Chemistry 2

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1. measure 1.5 grams of Carbopol 940 and 128 ml of distilled water

2. Mix Carbopol 1.5 grams with 128 ml of distilled water

3. Heat at 100 Celsius, stirring for 5-10 minutes using magnetic bar
4. Add 370 ml of ethyl alcohol and 5 ml of propylene glycol, further
blend for 5-10 minutes

5. Gently drop 1.5 grams of triethanolamine until it mix well

6. Leave at room temperature at least 15 minutes, gel should form

during this time
7. Adjust color and odor using essential oil
Data Analysis
In this lab, our group successfully created the hand gel with the color and
odor that we want . At first, the hydroalcoholic gel that we obtained after
finish adding the component was very clear and transparent. There was a lot
of bubbles inside the hand gel as well. For the smell, the alcohol smell was
very strong even though we did not smell it closely. The thickness of the
hydroalcoholic gel is in temperate level, not tool thick or too liquid. The
product is separated into two phases. However, after one or two days, it
becomes homogeneous due to the swell of carbopol. We decided to create
the hand gel with the color of salamander orange and jasmine odor. However,
during the addition of the smell, we need to add a lot of the aroma essential
oil in order to hide the smell of the alcohol. Around 20-30 drops of aroma
essential oil were added to the products. The smell of the alcohol was very
strong because the main component of this hand gel is alcohol. For the color
addition, our group mixed two colors together which are yellow and pink. In
order to create the salamander orange color for this hand gel, the main
component of color is yellow and we just add only a slightly drop of the pink
color in order to change the color into reddish color. Fortunately, the
thickness of the hand gel is not too liquid compare to the other group. This is
because our group did not add a lot of the aroma essential oil. The aroma
essential oil could have a huge effect on the thickness of the hand gel. If we
add a lot of the aroma essential oil, then the thickness of the hand gel will be
too liquid and would result in an inappropriate hand gel. Also, during the
addition of the triethanolamine, we correctly add this chemical, slowly drop
by drop. This would help the gel slowly form and also prevent from being too
In the final analysis, our group successfully created the
hydroalcoholic hand gel with the color and smell that we
wished. The thickness level is very good compared to the
other group and the color looks very bright and lively. We also
learned that many chemicals are involved in order to produce
the hand gel that we use in our routine. For instance, the
triethanolamine is one of the most important chemicals in
order to make the solution becomes a gel and less liquidity
even only a small drop of the triethanolamine could change
the solution into gel already. In addition, good cooperation
between each member also required in order to create a high
quality of the hydroalcoholic hand gel. For example,
miscommunication between the timekeeper and the member
could lead to the over-stirring of the solution which finally
affects the thickness level of the hydroalcoholic hand gel.
If our group have an opportunity to do this again,
we will fix some part of the lab in order to obtain
more successful results. Firstly, during the lab, our
group will separate the duty more clearly because
during some part of this lab, we were confused
about which person will obtain which chemicals.
Moreover, after we obtain the hydroalcoholic gel,
we will separate those gel into different beakers
because this can help us to create variety of the
smell and color rather than only one smell and
one color of the hydroalcoholic hand gel. We will
also manage the time more wisely because we
took a long time to decide which color and smell
will be used for the hand gel product.

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