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Quidhampton Village Newsletter

July and August 2013

Whats On in July
Mon 1 - Zumba class 18.30 White Horse Loft
Thurs 4 - Sarum Academy closed to pupils Staff Developme nt Day Keep the date: Saturday
- Pub Quiz T he White Horse 21 September:
Fri 5: - Dress down dayitems for fete Bemerton St Johns School Quidhampton V illage
- Year S ix Leavers Party Pem broke Park fete
Sat 6 - Bemer ton S t John School Fete 14.00 16.00 Details in ne xt
- Wilton Carnival at the s hopping village 13.00 16.00 news lette r of
- Erskine Barracks, Wilton: cons ultation and site tours * com petitions e tc.
Mon 8 - Zumba class 18.30 White Horse Loft Volunte ers still ne ede d.
This is the las t z umba class until September Ring Clare Churchill
Tues 9 - WI V illage Ha ll 19.30: Life in Laundry the 1940s * 743027 or Jo Pe nny
Fri 12 - All after school clubs finish: St Johns school 556559.
Sat 13 - Celebration Fa mily Day Sarum Aca demy* Early inform ation says
Tues 16 - Non academy kit charity day Sarum A cade my there will be a human
- Staff/parents v Year 6 rounders 15.30 St Johns school fruit machine worth
- Church Mus ic in the tim e of George He rbe rt 18.30 coming along jus t to
St Andre ws Church Booking: 331236 have a look !
Wed 17 - Char ity Lunch Crick et Field House Hotel*
- End of Te rm 6 Sa rum Aca demy
- Bemer ton F ilm Society: Citizen Kane 19.30 St Johns school*
Fri 19 - Art e xhibition St Johns s chool
Tues 23 - End of Term 6 St Johns school Leavers assembly 13.30
- Q uidhampton Paris h Council 19.30 V illage Ha ll
Whats On in August
Thurs 1 - Pub Quiz T he White Horse Inn
Tues 13 - WI Villag e Hall 19.30 100 Years of Salis bury Opera tic Socie ty
Wed 21 - Bemerton Film S ociety T he Best Exotic Marig old Hotel*
* more de tails els ewhere in the ne wsle tte r
There is no newsletter in Aug us t. T his year, beca use of holidays, the September edition will
be publis hed on 20 Aug ust. News or contributions to the editor by 17 Aug ust please.

Bemerton St John School Summer Fete

14.00 16.00 Sa tur day 6th July
Beme rton Recreation Ground
Traditiona l s umme r fete with games, cakes, bric a bra c, books, bouncy castle,
face painting and many other activities.
Refreshments include BBQ, Be er & Pimm s tent, teas and cakes.
Finis hing with the tra ditional duck race 15:30

News paper Home Delivery Service Charity Lunch
at Cricket F ield Hous e Hotel
Many village rs we re a larmed to hea r tha t
Best One Express were no long er de livering WEDNESDAY 17TH JULY 12.00. to 15.00
news pape rs but Carl Roma no of Salis bury TWO CO URSE BUFFET LUNCH WIT H A
stepped in with a delivery s ervice tha t has s o GLASS OF WI NE O R SOFT DRINK FOR
far proved efficie nt and regula r with pa pers 12.50
usually de live red be fore 7.00. He ca n be ALL PRO CEEDS TO SALISBURY HOSPICE.
contacted on 01722 414700 or Raffle and s hopping opportunities. Tickets in adva nce from Cricke t Fie ld House
Payment by cash, che que or vouche rs. limite d to 60

Erskine Barr acks p ublic consultation

Satur day 6 th July 12.00 16.00
Your views are needed: now is the time to get inv olved
Com e and talk to the team from Re drow, OurE nte rpris e and the Wilton Comm unity Land
Trus t. Help sha pe the plans and the future of Wilton
Dis plays site tours informa tion packs
We wa nt to know wha t you think about: tra nsport, energy a nd waste, enterprise hub/z one,
socia l provision, vetera ns fa cilities, e cology and g ree n spa ces, a rchitecture a nd
maste rplanning, interconne ctivity a nd links
Furthe r deta ils on Wilton CLT 's webs ite: www.wiltoncomm ws
Entry v ia s outh s ite entra nce (the ga te neares t Wilton) Free parking on s ite
The aim of this exciting de velopment is to provide m uch-neede d sus tainable new homes, ac-
commodation for ve terans and pe rmanent jobs for the local economy. It is a real opportunity
for genuine com munity em powerme nt and the chance for the de velopment to benefit Wilton
and are a as a whole.

Satur day 13 July: Family F un Day at Sarum be pa rt of a vide o diary telling s tories and
Academy 12.00 16.00 rem inis cing about your time there, photo op-
Family fun day with an historical twist: cele- portunitie s, a me mory book a nd all sorts of
brating the old, welcoming the new. other activities a nd opportunities to say a
Did you go to St Thomas School, Westwood prope r fa re well a nd maybe even the chance
School, Westwood St Thomas School or Salis- to g raffiti a s chool wa ll (without a de tention!).
bury High School? Then g o along to cele bra te As well as traditiona l fe te stalls, works hops in
and say a fond farewe ll to the e xis ting build- African drum ming, a rche ry etc, ente rta in-
ings, which have a long and proud his tory ments, and food sta lls there will be a Peoples
within the community. Market: Free s talls for local indiv iduals a nd
There will be a his tory exhibition, a cha nce to organisations ring 342431.

100 Club winners : May 100 Club winners : June

1s t 91 R Be ll 1st 58 L Bake r
2nd 122 Mrs De nton 2nd 12 S Rowla nd-Jones
3rd 54 Mr Thom pson 3rd 200 H Em mett
Helen Kirby and S teve Wales
travelled in style to their wedding at St Johns. The magnificent Victorian style horse and
carriage, which has a lso appeared in Doctor W ho, a ttracted much attention but not as much,
of course, as the happy bride a nd g room. Thanks to Jam ie for the photos

Womens Institute Bemerton Film S ociety

Bad wea the r force d the summer garden party 17 July: Citizen Ka ne
into the village ha ll but mem bers enjoye d A class ic film, from 1941, reg ula rly in the top
delicious food and the company of severa l ten of bes t films ever ma de, as watchable
past mem bers invite d for the occasion. A today a s eve r. W hen the wealthy Cha rles
report of the na tional AGM was rea d. Kane die s as a re cluse a re porter investi-
Membe rs would like to thank the com mittee gates his life story a nd trie s to find the
for providing such a good mea l eve ry year. It meaning of his last word: Rosebud.
is apprecia ted. 21 Augus t: T he Best Exotic Mar igold Hotel
The new programme beg ins in July Bill M oore The fe el-g ood film of 2012. Disting uished
talks about The Good Old Days Life in Ha nd actors (Judi De nch, Maggie Sm ith, etc), a
Laundry 1940s. Nostalgia, vintage or history stunning loca tion (Jaipur, Rajas tha n),
lesson? Depe nds on your age! hum our, mishaps, unlike ly friendships,
The Aug us t talk is 100 Years of Salisbury suns hine: a heart warming wish fulfillme nt
Operatic Society. fantasy. Watch it or re-watch it in good
Talks open to v illagers and fr iends; a sma ll com pany : idea l e nte rtainment for a
charg e is ma de for entra nce, tea a nd biscuits. summers evening.

Parish Council village has to work toge the r as a com munity

At the a nnual mee ting Dave Robe rts was even e xcee ding e xpe cta tions. Dave thanke d
re-e lected chair and Chris Edge vice-cha ir. Cla re Churchill, parish clerk, who made his job
Dave thanked those who ste ppe d down a lot eas ier.
during the yea r: Ian Lovett, Duncan Witt a nd It was ag ree d that the 2013 village fe te would
Jennife r Tyler, noting that Jennifer ha d se rved be s upporte d by the parish council, thus
for many yea rs a nd remained re sponsible for enabling it to be run under their ins ura nce.
the upke ep of the playground eve n whe n s he Next meeting: Tuesday 23 July mem bers of
reached he r e ighties. The Jubilee and the public welcome to attend. There are two
fire works eve nts showe d what ability the places on the council for co-opte d members.
Police Report: Contributors & Cont acts
Dear All Just a quick re quest for a nyone
Police non emergency no.: 101
not already on the e mail bulletin. F or me
PC Pete Jung ext. 747442
this is the best way of com munica ting local
PCSO Je nny M oss
crime trends, monthly crime re ports and the
like. Its also a good way of getting hold of
St Johns C of E Primary School :
me or Jenny and can be use d to report
HGVs driving through the village. Only
White Horse I nn: 742157
Jenny and I hold onto the ema il a ddresses.
Quidhampton Mill B&B: 741171
They are not given to a nyone els e inte rnally
Footshill B &B: 743587
or externally and e mails are fe w and fa r be-
Wilts hire Good Neig hbours:
tween (Im well aware of irritating and un-
Val OKeefee 07557 922034
welcome communications so you wont get
Wilton and District Link Scheme:741241
any from me!) Regards, PC Pete
Paris h Council clerk:
Locking u p St. Andre ws Cla re Churchill 743027
It is lovely to have the village church open quidha mptonpc@btinte rne
during daylight hours, but we are running 1 Tower Farm Cottages, Skew Rd.
short of he lpe rs to be on a locking up rota. Webs ite: http://
If you could do a week's worth once in a parishcouncil.quidham
while, or manage every 2nd Tuesday, please Wilts hire Council 0300 456 0100
get in touch. You would be helping provide a Area Councillor, Pe te r E dge
quiet, sacre d (meaning " set apa rt") spa ce for 01722 742667 pe te t
many pe ople. Simon Woodley, rector The Rector of Bemerton
Rev Sim on Woodley 333750
Correction to June news letter: the g roup of Paris h Office 328031
young pe ople who made a presentation to Problems with HGV s: contact
the Parish Council a bout im proveme nts to Pete r.Jung@wiltshire.pnn.
the playg round worke d toge the r as a g roup, or leave a note in the bla ck box.
there was no one person as mastermind. WI: Valerie F ry 742082
They are now wa iting to hea r what the Village Ha ll book ings:
council decide s at its July meeting. If there Sabine Dawson 742843
is a pos itive re sponse they wa nt to contact Waste a nd recycling da tes
other young people in the village to hear Monday 8 July: re cycling bla ck box and
the ir views. blue lidded bin; Monday 15 July:
Found in the bus hes by the playground/ household and ga rde n waste; Monday
22 July: re cycling; Monday 29 July:
park: a neon ye llow Cha mpions Leag ue Final
household and ga rde n waste;
2013 football. Contact e ditor to claim it.
Monday 5 August: re cycling; Monday
This edition is k indly spons ored by Chris and 12 Augus t: household a nd ga rden waste;
Jo Penny who donated their 100 Club win. 19 Augus t: recy cling;
Monday 26 Aug ust: house hold a nd gar-
News letter editor: Bea Tilbrook 742456 den waste.
bjtis@ Meadow Ba rn
Fishermans Reach SP2 9BG.
Printed locally by Spectrum D esign a nd Print of North Street Wi lton Te l:742 678

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