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By Sidney and Sarah

What is Australia known for?
Unique natural wonders ranging from coral reefs to waterfalls
Home to unique plant and animal species

More than 80 percent of plants, mammals and reptile species are not found anywhere
else in the world
Culturally, the people of Australia are known for their laid-back disposition
Great Barrier Reef; Largest living thing on earth, takes up over 3000 km of land, can be
found in Queensland, Australia.
Sydney Opera House; Built in 1957 it is one of Australia's most famous and most
recognizable landmarks.
Kangaroo Island; an island in South Australia
the whole island is a nature reserve.
Canberra-Australia's Capital

Canberra is famous for its museums, green space, and waterfront

Is home to the beautiful Botanic Gardens and the Tidbinbilla Nature reserve

It is also very popular for it art museums and historical museums

There is also a beautiful waterfront with restaurants and stores for visitors

Red Kangaroo
Tasmanian Devil


Box jellyfish
Desert/Semi Desert
Warm weather year round: never goes lower then 8-10 degrees celsius and a record high
of 40 degrees celsius.

The world's second-driest continent (after Antarctica)

Less than 50 cm of Precipitation per year

Famous Foods of Australia
a thick, very dark brown spread
made from leftover brewers yeast extract with various
vegetable and spice additives
A spread for sandwiches, toast, crumpets and cracker biscuits

plate-sized meringue with its soft centre
classically topped with whipped cream and passionfruit
pulp, perhaps kiwifruit and fresh berries
1 Australian Dollar equals 1.02 Canadian Dollars
5 dollar note features Queen Elizabeth
Their money system is very similar to Canada's
Three Interesting Facts
The Great Barrier Reef is the planets largest living

344,400 km
Australia has 3.3x more sheep than people

Each year, Australia hosts the world

championships of cockroach racing
Australia Travel and Tourism. (n.d.). About the Great Barrier Reef. Retrieved April 24, 2017, from

Top 10 Iconic Australian Foods. 2017. Top ten iconic Australian foods. Retrieved April 24, 2017, from

Australian landmarks. 2010-2017. About the Sydney Opera House. Retrieved April 24, 2017, from

88 Crazy Things You Probably Didnt Know About Australia. 2014. Fun Facts. Retrieved April 24, 2017,

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