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In English class is where people are supposed to learn about the nature of the

English language such as its vital role in the society. The use of English language is
boundless. Among the functions it (and every other language) holds, one primary is
using it to deliver or voice out arguments about a certain issue. Here is where the
subject matter debate enters in. Debate, according to a default source shown by
Google search engine, is a formal discussion on a particular topic in which
opposing arguments are put forward. Note that debate is a serious discourse. But
what would happen if an English class composing of adult students coming from
different countries be introduced to debate for the first time? Would it likely turn out
to be a formal discussion as we all expect it to be? There is a strong temptation to
answer yes. But you never know because this is a different story.

The short film entitled Funny English Class, is about an English class of which
discussion at the time revolves around debate. The professor introduced to his class
composing of adult students with varying races what debate is and how it is carried
out. To better illustrate how debate is done, the professor raised a motion regarding
televisions whether they are good or bad influence to the community. He then
asked four of his students to form the house with him being the chair person. Two
will represent the affirmative side, the other two, the negative. The supposed formal
discussion on debate escalated to being a comedy as the students failed to deliver
intelligent responses, side-comments, answers and opinions about the matter and
the issue raised, itself. Adding up to the entertainment is the emphasis on the race
a student represents shown through each unique accent, content of what is being
said, physical appearance and behavior. Although humorous for the most part, it still
imparted knowledge (as the basics of debating) to its audience.

As I perceive it, the students are open to their teacher. I reckon that whatever they
have in mind, they voice out easily and comfortably. The teacher, meanwhile, is
considerate of how his class behaves. Although hes been receiving dumb responses
to his professional questions, I dont recall him getting furious by it. Perhaps this is
because they all share the same range of ages that they tend to treat each casually
(as friends) than a traditional teacher to student relationship.

I think if I am a teacher having a class exactly as in the short film, Id get infuriated
by the nonsensical, unintelligent and absurd responses and unnecessary side-
comments the students keep on bringing and vocalizing out for the whole
discussion. To think that these responses come entirely from adults that they are of
who, even more, embody different races that they do, is really disappointing. I mean
who would not get enraged by the idea? We all can relate with the same degree of
expectation we have for this kind of class. Really, a class this diverse should be an
advantage. But what happened?
Obviously, Funny English Class has been entitled to the short film since all the
characters in it are genuinely funny, either because of the way they behave or what
they say, that the supposed formal discussion became all comedy.

Comparing this English class in the film viewed to the English class we have here in
our country, I can say that our English discussions exhibit professionalism and


Although it is shown in a ridiculous way, I would conclude that students would

more likely to interact and be active in class if the teacher acknowledges every
person within the class, lets them speak their mind up, and accepts but then
rectifies in a regardful manner whatever incorrect response or answer is brought

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