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DATE: 19/05/2014

1. __________ : Means the measured first-aid treatment of injuries which

or computed weight of an may occur in flight or as a result of
aircraft, excluding the weight of minor accidents.
all removable equipment and a. First Aid Kit
other items of disposable load, b. Medical Kit
but including the weight of all c. Universal Precaution Kit
items of fixed operating
equipment or other equipment
which are mandatory for all
operations like fixed ballast, 5. ___________is A kit containing
engine coolant, hydraulic fluid such life saving drugs intended
and fuel and oil quantities (both to be administered
trapped and unusable) in the only by a qualified medical
aircraft and engine system. practitioner if and when available.
a. Maximum Take-off Weight a. First Aid Kit
b. Removable weight b. Medical Kit
c. Empty Weight c. Universal Precaution Kit

2. Aircraft weighing more than 6. ____________is A kit for the use of

2000 kg. shall be re-weighed cabin crew members in
every _____years. managing incidents of ill health
a. Two associated with a case of
b. Three suspected communicable
c. Five disease, or in the case of illness
d. Ten involving contact with body
3. Every aircraft shall be weighed a. First Aid Kit
before the issue b. Medical Kit
of________________. c. Universal Precaution
a. Certificate of Kit
b. Authorised release 7. Large public transport aircraft,
certificate. capable of carrying more than
c. Both A & B 100 passengers, shall in
addition to the First-aid kit be
4. ___________ is A kit containing equipped with __________ which
such items which can be used shall contain the life saving
for the purpose of drugs.
a. First Aid Kit
b. Medical Kit
c. Universal Precaution Kit c. 3 x 3
d. 5 x 5
8. The contents of such Kits shall
be examined and certified by 10. _______ means that when a
Registered Medical Practitioners/ flame is applied for a limited
Medical Officers holding atleast period and removed, the
MBBS degree once in a ______. material shall self-extinguish
a. 1 year within a specified time, (for
b. 2 Years details please refer to Appendix
c. 3 Years 'F' to F.A.R. Part 25).
d. 5 Years a. Self Extinguishing
b. Flame resistant
c. Inflammable

9. The First-aid kits, Medical kits 11. _______ means not

and Universal precaution kit susceptible to combustion to the
containers shall marked with a point of propagating a flame
white cross of size atleast after ignition source is removed.
________cm in green a. Self Extinguishing
background. b. Flame resistant
a. 1 x 1 c. Inflammable
b. 2 x 2

Match The following (4 Marks)

1. Crew
2. Adult passenger (both Male & Female)
3. Child (Between 2 years and 12 years age)
4. Infant (Less than two years)

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