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Assignment Front Sheet

Qualification Unit Code / Unit number and title

Pearson BTEC Level 5 HND Diploma in Business

Unit 14 Working with and Leading People
(Management) (QCF)

Student name / BTEC Registration Number Assessor name

Nguyen Thanh Nhan (Drumbo) Elbert Bryan R. Vidal, MBA

Date issued Hand in deadline Submitted on

April. 12, 2017 May. 22, 2017 May. 22, 2017

Assignment title Managing Teams and Individual Performance (Assignment No.2 of 2)

Student to indicate clearly on the Evidence (Page no) their answers against the following assessment criteria
that can be found.

In this assessment you will have the

Learning Learning Assessment Task Evidence
opportunity to present evidence that
Outcome outcome Criteria no. (Page no)
shows you are able to:

Assess the benefits of team- working for 3

Be able to 3.1 an organisation
effectively in Demonstrate working in a team as a 6
leader and member towards specific
a team 3.2
LO3 goals, dealing with any conflicts or difficult

Review the effectiveness of the team in 7

3.3 achieving goals

Explain the factors involved in planning

4.1 and monitoring and assessment of work 9
Be able to performance
assess the
work and Plan and deliver the assessment of the 13
LO4 4.2 development needs of individuals
needs of
individuals Evaluate the success of the assessment 16
4.3 process

Student declaration

I certify that the work submitted for this assignment is my own. I have clearly referenced
any sources used in the work. I understand that false declaration is a form of malpractice.

Student signature: Date:

WLP A2 Apr 2017 1

In addition to the above PASS criteria, this assignment gives you the opportunity to
submit evidence in order to achieve the following MERIT and DISTINCTION grades
Grade Descriptor Indicative Contextualisation

M1 Identify and apply Effective judgments To achieve M1, the learner should
strategies to find have been made present recruitment documents which
appropriate solutions thoroughly adhere to existing and
applicable laws and provisions of the
United Kingdom.
(Task 1)

M2 Select/design and A range of sources of To achieve M2, the learner should be

apply appropriate information have been able to present a report which is
methods/techniques used derived and incorporates research
from a variety of reliable sources e.g.
law provisions, rulings, etc.
(Task 1 and 2)

M3 Present and An appropriate structure To achieve M3, the learner should

communicate appropriate and approach has been submit the report in a professionally
findings used acceptable form
(Task 1 and 2)
D1 Use critical reflection Self- criticism of To achieve D1, the learner should
to evaluate own work and approach has taken show an evaluation of their
justify valid conclusion place performance on the employee
screening simulation. (Task 1)
D2 Take responsibility for Activities have been To achieve D2, the learner should
managing and organising managed conduct a leadership training program
activities for a specific cohort successfully.
(Task 2)
D3 Demonstrate Convergent and lateral To achieve D3, the learner should
convergent/lateral/creative thinking has been show critical thinking skills in the report
thinking applied that will be presented (Task 1 & 2)

WLP A2 Apr 2017 2

Assignment Brief
Pearson BTEC Level 5 HND Diploma in Business
(Management) (QCF)
Unit number and title Unit 14 Working with and Leading People
Assessor name Elbert Bryan R. Vidal, MBA
Date issued Apr. 12, 2017
Hand in deadline May 22, 2017

Assignment title Managing Teams and Individual Performance (Assignment No.2of 2)


TASK 3 Managing Teams and Individual Performance in Whole Foods (LO 3.1, 3.2, 3.3)

In 1978, twenty-five year old college dropout John Mackey and twenty-one year old Rene
Lawson Hardy borrowed $45,000 from family and friends to open the doors of a small natural
foods store called SaferWay, in Austin, Texas. When the couple got booted out of their
apartment for storing food products there, they decided to simply live at the store. Since it was
zoned commercial, there was no shower stall. Instead, they bathed in the Hobart dishwasher,
which had an attached water hose.

Two years later, John and Rene partnered with Craig Weller and Mark Skiles to merge
SaferWay with their Clarksville Natural Grocery, resulting in the opening of the original Whole
Foods Market on September 20, 1980. At 10,500 square feet and a staff of 19, this store was
quite large in comparison with the standard health food store of the time.

Today, Whole Foods Market, Inc. is the largest natural-foods grocer in the United States with
more than 300 stores in the U. S., Canada and the United Kingdom. WF's 2012 annual sales
are $11 billion, and net profit of $465,5 million. But what does John Mackey think about
money? As he said in an interview: "I still grow in financial success because I have a numbers
of investments that continue to flourishbut WF is trying to fulfil a deeper purpose, and I have
to embody that deeper purpose. The money thing is a distraction, its so easy for people to
judge you, saying that you did that, or got a lot of moneybut if you are able to take the
money out of the equation then you are doing it for the "service" to fulfil that mission for the
organization, so that it creates a certain purity in your motive. One thing I know is what the
right move is because of how the team members are responding. Team members are so
excited. Why? Because these guys they really believe in their mission" Like he also said:
"purpose inspires people, and purpose releases creativity".

WLP A2 Apr 2017 3

Their motto states Whole Foods, Whole People, and Whole Planet and emphasizes that
on their vision that reaches far beyond just being a food retailer. Their success in fulfilling their
vision is measured by customer satisfaction, Team Member excellence and happiness, return
on capital investment, improvement in the state of the environment, and local and larger
community support.properly conduct an interview, as well as how to prepare assessment
sheets of the person you have interviewed. You will be marked based on how well you did the
interview and how keen you were in observing the applicants responses and behaviour
during the interview.

Team Leader member

The Whole Foods strategy combines democracy with discipline in working and management.
The Whole Foods culture braids a strong sense of community with a fierce commitment to
productivity. It's a virtuous circle: rank-and-file participation reinforces individual attention to
performance and profits; solid financial results give people more freedom to innovate. Mackey
imagined the impact if every single person working for a company were able to be a creator
and innovator. A working place, in which Team members could be enable, capable,
empowered and challenged to unleash their entrepreneurial energy and their creativity to help
improve their team, store and company. He always thought about innovation as a constant
business objective also enhanced from bottom-up. As he mentioned once: "Any organization
that depends on a few geniuses at the top and outside consultants, regardless of how brilliant
they are, is at a competitive disadvantage to businesses that more fully utilize all of their
intellectual capital and decentralized knowledge".

Self directed teams: competition -and collaboration

The fundamental work unit of the company is the self-directed Team. Teams meet regularly
to discuss issues, solve problems and appreciate each other's contributions. Every Team
Member belongs to a Team, being very committed to business objectives, values and
Whole Foods recognizes the importance of smaller tribal groupings to maximize familiarity
and trust. Trust is the glue that holds everything together throughout the company. They
organize their stores and company- into a variety of interlocking teams. Most teams have
between 6 and 100 team members, and the larger teams are subdivided further into a

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variety of sub-teams. The leaders of each team are also members of the Store Leadership
Team and the Store Team Leaders are members of the Regional Leadership Team. This
interlocking team structure continues all the way upward to the Executive Team at the
highest level of the company.
Teams and only teams have the power to approve new hires for full-time jobs. Store
leaders screen candidates and recommend them for a job on a specific team. But it takes a
two-thirds vote of the team, after what is usually a 30-day trial period, for the candidate to
become a full-time employee. This hiring referendum affects the behaviour of everyone
involved in the process: the job candidate, the team, and the store team leader. Store
leaders take great care not to recommend people they don't think the team will approve. The
team is the cornerstone of Whole Foods Market; thus the team meeting is where all values
come to reality. Each team in all 300 stores meets continuously. Each store meets monthly
as a team as well. More often, they are an opportunity for team members to swap stories,
constantly learn analysing guest comments and job improvement opportunities, solve
problems, and share information. They are central to how stores operate and improve an
important ritual for promoting group accountability and reinforcing the company's values.
Trust, between team members and managers, is decisive. At Whole Foods that trust is
optimized in this type of smaller team organizational structure. This is because each person
is a vital and important member of his or her teams. The success of the team is dependent
upon the invaluable contributions of everyone on the team. Trust is optimized when it flows
between all levels within the organization. Whole Foods structural organization is very
decentralized, the basic operating unit is based on teams; each team such as grocery,
bakery, fruits and vegetables, meat and seafood, cashiers, prepared foodsworks as
independent units with much decision power, committed to business objectives, values and
mission. Teams are also fundamental in company improvements and innovation.
Teams compete against their own goals for sales, growth, and productivity; they compete
against different teams in their store and against similar teams in different stores and
regions. This competition is a major reason why performance information is so available
within an open-book-management philosophy. Since every team can measure other teams
performance, there is a healthy competition among businesses, comparing performance
indicators such as sales, profits, and customer satisfaction The main vehicle for
competition at Whole Foods is an elaborate system of peer reviews through which teams
benchmark each other. But they also collaborate sharing knowledge and best practices, as
Mackey view: it is natural for people both compete and collaborate.

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Task 4 Localization of Management

For more than a decade, Vietnam has experienced the influx of foreign workers to fill in the
skills and talent gap that most industries need as they operate in Vietnam. Engineers,
doctors, teachers and other professionals were welcome to work and provide knowledge
transfer to the Vietnamese, with the end in view that these multinational companies that are
built will be fully managed by local people.

One of these companies is Angry Monkey- an American mobile game producer. Having
three studios in Vietnam, this company is home to almost 3,000 employees. In the early
goings of the company, it has consistently relied on foreigners to occupy supervisory, middle
management and even senior level management positions. At the bottom level, game
developers and trouble shooters are grouped into teams who are in charge of developing
and refining games for different mobile devices. A team is typically composed of more than
20 people and is managed by at least one Lead Developer.

Ancillary jobs like Human Resources, general services and accounting are managed by the
local people in coordination and guidance of the headquarters in California.

Like other companies, Angry Monkey is already in the position of localizing employment
including the supervisory and management positions. At the moment, there are around 60
foreign supervisors and 15 middle and senior level managers that run Angry Monkey
Vietnam. As the company deals with this transition, it is pressed with several obvious issues.
Is the company ready for the transition?

This is where your expertise as an Human Resource Management consultant comes in. In
your HR audit which was done by your team two months ago, you have pinpointed several
problem areas that you have to address to smoothen the transition, These are;
1. Communication barriers. There is no doubt about the capability of the people to
develop and trouble shoot games. However, the best candidates for the soon to be
vacated positions, have limited English communication skills.
2. Underdeveloped management skills. Most of the employees are graduates of IT or
computer related courses. 85% of them however, have no formal training nor
experience in managing people.
3. Compensation adjustment. It has been the policy of the company to keep

WLP A2 Apr 2017 6

compensation matters confidential. However, due to the current HRs carelessness,
some information about the salary structure of management personnel have leaked
out. This draw the ire of local employees who were aspiring for management
positions. One candidate even filed a complaint at the headquarters saying, their
(the foreigners) work is similar to ours, but they get 75% higher than what we are

4. Screening the best applicants. The communication and lack of management skills
issues are common to all the candidates for management. With respect to work, all
of them are at par with each other. The fact of the matter is that there are not enough
management positions for all the aspiring candidates to management. This is a
serious problem, since rival companies are more than eager to pirate these
candidates but Angry Monkey does not want to lose any of its talents.

These four issues are your top priority. As a consultant, your task is to assist the company in
the transition. You are tasked to develop a plan for the transition, which should be
operational by March 2018. In your plan, make sure to address these;

4.1 Explain the factors involved in planning and monitoring and assessment of work

4.2 Plan and deliver the assessment of the development needs of individuals

4.3 Evaluate the success of the assessment process

Summary of evidence required by student Evidence presented

Prepare a presentation that accentuates the

Task 3 effectiveness of teams and how to evaluate
team performance

Prepare a written report that discusses and

suggests how to plan and develop individuals
Task 2 using the perspective of the attached case

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Sources of information


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1. The assignment should have a cover page that includes the assignment title,
assignment number, course title, module title, Lecturer/tutor name and students
name. Attach all the pages of assignment brief/achievement summary with your
report and leave them blank for official use.

2. Ensure that authenticity declaration has been signed.

3. This is an individual assignment.

4. Content sheet with a list of all headings and page numbers.

5. A fully typed up professionally presented report document. Use 12 point Arial or

Times New Roman script.

6. Your assignment should be word-processed and between 2,000 to 2,500 words in


7. Use the Harvard referencing system.

8. Exhibits/appendices are outside this limit.

9. The assignment should contain a list of any references used in the report.


Check carefully the submission date and the instructions given with the assignment.
Late assignments will not be accepted.
Ensure that you give yourself enough time to complete the assignment by the due
Do not leave things such as printing to the last minute excuses of this nature will
not be accepted for failure to hand-in the work on time.
You must take responsibility for managing your own time effectively.
If you are unable to hand in your assignment on time and have valid reasons such as
illness, you may apply (in writing) for an extension.
Failure to achieve a PASS grade will results in a REFERRAL grade being given.
Take great care that if you use other peoples work or ideas in your assignment, you
properly reference them in your text and any bibliography.
NOTE: If you are caught plagiarizing, the University policies and procedures
will apply.

WLP A2 Apr 2017 9

Achievement Summary

Pearson BTEC Level 5 HND E.B. VIDAL

Qualification Diploma in Business Assessor name
(Management) (QCF)
Unit Number Unit 14 Working With and Leading
Student name
and title People
Criteria To achieve the criteria the evidence must show that the Achieved?
Reference student is able to: (tick)
LO 3
3.1 Assess the benefits of team- working for an organisation

Demonstrate working in a team as a leader and member towards specific

3.2 goals, dealing with any conflicts or difficult situations

3.3 Review the effectiveness of the team in achieving goals

LO 2
Explain the factors involved in planning and monitoring and
4.1 assessment of work performance

Plan and deliver the assessment of the development needs of

4.2 individuals

Evaluate the success of the assessment process


Higher Grade achievements (where applicable)

Achieved? Achieved?
Grade descriptor Grade descriptor
(tick) (tick)

D1: Use critical reflection

M1: Identify and apply strategies to find
to evaluate own work and
appropriate solutions
justify valid conclusion

D2: Take responsibility for

M2: Select/design and apply
managing and organising
appropriate methods/techniques

D3: Demonstrate
M3: Present and communicate
appropriate findings

WLP A2 Apr 2017 10

Assignment Feedback

Formative Feedback: Assessor to Student

Action Plan

Summative feedback

Feedback: Student to Assessor

Assessor Signature Date

Student Signature Date



DATE : ...............................................................

VERIFIED BY : ................................................................

NAME : ................................................................

WLP A2 Apr 2017 11

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