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Blooey Singson, the contributer of the book review "A Treasure in Trash"

stated that there have been a lot of stories already existing about dumpsite pickers,
nonetheless not as charmingly told as Trash. The young adult novel by Andi
Mulligan is a modern-day Dickensian adventure loosely set in the Philippines,
featuring three dumpsite boys who later on would find themselves amidst resolving
a mystery following their discovery of a parcel in the rubble. Trash is a publication of
David Fickling books and an imprint of random house known to have produced
bestselling books for young readers. The novel, inspired by Mulligans visit to a
dumpsite in Manila matter-of-factly, is surely a thrilling story hinged on the premise
of finding a treasure in trash.

The book review has it that Trash is something out of the ordinary tales
revolving around ill-fated people who scavenge for living. The reason why is further
noted by Singson; being that the concept of the story is more than just about the
typical dumpsite folk way of life, rather blended with enigma that would unfold at
the sight of these young, unschooled, garbage-collectors since birth, themselves.
Having said that, the idea of these people playing as somewhat detectives on their
own to put the puzzle pieces together seemed ridiculous. Though, I guess, that
notion itself is the sole reason why the story standouts.

I guess you just never know what youll find! sifting through rubbish.
Maybe one day youll find nice, people would tell Raphael Fernandez, the lead
character of the story. As I see it, he may have uncovered something greatly
unexpected in the wasteyard, which has lead him together with his two friends into
a pursuit of the end truth but really the line speaks more of how friendship and hope
sprang from the most desolate souls, in the unlikeliest of places.

Singson laid a book review that got me agitated to witness myself how the
story turned out in whole. As a Filipino, I surely would get a different insight about
the realities of life in the lowest rungs of Philippine society being that the backdrop
of the novel exactly mirrors the actual happenings in our country.

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