Learning Record Form Gap

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Learning Record Form For Research ONLY Name: Gap A8awit Jirabandansuk 5861009

Ques&on Sec&on: Things you know that you dont know Ques&on Sec&on: Things you didnt know that you dont know
1- What is a size for the hamster? 1- how can we know which one is male or female?
2- Is hamster colour blind? 2- Why do ooding not recommended by most train?
3- Does female hamster learn beEer than male hamster? 3- What is generaliza&on in general?
4- Does male hamster learn beEer than female hamster? 4- Why do hamster freeze?
5- What is the dierence between male and female hamster?
6- How many species of hamsters are there?
7- What is classical condi&oning?
8- What is operant condi&oning?
9- what are the dierent type of maze?
10- How many teeth does hamster have?
11- What are the example for their body language?
12- How long do hamster live?
13- Do they have a parental care?
14- What cause hamster stress?
15- How much hamster eat?
16- How much hamster drink?
17- Why hamster doesnt want to play during the day &me?
18- What are the food that hamster like?
19- Why hamster poop lot?
20- Is the hamster smart?
21- How to teach hamster?
22- Do hamster have a predator?
23- Can hamster see?
24- When do hamster will be ac&ve?

Things you know and things you learned.

1- Hamster is a very small animal they can grow to 5.5 to 10.5 cm long
2- Hamsters are colour blind so it mean that they cant see the colour.
3- No, Hamsters learning ability mostly based on other factor rather than genders.
4- No, Hamsters learning ability mostly based on other factor rather than genders.
5- Female have six pairs of nipple while male do not and males have tesRcles while female do not.
6- There are many species hamster.
7- Classical condiRoning is involved a neutral response before a reex, focus on involuntary behaviour.
8- Operant condiRoning involved applying reinforcement or punishment aWer a behaviour, focus on voluntary behaviour.
9- There are many types of maze such as Morris Water Maze, Radial Arm Maze and Open Maze.
10- hamster hame 16 teeth
11-Signies happiness:
-Opens its mouth and stretch their limbs, they are feeling good and relaxed about their current situaRon.
-Jumps around
-Burrowing in bedding: This means a hamster is happy and just digging around playing or searching for a possible snack it may have buried earlier.

Signies fear and uncomfortableness:

-Lie on their back
-Pu its cheeks
-When it empRes its cheek pouches quickly: This is a hamster that is insecure about the current situaRon and is likely to ee and hide.
-Standing on hind legs with their dukes up: A hamster with this body language is telling you it feels threatened and might get aggressive if you dont back o.
-It gets startled when you approach: This is another sign that your pet is feeling insecure and unsure of what is going on at the moment.
-Ears laid back with narrowed eyes: This is a sign of a suspicion and they thinks something is up.
-Lying on its back with incisors showing: Yet one more sign of a frightened and threatened hamster that doesnt want to be messed with.
-It creeps slowly along the sides of its cage: Its unsure of its surroundings or its trying to nd its bearings on where they are at.
-It freezes in place: When they are afraid they might playing dead by lying down and freezing in place.

12- hamster can live about 2-3 year

13- hamster are naturally biparental and males contribute to pup survival and growth through direct paternal care and indirect eects on maternal physiology.
14- Decreased eaRng/ drinking, Fur loss, started being aggressive e.g. biRng the owner, decreased wheel Rme and hiding and not come out in normal Rmes. If hamsters
are stressed for a long Rme, stress could kill the hamster.
15- Hamsters eat, on average, only about one to two tablespoons full of food per 24 hours.
16- hamsters drink about 10 milliliters -- or about 2 teaspoons -- per 100 grams of body weight per day.
17- Because they cant see well during the day Rme so this make them feel stress and start to sleep.
18- Speaking of fruits and vegetables
19- Because hamster have a very short body so it mean that they also have a short intesRne so the poop will come out very fast aWer they eat food.
20- dwarf hamsters are surprisingly compaRble and intelligent.
21- There are many ways in which an individual can learn, there are associaRve learning where animals can associate their learning from a posiRve or
negaRve sRmuli. In animals there are typically two types or ways in which they can learn 1). Operant CondiRoning 2). Classical CondiRoning. Operant
condiRoning can be represented as learning through sequences and classical condiRoning could be learned through associaRons.
Operant condiRoning works by implemenRng posiRve sRmuli to the subject. Operant condiRoning is oWen seen in classrooms, teachers will reward students
that pays more a8enRon in class or get high scores in an exam, with points or other rewards. This creates a feeling for the student to do good in class in
order to receive the reward. It would make students want to get good scores and pay more a8enRon.
This is incredibly useful way to allow rodents to learn because the reward for the rodents could be their favorite food. They would have moRvaRon to
complete the maze and it might be able to complete the maze faster.
Classical condiRoning is learning process where there are associaRons between two sRmuli. The rst sRmuli is a sRmuli that would cause an immediate
response, the sRmuli induces a natural response such as mouths watering with saliva, once the subject begins to smell delicious food. The smell of the food
is a sRmuli that causes an immediate response which is to salivate. The smell of food is an uncondiRoned sRmulus or UCS which results in an uncondiRoned
response or UCR which is to salivate. This is when a condiRoned sRmuli plays a role which it would be presented along side with uncondiRoned sRmuli
( food smell), the condiRoned sRmuli such as a bell sound would be played along side the smell of food. The condiRoned sRmuli (bell sound) that is paired
with an uncondiRoned sRmuli (food smell) would trigger an uncondiRoned sRmuli (salivate) once the process is repeated again and again. AWer the
exposure, if the individual hears the sound of the bell, its mouth would start to salivate.
There are 5 types of learning methods and they are 1). Flooding 2). DesensiRzaRon 3). Graded Exposure 4). Counter condiRoning and 5). Graded
Flooding is a method where the animal is exposed to sRmulus for a certain amount of Rme and then the rodent would soon be used to the sRmuli and see
that the sRmuli does not cause harm so the rodent would not fear it anymore.
There must be variables that are controlled, the process must not be stopped unRl the rodent does not fear the subject anymore, if it is stopped before, the
rodent could become more fearful than before.
DesensiRsaRon is a similar process however, the rodent would be exposed to the sRmulus slowly and overRme the rodent would no longer react to the
Graded exposure is when the rodent is exposed to the sRmulus, the trainer would need to break down in series of where the rodent is so that the sRmuli
could be added such as moving closer to the rodent etc.
Counter condiRoning is a method where the trainer uses a posiRve method to change the rodents emoRonal state by providing food for the rodent which
would be represented as the rst sRmuli and the second sRmuli could be the trainer or the feared sRmuli and each Rme the rodent sees the trainer or the
feared sRmuli, provide the rodent with the rst sRmuli which is its favorite food. Soon the rodent would not fear the second sRmuli.

The last method that could be used is the graded counter condiRoning where it is a mixture of counter condiRoning and graded exposure.
The purpose of using condiRonal learning is to allow the rodents to become familiar and to learn that the trainers are not going to harm. AWer observaRons,
countercondiRoning is the best method in allowing the rodent to be familiar and to decrease or eliminate its fear of the trainer.

22- Predators can include owls, weasels, storks, jackals, wild cats, snakes and any other creature that would eat mouse like animals.
23- Hamsters are burrowing animals who live underground. They spend the dayRme hours sleeping and run and forge for food during the night. This means that they rely
more on their senses of smell and hearing than eyesight.
24- Night Rme.

1- Wait for the right Rme to inspect the hamster. To determine sex, you are going to have to look at your hamster's hind end and underside.
2- The animal could be in a more serious state than before if done incorrectly
3- It is when you assume one thing to be another, but that thing is not what you think.
4- There are lots of potenRal reasons for hamsters to stop moving temporarily: they can freeze both out of fear and surprise, or they can pause their movement so that
they can listen more carefully to something that they're unsure about.

We should use the material that safe for animal.

4 possible consequences of behavior: PosiRve Reinforcement, NegaRve Reinforcement, PosiRve Punishment, NegaRve Punishment
Most informaRon comes from study in condiRoning
Two types of condiRoning: Classical and operant
h8p://www.all-science-fair-projects.com /project1128 _78_1.html
h8ps://blogs.scienRcamerican.com/thoughkul-animal/what-is -classical-condiRoning-and-why-does-it-ma8er/
h8p://web.stanford.edu/group/journal/cgi-bin/wordpress/wp-content/upload s/2012/09/Lu_SpecFeatures_2010.pdf

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