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adhocracy an organization form that develops in a complex, rapidly changing environment and is designed to

support innovation and change.

administrative a management perspective that focuses on the design and functioning of the organization as a
principles whole.
bureaucratic organizations that emphasize designing and managing on an impersonal, rational basis through
organizations such elements as clearly defined authority and responsibility, formal recordkeeping, and uniform
application of standard rules.
chaos theory a theory that suggests that relationships in complex, adaptive systemsincluding organizations
are nonlinear and made up of numerous interconnections and divergent choices that create
unintended effects and render the whole unpredictable.
contextual traits that characterize the whole organization, including its size, technology, environment, and
dimensions goals.
contingency theory meaning that one thing depends on other things; for organizations to be effective, there
must be a goodness of fit between their structure and the conditions in their external
decision- a perspective that brings together the two organizational dimensions of problem consensus and
making technical knowledge about solutions.
diversified an organization form that occurs when large, mature firms are subdivided into product or market
form groups.
effectiveness the degree to which an organization achieves its goals.
efficiency the amount of resources used to achieve an organizations goals; based on the quantity of raw
materials, money, and employees necessary to produce a given level of output.
entrepreneuria an organization form that consists mainly of a top manager and workers in the technical core;
l structure occurs typically in small start-up companies.
Hawthorne a series of experiments on worker productivity begun in 1924 at the Hawthorne plant of Western
studies Electric Company in Illinois; attributed employees increased output to managers better treatment
of them during the study.
learning an organization that promotes communication and collaboration so that everyone is engaged in
organization identifying and solving problems, enabling the organization to continuously experiment, improve,
and increase its capability.
level of in systems theory, the subsystem on which the primary focus is placed; four levels of analysis
analysis normally characterize organizations.
machine an organization form suited to a simple, stable environment, in which there is extensive
bureaucracy formalization and specialization, a tall hierarchy, a goal of efficiency, and a technical core typically
oriented to mass production.
meso theory an approach to organization studies that concerns the integration of both micro and macro levels
of analysis.
a macro examination of organizations that analyzes the whole organization as a unit.
organizational a micro approach to organizations that focuses on the individuals within organizations as the
behavior relevant units of analysis.
organizations social entities that are goal-directed, designed as deliberately structured and coordinated activity
systems, and are linked to the external environment.
professional a form of organization made up primarily of highly skilled professionals, such as in hospitals,
bureaucracy universities, law firms, and consulting firms.
role a part in a dynamic social system that allows an employee to use his or her discretion and ability
to achieve an outcome or meet a goal.
scientific emphasizes scientifically determined jobs and management practices as the way to improve
management efficiency and labor productivity.
stakeholder any group within or outside of an organization that has a stake in the organizations performance.
stakeholder integrates and balances diverse organizational activities by looking at various organizational
approach stakeholders and what they want from the organization.
structural describe the internal characteristics of an organization, and create a basis for measuring and
dimensions comparing organizations.
task a narrowly defined piece of work assigned to a person.
task sectors with which the organization interacts directly and that have a direct impact on the
environment organizations ability to achieve its goals.

For an organization to be successful today, it must locate its sources for production, top leadership, and
technical brainpower within one central location.


Efficiency of an organization refers to the amount of resources used in order to achieve its stated


The employees of Jones and Smith interact together to efficiently and effectively produce the
company's product and ensure the organization is achieving its stated purpose and goals. It can be
concluded that Jones and Smith would be considered a(n) ________.

a. organization
b. stakeholder's paradise

c. bureaucratic operation

d. professional bureaucracy

e. learning organization

4. Steve's canvas tarp company receives 86.94% of its revenue from Stan's "Luxury Boat Sales and
Service" business. Steve recommends Stan's business to his customers and includes it in his own
organization's advertisements. Steve would be considered a(n) ________ of Stan's business.

a. direct competitor

b. contingency

c. stakeholder

d. organizational contributor
e. claimant

Who or what is attributed with pioneering the concepts of scientific management?

a. Henri Fayol

b. Hawthorne Studies
c. DuPont

d. Henry Mintzberg

e. Frederick Taylor

The employees of Jones and Smith interact together to efficiently and effectively produce the company's
product and ensure the organization is achieving its stated purpose and goals. It can be concluded that
Jones and Smith would be considered a(n) ________.

a. organization

b. stakeholder's paradise

c. bureaucratic operation

d. professional bureaucracy

e. learning organization

An organization's typical operative goals include performance, resource, market,
and employee development goals.



The reason for an organization's existence is referred to as its mission.



All of the following are characteristics of a decentralized organization except
which one?

a. Face-to-face communication

b. Few rules

c. A relaxed hierarchy

d. Emphasis on learning

e. Decisions are made by top management

Dave has hired Donna's company to process the payroll for his business, Tux
and Tails. Donna will also be preparing all the tax forms associated with a
company that has hired employees. It can be said that Dave is ________ this
process for his company.

a. outsourcing

b. reengineering

c. decentralizing

d. centralizing

e. a prospector strategy

Jerome and his coworkers are working on a way to combat the company's loss of
market share to competitors. They will present their findings and
recommendations to top management along with contingency plans and
alternative approaches. Jerome and his coworkers most likely comprise a(n)

a. intelligence team

b. cooptation

c. task environment team

d. sector

e. intelligence interlocking directorate

Which organizational form has the characteristics of vertical communication,
centralization of knowledge and task control occurs at the top levels, and a strict
hierarchy of authority and control?

a. Mechanistic
b. Organic

c. Business intelligence

d. Integration

e. Cooptation

Carmen owns and operates her business in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. She is
very much aware of the behavior of other organizations located in her area and
attempts to conduct her business in a similar fashion. Her customers and some
other stakeholders suggested she should close her operations on Sundays.
Carmen is willing to comply to keep them content and appreciative of her
business. Carmen is most likely experiencing influence from her ________.

a. institutional environment

b. organizational ecosystem

c. collaborative network

d. supply chain

e. mimetic forces

The ________ focuses on organizational diversity and adaptation within a
population of organizations.

a. organizational ecosystem

b. institutional perspective

c. institutional environment

d. population-ecology perspective

e. collaborative-network perspective

Which one of the following statements is not applicable to a global matrix

It works best when pressures for decision-making

balances the interests of product standardization and
a. geographic localization.
It is most optimal when coordination to share resources
b. is important.
Companies that use this are those with mature product
c. lines and stable technologies.

d. Geographic distances for communications are greater.

e. Coordination is more complex in this structure.

An organization with the characteristics of centralized decision-making, stricter
hierarchy, and more control and coordination from the top levels of the
organization is likely to have a ________.

a. low power distance

b. high uncertainty avoidance

c. stable power avoidance

d. high power distance

e. low uncertainty avoidance

Which one of the following statements would be considered false in regards to
the concept of non-core technologies?

They are not directly related to the primary mission of the

a. organization.

b. Non-core processes are conducted by HR departments.

c. Non-core technology is a department work process.

Accounting departments belong in the non-core
d. technology group of an organization.
Research and development does not belong in the non-
core group of work processes because this department is
e. where ideas are transformed into new products.

Automobile assembly lines and bank teller departments have tasks that are
formalized and standardized. There is little task variety in them and they use
objective, computational procedures. It can be stated they most likely use which
one of the following?

a. Routine technologies

b. Flexible manufacturing systems

c. Intensive technologies

d. Craft technologies

e. Joint optimization

Which one of the following systems would most likely be used by the higher
levels of management in an organization when assistance is needed in reaching
a decision?

a. Information reporting system

b. Balanced scorecard

c. Executive dashboard

d. Executive information system

e. Transaction processing system

A company's intellectual capital is the sum of its knowledge, experience,
understanding, relationships, and innovations.



Markel's organization is beginning to lose many of its customers. She was not
prepared with other products when her line of cosmetics fell out of favor with
consumers. Markel believes her organization is in decline. What factor is most
likely to be causing her company's decline?

a. Vulnerability

b. Atrophy

c. Environmental

d. Technology

e. Formalization

Rational-legal authority is the use of rules, policies, hierarchy of authority, written
documentation, and standardization so as to standardize behaviors and assess



Selena is very excited about her recent invitation to join upper level managers at
a luncheon in their private club area. She recognizes this as a sign she is
beginning to advance within the organization. Selena knows that no employee of
the company has ever advanced without being invited to this type of luncheon. It
is most likely Selena is going through a(n) ________.

a. internal integration

b. rite of passage

c. ethics evaluation

d. corporate ceremony

e. whistle-blowing internship

All of the following are characteristics of a bureaucratic culture except which one?

a. Maintains an internal focus.

b. Supports a methodical approach to doing business.

c. Highly integrated and efficient.

d. High level of conformity among members.

e. Employee empowerment is of primary importance.

Which one of the following does not describe a characteristic of a venture team?

They are a technique used to give free rein to creativity

a. within an organization.
The concept of venture teams free members from
b. organizational bureaucracy.
Venture teams often have their own separate locations
c. from which to conduct their work.
These teams are closely monitored by the organization
d. and must follow set organizational procedures.
This type of team is like a small company within the
e. larger company.

Jeremiah is employed by the Lightning Surgical Supply Company in Denver,
Colorado. He has developed an idea for surgical tool manufacturing that when
implemented by his company, will save the organization $500,000 a year in
production costs. Lightning is very excited by this opportunity and has highly
commended and richly rewarded Jeremiah for the new idea. It realizes this idea
can lead the organization to becoming an industry leader. It can be said that
Jeremiah is engaging in ________.
a. idea incubation

b. organizational innovation

c. creativity

d. new-venture fund building

e. team building

According to MIntzberg's steps in the decision making sequence, the
identification phase begins with the act of recognition of the problem and leads to
identification of the need to reach a decision about the recognized problem.



Cheryl is working in the budget department of her company. It has several
problems and recently opted to employ the decisions for solving problems that
were used by the company's accounting department. These decisions resulted in
problem resolution for the accounting department. The budget department
leaders now hope they will produce the same type of result for them. The action
taken by the budget department is called ________.

a. point-counterpoint

b. inspiration

c. rational approach

d. imitation

e. decision learning

The domains of political activity or the areas in which politics play a role in most
organizations include all but ________.

a. labor negotiations

b. structural changes

c. hiring new executives

d. resource allocation

e. reorganization
________ is not considered to be a source of intergroup conflict.

a. Differentiation

b. Task interdependence

c. Goal incompatibility

d. Limited resources

e. Employee empowerment

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