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Paracel islands /prsl/ /alndz/: Hong Sa

2. Spratly islands /sprtli /alndz/: Trng Sa
3. Oil rig / l r / : Dn khoan du
4. Sovereignty / svrnti /: Ch quyn
5. Vessel / vesl / Thuyn
6. Clash / kl / : Va chm
7. Exclusive economic zone (EEZ) / ksklusv iknmk zn /: Vng
c quyn kinh t
8. Nautical miles / ntkl l malz /: Hi l
9. Continental shelf / kntnentl l elf /: Thm lc a
10.Maritime disputes / mrtam dspjuts / :Vng bin tranh chp
11.Tensions / tennl z /: Cng thng
12.Riot / rat /: No lon
13.Provocative / prvktv / : Khiu khch
14.Island: / alnd / : o
15.Shoal : /oul/ Bi ct
16.Naval guard: / nevl l d /: Cnh st bin
17.Water cannon / wt knn /: Vi rng
18.Invasion /in'vein/: S xm lc
19.Extortion /iks't:n/ S tng (tin ca...)
20.Stubbornness /'stbnis/ Tnh ngoan c
21.Greedy /'gri:di/ Tham lam
22.Scout /skaut/ Do thm
23.Arsenal /':sinl/ Kho cha v kh
24.Warmonger /'w:,mg/ K hiu chin
25.9 dashes boundary / nan dz bandri /: ng li b
26.United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS) Cng c
Lin Hip Quc v Lut bin
27.Convention /kn'venn/ Hip nh
28.Treaty /'tri:ti/ Hip c
29.Ally /'li/ Bn ng minh
30. National sovereignty: /nnl svrnti/ Ch quyn quc gia
31. Terrorism: /terrzm/ Him ha khng b
32. Sea: bin
33. Beach: bin
34. Boat: thuyn (nh)
35. Coast: b (bin, i dng)
36. Fisherman: ngi nh c
37. Harbor, Port: cng bin
38. Island: hn o
39. Lighthouse: Hi ng (n gip tu thuyn nh hng)
40. Ocean: i dng
41. Seashore: b bin (seaside)
42. Ship: tu
43. Submarine: tu ngm
44. Coral reef: rn san h (tc l mt vng nhiu san h)
45. create/form/be the leader of a political party
to/lp/tr thnh lnh o ca mt t chc chnh tr
46. gain/take/win/lose/regain control of Congress
c/ly/thng c/mt/ginh li quyn kim sot Quc hi
47. start/spark/lead/be on the brink of a revolution
bt u/chm ngi/lnh o/trn b vc ca mt cuc cch mng
48. be engaged/locked in an internal power struggle
tham gia/kt trong mt cuc u tranh quyn lc ni b
49. lead/form a rival/breakaway faction
dn dt/to phe i u/phe ly khai
50. seize/take control of the government/power
ginh c/kim sot chnh quyn/quyn lc
51. bring down/overthrow the government/president/regime
h b/lt chnh quyn/tng thng/ch

52. abolish/overthrow/restore the monarchy

bi b/lt /kh phc ch qun ch

53. establish/install a military dictatorship/a stable government

thnh lp/thit lp mt ch c ti qun s/mt chnh ph n nh

54. be removed from office/power

b cch chc/quyn

55. resign/step down as party leader/president/prime minister

t chc lnh o ng/tng thng/th tng

56. enter/retire from/return to political life

bc vo/ngh hu t/quay li cuc i chnh tr

57. spark/provoke a heated/hot/intense/lively debate

chm ngi/kch ng mt cuc tranh lun ny la/nng bng/d di/sinh ng

58. participate in/contribute to (the) political/public debate (on/over something)

tham gia vo/ng gp cho cuc tranh lun chnh tr/cng khai (v g )

59. launch/start/lead a campaign/movement

khi ng/bt u/dn dt mt chin dch/phong tro

60. join/be linked with the peace/anti-war/feminist/civil rights movement

tham gia/gn lin vi phong tro ha bnh/bi chin tranh/n quyn/quyn cng dn

61. criticize/speak out against/challenge/support the government

ph phn, ln ting chng li/thch thc/h tr chnh ph

62. put pressure on the government (to do something)

gy p lc ln chnh ph ( lm g )

63. come under fire/pressure from opposition parties

b chng i/b gy p lc t cc ng i lp

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