990). important method for obtaining a soluble,
processable CP has been developed for
PANi, where solubility can be induced in the
14.4 Processing Soluble emeraldine base form of PANi by doping
Conducting Polymers for Films: with a 'soap' type functionalized acid, so
Soluble Polymers and Solubility giving the conducting form of the material
Induced in Polyaniline by 'Soaps' without the need for further doping (Cao
et al., 1991 a, 1992 a; Cao and Smith, 1993);
One method for overcoming the intract- for example, camphor sulfonic acid (CSA)
ability of CPs is to synthesize polymers with or dodecylbenzene sulfonic acid, containing
modified chemical structures (Sec. 14.2.2) a chemical unit that is compatible with the
having alkoxy or alkyl side chains, the so- common nonpolar or weakly polar organic
called 'hairy rod' polymers which are solu- solvents, or even with different polymer
ble; although other strategies for dealing melts. In fact the doping produces 'hairy
with these materials are possible, such as the rod' type molecules by the complexation of
'precursor route' method (discussed in Sec. the acid anions, which are analogous to the
14.5). Many of the so-called solutions of other soluble polymers having solubilizing
CPs in the acid-doped state are colloids, side chains and these solutions even show
however, e.g., the alkoxy substituted PTH- (lyotropic) liquid crystallinity due to the
676 14 Conducting Polymers and Applications

Evaporating solvent
Doctor blade
Liquid film
Liquid reservoir
Moving substrate

Driven spindle

Figure 14-9. Schematic

representation of the doctor
blade coating method.

stretched, rigid-rod-like nature of the mole- fraction of PANi in the blend, the conduc-
cules. Typically, the (unprotonated) emeral- tivity can be varied over a wide range. These
dine base form of PANi, thoroughly mixed transparent conducting PANi films make
with a 0.5 M equivalent of CSA under an suitable electrical contacts (anodes) for p-
inert atmosphere to give the conducting type semiconducting polymers, for exam-
emeraldine salt form, was dissolved in m- ple, in LEP devices with (2,5-dialkoxy)PPV
cresol to give 2 or 4% solutions. This meth- as the emitting layer which have been fab-
od gave superior homogeneity in conduct- ricated in a flexible form on PET substrates
ing films cast from solution (Reghu et al., (Gustafsson et al., 1992).
1993), with a high conductivity of about In fact by adding a second 'soap' dopant
300 S/cm, which even showed some metal- molecule, which places itself between the
lic temperature dependence. When the eme- molecules of the primary dopant, different
raldine base form of PANi is doped with colors can be obtained in LEP applications.
CSA at a level of 30%, the onset of metal- This doping method gives a material that is
lic conduction behavior (i.e., a negative soluble in some conventional insulating
coefficient with respect to temperature) is polymer melts, e.g., PP, and because the
observed, and at a doping level of 60% the PANi molecule chains are extended or
metallic behavior persists down to a temper- ' stretched out', these blends show useful con-
ature of 135 K (Holland et al., 1996). duction at very low volume fractions of the
Optical quality transparent conducting PANi. This is the basis of the commercial
films have also been produced using this Neste complex for antistatic applications
process, from PANi alone or from solutions (see Sec. 14.11.3). Water-soluble conducting
containing other amorphous, conventional PANi can be made by a template polymer-
polymers, e.g., poly(methylmethacrylate) ization on a polymeric acid, which then acts
(PMMA) (Cao etal., 1992b; Yang et al., as the dopant (Angelopoulous et al., 1993).
1993). These solutions can be cast or spin-
coated onto flexible polymer substrates,
14.4.1 Soluble Polymers by Chemical
e.g., poly(ethylene terephthalate) (PET).
Polymerization: (3-Alkyl)Polypyrroles
The film thickness of PANi or of the blend
and Polythiophenes
can be controlled by varying the spinning
conditions and the solution concentration, As well as the chemical oxidative
which controls the conductivity of the films. coupling method (usually by FeCl3),
By varying the thickness and the volume coupling polymerizations catalyzed by orga-
14.4 Processing Soluble Conducting Polymers for Films 677

nometallic palladium and nickel complexes A variation of the nickel-catalyzed

can be used to synthesize the soluble side- dehalogenation polymerization technique
chain substituted conjugated polymers com- involves the coupling of mono-bromo deriv-
posed of aromatic type rings, e.g., PYRo, atives of thiophene, again using a nickel com-
PTH, and PPP, for example, using the 3-alky 1 plex, to give practically 100% regio-regular
substituted dihalo-monomers such as 3- head-to-tail monomer orientation in the poly-
alkyl-(2,5-dibromo)thiophene to give solu- mer. The 2-bromo-3-(side-chain substituted)
ble polythiophene. The nickel-catalyzed thiophene monomer was reacted with a
coupling method gives the regular structure strong base and magnesium bromide at
of head-to-tail coupled monomers in the -78 C to convert the monomer into the Grig-
polymer, while coupling with palladium has nard reagent. This was then polymerized with
been used to give a random product, as is a catalytic amount of nickel(phosphine)
usually the case for the oxidative method, dichloride at -78 C for 36 h, giving products
although under carefully controlled condi- with a DP of up to 160. The practical routes
tions this can also give a regular coupling of to these polymers are shown below
monomers. For example, the regio-regular Ni
structure having 94% head-to-tail linkages X-Ar-X Coupling
has been achieved by the oxidative polymer-
ization of the 3-(4-octyl-phenyl)thiophene A r -f Ar (14-6)
monomer with ferric chloride. By adding the on

FeCl3 slowly as a slurry in chloroform to the Different side-chain substituents on the

monomer in chloroform, it is possible to polymer can then be used to control the con-
achieve a 'soft' regio-selective polymeriza- jugation length in the polymer, for example,
tion by keeping the Fe3+/Fe2+ ratio low, thus alkyl and polyether type groups, since the
also keeping the oxidation potential low dur- substituent controls the amount of steric hin-
ing the polymerization process (Andersson derance around the bond connecting the
et al., 1994). The side-chain substituents can monomer units. Iodine-doped thin films
contain acid groups, to give the self-doped (8-20 |am) of such materials, cast by the
polymers in a conducting state (Arroyo- slow evaporation of a chloroform solution,
Villan et al., 1995). have shown conductivities of up to
PTHs with a regio-regular structure hav- 5500 S/cm when the films were free of
ing greater than 90% head-to-tail (HT) link- physical defects such as cracks (McCul-
ages have smaller band gaps (1.7-1.8 eV) lough and Williams, 1993).
than the normal random structure (having a As well as being synthesized by chemi-
band gap of 2.1 eV), and they also have the cal coupling polymerization methods, sub-
highest undoped conductivity of about stituted soluble (3-alkyl)PTH can be synthe-
10"6 S/cm, three orders of magnitude high- sized by an electrochemical polymerization
er than the random polymer. These were process (Hotta et al., 1987) similar to that
produced by nickel(phosphine) dichloride described above for insoluble PYRo, etc. It
coupling of the zinc complex of the dibro- is found that the oxidation potential is high-
mothiophene monomer with a side-chain er and the final conductivity lower for the
substituent. These iodine-doped PTHs had (3-alkyl)PTH films with longer alkyl chain
conductivities of up to 1350 S/cm or lengths. The conductivity is also strongly
450-750 S/cm, depending on the side dependent on the polymerization condi-
chains (Wu et al., 1995). tions, e.g., the temperature, concentration of
678 14 Conducting Polymers and Applications

monomer and electrolyte, and the potential rial first has to undergo further doping treat-
(Wang et al., 1990). All the polymers were ment after casting to give a conducting
amorphous and the highest conductivities material (MacDiarmid and Epstein, 1990).
were obtained with the shortest side chains, Materials with higher solubilities can be
when the potential was 10 V and the con- produced from monomers with pendant side
centration was more than 0.04 M for the chains, to give the soluble hairy rod type
electrolyte and greater than 0.1 M for the polymers, as for the PTHs. An example is
monomer. In another example, (3-hexyl)- poly(o-methoxyaniline), which is soluble in
PTH was polymerized directly onto an ITO organic solvents (Macinnes and Funt, 1988).
substrate from a 0.2 M electrolyte solution The side chains can also contain covalently
of (3-hexyl)thiophene at 5 C under a dry bonded counter ions in the doped polymers.
inert nitrogen atmosphere. A constant cur- Although these soluble side-chain substitut-
rent density of 2 mA/cm2 was applied and ed PANis have lower conductivities than
the polymerization time was determined by PAC, they are still high enough for applica-
the required film thickness, 40 s giving thin tions that use the neat material or even a
films and 40 min giving thick films, the typ- microparticulate dispersion of the CP in a
ical film thickness being 10 |im. The exclu- nonconducting polymer matrix (cf. Neste
sion of oxygen and moisture during poly- product and filled polymers), and PANi is
merization results in a significant improve- now one of the most widely used CPs. The
ment in the conductivity of the polymer soap-induced solubility of conducting PANi
films, values from 30-40 S/cm up to (Sec. 14.4) should be mentioned again
500 S/cm being obtained. The solubility of because of its importance in solving the pro-
the materials enabled purification and con- cessing problems for this material.
ventional solution processing, for example,
solution casting of the materials.
14.4.3 Poly[2,5-alkoxy-
(phenylene-vinylene)]s and Soluble
14.4.2 Polyaniline and Substituted Poly(/;-pheiiylene)s
Because of the intractability of unsubsti-
PANi is useful in applications because it tuted PPV and PPP, their structures can be
is quite stable in air in the doped state, chemically modified to produce soluble
although its conductivity is still lower than materials as for PTH and PYRo. These PPVs
the best values obtained for PAC. PANi can are commonly synthesized from 2,5-
be formed by electrochemical polymeriza- dialkoxy substituted bis-chloromethyl
tion (discussed in Sec. 14.3.2) and by chem- monomers with an excess of a strong base,
ical polymerization. By carefully control- giving a hairy rod type chain which is free-
ling and optimizing the polymerization con- ly soluble in common organic solvents; sev-
ditions, high molecular weight materials can eral modifications of the structure are pos-
be produced with few defects. The undoped sible (Motamedi et al., 1992; Shi and Wudl,
PANi base form itself is sparingly soluble in 1990). PPV with phenyl substituents on the
NMP (Af-methylpyrrolidone) and a few vinyl double bonds is also soluble and
other solvents, so it can be solution pro- undergoes an interesting oxidative cycliza-
cessed and films can be produced and tion reaction with ferric chloride, to produce
stretch-aligned to give a material with a con- a fully aromatic polymer containing phen-
ductivity of up to 10 000 S/cm, but the mate- anthrene units (Horhold et al., 1995).
14.5 Precursor Routes to 'Unprocessable' Polymers 679

The hairy rod PPP polymers made from substituents are present in the ladder struc-
2,5-dialkyl, dialkoxy, or mono-substituted ture, then the polymer is obtained with a DP
monomers are also soluble in common sol- of around 50 (Chmil and Scherf, 1993).
vents, e.g., chloroform. Figure 14-1 shows Nickel-catalyzed 'Yamamoto' coupling (as
the structures of some of the soluble PPVs described in Sec. 14.3.1) of 2,7-dibromo-
and PPPs. Groups such as the iso-pentoxy 4,9-di-?2-octyl-4,5,9,10-tetrahydropyrene
substituents can be used attached to the has recently been used to give a soluble,
polymer backbone chain, which also pre- modified PPP-type material containing tet-
vents crystallization of the substituents. For rahydropyrene units along the polymer
example (Vahlenkamp and Wegner, 1994), chain. This material is soluble in common
organic solvent soluble hairy rod alkyl and organic solvents and, unlike the hairy rod
alkoxy substituted PPP has been made by type materials, it has a more planar and delo-
the palladium catalyzed 'Suzuki' coupling calized structure because the monomer units
of boronic acid and bromo monomers in do not induce torsion about the aryl-aryl sin-
solution (Rehahn et al., 1990), and a solu- gle bonds. The DP was found to be about 80
ble copolymer which also contains unsub- phenylene rings, and an even higher molec-
stituted phenyl comonomer units has been ular weight fraction could be separated from
made (Jing et al., 1994) and used in the con- the product (Kreyenschmidt et al., 1995).
struction of light-emitting diodes. Wallow Films of this material may be suitable for
and Novak (1991) have used this 'Suzuki' LED (light-emitting diode) applications.
method to prepare the first water-soluble
carboxylated PPP. Palladium-catalyzed
coupling has also been used for the prepar- 14.5 Precursor Routes
ation of alkyl-substituted PPPs from alkyl-
substituted aromatic bis(trifluoromethane
to 'Unprocessable' Polymers
sulfonate) with l,4-bis(trimethylstannyl)-
Because many CPs are insoluble and infu-
benzene, to give a DP of about 11. John and
sible and therefore cannot be processed once
Tour (1994) used a different method, syn-
the polymer is formed, another approach
thesizing a substituted PPP from enediynes
must be used and the polymer can be formed
by thermal polymerization.
indirectly via a processable precursor poly-
mer. The scheme is shown below
^ , Polymerization ^ ., Conversion _ - , . ^ -.
Monomer > Precursor polymer > Intractable conjugated polymer
Although the side-chain substituents give Practical precursor routes to PAC, PPV, and
solubility, they also lead to torsion about the PPP are now well established.
monomer-monomer bonds and this limits
the conjugative delocalization along the
polymer backbone chain, which could
14.5.1 Precursor Routes
decrease the conductivity. Methods of
to Polyacetylene (PAC) Films
avoiding this involve the coupling of dial-
kyl fluorene or dihydrophenanthrenes, or As mentioned in Sec. 14.2.2, doped PAC
the synthesis of planar ladder polymers (as is very unstable in normal ambient condi-
shown in Fig. 14-2). If solubilizing alkyl tions, which is a great hindrance to applica-
680 14 Conducting Polymers and Applications


Figure 14-10. Schematic diagram of the

precursor route for PAC.

tions. Normal synthesis of the polymer is in PAC by elimination of the sulfinyl group
the undoped form, but even this is not oxi- (Leung and Tan, 1993).
datively stable under normal conditions, the
black lustrous material turning to a light
14.5.2 Precursor Routes to
brown material after a few days exposure.
Poly(phenylene-vinylene) (PPV)
The prototypical precursor route is used for
and Heterocycle-Vinylenes
poly acetylene (Edwards and Feast, 1980)
and is illustrated in Fig. 14-10. Because the PPV polymer chains are
The monomer 7,8-bis(trifluoromethyl)- highly linear, the chains pack well to form
tricyclo [4,2,2,0] deca-3,7,9-triene can be a regularly ordered, dense crystalline struc-
prepared by the thermal addition of ture, which is insoluble and intractable (as
hexafluorobut-2-yne and cyclooctatetraene is the case for PAC, PPP, etc.). The tensile
at 120 C, and gives the precursor polymer properties are comparable to those of rigid
by ring-opening metathesis polymerization engineering polymers, the elastic moduli
(ROMP) using a transition metal catalyst. and tensile strength being comparable to
The precursor is soluble in common organ- those of aramids such as Kevlar (in fact they
ic solvents such as chloroform and acetone. were originally developed for engineering
The precursor route is useful not only purposes such as the aircraft industry). As
because it allows processing, but also explained in Sec. 14.5, these properties
because it allows the soluble precursor poly- make the materials unprocessable, but are
mer to be purified before it is converted to desirable for applications such as thin films
PAC. The conversion is thermal, carried out which should be tough and robust.
at 150-200 C for several hours under vac- One way to overcome this problem, as
uum. At this temperature the initially all cis- outlined in Sec. 14.4.3, is to make a soluble,
PAC is fully converted to the all trans form. modified form of the material. The other
The soluble precursor can be processed by method is the precursor route. PPV is usu-
solution casting or spin coating to give films ally synthesized by the precursor route
that are largely amorphous after conversion. (Wessling, 1985) and a variety of practical
It can also give crystalline, highly aligned modifications of the method exist. It is still
films by stretch alignment during conver- under discussion whether the mechanism of
sion. these polymerizations is ionic or radical (or
Another organic solvent soluble precur- both). The usual precursor route involves
sor for PAC can be synthesized by the anion- polymerizing a bis(sulfonium halide) p-
ic polymerization of phenyl vinyl sulfoxide xylene salt with a base in water-alcohol as
to give the poly(phenyl vinyl sulfoxide) the solvent. The precursor polymer obtained
with a very narrow molecular weight distri- is a polyelectrolyte, which involves a sulfo-
bution, which can be converted thermally to nium cationic species on the polymer back-
14.5 Precursor Routes to 'Unprocessable' Polymers 681


Figure 14-11. Schematic diagram of the

Heat, acid
precursor route for PPV from the sulfoni-
um polyelectrolyte using thermal conver-
OCH3 sion, and from the methoxy precursor
=\ i " using acid and thermal conversion.
CH-CH 2 -

bone, and which is soluble in methanol- with a thiophene or a furan heterocyclic unit,
water or another aqueous-solvent system, while no loss of conductivity of the doped
and can be purified by dialysis to remove material is expected. Several of these poly-
the inorganic salts and other impurities.The mers have been made (Gandini and Mea-
precursor is then thermally converted to lares, 1994) using different methods,
PPV. This method is shown schematically including a Wittig type polymerization and
in Fig. 14-11. Films of PPV can be formed an aldol-crotonic condensation, as well as
from the organic solvent soluble methoxy the precursor route method, from a bis(tet-
precursor polymers followed by conversion rahydrothiophenium halide) salt using base
(Tokito et al., 1990), where the methoxy polymerization (as above for PPV). These
precursor is normally obtained from the precursor polymers have been used for cast-
classic polyelectrolyte precursor by reac- ing films or spinning fibers. The doping was
tion with excess methanol. performed mostly with iodine, but other
Another precursor route to PPV involves dopants such as FeCl3, SbF5, AsF5, and
the polymerization of an a-chloro-a'- acids such as methyl sulfonic acid have been
arylsulfonyl p-xylene with a base in an used. The conductivity was usually up to
organic anhydrous solvent. This gives a pre- 50 S/cm, but increased to over 2000 S/cm
cursor polymer with sulfonyl groups along when stretch-aligned. As with some other
the polymer chain; the precursor materials materials, there was a close correlation
were organic solvent soluble (Louwet et al., between the mechanical properties and the
1995). Other organic solvent soluble precur- conductivity as a function of the draw ratio.
sors have been obtained by modification of In the fibers there was a close relationship
the synthetic route. between the elastic modulus and the electri-
These soluble precursors can be pro- cal conductivity, showing that the degree of
cessed, e.g., by spin coating, and then con- macromolecular orientation has a similar
verted in situ to the conjugated polymer. The effect on the tenacity of the filaments and
conversion is commonly done thermally in the electronic mobility.
an inert gas atmosphere, but chemical con-
version is also possible.
14.5.3 Precursor Routes to
Although PPV is much more stable than
Poly(/7-phenylene)s and Other Polymers
PAC, further improvements in the atmo-
with/7-Phenylene and Vinylene Units
spheric stability and the processability of
the polymers are expected when the aromat- As for PAC, the preferable method would
ic ring unit in these polymers is replaced be to use a soluble precursor polymer that
682 14 Conducting Polymers and Applications

can be processed and then converted to PPP can withstand temperatures of up to 350 C
by thermal treatment or pyrolysis. An early in air for short periods. The films can
example of such a precursor route was based be either n- or p-doped to the black conduct-
on the method demonstrated by Marvel and ing state. The n-doping with sodium-
Hartzel in 1959, in which cyclohexadiene naphthalide gives a conductivity of about
was polymerized by a 1,4-addition, the pre- 0.006 S/cm, and p-doping with AsF5 gives
cursor poly(cyclohexadiene) could then be about 100 S/cm, while the undoped polymer
dehydrogenated to PPP. An improved route is a good insulator with a conductivity of
has been developed, giving a soluble pre- 10~14to 10~15S/cm.
cursor polymer and a high molecular weight Another precursor route, from a stereo-
PPP on pyrolysis (Douglas et al., 1992). regular precursor polymer, involves thermal
An elegant route to PPP is based on the conversion with <9-phosphoric acid as the
biologically produced c/s-dihydrocatechol aromatization catalyst. The PPP films can
(Ballard et al., 1988). Derivatives of this, be washed with dilute HC1 to remove
particularly the bis(methyl carbonate) can 83 - 90% of the poly-m-phosphoric acid that
be polymerized with radical initiators to is produced during pyrolysis; the films are
give a di-functionalized poly(cyclohexene) amorphous, of high molecular weight, and
precursor, which is soluble in common sol- show a completely regular 1,4-linking of the
vents such as acetone and dichloromethane, phenylene units. The washed films show
and can be formed into coatings, films, or high thermal oxidative stability and can be
fibers. The polymer is produced with a high doped with 98% concentrated sulfuric acid
molecular weight (greater than 100000 Mn) to give air-stable conducting materials
and the precursor is converted on heating at which can be undoped in water (Gin et al.,
about 300 C to PPP by the loss of substitu- 1994).
ents and consequent aromatization, and can Soluble side-chain substituted materials
be converted at lower temperatures if an can be made by a precursor route involving
organic base or inorganic salt catalyst is the polymerization of the activated ester-
added. The route is shown in Fig. 14-12. The substituted and alkyl side-chain substituted
product obtained by the thermal conversion monomers with a nickel catalyst generated
was pale yellow and in the unannealed state in situ, giving improved coupling, followed
was 60% crystalline; crystallinities of by chemically catalyzed decarboxylation.
75 - 80% can be obtained by controlling the The products have DPs of about 22 up to
aromatization conditions, although by per- 100 with the ester side chain alone, which
forming the conversion below the glass tran- was high enough to give good films of the
sition temperature (185 C) of the precursor material. These poly(alkyl benzoates) were
can produce a predominantly amorphous soluble in solvents such as chloroform and
coating film or polymer powder. The oxida- were fusible, with melting points between
tive stability of PPP is superior to that of 200 and 300 C. Also, the kinked 1,3-
most other aromatic polymers, and coatings phenylene polymer can be made in a simi-

Figure 14-12. Schematic diagram of a
precursor route for PPP.
14.6 Oriented Langmuir-Blodgett and Other Thin Films 683

lar manner, but in this case decarboxylation shear stresses on the layer on the water sur-
did not occur. Although the substituted face during transfer to the substrate. In these
product is soluble, an unsubstituted PPP can films the polymer chains are therefore
also be made by this precursor route (Kae- oriented parallel to the substrate surface,
riyama et al., 1995). However, the chemical and if the surface tension of this floating
decarboxylation, to give an insoluble film, monolayer is held constant, then films can
for example, is still problematic. be deposited onto a substrate by lowering
Polymers containing two or three para- and raising the substrate through the
linked phenylene units and a hexatriene unit monolayer-air interface (Roberts, 1990) to
have been prepared via a precursor polymer. build up many layers, as each passage
The soluble precursor is converted thermal- through the monolayer deposits another
ly to give the product polymer with the loss monolayer of the polymer onto the sub-
of anthracene (Power et al., 1996). Films strate. For example, a solution of 0.3 g/1 of
cast from THF were converted at 240 C in polymer in chloroform was spread onto the
vacuo, were dark orange, and had conduc- surface of pure water. Clean substrates were
tivities of about 0.001-0.2 S/cm after dop- then dipped at a speed of 0.9 cm/min while
ing with a ferric chloride solution. Similar- the tension on the monolayer surface was
ly prepared polymers containing dithio- kept constant at 8 mN/m. This technique is
phene units had higher conductivities. shown schematically in Fig. 14-13.
Extremely thin, oriented films of these
materials can be deposited with this tech-
14.6 Oriented Langmuir- nique (Rosner and Rubner, 1994), and
Blodgett and Other Thin Films recently a substituted PPP was deposited to
give an LED emitting polarized light (Cim-
Highly oriented thin films built up of rova et al., 1996); another polymer deposit-
monolayers of soluble polymers can be ed as a highly oriented film is PPV (Era
made by Langmuir-Blodgett (LB) tech- et al., 1989). The CP film can also be formed
niques, usually for semiconductor applica- indirectly by first depositing a multilayer of
tions (see Sec. 14-11). Certain rigid rod type amphiphilic monomers (e.g., long alkyl-
polymers, substituted with flexible side chain substituted polar monomers, e.g., 3-
chains for solubility can be processed by this alkyl pyrrole) on the substrate and then
technique giving layers with very well polymerizing them in situ, e.g, electrochem-
defined thickness, e.g., substituted PTH and ically. This method is shown in Fig. 14-14
substituted PPP. One of the most important (Shimidzu et al., 1988).
developments in this area has been the The layer by layer deposition of ionic
incorporation of an LB film as the active functionalized CP or CP precursors, e.g., a
semiconductor polymer layer in an FET sulfonated polyaniline polyanion or the sol-
device (Paloheimo et al., 1992). uble PPV precursor polycation and p-doped
The LB technique involves preparing a PYRo and PANi has been used to fabricate
monolayer of soluble conjugated polymer ultrathin multilayer films (Ferreira and Rub-
material on a nonsolvent surface, e.g., on ner, 1995). Glass slides with hydrophilic,
water (see also Vol. 12, Chap. 12 of this hydrophobic, or charged surfaces were used
Series). Polymeric materials will normally as substrates and prepared by thorough
be oriented in the direction of dipping cleaning and pre-treatment. The multilayer
because of the inhomogeneous flow due to films were deposited on the substrates by
684 14 Conducting Polymers and Applications

Air Pyrrole monomer ITO
Pt Substrate
Water Water


Figure 14-13. Conventional schematic diagram of

the LB technique. In the first step (A), a suitable
amphiphilic polymer or monomeric molecule is dis-
solved in a volatile solvent, which is then spread at
the air-water interface to form a Longmuir monolay- Figure 14-14. Electropolymerization of LB multi-
er. (B) A substrate is passed through the interface a layers of amphiphilic monomeric pyrrole derivatives
given number of times, with each pass adding another in an electrochemical cell. Note that the polymeriza-
monolayer to the LB film (C and D). tion starts at the bottom, where the LB film is in con-
tact with the electrolyte, and moves up the substrate.

alternately dipping them into dilute aqueous 20-60 A (2-6 nm) thick, depending on the
solutions containing the polycations and dipping time. Conductivities of 20-80 S/cm
polyanions. Each step of the multilayer de- were found for films consisting of several
position process involves the adsorption of bilayers of PANi or PYRo and sulfonated
a charged polymer from solution onto an polystyrene, although conductivities of up to
oppositely charged surface on the substrate. 300 S/cm could be obtained in ultrathin
The p-doped PANi and PYRo CPs were pro- films. It was possible to pattern the CP onto
duced continuously by in situ oxidative poly- the substrate in well-defined regions by
merization. The solutions used were made selectively pre-treating the surface. Recent-
by dissolving ferric chloride oxidizing agent ly, self-assembled monolayers of conducting
in water with a little acid, followed by the (3-octyl)PTH have been deposited on gold
monomer, e.g., pyrrole. The polyanion used electrodes (Gao et al., 1995).
in this case was sulfonated polystyrene. A different method for obtaining highly
Each bilayer consisting of one positively ordered thin films is the vapor deposition
charged layer and the corresponding nega- method. This is, however, only applicable
tively charged polyanion layer was about to oligomeric (and monomeric) materials
14.8 Forming Polymers into Fibers 685

rather than high molecular weight polymers. the commercial Neste complex for antistat-
In some cases the monomers are then poly- ic applications.
merized in situ. It is useful in studying new Solution-cast blends of soluble (2,5-
types of structures, e.g., pentacene (an olig- alkoxy)PPV and (3-alkyl)PTH, as well as
omeric model of a one-dimensional graph- poly(9,9-dialkylfluorene), can be produced
ite). The material is essentially sublimed with conventional polymers such as PMMA
onto a substrate by heating the sample under and show marked conductivity changes as
vacuum, usually giving films of the order of the proportions of the CPs in the blends
a hundred angstroms thickness. Vapor dop- are changed (Gu et al., 1995). The (3-
ing can then be performed by iodine, etc. alkyl)PYRos can be formed in a similar
manner, but electrochemical deposition of
PYRo on a polymer-coated electrode to
14.7 Processing Fusible form a composite is more common. Conduc-
Polymers, Polymer Blends, tivities of around 100 S/cm have been
and Latexes achieved by controlling the potential
(Yoshikawaet al., 1990). Another method is
The chemical structure of some conduct- also possible, i.e., casting from a solution
ing polymers can be modified to enable containing the polyvinyl acetate matrix
them to melt (as well as producing solubil- polymer, pyrrole monomer, and FeCl3. This
ity), i.e., to have melting points that are rea- gives a conducting network material with a
sonably low so they can then be processed conductivity of around 10 S/cm with only
by the normal techniques used for plastics 5%. PYRo (Hashimoto et al. 1982), and the
either alone or in blends. Examples include matrix polymer crosslinks to form a stable
the side-chain PTHs, e.g., (3-octyl)PTH material with a conductivity that was con-
having a melting point of 165 C. Blends stant for over one year.
with conventional thermoplastics, e.g., So-called blends of PAC with polyvinyl-
polyethylene, polystyrene, polypropylene, butyral can be produced (Kobryanskii and
and polyvinyl chloride are produced which Tereschko, 1991). In these materials the
can easily be processed by conventional PAC is not actually dissolved in the matrix,
techniques such as extrusion and injection but is in the form of microparticles of
molding; they have a moderate conductiv- 100-200 A (10-20 nm) dispersed in the
ity after doping with iodine, ferric chloride, host polymer. This material is also soluble
or sulfonic acid, etc., of up to 0.01 S/cm in organic solvents and is stable against
(Isotaloet al., 1993). (The processing meth- atmospheric oxidation for more than one
ods for conventional polymers are given year (Paraschuk et al., 1995). The post dop-
elsewhere.) The ability to use these simple ing of sterically stabilized PAC latexes is
conventional processes would enable the also possible (Armes and Vincent, 1988).
manufacture of conducting objects, for
example, for antistatic and electromagnetic
screening uses. Another example is the CS A 14.8 Forming Polymers
doped PANi base (Yang et al., 1993), which into Fibers
can form a blend (or a microparticulate dis-
persion) with conventional polymer melts Fibers of (3-methyl)PTH can be formed
and shows conductivity at very low volume in an electrochemical flow cell, shown
fractions of PANi/CSA. This is the basis of schematically in Fig. 14-15 (Li et al.,
686 14 Conducting Polymers and Applications

(3-methyl)thiophene monomer is pumped

downwards from the top of the cell. Signif-
icantly stronger fibers can be grown by using
the polymeric sulfonated polystyrene anion.
Soluble CPs can be processed by conven-
tional methods for fiber-spinning, e.g.,
PANi fibers can be spun from solution in
concentrated sulfuric acid (Andreatta et al.,
1988). Among the hairy-rod-type polymers,
Pt Anode
organic, soluble [2-methoxy-5-(2-ethyl)-
hexyloxy]PPV (denoted as MEH-PPV) has
been solution spun into fibers (Motamedi
et al., 1992). The solubilizing side groups
allow the processing of this polymer direct-
ly in its conjugated form by conventional
processing methods. High molecular
weight, chemically synthesized MEH-PPV
3 mm was dissolved in chloroform or THF to give
a 3 wt.% solution. This could be wet spun
into hexane to give fibers, and then dried in
a vacuum oven at room temperature to give
fibers of 170 |im diameter. The fibers had a
, R Cathode Young's modulus (E) of 2.6 GPa and a ten-
sile strength of 0.056 GPa before stretching
and doping. They could be doped with
iodine to give =0.6 GPa, a strength of
0.033 GPa, and a conductivity of 13 S/cm.
After stretching (see next section) to a draw
ratio of two in the undoped state, E was
7.9 GPa and the strength was 0.18 GPa, and
after doping, E was 2.5 GPa, the strength
Figure 14-15. Schematic drawing of the electro- was 0.083 GPa, and the conductivity was 70
chemical flow cell used to grow conducting poly(3- S/cm. This material shows an increase in
methyl)PTH fibers. A centrifugal pump is used to conductivity on stretching, but a decrease in
pump the electrolyte solution through the cell (Li mechanical properties on doping, as for the
etal., 1993). related fiber materials discussed next.

1993). This electrochemical process has pro-

duced electrically conducting fibers of
14.9 Post-Forming Treatment
0.1 -0.7 mm diameter and more than 10 cm for Conductivity and Strength:
in length. The cell consists of a capillary of Polymer Doping and Stretch-
3 mm internal diameter, with platinum elec- Aligning
trodes at each end. The cell is oriented ver-
tically with the anode at the top, and the ace- Some type of further treatment of the
tonitrile electrolyte solution containing the polymer may be necessary after it is formed.
14.9 Polymer Doping and Stretch-Aligning 687

The polymers need to be doped to make methanol-water soluble polyelectrolyte pre-

them usefully conducting if they are not cursor have reached 40 GPa for E and
formed in the doped state, and the conduc- 0.5 GPa for the tensile strength. Films of
tivity and mechanical properties can be phenyl-substituted PPV can be stretch-
improved by tensile processing. Surface aligned by drawing above their softening
treatment of the polymers, for example, to points, although some crosslinking occurred
improve adhesion with metal electrical con- during the thermal conversion at 230 C, to
tacts, may be necessary. give conductivities of about 10~4 S/cm when
For many applications it is an advantage vapor-doped with iodine or SbF5 (Garay
to align the polymer chains in the films so et al., 1995).
that the macroscopic properties are Ordered and aligned PTH has an
enhanced, for example, for increasing the increased conductivity of about 1000 S/cm
conductivity and NLO (nonlinear optical) (McCullough and Williams, 1993), and
effects as well as for improving the mechan- aligned PYRo has a conductivity of up to
ical properties. (See also Chap. 11 of this about 10000 S/cm.
Volume.) Other examples are for LED So far, PAC has shown the highest values
devices; when the polymer chains are well for mechanical properties as well as conduc-
aligned in the film plane the emission is tivity. Films of PAC from the Ziegler cata-
strongly polarized, and oriented PANi lyzed route (Sec. 14.3.1), particularly the
blends can be used as 'plastic' IR polariz- nonsolvent method, can be drawn to give
ers (Cao et al., 1994). highly conducting materials. The dry films
Highly oriented films of PPV and poly- can be drawn at room temperature at
(thiophene-vinylene) have been produced 1 cm/min under a nitrogen atmosphere, with
(Tsutsui et al., 1991) by spin coating the the thicker films having a draw ratio of up
organic solvent soluble, methoxy-substituted to 6 - 8 times. Higher draw ratios can be
precursor polymers onto insulating polymer obtained by soaking the films in a plasticiz-
substrates. These methoxy precursors are er, such as hexadiene or a cumene and
stable at room temperature. The films were toluene mixture (Cao et al., 1991b). This
partly converted and then, while the polymer gave draw ratios of up to 15 for the thicker
substrates were stretched at around 100 C, films. The mechanical properties vs. the
the precursor was fully converted by a stream draw ratio are shown in Fig. 14-16.
of HC1 gas, giving oriented films of about A linear correlation between the conduc-
0.1 |im thickness. These showed optical tivity and the mechanical properties such as
anisotropy in the spectra and the K-TV* band the Young's modulus and the tenacity has
shifted to a longer wavelength, showing an been observed, as shown in Fig. 14-17. Both
increase in the ^-conjugation length. A typ- the tensile strength and the conductivity
ical organic solvent soluble precursor for generally increase as the chain orientation
(2,5-dimethoxy)PPV is poly[2,5-dimethoxy increases (refer to Chap. 11 of this Volume,
/?-phenylene(l-methoxyethylene)]. The wet- where the ultimate tenacity is discussed and
spun films of this precursor polymer can give is also controlled by the molecular orienta-
a conductivity of 1200 S/cm when doped and tion). Values of the modulus were approxi-
converted simultaneously in a temperature- mately 100 GPa and for the tensile strength
controlled, continuous drawing system. The 0.9 GPa for stretched films, although if a
Young's modulus (E) and tensile strength of linear correlation with the draw ratio is
stretch-aligned PPV films produced from the assumed, an extrapolated value for the mod-
688 14 Conducting Polymers and Applications

2 4 8 4 8
Draw ratio Draw ratio
Figure 14-16. (Left) Young's modulus versus draw ratio for (a) mainly cis PAC and (b) aW-trans PAC, prepared
by the nonsolvent method. (Right) Tensile strength versus draw ratio for (a) mainly cis PAC and (b) a\\-trans PAC
(Kyotani et al., 1988).

a) 20000 ulus would be about 300 GPa. The conduc-

tivity vs. draw ratio and the conductivity vs.
the conjugation length are shown in
Figs. 14-18aand 14-18b, respectively.
"f 10000 The mechanical properties and morphol-
"o ogy of stretched films have been investigat-
ed (Kyotani et al., 1988), and the refined,
o purified, and iodine-doped PAC has a con-
ductivity of up to about 105 S/cm when
10 20 30 40 50 highly stretch-aligned (Naarman and
Young's modulus (GPa)
Theophilou, 1987). Conductivities of
20000-30000 S/cm are achieved for draw
ratios of 10-15, with film thicknesses of
b) 20000
30-3 |im, while a high anisotropy of the
conductivity is observed of around a factor
of 250 parallel to the draw direction com-
pared to the perpendicular direction, as
.^10000 shown in Fig. 14-19.
Further improvements in materials pro-
cessing with a reduction in disorder could
O lead to truly metallic conducting polymer
morphologies. If the data such as that in
0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0
Tenacity (GPa) Fig. 14-18 is extrapolated to the 100%
aligned material, a conductivity of a little
Figure 14-17. Electrical conductivity of polyacety-
lene versus (a) the modulus and (b) the tensile strength over 105 S/cm is expected.
(Cao et al., 1991 b). Reprinted with permission from Tensile drawn fibers of doped PAC (Cao
Elsevier Science Ltd., Oxford, UK. et al., 1991 b) have conductivities of about
14.9 Polymer Doping and Stretch-Aligning 689




1 10 20 10
Draw ratio Draw ratio
Figure 14-19. Anisotropy of electrical conductivity
of iodine-doped polyacetylene versus the draw ratio
(Cao et al., 1991b). Reprinted with permission from
Elsevier Science Ltd., Oxford, UK.

up onto a bobbin at 30 cm/min. The fiber

was then dried in a vacuum oven for 12 h,
giving a pale-green precursor fiber of about
50 |im diameter. Drawing and conversion
20 40 60 80 100 120 were carried out using a temperature-
Conjugation length (A) controlled, continuous drawing tube fur-
nace (as above), with hydrogen chloride gas
Figure 14-18. (a) Electrical conductivity of iodine-
doped polyacetylene (parallel to the draw direction)
passed through the furnace to catalyze the
versus the draw ratio; solid points, thin films of thick- conversion. The optimum conversion tem-
ness 3-5 jLtm; circles, films of thickness 25-30 Jim perature was 230 C, and at temperatures
(Cao et al., 1991b). Reprinted with permission from below this the fibers were not fully convert-
Elsevier Science Ltd., Oxford, UK. (b) Conductivity ed (Tokito et al., 1991). The draw ratio was
of iodine-doped (3.5%) polyacetylene plotted against
the conjugation length (Roth, 1991). Reprinted with
controlled by changing the speed of the inlet
permission from Elsevier Science Ltd., Oxford, UK. and outlet motors as the fiber passed through
the furnace, with the residence time in the
furnace being about 5 min. At 230 C, the
3xlO4 S/cm, while the mechanical proper- maximum draw ratio was eight and at this
ties of the doped fibers are still good, with value the modulus (E) was 40 GPa and the
high modulus and strength (Andreatta et al., tensile strength was 0.7 GPa, while the
1990). unstretched fibers had a low modulus of
Fibers of (2,5-dimethoxy)PPV (PDMPV) 1.3 GPa and a tensile strength of 0.07 GPa.
have been prepared from the poly[2,5- As can be seen in Figs. 14-20 and 14-21, the
dimethoxy /?-phenylene( 1 -methoxyethyl- mechanical properties and the conductivity
ene)] precursor by the wet-spinning process of the fibers both increase with the draw
as follows: the purified precursor polymer ratio (compare the MeHPPV fibers in
was first dissolved in chloroform to give Sec. 14.8). The degree of orientation as
about 5 wt.% and the viscous solution was determined by X-ray scattering gives an
pumped at 13 dnrVmin through a 0.5 mm orientation function for this system close to
diameter needle into a nonsolvent such as 0.96, similar to the value for oriented PPV
hexane. The resulting fiber could be taken films.
690 14 Conducting Polymers and Applications

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
(a) Draw ratio Draw ratio
Figure 14-21. Electrical conductivity as a function of
the draw ratio of PDMPV fibers (Tokito et al., 1991).
Reprinted with permission from Elsevier Science Ltd.,
Oxford, UK.

be achieved by further improvements in the

preparation and processing of the materials.
It would be possible to improve the
mechanical properties and the conductivity
if higher draw ratios could be achieved, but
4 5 6 7 the high density of entanglements limits the
(b) Draw ratio draw ratio of the polymers; one solution to
Figure 14-20. Mechanical properties versus draw this problem is dilution of the CP in a poly-
ratio for (2,5-dimethoxy)PPV (PDMPV) (Tokito mer 'gel', for example, ultrahigh molecular
et al., 1991): (a) Young's modulus, (b) tensile strength, weight polyethylene (UHMW-PE). This
(O) for PDMPV fibers, () for PDMPV fibers doped produces a lower entanglement density than
with iodine. Reprinted with permission from Elsevier
Science Ltd., Oxford, UK. found in polymers produced from the melt,
which remains low after removal of the sol-
vent in solution casting; these gel-processed
The (2,5-dimethoxy)PPV fibers could films and fibers can be tensile drawn to draw
then be doped with iodine vapor as described ratios of about 200 (Smith and Lemstra,
below. While the undrawn iodine-doped 1980). Using a solution of MEH-PPV and
fibers had a conductivity of about 20 S/cm, UHMW-PE in decalin or xylenes to produce
the conductivity increased with the draw a blend, the material could be highly ordered
ratio up to a maximum of 1200 S/cm at a draw by tensile drawing (Hagler et al., 1991); (3-
ratio of eight, similar to the situation found octyl)PTH with UHMW-PE has also been
for films, and the mechanical properties processed by this method (Moulton and
decreased slightly after doping to E=25 GPa Smith, 1992 a, b). The reduction in disorder
with a tensile strength of about 0.7 GPa. As is due to mesoepitaxy, by the epitaxial orien-
shown by the graphs in Figs. 14-20 and tation of the conjugated polymer on the
14-21, significant improvements are also internal surfaces of the gel-processed poly-
expected for the PDMPV fibers by extrapo- ethylene.
lation, if the maximum possible intrinsic Post-synthetic doping is sometimes need-
mechanical properties and conductivities can ed when the polymer is synthesized chemi-
14.9 Polymer Doping and Stretch-Aligning 691

cally. PAC can be doped by treatment with

iodine or other agents to give very highly
conducting material. This can be carried out
by a gas or vapor phase doping process or
by a solution doping process, for example,
films of PAC can be exposed to iodine vapor
or soaked in hexane containing iodine,
nitromethane containing FeCl3, or nitrome-
thane with NOSbF5, and the doping level
can be determined by weight uptake after
drying. The conductivity of films doped
with various oxidizing agents is shown in
Fig. 14-22 a for unstretched PAC materials,
and the effect of temperature is shown in
Fig. 14-22 b. Doping decreases the mechan-
ical properties, however, both the Young's
modulus and the tenacity for PAC being
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 reduced by a factor of 4 - 5 .
(a) Dop. concentration (mol%)
PPP (Mohammad et al., 1996), PPV, and
other polymers can be similarly doped,
10 iodine being a common dopant. In some
DC conductivity of applications the 'doping' actually takes
iodine-doped cis-(CH)x
10 2 place in situ in the device application, e.g.,
in electrochromic windows, as explained in
18.7% Sec.
The case of PANi is a little different.
Because conducting PANi can be in a wide
range of different doped base or (protonat-
ed) salt forms, it is an exception among CPs
and its conductivity depends on both its oxi-
dation state and its protonation state, which
are important in applications such as sen-
sors (see Sec. 14.11.4).
The so-called self-doped polymers can be
synthesized by introducing an ionic acid
group into the polymer structure, e.g., as the
side-chain substituent in PTHs and PYRos
(to give truly 'intrinsically' conducting
polymers). For example, (3-alkylsulfonic
2 3 5 10 20 30 50 100 200 400 acid) PTHs have been studied and have con-
Temperature (K)
ductivities of about 0.1 S/cm, although they
Figure 14-22. (a) Change of the electrical conductiv- have an amorphous structure. They also
ity of polyacetylene upon doping with various doping
agents (Ehinger, 1984). (b) Temperature dependence show increased stability towards photo-
of the conductivity of iodine-doped polyacetylene for chemical degradation due to oxygen
various doping levels (Ehinger, 1984). (Arroyo-Villan et al., 1995).
692 14 Conducting Polymers and Applications

14.10 Other Conducting ducting fillers, e.g., carbon black or metal

Polymers: Polymer Electrolytes particles such as aluminum, silver powder,
or steel fibers, into an insulating, conven-
Highly conducting conventional polymer tional polymer matrix. CPs can also be used
electrolytes should be mentioned as well as as the conducting fillers, for example, PANi
conducting, filled conventional (insulating) powder. An interesting example of PYRo in
polymers, these forming two separate class- a conducting composite is obtained by a dif-
es of conducting polymers. ferent process. The PYRo is coated onto an
Conventional solid polymer electrolytes aqueous dispersion of insulating 10 |Lim
are high molecular weight polymers contain- polyethylene spheres by adding iron (in)
ing specific donor groups at appropriate chloride and pyrrole monomer to the mix-
intervals along the chain to allow coordina- ture. The PYRo was produced by oxidative
tion to the alkali metal (or other) cations of polymerization on the spheres, which were
a salt with which the polymer forms a com- then washed repeatedly to give a pure PYRo
plex. The material can therefore be thought coating. The thickness of the PYRo coating
of as a solid solution of a salt, and the con- was about 0.02 |nm. Mixtures of different
ductivity is governed by dissociation of the proportions of coated and uncoated polyeth-
salt and the mobility of the ions through the ylene microparticle materials were then hot
polymer matrix. The best known example is pressed (Yoshino et al., 1993) at 90-130 C
poly(ethylene oxide) with a lithium salt, e.g., and 2950 kg/cm2. The conductivity of the
LiSO3CF3 or LiClO4; the structure is shown pressed, coated material having a PYRo
schematically in Fig. 14-5. Lower molecu- content of only 1% was 0.2 S/cm. The gen-
lar weight polymeric materials are highly eral method is analogous to making blends
viscous liquids which can be used in electro- of conventional polymers with CPs, and fur-
chromic displays (ECDs) and batteries ther examples are given in Sec. 14-7.
as 'semi-solid' electrolytes. Conductivities In general the filled polymer mixture
greater than 10~3 S/cm have been achieved. becomes conducting when the filler concen-
The main application of these materials is tration is high enough for continuous con-
for lightweight, compact lithium batteries, duction paths to form. However, the load-
which can have a high potential of around ing, i.e., the proportion of filler required, is
3 V and a high energy density. In these appli- normally so high that the mechanical prop-
cations, a high conductivity must be accom- erties of the material are poor. It is also dif-
panied by a high mechanical strength and ficult to control the conductivity because the
dimensional stability, because the materials conduction rises so sharply with the filler
must be able to separate the electrodes and loading at the point where the conduction
prevent a short-circuit. Polymer electrolytes becomes useful. Conventional filled con-
are also being pursued for other applications, ductors will not be discussed further here.
for example, electrochromic devices, sen-
sors, and photoelectrochemical cells. These
materials will not be discussed further here. 14.11 Applications

14.10.1 Filled Polymers Most of the CPs discussed have already

found commercial applications, while the
One other method of obtaining conduct- others are being actively pursued for poten-
ing materials is to mix conventional con- tial applications, e.g., as light-emitting
14.11 Applications 693

polymers and electrochromic devices (Scro- circuit application and the photopolymer-
sati, 1993). These polymers are usually ization involved in photolithography will
stable in the undoped state and relatively both be described, while the others mostly
stable in the doped state, except for highly use the processes already described for
conducting PAC, which has found no prac- forming films, such as electrochemical de-
tical application so far due to its instability. position or spin coating from solution (fol-
The stability refers mainly to the reactivity lowed by conversion if necessary) and the
towards oxygen and moisture. PYRo, PTH, LB technique for electronic applications.
and PANi usually having conductivities less Table 14-2 summarizes the properties
than 1000 S/cm, are quite stable and there required for particular applications of CP
are many applications for them. Presently, films.
the most widespread applications are in
'electrolytic' capacitors and in the copper
plating of printed circuit boards, although 14.11.1 Photopolymerization
batteries, transistors, and LEPs are now a and Photolithography
major focus of attention (Harper and Samp- Photopolymerization of CPs is important
son, 1994; Burnett et al., 1991). The tech- for a potential application in photolithogra-
nological process involved in the printed phy, in which the conducting polymers can

Table 14-2. The specific film properties required for some particular conducting polymer applications a

i>"> +-> >>->


~| "c -t2 g

ex Cu *O X)


cx <u S S c 6 ^
O 53 q^
-S -g 'I I "!
.ti .ti IS
Jts .2
rrj 4H

s ffl

Battery materials
Load leveling installations
Electric power conductors
Electric power cable sheathing
Electromagnetic interference shielding
Photovoltaic devices
Protective coatings
Piezoelectric polymers
Smyrl and Lien (1993).
694 14 Conducting Polymers and Applications

be patterned onto substrates by photopoly- (PTH)

merization, for example, the 'wet' solution Solid substrate
photochemical or photoelectrochemical Polymerization
techniques (Chap. 13 of this Volume; Soane (FeCI3)
and Martynenko, 1989; Thompson et al., I
1994; Harper and Sampson 1994), or laser
irradiation (Segawa et al., 1989; Shimidzu,
1989, 1990). This fabrication of conducting Irradiation
I Crosslinking
polymer networks is important in the area insolubilization
of electronics and can be used as a general UV-vis
method for small-scale integrated circuits. Photomask
Conventional multi-step photoresist proce-
dures can also be used with CPs.
Direct photopolymerization of isothia- Dissolution
naphthene has been investigated and the
photosensitized polymerization of a coating
of pyrrole on an insulating polymer has been
performed using a mixture of a photosensi-
tizer with an oxidizing agent which is not Oxidation
able to oxidize the pyrrole directly. The sen-
sitizer was Ru(bpy)3+ (bpy = bipyridyl),
which is converted to the oxidized Electronically conducting
Ru(bpy)3+ form (with an absorbance maxi-
mum of 450 nm) when photoexcited, and Figure 14-23. Photolithographic process for obtain-
this oxidatively polymerized the pyrrole ing negative images.
monomers. A photomask of micrometer-
scale dimensions was used to give the CP Holdcroft, 1995). The pattern can then be
pattern in a negative form. doped by further treatment if necessary to
The photoinduced insolubilization by give electrically conducting films. The pro-
crosslinking polymerization of (3-alkyl)- cess is outlined in Fig. 14-23. Conductive
PTHs has been used to form conductive patterns can also be directly generated pho-
PTH-type patterned films (Arroyo-Villan et tochemically in polybutadiene films (Dai
al., 1995). Soluble conducting polythio- et al., 1996). Use of CPs in electron beam
phenes functionalized with methacrylate lithography is mentioned briefly in Sec.
side chains have also been used. These were 14.11.7.
coated onto a substrate and irradiation with
UV-visible light photochemically cross-
linked the film and made it insoluble. The 14.11.2 Conducting Polymer Film
conductive material could therefore be pat- Devices in Electronics
terned with a photomask and the remaining Semiconductor applications of conjugat-
unexposed polymer dissolved away. Imag- ed polymers include Schottky diodes,
ing by conventional semiconductor photo- metal-insulator-semiconductor (MIS) di-
lithography could be performed, giving pat- odes, MIS field effect transistors (MIS-
terned image coatings with a film thickness FET)s, light-emitting diodes (LED) using
of 75 nm at a resolution of 3 \im (Lowe and light-emitting (electroluminescent) poly-
14.11 Applications 695

mers (LEP), and photoconductive and pho- (ECD), doped forms of the polymers are
tovoltaic devices, all of which use thin films required. When the CP is in the chemically
of semiconducting polymers rather than or electrochemically doped state, it can
externally doped conducting forms of the accommodate ions. These are more com-
polymers. The availability of easily pro- monly anions, to counterbalance the posi-
cessable, film-forming polymers is quite tively charged polymer obtained by oxida-
recent and this is now an important and rap- tive p-doping. The diffusion rates of these
idly expanding area of research, which will inserted ions limit the conductivity and the
soon become a major application area rate of switching from the insulating to the
(Greenham and Friend, 1996). conducting state. This determines the rate of
These materials are processable, have several important processes in these devic-
useful electronic properties, and offer the es, e.g., the switching in electrochromic
possibility of tuning the electronic proper- devices and the charging rate of secondary
ties to particular applications. The advan- storage batteries and electrochemical (so-
tage of polymers over organic molecular called 'electrolytic') capacitors. In general,
materials is their robustness compared to the increased ion diffusion rates enhance the
brittle (and often crystalline) molecular performance of these materials. Therefore
materials, and the interest shown in these control of the structure and morphology of
polymers by commercial companies as well the films by the processing method is cru-
as academic institutions is mainly due to the cial in controlling the diffusion and the per-
potential for low cost fabrication of large formance.
area, thin-film electronic devices (e.g., flat
screen color displays). Not only must it be Polymer Transistors
possible to process the polymers into thin
films (typically 10-1000 nm), but they These devices can use thin films of semi-
should be dense, free of pinholes, and of conducting polymers such as PAC (Friend,
very high purity. The polymer should also 1993) in diodes or transistor devices and of
of course be chemically and physically PTH or oligomeric thiophenes in FETs (Tsu-
stable, with a high glass transition temper- mara et al., 1988). Although the carrier
ature; a precursor route is often used to mobilities in polymer FETs are quite small
obtain these materials. Further applications compared to those in silicon-based devices,
are in the areas of molecular electronics they have the advantage of being easy to
(Williams et al., 1993) and so-called deposit over large areas using solution pro-
'intelligent' materials. When they are in the cessing methods, and they can be electro-
form of thin films, the stability of these chemically deposited for substituted PTH.
materials to ambient conditions is impor- These films are predominantly amorphous
tant. Fortunately, the devices are usually (or when formed from solution, showing only
can be) encapsulated, which protects the nanometer-scale microcrystallites. A typi-
films. The long-term stability varies cal MISFET device structure is shown in
depending on the polymer, PAC being Fig. 14-24. Note that the metal contacts in
unstable while PPV and PTH are quite this case are doped silicon, the semiconduc-
stable, although PPV shows some photoox- tor is PAC, and the insulating layer is sili-
idation. con dioxide, allowing a high electric field
For other applications, e.g., rechargeable to be applied. Although the crystalline
batteries and electrochromic devices oligomeric material sexithiophene has a
696 14 Conducting Polymers and Applications

Source Drain
Figure 14-24. Construction of an organic
/ electronic hybrid MISFET using poly-
acetylene showing the structure. Dimen-
sions shown are to scale, except for the
channel width (20 Jim) and length
(1.5 Jim). Reprinted with permission from
Nature (Burroughes and Friend, 1988).
Copyright 1988 Macmillan Magazines

higher carrier mobility, approaching that of Cambridge Display Technology. Devices

silicon, the polymers have the advantage made from light-emitting polymers (LEPs)
over amorphous molecular materials in that are in fact light-emitting diodes, showing
they remain amorphous and do not recrys- electrical rectification (Sundberg et al.,
tallize after deposition. 1990; Friend, 1993) due to the semiconduct-
The LB technique of oriented film depo- ing nature of the polymer. The color of the
sition has been used in fabricating semicon- light-emitting polymer device can be
ductor FET devices with (3-hexyl)PTH changed by the choice of emitting polymer
(Paloheimo et al., 1992), and while the and chemical tuning of the LEP band gap to
devices based on LB films cannot compete give emission from red to green or blue;
with the present generation of inorganic sin- LEPs are now available covering the visible
gle crystal devices, if they do prove to be spectrum (Holmes et al., 1993), which
reliable they could have important applica- would be useful in multi-pixel color display
tions in the addressing of large area displays screens.
or as interfaces to other films in highly spe- Devices based on polymers can cover
cific sensor devices. The advantage of these large areas by coating from solution, but
films -is the ability to tailor their electrical these largely amorphous films do not under-
properties to the required application at both go recrystallization, which is a problem for
the synthesis and the deposition stage. By amorphous molecular film devices and
building up multilayer structures of differ- leads to a degradation in their performance.
ent polymers in the layers, new devices or Common conjugated polymers used in these
materials can be engineered at the molecu- devices are PPV and the soluble 2,5-
lar level. disubstituted PPV types, giving green and
red emission. Processable LPPPs have also
been used as emitting polymers in LEDs Light-Emitting Polymers
(Huber et al., 1994), but although PPP or
There has been much activity in the field LPPP materials give blue luminescence in
of light-emitting polymers since the obser- solution or solid solution, they tend to give
vation of electroluminescence from PPV by lower energy emissions (often yellow) in the
the Cambridge group in 1989 (Burroughes solid state (films) when neat due to inter-
et al., 1990); commercialization and devel- chain effects (Jing et al., 1994; Tasch et al.,
opment are being carried out by several 1996). Blue emission is obtained from
teams, including UMAX in the U.S.A. and copolymers, e.g. of the LPPP type when
14.11 Applications 697

Transparent Cathode Anode or electron-injecting materials between the

Indium/tin oxide pO|y(phenylenevinylene) |-V +V emitting polymer and the electrodes have
/ ^ - Metal been used to give higher efficiencies.
A metal contact has also been fabricated
Glass substrate on melt-processable (3-octyl)PTH. This
was formed by heating the polymer struc-
Figure 14-25. Schematic picture of a poly(phenyl-
ture to the melting point of the polymer,
ene-vinylene)-based light-emitting diode (LED). The about 165 C, and then pressing the metal
device is fabricated on a glass substrate with a trans- contact onto the melted polymer until adhe-
parent coating of indium/tin oxide as the positive, sion was achieved. The structure was then
hole-injecting contact. The polymer is deposited by cooled and showed no significant differ-
spin coating the precursor polymer from solution in
ences to a device with a sputtered metal con-
methanol and heating to convert it to the conjugated
form, typically 100 nm in thickness, and the top con- tact. For some applications it is an advan-
tact is deposited by thermal evaporation. Low work- tage to align the polymer chains in the films
function metals such as aluminum, magnesium, and so that a desirable macroscopic property is
calcium are chosen for this contact to enable electron enhanced. Recently, polarized light emis-
injection (Burroughes et al., 1990; Friend et al.,
sion has been obtained in these polymer
LEDs by using stretch-aligned PTH (Dyrek-
lev et al., 1995) or an LB processed soluble
short PPP units are present, or from PPV PPP (Cimrova et al., 1996).
copolymers with short PPV units. In fact, even white light emitting devices
LEPs can also be coated onto flexible can be made from a blend of several substi-
polymer substrates, even using a thin film tuted PTH polymers, each emitting a differ-
of a CP as the transparent electrical contact ent color to give white light in combination,
(e.g., ITO coated PET or PANi coated PET), mixed with a conventional insulating poly-
to give flexible devices (Herold et al., 1994; mer (e.g., PMMA) (Granstrom and Inganas,
Gustafsson et al., 1992). The polymer solu- 1996). The great advantage of LEPs com-
tions are normally spun, cast, or coated pared to other flat panel displays is that they
(Fig. 14-9) onto a transparent conducting do not require any external source of light-
substrate using an adjustable doctor blade, ing, unlike ECDs or LCD devices, and they
e.g., ITO coated glass. In the case of PPV, can still be made very thin. Screens contain-
the precursor is then converted to the final ing many small LEP pixels can display text
polymer film. The second (top) contact is or graphics, while a small number of large
usually a metallic contact which is vacuum LEP blocks could show more simple pat-
evaporated or sputtered on top of the poly- terns or messages, or single blocks can be
mer. A typical electroluminescent polymer used as back lighting for other (e.g., LCD)
LED structure is shown in Fig. 14-25. displays.
Although the device lifetimes are some- Another type of device is the light-
times short for certain polymers and device emitting polymer electrochemical cell,
configurations, long lifetimes have been which is constructed in a multilayer config-
reported for some devices and these are uration containing an electrolyte (similar to
presently being improved. High quantum an ECD or a battery), although a solid elec-
efficiencies of 1 % or more have also been trolyte such as poly(ethylene oxide) con-
reported, for example, with MEH-PPV, and taining a lithium salt can be used (Pei et al.,
devices with further layers of hole-injecting 1995).
698 14 Conducting Polymers and Applications Electrochromic Devices resenting a lifetime of two years at one cycle

per minute.
An electrochromic material is one which The device basically consists of two elec-
shows a reversible color change when a trodes, one of which is the CP, with an elec-
potential is applied due to an electrochemi- trolyte between them. In practice the CP is
cal reaction, and that persists in this colored normally a film coated on a conducting sup-
state until a different potential is applied port, e.g., ITO on glass (which is transpar-
without the need to consume power ent), and the electrolyte can be either liquid
(although in practice there may be a slow or a solid polymer type. A typical device
decay of the color due to instability of the structure is shown in Fig. 14-26. This
doped state of the polymer and electrical arrangement is in fact an electrochemical
leakage, requiring further application of the cell (EC) or a rechargeable battery. The
potential). CPs are therefore suitable mate- potential of this battery is similar to the orig-
rials for electrochromic devices (ECDs), inally applied potential. The counter elec-
because they can be reversibly driven from trode can be metallic if the device operates
a doped to an undoped state with a high con- in reflective mode, or transparent (as well
trast in color. In practical applications the as the electrolyte) if operating in transmis-
switching time between the two states sion. The color changes occur when the
should be very short and the material should device is charged or discharged, normally
retain its properties over many switching by applying a potential of a few volts. In
cycles. The switching time depends on the practice the devices are normally p-doped
rate of ion migration through the material, because the n-doped forms are less stable
so the rates are not very high; the best and greatly influenced by the nature of the
switching times are above a few millisec- counter ions. Thin films of CPs prepared by
onds. The stability of the doped state, which electrochemical oxidative polymerization
can lead to fading of the color, is also a fac- from monomers, such as PANi, PYRo, or
tor determining the total number of switch- PTH, are all doped with counter ions and are
ing cycles. PTH is useful because of its high in the conducting state; they are all poten-
stability in the doped state, and in thin films tially electrochromic. PYRo films are yel-
it has a switching time of about 30 ms; it can low in the undoped state and green in the
be cycled more than one million times, rep- oxidized state. For PTH films, the colors can


Figure 14-26. Schematic diagram

of an EC mirror operating in
reflectance mode (with the reflec-
tor as the counter electrode). With-
out the mirror, the cell could have
Can be Optional lonically Primary ITO Glass
reflective secondary conductive electrochromic support/ a transparent ITO electrode and
counter electrochromic electrolyte layer (solid) window work in transmittance mode, (hv is
electrode layer (solid) _ the radiation energy.)
14.11 Applications 699

be tuned by changing the substituents on the trolled, is reversible, stable, and both p- and
polymer chains, for example, PTH is red n-doping are possible. Both electrodes in a
when undoped and blue in the oxidized battery can therefore be made of (the same)
state, while (3-methyl)PTH is purple when CP, and these factors make CPs suitable
undoped and pale blue when oxidized. PANi electrode materials for batteries. Polymer
films undergo many reversible color chang- electrode batteries can be lightweight and
es as the potential across the film is varied, 'clean and green', with no polluting metal-
from transparent yellow to green to dark lic components. The perfection of such bat-
blue to black. In practice electrochromic teries could make the electric car a reality,
devices made from PANi use only a restrict- since the main problem so far is the weight
ed potential range, showing the clear yellow of the batteries required. Research is still
and green states. continuing with PAC (Nigrey et al., 1981;
The application of electrochromism in Maclnnes et al., 1981); a schematic repre-
displays is an alternative to LCD technolo- sentation of the battery is shown in Fig.
gy, which could be used in large as well as 14-27.
small displays, offering good contrast, large At present, PANi is used commercially in
viewing angle, and color persistence with battery electrodes (Bridgestone-Seiko).
(ideally) zero current (power) consumption. These batteries are rechargeable 'button'
Large electrodes could be used to show sim- type cells, with one PANi electrode and a
ple blocks of color, or a greater number of lithium-aluminum alloy electrode. They
small electrodes could be used as pixels to show low self-discharge, high voltage, and
display text or images. However, external high long-term reliability.
lighting is still needed for visibility, as for PYRo is already used for electrodes in
LCDs, but unlike LEP materials. A liquid batteries (BASF) and PYRo in the form of
electrolyte is also often used, leading to con- dispersed latex materials is being investigat-
struction and storage problems.
Electrochromic devices have found appli-
cation in optical information displays. Large
area window glazing for energy control is
being developed (for example, by Pilking-
ton), consisting of very thin polymer and
electrolyte layers sandwiched between two
layers of (ITO) glass. When an electric
potential is applied, the window tints and the
degree of tinting is controlled by the poten-
tial. Antiglare rear-view mirrors and sun
roofs for cars are available, and even con-
sumer sunglasses (Monk et al., 1995). Polymer Battery Electrodes

and 'Electrolytic' Capacitors Li Li+conducting Conducting
electrolyte polymer
The electrochemical doping of conduc-
tive polymers can be applied to battery tech- Figure 14-27. Schematic diagram of a lithium bat-
nology, because the doping level can be con- tery with a conducting polymer electrode.
700 14 Conducting Polymers and Applications

ed for cathodes for solid-state lithium bat- optically transparent and conducting films
teries (DeLaBouglise, 1995), as are manga- and coatings, or they can be used in conduc-
nese dioxide-PYRo composites for use as tive polymer blends with conventional poly-
cathodes in rechargeable lithium batteries mers which can be formed into antistatic
(Gemeay et al., 1995). components; the CPs can be used as field
Batteries without liquid electrolytes are shielding layers in electrical cables.
being developed which could lead to high-
er long term reliability due to the absence of
14.11.4 Chemical Detectors
corrosive liquids or gases. These all-plastic
and Electrode Sensors
batteries might also be flexible. The liquid
electrolyte in this case is replaced with a There are several factors that make CPs
film of solid polymer electrolyte (see suitable for use as chemical detectors. Their
Sec., which is doped with a salt) ability to change their physical properties
to provide a separation barrier between the and conductivity by selective interaction
two electrodes as well as an ionic conduc- when a chemical is adsorbed onto the sur-
tion path. Alternatively, this layer can be face of the polymer is essential to their use
absent and the formation of a lithium iodide as detectors. These changes can be produced
salt at the interface of the doped PAC and by redox or acid-base interactions. Ideal
lithium metal electrode can act directly sensors should also exhibit a fast reversible
as the electrolyte (Scrosati and Owens, response and stability. Conducting poly-
1987). mers can be used for ion-selective electrode
Similar advantages and properties of CPs materials, as thin films formed by electro-
make them suitable for use in capacitors, chemical deposition on the electrode sur-
and solid films of PYRo are also used as face, or as blends, e.g., poly(phenylacety-
'electrolytic' capacitor electrodes, although lene) in PVC/PVAcetate/PVAlcohol. CPs
these can contain no liquid electrolyte (Mat- can also be used in multi-element chemical
sushita). and gas sensors in the form of films, and as
a host matrix for enzymes in medical sen-
sors, for example, in the detection of glu-
14.11.3 Antistatic Fabrics, Coatings, cose (Compagnone et al., 1995), urea, and
Filled Matrices, and Shielding creatinine. These 'biosensors' are based on
Coatings of PYRo are used as antistatic enzymes immobilized in electropolymer-
curtains, radar camouflage nets (used by the ized CP films (Trojanowicz et al., 1995;
military in the Gulf War), antistatic tiles, etc. Schuman, 1995; Alegret et al. 1996).
(Milliken). Conductive sheets are made by PANi is already used in commercial elec-
Ciba-Geigy, while antistatic bags and films trodes (Echema), being useful because its
are made of PTH (by Hoechst). CPs such as conductivity depends on both its oxidation
PANi, PYRo, and PAC are effective for state and its protonation state; PYRo can be
shielding from electromagnetic interference used in gas sensors (Costello et al., 1996).
(Joo and Epstein, 1994). PTH has been used for the detection of
Microparticulate dispersions of PANi for hydrogen peroxide in acetonitrile (Tatsuma
extrusion processing with conventional et al., 1996), and PAC can be used for the
polymers are now commercially available, detection of nitrate ions in acid solutions
e.g., from Americhem Co., Zipperling- because the conductivity is changed by the
Kessler, Neste, and Hexcel. These can give intercalation oxidation.
14.11 Applications 701

CPs such as PTH and polyfuran are Garito, 1994; Rochford et al., 1991;
expected to find applications as humidity Proudley, 1992).
sensors and radiation detectors, as the con- Ultrafast modulation or switching of light
ductivity of these materials rises when has been demonstrated in devices based on
exposed to humidity or radiation. electrooptically active polymers which will
soon enter the commercial market, having
switching rates in the gigahertz region.
14.11.5 Copper Electroplating
Functionalized CPs are being investigated
for Printed Circuits
for these applications (Shimidzu, 1995;
P YRo is used in through-hole copper plat- Thackara et al., 1994).
ing processes for manufacturing printed cir-
cuit boards, e.g., by Blasberg and Atotech.
14.11.7 Miscellaneous
A large proportion of all the electronic prod-
ucts in Europe contain printed circuit boards Since Little (1964) proposed that high
(PCBs) made using this technique, which is temperature superconductivity was possible
perhaps the largest present application of in materials having a conducting backbone
CPs. Coating through the holes in the PCBs to which polarizable side groups are
was in the past a particularly costly process, attached, it has been an area of active
but using a chemically deposited PYRo research. The conjugated 'one-dimensional
layer to form the electrode, on which the graphite' polyacene polymers can also ful-
copper is then deposited to form the con- fill this requirement (Hu, 1993), and the pos-
ducting tracks of the PCB, has greatly sim- sibility of superconductivity at low and
plified and speeded up the process (Gottes- 'high' temperatures is being investigated.
feld et al., 1992; Harper and Sampson, They can also be used with the ceramic-
1994). The effect of the composition of the type, high temperature superconductors in
PYRo layer on the copper (or nickel) elec- layer assemblies which modulate the super-
troplating has been investigated (Hepel conductivity onset temperature, Tc, for
et al., 1996). example, using PYRo (Haupt et al., 1993).
CPs have possible applications as temper-
ature sensors and light sensors, as they show
14.11.6 Nonlinear Optics and Photonics
photoconductivity in transparent conduct-
Nonlinear optical (NLO) devices can be ing films, for example, photoconductivity
made from conjugated polymers, because has been measured in situ in PANi films
these materials have very large xO) suscep- (Genies et al., 1988). They are also possible
tibility coefficients in the undoped state, piezoelectric materials.
which are enhanced by the linear conjugat- They could be used as potential drug
ed structure when the polymer chains are delivery systems, the principle being that if
aligned. PAC, of all the conjugated poly- the drug can be a dopant ion in the CP then
mers to date possesses the largest third- it could in principle be released by applying
order nonlinear optical coefficient. These a potential to the doped polymer. CPs can
polymers can also show nonlinear photo- be used in hydrogen storage systems as fuel
refractive index properties, e.g., in poly- or energy sources, as possible corrosion
diacetylene-type materials. These proper- control materials, shape-selective heteroge-
ties are essential for all optical data network neous catalysts, and for electron earthing in
devices and optical computers (Shi and electron beam lithography (Angelopoulous
702 14 Conducting Polymers and Applications

et al., 1993). Dispersions of CPs (e.g., Ballard, D. G. H., Courtis, A., Shirley, I. M., Taylor,
S. C. (1988), Macromolecules 21, 294.
PYRo) in various fluids have electrorheo- Basescu, N., Liu, Z. X., Moses, D., Heeger, A. J., Naar-
logical properties and have possible uses in man, H., Theophilou, N. (1987), Nature 327, 403.
stop valves, clutches, and brake systems Baughman, R. H., Wolf, J. R, Eckhardt, H., Shack-
(Teare and Ratcliffe, 1996). These have lette, L. W. (1988), Synth. Met. 25, 121.
Bloor, D. (1991) Physica Scr. T39, 380.
potential advantages over conventional Burnett, K. M., Fynes, J. A., Hancox, H. D., McLaugh-
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1991), and the electronic applications D. C , Brant, P., Nowak, R. J. (1988), Synth. Met.
25, 197.
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15 Materials Science of Pressure-Sensitive Adhesives
Costantino Creton

Laboratoire de Physico-Chimie Structurale et Macromoleculaire, ESPCI, Paris, France

List of Symbols and Abbreviations 708

15.1 The Adhesion of Polymers 710
15.2 Pressure-Sensitive Adhesives (PSAs) 711
15.2.1 General Principles and Main Applications 711
15.2.2 Formulations 712
15.2.3 Processing 712
15.3 Theoretical Modeling : 714
15.3.1 Thermodynamics of Adhesion 714
15.3.2 Crack Propagation in a Viscoelastic Medium 715
15.3.3 Cavitation and Fibril Formation 716
15.3.4 Bond Formation 721
15.3.5 Relationship Between Adhesive and Bulk Properties 724
15.4 Effect of Experimental Test Parameters 724
15.4.1 Peel Test 725
15.4.2 Quick Tack Test 727
15.4.3 Shear Test 730
15.4.4 Surface Properties of the Substrate 730
15.5 Effect of the Molecular Structure of the Adhesive 731
15.5.1 Molecular Origin of Viscoelasticity 731
15.5.2 The Glass Transition Temperature 733
15.5.3 The Molecular Weight 733
15.5.4 The Degree of Branching and Crosslinking 736
15.5.5 The Incorporation of Polar Groups in the Adhesive 736
15.5.6 The Tackifying Resin 737
15.5.7 Triblock Copolymers 738
15.6 Summary 739
15.7 References 739

Materials Science and Technology

Copyright WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co KGaA. Allrightsreserved.
708 15 Materials Science of Pressure-Sensitive Adhesives

List of Symbols and Abbreviations

aT time-temperature superposition coefficient

A true area of contact
A* maximum true area of contact
D diameter
E Young's modulus
F force
G shear modulus
G' shear storage modulus
G" shear loss modulus
Go plateau shear modulus
G* critical value of G for perfect contact under zero force
\G*\ complex shear modulus
h thickness of the adhesive layer
AL displacement
M average molecular weight
Me average molecular weight between entanglements
Mn number-average molecular weight
Mw weight-average molecular weight
P pressure
R radius
t time
time of contact
T temperature
T glass transition temperature
f g disentanglement time of a fibril
^ext extension time of a fibril
time to failure
V crack velocity
vc critical transition velocity
*cav crosshead velocity above which cavitation does not occur
v flb average fibril drawing velocity
w total adhesion energy
wadh thermodynamic energy of adhesion
wcoh thermodynamic cohesive energy

7a surface energy of the adhesive

7s surface energy of the substrate
7as interfacial energy of the adhesive-substrate interface
adhesion parameter
strain rate
0 monomer friction coefficient
r\ viscosity
List of Symbols and Abbreviations 709

0 angle
X extension ratio of a rubber
A extension rate
^max maximum extension ratio of a fibril
E, average surface roughness
<7 a d h maximum stress sustainable by the interface
crcav critical stress for internal cavitation
Tc characteristic time of a process
(p multiplicative factor of the adhesion energy
X Flory interaction parameter
co frequency

JKR Johnson - Kendall - Roberts

LDPE low density polyethylene
NR natural rubber
PBA poly(n-butyl acrylate)
PIB polyisobutylene
PS polystyrene
PSA pressure-sensitive adhesive
SBR styrene-butadiene rubber
SIS styrene-isoprene-styrene block copolymer
TEM transmission electron microscopy
VA-EA vinyl acetate-2-ethylhexyl acrylate copolymer
vdW van der Waals
WLF Williams - Landel - Ferry
710 15 Materials Science of Pressure-Sensitive Adhesives

15.1 The Adhesion of Polymers on the ability of the interfacial bonds to sus-
tain stress, as well as on the amount of plas-
A thorough study of the processes in- tic deformation caused locally by the above-
volved in the adhesion of polymers bridges mentioned stress (Brown, 1991). (Note: The
across several fields of the physical scienc- elastic deformation caused by the stress
es, that is, physics, chemistry, mechanical does not cause any irreversible work to be
engineering, and materials science. It is the done over and above that required to break
author's opinion that an inherently cross- the bonds joining the interface.)
disciplinary view of adhesion is necessary If the two surfaces are of the same mate-
to understand its basic principles, and such rial, we speak of self-adhesion or auto-
an attempt is presented here with special hesion. However, in the case of polymers,
emphasis, however, on the influence of the self-adhesion is usually dependent on the
materials' properties. The proper formula- time of contact and, at infinite time, will
tion of good adhesives comes under the eventually become the cohesive strength of
heading of polymer processing but, as in the material rather than an adhesive proper-
many other parts of this Volume, we will ty. In the more general case, where the two
rather focus on how processing of polymers materials are dissimilar, adhesive bonds can
produces a particular microstructure with be divided according to their strength (struc-
well-defined properties. tural, permanent, and nonpermanent) and to
One talks of adhesion when a measurable the nature of the adhesive/adherend pair:
amount of mechanical work is necessary to
glassy polymer/glassy polymer,
separate two surfaces of different chemical
glassy polymer/nonpolymer,
composition or shape. Before discussing the
glassy polymer or nonpolymer/elastomer
different mechanisms of adhesion and the
or polymer melt,
types of adhesive, it is useful to formulate
polymer melt/polymer melt.
some general concepts on adhesion. Al-
though the maximum force necessary to Polymer/polymer adhesion in glassy
break the bond may be defined as a meas- polymers has been the subject of much inter-
ure of adhesion, the typical measure of the est recently (Brown, 1991; Wool, 1991). Its
strength of an adhesive bond across an inter- main applications are in the development of
face is the amount of energy necessary to alloys and blends made from immiscible
break it, i.e. to separate the two surfaces. polymers, and where the interfacial proper-
Such a separation may involve the breakage ties between the two phases are crucial to
of chemical or van der Waals bonds, as well the performance of the material. The ability
as the plastic deformation of one or both of of the interface to sustain stress is depen-
the bulk materials on either side of the inter- dent on the number of well-entangled poly-
face. Typically in all cases where good ad- mer chains that cross the interface, and sev-
hesion is obtained, the fraction of energy eral approaches have been proposed to in-
necessary to break the bonds at the interface crease that number effectively. The mecha-
is a very small fraction of the total energy nisms by which these connecting chains
necessary for the separation of the two sur- were active in reinforcing the interface in
faces; most of the mechanical work is used glassy polymers has also been demonstrat-
to deform, under stress, the material adja- ed in a series of elegant experiments (Brown
cent to the interface. Therefore the meas- et al., 1993; Char et al., 1993; Creton et al.,
ured energy of adhesion will be dependent 1992).
15.2 Pressure-Sensitive Adhesives (PSAs) 711

Glassy polymer/nonpolymer adhesion is logical importance, its inherent complexity

typically the situation arising in structural has discouraged more systematic funda-
adhesives, where an adhesive strength equal mental work and relatively few reviews are
or superior to the cohesive strength of the available on the subject (Dahlquist, 1969;
base materials is required. Because interdig- Kaelble, 1969b; Krenceski et al., 1986;
itation of the polymer chains is not possible, Zosel, 1992).
the surface of the solid material and not The purpose of this chapter is to present
equilibrium thermodynamics determines a relatively unified view of the subject with
the topology of the interface, so that surface a clear bias, however, towards the under-
roughness becomes an important parameter standing of the molecular mechanisms re-
for this type of adhesion. In the absence of sponsible for adhesion. Detailed mechani-
surface roughness, the chemical interac- cal analyses of the test geometries are pur-
tions between polymer and solid play the posely avoided in order to concentrate as
role of stress transfer agents and the fracture much as possible on materials' properties
energy is usually due to the resulting plas- and microdeformation mechanisms.
tic deformation of the polymer. An excel-
lent review of the technological side of this
subject is given in the book by Kinloch
(1987). 15.2 Pressure-Sensitive
Polymer melt/polymer melt adhesion is Adhesives (PSAs)
mostly relevant for the processing of elas-
tomers prior to the crosslinking process, and
15.2.1 General Principles
is of particular importance to the tire in-
and Main Applications
dustry. This type of adhesion is sometimes
called tack or green strength and has been Pressure-sensitive adhesives have in
reviewed by Hamed (1981). common the property of developing mea-
Finally, polymer melt/solid adhesion is surable adhesion to a surface simply upon
typical of nonpermanent and relatively contact or by the application of a light pres-
weak adhesion and is often called pressure- sure. In this type of adhesion, no chemical
sensitive adhesion, because once a certain reaction generally takes place between the
amount of pressure has been applied, a mea- substrate and the adhesive, no curing of the
surable adhesion between the two surfaces adhesive is necessary, and finally, no sol-
is observed..Interdigitation of the polymer vent is lost during the adhesion process.
chains is impossible, so chemical interac- Such properties imply that intimate contact
tions, surface roughness, and the rheologi- between the substrate and the adhesive must
cal properties of the adhesive are respon- be established rapidly and under slight pres-
sible for the measured energy of adhesion. sure, but also that the energy necessary to
By the variety of problems involved, span- separate the adhesive from the substrate
ning polymer physics, rheology, and contact must be sufficient for the specific applica-
mechanics, as well as surface chemistry, this tion. Such a combination of properties is
subject is ideally suited to demonstrate the uniquely found in polymers above their
usefulness of a materials science approach, glass transition temperature, and a balance
which is the object of the following sections. between compliance and fracture energy is
Furthermore, although the subject of pres- the key when tailoring the properties to a
sure-sensitive adhesion is of great techno- specific application.
712 15 Materials Science of Pressure-Sensitive Adhesives

Broadly speaking, pressure-sensitive ad- essary for adhesive rather than cohesive sep-
hesive applications fall into three catego- aration. The tackifying resin, which is usu-
ries: ally an oligomer that is fully miscible with
the polymer, has the function of substantial-
1) Removable PSAs: For this application,
ly increasing the tack of the polymer, while
a high compliance is required in order to es-
the plasticizer is usually added for process-
tablish contact very easily, but, conversely,
ing purposes.
low adhesion is necessary. In addition, the
The polymers used fall into four broad
separation must be completely adhesive to
families, each having its specific advant-
avoid residues of the adhesive layer on the
ages: polyacrylates, silicone polymers,
substrate. The most well-known application
polydienes and random copolymers [natural
is the Post-It note, but masking tape or
rubber (NR) and styrene-butadiene rubber
mounting spray adhesives are also good ex-
(SBR)], and, finally, block copolymers of
styrene -diene. NR and SBR are cheaper but
2) General-purpose, semi-permanent: This
always require a tackifying resin, silicones
is the most common type of adhesive, where
can be used over a very wide range of tem-
medium compliance and a relatively good
peratures and are often used for medical ap-
adhesion are necessary, but no long-term re-
plications, while the properties of polyacry-
sistance to the environment is needed as the
lates can easily be tailored by proper choice
lifetime is typically of a few months at the
of the co-monomer and the appropriate
most. The standard office tape, label, or the
co-polymerizations, polyacrylates do not
ubiquitous finger bandage fall into this cat-
usually require the presence of a tackifying
egory. The adhesive is said to be permanent
resin. Styrene-isoprene-styrene block co-
if, upon removal, the backing will fail be-
polymers have been developed recently,
fore the adhesive bond.
mainly because of their physical crosslink
3) Permanent, semi-structural: In this case, structure, which makes them good candi-
the critical property is very high adhesion dates for hot-melt processing. Other poly-
and very high creep resistance, as well as mers used for PSA application include
good resistance to the environment. In this poly(vinyl methyl ether), polyisobutylene,
type of application, the PSA's ease of appli- and vinyl acetate, which is often used as a
cation is the motivation to use it as a substi- co-monomer with an acrylate.
tute for more conventional adhesives. How-
For the tackifying resins, rosin deriva-
ever, the high compliance required usually
tives, such as the pentaerythriol ester of
necessitates a more careful bonding process.
highly stabilized rosin and the polyterpenes
(of a-pinene or /3-pinene) are often used.
Their molecular weight is usually between
15.2.2 Formulations
500 and 1500 and is chosen to avoid phase
Industrially, the desired properties are separation between the resin and the poly-
usually obtained by formulating a miscible mer. Some examples of polymers and tack-
blend of uncrosslinked or partially cross- ifying resins are given in Fig. 15-1.
linked (up to the gel point) polymer, a tack-
ifying resin, a plasticizer, and various stabi-
15.2.3 Processing
lizers. The polymer forms the backbone of
the adhesive and provides the long term As the overhelming majority of PSAs are
creep resistance and the tensile strength nec- supplied as some form of tape, an important
15.2 Pressure-Sensitive Adhesives (PSAs) 713

Polymers and monomers


--CH2--C=:CHv si
CH3 CH 3
Natural Rubber Polyisobutylene Polydimethylsiloxane

Styrene-Butadiene random copolymer



Acrylic monomers
CH 2
?C H
4 9


2-ethylhexyl acrylate n-butyl acrylate acrylic acid


Indene (aromatic) Dicyclopentadiene


abietic acid
(rosin derivative)

(3-pinene (terpene resin)

Figure 15-1. Common polymers and tackifying resins used in PSAs.

part of the design of PSAs includes a suit- environmental concerns, there is more and
able processing method to apply the adhe- more demand for systems that can be pro-
sive on the tape, usually called backing. cessed without the use of a solvent. Aque-
Three types of processes are commonly ous emulsions have become increasingly
used: application from solution, from aque- popular, particularly for acrylic adhesives.
ous emulsion, and hot melt. Application The coating process is more difficult, how-
from solution is the simplest and was also ever, as water wets low-energy surfaces
the first historically; however, because of poorly and gives rougher coatings. Further-
714 15 Materials Science of Pressure-Sensitive Adhesives

more, because of the surfactants, which are the mechanisms of fibrillation. Considering
part of the formulations, these adhesives the general interest in the prediction of the
usually have a poor water resistance. adhesive properties of PSAs from their bulk
Another alternative is the holt-melt pro- properties, Sec. 15.3.5 reviews the main ad-
cess, where the bulk adhesive is directly vantages and shortcomings of this metho-
coated on the substrate. The requirements dology.
for such a system are for the adhesive to be
sufficiently fluid at the processing temper-
15.3.1 Thermodynamics of Adhesion
ature while retaining a high creep resistance
at the usage temperature. Keeping in mind In this section, it is implicitly assumed
that the processing temperature is limited by that the contact between the adhesive and
degradation of the polymer, it becomes clear the substrate is perfect, i.e., that there is no
that the material must have a discontinuous surface roughness and that the bond forms
jump in viscosity. Styrene-isoprene-sty- instantaneously upon contact. This assump-
rene (SIS) triblock copolymers form a phys- tion is clearly not true and has significant
ically crosslinked network below the glass implications for the measurement of quick
transition temperature of the styrene block tack, which will be treated in Sec. 15.3.4.
while flowing readily above it when the However, it is easier to concentrate on the
permanent network is melted, and therefore perfect contact case first, which is a reason-
constitute a prime example of hot-melt able assumption when interpreting peel test
PSAs. results.
The study of the molecular interactions
between two surfaces has been the object of
15.3 Theoretical Modeling numerous reviews aimed mostly at relating
the chemical structures present on the sur-
This section contains the largest original face to the thermodynamic energy of adhe-
contribution from the author and deserves a sion. Although a detailed review of the ther-
few lines of introduction. From the large modynamics and chemistry of adhesion is
body of experimental work on PSAs, many beyond the purpose of the present text, it is
qualitative conclusions have emerged on the useful to review some basic concepts.
influence of the different experimental as In the simplest case of the contact of an
well as molecular parameters. Here a cer- adhesive A and a rigid substrate B, which
tain number of mechanisms are proposed do not react chemically nor have specific
that are consistent with the available experi- interactions, the process of forming A - B
mental data and clearly show which param- contact and then separating the surfaces in-
eters should be relevant for a specific pro- volves the formation and then destruction of
cess, therefore giving a more fundamental van der Waals bonds. The energy necessary
meaning to well-known empirical correla- to break these bonds per unit area of surface
tions. These sections are organized to go is given by
from more general concepts, e.g., the ther-
modynamic work of adhesion and the prop- = /a + 7s " 7as (15-1)
agation of a crack in viscoelastic media, to where ya and ys are the surface energies of
some problems that are more specific to the adhesive and of the substrate, respec-
pressure-sensitive adhesives, e.g., the pro- tively, and 7as is the interfacial free energy.
cess of bond formation under pressure and If the forces are purely dispersive, the inter-
15.3 Theoretical Modeling 715

facial energy is approximately given by Historically, the first approach to the

problem of viscoelastic losses was to as-
7as^ 7a + 7s- 2 (7a7s) 1/2 (15-2) sume that when a crack propagates at the
so that the thermodynamic energy of adhe- interface between a rigid substrate and a vis-
sion is given by coelastic rubber, the measured fracture en-
w _ J (y y \l/2 / i <r o\ ergy is directly proportional to the magni-
adh V/a/s/ v A ^ ~v tude of the thermodynamic energy of adhe-
On the other hand, the cohesive energy of sion Wadh (Andrews and Kinloch, 1973 a, b;
the adhesive will be given by Gent and Schultz, 1972), and the viscoelas-
tic losses in the rubber appear simply as a
WtcohA (15-4)
multiplication factor of Wadh, so that the ad-
Two main observations should be made hesion energy W is given by the empirical
from these results. First, the adhesion ener- relation
gy is predicted to increase with the surface
W = W d h [l + 6(T,V)] (15-5)
energy of the substrate and, second, such an
approach would predict cohesive failure in where the multiplicative factor (j) is depen-
the adhesive if Ys>Ya- None of these simple dent on the temperature, the rate of separa-
predictions have actually been quantitative- tion, the molecular structure, and the experi-
ly confirmed experimentally. mental geometry. The implicit assumption
Furthermore, it is well known that the of such a relation is that the deformation is
measured adhesion energy W is usually homogeneous in the adhesive and the ener-
several orders of magnitude higher than gy per unit volume dissipated during the de-
what is predicted by the thermodynamic bonding process is directly proportional to
equations. the loss modulus G"(a)) at a characteristic
frequency co directly proportional to V.
What is equally assumed is that van der
15.3.2 Crack Propagation Waals forces act over a relatively short dis-
in a Viscoelastic Medium tance across the interface, a distance that is
The above-mentioned discrepancy comes not likely to depend much on the adhesive-
from the energy dissipated in the bulk ma- substrate pair. Therefore it can be assumed
terials during the separation process. In the that W.ddh is proportional to the maximum
case of a pressure-sensitive adhesive, the stress (Jadh that the interface can sustain
adhesive is usually much more compliant before failure. Furthermore, the expected
than the substrate, so that it is a reasonable proportionality of the fracture energy on G"
approximation to consider that nearly all implies that the temperature and the rate of
the energy is dissipated in the adhesive deformation of the adhesive are related by
layer. the time-temperature superposition princi-
The viscoelastic properties of a polymer ple.
are usually characterized by its complex More recently de Gennes (de Gennes,
modulus as a function of frequency and/or 1988) pointed out, however, that for an in-
temperature. If the amount of deformation finite sample and sufficiently high veloc-
is small, the viscoelasticity is linear (histo- ities, there is always a zone of maximum vis-
ry independent) and the WLF time-tem- coelastic dissipation which simply moves
perature superposition principle applies away from the crack tip with increasing
(Ferry, 1980). crack velocity. According to his analysis, W
716 15 Materials Science of Pressure-Sensitive Adhesives

should increase linearly with V up to a crit- 15.3.3 Cavitation and Fibril Formation
ical value which is inversely proportional to
the characteristic relaxation time of the As first pointed out by Kaelble (1965), the
polymer and then become a constant at high formation of fibrils is crucial to the amount
velocity. This would imply that there is of energy dissipated by the adhesive during
no direct correlation between W(V) and deformation, and it is important to under-
stand the mechanisms of nucleation and
If the characteristic size of the sample is growth of these fibrils.
finite, however, the "lossy" zone can be The best experimental geometry for vis-
driven out of the sample at sufficiently high ualizing the mechanism of cavitation is that
velocities causing W to decrease sharply. of the probe tack, where a thin film of ad-
This result has been confirmed by an hesive bonded on one side to its backing is
elegant mathematical analysis (Hui et al., first brought into contact with the substrate
1992), but has yet to be demonstrated con- (a probe in this case) and then removed, as
clusively experimentally. shown schematically in Fig. 15-2. In this
It should finally be pointed out that the process the film is subject to a hydrostatic
assumption of homogeneous deformation of tensile stress. If the adhesion forces to the
the adhesive made in the previous para- substrate are sufficient to sustain a stress of
graphs is more typical of the adhesion the order of the shear modulus of the adhe-
of crosslinked rubbers on rigid substrates sive, cavities will nucleate in the adhesive
(Andrews and Kinloch, 1974). In the case layer and possibly grow so that the deform-
of the adhesion of PSAs, there is often the ed adhesive will evolve towards a fibrillar
possibility of cavitation in the adhesive structure.
layer with subsequent fibril formation, The nucleation and growth of cavities
which clearly involves large inhomogene- under a hydrostatic stress can be considered
ous deformations, so Eq. (15-5) would not for two limiting cases: the viscous liquid and
necessarily be expected to hold in this the elastic solid. Considering the high de-
case. Nevertheless, it is a well-established formation rates involved, the treatment
experimental fact that the curves of adhe- based on rubber elasticity developed by
sion energy as a function of temperature or Gent and co-workers (Gent and Lindley,
peel rate obey the WLF time-temperature 1958; Gent and Wang, 1991) seemed the
superposition quite well, even in regimes most appropriate for PSAs in their normal
where fracture occurs by extensive fibrilla- conditions of use and is presented here. For
tion (Aubrey and Sherriff, 1980; Kaelble, the viscous liquid treatment, which could be
1969 a). relevant at high temperatures or for low vis-

\ Figure 15-2. Schematic
diagram of the probe tack
t<0 t>tc experiment.
15.3 Theoretical Modeling 717

cosities, the reader is referred to the theo-

retical work of McEwan (1966) on the peel- -rav
ing of a viscous adhesive, or the experimen-
tal work of Erb and Hanson (1960) on probe
tack testing of low molecular weight visco- a
elastic liquids.
When a spherical cavity in a rubber is
subjected to internal pressure, it expands in
v v
a highly nonlinear fashion, and the applied cavl cav2 V
pressure is related to the expansion ratio of Figure 15-3. Critical cavitating stress (taken as 3G)
the cavity radius X by as a function of the crosshead velocity for different
thicknesses of the adhesive layer (h). Note that the
critical velocity Vcav, above which cavitation does not
P/E = - (15-6) occur, increases with the thickness of the adhesive.

where P is the inflating pressure and E is the

Young's modulus of the rubber at small rates and temperatures for PSA, the shear
strains. modulus is inversely proportional to the av-
This relation predicts that the cavity will erage molecular weight between entangle-
expand without limits when the pressure ex- ments (Afe) of the adhesive, such that Vcav
ceeds 5 76. Although this result was later is expected to decrease with increasing Me.
corrected to account for the surface tension This latter argument would, however, no
of the rubber and its increasing stiffness at longer hold at temperatures too close to Tg,
high strains (Gent and Wang, 1991), it gives where G becomes independent of M e .
a qualitatively correct result, namely, that a If the critical cavitating stress is actually
rubbery material subjected to hydrostatic reached, the cavities will increase in size
tension will start to cavitate in order to re- and turn into fibrils, forming a structure of
lax the elastic energy when the applied thin fibrils parallel to the tensile direction,
stress becomes of the order of 3 G, where as shown in Fig. 15-4.
G is the shear modulus. The shear modulus The exact morphology of these fibrils will
depends on the rate of deformation of the be greatly dependent on the nucleation pro-
adhesive , such that the critical stress for cess, and this process will depend not only
cavitation also increases with the rate of on the adhesive and the experimental geom-
deformation. Assuming that the debonding etry, but also on the substrate. In particular,
stress responsible for adhesive separation at a porous substrate will give an entirely dif-
the interface between the substrate and the ferent fibrillar structure to a nonporous one
adhesive is rate independent, we expect a (Urahama, 1989).
transition from cavitating to noncavitating It is helpful here to make an analogy
fracture when the rate increases above a crit- between the growth of PSA fibrils and the
ical value cav . If the rate of deformation is growth of crazes in a glassy polymer. Fibrils
given to a first approximation by the de- in crazes nucleate under hydrostatic stress
bonding velocity over the thickness of the at density fluctuations or local defects, and
adhesive layer, the critical velocity Vcav is grow in length by the meniscus instability
expected to increase with the adhesive mechanism and in width by pulling new
thickness, as shown schematically in Fig. material in the craze at a constant extension
15-3. Furthermore, at usual deformation ratio from a softened zone called the active
718 15 Materials Science of Pressure-Sensitive Adhesives

rti rfc
Figure 15-4. Schematic
diagrams showing fibril
formation in a PSA layer
tested in the probe tack
Cavitation Fibrillation test.

zone (Kramer and Berger, 1990). Qualita- stantial amount of chain scission so that if
tively, there is evidence that PSA fibrils fol- chemical crosslinks are introduced, they do
low a similar formation mechanism and the not influence the deformation mechanisms
similarities between the two situations are until the density of crosslinking points be-
now examined in more detail. comes comparable to the density of entan-
The critical molecular parameter control- glement points. In contrast, for PSA the
ling the formation of crazes is the average introduction of chemical crosslinks much
molecular weight between entanglements beyond the gel point of the polymer (at
(Kramer, 1983). Experimentally, nearly all which stage crosslink density is still much
glassy polymers, for which the main defor- lower than the entanglement density) mod-
mation mechanism is crazing, have a high ifies the deformation mechanism and a
Afe. There is good experimental evidence fibrillar structure is no longer observed.
which is also true for PSAs for the reasons With certain systems, the same result can
developed in the preceding paragraph actually be obtained by increasing the mo-
(Zosel, 1985). lecular weight above a certain limit. These
However, some important differences are observations imply that while the molecu-
also present: the characteristic size of the lar weight between entanglements is an im-
PSA fibrils is typically three to four orders portant parameter in the control of fibril nu-
of magnitude larger than the size of craze cleation, the terminal relaxation time will
fibrils. This large fibril size is not consistent control fibril growth and, if this relaxation
with the craze fibril growth model proposed time is too high, no fibrils can successfully
by Kramer even considering the much lower grow and the interface fails with little plas-
drawing stress of the PSA (Kramer, 1983). tic deformation. While no direct experimen-
The craze tip growth models based on the tal evidence exists, the available experimen-
Saffman-Taylor instability (Donald and tal observations are consistent with the hy-
Kramer, 1981; Fields and Ashby, 1976) pothesis that fibrils grow mainly by chain
appear to be more sucessful at predicting disentanglement. This necessary disentan-
the characteristic fibril spacing of PSA glement mechanism can limit the use of very
although the lack of reliable experimental high molecular weights or of highly
data on fibril size precludes any detailed branched polymers in an attempt to increase
comparison. the creep resistance, as previously stated.
Furthermore, in most cases, the formation Another important question is fibril
of crazes in glassy polymers involves a sub- growth and breakdown. TEM observations
15.3 Theoretical Modeling 719

in glassy polymers show that the growth of a strain hardening only occurs significantly
craze fibrils occurs at a constant stress and in elongation experiments when the materi-
up to a constant extension ratio, which is al is tested at a constant strain rate. When
uniquely dependent on Me (Kramer, 1983). the material is stretched at a constant cross-
They do not creep during the growth pro- head speed, which is normally the case in
cess, but rather incorporate new material adhesion tests, a fibril growing solely by
from the unstrained bulk polymer neighbor- creep will experience an exponentially de-
ing the craze. Due to a stress concentration creasing strain rate. Under these conditions,
within the fibrillated material, the fibrils only a moderate amount of strain hardening
then fail catastrophically (by disentangle- was observed by Ziille et al. (1987) on an
ment or chain scission) when the stress on LDPE melt. Therefore such an argument
the fibril reaches a critical stress. would lead to a nominal stress that de-
In PSAs so far, however, there is little ex- creases with a nominal strain, and could
perimental evidence to indicate whether the never lead to adhesive fracture. It seems
fibrils grow mainly by fibril drawing from more plausible from the experimental data
the bulk (process 1) or by fibril creep (pro- of Zosel (1989) showing clearly that the
cess 2), as shown in Fig. 15-5. Good and nominal stress remains practically constant
Gupta (1988) have argued that the fibril will during the debonding process, that the fi-
grow completely by creep and that, eventu- brils are mostly drawn at a constant stress
ally, strain hardening occurring in an elon- from the undeformed bulk of the adhesive
gational deformation will be sufficient for it layer.
to debond from the substrate. However, such From these experimental observations,
the following picture can be proposed: Dur-
ing fibril growth, two processes are compet-
ing: fibril drawing to a constant extension
ratio at the fibril/bulk interface, and fibril
creep at a constant stress once the fibril is
formed. The competition between the two


I fibril creep
processes can best be viewed by a represen-
tation of the characteristic time versus def-
ormation rate. To a first approximation, the
characteristic disentanglement time tdis will
increase with molecular weight and de-
crease with temperature

^dis ~ (15-7)

where 0 is the monomer friction coeffi-

cient, but will be relatively independent of
the thickness of the adhesive or of the de-
bonding rate as long as the effective stress
on the fibril remains constant.
fibril drawing However, the characteristic extension
Figure 15-5. Schematic diagrams showing (a) fibril time text (i.e., the time to draw all of the
creep and (b) fibril drawing. material to an extension ratio Amax) is ap-
720 15 Materials Science of Pressure-Sensitive Adhesives

proximately given by entanglement time, tdis is independent of the

fibril drawing velocity, Vfib, while the time
(15-8) for the fibril to be completely extended, tQxV
A vflb is inversely proportional to Vfib. Therefore,
where h is the thickness of the adhesive layer a decrease of the drawing velocity will even-
and Vfib is the average fibril drawing veloc- tually always lead to cohesive failure even
ity. If ^dis<^exf th e fibrils will fail before in interfacial forces are weak.
all of the bulk material has been extended If it is assumed that in a probe tack ex-
and cohesive fracture of the fibril will be periment Vfib is proportional to the probe ve-
observed. In the other case, the fibril will locity, a critical transition velocity Vc can be
eventually become completely extended at defined, above which the fracture mecha-
A=Amax and then a strong strain hardening nism changes from cohesive to adhesive.
is expected as further elongation of the From the arguments set out in the preceding
fibril requires disentanglement and not sim- paragraphs, Vc will decrease with the mo-
ply an extension of chain segments between lecular weight (affect on tdis) and increase
entanglement points. This sudden increase with the thickness of the adhesive (effect on
in stress can cause debonding of the fibril ext), as illustrated in Fig. 15-6.
from the interface with the substrate if the Now that the qualitative behavior has
interfacial forces are relatively weak, or it been examined, it is important to establish
can cause the fibril to fail cohesively and more quantitative trends and particularly
catastrophically. In this model, the dis- to relate the micromechanical models with

(thin-highM w )
(thin-low M w )
Figure 15-6. Characteristic disentanglement and extension times as a function of the crosshead rate in a probe
tack test.
15.3 Theoretical Modeling 721

macroscopically measurable quantities, stress and the final extension ratio of the
such as the maximum adhesion force or the fibrils at fracture, A. If the fracture is adhe-
adhesion energy. sive and little creep occurs, the simplest ap-
It is important at this point to make the proximation for the fibril extension ratio is
distinction between force and energy in the to consider it as proportional to the extend-
context of the adhesion of PSAs. The adhe- ed length between entanglement points, giv-
sion force is often used as a measure of ad- ing
hesion in probe tack tests. In this case, the
A m a x -M e 1 / 2 (15-9)
force represents either the force necessary
to debond from the substrate, or the force In the case of cohesive fracture, however, A
necessary to nucleate cavitation in the ad- could be much higher due to disentangle-
hesive. On the other hand, in one case the ment.
adhesion energy represents the energy to ho- A prediction of the fibril drawing stress
mogeneously deform the adhesive before is harder to determine quantitatively, as
debonding and, in the other case, the ener- fibril formation requires some disentangle-
gy necessary to form the fibrils and to stretch ment and plastic flow. However, it seems
them to their maximum extension before de- clear that the drawing stress should increase
bonding. These two behaviors are shown with the monomer friction coefficient and
qualitatively in Fig. 15-7. It is clear from molecular weight. This also implies a de-
these definitions that, while in the case of creasing drawing stress with temperature.
noncavitating adhesives the force and ener- While more quantitative models are pos-
gy are always proportional, this is not nec- sible, they lie beyond the scope of this chap-
essarily the case for cavitating adhesives. ter.
In this review we will consider, whenever
possible, the fracture energy W, rather than
15.3.4 Bond Formation
the fracture force, to be coherent with the
approach generally taken in adhesion sci- One of the most interesting experimental
ence. For a cavitating adhesive, the fracture observations on pressure-sensitive adhe-
energy W is simply the external work nec- sives was made early on by Dahlquist (1969)
essary to separate the two surfaces. This using his well-known criterion: for measur-
work is given, to a first approximation, by able quick tack, the elastic modulus must be
the product of the average fibril drawing below a certain fixed value which is fairly
independent of the nature of the adhesive,
the adherend, or the applied pressure.
The property of quick tack is defined as
the result of the following experiment: The
adhesive is brought into contact with a stain-
less steel cylindrical probe and this contact
is maintained for a very short period of time
( I s typically) under a light pressure. The
probe is then withdrawn and the force is
(a) AL (b) AL monitored.
Figure 15-7. Force-displacement curve of a typical
The underlying assumption behind Dahl-
PSA in a probe tack test: (a) nonfibrillating adhesive, quist's criterion is that when the material's
(b) fibrillating adhesive. modulus is too high, perfect contact be-
722 15 Materials Science of Pressure-Sensitive Adhesives

tween the adhesive and the substrate cannot (Johnson et al., 1971) and if the thermo-
be obtained during the time of contact, and dynamic work of adhesion between the two
this results in a decrease of the maximum materials Wadh and the standard deviation
stress that can be sustained by the adhesive of the distribution of heights are known, the
bond. The qualitative explanation given in true contact area between the two surfaces
textbooks is that the adhesive cannot spread can be calculated as a function of the ap-
properly on the surface during the time of plied nominal pressure and of the shear
contact if its viscosity is too high. The vis- modulus of the adhesive. Because the ad-
cosity, however, is normally defined as a hesive is viscoelastic, this contact area
fluid property and implies flow, which increases with contact time. If the time-
clearly does not happen to a great extent dependence of the shear modulus (as mea-
when the modulus is high. sured in a creep experiment) is known, the
A better understanding of the effect of the true contact area can be calculated for a
modulus of the adhesive on the measured given adhesive-substrate pair as a function
tack can be obtained through an analysis of of the applied pressure and time of contact.
the contact between a random rough surface Creton and Leibler argued that this area
and a flat plane (Creton and Leibler, 1995). of contact established during bonding is the
Following the formalism of Greenwood and relevant quantity to be considered for the
Williamson (Greenwood and Williamson, debonding process because no substantial
1966), the authors assume that all asperity reduction in contact area can occur during
summits are of a constant radius of cur- the very rapid release of the applied pres-
vature R but their heights vary randomly: sure.
the probability that a particular asperity has Their contact mechanics analysis predicts
a height between z and z + dz above some two limiting cases: If the modulus is high so
reference plane is given by (j)(z)dz with that van der Waals forces can be neglected,
the area of contact A is predicted to increase
1 as
A-^ (15-11)
The adhesive is modeled as a flat sheet
with a time-dependent shear modulus and and to become constant when
the type of contact is shown schematically
in Fig. 15-8. The behavior of an individual
asperity is known from the JKR equations
where p is the applied pressure. In this re-
gime, tack is predicted to scale with \IG at
constant given pressure and debonding rate.
'plane of the This is consistent with experimental results
of Zosel (Zosel, 1992) on various PSAs as
Y reference plane shown in Fig. 15-9.
in substrate
When the elastic modulus decreases, van
Figure 15-8. Diagram of the contact between the der Waals forces can no longer be neglected
adhesive and a model random rough surface with a
distribution of asperity heights and a constant radius and the area of contact becomes indepen-
of the asperities. The lightly shaded area of the asper- dent of the applied pressure. In a limiting
ities is indented in the adhesive. case, the area of contact can be at its maxi-
15.3 Theoretical Modeling 723



\ D

1O- 0
w n

Iff1- k
1 106 107 Pa 10

Figure 15-9. Tack fracture energies of various poly-

acrylates in the contact limited regime plotted vs. the
corresponding values of the elastic Young's modulus
(Zosel, 1992). ^

mum (perfect contact) under zero applied 0.001

pressure. This situation occurs when the 10 100
modulus falls below a critical value G*
given by Figure 15-10. a) True area of contact A for various
shear moduli as a function of the nominal pressure p
(Creton and Leibler, 1996). b) True area of contact A
Rl (15-13)
~ ^adh under various nominal pressures as a function of the
rubber shear modulus G. The area is normalized by
the maximum area of contact A*, the load is normal-
Physically, this critical modulus G* is a ized by VKadh/<J, corresponding to the pressure com-
lower limit below which one expects tack to ponent due to van der Waals forces, and the modulus
be always independent of pressure. With is normalized by the modulus G* giving A = A * at zero
R= 100 (Lim, =2 |um,and Wadh = 50 mJ/m2, load.
typical of the stainless steel probe tack used
for tack experiments (Hammond, 1989), G*
becomes approximately equal to 0.2 MPa, numerical example above would give a van
in reasonable agreement with Dahlquist's der Waals pressure of Wadh/ = 0.025 MPa.
criterion obtained empirically. These results appear at odds with the
The detailed results of Creton and classic work of Fuller and Tabor (Fuller and
Leibler's calculation for intermediate cases Tabor, 1975) on adhesion of crosslinked
is presented in Figs. 15-10aand 15-10b, and rubber on a rough substrate. Their analysis
show the progressive influence of van der predicted that the adhesion energy should
Waals forces when the modulus and/or the always be independent of the applied pres-
applied pressure are decreased. The pres- sure. They did not, however, take into ac-
sure p is normalized by Wadh/, which cor- count any effect of the adhesion hysteresis,
responds to the additional pressure due to i.e. they assumed that the bonding and
van der Waals forces alone. Taking the debonding process occurred reversibly. For
724 15 Materials Science of Pressure-Sensitive Adhesives

the very fast rates of debonding typically Although knowledge of the viscoelastic
used for PSAs, there will be large hysteresis properties is a useful guide for predicting
losses which will prevent the contact area the adhesive properties, care should be tak-
from returning to its equilibrium value after en in generalizing such conclusions in the
removal of the load. analysis of systems where the viscoelastic
These results have been recently confirm- losses are clearly nonhomogeneous.
ed by Zosel in a series of tack experiments Particularly in view of the recent progress
using different probes with controlled that has been made in the understanding of
roughnesses on the same adhesive (Zosel, the correlation between molecular structure
1997). and bulk mechanical properties, it is better
whenever possible to reason in terms of mo-
lecular structure and debonding micro-
15.3.5 Relationship Between Adhesive
mechanisms in order to understand the prop-
and Bulk Properties
erties of pressure-sensitive adhesives.
Recently, a great deal of effort has been
put into trying to directly correlate adhesive
properties with easily measured bulk
materials' properties, such as the dynamic 15.4 Effect of Experimental Test
mechanical properties or the tensile strength Parameters
(Chang, 1991; Dale et al., 1989). Although
such an approach does not provide any in- The aim of this section is to survey the ef-
sight into the details of the deformation fect of all the experimental parameters that
mechanisms, it does provide valuable gen- do not pertain to the molecular structure or
eral guidelines for the design of pressure- the formulation of the adhesive. Consider-
sensitive adhesives, and as such it should be ing then that such experimental parameters
examined in more detail. are linked to specific experimental geome-
The idea put forward by Chang is that of tries, it seemed natural to organize this sec-
a viscoelastic window of use for PSAs. The tion by type of test, with the exception of
value of the storage modulus G' at the tem- Sec. 15.4.4 which treats the effect of the
perature of use and at the frequency corre- substrate.
sponding to the time scale of the mechani- The properties required from a pressure-
cal test affects two important properties: the sensitive adhesive can be divided into three
ability of the material to establish good con- classes along with their specific test methods:
tact with the substrate and the shear resis-
1) adhesive strength (debonding process)
tance. If G' is too high, the adhesive will
tested by peel tests,
lose its tack, while if G' is too low, the shear
2) conformability (bonding process) tested
resistance of the material will be reduced.
by quick tack tests, and
Similarly, the loss modulus G" is taken as
3) cohesive strength of the adhesive tested
an indication of the amount of viscoelastic
by a shear experiment.
losses during debonding and therefore
needs to be as high as possible for high ad- From an industrial point of view, the main
hesion. It should be noted that G' and G" concern is to obtain a value from each test
cannot in general be varied independently for comparative purposes. Wherever pos-
over a wide range, therefore a very high G" sible we will interpret the result of the test
usually implies a high G' and a loss of tack. in more fundamental terms to give the read-
15.4 Effect of Experimental Test Parameters 725

er a better understanding of the factors af- F

fecting the result.

15.4.1 Peel Test C )
The peel test, which simulates the remov-
al of an adhesive tape, is the standard indi-
cator of the fracture energy of the adhesive Tack
bond (i.e., the debonding process) and is
mainly sensitive to the viscoelastic losses in
the adhesive. A thin layer of adhesive is ap-
plied to a backing tape which is usually (b)

much stronger than the adhesive. The tape
is then carefully bonded to a substrate (stain- t
less steel polished to 2-|um roughness) and, N
finally, it is peeled in a manner shown in
Fig. 15-11. The peel force per unit width of Peel
tape measures directly the energy per unit (c)
area to separate the adhesive bond. Unfor-
tunately, peel test results are also sensitive
to the angle 0 at which the tape is removed
and to the stiffness of the backing tape, mak-
ing it difficult to directly compare results
from different manufacturers or research la-
boratories. The mechanics of the peel test
have been the subject of ongoing research
by solid mechanics researchers and several Shear
approaches are available (Aravas et al., Figure 15-11. Diagrams of the experimental set-ups
1989; Gent and Hamed, 1977; Gent and for (a) the quick tack test, (b) the peel test, and (c) the
Kaang, 1987; Williams, 1993). Kaelble shear test.
(1965) has also specifically investigated the
deformation of a PSA layer during the peel typical from peel tests of PSA tapes and im-
test. plies that the measured energy of adhesion
The peeling rate and the temperature have is very sensitive to the viscoelastic losses in
been the most widely investigated experi- the polymer used for the adhesive layer. As
mental parameters. Figure 15-12 shows the PSAs are viscoelastic materials, this result
peel energy of an SBR adhesive on a Mylar may at first appear obvious, however, it
substrate as a function of the peeling rate should be pointed out that the equivalence
and at different temperatures (Gent and between time and temperature is a feature
Petrich, 1969). It is clear from the data that, typically associated with linear viscoelas-
similarly to the viscoelastic properties, the ticity, and the deformations involved in the
peel energy data can be superimposed on a debonding of an adhesive tape are well into
single master curve using the WLF time- the nonlinear regime where the mechanical
temperature superposition (Ferry, 1980), as history of the material should affect its be-
shown in Fig. 15-13. Such a result is fairly havior.
726 15 Materials Science of Pressure-Sensitive Adhesives


3000 -
-5c y
10 C

23 C


- yy d 1 - A
Figure 15-12. Peel fracture energy
against rate of peel R for SBR adher-
ing to Mylar. OD A: cohesive failure;
: adhesive failure. [Data from
n Gent and Petrich (1969).]
-7 -6 -5 -4 -3 -2
logio{P l rate(m/s)}

(a) Fibrillar

3000 - (b) Fibrillar


2000 -

(c) Nonfibrillar

1000 -
Figure 15-14. Schematic diagrams of the three main
deformation mechanisms observed in PSAs: (a) fibril-
lar cohesive fracture, (b) fibrillar adhesive, and (c)
nonfibrillar adhesive.

log10{Ra T(m/s)}
Figure 15-13. Master relation for peel fracture ener- (a) At low rates of peel or high tempera-
gy W against rate of peel R reduced to 23 C for tures, the bond typically fails cohesively in
SBR adhering to Mylar. [Data from Gent and Petrich
the adhesive layer by fibril formation with
eventual breakdown (Fig. 15-14 a). In this
regime the peel energy increases monoton-
ically with the rate of peel.
Studies of the fracture mechanisms oc- (b) When the rates of peel are increased or
curring during the peel of pressure-sensitive the temperature is decreased, the debonding
adhesives (Aubrey and Sherriff, 1980; Au- mechanism may experience a transition to a
brey etal., 1969; Gent and Petrich, 1969; situation where fibril formation is followed
Kaelble and Reylek, 1969) found three main by debonding of the fibrils from the sub-
mechanisms of fracture, as illustrated in Fig. strate (Fig. 15-14b). This transition is not
15-14: always observed. It may be characterized by
15.4 Effect of Experimental Test Parameters 727

a very sharp drop in the peel energy, but this decrease sharply when the fracture becomes
drop does not occur for all systems, adhesive, but remains constant. Also, the
(c) Finally, if the rates are increased further, critical rate at which this transition takes
all adhesives undergo a transition to fracture place increases with thickness. In this case
without fibrillation and with a very small it appears that cavitation occurs at every rate
amount of deformation. The latter transition of peel. The transition from cohesive to ad-
has been associated with the glass transition, hesive failure can be explained in the fol-
but can simply be a reflection of an increase lowing way: At a given thickness, the time
of the fibrillation stress to above the value for extenstion rext decreases with the rate of
that will cause debonding. In this regime, peel so that when text < td[s the fracture be-
the peel energy is either fairly insensitive to comes adhesive. If the thickness of the layer
the rate or increases more moderately with is increased, the extension time is also in-
the rate. creased, so that the transition is translated
Another important experimental variable to a lower peel rate. For a very thick layer,
is the thickness of the adhesive layer. Au- the fracture is only cohesive.
brey et al. (1969) found that for a po\y(n- Although these examples illustrate the
butyl acrylate) (PBA) the 90 peel strength theoretical arguments fairly well, any gen-
was independent of the adhesive thickness eralization of these concepts should be done
(in the 15 - 85-|am range) in the low peel rate with caution in view of the small amount of
regime, but that the rate at which they ob- data available.
served a transition from cohesive fibrillar
fracture to adhesive nonfibrillar fracture in-
creased with thickness. This result can be 15.4.2 Quick Tack Test
interpreted in light of the micromechanisms The quick tack experiments probe the in-
developed in Sec. 15.3.3. At low rates of stant adhesion and are an indication of the
peel, the adhesive is below Vc as well as be- ability of the material to form a contact very
low Vcav, so that the disentanglement kinet- quickly to the substrate. As pointed out in
ics of the fibrils control the maximum ex- Sec. 15.3.3, the tests that have been de-
tension of the fibrils and thus the fracture signed to probe this property can be divid-
energy. In this regime,the fracture energy ed into two categories: those measuring the
should be independent of the adhesive thick- force of separation and those measuring the
ness. The transition to a smooth nonfibril- energy. The main test probing the force is
lating adhesive fracture is a reflection of the that of probe tack (Hammond, 1964) de-
occurrence of Vcav, which indeed increases scribed earlier, where a flat cylinder is
with the thickness of the adhesive as pre- brought into contact with the adhesive film
dicted. and subsequently removed at a fixed cross-
A different example is given by the re- head speed. In this geometry, the maximum
sults of Gardon (1963) in a T-peel test of a force of separation is taken as the measure
commercial acrylic adhesive, which showed of adhesion. Alternatively, a loop tack test
a very strong dependence of the peel ener- has also been used where the adhesive is put
gy on the thickness at low as well as high on a tape and the force necessary to unstick
peel rates. The thicknesses investigated the loop of tape from the substrate is mea-
were between 1 and 250 |Lim. Although no sured.
description is given of the fracture mecha- Among the tests probing the energy, the
nism, the peel energy, in this case, does not most widely used are the rolling ball test or
728 15 Materials Science of Pressure-Sensitive Adhesives

the rolling cylinder test where a standard- rolling cylinder test, which are more easily
ized steel ball is allowed to roll from an in- amenable to analysis.
clined plane on a sticky surface and the dis- The main effect of the time of contact as
tance it rolls before stopping, or alternative- an experimental parameter is to introduce a
ly the largest ball that will not roll on the in- second relevant time scale into the adhesion
clined plane, is a qualitative indication of process. The amount of relaxation in the ad-
the energy involved in bonding and debond- hesive during the bonding process is depen-
ing the adhesive from the substrate. dent on the time of contact, tc, while the vis-
In some cases, these standardized tests, coelastic losses during debonding are de-
which are widely used in industry, have been pendent on the rate of separation. These two
developed further to be analyzed in terms of time scales are usually controlled complete-
more fundamental parameters. Zosel (1985) ly independently, introducing therefore a
has developed a probe tack test that mea- decoupling of the effect of the rate of de-
sures the force of separation as a function of bonding and that of the temperature. While
time, which is particularly well suited as a for a long time of contact, the results of the
measure of the energy of separation (Zosel, peel test are recovered and the WLF super-
1985). He also observed some features of position holds relatively well, when tc is re-
the fibrillation process in his experimental duced, bonding becomes incomplete and the
geometry thanks to a high speed camera, and temperature dependence of the bonding pro-
argued that, similarly to other adhesion cess affects the results.
tests, the energy of separation should be the The temperature dependence of quick
relevant parameter rather than the force. tack is, in many respects, the most interest-
Mizumachi and co-workers have ana- ing for understanding the process. As illus-
lyzed the rolling of a cylinder on a surface trated in Fig. 15-15, quick tack appears to
in a more rigorous way using equations of go through a maximum when the test tem-
motion to extract a rolling friction coeffi- perature is approximately 50-70 C above
cient. With a semi-empirical theory of bond- Tg (Kim and Mizumachi, 1995 a; Zosel,
ing and debonding of the adhesive during 1985). This maximum is due to the balance
the rolling motion they have been able to between two effects: on the one hand, the
qualitatively simulate their experimental re- true contact area between the adhesive and
sults (Mizumachi and Hatano, 1989; Tsuka- the substrate at the time of debonding be-
tani et al., 1989). comes much smaller than the nominal area
From the point of view of the user, the when the compliance of the adhesive falls
quick tack test is designed to evaluate the below a critical value, causing a sharp de-
aptitude of the adhesive to adhere instantly crease in the measured adhesion, and, on the
and under light pressure to a substrate. other hand, in the regime where the contact
Therefore two new experimental parame- is well established the viscoelastic losses
ters are introduced relative to the peel test, decrease with temperature. Alternatively, it
i.e., the time and pressure of contact. This can be said that tack increases with decreas-
complication is a reflection of the fact that ing temperature up to a critical temperature
the result of a quick tack test will be a com- where it quickly decreases to zero. This rel-
bination of the bonding as well as the de- atively sharp transition was early on asso-
bonding properties of the adhesive. Experi- ciated by Dahlquist (1969) with the compli-
mentally, we will concentrate on the results ance and is generally known as the Dahl-
obtained with the probe tack test and the quist criterion. Empirically, when the ten-
15.4 Effect of Experimental Test Parameters 729

10' 103
Pa Jrri2



10' Figure 15-15. Tack W (O, ) and

-10 Young's modulus E ( ) of poly-
w isobutylene (PIB) and polystyrene
10 (PS) as a function of temperature
-10"1 (Zosel, 1992). 1992 Dr. A. Zosel
and Satas & Associates. Reprinted
by permission.
1 io-2
-50 100 150 C 200

sile modulus (measured at 1 s lag time) be- 1 1 i i i

comes higher than approximately 1 MPa
there is no tack.
The contact time and pressure are two im- y
portant parameters in the quick tack experi- 8

ment which do not exist in peel tests. 7

5 \ yS
Following the arguments set forth in Sec.
15.3.4, an increase in contact time will in- 3

crease the true contact area by a relaxation 2

, i i i i
10 1000
of the modulus of the adhesive, while an in-
crease in contact pressure will increase the Ms)
contact area by elastic deformation of the Figure 15-16. Track fracture energy W as a function
adhesive layer on the rough substrate. Clear- of the time of contact. [Data from Zosel (1985).]
ly this increase in the contact area is expect-
ed to directly affect only the measured tack
in the regime where adhesion is contact- and Kim, 1990; Zosel, 1985), as expected. The
limited, i.e., the area of contact A is smaller increase in tack is due to an increase in the
than the maximum area of contact A*. true contact area by relaxation of the elastic
Experimentally, a longer contact time ei- modulus. In general this increase in contact
ther increases the tack or does not affect it area is most effective for tack when the sur-
(Bates, 1976; Gent and Kim, 1990; Ham- face is very rough, the applied pressure is
mond, 1964; Sherriff et al., 1973; Zosel, high, or the modulus, at the temperature of
1985). Its effect is much more pronounced use, has a very sharp relaxation with time.
for very short contact times, as shown sche- The effect of the contact pressure is qual-
matically on Fig. 15-16, while for very long itatively similar to the effect of the contact
contact times the effect disappears and the time, i.e., it increases the true contact area.
results of the peel test are recovered (Gent However, the applied pressure will only
730 15 Materials Science of Pressure-Sensitive Adhesives

under moderate stress is detrimental. The

adhesive is tested either in static shear,
where a fixed load is applied and the time
to failure of the adhesive bond is recorded,
or in dynamic shear, where a constant shear
rate is imposed and the force is monitored.
i 10 r
This is basically a creep test and will give
an indication of the cohesive strength of the
s adhesive after a long time. The important
experimental parameters in a shear test are
the load and the temperature for the static
10 r
shear, along with the shear rate and temper-
4 6 8
ature in the dynamic test. There are, unfor-
io 3 io 4 io 5 tunately, very few available studies that go
Pressure (Pa) into more detail than simply the time to fail-
Figure 15-17. Maximum stress in a probe tack test ure, but some important features can be ex-
as a function of the contact pressure for two commer- tracted from the available data.
cial PSAs. : "smooth" PSA; O: "rough" PSA. [Data
If the material behaves as a Newtonian
from Hammond (1964).]
fluid, the time to failure can be predicted by
a knowledge of the viscosity. Unfortunate-
have an effect when the elastic modulus of ly, such a behavior is only characteristic of
the adhesive is high or the roughness is im- relatively low molecular weight polymers
portant. In the opposite case, a good bond under small loads. Commercial PSAs very
can rapidly be established, even under near- rarely behave in this manner and the shear
ly zero pressure. Experimentally, the effect deformation of the adhesive layer as a func-
of the contact pressure has been mentioned tion of time is usually strongly nonlinear
only sparingly. Hammond (1964) found that (Dahlquist, 1989; Zosel, 1994). Similarly,
for a "smooth" adhesive the maximum force the adhesive is strongly shear thinning so
of separation increased with the applied that when the shear rate imposed by the
pressure up to a point and then became in- fixed load rises above a certain value, the
dependent of the pressure, as shown in rupture is catastrophic.
Fig. 15-17. He found, however, that for a
"rough" adhesive the pressure had an effect
over the whole range of measurement. 15.4.4 Surface Properties
Zosel found a similar result for a poly- of the Substrate
ethylhexyl-acrylate (Zosel, 1992). This was
confirmed by peel tests that are not sensi- Although the bulk viscoelastic properties
tive to the pressure at which the samples are of primary importance for an adhesive,
were prepared. a necessary condition for good adhesion is
that the interaction at the interface is suffi-
ciently strong to sustain the stress necessary
15.4.3 Shear Test
to cause extensive plastic deformation in the
Resistance to shear is particularly crucial bulk adhesive. Several studies were under-
for all permanent and semi-structural appli- taken early on in order to understand the in-
cations where a large deformation with time fluence of the adherend on the peel energy
15.5 Effect of the Molecular Structure of the Adhesive 731

and, in particular, the relation between the on its surface roughness down to fractions
thermodynamic surface energy and the of a micrometer, and that a surface rough-
measured adhesion (Andrews and Kinloch, ness of the order of a micrometer could de-
1973 a, b; Gent and Schultz, 1972). In the crease the measured adhesion by a factor
absence of primary bonds at the interface, of 10. The topology of the surface is never,
the measured peel strength is proportional however, considered in tack studies and
to the thermodynamic energy of adhesion may be responsible for some quantitative
Wadh and the proportionality factor is depen- discrepancies between experimental re-
dent on the bulk viscoelastic properties of sults.
the adhesive. These findings have been very
well verified for crosslinked adhesives that
did not show any fibrillar fracture. Howev-
er, the correlation was less well established 15.5 Effect of the Molecular
for PSAs. Toyama and co-workers stud- Structure of the Adhesive
ied the probe tack and peel strength of a
poly(?z-butyl acrylate) on a variety of sub- One of the most interesting aspects for a
strates and analyzed the dependence of their materials scientist is how the molecular
data on the surface energy of the adherends structure of the polymer affects its proper-
(Toyama et al., 1970). They found a maxi- ties in pressure-sensitive adhesion applica-
mum in the peel strength when the surface tions. Although relatively few systematic
tensions of the adhesive, ya, and of the ad- studies on the effect of the molecular struc-
herend, ys, were closely matched and argued ture are currently available, they are suffi-
that in this situation the interfacial energy is cient to be able to extract some general con-
minimum. cepts for the design of an adhesive. Before
Other studies have, however, found an in- analyzing the adhesive properties, it is use-
crease in the peel strength at low surface ful to briefly review what is known about
energies of the adherend, followed by a pla- the molecular origin of the rheological prop-
teau when 7s>7a (Zosel, 1985), or a mono- erties of polymer melts (see also Chapter 9
tonic increase in the tack with / s (Sherriff in Volume 12 of this Series).
et al., 1973). Two general conclusions can
be drawn from these results: The surface en-
15.5.1 Molecular Origin
ergy of the adherend should not be below
of Viscoelasticity
that of the adhesive, this being particularly
true for tack. If the surface energy of the ad- The storage shear modulus G' of a typi-
herend is comparable or higher than that cal high molecular weight polymer melt
of the adhesive, the influence of surface measured at a frequency of 1 Hz is shown
forces on the measured adhesion is relative- in Fig. 15-18. At low temperatures, the
ly small compared to the effect of the vis- polymer is glassy and the relaxation times
coelastic losses in the adhesive layer. are usually much longer than the time of the
As pointed out in Sec. 15.3.4, another experiment. When the glass transition is
point which is often neglected, but is of pri- passed, the modulus falls and the short chain
mary importance in the case of tack, is the segments (shorter than the entanglement
effect of surface roughness. Fuller and Ta- length) start to relax. In the plateau zone, the
bor (1975) showed that the measured adhe- segments between entanglement points are
sion of a crosslinked adhesive is dependent fully relaxed, but the chain is only partially
732 15 Materials Science of Pressure-Sensitive Adhesives

A) the short relaxation times, i.e., the

monomer structure and local mobility of the
chain, which will directly affect the Tg;
B) the intermediate relaxation times, i.e.,
the molecular weight between entangle-
ments; and
C) the long relaxation times, i.e., the mo-
\ lecular weight and degree of branching or
rubbery fluid
To these three categories one should add the
properties that affect the molecular interac-
Figure 15-18. Shear modulus G' of a typical high
molecular weight polymer.
tions between the adhesive and the sub-
When evaluating whether a change of
relaxed. The temperature range over which molecular structure will have an effect on a
the modulus remains relatively constant specific property involving the deformation
increases with the molecular weight M, of the adhesive, the first step is to roughly
while its average value Go is inversely pro- evaluate the characteristic time rc over
portional to the average molecular weight which this deformation takes place at the
between entanglement points M e . Finally, temperature of use. If the change in molec-
when the chain is fully relaxed, the polymer ular structure affects the viscoelastic spec-
will flow and behave more like a fluid than trum in the frequency corresponding to l/r c ,
a solid (Ferry, 1980). the property will most likely be affected.
Each region in the viscoelastic spectrum However, if the spectrum does not change
is sensitive to different features of the mo- this does not mean that the property is in-
lecular structure. In the glass transition re- sensitive to the given feature (Dale et al.,
gion, the modulus is mainly sensitive to the 1989). A second and more effective ap-
local structure of the polymer, i.e., at the proach is to identify the type of molecular
monomer level, while in the rubbery plateau motions involved in the specific deforma-
region the modulus is sensitive to the mo- tion mechanism. For example, if large
lecular weight between entanglements or deformations and disentanglement of the
the degree of crosslinking, and, finally, in chains are involved, molecular weight is
the terminal zone the value of the modulus likely to be important. On the other hand, in
is sensitive to the polymer molecular weight the bond formation of a quick tack experi-
and the degree of branching and crosslink- ment at a low temperature and with a short
ing. contact time, the chains do not have time to
These molecular considerations can now disentangle and the molecular weight is un-
be applied to the interpretation of the mech- likely to be a relevant parameter. Unfortu-
anisms involved in the standard adhesion nately, the exact micromechanisms taking
tests. Following the classification estab- place in a practical situation are not always
lished above in terms of characteristic re- easy to determine a priori and the common
laxation times, the molecular features can procedure is rather the opposite, i.e., under-
be classified in three categories in relation standing the mechanism by testing which
to their effect on: molecular parameters affect the property.
15.5 Effect of the Molecular Structure of the Adhesive 733

15.5.2 The Glass Transition

For good adhesive properties, the glass
transition temperature must be between
50 C and 70 C below the temperature of "5
use (Satas, 1989 a; Zosel, 1985). If the Tg is
too far below the temperature of use, the vis-
coelastic losses in the debonding process
will be too low, giving low adhesion, and its
cohesive strength will also be too low. On
the other hand, if the Tg is too close to the 8x10
temperature of use, the compliance will be-
come too low, making it difficult to estab- Figure 15-19. 180 peel fracture energy vs. weight
lish good contact with the adherend. Con- average molecular weight Mw at a peel rate of
sidering that most applications for PSAs are l(T 3 m/s (squares) and 8.5xlO~3m/s (circles) for
polyisobutylene. On: cohesive failure; : adhesive
for room temperature or slightly above, failure. [Data from Krenceski and Johnson (1989).]
the most useful polymers have Tgs between
-50 and -30 C, with some exceptions.
tance decreases moderately with molecular
One common solution for retaining the
weight, as shown in Fig. 15-19 for a series
useful properties of a polymer while adjust-
of polyisobutylenes (Krenceski and John-
ing its Tg involves compounding with tack-
son, 1989), some more dramatic effects can
ifying resins that allow the use of polymers
also occur, as illustrated by the following
with a lower Tg.
Gent and Petrich (1969) performed peel
tests on an SBR polymer on Mylar before
15.5.3 The Molecular Weight
and after a milling operation. The raw poly-
The molecular weight has an important mer had an M n ~70000 with a sizable high
effect on the adhesion properties through its molecular weight fraction, while the milled
influence on the intermediate and long re- polymer had undergone a drastic reduction
laxation times. A high molecular weight of the high molecular weight fraction. As
will favor adhesive separation, which is nor- shown in Fig. 15-20, the measurements of
mally required from pressure-sensitive ad- W versus the reduced peel rate showed two
hesives (Aubrey et al., 1969), by slowing transitions for the milled sample, while
considerably the process of chain disentan- only one transition was observed for the raw
glement, which is responsible for fibril sample. The high peel rate transition is at-
creep and eventually cohesive fracture. tributed to the onset of the glass transition.
However, the molecular weight can also in- These results can readily be explained by
fluence the micromechanical deformation the arguments set out in Sec. 15.3. The main
mechanisms within the adhesive layer difference between the two polymers is the
which are eventually responsible for the terminal relaxation time which must be
measured energy of adhesion. A high Mn longer for the raw polymer. This shift in the
will negatively affect the formation of relaxation time inhibits fibril formation
fibrils during the debonding process. While even at low rates. However, the transition in
it is generally admitted that the peel resis- fracture energy observed for the milled sam-
734 15 Materials Science of Pressure-Sensitive Adhesives

mers used industrially have a broad polydis-

persity, and an experimental study on poly-
isobutylenes showed that a wide molecular
weight distribution can have a beneficial ef-
fect on all three properties (Krenceski and
Johnson, 1989).
8 The average molecular weight between
entanglements is equally important for the
performance of the adhesive. Its effect on
the plateau modulus has two important con-
-2 1) A low plateau modulus and therefore a
log10{Ra T (m/s)} high Me favor the formation of fibrils dur-
ing the debonding process, therefore in-
Figure 15-20. Peel fracture energy-peel rate relation
for SBR adhering to Mylar. The raw material (A) has creasing the adhesion energy.
a high molecular weight which is reduced by the mil- 2) A high Me also favors bond formation at
ling operation (O). [Data from Gent and Petrich very short contact times.
Some classic experiments of Gent and co-
workers (Gent and Lindley, 1958; Gent and
pie at low rates could be due microscopical- Wang, 1991) demonstrated that for cross-
ly to the transition from high dissipation linked rubbers the critical stress for cavita-
fibrillar fracture to low dissipation adhesive tion is directly proportional to the plateau
fracture. modulus of the rubber. By analogy, the val-
Quick tack is more negatively affected by ue of Me in PSAs is expected to influence
an increase in molecular weight because, in the degree of cavitation and fibrillation of
addition to the reason already mentioned for the adhesive. Indeed Zosel has observed that
the adhesion properties, a high M will also in quick tack experiments a high molecular
increase the modulus at intermediate and weight between entanglements promotes a
long times, and can negatively affect the high value of tack through easier fibril for-
ability of the polymer to form a bond. mation (Zosel, 1985, 1989).
Shear resistance, however, is very posi- A final example encompassing several
tively affected by molecular weight. The concepts of molecular interpretation is the
simplest approximation is to correlate creep study by Aubrey et al. (1969) on different
resistance with viscosity, and it is now well polymer melts. The peel strength of two
established that the viscosity follows the polymers is shown on Fig. 15-21 against the
empirical relation r)cM 3 4 . Therefore a reduced rate of peel. Aubrey et al. (1969)
small change in molecular weight can great- distinguish three microscopic deformation
ly affect the shear resistance. mechanisms. At a low peel rate, the sepa-
In conclusion, the general rule is that ration is fibrillar and cohesive for all poly-
within the range of molecular weight that mers. However, at higher rates, the vinyl
gives adhesive separation, the tack and peel acetate - 2-ethy lhexy 1 aery late (VA- E A)
strengths decrease moderately with molec- copolymer shows a transition in fracture
ular weight while the creep resistance in- mechanism to fibrillar adhesive failure,
creases. In practice, however, most poly- while the poly (n-butyl acrylate) (PB A) does
15.5 Effect of the Molecular Structure of the Adhesive 735

1200 0

"a 800 o ,' '}

^ 600

400 0
200 0
Figure 15-21. Effect of
0 peel rate on the peel adhe-
-6 -5 -4 -3 -2 -1 sion energy and mode
of failure for: a) vinyl
log 10 {peel rate (m/s)) acetate-2-ethyl hexyl
acrylate copolymer and
b b) poly(ft-butylacrylate).
1 The adhesive films were on
1400 -
polyester backing and
1200 peeled off clean glass at a 90
angle. O: cohesive fibrillar
1000 - fracture; : adhesive fibril-
lar fracture; : adhesive
800 0 - nonfibrillar fracture. The
I 600
vertical arrows show the
high and low values of the
fracture energy in the do-
400 - 0 mains of stick slip fracture

200 where the force oscillates.
0 [Data from Aubrey et al.
1 1 1 1 (1969).]
-6 -5 -3 -2 -1


not undergo such a transition. It is impor- paper, the differences can be explained in
tant to note that this transition is not asso- terms of viscoelastic relaxations. The PBA
ciated with a discontinuity in the fracture fibrillates easily and without much dissipa-
energy versus peel rate. tion at low rates. Its shear modulus must
When the peel rate is raised further, both then be relatively low and the glass transi-
polymers go through a slip-stick regime, tion temperature relatively low as well. The
which is related to the mechanics of the peel fact that no transition to an adhesive fibril-
test, and then undergo a transition to adhe- lar regime occurs is an indication of a short
sive nonfibrillar fracture. The two polymers terminal relaxation time characteristic of a
show a very different qualitative as well as relatively low molecular weight.
quantitative behavior. Although no indica- The VA-EA adhesive shows a transition
tion of molecular weight is given in the from fibrillar to nonfibrillar failure at ap-
736 15 Materials Science of Pressure-Sensitive Adhesives

proximately the same peel rate, indicating a [-10
similar shear modulus at room temperature 10 n
to the PB A. On the other hand the transition Jm 2 5
from fibrillar cohesive to fibrillar adhesive 10 -\ -10
implies a much larger molecular weight than
the PBA polymer. 10 - -10

o 3
15.5.4 The Degree of Branching 10 H -10
and Crosslinking W G'.G"
-1 2
From these conclusions, it is easy to ex- 10 H -10
trapolate that a slightly crosslinked adhesive
(below the gel point) would increase the -2
10 - 10
useful range of the adhesive as well as its 0 10 2 kGy10 3
cohesive strength while preserving the D-
entanglement structure responsible for the Figure 15-22. Fracture energy Wand storage and loss
easy cavitation. However, when the cross- moduli G' and G" plotted vs. the radiation dose (D).
linking is too extensive, fibrillation is in- The dashed line is the gel point (Dg) (Zosel, 1991).
hibited and the tack and peel strengths de- Reprinted with permission.
crease significantly. The practical difficulty
is therefore to reproducibly obtain a light the incorporation of polar components is a
crosslinking. This strategy is commonly good strategy to improve the adhesion. This
used for acrylic systems where the incorpo- approach is mostly used for the acrylate
ration of functional monomers during the family, where it is common to incorporate a
polymerization process allows a relatively small amount of acrylic acid as a co-
easy crosslinking step, and for silicone PSAs monomer. The effect of adding a polar co-
that have a very low cohesive strength when monomer is twofold: The bulk properties of
uncrosslinked (Satas, 1989; Sobieski and the adhesive are affected through the forma-
Tangney, 1989). More systematic studies tion of bridges and possible hydrogen
were performed on a series of poly- bonds, with the result of increasing the vis-
dimethylsiloxanes crosslinked through irra- coelastic losses in the adhesive, while the
diation, and the optimum tack energy was interfacial properties are also affected by the
obtained for a degree of crosslinking close strong interactions between the adhesive
to the gel point (Zosel, 1991), as illustrated and the substrate, so increasing the value of
in Fig. 15-22. It should be noted that the the thermodynamic energy of adhesion Wadh
degree of branching has a large effect on the (Aubrey and Ginosatis, 1981). A further ef-
elongational flow properties of polymers fect of polar groups can be a slow build up
and it is therefore not surprising that it should of adhesion with time, reflecting the migra-
affect the behavior of a fibrillating PSA. tion of the polar monomers at the interface
with the substrate and the specific bond for-
15.5.5 The Incorporation
However, a large increase in the propor-
of Polar Groups in the Adhesive
tion of polar component can significantly
Since most common substrates such as reduce the domain of miscibility of the
wood, paper, and metal are relatively polar, tackifying resin, resulting therefore in a
15.5 Effect of the Molecular Structure of the Adhesive 737

loss of performance (Kim and Mizumachi, The effectiveness of a tackifying resin is

1995 b). related to its ability to modify the viscoelas-
tic properties of the polymer. This modifi-
15.5.6 The Tackifying Resin cation is twofold: At high frequencies, the
high Tg of the resin increases the modulus
While in the previous sections emphasis of the adhesive, therefore increasing the vis-
was put on the properties of pure polymers coelastic losses at the high frequencies char-
to stress the effect of different molecular pa- acteristic of a quick debonding process.
rameters on the adhesive properties, most At low frequencies, the low molecular
commercial pressure-sensitive adhesives weight of the resin decreases the modulus at
are a blend of a base polymer and, at least, the frequencies characteristic of the slower
a tackifying resin. In many cases the for- bonding process (controlled by the contact
mulation is completed by the addition of time). Furthermore, the addition of the res-
waxes, plasticizers, and antioxidants. The in also produces a dilution of the entangle-
tackifying resin, however, as its name indi- ment network, which will favor the occur-
cates, plays a special role in tailoring the rence of cavitation during the debonding
properties of the adhesive and therefore de- phase. As an illustrative example, the effect
serves to be examined in more detail. of the addition a poly-jS pinene resin on the
Many commercially important elastomers storage shear modulus of natural rubber is
such as natural rubber, SBR rubber, or ther- shown in Fig. 15-23. The skeleton of the
moplastic elastomers do not have pressure- high molecular weight polymer provides the
sensitive properties. A good tackifying res- cohesiveness, and the tackifying resin dra-
in is therefore designed to modify the vis- matically increases the viscoelastic and
coelastic properties of the adhesive in order plastic losses during debonding, while facil-
to notably improve the quick tack properties. itating good contact.
The resin must have three important proper- Clearly, the effectiveness of the resin de-
ties: it must be fully miscible with the base pends on its ability to modify the viscoelas-
polymer, have a low molecular weight, and tic properties of the polymer. If the resin is
a Tg higher than that of the base polymer. not fully miscible, the second phase will
Practically, the commercial tackifying simply act as a rigid filler, thus raising the
resins fall into three categories (Schlade- modulus at all frequencies with a risk of los-
man, 1989): ing the pressure-sensitive properties.
The miscibility of the resins with the base
1) Rosin derivatives extracted from wood;
polymers and the resulting modifications of
these are the most versatile resins and con-
the viscoelastic properties have been stud-
sist normally of small molecules or dimers.
ied extensively by several groups on natu-
2) Aliphatic or aromatic hydrocarbon res-
ral rubber systems (Aubrey and Sherriff,
ins produced from petroleum monomers,
1978, 1980; Sherriff et al., 1973), SBR
which have molecular weights in the range
systems (Class and Chu, 1985 a, b, c), and
of 1000-2000.
acrylic systems (Kim and Mizumachi,
3) Terpene resins obtained from the poly-
1995 a, b, c). The miscibility is controlled
merization of turpentine derivatives, which
by the Flory interaction parameter % be-
also have molecular weights of the order of
tween the rubber and the resin and by the
molecular weight of the resin (Class and
A few examples are given in Fig. 15-1. Chu, 1985 a, b, c). While it is always a good
738 15 Materials Science of Pressure-Sensitive Adhesives

Figure 15-23. Shear mod-
ulus Gf vs. log coaT for a
resin/NR mixture: ()
NR, ( x - x - x ) 25% resin,
( ) 40% resin, and
( ) 50% resin (Sherriff
etal., 1973). Copyright
1973 John Wiley &
Sons, Inc. Reprinted by
-3.0 -2.0 -1.0 0 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0
Log (oaT

idea to choose a rubber with a degree of po- Because a low viscosity is required for
larity similar to that of the resin, the choice processing, while a relatively high viscos-
of the resin molecular weight has an opti- ity is required for good creep resistance and
mum value. Too low a molecular weight adhesive properties, most PSAs are manu-
will lower the Tg of the resin too much with factured through an emulsion or a solution
a risk of losing the tackifying proper- process. However, recent trends toward
ties, while too high a molecular weight de- cleaner processing techniques have pushed
creases the miscibility. the development of solvent-free processing
Clearly this section does not cover all techniques commonly called hot melt
the possibilities of property modification processing. Within that framework, SIS
through a proper formulation, but the inter- copolymers have proved very valuable, as
ested reader can refer to more technologi- the physical crosslinks formed by the PS
cally oriented texts for further information blocks below the Tg of PS provide a very
(Satas, 1989). high creep resistance, while once heated
above Tg (PS) the zero shear rate viscosity
decreases dramatically, allowing hot-melt
15.5.7 Triblock Copolymers processing.
A new type of polymers has been used in- These polymers have to be compounded
creasingly for PSA applications, i.e., ther- with a tackifying resin to have useful PSA
moplastic elastomers. Typically, these poly- properties, and their two-phase microstruc-
mers are triblock copolymers with a large ture raises some specific questions. The res-
diene center block and two small styrene end in can be compatible with the diene block,
blocks. The microphase-separated micro- with the styrene block, or with both, and the
structure of these block copolymers makes properties will be diversely affected (Ewins
them very good candidates for hot-melt pro- et al., 1989). If the resin is compatible with
cessing. the diene block, its effect is very similar to
15.7 References 739

the classic rubber-resin case examined in influenced by specific interactions formed

Sec. 15.5.6 (Kraus et al., 1977; Nakajima between the adhesive and the substrate.
et al., 1992). Rosins, terpenes, and aliphat- 3) The cohesive strength of the adhesive,
ic hydrocarbons usually enter into that cat- which is relevant in two relatively distinct
egory. If, on the other hand, the resin is com- cases:
patible with the styrene end block, its role a) For the long term resistance to an applied
is then either to increase the range of useful shear, the relevant parameter is the shear
temperatures (by raising the Tg of the sty- modulus at times comparable to the time of
rene) or to allow hot-melt processing at low- the experiment. An elastic component to the
er temperatures (by lowering the Tg of the long term modulus is often added through a
styrene) (Ewins et al., 1989). light crosslinking of the adhesive.
b) A clean debonding of the adhesive from
the substrate (without any residual adhesi-
ve remaining on the surface) is often requi-
15.6 Summary red for applications. This result implies that
the fibrils formed upon deformation of an
The formulation of good pressure-sensi-
adhesive film must exhibit a marked strain
tive adhesives for specific applications
hardening at a high level of strain. This
requires a good understanding of the para-
property is controlled by the modulus (or
meters influencing the three classes of
viscosity) in elongational flow and implies
properties of the adhesives, which are:
a specific polymer architecture (some
1) The ability to stick instantly to almost any branching or crosslinking) that will cause
surface, even relatively rough, upon appli- such a strain hardening behavior.
cation of a light pressure. This property
The balance of properties necessary for a
requires a shear elastic modulus smaller
specific application are then obtained typi-
than approximately 0.2 MPa at frequencies
cally by designing materials with a large
of the order of 1 Hz. It should be noted that
molecular weight distribution to provide
surface and/or adhesive roughness will
both long term cohesive strength and short
strongly influence the ability of the adhe-
term high compliance. Their elastic mod-
sive to stick. Some very low surface energy
ulus is of the order of 0.01 to 0.1 MPa at the
substrates may require a surface treatment
temperature and frequency of use. Polar
for the PSA to stick.
additives or comonomers are often used to
2) The amount of energy per unit area
control specific interactions with the sub-
necessary to debond the adhesive from the
strate while low-molecular weight molec-
substrate. This property is controlled by:
ules are added to specifically modify the
a) The amount of viscoelastic losses at the rheological properties of the adhesive.
relevant rate of debonding. This rate is
equivalent to higher frequencies of the order
of 100 Hz. The amount of viscoelastic los-
ses and therefore the adhesion energy 15.7 References
required from the adhesive varies greatly Andrews, E. H., Kinloch, A. J. (1973 a), Proc. R. Soc.
with the application and is typically con- London A 332,385.
trolled by the addition of tackifying resins. Andrews, E. H., Kinloch, A. J. (1973 b), Proc. R. Soc.
London A 332, 401.
b) The thermodynamic energy of adhesion Andrews, E. H., Kinloch, A. J. (1974), J. Polym. Sci.
at the interface Wadh, which can be strongly C: Polym. Symp. 46, 1.
740 15 Materials Science of Pressure-Sensitive Adhesives

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(1987),/. Rheol. 31, 583. Zosel, A. (1992), Adv. Pressure Sensitive Adhes. Tech-
nol. 1, 92.
16 New Processing Technologies
Ian M. Ward

IRC in Polymer Science and Technology, University of Leeds, Leeds, U.K.

List of Symbols and Abbreviations 744

16.1 Introduction 745
16.2 Ram Extrusion 745
16.3 Hydrostatic Extrusion 747
16.3.1 Mechanics of the Hydrostatic Extrusion Process 749
16.3.2 Engineering Possibilities for Hydrostatic Extrusion: Scope and Possibilities 752
16.3.3 Other Physical Properties 754
16.4 Die-Drawing 754
16.4.1 Mechanics of the Die-Drawing Process 758
16.5 Roll-Drawing 760
16.6 Conclusions 761
16.7 References 761

Materials Science and Technology

Copyright WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co KGaA. Allrightsreserved.
744 16 New Processing Technologies

List of Symbols and Abbreviations

B factor in die-drawing analysis
c* constant
d diameter
d0, df die initial diameter, die exit diameter
D diameter of billet
k thermal diffusivity
kB Boltzmann's constant
P hydrostatic pressure
R instantaneous deformation ratio
RA actual extrusion ratio
RN nominal extrusion ratio
T absolute temperature
AU activation energy
v velocity
v0, vf velocity of polymer on entering die, at die exit
V shear activation volume

a die semi-angle
y' pressure coefficient
tan 8 loss factor
* strain constant
strain rate
billet-die friction coefficient
of flow stress
ax, ay principal stress
a* stress constant
Q pressure activation volume
Tf shear flow stress

LPE linear polyethylene

PMMA polymethylmethacrylate
POM polyoxymethylene
UHMW-PE ultra high molecular weight polyethylene
16.2 Ram Extrusion 745

16.1 Introduction crystallite orientation was observed and

Young's moduli as high as 10 GPa.
Starting in the late 1960s, several tech- In addition to examining the structure and
niques have been explored to produce mechanical properties of the extrudates,
highly oriented polymers by plastic defor- Takayanagi and his colleagues (Imada et al.,
mation in the solid phase below the melting 1971) also attempted to undertake a quanti-
point. tative analysis of the mechanics of the
The simplest of these is tensile drawing, hydrostatic extrusion process. They adopt-
which was already well-established for the ed a lower bound analysis, similar to the
production of textile fibers and polymer classic Hoffman-Sachs analysis of the
films of moderate strength and stiffness. A extrusion of metal (Hoffman and Sachs,
major reappraisal of this technique (Capac- 1953), incorporating an empirical relation-
cio and Ward, 1973) led to the invention of ship between true stress crand plastic strain
processes for high modulus polyethylene of the form
fibers by the melt spinning/high draw
log ((7/(7*) log (/*) =-C* (16-1)
ratio route (presently commercialized by
Hoechst Celanese as CERTRAN fiber). The where a*, e* and c* are constants.
aim of this review is to consider techniques As will be discussed later, this approach
which can be used to produce oriented poly- is a viable one, but in the theory developed
mers in larger solid sections rather than by Takayanagi and co-workers, the rise in
fibers or monofilaments. In historical order pressure with increasing extrusion ratio was
of development, these are ram extrusion, not accurately modeled, because no account
hydrostatic extrusion, die-drawing and was taken of the major effects of strain rate
roller-drawing. and pressure on the flow stress.
The ram extrusion technique has also been
developed by Porter and his colleagues from
16.2 Ram Extrusion the early 1970s onwards, with outstanding
results in terms of producing very highly
The principal protagonists of ram extru- oriented polymers. In Porter's earliest
sion of polymers have been two groups: experiments with Southern (Southern and
Takayanagi and co-workers in Japan (Imada Porter, 1970) ram extrusion of polyethylene
et al., 1971), and Porter and co-workers in was undertaken under conditions where the
USA (Weeks and Porter, 1974) and their polymer was molten before entering the die.
objectives have been somewhat different. It was found that very fine strands of highly
In ram extrusion, the polymer is deformed oriented polyethylene were produced as the
in the solid phase by application of pressure polymer crystallized from the melt and
to a piston which pushes an isotropic plug became oriented by the action of the reduc-
of polymer through a die of reducing cross- ing die. In a later study, Keller and co-
section. Mostly simply this is of circular workers (Odell etal., 1978) showed that
cross-section but it could be rectangular. In such behavior was consistent with previous
Takayanagi's group, the behavior of sever- observations by Van der Vegt and Smit
al polymers were studied, and in general (1967) where blockage occurred when mol-
comparatively modest reduction ratios were ten polyethylene was extruded in a capillary
obtained. In polyethylene, however, reduc- rheometer under conditions where the poly-
tion ratios as high as 16 were reported, high mer would be expected to stay molten.
746 16 New Processing Technologies

Southern and Porter had shown that the large achieved. In later experiments much more
increase in pressure which occurred was due spectacular results were obtained. For
to crystallization in the elongation flow field. example, multiple-stage drawing of reactor
In support of this contention the transparent powder of ultra high molecular weight poly-
strand of highly oriented polymer, although ethylene (UHMW-PE) was taken to a max-
it had a comparatively low overall modulus imum total draw ratio of 56, giving a resul-
of 6.6 GPa at 110 Hz, showed a high melt- tant tensile modulus of 58 GPa (Pawlikow-
ing component on the DSC trace which could ski et al., 1988). Again, the co-extrusion
be assigned to chain extended polyethylene. technique was used as the first stage of a
Keller and his co-workers repeated Southern two-stage drawing process for drawing
and Porter's work and were able to optimize solution-grown mats of UHMW-PE to the
the conditions to produce a highly oriented remarkable total draw ratio of 120, with a
plug of polyethylene with a modulus of resultant tensile modulus of 160 GPa (Kan-
70 GPa. It was shown that the morphology amotoetal., 1983).
of this material was very remarkable. The Porter and his colleagues also showed that
comparatively low melting point indicated the co-extrusion technique could be applied
that in this case there was no extended chain to amorphous polymers (Zachariades et al.,
material present. Transmission electron 1979). In one series of experiments a film
microscopy showed a structure of interlock- strip of polystyrene was inserted between
ing lamellae, consistent with the long peri- the two hemispheres of Alathon 7050 and
od of 300 A calculated from a very clear two the whole assembly extruded at 126 C in an
point S AXS pattern. It was proposed that the Instron rheometer to a maximum extrusion
high Young's modulus arises due to the con- ratio of 11.6. The drawn film showed a high
straints imposed on the rubber like amor- birefringence (-2.24x10~2), a tensile mod-
phous regions by the parallel lamellae struc- ulus of - 4 - 5 GPa and a tensile strength of
ture, similar to the situation where sheets of 85 MPa. In subsequent experiments by
steel are laminated with thin layers of incom- Appelt and Porter (Appelt and Porter, 1981),
pressible rubber. the containing hemicylinders were changed
Porter and his co-workers (Griswold to polypropylene or nylon 6.6, and two-
et al., 1978) made a major advance in the stage co-extrusions were explored and com-
usefulness of ram extrusion by inventing the pared with results for polyethylene hemicy-
ingenious technique of co-extrusion where linders. Two-stage co-extrusion enabled
a sheet of polymer is extruded between a higher total draw ratios to be achieved and
split billet consisting of two hemicylinders in PE these reached as high as 21.
of a second polymer. This technique was Other polymers which were successfully
first demonstrated by co-extrusion of linear drawn by Porter and his colleagues using the
polyethylene (du Pont A 7050 grade, co-extrusion technique include polyethy-
Mw = 59000, Mn= 19900) using the same lene terephthalate (Pereira and Porter,
polymer for the two hemicylinders forming 1983 a, b) starting with both amorphous
the sheath, and a film strip as the core which films, but also crystalline film which is often
was inserted between the two sheath hemi- considered too brittle to be drawn by con-
cylinders. In these first experiments draw ventional tensile drawing, poly(4-methyl-
ratios of ~30 were obtained, and Young's pentene-1) (He and Porter, 1987) and nylons
moduli ~30 GPa, and it was found that much 6 and 11 plasticized with anhydrous ammo-
faster extrusion rates (~ 10 cm/min) could be nia (Zachariades and Porter, 1979).
16.3 Hydrostatic Extrusion 747

163 Hydrostatic Extrusion In terms of producing oriented polymers

of either academic or industrial interest, the
The ram extrusion technique suffers from first attempts to explore the potential of
two major disadvantages, both of which hydrostatic extrusion were disappointing,
stem from the high friction between the although research at the ICI Petrochemical
polymer and the metal die. This high fric- and Polymer Laboratory reported by Wil-
tion limits the process to very low extrusion liams (1973), showed that polypropylene
rates, and also, as shown by Farrell and Kel- rods could be produced with a Young's mod-
ler (1977), gives rise to a significant varia- ulus of 16 GPa. In 1972, Gibson and Ward,
tion in the structure across the extrudate sec- who had been working at ICI with Williams,
tion, due to very high shear deformations in transferred the ICI equipment to Leeds Uni-
the billet near to the billet/die interface. versity with financial support from SERC,
Although the Porter split billet technique and in collaboration with Cole and Parsons
reduces these limitations, only compara- showed that very highly oriented polyethy-
tively small samples can be produced, pref- lenes could be produced with Young's mod-
erably thin sheets of polymer. Hydrostatic uli of about 60 GPa (Gibson et al., 1974).
extrusion enables a step forward in these This discovery, the invention of high
respects, because the pressure is applied not modulus polyethylene in solid section, as
by a piston, but by a hydraulic fluid, which distinct from fibers and monofilaments, led
can lubricate the interface between the die to a period of very fruitful collaboration
and the billet. It has been shown that the de- between the Departments of Physics and
formation is then very close to that produced Mechanical Engineering at Leeds Univer-
by tensile drawing where there is a free sur- sity, which had two main thrusts:
face (plug-flow) and essentially homogene- (1) Attempts to assess the potential of
ous sections are produced. The friction is hydrostatic extrusion for producing oriented
also reduced because the billet is only in polymers in the form of rod, sheet and tube.
contact with a metal surface within the die, A particular issue here was the viability of
and is otherwise free standing. A schemat- the technique for polyethylene and other
ic diagram of a typical set up is shown in polymers, including amorphous polymers.
Fig. 16-1. It is important to note that the (2) The development of a protocol for
haul-off force is negligibly small and serves gaining a quantitative understanding of the
only to ensure that the extrudates are straight mechanics of the solid phase extrusion pro-
and do not curve on leaving the die exit. cess.

Figure 16-1. Sche-

matic diagram of
apparatus for hydro-
Die Hf'o" static extrusion of
Vessel polymer (Ward, 1985).
Chamber with Heater Reproduced by per-
Pressurising Fluid Bands
748 16 New Processing Technologies

A corner stone in the understanding of the

issues involved in both (1) and (2) above
was the recognition of the importance of the
extrusion ratio. A key process parameter in
the hydrostatic extrusion of circular billets
through a conical die (the simplest proce-
dure) is the nominal extrusion ratio RN, the
ratio of the cross-sectional area of the initial
billet to that of the die exit. It is assumed
that deformation occurs at constant volume,
which is a very good approximation. There
may however be some degree of shrinkage Figure 16-2. Young's modulus of small diameter
after the oriented polymer has left the die extrudates: A HGUR, RSO, OR25, A R 140(Gib-
(akin to the die-swell observed in melt son and Ward, 1978). John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
Reprinted by permission.
extrusion). It is therefore necessary to also
define the "actual" extrusion ratio RA,
which is the ratio of the cross-section of the unique relationship does not hold, however,
initial billet and the final extrudate. In prac- when the UHMW-PE grade is included, and
tice RA is equal to RN to a very good approx- it has been shown that the moduli of high
imation, indeed for high reduction ratios RA molecular weight and copolymer grades are
is equivalent to the draw ratio, which is con- significantly lower than those of the lower
ventionally used as an operational parame- molecular weight materials. It has been con-
ter in tensile drawing. cluded that these differences are due to lower
In the studies of tensile drawing of poly- degrees of crystalline continuity and lesser
ethylene (and later other polymers) it was degrees of crystallinity (Hope et al., 1980).
shown that the modulus of the drawn poly- Two structural models have been proposed
mer, related only to the draw ratio, to a very to explain the development of such high
good approximation. Similar results were moduli with increasing draw ratio. Histori-
soon produced for hydrostatic extrusion and cally the first model was proposed by Bar-
it was shown that for a given polymer com- ham and Arridge (1977) and envisages high
position very similar Young's moduli were modulus polyethylene as akin to a short fiber
obtained either by tensile drawing or by composite, with needle-shaped crystals act-
hydrostatic extrusion for a given draw ratio ing as the reinforcing phase. The aspect ratio
or extrusion ratio RN these being equivalent. of these crystals was considered to increase
Figure 16-2 shows results for the Young's affinely with increasing draw ratio, so that
moduli of small-diameter extrudates (Gib- the crystals became increasingly effective in
son et al., 1978), comparing data for samples reinforcing the structure. A particular suc-
of comparatively low molecular weight cess of the model was that it related the mod-
(R25, R50 and R140) and a UHMPE grade ulus to the draw ratio quantitatively via this
(Hostalen GUR). It can be seen tht the mod- change in the aspect ratio of the crystals.
ulus/draw ratio relationship is to a good The second model, proposed by Gibson,
approximation independent of polymer Davies and Ward (Gibson et al., 1978) was
grade for the low molecular weight poly- based on two key structural observations.
mers, similar to results obtained by tensile First, it was found that the hydrostatically
drawing (Capaccio and Ward, 1974). This extruded materials showed the two-point
16.3 Hydrostatic Extrusion 749

small angle X-ray diffraction pattern, typi-

cal of a periodic structure corresponding to
a long period of about 200 A which depend-
ed on the extrusion temperature but not the
extrusion ratio. Secondly, the average crys-
tal length, measured initially from the width
of the (002) meridional reflection, con-
firmed by dark field electron microscopy,
showed that the average crystal length
increased with increasing draw ratio from
= 100 A to =500 A at draw ratio 30, and
increased with draw temperature in a man-
ner such that the ratio of the average crys-
tal length to the long period for a given draw
ratio was approximately constant. Gibson et
al. therefore proposed their crystal bridge
model, illustrated in Fig. 16-3, where the
periodic lamellar structure is linked by crys-
tal bridges, whose number increases with
draw ratio. Barham has subsequently
shown, on the basis of neutron scattering
measurements, that the crystal bridge model
is most likely a good approximation to the
real structure, and certainly better than
either the Barham and Arridge model or the Figure 16-3. A schematic representation of the struc-
Peterlin model where the lamellae are linked ture of highly oriented polyethylene produced by solid
by tie molecules (Peterlin, 1971). phase deformation (Gibson et al., 1978). Elsevier
Science Ltd., Butterworth-Heinemann. Reproduced
Gibson et al. showed that the plateau by permission.
dynamic modulus at -50 C (i.e. between the
/and a relaxations) could be quantitatively (1) The development of a quantitative
predicted from X-ray diffraction data. It was analysis of the mechanics of the hydrostat-
also subsequently shown (Gibson et al., ic extrusion process.
1982) that the temperature dependence of the (2) The engineering possibilities in terms
dynamic modulus and loss factor (tan 8) of practical processes, and the range of poly-
could be quantitatively predicted by the crys- mers which could be created by hydrostatic
tal bridge model, where the long crystals act extrusion.
like the short fibres in a short fibre compos- (3) Possible enhancement of other phys-
ite (akin to the Barham and Arridge model, ical properties by orientation, e.g., chemi-
but physically quite different, because the cal resistance, thermal conductivity.
reinforcing elements are long crystals with
very small lateral extents (=10 A)).
16.3.1 Mechanics of the Hydrostatic
The production of high modulus polyeth-
Extrusion Process
ylene by hydrostatic extrusion stimulated
developments in three directions which will The mechanics of the hydrostatic extru-
be considered in turn. sion process have been discussed in sever-
750 16 New Processing Technologies

al reviews, notably by Capaccio, Gibson and hardening) and strain rate (strain rate sen-
Ward (Capaccio et al., 1979) and Inoue sitivity). We therefore write the yield or flow
(1985). The first detailed analysis of the stress criterion as
mechanics was given by Coates, Gibson and
GX-Gy=( e, e,P) (16-3)
Ward (Coates et al., 1980) and what follows
is essentially based on this treatment, which It is convenient, and justifiable on physical
was developed more comprehensively by grounds based on experimental evidence, to
Hope and Ward (1981). assume a linear, additive pressure effect so
The general starting point for the analy- that we can write Eq. (16-3) as
sis of the Hoffman and Sachs (1953) lower
, e) + fP (16-4)
bound approach. The force balance on a
thin, parallel sided element in the deforma- where y7 is a pressure coefficient.
tion zone of a conical die (Fig. 16-4) is given Alternatively, it may be more appropriate
by in considering the deformation of highly
anisotropic polymer to use a Coulomb yield
cot a) (16-2) criterion where the effect of pressure can be
better represented by the effect of the nor-
where \x is the billet-die friction coefficient, mal stress oy, so that Eq. (16-4) is modified
a is the die semi-angle, is the external to
strain, and ox and oy are the stresses parallel
to and normal to the extrusion direction. For ox- ay-af(, ) + Y<3y (16-5)
low die angles, ax and ay can be assumed to In practice any numerical differences
be principal stresses. between the use of Eqs. (16-4) and (16-5)
A key step in the analysis is to relate ax will be small, but it can be seen that Eq.
and oy via the material flow stress and hence (16-5) can readily be used to eliminate a
reduce Eq. (16-2) to a first order differen- from Eq. (16-2) giving
tial equation in ax which can be solved pro- (16-6)
vided that the appropriate boundary condi- dcr, <JX-Gf(,)
(l + / i c o t a )
tions are specified. In polymers, major com- d 1 + y'
plexity is introduced because the flow stress
A first step towards solving Eq. (16-6)
CTf, unlike that of metals, is strongly depen-
involves defining the boundary conditions
dent on pressure P, plastic strain (strain
for deformation in the die to take into
account the work performed due to shear at
the die entry and die exit. This redundant
work (and redundant strain) has been calcu-
lated by Avitzur (1968). It was found by
A L df Gibson and his colleagues that although the
redundant work has a negligible effect on
the final computed extrusion pressures and
the redundant shear strain has a negligible
effect on the flow stress, the redundant
r r strains do modify the strain boundary con-
ditions significantly.
Figure 16-4. Co-ordinate system used to represent
the deformation zone in conical die extrusion (Capac- To calculate the strain and strain rate in
cio et al., 1979). Reproduced by permission. the conical die, it is assumed that plane sec-
16.3 Hydrostatic Extrusion 751

tions remain plane in passing through the (1981) explored the proposal by Briscoe and
die, i. e., plug flow. The strain x is therefore Tabor (1978) that there is a direct correla-
given in terms of the instantaneous defor- tion between the friction coefficient ji and
mation ratio R at a distance x from the die the pressure coefficient Y a n d Eqs. (16-4)
exit as and (16-5). It was shown that this correla-
tion implies
=lnR (16-7)
and the strain rate at the point x by the Avit- (16-9)
zur relationship
where we now require that both ji and Y a r e
in principle strain dependent. The virtue of
e = ^- tan a (16-8)
this correlation is that it reduces Eq. (16-6)
to an equation in a single parameter y7, giv-
where vf is the die exit velocity and df is the
die exit diameter.
The next issue to be considered is the (16-10)
determination of the dependence of the flow ox-of(,)^
stress on , and P or oy. A key assump- d + /'()
tion, which underpins the analysis of the
hydrostatic extrusion process, and other Hope and Ward used the analysis leading to
solid state deformation processes, is the Eq. (16-10) with appropriate flow stress
assumption of a true stress, true strain, strain data to compare experimental and numeri-
rate relationship for polymers. It is assumed cally calculated extrusion pressures for
that the flow stress is independent of the de- linear polyethylene (LPE), polyoxymeth-
formation history, but depends only on the ylene (POM) and polymethylmethacrylate
total plastic strain (i.e., the current extru- (PMMA). It can be seen from Fig. 16-6 that
sion ratio) and the current strain rate. This the rapid rise in pressure with increasing RN
assumption implies that at a fixed tempera- is quite well modeled, and a number of con-
ture (isothermal deformation) the flow clusions can be made.
stress can be given a three-dimensional rep- First, Eqs. (16-7) and (16-8) show that
resentation, as shown for Rigidex 50 LPE at both strain and strain rate increase towards
100 C, in Fig. 16-5. The effect of P or ay is the die exit. Figure 16-5 shows that the flow
considered to be additive. Hope and Ward stress for LPE (and this is true for POM and

Figure 16-5. Three-dimen-

sec -2 sional representation of the
2.5x10 stress-strain-strain rate rela-
5x10" 3 tionship for Rigidex 50 LPE at
100C. (Capaccio et al., 1979).
Reproduced by permission.
752 16 New Processing Technologies

the range RN= 1 -2.5. It was assumed that

the flow stress is pressure dependent, but
200 constant in form throughout the die (i.e.,
/POM strain hardening and strain rate sensitivity
(MPa) were assumed to be negligible). A constant
friction coefficient JLI = 0.01 was assumed.
PMMA f Gupta and McCormick (1980) have given
/ ' an upper bound analysis of the hydrostatic
/ LPE extrusion of linear polyethylene. A com-
/ /
100 pletely analytical solution was obtained by
following results obtained by Coates and
Ward (1978) which represented the depen-
dence of flow stress on strain and strain rate
50 by the Eyring equation for a thermally acti-
vated process. This relationship gives the
strain rate as
1 5 10 15 20 = eoexp - (16-U)

Figure 16-6. Best analytical fits to experimental where o is a pre-exponential factor, At/ is
extrusion pressure (P) versus extrusion ratio (RN) data
the activation energy, rf the shear flow
for LPE, POM and PMMA (Hope and Ward, 1981).
Chapman & Hall. Reproduced by permission. stress, Vis the shear activation volume, P is
the hydrostatic pressure, Q is the pressure
activation volume, kB is Boltzmann's con-
PMMA also) increases markedly with stant and T is absolute temperature.
increasing plastic strain and increasing As also discussed later by Hope and Ward,
strain rate. Hydrostatic extrusion is there- Eq. (16-11) is a useful starting point for rep-
fore an unfavorable process in terms of the resenting the flow stress behavior, provid-
mechanics of processing polymers in the int that the increase in strain rate sensitivity
solid state. with strain is taken into account by making
Secondly, the effects of pressure on the the shear activation volume dependent on
flow stress also lead to an increase in flow strain. For comparatively low deformation
stress, which is a further argument for the ratios (up to RN = 9) V can be considered to
unfavorable nature of hydrostatic extrusion. decrease exponentially with increasing
Finally, Hope and Ward concluded that the strain, and hence an analytical solution is
friction (and pressure) coefficients predict- obtained via Eq. (16-6), which Gupta and
ed on the basis of Eq. (16-10) suggested that McCormick showed to give a reasonably
although boundary lubrication occurs at the good fit to results for linear polyethylene.
die exit (validating the equivalence of fric-
tion and pressure) it is likely that hydrody-
16.3.2 Engineering Possibilities
namic lubrication may occur elsewhere giv-
for Hydrostatic Extrusion:
ing lower friction at the die entrance.
Scope and Possibilities
Inoue, Nakayama and Ariyama (Inoue
et al., 1981) showed that a much simpler It has been shown that good quality extru-
analysis produced a fit to data for PMMA in dates can be produced by hydrostatic extru-
16.3 Hydrostatic Extrusion 753

sion for a range of different polymers, ed because the exit velocity is proportional
including LPE, PP, POM and PMMA. For to exit die diameter for a given strain rate
simple non-circular sections the processing (Eq. (16-8) above). Hope and Parsons
conditions are very similar to those for a cir- (1980) showed that stable extrudates can
cular cross-section, but for tubular and also occur in an adiabatic regime and for
I-beam sections, higher pressures are R40 grade polyethylene extrudate veloc-
required due to higher strain rates in the de- ities up to -50 cm/min were achieved, as
formation zone and increased die friction. shown in Fig. 16-7 a. Similar results were
The major limitations of the hydrostatic presented by Inoue (Inoue, 1985) and are
extrusion process have been identified from shown in Fig. 16-7b, where the pressure
the analysis of the mechanics presented drop in stage II was shown to be due to adi-
above which explains why isothermal extru- abatic heating. It was proposed by Gibson
sion of small diameter material can only et al. (1978) that the level of adiabatic heat-
proceed very slowly at rates ~1 cm/min. For ing will be determined by the quantity vfdf/k
larger extrudates fast rates can be anticipat- where vf is the rate of extrusion, df the die

10 100 1000
v f (mm min"1)
DC o
CO 200

LU o A
D o S3 n
~Z. 150
O - *

DC i n n I j 1 i

0.001 0.01 0.1 1 10 100
Figure 16-7. (a) Extrusion pressure versus extrudate velocity for polyethylene-large scale R40 polyethylene
extrusion (r N = 90C, product diameter 15.5 mm) (Ward, 1985). Springer-Verlag. Reproduced by permission,
(b) Relationship between extrusion pressure and extrusion rate for hydrostatic and ram extrusion of LPE with
RN = 1 at room temperature. Hydrostatic Extrusion: O steel die, A polycarbonate, die nylon die. Ram Extru-
sion: steel die, A polycarbonate die (Inoue, 1985). Chapman & Hall. Reproduced by permission.
754 16 New Processing Technologies

exit diameter and k the thermal diffusivity oriented products show surprisingly high
of the polymer. fracture toughness values for the propaga-
In a recent development it has been shown tion of cracks both parallel and perpendic-
that the potential of the hydrostatic extru- ular to the draw direction.
sion process can be substantially increased
for polyethylene by pressure annealing the
polymer at high temperatures prior to extru- 16.3.3 Other Physical Properties
sion (Powell et al., 1990). The pressure
In addition to enhancement of Young's
annealing treatment has to be optimized so
modulus and strength, molecular orienta-
that thicker lamellar crystals are produced,
tion gives rise to changes in other physical
but without destroying the molecular net-
properties. These results have been revie-
work. The hydrostatic extrusion process
wed extensively elsewhere (Ward, 1985)
aligns the aggregate of highly oriented units
and include improvements in creep behav-
so that a highly oriented structure is pro-
ior, higher thermal conductivity, low axial
duced at comparatively low extrusion ratios
coefficient of thermal expansion, reduced
(-10). In this way high modulus products
shrinkage at high temperatures.
can be made more readily, and for a wider
range of polymer molecular weights. This
development is of particular interest in
understanding the relationship between 16.4 Die-Drawing
structure and deformation in polymers. It
could also have some practical utility for Any solid phase deformation process can
special applications, especially in the bio- be regarded as orienting the polymer by
medical area. taking a particular path across the true
Mention should also be made of the suc- stress-strain-strain rate surface. This is
cessful hydrostatic extrusion of glass-filled illustrated in Fig. 16-8 for hydrostatic extru-
polymers, including polyoxymethylene and
polypropylene (Hope et al., 1982). The
important additional factor here is the align- Extrusion
ment of the short glass fibers in addition to
the alignment of the polymer matrix. Prod-
ucts with outstanding mechanical properties
are produced. The development of elastic Drawing
anisotropy has been modeled to a good first
appropriation by the aggregate model,
where the development of fiber orientation
follows a simple pseudo-affine deformation
scheme where the axes of the fibers rotate
towards the draw direction in an identical
fashion to lines marked as the polymer
which can be assumed to deform at constant Figure 16-8. Schematic diagram of process flow
volume (Curtis et al., 1982). stress paths for elements of material undergoing
hydrostatic extrusion through a conical die of small
The fracture toughness of glass-filled semi-angle, compared with that for tensile drawing.
POM oriented by hydrostatic extrusion has (Ward, 1985). Springer-Verlag. Reproduced by per-
also been studied (Hine et al., 1993). The
16.4 Die-Drawing 755

i^ ^
T I ' ' - ....

d i 1 | 2 i
\ i

/1 "\ * HEATED



Figure 16-9. Schematic diagram of the die-drawing process: 1, 2, 3 are the drawing zones (Richardson et al..
1986). Elsevier Science Ltd. Reproduced by permission.

sion and tensile drawing. As already dis- (Coates and Ward 1970, 1979). Key results
cussed, hydrostatic extrusion through a con- are shown Fig. 16-10 a, where the final
ical die has a path of increasing strain and (maximum) deformation ratio RA (= origi-
strain rate. In tensile drawing, on the other nal/final cross-sectional area) is plotted as a
hand, the highest strain rates are experi- function of the haul-off velocity for two die
enced in the neck where the plastic strain is configurations defined by RN = 5 and RN = 1.
at an intermediate level and the flow stress RN is the ratio of the original billet cross-
therefore does not reach such high levels. sectional area to that of the die exit. As the
These considerations indicate that there will imposed draw speed is increased the extrud-
be merit in pulling a polymer through a heat- ing billet leaves the die wall and RA increas-
ed die and as shown in Fig. 16-9, allowing es markedly reaching a value of 20 for the
it to come away from the die wall and draw RN = 1 configuration. Figure 16-10 b shows
as in free tensile drawing. This leads to three that as in the case of hydrostatic extrusion
deformation regimes: and tensile drawing, the Young's modulus
depends to a good approximation only on
(1) The initial region where contact with the draw ratio, reaching a value of 20 GPa
the die wall is maintained and the deforma- for RA = 20. It is particularly important to
tion is essentially isothermal. note that, in contrast to hydrostatic extru-
(2) Free drawing within the die, at approx- sion, the highest deformation ratios are
imately the die temperature, but some adia- obtained at the highest draw speeds and even
batic heating is likely. in this demonstration reach values of
(3) Continuing deformation outside the 50 cm/min.
die until the polymer cools and reaches its
These results on polypropylene together
final deformation ratio.
with similar results obtained for the die
This very simple process was first dem- drawing of polyethylene by Gibson and
onstrated successfully for polypropylene Ward (1980) were sufficiently encouraging
756 16 New Processing Technologies

to ensure the construction of a large scale

facility capable of producing oriented rod,
sheet and tube in lengths up to 11 m (Rich-
ardson et al., 1986). In the first stage the
polymer billets were heated to the draw tem-
perature in a 18 m long tubular heating
chamber. A range of dies was available, and
these were treated in an independently heat-
ed block at one end of the heating chamber.
The polymer is drawn through the die,
gripped by suitable means, the gripper unit
being held in a load cell and capable of
travelling along a load bench of 11 m
length. The haul-off velocities can be
increased from a low value ~1 cm min"1
20 40 60 initially up to 2 m min"1 or higher in favor-
(a) Imposed Draw Speed (cm/min) able cases.
The batch die-drawing rig has been used
extensively to demonstrate the viability of
the process for a very wide range of poly-
mers, including polyethylene (both homo-
polymers and copolymers) polypropylene,
polyoxymethylene, polyvinylchloride, poly-
vinylidene fluoride, polyethylene terephtha-
late and polyaryletherketone.
The die-drawing process has been used to
produce high modulus and high strength
rods and monofilaments of polyethylene,
polypropylene and polyoxymethylene.
Square section rods of polyethylene can be
twisted in a slowly revolving chuck to pro-
duce "barley sugar" geometry suitable for
reinforcing concrete. This potential applica-
A, max tion has been evaluated by the Department
Figure 16-10. (a) Dependence of maximum steady of Civil Engineering at Leeds University
deformation ratio RA on imposed draw speed for PP (Kamal, 1983; Gowripalan, 1987; Gowrip-
copolymer die drawn at a nominal temperature of alan and Cusens, 1988). Monofilaments of
110C. (O,/?N = 7, 15.5 mm die, A,/? N = 5, 15.5 mm
die, A, RN = 5, 1 mm die) (Ward, 1985) Springer-
polyethylene and polypropylene have appli-
Verlag. Reproduced by permission, (b) Axial Young's cations for ropes, and this part of the tech-
modulus versus draw ratio for PP copolymer die nology has been licensed for commercial
drawn at 110C (O, /?N = 7, 15.5 mm die, A, RN = 5, production. It has been shown that very stiff
15.5 mm die, A, RN = 5, 7 mm die). Tensile drawing and strong polyoxymethylene monofila-
results for PP homopolymer fibres (dashed line),
hydrostatic extrusion of PP homopolymers (dotted
ments, suitable for cables, can be produced
line) (Ward, 1985). Springer-Verlag. Reproduced by combining die-drawing with a further
by permission. free tensile drawing stage.
16.4 Die-Drawing 757

Oriented sheet products have been pro-

duced by drawing rectangular cross-section
billets, either through a fixed geometry slit
die or the nip of a pair of 65 mm diameter
steel rollers (Richardson et al., 1986). The
possible application of these products for
earth reinforcement has been explored. The
oriented sheets also show high toughness
and impact strengths comparable with fiber
reinforced composites. An additional fea-
ture is that the sheets can be post-formed in
a fairly wide temperature range below the
polymer melting point, without any signif-
icant changes in structure or properties.
The fracture toughness behavior of these
die-drawn sheets is remarkable in that the
fracture toughness for cracks traveling both
parallel and perpendicular to the draw direc-
tion are greater than for isotropic material,
provided that there is suitable selection of
the polymer grade (Tsui et al., 1992). This
unusual result appears to stem from both the
molecular structure (in terms of the chemi- Figure 16-11. Tooling configurations for die-draw-
ing tube: (a) drawing to reduced bore; (b) drawing to
cal composition of the polymer) and a sig-
constant bore; (c) drawing to increased bore.
nificant degree of biaxial orientation due to
drawing at constant width.
Some of the most useful potential appli- the die-drawn sheet described above as a
cations derive from the production of orient- biaxially oriented polymer with consequent
ed tubes, especially where there is a high improvements in hoop stress and long-term
degree of biaxial orientation, and substan- stress rupture behavior (Fig. 16-12) (Sel-
tial enhancement of hoop strengths. The wood et al., 1989) Following these results it
initial evaluation of die-drawn tube was was surmised that there would be consider-
undertaken using the batch process, and sev- able benefit to be gained by die-drawing
eral configurations were explored, as shown over a mandrel to a substantially increased
in Figs. 16-11 a, b and c. In the first config- diameter, as shown in Fig. 16-1 lc. More-
uration (Fig. 16-11 a) the initial tubular bil- over it was also appreciated that a continu-
let is drawn through a die of smaller bore ous die-drawing process would be advanta-
than the outside diameter of the billet. This geous in terms of commercial viability. The
is akin to the die-sinking process for metals prototype facility developed at Leeds Uni-
and has been used to encapsulate an optical versity is shown in Fig. 16-13 (Morath
fibre and to contain explosive powder. In et al., 1993). The extruded polymer tube is
Fig. 16-1 l b the tube is drawn at constant cooled in a cooling bath and drawn in the
bore over a mandrel with the same diame- die-drawing chamber between two caterpil-
ter as the inner diameter of the initial billet. lars. A mandrel is located in the centre of
This gives a similar product structurally to the die to expand the tube in the hoop orien-
758 16 New Processing Technologies

tation producing hoop orientation, while the can be produced, which have been devel-
axial haul-off produces axial extension and oped for the manufacture of transparent cans
axial orientation, i.e., a biaxially oriented for fruit packaging. The structure and prop-
products is obtained. As shown in Fig. erties of these tubes have been discussed in
16-12 in polyethylene the major improve- several publications (Taraiya and Ward,
ment in hoop stress is accompanied by the 1991; Selwood et al., 1988). The die-
anticipated improvement in long term stress drawing process has also been used to pro-
rupture behavior (Hansard et al., 1994). duce uniaxially and biaxially drawn tubes
Biaxially oriented tubes have also been pro- from polyphenylene sulphide and poly
duced, with concomitant enhancement of 4-methylpentene-l (Carretal., 1994).
hoop strengths and impact behavior in poly- In the case of polyethylene tubes it has
propylene and PVC. PET transparent tubes been shown that joining by electrofusion
can be successfully performed with no loss
of properties (Hansard et al., 1994). Butt
IU i i
fusion welding, used in the start-up of the
8 A # Expanded continuous process is also feasible and 40%
CO * Bore of the un welded strength of the oriented tube
Q_ A A
6_ AA
A A Constant
- is retained, i.e., at least double that of iso-
tropic polymer.

Isotropic Bore
CO \
16.4.1 Mechanics
X of the Die-Drawing Process
i I i The mechanics of the die-drawing pro-
10" 1 10 103 10 5 cess have been analyzed for rod (Motashar
Time (h)
et al., 1993) and for tube (Craggs, 1990;
Figure 16-12. Stress rupture behavior of PE pipes at Kakadjian et al., 1996). The approach in all
80 C: A die drawn constant bore; die drawn biax-
ially oriented expanded bore; + expanded bore not cases was similar to that described for
yet failed (Ward, 1993). Steinkopff Verlag. Repro- hydrostatic extrusion, and starts by analyz-
duced by permission. ing the stresses in a small element of mate-

Mandrel Reheat Heavy Duty

Restraint Chamber Caterpillar
Bath (2m) Tube
Cable (1.5m) Haul Off

Light Duty
Vacuum Caterpillar Conical Mandrel/Die
Calibrator Haul Off

Extruded Tube (12m) Biaxially
Drawn Tube
Figure 16-13. Continuous die drawing line for biaxially drawn tube. (Ward, 1993). Steinkopff Verlag. Repro-
duced by permission.
16.4 Die-Drawing 759

Experimental (1=0-3
Theoretical \x=0 4

Theoretical |i_0-3
Theoretical u,=0-2 |J. U-U
Theoretical p.=01 20 1-
Theoretical u. =0-0

Ql 10S^ s
30 /^

Die Wai
/ /

$20 10 20 30 40 50 60
Distance from Die Entrance (mm)

Figure 16-15. Die wall pressure distribution in poly-

propylene GSE-108 drawn at 90 C through a conical
10 die of 5 semi-angle, billet speed 0.4 mm/s (Motashar,
1993). Society of Plastics Engineers. Reproduced
by permission.

10 20 30 40 50 60 70
Distance from Die Entrance (mm) effects are negligible. The strain and strain
Figure 16-14. Axial stress distribution in polypropy- rate at any point in the die can be obtained
lene GSE-108 drawn at 90 C through a conical die of from geometrical considerations, with rela-
5 semi-angle, billet speed 0.4 mm/s (Motashar, tionships exactly analogous to Eqs. (16-7)
1993). Society of Plastics Engineers. Reproduced
by permission.
and (16-8) above.
As for hydrostatic extrusion, the axial
stress in the die was predicted by a numeri-
rial in the die. An equation similar to cal solution to Eq. (16-12). This was verified
Eq. (16-10) above was obtained with by progressively cutting back the die exit
(giving a shorter die), and a typical compar-
(16-12) ison of experiment and theory is shown in
Fig. 16-14. It can be seen that the experimen-
where ox is again the axial stress, D, is the tal results are in excellent agreement with a
diameter of billet at the points, crf is the flow value of jU=0.1. The theoretical predictions
stress and for the die wall pressure corresponding to
Fig. 16-14 are shown in Fig. 16-15. It can be
(16-13) seen that this is always quite low compared
with the values of 200 MPa which can be
This is slightly different from Eq. encountered in hydrostatic extrusion. Hence
(16-3), where the approximation that the there is good justification for ignoring the
normal pressure is exactly oy meant that influence of hydrostatic pressure on the yield
B = 1 + \i cot a. Equation (16-12) was stress, another very valuable advantage of
derived on the assumption that ox - ay = af, the die-drawing process.
i.e., a simple Von Mises or Tresca yield cri- Motashar et al. (1993) also used a frozen
terion. grid pattern, making a special billet split
It was shown in Motashar et al. (1993) along a diameter and scribing parallel grid
that for die-drawing hydrostatic pressure lines 2 mm apart perpendicular to the flow
760 16 New Processing Technologies

direction. It was found that these scribed rises even for moderate haul-off velocities
lines remained essentially straight through- (-10 mm/min for initial billet diameters of
out the major part of the die, validating the 40 mm) can be significant (10C), but
theoretical analysis which assumes plug these are substantially reduced when heat
flow. The lines do, however, become pro- conduction is taken into account. Good
gressively more curved towards the die exit agreement was obtained between the theo-
and at the exit a pronounced curvature is retically predicted drawing stresses and
observed. This is due partly to die friction those determined experimentally for a range
effects and partly due to changes in the mag- of drawing speeds.
nitude and direction of the velocity field,
i.e., redundant shear, as discussed in the
case of hydrostatic extrusion. 16.5 Roll-Drawing
The mechanics of the die-drawing pro-
cess have also been analyzed for biaxially A comparatively recent development has
oriented tube. Craggs (1990) developed the been reported by Woodham and co-workers
force balance approach for this case also and (Burke et al., 1988) in Canada. This is roll-
showed that for PET a satisfactory analysis drawing where a thick sheet of polymer
could be based on the Tresca yield criterion (typically 1 cm thick) is drawn between two
using uniaxial stress-strain data for amor- sets of heated rolls, as shown schematical-
phous PET produced by Foster and Heap ly in Fig. 16-16. The first set of rolls acts
(1957). A similar analysis has been under- essentially like a reducing slit die (akin to
taken for biaxially oriented PVC tube die-drawing) although there is a slow rota-
(Kakadjian et al., 1996). In this case the tion to aid feeding the sheet through the nar-
biaxial deformation was modeled by the row gap. The second set of rollers rotates
Ogden equations for hyperelastic behavior, faster, with the ratio of the rotational speeds
which had been shown by Sweeney and of the two rollers determining the draw ratio.
Ward (1993) to give a good representation The roll-draw process has been exemplified
of stress-strain behavior of PVC at temper- with considerable success for polypropy-
atures above the glass transition. lene, producing sheet with high axial mod-
Finally, in a further analysis of the die- uli. The moduli/reduction ratio plots look
drawing of rod, Kukereka, Craggs and Ward very similar to those for tensile drawing,
(Kukereka et al., 1992) have taken into hydrostatic extrusion and die-drawing (see
account thermal effects due to the heat gen- Fig. 16-10 b) and Young's moduli of 20 GPa
erated by plastic deformation. In the were reported for a reduction ratio of 20. A
absence of heat conduction the temperature third and fourth set of rollers, rotating at



Figure 16-16. Schematic diagram of the

roll-drawing process.
16.7 References 761

speeds equal to that of the second set, can 16.6 Conclusions

conveniently be introduced to prevent relax-
ation of the drawn polymer as it cools down In this chapter four techniques for the pro-
on leaving the second set of rollers in its duction of oriented polymers in solid sec-
highly oriented state. tion have been reviewed. It is now evident
It appears from the account by Woodhams that considerable enhancement of properties
and his colleagues that roll-drawing of PP can be achieved in polymers by orientation
produced an essentially uniaxially oriented in the solid phase. The techniques are still,
product with no change in lateral stiffness. however, at the exploratory stage as far as
Structural studies by Yang, Chaffey and commercial developments are concerned. A
Vansco (Yang et al., 1994) showed that the great deal of progress has been made con-
structure became fibrous at the higher draw cerning the basic science, both in terms of
ratios, distinct fibers being visible in scan- understanding the mechanics of the process,
ning electron micrographs of fracture sur- and regarding the relationships between
faces. The development of orientation in properties and structure. Equivalent
these roll-drawn PP sheets has also been progress is required in terms of practical
studied by shear wave birefringence, the engineering if the full potential of the sci-
results showing good agreement with opti- entific advances is to be realized.
cal birefringence measurements (Mloszew-
skietal., 1992).
In another study Kaito, Nakayama and 16.7 References
Kanetsuna (Kaito et al., 1987) produced
Appelt, B., Porter, R. S. (1981), J. Macromol Sci.
highly oriented sheets of PP and LPE by Phys. B20, 21.
roller drawing. The development of crystal- Austin, A. R., Humphries, D. V., Fay, C. L. (1982),
line and amorphous orientation was then SPE, San Francisco, ANTEC p. 837.
Avitzur, B. (1968), Metal Forming: Process and Anal-
determined using infrared dichroism and ysis, McGraw-Hill, New York.
visible-ultraviolet dichroism. It was shown Barham, P. J., Arridge, R. G. C. (1977), J. Polym. Sci.,
that the deviation from symmetric uniaxial Polym. Phys. Ed. 15, 1177.
Briscoe, B. J., Tabor, D. (1978), Polymer Surfaces:
orientation was small, confirming the con- Clark, D. J., Feast, W. J. (Eds). New York: Wiley,
clusions made previously by Woodhams and Chap. 1.
his colleagues. Burke, P. E., Weatherly, G. C , Woodhams, R. T.
(1988), High Modulus Polymers: Zachariades, A.
Other studies relevant to roll-drawing are E., Porter, R. S. (Eds.). New York: Marcel Dekker,
those of Wang and Porter (1991) on ultra p. 459.
high molecular weight (UHMPE) reactor Capaccio, G., Ward, I. M. (1973), Nature, Phys. Sci.
243, 143.
powders processed by rolling and tensile Capaccio, G., Ward, I. M. (1974), Polym. 15, 233.
drawing to very high draw ratios (total draw Capaccio, G., Gibson, A. G., Ward, I. M. (1979), Ultra
ratio 86) giving Young's moduli as high as High Modulus Polymers: Ciferri, A., Ward, I. M.
(Eds.). London: Appl. Sci. Publ., p. 1.
81 GPa. It is also interesting to recall the Carr, P. L., Woods, D. W., Ward, I. M. (1994), Plast.
work of Austin and co-workers (1982) who Rubber Process. Appl. 22, 1993.
used hydrostatic extrusion to make a biax- Coates, P. D., Ward, I. M. (1978), J. Mater. Sci. 13,
ially oriented tube of PP, which was then slit, Coates, P. D., Ward, I. M. (1979), Polym. 20, 1553.
laid flat and annealed. Magill and co- Coates, P. D., Gibson, A. G., Ward, I. M. (1980),
workers (Magill et al., 1976) have also J. Mater. Sci. 15, 359.
Craggs, G. (1990), Proc. Inst. Mech. Eng. 204, 43.
explored the possibilities of rolling for the Curtis, A. C, Hope, P. S., Ward, I. M. (1982), Polym.
production of oriented polymers. Compos. 3, 138.
762 16 New Processing Technologies

Farrell, C. J., Keller, A. (1977), J. Mater. ScL 12, 966. Motashar, F. A., Unwin, A. P., Craggs, G., Ward, I. M.
Foster, E. L., Heap, H. (1957), Br. J. AppL Phys. 8, 400. (1993), Polym. Eng. Sci. 33, 1288.
Gibson, A. G., Ward, I. M. (1978), J. Polym. ScL, Odell, J. A., Grubb, D. T., Keller, A. (1978), Polym.
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