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The Official Journal of the ABH and ABNLP SPRING 2010

The NLP Coaching Trainers Training

A brand new training designed with the intention to your signing an addendum to your current Time Line
assists you in aligning your enthusiasm for training Therapy license agreement.
with the students requests so you can begin creating In addition, you will receive a complete training in the
momentum in your business! Clare Graves values levels applied to coaching. This is
Thank you all for your requests for this training. We vital information for anyone who wants to do coaching.
thoroughly researched the field of Coaching as it exists Probably one of the most important reasons that
today around the world. The months of research gave us someone would take coaching is because of a values
the ability to know beyond a shadow of a doubt that our level transitions.
school of NLP already This training explains
has the most advanced problems in coaching
Coaching skills and at each values level
standards. and how to assist your
In fact the training that client in transitioning
you will teach after the easiest way. This
taking the NLP Coaches is new information at
Trainers Training will the trainer level, not
meet or exceed any covered in your Master
coaching training Practitioner training.
standards in the world. This information made
This is important! us realize that if you
In fact the ABNLP standards for NLP Coach and NLP do not use values
Master Coach exceed the standards of every coaching in coaching, you miss out on about 40% of what NLP
organization that we looked at worldwide. Coaching could and should be.

This training is open to Certified Trainers of NLP and The best part about this values training is that after 20+
Time Line Therapy who are current members of the years of working with the values levels Tad and Adriana
respective boards (ABNLP and Time Line Therapy have developed a new values instrument. You will be
Association). Even if you are not certified as a Time Line licensed to use this values instrument in your trainings
Therapy trainer yet, you can get certified as a Time Line and receive a certification to administer The Coaching
Therapy trainer and then become an NLP Coaching Values Inventory to your students as part of your
Trainer by taking this multimedia course. NLP Master Practitioner and your NLP Master Coach
As a certified NLP Coaching Trainer you will be able to
certify your students as NLP Coaches and NLP Master You receive this certification at no extra charge as part
Coaches through the ABNLP. of this training; however you agree to use The Coaching
Values Inventory as long as you leave our copyright
Once you take this training and sign the license information on The Coaching Values Inventory.
agreement, we are also going to license you the use of
Creating Your Future Coaching Techniques trademark. This is a complete 3 day training, and here is the best
part you dont have to leave home to take the training.
If you already are a Time Line Therapy Practitioner This training will save you travel time and expense. It is
Trainer you will be able to certify NLP Coaches. If delivered 100% on DVD. Tad and Adriana deliver
you are a Master Time Line Therapy Trainer you will
(Continued on page 2)
be able to certify NLP Master Coaches. Both require

702-456-3267 Fax 702-436-3267

(Continued from cover) 4. Complete certification in The Coaching Values
the training to you recorded live in the studio. Inventory, and the ability to use it in your trainings.
Certification is immediate upon your completion of 5. A complete rebranding of Time Line Therapy
viewing the modules and completing the assignment Training into Creating Your Future Training, and how to
that is outlined in the program. use it.
When you take the NLP Coaching Trainers Training 6. A 160+ page manual of which 110 pages are totally
heres what you get: brand new, and 50 are Creating Your Future coaching
1. Complete understanding of the differences between techniques.
coaching alone, NLP and NLP Coaching. (This, by the 7. The ability to certify your students as NLP Coach or
way, will keep you out of trouble when you have to NLP Master Coach through the ABNLP.
defend the rationale to people who ask you, Arent you Again we want to thank you for all your interest in NLP
going to certify us through a Coaching Organization?) Coaching and your push for us to develop standards.
2. An understanding of how the NLP Coaching training We think this is truly one of our best trainings, and we
you are teaching meets or exceeds the standards of believe that NLP Coaching is the future of coaching.
every coaching organization in the world. For more information, please email: Candace@abh-
3. A new understanding of how to use values and and/or ring her on 702 456-3267.
values levels in NLP Coaching.

By Mr. D. Stocking

Sailing and Success

An excerpt from No-Fault Sales
I have two memorable experiences of sailing on Lake
Michigan. My initial sailing experience coincided with
my first bout of seasickness. Spending the day wistfully
staring at land and completely missing the company of
the people I was with, I only hoped they would decide
it was too dangerous to be out on the waves and head
for shore. Having observed many sales presentations, I
find that often the salesperson is either too debilitated
by fear to enjoy the company of the client or has been
scared so often in the past that he or she has put
together an automated or slick presentation. As a result,
any communication or pleasure with the customer
becomes impossible. I dont know the cause of my
sales situations than I was in control of the movements
seasickness, but I suspect it had something to do with
of the boat on that windy day on Lake Michigan. Sales
fear. Fear manifests itself in many different ways. In sales,
is an opportunity to confront fear and produce results in
fear can be a friend keeping one on ones toes, or it can
spite of fear. It is possible for fear to disappear in sales
be a destructive force to the salesperson who fights or
interaction, but only through a no-fault sales approach.
denies that fear while missing the pleasure and delight
In adversarial sales, fear can be denied or, at best,
of the insecurity inherent in every sales context.
temporarily ignored.
We never know what we will do next. We cannot
My second outing on Lake Michigan in a sail boat was
successfully read our own minds, much less the minds
years later. It was a calmer day and I learned many sales
of others. We dont know what the client will say or do
lessons that day. I discovered a multitude of possible
at any moment in time. We dont even know what the
positions for the boat in relation to the wind and that
client hears when we speak. This uncertainty is a blessing
some positions are safer than others: some are also
which keeps life interesting as it separates the strong
faster than others. The wind and the boat are often at
from the weak. The stronger you are, the more you can
odds. There seems to be a correlation between risk and
face and admit your uncertainty and insecurity. Sales is a
speed-the more speed you go for, the riskier sailing
game in which the field of play is fraught with uncertainty
and the unknown-similar to life. Sales is as close to life as
2 you can get. No one is ever in control of a sales situation I also discovered that if you want to know your direction,
although some salespeople often manage to convince you look back at your wake. By looking ahead, you
themselves that they are. They are no more in control of (Continued on page 12)
By Debra Basham

Darbys Definite Difference

Darby has given me was introduced in Using Your Brain for a Change, by
permission to share Richard Bandler, in 1985, (pp.43-48).)
her experience with
NLP and hypnosis. Her How They Work
presenting problem EMDR and EFT are similar in the way they work. EMDR
was fear of flying. employs a series of hand passes in front of the clients
Because Darby had a eyes while he or she is thinking about the problem
long-time interest in holistic health and holistic medicine, or source of the distress. EFT uses tapping in a set
she opted for hypnotherapy rather than one of the sequence of locations on the clients body while he
standard medical or psychotherapeutic approaches to or she is thinking about the problem or the source
eliminating fears and anxieties. of distress. Although EMDR uses the visual sensory
Current medical approaches to reducing fears usually system and EFT uses the kinesthetic sensory system,
include a combination of drugs, such as Xanax or Valium, both employ cross-body connections to activate both
and Cognitive Behavioral Therapies (CBT). Drugs can be hemispheres of the brain. This activation provides the
addictive, and they dont really do anything to address client with access to behavioral and emotional resources
the underlying problem. Even when referring to how the that enhance coping skills.
results from CBT can be speedy, practitioners admit that The NLP Fast Phobia Cure does the same thing but in a
it takes several weeks or months of hour-long sessions different way. The Fast Phobia Cure beings with what is
to reduce phobias and similar fears to acceptable levels known as a Visual-Kinesthetic dissociation, which allows
[Get Over Your Fears by Facing Them, by Maureen the client to objectify and gain psychological distance
Farrell, Forbes, October 26, 2007]. from the source of the anxiety, phobia, or trauma. The
A great deal of research effort is being expended procedure then uses a process of reverse reassociation
looking into increasingly complex ways of helping to undo the emotional charge that had been associated
people get over fears, including Post-Traumatic Stress with the phobic item or trauma.
Disorder, from fMRI efforts to locate regions of the brain
being affected, to video games designed to desensitize Principal Differences
individuals to traumatic events, and injecting anesthesia The main differences among traditional pharmaceutical,
directly into the brain, according to Elizabeth Phelps, CBT, EMDR, EFT, and NLP are the time it takes to
professor of psychology at New York University doing alleviate a clients fear-based response. According to
pioneer research on the amygdala [New Research most reports, the differences are as follows:
Hopes to Rid Brain of Anxiety, by Susan Donaldson
James, ABC News Internet Ventures, March 25, 2010]. So Pharmaceuticals and CBT: Numerous sessions over 6
far, at least, theyve only tried this with goldfish, but who months to a year or more. Those undergoing these
knows whats next? treatments also experience much less likelihood of
improvement. The most recent efforts to employ
One of the least known facts about Neurolinguistic this approach are now using realistic video games to
Programming (NLP) is that basic NLP techniques speed the process of exposure for war veterans who
produce faster and more permanent relief from fear- have experienced PTSD.
based emotionsincluding anxiety, phobias, panic
attacks, and episodes of Post-traumatic Stress Disorder EMDR: Several applications during several sessions
(PTSD)than either Eye Movement Desensitization and over several weeks. EMDR often produces significant
Reprocessing (EMDR) or Emotional Freedom Techniques change quickly, but the symptoms return, so several
(EFT). treatment sessions are required.
In a number of clinical studies, both EMDR and EFT EFT: Several applications during several sessions
have proven more effective than medication or common over several weeks. EFT often produces significant
cognitive behavioral treatments (CBT) at reducing the change quickly, but the symptoms return, so several
severity of self-reported symptoms (primarily anxiety and treatment sessions are required.
depression). What has not been well-reported is that NLP: One application in one session lasting
NLP techniques, most notably the Fast Phobia Cure approximately 20 - 30 minutes. The alleviation of
developed by Richard Bandler in 1976, out-performs symptoms is permanent.
both EMDR and EFT in providing quick and lasting relief 3
from anxiety, phobias, and PTSD. (The Fast Phobia Cure
(Continued on page 4)

702-456-3267 Fax 702-436-3267

What Makes NLP Different With traditional therapy it can be very expensive
Although EMDR, EFT, and NLP all induce a degree of and time consuming to eliminate a phobia, such as
hypnotic trance, the NLP procedure is the only one of claustrophobia. The Claustrophobia Clinic at the CTRN
the three to use specific hypnotic language to influence Phobia Clinic reports the price for their program
the way in which the client reinterprets the phobic or typically runs from $2495.00 and up! And their process
traumatic event. Most NLP practitioners also incorporate usually requires approximately ten hours of treatment.
a kind of stimulus-response conditioning known as Studies report the efficacy of the NLP Fast Phobia Cure,
anchoring to help ensure that the client accesses which can usually be done in less than 30 minutes and
appropriate resources and retains access to them for the cost of one session, which is typically about $100.
following the session. Using the NLP Fast Phobia Cure, snake phobias can
In spite of its proven record of therapeutic success, NLP be cleared in about ten minutes. See An Investigation
is usually not considered the protocol of choice when it of the
comes to treating anxieties, phobias, and PTSD. Even Effectiveness of
when physicians and psychotherapists know about NLP, Neurolinguistic
they are typically unaware of its history of therapeutic Programming
success and stick to what they consider tried and true Procedures in
treatment protocols. Well-meaning as that approach treating Snake
may be, it condemns clients to an extended period Phobias (in
of suffering while they attempt to overcome their Dissertation
difficulties. Abstracts
One of our dreams and desires is to have at least International
one practitioner in every medical and psychotherapy 43,861B) 1982.
practice be trained in NLP so that those with anxieties, NLP was
phobias, and PTSD can recover more quickly, easily, and found to be
comfortably than most current methodologies allow. superior to the
We are grateful to be moving in that direction as more desensitization
people become interested in learning more about regimes, and it
the Mind-Body connection. Small changes really can is done in just
produce infinite results. 10 minutes.
One of the reasons the Fast Phobia Cure is so effective Traditional therapy postures that discussing and
is that it uses covert hypnosis, inducing trance through processing their feelings helps people who have
the process of fractionating. The client goes inside to suffered or witnessed a trauma lessen the negative
follow directions, and then comes out and reports. This is impact. According to Get Shrunk at Your Own Risk, by
repeated several times. Sharon Begley, (Newsweek, June 18, 2007), many of
those who undergo stress debriefing develop worse
Of the different types of anxiety disorders, phobias symptoms.
are the most common. According to the American
Psychiatric Association, 7.8% of American adults suffer The Fast Phobia Cure is based on the NLP model of
from a phobia. Phobias and anxieties involve an intense dissociation so you can release the trauma without
fear response to something which actually presents additional escalation of painful emotions. Because the
little or no threat. A phobic reaction can be present just intervention is based on how the memory is stored, some
looking at a photo or speaking of the trigger. interventions can be done content free, meaning
without your having to say what the phobia is of.
Phobia statistics indicate that approximately 1 in 20
suffer from phobias. Nearly 4.25% of the population The avoidance of medical care due to needle phobia
suffers from phobiasthat means almost 6.2 million US has dangerous implications. Fortunately, you can be
citizens has some sort of specific phobia. Phobias are comfortable because with NLP phobias can easily be
reportedly the most common psychological disorder cleared.
among women and the second most common disorder Glossophobia is the official term describing a person
among men over 25 years of age. who has a fear of public speaking, and is considered a
Approximately 1.9 million people have specific phobias, social construction rather than a natural phenomenon
such as crossing bridges or going through tunnels. like fear of falling or fear of loud noises. It is the fear of
Actually, according to the Anxiety Disorders Association the fear that NLP Fast Phobia Cure will alleviate.
of America, 19 million people have specific phobias, such The NLP Fast Phobia Cure relieves trauma and anxieties
as fear of spiders; 15 million have what is considered a as well as phobias. Unlike other psychological and
social phobia, as in the case of fear of public speaking; medical approaches, NLP is designed to eliminate most
and 2 million suffer from agoraphobia. common psychological disorders, including trauma,
Arachnophobia is the most common phobia and can anxiety, and phobias in a single session.
range from not being comfortable with spiders, to being But dont take my word for it. Let someone who has
terrified even to look at a photo and to having physical experienced the benefit of the NLP Fast Phobia Cure
stress reactions just to be asked to think about one share with you how quickly and easily you can get your
4 being in the room. Almost 50 % of all females and 10 life back again.
percent of males admit to being afraid of spiders.
(Continued on page 5)
Darbys Story - Now I Can Fly
Over the past 20 years, Ive experienced fears around flying. Specifically, I havent liked the feeling of being
confined to an enclosed space . . . its a claustrophobia feeling, I know. Once I was in the plane, whether in the air,
or sitting on the tarmac with the hatch closed, it was easy for me to slide into a panic attack. I relied on all sorts of
creature comforts to distract me: portable DVD player, iPod shuffle, books, deck of cards with a family member to
play and keep me company.
I just wouldnt fly unless I absolutely had to (e.g. if I was totally overruled by family at a time when we had to travel a
large expanse). I would have rather driven the long distance.
In the summer of 2009, I became aware of an incredible to attend the World Conference on Love, Forgiveness, and
Compassion. The Dalai Lama and Arch Bishop Emeritus Desmond Tutu would be receiving awards. The event was
taking place mid September, but it meant I would have to travel to Vancouver, British Columbia.
My husband, Bruce, would depart days earlier. This meant that I would not only be flying a great distance, but
potentially flying alone.
Id met Debra Basham some months earlier and I recalled that she worked with people to overcome their phobias. I
was desperate for help.
This fear had not only kept me from comfortable travel, but had reduced options of connection to family and close
friends. As our three daughters travel on school and youth group related trips, Id, unfortunately, been bound by my
fear and consequently, remained at home.
I met with Debra and Joel Bowman early in September. After we became better acquainted, the actual intervention
was no longer than about 30 minutes, and consisted of the Fast Phobia Cure, a standard NLP technique. Debra
explained that the Fast Phobia Cure uses Ericksonian hypnosis and was originally developed by Richard Bandler and
John Grinder as a way to use hypnosis without inducing a formal trance. When the session was over, they wanted to
know if I thought the treatment helpful and if I thought things would have changed for me now. My response was,
Ill see.
A week later I flew to Vancouver. Thankfully some friends of ours were accompanying me. During one of the flights,
we sat on the tarmac for an hour. I was fine. The flight from Detroit to Seattle was 2 hours long. Throughout
the flight, I was fine. On the flight home, I sat with Bruce, and Im happy to report that all flights were emotionally
Since then, our family has flown to North Carolina to gather with family for Christmas. All those flights were
comfortable as well. In February, I was entertaining the idea of visiting a close friend in Marquette. With
unpredictable weather and winter road conditions, driving was contraindicated. That meant a flight. I contacted
Debra and Joel and requested a Booster. They again spent not more than about 30 minutes with me.
The following week I flew to Marquette, on a small plane from home to Detroit and another one from Detroit to
Marquette . . . roughly 1 hours in tight quarters. I was fine!
Between the hypnotherapy/NLP sessions and a few self-help techniques that I learned from Debra and Joel, I was
equipped and empowered to face (and move beyond) a previously life-limiting fear.
I have a new friend who lives in South Africa. She wants me to visit. While I still dont relish the idea of being in
a plane for multiple hours, Im now open to the possibility. My plan is to continue to challenge myself until I can
eventually travel overseas.
Working with Debra and Joel has removed a barricaded door in my mind. Now Im living a freer, happier, more
actualized life as a result.
Darby Fetzer

The Fast Phobia Cure is a major attraction at health monies that might have gone into research on expensive
fairs. If a persons fears centered on something that interventions adding to the overall cost of health care,
has potential for harm (heights, snakes, spiders, bees, wasting both time and money. Even extreme fears and
etc.) we always build in appropriate caution, and if a Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder can be eliminated quickly
person was on anti-anxiety medications, we make sure and easily using a little hypnosis and NLP.
he or she knows to avoid serious problems by receiving Send questions or comments to Debra Basham at
appropriate medical supervision for getting off them., visit, or
Download copies of a handy quiz What Do You Know call Debra at (269) 921-2217.
About Getting Over a Phobia? by going to http://www. Tell others. It is a
FREE download with this information included. Getting 5
the word out about the Fast Phobia Cure can save

702-456-3267 Fax 702-436-3267

By Deborah Harper
& Dr Jonathan Bispham

Success Story
Every time we conduct an NLP and Time Line Therapy
training, we are so moved and blown away by the
amazing changes that our students experience. We find
that around Day 4 of the 7 Day Practitioner course, our
students really breakthrough the boundaries that were
holding them back and really begin moving to a new
way of thinking. What is even more incredible is the
successes they continue to experience once they leave
After the training, Sue wrote to us and said, I have now
the training room. To know that our graduates are out
decided I want to share the gift you and Jonathon have
there helping others to change their world for the better
taught me THANK YOU THANK YOU. Sue is now off
is priceless and keeps us motivated to train and help
her medication and is working with women and teaching
more and more people to embrace the changes that
them how to let go of depression and anxiety using
these amazing techniques can bring.
Time Line Therapy , NLP and Hypnosis techniques.
Wed like to share with you a story about one of our The local paper in Armidale published an article on
graduates who touched our hearts during the training Sues personal breakthrough and her results working
and still continues to do so as she helps people around with other women facing similar problems. Sue told us
her make the changes they need to design the future her phone hasnt stopped ringing since the article and
they want. she is loving herself and her successes. Sue is coming
Sue from Armidale, NSW Australia was diagnosed with along to our Master Practitioner course in October 2010
psychotic depression, melancholia and anxiety panic to continue her journey.
disorder and had been on medication for about 20 As Trainers of Time Line Therapy , NLP, Coaching and
years. She had spent a significant amount of money Hypnosis, we are honoured to be part of her journey to
searching for a way to let go of these issues that were success.
preventing her from achieving the success she wanted.
Sue wasnt living a fulfilled life. In fact she told us that
she reached the lowest point of her life and desperately Master Practitioner Course
(NLP, Time Line Therapy , Coaching and Hypnosis)
October 2010
Gold Coast, Queensland, Australia
Contact Deborah Harper &
Dr. Jonathan Bispham on
1300388875 or go to

Deborah Harper
Certified Master Coach ABNLP
Certified Master Hypnotist and Trainer ABH
Certified Master NLP Practitioner and Trainer ABNLP
wanted to find a solution. Sue attended our NLP
Certified Trainer of Time Line Therapy
Practitioner training course in 2009 and experienced
Life Changing Solutions Pty Ltd
an amazing breakthrough during the week. After she
had completed the Time Line Therapy portion of the Email:
training, she approached us and asked if she could M: 0414989413
address the group and share her learnings. Sue told the
group that for the first time in 20 years she can actually P: 1300 388875
6 see the true colour of the sky and taste the food she had
at lunch!
By Henry Leo Bolduc with
Marjorie Reynolds

Embracing the Past Through Remembrance

Is there a future in exploring the past? who practice past-life are called Regressionists or
The history of each soul-the cumulative total lives Regression Therapists. Among the three groups of
spanning many centuries-is recorded in the persons therapists there is a difference in focus regarding the
subconscious mind. Many of us have no conscious embracing of new ideas about the way we perceive
memories of such past events: yet, the associated existence ant the complexity of mind.
emotions, talents, and behaviors have a direct and One interesting criticism regarding the acceptance of
profound effect on our lives. Gaining access to those past lives: too many people assert that they have had
records can be the adventure of a lifetime! We talk about previous existences as famous people. In our many
the mysteries of the mind but only a few people get combined years of active regression and past life
involved with the investigation. exploration, we have not had a client report being a
Some people are skeptical of the concept of past lives person who was famous. Regression therapy generally
and of the influence that past events have in the current reveals people doing everyday activities, living lives
life of the individual. They seek empirical evidence. which are normal for the times, and reporting or re-living
Trying to prove through the senses or by logic the emotional experiences related to the development of
authenticity of past lives is like trying to prove the their personal and spiritual lives.
existence of love. Most people will agree that love exists: Perhaps we have unknowingly met such celebrated
yet, they cannot explain the feeling of love for another personalities. For us, when a client is guided on a journey
person-they cannot identify which of the five senses into the unconscious mind, the therapeutic purpose-
can be used as evidence. Although you might not be and the clients purpose-goes far beyond the curiosity
able to prove the existence of love, you still continue to of who, where, and when. We, and other regressionists,
experience it. Perhaps it is not necessary to prove love tend to focus on what the individual accomplished at the
in order to share its benefits. It is the experience, not soul level-whether there was spiritual gain or loss in a
the proof, which is important. Generally, when someone particular lifetime. In Past-Life Regression, the therapist
asks you to prove your love, you tend to think in terms of usually asks a non leading question and allows the client
physical acts you could perform for that person. Those to respond from the unconscious mind. Often, the name,
two notions are unrelated. You can do something good date, and place are not requested and not volunteered.
for a person without having much genuine love. Past-life Since the information the client shares usually is tied to
memory, like love, is an experience to be enjoyed and to strong emotions, it is not wise to break the continuity of
be embraced for growth and spiritual development. images and impressions to obtain other personal data.
Critics question whether the retrieving of past life
memories is authentic. The names, places, and dates
could have been recalled from existing records which
had been heard or read and then forgotten by the
conscious mind in the current life. They also add that so-
called memories come from the imagination or fantasy.
In some instances, that opinion might be accurate;
however, the reports of so many people who believe
that their recollections must have come from past lives
have led therapists and researchers to accept the idea
that we have had many lifetimes on earth. Events can be
authentic without being recalled at will. One reason for
the belief in the theory of past lives is the need to learn
the multiple lessons on the journey toward wholeness.
Some traditional therapists find the idea of past-life
regression to be too implausible or radical to warrant
attention. Others hold the position that people have
only one chance to succeed but, nonetheless, accept
their clients beliefs in the continuity of life. Another
group acknowledges the concept that we live multiple 7
lives and that earth serves as a school with progressive
experiences and credits. Members of this latter group (Continued on page 8

702-456-3267 Fax 702-436-3267

pieces of a complex puzzle that you fit together, carefully
and patiently, to view a full panorama of your soul.
Regression work is a process rather than a product.
In past-life regression, we explore the mysteries of the
inner self, the subconscious mind, where the souls
history is recorded. Most people are apprehensive
about embarking on this journey without a guide, a
regressionist, who understands the science of exploring
and who has studied the mysteries of the human mind.
The client is an investigator who makes use of the skills
of a guide. As an analogy, a rock hound who is going
to do significant collecting of some minerals would hire
a guide who has a map and who knows the territory.
Without a guide, an inexperienced person could spend
many hours, days, or weeks without much success.
Eventually, of course, it becomes easier to recognize
the indicators for locating the minerals you are seeking;
similarly, the art/science of exploring soul memories is
assisted by the services of a guide until the seeker learns
the ways of recognizing which path is best for spiritual
Some examples of spiritually focused questions are: To use another analogy, the work of a regressionist
How did you gain and grow in that life? is like that of an archaeologist who studies the sites
How did you lose or what could you have done better? and artifacts of prehistoric people. Regressionists are
archaeologists who dig through the strata and substrata
What caused the most sadness and hurt? of memory. They help the client to sift through the
What brought you the greatest happiness and emotional, mental, and spiritual pot shards, to identify
fulfillment? them, and to assemble them into a mosaic. The client
What did you learn or experience in that life that you is able to recognize a similar pattern in the current
could bring back with you to help you in your current life and can begin to understand why life is the way
life? it is. Understanding the past builds wisdom, wisdom
The past-life record of who you were on the inside-you builds trust, and trust conquers fear. The recalling and
individuality-is much more important than who you processing of such events, along with insights from the
appeared to be on the outside. By analogy, if you dress current perspective, can have a profound impact on the
in a costume for a Halloween party, do you become the desire to improve life.
person whose type of outfit you are wearing? Of course Past-life therapy is rapidly-evolving and dynamic field.
not! The outer grab creates an illusion. On the inside, It embraces many disciplines, both traditional and
you are yourself. The actor, too, portraying a role for a innovative. Many hypnotist, psychologists, counselors,
specific amount of time, maintains personal integrity. and holistic healers have added past-life therapy to their
Your outward appearance in a past life is of minor practices.
Two of the most important hallmarks of a true profession
The true value of knowledge of past lives is in the are the establishment of a set of ethical standards and
lessons you have learned. Your souls memory is your the recognition of practitioners who have met those
true wisdom. How well did you serve humanity? How standards through an objective evaluation process. The
close did you come to fulfilling the purpose for which field of Past-Life Therapy has reached a new level of
you came to earth? Did you work to bring yourself and recognition-Certification. International Certification, a
others closer to God? The above questions, significant in mark of professionalism, is available in this therapeutic
understanding how you learned and what you learned, profession.
seem to be more important than the data of who, where,
In the Western world, the subconscious mind has been
and when. The progress of the soul toward atonement
a seldom-explored area for centuries. Although, in
with God is the measuring rod by which we view a
recent years, much has been accomplished, it is not a
final frontier. It is, however, a vast, new world: Mind, the
Bringing your personal record to conscious awareness pathway through time, is limitless and contains episodes
adds a significant chapter in the history of humanity. where we failed to make adequate progress. It also
Each life contains sections of splendor and tales of contains our triumphs. By embracing the past through
travail. There are page of wonder and growth and there remembrance, we acknowledge our mistakes, learn
8 are episodes of loss. Such experiences are natural to cultivate forgiveness, and proceed on the path to
components of the cosmic drama called life. Regression spiritual betterment and enlightenment.
exercises are gifts to refresh your memory. They are like
By Henry Leo Bolduc

Self Hypnosis for Holistic Healing

builder. If we pretend or imagine that something is
already accomplished, the inner mind perceives it as
accomplished, and we tend to respond accordingly.
The concept that we first envision is not new: create a
dominant thought and then manifest our own destiny.
The self-help approach that brought many people to
the hypnotherapy field initially can be viewed holistically
a much larger context. This wider context. This wider
context consists of four distinct elements; definition,
application, healing, and contentment. Definition is the
personal process of intimate self-assessment that defines
reality for the individual. Application is the means to
manifesting the definition. Healing is the result of this
process and can be physical, spiritual, mental, emotional,
or financial. Contentment is the acceptance, with inner
peace and satisfaction, of the process by the individual.
Educational research, after examining the learning
process, defined multiple intelligence theories that
delineate various styles in which individuals experience,
comprehend, and retain information. In other words,
each person learns and develops in unique ways. Some
generalizations can be drawn from intelligence potential,
learning modes, patterns, or styles. Individuals who
The process of holistic self-hypnosis involves relaxation thrive in interpersonal relationships and social activities
and a guided process for engaging the unconscious or for learning may be described as the interpersonal
inner mind to provide information and guidance and or social learners. Others find value in time spent in
to produce positive changes. Holistic self-hypnosis quiet contemplation and deep thought. Those are the
integrates several dimensions of perception, not only the intrapersonal learners. They are willing to sleep on it
physical senses such as visual, auditory and kinesthetic, before accepting a reality. Those learners are often avid
but spontaneous transpersonal feelings and experiences. dreamers and regular mediators. They need to go within
This dynamic process transforms the goal of hypnosis to to make decisions.
embrace each individual as a whole person, rather than People who learn visually like to see things or to look
the smoker, dieter, insomniac, or victim. at what they are processing. Even with their eyes closed,
The subconscious mind controls all bodily functions, the visual learner can see pictures and scenes via the
harbors all memories and causes us to act out those image center of the mind. The process of recording,
ideas, thoughts, or images that are transformed into storing, and playing-back visual impressions is easy for
conviction through imagination and belief. Hypnosis them. People who learn primarily through the auditory
facilitates access to the constructive use of imagination style hear things externally like listening to a speaker. In
and enables us to build a better reality. In this way, essence, they listen to their inner voices. Those people
hypnosis becomes magnificent inner adventure for self- tend to enjoy music, excel at foreign languages, and
healing. It opens a pathway for guidance toward optimal memorize easily. They can record, store, and play-back
physical health, mental well-being, emotional fulfillment, words, stories and sounds. Kinesthetic learners are the
financial balance and spiritual harmony. Since improving hands-on people. They learn through doing. They are
the state of the whole self is the goal of hypnosis as in touch with life, putting things together and making
discussed in this article, the term holistic is justifiably them work. Kinesthetic learners often display strong
applied to the approach detailed below. emotions. Those are just a few examples of intelligence
Many people assume that pretending is something potentials. Some individuals integrate all of those
childish, phony, or undesirable. In truth, pretending styles depending upon the circumstances. Others rely
is a valuable process of creation. Words and phrases primarily on one, but are secondarily influenced by some
like constructive imagination, positive thinking, combination of the other styles.
visualization, and faith may be used as an alternate The wonderful discoveries afforded through the journey
way of presenting the idea of pretending. When we of holistic self-hypnosis may be expressed through the
pretend that something will happen, what we pretend various intelligence potentials. Visually oriented travelers
has a far better chance of manifesting than when often keep a written journal or they document their 9
we dont imagine anything at all. The mind is the holistic adventure through drawings or other creative
(Continued on page 10)

702-456-3267 Fax 702-436-3267

art forms. Interpersonal learners prefer to participate it is a journey itself. Experiencing the journey will take
in discussion groups to share their discoveries. you beyond thinking to experiencing and embracing all
Interpersonal learners create personal spaces in their levels of your being. Allow yourself now to open to this
homes for meditation or dedicate places in natural important work. Remember a time when you really felt
settings to contemplate their new holistic realities. safe and comfortable. Bring back from your memory,
Kinesthetic learners create a dance or ritual movements the sensations associated with that time. Remember the
to express commitment and dedication to the holistic place and the circumstances in full detail. Become aware
process. All learners can combine and develop a means of the sounds, colors, textures, and feelings associated
of expressing their journeys and their healings. with complete safety and harmony. With your eyes
Those who wish to experience the holistic self-hypnosis closed, feel completely relaxed and comfortable.
journey may want to keep in mind that trust is the key When you are relaxed and comfortable, do you allow
to the door of the higher mind and appreciation makes yourself to dream or daydream? Can you imagine
opening the door easier. An attitude of thankfulness for yourself entering your dream? Allow images, sounds and
all that is received will contribute to and is essential for feelings to come to you and take you lightly into your
growth and fulfillment on the journey along the pathways very being-feeling your connection with your self-your
of life. higher self-your higher mind.
In holistic self-hypnosis, the individual perceptions, Allow yourself to notice a tiny light within you as you are
thoughts, dreams, and awareness of the person blend in this safe place. Notice how this light becomes brighter
together. They become integrated harmoniously, and brighter as it expands to encompass your entire
synergistically creating a single Self greater than the being Perhaps the light has colors within it. Maybe it is
various parts. The physical is seen as happy, healthy, pure white. It might even pulsate in living rays of light
vibrant, and radiant. The emotional is peaceful, thankful, and wonder. The light may extend beyond your physical
and willing to give and to receive body. This is the light of your true
love. The financial has witnessed Holistic self-hypnosis self. The divine light of your being.
monetary healing, definition, and The light allows you to imagine,
is balanced with generosity and is for the therapist to learn and to grow in many new
financial intelligence. The spiritual ways. The light illuminates you
has bonded all the parts together as well as for the client and opens the possibility for new
as a whole continuous flow of
enlightenment. Holistic hypnosis
healer heal thyself. discoveries and insights.
This light that now surrounds
provides guidance a familiar your very being allows you to
pathway to heal the various parts of the individual- imagine and to learn. Imagine yourself giving your mind
forming the whole Self. a positive picture about an aspect of your life. Can you
In the following script, the inner mind is engaged for a anticipate that what you planted and when our where it
dual purpose. First, imagination is employed to manifest was or for what reason, realize and appreciate the eternal
positive outcomes in the areas of physical health, truth that you can use your mind to improve your life by
emotional fulfillment, financial balance, and spiritual creatively sensing the way your life will improve.
harmony. Second, the profound depth and wisdom of You also can feel your connection with the light of your
the inner mind is tapped for inspiration and information higher mind your higher self. You can sense your inner
to maximize the use of those talents that will be most wisdom and learn from that wisdom. You can begin by
helpful in healing all areas of life. Repeated use of the comparing your mind to the surface of a quiet pond. My
self-hypnosis approach will integrate the various parts of voice is like a gentle breeze whispering in the trees along
life and heal the whole person. the shore. The pond remains quiet and still even though
To begin this inner journey, position yourself so that there is activity beneath the surface. Often, there is much
you will be comfortable for a few minutes and will be happening beneath a still surface. The gentle surface
able easily to keep pen or pencil on paper and write or conceals extraordinary depth-the depth of your inner
draw at the appropriate limes. Even though you will be wisdom.
completely relaxed, you easily will open your eyes just As you continue to drift deeper and deeper relaxed
wide enough to see and, when prompted, record your now, bathed in the divine light of your being, see
thoughts or describe your feelings. When prompted, yourself leisurely descending a set of stairs covered
write or draw whatever comes to mind, trusting your with a thick, white carpet that is like a cloud beneath
senses and accepting the first feelings, pictures or words your feet. Perhaps there is a brass handrail or a walnut
that appear. banister. The stairs lead you to a comfortable room, a
Close your eyes now and take several deep breaths, very safe place. While you are in that room, the outside
breathing in through your nose and out through your world will stay outside. You can rest a minute and
mouth. Allow the tension to begin to leave your body become aware of just how good you feel-free from all
10 with each exhalation. Begin to move to a place of of the realities of the outside world and bathed in your
deep relaxation. As you begin to breathe deeply and divine light.
naturally now, realize that healing is more than a goal: (Continued on page 11)
You are free to do whatever you wish to do at
this time. You may wish to allow your conscious
mind to drift. You dont even have to make the
effort to listen to my voice. It isnt important
what your conscious mind does now because
your unconscious mind is here with me and it
hears me and can respond in its own time and
its own way. At this time, you go to whatever
level of relaxation your unconscious mind
wants you to go to in order to do the work you
are going to do now.
Imagine yourself giving your mind a positive
picture. In your creative imagination, sense
yourself as having a powerful and creative
mind. Realize that you can use your mind to
create a better life in a fashion similar to a
light shining through a motion picture film
onto a screen. Allow a scene to come into emotional healing balance, and fulfillment. Make a note
focus. Witness yourself nourishing your mind. Imagine of this information. Write or sketch whatever you receive
that you enjoy mental well-being and complete peace or perceive. Trust the thoughts, feelings or pictures that
of mind. Now, ask to connect with your higher mind. Ask first come. (Pause for two minutes.) Now rest your hand
your higher mind to convey to you how you can utilize and rest your eyes. Relax and breathe naturally.
the higher mind to create the kind of life you want. Just Can you sense the connection between your finances
write or sketch whatever you receive or perceive. Trust and your mental, physical and emotional wellbeing?
the thoughts, feelings or pictures that first come. (Pause Imagine yourself living within your income. See yourself
for two minutes.) Now, rest your hand and rest your eyes. budgeting time and money as valuable resources and
Relax and breathe naturally. notice how this improves your overall picture of life.
Now, imagine how important your body is to your Sense yourself living generously within guidelines of
physical health. Observe how the body enjoys fresh air, simplicity and financial intelligence. Imagine yourself
pure water, exercise, healthy foods, proper elimination, deciding what you really want to do with your life. Create
cleansing of pores, massage, or skeletal alignments. a clear picture in your minds eye of financial balance
Imagine a healthy Lifestyle, receiving nutrition for and economic healing. Sense yourself liking your work
strength, rest, and deep, restful sleep. Look forward to and producing a healthy income. Make the vision real.
your exercising to gain vitality and taking a sauna or Envision yourself contributing fairly and generously to
steam bath to cleanse the skin. Sense yourself enjoying others. You may give of your time, your knowledge,
nature. Imagine yourself energetic and vital. View and your prayers. Now ask to connect to inner financial
yourself as healthy, happy, and enjoying life to its fullest. advisor. What guidance, counsel, or information can
Create a mental picture of rejuvenation: look younger be given to you at this time. Ask your inner accountant
with sparkling eyes and shiny hair, feel younger. Now ask for impressions or information. Make a note of the
to connect with your physical body. What does our inner information. Write or sketch whatever you receive or
healer say or convey to you? What guidance, feelings, perceive. Trust the thoughts, feelings or pictures that first
or impressions are given to you? Make a note of the come. (Pause for two minutes.) Now rest your hand and
information. Write or sketch whatever you receive or rest you eyes. Relax and breathe naturally.
perceive. Trust the thoughts, feelings or pictures that firs Now sense how you are connected with God and see
come. (Pause for two minutes.) Now rest your hand and Gods role in your daily life. Imagine your life as your
rest your eyes. Relax and breathe naturally. religion and your temple. Affirm that how you live your
In your constructive imagination, look forward to living in life each day reveals who and what your really are. Focus
emotional balance and healing. For instance, if you were your attention inward to your soulful place of deep
ever hurt or angry, can you sense yourself learning to use imagination. Sense yourself living a spiritual life. Make
that hurt or anger as motivation for change? Transform it joyful and active and place yourself prominently at it
yourself to forgive others and to forgive yourself. center. Now create a new impression an impression
Recognize emotional intelligence as clear vision for your that nourishes your soul, illuminating you with happiness
social and family life. In you minds eye, observe yourself and fulfillment. Imagine that it is already true. You are
as emotionally fulfilled and happy, you give and receive spiritually centered. You live a life full of purpose a life
love and affection. You offer support and you receive of service to God and to humanity. Now ask to connect
it. This scene comes easily and is surrounded in light with the highest source of your being with the creative
and pleasure. Now ask to connect to your emotional source of life. What is the highest guidance, wisdom, or 11
being. Open to the thoughts, feelings, or impressions counsel that you can be given at this time? What can you
of your emotional life. Ask what you can do each day for (Continued on page 13)

702-456-3267 Fax 702-436-3267

(Continued from page 2) movement: they simply indicate what position you are in
can discover where the front of the boat is pointed at a particular point in time. In sailing you can be moving
and where you want to go, but you will not discover much faster than a boat ahead of you, yet the relative
much about your progress. You determine where you difference between your speeds results in it taking a long
have been and your direction by observing the past. time for you to catch up. You can also be traveling more
To sail effectively, you must know your destination and slowly than someone else, and difference in your speeds
the direction you are going. You must be willing to only becomes apparent over time.
experiment and learn from experience. Be present in the In sales, you will probably have a tendency to judge
moment-enjoying and playing with the boat-while also yourself. Please keep in mind that everything is relative.
having enough awareness of the weather and the future Where you are is not usually as easy to influence as
to determine where you will end up. how fast you are moving. The judgments you make
In sales, determine at each moment how what you are about how you are doing in the time frames you set as
doing will appear in retrospect. Morality in sales is always intermediate ends will have a lot to do with how much
determined by your direction and destination. The you learn from and enjoy the moment.
moment will be morally lost without these references. I have worked with salespeople who were so intent on
Salespeople who dont use their direction as a guide closing the transaction that they were willing to say or
often mislead or lie to clients when they are interested in do anything to that end. These people often burned
making sales or getting commissions. A salesperson too out and did not enjoy the pre-burnout flash. They had
intent on the future misses the pleasure and delight of no long term destination or any awareness of their
the sale at the moment it takes place. overall direction. I have also worked with salespeople
who would never compromise on anything and were
One of my past employers gave us the following one
much more interested in being right than in serving their
question quiz: When do you know the sale is made?
clients. These salespeople were typically disappointed,
His answer, based on an adversarial short-term model but it was always someone elses fault that they were
of sales, was When you have the cash in hand not selling. The client became an obstacle to overcome.
(destination). In no-fault sales, you play during the sale These salespeople would often be fired for not making
process, focusing your attention on the client rater than their quotas.
on the climax. The outcome is not what determines the
Some salespeople are just plain too scared and afraid to
success of a sale. The essence of a sale is a request and
play the game of sales. They usually spend a short time
a promise. A sale can end with a no (a promise not to
being very upset, and then quit.
buy) or a yes (a promise to buy). The point of selling is
much larger than getting the cash in hand. The person A few salespeople who genuinely enjoy the game of
who wins a sail boat race and does not enjoy the sailing sales and the game of life thrive on uncertainty and
itself is missing the boat and probably doesnt even insecurity. They have an awareness of their direction
know it. We are constantly attempting to discover how and their long term goals (declarations). Acting
good we are and constantly afraid that we may discover in accordance with their direction and their goals
how bad we are. We are too quick to judge ourselves by without compromising themselves, these people
any yardstick we can find-no matter how inappropriate or have a tendency to move between jobs until they
inaccurate it is. find a management that will support their standards
while selling a product that serves some useful needs
In sailing, it is obvious which boat is ahead: it is not
(declarations) made by a large group of clients. No-fault
obvious which boat is traveling fastest at any given
salespeople have a good time and make good money.
moment. Movement is all-important in sailing, in sales
and in life. In a sailboat race there is a declared end: in Sail while you are sailing, sell while you sell, be becalmed
sales and in life there is only one end, and that is final. while you are becalmed. Whether or not you make a
In sales you can make up intermediate ends (goals) particular sale is less relevant than the long term end, the
- a quarter, a year or a particular quota period. It is present activities and the overall direction. No-fault sales
important to remember that these ends do no indicate people are always successful, happy and healthy.

(Continued from page 11)
do on a daily basis to nourish your soul, to be fully vital and happy? Make a note of the information. Write or sketch whatever
you receive or perceive. Trust the thoughts, feelings, or pictures that first come. (Pause for two minutes.) Now rest your hand
rest your eyes. Relax and breathe naturally.
Ask the various aspects of your being to work together in a meaningful whole. By working together, the parts create harmony,
a oneness that is greater than the various parts. Ask for receive a few words or a short sentence that encapsulates this
oneness, this healing at all levels of your being. Now write or print those words. (Pause for one minute.)
Allow yourself to enjoy all that you have accomplished. Thank your mind, your body, your emotions, your financial advisor and
your spiritual guidance. Allow healing to occur each day and at every level of your being. When you are ready, slowly come
back to a fully alert state. Open your eyes and smile. Physically stretch you have stretched. You have embraced a new level
of thinking, healing, and holistic living. You are fully alert now and completely refreshed. Set aside your writings and sketches
for a few days or weeks before reading and examining them. Later, when you examine them, realize that they are sacred gifts
from your inner mind and your higher self.
The goal of holistic self-hypnosis is to involve the whole self in the creation of a wellness partnership that can lead to
physical, mental, emotional, financial, and spiritual harmony. This approach enables us to integrate our various intelligence
potentials, and to apply learning styles to experience positive results. It is known as healing. Holistic self-hypnosis also leads
to a better understanding of ourselves as individuals and as universal consciousness.
Healing is a natural on-going process. One does not have to be sick to experience holistic healing. Holistic healing is a win-
win process that encourages limitless self-potential.

ABH Annual Recertification

It is necessary to have 15 hours of information available when you pay your next years
annual continuing education for dues.
your hypnotherapy recertification. Here are some ways to accumulate hours:
The annual period in which to Attend an ABH seminar, workshop or training
attain this 15 hours of credit starts Participate in any hypnosis related event
on your dues renewal date. This Any article researched and written by you which is
requirement is standard among accepted for publication in the ACCESS Journal
other professionals and has been Attend any course or seminar conducted by a
enacted by the ABH for the advancement of our recognized professional hypnosis group
members and the profession as a whole. Independent study of hypnosis and related texts
Keep track of any of the following ways in which Teach a class on hypnosis-related subjects at an
you achieve your recertification credits. Have that institution of higher learning

The American Board of Hypnotherapy

The ABH was founded in 1982 by Dr. A. M. Krasner as The California Board of Hypnotherapy. Within a short time it grew to
be the American Board of Hypnotherapy with members all over the world - wherever Hypnosis is taught, we probably have a
Today we have over 1000 institutes worldwide approved at the Trainer Level of Hypnosis, and tens of thousands of members.
We believe that Hypnosis is the most excellent way of creating our own personal growth and development.

Editor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Candace Valdez

Design/Layout. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Susan Harroff, N2L Creative
Editorial Contributors. . . . . Debra Basham, Dr. Jonathan Bispham,
The Official Journal of the ABH and ABNLP SPRING 2010
Henry Leo Bolduc, Deborah Harper, Marjorie Reynold,
Mr. D. Stocking
P.O. Box 531605 Henderson, Nevada 89053
Articles, letters and questions in all fields relating to Hypnosis and NLP will be
702-456-3267 Fax 702-436-3267 considered for publication. Please submit via email. Due to the divergence of views
among the contributors, the staff and publisher of ACCESS disclaim all responsibility for the opinions expressed in this publication.

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