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ICTs stand for information and communication technologies and are defined, for the

purposes of this primer, as a diverse set of technological tools and resources used to

communicate, and to create, disseminate, store, and manage information. These technologies

include computers, the Internet, broadcasting technologies (radio and television), and telephony.

to be used and their modalities of use. In recent years, information and communication

technology (ICT) has become embedded and affected every aspect of our lives. Rapid

development of ICT has changed our language teaching pedagogy at all levels. Teachers,

curriculum developers, researchers have been constantly striving to find techniques to use

some form of it to both assist and enhance language learning. What is more exciting is that

studies have demonstrated positive effects that ICT brings towards students learning motivation

(Chenoweth, Ushida & Murday, 2006; Stepp- Greany, 2002), students personal needs and

learning styles (Gimenez, 2000), students language mastery (Stepp-Greany, 2002), effective

teaching and learning process (Al-Jarf, 2004), etc. Although these studies have shown that ICT

has the potential important role in supporting and enhancing language learning, the use of ICT

should never be the goal in and of itself. The responsibility for language instruction should be in

the hands of qualified teachers who have the knowledge and expertise to manage and to make

the best use of it to accomplish learning objectives.

With the rapid development of computer and Internet technology, the use of information

technology (IT) in education is received more and more attention. Integrating IT into instruction

was set to be the basic goal in the Blueprint for Information and Computer Education in the

Elementary and Secondary Schools developed by Ministry of Education in 2001. In addition,

20% of the total teaching hours will be set to be devoted to it. Therefore, according to the above

statements its importance is very clear. This paper discussed the meanings, contents, purposes,

and different ways of integrating IT into the classroom. Furthermore, it planned classroom
activities for IT integration with subjects such as mathematics, Chinese language arts, and

English language arts at the secondary school level. It is hoped that it can help teachers better

understand IT integrated teaching to take its greatest advantages.

1. Application of Information Technology for Key Performance Indicators: Construction
of a Digitized Performance Evaluation Platform
Journal of Research in Education Sciences. 2014;59(4):27-63 DOI


The purpose of this study was to develop specific rating standards, data collection

methods, and sources for various key performance indicators (KPIs) to establish a digitized

performance management platform that can increase the effectiveness of school management

and evaluation. By using focus groups and information technology, a digitized performance

management platform was established, the reference material for the evaluation indicators was

uploaded, and expert rating and questionnaire survey were conducted The findings provided a

guideline for examining the indicators and source of the reference material Moreover, the user

survey of the digitized evaluation platform can be divided into four parts: the user friendliness of

the interface, system functions, user satisfaction, and feasibility of promoting the system.

2. How technology helps students study better

(The Philippine Star) | Updated July 12, 2014 - 12:00am

How are computers and the Internet helping students learn in school? As more and more

schools use computers and the Internet in their classrooms, there have been several

improvements in how students nowadays are getting their education.

These improvements, which have been noted by teachers and school administrators, include

the following:

Independence and information gathering By connecting to the world wide web or

simply Internet the students nowadays are more dependent through internet when

searching their assignments or projects because by the use of internet, just one click all
that you need are all there. Also they are much more want to read through internet rather

than directly reading it from the book.

Critical thinking and reflection. By using internet, the student is more likely to think

critically because some of the researchers are thinking first before they used it for their

references. Students learn not to simply accept any data, no matter how readily

available. With the guidance of their teacher, they are able to practice critical thought.
Communication and collaboration. Through the use of social media like Facebook,

skype etc. the student are able to communicate as well as collaborate with other by

means of using those social media. They can easily ask question or answer it directly

without any hassle.

More engaging learning experience. This multimedia experience lets this information

be better ingrained in their minds. Because by using some text, media, visual, video and

audio they learn faster by using it by themselves

Preparation for jobs later on. Having students use computers and the Internet in the

classroom prepares them for this future work environment.


Intensive use of ICT is fully integrated in our daily lives. The rise of this so-called digital

generation poses serious questions for teachers with regard to the use of ICT in education and

ways to stay connected with their pupils. Most schools have invested in the availability of an ICT

infrastructure, but it is becoming increasingly clear that the availability of an adequate ICT

infrastructure, while necessary, is not in itself a sufficient condition for effective use of ICT in

education. At many schools, teachers are struggling with the question how to use ICT for

instructional purposes. In this contribution, various driving forces and contrasting issues on

using ICT in education for teaching and learning are discussed on the basis of a conceptual

framework. Ten Brummelhuis, A. & Kuiper, E. (2008). Driving forces for ICT in learning. In J. Voogt, & G.

Knezek (Eds.), International handbook of information technology in primary and secondary education (pp. 97-

111). New York: Springer.


1. In conclusion, this was the first study to combine performance indicators with a

digitized platform to facilitate web management and systemize KPIs. The proposed digitized

platform can enable schools and individuals to periodically conduct self-management and

improve school administrative effectiveness.

2. Knowing all of these improvements and advantages, more and more schools are

allowing not just desktop computers and laptops, but also tablet devices and smartphones in

their classrooms. Tablet devices, as their computing power and multimedia features increase

over time, are becoming a preferred tool for learning and instruction.

Students can now more easily get the tools they need for computer-assisted,

multimedia, and Web-connected learning, thanks to affordable and value-for-money deals on

smartphones and tablet devices at all phones stores.


The article above all focusing on the use of computer in education but it also tells the

bad effect of it. Like the students are more relying on the internet, so the school should provide

a program that the students should use or go to library to research their assignments or

projects. Also they should make an activity that shows the important use of computer in

education, so the student is well equipped on how to use a computer in education.



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