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RZL10 / A4

Name: DELA TORRE, Karen B. Date: January 17,


Score: __________ Professor: Dr. Melba


Topic: Do You Think Rizal Is The Rightful Person To Be The National Hero?

Dr. Jose Protacio Rizal is considered to be our nations greatest hero. Dr. Rizal
became the Philippine National Hero for his bravery, fighting for freedom from
freedom in a silent but powerful way. Many times, we call a hero a person who is
known to have done some exceptional deeds while showing boundless audacity,
physical dexterity, overpowering immense obstacles and saving peoples lives. To
understand how Rizal became our foremost national hero, we must first clarify the
traits of a hero. As defined by the Websters Dictionary, a person is considered a
hero if he or she takes an admirable part in any remarkable event. A hero is a
person of distinguished valor or enterprise in danger, or fortitude in suffering. A
hero is honored after death by public worship, because of exceptional service to
mankind. Among the several Filipino patriots, how was Rizal chosen to be our
national hero?

When the American government conquered the Philippines from the Spanish
government in 1896, the American government established a commonwealth
government after the Spanish revolutionary government ceased to govern the
country. At this time of the Philippine history, Filipinos under the Commonwealth
Government started to frame up Filipino national identities. When the question on
who would be the national hero arose, the American government guided the Filipino
people to choose Rizal. There were six revolutionary personages who were chosen
to be the Philippines National Hero. They were Marcelo H. del Pilar, Graciano Lopez
Jaena, Jose Rizal, General Antonio Luna, Emilio Jacinto, and Andres Bonifacio.

The American rationale was based on Rizals peaceful propaganda and

diplomatic approaches in attaining Philippine freedom and independence, unlike
Bonifacio who chose a bloody revolution and the other revolutionary Filipinos, who
were also writers like Rizal, but none of their books had been superior to Rizals
works. Whether this assessment is accurate or not, Rizal has been considered a
hero of our nation because he kept fighting for reforms through his writings instead
of through a revolution. He expressed his love for the Philippines through his novels,
essays, articles and poems rather than a force of aggression. He used his
intelligence, talents and skills in a more diplomatic way. Dr. Jose Rizal became a
national hero of the Philippines as a reformist who advocated peacefully for freedom
rather than violent means.

Even without the assistance of the American government and their

propaganda, I think Rizal would still be honored as a hero in the Philippines not only
because of his great works, but for his selflessness and bearing the cross of his
suffering for his countrymen. In my opinion, Dr. Jose Rizal is the rightful person to be
our National Hero. His ideas were invulnerable. Rizal deliberately planted and
nourished the seed of nationalism. In his novels, essays and proclamations he
promoted the idea of freedom and the eventuality of national independence; which
is evident in his novel Noli Me Tangere, which emphasized reforms, and its sequel,
El Filibusterismo, which preached revolution. His notions were the fuel to spark
the development of national consciousness that opened the eyes of his fellowmen.
Hence, Dr. Jose P. Rizal is definitely the greatest hero of our nation.

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