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Assignment 5: Solution

Question 1
Step 1: Find the conditions at the discharge point, i.e., L0 and D0. Note that they are the same
for both rivers.

Convert the discharged ultimate BOD to a concentration in the effluent (Lw)

115kg / day 10 6 mg / kg
Lw = = 44mg / L
0.030m 3 / sec 86400 sec/ day 10 3 L / m 3
25.0kg / day 10 6 mg / kg
Lw = = 9.7 mg / L
0.030m 3 / sec 86400 sec/ day 10 3 L / m 3

Ultimate BOD at mixing point (L0)

L0 = =
Qw Lw + Qr Lr (0.030 44 + 0.50 14.5) m 3 / sec mg / L
= 16mg / L
Q w + Qr (0.030 + 0.50) m 3 / sec ( )
L0 = =
Qw Lw + Qr Lr (0.030 9.7 + 0.50 14.5) m 3 / sec mg / L
= 14mg / L
Q w + Qr (0.030 + 0.50) m 3 / sec ( )

Oxygen deficit at mixing point (D0)


D0 = DOsat w
Q DOw + Qr DOr
= 8.38mg / L
(0.030 0.9 + 0.50 5.85)(m3 / sec mg / L )
Qw + Qr (0.030 + 0.50 )(m3 / sec)
D0 = 2.9mg O2 / L 2

D0 = 11.83mg / L
(0.030 0.9 + 0.50 5.85)(m3 / sec mg / L ) = 6.4mg O / L
(0.030 + 0.50)(m3 / sec) 2

Step 2: Find deoxygenation and reaeration coefficients

Reaeration coefficient (kr) at 20C
3.90 u 1 / 2 3.90 0.101 / 2
k r , 20 = = = 0.154 / day 2
H 3/ 2 4.00 3 / 2
kr ,T = kr , 20 (T 20 ) k r , 25 = 0.15 1.024 (2520 ) = 0.17 / day k 8 = 0.15 1.024 (8 20 ) = 0.116 / day

Deoxygenation coefficient at 25C (kd,25)

k d ,T = k d , 20 (T 20 )
k d , 25 = 0.12 1.047 (25 20 ) = 0.15 / day
k d ,8 = 0.12 1.047 (8 20 ) = 0.069 / day
Step 3: Find the critical time (tc) when DO is at its minimum
1 k D (k k d )
tc = ln r 1 0 r
kr kd kd k d L0
1 0.17 2.9(0.17 0.15)
t c , PhysChem = ln 1 = 5.0days
0.17 0.15 0.15 0.15 16
1 0.17 2.9(0.17 0.15)
t c , Biol . = ln 1 = 4.9days
0.17 0.15 0.15 0.15 14

1 0.116 6.4(0.116 0.069 )
t c , PhysChem = ln 1 = 4.3days
0.116 0.069 0.069 0.069 16
1 0.116 6.4(0.116 0.069 )
t c , Biol = ln 1 = 2.8days
0.116 0.069 0.069 0.069 14

Step 4: Find DOmin

k L
DO = DOsat d o [exp( k d tc ) exp( k r tc )] + D0 exp( k r tc )
kr kd


0.15 16
DO Physchem = 8.38 [exp(0.15 5.0) exp(0.17 5.0)] + 2.9 exp(0.17 5.0)
0.17 0.15
DO Physchem = 8.38 [120[0.472 0.427 ] + 1.24] = 8.38 7.24 = 1.7 mg / L
0.15 14
DO Biol = 8.38 [exp(0.15 4.9) exp(0.17 4.9)] + 2.9 exp(0.17 4.9)
0.17 0.15
DO Biol = 8.38 [105[0.480 0.435] + 1.26] = 8.38 5.99 = 2.4mg / L

0.15 16
DO Physchem = 11.83 [exp(0.069 4.3) exp(0.116 4.3)] + 6.4 exp(0.116 4.3)
0.116 0.069
DO Physchem = 11.83 [51[0.743 0.607 ] + 3.89] = 11.83 10.84 = 1.0mg / L
0.15 14
DO Biol = 11.83 [exp(0.069 2.8) exp(0.116 2.8)] + 6.4 exp(0.116 2.8)
0.116 0.069
DO Biol = 11.83 [45[0.824 0.723] + 4.63] = 11.83 9.18 = 2.7 mg / L
Summary and Conclusion
Parameter Summer Winter
kr,25 (day1) 0.173 0.245
kd,25 (day1) 0.15 0.15
L0 (mg-BOD/L)
Phys-chem 16 16
Biological 14 14
D0 (mg/L)
Phys-chem 2.9 2.9
Biological 6.4 6.4
tc (day)
Phys-chem 5.0 4.3
Biological 4.9 2.8
Dmax (mg/L)
Phys-chem 7.24 10.84
Biological 5.99 9.18
DOmin (mg/L)
Phys-chem 1.7 1.0
Biological 2.4 2.7

In the conditions given, the condition that is the most at risk is the winter because it has
the lowest min DO for only a physic-chemical treatment.
We would recommend a biological wastewater treatment because it is the only
treatment that would ensure that the min DO is above 2 in both winter and summer.
2) Untreated sewage with a BOD of 240 mg/L is sent to a wastewater treatment plant
where 50% of the BOD is removed. The river receiving the effluent has the oxygen
sag curve shown below. The river has no other sources of BOD.

a) Suppose the treatment plant breaks down and it no longer removes any BOD. Sketch
the new oxygen sag curve a long time after the breakdown. Label the coordinates of
the critical distance downstream.
Critical point
1 k r D0 (k r k d )
tc = ln 1
kr kd kd k d L0
1 kr
tc = ln x = t u
kr kd kd c c

Maximum value of oxygen deficit:

k d Lo
DOmin = DOsat [exp(kd tc ) exp(kr tc )] + D0 exp(kr tc )
kr kd
DOmin = DOsat Lo [exp(kd tc ) exp(kr tc )] = DOsat LoY
kr kd
with Y =
[exp(kd tc ) exp(kr tc )]
kr kd
Maximum value of oxygen deficit:

DOmin = DOsat LoY

3) Untreated sewage with a BOD of 240 mg/L is sent to a wastewater treatment plant
where 50% of the BOD is removed. The river receiving the effluent has the oxygen
sag curve shown below. The river has no other sources of BOD.

a. Suppose the treatment plant breaks down and it no longer removes any BOD.
Sketch the new oxygen sag curve a long time after the breakdown. Label the
coordinates of the critical distance downstream.
Question 3 K s (1 + k d c ) Y (S0 S )
S= Xa = c
c (m kd ) 1 (1 + k d c )
Y (S o S )
X b = (1 f D ) c k d X a = (1 f D ) c k d c =
X i ,o
(1 + k d c )


a) Residual BOD and Solids in function of Solids

Retention Time (Theta = 4 hours)

50 7500

40 6000

Solids (mg-VSS/L)
BOD (mg/L)

30 4500
20 3000
X (for Xi,o=0 g-VSS/m3)
X (for Xi,o=10 g-VSS/m3)
10 1500

0 0
0.0 2.0 4.0 6.0 8.0 10.0 12.0 14.0 16.0

Theta_C (day)

b) Residual BOD and Solids in function of Solids

Retention Time (Theta = 12 hours)

50 7500
40 X (for Xi,o=0 mg-VSS/L) 6000 Solids (mg-VSS/L)
X (for Xi,o=0 mg-VSS/L)
BOD (mg/L)

30 4500

20 3000

10 1500

0 0
0.0 2.0 4.0 6.0 8.0 10.0 12.0 14.0 16.0

Theta_C (day)

Brief description
S decreases in function of increasing c. S is not changing with or obviously with the Xi,o
Xa increases withincreasing c and decreases with increasing . It is not affected by Xi,o.
Note also that the active biomass is only a fraction of the solids at high c and when the
wastewater influent contains inert solids.
X increases with increasing c and increases with Xi.o. It decreases with increasing as th ereactor
gets much bigger.
Question 4a
1) Find c
1 1
cmin = = = 0.385d
m k d 2.8d 1 0.2d 1
coperation = cmin SF = 0.385d 25 = 9.6d
2) Find S
K s (1 + k d c ) 20mg BOD / L (1 + 0.2day 1 9.6days)
S= =
c (m kd ) 1 9.6days(2.8 0.2)day 1 1
= 2.4mg BOD / L
3) Find
Y (S o S )
= c (1 + (1 f D ) c kd ) + X i,o
X (1 + k d c )
0.65mg VSS / mg BOD(200 2.4)mg BOD / L


( 1
1 + 0.2day 9.6day )

2500mg VSS / L
( )
1 + (1 0.8)mg VSS Xb / mg VSS Xa 9.6day 0.2day + 15mg VSS / L

= 0.289day

Question 4b
1) Find QwXr
VAer X 0.289day 50,000m3 / day 2500 g VSS / m3 kg
Qw X r = =
c 9.6days 1000 g
= 3763kg VSS / day
Question 4c
1) Find Qw
3763 103 g / day
Qw X r = 3763kg VSS / day; Qw = 4 3
= 376.3m 3
/ day
10 g / m

2) Find Qr
QX ' Qw X r' QX Qw X r
Qr = =
X r' X ' Xr X
Note on the previous equation : we are only dividing all terms
by the same constant.
50,000m 3 2500 g VSS / m 3 3763 103 g VSS / day
= = 16,165 m 3
/ day
(10,000 2,500)g VSS / m 3
Question 5 Indicate how the variable in the left column of the following table would affect the operating characteristics of a CSTR with
settling and recycle. Assume all other operation parameters (including the volume) to stay the same.
For the effect, use (+) =increase, () =decrease, (0) =no change, and (?) =undetermined.
For the justification, write down the proper simplified equation (easier) or use the typical model parameters (below) to justify your

Variables Operating Characteristic

Effluent Substrate MLVSS Sludge Production (kg/d)
Concentration (S) (mg/L)

Effect Justification Effect Justification Effect Justification

Yield (Y) 0 Y does not appear in eq. + Y appears positively in the + X (which increases)
1. numerator of eq. 2. appear positively in the
numerator of eq. 3.

Growth rate (m) m appears positively in + S (which decreases) + X (which increases)

the denominator of eq. 1 appears negatively in the appear positively in the
numerator of eq. 2 numerator of eq. 3.

Influent flow (Q) 0 Q does not appear in eq. + At =V/Q, the Q appear + X (which increases)
1 positively in the numerator appear positively in the
of eq. 2. numerator of eq. 3.
Also, more material
coming in then more
material needs to go out.
Influent substrate 0 So does not appear in eq. + So appears positively in the + X (which increases)
1 numerator of eq. 2 appear positively in the
concentration numerator of eq. 3.
(SO) Also, more material
coming in then more
material needs to go out.
Half-saturation + KS appears positively in S (which increases) appears X (which decreases)
the numerator of eq. 1 negatively in the numerator appear positively in the
constant (KS) of eq. 2 numerator of eq. 3.

Influent inert 0 Xi,o does not + Xi,o appears positively in the + X (which increases)
appear in eq. 1 numerator of eq. 2 appear positively in
solids (Xi,O) the numerator of eq. 3.
Also, more material
coming in then more
material needs to go
Hydraulic 0 does not appear appears positively in the 0 Inventory =
in eq. 1 denominator of eq. 2 VaerX =
retention time () factor_X (see eq. 2)
As cancel out, no
Solids retention For c=10d2.22 + For c=10d1508 mg-VSS/L For c=10d150.8Vaer
mg-BOD/L For c=11d1615 mg-VSS/L For c=11d146.8Vaer
time (c) For c=11d2.15

Typical model parameter values (if needed for reasoning):

m= 3 day1; KS=20 mg-BOD5/L; kd=0.2 day1; Y= 0.6 mg-VSS/mg-BOD5; fD=0.8
SO=200 mg-BOD5/L; Xi,O=20 mg-VSS/L; c=10 days; =0.5 day.

Equation 1: S vs c

K s (1 + k d c ) 20mg BOD / L (1 + 0.2day 1 10days )

S= = = 2.2mg BOD / L
c ( m k d ) 1 10days (3 0.2)day 1 1

Equation 2: MLVSS
c Y (S o S )
(1 + (1 f D ) c k d ) + X i,o = 10 0.6(200 2.2) (1 + 0.8 10 0.2) + 20 =

X =
(1 + k d c ) 0.5 (1 + 0.2 10 )
Equation 3: Sludge production
V Aer X
Qw X r = =
c 2

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