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February 24th to March 2nd 2017
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Freak storms have brought a rough and crazy week P2&3

Malaga residents assess the scene after a road collapsed in Cerrado de Caldern, taking cars with it. :: FERNANDO GONZLEZ

Acquittal for Kings sister in fraud and

corruption case as her husband faces jail
Iaki Urdangarin The husband of Infanta Cristina, Iaki
Urdangarin, is still free this weekend
the Nos fraud and corruption trial
that has tainted the royal familys
receives a six year after the court in Palma decided on
Thursday that he didnt have to en-
reputation and held the attention of
people in Spain for several years. The
and three month ter prison immediately. It follows last men remain free until the supreme
sentence weeks sentencing of Urdangarin and
his business partner, Diego Torres, in
court has reviewed the judges deci-
sion. The Infanta was acquitted. P2

Marcelo Romero gets his

Hollande and first win as Malaga coach
in a 2-1 home win over Las
Rajoy talk Palmas, ending the run of
ten games without a win P52
Europe at
Malaga summit Do you live in one of the
20 municipalities at risk
The French president also of a major earthquake?
enjoyed the cultural side of The provincial government
the city, taking in the some has published a report P10
of the museums P6
The two statesmen. :: . CABRERA
NEWS February 24th to March 2nd 2017

Freak weather brings record-breaking storm

to Malaga and lucky escapes for some
A quarter of a years
rain falls on city in a day
as Mediterranean low
pressure anomaly also
subjects Costa to hail,
destructive waves and
brown rain in a week
:: SUR
MALAGA. After a string of unusu-
ally heavy downpours over the last
few months in different parts of
the Costa de Sol, it was the turn of
the central and eastern districts of
the city of Malaga to receive a spec-
tacular soaking last weekend.
The extremely heavy rain in the
early hours of Sunday morning
broke records and caused flash
floods. Between 3am and 5am, 126
mm fell on the citys port. In just
one hour 87.4 mm fell, the high-
est hourly rate since records began
in 1981. The total rainfall in the
port on Sunday was 153 mm, a Alejandro and Carlos count themselves fortunate to be alive after their car somersaulted 15 metres downhill as they neared home. :: ITO SALAS
quarter of a years rainfall in one
day. The Spanish met office re- oncoming car in time, which that it would stop raining. A po-
corded 456 lightening bolts dur- turned out to be a police patrol that lice officer who helped rescue them
ing the storm that hit the city, then took them to hospital for said it was a difficult operation as
which also included hail showers. checks. On Sunday afternoon they it was like the Amazon rainfor-
returned to the site, still visibly est. The nearby Baos de Carmen
Stretch of road disappears shaken, to retrieve possessions waterside restaurant was also badly
The residential area of Cerrado de from the upturned vehicle. Two damaged.
Caldern was among the worst hit. parked cars were also destroyed in
The storm caused around 60 me- the landslip, which was inspected Car park surprise
tres of Calle Flamencos to collapse by the mayor of Malaga, Francisco In the centre of the city, late-night
down a hillside, taking a vehicle de la Torre, on Sunday morning. revellers were surprised by the fe-
and its two occupants with it. The Nearby, two sisters, Lidya, who rocity as water cascaded down the
two students, Carlos Moya and Ale- is four months pregnant, and narrow old town streets. Tourists
jandro Zaragoza, were returning Tamara, also had a lucky escape. returning to their cars on Sunday
from the carnival festivities in the They were swept down the main morning from city hotels got a
city centre when the road disap- road from the Cerrado de Caldern shock to find that the well-used
peared and their car rolled down district to the citys seafront in Plaza de la Marina car park at the
the hillside. Miraculously they their car by a torrent of water, col- end of Calle Larios was flooded and
were able to crawl out of it with liding with other vehicles on the many vehicles damaged.
only minor injuries. They managed way. We froze with panic, said Insurers have estimated the
to climb the bank to warn another Tamara, All we could do was pray damage in Malaga from Sunday Not only rain but hailstones as well: A Malaga beach on Sunday. :: F. G.
February 24th to March 2nd 2017

Costa beaches take a battering as bad

weather to the east whips up the sea
Unusual rain this
week blamed on the :: SUR
cold drop climatic MALAGA. Work to clear up the
phenomenon Costa del Sols beaches after the
storms at the end of last year had
hardly been finished before the
The record-breaking rain in an heavy rain and high waves swept
hour in Malaga on Sunday morn- along the coast this week causing
ing was especially remarkable as fresh damage.
in other parts of the coast it Huge quantities of sand have
hardly rained at all. The freak, been eroded from Malagas La
localised rain the Costa has ex- Caleta and La Malagueta beaches
perienced this week can be ex- due to the easterly winds. Officials
plained by a Spanish climatic are contemplating having to bring
phenomenon called the cold sand in for the first time since full-
drop (gota fra). This weather scale conservation work was last
event occurs mainly along the carried out in 2010.
western Mediterranean when a The effect of the four-metre
higher-altitude low pressure be- waves was combined with the de-
comes cut off from the prevail- bris swept down the mountains
ing flow of westerly winds and by the rain, littering beaches and
takes on a life of its own. These igniting criticism from residents
trapped pockets, often moving over local authorities failure to
back from east to west through keep stream beds clean.
warm air, collect water vapour
as they go and empty their load San Pedro beach sewerage
in very heavy downpours. By In Marbella, La Fontanilla beach,
Sunday afternoon the cold drop in the centre of the resort, has lost The main sewage pipe under San Pedro beach was broken this week by the strong waves. :: JOSELE-LANZA
had moved off over northern a significant amount of sand since
Morocco, this time sucking up a last weekend, although ironically
lot of Saharan sand as it went. By nearby El Faro beach has accumu- that the pipe was broken in the
Thursday it was back on the lated more sand. same place last year before being
Costa del Sol again, where However the most important repaired quickly.
brown rain from the sand cov- damage has been done on the beach Marbella council also said that
ered streets and cars. in San Pedro, where the storm has the rain had moved some stones of
broken the effluent pipe connect- the Senda Litoral coastal path.
ing the Puerto Bans and Nueva
night at 10 million euros, with Andaluca area with the Guadal- All repaired by Easter?
2,800 properties and 700 vehicles mansa water treatment plant in The strong eastly winds and waves
affected. Estepona. have also caused damage to infra-
Although the heaviest rain was Some 18 metres of piping have structure and swept away sand in
very localised in one part of Malaga, been affected as three sections of the resort towns of the Axarqua
the whole Costa del Sol continued tubing have been pushed out of and eastern Costa del Sol.
to experience a strange-weather place by the strong waves . An emer- Local councils and coastal
week, with winds whipping up gency outflow pipe is being used authorities across the area have
four-metre waves along the coast, to point effluent into the sea at a stressed that they are fully com-
pushing water onto seafront rate of 5,000 cubic metres a day. mitted to repairing the damage to
promenades and coastal roads. Water treatment bosses expect buildings and restoring sand lev-
Rain and lightening returned on to have repaired the damage by the els to the coasts beaches before
Thursday, this time laden with end of the weekend providing the the Easter peak tourism period in
brown dirt from the Sahara. swollen seas subside, and point out Sand has been eroded as far as the promenade in Malaga. :: ITO SALAS mid-April.
4 NEWS February 24th to March 2nd 2017

La Cala residents call for a new Investigation into shot- Alleged hit-and-run
police station amid safety concerns at bus leads to discovery driver hands himself in
of marijuana farm
MALAGA :: F. J. / A. F. The man accused of
After the recent spate of :: A. F. / F. J. The investigation into knocking over a Swedish cyclist in
arson attacks, locals feel what first appeared to be an act of Benalmdena and fleeing the scene
mindless vandalism when a num- handed himself in to police last
the need for security to ber 5 bus was shot at in Guadalmar week.
be stepped up in the last week has resulted in several The Frenchman, of north Afri-
Mijas Costa area weapons being seized, a marijuana can origin, handed himself in to
farm dismantled and three people police in Torremolinos in the pres-
arrested. ence of his lawyer.
:: IVN GELIBTER It didnt take the National Police He has been released with
MIJAS. Fed up of what they con- long to track down the perpetrator, charges of inflicting damage and
sider a lack of security in the mu- a 17-year-old who was taken to the failure to provide assistance.
nicipality, and following the recent police station for questioning with The cyclist is continuing his re-
spate of fires affecting cars, prop- his father. covery at home.
erty and containers, residents in The case seemed to be resolved
Mijas Costa, and especially those when he admitted to the crime un- El Romeral residents go
in La Cala, joined voices on Wednes- til his father informed officers about
day to ask the town hall to give over the weapons and drugs his son kept without internet after
a plot of municipal land to build a in the home. mass theft of copper
new police station.
President of the La Cala residents ALHAURN DE LA TORRE
association, Francisco Javier Seplv- :: F. TORRES. Residents in the El
eda, told SUR that meetings have Maldonado, centre, presenting the new dog unit. :: I. G. Romeral area of Alhaurn de la
been held with police union repre- Torre had to go without phone and
sentatives during which he was told the complexity of Mijas munici- presented the Local Polices new internet connections after, as the
that this was the perfect moment pality, with both inland and coastal dog unit at the El Albero school. provider explained, the mass theft
to build a police station there. settlements, complicated work for This is the latest step in help- of copper from the installations.
He added: Not only would the the law enforcement agencies and ing our officers do their job to the Telefnica say that the problem
new station improve vigilance and that a new police station would best of their abilities, he said. In is not technical and therefore not
increase residents safety, but it improve procedures and urged the partnership with the Guardia Civil, their fault.
would give locals a place to carry town hall to take this proposal to we aim to crack down on drug traf- Attempts to repair the problem
out the administrative procedures the council as soon as possible. ficking. were also thwarted by further
for which we would otherwise This appeal to the town hall He added that if all went well, thefts which also caused damage
have to go elsewhere. came on the same day that the the number of animals could be Damage to the bus. :: SUR to the systems.
Seplveda also highlighted how mayor, Juan Carlos Maldonado, increased.
February 24th to March 2nd 2017

Constitutional court confirms Scam warning over fake floor

that plusvala tax is illegal if
the value of property sold falls clause telephone calls from banks
Lenders start to process
The sentence confirms However, councils base the cal- clusula suelo refund
recent decisions by culation of the amount to pay on
the official rateable value of the claims as judges warn the
judges across Spain and property rather than the real value. court system may collapse
threatens a key source Since the economic crisis forced if customers dont agree
of town hall income to prices down, many properties are
now well below this official value, with the payouts on offer
fund public services but this has made little difference
to town halls who have continued :: SUR
:: FRANCISCO JIMNEZ to charge the tax at the outdated MALAGA. The deadline passed this
MADRID. The top court oversee- value. weeks for banks to put steps in place
ing the interpretation of the Span- The new ruling by the Tribunal to tell customers that they may be
ish constitution has ruled that a Constitucional in Madrid confirms due a refund on their mortgage pay-
big part of the money raised by decisions by courts across the coun- ments if their loan contract included
town halls through plusvala tax try. It says that the calculation a hidden floor clause. Lenders will
is illegal. method is illegal under article 31 not inform people one by one, but
The plusvala, whose official ti- of the Spanish constitution, which will put details in branches and on
tle is Impuesto sobre el Incremento says a person can only be taxed to websites about the refund process.
del Valor de los Terrenos de Natu- support public funds according to However, consumer groups have Recent protests over floor clauses in some bank loans. :: SUR
raleza Urbana (IIVTNU), is levied their ability to pay. warned about a phone scam whereby
by councils when a property being The decision throws council fi- a person receives a call with an auto-
sold has increased in value. nances into chaos. According to of- mated message. The voice gives the
ficial data, 135.7 million euros were
collected by local authorities in
impression that it is the bank calling
about a refund. The customer is urged Court invalidates more mortgage
Sellers are advised to
plusvala tax in 2015 in Malaga
to call back to verify their details but
the number given is a premium rate clauses but for different reasons
still pay the tax and Consumer groups are advising line and callers are put on hold for
sellers to still pay the tax for the several minutes and charged for the
then demand moment then raise a formal com- call. Lawyers have explained that a :: HCTOR BARBOTTA In the cases, brought against
a refund later plaint afterwards with the town bank will not contact a customer in- MARBELLA A wave of other re- Banco Mare Nostrum and Caixa-
hall to demand a refund. dividually by phone or by email to fund claims to banks could be on bank, the complainants said that
say they may be due a refund. the horizon, and this time it has the distinct types of rate were never
nothing to do with the so-called properly explained.
Fears of court overload floor clause. Lawyers for both banks argued
Unions complain and illegal working. Government
data shows that there were 12,292
Judges in Malaga have asked for ad-
ditional capacity to deal with legal
A Marbella court has recently
found in favour of two people who
that the type of rate wasnt explained
to the customer as they didnt ask.
that Costa hotels people working in hotels in 2016, complaints if too many customers took out mortgages based not on However, the courts found that it
1,542 less than in 2008, equiva- fail to reach agreements with their the standard euribor interest rate, was the banks duty to spell out the
have 11 per cent less lent to a fall of 11 per cent. lender over the refund amount and but on a more complicated finan- differences. A staff member who ar-
staff than in 2008 Although employment in the
sector grew by 7.4 per cent from
are forced to turn to the courts for a
settlement. They fear that banks may
cial index called the IRPH (ndice
de Referencia de Prstamos Hipo-
ranged one of the loans for their cus-
tomer was called as a witness and
2015 to 2016, union bosses have use the stretched court system to de- tecarios), which can be a higher rate was unable to explain to the judge
said that 50.5 per cent of contracts lay any payout for several years. than the euribor. how the rate was calculated.
are still seasonal and 35 per cent
:: NURIA TRIGUERO are part time. They claim that this
MALAGA. Trade union Comisio- latter figure is false, as many staff
nes Obreras has complained that, work much longer hours than their
despite record tourist numbers contracts say but owners dont pay
along the Costa del Sol last year, the extra social security costs. In
employment in the hotel sector is addition, the union claims that too
still characterised by temporary many hotels are still closing in the
and seasonal contracts, outsourcing winter in Malaga province.
6 NEWS February 24th to March 2nd 2017

Rajoy and Hollande admiring Ghost by Kader Attia at the Centre Pompidou and, right, a group photo of ministers, plus Daz and De la Torre, in front of the Alcazaba. :: S. SALAS / A. CABRERA

Malaga summit unites Spain

and France in the face of
the EUs latest challenges
Franois Hollande and Spain, Germany and Italy. tively); Justice (Rafael Catal and Jean-
Mariano Rajoy met in the To that end, he invited Rajoy to Jacques Urvoas); Interior (Juan Igna-
a summit in Versailles on 6 March cio Zoido and Bruno Le Roux); De-
city of Malaga on Monday with German chancellor Angela velopment and Public Works (igo
as part of the 25th Spain- Merkel and Italian prime minister de la Serna and Sgolne Royal); Edu-
France bilateral summit Paolo Gentiloni during which the cation and Culture (igo Mndez de The heads of state received a military welcome. :: A. CABRERA
countries common strategies will Vigo and Naja Vallaud-Belkacem); En-
be outlined ahead of the EU meet- ergy and Tourism (lvaro Nadal and the public. plauded for his command of the
:: ANTONIO M. ROMERO ing in Rome at the end of March to Royal); and Finance (Luis de Guindos Spanish Legionnaires were on pa- French language, which he said he
MALAGA. French president mark the 70th anniversary of the and Michel Sapin). rade to provide the military welcome learned at school.
Franois Hollande arrived in Malaga founding treaty which led to the Projects discussed were the hand- to the French head of state who was Hollande, who was greeted ear-
on Monday morning to preside over creation of the EU. ing over of documents compiled by welcomed at the City Hall by Rajoy, lier that morning by children from
the 25th Spain-France bilateral sum- Both Hollande and Rajoy agreed the French authorities regarding Susana Daz (president of the Junta the local Lyce Franais, took par-
mit along with Spains prime min- on the principal challenges faced by ETA, the acceleration of a high-ten- de Andaluca) and Francisco de la ticular interest in the citys culture
ister Mariano Rajoy. the EU, namely jihadist terrorism, sion power line project beneath the Torre (mayor of Malaga). and said that he would definitely
The future of the European Un- the consolidation of economic Bay of Biscay, AVE train connections The ministers were hosted in the return at the end of his political
ion was the main topic for discus- growth, unemployment, immigra- through the Basque Country, as well City Hall, the Banco de Espaa build- life. He was also particularly inter-
sion at this summit. Giving a joint tion control and national security. as various projects to improve cross- ing and the university Rectorado ested in the Malaga French Film
press conference at the Centre Pom- Aside from EU affairs, the two border security. building, while the heads of state Festival after his wife, actress Ju-
pidou, Hollande admitted that the statesmen were accompanied at the Security was tight in the city enjoyed tours of the newly-opened lie Gayet, participated in it last year.
European project was entering a summit by seven ministers each to from the early hours of the morn- Museum of Malaga and the Centre The last Hispano-French summit
new phase and defended the work on a series of bilateral agree- ing with uniformed and plain- Pompidou. held in Malaga was in 2002 when
multi-speed Europe which he be- ments: Foreign Affairs (Alfonso Das- clothes officers on duty and much The mayor of Malaga, who guided Jacques Chirac and Jos Mara Aznar
lieves should be headed by France, tis and Jean-Marc Ayrault, respec- of the historic centre closed off to Hollande around the city was ap- were counterparts.
February 24th to March 2nd 2017


Residents appeal for road toll to
be lifted when A7 is congested
Marbella council will
debate forming a
committee with
neighbouring towns to
The land on which the park is being built. :: LEANDRO PAVN
study the problem
Work starts on the taken in the north of the town re-
:: MNICA PREZ cently.
MARBELLA. A petition devised by creation of green zone The 230,000-euro project in-
a group of Costa del Sol residents, volving approximately 3,000
that appeals for the the AP-7 road ESTEPONA square metres, will bring a new
toll to be lifted when the alterna- :: LEANDRO PAVN. The creation football pitch, gardens with a va-
tive A-7 road suffers traffic tailbacks, of a green space around Calle Alejo riety of new trees, and footpaths.
gathered more than 800 signatures Carpentier in the Calancha area of The park will also be connected
in its first few days. Estepona has begun. It is the lat- to the two sports complexes that
The petition, which was uploaded est of numerous urban renovation are located in the same area via new
to over the weekend, projects the council has under- pathways.
accompanies an open letter from
the residents, addressed to the cen- Transformation of New road surface on
tral governments ministry of De-
velopment and Public Works. San Pedro centre Sierra Bermeja hillside
The letter states that it is unac-
ceptable for drivers to be forced into MARBELLA ESTEPONA
paying the AP-7 road toll when there :: MNICA PREZ. San Pedro :: LEANDRO PAVN. From this
is heavy traffic on the A7 due to ac- Alcntara is facing the largest trans- week, vehicles will be able to ac-
cidents or roadworks. Lifting the formation of its town centre since cess both the ADANA animal shel-
barriers, it says, would be a minor the construction of its boulevard. ter and Los Pedregales park more
expense for the state coffers, and With a budget of just over one easily, via a new and improved road
increase road safety. million euros the council hopes to surface.
The petition has gained support give the town centre a facelift by Using large amounts of com-
from affected drivers in coastal A-7 traffic jam on 13 February caused by a lorry overturning. :: J-LANZA installing new green zones and pacted sand, workers employed by
towns along the Costa del Sol from wider paved areas which will pri- the council have levelled out
Fuengirola to Marbella. Its not just that we cant get to Marbella council today, Friday. The oritise pedestrians over cars and ditches and improved the drain-
Mara Isabel Vzquez is the work, and haulage lorries are unable proposal is to call for the ministry parking spaces. age of the hillside on which the
spokesperson for one of the areas to reach their destination, but more to set up a commission formed by However, the work, expected park and shelter are located.
most active residents associations, importantly, ambulances arent able representatives from all the coun- to be carried out over one year, is The work was necessary due to
in Riviera del Sol. She points out the to get to hospital, she said. cils involved - Fuengirola, Mijas, already causing disruption to traf- heavy rain in December washing
safety risks that could result from The petition has already made Marbella, Estepona, Casares and fic, parking and even the local taxi away parts of the road. The im-
a congested A7, full of drivers who some progress as a motion put for- Manilva - to monitor the situation rank, as residents have experienced provements have made the road
dont want to have to pay the AP-7 ward by the Izquierda Unida party and discuss the urgent need to lift first hand. safer for motorists.
road toll. on the issue is due to be debated by the toll in the case of tailbacks.
8 NEWS February 24th to March 2nd 2017

The strength of foreign invest-
ment in Spain was made clear
on Tuesday at the event or-
ganised by CaixaBank for
members of the British Cham-
ber of Commerce. The re-

gional director of CaixaBank in anks that are planning the eyes of banks such as Citi-
western Andaluca, Juan Igna- to move their London group and UBS, both of which are
cio Zafra, stressed that prop- operations to EU cities sizing up Madrid as a post-Brexit
erty investment by British in- as a result of Brexit are location for their London opera-
dividuals and businesses was expected to choose their new lo- tions. The same can be said about
still ahead. Even last year the cations within the next few the fraud trial in which Rodrigo
British were the biggest inves- months. The competition for this Rato, former IMF boss and deputy
tors in property in our country, post-Brexit business among other prime minister of Spain, is cur-
despite Brexit, he said. :: JOSELE-LANZA major European cities is therefore rently a defendant. If the bankers
entering its most important in either case are found guilty of
phase. Madrids pitch has so far fo- their alleged offences, their sen-
cused more on the benefits of life tences could reinforce the mes-
in the Spanish capital rather than sage that Spain no longer tolerates
on Spains banking sector, citing fraud in banking or politics.
ADVERTORIAL Rombosol Marbella factors such as fewer rainy days Madrids bid to portray both it-
and lower living costs than close self and Spain as a whole as a seri-
rivals such as Frankfurt, Paris and ous financial hub has also been
Dublin. Yet a spate of recently-an- strengthened by the recent con-
nounced investigations into sen- clusion of another high-profile

Two days of family fun for the ior bankers accused of financial
misconduct might well boost
Spains standing for banks fleeing
fraud case. Last Friday, the King of
Spains brother-in-law, Iaki Ur-
dangarin, was sentenced to six

launch of the Renault Scenic London.

Last week the National Court
in Madrid confirmed that Miguel
years and three months in prison
for pocketing millions of euros of
public money through a bogus
ngel Fernndez Ordez and charity. His wife the Infanta Cris-
Fernando Restoy - respectively tina, sister of King Felipe VI, was
Official Renault dealership Rom- former Governor and Deputy acquitted and handed a relatively
bosol Marbella recently held two Governor of the Bank of Spain - negligible civil fine of 265,000
days of family-oriented fun to cele- and Julio Segura, ex-chief of the euros. For many who followed
brate the release of the new model securities regulator CNMV, are the case, it was symbolic of
of Renault Scenic. under investigation in connection whether or not Spanish royals are
The events were catered for the with Bankias disastrous share above the law (and there is argua-
new generation of families who sale in 2011. The bank raised three bly now a verdict and sentence to
enjoy sharing in leisure pursuits billion euros from the stock offer- support each side of that debate).
during their free time, learning ing in a desperate attempt to stay In the long run, though, it will
from each other during a time of afloat. Almost two billion euros take more than the occasional
shared experiences. worth of shares were sold to retail flurry of fraud crackdowns to
To mark the occasion, there was investors, yet just a year later prove that Madrid is a world-class
storytelling, workshops, balloon- The all-new Renault Scenic. SUR Bankia almost collapsed and re- banking hub. Indeed, the Spanish
modelling, badge-making, give- quired a 22-billion-euro state bail- financial services regulator is cur-
aways and much more. out. Spains National Court has rently setting up a fast-track ac-
The event was centred around upheld a claim that Ordez, creditation service, in English, for
the essence of the new vehicle Restoy and Segura went ahead banks looking to relocate from
which was designed with safety with the 2011 share sale despite London. Madrid has also been
and the whole familys enjoyment numerous warnings from an in- touting its links to emerging
in mind. Its unprecedented shape spector that it would result in Latin American markets and its
and modern design gives it a substantial losses. They will tes- large amount of vacant and rela-
unique look. tify in a few weeks time. tively cheap office space. If the
Several orders were taken over Whether or not they are meant Spanish capital also maintains its
the course of the days as buyers as proof that the Spanish financial apparently tougher stance on cor-
took advantage of one-off discounts. services sector is finally cleaning ruption, it is well placed in the
itself up, these investigations beauty contest for post-Brexit Children take part in the activities. SUR cant hurt Spains reputation in business.
February 24th to March 2nd 2017
10 NEWS February 24th to March 2nd 2017

The 22 municipalities at greatest risk

Most buildings New roundabout
Seismic danger in Alcaucn Albaida to be built in
Malaga province Alfarnate Colmenar comply with anti-
seismic regulations Torreblanca to
Riogordo All the buildings constructed
Cmpeta Salares after 1968 were designed to road safety
Canillas de Sayalonga comply with anti-seismic regu-
Aceituno Sedella lations. Most apartment blocks
Canillas de Viuela :: I. GELIBTER
V. de Tapia
in Malaga city were built after
V. del Rosario that date so, in theory at least, FUENGIROLA. The construc-
V. del Trabuco. they are designed to withstand tion of a new roundabout between
significant earth tremors in the Torreblanca area has been
without suffering serious announced by Fuengirola town
structural damage. hall in an effort to improve road
The Seismo-Resistent Cons- safety. The contract for the pro-
truction Regulations were last ject, worth 75,383 euros, was won
updated in 2002. In 2012 they by Excavaciones Fajosa S.L. and
were reviewed, although the re- construction should last two
view is not yet fully in force, weeks.
and the level of vulnerability in The roundabout is part of nu-
the province was increased to merous road improvements in
70 per cent. the area which are expected to
The indicators which show ease traffic circulation and park-
the level of danger in each area ing. The pavement on Calle Zarza
Potential danger in the province (from lowest to greatest risk) have been updated and are in- has also been widened by 1.5 me-
Below or equal to 0.16 0.161 to 0.20 0.201 to 0.24 Over 0.24 creasingly more rigorous. tres and street lighting in the sur-
rounding area has been improved.

nerable, such as the Local Police

About 20 municipalities in headquarters in Las Lagunas (Mijas

Costa). It makes no difference what
a building looks like, if it has not
been constructed with the proper
Junta announces
funding for
Malaga, at risk of suffering knowledge, he said. However, he
also stressed that there is very lit-
tle risk of tsunamis off the local
places in new
a major earthquake coastline: There is no space between
the coasts of Morocco and Malaga
for the waves to grow very much;
but in Cadiz and Huelva there is,
Nijas care home
he explained. :: I. G.
MIJAS. The Junta de Andaluca
The Axarqua is the most vernment in collaboration with the could be expected in that province. Map of the dangers has promised that it will provide
vulnerable area of the Spanish Association of Seismic Engi- With regard to Malaga city, the pro- The vice-president of the Malaga pro- funds so that 80 per cent of the
neering. Towns on the western Cos- ximity to the Guadalhorce river, whe- vincial government, Francisco Sala- spaces in Mijas planned residen-
province, and in Malaga ta del Sol, however, have the lowest re the land is softer, is a matter of con- do, and the delegate for Sustainabi- tial care home will be subsidised.
city the effects would be probability. cern and this has to be taken into lity, Francisco Delgado Bonilla, also Mijas councillors and residents
more serious in western In Malaga city the risk level is mo- account when constructing new buil- attended the presentation of the la- have been discussing building a
derate, but is higher in the western dings. In fact, the review of the Seis- test Map of Seismic Danger. local centre with sponsored
districts than in the east districts (Carretera de Cdiz, Huelin, mo-resistant Construction Regula- It is a very necessary and very use- spaces for many years.
Pacfico, etc) than on the eastern side. tion of 2012 (which is still not fully ful document for every municipality, The commitment by the re-
:: IGNACIO LILLO Ricardo Garca Arribas, the vice- in force) increased the level of vul- because it updates the risk data and gional government to provide long-
MALAGA. About 20 municipalities president of the association, explai- nerability in the province by 70%, so adapts it to national and regional re- term funding means that a pro-
in the Axarqua and the area to the ned that the probability of a major from now on the calculations for buil- gulations, which are continually more ject to draw up formal plans for
northwest of Malaga city are at the earthquake is greater in areas closest ding structures will have to be even demanding and rigorous. The aim is the centre can now be put out to
greatest risk of suffering a powerful to the Granada fault, which runs from more rigorous even though the po- to prevent the effects of possible ear- tender. Mijas council has said it
earthquake, according to a map of Boquete de Zafarraya to Alhama. He tential risk is the same. thquakes, to protect human life and will set up a working group with
seismic danger which was produced warned that earthquakes measuring Ricardo Garca Arribas explained limit material damage, explained local senior citizens to determine
this week by the provincial go- nine and ten on the Richter scale that some buildings are already vul- Francisco Salado. what the new home should be like.
February 24th to March 2nd 2017
12 NEWS February 24th to March 2nd 2017

Former British consul,
International Lawyers answers readers queries
Thomas Tuite, dies aged 93
We speak English, German, French, Spanish and Russian
Born in Dublin in 1923,
Thomas Robert Henry
must look for him and pay it my own expenses. Could I stop
Please send your questions or
myself. What can I do? paying, taking into account
Stratford Tuite OBE was
contact us directly to arrange
a personal appointment on: The fact that you have no in- that my son has already consul in Malaga
come entitles you to benefit reached the age of maturity? between 1962 and 1989
Ilagoson International from legal aid, and that is why In order to give you an accurate
you have a public defender, answer, we would need to know :: RACHEL HAYNES
but this does not imply that the financial situation of your MALAGA. Former British consul,
Avda. Playas Andaluzas 38 you can choose the lawyer; son, since the fact of being an Thomas Tuite, died in Malaga on
(Exit El Rosario) equally, the lawyer cannot re- adult is not a determining factor 18 February at the age of 93.
29604 Marbella ject you as client and is when asking for the cancelation He was born Thomas Robert
Tel: 952 77 12 13 obliged to defend your case in of the alimony. If your son has Henry Stratford Tuite in Dublin,
Fax: 952 82 68 61 the best possible way. Except employment and his earnings Ireland, in 1923, son of an Anglo- in exceptional cases (such as if allowing him to support him- Irish army officer.
Offices in Mlaga, Marbella you can prove that the lawyer self, regardless of his age, then Before settling in Malaga, Tho-
and Cdiz is not working with the neces- you can ask for the annulment mas worked for the Foreign Office
sary professionalism), it is un- of the alimony, as it is consid- and was posted in British-occupied
likely that the barrister asso- ered that your son no longer Germany and Eritrea after World
ciation will designate a new needs the allowance. But if your War II.
REF. S.O.F. lawyer. son, even if he is adult, is study- It was in the 1950s that he vis-
I am divorcing, but as I do not ing and does not have any in- ited Malaga on his way to Ireland
have any income, I applied for come, then you have to con- from Canada.
a court-appointed lawyer. REF. P.A.I. tinue paying the alimony until He liked the city so much that
However, I am not happy with I divorced some years ago, and your son is financially inde- he decided to stay and look for a Thomas Tuite. :: SUR
him, he does not reply to my the divorce sentence estab- pendent. On the other hand, if job, initially working in the pri-
phone calls or emails and I lished that I should pay ali- your son does not study or vate sector for a shipping agent. for 27 years.
think that his work leaves mony to my son of 300 euros work, and does not look for an He met Malaga-born Chari Bria- He retired as consul at the end
much to be desired. I have per month. I have been doing employment, you could ask for les de Len, whom he married in of 1989. During his retirement he
made a claim to the barrister so until now, but my current the cancellation of the alimony 1957. served on the committee of the
association, but they tell me financial situation is very bad as long as you can prove this in In 1962 he was offered the job English cemetery in Malaga.
that if I want another lawyer, I and I need that money to pay court. of British consul, a post that had Thomas is survived by his wife
been vacant for several years. Chari Briales de Len, his sons Tho-
His Law degree and legal expe- mas, Gerard, Mark and Patrick and
First Assessment Consultation FREE of Charge rience gained in earlier life helped his sister Pamela, and four grand-
him obtain the position he held children.
February 24th to March 2nd 2017


Vote of no confidence brings PSOE back Young tourist reports
into power in Frigiliana after 22 years mugging in Nerja
:: E. C. A 20-year-old foreign tour-
ist has reported being mugged in
Following two ruptures in Spokesperson for the PA, Francisco the El Chaparil area of Nerja. The
the town hall since the Acosta, accused Gonzlez of having alleged incident took place at
a dictator-like attitude. around 6am on Monday, when the
2015 local elections, the Despite PA support on the vote, tourist was approached by a man
Socialist party holds a the incoming mayor, who leads a mi- whom he described to police as
minority and has not given nority government, announced on being around 30, with a skinhead
Tuesday that all key positions in the and unshaven face. The thief
responsibility to the PA local government would go to the threatened the tourist with a knife
three PSOE councillors and that the and got away with 75 euros, two
:: EUGENIO CABEZAS three PA councillors who form part mobile phones, a jacket and a pair
FRIGILIANA. Frigiliana has a new of the coalition would not be given of trainers which the young man
mayor, following the councils sup- responsibilities. was wearing at the time. Police
port for a vote of no confidence in Following Mondays vote and in- have appealed for witnesses to
the previous mayor, Jos Antonio vestiture ceremony, which took place come forward.
Gonzlez, on Monday. without incident, Alejandro Herrero
Alejandro Herrero, 46, an em- promised that he would govern
ployee at Unicaja bank, has taken with dialogue and consensus while
over the role of leader of the council the outgoing mayor said that he was
putting the Socialists at the helm of leaving, with his head held high
the town hall for the first time in 22 as the vote of no confidence was,
years. full of hatred, jealousy and false
Since the last local elections, in New mayor Alejandro Herrero and his team on Monday. :: E. CABEZAS accusations.
May 2015, there have been two coa-
litions running the town council in
Frigiliana; from June 2015 until
March 2016 it was Gonzlezs PP (Par-
tido Popular) alongside the Partido
Andalucista (PA).
However, difference of opinion
led to the unprecedented shift to a
coalition between the PSOE and the
According to the towns PSOE, it Beach bar, Torre del Mar. :: A. P.
was disputes over management of
key areas of council business, includ-
ing personnel and urban planning, Sundays storm causes
which eventually caused the rup- widespread damage
ture in January this year and the en-
suing motion of no confidence, which
was signed by the PSOE and PA. AXARQUA
:: A. P. Although the Axarqua es-
caped the worst of Sundays storm,
high winds and large waves caused
Group formed to widespread damage along the
coast. Torre del Mar, Caleta, Alma-
campaign against yate and Chilches were the worst
affected places, with beach bars
environmental and suffering material damage and
financial effects of Torre del Mars dog beach, which
opened last summer near the
mussel beds mouth of the Vlez river, being
washed away along with rubbish
bins. Deputy mayor and council-
ALMUCAR. Around 20 organi-
sations and companies gathered in
Nerja cave discoverers boost lor for tourism in Vlez-Mlaga
Jess Atencia said that the area
would need financial help to re-
Almucar on Tuesday to form the
platform against mussel beds pro-
museum collection with memorabilia pair the damage.

test group. The collective has rep- Uncontrolled dogs kill

resentatives from the tourist indus-
try and well as locals who oppose A bronze identification items handed over. The badge has 21 goats and sheep
the planned installation of the mus- badge will go on display been in the possession of one of the
sel beds off the Punta de la Mona discoverers, Jos Torres, since then. TORROX
beach, between Almucar and La along with a hammer and It has now gone on display along :: A. P. A pack of dogs killed 21
Herradura. chisel used to gain access with a hammer which was used to goats and sheep at a farm near
Protesters fear that the installa- to the cave as well as an open up the cave and which was Torrox during the course of last
tion of the beds would be a huge donated to the museum in August weekend, causing around 4,000
threat to the tourism industry in old visitors book 2016 as well as a chisel and book euros worth of losses and dam-
the area, as the planned site for the with autographs of important visi- age. The owner of the farm,
platforms would cut through areas :: E. CABEZAS tors to the cave, which also form Francisco Bueno, who has re-
of the sea used for boating and div- NERJA. Four of the original five part of the collection. ported the two separate inci-
ing activities, which would have a discoverers of the Nerja caves met The foundation said that thanks dents to the Guardia Civil na-
knock-on effect on bars, restaurants with Cave Foundation director to these donations, more and more ture protection unit (Seprona),
and accommodation. ngel Ruiz last week to make a do- residents are coming forward with believes that the dogs involved
The group has also spoken out nation to the museum, which also items, which help us to reflect on in the attacks have owners but
about the environmental impact of belongs to the foundation. the recent past of our town. The are able to roam freely. Bueno
the beds, saying that the proposed A bronze identification badge foundation added that it would en- has had to move the rest of his
site is home to rare species of coral which was used by a guide when courage anyone with similar items herd to a nearby farm, which is
and is in the protected Maro-Cerro the museum was first opened to to bring them to the museum to be closer to the village.
Gordo cliffs nature reserve. the public in 1960 was among the ngel Ruz and Jos Torres.:: E. C. added to the collection.
14 NEWS February 24th to March 2nd 2017

Erasmus+ programme provides is one of three girls to come to

Malaga for a month from Hannover
Medical School, sees this opportu-

international training in labs and nity as a way to build international

contacts and to learn something
about new countries.

hospitals for European students At the other end of the scale,

Roco Hernndez Ros, a Spanish
masters student who spent two
months at Queens Medical Centre
in Nottingham, stressed the impor-
The Santa Brbara school The programme allows students dona, hailed the Erasmus pro- tance of the scheme in understand-
has been running the from all over Europe to come to gramme, which was established 30 ing the differences within a given
Malaga and undertake trainee work years ago, as a scheme which has sector across the globe.
programme for ten years placements, which usually last be- helped the institute establish links You learn what your job is like
and this year welcomes tween one and three months, in all over Europe and has allowed stu- in other countries, how it works
students from Germany, various hospitals and laboratories dents to have different experiences and the way it is organised. This al-
across the province. Representa- thanks to the free movement of Archidona and Alva. :: K. V. lows you to compare it to the sys-
Latvia and Finland tives of Santa Brbaras hospital and people. tem in your home country and take
institutional partners abroad were Santa Brbara is celebrating its and use the bits from your experi-
:: KISHAN VAGHELA also present at the event. tenth year of participation in the ence that seem useful and discard
MALAGA. The Santa Brbara school The most notable guests included Erasmus programme, which was You learn what your job the ideas that do not work for you,
of secondary and further education the head of Education in the prov- renamed the Erasmus+ programme is like in other countries, she added.
in Malaga began its International ince of Malaga, Patricia Alva Luque, in 2014, and this year welcomes stu- Ros also praised the wide range
Week on Monday by welcoming and a representative from Malaga dents from Germany, Latvia and
how it works and the way of programmes run by the school,
European students who have cho- city council, Eugenio Rodrguez. Finland. its organised which has helped it become one of
sen to take part in its Erasmus+ pro- In an opening speech, the prin- Laura Leone, who is training to the leading institutions in Malaga
gramme of healthcare courses. cipal of the school, Antonio Archi- become a biomedical scientist, and in health education.

Exchange sees German mus+ programme possible.

Fifteen students from both in-
stitutions are taking part in the
college welcomed in Malaga programme, in which students and
teachers alike will participate in
reciprocal visits.
David Valaguer is one such stu-
:: FRANCISCO GUTIRREZ delighted and surprised by dent who travelled to Germany a
MALAGA. The German consul in what they discovered on their visit few weeks ago, visiting various
Andaluca, Peter Eck, welcomed stu- to Malaga. companies while undertaking a
dents from Berufliches Schulzen- The college in Leonberg is train- work placement at the college.
trum, a training college in Leonberg, ing them as plasterers and provides Although he admitted that the
a city in the state of Baden-Wrttem- students with a course similar to language was a significant bar-
berg in southern Germany, to the the one taught at the Malaga rier, he used the little English he
citys Automobile Museum last week. school. knew to communicate as best he
The pupils from Germany, who The collaboration between these could. You learn a lot when you
are taking part in the Erasmus+ two institutions began three years go abroad, not just about studies
programme established between ago, when two teachers shared the and work in Germany but also
themselves and the Rosaleda in- same interests in the field and con- about the culture of the country,
stitute of further education, were tacted each other to make the Eras- Students from both schools at the museum. :: ITO SALAS he stated.
February 24th to March 2nd 2017
16 NEWS February 24th to March 2nd 2017

HERE AND THERE Hospitality

Food collection runs
New Caminito del Rey visitors innovation comes
until end of the month centre will open in August to Marbella
thanks to
:: SUR. Specsavers Opticas are Maastricht school
collecting non-perishable food The 500-square-metre
for the Spanish Federation of site will be equipped
Food Banks in all of their Costa :: SUR
del Sol stores until the end of the with an information MARBELLA. The Hotel Man-
month. Anyone can drop off their point, cafeteria, toilets agement School Maastricht
food at their local store during and parking for up to comes to Marbella in March to
opening hours. At the end of the deliver its Hospitality Innova-
month it will be donated to Ban- 200 cars and 17 buses tion Program (HIP) to local pro-
cosol food bank, for them to dis- fessionals and executives. The
tribute in the community via :: FERNANDO TORRES course, entirely in English, takes
partnerships with local charita- ARDALES. The first stone of the place between 6 and 10 March at
ble organisations. new visitors centre at the Caminito Andaluca Lab. Participants will
del Rey was laid last week in an event come away with an official cer-
Radikal darts to bring attended by provincial government tificate from the Hotel Manage-
(Diputacin) president Elas Ben- ment School Maastricht.
3,000 players to Costa dodo and the mayors of towns sur- The aim of the executive pro-
rounding the tourist attraction. gramme is to convert innovation
FUENGIROLA At the event, which highlighted into an ongoing process of data
:: I. GELIBTER. Fuengirola will the contribution of the Caminito to collection and analysis, identifi-
become the world capital of elec- tourism in Malaga, it was announced cation of areas for improvement,
tric darts from 6 to 9 April when that the site, expected to open in development and implementa-
it welcomes the international August this year, will be located on tion of solutions that adapt to the
Radikal Darts tournament to the the MA-5403 road and will be com- Elas Bendodo analyses the construction plans. :: F. TORRES changing needs of customers.
Palacio de la Paz. prised of two buildings. The course comes to the Costa
A total of 180 machines will be Inside, tourists will have access to that was employed in 2014 to reha- At the same event, Bendodo also del Sol thanks to the Ronda
installed and the event is expected an information point, a cafeteria, a bilitate the Caminito. announced that restoration work Mountain Think Tank, a business
to attract more than 3,000 play- shop to buy everything necessary for Luis Manchuca, the architect who on the 300-metre Desfiladero de and project development plat-
ers from all around the globe, but the walk and a souvenir shop to visit designed the site explained that the los Gaitanes tunnel is complete. form focusing mainly on the
especially Malaysia, China and at the end. buildings will largely be constructed This will be accessible by March and tourism industry. The programme
Korea, said organisers. If all goes The approximate budget for the from wood in order for them to in- will serve as an exit for walkers is aimed at postgraduate students,
well, the tournament could be- project is 860,000 euros and the con- tegrate into the landscape, which is when wind speeds exceed safe lev- executives and managers in the
come a regular fixture, they added. struction company carrying out the the important thing for the famous els or for those who just wish to industry who want to take a step
work, Sando, is the same company tourist attraction. shorten their route. forward in their careers.
La Nogalera to host St
Patricks Day on 18 March
Roof of Santa Mara church open
:: A. GMEZ. Torremolinos will
this year, for the first time, officially
to the public from March
mark St Patricks Day with celebra-
tions in Plaza de la Nogalera. It will
take place on Saturday 18 March be- :: VANESSA MELGAR more tourists to Ronda.
tween midday and 6pm with per- RONDA. On 8 March the roof of Although the church was built in
formances from the Celtic Dancers, Santa Mara church, located in the the late 14th century, the new
as well as a bar installed in the square heart of Rondas historical centre, wooden platform seems to blend in
which will serve both Irish and in- will be opened to the public. well with the Moorish style of the
ternational beers. Food and other The platform, which has been in building. Visitors will access the roof
Irish specialities will also be served construction since last summer, was via a winding staircase that dates
up. The event is organised by the designed by local architect Sergio from around 1675 and once reach-
Irish Assocaiton of Spain in collabo- Valadez. The Malaga Diocese has in- ing the top, they will be presented
ration with Torremolinos town hall. vested 100,000 euros in the project with spectacular views of Ronda
which is expected to attract even and its mountainous surroundings. Valadez showing the view from the roof last summer. :: V. MELGAR
February 24th to March 2nd 2017
18 NEWS February 24th to March 2nd 2017

AFAB raises
A lifelong dedication to the Legion awareness of the
need for a new
Alzheimers centre
Mary Le Corneys introduction to the RBL in Spain came after an unfortunate accident in Benalmdena
Benalmdena-based association
BRYANT for relatives of sufferers of Alz-
heimers and other dementias, has launched an awareness cam-
paign to raise funds needed to
TORREMOLINOS. On October 9 build a new care centre.
1987 an article in SUR in English in- The campaign, which has been
formed of the forthcoming opening running since the local council
of the first branch of the Royal Brit- donated land for the project in
ish Legion in Spain. 2010, has been highlighted due
This year, the Legion will be cele- the overwhelming demand in
brating its thirtieth year on the coast their current day care unit.
and it is down to the sheer hard work The new facility will enable
and determination of certain people the charity to increase the help
who have endeavoured to keep the and support it gives to patients
flag flying. suffering with progressive men-
One of these people is 80-year-old tal deterioration. However, the
Mary Le Corney, who has recently construction project lacks fund-
stepped down as district secretary, a ing and AFAB is asking for dona-
post she has held for over 20 years. tions and regular contributions
Born in Graves End in Kent, Mary, to enable them to build the new
with her husband Ray, came to Spain facility.
for the first time to celebrate their The organisation also raises
honeymoon in 1962. funds through its charity shop
In 1985, they decided to come to Mary has stepped down after 20 years as district secretary. :: SUR in Arroyo de la Miel.
live in Torremolinos. AFAB currently cares for 50
Mary comes from a military back- Mary was soon persuaded to get at that time suggested that Mary be Alzheimers patients and their
ground, so it was normal for her to more involved, taking up the posi- I needed something to presented with a gold badge because families, and this shop is one of
have an interest in the Legion; how- tions of district chairman and dis- of her loyalty to the Legion. the main channels of financing
ever, her introduction to the RBL on trict training officer. do; I couldnt just sit However, the board of trustees the service.
the coast came about under rather For the last twenty years, she has on the beach all day had other plans. They had decided to Situated in Calle Vega in Ar-
unfortunate circumstances. been the chairman of the Torremo- for the rest of my life present Mary with life membership; royo de la Miel, the shop opens
Following a nasty fall, from which linos branch. She has also held the one of the Royal British Legions most from 9am until 2pm, Monday
she broke her ankle, Mary spent sev- same position in the Benalmdena prestigious credits. to Friday.
eral days in hospital. It was here that branch for the last ten years. I was absolutely gobsmacked. It It is run by volunteers and
she first learned of the RBL on the However, Mary is quick to point was the most outstanding thing to sells new and secondhand goods,
Costa del Sol. out the tireless work of the officers ple anymore. Members have either happen as far as I was concerned. It including gifts, clothing, shoes
One day, I noticed that the hus- and other committee members. returned to the UK, or they have died. was absolutely phenomenal, Mary and fashion accessories.
band of another patient was wear- Weve had some very good peo- We need younger people, Mary said. said gleefully. A spokesperson for the char-
ing an RBL badge, so I asked him if ple in the Legion over the years, very Although she is stepping down Even though Mary had worked as ity said, We encourage residents
he was a member. He informed me hard working people, although they from the district council, she is not a teacher for 35 years, she was in no and visitors to use this shop, since
that he was the secretary of the Tor- have not always been recognised for retiring from her duties in local Le- rush to retire when she first arrived all of the proceeds from it enable
remolinos branch, Mary told SUR their efforts, Mary explained. gion business. in Torremolinos. us to continue the services we
in English. Today, the Torremolinos branch I have had some wonderful times I needed something to do; I provide.
This was the only introduction has just over 30 members, but when and I would not give it up for any- couldnt just sit on the beach all Created in 1996, the AFAB day
Mary needed, because once fit and Mary first joined in 1989, there were thing, Mary said with passion. day for the rest of my life, and so I care unit is equipped with a mul-
well, she joined the Torremolinos around 150 members. The highlight of her time with the joined the Legion. I wouldnt have tidisciplinary team of social work-
branch, and she has been an active We have struggled to stay alive Legion came just four years ago. missed it for the world, she said ers, psychologists, occupational
member ever since. because we just dont have the peo- The vice-chairman of the district with conviction. therapists and physiotherapists.
February 24th to March 2nd 2017
20 NEWS SPAIN February 24th to March 2nd 2017

Former top Bankia official

sentenced to jail for fraud
over misused credit cards
Disgraced ex-minister,
Rodrigo Rato gets four
and a half years as judge
rules on 65 bank bosses
accused of non-declared
spending spree
:: SUR
MADRID. Sentence has finally
been passed in the case of the mis-
use of company credit cards by ex-
ecutives and board members of one
of Spains leading banks.
Iaki Urdangarin seen near his home in Geneva for the first time after the sentence was announced. :: J.O. / E.P. Miguel Blesa, who was president
of Caja Madrid, and Rodrigo Rato,
who headed Bankia, its successor, Rato at the trial (file photo). :: AFP

Kings sister acquitted in Nos case were given six years and four and
a half years respectively.
In total 65 people were accused
as an extension of the holders sala-
ries, although none of the money

but her husband is found guilty of organising or cooperating with

the systematic use of company
credit cards for thousands of euros
spent was declared as income to
the tax authorities. Rato was once
a PP government minister and is
of personal expenditure between former head of the International
2003 and 2012. The cards were seen Monetary Fund.
Iaki Urdangarin, former fraud, influence peddling and tax of- investigation that ended up with the
Duke of Palma, is fences. His former business partner, sister of King Felipe and her husband
Diego Torres, has been handed a Iaki Urdangarin on trial in Palma
sentenced to six years
and three months in jail
prison sentence of eight years and
six months.
de Mallorca, along with another 15
defendants. The couple were formerly
Pablo Iglesias as inevitable, even by Errejn him-
self, that he would be forced to
after the corruption trial In the long-running case centring Duke and Duchess of Palma before takes control of his take a lower profile from now on.
on a misuse of public funds, the for- the King stripped them of the title. Iglesias promoted Irene Mon-
but remains free while mer president of the Balearic govern- All defendants were accused of new executive as tero to be spokesperson in parlia-
the decision is reviewed ment, Jaume Matas, has been given
three years and eight months.
having formed part of or cooperated
with a corrupt network that chan-
former number ment, although he avoided for-
mally baptising her as his num-
:: SUR While acquitted of the criminal nelled around six million euros of two is sidelined ber two as Errejn had been. Er-
PALMA DE MALLORCA. The King charges against her, the royal sister public funds from the regional gov- rejn himself was offered the
of Spains sister, Cristina de Borbn, has been fined 265,088 euros in civil ernments of the Balearics and Va- chance to stand as Podemos can-
has been acquitted of the criminal responsibility charges, having bene- lencia into private hands through :: SUR didate for the Madrid regional elec-
charges against her in the Nos case. fitted financially from the fraud. overinflated contracts for the organi- MADRID. Former number two of tions in 2019.
Her husband, Iaki Urdangarin, sation of business and sports events. Podemos and parliamentary spokes- Errejn appeared to accept his
has been handed a prison sentence A long legal process so far The hearings ended in June last person, igo Errejn was pushed fate gracefully, saying it was nor-
of six years and three months. The sentence came eleven years af- year and the judges decision was fi- to the sidelines by newly reelected mal and that when a new phase
The court in Palma ruled that there ter a Balearic regional MP critised the nally announced last Friday. party leader Pablo Iglesias last opens responsibilities change
was no evidence to prove that Cris- high cost of the contracts granted to Urdangarin and Torres have been weekend, when Podemos peoples hands.
tina de Borbn actively cooperated Instituto Nos by the regional gov- allowed to stay out of prison while council met to vote on the new On the new executive are Igle-
in the tax fraud committed by her ernment led then by Jaume Matas. the Supreme Court reviews the sen- ruling executive committee. sias and ten supporters, Errejn
husband through the firm Aizoon Instituto Nos was a charitable foun- tence, however Urdangarin, who Having publicly disagreed with and two of his supporters, and
that the couple owned between them. dation formed by Urdangarin and now lives in Geneva with his wife, Iglesias and offered alternative leader of the partys more anti-
Urdangarin has been found guilty Torres to promote sport. must sign in at a local Swiss court policies during the partys confer- capitalist wing, Miguel Urbn joins
of embezzlement, corrupt practice, The MPs complaint sparked an once a month in the meantime. ence earlier this month, it was seen for the first time.
February 24th to March 2nd 2017
22 NEWS GIBRALTAR February 24th to March 2nd 2017

Deputy chief minister holds talks
about land borders post-Brexit
Dr Garca held
discussions with the
Secretary of State for
Northern Ireland, who is
familiar with Gibraltars
GIBRALTAR. Deputy Chief Min-
ister Dr Joseph Garcia visited Lon- The futuristic mega-yacht was finally allowed to set sail. :: EFE
don this week for further meetings
related to the United Kingdoms Sailing Yacht A leaves of a financial dispute between the
withdrawal from the European Un- owner and the German shipyard
ion, and one of those meetings was after debt is settled where it was built. The yard claimed
with the Secretary of State for its 9.8-million-euro bill had not been
Northern Ireland, James Broken- James Brokenshire, Secretary of State for Northern Ireland. :: SUR GIBRALTAR paid, and filed a suit in the Supreme
shire MP. :: D. BARTLETT. The multi-million Court to demand this and other al-
This meeting was arranged to dis- Brokenshire, who previously Dr Garca in the past. pound futuristic Sailing Yacht A legedly outstanding sums. The yacht
cuss transit through land borders served as a Home Office minister, Late last year the deputy chief spent longer in Gibraltar than in- was finally permitted to sail on
for which the UK is responsible once is already familiar with details of minister also addressed delegates at tended this week after it was re- Wednesday after the owners paid
Brexit is finalised, a problem which the land border between Gibraltar the British Irish Parliamentary As- fused permission to leave because the money into an escrow account.
is relavent to Northern Ireland and and Spain and has discussed it with sembly in Cardiff on the specific
Gibraltar. chief minister Fabian Picardo and challenges faced by Gibraltar. Sativex drug has been Dates for new format
approved for healthcare music festival
:: D. BARTLETT. The 2005 Drugs
:: D. B. Two important dates for
DESIGNER TAKES (Misuse) Regulations have been music lovers: the MTV Gibraltar
amended to make it clear that Calling Music Festival will be tak-
PART IN LONDON the cannabis-based medicine Sa- ing place on 2 and 3 September this
FASHION WEEK tivex is approved for use in
healthcare in Gibraltar.
year, and tickets for this event will
be on sale from 1 March via the
The previous regulations ap- website:
Young fashion designer Gabri- peared to be ambiguous, and af-
ella Sardea has become the ter discussing concerns with the
first Gibraltarian to participate Drugs Advisory Council recently, Bordering on
in the prestigious and exclusive Samantha Sacramento, the gov-
CSM showcase at London Fash- ernment minister who chairs the Britishness conference
ion Week. She is also the first Council, set in motion the leg-
designer from Gibraltar to islative changes that were nec- GIBRALTAR
study at the CSM (Central St essary to clarify the situation. :: D. B. The conference Border-
Martins University of the Arts) The change means that doc- ing on Britishness is taking place
in London, where she is taking tors may prescribe Sativex to pa- at the Garrison Library today (Fri-
a Masters of Art course after tients with multiple sclerosis, to day) and tomorrow, an interest-
obtaining a degree in Fashion treat and alleviate their symp- ing oral history project about Gi-
at the Metropolitan University toms. Given the nature of this braltarian identity.
of Manchester. Fashion writers substance, it may only be dis- The conference begins at
have described her as a name pensed by the GHA Hospital 9.30am each day, is free of charge
:: SUR to watch. pharmacy. and open to all.
February 24th to March 2nd 2017
24 NEWS February 24th to March 2nd 2017

The Nao Victoria in Malaga

earlier this month. :: F. S.

Nao Victoria calls

port at Alcaidesa
Marina on
European tour
:: SUR
The Dios Momo and Diosa de Carnaval in Malaga last Saturday night. :: EDUARDO NIETO LA LNEA. A replica of the Nao
Victoria, the 16th century vessel
which was the first to sail around

Rain fails to dampen carnival spirits

the world, is now open to the
public at the Alcaidesa Marina.
The decks of the sailing ship
can be visited at the port from
today until Tuesday 28th Febru-
ary between 11am and 6pm, be-
:: SUR for last Sunday being postponed rate costumes on wheels on the cat- contained more than 3,000 feath- fore it continues its European
MALAGA. Carnival season contin- due to the storms. walk in the Plaza de la Constitu- ers, which, its designer said, had cost tour to other parts of Spain,
ues around the region with cele- Last weekends colourful com- cin. Their feathers were safely 1,800 euros alone. He did not want France, England, Belgium and
brations coming to a climax this petition to elect this years carni- packed away by the time the heav- to offer a total figure for the cost of Holland.
weekend in many areas. The calen- val God and Goddess went ahead ens opened just a couple of hours this type of carnival costume. Tickets are available online at
dar in the city of Malaga is packed as planned on Saturday night with after the show. For more information on carni- w w w. f u n d a c i o n n a ov i c t o -
after some of the events planned the candidates parading their elabo- One of the winning costumes val events, see page 44., and on the vessel itself.

Celebrating 50 years in Spain

The British Society looks back to its beginnings in 1967
BENALMDENA. More than fifty
people gathered at the Villa Luisa
in Benalmdena last week to cele-
brate the golden anniversary of the
British Society on the Costa del Sol.
Among the guests who attended
the event were current and former
members, along with several past
presidents and administration staff.
The guests enjoyed a buffet lunch
and drinks while reminiscing about
the societys achievements on the
coast over the last 50 years.
The British Society, which was
started by English couple Fred and
Mona Heap, is one of the longest
serving expat clubs on the Costa del
When the couple first arrived in Presidents, past and present, celebrate the anniversary. :: T. BRYANT
Torremolinos in 1963, there were
no British clubs on the coast, and so the years, but they have been suf-
they decided to do something about The British consulate gave ficient to maintain a very valuable
it. The British consulate gave their aid to a pleasant life for the British
plan considerable encouragement the club considerable on the Costa del Sol.
and the society was born in the early encouragement when Sandra Addison, current presi-
part of 1967. it started in 1967 dent, acknowledged all of the mem-
Membership soon began to grow bers who, over the years, have made
and by 1978, the British Society had the club what it is today.
more than 400 members, but over people to join in order to ensure the Today is a very special day, be-
the years the membership numbers clubs prosperity. cause 50 years is something we
have dwindled. Nick Potts, the societys secre- should all be very proud of. I hope
At present, the club has around tary, told SUR in English, Member- it will continue for many years to
60 members, but they need more ship numbers have fluctuated over come, Sandra said.
February 24th to March 2nd 2017

Food forethought
We accept letters by email (, post
or fax, but they must include identification and a telephone
number, and be exclusive to SUR in English. We do not publish THERE IS A MUSIC MAKER WWW.E-PETER.COM
anonymous letters. Opinions expressed by contributors to this IS PAGE
and other pages of SUR in English do not necessarily reflect
those of the publishers. No part of this publication may be
reproduced without written permission from the publishers. SO PLEASE

e eat too much. The go about their business, so lets meals disguised as a first and a sec-
Crime levels media is riddled not kid ourselves. ond course, topped off with a teeth-
with self-pro- Meanwhile hordes of children grinding pudding with enough
I was astounded to read a letter London 30 years ago, I have lived claimed experts, continue to waddle from electronic sugar in it to sink the QE2. You can
by E. Blackstock, in the 17 Feb- on the Costa del Sol. Crime lev- wringing their hands, shaking their device to electronic device, exer- regularly see people tucking into
ruary edition, that he/she be- els here are considerably below incredulous heads and talking ear- cising little more than their Playsta- this excessive fare (often on a daily
lieved crime is soaring on the similar areas in the UK and is one nestly about obesity as if it were tion thumbs, chomping on pizzas basis) before blobbing back to the
Costa del Sol, especially having of the reasons I live here. I have inflicted upon us by some malevo- and Wotsits until one of them office to sit in front a computer for
just read on Page 4, quote In An- never been a victim of crime. I lent outside agency. I cant remem- eventually explodes and some poli- another five hours mouse-click-
daluca crime is down. I have do of course take reasonable care. ber the exact figures but it appears tician no-ones ever heard of feigns ing. Astonishingly, its not unusual
been a volunteer with the Na- My wife did have a purse stolen that, these days, ninety nine out outrage and demands government for some of these chaps to incor-
tional Police on the Costa del Sol from an outside pocket in her of a hundred people weigh over action in a bid to make a name for porate a snack break into the af-
for 20 years and from personal backpack, but now realises she three hundred and fifty stone. Well, themselves. Fat people dont need ternoons proceedings just in case
experience over that time I know, was practically inviting it. From maybe they should stop cramming government intervention, they their metabolism had got the
as the SUR article said, reported what E. Blackstock says he/she Pickled Onion Monster Munch need to cut down on the pork pies, wrong idea and thought itd been
crime has fallen. Also, and very is either extremely unlucky or, down their faces then. mate, as, I think, Blur pointed out given a whole afternoon free to
importantly, violent crime sorry to say, careless. Three meals a day simply arent in 1995. work properly.
against non-Spaniards is practi- necessary unless you find yourself Here in Spain we have the phe- Sometimes I forget to eat. Itll
cally nonexistent. JULIAN WARD working twelve-hour shifts in the nomenon of the Men del Da, be ten oclock at night or some-
Since retiring from the CID in BY EMAIL fields humping hay bales or sacks originally conceived when people thing and Ill suddenly feel peck-
of spuds onto farmyard trailers. did a proper, physically exhaust- ish and realise that Ive spent the
By contrast, its a simple fact that ing, days work. Subsequently, the last twenty four hours gloriously
Padrn renewal of doggie parks, pooch parlours sales representatives munching workload was greatly reduced but food-free. If you havent been hun-
and who knows what other ca- on motorway pies and spending the massive three-course extrava- gry its almost certainly because
I was intrigued to read the let- nine wonders. their working days slumped in cars ganza has remained part of the cul- you havent done enough work to
ter in SUR in English (10 Feb- Then, there are the obvious and offices are clearly never going tural fabric. For those who may not make yourself hungry. Nature is
ruary) from Paul Symonds in unpleasant consequences of to enjoy the benefits of an attrac- have had the pleasure, the Men extraordinarily wise. Self-pro-
which he attributed the exodus minefields of dog poo, though tively svelte body shape as they del Da is, essentially, two whole claimed experts are not.
of British expatriates from the one has to admit, quite a few
Costa del Sol not to the fact that owners now sport a dinky plas-
they have left but that they now tic poo bag and eagerly pounce IDGORAS
have to register on the padrn on their doggys doings priding
every three years themselves on such correct civic If you dont eat up your stew
THIS whereas before it action (though some then dont
now Ill put it in a sandwich for
WEEKS was for life. know what to do with the bag
WINNING My local town hall and chuck it on the ground).
your tea!!!
I think
has confirmed to me Then there are those annoy- shes
that if you are from ingly useless elastic leads to trip taking this
an EU country and you have a you up, not to mention the worst fusion
residence certificate without a ongoing problem of the endless
renewal date then you have to barking of pets abandoned all day
register every five years. (or night) by absent owners leav-
thing too
However if you are also from ing them on balconies. seriously
an EU country but have a resi- Well, Im afraid to have to say
dence certificate with a renewal this... but I, for one, am fed up
date or are from a non-EU coun- with this canine takeover. I still
try and have the old style resi- think people are more impor-
dence card with a photo then the tant than dogs and I have a rious flooding on the Costa del Sol,
registration on the padrn must
be carried out every two years.
I could not help but notice that
sneaky feeling that many of
these new dog owners are suf-
fering from the modern loneli-
Another sad a situation that has been more fre-
quent in recent years. The increase
in extreme rainfall is one of the main
Mr Symonds letter was that
weeks winning letter. Perhaps
you could send the prize to me
ness due to lack of real human
contact being replaced by the
dominance of social media on
record consequences that researchers at
the United Nations Intergovern-
mental Panel on Climate Change
instead of him! internet. have been predicting for years. But
I wonder where it will all IGNACIO LILLO lets get back to our situation.
PETER SANDERSON end? Remember some ancient Every record, be it for rain or heat,
BY EMAIL civilisations, like the Romans, is quickly beaten by another. Aemet
practically deified their doggies tells us that 2016 was the hottest

Dogs all over the and look where the Empire fin- omethings not quite right weather front is likely to take its year ever in Malaga with an average
ished up... when you lose count of place on the throne. The downpour temperature of 19.8 degrees. The
place Now please dont get me the times you use the word brought, according to the Aemet agencys climate forecasts say that
I wonder if anyone else has no- wrong. I do love animals (I even record when talking met office, the heaviest rainfall ever the average temperature could have
ticed the extraordinary increase have a dog myself) but in mod- about meteorology. The weather is to be recorded in the city of Malaga, increased by four degrees by 2100.
in the dog population on the eration and common sense. providing us with headlines, but literally chucking down 87 millime- Perhaps your grandchildren will live
Costa del Sol recently. also apprehension. Year after year tres in just one hour. This volume to see it, if they dont get washed
It has reached astounding pro- B. CALVERT Malaga reaches a new milestone, of water and hail even beat the re- away in the floods before that.
portions with the proliferation BY EMAIL and since the start of the 21st cen- cord set on the day of the famous But theres something worse than
tury the process has accelerated. This floods in 1989. losing count of so many sad records:
cant be natural or normal and, in Since the rainfall statistics were realising that nobody, not on a citi-
fact, it isnt. Common sense tells us first gathered with the current pre- zen or political level, is really tak-
Published by: PRENSA MALAGUEA S. A. that, and so do the meteorologists cision, 36 years ago, the city has ing it seriously, like a postmodern
Director General: JOS LUIS ROMERO and the scientists studying global never seen such heavy rain. version of the boy who cried wolf
warming. So many broken records The record has been beaten in on a permanent loop.
Editor in Chief: Editor: Advertising Manager: are leading to our downfall. other parts of the province however, At the end of the day its quite a
MANUEL CASTILLO Rachel Haynes Emma Vera
Publications Director: Commercial Director:
Last weekends storm has already all the cases being in the 21st cen- lot cheaper to patch things up than
Pedro Luis Gmez Jorge Artero earned its place in environmental tury (2007, 2012 and 2016). At the try to change the lifestyle habits of
history books. At this rate, the next beginning of December we saw se- a society that has its days numbered.
LIFESTYLE February 24th to March 2nd 2017

A cultural immersion in Kyushu

Twitter: @andrewaforbes

Less of a baptism of
fire, more a relaxing
hot soak; learning
the etiquette of
staying in a Japanese
onsen ryokan

espite my best inten-
tions, I had committed
a faux pas. The inns
hostess had become
slightly agitated, her warm smile
had dissolved into a look of sur-
prise - or was it shock? Japan is said
to be a nation of traditions, unspo-
ken social rules and strict etiquette
and it appeared that I needed to
pay more attention.
This was my first evening in a
Japanese ryokan, a traditional Japa-
nese inn, outside of Nagasaki, on
the island of Kyushu.
Japan tourism chiefs want visi-
tors to be a little more adventur-
ous, to go beyond the tourist hot-
spots of Tokyo and Kyoto, and get The view of the courtyard garden from a traditional ryokan bedroom. :: ANDREW FORBES
on a domestic flight or book a seat
on a Shinkansen bullet train and traditional tatami reed matting the
discover one of the other, less well- colour of golden ripe wheat. In the
known islands of Japan. So, I had centre was a low, highly-polished
done just that, and flown two table, and two chairs by the full
hours from Tokyo down to the is- height windows which were beau-
land of Kyushu for some southern tifully dressed with shji lattice
hospitality, Japanese style. Here screens of wood and translucent
the traditional spa hotels or on- paper. When opened, the tranquil
sen ryokan with their communal view of the courtyard Japanese gar-
baths are regarded as among the den was revealed; a magical scene
best in Japan. of a babbling brook that passed by
the terrace windows and mean-
Ryokan rules dered through the maple and pine
After check-in, I was taken to my trees, among which stood orna-
room by a hostess who shuffled mental stone lanterns.
along the corridors, taking tiny There was no bed and not much
steps in her wooden geta sandals. else in the way of furniture. Here
She opened the bedroom door, one sleeps on a futon mattress, laid
revealing a small entrance vesti- on the floor it is prepared for
bule and a step up into the suite. guests while they are at dinner.
Here began my first lessons in ryo-
kan etiquette. The hostess mo- Dress code
tioned for me to take off my shoes Lying on a mat on the floor was a
before walking into the minimal- carefully folded yukata (a cotton
ist room. The floor was covered in A typical dinner served in a ryokan. :: A. FORBES bath robe), together with a pair of
February 24th to March 2nd 2017

THE INSIDER GUIDE Kuma-designed hotel (the archi-
Kyushu is the southernmost of tect now chosen to build the sta-
the big islands that make if the re- dium for the 2020 Tokyo Olym-

split-toe tabi socks and a jacket

markable archipelago of Japan. It
has 7 main provinces or prefec-
tures, each served by an airport,
Nagasaki, Kyushu pic Games). Its a unique con-
temporary base from which to
explore Nagasaki and the island
this was the expected guest ap- including Nagasaki. Japans many of Kyushu. Before heading out
parel for a stay in a ryokan. islands extend more than 3,000 for dinner, enjoy the hotels club
The hostess patiently showed km from north to south, running lounge for complimentary ape-
me how to wear the robe, at pains through various climate zones. ritifs and canaps. Then in the
to tell me to wear the left side over There are four main islands: Hok- morning, order the traditional
the right (I later understood why; kaido; Honshu, Shikoku, and Kyu- Japanese breakfast; exceptional
the contrary is reserved for dead shu in the south. presentation and flavours.
people!) There was a wide fabric
sash to tie the robe together at the Train. Kyushu is also part Ja-
side, a little below the waist, and pans legendary high speed
a simple jacket, almost like a but- Shinkansen bullet train network
tonless cardigan to keep warm. Af- with services that connect the is- Taisho-ya Ryokan, Ureshino
ter practicing tying my yukata a land with the rest of the country. Holiday like a local in a traditional
few times, I felt I was ready to ryokan Japanese inn. Kyushu is
make my way to the ryokans Plane. If you are arriving at To- renowned for its natural onsen
baths. There are complimentary kyo on an international flight, hot springs, making its onsen ryo-
slippers provided for walking then the quickest way to Kyushu kan among the best in the coun-
around the hotel and for visiting is by plane from one of the citys try. Ryokan celebrate and share
the communal baths. Above the two airports: Haneda, the original traditional hospitality, cuisine
entrance are curtains, blue for men international airport, or the new and accommodation. So, get na-
and red for women. Once inside, Narita International Airport. ked and enjoy the time-honoured
your relaxing and therapeutic bath- Japanese ritual of bathing and then
ing ritual can begin. soaking in a hot tub. Afterwards,
The Japanese are renowned for Sakura cherry blossom. dress in your complimentary yu-
their preoccupation with cleanli- themselves from small wooden kata cotton gown, tied with a
ness. One of the first things one pales. :: ANDREW FORBES STAY: thick obi belt, and on your feet,
notices on arrival in Japan is how All this effort is rewarded with The birthplace of Japans indus- try the geta wooden slippers.
clean it is; no one drops litter, de- the glorious feeling of soaking in trialisation; setting for the opera Garden Terrace Hotel & Resort, Dinner will be kaiseki ryori gour-
spite the lack of bins in public the thermal spring water. Its a re- Madame Butterfly; and inspira- met cuisine. Start your meal toast-
places. The next thing one is sure laxing environment as the baths tion for Martin Scorseses 2017 The night view of the Nagasaki ing with plum wine and then ex-
to observe is the popularity of include elements of nature, with movie Silence Nagasaki, the bay and city skyline is said to be pect multiple courses of exqui-
white, surgical-style face masks. I smooth stone pebbles, plants and international gateway to Kyu- among the most striking pano- sitely-presented local and sea-
couldnt help asking a few people trees reaching up to the waters
as to why they are worn. Was it to edge; and many baths are inte-
protect against germs? Or the con- grated with the outside ornamen-
shu, the southernmost of Japans
main islands.
ramas in Japan and one that
can be enjoyed at this Kengo
sonal Kyushu dishes, such
as noodles, sashimi, cooked >
tamination that sometimes drifts tal ggardens.
over Japan from the mega-factory
cities of neighbouringhbouring Dinner
China? Yet the he con- However, I had to keep
sensus is that at its an eye on the time
more a selfless as I di
didnt want
act of respect to miss
m din-
for follow ner. Here
citizens; the meals
t h e are me-
wearer t i c u -
usually lously
has a p r e -
cold,, and pared,
the mask crea
is in- a sen
sense of
tended ed as occas
occasion. I
ure to
a gesture arrive,
prevent nt in- flush
flushed and
fecting others. hot ffrom the
Oh and d of baths. Before me
course there are the tab is charm-
the table
Japanese ath-
bath- ingl decorated with
rooms. Almost ex- A garden fountain. :: A. F. flowers from the
clusively you will garden, and set with
find bidet-style WCs of varying small crystal glasses for sake, lac-
levels of sophistication. Most of- quered place trays covered with
fer a comfortable heated seat, and small porcelain dishes and delicate
multiple settings for washing and artisan ceramic plates each offer-
drying! ing a morsel of food. The waitresses
are dressed in traditional ankle-
Hot springs length kimonos, tied tightly with
So, in the ryokan baths, the men broad, silk obi belts, forming ex-
were understandably taking the travagant bows on their backs.
bathing very seriously. A long, ex- In my haste to join the table I
foliating textured flannel was part forget to remove my slippers and
of my room amenity kit, and look- walk on the pristine mat floor
ing around it seemed essential. causing the hostess to immediately
The hot tubs and baths are for stop what she is doing, and signal
soaking in only once you are clean. my error. The slippers are only for
The men around me, sitting on the carpeted corridors no foot-
small cedar stools, in front of the wear is ever allowed on the mats!
showers and taps, were vigorously Staying in a ryokan inn might at
lathering with soap, scrubbing with times feel like it presents a steep
the cloth and then rinsing with learning curve, but overall it is a truly
piping hot water thrown over authentic and rewarding experience.
28 LIFESTYLE TRAVEL February 24th to March 2nd 2017

salmon, Nagasaki wagyu Fukuchiyo Sake Brewery, tuguese, Dutch and Spanish influ-
> beef, and miso soup with
tofu. Everything is served in indi-
Sake, Japans national drink, and an
ences. The meal is made up of lots
of sharing plates, with familiar
vidual porcelain dishes, shiny lami- integral part the countrys cuisine, tastes like sweet tender pork belly
nated boxes, or on bamboo plates remains a novelty to most western- and lobster, as well as Japanese sta-
and decorated with twigs and leaves ers. Fukuchiyo brewery, with its ples including sea snails, miso, and
from the Japanese garden. striking contemporary architect- sashimi. Remember, you must
Meanwhile, your room will be designed interiors, contrasting beau- leave your shoes at the door, and
prepared for the night, with a fu- tifully with the historic architec- wear the slippers provided by the
ton bed laid out onto the tatami ture, is a memorable place to not restaurant!
mat floor, and your paper screen only find out how sake is made
blinds closed. Breakfast the next (from fermented rice using a spe-
morning is a feast, including the cial mould, called koji-kin) but one
signature dish or tofu freshly pre- where you can try their premium Kairakuen, Nagasaki
pared at your table in bubbling, sake including Nabeshima. This his- Nagasaki has one of the largest
mineral-rich spring water! toric Hizen Hamashuku area of Ka- Chinatowns in Japan. It may sound
shima holds an annual sake festi- odd to come all the way to Japan val at the end of March. to eat Chinese food, but here its
truly unique a style of fusion
Shinsen Ryokan, Takachino cuisine that dates to the Japanese
If youre planning on seeing more Edo period. Try the Saraudon with
of Kyushus natural wonders, then Hiking - Kyushu Olle small, crispy noodles; or the Cham-
Takachiho Gorge, the remarkable Kyushu has an established network pon with vegetables.
river canyon, must make the short of hiking trails, many incorporat-
list. Nearby is this stylish traditional ing historic pilgrimage routes to
ryokan, with a beautiful Japanese shrines and temples, that take in
garden, and a myriad outdoor tra- wonderful scenery from graceful Mohikan Ramen, Kurume
ditional hot tubs in which to relax. bamboo forests to active springs. If you want to eat noodles with fi-
nesse in Japan, then you need to learn to slurp! Deftly using chop
sticks to fold the noodles into your
Unzen Kanko Hotel, Unzen mouth while making a loud slurp-
The Unzen hot springs area has Peace Memorial Hall for the Atomic Bomb victims. ing noise is the only way to enjoy
been a popular wellness destina- Sakamotoya Japanese ramen noodles, a speciality in Kyu-
tion for over a century. The Un- in the air and the radiation was Restaurant, Nagasaki shu. Head to this noodle diner, run
zen Kanko Hotel, a member of the dispersed and now, 70 years later by charismatic chef owner Kawazu
Small Luxury Hotels of the World, Dejima Island, Nagasaki background radiation is normal). The food scene in Japan is superior, Yuta (yes you guessed right, he does
was opened in 1935 and still re- A visit to Dejima is a compelling with exceptional attention to not have a mohican!). Order your meal
tains a wonderful nostalgic ambi- way to learn just how significant only the quality of the produce but from the vending machine (just
ance, a fusion of Japanese service Nagasaki is within Japans history. also to the creativity of presenta- press the button with the picture
with European vintage style. For centuries, the country was iso- Unzen-Amakusa National Park, tion. This charming Japanese res- you like, pay, and then take your
lated from the world due to its Unzen taurant, where you are greeted and ticket to the bar). Within moments Sakoku policy, where Shoguns The island of Kyushu is home to served by the traditional Okatt- youll have piping hot noodles in
forbid citizens to leave Japan or the protected Unzen-Amakusa sama owner and hostess, offers tasty broth with vegetables, pork
DO: foreigners to visit. From the 17th hot springs reserves. The Unzen gourmet Shippoku cuisine. or even crispy chicken.
century, Nagasaki was the only part of the park was opened in the Through centuries of trade with
Seven Stars Cruising Train, city with international cultural early 1930s, making it Japans first China, Europe and beyond, the lo-
Fukuoka and commercial exchange, thanks National Park. Here, in the shadow cal cuisine reflects Chinese, Por-
to permitted commerce with of the immense Mt Unzen, you
The Seven Stars is a one-of-a-kind. Dutch traders housed on the can discover the hot springs
Japans first luxury cruising sleeper Dejima artificial island, built away known as Unzen Jigoku or hell
train has a timeless elegance akin from the citys citizens. springs, as they spit, scream and
to the words classic luxury trains. boil. There are plenty of self-guided
However, this is Kyushu, so expect walks to take you through the
quintessential Japanese style, from steamy landscapes.
exquisite kumiko wooden lattice- Atomic Bomb Museum, Nagasaki In nearby Chijiwa and Unzen
work in the carriages, delicate pa- One could dedicate an entire guide City towards the end of March,
per shoji window screens, to elabo- to this peace museum and still the spectacular Kanoukaen is
rate meals prepared with typical not do it justice. For many, Na- celebrated. It is the biggest fire fes-
Japanese attention to detail. gasaki is synonymous with the tival in Nagasaki which sees over
The one- or three-night itin- atomic bomb; the US exploded 200 participants dressed as samu-
eraries, starting in Fukuoka, Fatman above the city on 9 rai warriors parading through
showcase the culture, scenery August 1945. Since then, Nagasaki streets lined with blossoming Dejima. Shippoku cuisine.
and cuisine of Kyushu in elite has become a focal point of the cherry trees.
luxury. Its an excep- peace movement. The
tional way to cover museums mantra is
some of the is- that Nagasaki
lands more must be the last Zen Meditation, Shugakuin
than 3000 place on earth Temple, Yoshinogari
kilometres of where a nu- Zen mediation came to Japan, via
track, and clear bomb China, through Nagasaki. Try it
enjoy pri- was used in here in an authentic temple,
vate excur- conflict. In guided by a priest. But be warned,
sions in- addition to like most things in Japan, it is
cluding next the compel- taken very seriously and while
months Ha- ling and mov- you sit, expect to bow as the priest
nami (to enjoy ing exhibits, passes, so he can strike your back
the famous Sa- the museum is (compassionately he says) with a
kura cherry blos- also a place for re- wooden stick to prevent lapses in
soms)- and a unique Shugakuin temple. maining survivors to concentration! But no hard feel-
behind-the-scenes look at share their testimonies. ings - afterwards, the priest, Tai-
the world-famous historic Kakie- Nearby is the peace park, as well jun Noguchi, and his wife wel-
mon porcelain kiln in Arita as the actual hypocentre of the come you into their home next
(which recently celebrated its blast. (Nagasaki is no longer ra- door for green tea and sweet cakes!
400th anniversary). dioactive as the bomb exploded Unzen jigoku.
February 24th to March 2nd 2017
February 24th to March 2nd 2017

Southern Spain has a multitude of hidden corners

just waiting to be discovered: this week we suggest
you take the road to...

Moguer in the early 20th century

This town in Huelva province goes back in time to pay tribute to poet Juan Ramn Jimnez
Moguer is determined not to forget
its most illustrious resident, the poet
Juan Ramn Jimnez, who was born
here in 1881. As well as his mauso-
leum and the house in which he used
to live, he is the subject of an unusual
festival which takes place every year
during the last weekend in February.
This town in Huelva province owes
part of its fame to this writer, who
won the Nobel Prize for Literature in
1956 and found his birthplace to be
a great source of inspiration.
More than half a century after his
death, Moguer tries to replicate the
town in which the author of Platero
y yo spent his youth with its Feria
de 1900, which will be taking place
this weekend.
During this event the town will
recreate the ambience of the early
20th century, the years which in-
spired many of the works of Juan
Ramn Jimnez, such as Rimas, Arias
tristes, Jardines lejanos, Elegas and
the aforementioned Platero y yo.
The Fair begins this evening (Friday)
and continues until Sunday.
The historic town centre will re- During the fair, newspapers are given out in the street just as they were at the beginning of the 20th century. :: AYUNTAMIENTO DE MOGUER
call those days of splendour, when
this was a prosperous place thanks to Ramn Jimnez and his wife, Zeno- as the Santa Clara Convent, which is
its agriculture and the locally-pro- bia Camprub, were influential. In a combination of Gothic, Mudejar
duced wine. At that time, Moguer the town you can visit the house in and Renaissance styles. Inside the
boasted a commercial port, a theatre, which the poet was born and the church you can see the marble and
a bullring, several local newspapers home the couple shared, as well as alabaster tombs of its founders.
and had an active focus on cultural the mausoleum in which they are From a later period but especially
and literary events. both buried. emblematic is the church of Nuestra
As Moguer takes this step back in The house inwhich Juan Ramn Seora de la Granada, which is con-
time this weekend, visitors should Jimnez was born, which is now a sidered one of the finest examples of
not be surprised to find the oldest museum and the headquarters of the Andalusian Baroque. It was built in
part of town populated by characters Foundation which bears his name, is the 18th century over the ruins of a
from that era, complete with tradi- an austere 19th century building Mudejar mosque. The minaret is still
tional costumes, including farm work- which was restoredby the Jimnezmnez standi
standing. Because of its size and its
ers, traders and members of the aris- family. The decision to turn it into a features, this is one of the most im-
tocracy of the time. cultural centre was made portant churches in Huelva
Local bars, restaurants and shops in the year the poet provi
also throw themselves wholeheart- was awarded the Ot
Other religious
edly into this initative, doing their Nobel prize. Both build
buildings in Mo-
best to make Moguer appear as it did Juan Ramn mn gue are the
in the final years of the 19th and early and Zenobiaobia mon
monastery of
years of the 20th centuries. ted
collaborated San Fran-
Other important elements of this with the mu- cisc
cisco and
fair include music and folklore, in- seum by do- the church
cluding some of the songs which were The church of Nuestra Seora de Granada. :: TURISMO ANDALUZ heir
nating their of San Se-
popular at that time. There will also rary
entire library bastin.
be food which was traditional at the live music and a childrens party. ple, Sunday is the Domingo de Piatas, and numer-mer- The
There are
beginning of the last century, such Tomorrow, Saturday, there will be a popular festival from a century ago, onal
ous personal also some im-
as the pucheros, buuelos and classic cars, flamenco shows, an un- including the traditional giants and effects. How-ow- por
portant re-
pionates which will fill the town usual boxing match, exhibitions, a big-heads which are an essential part eum
ever, the museum mai
mains dating
with delicious flavours and aromas period costume competition and ac- of the festivities. The final event of did not open to o the back to thetime of
throughout the weekend. tivities for children. In addition there the weekend will be a recreation of public until afterer the Colu
Columbus and the
Among the culinary attractions of will be a farmers market and a chil- the Quema del Judas, one of the poet had died. discovery of
this event are the Tapas Routes and drens fair, which will continue un- scenes which is described in Platero Visitors attend- The famous poet was inspired America, and you
the Ley Seca de Cctel, where local til Sunday. y yo, Juan Ramn Jimnezs most fa- ing the Feria de by his home town. :: SUR can visit the ship-
establishments will showcase the fla- The final day will be similar, but mous work. 1900 should also yards where the
vours of this region of Huelva. there will also be activities related to This ambitious cultural and lei- take the opportunity to see some of caravel La Nia, one of the three
The 1900 Fair kicks off with a pe- the Carnival celebrations which take sure event will also pay tribute to Moguers interesting historical build- ships which took part in the expe-
riod Fashion Parade, street theatre, place at this time of year. For exam- Modernism, a style in which Juan ings, including the religious ones such dition, was built.
February 24th to March 2nd 2017


Where in the world? as the sub-
ject. Please also include your ad-
dress and telephone number so
we can send the prize to you.
Congratulations are in order
for Irvonea Glassey who won the
prize last month for correctly
identifying the Nera River Park
in Terni (Italy), St Valentines
home town, and where they
hosted the annual Run for
Your prize will be with you

Standing the test of time

arely do bridges come killing 400 people. With encour- being a steel drawbridge which and enthusiasts
with such a back story agement from the Catholic both connects the bridge to the from around the
as this one. Believed to church, the new one was built bank and allows for boats, nowa- world.
be the oldest one in the and named after the citys first days too large to fit through the If you know the JANUARYS
country, it was built in the 13th bishop. original arches, to pass through. which city this is, as well
century after the original Roman During the Second World War, From 10 to 19 March this city as the cardinal after whom PHOTO
bridge (constructed in approxi- much of it was bombed and in will host what is described as the the bridge is named, you could
mately 50 AD) collapsed under the present day consists of seven worlds preeminent fair of art win a prize. Send your answers Send your answer to
the weight of a large procession, arches, with the remaining part and antiques, attracting dealers to and put
32 LIFESTYLE TRAVEL February 24th to March 2nd 2017

space and conducts business in a only

a small proportion of the parliament's
691 rooms.
To visit Buda castle, the city's other
great historic attraction, you'll need
to cross the Danube, which often
freezes during winter when tempar-
tures can hit minus 20 degrees - even
more of a shock if you're arriving from
Malaga. The so-called Chain (i.e.
suspension) bridge is the most fa-
mous of the city's several historic
crossing points, and was designed in
1839 by English architect William

Buda and Pest,

Tierney Clark. Construction finished
in 1849 and was overseen by the Scot-
tish engineer Adam Clark who, ac-
cording to an amusing apocryphal
story, killed himself when a funda-

shabby and chic mental flaw in the bridge's design

was point
pointed out: namely, that the
stone lions at eac
each end lacked tongues.
You can decide for your-
self wh
whether Clark's
mythical suicide
was ju
justified as
The parliament building, seen across a frozen River Danube. :: ENCARNI NOVILLO you ccross the
dark, faintly
dapest as a weekend getaway. Up un- fine this part of town are everywhere, though men
til their unification in 1873, Buda and with sleek drinking spots sitting gary
Hungary wate
waters of
Pest were separate cities sitting on alongside scruffy apartment build- has been the Da-
the west and east sides of the river ings and gloomy Soviet-Era office a nube on
MARK Danube, respectively. Though now blocks. Raday is also lined with eat- mber
member your way
NAYLER joined in several places by myth-laden eries offering everyting from tradi- of thee EU to B Buda
bridges, these two districts have re- tional Hungarian goulash to Mexi- s i n c e castl
tained their own styles and atmos- can fajitas. 2004,, it N o -
pheres. Pest, where most of the night- Eating fajitas when in Budapest, decided wher
where else
In Budapest you are life, restaurants and hotels are lo- though, would be a wasted oppor- (wisely,y, you in Bu
getting two cities in cated, is (mercifully) flat, whereas tunity. Goulash, the most famous might say)ay) to From the steep hills of Buda, you repres
represents the
one and both have Budas castle sits on top of a steep dish of Hungarian cuisine is avail- not to join n the can get fine views of the city. :: E. N. city's troubled
hill, from which the entire city can able in most restaurants in the city ncy.
single currency. his
history better
retained their own style be surveyed. The centre of Pest eas- centre. It comes in a miniature pot From this part of than thi
this sprawling cas-
and personality ily rivals Paris, London or Madrid for hanging from a metal frame, with a town you are aboutt a ten-min- tle, which d dominates the city's
its range of designer bars and high- ladel for serving, and accompanied ute walk - or two-minute ute rickety- western skyl
skyline, as parliament domi-
class restaurants: its network of beau- by giant hunks of bread. If that old-tram-ride - away from Budapest's' nates the eastern. The original Royal

ver recent years Budapest tiful old streets feel cosmopolitan doesn't sound particularly sophisti- legendary parliament building. Seven Palace (the central building in the
has gained a reputation and expensively sophisticated. Buda, cated, suffice to say it is divine. A years after Buda and Pest were joined complex now known as Buda Cas-
as one of Europe's most on the other hand, feels more local, rich, paprika-infused stew of meat in 1873, the Hungarian parliament tle) was built by Hungarian Kings
exciting and cultural cit- more low-key and traditional - al- (usually beef ) and vegetables, its decided to build an administrative between 1247 and 1265, but it was
ies. It is fully deserving of this unof- though there are plenty of hotels and smoky flavours and meltingly-ten- structure to celebrate the city's uni- destroyed by an invading Christian
ficial accolade, and not just because restaurants here too. der chunks of meat are incredibly fication. During its construction, army in the siege of 1686. Its Baroque
of its gargantuan parliament build- The Pest side of the Zsabadsag (or filling. You might want to wash it which lasted from 1885 to 1904, replacement (itself rebuilt in the mid-
ing (the third largest in the world af- Liberty) bridge is a good place to down with a hit of palinka, a tradi- about half a million precious stones nineteenth century) suffered the
ter the Pentagon and Bucharest's), stay. Around the junctions of Kalvin tional Hungarian fruit brandy. Pal- and 40 kilograms of gold were used. same fate in the Second World War.
its great castle or its fascinating his- Ter and Kecskemeti streets, where inka is potent stuff and perhaps not Yet the effect is one of understated Yet the mid-twentieth reconstruc-
tory. The Hungarian capital combines quaint old townhouses sit alongside for everyone - but it comes in loads might rather a flashy display of tion that sits atop the hill today is a
modernity with tradition and the giant glass-fronted banks, you are of different flavours and is supposed wealth and power. Sadly, its archi- stunning achievement, providing
chic with the shabby in a manner all just a ten-minute walk from the in- to have medicinal effects. tect - local boy Imre Steindl - went the perfect spot from which to con-
of its own. ner city and the parliament in a busy To eat goulash or drink palinka in blind and died two years before its template the violent upheavals that
You are in fact getting two cities local area. On and around Raday Budapest, incidentally, you will need completion. Today, the Hungarian have shaped Budapest's many-sided
for the price of one if you choose Bu- street, the queer paradoxes that de- to stock up on forints, because al- government struggles to fill this vast personality.
February 24th to March 2nd 2017
34 LIFESTYLE February 24th to March 2nd 2017



Living together
strange smells in the new home.
Stroke your dog and let the cat smell
your hand. It will enable the cat to

With patience a dog and a cat will

recognise the dog when they meet.
When they meet, make sure
there is a way the cat can escape.
Dont interfere! Dont keep telling
God of the sky
eventually become friends your dog to leave the cat alone,
after all, the whole idea is for them Uranus is just about visible to the
For many years after my first cat will and friendship but to a cat to live together. naked eye under perfect condi-
died at the age of seventeen I this is a sign of aggression. A blaz- Dont be too nervous about the tions but had always been
vowed never to have another cat. ing cat will be regarded by the dog experiment. Cats are very independ- thought of as just another star.
Instead we had a black labrador, as making playful noises. A dog ent and often end up being the boss! It was not until 1781 that the Eng-
which demanded a lot of attention. stretching out his paws to play is There are some breeds of dogs which lish astronomer Sir William Her-
But over the years I felt something seen by the cat as an aggressor. by nature are such hunters it would schel observed it through his tele-
was missing. With patience and the right at- be unwise to expect them to allow scope and recognised it as a planet.
So the decision was made: a cat titude these problem can be over- a cat in their lives; terriers and sport- Debate raged for many years over
would be added to the household. come. Very often it is the owner, ing dogs are a good example. Over naming of the new planet, Her-
Was it going to be a cat or a kit- who with all good intentions makes all though you will find that dogs schel wanted to name it after
ten? Male or female? Will it fit into it more difficult for dog and cat to and cats will live harmoniously to- King George III but this was un- and even through the most pow-
our lifestyle, will it be happy with come to terms with each other. First: gether and their relationship will popular with many countries es- erful of telescopes very little can
a dog in the house, will it wander a keep dog and cat separate for some add another interesting aspect to pecially France and America who be seen of the surface. Virtually
lot? A dog wags his tail to show good- days for the cat to get used to the your life. were at war with Britain. Even- everything we know about it
tually the name Uranus was sug- comes from the space probe Voy-
gested after the Greek God of the ager 2 that flew past the planet
sky and the father of Saturn. in 1986. Voyager 2 told us that

La Herradura sitting pretty Uranus is the third largest

planet in the Solar System, only
Jupiter and Saturn are bigger.
Uranus has at least 27 moons and
also has a very faint ring system
similar to Saturns.
Like Jupiter and Saturn, Uranus Uranus is very faint but on
Residents are rally, artistically and traditionally, is a gas giant being made up 26th February it will be very close
by the town hall. mostly from hydrogen and he- to the planet Mars and easy to
embellishing the town Judging will take place from 16 lium gas. While all the other find. Look toward the West
to take part in the until 19 March, coinciding with planets have a small tilt in rela- shortly after sunset and spot Ve-
beautiful streets the towns annual festivities in tion to the plane of their orbits, nus shining brightly. Slightly
honour of its patron saint, San Jos. Uranus is tilted right over onto above and a little to the left you
competition There are cash prizes as well as a its side and rolls around the Sun. will see Mars, its distinct red col-
break to an Andalusian spa. So for half of its 84 year orbit our makes it easy to spot. Now
The idea behind the competi- the North Pole is pointed toward using binoculars, Uranus will be
:: JENNIE RHODES tion is to promote tourism and to the Sun whilst the South Pole in the same field of view just to
LA HERRADURA. Throughout get local residents to take pride in is in permanent darkness. Then the left of Mars and a distinct tur-
the month of March, La Herradura the town by getting involved in for the second half of its orbit quoise in colour.
will be holding a beautiful streets the project. the situation is reversed.
and faades competition. Residents can register by 28 Feb- Uranus is about 20 times the
More information :
Residents are encouraged to deco- ruary by emailing:ttealcaldialaher- distance of the Earth to the Sun
rate their homes and streets, natu- La Herradura. :: SUR

More information :
February 24th to March 2nd 2017



E24 FEBRUARY 1928 Familia Family
Real Royal

British and Spanish Visita

royals meet at the Princesa

Prncipe de Asturias Llegar

To arrive
To coincide
hotel in Malaga Ambos
To stay
Temporada Period of time
Volver To return

ebruary of 1928 was a sig- Prince George (later King George Miembro Member
nificant month for the VI, played by Colin Firth in the Acorazado Battleship
city of Malaga as repre- film The Kings Speech in 2010) Infante/Infanta Child of a
sentatives from two royal on 10 February after a visit to Gi- Spanish monarch who is not
families came together in the city braltar. He stayed for two days be- heir to the throne
at the same time. fore coming back again on 21st Aristcrata Aristocrat
It was Princess Bea- aboard the battleship HMS Alrededores Surroundings
trice of Battenberg, Nelson. Prince George and Princess Beatrice of Battenberg arrive at the Husped Guest
mother of Queen On this second Prncipe de Asturias hotel in Malaga and, left, the hotel now. :: SUR Deportivo Sporting
Victoria Euge- visit, he was joined Jardn Garden
nie and young- on 24 February by companied them, toured the city nel who were docked in the port.
est child of the Queen Victoria and its surroundings, enjoying both Today, the Prncipe de Asturias
UKs Queen Eugenie, married the El Retiro and La Cnsula gar- hotel is known as the Gran Hotel ramar from 1939-1967. It then
Victoria and to then King of dens. The former is now private Miramar, Malagas first five-star housed Malagas lawcourts from
Prince Albert, Spain Alfonso XIII, property while the latter would luxury hotel, and it received its 1987 until 2007, before falling into
who facilitated and their children, later (in 1959) be frequented by first guests earlier this year. disrepair. Its latest incarnation
the meeting. Dur- Jaime, Beatriz and Cris- the likes of Ernest Hemingway. Designed by renowned Malaga hopes to restore the building to its
ing this time she tina. They stayed in the The royals also attended various architect Fernando Guerrero Stra- former glories when royals would
would spend long peri- royal pavilion of the hotel sporting events, including an in- chan and first opened in 1926, it frequent the corridors and suites.
ods residing in the Prncipe de As- until 10 March. ternational tennis tournament and was turned into a field hospital
turias hotel. The members of the royal fami- a football match between Malaga during the Civil War and only par-
Bilingual crossword
The first visitor to arrive was lies, and the aristocrats who ac- CF and British Royal Navy person- tially reopened, as the Hotel Mi- inside back page
36 LIFESTYLE February 24th to March 2nd 2017



The Persian Buttercup

Ranunculus, a member of the buttercup family, has delicate crepey
petals in gorgeous bright colours and are great for containers
There are approximately 600 spe- to Southern Europe. The most com- are just as attractive and look very
cies in the Ranunculaceae family mon variety grown in gardens is the similar to anemones.
which includes buttercups and Tecolote strain which has beauti- Although ranunculus bulbs can
spearworts. One of the species that ful peony like flowers with layers be planted in autumn or in spring,
has become a popular garden plant and layers of delicate, crepey petals it is best to try and get them in the
is Ranunculus asiaticus or the Per- in bright red, yellow, pink, orange ground in the autumn because as :: JOHN MCDONAGH
sian buttercup. or white. Some are bi- soon as the hot weather arrives
As the name suggests, they origi-
nate from Asia but are also native
coloured. The sin-
gle blooms
they will become dormant.
It is possible to speed
up the flowering of
spring planted This lovely colourful photo of pansies, pelargoniums, petunias,
ranunculus by purple alyssum and argyranthemums was sent to SUR in English
soaking the lit- by John McDonagh
t brown, ba-
bulbs in tepid
hours before-
Ranuncu- The perils of late pruning
lus are cool
weather plants If you havent got round to pruned back now too using a
a will not toler-
and pruning your grape vines yet similar method, leaving two
ate the heat of the it may be too late in some ar- or four buds on lateral
summer on the south eas. Cutting back the vines branches, close to main
coast of Spain. while the sap is running stem. Buddleia and summer
The name of the genus comes (early spring) can cause flower clematis should be
from the Latin for little frog, proba- bleeding which will weaken cut back to about knee
bly because in the wild they are the plant and reduce the height and hydrangeas can
mainly found growing near water. amount of fruit produced. now have the dead blooms
They are not drought resistant and If you live inland and your removed by cutting them
need rich, well-draining soil and vines still appear to be dor- back to a strong pair of
plenty of sunshine. Ranunculus are mant then cut back each lat- shoots. It may be necessary
popular with flower arrangers as eral stem to two or four buds to thin out the branches by a
they grow on long straight stems on the main framework of third, to encourage new
and last well as a cut flower. branches. Wisteria should be growth.
Ranunculus can be grown in
flower borders or in tubs but if plant-
ing in a container keep in mind that PHOTOS
they grow in a mound up to 20cm
across by 30cm tall and develop large
root systems. Propagation is by di-
Calling all Email your photos to eng- or send
vision or by seed. gardeners them to SUR in English,
All parts of ranunculus are poi- Avda Dr Maran 48, 29009
sonous to horses, livestock, pets and We know that many of our Malaga, with a caption and a
humans. Members of the butter- readers have lovely gardens, few words of explanation,
cup family are sometimes found in or enjoy growing plants on or send them via Twitter
hay but the plant loses its toxicity their terraces or balconies, @SUR_English or Facebook
once dried so it is safe for livestock so why not share them with @surenglish and well do
to eat. Fresh parts of the plant can others? the rest!
Yellow R. asiaticus and a bi-coloured, single variety (inset). :: SUR also cause skin irritation.
February 24th to March 2nd 2017

The Whos Who

of gastronomy
SUR has produced a landmark in Andaluca and much
guide in Spanish and of Spain, in direct competition
with legendary Basque cuisine, ac-
English listing the top cording to Bellver himself.
chefs and places to eat in Enrique Bellver has been a food
Malaga appraised by food critic for SUR since the 90s and
was faced with the task of rating
critic Enrique Bellver many, many establishments. He
narrowed the task down to those
:: NIEVES CASTRO businesses that he had visited at
MARBELLA. Chefs, restauran- least once between the end of 2015
teurs, wine makers, sommeliers and 2016 and which, when they
and representatives of hospitality appeared in the Mlaga en la Mesa
schools met on Monday in Mar- weekly supplement had achieved
bella to see the presentation of the a rating of between 7 and 10.
publication Whos Who in Gas- There has never been a ten but
tronomy, Malaga 2017. The book there will be one day, Bellver said
is edited by Prensa Malaguea and in reference to the meteoric rise in Enrique Bellver addresses the audience. :: JOSELE-LANZA
has nearly 200 entries rating the the quality of Malaga cuisine.
best cuisine in Malaga. The guide was launched at the is in fashion, and its gastronomy, average prices and a
The guide, written by the SUR Meli Don Pepe Hotel in Marbella, too, said Castillo. brief description
food critic Enrique Bellver, was at an event with almost 200 guests about the type of
created over two years as he vis- which included the leading lights Free with the Spanish SUR food you can expect
ited various establishments in the of gastronomy and catering, provin- The full colour guide, which is in to receive there. It in-
province. It is the first of its kind cial authorities and mayors. The edi- Spanish and English, is included cludes interviews
to be printed in Spanish and Eng- tor-in-chief of SUR, Manuel Casti- inside the Spanish SUR newspa- with some of the
lish in Spain. llo, who opened the event, said that per at newsagents tomorrow, Sat- chefs and also wine and
The aim of the guide is to help the guide highlighted the value of urday 25 February. gourmet product recommendations.
the many thousands of visitors to Malaga gastronomy, as well as the It is more than just a directory of The 148-page guide has sections How to get your copy, free:
Malaga province each year take ad- importance of training in catering good restaurants, the guide reviews for creative (restaurants whose menu The Whos Who restaurant
vantage of the different cuisines schools in the province from which 193 businesses on the Costa del Sol continually evolves), classic, seafood guide is available with every
that the Costa del Sol and inland innovative young people willing and inland, listing their address, and Asian cuisine, hotel restaurants, purchase of Diario SUR on
areas offer; gastronomy that is a to take risks have emerged. Malaga telephone number, opening hours, tapas bars and steakhouses. Saturday 25 February.
38 FOOD&DRINK February 24th to March 2nd 2017

The Mollete San Roque company in
Antequera have reached an agree-
ment with the Sabor a Mlaga brand
and the luxury supermarket chain
Manuel Market to send molletes
(the soft, floury bap that Antequera
is famous for) to Saudi Arabia. The
first consignment has already been
prepared and packaged ready to be
transported by plane to the Mid-
dle East. The mayor of Antequera,
Manuel Barn said the quality of
our products is becoming known
globally which also helps to pro-
mote Antequera. :: SUR

A. J. LINN firm will be selling in Spain via the kies does not feature a single
sherry company. The presentation Scotch. All are Canadian, American
culminated with a lunch at which and Japanese brands, something
BARRELS IN whisky and sherry were served to truly surprising considering where
partner the food, something that whisky was born. And while part of
COMMON can possibly rate as a first, though the sherry recovery has been due to
not to everyones taste. the fact that buyers consider lim-
Digging a little deeper, there are ited production an added attrac-
other areas where the two products tion, there is no such thing as lim-
have common ground. Both have ited-production whisky. If you
experienced a drop in sales, which have the raw materials, you can
in the case of sherry started three make whisky until the cows come

he main thing the sherry decades ago, and the gradual climb home.
and whisky trade have in back has been cleverly underwrit- Both drink sectors have finally
common is the use of old ten by concentrating on the excep- concluded that the buyer demands
sherry butts from Jerez to tional and unique old sherries still a quality product above everything
age Scotlands premium product. held in bodegas stocks and which else, and has no problem paying for
Last week Richard Peterson, chief will never be made again. The finos it. While run-of-the-mill blended
distiller of White & McKay, was in and manzanillas that we enjoy as whiskies will still continue to be
Spain for one of his regular meet- an aperitif every day are not in the drunk in vast quantities world-
ings with head winemaker of same category, nor aspire to be. wide, as will their equivalent in
Gonzlez Byass, Antonio Flores. But In the same way that a list of the sherry terms, these are low price,
this time they did not discuss bar- top-ranking Spanish wines would low profit lines, and the real money
rels, rather the launch of two new not include any sherries, the last is in up-market labels and expen-
single malt whiskies the Scottish published list of best-selling whis- sive presentations.
February 24th to March 2nd 2017
WHAT TO DO February 24th to March 2nd 2017

The life of the

Kandinsky and his road to abstract art powerful
Romanov dynasty
The new temporary brought to Malaga
exhibition in Malagas
Russian museum is :: ANTONIO JAVIER LPEZ
dominated by MALAGA. The Tabacalera build-
ing has also welcomed an exhi-
abstract artist bition about the House of Ro-
Wassily Kandinsky manov, which ruled Russia from
1613 until 1917 when Tsar Nicho-
:: ANTONIO JAVIER LPEZ las II was forced to abdicate af-
MALAGA. The Kandinsky and Rus- ter the first of two revolutions
sia temporary exhibition has been in the country that year.
open to the public since Tuesday in The collection features 247
Malagas Russian museum after it works of art which include
waved goodbye to the Chagall and paintings, sculptures, furniture
his Russian contemporaries collec- and household utensils and give
tion a few days ago. Visitors have un- a deep insight into the life of
til 16 July to see the new temporary the powerful family.
The collection, which primarily
consists of Kandinskys paintings,
shows his journey towards becom-
ing an abstract artist, while also ex-
hibiting works from some of the other
famous avant-garde painters who One of the most important pieces in the exhibition, Painting with a white border, in the foreground. :: S. SALAS
shared the same spirit and same in-
novation as Kandinsky, with pieces many for most of his life before the of art in the current exhibition bring and composition for modern Russian
of popular art from the sixteenth, Nazi regime closed his school there. to light the influence that their na- artists, but he added that nothing was
seventeenth and nineteenth century As a consequence, he moved to France tive Russia had on them and conse- more important than the moral bur-
on display. where he eventually died in Neuilly- quently on their journey towards den that each individual work at-
This exhibition continues the mu- sur-Seine in 1944. modern art. tempts to carry and depict to others.
seums theme of displaying the work Chagall, whose work dominated The works evoke ideas portrayed
of artists who have links to other the previous exhibition, also produced by the artist with relation to Russian
countries where they developed their art in France and the United States tradition and to some of the other
Visits: There is free entrance
ideas, despite the fact that they were before his death on the French Riviera contemporary artists of the time. to the museum, open between
all born in Russia. in 1985. Specialist Valeriano Bozal high- 9.30am and 8pm, this Saturday
Kandinsky himself settled in Ger- Nevertheless, all the different types lighted the importance of colour, light and Sunday. Pablo Petrovich portrait. :: SUR
February 24th to March 2nd 2017

EXHIBITIONS objetos de arte includes 24 draw-

ings and other objects.

Museo Ralli
Marbella. Permanent exhibition,
Urb Coral Beach
SCS visits the Costa del Sol Travis Somerville
Malaga. Until 7 May, Centro de
Arte Contemporneo.
During the month of February the American artist Travis Somerville
museum will be exhibiting works :: TONY BRYANT gives voice to the immigrants in
by Uruguayan artist Luis Solari, MIJAS COSTA. The Scandinavian the US and also stands up for the
Mexicans Emilio Ortiz and Fran- Cello School (SCS), in partnership indigenous Indians with powerful
cisco Toledo and Chileans Mario with Project Music Management, art works that incorporates disturb-
Toral and Roberto Opazo. is to present a series of classical mu- ing images such as the capes of the
sic concerts along the Costa del Sol Klu Klux Klan.
Revello de Toro in March.
Malaga. C/Afligidos, 5. The concerts have been ar- Beatriz Ros
An exhibition entitled Damas, Re- ranged as part of the SCS scholar- Marbella. Until 25 March. La Gal-
tratos Femeninos consisting of ship, which will take place on the era Yusto-Giner, C/Madera.
eight paintings of sensual women coast from 26 February until 4 The exhibition La Boca is by
by Flix Revello Toro. Until 2 April. March. Malaga artist Beatriz Ros.
Six of the finest young cellists
will participate in the project, led Economistas en el Arte
by the internationally-renowned Nerja. Until 5 March, Museo de
Jacob Shaw and Danish pianist Nerja.
David Lau Magnussen. Scandinavian Cello School will come to the coast in March. :: SUR The exhibition comprises works by
Each participant will receive different arts that combine a dispa-
three private lessons from Jacob sic Society will also perform at
Shaw, as well as group sessions, this concert.
educational trips and performance The concert begins at 8pm and
opportunities. tickets cost 10 euros.
Shaw founded the school to The second concert will be held When: Thursday 2 until
support, educate and promote in the Danish Church in Mijas Sunday 5 March.
young cellists around Europe and Costa on Saturday 4 March at
further afield, and this will be the 7.30pm. Tickets for this concert Where: Various locations
Travis Somerville, CAC Malaga second edition of the project to cost 15 euros. along the coast.
be held on the Costa del Sol. The final concert will take place
New Longmans The first concert will take at the Avanto restaurant in Mijas Contact information:
Estepona. Until 5 March, Plaza de place on Thursday 2 March at the Costa on Sunday 5 March. /
Manilva, 6 Padre Manuel cultural centre in Tickets, which must be reserved Japon, Malaga
An exhibition of paintings by Em- Estepona. The International Mu- at the restaurant, cost 40 euros.
manuel Janvier. rate theme, art and economy.

Under 35 mat by recognised Madrid artist bel Hurley, Pase de Reding. Marcel Van Eeden El Molino de Cajiz
Malaga. Until 25 February, Galera Jess Gonzlez de la Torre. Conservar y divulgar is the cur- Malaga. Until 26 March, Centro de Vlez- Mlaga. 3, 4, 5 March, El Mo-
GACMA, C/Fidias, 48. rent exhibition at the gallery by Arte Contemporneo. lino de Cajiz
Thirty artists under the age of 35 Eugenio Rivas Daniel Silvo. The exhibit includes a Dutch artist Marcel Van Eeden is Exhibition of paintings and sculp-
and with links to Malaga will be Malaga. Until 2 March, Alianza video which records the process of displaying around 250 works in tures by Merle Kumschier.
presenting their work. Francesa, C/Beatas. abandonment of four Mexican charcoal, watercolour and pastel
The exhibition by Eugenio Rivas is works of art in the US. depicting scenes from the 16th
38 Picassos entitled Fall again, fall better. century. Annabel Keatley
Malaga. Until 26 March, Museo Almucar. Until 3 March. Espacio
Picasso Mlaga Mark Ryden Expo Jurassic Creativo, C/Baja del Mar.
A selection of the works by Pablo Malaga. Until 5 March, Centro de Malaga. Until 26 March, Recinto An exhibition and paper-making
Picasso that have enriched the mu- Arte Contemporneo. Ferial. workshops. Also mini cuadros
seums permanent collection over Cmara de las Maravillas is the An interactive exhibition of life- small format art from intenational
the last six years courtesy of FABA, name of the surreal exhibition size dinosaurs. Tickets from artists made for the exhibition. For
now exhibited together and inde- by Mark Ryden. His art features workshops tel: 699 801 613
pendently for the first time. angelic faces with macabre
undertones. La Trmica Picasso and Opisso
Fernando Robles Malaga. Until March, La Trmica, Macharaviaya. Until 17 April.
Malaga Until 27 February, Alfajar From city to museum Av de los Guindos. Museo de los Glvez.
Galera C/Cster 1. Malaga. Until 5 March, Centro A collection of 40 photos in an ex- The exhibition consists of 31 por-
Suite para cielo -infierno is an ex- Pompidou Museo Ralli, Marbella hibition entitled Retratos (por- traits of women by Pablo Picasso
hibition by Madrid artist Fernando The new exhibit at the Pompidou traits) taken by Swiss photogra- and Alfredo Opisso.
Robles Vsquez. consists of 40 models of buildings Lawrence Weiner pher and film maker Michael
in Paris built in the last 70 years. It Malaga. Until 12 March, Centro de Comte. Artistas Eclcticos
Jess Gonzlez de la Torre is entitled De la ciudad al museo. Arte Contemporneo. Mijas Pueblo. Until 17 March.
Malaga. Until 28 February, Sala Arquitecturas parisinas 1945-2015. Lawrence Weiner exhibits four Japanese art Clnica Veterinaria, Avd Mxico 21.
Unicaja Siglo, Plaza del Siglo works entitled There are Things Malaga. Until 23 April. Museo Car- Works by Sinikka Ahokas-
A no entender entendiendo is an
exhibition of paintings in large for-
Daniel Silvo
Malaga. Until 11 March, Galera isa-
that Move Outside of Motion,
men Thyssen, C/Compaia, 10
The exhibition Japon. Grabados y
Grhn, Elaine Carlton and
Richard Wood. >
42 WHAT TO DO February 24th to March 2nd 2017


CONCERT DATES A charity gala dinner with enter-
tainment provided by Hybrid,
Benezra Gallery Malaga. 1 March, 8.30pm. the School of Russian Ballet and
Marbella. Until 31 March. La Sala Unicaja de Conciertos, Chiquitina, an adaptation of the
Quinta, between Marbella and C/Marqus de Valdecaas. Gui- musical Mamma Mia. Also per-
San Pedro. tarist Peter Bernstein and the formances by magician David Vil-
Contemporary art and sculpture Jos Carra Tro. lalobos and the La Voz Kids final-
as well as fine art and impression- ist Charlotte Summers.
ist sales. It also supports emerging Alhaurn de la Torre. 2 March
artists. The opening exhibit high- 9pm. Centro Cultural Vicente Flamenco fashion for cancer
lights the works of eight contem- Alexandre. Descarga Latina. Antequera. 4 March, 7.30pm.
porary artists. Concert with Francisco Blanco. Antequera Golf Hotel.
Flamenco fashion show by Patro
Torremolinos Chic Malaga. 2 March, 8.30pm. Flamenca to raise funds for the
Torremolinos. Permanent exhibi- Sala Velvet, Velvet Club, C/Co- Asociacin Espaola Contra el
tion, Casa de los Navajas. Bass player Gerald Cannon and pianist George Cables. :: SUR medias. Cncer (AECC). Guest of honour
A permanent exhibition of The Eric Alexander Quartet. Ardin Martn. Vocals El Callejn.
photographs taken in the 60s and
70s entitled Torremolinos Chic. It
features around twenty
photographs including one of the
The International Malaga. 3 March 8.30pm.
Centro Cultural Mara Victoria
Atencia. Jazz musicians George
Shenanigans with the Goldies
Calahonda. 18 March, 6.30pm. The
Millenium. 10
legendary Bridget Bardot posing on
Carihuela beach in a Cordobs hat. Winter Jazz Festival Cables, Gerald Cannon, Joe
Chambers and Enrique Oliver
will be in concert.
Acta appearing at this Cudeca
Goldies charity event are Sam Ol-
iver, Deborah Dee, Reality Interna-
tional Duo, Jochen Janz, Tina Hall,
Malaga. 4 March 8.30pm. Marinella Graitsis, Carl Coulton,
Centro Cultural Mara Victoria Susan Mohr, One Wish Steve
:: REGINA SOTORRO Morente (jazz for children). Atencia. The Judy Niemack among others. Limited tickets: tel:
ALHAURN DE LA TORRE. The They will be performing to- Quintet. Steve 952 934 793
all stars of jazz will spend four gether and separately at a num-
days in Malaga on the stage and ber of venues which includes the Malaga. 4 March, from 10pm. MUSIC & DANCE
inside the classroom, from 1 to 5 Sala Mara Cristina, Velvet Club, Museo Interactivo de la Msica.
March. the Centro Cultural Mara Vic- Jazz festival.
Joe Chambers, George Cables, toria Atencia and in the MIMMA The Wall Bar
Gerald Cannon, Peter Bernstein (Museo Interactivo de la Msica) Malaga. 5 March, 8.30pm. Malaga. Hotel Vincci Posada del
and Eric Alexander are part of the in Malaga and the Escuela Mu- Sala Velvet, Velvet Club, Patio, 11pm, entry free.
Benezra Gallery, Marbella ambitious team at the Interna- nicipal de la Msica and Centro C/Comedias. 24 February. Billy Preacher and
tional Seminary of Jazz and Mod- Cultural Vicente Alexandre in The Malaga Jazz Collective. Dani. Blues, rocknroll, American
Jos Mara Crdoba ern Music in Alhaurn de la Torre Alhaurn de la Torre. folk. Guitar and harmonica
Fuengirola. Until 28 February, at the Winter Jazz Festival. The concerts are all free al- Alhaurn de la Torre. 5 March 25 February. Alberdi & James
Patio-Top Garden Centre. The music will be comple- though seating is limited. 8.30pm. Escuela Municipal de
The paintings of Jos Mara Cr- mented by the voices of Judy More information can be Msica de Alhaurn de la Torre.
doba work as a window open to the Niemack and Beatriz Pessoa, the found on Facebook: seminario- Closing concert by teachers at
world commented the art critique saxophone of Francisco Blanco jazz.alhaurin or send an email to the college.
ngel Luis Prez Villn. The exhibi- Latino and pianist Pascual
tion entitled Confluences runs
until the end of February.
Tree by Hilton Resort & Spa, Res- Da Pimpi Solidario
Happy Artists erva del Higueron. Malaga. 28 February. Bar El Pimpi,
Mijas Costa. Until 28 February An exhibition of art work by Cuban C/Alcazabilla.
Hotel Carmen, Boulevard La Cala. artist Ramce. The famous Bar El Pimpi in
This exhibition by local artist Joy Malaga has pledged all the money
Fahey comprises of watercolour Itinerarte it raises on Andaluca Day to 16
and acrylic paintings . Benalmdena. Until 19 March, Cen- NGOs in Malaga including Auti-
tro de Exposiciones, Av Antonio smo Mlaga. Last year they raised Tosca, Teatro Cervantes
Santini Gravini Machado, 33 80,000 euros. There will be a
Mijas. Until 6 March, Centro Cul- Paintings, photography and stage with various performances Tosca
tural de La Cala. graphic art created by 35 artists of and stands selling local products. Malaga 25 February, 8pm. 26 Feb-
An exhibition by sisters Hana and different ages and styles. ruary 7pm. Teatro Cervantes .
Gabriela Santini Gravini. Torremolinos Chic St Davids Day Opera by Puccini in three
CHARITY Benalmdena. 1 March, from 2pm. acts
Jane Kleinschmit Sean Smith CJs Karaoke Bar, Avda Bonanza.
Cmpeta. Until 11 March, Galera Mijas. Until 13 March, Casa Museo The Welsh Society will be raising
Centro de Bellas Artes. de Mijas. British legion Spring Fair money for Age Care at this event. Revival
German impressionist, artist Jane An exhibition of photographs by Nerja. 25 February, from 11am. There will be traditional Welsh Fuengirola. 25 February, 8pm. Tea-
Kleinschmit portrays her love and Sean Smith. Nerja caves lower salon. Free entry. food and lots of entertainment. tro Salon Variets .
passion for her life in Granada Crafts, cakes, plants, jewellery, A tribute to the bands of the 60s,
hrough a large selection of dazzling Ramce art and bric-a-brac. Te, coffee and Rotary Club Gala Dinner 70s and 80s.
canvasses. Fuengirola. Until 16 March, Double cakes available. Estepona. 4 March, 7pm. Teatro
February 24th to March 2nd 2017

Start spreadin the news & Guy Braunstein Mozart requiem Municipal Prncipe de Asturias. 5 LECTURES
Fuengirola. 26 February, 7pm. Tea- Malaga. 27 February, 8pm. Teatro Granada. 11 March, 7pm. Audito- Dance competition with cash
tro Salon Variets . Cervantes. 20 rium Manuel Falla prizes. Categories include Artistic
Peet Rothwell and Martin Joseph Guy Braunstein, one of the The International Choir Coraxalia dance, Spanish dance, Formation U3A Lectures
perform tributes to the best croon- greates violinists in the world, based in La Viuela, will be taking dance, and Urban Hip Hop. Tickets Fuengirola. Lux Mundi reference
ers of all time such as Frank Sinatra will be conducting the orchestra part in the First Choir Festival in in advance or Library, free to members, guests
and Michael Bubl. through works by Beethoven, Granada performing Mozart Req- from the box office 10. Par- 5. Brahms and Mendelssohn. uiem with a full orchestra. Email: ticpants must register before 15 Art and artists: Fake and Fortune February info@torremolinosbai- series. 1 March, 11am -12.30pm. Is it fake or worth a fortune?
Recital by ngel Sanzo Wind and string octet Speaker: Liz Cochrane
Malaga. 4 March, 9pm. Sala Uni- Malaga. 17 March, 9pm. Club El
caja de Conciertos, C/Marqus de Candado, Avda Principal del Candado History and all that 1066. 3 March,
Valdecaas. 10 The octet will be playing music by 11am-12.30pm After Willaim the
Spanish pianist ngel Sanzo will composer Franz Schubert. Conquerors death.
be in concert performing works Course Leader: Kay White.
by composers Mozart, Beethoven, Stars of the West End
Liszt and Ravel. Mijas Costa. 24 March. Teatro Las Mixed bag talk: A historical record Lagunas of the measurement of time and
Songs from The Phantom of the my attempts to equal the accuracy
Guy Braunstein and friends Opera, Les Misrables, Jersey of the master clock makers. 7
Malaga. 11 March, 9pm. Sala Uni- Boys, Oliver, Cats, Beauty and March , 11am-12.30pm. A group
caja de Conciertos, C/Marqus de the Beast performed by Mike Ster- discussion.
Valdecaas. 15 ling, Jo Gibb and Michael Conway. Led by Geoff Cooke.
Rob Sas Band, Con Guy Braunstein, violin soloists Tickets 20 or 25 www.ticket-
Jess Reina and Anna Nilsen, cel- or One Science and Technology: Robots,
list Alberto Martos and pianist Stop Shop, La Trocha, Con; Sun- androids and automata. 8 March,
Rob Sas Band Ambrosio Valero will be perform- shine Golf Store, La Cala de Mijas; 11am-12.30pm. For at least two
Con. 25 February 9pm. Con Sports ing pieces by Schumann and IBEX, Insurance office, Fuengirola; thousand years people have
and Show Bar Brahms. Woodys, Los Boliches. Tel: 952 661 dreamed of creating artificial life.
The Rob Sas band are in concert. 819 Also enjoy dinner accompanied Do Luna Llena, Cajiz How near are we to achieving this
Concert Luna Llena Do by the stars at Tamisa Golf on 22 dream?
Classic and flamenco dance Cajiz. 3 March. El Molino de Cajiz, March; La Sala Puerta Bans on 23 Speaker: Ian Phillips.
Almucar. 24 February, 8pm. Merle Esculturas y Pinturas. March and La Sala, Sunborn, Gi- Alexandra Grocheva
Casa de la Cultura. Simona Mango singing and Bruce braltar on 25 March. VIP tables Marbella. 5 March, 7pm. Cultural Science and Christian Faith
The Conservatorio Profesional de Reynolds on the guitar. available. Centre Contemporary Art Estepona. Anglican chaplaincy
Danza Reina Sofa de Granada. Kunsthaus-Berlin, plo. La Nueva house, C/Juan de Fuca, Beverley
Andaluca Day concert Campana. 5 Hill. 6-7.30pm.
Fernando Egozcue Trio Malaga Philharmonic Orchestra Vlez-Mlaga. 28 February, Pianist Alexandra Grocheva will be
Almucar. 25 February, 8pm. Malaga. Teatro Cervantes 12.45pm. Teatro del Carmen in concert playing music by com- Evolution, genetics, creation and
Casa de la Cultura. 12 in advance. 9 , 10 March, 8pm.. Music by The municipal band, flamenco posers like Bach, Schumann and design. 24 February.
15 on the door. composers Shostakovich, William group Antonio Guerra plus other Schostakovich. www.kunsthaus- Space, time and the end of
Great Argentinian tango and jazz
show with the Fernando Egozcue
Walton and Edward Grieg.
Conducted by Manuel Hernndez
dancers and flamenco singers. the universe. 10 March. >
Trio and dancers. Silva. Dance championships MueBT
www.orquestafilarmonicademalag Torremolinos. From 27 February
Hispanian Symphony Orchestra until 4 March. Auditorio

In the name of the olive

RIOGORDO. Riogordo is cele-
brating one of the towns most
important economic drivers this
weekend: the verdial olive and
its extra virgin olive oil. The idea
behind the Molienda de Riogordo
festival is to promote the prod-
uct and highlight its importance
for the town.
Over the course of today, to-
morrow and Sunday, visitors to
the town will be able to see a rec-
reation of an old mill, complete
with a mule working the press,
as it would have been done in
the 18th century.
On Friday a series of talks and
workshops will take place in the Recreation of the old olive press. :: E. CABEZAS

Museo Etnogrfico from 9am and

at 7pm the exhibition, Spanish opportunity to try a traditional
olive oil advertising art will be millers breakfast of local bread INFORMATION
officially opened. and olive oil.
An exhibition of rural scenes A key part of the festival is the When: Until Sunday
around Riogordo by local paint- olive stone spitting competition,
ers, Bob Woodhouse and Nigel and other events include Mara- Where: Riogordo, mainly in
Short is also on at the museum gata dancing (a traditional dance the Museo Etnogrfico, Calle la
until Sunday. from the province of Malaga) and Iglesia 14.
A series of guided visits around a gazpachuelo contest (gazpachu-
the towns oil producer, Agro- elo is a typical soup from the area Further information: Face-
Olivarera de Riogordo S.C.A., will made with fish stock, mayon- book: La Molienda de Riogordo.
be available and followed by the naise and potatoes).
44 WHAT TO DO February 24th to March 2nd 2017

> LECTURES cuses on Am I being unfair to

you? Matthew 20:1-16. Prepared

DFAS lectures Twentieth birthday by women of the Philippines.

Ecological market
of Concerto Mlaga
Benahavs. 28 February, 6.30pm.
Benahavs Town Hall Mijas. Parque Andaluca. Second
MGM and the birth of the silver Sunday of the month and the last
screen. Sunday of the month in the Bule-
The lecture will examine how the var de La Cala.
Motion Picture industry first de- Ecological food and environmen-
veloped throughout the late 19th tally friendly products are on sale.
and early 20th Century and how it
went on to revolutionise the face Trip to Gibraltar
of entertainment. Lecturer is Geri From Torre del Mar. 16 March.
Parlby. Various departure points. 12 Da de los Polvos, Tolox Coach trip to Gibraltar Passports
required. Tel.952 543 334 or e- day); 00.15 (Fri, Sat)
Webpage: Cinesur Miramar
Avda. de la Encarnacin, Fuengi-
Con rima y comps The Malaga string orchestra. :: SUR
Trip to see Stars of the West rola. Tel. 952 19 86 00.
Vlez-Mlaga. 25 February, 8pm. End Split: 12.00, 16.45
Teatro del Carmen MALAGA. The Concerto Mlaga Mijas Costa. 24 March, Las Lagu- Jackie: 16.15, 18.20
Flamenco music and poetry read- (Malagas string orchestra) is cele- nas Theatre. Various departure The Great Wall: 12.15, 16.00,
ing. Invitations from Town Hall. brating its twentieth anniver- When : 28 February, 7.30pm. points. 32 18.20
sary with a special programme Payment required on booking The Healer: 12.20, 16.00, 18.05
V Biennial Flamenco de Mlaga of concerts. Where: Fundacin de Ilustre please. Information tel Gail on T2 Trainspotting: 20.10 (Wed,
Malaga. 3 March, 7.30pm. Teatro The Malaga string orchestra, Colegio de Mdicos de Mlaga, 951067723, email phoenixsocial- Thu); 22.30 (every day)
Cervantes. led by the emminent violinist, C/Curtidores. or go to 50 Shades Darker: 20.40, 23.10
The opening gala with perform- Jos Manuel Gil de Glvez, will (Fri, Sat, Sun)
ance by the Flamenca de la Lupi be presenting the second of its Tickets: www.classic-
company. four concerts in the Las Cuatro Weekend in Morocco Cines Teatro Goya
Estaciones season entitled 20 Torre del Mar. 5-7 May. 225 pp. For tickets and information call
Aos de Historia. The concert is 35 single supplement. 951196665. www.cinesteatro-
to celebrate the twenty years of Albniz, Corelli and Puccini. Gratuities are not included. Travel
Concerto Mlaga and will fea- More information: www.con- insurance mandatory. Tel Gail on T2 Trainspotting: 11.45 (Sun);
ture music by composers Vivaldi, 951067723, email phoenixsocial- 15.50 (Sat,Sun); 20.00, 22.15 or go to (every day) The Great Wall: 16.00 (Sat, Sun);
22.30 (Frid, Sat, Sun); 22.00
La Cala de Mijas. 5 March 11.30am. flour fight. Nowadays anyone is O. V. FILM (Mon-Thurs)
Carnaval procession. fair game, not just lovers. Ballerina: 12.00 (Sun); 15.45 (Sat,
Malaga. Until 26 February. Be- SUR in English advises calling Sun); 18.00 (every day)
cause of rain last weekend there Sopa de los Siete Ramales cinemas to check for any last min- La La Land: 11.45 (Sun); 16.00
will be three extra parades over El Burgo. 28 February. ute time changes. Lunchtime and (Sat, Sun); 19.45 (every day)
the weekend plus the battle of the The village of El Burgo celebrates late night screenings weekends Hidden Figures: 17.30 (every
flowers and fancy dress on 25th the Fiesta de la Sopa de los Siete only. day)
and finally the burying of the an- Ramales with a market, live mu- 50 Shades Darker: 20.00(every
MGM lion, DFAS chovy on the 26th. www.carna- sic and tastings of the traditional Cine Albniz day) dish. C/Alcazabilla 4, Malaga. Tel: 902
Marbella. Until 4 March. 36 02 95 or visit www.cinealbe- Yelmo Cines, Plaza Mayor
FESTIVALS Mijas Pueblo. 26 February, Da de Andaluca or Centro de Ocio Plaza Mayor, Avda.
11.30am. Carnaval procession. Pizarra. Every 28 February since La La Land: 20.30, 22.45 Alfonso Ponce de Len.
Carnaval Torre del Mar. Until 26 February. 1995, the village celebrates Da de Fences: 16.15, 18.00, 21.30 Tel: 902 902 103 or visit
Alhaurn el Grande. 27 February Processions on 25th. Andaluca with a romera to the Moonlight: 16.00, 17.30, 19.30 www.
until 4 March. Torremolinos. From 6-12 March. Sierra de Gibralmora. Jackie: 20.10, 21.45 Fences: 15.50 (every day except
Almucar. 24-26 February The Carnaval Gay I Gala Drag Torremolinos. From 25-28 Febru- T2 Trainspotting: 16.00, 18.05, Thu)
Benalmdena. 25 February until 5 Queen competition is being held ary. A programme of gastronomi- 21.55 La La Land: 20.30
March. on 4 March in La Plaza La Nogal- cal and cultural events including The Saga of the Viking Women 50 Shades Darker: 16.30
Crtama. 25 February until 4 era from 9pm. live music, dance, food market and Their Voyage to the Waters The Great Wall: 16.00 (Sun)
March. and floral offerings to Blas In- of the Great Sea Serpent (1957): T2 Trainspotting: 16.15, 18.40,
Con. 24 February. Childrens Da de los Polvos fante, the father of Andalusian 20.00 (Thu) 21.15 (every day); 13.15 (Sat-Tues);
party. Tolox. 27 February. Legend says nationalism on the 28th. 23.40 (Fri, Sat)
Humilladero. 28, 29 February. that young men in the early nine- Cinesur El Ingenio
Fancy dress competition on Satur- teenth century apparently threw EVENTS Avda. Juan Carlos 1, Vlez-Mlaga. Musica Con Encanto
day followed by the curious tradi- flour over a girl to declare their Tel. 667 77 31 87. Iglesia de la Virginia, Marbella.
tion of the Chuchete de los Boti- love. Another story is that a Moor World Womans Day of prayer T2 Trainspottting: 16.20, 18.45 Bookings tel 689 000 944
jos on the Sunday (throwing alay and a Christian girl, both of Torre del Mar. 4 March, 5pm Lux (Fri, Sat, Sun) Children of the Bejing Opera: 4
drinking vessel around until whom worked in a bakery, fell in Mundi Ecumenical Centre. La La Land: 18.30 March, 7pm. 10(a film by Don
someone lets it drop) love with the same man and had a This year the worship service fo- The Great Wall: 22.05 (every Kent. English subtitles)
February 24th to March 2nd 2017 45

Kitchen page 45 Real estate page 49

Removals page 46, 47 & 48 Glass curtains page 50
TV satellite page 46 & 48

46 February 24th to March 2nd 2017
TV satellite
February 24th to March 2nd 2017 47

48 February 24th to March 2nd 2017
TV satellite
February 24th to March 2nd 2017 49

Real estate
50 February 24th to March 2nd 2017
Glass curtains
February 24th to March 2nd 2017

A LOOK AT LA LIGA Commentator, Sky Sports

Its game on!

Real Madrids slip-up chieving team, suddenly over-
at Valencia on achieving. Valencia came out all
guns blazing and they led by two
Wednesday night has goals within the first nine minutes.
breathed new life into On this occasion, Ronaldo was un-
able to emulate Messi and single-
the title race handedly haul his team back into
the match as the Argentinean had
Theres a great phrase in Spain to done against Legans.
describe the last few footballing The vultures accompanied the
days: Hay liga!. In other words, tiny team from the suburbs on their
Game on! first ever visit to the Camp Nou. It
This could well be a decisive week did appear that they would have
in deciding where the title ends up. footballing flesh to pick at as the
It was almost the last rites of the side, without a win in a dozen
Catalans claims as Real Madrid games, looked to be taking the un-
aimed to open up a four-point lead expected souvenir of a point from
on their rivals, but their shock 2-1 their first visit to Europes largest
defeat to Valencia on Wednesday stadium. Fabin Orellana celebrates scoring Valencias second and winning goal against Real Madrid. :: EFE
changed all that. Step forward Lionel Messi, a
Zinedine Zidane had planned blasted penalty winner in the 90th are still favourites to take the title in the Champions League, their fix- cancelled game with Celta takes on
carefully for the trip to Valencia, a minute was as dramatic as it gets. and on the balance of things, they ture list suddenly becomes less clut- significance. It looks like the only
game re-arranged from December He led no celebrations as it wasnt should claim it. If last week had tered and Luis Enrique doesnt have spot is midweek in the final week
when his Real Madrid were away a victory to celebrate. gone according to plan, I would have to balance the game time for his of the season.
claiming the Club World Cup title. Real still have the advantage and expected it to be wrapped up after players. I cant show any bias in my job,
He diluted his team for the week- they do still have a game in hand the Clsico in late April. Zidanes desk calendar will have I have to remain neutral. So natu-
end so that he could take his full but the season suddenly has new Now there are factors that could hardly any space as they continue rally Im hoping it does go right
force to a sell-out Mestalla. life. Real Madrid have mental scars mitigate against their undisputed to progress in the Champions down to the very last week. And
What he hadnt catered for was and Barcelonas scars are healing. claim. If Barcelona cant turn around League and set the pace domesti- right now, theres a much stronger
Valencia, Europes most undera- But lets be honest, Zidanes team a four-goal difference against PSG cally. Exactly when they fit in the possibility of that happening.
February 24th to March 2nd 2017



2 1 38%
LAS PALMAS 23 Champions League
1. R. Madrid
2. Barcelona
Europa League

4-4-2 4-2-3-1 2 Goals 1 3. Sevilla 49 23 15 4 4 46 28
Juankar 11 Total shots 8 Results
David Simn 4. At. Madrid 45 23 13 6 4 43 19
Granada - Betis 4-1
6 On target 4 Sporting - At. Madrid 1-4 5. Real Sociedad 41 23 13 2 8 36 32
Halilovi Sevilla - Eibar 2-0
Chory Castro (Mateo Garca, 63) 5 Off target 4 6. Villarreal 39 23 10 9 4 30 15
Valencia - Athletic 2-0
Lemos 2 Corners 6 Real Sociedad - Villarreal 0-1 7. Eibar 35 23 10 5 8 36 31
Demichelis Pablo Fornals
7 Offsides 6 MALAGA - Las Palmas 2-1 8. Athletic 35 23 10 5 8 28 28
(Torres, 82) R. Madrid - Espanyol 2-0
23 Fouls committed 14 Deportivo - Alavs 0-1 9. Celta 33 22 10 3 9 36 36
Jos Rodrguez Boateng Roque Mesa Barcelona - Legans 2-1 10. Espanyol 32 23 8 8 7 30 31
Kameni (Javi Castellano, Javi Varas 5 Yellow cards 3 Celta - Osasuna 3-0 11. Alavs 30 23 7 9 7 22 28
Jonathan Viera 82) 1 Red cards 0
Camacho Fixtures 12. Las Palmas 28 23 7 7 9 32 35
13. MALAGA 26 23 6 8 9 31 37
Luis Hernndez Vicente Goals: 0-1 Lemos (19); 1-1 Fornals At. Madrid - Barcelona
Charles Betis - Sevilla 14. Valencia 26 23 7 5 11 33 41
(Santos, 77) (27), 2-1 Charles (35). Villarreal - R. Madrid 15. Betis 24 22 6 6 10 22 35
Espanyol - Osasuna
Keko Jes Athletic - Granada 16. Deportivo 19 22 4 7 11 26 35
(Llorente, 73) Dani Castellano Referee: Snchez Martnez. Yellows for Las Palmas - Real Sociedad 17. Legans 18 23 4 6 13 16 39
Rosales (Tana, 76) Camacho, Charles, Keko, Boateng, Jes Legans - Deportivo 18. Sporting 16 23 4 4 15 25 47
and Aythami. Two yellows for Rodrguez. Eibar - MALAGA
Alavs - Valencia 19. Granada 16 23 3 7 13 21 49
Unused substitutes: Boyko (GK),Duda, Unused substitutes: Lizoain (GK), Aythami, Sporting - Celta
Venue: La Rosaleda (20,345 spectators). 20. Osasuna 10 23 1 7 15 24 52
Jony, Pearanda. David Garca, Hlder Lopes.

Ten-man Malaga gift Romero first win as boss

The Blue and Whites won for the second time in two weeks, the the post with Kameni well beaten.
their first game since late Brazilian was booked for his com- The game really started to open up,
plaints to the referee. The visitors and Lemos almost undid his good
November in a 2-1 victory found themselves in a similar posi- work for the goal when he turned
over Las Palmas at La tion four minutes later to the one into trouble in the form of Fornals,
Rosaleda from which they scored, but Viera but Varas came to his defenders res-
fired wide from the set piece. cue, making a smart block in the one-
Three minutes after Keko cut in- on-one.
:: KISHAN VAGHELA side and saw his weak left-foot effort Eight minutes later Malaga nearly
MALAGA. It was a momentous oc- saved, the hosts were level. Chorys gave themselves some breathing
casion for Malagas new coach Mar- corner came to Pablo Fornals at the space as Martn Demichelis header
celo Romero as he registered his first back post, whose speculative lob sur- cannoned off the underside of the
win since taking the helm at the end prised Varas and the Malaga crowd crossbar before bouncing on the goal
of December. Their 2-1 victory over when it nestled in the corner. On the line. The game began to see a couple
Las Palmas at La Rosaleda on Mon- half-hour mark, Malaga believed they of ill-tempered moments, with Jes
day night brought an end to a run of had taken the lead, but the linesman and Camacho both seeing yellow for
ten games without a victory, but they raised his flag to rule out Kekos dink protesting against the referees de-
had to do it the hard way, seeing out after a smart break. cisions. However, with just over
the last 20 minutes with ten men. The last significant action of the twenty minutes to go, Jos Ro-
Malagas start to the first half saw first half occurred ten minutes be- drguez, playing his first game at La
Keko heavily involved down the right- fore the break, when Charles gave Rosaleda, was sent off for a second
hand side, and it was from his cross the hosts the lead when he prodded yellow card offence.
that the first chance came, but Ca- home a Kekos pass across the face of The red card saw Las Palmas pile
macho snatched at his effort and his goal after the latter broke Las Palmas the pressure on, with Kevin-Prince
volley failed to trouble Javi Varas. The offside trap. Boateng twice being denied by
former Sevilla goalkeeper was forced The Blue and Whites kept up the Kameni, firstly when he was in an
into action five minutes later when pressure at the start of the second offside position and secondly from a
he held Chorys drive from Kekos half, and four minutes in could have header. The visitors kept pressing and
pass, before he was nearly embar- had a third when Lemos appeared to only a block from substitute and Real
rassed when a seemingly harmless take Charles out in the penalty area, Madrid loanee Diego Llorente denied
cross from the Uruguayan bounced Pablo Fornals celebrates scoring the equaliser his manager. :: S. SALAS before Jos Rodrguez saw his effort Vicente Gmez a certain goal five
just over his bar. in the resulting melee saved. minutes from the end.
Las Palmas were proving to be a Carlos Kameni. Despite only having Kameni from 25 yards after Viera had However, just as in the first half, Las Palmas felt they would get one
threat on the counter, with on-loan just that one effort, it was the visi- been fouled. Las Palmas were a threat up front and last chance, and deep into stoppage
PSG forward Jes feeding Hamburg tors who took the lead just before the Malaga responded and appealed could have equalised on the fifty-min- time it fell to the feet of Jes, but he
loanee Alen Halilovi, but his curl- twenty-minute mark, after Lemos for a penalty two minutes later after ute mark, but Kevin-Prince Boatengs could only sweep his curling effort
ing effort was easily dealt with by curled free-kick found its way past Charles felt a push in his back, but, deflected effort cannoned back off inches wide of the far post.
February 24th to March 2nd 2017
February 24th to March 2nd 2017

that set up Malagas winner.

Defensive solidity
FINCH When Romeros men went down
to ten, the sensation of immi-
nent collapse was strangely ab-
sent. Much of this is down to the
A VICTORY, AT new centre back pairing of
Hernndez and Demichelis.

LONG LAST Romero had no hesitation in

pairing them together immedi-
ately after signing them and it is
clear to see why (even if it was
extremely harsh on the young
Malaga have shown a lot of improvement pairing of Mikel Villanueva and
under Marcelo Romero and Mondays Luis Muoz).
victory was their just deserts In the four games they have Diana under pressure as his long pass is closed down. :: J. MORALES / OPTA
started together, they have con-
ceded just four goals. For the last
20 minutes on Monday, De-
michelis bossed the backline. Of-
Set pieces see
ten derided during his time in
Marbella come
omething about ing his sides way. Because of England with Manchester City,
Malagas victory on this, his lack of belief in both his experience is vital to this rela-
Monday felt inevita-
ble. Despite being on a
run of ten games without a win
his players and his tactics trans-
lated to the pitch.
Romero, on the other hand,
tively young Malaga side. Neither
Diego Llorente nor Bakary Kon,
the two summer signings for that
unstuck in Mrida
and facing up to impressive op- has the benefit of having position, have covered them-
position, you still got the feel- worked with some of the play- selves in glory. Technically, their Two identical goals himself free at the back post and con-
ing that the win would come. ers for several years - and it level is sufficient, but their most nected with scar Ricos lofted
Marcelo Romero has done a shows. The mutual respect is glaring deficiencies are in their from Paco Aguza in freekick from the left flank.
magnificent job since coming in
at the end of December. Be-
there and many who had been
anonymous until December
decision making, organisation
and leadership.
the first half set the The setback didnt stop the visi-
tors who continued with their game
tween him and sporting director have started to step up to the Now Malaga have that in abun- tone for Naftis side plan which kept Mrida on the back
Francesc Arnau, they have res- mark. dance. Successful Malaga sides in foot. But the hosts struck back in al-
cued the sinking ship and are The return of players from recent times have always been MRIDA 3 MARBELLA 0 most identical fashion, Rico crossing
steering it in the right direction. injury has also helped, of built on strong defensive founda- for Aguza at the back post - goal.
The areas that needed reen- course, with Charles role vital tions. It took Javi Gracia a good :: ALEJANDRO VILLALOBOS / After this goal, Marbella heads
forcing in January have been to the way Romero wants to while to repair the damage OPTASPORTS dropped and the good work of Mehdi
addressed - the club bought well play. Last seasons top scorer caused by Bernd Schuster in that ALMERIA. It was a bad day at the Naftis side soon turned to frustra-
once more by picking up the ex- has been sorely missed and respect, but once his backline was office for Marbella on Sunday as they tion at the lack of end product.
citing Adalberto Pearanda on with his contract up in the secure, it provided a strong plat- fell to a 3-0 defeat at the hands of The second half was much of the
loan as well as suring up the summer, he will certainly have form for the counterattacking Mrida, a setback in their fight for same, with Marbella good in posses-
leaky defence by bringing in the a point to prove. style he wanted to implement. automatic promotion in a weekend sion, but lacking convinction as they
experienced La Liga duo in the Its easy to forget, also, that- It is clearly Romeros intention when their direct competitors played approached goal. In fact, the best
form of Martn Demichelis and Malaga signed one of the to mirror his former bosss men- eachother. chance they could muster came
Luis Hernndez. leagues top prospects in Keko tality, and the players at his dis- It started well for the Costa side, through Andrs who hit a specula-
They took a more calculated this summer. Cruelly sidelined posal are certainly equipped to do though, and they gained ground on tive effort over the bar.
gamble in the shape of Jos Ro- by injury and disjointed previ- that. There is a lot of pace and their opponents with some impres- The final nail in the coffin came in
drguez, who didnt have the ously by Juandes chopping and guile in the wide areas while sive wing play, pegging back the stoppage time when David lvarez,
best of times on Monday night. changing, we may well start to Charles, and the returning Sandro Mrida full-backs. Goti had the first with a free header from the corner,
Nonetheless, the haphazard see a return on Malagas invest- Ramrez both have the engine to attempt, lashing his effort across nodded past Bernab from barely a
methods of Juande Ramos are ment between now and the end stretch teams on the counter. the face of goal before Kike Mr- yard out.
now a thing of the past; the of the season. Against Las Pal- There was a lot of optimism quez, after leaving three defenders Cartagenas 1-0 victory over Lorca
feeling that the players have a mas he was superb down the before the season started and in his wake, forced Mandaluniz into CF means this was an opportunity
game plan they believe in has right and was unlucky to have with a lot of football still to be a good stop. missed to go joint-top. Instead, Naftis
returned. All too often, Ramos his goal chalked off for offside. played between now and May, it Despite the territorial advantage, side are three points adrift of the two
would ring the changes at half It was his vision and superb could yet turn out to be a good Marbella found themselves behind leaders in third place with set-piece
time when things werent go- execution of the cross, though, season. just 18 minutes into the contest when defending on the agenda for training
their former player Paco Aguza, found this week.
February 24th to March 2nd 2017
56 SPORT February 24th to March 2nd 2017

Team photo of the SAS ladies following their 12-1 win over Dream Team Girls AVOI Feminino. :: R. A.

SAS set sights on second

suffered a home defeat to Polide- the two teams currently perched
portivo Mijas. above them in the league - Paraguay
But, by the end of January, they and Alhaurn de la Torre B.
looked to be back to winning ways Their immediate focus is on the
RACHEL with an 8-1 rout of U.D. Casares fol- daunting task of keeping goals
ARMSTRONG lowed by another high-scoring away against to a minimum when they
win, this time at the expense of face a strong Paraguay side this
Studs and Stilettos Dream Team Girls on a day that saw weekend. Elishia Hartley, player-
Ladies FC overcame a a revitalised SAS side put 12 past their coach for SAS, told SUR in English:
opposition. However, The team cur- I think we have every chance of
post-Christmas wobble rently sitting at the bottom of the beating them... The girls are really
to reinforce their league managed to net a consolation coming together and they want
position at the top end goal to mark their coachs birthday. these wins badly.
New to the womens football Despite having two games in
of the table league this season, Dream Team hand, an eleven-point gap means
Girls AVOI Feminino are a group of Studs and Stilettos must get some-
FUENGIROLA. With two games volunteers at Hospital Materno-In- thing out of their postponed clashes
in hand over most of their rivals, a fantil, Malaga, who dedicate their against their main rivals to have any
12-1 win against Dream Team Girls time to making the childrens stay chance of breaking into the top two
earlier this month saw the Fuengi- there as pleasant as possible. this season.
rola-based ladies football team ce- Mena Sambiasi, who has been in- Training with Studs and Stilet-
ment their position in third place volved with Studs and Stilettos since tos Ladies F.C. takes place at Campo
of the Femenino LF7 - Malaga (C.D. 2014, said: For me, Dream Team Suel in Fuengirola on Wednesday
Naturaleza y Deporte). are the example of how our league evenings from 8.15pm - 10pm with
An impressive start to the season should be. Its great to play against all abilities welcome.
propelled SAS up the league but the a team that wants to have fun; we
Christmas break looked as though share the same spirit.
it had taken its toll as the girls fought The Fuengirola-based club have
For information, see
to a nervy win against Candor CF a couple of postponed matches to Facebook (@StudsAndStilettos)
in their first game back and then play which just happen to be against or email


Second Holiday World Casares and Manilva to Patagonia challenge up

run on 5 March host horse riding events next for Javier Mrida
:: A. GMEZ. The tourist complex :: SUR. The towns of Casares and :: N. CASTRO. Para-athlete Javier M-
Holiday World has organised a run Manilva will play host to various rida will attempt to swim the strait
for the second year running in aid horse riding events this weekend. which links the coasts of Argentina
of the Fundacin Proyecto Hombre, Equestrian club El Club Depor- and Chile next Friday.
which helps and treats those with tivo Ecuestre Espritu del Viento Mrida will be swimming with-
drug addiction problems. has organised national and inter- out a neoprene suit in water tempera-
More than 750 people took part national competitions, which in- tures of between six and ten degrees
in last years run, which raised nearly clude the fifth edition of the inter- in the area around the South Pole.
13,000 euros. national Espritu del Viento en- In doing so, he will attempt to be-
The organisation hopes to see close durance test. come the first Spaniard to complete
to 1,200 participants on 5 March and The other international event this test in extreme sport by trying
has also agreed to collaborate with is the Doma Vaquera dressage to return to his starting point in Pata-
SOS Cardio Sport, a team made up competition, which is part of the gonia in an hour.
of doctors, firemen and other emer- overall Spanish championship, on The swimmer stated that he sees
gency services to prevent the sud- Sunday. the event as a sort of rematch after
den death of participants. The events will also receieve the he was unable to carry out his objec-
Adults will pay 12 euros to com- support of the Andalucan horse tive of swimming the Loch Ness in
pete, with children paying six riding federation and the provin- the summer of 2015 due to lower than
euros. cial government of Malaga. expected water temperatures.
February 24th to March 2nd 2017

Unicajas Copa del Rey

dream comes to a
premature end
Joan Plazas side were accuracy and errors from both sides
defeated in the quarter- in attack, however Unicaja managed
to hold their lead until the break.
final by Barcelona 82- However, Barcelona took control
70, a disappointing at the start of the third quarter and
result given the triumph through three three-pointers they
turned the game on its head and
against Real Madrid stormed into a 40-36 lead.
Nedovic kept Unicaja in the
:: JUAN CALDERN match by scoring six points and as-
MALAGA. Barcelona shattered sisting three-pointers for Brooks
Unicajas Copa del Rey dreams with and Musli, but three baskets from
an 82-70 victory over the Malaga Eriksson gave Barcelona the advan-
side in Catalonia last Friday. tage going into the final quarter.
The hosts controlled the game Unfortunately for Plazas side,
Valverde, centre, flanked to his left by Alberto Contador and, right, Thibaut Pinot. :: EFE for large parts against a side who Nedovic was marked out of the
lacked energy, drive and discipline. game, and consequently Unicajas
Unicaja began the match the bet- game lost fluency. Despite Smith

Historic win for Alejandro ter side and led at the end of the fi-
rat quarter by 17-22 lead thanks to
baskets from Brooks, Daz and
and Foggs baskets, Munford deliv-
ered the killer blow with another
score to confirm Unicajas exit from

Valverde in the Ruta del Sol Smith. The second quarter saw in- the competition.

:: MARTN COLBA las Bodegas (Cadiz), competitors

CON. The 63rd Vuelta a Andaluca, had to battle through wind, rain and
the regions biggest professional cy- Final stage sleet during both the ascent and de-
cling race, came to a head on Sun- scent to make it across the finish
day with Alejandro Valverde, one 1. Tim Wellens (LOT) 3h.58:31 line in Con.
of Spains most prolific cyclists tak- 2. Simon Clarke (CAN) m.t. The stage was won by Belgian Tim
ing overall first place. 3. Victor Campenaerts (TLO) m.t. Wellens, but Valverde topped the
Contrary to what the competi- 4. Maciej Paterski (POL) m.t. podium, flanked by compatriot Al-
tions nickname, Ruta del Sol, sug- berto Contador, who came second,
gests, on the fifth and final day of Overall and Frenchman Thibaut Pinot.
the race, Valverde and his rivals had 1. Alejandro Valverde (MOV)17h.12:23 Despite the milestone achieve-
to endure the stormy weather con- 2. Alberto Contador (TRK) + 1 s. ment, after completing the race, Val-
ditions that hit Malaga province over 3. Thibaut Pinot (FDJ) + 6 s. verde stated that he has no inten-
the weekend. From the beginning 4. Wout Poels (SKY) + 21 s. tion of slowing down and hopes to
of the last instalment, in Setenil de 5. Diego Rosa (SKY) + 45 s. continue his winning streak. Coach Joan Plaza after the final whistle. :: EFE
CLASSIFIED February 24th to March 2nd 2017


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more than
260,000 expats
Fuengirola every week
in Malaga alone (*IPSOS Prop- independent
erties wanted all prices, all types, research)
all areas.649520396
February 24th to March 2nd 2017

FUENGIROLA/ Benalmadena/ Mi- MARBELLA, Bans area/ Elviria... GARDEN/ & Pool maintenance. BUSY real estate agency located in
PROPERTY TO LET jas: Long/ short term rentals. Fur-
nished/ unfurnished. 608450001
Properties for rent, long/ short term.
SWIMMING POOLS Friendly, professional, reliable team.
Reasonable rates. Robert
Mijas Costa and operative on the en-
tire Coast is looking for experienced
Benalmdena EL COTO Fuengirola. 3 bedroom, 2 MARBELLA, Bans. 3 bedrooms AND GARDEN 608041447 sales agents. The candidates must
speak English fluently and prefera-
bathroom unfurnished apartment. apartments by Marina, Short/long GARDEN and pool maintenance.
Walk-in closet in master bedroom, Private villas and communities. Pro- bly one of the following languages:
BENALMADENA, Marbella Apart- term. Sunny. Luxury. Private gar- Swimming Pools French, German, Nordic. High com-
ments & Villas. Tel: 692814314 airconditioning, fireplace, terrace. dens. Garage. bravoelezo- fessional, reliable service.
Large eat-in kitchen. Central loca- 602424974 mission scheme for the right candi- (34)637439222 JUSTPOOLS.ES for all options, date. Please send CV info@buenavis-
tion. West facing views. Long let
725 Euros pcm. 649031716 prices and real testimonials visit JOSE 683342104 Gardener and/or give us a call (+34)951484500
POOL Maintenance/ Repairs.
Inland CALAHONDA 3 bedroomed villa Mlaga/ Estepona. 678791495/ RECRUITMENT
with private garden and pool for 951295699 sparklenripple@hot-
WWW.RENTINLAND.COM Long long term rent, walking distance to
term rentals in Con and surround- everything. 1,500 euros /month. Situations Vacant
ing areas. Phil 659537525 SWIMMING pool heating. Pool cov-
Tel 672165326 ers and rollers. Filtration systems.
ALHAURIN Torre, Grande, Coin. Spe- Pool tiling and lighting. Jacuzzi and AMBIENTJOBS 10 years as the
cialist in long-term rentals. Esme- hot tubs. 21 years on the Coast. All Costa del Sol's No 1 Recruitment
Julia 629487762, 678457784
Torremolinos areas covered. 952663141/ Company, continues to offer it's
BENALMADENA: Long term rent 670409759. info@enviroca- professional expertise to employ-
apartment 2 beds, 2 bathroom, COIN, center, large 3 bedrooms, 2 CARIHUELA: Beautiful studio apart- www.enviroca- ers and candidates alike. Contact
20mts sunny terrace. Parking. Stor- bathrooms, 300 ments. Excellent Winter rates. Con- Michelle on 666623172 mi-
age. Centrical. Ideal area. 650 Euros. euros/month.679111522 tact Jo: 602586591/ mille-
654508601 WWW.PERFECTPOOLS.ES main-
COIN, townhouse, 3 bedrooms, 2 tenance, repairs and renovations.
VILLA (Close to The British College): bathrooms, garage, patio, 450 Professional and reliable service. All NEW YEAR, new job? JobFinder
3 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, Jacuzzi, euros/month.679111522 Spain adds a fresh and friendly ap-
Sauna, pool, including small studio. Commercial areas
proach to finding your ideal role. We
631103641 Properties are looking for all types of staff so
Marbella upload your CV at www.jobfinder-
Estepona CALAHONDA EL Zoco: Variety of Garden or call us on 951400234
STORAGE Lowest price guaranteed! offices/ locals, rent from 275 Euros LOOKING for quality staff?Job-
ESTEPONA 6 bedroom/ 6 bathroom Packaging materials. Selfstorage to 650 Euros pcm. 619113888 DREAM Gardens: Landscaping ar- Finder Spain can help you, efficiently
pretty villa. 2 living-room. A/C Sat- Marbella 952811311 chitecture, design (computer pre- and cost effectively. Find out how
ellite. 2000 sqm garden, large pool. VILLA for rent, Marbella Country visualization), water features, ir- at or just
Until April 15th: 900E/ weekly. Club 3 Bedroom - private garden
Property Wanted rigation. Specializing in beauti- call 951400234
SALES Staff: Established Company
634596946 www.face- requires staff for telesales office in
and heated poolGated Community ful gardens. Also replan- Fuengirola. Basic + commissions MHV SPECIALISE in holiday rent- CRM DEVELOPERS Wanted: Dy-
. For further details contact Sabrina ning/maintenance. 610502623. paid weekly. Native English and sales
als /management in the Mjjas & Fuen-
3 BEDROOM suite lovely penthouse. +34952810608 or sabrina@cal- namic education start-up in Mar- experience essential. Call
girola area. If you are interested in
2 bathrooms. In/outdoor pool, ja- renting your villa or apartment on bella is hiring. We are seeking CRM 951203002 email CV to ca-
cuzzi, sauna, garage, storage. 650E ARBOLISTA Tree surgery. N 1 for
MARBELLA. Near Center. Long term a weekly basis, at any time of the trees & palms. On the Costa since developers. Apply online:
1 bedroom apartment. Terrace year, contact us now! on 685108475 1998. 600260534/ 952117486 Kit https://www.wcea.educa-
4 BEDROOM country house with for more information PHP DEVELOPERS Wanted: Dy-
seaviews. 400 euros monthly. Hogg C.G.Arb. tion/jobs/crm namic education start-up in Mar-
20.000m2 garden with fruit trees. 666891927
2,400 Euros/ monthly. 602596204 GARDEN and pool maintenance. LADIES of a certain age!!! Are you bella is hiring. We are seeking PHP 1 BEDROOM garden apartment in Contracts/one-offs, Friendly, reli- developers. Apply online:
looking for a part time telesales
quite location (Nueva Andaluca) able service. 10 years on Coast. Ni- https://www.wcea.educa-
450 euros /month. 636088171 gel. 607316665 job with contract & commission? tion/jobs/php
Fuengirola You must have NIE+ Social. Fuen-
AMAZING private beach villa. 3 large GARDENS. Communal/Pri- FRIENDLY office in Fuengirola, af-
girola based 3.30-8.30pm with an
FUENGIROLA Next to Corte Ingls suites (100 sqm each) modern full vate/Pools. Clearing and mainte- ternoon hours and onsite sweet-
Mijas. Brand new house, 80 m2, 3 kitchen, A/C, SAT, alarm, ADSL high nance. Calahonda areas. Estab- early finish on Friday at 7.00pm shop. Contract + paid holidays what
bedrooms, 10 mins. to center. Tel. speed, pool, garage. 2950 long term. lished 1982. 639676242- for good behaviour.Call Ann on more could you want!!!! To apply
652290206 634596946 696368760 952586140 ring Lynne on 952586140

Do you feel you have gone SENIOR INVESTMENT

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60 CLASSIFIED February 24th to March 2nd 2017

ENGLISH Teacher required for Coin PART time telesales agents required RELAX villa in Riviera requires spicy WANTED part-time staff in market- dpi Real Estate is looking for tele- Situations Wanted
and Marbella areas. Must be native - Fuengirola We offer a contract, ba- and outgoing women. Lots of work. ing for busy Real Estate agency. Ba- marketers to deal with a massive
speaker and have TEFL certificate, sic plus excellent commissions. P/T 611237884 sic salary + commission. French and amount of quality clients looking to MARBELLA Offer Support as a
preferably Celta. Experience with hours Monday 11am-4 pm, Tues- English language are a must. Please buy property on the Costa del Sol. household help cooking incl. Soci-
young children and Cambridge also day to Thursday 3pm-8pm, Friday call 952939116 or send CV to: Excellent working conditions, basic ety lady or child care by german lady
required. Send cv to cv@thelan- 10.30 am- 3.30 pm The ideal can- salary and commission. Earning po- 60+ topfit, Marbella. Tel. didate will have worked in a target tential of 60-100,000 euros p.a. 687660902
based Telesales environment and SALES person's wanted, basic + You will need to be an excellent closer
NEW STRIP Club Staff Wanted in to be successful for this exciting po- EXPERIENCED live-in Caretakers.
Benalmadena, no sex. Dancers re- demonstrated good performance commission + bonuses. Telephone
with targets achieved and exceeded. sales experience essential, pref- sition. Call 952806609 or CV 18yrs in Spain. CV's, Spanish Resi-
quired, no experience necessary. info@directpropertyinvest- dencias and references. Email gran-
Also vacancy for doorman, DJ, PR You will be extremely confident and erably from a financial services
and waiter /barman, good earnings. professional. The successful candi- background. Send CV to ca-
Contact Steevi 635326415 also date: Will have the ability to adopt or call CLEANER required, 8hrs p/week, SPANISH lady of 59, offers to make
whatsapp a consultative approach to sales. 951203002 10 euros p/h. Guadalmina alta. Eng- company, only elderly persons, in-
Must be driven by success in a grow- lish speaking. 639300390 cluding couples, taking walks, mak-
BOUWERSGIDS.BE zoekt Belgische EXPANDING Property agency re- ing visit surrounding Costa del Sol.
en Nederlandse televerkopers om ing professional company with a dpi is expanding its sales team, if
drive to benefit from uncapped com- quires experienced customer serv- More information 669414114, gra-
ons product te promoten. Hoge ver- ice/ telemarketer. Hot leads, no cold you are a hungry sales professional
diensten en wekelijkse betalingen. missions. Please only apply for this and command a high income please
Info: 685855297 www.bouwers- position if you possess the skills re- calling. Fluent English plus lan- contact us Now! With offices in La SPANISH lady of 59, offers as sec- of quired as set above For more infor- guages, preferably Nordic. Contract, Cala and Estepona come and join a retary/administrative. I worked 14
mation about this position contact basic salary and excellent commis- leading real estate agent that has a years for Argentine Army and 8 for
ENGLISH Teacher required for Coin sions. send CV to massive amount of quality clients. a lawyer in Malaga. Own vehicle.
and Marbella areas. Must be native Annette on 661650359 or forward
your CV or Career Summary to or call Tony 603264739 Please send your CV to info@direct- More information 669414114, gra-
speaker and have TEFL certificate, or Call
preferably Celta. Experience with REQUIRED Waiters/ess, &PR, Eng- Estepona on 952806609 RESPONSIBLE, educated Lady of-
young children and Cambridge also DRAWING office technician with lish native, for Irish pub, Puerto
required. Send cv to cv@thelan- AutoCAD. Also Aprentice electri- Bans. 616599492 ESTABLISHED UK Film Company fers to accompany elderly people. cal /electronics technician re- require telemarketer to work in El- 63390370 Mary
quired. Send CV info@amcpro- DO YOU want to be part of our new
LOOKING for English teachers in telemarketing department? Dream- viria Monday- Friday 10:00- 18:00. WOMAN, responsible, with experi-
Mlaga, Fuengirola and La Lnea. Please call Jason: 646875442 Email: ence for cleaning, taking care of chil-
Send resum to lynnesacad- life Property is looking for indi- dren, speaking Spanish, English and
WE ARE looking for Assistant Man- viduals who can work systemati- German, loves pets. 634455454 -
ager, waiters and chefs. Full con- cally, oversee a large number of SOCIETE telemarketing Fuengi- 951102054
WORKING Mums here is your tracts given all year round. Can- clients, and excel in building long rola, cherche teleoperateur
chance. Telesales persons wanted didate must be able to work as a lasting relationships with future Franais. Toute info appelez FILIPINOS domestic and household
team, self motivated. Send up to 631250362 Sarah staff. We are looking for employers.
for day shift in Fuengirola office. clients. We are offering hot leads, 602572579 email kjhas-
Native English speaking, contract date CV to Restaurantsbenal- no cold calling. Fluent English is
plus commissions. Hours 11-3 Mon essential, other languages a plus,
to Thu 12.30 to 3 Fri. Tel 952586140 YOUR Property in Spain is looking We are knowledge of the Costa del Sol or
for a property lister with proven ex- looking for a representative honest Costa Blanca. Please forward your
perience, native level of English and person with positive energy who
speaks English and Spanish, other
CV to: recruit@dreamlifeprop- SERVICES
Spanish; any other language will be or phone Martyn on
a plus. If you want to be a member languages big plus, to prepare break- 952885600 Estepona area
of our team, please, send your CV fast every Sunday in our luxurious Alarms
to the following email: info@your- bed and breakfast in Marbella, El- Urgently requires viria. Approximately between 8:00 great Sales personal and Web on- ALL TYPE alarmes video security
and 12:00 h. If interested please line promoters for great products. wirelless cameras internet available.
ASIAN staff wanted for thai mas- send us an email with photo. Please email CV to: ashraf@cen- Jos Sotto 952443838 670443838
sage salon. San Pedro. 602527869 Call Ashraf 611213213 for
EXPERIENCED Telemarketers re- further information
HOUSEKEEPER/ carer. Marbella.
Top rates. 602527869
quired for small friendly office in Builders
La Cala. 600 basic plus contract WE NEED to fill a vacant for Mar- Adminis- and good commissions. Immedi- shall / Caddymaster at a Golf Course JIM'S Home Improvements. Bath-
trator for real estate-apartament ate start. Native English only. Call in Mijas Costa. Fluent Spanish and room/ kitchen reforms, repairs,
hotel. Knowledge for marketing, re- 664898335 English required . Further languages plumbing, carpentry, painting, til-
search, good communication skills, will be valued. Required knowledge ing, maintenance. Give us a call, no
blogs, digital marketing. Prepare to PART-TIME Administrator for of computer use and a minimum job too small. Mob. 692207799
learn new skills and organize it at small friendly office in La Cala. knowledge of the sport golf. Work-
all levels. Must have 1 year experi- Contract plus basic. Call ALL BUILDING work undertaken,
ing facing the public so open atti- kitchens, bathrooms, flooring, paint-
ence. Send CV to info@sanpe- 664898335
tude and good people skills are ex- ing.. Good rates. 618622272 BUSY property management com- pected. Working conditions accord-
TESTERS WANTED: Dynamic edu- pany requires a maintenance/handy- ing to company labour. Alternate
cation start-up in Marbella is hir- man. This is a part time contract po- two days shifts working time table.
ing. We are seeking Testers. Apply sition. Must have own transport. Job will commence end of April. In-
online: https://www.wcea.educa- Please call 622143144 for more in- terested send e-mail to miraflores-
tion/jobs/tester formation

BUILDER, plumbing, electrician,

painter, carpinter. Reasonable prices,
free quote.635913885
cialist imprinted concrete. Re-
seals, brickwork, tiling, plaster-
ing, screeding. 14 years
coast/campo. Competitive prices,
quality finish. 952426074/
606745920 www.ozbuild-
PLASTERING, rendering, artexing
& coving specialist, 20.years on the
Coast, 1st class job. Phone Robbie:
General reforms, extensions,
pools, damp specialist...We im-
prove on any competing quote.
Any size job.610502623
ALL BUILDING works, reforms, ex-
tensions, renovations. Bathrooms
and kitchens. Windows and doors.
Full project management. 21 years
on the Coast. 952663141/
670409759. info@masterbuild- www.masterbuild-
BUILDER is looking for job.
Whatsapp 671801005. See on
facebook: reform costa del sol
February 24th to March 2nd 2017

CONSTRUCTION in general, all Gates Upholstery VENTANAS Arcoplan will beat any SUPPLIERS of refrigeration equip- General Services
types of reforms. Quality building genuine quote by 10% 952667559 ment, glass door refrigerators, ice
at the right price. Stuart 648153718 ADVANCED Cleaning Services. makers, bottle coolers, dishwash-
ELECTRIC Gates & Garage Doors. AS NEW glass curtains, height Elec-
Intercoms and access control sys- Professional carpet and uphol- ers. Fantastic value and reliability,
BJF BUILDERS Roofing and general stery cleaning, 27 years experi- 4m(x)62cms, width 2m(x)47cms. after sales service. Williams Refrig- trician, plumbing, construction,
building work undertaken. Jamie tems. New installations and re- Paid 2.000 euros, selling for 950 painting. Innovation Sotogrande
ence, wet or dry clean. Honest, eration SL. 952596404/ 679284959
656543669 pairs, for all your gate and garage euros. 616348803 to Marbella, 648712530
reliable service.
door requirements call The Ga- AIRCONDITIONING Installations/
SPECIALISTS in Buy to Lets, Major rage Door Company & 2 Way Gates. 678808837/952669701 or email STORAGE Lowest price guaranteed! Repairs/ Servicing. Professional in-
Refurbs, Repairs, AirCon, Glass Cur- www.the- stallations. Quality airconditioning Packaging materials. Selfstorage
tains, Tiling to Floor Polish, Deco- UPHOLSTERY including leather units. Economical in consumption. Marbella 952811311
rating and Cleaning. Renowned for 952786178 / 605356469 cleaned as well as all carpets. 21 years on the Coast. All areas cov-
Professionalism and Value. Mar- SEWING Services. Curtains, uphol-
DRIVEWAY Gates and Automation, 693028325 ered. 952663141/ 670409759 stery, soft furnishings indoor/ out-
bella:952565471. Benalmadena: info@en-
610130544 info@charliesproperty- Garage Doors and Electric Motors, CARPETS, sofas and mattresses door. Made to measure rails/ poles
Video/ Audio Intercoms. Installa- and foam to order. Sensible prices.Re- cleaned. Reliable fast service. Fam-
tions and Repairs. For free profes- ily-run. Cleansol. 952930861- AIR-CONDITIONING by Cool and pairs / alterations. Call 672800887
DO YOU need a handyman for all sional advice or estimates call Co- 607610578. 7 days. 10,00-22,00. Cosy. The family company that
your odd jobs around the house. Ring lin on 636394641/ 951242873 or All areas. cares. Installation and repairs.
Bill, been on the Coast for 20 years. email Quality machines. EcoSense
617594488 Floors Spe- movement sensors supplied and
fitted for 80 Euros. Coin meters PROFESSIONAL
RETIRED: All building equipment cialist manufactures, installers. High-
MARBLE polishing, crystallizing, supplied and fitted from 260
for sale. Scaffold, 2 electric Kangos,
compressor, mixer, all types of tools, Pest Control lasting, high shine. Regrinding, est quality UPVC windows, doors,
enclosures, persianas. Glass replace- Euros. For other energy-saving SERVICES
to sell as a job lot. 645970671 restoration of salty, dead floors. products visit www.cooland-
Cyril, 634455064 ment fully guaranteed. Trade/ pub-
COCKROACHES, all insects, fleas, 952935513. Junta de An-
wasps, rats, termite specialists. Bars,
lic. Showroom. 952667761/
daluca authorised. Approved pro- Lawyers
2.50 P/M2 Why pay more? We 680828000
Plumbers houses, apartments. Sanitary de- (clean, crystallize, seal, polish). fessional service for your peace
LAWYER: Arroyo Miel/ Malaga.
partment registered. Serving the Also repair, grinding marble. Clean, of mind
Coast and Inland since 1985. NPS Legal advice conveyancing, wills,
CITY and Guilds. Qualified plumber. seal aterraces. 25 years experi- Locksmiths ECONOCOOL top quality aircondi- inheritances, contracts, divorces,
All areas covered. Adrian 677063272 Pest Control. Phone Nigel ence. Cover all Costa. Tel: 0034- tioning fujitsu samsung mitsubishi
606008940. Credit cards accepted criminal defense, any litigation,
30 YEARS on the Coast. I cover all 671244683 LOCKSMITH 24/7 Emergency/ Ap- from only 650 euros service regas
aspects of plumbing & general MARBLE floors polished. Fast serv- pointment. Doors opened with- from only 50 euros Chris 662 427396
maintenance. Graham, 607923486 out damage, locks changed, patio 952964591
Repairs ice. Reliable family-run. Cleansol.
doors, windows secured. Paul
952930861-607610578. 10,00-
22,00, 7 days. All areas. www.clean- 657466803 NIE,
WASHING Machines, refrigerators, Cleaning Services
Electricians boilers, cookers, ovens... Profes- SECURITY of Spain. 24 hour lock-
Spanish residencia, Town Hall reg-
istration, social security registra-
sionally repaired. Christian TERRACOTA cleaned and sealed. smiths. 30 years experience. Call CHIMNEY sweep, clean, reliable, tion, health card, school registra-
24H EMERGENCY ELECTRICIANS. 608337497 Daren. 636770865-952660233.
Experts in fault finding. Complete Wooden floors treated. No job too economical, all types of fireplaces. tion, litigation, conveyance, con-
small. Family-run. Cleansol. 10am- Chris 608337497 tracts, divorce. 629738028
rewires, extra sockets, boletins, REPAIRS to Washing Machines-Dish-
projects. 610887921/ 951351051 washers-Ovens-Fridges. Call Garry 10pm. 7 days. 952930861-
607610578. THE WINDOW CLEANERS. ESTAB- LAWYERS. Residency, Conveyanc-
Goodman +34 673344212. English Solar Energy LISHED 10 YEARS IN SPAIN. ing, Wills, Probate. Family law.
ELECTRICIEN power failure rewir- Service Technician. 35 years expe-
ing all cost coverage. Jose Sotto MARBLE floor polishing. Best price 691140427 0034696984068. bea@navarro-
rience on the Coast. Call 658017138 Solar energy www.navarrosi-
952443838 670443838 ADVANCED Cleaning Services.
SLIPFREE Non-slip flooring. We for electricity and hot water! Con-
ENGLISH electrician. Fully quali- Professional carpet and uphol-
tact 618622272
fied. All covered. Network/ Auto- Kitchens convert your floors in non-slip for stery cleaning, 27 years experi- MORTGAGE Expenses Claim back
mation Engineer. 602494347 your security. GAS FIRES Wood burning stoves. ence, wet or dry clean. Honest, to bank 606088668 car-
KITCHEN and bathrooms. Quality 659276984 Airconditioning heating. Bathroom/ reliable service.
guaranteed. 21 years on the Coast. kitchen heaters. Heated towel rails. 678808837/952669701 or email
Decorators Projects fully managed. 952663141/ Windows and Glass Solar heating. Instant gas heating
670409759 info@masterbuild-
Curtains systems. Central heating systems. OVEN cleaning domestic commer-
THE BEST painter/ decorator on www.masterbuild- All work fully guaranteed. All areas cial professional cleaned from 40
the Coast. Call Nick 678889933 covered. 21 years on the Coast. euros. 632569282
952663141/ 670409759 www.en- ACCOUNTANTS. English and Span-
RAINBOW Pinturas. English, pro- info@enviroca- RUGS, fitted carpet and upholstery ish Accountants for all accounting/
fessional, reliable painting & deco- Bathrooms including leather cleaned on site. bookkeeping jobs. Tax and company
rating company. Damp problem so- 693028325 formation. Professional, reliable,
lutions & building service available. QUALITY bathrooms. Full design. SOLAR & wind Energy. Lowest prices.
Highest quality. Con 653456091 WINDOW Cleaning. Don Jose Pro- confidential. Tel: 952440773
Free quotations. Daniel 628066308 Renovations. Quality guaranteed. 21 years on the Coast. 952663141/ fessional, Reliable, Affordable. Tel: REGISTRATION of holiday proper-
670409759 info@masterbuild- 629769136 www.windowcleaning- ties, company formations, business
SUPERIOR decoration service for www.masterbuild- Air Conditioning /
start-ups, bookkeeping, taxation
the discerning client; interiors +ex-
teriors, paper hanging +paint fin- Heating CLEANING STAFF WANTED: For and translations. Malcolm Green-
ishes. Call Tim on 695875118/ cleaning of holiday homes. Contact wood. 699780389
952455551 AIR CONDITIONING installation Ann Charlotte 622670909
Awnings-Blinds service, repair & re-gas, 24h com-
HUSBAND & wife team. Painting/ callout. All work guaranteed. Con- pany creations, self employment
interior design. Free estimates. Gra- ROLLER shutter repairs 7 days a tact Cool Breeze 610887921/ Others registration, bookkeeping, tax dec-
ham, 607923486 week. Conversion from manual to laration. 629738028
PAINTING exterior and interior motorised. New installations. Also AIRPORT Transfer from Marbella
decoration. blinds, awnings, mosquito screens. AIR CONDITIONING installation. to Nerja. 7-seater, punctually, reli- CHARTERED Accountant/ Con-
618622272 All areas covered coast and inland. Service & repair to any make or able, low price. 622891105 sultant, with solid international ex-
655825931 model, also repair fridge/freezers, perience: Personal tax, Corporate
SPECTRUM Interior & Exterior paint- bottle coolers, car A/C & A/C on Accounting, Management accounts,
ing and finishing specialists. Vent boats. All work guaranteed. All ar-
Mosquito Screens
Budgeting/Cashflow, Business plans.
system installation for damp and eas covered including campo. Con-
mold. Please call 626869754 MOSQUITO Screens. Sliding. Pull- Professional service. jbconsult-
tact Williams Refrigeration: down. Pleated. Colours. Call Nick;
MACY PINTURA: Interior & exte- 952596404/679284959 647072861, +34679084433
rior painting. Free estimates. Wil- AIR CONDITIONING heating instal-
liam 603150974 Costa del Sol
lation, servicing, repairs, regassing.
24/7. Prompt reliable service.
Drain Repairs 620020232, 951165090
AIR CONDITIONING fully installed
from 575 Euros. Repairs and serv-
SUNSHINE blinds , awnings shut-
DRAINS blocked? Call David icing. Martin. 650067389
ters repairs motorized cheap toldos
952568414, 661910772. HP Jet- persianas fix electrify cheap awn- REPLACEMENT of discoloured, plas- AIR CONDITIONING installations,
ting, CCTV survey. Drain- tech So- ings shutters repair motorized cheap tic jointing, strips between the glass repairs and servicing. Airflow
lutions 952467783/ 680323969 curtains. Also repairs. 655825931 952443222
62 CLASSIFIED February 24th to March 2nd 2017

Translators Loans BRITANNIA Southern. Storage in STORAGE Clean dry secure ware- NATIONAL and International Trans- SECOND Hand Tim's Furniture Shop
wooden containers. 5 mins from El housing Marbella. Container, Pallet port regular loads to the UK LWB (Buy&Sell): Opening hours: Tues-
PAWNBROKERS. LICENSED SINCE Corte Ingles of Mijas Costa. Over or Loose. Guaranteed best rates. Fo- Van Focus Transport 952816582 day to Friday 10.30am - 3pm. Sat- of- 1983. WE BUY! WE PAY MORE! WE 300 containers. Trading since 1978. cus Transport 952816582 urdays 10.30am - 2pm. Sundays &
ficial and sworn translations and si- PAY CASH! ALL TYPES OF Tel: 952470707 Mondays closed. Avda Las Golon-
MAN & VAN 20 Euros per hour + drinas 57A, (Atalaya Park Hotel).
multaneous interpretations in any WATCHES, JEWELLERY, DIA- BRITANNIA Southern. Worldwide fuel. Tel Steve 722306194
language. 629738028 VAN+ MAN/ Men removals, 17 666903499 Angela
MONDS. ANY CONDITION! AN- container shipping. Proven track re- Euros P/H. Secure storage, 9 Euros
OFFICIAL translations. All languages. THONYS ANTIQUES, SEE MAIN cord. Customs formalities and ad- VAN returning to UK Essex area. WE CLEAR houses, apartments, ga-
952789204. Mobile 654613094 vice. Quality packing materials sold. Share cost 4m2 available. rages, bars, storage units. Tel. MORE, WE PAY CASH. ANTHONYS Tel: 952470707 VAN+MAN/ Men removals, 17E 650783878 656187140.
ANTIQUES, C/ RAMON Y CAJAL, P/H. Secure storage, 9E P/W.
MANUAL translation by top profes- 40, FUENGIROLA. PLEASE EMAIL 611206962
sional , English-Russian and Rus- diamonds@anthonys-dia- GARAGE Sale: Household furniture,
sian-English . Simultaneous and con-
secutive interpretation . All areas. OR CALL TEL.
HIRE SERVICES TVs, fabric, bar kitchen equipment,
electrical, lamps, crockery, pictures,
E-mail: UK FEB 24TH SPACE AVAILABLE MOBILITY Scooters, electric wheel- ornaments. 629285524
BOTH WAYS. 639928090 LOCAL chairs and wheelchairs for sale or 4 PIECE patio suite with basket frame
PERFECT manual translations. 6
languages. 602686773 protrans- Surveyors REMOVALS TOO rent. Same day delivery! Scooters and 2 glass top patio tables. 300 MAN VAN Removals, 20 Euros/Hour also bought for cash!! New batter- euros. Collect Marbella. 952763045 Get all the facts 3 Vans available. 696810618. ies supplied and fitted. Call
PROBLEMS with Spanish bureauc- before you buy a new home with a 609581139. www.mobiltyscoot-
racy? Let me help you with paper- building condition report from a Antiques
work, translations, interpreter tasks, qualified surveyor with 15 years ex- WORLDWIDE SHIPPING,
doctors appointments, dealing with WWW.SPAINUKSPAIN.COM Vehi- Mobility
perience on the coast. 650381201 door2door service. British Re- Scooters 39E/ PW delivery. Long
authorities. A lot of experience. Gua- cle leaving Spain 9th-19th-29th, moval Company SL. 952426463 WANTED! ALL TYPES OF AN-
dalhorce and coast. David Mrquez, returning 10th-20th-30th.Prices term deals. 611206962 TIQUES, PAINTINGS, JEWELLERY,
native Spanish with good English. Others from 90 pounds per m3. Cars 525. Mobility WATCHES, SILVER AND GOLF.
675330519 Bikes 325. Dogs 395. Cats 295 in- HANDYMAN and van, small remov- Scooters 39E/ PW delivery. Long MEDALS, JADE, CHINESE ITEMS
STORAGE Lowest price guaranteed! cluding vet checks/ travel with your als, Ikea collections, assembly, clear- term deals. 611206962 AND THE UNUSUAL ANY CONDI-
Packaging materials. Selfstorage pets. Various vehicles cater for your ances Eur20 hourly. 603257612 TION AND IMMEDIATE CASH SET-
Architects Marbella 952811311 needs. 952596213, 665150227 TLEMENT. SEE MAIN ADVERT. WE
ARCHITECTS, projects, cosntruc-
MAN & VAN. Anything considered. from 20 euros an hour. 677251025 BUY / SELL PAY CASH. ANTHONY'S AN-
No job too small. FROM 15Euros TIQUES, C/ RAMON Y CAJAL, 40,
tions, new buildings, extensions, re-
furbishments, legalisations, inte-
605215917 UK-Spain. All storage and transpor- monds@anthonys-dia-
rior design. 680700430 AND STORAGE MOVING LOCALLY? Call tation needs catered for. UK: OR CALL TEL.
(0044)7970881273, Spain: 952588795-609529633
952426463/ 660563131. Best HOUSE clearances specialist.
(0034)622848608. gavin@f1eu- Houses, gardens, garages cleared.
Mortgages MAN & VAN Removals, clearances.
prices. Fully legal. British Removal Cash on collection. Man & van re-
100% reliable. Always punctual. 20E
p/h. 622020856 STORAGE Lowest price guaranteed! CHEAP Removals back to the UK. moval service. Fast and reliable. Rich MOTORS
Fully insured. Door to door. Leaving 639229607 Joanne 649977723 re-
MISLAID your payslips/ P60 or Packaging materials. Selfstorage
other paperwork? Recovery docu- MALAGA to Manchester every 2
weeks. Part/ full loads. Dogs 250, Marbella 952811311 next week. 611386490
ment service available, fast con-
cats 200. We can help you sell your FURNITURE wanted same day col- Buy / Sell Cars
fidential, reliable.TL 617910147 lection. Cash waiting. 645334512 Spanish/ Uk car or any other items. INSTANT cash! Cars, 4x4's & Mo-
FLUENT Finance Abroad. Are you 637980655. WANTED all furniture and house-
looking to release equity in your hold items. Best prices. 697511071 torhomes wanted. 687474407
home in Spain? Need to pay IBI, Com- 2 MEN & Van. 30 Euros/hour. Al-
ways on time. 651081610 CASH for your unwanted furniture. WANTED Cars & vans. Free collec-
munity fees, taxes, but dont have
available cash now to do this. Do you House/ garage/ bar clearances. Also tion same day. 693028325
BRITISH Removal Company SL.
want to sell your property for what Regular service Spain, UK and Ire- removals. Steve 722306194 CARS WANTED, UK or Spanish best
its worth but dont have the abil- land. 952426463 HOUSE/ Flats/Bars cleared. Top prices, also embargos/finance/ lost
ity/time frame due to cash con- price paid, same day cash. papers. Problems solved. Call
straints? Do you want an alternative
to the Banks who are costly and slow? 611206962 678808837
Call us now: +34 691 179 445 +34 HOUSE/ Flats/ Bars cleared. Top WANTED all cars, any registration,
952 961 952 or email ronald@flu- runners or non runners. Embargos Come and price paid, same day cash.
visit our San Pedro office 611206962 & finance no problem. Call now, cash
waiting. 687049592/ 622156022
CUDECA Goldies. Please donate your
collectables and bric-a-brac to our WANTED, wanted, wanted!! All cars,
Insurance monthly flea market. Contact Tom all years, all models...from exotic to classic. Spanish, English, Dutch
661402134 plated. Call us on 951977329
February 24th to March 2nd 2017

CARS, VANS, 4WDS. BOUGHT AND AUDI A6 AUTO AVANT, 2000, 3,650 MERCEDES Sprinter Camper Van Repairs Clairvoyants QUALIFIED masseuse. Therapeutic
SOLD. ESTABLISHED IN MAR- EUROS. A6 AUTO SALOON, 2000, UK reg, LWB, 2001, 198k miles, MOT and relaxing massage. Puerto Bans,
BELLA FOR 30 YEARS. CARS SUP- 3,950 EUROS. A4 QUATTRO June 2017, good condition, fuel in- CAR KEYS lost or need spare? Keys PSYCHIC Tarot and predictive as- incalls, outcalls and hotels. Gisele
PLIED TO ORDER AT COMPETI- AVANT AUTO, 2000, 3,750 EUROS. jector seal needs renewal. 2,500 cut & paired with car, car opening, trology readings. Calahonda. 620340648
TIVE PRICES. TEL. PETER 635500164 Euros. SMS Ruben car key & remotes. Specialist. Ray www.garywilliamsparanor-
00447746391819 FANTASTIC massage. Female mas-
635500164 TATA INDICA 2008 45.000 KMS. 679831166 952932600 seuse. Home:Miraflores, Visits: Fuen-
EXCELLENT 5 DOOR HATCHBACK. FORD Transit 9 Seater Minibus, MECHANIC workshop & mobile. All girola to Estepona. 7 days. Tel.
2,350 EUROS. 635500164 2007, Silver, VGC, low mileage, work undertaken. ITV's done. Rea- 603135167
fully air conditioned, 8,500 Euros sonable rates. Prompt, reliable serv- Others BEST deep tissue, sport, relaxing
ONO. 666056367 ices. 24/7. 620020232, 951165090
2003, 160,000 KMS, EXCELLENT massage. Free home visits.
TRANSMATIC Automatic gearbox 622297221
1,950 EUROS. 635500164 GOLF 1.6 TDi 5 DOOR, BLACK, AL- shop for the passionate people
specialists. All models including clas-
LOYS, IMMACULATE. sic cars, serviced, repaired and re-
condition, non-runners, damaged.
WAS...10,995, NOW 10,500 Euros. conditioned. Also 4x4 transfer boxes Therapists
Cash. Buyer collects. Transfer in-
cluded. 605109796
/ 608658785. WWW.ROBERTSON-
and power steering. Call/Fax:
952796166/ 952805804/
HEALTH & BEAUTY ITEC Diploma courses in massage,
CARS-SPAIN.COM 615834322. transmatic2005@ya- reflexology and others. weekly, in-
CARS & Vans any registration, in- tensive or online. 951311216.
stant cash. Finance/embargo UK or
2006, LWB, AIR CONDITION, ELEC- ENGLISH Bodyshop, fully equipped,
Spanish.. 693028325 TRIC LOCKING, ETC. ONLY 90,000 Mijas Costa. No job too small. SKIN Specialist NHS Registered. PHYSIOTHERAPIST available for
WANTED: Best prices paid for proper KMS (APPROX 55,000 MILES), 952667074 Treats all kinds of skin problems. therapeutic massage, stretching,
cars, same day collection. DARK GREY, LEATHER, SPOTLESS. Consultation 70 Euros. Dr. Eva. Fuen- relaxing massage. Home visits, 70
678808837 6,995 EUROS. SAM ROBERTSON CLASSIC Cars Restoration 30 years girola 664747267 www.dermadel- minutes, 40 euros; 100 minutes, 55
TEL. 952832173/ 608658785. SEE experience in simple repairs and up- euros. Monika, 659506496 Buy PHOTOS... WWW.ROBERTSON- grades to ground up restoration,
or sell your car online. Email: CARS-SPAIN.COM bodywork, upholstery etc. Classic SEX THERAPY Marbella. COSRT and BACP Accredited psychosex-
Cars Marbella. www.classiccarsmar- Tel. 697980431
Chiropractors ual therapist. Individuals and Cou-
VW GOLF Automatic. LHD. UK Reg- CONCEPT (ONLY 34,000 KMS) ples.
istered 1999. 106k. Excellent con- LOOKS RIGHT IN WHITE, 5 DOOR, LEO'S AUTOS, Mijas Costa. Repairs FUENGIROLA Myofascial Release. Richard 608 594 608
dition. 1,000 Euros. 678226369 AIRCON, ELECTRIC EVERYTHING, and servicing to all makes of cars, J.Schaegen, specialized in treating
SUPER SAVER...7,995 EUROS. SAM light commercials, also ITV's, ex- neck, back & extremity disorders, PROFESSIONAL Life Coach and Psy-
SIMPLY The Best. Top prices paid ROBERTSON TEL.952832173/ hausts etc plus home call outs. 30yrs in practice. 652291224 chologist - Rose Horton can help you
for any second-hand cars. Jeff- 608658785. SEE PHOTOS... 952917353/ 722291198 on your journey. Call 637107138 or
639416333 WWW.ROBERTSONCARS- visit
SPAIN.COM GT AUTOS Mijas. ITV's. Servicing
AUTOMATIC Chevrolet Aveo 1.4LT and repairs. Diagnostics; engine ABS CONFIDENTIAL Counselling via
Petrol, Nov/2007, 136.000Kms, DIESEL FORD FOCUS C-MAX 2006. airbags, aircon. 952462852,
Chiropodists Skype /phone or Riviera del Sol pri-
MOT Jun17. All extras, LHD. Span- 1.6 TREND, 5 DOOR, SILVER, SU- 622252570. vate clinic. 610068804 Paul
ish plates. Timing belt changed at PER CONDITION, 102,000 KMS & Elaine Curtis-Turner. Tel.
(APPROX 62,000 MILES), AIRCON, HEADLIGHTS Polish, restore from
94,000kms. 3,900 Euros.
630430631 BIG BOOT, SUPER BUY FOR... 3,995 15 Euros. Free home visits. 619547636 Fitness
4X4 GRAND Cherokee diesel, 3li- 952832173 / 608658785. SEE 5*MARRIOTT Elviria: Gym & Beach
tre, auto, UK, RHD, long MOT, al- PHOTOS WWW.ROBERTSON- Massage Club membership. 12 Months only
loys, tow bar, 2,000 Euros. CARS-SPAIN.COM 400 Euros. Start the year right. Call
666187999 or Whatsapp this num-
611386490 FORD FOCUS TDCi, Year 2,000. PERSONAL PROFESSIONAL Masseuse: Best
Sport, Therapeutic or relaxing mas- ber for more info
LEXUS IS220D, Dark grey, March 240.000 Kms. Needs fuel pump.
2008, 141,000km, ITV June 2018, Runs well. 995 Euros. Call sage. Outcalls. 620876635
RHD, Spanish plates. 5,500 Euros. 629004464 Dentists
Meeting Point RELAXING, full-body 2 body mas-
sages. Tantric, Nuru, Kyokuero... In-
WANTED Van or Camper van UK reg-
MITSUBISHI Carisma 1.9DI-D istered, reliable, good condition. calls/ outcalls. Elena 635290724
2004, Spanish, RHD, full equipe, Please SMS Ruben LEARN to jive and make some SHAVING secret zone by experi- DIAGNOS Dental. Best prices. New,
00447746391819 friends. or repair or update of dental prosthe-
skirt seats, warranty, one owner. enced mature Japanese masseuse.
1,600eur. 620859174 We are pro- 635717211 20 Euros. Fuengirola. 610396186 sis. Fuengirola. 951337955
fessionals. Garage Real Buy / Sell Motorbikes
MERCEDES 500cl, 2001, Silver.
Blue leather. Only 123,000kms. 2 MOTORCYCLES/ Scooters bought
owners. 20" new tyres. Suspension. and sold, same day response, ITV,
Fully loaded. New ITV. Like new!! Gestoria service. 674843115
8,995 Euros. 664083279
FOCUS Estate Ghia automatic 1999. Car / Van Hire
Same owner 12 years. Good work-
horse/family car. Needs painting. CAR HIRE Long and short term.
650 euros ono. Estepona 660222952 No petrol extras. 607334610 For
one owner Spanish cars at U.K.
BMW 318CI MANUAL, 2000, 3,950
EUROS. 325TD AUTO, 2000, 2,995
EUROS. 525TD MANUAL, 2002,
MANUAL, 2001, 3,450 EUROS.
64 CLASSIFIED February 24th to March 2nd 2017

Others SPANISH in your home. Speak Span- PET-COURIERS com. If you love BENALMADENA attractive Thai, JAPANESE Stunning goddess. Tan-
MUSIC ish from the first lesson. Qualified
Spanish teacher. Ideal method for
your pet try us first. We are the best.
Door to door services throughout
relaxing & satisfying massages, vis-
its. Torrequebrada Golf.
tric and sexual body/to/body mas-
sage. Very good sexual services.
WE OFFER Carers, assistants/nurses
to your home. 24hrs. www.marbel- CELLO teacher available for private beginners. Fast, easy and effective. Europe. Specialised vehicles- be- 602428556 Hotel and home visiting. Luxury
lessons and Cello recitals. See "Bio- All levels. Also tutoring for students. spoken service. Full legal service, private discreet apartment. Fuen- 665943844
628578645 including documentation if required. BENALMADENA: Sexy Vicky, pe-
cello y piano" in YouTube, Gorka On- tite European. Fluent English. In/ girola. 673253870
raita For further information call or email
FLOWER classes monthly. Com- us. Tel. (0034) 651 033670 or Outcalls. 605382376 THAI beautiful sexy lady to pro-
677115150 mencing 24th March in Elviria. Max- vide you with the latest erotic
VIDEO / TV ine 626784278
(0034) 637 066227 Email:
BENALMADENA: Young lady 35,
attractive, sexy, educated. For services. Enjoy comfort
gentlemen. 30 Euros. 634209427 Body/to/body massage, Tantric
PET-COURIERS com. If you love
Satellite Installation COMPUTERS / your pet try us first. We are the best. BENALMADENA. Samantha, es-
massage, chest massage, happy
end. Private apartment. Opposite
TV REPAIRS, Plasmas, LCDS, digi- INTERNET / PHONES PETS Door to door services throughout
Europe. Specialised vehicles- be-
cort, blonde, European, nice
boobs, good English. 633010663
Hotel Las Palmeras Fuengirola.
Visits. 602382363
boxes, video, hi-fi, microwaves. Free spoken service. Full legal service,
estimates. Can collect. 35 years ex- Buy / Sell including documentation if required. NVA ANDALUCIA: Beautiful blonde, COMPLIANT Genuine couple (will-
perience. John 952491723 / Buy / Sell For further information call or email big tits, superbody, lingerie, sexual ing wife and knowing husband) of-
600706201 CHIHUAHUA pedigree puppies us. Tel. (0034) 651033670 or toys, 69, French watersports, mas- fer an incredibly sexual and unique
DAYTONA Computer: Computers, with passport. All year available. (0034) 637 066 227 E-mail: sage. Discreet apartment. Visits.
SKY FULLY installed from 230 Euros mobile phones and accessories in 645898573 Juliana experience to ladies, couples and
with all BBC's and ITV 1. Call Mar- 951312860/ 654285667 gentlemen. Indulge your fantasy, be
your language. Sales and repairs.
tin 650067389 Agents Masmovil and HablaYa. Es- PUPPIES German Shephards, Ken- MARBELLA Centre. Villa with 12 a voyeur, or simply enjoy very spe-
precious girls (+18 ), 30 minutes: cial pleasures with us. Private apart-
ENGLISH CHANNELS. Freeview, tablished 1999. Los Boliches. or call 952667395
nel Coroninas, excellent pedigrees,
vaccinated, microchip, info
Others 50 euros, 1 hour: 100 euros. Open ment in Nueva Andalucia or out calls
Movies, Sky Channels, Sports. 24 hours. Call 620366817 685189518
Catchup and more. Free No 619464515 or 609535857, GIVE away set 20 precious fish, dif-
PC DOCTOR Repairs and Sales. Lap-
Monthly Costs. Unbeatable From tops in English. Speed up your PC. ferent sizes, colours for pond. ASIAN masseuse. Marbella. Gina ESTEPONA, 2 beautiful girls(+18)
140E. Inc. warranty. 653061472 Remove viruses. Come to us or call 659433337 erotic, sensual. Thai body2body +transvestite, no limits, outcalls.
us out. 952591071 massage. Happy ending. 24hrs. Visa. 680966710
TECHNO-Vision, Internet- 3G,4G, Kennels / Cattery Send photos. Outcalls. Visa. Amex.
Fibre, ADSL. Unlimited data, Pay As 672420027 FUENGIROLA PORT THE FAMOUS
You Go service available.
Tel:952522579 Mob:657066782 Repairs LAGUNA Kennels & cosy cattery. ADULT SEVEN YEARS ESTABLISHED 5
/649915289. UK: 07549902496 COMPUTER problems solved! Er-
Your pets lovingly cared for by
English mother & daughter. Con.
ror messages fixed, viruses removed.
TECHNO-Vision, UK & Scandina- Hardware/software upgrades avail- Tel 952112021/ 606838983 or la- GENUINE NO HIDDEN EXTRAS
vian IPTV. Only 150 euros /year. able. Kindle, iPad & Android help. Female GUARANTEE ON THE COAST. YOU
Or Pay as you go service. Tel: Laptops in English. Also one-to-one GET EXACTLY WHAT YOU PAY
952522579 Mob:649915289. training. Experienced, reliable serv- INCOMPARABLE ladies rigorously
tery, fully licensed & sanitary ap- selected. Malaga/Centre. We at- TIME. YOU DON'T LEAVE EARLY!
UK:07835772340 info@techno- ice, no callout charge. Paul, proved, safe, secure and loving en- tend permanently. Very discreet. THIS IS WHAT YOU RECEIVE ALL
630652338/952493859 vironment. Large kennels & play ar- Reasonable prices. INCLUSIVE. STEP ONE MIND-
LATEST HD TV internet at the best COMPUTER repairs in your home eas. Fully refurbished, inspections BLOWING ORAL SEX. STEP TWO
price low speed required no con- or office. Experienced and reli- welcome. (Whatsapp). NEW MARBELLA: 2 Student sis- ANY POSITION STEAMY SEX, CUM
tract full sky pack irish and full sports able. All hardware and software 952464947 -679786669 TWICE IF YOU CAN. STEP THREE
available Jos Sotto since 1973 problems resolved. Call Ron Jones: FUENGIROLA: Lots of dirty fun! ters (18+), Gina blonde, Lorena
PETS cared for in loving ladys own brunette. French without. Anal. FULL BODY2BODY MASSAGE.
952443838 670443838 allcoast 618016941 Spanking, domination, bondage. PRICES INCLUDING A DRINK.
coverage home, safe, secure, collections. Tor- Visits.Gloria. 632157758 24hrs. We send photos. LAPTOP Repair Centre. Broken reblanca. 665110553 617791644 30.MINS/40.EUROS. RECOM-
screens, iPads, Phones, mother- BOLICHES From 30E. Celina nice, MENDED THE HOUSE SPECIAL
ALL BBC free viiew pack available boards, water damage. Repairs from PETCARE Pet Hotel: Alhaurin El kind lady. Erotic & relaxing mas- PUERTO Bans: Alba explosive 45.MINS ONLY 50.EUROS OR THE
80 cm dish no internet no card from 35 euros. Call 952591071 Grande. Holiday accommodation sages and full sex services! Your most blonde, 130 breast, special serv- FULL HOUR JUST 70 EUROS.
only 200 euros Jos Sotto since 1973 for dogs & cats. Individually intimate moments in quiet and dis- ices, tongue kisses, French with- MAYBE TWO GIRL COMBINATION.
952443838 670443838 jose- heated/aircon kennels. creet atmosphere! Private apart- out, anal. Toys. I send photos. SEE A CHOICE OF PUSSIES IN OUR mailto:jose- Websites 952112284/ 685400216 ment. Only discreet gentlemen! Ap- Visa/Amex. 680554614 UNIQUE LOUNGE, DRESSED IN HEELS AND EXOTIC UNDIES. THEN Follow pointments. 622210797
SATELLITE dish reallignment and WEBSITE designs and maintenance. us on Facebook at Petcare Spain MARBELLA. Gabrielle Dominatrix ENTER ONE OF OUR FULLY
all systems repairs same day all coast Search Engine Optimization. Online CASSIE: Mature English lady. Dis- I enjoy torturing, humiliation, EQUIPPED BOUDOIRS CONTAIN-
coverage Jos Sotto since 1973 Invoicing and CRM 50 Euros/month. STEFANIE'S Kennels and Cattery, creet and clean. Call Fuengirola, Golden rain. Black kiss. Anal. La- ING PORNO DVDS, TOYS, DRAPED
952443838 670443838 Hosting from 5 Euros/month. Call Estepona. 952 790943 Excellent 667914732 tex. Leather. Tongue kisses. I send BEDS, ON HAND SHOWERS HOT
952591071 facilites for your pets. Fully licensed, photos. 24 hours. Visa/Amex. AND COLD RUNNING PUSSIES.
son abonement parabole 80 cm est
and established for 30 years. View- 10 SEORITAS, SUPERAFFE- 672420027 ENJOY THE RIDE! OPEN MON TO
ing most welcomed. Please see our CIONATE, FRIENDLY. ALL SERV- FRI 11AM TO 8.00 NIGHT. NOW
par internet sans carte Jos Sotto Others website: PUERTO Banus: Brazilian bisex- OPEN SAT 11AM TO 5PM. CLOSED
952443838 670443838 ICES. 24/HOURS. PRIVATE DE-
LUXE VILLA. POOL. AIR/ COND. 7 ual mulatas. Special couples. Pho- SUN. ALL CALLS ANSWERED IN
ALL EUROPEENs and sandinaviens IMPROUVE speed and quality at low CAT & DOG World Kennels and Cat- tos. 24h. Visa/Amex. 617791644 ENGLISH. PUSSIE PHONE NUM-
cost Jos Sotto 952443838 tery. 952112978/ 630197435. ROOMS, PRIVATE PARKING.
hd tv internet available no contract BERS 661064376/600878610.
no card Jos Sotto 952443838 670443838 all coste coverage GROUPS, EVENTS, PRIVATE PAR- STUNNING girl(+18). Tantra mas-
670443838 sage. Skandinavisk velkomen. IED BUT NEVER NEVER
605322635//952582150. FROM Marbella centre. www.annatan-
HOLA! Speak Spanish from first honda. Beautiful Spanish model, 28.
lesson. Experienced qualified na- PETS EURO Travel UK based trans- Discretion. 693800497 fetish, trampling, spanking, strap- MELANYW 34. Dutch. Natural
tive teacher. One-to-one, groups. porting pets Spain/ France/ UK & on. 604104187 blonde. Mistress. In/ Outcalls. Fuen-
Fuengirola. 661159330 NVA ANDALUCIA: A spellbinding girola. 667407779
mainland Europe since 2002. Per- rare gem, very sexy, slim, horny and MARBELLA. Open minded young MARBELLA Centre. Andrea. Pretty,
The undisputed sonally escorted pets in small groups submissive girl offers you a special woman. Educated gentlemen. Sexy
sexy... Erotic masseuse. Nuru,
market leader DRIVERS licence in English. Dis- by MPV. Passenger possibilities. For experience with exceptional pleas- experience. 603223295
count with this advert. Autoescu- quotes, schedules, and availability, ure. All services, including sensual body2body, happy ending tantra.
and favourite SABINILLAS sensual blonde. In/out- Total luscious. 697232876
ela Urbano. Calle Maestro Angeles please contact our Website/Face- massages (qualified independent calls. Discretion. Pleasure guaran-
read*, reaching Aspiazu, Fuengirola. Manual or auto-
book:; masseuse) with natural French and
tee 100%. Only mornings. BEAUTIFUL slim, model, tantra
more than matic. 687070256 happy ending. Private apartment. massage. Safe and clean place. Eng-
Email: 602617318
SPANISH driver: Licence in Eng- 656350401 lish speaker.
260,000 expats LOOK no further for your pet trans- BENALMADENA: Bianca sexy 633060678
every week lish with discounts. Automatic ANA, BEAUTIFUL Spanish lady,
car! Fuengirola/ Mijas. 657325808 port. We offer a service to travel 35, just for VIP gentlemen. Lux- blonde, big tits. Private discreet FUENGIROLA: Jennifer Exclusive!
in Malaga alone with/ without your pets/ furniture. ury apartment. Benalmdena apartment. Hotel visits. 631146080 Horny, playful sexy lady! All serv-
SPANISH teacher at your house. Na-
(*IPSOS tive, qualified and experienced. New Pets from 295 pounds including vet Costa. 645605957 44 YEAR old blonde. Natural ices. 632381963
independent method. All coast and inland cov- checks. Various vehicles cater for TORROX Costa. Mara, mature, French. Toys. No limits. Secluded FUENGIROLA Beautiful mature bru-
research) ered. your needs. 952596213, tall, sexy, 110 breast, beautiful. facilities. Call 663265150 sashas- nette, elegant, clean, horny. Dis-
678997388 665150227 Private apartment. 631430967 creet. 632381963 Ludi
February 24th to March 2nd 2017

PETITE brunette. I love sex do you? FUENGIROLA: Explosive blonde DOMINATRIX Ursula. Bondage, LOVELIES We are three hot girl- NEW BENALMADENA Aysha Trans MARBELLA centre. New. Luxury
Call me now! Couples welcome! Lia, (27yrs). Superbody, massage and footfetish, trampling, strapon, mind friends in Fuengirola looking for sex. mulata, 22cms. Party girl. Drinks. center with wide selection of expert
Fuengirola 634168441 English spo- more. Visits. 645131273 control and more. Fetish playroom. Come to see us, we will have a great 24hrs. 695973362 masseuse... Sensual, erotic. Nuru
ken time! 633520255 erotic tantra, body to body lingam
PUERTO Bans nexto to Casino. Un- 672870066 ESTEPONA. Lola, beautiful, 150 and prostatic. Unique experience 4
PRETTY woman, Nikita, 1,65cm/ forgettable experience for nice gen- ANNE Sweet and very pretty, in my bust, milky transvestite. Outcalls. hands, pleasant and exciting, dou-
45kgs. 84/60/84 Fantastic skills. tlement with beautiful girl from Po- AMAZING intimate experience. Sen- own flat near Fuengirola. Please call Visa. 660874904 ble stimulation. Massage for cou-
Couples. Domination. Speak Eng- land. 617700999 sual tantric massage, erotic, full and come to see me. For more in- ples. Open: 9:00am/9:00pm. Ap-
lish. To feel good call Fuengirola body to body massage. relaxing- NEW ESTEPONA: Transvestite femi-
DOMINATRIX from broad is de- formation and photos call me: nine, caring, complete, superen- pointment: 952867663/
604235410 602448534 631314945 690046233
manding you let yourself go and ful- dowed, active/ passive. 631816160
ARROYO Miel. Patricia 30-ish, Span- fil your fantasies! Discretion works LET YOURSELF be covered by our ANA JAPANESE 26, exotic, super- JAPANESE Hottie gay massage ex-
masseuses hands. Stimulate your BENALMADENA: Karina young Bra-
ish, big breast. Receive with appoint- both ways. 691533101 Benal- hot, horny, Greek. Marbella Center. zilian transvestite, blonde, beauti- clusive for men with amazing end-
ment. C/ Piscis, 2. 662477023 madena Costa senses. Welcome to the Tantra world. Discreet. 688453508 ing. Also outcalls. Marbella. 608016983 ful, feminine, endowed. 667846464
FUENGIROLA. INSATIABLE GIRLS. FUENGIROLA: Spanish, blonde, bru- 664177216
COLOMBIAN. Slim, sexy, blonde, MARBELLA center, Most elegant
DRINKABLE FRENCH. BLACK KISS. nette, redhead and mulata. Young. NEW Marbella, Lisa, 27, high stand- FUENGIROLA: Madonna, Hot
ing, beautiful, very horny charming mature (44) beautiful curvaceous, and pretty femenine Filipina trans
GREEK. KISSERS. FETISHISM. Mature. No limits. 603719177 big tits, ass upturned, we meet in for your sexual desires. In/ outcalls. oil/horny massage with my boobs!
GOLDEN RAIN. 24H. PASEO smile and fit atheltic body, 1.67 - Happy ending.632157758
FUENGIROLA: Oriental young beau- 52 kg, long brown curly hair, sexy, my private apartment. Outcalls. 100 602493030
MARITIMO, 61-3D 664015278
tiful Japaneses. Complete services. erotic, full massage, body to body, euros. Nueva Andalucia. 632863334 CRISTINA Trans. New Marbella Cen- MARBELLA. Mary, great body, su-
DUNGEON, roll play, domination, Outcalls. 24hrs. 693988340 blowjob, deep troat and more, out- ter. Complete. 20cms. Feminine. per titts, best happy ending.
fantasies, squirting. Secluded fa- ANA ELEGANT blonde, blue eyes,
4O EUROS: Divorced charming, calls, incalls, speak English et parle big breasts. Waiting for you! Private 24hrs. Discreet. 603326186 666291699
cilities. francais. 632948212
662913428 sexy lady (30yrs). Superbody. Kiss, apartment. 637111667 Malaga ESTEPONA. Funny young latina,
69. Massage. Sex. Visits. Fuengi- CANCELADA English busty blonde!! sex, massage. I speak English.
HUGE bust, Lina XL 37, relaxing rola 625912315 Massage. Roleplay. Luxury private
ESTEPONA Sandra, 28, willing to Massage 672536859
massage, all services. Fluent Eng- satisfy your wishes. 603302412
40 EUROS: Elegant, clean blonde apartment. 647231042
lish. Also outcalls. Fuengirola. MARBELLA. Pretty Ebony 26 years, FUENGIROLA: Erotic Massage. For
634163056 lady. Sweet, caring. Fuengirola. DISCRETION and Privacy. Los Boli- WWW.TANTRACENTER.ES PLEAS- a mere 80 Euros/ hour enjoy a sen-
625912315 cum in mouth, Kissing 69 pene- URE WITHOUT LIMITS, SPEC-
ches. Jessica black sexy 27 years, tration, Massage, Suck without. sual experience with a delightful
BENALMADENA Costa: Nice cou- Private apartment. 10am to 8pm. TACULAR MASSEUSE. MASSAGE final, from one of our attractive
ple available for guys, ladies and NVA ANDALUCIA: Gold black Bra- Incalls/ outcalls. 603226217 EROTIC... WITH!!!SHOCKING END!
zilian girl, long legs, slim, big boobs, 617818615 masseuses. 602570272
couples. Private apartment. Out- NERJA. Dulce young, erotic mas- 952216145/ 644452369
calls. 631146803 hot pussy. Private apartment. Vis-
its. 603208873 TORRE del Mar. Brazilian 27 y.o. seur here to make your most pleas- SAYAN. Tantra massage for ladies, ESTEPONA: Beautiful Latina, ele-
RAQUEL Young Brazilian brunette, Loving. Gorgeous body!! 671477161 ant dreams. I am very loveling. gentlemen & couples. Ultimate gant, sexy, loving. Private apart-
sexy. P Maritimo, N23 Fuengirola BIG LADY for gentleman in Benal- 642022387 bliss at a very nice place. Fuengi- ment. Discreet. 622152511
madena. Very attractive. Call FUENGIROLA: Luana 30 Euros:
626039574 rola. 952586339 /608977260 40 EUROS: Erotic, prostatic
678113501 Beautiful Brazilian, affectionate, body2body massage. Happy end-
SABRINA from New York City is back!
ENGLISH Stephanie 33: Fuengirola
elegant, French without, complete Male ing. Fuengirola. 625912315
OLD telephone numbers no longer sex. Relaxing, prostatic massages.
exist! 628615737/ 605223348. (next to bus station). Size 8, 32GG
very busty, long dark hair. No hid- Discreet apartment. P Maritimo. ALEJANDRO 24 years, sexual mas- DUSKY lady! Nice massage on bed!
NEW telephone n 658189191. A Outcalls. 602419749 sage with happy ending. Own apart- Only afternoons. Miraflores.
full Exotic erotic body massage. Sen- den extras, no upper age limit. Oral
w/o, cim, passionate sex, massage. ment. Outcalls. 24 hrs. 665344158 612257309
ior citizens 50% discount. Benal- NATALI (18) Turkish. Lovely photo
madena Costa (Windmill round- I love wearing heels and suspend- -model. Out-calls/ 24H 611237548 MALE to male, full body massage, FUENGIROLA: Relaxing, Tantra
about) 9am to 9pm only Appoint- ers. Toys, shower. 30 mins 40E, 45 Mijas Pueblo. 609321958 massage. Silk hands. Ending op-
ments mins 50E, 1hr 70E. Avail Mon-Sat MELISA 18 yrs. Hungarian very tional. In/outcalls. 645131273
10.30am - 7pm. Call, text, whatsapp pretty. 24h Out-calls. 611238013 FUENGIROLA Male to male full body
LA MANSION Beautiful, sexy, very 602636606. www.escortinmar- massage. Very discreet, private villa. MATURE man, qualified masseur.
erotic seoritas! Torreblanca Fuen- TINA from Bulgaria. All kind of serv- 634004512 Excellent massages for men. Torre-
girola. 605158101 ices. Work 24 hours 611237884 molinos, Carihuela. 639040128
MARBELLA: Blonde Brazilian.. Do ASIAN boy, 19, skinny and toned,
TORROX Mnica 30-ish, Spanish you want to taste a sweet inside my RUSSIAN 27... blue eyes, brunette. mind blowing massage. Fuengi- Torremolinos:
rola area. In/out. 24hrs. MARBELLA. Monik, sexy lady. Ti- Erotic massage service for men. Ask
superbrunette, big breast, massages. pussy? Massages. 619442117 Try my professional massage + all
602595649 tled chiropractor,relaxing, thera- for new girl massage. 628746407
Opposite supermarket Dia, block 88, other services... 611238013.
1st floor, door-2. Appointments. TRY SOMETHING different, Asian, peutic, Chinese techniques, magic
LAS CHAPAS. Handsome boy, su- hands, portable massage bed. Pri- ASIAN qualified offer an authentic
633527010 European amazing pleasure, mul- JESSICA ...espectacular Colombian
perendowed. If you want unlimited vate apartment. Hotel Visits. proffessional massage relieve, pain
tiorgasmic, luxury, San Pedro/ Bans. doll. I work 24 hours... Call me: and stress, luxury, private. Marbella
PARTIES with no limits! Place your- 618448131 sex and company, Call me 686740661
611238013 603202758 center. 604143788
self in the hands of the best escorts.
Dreaming of a crazy night? What- ASIAN attracative lady, simpathic, SWEET DREAMS Riviera. Open 24 DISCOVER the benefits of tantric
MARBELLA centre. Sexy man, hard massages! Feel the pleasure in your EVA Jamaica and friend, profession-
ever you want! 8 spectacular girls. body-body, multiorgasmic, mas- hours. With 7 unforgettable ladies. als massage every part of your body,
sage, stress free, luxury atmosphere, big banana for your sexual desires. skin...635290724
24h. VISA. Discreet and beautiful location. Come In/ outcalls. 681300530 soft or strong, clean environment. no rush. 604143788 Marbella. to meet us. Free drinks. 611237548 San Pedro near Bans. 672994555
951274723, 616368985 NEW Argentinian, Asian, Russian
multiorgasmic, sexy. Luxury atmos- BENALMADENA: Beautiful hot in- Transvestites WWW.TANTRAFUENGI-
RIVIERA, wild Brazilian lover, af- dependent Escort. Daniela. Come ROLA.COM Laura and Natalia two
fectionate and compliant. Vicky, 26, phere. Near Bans. 618448131 TRANSSEXUAL Sophia, beautiful gorgeous masseuses. Enjoy as
meet me! 645533624
blonde. Amazing body. 50 ASIAN Maria Polish, Latin. Authen- brunette, active/ passive, great never. Youll repeat. Fuengirola
650237102 tic exotic massage, multiorgasmic, NEW BENALMADENA: From 30 bust, well hung. 662045252. Fuen- Center. 632881135 - 612272380
CALAHONDA, Laura, mature Span- kissing, friends, friendly services, Euros. We're 3 girlfriends. Discreet. girola.
ish lady with perfect curves. A woman luxury atmosphere. New Marbella. 650835617 abiagg BEAUTIFUL Masseuse Paola. Erotic,
wholl drive you crazy. 650237145 679126231 tantric, b2b massage. Fetish fan-
tasy, roleplay.
MIRAFLORES, Natacha, black Co- NEW Marbella. Polish, blonde, sexy, 602448534
lombian girl, beautiful, horny and beautiful, enjoy erotic fashioned,
wild. Fantastic legs, pert bottom. sensual services. Luxury atmosphere. FUENGIROLA Carolina, blonde, EXCLUSIVE masseuse, 47yrs, 120
24h. 608949543 604309812 bust, supercurves. All services. Benal-
elegant, relaxing massage, full madena. 658763505
NEAR Elviria, Mnica, Spanish, beau- GRANDMOTHER Karla, 150 breast, erotic massage. Whatsapp. Mes-
tiful body, slim with natural tits. Ill sexy, Golden Rain. Natural French. sage: 634797230
make you feel like a king. www.but- Outcalls. Fuengirola 635543274 Various http://www.butter- DANIELA Mature busty, thin Bra- MIAH, Fuengirola. Erotic, profes- 616368985 zilian. The best French and anal. Fan- sional massage, body2body, happy VIAGRA (Kamagra) 100 mg, Cia-
MIJAS, blonde Brazilian, pretty, sen- tastic black, crazy delicious tongue ending. Miah, 647101046 lis (Tadalafil) 20 mg, Jellies 100
sual and very hot. A stylish lady kisses, you'll enjoy so much pleas- mg. Wholesale & retail. Free de-
wholl make you enjoy it more than ure. Private/discreet apartment. Ap- PROFESSIONAL masseuse: Mas- livery all areas. For the best prod-
anybody. 50 650237102 pointments only by Whatsapp. Nva. sages till end with optional end. ucts & service. 617740250.24 hrs.
Andalucia. 634817450 666770405 Estepona
CRISTAL, a lady without limits, long
dark hair, uninhibited in bed. Cou- MARBELLA. Caribean, young, dis- QUALIFIED masseuse, beautiful
ples, lesbian, Greek, French with- creet. All services, own apartment.
out. 24 h. 608949543 Outcalls. 722520777 slim girl. Tantric, body2body,
lingam. Fuengirola. 689106874
equipped dungeon. Leather and la- beautiful, 120 breast. Discreet. 44 YEAR old brunette, slender, natu-
tex clothing, toys, fancy dress, very 603719177 ral French, Greek, toys, squirting,
wild and passionate. 648814653 DANIELLY Fuengirola. 30. Beauti- no limits, dungeon. Secluded facili-
ESTEPONA/ San Pedro Alexia Bra- ful young, sexy Brazilian. Kisses, ties. Call 662913428 Check me out
zilian 27, caring, friendly, pleasing. erotic, prostatic massages. Hot sex! at:
24h Escort. 604109768 French without. Perla 6. 697883690
CANCELADA Brazilian, attractive, OPEN minded couple. She 40. 36DD PURE ecstasy in Nueva Andalucia
pleasing, very horny. 24h Escort. Nymph looking for generous men with young pretty independent mas-
Discreet. 602891749 voyeur/ participant. Riviera. Phone, seuse. Erotic body, tantric and other
text, whatsapp 602539075 completely relaxing massages in pri-
ZARAH Con, sexy mature, Eng-
lish blonde, stockings and heels. FUENGIROLA: 51, Escort Lady. Su- vate apartment. 656350401
No rush service. Private discreet pertits. Also hotels. Speak English.
villa. Mature gents wel- 632868590 MASSEUSE professional Russian.
come.681614955 Relaxing, therapeutic massage. Pri-
HELLO there!! I'm slim, brunette,
BENAJARAFE: Beautiful hot girl- mature, looking for 1 hour or more vate. 722783578/ 634307345
friends, loving, kisser, threesome, of complete and total passion. Mar-
toys. Discretion. 652082748 bella. 674946727
Luxury Tantra Spa with the best
ESTEPONA: Mature exotic Brazil- ENGLISH, BRUNETTE, GREEN EYES, erotic massage and installations
ian, nice body, pert ass, complete. LATE 30's, SLIM TONED, BIG BUST.
I do massage sessions. Special serv- INCALL/ OUTCALL FROM 60 EUROS in the Coast. Relax & pleasure with
ices. Lots of erotic toys. Outcalls. FOR 15MINS. 12-8PM laid-on- beautiful girls. Tlf & Whatsapp
Also hotels. 691030985 651521485 605265433
PASTIMES February 24th to March 2nd 2017



January 21 - February 19
There is every reason to be optimistic
and yet, on some days this week, you
may feel that progress is slow.

February 20th March 20th
New activities that get the creative
juices flowing will be as successful as
you are willing to make them.

March 21st April 20th
Feeling the need for some kind of
emotional map? The answer is close at
hand in the form of an older relative or

April 21st May 21st
When you stop seeing molehills as
mountains everything falls back into
Across Down
May 22nd June 21st
Unusual thoughts are not necessarily to
be ignored. Daydreaming sometimes
shows the way ahead.


June 22nd July 23rd
You will now achieve your goal by first
being blunt and then switching to Talk Radio Europe Spectrum (105.5 FM, Costa
charming and understanding. 105.5 Axarqua Almeria/Mojcar 92.6 FM)
91.5 Costa del Sol East 24 hour music and entertainment
Leo 91.9 Costa del Sol West
July 24th August 23rd 98.7 Gibraltar/Sotogrande Radio Mijas (107.7 FM)
Whilst standing up for your ideas, also News, interviews, lifestyle, sport and 3 p.m. News, views and music
realise when there is a need to back BBC World Service.
away. Say your piece and give someone Radio Sol Almijara (99.1 FM)
time to think about it. Global (93.6 and 96.4FM) Nerja radio in English and German and
All week round the clock music and night time World Radio Network
Virgo entertainment
August 24th - September 23rd Heartfmspain (88.5 FM Costa, 96.1
Real satisfaction this week comes from Radio Radio Network (96 and 98.3 FM inland) Music, entertainment, news
the home front where even your small FM). Music 24 hours.
efforts are appreciated. Lick FM (103.6 FM Marbella)
Central FM (98.6 FM, 103.8) Urban music broadcast between Gibraltar
Libra All week, classic tracks and todays music and Calahonda
September 24th - October 23rd broadcast to the Costa del Sol
What was it that you always wanted to Rtv Puebla (107.7 FM)
do as a child? Is this the time to bring to ACE FM (106.8 FM) Monday evenings, Rock music memories.
life something you wanted to do in the Inland radio, news and music 7 - 9pm. email:
past? MEDIO The Beat fm (106 FM)
24 hours, music and entertainment Fb: Radiotelevision Peubla de Cazalla
Complete the
square making
2 3 9
October 24th November 22nd sure that every
Seeing yourself as a power to be row of nine
7 1
reckoned with brings back the old numbers includes
feeling that anything is possible. all digits from 1 6 5 4 2 QUIZ
to 9, every
Sagittarius column includes 1 9 8 QUESTION 1 QUESTION 2
all digits from 1
November 23rd December 21st
Something is calling you in a very
to 9 and every 3 2 8 6 3 Which famous composer Dark Lady, Stars and
by 3 subsection
spiritual way. Go where you are wanted had the first names Pyotr Believe where all
and can really make a difference.
includes all digits 3 4
from 1 to 9 Ilyich? recorded by whom?
Capricorn 1
December 22nd January 20th
1. Tchaikovsky 1. Madonna
The satisfaction of helping others is 8 6 3 7 5 2. Khachaturian 2. Cher
firmly tied up with getting things done 3. Stravinsky 3. Barry Manilow
as part of a team. 5 8 7 4. Shostakovich 4. Dusty Springfield
February 24th to March 2nd 2017


Across Down

Language Crossword Clockword solution Quiz answers
being ternminated by Warner in
flops which resulted in her contract
was one in a string of commercial
Believe in 1998. The album Stars
Lady in 1974, Stars in 1975 and
Wordpuzzler solution Sudoku solution Of interest: Cher recorded Dark
Answer 2 : Cher

Cryptic Crossword music in the classical repertoire

works are among the most popular
Romantic period, some of whose
Russian composer of the late-
Peter Ilyich Tchaikovsky, was a
Tchaikovsky, often anglicized as
Of interest: Pyotr Ilyich
Answer 1: Tchaikovsky


Rodrigo Hasbn
Nothing Ship
MSC Magnifica
Next port
Norwegian Spirit 03/03 Funchal Alicante 07.00 17.00
Based on a series of true events, Af-
fections tells the story of the Ertl
family, headed by the egocentric
Hans, once Leni Riefenstahls fa-
reforming as
mous cameraman and Rommels per-
sonal photographer. The family was
much as
forced to flee to Bolivia shortly af-
ter the end of the war. When Hans other
decides to embark on an expedition
in search of Paitit, a legendary Inca peoples
city, he could not foresee the tragic
result. The quest initiates the end of habits
the family whose voyage of discov-
ery ends up eroding everything
which once held it together. ANON
February 24th to March 2nd 2017 N 1699 FREE DISTRIBUTION / Reference price: 1.30 Malaga Edition: Avda. Dr. Maran, 48, 29009, Mlaga. Telephone: 952649600. Advertising Fax: 952611256. Editorial Fax: 952020293.
Published by Prensa Malaguea, S. A. MA-1279-96 Circulation controlled by PGD/OJD. Code from U.K.: 0034 U.K. Representative: Global Media Sales Ltd PO Box 1126, Bromley, BR1 9TX Tel: +44 (0)20 8464 5577 Fax: +44 (0)20 8464 5588
Internet address: E-Mail: Gibraltar Representative: Belle OHanlon. Telephone: 00350 200 76955 / 00350 54031391Email:
in English

Teenage polar explorer to make history

Manuel Calvo Ariza, 16, is about to set off on an expedition north of the Arctic Circle
:: NGEL DE LOS ROS dogs than humans in that part of the
MALAGA. Malaga teenager Manuel world, the gap is slowly reducing due The explorers will be
Calvo Ariza will become the young- to shorter winters and seas freezing bringing samples back
est polar explorer in Spanish history over as a result of climate change.
when he takes part in the Desafo The father and son team will cover
from Greenland for
rtico (Arctic Challenge) expedition a distance of 400 kilometres through researchers at Malaga and
next week to Qaanaaq in the north- one of the most northern populations Barcelona universities
east of Greenland. in the world accompanied by two Inu-
He will be going on the expedition its and 32 dogs.
with his father, Manuel Calvo Vil- The expedition will also contrib- to the main universities in the respec-
lena, who, at 50 years of age, has spent ute to the development of scientific tive two cities.
half his life as a dog breeder. research in Malaga and Barcelona, The young Manuel Calvo stated
The expedition is organised by the with biological samples due to be sent that he knows that it will be difficult,
non-governmental organisation nisation but itll be worth it.
Maratn Dog, which runs thiss Im not afraid, I am going with
type of polar expeditions to o the best guide possible, he added.
promote education from a His father, who is now the di-
young age of how to care re-- rector of institutional relations at
sponsibly for dogs by empha- a- Tiendanimal, the pet store that is
sising the strong bond between n sponsoring the challenge, preferred
humans and the animals. to think of the objectives of the
Climate change On the one hand, it involves
The other objective of the ex-
x- teaching people about the history
pedition is to demonstrate the
he and culture of these dogs as well
detrimental effect that climate
ate as how to care for them responsi-
change is having on these dogs,
gs, bly, but there is also a climate-re-
with the disappearance of more
ore lated purpose as well.
and more of the oldest breed of Both participants will be facing
dog in the world becoming more
ore The pair have been training temperatures around -20C on a
and more frequent. with dogs and sledges. daily basis during their time in
Although there are currently more :: FRANCIS SILVA The two Manuels with one of their dogs. :: FRANCIS SILVA Greenland.

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