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TMy Name : Fauzul Hakim Bin Saluddin

No Matric : 2016331377
Class : IC 210 3P

Answers for Blended Learning 2

1. In my opinion, the speakers intended message/central idea is mental

illness is getting more prevalent and that the effort done by countries
around the world does not shows how seriously they take this illness.

2. Attention grabber that had been used by speaker is give a definition on

mental illness.

3. The speaker do trust their audience,like their audience and respect their
audience. The speaker also know what is the best for her audience. Her
shows the statistics and describe about it.

4. The non-verbal communication cues by the speaker are body movement,

posture, eye contact and facial expressions.

5. Speakers gesture are excellent as her didn't make any move that are not
necessary. Her gesture are good. And her eye contact is exquisite as her
always make an eye contact with her audience.

6. The speakers intonation are admirable as her always had rising and falling
of her speaking voice. About her fluency is just nice as her didnt stop on
thinking to talk about on what next word. On her pronunciation is great
although her intended to speak a hard word such as schizophrenia but her
manage to do well. About her articulation, the phonetics that had been
done is nice as her speak very excellent. All the movement of lips produce
great word to hear. And about her enunciation, the act of pronouncing words
are just nice as her speak very clear. One by one. Not too fast and too slow.

7. The speakers use of vocal variety is authoritive and that is slow and loud.
Nice very steady and clear. Volume is loud and the rate is not very fast
and not very slow tempo.

8. Important steps in presenting visual aids are avoid using the chalkboard
for visual aids, display visual aids where listeners can see them, avoid
passing visual aids among the audience, and display visual aids only when
passing them. Yes, the speakers use all the steps in presenting her visual
9. Yes, the visual aids are very effective. Her can make her speech more
interesting by adding some short film or model or picture so that it can be
understood more easily.

10.Choice of colours are nice as it not to dark and to bright to be watch, same
goes to the type of font size and visual aids. Not too big and not too small.

11.So the speakers grammatical accuracy as I found her dont make any
mistake, the choice of word are very excellent such as the usage of
transitions. It make the words and sentence combine like it perfect to hear.

12.The speaker effectively concluded her speech as her wrapped it up all the
speech from the beginning until the end.

13.I would suggest that other recommendations are that government should
take this case serious and provide exposure to the public such as give
public talk on mental illness.

14.The speaker use the time allocated evectively because the time is finished
perfectly between 4 untill 6 minutes.

15.In my opinion, this speech can be improved by many factors such as give
more stories on this case and how it works and how to prevent it and so

16.I found out that this topic is interesting because we not know that this
illness can suddenly attact us. So if we know some information about it we
can prepare so that we are avoided from this illness.

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