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Original material by Don Clarke. Illustrations copyright various sources.

Borrowed Time is an unofficial Imperial Commander 2 supplement designed to allow gamers to
battle with the armies and personalities introduced by Don Clarkes sf novel, Borrowed Time.
The setting is fully compatible with the established Laserburn/ Imperial Commander history, and
provides a rationale and environment allowing players to develop LB/IC compatible civilisations
and campaigns spanning a time period of some 1015 years.

Original material copyright Don Clarke 2006.

Other material and inspiration Richard Halliwell, Bryan Ansell, Tony Ackland, Neil Cooper
(particularly for IC2 and the bugs!). No breach of copyright is intended in the use of found

A Brief History of Time

13.7 billion years BC the Big Bang
1969AD On 20th July Armstrong sets foot on the moon. With one small step humanity is no longer confined to Earth.
2003AD Cancun. The year two thousand and three, by old Earth reckoning. A conference of the World Trade
Organisation ends in turmoil. The conference intends to implement fair trade policies for the worlds poorest
countries, but the USA doesnt want to play. Instead, laws are passed that make it easier to protect the interests
of the rich and to exploit the poor.
2010AD The Segregation. The working classes are confined to ghettos throughout much of Europe.
2090AD By now, regime-change has been forced by the USA on the whole of Asia and Africa over refusals to allow trade
involving genetically modified seeds and crops.
2095AD The USA does the same to Europe, for the same reason.
2459AD After centuries of oppression, the segregated lower classes rise up. They are supported by the less developed
nations and Europe, and they destroy the USA, starting and bringing to an end the Third World War within the
space of a year. A golden age of cooperation, good will, and enlightenment follows.
2531AD The Ark becomes the first generation-ship to colonise and terraform a star system other than the Suns. Space is
rapidly colonised following the invention of the Immelmann jump drive.
2900AD The Imperium is founded.
3560AD The Imperium finds unrest on Earth in the shape of the Afro-Asian Revolutionary Force (AARF) under the
inspired leadership of the prophet Zandrig.
3600AD Knowledege of the AARF spreads to the frontier colonies, known as the Dark Worlds. The idea that the Imperium
could be defied takes hold, and inspires the outcasts, exiles, and convicts there to take up arms against their
persecutors. The AARF movement, now made up of disparate groups and motivations, aquires a common
identity, adopting the religious and ideological basis promoted by Zandrig.
3612AD Zandrig declares a jihad against the Imperium. The AARF becomes known as the Red Redemption (Early
Redemptionist Dynasty).
3862AD Discovery of the Kastor Artifacts, consisting of thousands of archives, teachings, and histories detailing the
creation, progression, and fortold end of the universe. Subsequent reorganisation of the Red Redemption into the
Late Redemptionist Dynasty.
4220AD Over-expansion, costly wars with alien races, and growing religious fundamentalism leads to a breakdown in
order. The Imperium is dissolved, and the Nine (the major trading organisations) assume control of portions of
the old Empire. A new dark age of greed and corruption begins. Aeons of divisiveness, war, and suffering are to
4480AD Sickened by the human races slide into high-tech barbarism, a powerful, mysterious elite calling themselves the
Shepherds retire to the recently re-terraformed Earth and isolate themselves. Not wishing to be threatened or
discovered by those they see as barbarians and animals, they intelligence-cap and arrest the evolution of the rest
of humanity and of the known intelligent alien races. This is achieved through a vast, secret programme of
genetic alteration, achieved through a purpose built, self-replicating virus carried via the food chain. Knowledge
of Earth becomes obscured. Many feel the story of Earth is simply a creation myth. Knowledge is lost, and the
origin of the species becomes unclear. The dark age continues.
10764AD The human race, by its actions, reveals itself to be the most collectively aggressive, expansionist species in the
universe, and thus the Great Ten Thousand Year War begins; a coalition of alien races pitting their will and
military might against humanity. The prize: mastery of the universe.
13330AD With the human race on the brink of extinction, the Red Redemption puts aside its grievances and internal
squabbling and joins forces with the armies of the Nine, now fighting for humanitys very existence.
20843AD After millennia of exterminations and atrocities, the final battle is won by humans. The other races, though not
extinguished, are ghettoised. They are forbidden and ruthlessly prevented from possessing heavy military assets.
20980AD The human and economic cost of the War takes its toll, and, in the face of disorder and rebellion, the Nine lose
their power. The military bases keeping watch on the defeated alien races are maintained to try to quell the
constant uprisings, but elsewhere the universe is fractured into many smaller, squabbling empires, and the dark
age deepens.
27682AD Emancipation of the alien races. By now, humanity has such a stranglehold on the universe that even another
alien alliance couldnt seriously threaten human interests.
1015AD About this time, human intelligence-capping is partially circumvented by the creation of constructs. Colloquially
known as toasties, constructs are living, sentient beings, usually in humanoid form, constructed using organic
sampling and nano-technology. A group of hyper-intelligent constructs are created to work on the problem of
proton decay, a natural process slowly killing the universe. The constructs discover a method to arrest the decay
of the universe, and four galaxies are protected from the ravages of proton decay, quantum-tunnelling, and the
like, whilst the rest of the universe begins to evaporate. But the solution, whilst stable for aeons, is ultimately only
Approximately 6,500,000 years prior to the founding of the UCH (see below) Earth is rediscovered by the
Fifth Galaxy expedition. The Shepherds have evolved into the Spheres. In contrast, in evolutionary and
technological terms, the rest of humanity has almost stood still since 6010. The expeditions startling findings, not
all of which are understood by the expedition at the time, are kept secret. An office is created by the Order called
the Voice of the Order of the Wheel, and the secret of the Shepherds and the Spheres is entrusted to that one
person. The information is handed down through the generations by the Voice choosing their successor before
they die. Soon no other being alive remembers the expedition.
UCH1 The Engaged Order of the Wheel, an engaged Buddhist order, forces unification of the Four Galaxies, outlaws
private enterprise and profit, oversees the latest ratification of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights,
establish the Universal Council of Humanity, and sets up the Sacred Band, an elite military unit of 150 pairs of
lovers in dreadnought armour, to finally enforce liberty and equality of outcome throughout the universe. The
other intelligent races, hitherto oppressed and ghettoised, are emancipated and given the same rights as
Every intelligent being is provided with an aide, which is essentially a small, badge-sized link to the yoodee
(the Universal Database) combined with a personal nano-factory. Each aide controls a small but powerful cloud
of microscopic nanobot assemblers which can convert organic matter to food, and can convert other raw
materials to any other items desired, provided the pattern for the item is present as a plug-in for the aide. Every
aide is inbuilt with precisely the same limits on use of raw materials, These limits are generous and allow for a
luxurious standard of living for everyone. There are few unattainable objects of desire, for if the user becomes
bored with one thing, he or she can simply disassemble it and assemble something else.
A new beginning is made with regard to marking the passage of time years are now preceded by the initials
UCH (Universal Council of Humanity). This is the beginning of the time period covered by the Borrowed Time
UCH473 The Order of the Wheel is victorious in the bloody and brutal Persephonid Campaign. Persephony was a star
system controlled by a ruthless local dictator called Agerak Terlaw Issmos, who built a private army and declared
independence from the UCH. He confiscated and outlawed the aides of all of the people of Persephony except
those of his most trusted henchmen. He reverted to the old ways of advantage and profiteering, building his own
fortune and power through punishing taxes, and conquering neighbouring systems. There were several uprisings
against Issmos, but all were mercilessly quelled by his elite Terror Guard units. Many atrocities and massacres
were committed during Issmos rule.
The UCH watched the developing Persephonid crisis keenly, this being its first real test. Would it have the
stomach and the consensus to enforce the new universal order? After several years of debate and deliberation,
and after having its diplomatic efforts rebuffed by Issmos government, the UCH resolved to enforce compliance.
The entire Sacred Band, supported by a large Order of the Wheel expeditionary force, after months of hard
fighting, finally overcame Issmos army at the climactic Battle of Anees, Persephonys main world. Issmos himself
was never captured. Unfortunately, there are still many that admire his infamous achievements.
UCH566 The Order of the Wheel is in crisis due to the Schism; some within the Order support an Interventionist policy,
supporting research designed to save the four galaxies from the ravages of proton decay. Others support a
Continuationist policy, in opposition to said research, preferring instead to let the universe die as nature
intended, thus preserving the eternal cycle of life and death. The two factions are being driven farther apart all
the time, and there have been skirmishes and murders. Don Clarkes novel Borrowed Time details the heroic
struggle of Sof, a young female monk of the Order of the Wheel, to bring permanent salvation to the Four
Galaxies in the face of violent Continuationist opposition.
Army Lists
There follows Army Lists based on the forces described in the novel Borrowed Time. The lists
are based on 1000pt armies; halve the given maximums, rounding up, for 500pt armies. The
morale strength point value of 1 figure of the relevant element is given in brackets at the end of
the details section of that elements entry, e.g. (13). This is to facilitate calculation of an
armys current moral strength.

The Engaged Order of the Wheel Army List

Element Details Points Min-Max
Cost Number
Elder Guard, DA, jump pack, designator, automedic, invisibility cloak forceshield.1 114 0-1
Hero: hit bonus +4, leadership, ambidextrous, initiative, nerves of steel.
Back-mounted missile launcher.2
or Right arm pack: 2 x support bolter, power glove.
Interventionist) Left arm pack: sun gun.
Act independently. (13)
The elders are the secretive leaders of the Order. They are rarely encountered, and
some say they have powers hitherto unseen. A number of elders are named in Borrowed
Sof Veteran, DA, jump pack, designator, automedic, invisibility cloak forceshield.1 106 0-1
Hero: hit bonus +6, leadership, ambidextrous, sharpshooter, sniper.
Back-mounted missile launcher.2
Halfway) Right arm pack: 2 x support bolter.
Left arm pack: heavy laser, power glove.
Act independently. (13)
Sof is a halfway of the Order, nineteen years old. She was vivacious and carefree, but
unwittingly became a key player in the struggle to save humanity from the ravages of
proton decay. Upon Korlans death Sof becomes the new Voice of the Order of the
Wheel. Her weakness is her need for physical closeness, and on the battlefield also her
abhorance of violence. Ironically, she is the Orders most gifted battlesuit pilot.
Korlan Guard, DA, jump pack, designator, automedic, invisibility cloak forceshield.1 109 0-1
(Interventionist Hero: hit bonus +4, leadership, ambidextrous, initiative, swordsman.
Back-mounted missile launcher.2
Monk) Right arm pack: 2 x support bolter.
Left arm pack: gauss rifle, power glove.
Act independently. (13)
Korlan is a leading light in the interventionist camp and is the current Voice of the
Order of the Wheel. He is the mastermind of the plan to protect Minaxee, a key
component in the fight to defeat proton decay, using the unknown but talented Sof as
her bodyguard. His weakness is his integrity.
Komai Veteran, DA, jump pack, designator, automedic, invisibility cloak forceshield.1 103 0-1
Hero: hit bonus +3, constitution, medical skill, luck, dodge.
Back-mounted missile launcher.2
Monk) Right arm pack: 2 x support bolter.
Left arm pack: heavy laser, power glove.
Act independently. (8)
The rotund, camp, jovial Komai is another veteran of the Persephonid campaign, but
theres nothing camp or jovial about his battlefield skills. He is liberal minded, and is
Sofs confidante. His weakness is any combination of the seven deadly sins
Yarrow Guard, DA, jump pack, designator, automedic, invisibility cloak forceshield.1 116 0-1
Hero: hit bonus +4, leadership, ambidextrous, aggressive, nerves of steel.
Back-mounted missile launcher.2
Monk) Right arm pack: 2 x support bolter.
Left arm pack: sun gun, power glove.
Act independently. (13)
Yarrow is truculant, coarse, intelligent, unkempt, and a demon on the battlefield. He
fought with Korlan at the savage Battle of Anees. He is the best battlesuit instructor in
the Four Galaxies. Sof was lucky and priviledged to have him as part of her sangha,
though she doesnt see it that way. His weakness is apathy.
Ritter Veteran, DA, jump pack, invisibility cloak forceshield.1 102 0-1
(Continuationist Hero: hit bonus +4, rapid fire, initiative, accuracy, grenadier.
Back-mounted missile launcher, autoranger.2
Halfway) Right arm pack: 2 x support bolter with autoranger.
Left arm pack: heavy laser, power glove.
Act independently. (8)
Ritter was once Sofs lover. He is young, brash, and ambitious. He is converted to the
continuationist side of the schism, and this led to a breaking of his relationship with
Sof. He is a talented battlesuit pilot, second only to Sof in Yarrows experience. He is
jealous of Sofs friendship with Korlan, and ultimately his bitterness consumes him he
allows himself to be recruited by Continuationist elders to try to assassinate Sof. His
weakness is his jealousy and bitterness.
Element Details Points Min-Max
Cost Number
Monk Veteran, DA, leadership, jump pack, automedic, invisibility cloak forceshield.1 93 each 1-10
Back-mounted missile launcher2 with support autoranger.
Right arm pack: 2 x heavy bolter.
Left arm pack: gauss rifle, power glove.
Act independently. (8)
Cherished 4 x Elite, AI, fanatic, rapid-fire bolter, advanced grenades, force sword. 1 of the 4 has 97 per 0-4 squads
designator. (1)
One Halfway squad
Halfway Squad 4 x regular, AI, rapid-fire bolter, advanced grenades, force sword. 1 of the 4 has 77 per 0-10
designator. (1)
squad squads
Neophyte 4 x regular, LI, rapid-fire bolter, standard grenades, force sword. 1 of the 4 has 57 per 0-10
designator. (1)
Squad squad squads
Neophyte Regular, LI, medic, jump pack, rapid-fire bolter, standard grenades, force sword. Act 19 each 0-3
Combat Medic independently. (1)

Allied Planetary 4 x conscript, AI, jump pack, laser rifle, force sword. (1) 68 per 0-6 squads
Defense Squad squad
Allied Planetary 1 x tripod mounted laser cannon with autoranger, 1 x tripod mounted missile salvo with 108 per 0-2 squads
Defense autoranger. squad
4 x crew: regular, AI, bolt pistol, force sword. (1)
Support Squad
Allied Planetary Vehicles may be fielded from tables 1, 2, and 4 on P.53/4 of the IC2 rules, or the variable 0-variable
Defense additional vehicles in this supplement, keeping within the restrictions given on P.47.
Allied Rebel 3 x raw, LI, laser pistol, force sword. (1) 21 per 0-4 squads
Squad squad
Dropship See Enterprise dropship in vehicles section. 86 each 0-2
Off-Table Fire Off table fire support modules. 15 each 0-8
The invisibility cloak forceshield represents the chameleon armour and electronic confusion patterns featured in
the novel.
The back-mounted missile launcher has unlimited shots. The firer decides the type of advanced grenade warhead
at the time of firing. Nano-assemblers contained within the launcher housing ensure no ammunition type ever runs
out. The launcher functions exactly as in the rules and has the same costs and stats.

Order of the Wheel Briefing Notes

The Order of the Wheel army list can be used to construct both Continuationist and Interventionist armies. If the
army is Continuationist you can have Ritter as a hero, if Interventionist you can have Korlan, Komai, Yarrow,
and/or Sof. From Monk onwards the elements can be part of either a Continuationist or Interventionist army. The
Order of the Wheel is an engaged Buddhist order that believes killing is defensible if there is a just cause. Both
sides of the Schism believe that advancement of their stance over proton decay is just cause. Elders and monks are
highly trained in battlesuit combat, and there are many veterans of the Persephonid campaign still at the peak of
their fitness thanks to medical advancements life expectancy runs into hundreds of years. Elders, the leaders of the
Order, are powerful but rarely seen. Halfways are effectively apprentice monks. Most of them are in their late teens
or early twenties. The Cherished One Hundred were a group of halfways that distinguished themselves in the
Persephonid campaign. Neophytes are children and orphans that have been taken in to be educated by the Order. Not
all of them go on to be halfways. The neophytes that might see combat would mostly be mid to late teenage, with
maybe some mature ones coming late to the Order.

The Order might fight alongside planetary defense forces in situations where the PDF is still resisting an invasion,
e.g. by expansionist Profiteers. It might fight alongside rebel forces on planets that have already been conquered by
hostile forces. It might also fight alongside both where a planet has been partially conquered. Continuationist Order
of the Wheel forces might find themselves fighting against Interventionist Order of the Wheel forces. Either might
find themselves fighting Profiteer, Redemption, or Isolate armies. Only a Continuationist Order of the Wheel army
would ever find itself in conflict with the Sacred band.

In its time, the Order of the Wheel has also fought campaigns against aggressive incursions into human administered
sectors by alien armies and bug colonies. The Order has also come up against alien mercenary armies hired by rebel
Profiteer empires to do their dirtywork.
The Sacred Band Army List
Element Details Points Min-Max
Cost Number
Salin Veteran, DA, jump pack, designator, automedic, invisibility cloak forceshield.1 102 0-1
Hero: hit bonus +4, leadership, ambidextrous, nerves of steel.
Back-mounted missile launcher.2
Right arm pack: 2 x heavy bolter.
Left arm pack: sun gun, power glove.
Act independently.(13)
Salin is an experienced, stoic, lonely squad leader. After rescuing Sof from Arclight he
becomes her lover. He fights alongside her in the decisive battle with the
Continuationists at the end of Borrowed Time. His weakness is his loneliness.
Squad Leader Veteran, DA, leadership, jump pack, designator, automedic, invisibility cloak 95 0-2
Back-mounted missile launcher.2
Right arm pack: 2 x heavy bolter.
Left arm pack: sun gun, power glove.
Act independently. May not be used if Salin is present.(8)
Trooper Veteran, DA, jump pack, designator, automedic, invisibility cloak forceshield.1 80 each 1-10
Back-mounted missile launcher.2
Right arm pack: 2 x heavy bolter.
Left arm pack: heavy laser, power glove.
Act independently.
Allied 4 x conscript, AI, jump pack, laser rifle, force sword. (1) 68 per 0-6 squads
Planetary squad
Defense Squad
Allied 1 x tripod mounted laser cannon with autoranger, 1 x tripod mounted missile salvo with 108 per 0-2 squads
Planetary squad
4 x crew: regular, AI, bolt pistol, force sword. (1)
Support Squad
Allied Vehicles may be fielded from tables 1, 2, and 4 on P.53/4 of the IC2 rules, or the variable 0-variable
additional vehicles in this supplement, keeping within the restrictions given on P.47.
Allied Rebel 3 x raw, LI, laser pistol, force sword. (1) 21 per 0-4 squads
Squad squad
Dropship See Enterprise dropship in vehicles section. 86 each 0-2
Off-Table Fire Off table fire support modules. 15 each 0-10
The invisibility cloak forceshield represents the chameleon armour and electronic confusion patterns featured in
the novel.
The back-mounted missile launcher has unlimited shots. The firer decides the type of advanced grenade warhead
at the time of firing. Nano-assemblers contained within the launcher housing ensure no ammunition type ever runs
out. The launcher functions exactly as in the rules and has the same costs and stats.

Sacred Band Briefing Notes

Consisting of 150 pairs of lovers, echoing the Theban Sacred Band of far-ancient times, the Sacred Band are the
military enforcement wing of the Universal Council of Humanity. Wherever Profiteer dictators rebel against the
equal outcome principle of the UCH, i.e. every intelligent being should have an equal share of the universes
resouces, the Sacred Band are sent in to restore equality and the rule of UCH law. Often they fight alongside allied
planetary defense forces or alongside rebels against Profiteer forces. They also hunt down criminals and renegades
like Arclight, and keep watch on isolate worlds in partnership with the Order of the Wheel.

The Sacred Band might fight alongside planetary defense forces in situations where the PDF is still resisting an
invasion, e.g. by expansionist Profiteers, aliens, or a bug colony. It might fight alongside rebel forces on planets that
have already been conquered by hostile alien or Profiteer forces. It might fight alongside both where a planet has
been only partially conquered. The Sacred band also finds itself fighting Isolate armies where major Isolate escapes
have occurred, helping Interventionist Order forces fight Continuationist Order forces, and fighting Red Redemption
armies on the offensive trying to reclaim systems the Redemption considers to be their own.
Isolate Army List
Element Details Points Min-Max
Cost Number
Arclight Veteran, LI. AT launcher, bolt pistol, laser pistol, advanced grenade pack, force sword. 49 0-1*
Hero: hit bonus +4, leadership, ambidextrous, aggressive, luck.
*If Arclight is part of the army then Nuna must be bought too.(11)
Arclight is very angry. Society imprisoned him for nothing more than being himself. So
what if being himself meant he felt compelled to slice and dice all of those inane, smiling
idiots? Freedom is freedom, unconditional. Arclight is highly intelliegent, cruel, sadistic,
and quite, quite, mad. His weakness is that he is often wracked with powerful feelings of
guilt for the brutal things he does.
Nuna Raw, civilian, slug pistol. 2 0-1*
*If Nuna is part of the army then Arclight must be bought too.(0)
Nuna loves shoes, clothes, jewellery, and more pretty things than even the generous
individual resource allowance would enable an aide to build her. So she came up with
the plan to get foolish admirers to assign limited control of their aides to her. The
admirers were then superfluous to requirements. She got a thrill out of despatching them
in a variety of interesting ways. Shed collected thirty eight aides before the planetary
police caught up with her. She is spiteful, petty, loudmouthed, and malicious. Her
weakness is her constant desire for beautiful clothes.
Trikes Trike with bike cannon. 40 each 0-6
Rider: conscript, LI, enforcer pistol, force sword.(1)
Gunner: conscript, LI, enforcer pistol, force sword. (1)
Trikes act independently. Rider and gunner are a squad if dismounted.
Battlesuit Conscript, PA, jump pack, automedic. 59 each 0-4
Trooper Back-mounted AT launcher (1 shot).
Right arm pack: 2 x gauss rifles with autoranger.
Left arm pack: heavy laser.
Act independently.(2)
Isolate Squad 6 x conscript, civilian, assault rifle, force sword.(0) 54 per 1-12
squad squads
Psychopath 3 x civilian, raw, fanatic, sun gun.(0) 57 per 0-4 squads
Squad squad
Grav-Fighter Hull class 3, aircraft, troops capacity 0, 2 x support bolter in the same fixed mount (can 40 each 0-4
both fire at the same target).

Special Army Notes

If Nuna is killed, the whole army becomes fanatic. Isolates may not kill Nuna!

The PA battlesuits are actually DA, but the isolates are untrained in their operation. They function exactly as PA in
the rules, but look like DA and have DA weapon limits.

Isolate Briefing Notes

Isolates are the most desperate and dangerous criminals in the Borrowed Time universe. They are placed on frontier
worlds and given access to just enough technology to survive. Sometimes they escape, and when they do they
invariably choose piracy to obtain essential supplies, and to wreak their revenge upon society. Arclight, a manic
serial killer, and his partner Nuna, a callous, avericious murderer, together with a large group of isolate followers,
made such an escape. They eventually ended up on an obscure backwater planet. They may have thrived there for
years undetected were it not for the wreck of the starship Tolerance. The Tolerances disasterous mis-jump led to
Sof arriving on the planet in one of the ships escape pods. Evading detection, Sof managed to get herself into one of
the isolates stolen dreadnought suits, and general carnage ensued. This was Sofs first combat outside of a

Isolates and psychopaths would wear tattered civilian clothing, or a mish-mash of space-pirate booty. Suits and
heavy equipment could be from any other army, since it is all ill-gotten. Arclight himself has managed to hack into
an aide with a nanostylist plug-in, and its team of microscopic nanobots can build him any hairstyle or set clothes he
desires. In the book, hes introduced wearing a fluorescent orange string vest, an ultra-tight, bright green, plastic
mini-skirt, battered pioneer boots, and his blonde hair is in the shape of a massive wedge with the thin end hanging
over his eyes. Nuna is a young woman, tattered and dishevelled, with blonde hair in a ponytail. She loves beautiful
clothes, but as an isolate ones exposure to such things is limited.

Being a thorn in the side to most intelligent beings, and constantly engaged in crime, Isolate forces may find
themselves in conflict with the Order of the Wheel, the Sacred Band, police, Redemption, alien, bug, and Profiteer
forces. They may also come into conflict with other Isolate groups over lucrative pirating systems, or other
Profiteer Battlegroup Army List
Element Details Points Min-Max
Cost Number
Agerak Terlaw Guard, DA, jump pack, designator, automedic. 90 0-1
Hero: hit bonus +3, leadership, ambidextrous, aggressive, nerves of steel.
Imperial type 3-shot grenade launcher.
Right arm pack: 2 x heavy bolter with autoranger.
Left arm pack: heavy laser, power glove.
Act independently.(13)
Agerak Terlaw Issmos imposed an oppressive military dictatorship on his home world in
the Persephony system. He then proceeded to conquer many of his neighbouring
systems, confiscating aides and returning to a free market economy. He styled himself as
an Emperor. His forces were eventually defeated by the combined might of the Sacred
Band and the Order of the Wheel, but Issmos himself was never found. Some say he was
preserved in some way like the Red Redemptions Zandrig... Issmos is a great and
persuasive orator, charismatic, and proud. He is ambitious and ruthless. His weakness
is his pride.
President Lan Veteran, AI, jump pack, rapid fire bolter with autoranger, bolt pistol. 42 0-1
Hero: leadership, aggressive, nerves of steel, constitution.
Act independently.(11)
Lan was the leader of a typical Profiteer outfit exploiting several star systems. He was
executed by Salin of the Sacred Band, but some say salin only executed a clone of the
feared man. Lan is arrogant, cynical, volatile, feared, and domineering. His weakness is
Battlesuit Elite, DA, jump pack, designator, invisibility cloak forceshield.1 77 each 0-2
Imperial type back-mounted 3 shot grenade launcher.
Right arm pack: autoranger, 2 x heavy bolter with autoranger.
Left arm pack: Heavy laser, power glove.
Act independently.(3)
Command 4 x Regular, AI, jump pack, support autoranger, grenade launcher, laser pistol. 124 per 1-2 squads
1 x Regular, AI, jump pack, leadership, designator, laser pistol, force sword. (1)
Squad squad
Combat Squad 4 x Regular, AI, jump pack, bolt rifle, advanced grenade pack. 92 per 1-6 squads
1 x as above but with heavy bolter instead of bolt rifle. (1) squad
Terror Guard 3 x Guard, AI, fanatic, jump pack, advanced grenade pack, bolt rifle, ramjet pistol, force 149 per 0-2 squads
Squad sword. squad
1 x as above plus leadership and designator.(3)
Scout Squad 4 x Regular, LI, scout jump pack, auto-laser, advanced grenade pack, force sword. (1) 80 per 0-3 squads
Mercenary Regular, LI, standard grenade pack, bolt rifle. Must be organised in squads of 3-6 troops. 10 each 0-54
Trooper (1)
Support Squad 1 x tripod mounted laser cannon with autoranger, 1 x tripod mounted missile salvo with 108 per 0-3 squads
autoranger. squad
4 x crew: regular, AI, bolt pistol, force sword. (1)
Sniper Elite, LI, sniper, sniper rifle with autoranger, bolt pistol, act independently. (1) 22 each 0-3
Heavy Battle Robot, elite, fanatic, PA armour, DA move, 2 x missile launchers, near miss results 26 each 0-6
Robot have no effect. Weapons are linked and may both fire at the same target.
Act independently.(2)
Thatcher AT Robot, elite, fanatic, PA armour, DA move, missile launcher, 75mm tank gun, near 50 each 0-2
Robot miss results have no effect. Weapons are linked and may both fire at the same target.
Act independently.(2)
Alien Any mixture of squads or captains to a maximum of 4 squads and 2 captains can be variable 0-4 squads,
Mercenaries chosen from the Alien Battlegroup Army List. Alien mercenary captains may lead and 0-2
human troops.
Vehicles Vehicles may be fielded from tables 1, 2, and 4 on P.53/4 of the IC2 rules, or the variable 0-variable
additional vehicles in this supplement, keeping within the restrictions given on P.47.
Dropship See Enterprise dropship in vehicles section. 86 each 0-2
Off-Table Fire Off table fire support modules. 15 each 0-12

The invisibility cloak forceshield represents the chameleon armour and electronic confusion patterns featured in
the novel.
Profiteer Briefing Notes
Not everybody in the universe likes a good standard of living, especially if it means everybody else has an equally
good standard of living. Some people just want it all for themselves, this being the essence of the Profiteer, and
making a profit is the worst crime in the book as far the UCH is concerned. The usual pattern is for a particularly
charismatic and controlling individual to convince a hard core of admirers that the UCH is trying to hold them back,
using the aide as an instrument of oppression. Using violence and intimidation the Profiteers then take over a city,
forcing the populace to pay them tribute in the form of a proportion of their resource share. The Profiteers may then
confiscate the citizens aides, and pay them a subsistence wage in return for their hard labour. Those prepared to join
an army are paid more. Neighbouring cities are then conquered, and the Profiteers sphere of influence grows.
Ultimately whole star systems are bought to heel, by which time the UDH and the Order of the Wheel have become
aware of the situation.

Profiteer governments tend to look to far ancient Imperial equipment and organisation as a blueprint for their forces,
due to the easy availability of information about Imperium forces and military successes, and the easy availability of
the nano-patterns required by the nanofactories to build the weapons.

Profiteers will come into conflict with the Sacred Band, often aided by the Order of the Wheel, who will try to
return Profiteer controlled systems to UCH rule. They will fight planetary police, other Profiteer empires, aliens, or
Red Redemption when invading new systems, or when the Redemption decides to try to forcibly convert them. They
will also find themselves in conflict with Isolates acting as pirates, and rioting rabble unimpressed with having to
work for a living having had an aide to do all of the work for them before. They will also at times have to defend
against colonising bugs.
Alien Battlegroup Army List

Element Details Points Min-Max

Cost Number
Froog Captain Elite, DA (looks like PA), leadership, jump pack, designator, automedic. 86 each 1-2
Right arm pack: 2 x heavy laser with autoranger.
Left arm pack: 2 x heavy laser, force sword.
Act independently.(8)
Froog Combat 4 x regular, AI, jump pack, heavy laser with autoranger, laser pistol. (1) 96 per 0-4
Squad squad
Froog Support 2 x tripod mounted laser cannon with autoranger. 100 per 0-2
Squad 4 x crew: regular, AI, laser pistol. (1) squad
Froog Sniper Elite, AI, sniper, sniper laser with autoranger, laser pistol, act independently. (1) 25 each 0-2
Froog Energy Energy ball projector (must be deployed before firing). 50 0-1
Ball Squad 2 x crew: regular, AI, laser pistol. (1)

FNuklaa, Guard, AI, leadership, designator, automedic. 60 0-1

Szithk Hero Hero: hit bonus +4, leadership, ambidextrous, aggressive, constitution.
2 x bolt pistols, bolt rifle, power glove.(13)
FNuklaa was a legendary freedom fighter of the Great Uprising, a co-ordinated attempt
by the intelligent alien races to throw off the yolk of human oppression in 23452AD. He
was reported killed in an assault on a human fort, but some say he was still alive when
carried from the field of battle FNuklaa is proud, determined, tenacious, and
ferocious. His weakness is his pig-headedness.
Szithk Captain Veteran, AI, leadership, fanatic, designator, automedic, bolt pistol, power glove. (6) 37 each 0-2
Szithk Combat 4 x Regular, AI, fanatic, bolt rifle, advanced grenade pack, force sword(1) 80 per 0-6
Squad squad
Szithk AT 2 x regular, AI, fanatic, AT launcher, bolt pistol, force sword. (1) 48 per 0-2
Squad squad
Szithk 2 x elite, AI, fanatic, plasma gun, force sword, warbird. (1) 104 per 0-2 squads
Warbird Rider squad
Centulon Scout 3 x regular, LI, augmented laser rifle, augmented standard grenade pack, augmented 63 per 0-3 squads
force sword. (1)
Squad squad
Mrurz Captain Veteran, LI, leadership, designator, automedic, augmented laser pistol, anti-matter shield. 34 0-1
Mrurz Combat 3 x regular, LI, augmented laser rifle, augmented standard grenade pack, augmented 76 per 0-3
Squad force sword, anti-matter shield. squad
1 x regular, LI, augmented grenade launcher firing advanced grenades, augmented laser
pistol, augmented force sword, anti-matter shield. (1)
Thulg 3 x regular, AI, fanatic, heavy bolt pistol, heavy advanced grenade pack, heavy power 99 per 0-2
axe. (1)
Warband squad
Human 4 x Regular, LI, jump pack, bolt rifle, advanced grenade pack. 77 per 0-2 squads
Mercenaries 1 x as above but with heavy bolter instead of bolt rifle. squad
The whole squad may be made AI at a cost of 15pts. (1)
Off-Table Fire Off table fire support modules. 15 each 0-4

Special Army Notes

If using Froog, at least 1 squad of Szithk must be used, and vice-versa.

Alien Battlegroup Briefing Notes

This list may be used to create alien armies from the time of the Imperium, the Great Ten Thousand Years War, or
later in the Borrowed Time universe. Aliens are often used as mercenaries, can be expansionist aggressors, or can be
victims of aggression. Therefore it is not uncommon for alien armies to battle with other alien armies, or any of the
other army lists in the IC2 and Borrowed Time Universes including bugs. They will even battle rioting rabble,
representing human demonstrations or attempted uprisings against oppressive alien conquerors.

For more information about aliens, see the official TTG Laserburn supplement Advanced Laserburn and Aliens, and
the unofficial Adventurers - Laserburn Companion supplement by Neil Cooper.
Bug Colony Army List

Element Details Points Min-Max

Cost Number
Queen Same stats as Terror bug except: guard, leadership, act independently. 28 1
Move: 15 road, 12 open, 12 difficult.(8)
Cerebral Elite, DA carapace, leadership, no claws (-3 H/H), barb shooter (=SMG for hit and 24 each 0-2
damage stats, template 2).
Act independently.
Move: 4 road, 4 open, 3 difficult. OR tunnel 15cm per move phase. Clarification: when
tunnelling, the direction of the tunnelling doesnt have to be declared, just the
Runner Pack 6 x regular, LI carapace, fanatic, claws (+0 H/H). 42 per 0-4 packs
Move: 18 road, 14 open, 12 difficult. (1) pack
Includes face-huggers and swarm aliens.
Terror Pack 5 x elite, PA carapace, fanatic, claws jaws and tail (+3 H/H, roll twice and choose 100 per 1-6 packs
highest), spit venom/acid (10cm range, template 2, 7+ to hit, standard impact). pack
Ignores near misses.
Move: 15 road, 12 open, 12 difficult. (2)
Flyer Pack 3 x same stats as Terror bug. 75 per 0-3 packs
Air target (+3 penalty to score needed to hit it).
Move: 35 road, 30 open, 30 difficult.(2)
Hunter Elite, AI carapace, fanatic, aggressive, jaws and claws (+3 H/H). 14 each 0-10
Ignores near misses. Cover level one higher than normal. Concealment range half that of
Act independently.
Move: 14 road, 12 open, 10 difficult. (1)
Colossus Veteran, DA carapace, fanatic, aggressive, massive claws jaws and tail (+5 H/H), 2 x 35 each 0-10
poison barb shooter (=rapid fire bolters for hit and damage stats, can be fired at different
Walker (-3 bonus to score needed to hit it).
Ignores near miss. Act independently.
Move: 22 road, 16 open, 12 difficult.(3)

Bug Colony Briefing Notes

Bugs are cunning and ruthless. They have a hive mentality powered by the instinct to hunt and kill, and some
varieties are starfaring.

Starfaring colonisation works through the psionic capabilities of the Cerebral bug. Towards the end of its days a
typical Cerebral will ingest anything up to 100 of the eggs laid by the queen. Inside, the eggs will be bound together
by a secretion similar to concrete, and the Cerebrals internal pressure begins to rise. Meanwhile, the Cerebrals
psionic ability allows it to reach with its mind to identify, and precisely locate, a suitable planet for colonisation in a
nearby star system. Struggling to the surface, it calculates the exact velocity and direction that is required to launch
the egg cluster towards the found planet, taking into account relative movement and gravity. Using the massive
internal pressure build-up, the egg cluster is then, with Herculean effort, is fired from the Cerebrals body towards
the planet in question. The Cerebral explodes and dies in the process.

On the new host world the eggs hatch and the Runners are born. They then find warm blooded creatures within
which to deposit an embryonic Terror bug. They paralyse the creature and deposit the embryo through any
convenient orifice. The creature remembers nothing of the process due to the secretion of a rohypnol like drug by
the Runner during the impregnation. The embryo continues to develop inside the living creature, until eventually it
bursts from the host in an explosion of blood and bone. The newly born Terror bug keeps a low profile and grows to
full size within a few standard days. As they grow, some Terror bugs mutate and develop into Queens, Cerebrals,
Flyers, Hunters, or Colossuses. The queen will begin to lay eggs almost immediately, and a planet can be overrun
within a few months. The Cerebrals sense when the planet has been pushed to its limits in terms of supporting a bug
colony, and the whole process begins again.

Bugs live in tunnel complexes centred around one queen. One bug colony never goes to war against another,
recognising fellow links in a chain of higher consciousness and purpose. There is still much to learn about the bugs.

Bugs are likely to come into conflict with, and eat, any of the other sentient races. They are unlikely to face rioting
rabble, since the rabble will likely be running the other way, nor will they ever fight other bug colonies.
Additional Sample Vehicles
Vehicle Type Hull Shield Move Main Aux Gun Points Troop Model Avail. Pts.
Class Type Gun Capacity Cost

Issmos Heavy HEV 5 ED grav 100mm 1 x hvy laser roboturret, 0 GZG: V15-08A 165
1 x forward pintle-mount
Gravtank hvy laser, 1x rear pintle
mount hvy laser
Freedom Light LT 3 ED fast grav 50mm 1 x hvy laser roboturret 0 GZG: V15-09A 103
Freedom Light LT 3 ED fast grav 40mm Sensor array 0 GZG: V15-09A 95
Recce Gravtank
Liberator HW 4 ED legged missile 2 x forward pintle-mount 0 GZG: V15-06B 113
hvy laser
Missile salvo
Enterprise - 3 AM aircraft - 2 x hvy laser roboturrets 12 OC: Crow lander 86
Lan APC APC 2 - hover - 1 x hvy laser roboturret 10 48
Lan Command APC 2 - hover - Command array. 10 45
Friedman MED 4 ED hover 75mm 1 x hvy laser roboturret, 0 GZG: V15-15A 108
1 x forward fixed mount
Medium Hover flamethrower

Any vehicle may be given smoke tubes at the cost of 3pts.

The above types are all named as common Profiteer vehicles, though they may also be used by planetary defence
forces. In such cases they will be given different designation names.

Imperial Commander 2 Army Lists

For battles in the Great Ten Thousand Years War and Borrowed Time epochs, all army lists from
Imperial Commander 2 are permitted except those dealing with the Imperial forces. In any case,
you will see that Profiteer armies are modelled fairly closely on the Imperium lists, since
Profiteers use cheap and plentiful Imperial weapon patterns to equip their troops.

For battles in the Imperial epoch, all army lists from Imperial Commander 2 are permitted plus
the Alien Battlegroup and Bug army lists presented in this supplement.
Historical Matchups
Where there is a number in the relevant matchup box in the table above, that matchup is
historically feasible. After the publication of this unofficial Borrowed Time supplement there
are three distinct epochs covered by Imperial Commander. Most of the matchups only work in
one epoch. Of course, you can just completely ignore this table and pit anyone against anyone!
Imp. Red Police Rab. Order Band Isolate Profit Alien Bug
Imperium 1* 1 - 1 - - - - 1 1

Red Redemption 1*, 2*, 1, 2 - 3 3 3 3 1, 2, 3 1, 2, 3

Planetary/Colonial Police - 1, 2 - - 3 3 1, 2, 3 1, 2, 3

Rioting Rabble 1, 2*1 - - - 3 1, 2, 3 -

Order of the Wheel 3*2 3*3 3 3 3 3

Sacred Band - 3 3 3 3

Isolate 3* 3 3 3

Profiteer 3* 3 3

Alien Battlegroup 3* 3

Bug Colony -


1 = the Imperial epoch 2900AD 4220AD

2 = the Great Ten Thousand Year War epoch 10764AD 20843AD
3 = the Borrowed Time epoch UCH1 UCH600
* = civil war, inter-faction conflict, or rival groups
*1 = gang warfare
*2 = Continuationist faction v. Interventionist faction
*3 = Continuationist faction v. Sacred Band

Notes on Weapons and Technology

Human and alien intelligence, evolution, and technological development was secretly capped by
the Shepherds around the time of the Laserburn/Imperial Commander universe. Whilst there has
been some development in the effectiveness and deployment of weapons since that time, the
basic types have not changed. Hence weapons patterns from that time are still the most common
in the Borrowed Time universe.

There is awareness amongst the intelligent races that the obvious lack of evolution is
problematical, and a large number of religious and scientific theories have been propounded to
explain the phenomenon.

Borrowed Time
The novel Borrowed Time by Don Clarke is available from:

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