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Soil Erosion -

1) Soluble nutrients are lost from soil resulting in low standard crops
2) Loss of livelihood as vendors are located at waters edge (Lime solutions plan is
1.5 million dollars
3) (LAST) tourism industry in most Caribbean islands is based upon the white sandy

Drought -
2015 drought where at worst stages at 20% at Mona reservoir and 25% at heritage\
Farmers may lose money if a drought destroys their crops. If a farmer's water
supply is too low, the farmer may have to spend more money on irrigation or to drill
new wells. Ranchers may have to spend more money on feed and water for their
(2014) Rural Agricultural Development Authority excess of 1,600 hectares valued at
just under $900M has been lost or damaged due to drought and fires. A total of
16,398 farmers are estimated to have suffered losses to date.

General anxiety of future as agriculture may be only source of income for most
farmers. People have to find out where to get water to bath. Caribbean already
located in a tropical region
2015 - 1,600 hectares of crops, including pastures, valued at over $900M

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