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1001 Bow, Namo, Sand, Sea

What is Judaism?
Judaism is one of the oldest monotheistic

religions of the Jewish people. Started in Israel, Judaism

is a widespread religion practiced by many people every day.
There are multiple sects of the religion, which means there
are various ways it can be practiced.
The start of Judaism as a religion
was at Mount Sinai at the great
revelation (1400 BCE). The start of
Judaism as a religion was when Hashem
(God) gave the ten commandments to the
Jewish nation at Mount Sinai. From then
on for forty years the Jewish people
wandered in the Sinai desserts and Moses
taught them the Torah, as he heard it
from Hashem (God).
Origin of
Important people
- Abraham is known to be
the founder of
Judaism, and he founded
the religion in Israel
about 4000 years ago.

- Abraham is considered the

father of the Jewish
people. Jews see Abraham
as a symbol of trusting
and obeying God. Abraham
is also important to
followers of Christianity
and of Islam.
Moses is regarded as the most important
prophet in Judaism. He acted according to
the request of God and freed the Jews from the
brutality and slavery they were experiencing
under the Pharaoh of Egypt.

He was also God's chosen one to
receive the Ten Commandments, which
were given to him in the form of a
stone tablet. The Ten Commandments
still hold importance in the world.

1) I am the Lord your God. 6) You shall not murder.

2) You shall have no other gods 7) You shall not commit adultery.
before Me. You shall not make for
yourself an idol. 8) You shall not commit adultery.

3) You shall not take the name of 9) You shall not bear false witness.
God in vain.
10) You shall not covet your
4) Remember and observe the neighbors wife or house.
Sabbath and keep it holy.

5) Honor your father and mother.

The Turning Points of Judaism
The biggest turning point was when
God gave us the Torah which is
essentially the guidebook that tells Jews
how to live a righteous life.

Torah is the first part of the Jewish bible.

- Torah refers to the Five Books of Moses in the

Hebrew Bible.
- Source of basic laws and teaching of Judaism.
- Torah can divided into two parts which are Written
Torah and Oral Torah.
The Turning Points of Judaism

The second biggest turning point was

the destruction of the Second Temple which
lead to the change from a Temple oriented
religion to a synagogue oriented religion.
The Turning Points of Judaism

During the World War

II, millions of millions of
Jews died as a result of
Hitler and his Nazi.
Religion originally practiced
Jewish practices
Judaism, a religion that focuses far more on deeds than on beliefs, is a
practice, too.

Judaism is a set of practices, its called a Way of Life.

These practices,individual connects more consciously to God, are called


- The torah , The menorah, Yom Kippur, The Laralum

Jewish beliefs
- The Judaism of today is based
mainly on the Talmud and 613

- several of which cannot presently

be fulfilled without the
existence of the holy Temple.
Jewish beliefs
- The central tenets of Judaism were
well defined in the 12th century CE
by Rabbi Moses Ben Maimon [the
Rambam or Maimonides] in his
Thirteen Principles of Faith,

- Judaisms tenets and practices

have been further defined to
varying degrees by branches of
the faith.
Jewish View of God
There is only and one God exist,
there is no other gods.

God can't be subdivided.

God is Transcendent: God is above and

beyond all earthly things.

God doesn't have a body: Which means that God is neither female nor

God created the universe without help and is omnipresent.

God is beyond time and always existed.

Jewish View of God
God is just,but God is also
merciful: God punishes the bad
and rewards the good.

God is forgiving towards those

who mess things up.

God is personal and accessible

God is interested in each

individual and also listens
and speaks to each individual
in unexpected ways.
Star of David Menorah
It represents the shape of King It is the oldest symbol of the
David's shield Jewish faith
Western Wall
- The wall is located in the holy city of Jerusalem
- 160 feet in length and 40 feet in height
- There is 19 rows of stones extended 20 feet under ground
- Jewish people travel to the wall to pray
- Once protected and enclosed the second temple
- Originally a place where 10 men can go and
worship and study
- The Rabbi is the one who is in charge of
the synagogue and teaches Judaism

- Most Jewish rituals take place in

- The Congregation Schara Tzedeck is
the largest synagogue in Vancouver
it is located on Oak street in
downtown Vancouver
key changes as the religion spread from one place to another

Judaism started at the Middle East and spread to other places. When
the religion spread, this causes the division of Judaism. There are
two parts: Ashkenazi or the majority and the sephardic or the

the wider consequences once those changes were in place

The consequence is that Jews were never fully accepted in others

communities. Roman dispersion altered jewish existence and
removed some Jews outside Israel, until the twentieth century. In
the other hand, the Babylon forced the Jews to move westward to
Spain, northwest Africa and Egypt.
Judaism Today ...
- There are many different groups within Judaism
- Judaism has had to adapt to modern advances in
science, rationalism, industrialization, and
- On one end of the scale are the Orthodox Jews,
while on the other end the Reform Movement
- Between these two groups on opposite ends of the
spectrum lie intermediaries
- Jewish feminism also exists, but not within the
Orthodox belief system

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