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Useful Information


If you decide to apply for one or more of our educational programmes, you
need to be informed about the student hostel and cafeteria.
Student Hostel The student hostel offers accommodation for about
1000 students. Besides the student hostel, there are a number of
accommodation options to suit different lifestyles and budgets.
Student Cafeteria The student cafeteria can provide three meals a day
for 200 people. It serves a wide selection of items that appeal to every
taste, regardless of culture, gastronomic or culinary preferences. If it fails
to do so, you can go to any restaurant in town.

If you need linen cleaning services, you can call the Student hostel
laundry or any other laundry in town.
Prices are reasonable and services are of very good quality.

All the university buildings provide wireless connections.
For any medical emergency you may CALL 112. Medical services are
provided by the County Hospital, the Childrens Hospital, the Infectious
Diseases Hospital and private clinics for all branches of medicine.

The students from the EU countries, who benefit from Erasmus mobility
grants or non EU students, have the insurance conditions stipulated in the
application study documents. They can also provide additional dental
care, cosmetic surgery, etc. Any detail about their health (allergies,
intolerances, phobias, etc.) is of major importance in a possible
emergency intervention.

You may find pharmacies with a large variety of pharmaceutical and
beauty products all over the town. They are open from 8.00 am to 10.00
pm Monday to Saturday. In hypermarkets, pharmacies are also open on
Sundays. There are Pharmacies which are open 24/24h: Calea Craiovei,
bl. B1 (Complex Boema).

There are banks all over the town that can exchange any currency.
Do not exchange your money in the street! The best places to exchange
your money are banks. If you have national currency cards, you can easily
access the ATM anywhere in the town or on campus.

Country: Romania
County: Arge County
Area: 40.7 km (15.7 m2)
Population (2002): 168,458
Density: 4,136 inhaitants/km (10,712.2/ m2)

Welcome to Arge - the place where the most beautiful legend of the
enduring monastery of the craftsman Manole was worded, the place
where the Romanian people and feudal states were founded, where some
of the most famous Wallachian lords settled their courts, from where
historians and scholars took their wings. Arge ranks the second in the
country in terms of forested area in the north of the county where the
highest mountain range in Romania lies (the Fgra massif), separated
by the Rucr-Bran corridor.

Historical Arge: Goleti Museum Complex, Liviu Rebreanu Memorial

House, Perticari Davilla family mansion, Blceanu-Stolnici family
mansion, Poienari and Oratia citadels, Jidava Roman camp, Glavacioc
feudal assembly, Negru-Vod feudal assembly.
Spiritual Arge: Royal Church and Monastery of Arge, Stone Ravens
Monastery, Nmieti Monastery, Robaia Monastery, Brdet Hermitage,
the wooden church in Jupneti.
Arge-nature and relaxation: Piatra Craiului National Park,
Dmbovicioara Keys, Dmbovicioara Cave, Blea Lac Ice Hotel, Brusturet
Keys, Vlsan Keys, nvrtita Lake the only lake in the country formed on
gypsum strata, Bdeti and Brdet Balneary and Climatic Resorts, Mateia
Entertainment in Arge: Blea Lake mountain complex with ski and
snowdoarding slopes, dozens of clubs and cosy terraces in the City of
Tulips, leisure opportunities and outdoor activities, a dynamic and lively
Piteti Tradition and Modernity: Attested by documents on the 20th
of May 1388, in a title deed on behalf of the prince Mircea the Old, the
merchant town of Piteti developed trades, handcrafts and agriculture.
The history of every nation is marked by true family dynasties that
changed its decisive course. Early modern era is connected to Tudor
Vladimirescus name and Piteti due to its strategic position in Piteti-
Cmpulung-Muscel-Trgovite triangle was considered a presumptive
center of revolutionary resistance. Goleti (Dinicu, Alexander, Nicholas)
and Brtianu (John, Vintil, Dinu, George) names and facts dedicated to
public services are bound together in the history of this region. Important
cultural vestiges were traced nearby St Georges Church built up in 1656
as the first multi-storey arched-brick architectural composition, and near
Trivale Hermitage built by Varlaam, the Metropolitan scholar. When the
regnant prince Alexandru Ioan Cuza visited Piteti on the 19th of June
1859, the townspeople presented him a four-colour chart of the city. At
that time, in Piteti there were 1,400 houses, 7,000 inhabitants, a
Romanian teacher training college, two private schools providing tuition in
German and Greek, a boarding school for girls who studied French and
German. At the same time, the city had 10 Orthodox churches, an
Armenian one, a synagogue and a 30-bed hospital. During the interwar
period, the writers Vlad Muatescu and Ion Slite were born in Piteti. It is
here where Liviu Rebreanu, the writer, Ion Pillat, the poet, Mihail Sorbul,
the playwright, George Vlsan, the geographer, Dumitru Udrescu, the
folklorist carried out their lifelong activities.
Piteti embodies the Tulip Symphony, a floriculture exhibition and
symbolic festival of the city which gathers each year officials and public
servants from all over the country as well as diplomats and foreign service
officers of other countries.

Piteti a cultural city

Piteti Philharmonic Orchestra, the district Museum and the first digital
planetarium in Romania for virtual astronomy education, Arge County
Library, the Cultural Centre, Brtianu Cultural Centre, Piteti House of
Culture, Piteti School of Arts and Crafts, Alexandru Davilla Theatre, Piteti
Military Circle, Art Gallery, County Center for Preservation and Promotion
of Traditional Culture in Arge, Students House, Palace of Children and
Students, Ars Nova Chamber Choir, Dorul Folk Dance Group.

Piteti - city of sports performances

The Olympic Swimming Pool, Nicolae Dobrin Stadium, Swimming, skating,
tennis and football complex, Polyvalent Hall, Weighlifting Complex and
Nautical Complex at Bascov, the karting track, Arge Sports Museum.
Sports performance is achieved through Municipal Sports Club (MSC), FC
Arge footbal teams, Piteti and FC international Piteti basketball teams
(BCMUS Piteti and BCA Piteti), women volleyball team.

Piteti city of nature

Parks and gardens (Trivale Forest, Expo Park, trand Park, Tineretului Park,
Lunca Argeului Park), the Zoo, fitness parks and the fountains in all city
district (including the Musical Fountain in the City Hall Square) the two
outdoor swimming pools.

Piteti city of events

The Tulip Symphony (April, every year), Zavaidoc Old Fiddle Music
National Festival (the end of November), the Autumn Fair (October, every
year), Piteti Days (May, every year), 3FEST Festival.

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