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N 01 - Spring 2006


PER SP ECT I V E S Keeping Alive and Building

Long Live Expos ! on the Basic Philosophy of EXPO 2005 Aichi
This year the BIE celebrates the 75th The first anniversar y of EXPO 2005 Aichi has been the
anniversary of its commitment and occasion for the organisers to pursue their ef for ts towards a
involvement in world exhibitions. Our concrete legacy of EXPO 2005. Under the theme of Natures
organization is much stronger and more Wisdom, EXPO 2005 Aichi aimed at contributing to the
dynamic than ever: 10 new nations resolution of global issues and establishing a civilization
joined the BIE in the last two years and more in tune with the mechanisms of nature. This expo
an increasing number of countries are has strongly influenced the thinking and behaviour of many
showing an interest in hosting the 2012 visitors, especially those of the younger generation that will
and 2015 Expos. bear the future of the Ear th and humankind.

The BIE belongs to its member states, To truly realize the aims of EXPO 2005 Aichi and
which share and support the ideal and assure that the Expos significance and its impact
values of Expos. Expos provide the venue on people will not fade away, it is essential to
for the participating nations to gather in a keep alive and continue building on the Expos
host city around a theme and jointly pursue philosophy and achievements. This involves
their values of democracy, multilateralism three major factors: keeping memories of the
and solidarity both amongst citizens of Expo alive, by creating a legacy of records and
the world and citizens of a planet that we achievements; repeatedly conveying the Expos
need to love and respect. message by sharing experiences and lessons
that will ser ve as a bridge to future international
As we celebrate our organizations birthday exhibitions; applying the Expos legacy in
and the success of Aichi Expo, and as we concrete form by pursuing educational activities
look forward to new expos, lets continue for children and keeping alive civil par ticipation.
to work together for the betterment of
humanity. The Japan Association for the 2005 World Exposition is currently working to put in
place an action plan for the Expo legacy that will be made public by the end of
In the hope that by explaining our new April.
projects and airing the voices of expos,
this newsletter will communicate to you
our excitement for the years to come.

Long live Expos !

Toshio Nakamura
Secretar y-General of Japan Association for the 2005 World Exposition

Ambassador Wu Jianmin
President of the BIE


Progression.... Our logo symbolises progression, as explained by its
means moving for ward. Each new Expo is the echo of the previous It evokes the future evolution of humanity, technical
one, with new ideas, approaches and oppor tunities for dialogue. development, moral and material progress, the ascension
towards a better world. The circle symbolises peace,
entails improvement. For 75 years the BIE has worked to enhance the fraternity and cultural exchanges between people. The
experience of visitors and its suppor t to organisers and par ticipants. horizontal lines represent the steps towards a future of
limitless progress. The colour blue suggests the nobility of
Expos mean progression. Expos are catalysts for development and the pursued aims; it is the colour of the vast oceans and of
growth, blending culture and infrastructure, education and technology, the sky, it evokes the universe, the cosmos. The lines are of
environmental conscience and best practices. a pure white, inviolable, evoking justice.
(Masanori Matsushima)

Connecting the BIE Community AVE: stronger and more active

This is a special year for the BIE. The last General Assembly of the AVE Association of Cities
Let me give you some meaningful facts that highlight the vivacity and Regions hosting an International Exhibition was held
of our organization. in Nagoya, in September 2005. 34 representatives of cities
and regions, 10 of which were new members, attended the
This year the BIE celebrates 75 years of activity, with over 500 symposium World Expositions, Regional Development and
million visitors to Expos. Community Improvement that followed the assembly.
The BIE represents 98 nations, whose delegates relentlessly
continue to enrich our mission through their efforts: as organisers The AVE cities wish to share their experience and encourage
and participants, as active committee members, as dedicated exchanges between themselves and civil society regarding
and enthusiastic advisors in many important projects. the preparation and management of exhibitions, as well the
organisation and management of the legacy to the city, its
Our team continues to grow and to enhance the BIEs unique region and the host countr y.
experience in the organisation and support of Expos.
The Governor of Aichi Prefecture
This is also a special year for Expos. has succeeded the Mayor of
The countdown for Zaragoza 2008 is well under way and we Hanover as president of the
look forward to a dynamic event on one of the most pressing Association. The vice president
subjects for the future of humanity. Shanghai 2010 continues its is the mayor of Seville.
preparations of the largest expo site ever. Chiang Mai will host
the 19th horticultural Expo in a magical setting.

In the next few months, the BIE will begin receiving bids for 2012 Belgium at Aichi 2005, a success
and 2015. For the first time in its history, the BIE will simultaneously
manage the bids for a registered and a recognized exhibition. On the 22nd of March, the of fice of the Commissioner
General, in Brussels, hosted the symposium Belgium at the
Recently, the BIE has launched new projects that will contribute World Exhibitions, with the objective of evaluating Belgian
to raise the profile of Expos and which will be in these pages par ticipation in Aichi.
throughout the year.
The Commissioners General for Aichi, M. Boesmans and
Given the vitality of our organisation, our Secretariat has decided M. Gillet, praised the success of the Belgian pavilion,
to create a newsletter for our delegates and the broader BIE and encouraged fur ther analysis on the economics of
community. We hope that it will become an informal platform for par ticipation. The representative of Marc Ver wilghen,
exchange, where all of you will play an active part, not just as Minister of Economy and Trade, said that a new wind
readers, but as valuable contributors. is blowing in the world of Expos and that Belgium will
endeavour to make its pavilion a permanent economic

The Secretar y General of the BIE was represented by his

Counselor Ms. Busa, who discussed the role of Expos in
Vicente Gonzlez Loscertales the 21st Centur y.
Secretary General of the BIE

Page 2
Zaragoza 2008: A New Stage for Shanghai Expo
According to Plan 2010
In accordance with the plans for Zaragoza 2008 presented Since the Registration of Expo 2010 Shanghai China by the BIE on
during registration, the Spanish government has begun December 1st 2005, Shanghai Expo has entered a new stage of
sending invitations to the international community. preparation.

So far, there has been a positive response among countries, In this new stage, China will do its utmost
and real participation exceeds expectations. As of March to meet the challenge of attracting 200
2006, 10 countries have agreed to participate, and initial nations and international organizations
working meetings have been held with 70 countries. In to the Expo. By March this year, Shanghai
addition, regional meetings are taking place worldwide Expo sent official invitations to all countries
in order to coordinate plans with the different countries. in the world, to international organizations,
All these activities will culminate in the First International NGOs, NPOs and corporations.
Meeting of Participants planned for November 2006.
The feedback received so far is quite encouraging. A good
As a result of the favourable number of countries have shown great interest in Shanghai Expo.
reception of Zaragoza 2008, Delegations from those countries have begun coming to Shanghai
various international forums to learn about our preparatory work. We warmly welcome invitees
have been requesting the to Shanghai for on-site inspection and in-depth consultation. Later
presence of the organisers this year, the first participants meeting will take place in Shanghai.
to learn about the plans Shanghai is preparing to send delegations overseas for discussion
and offer cooperation. Expo to enhance mutual communication.
2008 significantly contributed
to the fourth edition of the World Water Forum held in The Participation Guidelines are under compilation. Before the end of
Mexico between the 16th and 22nd March 2006, where the year, Shanghai will also establish a sound mechanism for news
it presented its project to the General Assembly, whose release and promotion. The 4th Forum Expo 2010 Shanghai China,
members warmly welcomed it. co-sponsored by Shanghai and the BIE, will be held this autumn to
further expand the theme. We are fully confident that with the global
Construction works are being run in compliance with the attention and support the Shanghai Expo will be a success.
established schedule, and the exhibition site has become
a real hive of activity. All the main buildings are now under
construction, and the surrounding infrastructure is being Ambassador Hua Junduo
developed smoothly. Success seems to be guaranteed. Commissioner General World Expo 2010
Shanghai China

Roque Gistau
President Expo Zaragoza 2008 State Corporation

Gardens of rare beauties

From November 1st, 2006 to Januar y 31st, 2007, in honour of the 60th anniversar y
celebrations of His Majesty King Bhumibol Adulyadejs Accession to the Throne and
80th Bir thday Anniversar y, Thailand will be the first countr y in Southeast Asia to host OFFICIAL PARTICIPANTS
the international hor ticultural exposition Royal Flora Ratchaphruek. An impor tant goal Bangladesh China Malaysia Nigeria Trinidad-and-
of hor ticultural exhibitions is to convince Governments to invest in greener cities. Tobago Belgium Gabon Japan Pakistan Turkey
Bhutan India Kenya Qatar Vietnam Brazil Indonesia
Mauritania South-Korea Bulgaria Iran Nepal Spain
As of Februar y 28th, 27 countries have registered their par ticipation. The space
Cambodia Laos The-Netherlands Sudan.
for international gardens will be transferred to par ticipating countries beginning
May 2006. The construction plan is 4% ahead schedule: 45% of infrastructure and FACTS AT A GLANCE
landscape works and over 80% of the preparations of plants are completed. Location: Royal Agricultural Centre, Chiang Mai
Site area: 80 hectares
To enable the citizens of Thailand to par take in the organization of Royal Flora Expected visitors: 2 million
Ratchaphruek, 17 working groups have been created in order to accelerate, follow Average daily visits expected: 20,000
up, monitor and coordinate the activities related to the event.


G eneva F or um: Cities and Qualit y of Life From London to Shanghai :
a travelling E xpo on E x pos
On May 18th-20th the city of Geneva will host the forum Cities and Quality of Life:
global challenges, local solutions, with the BIE as an organising partner. The Victoria and Alber t Museum (V&A)
has historically collected pieces from
President Wu Jianmin will join the Mayor of Geneva in the opening remarks. The most of the International Exhibitions
Secretary General, Mr. Vicente Gonzlez Loscertales will chair a panel on Urban held until the early 1900s, and owns an
regeneration fuelled by major events. impor tant permanent collection from the
London 1851 Great Exhibition.
For information : In collaboration with
the BIE and Shanghai
Expo Bureau, the
ON E X P OS : E x positions and Utopia V&A is organising a
travelling exhibition on
As impor tant as it is to think of expos in terms of trade, profit, showmanship, enter tainment,
the histor y of Expos
and cultural diplomacy, it is equally impor tant to remember that expos fall into a long line of
that will tour some of
plans for ideal cities that date back to Renaissance Europe.
the cities in the world
that have hosted an
All of the great expos, from Londons 1851 Cr ystal Palace Exhibition for ward, have looked to
the future and imagined ways to build environments that would, at least in theor y, enable
people to live better lives. Historically, all of the worlds great expos have been laboratories
Its final destination will be The World
for architectural experimentation, for introducing new communication and transpor tation
Expo Museum on the site of Shanghai
technologies, and for organizing human knowledge into systems that allow for new insights
into the operations of the natural world.

Somewhere near the core of the expo movement lies a power ful utopian thrust-one that has CONTEMPOR ARY ART F OR
seized the imaginations of expo builders from the Cr ystal Palace (which William Thackeray THE 75 YE AR S OF T HE BIE
described as a palace for a fair y prince) to the 1939 New York Worlds Fair (with its world
of tomorrow message) to the upcoming 2010 Shanghai Expo (with its Better Cities/Better Beginning in June of
Lives theme). this year, the BIE will
temporarily host a
The capacity of expos to ser ve as world pictures, as blueprints for the future, is well wor th series of contemporar y
thinking about. Since their inception in the mid-nineteenth centur y, expos have at once paintings loaned by the
pictured and mapped the future. They have given the modern world its form and substance. ONA Foundation.
For more than a centur y, they have given visible meaning to progress defined as material
and industrial growth. Science Finds, Industr y Applies, Man Conforms was the motto of the The ONA Foundation embodies the
1933 Chicago Centur y of Progress Exposition. humanitarian mission of the ONA Group
in many culturals and social areas and
Can expos of the future come up with a better definition of progress, one that will improve aims at encouraging access to culture
human condition? Or will expos contribute to making the human species one of the shor ter- as an instrument for a global dialogue.
lived species that has ever walked the planet ? Will the utopias projected by future expos
lead us literally to no place (the original meaning of the word utopia) or will they help us Together, the BIE and the ONA
create a better place where human beings take and are held accountable for their actions ? Foundation will inaugurate the exhibition
Answers to these questions remain to be seen. on the 28th and 29th of June at the BIEs
headquar ters in Paris. On the 29th, the
BIE will organise an evening reception
Rober t W. Rydell uniquely dedicated to its delegates.
Montana State University


APRIL 24-26: First meeting of the College of Commissioners General Royal Flora Ratchaputek
34 Avenue dIna
28: Administration and Budget Committee
MAI 4: Information and Communication Committee
75016 Paris
15: Executive Committee Tel : 01 45 00 38 63
18-20: Geneva Forum Cities and Quality of Life Email :
30: Rules Committee
JUNE 29: Vernissage at the BIE, the ONA Collection
30: 139th BIE General Assembly BIE


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