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ENGINEERING DATA REPORT NUMBER 48 CRSI YF EVALUATION OF REINFORCING BARS IN OLD REINFORCED CONCRETE STRUCTURES INTRODUCTION Most proctiing structural engasers sooner or later face the task of evaluating of structs. Tas {ak ig ahvays an introsting challenge, because iis rover a routine application ofthe arent pedi I Sesign. Onners commonly require re-evaluation when ‘lonring a change m Bulag usage, restoration, 20a font storia, or ateraladdtion in any combination. Frequenty, the orginal contract documents, the "as bit” revlon, and 90 cn, canto ke found The structural enginoring chalenge is twofold. Feet, tho material proportion must be determined for the congrete, The concrete can andusualy does gon 25 paroont or more strength than had a 28 days, bb the concrete ca aloe have deteriorated under We cr chomeal exposures, The Second challenge co tome the renforeng bars — determing the yl ronath the bar siz athe eros sectional teas. {he ioeatons othe bare, effective pth of strustor al members, the bonding and cutoft details of the bars and development angths (bos and anchorage). ‘Where documentation is lacking forthe existing strcture, tho following abbrevate! hitory of ran Forcing bors may bea usell starting pont Reference 1 is an excellent presentation on the history ofreinforoed conereteInelied in the article ae lluttions of @ vorety of patented renforcing burs, and_an extensive het of references regarding des, design and eontruction, anf reports on land mar tots REINFORCING BARS — SPECIFICA- TIONS, BAR SIZES AND ALLOWABLE STRESSES. Specifications. Reinforcing bar, © we keow thom today, come about in 1900. Specisations sore frst developed by the Asooaaton of American ‘Steel Manufscturers in. 1910, Tho. Ameican Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM) opted. stendard psctteation AIS for bilotstel coxcrte reinforcing bore in 1011. Relaocsing bare were plain and ‘Sefomed in structural, intermediate nd hard gracias (rinimum yl strengths), o deformed oldie Structural grade (micimam = 38,000 ps) was na ‘may used, unless otharwiesspoctied. The spoctied ‘insmum ytd stongita of stuctra,itermed te, {har grades were 38,000, 40,000, and 80,000 ps ‘especie. The minimum’ yield strength of old Tovsted bars was spectid at 85,00 pa AST also issued sine specications fr a steel (A16) and sale soe! (ATED) restoring bas. ‘The micimum yo strength for ralsteel bars was 50,000 ps anid orate! bars the eame afr bi [ot stl bare, Table 1 summarizes the ASTM spooiations for reinforcing bare from 1911 tothe present Bar Sizes. Tobe 2 shows the standard reinforcing bar ‘zee recommended by the Joint Commitice on ‘Standard Spooticatione for Concrete and Reinforced Contre nite 1924 Report (Rolerense 2. ‘Allowable Stresses. Some early authorities stated thot ailabiostrosse in teacion nth rinforcoment higher than 12,000 pst show "very lite tobe gare tneconsmy” and roconmended a maxima of 13,000 ps (erence 3). Recommendadalloweble stresses In tansion in. the 1924 Joint Commitee Report eterence 2) were: © 16,00 psi for stctual grade and rai steo! bare © 18:00 ps for intermediate andhard rade bas nd trate bars In ts 140 Report, the Joint Committe increased its recommended sloweble stresses te Tension © 18,000 pst for etructural grade bare © 20.000 pal for ntarmediate and hard grades or rast! bare 1 16,000 ps forall web reinforcement Compression '® 16,000 pst for intarmadiateorade bore © 20,000 ps! for hard grade or val too bore Table Reinforcing Bars 1911 to Present; ASTM Speci ‘Tensile Strengths in fsi tions; Minimum Yield and fe [es | | |e 4 [i | fa [ee | Se [oe Tae ame ao Toney aaa [ae a wom | wae] —T a = Te ee a ee co co a et oe | fo a a eo ‘we sai3 | Fai FE I 50,000 | 00,000, f T oo a fans ts Tat war Bas a Saas fe fro co fer ee ee 35 {Ses} —| oe eS ia ae ef — t a Ta are somes — 1 — fmf Pn rf BOND AND ANCHORAGE Ta te aloe oon sos. Ur tis [Aftor establishing the yield strength of the ren forcing bas, the nest important propery requred for ‘evaluation of old structures coneorts bond. and ‘anchorage. Steel rls the USA cempetad conver ‘Soe of ther pevteton thigh bond deformations ‘bout 1947, which continue virtua unchanged tothe present day." Ie 1987, ASTAfaued a specication, Gesgnated ab ADS, whch preserised requremer fordetormstions on reinforcing bars. Ths AdOS spa fication eusted fom 1949 to 1968. In 1968, the requirements for deformations were neg ito the Spectieations Tor reinforcing bare -ABiS (ole Stee), ABTS (ral ste, and AB17 Clete. For older structures, itt prudont te conalr a asities of reinforcing’ bar-"plsin rong, ol-ele Geformad: twisted square, and Bo on conservatively Sand simpy a5 50 parent a8 fective in bond end anchorage as current bars. In ther wards, the tension development lengths, fy. forthe ol tors would be twe (double) the fy reguled fer mode reinforcing ors, Since most ettength design raves fo Nxare wil be based on & yield strength, ~ 33,000 pal Instead of today's 60,000 pai the terion develo ment length for the old bars ean be determined by {ding 10 percent to any cument table oF fonsion ‘evelopment lengths, fy. for madera renfrcing bars ‘Tha main defences encountered In old strctures wl be i tension lp spice length provided for bars larger than #6, ana typiel dete with op bars lrg for than #6 cut of 2¢ 025 tinea car ah Standard end hooks, 90" or usaly 180°, on old style bors in earl cades were consider to develop ‘Strength dasign method hs val woud approximate 1,72 = (0:901(88,000 psd/2 = 18,000 ps. DETAILS OF REINFORCING BARS period 1800 to 1940, design standards and scoomps. Frying tyiealdetals of riaoreng bars evolved gree {nly bopinning ath bordering vanetyof pened Systems. Whore design drawings or project spats: tons ae not avaiable, and no clue remains to the sy tem wd caution fe particulry prudent. Many ofthe ter patentad syetina would be considered much Tess effective todny—come were theoretically sound went out of ste because of high cost, but oth ‘ors wore based upen theory nat acceptable toy In Two-way slob, do nat sscume that there was 6nly two-way reinforcement. Especially. if the topmost lsyer is csappeintingy ight. ema be part of a our: way eter, th four eyes Instead oF to, Look for ‘agonal bands of bars, Where xgial design drawings ae rot avalabe, ‘ypleal dete fer rerforcng bare ab shown in ACL Betting Manuals (Relerence 4) were commonly ued since 1947. These typical detail canbe assumed and ‘sod fornia alulatone original ear loads ere Known’ In ary case, these caleuatons shoul bs con frm or motied a= soon data on bar sizes, bar Spacings, an efective depths of stuctra membre tan be checked i tha field Paniculaty for flexural members, load tests ore ‘expecially convincing whan used to check clouated {epocty based vpan materia tests and reconstituted Jacng drawings, In particu, even non-destructive Foad tests can thus be used to vahdete called datoctons bore and after cracking, (Reterence Columns. Nondestructve curfacs tests should be mployed at umoraus location te evlust the con ‘cote. it isnecesary,colurm corte cover can be Temoved to observe vertical bar sas, api detail ties oF spirals. otc, and roplaced with hile or no Impairment of the srueturl capac Load teats On ‘column are generaly not feasible, and ao evaluation of ealumn strongth must be arabia. Even ting ut sample tast coven to determine conerste strength Se nat generaly sdvable, snco verte reiforg bore may be damaged and repladng vemoved cor rata ent lily tbo efectos, Under present codes, the cortibution of spiral reinforcement to column capacity considerably ese than under ld codes. In a preset day evalution, therefore, spa alums, especialy square or rectan (ul are more Hey to li the total capacity than fled columns, Locating Reinforcing Bars. Instruments now aval able permit the user to leate ant Too inal Teinforsing bore inside conerte sisbe or beams, ‘Soma give aocurata incations forthe depth of con tele cover and even relative sizeof bar Again, t= footable to calbrate auch reading by exposing the bare at some non-real locators, These readings ‘ate partially valuable in ee-conevucting the design ‘etal bend points, cutoff poina, and bar 9p00 inge-at least forthe outside layers of bars. CONCRETE PROPERTIES ‘he present day conerte_propartias i place shouldbe determined by test. Event? orginal project Spectieatone ae avaiable, sha spaced caneste omprosave strength 2, is aot smb value years lator Evelution of recent in placa coneete strength ‘may be demonstrated by several nore or less nor Aeateacive methods. Tha ASTRA standard tat ath os ae (@) Test of castin place cylinders, ASTM 0873 (ited to use slabs) (0) Paleo veloaty testing, ASTM C597 (6) Rebound numb, ASTM CBS (@) Penetration resistance, ASTI C803 (6) Pullout strength, AST CEO It shouldbe noted that al these methods require coralation wth stength teats on ailled cores. The ‘meesuremontsoftheoe vatous properties of coneete Sr relared'ocompressne strongth, fonsiestanath, or mors of alasisty which er be converted to ‘Compressive strength of standard erlndor for design strongth, Even iatruments purporting to read “por with “conversions provided” must be eliorted with the tests on cores rm the actual conrote in ques ton Table 2—Standard* Reinforcing Bar Sizes fc) Round See St. Stine ty nc an tel ped | Rr gn oe . Incanto apn he eat of cd SELECTED REFERENCES 1. "Roinforcad Conecate at the Turn ofthe Century’ by Rober’ €. Loos, AC! ‘Conoreta Internationa, December 1991, pp. 87-73 2, "Racommanded Practice and Standard Specific tne for Cane ant Rrinfomed Concrete by Joint Commitee an Standard Specfestions for Canceate and Reinforoad Concrete: the committee vane com posed of representatives of ACI, AIA, AREA, ASCE, ASTM and PCA Reports wore putlshad in 1916, 1824 an 1940, 8. Principles of Reinforced Concrete Construction, by FE. Tureau and €R. Maurer John Wisy & Sone, Now Vere 1908 4, AOI Detaiing Manual for Buldngs, 1947, ACI Committee 315, and Dstaling Manual 1957, 1985, 1974, 1380, 5, *FullScola Load Testing of Structures", STP.702, ASTM, 1960 (Symposium Collection OTHER RESOURCES ACI Building Codes, 1928, 1996, 1941, 1947, 1951, 1966, 1965, 1971, 1977, "Strength Evaluation of Exating Structures”, Chapter 20, ACI 31877, ACI 18°83, ACI 318-80 “Application of ACI $18 Lood Test Requirements”, by RUC. Eun D.P Guctafoon JM. Hanson and PE Flice, CRS! Professional Members Bulltn, No. 16, 1967, CRS!, 11 pp “Strength Evaluation of Exsting Concrete Buisings (ACHSTH 91)", by ACI Committan 47, 24 pp. This report No. 48 replaces EOR No. 11 SOFT METRIC REINFORCING BARS While the focus of thie report is en the pat, te Important for reador ofthis Gocumert to be aware of ment industry prsctien rogaring soft mete rein fering brs. The term sat metric" isused nthe con text of bar sizes and bor ze designatona. “Soft met te converslon” meane deserting the nominal Omen Sons of neh pound reinforcing bars ates of metic ate, but ot pyscaly canging the bar ze. In 1997, producers of rvforang bars the steel ris) bean fo phase i the producto a soft mete bare Within fon years the silt excuve production of soft metre renforcing bars was asset achaved. Viualy‘l renfrcng bars currently prodied inthe USA ore soft metic The sos! milnative of eat metre conversion enables the indsty fo furich the ame reinforeng brs to nh-pound estton pro} tele 98 well at to metric construction project, and sliinats tho need forthe ates! lls and fabreators to maintains dual inventory Thus, USAproduced ‘ehforing bare furashed to ry constuction project Ios kel ibe sot matic. ae Designations of Bar Sizes. Tho ses of soft mate reinforcing bars ore physical the sere ss the core sponding sizes of ich pound bara. Soft metre bar l2ee, which are designated #10, #13, #16, and soon orrespond to inch pound ba ios #3 #4, #5, and so fn, The metric bar desatons ae singly a relabelng (ofthe inch pound bar designations. The folowing table Shows the oneto-ane cormespandenos he oft met ‘ie bar sles tothe mch-poud arses. Soft Metric Bar Sizes vs. Inck-Pound Bar Sizes ‘Soh Meio Bar ‘neh Found Bar Size Designation Size Disignstion #0 a5 19 #6 a o ws rf wa 7 2 fo 26 a 2 ma 7 Be IMinimom Yield Strongths or Grades, Vitualy all ‘teal milan the USA are carrentyprodcing reno ing bars to meet tho motre requirements Tor tense Properta in the ASTM specications, Minimum yk ‘Srengthe in metric unite are 200, 360,420 end 20 ‘Ma fmegapaacals), which are equivalent to 40,000, £0,000, 66000 and 75,000 pe, respanvey. Metre (Grade 420s the counterpart of stondord Grade 60, Bar Marking. Soft metic reinforcing bare are ‘equred tobe identifies with the Procuoss mil des Ignation, bare, typo of steal, and minum yield Strength or grade. For example, conalder the mtfang ‘euivemanta fo a #25, Grage 420 meine bar, ch ' the counterpart ofan inch-pound #8, Grade 60 bar FRegaring the bar a0 and grade, the ASTM spec tations raqurathe numbar "25" tobe ole ont the Surface ofthe matric arto iene ts see. Foran tng or designating the ld strength or grade, the ASTM specifeatiors prove an option. A ml can ‘hoase to vale "4" (the fst digit inthe grade mr thon ont tho bar, or ol an adaitenallongtudinal rib oF grade Ine to lndcate Grade 420 The 27th Edition ofthe CRS! Manual of Standard roatice waa publishes in March 2001. Chapter tin the Manual intudes 9 detaled presentation of the Inch-pound. and metic requirements in the, STAI ‘pecteations fr refering bars. Append inthe Manual show the bor marks used by ISA producers to dently Grode 420 sof mele brs More information about soft met reinforcing bar sso provided in Enginering Data Report No 42, "Using Soft Metre Reinforcing Bars in Non Matic Construction Projacte”” EDR No.2 san be {und on CRSts Wabi at Readors ofthis report are also encouraged to vit the CRS! Wsbats for 1 Descriptions of CRS! publeations and soft ware, and ordering inferation «© Istute documents avalable fa downlosding « Tecincal information on epasy-costed reifore ing bare © Technical information on continuously reinforced concrete pavement ‘6 Membership in CASI and member web inks ‘© General information on the CRS! Foundation «= Information on the CASI Design Awards com patton Phone: 847/517-1200 CONCRETE REINFORCING STEEL INSTITUTE 933 N. Plum Grove Road, Schaumburg, Ilinois 60173-4758 Fax: 887/517-1206 4 caso sf eae syed tegen sca ght once ‘pci bo er bg Te sacl ‘eels td ttc igor (See een oe gerbe ee ‘wo wot cgi dine Contin ‘Seton ae oases co Seman aly Going fem Calas ad plover es etemnaen rot e lowesttscoped Exige acne) eae of 38 pars per err Sceiposraneat eee aC. hon wilt dresden ff vey weary mies 180 oe scone tacoma etnefely Tesocialghtveicnceaiet Sic ti ce Sons ry sac sl ‘ies sted hat mer nt ‘te wa coe i gen, Suc tghweigh Concrete Comer oe thar regan ee fesornme of snr pee coe Sphere eps rte Nig MT eyo ‘suck frewcrse meer Ti ip ‘icone stare banc (itd espa dee Ste scent of rect iginra cor ‘Gee econitoenesperti Pawan ‘Snir art ina See Oa eo be we os ‘The ingermce of sseing desea sunigltouatleivcgeeees iste nei ae {5 mmparan ccuraey eva the Seesmengh ote mac Tanah lgheghemrectngecdatesope ‘ern kl, ‘Whe Cte tn wed sa ‘gcc eee ‘Seomitttetardsnenghantciined Sarees 1536, Te clones er comrarte nd 2S angen Siaieea inal costed tetanic = Bi Sa ae ion meas, Sees eens eee tit lstertcestce ed Sheer settee Sete See rn odacteeiias Tes ea Sacer eeeee Saeeee Soe eeearreercs Hele Se Eveetenehed Bigeeaee Seheteacs ierirachnaas Cosing Remarks “Te re od iat a sca [phi conse gece sale ‘ther aaa or cra ‘Site wed in co va pec ‘pealetovcnsce es ‘Calan teas 0 coi hee of sel eho const nee tenons pve oe cow eee Re ‘Such alan cos psoas {Shih stn ems Cacti al ‘eterna Test peared a UCSD on sri gh ceoretnpecotsn ene ‘nee dae shaticapied cor frees npc ae owe, {Riedonsinisbnekndtacvne les ‘Mere ded ays ray oo ‘ep daigneonenains rate ‘patra once Ul we com te Cana wena sacl [sl ceo te a Stocies besa the ed to esi oe (ee petomancein the Cokin ag © Reinforcing Bar Specifications — 1911 through 1968 “by eC oes, Cons “Tejon NP Invest eu figs ‘ced Care bug conse fiche ma alts ee fat dy lod cen ot se [isp acral cc aaghet [Deeks prem ereagh fe cme ih ‘praca ofaceway thon carne ‘iesmnntettn neil ong? [sult are epi de (Sitesi dere oa Te ‘vail caulpov peng oe ‘Sie poan cota oe ete bt suites nescnly yoy te ene Set wer openly nen ‘hc deg pl te lang at re nese oe ates See Extyeeersmmiee Seana ‘ee Inconyantee. ay seeing suomeararee roel sa ath Teams ie saetreieetare Me spavimietiaetat eae Se ee Soa eee [porate mdr Cal ntedtsco el smn coma Yasin | So00 [0200 pawn) |e [ty Be [exo sm Tene, SRO | ITT Tasos e206) | Taoo0 985) | 85200 (51 Ginn] oi ee eee Sao peg oseesesae fee ieee Sea mre {stot sos aaa from tar. Shaper Sci Seociances eee cae Setemios homes Souiauansear Slat ty oh ste Seep eee ed eee cacoeatimennenge pote hen Sheourea se ain dintec ene Seema tes Sons eee SS ueomaeees Sse Se Setar Sectors ‘foringbeeanetp iad 90 {hough de 80% Aree ete) Zit mons arco et 1 050, ASTM rere inion, rer now Bilt rainy ae ASTM Ais-sT cheaters Sought eSmoaeces easier in Wt sd a Sortie Gomme sient ccna Seta wae ae ayo pe ‘md However 10a aes Fae {senesced tee der "west ned a Nd, Khan: AST ed Fer fe recat fo" Be Dra of [ Publishers Note lage bop ade ce eh {See ten ged (Goren porta SeeclSeacheemtee oe Pitt n USA, oiearnicss Eten eas Sameer Esculiewentatnase Toribash ohio ccetooert a tea te tact Seoacemcne cece Svurrese ne cipal nruprtet te Sacre iecieias Gian coins Sah telco ig adh Sewell spt or et mcrae 408, 4.431, A 432 into one specification, ESS Hamat cere eceauaieetae Busiiomane mek Shketedl otasrsniees See ecient omar Th ‘ioc Olas beng ane Feo: ge eet acl aoc Sr avi omy hve bon el oe ‘peel ca roe hore Gen eh ie capac So Ona ae ape Ct Sica Tene 0 eLz010

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