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The Zone Classis WBS Layout 21-May-17 14:14

Activity ID Activity Name Original Duration Start Finish Predecesso

The Zone 185 10-Apr-17 11-Nov-17

Mobilization 40 10-Apr-17 25-May-17
Shop Drawings 60 10-Apr-17 18-Jun-17
Procurement 0
Site & Structural Works 185 10-Apr-17 11-Nov-17
Mechanical Works 149 10-Apr-17 30-Sep-17
Building A1 99 07-Jun-17 30-Sep-17
Ground Floor 99 07-Jun-17 30-Sep-17
MECH1200 Plumbings 4 07-Jun-17 11-Jun-17
MECH1205 Drainage System 1 07-Jun-17 07-Jun-17 MECH12
MECH1210 Water Supply System 3 21-Sep-17 24-Sep-17 CON1480
MECH1230 Fire Fighting 5 25-Sep-17 30-Sep-17 MECH12
First Floor 75 04-Jul-17 28-Sep-17
MECH4000 Plumbings 4 04-Jul-17 08-Jul-17 CON3590
MECH4005 Drainage System 1 04-Jul-17 04-Jul-17 MECH40
MECH4020 Water Supply System 3 20-Sep-17 23-Sep-17 CON1470
MECH4060 Fire Fighting 5 24-Sep-17 28-Sep-17 MECH40
Roof Floor 39 12-Aug-17 25-Sep-17
MECH4010 Plumbings 4 12-Aug-17 15-Aug-17 CON1340
MECH4015 Drainage System 1 12-Aug-17 12-Aug-17 MECH40
MECH4030 Water Supply System 3 17-Sep-17 19-Sep-17 CON1460
MECH4070 Fire Fighting 5 20-Sep-17 25-Sep-17 MECH40
Building A2 9 10-Apr-17 19-Apr-17
Ground Floor 9 10-Apr-17 19-Apr-17
MECH4400 Plumbings 4 10-Apr-17 13-Apr-17 CON1190
MECH4430 Water Supply System 3 11-Apr-17 13-Apr-17 MECH44
MECH4460 Drainage System 1 10-Apr-17 10-Apr-17 MECH44
MECH4490 Fire Fighting 5 15-Apr-17 19-Apr-17 MECH44
First Floor 9 10-Apr-17 19-Apr-17
MECH4410 Plumbings 4 10-Apr-17 13-Apr-17 CON1260
MECH4440 Water Supply System 3 11-Apr-17 13-Apr-17 MECH44
MECH4470 Drainage System 1 10-Apr-17 10-Apr-17 MECH44
MECH4500 Fire Fighting 5 15-Apr-17 19-Apr-17 MECH44
Roof Floor 9 10-Apr-17 19-Apr-17
MECH4420 Plumbings 4 10-Apr-17 13-Apr-17
MECH4450 Water Supply System 3 11-Apr-17 13-Apr-17 MECH44
MECH4480 Drainage System 1 10-Apr-17 10-Apr-17 MECH44
MECH4510 Fire Fighting 5 15-Apr-17 19-Apr-17 MECH44
W.F.tank 15 10-Apr-17 26-Apr-17
MECH4200 Irrigation Pump 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17
MECH4210 Booster Pump 6 10-Apr-17 16-Apr-17 MECH42
MECH4220 Fire Fighting Pump 15 10-Apr-17 26-Apr-17 MECH42
Building B1 67 10-Apr-17 26-Jun-17
Basement 67 10-Apr-17 26-Jun-17
MECH4230 Plumbing 28 10-Apr-17 11-May-17
MECH4235 Drainage System 4 10-Apr-17 13-Apr-17 MECH42
MECH4240 Water Supply System 3 15-Apr-17 17-Apr-17 MECH42
MECH4250 Irrigation 18 18-Apr-17 08-May-17 MECH42
MECH4260 HVAC 60 18-Apr-17 26-Jun-17 MECH42
MECH4270 Fire Fighting 5 18-Apr-17 23-Apr-17 MECH42
Ground Floor 9 10-Apr-17 19-Apr-17
MECH4520 Plumbings 4 10-Apr-17 13-Apr-17
MECH4550 Water Supply System 3 11-Apr-17 13-Apr-17 MECH45
MECH4580 Drainage System 1 10-Apr-17 10-Apr-17 MECH45
MECH4610 Fire Fighting 5 15-Apr-17 19-Apr-17 MECH45
First Floor 9 10-Apr-17 19-Apr-17
MECH4530 Plumbings 4 10-Apr-17 13-Apr-17
MECH4560 Water Supply System 3 11-Apr-17 13-Apr-17 MECH45
MECH4590 Drainage System 1 10-Apr-17 10-Apr-17 MECH45
MECH4620 Fire Fighting 5 15-Apr-17 19-Apr-17 MECH45
Roof Floor 9 10-Apr-17 19-Apr-17
MECH4540 Plumbings 4 10-Apr-17 13-Apr-17
MECH4570 Water Supply System 3 11-Apr-17 13-Apr-17 MECH46
MECH4600 Drainage System 1 10-Apr-17 10-Apr-17 MECH45
MECH4630 Fire Fighting 5 15-Apr-17 19-Apr-17 MECH45
Building B1` 9 10-Apr-17 19-Apr-17

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Oracle Corporation
The Zone Classis WBS Layout 21-May-17 14:14
Activity ID Activity Name Original Duration Start Finish Predecesso

Ground Floor 9 10-Apr-17 19-Apr-17

MECH4640 Plumbings 4 10-Apr-17 13-Apr-17
MECH4670 Water Supply System 3 11-Apr-17 13-Apr-17 MECH47
MECH4700 Drainage System 1 10-Apr-17 10-Apr-17 MECH46
MECH4730 Fire Fighting 5 15-Apr-17 19-Apr-17 MECH46
First Floor 9 10-Apr-17 19-Apr-17
MECH4650 Plumbings 4 10-Apr-17 13-Apr-17
MECH4680 Water Supply System 3 11-Apr-17 13-Apr-17 MECH47
MECH4710 Drainage System 1 10-Apr-17 10-Apr-17 MECH46
MECH4740 Fire Fighting 5 15-Apr-17 19-Apr-17 MECH46
Roof Floor 9 10-Apr-17 19-Apr-17
MECH4660 Plumbings 4 10-Apr-17 13-Apr-17
MECH4690 Water Supply System 3 11-Apr-17 13-Apr-17 MECH47
MECH4720 Drainage System 1 10-Apr-17 10-Apr-17 MECH46
MECH4750 Fire Fighting 5 15-Apr-17 19-Apr-17 MECH46
Building B2 67 10-Apr-17 26-Jun-17
Basement 67 10-Apr-17 26-Jun-17
MECH5360 Plumbing 28 10-Apr-17 11-May-17
MECH5370 Water Supply System 3 15-Apr-17 17-Apr-17 MECH54
MECH5380 Irrigation 18 18-Apr-17 08-May-17 MECH53
MECH5390 HVAC 60 18-Apr-17 26-Jun-17 MECH53
MECH5400 Fire Fighting 5 18-Apr-17 23-Apr-17 MECH53
MECH5410 Drainage System 4 10-Apr-17 13-Apr-17 MECH53
Ground Floor 9 10-Apr-17 19-Apr-17
MECH5420 Plumbings 4 10-Apr-17 13-Apr-17
MECH5450 Water Supply System 3 11-Apr-17 13-Apr-17 MECH54
MECH5480 Drainage System 1 10-Apr-17 10-Apr-17 MECH54
MECH5510 Fire Fighting 5 15-Apr-17 19-Apr-17 MECH54
First Floor 9 10-Apr-17 19-Apr-17
MECH5430 Plumbings 4 10-Apr-17 13-Apr-17
MECH5460 Water Supply System 3 11-Apr-17 13-Apr-17 MECH54
MECH5490 Drainage System 1 10-Apr-17 10-Apr-17 MECH54
MECH5520 Fire Fighting 5 15-Apr-17 19-Apr-17 MECH54
Roof Floor 9 10-Apr-17 19-Apr-17
MECH5440 Plumbings 4 10-Apr-17 13-Apr-17
MECH5470 Water Supply System 3 11-Apr-17 13-Apr-17 MECH55
MECH5500 Drainage System 1 10-Apr-17 10-Apr-17 MECH54
MECH5530 Fire Fighting 5 15-Apr-17 19-Apr-17 MECH54
Building B2` 9 10-Apr-17 19-Apr-17
Ground Floor 9 10-Apr-17 19-Apr-17
MECH4760 Plumbings 4 10-Apr-17 13-Apr-17
MECH4790 Water Supply System 3 11-Apr-17 13-Apr-17 MECH48
MECH4820 Drainage System 1 10-Apr-17 10-Apr-17 MECH47
MECH4850 Fire Fighting 5 15-Apr-17 19-Apr-17 MECH47
First Floor 9 10-Apr-17 19-Apr-17
MECH4770 Plumbings 4 10-Apr-17 13-Apr-17
MECH4800 Water Supply System 3 11-Apr-17 13-Apr-17 MECH48
MECH4830 Drainage System 1 10-Apr-17 10-Apr-17 MECH47
MECH4860 Fire Fighting 5 15-Apr-17 19-Apr-17 MECH48
Roof Floor 9 10-Apr-17 19-Apr-17
MECH4780 Plumbings 4 10-Apr-17 13-Apr-17
MECH4810 Water Supply System 3 11-Apr-17 13-Apr-17 MECH48
MECH4840 Drainage System 1 10-Apr-17 10-Apr-17 MECH47
MECH4870 Fire Fighting 5 15-Apr-17 19-Apr-17 MECH48
Building C1 67 10-Apr-17 26-Jun-17
Basement 67 10-Apr-17 26-Jun-17
MECH5540 Plumbing 28 10-Apr-17 11-May-17
MECH5550 Water Supply System 3 15-Apr-17 17-Apr-17 MECH55
MECH5560 Irrigation 18 18-Apr-17 08-May-17 MECH55
MECH5570 HVAC 60 18-Apr-17 26-Jun-17 MECH55
MECH5580 Fire Fighting 5 18-Apr-17 23-Apr-17 MECH55
MECH5590 Drainage System 4 10-Apr-17 13-Apr-17 MECH55
Ground Floor 9 10-Apr-17 19-Apr-17
MECH5600 Plumbings 4 10-Apr-17 13-Apr-17
MECH5630 Water Supply System 3 11-Apr-17 13-Apr-17 MECH56
MECH5660 Drainage System 1 10-Apr-17 10-Apr-17 MECH56

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The Zone Classis WBS Layout 21-May-17 14:14
Activity ID Activity Name Original Duration Start Finish Predecesso

MECH5690 Fire Fighting 5 15-Apr-17 19-Apr-17 MECH56

First Floor 9 10-Apr-17 19-Apr-17
MECH5610 Plumbings 4 10-Apr-17 13-Apr-17
MECH5640 Water Supply System 3 11-Apr-17 13-Apr-17 MECH56
MECH5670 Drainage System 1 10-Apr-17 10-Apr-17 MECH56
MECH5700 Fire Fighting 5 15-Apr-17 19-Apr-17 MECH56
Roof Floor 9 10-Apr-17 19-Apr-17
MECH5620 Plumbings 4 10-Apr-17 13-Apr-17
MECH5650 Water Supply System 3 11-Apr-17 13-Apr-17 MECH56
MECH5680 Drainage System 1 10-Apr-17 10-Apr-17 MECH56
MECH5710 Fire Fighting 5 15-Apr-17 19-Apr-17 MECH56
Building C1` 9 10-Apr-17 19-Apr-17
Ground Floor 9 10-Apr-17 19-Apr-17
MECH4880 Plumbings 4 10-Apr-17 13-Apr-17
MECH4910 Water Supply System 3 11-Apr-17 13-Apr-17 MECH49
MECH4940 Drainage System 1 10-Apr-17 10-Apr-17 MECH48
MECH4970 Fire Fighting 5 15-Apr-17 19-Apr-17 MECH49
First Floor 9 10-Apr-17 19-Apr-17
MECH4890 Plumbings 4 10-Apr-17 13-Apr-17
MECH4920 Water Supply System 3 11-Apr-17 13-Apr-17 MECH49
MECH4950 Drainage System 1 10-Apr-17 10-Apr-17 MECH48
MECH4980 Fire Fighting 5 15-Apr-17 19-Apr-17 MECH49
Roof Floor 9 10-Apr-17 19-Apr-17
MECH4900 Plumbings 4 10-Apr-17 13-Apr-17
MECH4930 Water Supply System 3 11-Apr-17 13-Apr-17 MECH49
MECH4960 Drainage System 1 10-Apr-17 10-Apr-17 MECH49
MECH4990 Fire Fighting 5 15-Apr-17 19-Apr-17 MECH49
Building C2 67 10-Apr-17 26-Jun-17
Basement 67 10-Apr-17 26-Jun-17
MECH5720 Plumbing 28 10-Apr-17 11-May-17
MECH5730 Water Supply System 3 15-Apr-17 17-Apr-17 MECH57
MECH5740 Irrigation 18 18-Apr-17 08-May-17 MECH57
MECH5750 HVAC 60 18-Apr-17 26-Jun-17 MECH57
MECH5760 Fire Fighting 5 18-Apr-17 23-Apr-17 MECH57
MECH5770 Drainage System 4 10-Apr-17 13-Apr-17 MECH57
Ground Floor 9 10-Apr-17 19-Apr-17
MECH5780 Plumbings 4 10-Apr-17 13-Apr-17
MECH5810 Water Supply System 3 11-Apr-17 13-Apr-17 MECH58
MECH5840 Drainage System 1 10-Apr-17 10-Apr-17 MECH57
MECH5870 Fire Fighting 5 15-Apr-17 19-Apr-17 MECH58
First Floor 9 10-Apr-17 19-Apr-17
MECH5790 Plumbings 4 10-Apr-17 13-Apr-17
MECH5820 Water Supply System 3 11-Apr-17 13-Apr-17 MECH58
MECH5850 Drainage System 1 10-Apr-17 10-Apr-17 MECH57
MECH5880 Fire Fighting 5 15-Apr-17 19-Apr-17 MECH58
Roof Floor 9 10-Apr-17 19-Apr-17
MECH5800 Plumbings 4 10-Apr-17 13-Apr-17
MECH5830 Water Supply System 3 11-Apr-17 13-Apr-17 MECH58
MECH5860 Drainage System 1 10-Apr-17 10-Apr-17 MECH58
MECH5890 Fire Fighting 5 15-Apr-17 19-Apr-17 MECH58
Building C2` 9 10-Apr-17 19-Apr-17
Ground Floor 9 10-Apr-17 19-Apr-17
MECH5000 Plumbings 4 10-Apr-17 13-Apr-17
MECH5030 Water Supply System 3 11-Apr-17 13-Apr-17 MECH50
MECH5060 Drainage System 1 10-Apr-17 10-Apr-17 MECH50
MECH5090 Fire Fighting 5 15-Apr-17 19-Apr-17 MECH50
First Floor 9 10-Apr-17 19-Apr-17
MECH5010 Plumbings 4 10-Apr-17 13-Apr-17
MECH5040 Water Supply System 3 11-Apr-17 13-Apr-17 MECH50
MECH5070 Drainage System 1 10-Apr-17 10-Apr-17 MECH50
MECH5100 Fire Fighting 5 15-Apr-17 19-Apr-17 MECH50
Roof Floor 9 10-Apr-17 19-Apr-17
MECH5020 Plumbings 4 10-Apr-17 13-Apr-17
MECH5050 Water Supply System 3 11-Apr-17 13-Apr-17 MECH50
MECH5080 Drainage System 1 10-Apr-17 10-Apr-17 MECH50
MECH5110 Fire Fighting 5 15-Apr-17 19-Apr-17 MECH50

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The Zone Classis WBS Layout 21-May-17 14:14
Activity ID Activity Name Original Duration Start Finish Predecesso

Building D1 67 10-Apr-17 26-Jun-17

Basement 67 10-Apr-17 26-Jun-17
MECH5900 Plumbing 28 10-Apr-17 11-May-17
MECH5910 Water Supply System 3 15-Apr-17 17-Apr-17 MECH59
MECH5920 Irrigation 18 18-Apr-17 08-May-17 MECH59
MECH5930 HVAC 60 18-Apr-17 26-Jun-17 MECH59
MECH5940 Fire Fighting 5 18-Apr-17 23-Apr-17 MECH59
MECH5950 Drainage System 4 10-Apr-17 13-Apr-17 MECH59
Ground Floor 9 10-Apr-17 19-Apr-17
MECH5960 Plumbings 4 10-Apr-17 13-Apr-17
MECH5990 Water Supply System 3 11-Apr-17 13-Apr-17 MECH60
MECH6020 Drainage System 1 10-Apr-17 10-Apr-17 MECH59
MECH6050 Fire Fighting 5 15-Apr-17 19-Apr-17 MECH59
First Floor 9 10-Apr-17 19-Apr-17
MECH5970 Plumbings 4 10-Apr-17 13-Apr-17
MECH6000 Water Supply System 3 11-Apr-17 13-Apr-17 MECH60
MECH6030 Drainage System 1 10-Apr-17 10-Apr-17 MECH59
MECH6060 Fire Fighting 5 15-Apr-17 19-Apr-17 MECH60
Roof Floor 9 10-Apr-17 19-Apr-17
MECH5980 Plumbings 4 10-Apr-17 13-Apr-17
MECH6010 Water Supply System 3 11-Apr-17 13-Apr-17 MECH60
MECH6040 Drainage System 1 10-Apr-17 10-Apr-17 MECH59
MECH6070 Fire Fighting 5 15-Apr-17 19-Apr-17 MECH60
Building D1` 9 10-Apr-17 19-Apr-17
Ground Floor 9 10-Apr-17 19-Apr-17
MECH5120 Plumbings 4 10-Apr-17 13-Apr-17
MECH5150 Water Supply System 3 11-Apr-17 13-Apr-17 MECH51
MECH5180 Drainage System 1 10-Apr-17 10-Apr-17 MECH51
MECH5210 Fire Fighting 5 15-Apr-17 19-Apr-17 MECH51
First Floor 9 10-Apr-17 19-Apr-17
MECH5130 Plumbings 4 10-Apr-17 13-Apr-17
MECH5160 Water Supply System 3 11-Apr-17 13-Apr-17 MECH51
MECH5190 Drainage System 1 10-Apr-17 10-Apr-17 MECH51
MECH5220 Fire Fighting 5 15-Apr-17 19-Apr-17 MECH51
Roof Floor 9 10-Apr-17 19-Apr-17
MECH5140 Plumbings 4 10-Apr-17 13-Apr-17
MECH5170 Water Supply System 3 11-Apr-17 13-Apr-17 MECH52
MECH5200 Drainage System 1 10-Apr-17 10-Apr-17 MECH51
MECH5230 Fire Fighting 5 15-Apr-17 19-Apr-17 MECH51
Building D2 67 10-Apr-17 26-Jun-17
Basement 67 10-Apr-17 26-Jun-17
MECH6080 Plumbing 28 10-Apr-17 11-May-17
MECH6090 Water Supply System 3 15-Apr-17 17-Apr-17 MECH61
MECH6100 Irrigation 18 18-Apr-17 08-May-17 MECH60
MECH6110 HVAC 60 18-Apr-17 26-Jun-17 MECH60
MECH6120 Fire Fighting 5 18-Apr-17 23-Apr-17 MECH60
MECH6130 Drainage System 4 10-Apr-17 13-Apr-17 MECH60
Ground Floor 9 10-Apr-17 19-Apr-17
MECH6140 Plumbings 4 10-Apr-17 13-Apr-17
MECH6170 Water Supply System 3 11-Apr-17 13-Apr-17 MECH62
MECH6200 Drainage System 1 10-Apr-17 10-Apr-17 MECH61
MECH6230 Fire Fighting 5 15-Apr-17 19-Apr-17 MECH61
First Floor 9 10-Apr-17 19-Apr-17
MECH6150 Plumbings 4 10-Apr-17 13-Apr-17
MECH6180 Water Supply System 3 11-Apr-17 13-Apr-17 MECH62
MECH6210 Drainage System 1 10-Apr-17 10-Apr-17 MECH61
MECH6240 Fire Fighting 5 15-Apr-17 19-Apr-17 MECH61
Roof Floor 9 10-Apr-17 19-Apr-17
MECH6160 Plumbings 4 10-Apr-17 13-Apr-17
MECH6190 Water Supply System 3 11-Apr-17 13-Apr-17 MECH62
MECH6220 Drainage System 1 10-Apr-17 10-Apr-17 MECH61
MECH6250 Fire Fighting 5 15-Apr-17 19-Apr-17 MECH61
Building D2` 9 10-Apr-17 19-Apr-17
Ground Floor 9 10-Apr-17 19-Apr-17
MECH5240 Plumbings 4 10-Apr-17 13-Apr-17
MECH5270 Water Supply System 3 11-Apr-17 13-Apr-17 MECH53

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The Zone Classis WBS Layout 21-May-17 14:14
Activity ID Activity Name Original Duration Start Finish Predecesso

MECH5300 Drainage System 1 10-Apr-17 10-Apr-17 MECH52

MECH5330 Fire Fighting 5 15-Apr-17 19-Apr-17 MECH52
First Floor 9 10-Apr-17 19-Apr-17
MECH5250 Plumbings 4 10-Apr-17 13-Apr-17
MECH5280 Water Supply System 3 11-Apr-17 13-Apr-17 MECH53
MECH5310 Drainage System 1 10-Apr-17 10-Apr-17 MECH52
MECH5340 Fire Fighting 5 15-Apr-17 19-Apr-17 MECH52
Roof Floor 9 10-Apr-17 19-Apr-17
MECH5260 Plumbings 4 10-Apr-17 13-Apr-17
MECH5290 Water Supply System 3 11-Apr-17 13-Apr-17 MECH53
MECH5320 Drainage System 1 10-Apr-17 10-Apr-17 MECH52
MECH5350 Fire Fighting 5 15-Apr-17 19-Apr-17 MECH52
Building E 67 10-Apr-17 26-Jun-17
Basement 67 10-Apr-17 26-Jun-17
MECH6260 Plumbing 28 10-Apr-17 11-May-17
MECH6270 Water Supply System 3 15-Apr-17 17-Apr-17 MECH63
MECH6280 Irrigation 18 18-Apr-17 08-May-17 MECH62
MECH6290 HVAC 60 18-Apr-17 26-Jun-17 MECH62
MECH6300 Fire Fighting 5 18-Apr-17 23-Apr-17 MECH62
MECH6310 Drainage System 4 10-Apr-17 13-Apr-17 MECH62
Ground Floor 9 10-Apr-17 19-Apr-17
MECH6320 Plumbings 4 10-Apr-17 13-Apr-17
MECH6350 Water Supply System 3 11-Apr-17 13-Apr-17 MECH63
MECH6380 Drainage System 1 10-Apr-17 10-Apr-17 MECH63
MECH6410 Fire Fighting 5 15-Apr-17 19-Apr-17 MECH63
First Floor 9 10-Apr-17 19-Apr-17
MECH6330 Plumbings 4 10-Apr-17 13-Apr-17
MECH6360 Water Supply System 3 11-Apr-17 13-Apr-17 MECH63
MECH6390 Drainage System 1 10-Apr-17 10-Apr-17 MECH63
MECH6420 Fire Fighting 5 15-Apr-17 19-Apr-17 MECH63
Roof Floor 9 10-Apr-17 19-Apr-17
MECH6340 Plumbings 4 10-Apr-17 13-Apr-17
MECH6370 Water Supply System 3 11-Apr-17 13-Apr-17 MECH64
MECH6400 Drainage System 1 10-Apr-17 10-Apr-17 MECH63
MECH6430 Fire Fighting 5 15-Apr-17 19-Apr-17 MECH63
Electrical Works 110 10-Apr-17 15-Aug-17
Building A1 110 10-Apr-17 15-Aug-17
Ground Floor 29 10-Apr-17 13-May-17
Grounding Protectio
Protection System & Lightning 2 11-May-17 13-May-17
ELE10750 Sleeves 2 11-May-17 13-May-17
ELE10760 Boxes 2 11-May-17 13-May-17 ELE10750
ELE10770 Pipes 2 11-May-17 13-May-17 ELE10750
ELE10780 Cable Tray 2 11-May-17 13-May-17 ELE10750
ELE10790 Wiring of cables 2 11-May-17 13-May-17 ELE10750
Power Circuit 4 10-Apr-17 13-Apr-17
ELE10800 Sleeves 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17
ELE10810 Boxes 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17 ELE10800
ELE10820 Pipes 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17 ELE10800
ELE10830 Cable Tray 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17 ELE10800
ELE10840 Wiring of cables 2 12-Apr-17 13-Apr-17 ELE10800
Lighting System 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17
ELE10850 Sleeves 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17
ELE10860 Boxes 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17 ELE10850
ELE10870 Pipes 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17 ELE10850
ELE10880 Cable Tray 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17 ELE10850
ELE10890 Wiring of cables 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17 ELE10850
Low Current System 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17
ELE10900 Sleeves 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17
ELE10910 Boxes 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17 ELE10900
ELE10920 Pipes 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17 ELE10900
ELE10930 Cable Tray 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17 ELE10900
ELE10940 Wiring of cables 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17 ELE10900
Fire Alarm System 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17
ELE10950 Sleeves 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17
ELE10960 Boxes 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17 ELE10950
ELE10970 Pipes 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17 ELE10950

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Activity ID Activity Name Original Duration Start Finish Predecesso

ELE10980 Cable Tray 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17 ELE10950

ELE10990 Wiring of cables 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17 ELE10950
CCTV System 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17
ELE11000 Sleeves 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17
ELE11010 Boxes 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17 ELE11000
ELE11020 Pipes 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17 ELE11000
ELE11030 Cable Tray 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17 ELE11000
ELE11040 Wiring of cables 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17 ELE11000
First Floor 4 04-Jul-17 08-Jul-17
Power Circuit 4 04-Jul-17 08-Jul-17
ELE16150 Sleeves 2 04-Jul-17 05-Jul-17
ELE16160 Boxes 2 04-Jul-17 05-Jul-17 ELE16150
ELE16170 Pipes 2 04-Jul-17 05-Jul-17 ELE16150
ELE16180 Cable Tray 2 04-Jul-17 05-Jul-17 ELE16150
ELE16190 Wiring of cables 2 06-Jul-17 08-Jul-17 ELE16150
Lighting System 2 04-Jul-17 05-Jul-17
ELE16200 Sleeves 2 04-Jul-17 05-Jul-17
ELE16210 Boxes 2 04-Jul-17 05-Jul-17 ELE16200
ELE16220 Pipes 2 04-Jul-17 05-Jul-17 ELE16200
ELE16230 Cable Tray 2 04-Jul-17 05-Jul-17 ELE16200
ELE16240 Wiring of cables 2 04-Jul-17 05-Jul-17 ELE16200
Low Current System 2 04-Jul-17 05-Jul-17
ELE16250 Sleeves 2 04-Jul-17 05-Jul-17
ELE16260 Boxes 2 04-Jul-17 05-Jul-17 ELE16250
ELE16270 Pipes 2 04-Jul-17 05-Jul-17 ELE16250
ELE16280 Cable Tray 2 04-Jul-17 05-Jul-17 ELE16250
ELE16290 Wiring of cables 2 04-Jul-17 05-Jul-17 ELE16250
Fire Alarm System 2 04-Jul-17 05-Jul-17
ELE16300 Sleeves 2 04-Jul-17 05-Jul-17
ELE16310 Boxes 2 04-Jul-17 05-Jul-17 ELE16300
ELE16320 Pipes 2 04-Jul-17 05-Jul-17 ELE16300
ELE16330 Cable Tray 2 04-Jul-17 05-Jul-17 ELE16300
ELE16340 Wiring of cables 2 04-Jul-17 05-Jul-17 ELE16300
CCTV System 2 04-Jul-17 05-Jul-17
ELE16350 Sleeves 2 04-Jul-17 05-Jul-17
ELE16360 Boxes 2 04-Jul-17 05-Jul-17 ELE16350
ELE16370 Pipes 2 04-Jul-17 05-Jul-17 ELE16350
ELE16380 Cable Tray 2 04-Jul-17 05-Jul-17 ELE16350
ELE16390 Wiring of cables 2 04-Jul-17 05-Jul-17 ELE16350
Roof Floor 110 10-Apr-17 15-Aug-17
Grounding Protectio
Protection System & Lightning 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17
ELE16400 Sleeves 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17
ELE16410 Boxes 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17 ELE16400
ELE16420 Pipes 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17 ELE16400
ELE16430 Cable Tray 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17 ELE16400
ELE16440 Wiring of cables 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17 ELE16400
Power Circuit 4 12-Aug-17 15-Aug-17
ELE16450 Sleeves 2 12-Aug-17 13-Aug-17 CON1340
ELE16460 Boxes 2 12-Aug-17 13-Aug-17 ELE16450
ELE16470 Pipes 2 12-Aug-17 13-Aug-17 ELE16450
ELE16480 Cable Tray 2 12-Aug-17 13-Aug-17 ELE16450
ELE16490 Wiring of cables 2 14-Aug-17 15-Aug-17 ELE16450
Lighting System 2 12-Aug-17 13-Aug-17
ELE16500 Sleeves 2 12-Aug-17 13-Aug-17 CON1340
ELE16510 Boxes 2 12-Aug-17 13-Aug-17 ELE16500
ELE16520 Pipes 2 12-Aug-17 13-Aug-17 ELE16500
ELE16530 Cable Tray 2 12-Aug-17 13-Aug-17 ELE16500
ELE16540 Wiring of cables 2 12-Aug-17 13-Aug-17 ELE16500
Low Current System 2 12-Aug-17 13-Aug-17
ELE16550 Sleeves 2 12-Aug-17 13-Aug-17 CON1340
ELE16560 Boxes 2 12-Aug-17 13-Aug-17 ELE16550
ELE16570 Pipes 2 12-Aug-17 13-Aug-17 ELE16550
ELE16580 Cable Tray 2 12-Aug-17 13-Aug-17 ELE16550
ELE16590 Wiring of cables 2 12-Aug-17 13-Aug-17 ELE16550
Fire Alarm System 2 12-Aug-17 13-Aug-17

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The Zone Classis WBS Layout 21-May-17 14:14
Activity ID Activity Name Original Duration Start Finish Predecesso

ELE16600 Sleeves 2 12-Aug-17 13-Aug-17 CON1340

ELE16610 Boxes 2 12-Aug-17 13-Aug-17 ELE16600
ELE16620 Pipes 2 12-Aug-17 13-Aug-17 ELE16600
ELE16630 Cable Tray 2 12-Aug-17 13-Aug-17 ELE16600
ELE16640 Wiring of cables 2 12-Aug-17 13-Aug-17 ELE16600
CCTV System 2 12-Aug-17 13-Aug-17
ELE16650 Sleeves 2 12-Aug-17 13-Aug-17 CON1340
ELE16660 Boxes 2 12-Aug-17 13-Aug-17 ELE16650
ELE16670 Pipes 2 12-Aug-17 13-Aug-17 ELE16650
ELE16680 Cable Tray 2 12-Aug-17 13-Aug-17 ELE16650
ELE16690 Wiring of cables 2 12-Aug-17 13-Aug-17 ELE16650
Building A2 4 10-Apr-17 13-Apr-17
Ground Floor 4 10-Apr-17 13-Apr-17
Grounding Protectio
Protection System & Lightning 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17
ELE16700 Sleeves 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17 CON1110
ELE16710 Boxes 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17 ELE16700
ELE16720 Pipes 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17 ELE16700
ELE16730 Cable Tray 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17 ELE16700
ELE16740 Wiring of cables 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17 ELE16700
Power Circuit 4 10-Apr-17 13-Apr-17
ELE16750 Sleeves 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17
ELE16760 Boxes 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17 ELE16750
ELE16770 Pipes 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17 ELE16750
ELE16780 Cable Tray 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17 ELE16750
ELE16790 Wiring of cables 2 12-Apr-17 13-Apr-17 ELE16750
Lighting System 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17
ELE16800 Sleeves 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17
ELE16810 Boxes 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17 ELE16800
ELE16820 Pipes 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17 ELE16800
ELE16830 Cable Tray 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17 ELE16800
ELE16840 Wiring of cables 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17 ELE16800
Low Current System 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17
ELE16850 Sleeves 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17
ELE16860 Boxes 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17 ELE16850
ELE16870 Pipes 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17 ELE16850
ELE16880 Cable Tray 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17 ELE16850
ELE16890 Wiring of cables 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17 ELE16850
Fire Alarm System 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17
ELE16900 Sleeves 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17
ELE16910 Boxes 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17 ELE16900
ELE16920 Pipes 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17 ELE16900
ELE16930 Cable Tray 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17 ELE16900
ELE16940 Wiring of cables 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17 ELE16900
CCTV System 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17
ELE16950 Sleeves 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17
ELE16960 Boxes 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17 ELE16950
ELE16970 Pipes 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17 ELE16950
ELE16980 Cable Tray 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17 ELE16950
ELE16990 Wiring of cables 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17 ELE16950
First Floor 4 10-Apr-17 13-Apr-17
Power Circuit 4 10-Apr-17 13-Apr-17
ELE17050 Sleeves 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17 CON3590
ELE17060 Boxes 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17 ELE17050
ELE17070 Pipes 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17 ELE17050
ELE17080 Cable Tray 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17 ELE17050
ELE17090 Wiring of cables 2 12-Apr-17 13-Apr-17 ELE17050
Lighting System 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17
ELE17100 Sleeves 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17 CON3590
ELE17110 Boxes 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17 ELE17100
ELE17120 Pipes 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17 ELE17100
ELE17130 Cable Tray 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17 ELE17100
ELE17140 Wiring of cables 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17 ELE17100
Low Current System 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17
ELE17150 Sleeves 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17 CON3590
ELE17160 Boxes 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17 ELE17150

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The Zone Classis WBS Layout 21-May-17 14:14
Activity ID Activity Name Original Duration Start Finish Predecesso

ELE17170 Pipes 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17 ELE17150

ELE17180 Cable Tray 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17 ELE17150
ELE17190 Wiring of cables 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17 ELE17150
Fire Alarm System 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17
ELE17200 Sleeves 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17 CON3590
ELE17210 Boxes 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17 ELE17200
ELE17220 Pipes 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17 ELE17200
ELE17230 Cable Tray 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17 ELE17200
ELE17240 Wiring of cables 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17 ELE17200
CCTV System 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17
ELE17250 Sleeves 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17 CON3590
ELE17260 Boxes 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17 ELE17250
ELE17270 Pipes 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17 ELE17250
ELE17280 Cable Tray 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17 ELE17250
ELE17290 Wiring of cables 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17 ELE17250
Roof Floor 4 10-Apr-17 13-Apr-17
Grounding Protectio
Protection System & Lightning 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17
ELE17300 Sleeves 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17
ELE17310 Boxes 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17 ELE17300
ELE17320 Pipes 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17 ELE17300
ELE17330 Cable Tray 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17 ELE17300
ELE17340 Wiring of cables 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17 ELE17300
Power Circuit 4 10-Apr-17 13-Apr-17
ELE17350 Sleeves 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17
ELE17360 Boxes 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17 ELE17350
ELE17370 Pipes 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17 ELE17350
ELE17380 Cable Tray 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17 ELE17350
ELE17390 Wiring of cables 2 12-Apr-17 13-Apr-17 ELE17350
Lighting System 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17
ELE17400 Sleeves 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17
ELE17410 Boxes 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17 ELE17400
ELE17420 Pipes 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17 ELE17400
ELE17430 Cable Tray 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17 ELE17400
ELE17440 Wiring of cables 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17 ELE17400
Low Current System 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17
ELE17450 Sleeves 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17
ELE17460 Boxes 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17 ELE17450
ELE17470 Pipes 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17 ELE17450
ELE17480 Cable Tray 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17 ELE17450
ELE17490 Wiring of cables 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17 ELE17450
Fire Alarm System 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17
ELE17500 Sleeves 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17
ELE17510 Boxes 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17 ELE17500
ELE17520 Pipes 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17 ELE17500
ELE17530 Cable Tray 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17 ELE17500
ELE17540 Wiring of cables 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17 ELE17500
CCTV System 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17
ELE17550 Sleeves 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17
ELE17560 Boxes 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17 ELE17550
ELE17570 Pipes 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17 ELE17550
ELE17580 Cable Tray 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17 ELE17550
ELE17590 Wiring of cables 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17 ELE17550
Building B1 4 10-Apr-17 13-Apr-17
Basement 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17
Power Circuit 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17
ELE7550 Sleeves 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17
ELE7560 Boxes 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17
ELE7570 Pipes 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17
ELE7580 Cable Tray 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17
ELE7590 Wiring of cables 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17
Lighting System 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17
ELE7600 Sleeves 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17
ELE7610 Boxes 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17
ELE7620 Pipes 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17
ELE7630 Cable Tray 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17

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The Zone Classis WBS Layout 21-May-17 14:14
Activity ID Activity Name Original Duration Start Finish Predecesso

ELE7640 Wiring of cables 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17

Low Current System 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17
ELE7650 Sleeves 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17
ELE7660 Boxes 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17
ELE7670 Pipes 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17
ELE7680 Cable Tray 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17
ELE7690 Wiring of cables 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17
Fire Alarm System 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17
ELE7700 Sleeves 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17
ELE7710 Boxes 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17
ELE7720 Pipes 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17
ELE7730 Cable Tray 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17
ELE7740 Wiring of cables 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17
CCTV System 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17
ELE7750 Sleeves 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17
ELE7760 Boxes 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17
ELE7770 Pipes 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17
ELE7780 Cable Tray 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17
ELE7790 Wiring of cables 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17
Ground Floor 4 10-Apr-17 13-Apr-17
Grounding Protectio
Protection System & Lightning 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17
ELE23000 Sleeves 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17
ELE23010 Boxes 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17 ELE23000
ELE23020 Pipes 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17 ELE23000
ELE23030 Cable Tray 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17 ELE23000
ELE23040 Wiring of cables 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17 ELE23000
Power Circuit 4 10-Apr-17 13-Apr-17
ELE23050 Sleeves 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17
ELE23060 Boxes 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17 ELE23050
ELE23070 Pipes 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17 ELE23050
ELE23080 Cable Tray 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17 ELE23050
ELE23090 Wiring of cables 2 12-Apr-17 13-Apr-17 ELE23050
Lighting System 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17
ELE23100 Sleeves 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17
ELE23110 Boxes 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17 ELE23100
ELE23120 Pipes 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17 ELE23100
ELE23130 Cable Tray 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17 ELE23100
ELE23140 Wiring of cables 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17 ELE23100
Low Current System 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17
ELE23150 Sleeves 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17
ELE23160 Boxes 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17 ELE23150
ELE23170 Pipes 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17 ELE23150
ELE23180 Cable Tray 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17 ELE23150
ELE23190 Wiring of cables 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17 ELE23150
Fire Alarm System 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17
ELE23200 Sleeves 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17
ELE23210 Boxes 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17 ELE23200
ELE23220 Pipes 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17 ELE23200
ELE23230 Cable Tray 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17 ELE23200
ELE23240 Wiring of cables 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17 ELE23200
CCTV System 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17
ELE23250 Sleeves 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17
ELE23260 Boxes 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17 ELE23250
ELE23270 Pipes 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17 ELE23250
ELE23280 Cable Tray 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17 ELE23250
ELE23290 Wiring of cables 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17 ELE23250
First Floor 4 10-Apr-17 13-Apr-17
Grounding Protectio
Protection System & Lightning 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17
ELE23300 Sleeves 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17
ELE23310 Boxes 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17 ELE23300
ELE23320 Pipes 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17 ELE23300
ELE23330 Cable Tray 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17 ELE23300
ELE23340 Wiring of cables 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17 ELE23300
Power Circuit 4 10-Apr-17 13-Apr-17
ELE23350 Sleeves 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17

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The Zone Classis WBS Layout 21-May-17 14:14
Activity ID Activity Name Original Duration Start Finish Predecesso

ELE23360 Boxes 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17 ELE23350

ELE23370 Pipes 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17 ELE23350
ELE23380 Cable Tray 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17 ELE23350
ELE23390 Wiring of cables 2 12-Apr-17 13-Apr-17 ELE23350
Lighting System 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17
ELE23400 Sleeves 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17
ELE23410 Boxes 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17 ELE23400
ELE23420 Pipes 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17 ELE23400
ELE23430 Cable Tray 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17 ELE23400
ELE23440 Wiring of cables 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17 ELE23400
Low Current System 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17
ELE23450 Sleeves 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17
ELE23460 Boxes 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17 ELE23450
ELE23470 Pipes 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17 ELE23450
ELE23480 Cable Tray 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17 ELE23450
ELE23490 Wiring of cables 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17 ELE23450
Fire Alarm System 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17
ELE23500 Sleeves 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17
ELE23510 Boxes 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17 ELE23500
ELE23520 Pipes 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17 ELE23500
ELE23530 Cable Tray 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17 ELE23500
ELE23540 Wiring of cables 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17 ELE23500
CCTV System 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17
ELE23550 Sleeves 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17
ELE23560 Boxes 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17 ELE23550
ELE23570 Pipes 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17 ELE23550
ELE23580 Cable Tray 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17 ELE23550
ELE23590 Wiring of cables 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17 ELE23550
Roof Floor 4 10-Apr-17 13-Apr-17
Grounding Protectio
Protection System & Lightning 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17
ELE23600 Sleeves 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17
ELE23610 Boxes 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17 ELE23600
ELE23620 Pipes 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17 ELE23600
ELE23630 Cable Tray 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17 ELE23600
ELE23640 Wiring of cables 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17 ELE23600
Power Circuit 4 10-Apr-17 13-Apr-17
ELE23650 Sleeves 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17
ELE23660 Boxes 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17 ELE23650
ELE23670 Pipes 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17 ELE23650
ELE23680 Cable Tray 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17 ELE23650
ELE23690 Wiring of cables 2 12-Apr-17 13-Apr-17 ELE23650
Lighting System 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17
ELE23700 Sleeves 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17
ELE23710 Boxes 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17 ELE23700
ELE23720 Pipes 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17 ELE23700
ELE23730 Cable Tray 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17 ELE23700
ELE23740 Wiring of cables 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17 ELE23700
Low Current System 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17
ELE23750 Sleeves 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17
ELE23760 Boxes 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17 ELE23750
ELE23770 Pipes 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17 ELE23750
ELE23780 Cable Tray 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17 ELE23750
ELE23790 Wiring of cables 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17 ELE23750
Fire Alarm System 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17
ELE23800 Sleeves 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17
ELE23810 Boxes 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17 ELE23800
ELE23820 Pipes 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17 ELE23800
ELE23830 Cable Tray 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17 ELE23800
ELE23840 Wiring of cables 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17 ELE23800
CCTV System 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17
ELE23850 Sleeves 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17
ELE23860 Boxes 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17 ELE23850
ELE23870 Pipes 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17 ELE23850
ELE23880 Cable Tray 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17 ELE23850
ELE23890 Wiring of cables 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17 ELE23850

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Oracle Corporation
The Zone Classis WBS Layout 21-May-17 14:14
Activity ID Activity Name Original Duration Start Finish Predecesso

Building B1` 4 10-Apr-17 13-Apr-17

Ground Floor 4 10-Apr-17 13-Apr-17
Grounding Protectio
Protection System & Lightning 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17
ELE17600 Sleeves 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17
ELE17610 Boxes 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17 ELE17600
ELE17620 Pipes 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17 ELE17600
ELE17630 Cable Tray 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17 ELE17600
ELE17640 Wiring of cables 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17 ELE17600
Power Circuit 4 10-Apr-17 13-Apr-17
ELE17650 Sleeves 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17
ELE17660 Boxes 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17 ELE17650
ELE17670 Pipes 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17 ELE17650
ELE17680 Cable Tray 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17 ELE17650
ELE17690 Wiring of cables 2 12-Apr-17 13-Apr-17 ELE17650
Lighting System 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17
ELE17700 Sleeves 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17
ELE17710 Boxes 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17 ELE17700
ELE17720 Pipes 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17 ELE17700
ELE17730 Cable Tray 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17 ELE17700
ELE17740 Wiring of cables 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17 ELE17700
Low Current System 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17
ELE17750 Sleeves 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17
ELE17760 Boxes 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17 ELE17750
ELE17770 Pipes 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17 ELE17750
ELE17780 Cable Tray 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17 ELE17750
ELE17790 Wiring of cables 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17 ELE17750
Fire Alarm System 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17
ELE17800 Sleeves 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17
ELE17810 Boxes 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17 ELE17800
ELE17820 Pipes 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17 ELE17800
ELE17830 Cable Tray 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17 ELE17800
ELE17840 Wiring of cables 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17 ELE17800
CCTV System 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17
ELE17850 Sleeves 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17
ELE17860 Boxes 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17 ELE17850
ELE17870 Pipes 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17 ELE17850
ELE17880 Cable Tray 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17 ELE17850
ELE17890 Wiring of cables 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17 ELE17850
First Floor 4 10-Apr-17 13-Apr-17
Power Circuit 4 10-Apr-17 13-Apr-17
ELE17950 Sleeves 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17
ELE17960 Boxes 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17 ELE17950
ELE17970 Pipes 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17 ELE17950
ELE17980 Cable Tray 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17 ELE17950
ELE17990 Wiring of cables 2 12-Apr-17 13-Apr-17 ELE17950
Lighting System 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17
ELE18000 Sleeves 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17
ELE18010 Boxes 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17 ELE18000
ELE18020 Pipes 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17 ELE18000
ELE18030 Cable Tray 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17 ELE18000
ELE18040 Wiring of cables 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17 ELE18000
Low Current System 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17
ELE18050 Sleeves 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17
ELE18060 Boxes 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17 ELE18050
ELE18070 Pipes 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17 ELE18050
ELE18080 Cable Tray 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17 ELE18050
ELE18090 Wiring of cables 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17 ELE18050
Fire Alarm System 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17
ELE18100 Sleeves 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17
ELE18110 Boxes 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17 ELE18100
ELE18120 Pipes 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17 ELE18100
ELE18130 Cable Tray 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17 ELE18100
ELE18140 Wiring of cables 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17 ELE18100
CCTV System 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17
ELE18150 Sleeves 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17

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The Zone Classis WBS Layout 21-May-17 14:14
Activity ID Activity Name Original Duration Start Finish Predecesso

ELE18160 Boxes 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17 ELE18150

ELE18170 Pipes 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17 ELE18150
ELE18180 Cable Tray 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17 ELE18150
ELE18190 Wiring of cables 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17 ELE18150
Roof Floor 4 10-Apr-17 13-Apr-17
Power Circuit 4 10-Apr-17 13-Apr-17
ELE18250 Sleeves 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17
ELE18260 Boxes 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17 ELE18250
ELE18270 Pipes 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17 ELE18250
ELE18280 Cable Tray 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17 ELE18250
ELE18290 Wiring of cables 2 12-Apr-17 13-Apr-17 ELE18250
Lighting System 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17
ELE18300 Sleeves 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17
ELE18310 Boxes 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17 ELE18300
ELE18320 Pipes 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17 ELE18300
ELE18330 Cable Tray 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17 ELE18300
ELE18340 Wiring of cables 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17 ELE18300
Low Current System 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17
ELE18350 Sleeves 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17
ELE18360 Boxes 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17 ELE18350
ELE18370 Pipes 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17 ELE18350
ELE18380 Cable Tray 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17 ELE18350
ELE18390 Wiring of cables 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17 ELE18350
Fire Alarm System 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17
ELE18400 Sleeves 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17
ELE18410 Boxes 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17 ELE18400
ELE18420 Pipes 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17 ELE18400
ELE18430 Cable Tray 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17 ELE18400
ELE18440 Wiring of cables 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17 ELE18400
CCTV System 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17
ELE18450 Sleeves 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17
ELE18460 Boxes 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17 ELE18450
ELE18470 Pipes 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17 ELE18450
ELE18480 Cable Tray 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17 ELE18450
ELE18490 Wiring of cables 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17 ELE18450
Building B2 4 10-Apr-17 13-Apr-17
Basement 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17
Power Circuit 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17
ELE23900 Sleeves 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17
ELE23910 Boxes 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17
ELE23920 Pipes 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17
ELE23930 Cable Tray 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17
ELE23940 Wiring of cables 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17
Lighting System 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17
ELE23950 Sleeves 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17
ELE23960 Boxes 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17
ELE23970 Pipes 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17
ELE23980 Cable Tray 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17
ELE23990 Wiring of cables 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17
Low Current System 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17
ELE24000 Sleeves 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17
ELE24010 Boxes 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17
ELE24020 Pipes 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17
ELE24030 Cable Tray 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17
ELE24040 Wiring of cables 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17
Fire Alarm System 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17
ELE24050 Sleeves 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17
ELE24060 Boxes 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17
ELE24070 Pipes 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17
ELE24080 Cable Tray 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17
ELE24090 Wiring of cables 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17
CCTV System 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17
ELE24100 Sleeves 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17
ELE24110 Boxes 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17
ELE24120 Pipes 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17

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The Zone Classis WBS Layout 21-May-17 14:14
Activity ID Activity Name Original Duration Start Finish Predecesso

ELE24130 Cable Tray 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17

ELE24140 Wiring of cables 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17
Ground Floor 4 10-Apr-17 13-Apr-17
Grounding Protectio
Protection System & Lightning 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17
ELE24150 Sleeves 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17
ELE24160 Boxes 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17 ELE24150
ELE24170 Pipes 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17 ELE24150
ELE24180 Cable Tray 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17 ELE24150
ELE24190 Wiring of cables 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17 ELE24150
Power Circuit 4 10-Apr-17 13-Apr-17
ELE24200 Sleeves 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17
ELE24210 Boxes 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17 ELE24200
ELE24220 Pipes 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17 ELE24200
ELE24230 Cable Tray 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17 ELE24200
ELE24240 Wiring of cables 2 12-Apr-17 13-Apr-17 ELE24200
Lighting System 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17
ELE24250 Sleeves 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17
ELE24260 Boxes 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17 ELE24250
ELE24270 Pipes 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17 ELE24250
ELE24280 Cable Tray 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17 ELE24250
ELE24290 Wiring of cables 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17 ELE24250
Low Current System 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17
ELE24300 Sleeves 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17
ELE24310 Boxes 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17 ELE24300
ELE24320 Pipes 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17 ELE24300
ELE24330 Cable Tray 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17 ELE24300
ELE24340 Wiring of cables 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17 ELE24300
Fire Alarm System 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17
ELE24350 Sleeves 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17
ELE24360 Boxes 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17 ELE24350
ELE24370 Pipes 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17 ELE24350
ELE24380 Cable Tray 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17 ELE24350
ELE24390 Wiring of cables 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17 ELE24350
CCTV System 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17
ELE24400 Sleeves 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17
ELE24410 Boxes 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17 ELE24400
ELE24420 Pipes 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17 ELE24400
ELE24430 Cable Tray 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17 ELE24400
ELE24440 Wiring of cables 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17 ELE24400
First Floor 4 10-Apr-17 13-Apr-17
Power Circuit 4 10-Apr-17 13-Apr-17
ELE24500 Sleeves 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17
ELE24510 Boxes 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17 ELE24500
ELE24520 Pipes 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17 ELE24500
ELE24530 Cable Tray 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17 ELE24500
ELE24540 Wiring of cables 2 12-Apr-17 13-Apr-17 ELE24500
Lighting System 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17
ELE24550 Sleeves 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17
ELE24560 Boxes 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17 ELE24550
ELE24570 Pipes 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17 ELE24550
ELE24580 Cable Tray 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17 ELE24550
ELE24590 Wiring of cables 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17 ELE24550
Low Current System 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17
ELE24600 Sleeves 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17
ELE24610 Boxes 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17 ELE24600
ELE24620 Pipes 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17 ELE24600
ELE24630 Cable Tray 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17 ELE24600
ELE24640 Wiring of cables 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17 ELE24600
Fire Alarm System 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17
ELE24650 Sleeves 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17
ELE24660 Boxes 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17 ELE24650
ELE24670 Pipes 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17 ELE24650
ELE24680 Cable Tray 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17 ELE24650
ELE24690 Wiring of cables 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17 ELE24650
CCTV System 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17

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The Zone Classis WBS Layout 21-May-17 14:14
Activity ID Activity Name Original Duration Start Finish Predecesso

ELE24700 Sleeves 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17

ELE24710 Boxes 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17 ELE24700
ELE24720 Pipes 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17 ELE24700
ELE24730 Cable Tray 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17 ELE24700
ELE24740 Wiring of cables 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17 ELE24700
Roof Floor 4 10-Apr-17 13-Apr-17
Power Circuit 4 10-Apr-17 13-Apr-17
ELE24800 Sleeves 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17
ELE24810 Boxes 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17 ELE24800
ELE24820 Pipes 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17 ELE24800
ELE24830 Cable Tray 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17 ELE24800
ELE24840 Wiring of cables 2 12-Apr-17 13-Apr-17 ELE24800
Lighting System 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17
ELE24850 Sleeves 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17
ELE24860 Boxes 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17 ELE24850
ELE24870 Pipes 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17 ELE24850
ELE24880 Cable Tray 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17 ELE24850
ELE24890 Wiring of cables 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17 ELE24850
Low Current System 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17
ELE24900 Sleeves 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17
ELE24910 Boxes 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17 ELE24900
ELE24920 Pipes 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17 ELE24900
ELE24930 Cable Tray 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17 ELE24900
ELE24940 Wiring of cables 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17 ELE24900
Fire Alarm System 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17
ELE24950 Sleeves 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17
ELE24960 Boxes 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17 ELE24950
ELE24970 Pipes 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17 ELE24950
ELE24980 Cable Tray 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17 ELE24950
ELE24990 Wiring of cables 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17 ELE24950
CCTV System 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17
ELE25000 Sleeves 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17
ELE25010 Boxes 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17 ELE25000
ELE25020 Pipes 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17 ELE25000
ELE25030 Cable Tray 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17 ELE25000
ELE25040 Wiring of cables 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17 ELE25000
Building B2` 4 10-Apr-17 13-Apr-17
Ground Floor 4 10-Apr-17 13-Apr-17
Grounding Protectio
Protection System & Lightning 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17
ELE18500 Sleeves 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17
ELE18510 Boxes 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17 ELE18500
ELE18520 Pipes 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17 ELE18500
ELE18530 Cable Tray 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17 ELE18500
ELE18540 Wiring of cables 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17 ELE18500
Power Circuit 4 10-Apr-17 13-Apr-17
ELE18550 Sleeves 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17
ELE18560 Boxes 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17 ELE18550
ELE18570 Pipes 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17 ELE18550
ELE18580 Cable Tray 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17 ELE18550
ELE18590 Wiring of cables 2 12-Apr-17 13-Apr-17 ELE18550
Lighting System 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17
ELE18600 Sleeves 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17
ELE18610 Boxes 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17 ELE18600
ELE18620 Pipes 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17 ELE18600
ELE18630 Cable Tray 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17 ELE18600
ELE18640 Wiring of cables 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17 ELE18600
Low Current System 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17
ELE18650 Sleeves 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17
ELE18660 Boxes 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17 ELE18650
ELE18670 Pipes 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17 ELE18650
ELE18680 Cable Tray 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17 ELE18650
ELE18690 Wiring of cables 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17 ELE18650
Fire Alarm System 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17
ELE18700 Sleeves 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17
ELE18710 Boxes 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17 ELE18700

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The Zone Classis WBS Layout 21-May-17 14:14
Activity ID Activity Name Original Duration Start Finish Predecesso

ELE18720 Pipes 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17 ELE18700

ELE18730 Cable Tray 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17 ELE18700
ELE18740 Wiring of cables 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17 ELE18700
CCTV System 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17
ELE18750 Sleeves 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17
ELE18760 Boxes 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17 ELE18750
ELE18770 Pipes 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17 ELE18750
ELE18780 Cable Tray 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17 ELE18750
ELE18790 Wiring of cables 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17 ELE18750
First Floor 4 10-Apr-17 13-Apr-17
Power Circuit 4 10-Apr-17 13-Apr-17
ELE18850 Sleeves 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17
ELE18860 Boxes 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17 ELE18850
ELE18870 Pipes 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17 ELE18850
ELE18880 Cable Tray 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17 ELE18850
ELE18890 Wiring of cables 2 12-Apr-17 13-Apr-17 ELE18850
Lighting System 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17
ELE18900 Sleeves 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17
ELE18910 Boxes 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17 ELE18900
ELE18920 Pipes 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17 ELE18900
ELE18930 Cable Tray 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17 ELE18900
ELE18940 Wiring of cables 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17 ELE18900
Low Current System 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17
ELE18950 Sleeves 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17
ELE18960 Boxes 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17 ELE18950
ELE18970 Pipes 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17 ELE18950
ELE18980 Cable Tray 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17 ELE18950
ELE18990 Wiring of cables 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17 ELE18950
Fire Alarm System 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17
ELE19000 Sleeves 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17
ELE19010 Boxes 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17 ELE19000
ELE19020 Pipes 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17 ELE19000
ELE19030 Cable Tray 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17 ELE19000
ELE19040 Wiring of cables 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17 ELE19000
CCTV System 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17
ELE19050 Sleeves 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17
ELE19060 Boxes 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17 ELE19050
ELE19070 Pipes 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17 ELE19050
ELE19080 Cable Tray 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17 ELE19050
ELE19090 Wiring of cables 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17 ELE19050
Roof Floor 4 10-Apr-17 13-Apr-17
Power Circuit 4 10-Apr-17 13-Apr-17
ELE19150 Sleeves 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17
ELE19160 Boxes 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17 ELE19150
ELE19170 Pipes 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17 ELE19150
ELE19180 Cable Tray 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17 ELE19150
ELE19190 Wiring of cables 2 12-Apr-17 13-Apr-17 ELE19150
Lighting System 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17
ELE19200 Sleeves 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17
ELE19210 Boxes 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17 ELE19200
ELE19220 Pipes 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17 ELE19200
ELE19230 Cable Tray 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17 ELE19200
ELE19240 Wiring of cables 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17 ELE19200
Low Current System 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17
ELE19250 Sleeves 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17
ELE19260 Boxes 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17 ELE19250
ELE19270 Pipes 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17 ELE19250
ELE19280 Cable Tray 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17 ELE19250
ELE19290 Wiring of cables 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17 ELE19250
Fire Alarm System 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17
ELE19300 Sleeves 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17
ELE19310 Boxes 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17 ELE19300
ELE19320 Pipes 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17 ELE19300
ELE19330 Cable Tray 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17 ELE19300
ELE19340 Wiring of cables 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17 ELE19300

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The Zone Classis WBS Layout 21-May-17 14:14
Activity ID Activity Name Original Duration Start Finish Predecesso

CCTV System 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17

ELE19350 Sleeves 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17
ELE19360 Boxes 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17 ELE19350
ELE19370 Pipes 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17 ELE19350
ELE19380 Cable Tray 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17 ELE19350
ELE19390 Wiring of cables 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17 ELE19350
Building C1 4 10-Apr-17 13-Apr-17
Basement 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17
Power Circuit 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17
ELE25050 Sleeves 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17
ELE25060 Boxes 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17
ELE25070 Pipes 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17
ELE25080 Cable Tray 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17
ELE25090 Wiring of cables 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17
Lighting System 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17
ELE25100 Sleeves 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17
ELE25110 Boxes 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17
ELE25120 Pipes 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17
ELE25130 Cable Tray 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17
ELE25140 Wiring of cables 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17
Low Current System 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17
ELE25150 Sleeves 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17
ELE25160 Boxes 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17
ELE25170 Pipes 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17
ELE25180 Cable Tray 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17
ELE25190 Wiring of cables 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17
Fire Alarm System 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17
ELE25200 Sleeves 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17
ELE25210 Boxes 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17
ELE25220 Pipes 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17
ELE25230 Cable Tray 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17
ELE25240 Wiring of cables 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17
CCTV System 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17
ELE25250 Sleeves 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17
ELE25260 Boxes 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17
ELE25270 Pipes 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17
ELE25280 Cable Tray 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17
ELE25290 Wiring of cables 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17
Ground Floor 4 10-Apr-17 13-Apr-17
Grounding Protectio
Protection System & Lightning 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17
ELE25300 Sleeves 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17
ELE25310 Boxes 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17 ELE25300
ELE25320 Pipes 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17 ELE25300
ELE25330 Cable Tray 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17 ELE25300
ELE25340 Wiring of cables 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17 ELE25300
Power Circuit 4 10-Apr-17 13-Apr-17
ELE25350 Sleeves 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17
ELE25360 Boxes 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17 ELE25350
ELE25370 Pipes 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17 ELE25350
ELE25380 Cable Tray 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17 ELE25350
ELE25390 Wiring of cables 2 12-Apr-17 13-Apr-17 ELE25350
Lighting System 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17
ELE25400 Sleeves 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17
ELE25410 Boxes 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17 ELE25400
ELE25420 Pipes 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17 ELE25400
ELE25430 Cable Tray 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17 ELE25400
ELE25440 Wiring of cables 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17 ELE25400
Low Current System 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17
ELE25450 Sleeves 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17
ELE25460 Boxes 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17 ELE25450
ELE25470 Pipes 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17 ELE25450
ELE25480 Cable Tray 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17 ELE25450
ELE25490 Wiring of cables 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17 ELE25450
Fire Alarm System 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17
ELE25500 Sleeves 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17

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Oracle Corporation
The Zone Classis WBS Layout 21-May-17 14:14
Activity ID Activity Name Original Duration Start Finish Predecesso

ELE25510 Boxes 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17 ELE25500

ELE25520 Pipes 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17 ELE25500
ELE25530 Cable Tray 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17 ELE25500
ELE25540 Wiring of cables 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17 ELE25500
CCTV System 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17
ELE25550 Sleeves 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17
ELE25560 Boxes 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17 ELE25550
ELE25570 Pipes 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17 ELE25550
ELE25580 Cable Tray 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17 ELE25550
ELE25590 Wiring of cables 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17 ELE25550
First Floor 4 10-Apr-17 13-Apr-17
Power Circuit 4 10-Apr-17 13-Apr-17
ELE25650 Sleeves 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17
ELE25660 Boxes 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17 ELE25650
ELE25670 Pipes 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17 ELE25650
ELE25680 Cable Tray 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17 ELE25650
ELE25690 Wiring of cables 2 12-Apr-17 13-Apr-17 ELE25650
Lighting System 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17
ELE25700 Sleeves 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17
ELE25710 Boxes 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17 ELE25700
ELE25720 Pipes 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17 ELE25700
ELE25730 Cable Tray 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17 ELE25700
ELE25740 Wiring of cables 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17 ELE25700
Low Current System 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17
ELE25750 Sleeves 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17
ELE25760 Boxes 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17 ELE25750
ELE25770 Pipes 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17 ELE25750
ELE25780 Cable Tray 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17 ELE25750
ELE25790 Wiring of cables 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17 ELE25750
Fire Alarm System 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17
ELE25800 Sleeves 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17
ELE25810 Boxes 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17 ELE25800
ELE25820 Pipes 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17 ELE25800
ELE25830 Cable Tray 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17 ELE25800
ELE25840 Wiring of cables 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17 ELE25800
CCTV System 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17
ELE25850 Sleeves 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17
ELE25860 Boxes 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17 ELE25850
ELE25870 Pipes 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17 ELE25850
ELE25880 Cable Tray 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17 ELE25850
ELE25890 Wiring of cables 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17 ELE25850
Roof Floor 4 10-Apr-17 13-Apr-17
Power Circuit 4 10-Apr-17 13-Apr-17
ELE25950 Sleeves 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17
ELE25960 Boxes 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17 ELE25950
ELE25970 Pipes 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17 ELE25950
ELE25980 Cable Tray 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17 ELE25950
ELE25990 Wiring of cables 2 12-Apr-17 13-Apr-17 ELE25950
Lighting System 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17
ELE26000 Sleeves 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17
ELE26010 Boxes 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17 ELE26000
ELE26020 Pipes 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17 ELE26000
ELE26030 Cable Tray 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17 ELE26000
ELE26040 Wiring of cables 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17 ELE26000
Low Current System 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17
ELE26050 Sleeves 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17
ELE26060 Boxes 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17 ELE26050
ELE26070 Pipes 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17 ELE26050
ELE26080 Cable Tray 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17 ELE26050
ELE26090 Wiring of cables 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17 ELE26050
Fire Alarm System 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17
ELE26100 Sleeves 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17
ELE26110 Boxes 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17 ELE26100
ELE26120 Pipes 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17 ELE26100
ELE26130 Cable Tray 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17 ELE26100

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Oracle Corporation
The Zone Classis WBS Layout 21-May-17 14:14
Activity ID Activity Name Original Duration Start Finish Predecesso

ELE26140 Wiring of cables 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17 ELE26100

CCTV System 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17
ELE26150 Sleeves 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17
ELE26160 Boxes 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17 ELE26150
ELE26170 Pipes 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17 ELE26150
ELE26180 Cable Tray 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17 ELE26150
ELE26190 Wiring of cables 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17 ELE26150
Building C1` 4 10-Apr-17 13-Apr-17
Ground Floor 4 10-Apr-17 13-Apr-17
Grounding Protectio
Protection System & Lightning 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17
ELE19400 Sleeves 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17
ELE19410 Boxes 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17 ELE19400
ELE19420 Pipes 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17 ELE19400
ELE19430 Cable Tray 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17 ELE19400
ELE19440 Wiring of cables 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17 ELE19400
Power Circuit 4 10-Apr-17 13-Apr-17
ELE19450 Sleeves 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17
ELE19460 Boxes 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17 ELE19450
ELE19470 Pipes 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17 ELE19450
ELE19480 Cable Tray 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17 ELE19450
ELE19490 Wiring of cables 2 12-Apr-17 13-Apr-17 ELE19450
Lighting System 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17
ELE19500 Sleeves 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17
ELE19510 Boxes 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17 ELE19500
ELE19520 Pipes 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17 ELE19500
ELE19530 Cable Tray 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17 ELE19500
ELE19540 Wiring of cables 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17 ELE19500
Low Current System 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17
ELE19550 Sleeves 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17
ELE19560 Boxes 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17 ELE19550
ELE19570 Pipes 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17 ELE19550
ELE19580 Cable Tray 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17 ELE19550
ELE19590 Wiring of cables 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17 ELE19550
Fire Alarm System 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17
ELE19600 Sleeves 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17
ELE19610 Boxes 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17 ELE19600
ELE19620 Pipes 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17 ELE19600
ELE19630 Cable Tray 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17 ELE19600
ELE19640 Wiring of cables 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17 ELE19600
CCTV System 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17
ELE19650 Sleeves 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17
ELE19660 Boxes 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17 ELE19650
ELE19670 Pipes 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17 ELE19650
ELE19680 Cable Tray 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17 ELE19650
ELE19690 Wiring of cables 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17 ELE19650
First Floor 4 10-Apr-17 13-Apr-17
Power Circuit 4 10-Apr-17 13-Apr-17
ELE19750 Sleeves 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17
ELE19760 Boxes 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17 ELE19750
ELE19770 Pipes 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17 ELE19750
ELE19780 Cable Tray 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17 ELE19750
ELE19790 Wiring of cables 2 12-Apr-17 13-Apr-17 ELE19750
Lighting System 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17
ELE19800 Sleeves 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17
ELE19810 Boxes 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17 ELE19800
ELE19820 Pipes 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17 ELE19800
ELE19830 Cable Tray 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17 ELE19800
ELE19840 Wiring of cables 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17 ELE19800
Low Current System 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17
ELE19850 Sleeves 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17
ELE19860 Boxes 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17 ELE19850
ELE19870 Pipes 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17 ELE19850
ELE19880 Cable Tray 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17 ELE19850
ELE19890 Wiring of cables 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17 ELE19850
Fire Alarm System 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17

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The Zone Classis WBS Layout 21-May-17 14:14
Activity ID Activity Name Original Duration Start Finish Predecesso

ELE19900 Sleeves 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17

ELE19910 Boxes 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17 ELE19900
ELE19920 Pipes 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17 ELE19900
ELE19930 Cable Tray 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17 ELE19900
ELE19940 Wiring of cables 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17 ELE19900
CCTV System 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17
ELE19950 Sleeves 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17
ELE19960 Boxes 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17 ELE19950
ELE19970 Pipes 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17 ELE19950
ELE19980 Cable Tray 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17 ELE19950
ELE19990 Wiring of cables 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17 ELE19950
Roof Floor 4 10-Apr-17 13-Apr-17
Power Circuit 4 10-Apr-17 13-Apr-17
ELE20050 Sleeves 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17
ELE20060 Boxes 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17 ELE20050
ELE20070 Pipes 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17 ELE20050
ELE20080 Cable Tray 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17 ELE20050
ELE20090 Wiring of cables 2 12-Apr-17 13-Apr-17 ELE20050
Lighting System 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17
ELE20100 Sleeves 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17
ELE20110 Boxes 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17 ELE20100
ELE20120 Pipes 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17 ELE20100
ELE20130 Cable Tray 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17 ELE20100
ELE20140 Wiring of cables 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17 ELE20100
Low Current System 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17
ELE20150 Sleeves 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17
ELE20160 Boxes 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17 ELE20150
ELE20170 Pipes 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17 ELE20150
ELE20180 Cable Tray 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17 ELE20150
ELE20190 Wiring of cables 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17 ELE20150
Fire Alarm System 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17
ELE20200 Sleeves 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17
ELE20210 Boxes 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17 ELE20200
ELE20220 Pipes 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17 ELE20200
ELE20230 Cable Tray 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17 ELE20200
ELE20240 Wiring of cables 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17 ELE20200
CCTV System 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17
ELE20250 Sleeves 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17
ELE20260 Boxes 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17 ELE20250
ELE20270 Pipes 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17 ELE20250
ELE20280 Cable Tray 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17 ELE20250
ELE20290 Wiring of cables 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17 ELE20250
Building C2 4 10-Apr-17 13-Apr-17
Basement 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17
Power Circuit 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17
ELE26200 Sleeves 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17
ELE26210 Boxes 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17
ELE26220 Pipes 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17
ELE26230 Cable Tray 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17
ELE26240 Wiring of cables 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17
Lighting System 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17
ELE26250 Sleeves 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17
ELE26260 Boxes 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17
ELE26270 Pipes 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17
ELE26280 Cable Tray 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17
ELE26290 Wiring of cables 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17
Low Current System 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17
ELE26300 Sleeves 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17
ELE26310 Boxes 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17
ELE26320 Pipes 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17
ELE26330 Cable Tray 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17
ELE26340 Wiring of cables 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17
Fire Alarm System 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17
ELE26350 Sleeves 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17
ELE26360 Boxes 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17

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The Zone Classis WBS Layout 21-May-17 14:14
Activity ID Activity Name Original Duration Start Finish Predecesso

ELE26370 Pipes 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17

ELE26380 Cable Tray 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17
ELE26390 Wiring of cables 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17
CCTV System 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17
ELE26400 Sleeves 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17
ELE26410 Boxes 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17
ELE26420 Pipes 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17
ELE26430 Cable Tray 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17
ELE26440 Wiring of cables 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17
Ground Floor 4 10-Apr-17 13-Apr-17
Grounding Protectio
Protection System & Lightning 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17
ELE26450 Sleeves 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17
ELE26460 Boxes 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17 ELE26450
ELE26470 Pipes 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17 ELE26450
ELE26480 Cable Tray 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17 ELE26450
ELE26490 Wiring of cables 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17 ELE26450
Power Circuit 4 10-Apr-17 13-Apr-17
ELE26500 Sleeves 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17
ELE26510 Boxes 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17 ELE26500
ELE26520 Pipes 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17 ELE26500
ELE26530 Cable Tray 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17 ELE26500
ELE26540 Wiring of cables 2 12-Apr-17 13-Apr-17 ELE26500
Lighting System 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17
ELE26550 Sleeves 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17
ELE26560 Boxes 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17 ELE26550
ELE26570 Pipes 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17 ELE26550
ELE26580 Cable Tray 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17 ELE26550
ELE26590 Wiring of cables 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17 ELE26550
Low Current System 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17
ELE26600 Sleeves 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17
ELE26610 Boxes 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17 ELE26600
ELE26620 Pipes 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17 ELE26600
ELE26630 Cable Tray 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17 ELE26600
ELE26640 Wiring of cables 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17 ELE26600
Fire Alarm System 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17
ELE26650 Sleeves 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17
ELE26660 Boxes 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17 ELE26650
ELE26670 Pipes 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17 ELE26650
ELE26680 Cable Tray 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17 ELE26650
ELE26690 Wiring of cables 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17 ELE26650
CCTV System 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17
ELE26700 Sleeves 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17
ELE26710 Boxes 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17 ELE26700
ELE26720 Pipes 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17 ELE26700
ELE26730 Cable Tray 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17 ELE26700
ELE26740 Wiring of cables 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17 ELE26700
First Floor 4 10-Apr-17 13-Apr-17
Power Circuit 4 10-Apr-17 13-Apr-17
ELE26800 Sleeves 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17
ELE26810 Boxes 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17 ELE26800
ELE26820 Pipes 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17 ELE26800
ELE26830 Cable Tray 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17 ELE26800
ELE26840 Wiring of cables 2 12-Apr-17 13-Apr-17 ELE26800
Lighting System 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17
ELE26850 Sleeves 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17
ELE26860 Boxes 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17 ELE26850
ELE26870 Pipes 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17 ELE26850
ELE26880 Cable Tray 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17 ELE26850
ELE26890 Wiring of cables 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17 ELE26850
Low Current System 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17
ELE26900 Sleeves 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17
ELE26910 Boxes 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17 ELE26900
ELE26920 Pipes 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17 ELE26900
ELE26930 Cable Tray 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17 ELE26900
ELE26940 Wiring of cables 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17 ELE26900

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The Zone Classis WBS Layout 21-May-17 14:14
Activity ID Activity Name Original Duration Start Finish Predecesso

Fire Alarm System 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17

ELE26950 Sleeves 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17
ELE26960 Boxes 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17 ELE26950
ELE26970 Pipes 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17 ELE26950
ELE26980 Cable Tray 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17 ELE26950
ELE26990 Wiring of cables 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17 ELE26950
CCTV System 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17
ELE27000 Sleeves 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17
ELE27010 Boxes 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17 ELE27000
ELE27020 Pipes 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17 ELE27000
ELE27030 Cable Tray 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17 ELE27000
ELE27040 Wiring of cables 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17 ELE27000
Roof Floor 4 10-Apr-17 13-Apr-17
Power Circuit 4 10-Apr-17 13-Apr-17
ELE27100 Sleeves 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17
ELE27110 Boxes 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17 ELE27100
ELE27120 Pipes 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17 ELE27100
ELE27130 Cable Tray 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17 ELE27100
ELE27140 Wiring of cables 2 12-Apr-17 13-Apr-17 ELE27100
Lighting System 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17
ELE27150 Sleeves 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17
ELE27160 Boxes 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17 ELE27150
ELE27170 Pipes 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17 ELE27150
ELE27180 Cable Tray 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17 ELE27150
ELE27190 Wiring of cables 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17 ELE27150
Low Current System 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17
ELE27200 Sleeves 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17
ELE27210 Boxes 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17 ELE27200
ELE27220 Pipes 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17 ELE27200
ELE27230 Cable Tray 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17 ELE27200
ELE27240 Wiring of cables 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17 ELE27200
Fire Alarm System 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17
ELE27250 Sleeves 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17
ELE27260 Boxes 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17 ELE27250
ELE27270 Pipes 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17 ELE27250
ELE27280 Cable Tray 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17 ELE27250
ELE27290 Wiring of cables 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17 ELE27250
CCTV System 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17
ELE27300 Sleeves 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17
ELE27310 Boxes 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17 ELE27300
ELE27320 Pipes 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17 ELE27300
ELE27330 Cable Tray 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17 ELE27300
ELE27340 Wiring of cables 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17 ELE27300
Building C2` 4 10-Apr-17 13-Apr-17
Ground Floor 4 10-Apr-17 13-Apr-17
Grounding Protectio
Protection System & Lightning 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17
ELE20300 Sleeves 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17
ELE20310 Boxes 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17 ELE20300
ELE20320 Pipes 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17 ELE20300
ELE20330 Cable Tray 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17 ELE20300
ELE20340 Wiring of cables 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17 ELE20300
Power Circuit 4 10-Apr-17 13-Apr-17
ELE20350 Sleeves 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17
ELE20360 Boxes 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17 ELE20350
ELE20370 Pipes 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17 ELE20350
ELE20380 Cable Tray 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17 ELE20350
ELE20390 Wiring of cables 2 12-Apr-17 13-Apr-17 ELE20350
Lighting System 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17
ELE20400 Sleeves 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17
ELE20410 Boxes 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17 ELE20400
ELE20420 Pipes 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17 ELE20400
ELE20430 Cable Tray 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17 ELE20400
ELE20440 Wiring of cables 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17 ELE20400
Low Current System 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17
ELE20450 Sleeves 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17

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The Zone Classis WBS Layout 21-May-17 14:14
Activity ID Activity Name Original Duration Start Finish Predecesso

ELE20460 Boxes 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17 ELE20450

ELE20470 Pipes 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17 ELE20450
ELE20480 Cable Tray 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17 ELE20450
ELE20490 Wiring of cables 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17 ELE20450
Fire Alarm System 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17
ELE20500 Sleeves 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17
ELE20510 Boxes 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17 ELE20500
ELE20520 Pipes 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17 ELE20500
ELE20530 Cable Tray 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17 ELE20500
ELE20540 Wiring of cables 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17 ELE20500
CCTV System 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17
ELE20550 Sleeves 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17
ELE20560 Boxes 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17 ELE20550
ELE20570 Pipes 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17 ELE20550
ELE20580 Cable Tray 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17 ELE20550
ELE20590 Wiring of cables 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17 ELE20550
First Floor 4 10-Apr-17 13-Apr-17
Power Circuit 4 10-Apr-17 13-Apr-17
ELE20650 Sleeves 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17
ELE20660 Boxes 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17 ELE20650
ELE20670 Pipes 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17 ELE20650
ELE20680 Cable Tray 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17 ELE20650
ELE20690 Wiring of cables 2 12-Apr-17 13-Apr-17 ELE20650
Lighting System 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17
ELE20700 Sleeves 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17
ELE20710 Boxes 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17 ELE20700
ELE20720 Pipes 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17 ELE20700
ELE20730 Cable Tray 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17 ELE20700
ELE20740 Wiring of cables 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17 ELE20700
Low Current System 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17
ELE20750 Sleeves 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17
ELE20760 Boxes 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17 ELE20750
ELE20770 Pipes 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17 ELE20750
ELE20780 Cable Tray 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17 ELE20750
ELE20790 Wiring of cables 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17 ELE20750
Fire Alarm System 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17
ELE20800 Sleeves 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17
ELE20810 Boxes 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17 ELE20800
ELE20820 Pipes 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17 ELE20800
ELE20830 Cable Tray 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17 ELE20800
ELE20840 Wiring of cables 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17 ELE20800
CCTV System 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17
ELE20850 Sleeves 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17
ELE20860 Boxes 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17 ELE20850
ELE20870 Pipes 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17 ELE20850
ELE20880 Cable Tray 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17 ELE20850
ELE20890 Wiring of cables 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17 ELE20850
Roof Floor 4 10-Apr-17 13-Apr-17
Power Circuit 4 10-Apr-17 13-Apr-17
ELE20950 Sleeves 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17
ELE20960 Boxes 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17 ELE20950
ELE20970 Pipes 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17 ELE20950
ELE20980 Cable Tray 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17 ELE20950
ELE20990 Wiring of cables 2 12-Apr-17 13-Apr-17 ELE20950
Lighting System 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17
ELE21000 Sleeves 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17
ELE21010 Boxes 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17 ELE21000
ELE21020 Pipes 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17 ELE21000
ELE21030 Cable Tray 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17 ELE21000
ELE21040 Wiring of cables 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17 ELE21000
Low Current System 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17
ELE21050 Sleeves 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17
ELE21060 Boxes 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17 ELE21050
ELE21070 Pipes 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17 ELE21050
ELE21080 Cable Tray 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17 ELE21050

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Oracle Corporation
The Zone Classis WBS Layout 21-May-17 14:14
Activity ID Activity Name Original Duration Start Finish Predecesso

ELE21090 Wiring of cables 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17 ELE21050

Fire Alarm System 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17
ELE21100 Sleeves 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17
ELE21110 Boxes 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17 ELE21100
ELE21120 Pipes 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17 ELE21100
ELE21130 Cable Tray 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17 ELE21100
ELE21140 Wiring of cables 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17 ELE21100
CCTV System 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17
ELE21150 Sleeves 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17
ELE21160 Boxes 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17 ELE21150
ELE21170 Pipes 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17 ELE21150
ELE21180 Cable Tray 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17 ELE21150
ELE21190 Wiring of cables 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17 ELE21150
Building D1 4 10-Apr-17 13-Apr-17
Basement 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17
Power Circuit 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17
ELE27350 Sleeves 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17
ELE27360 Boxes 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17
ELE27370 Pipes 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17
ELE27380 Cable Tray 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17
ELE27390 Wiring of cables 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17
Lighting System 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17
ELE27400 Sleeves 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17
ELE27410 Boxes 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17
ELE27420 Pipes 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17
ELE27430 Cable Tray 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17
ELE27440 Wiring of cables 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17
Low Current System 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17
ELE27450 Sleeves 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17
ELE27460 Boxes 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17
ELE27470 Pipes 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17
ELE27480 Cable Tray 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17
ELE27490 Wiring of cables 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17
Fire Alarm System 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17
ELE27500 Sleeves 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17
ELE27510 Boxes 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17
ELE27520 Pipes 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17
ELE27530 Cable Tray 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17
ELE27540 Wiring of cables 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17
CCTV System 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17
ELE27550 Sleeves 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17
ELE27560 Boxes 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17
ELE27570 Pipes 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17
ELE27580 Cable Tray 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17
ELE27590 Wiring of cables 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17
Ground Floor 4 10-Apr-17 13-Apr-17
Grounding Protectio
Protection System & Lightning 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17
ELE27600 Sleeves 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17
ELE27610 Boxes 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17 ELE27600
ELE27620 Pipes 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17 ELE27600
ELE27630 Cable Tray 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17 ELE27600
ELE27640 Wiring of cables 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17 ELE27600
Power Circuit 4 10-Apr-17 13-Apr-17
ELE27650 Sleeves 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17
ELE27660 Boxes 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17 ELE27650
ELE27670 Pipes 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17 ELE27650
ELE27680 Cable Tray 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17 ELE27650
ELE27690 Wiring of cables 2 12-Apr-17 13-Apr-17 ELE27650
Lighting System 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17
ELE27700 Sleeves 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17
ELE27710 Boxes 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17 ELE27700
ELE27720 Pipes 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17 ELE27700
ELE27730 Cable Tray 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17 ELE27700
ELE27740 Wiring of cables 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17 ELE27700
Low Current System 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17

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Oracle Corporation
The Zone Classis WBS Layout 21-May-17 14:14
Activity ID Activity Name Original Duration Start Finish Predecesso

ELE27750 Sleeves 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17

ELE27760 Boxes 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17 ELE27750
ELE27770 Pipes 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17 ELE27750
ELE27780 Cable Tray 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17 ELE27750
ELE27790 Wiring of cables 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17 ELE27750
Fire Alarm System 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17
ELE27800 Sleeves 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17
ELE27810 Boxes 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17 ELE27800
ELE27820 Pipes 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17 ELE27800
ELE27830 Cable Tray 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17 ELE27800
ELE27840 Wiring of cables 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17 ELE27800
CCTV System 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17
ELE27850 Sleeves 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17
ELE27860 Boxes 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17 ELE27850
ELE27870 Pipes 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17 ELE27850
ELE27880 Cable Tray 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17 ELE27850
ELE27890 Wiring of cables 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17 ELE27850
First Floor 4 10-Apr-17 13-Apr-17
Power Circuit 4 10-Apr-17 13-Apr-17
ELE27950 Sleeves 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17
ELE27960 Boxes 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17 ELE27950
ELE27970 Pipes 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17 ELE27950
ELE27980 Cable Tray 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17 ELE27950
ELE27990 Wiring of cables 2 12-Apr-17 13-Apr-17 ELE27950
Lighting System 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17
ELE28000 Sleeves 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17
ELE28010 Boxes 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17 ELE28000
ELE28020 Pipes 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17 ELE28000
ELE28030 Cable Tray 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17 ELE28000
ELE28040 Wiring of cables 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17 ELE28000
Low Current System 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17
ELE28050 Sleeves 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17
ELE28060 Boxes 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17 ELE28050
ELE28070 Pipes 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17 ELE28050
ELE28080 Cable Tray 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17 ELE28050
ELE28090 Wiring of cables 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17 ELE28050
Fire Alarm System 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17
ELE28100 Sleeves 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17
ELE28110 Boxes 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17 ELE28100
ELE28120 Pipes 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17 ELE28100
ELE28130 Cable Tray 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17 ELE28100
ELE28140 Wiring of cables 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17 ELE28100
CCTV System 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17
ELE28150 Sleeves 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17
ELE28160 Boxes 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17 ELE28150
ELE28170 Pipes 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17 ELE28150
ELE28180 Cable Tray 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17 ELE28150
ELE28190 Wiring of cables 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17 ELE28150
Roof Floor 4 10-Apr-17 13-Apr-17
Power Circuit 4 10-Apr-17 13-Apr-17
ELE28250 Sleeves 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17
ELE28260 Boxes 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17 ELE28250
ELE28270 Pipes 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17 ELE28250
ELE28280 Cable Tray 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17 ELE28250
ELE28290 Wiring of cables 2 12-Apr-17 13-Apr-17 ELE28250
Lighting System 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17
ELE28300 Sleeves 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17
ELE28310 Boxes 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17 ELE28300
ELE28320 Pipes 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17 ELE28300
ELE28330 Cable Tray 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17 ELE28300
ELE28340 Wiring of cables 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17 ELE28300
Low Current System 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17
ELE28350 Sleeves 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17
ELE28360 Boxes 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17 ELE28350
ELE28370 Pipes 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17 ELE28350

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The Zone Classis WBS Layout 21-May-17 14:14
Activity ID Activity Name Original Duration Start Finish Predecesso

ELE28380 Cable Tray 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17 ELE28350

ELE28390 Wiring of cables 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17 ELE28350
Fire Alarm System 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17
ELE28400 Sleeves 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17
ELE28410 Boxes 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17 ELE28400
ELE28420 Pipes 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17 ELE28400
ELE28430 Cable Tray 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17 ELE28400
ELE28440 Wiring of cables 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17 ELE28400
CCTV System 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17
ELE28450 Sleeves 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17
ELE28460 Boxes 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17 ELE28450
ELE28470 Pipes 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17 ELE28450
ELE28480 Cable Tray 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17 ELE28450
ELE28490 Wiring of cables 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17 ELE28450
Building D1` 4 10-Apr-17 13-Apr-17
Ground Floor 4 10-Apr-17 13-Apr-17
Grounding Protectio
Protection System & Lightning 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17
ELE21200 Sleeves 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17
ELE21210 Boxes 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17 ELE21200
ELE21220 Pipes 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17 ELE21200
ELE21230 Cable Tray 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17 ELE21200
ELE21240 Wiring of cables 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17 ELE21200
Power Circuit 4 10-Apr-17 13-Apr-17
ELE21250 Sleeves 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17
ELE21260 Boxes 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17 ELE21250
ELE21270 Pipes 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17 ELE21250
ELE21280 Cable Tray 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17 ELE21250
ELE21290 Wiring of cables 2 12-Apr-17 13-Apr-17 ELE21250
Lighting System 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17
ELE21300 Sleeves 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17
ELE21310 Boxes 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17 ELE21300
ELE21320 Pipes 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17 ELE21300
ELE21330 Cable Tray 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17 ELE21300
ELE21340 Wiring of cables 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17 ELE21300
Low Current System 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17
ELE21350 Sleeves 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17
ELE21360 Boxes 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17 ELE21350
ELE21370 Pipes 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17 ELE21350
ELE21380 Cable Tray 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17 ELE21350
ELE21390 Wiring of cables 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17 ELE21350
Fire Alarm System 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17
ELE21400 Sleeves 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17
ELE21410 Boxes 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17 ELE21400
ELE21420 Pipes 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17 ELE21400
ELE21430 Cable Tray 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17 ELE21400
ELE21440 Wiring of cables 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17 ELE21400
CCTV System 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17
ELE21450 Sleeves 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17
ELE21460 Boxes 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17 ELE21450
ELE21470 Pipes 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17 ELE21450
ELE21480 Cable Tray 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17 ELE21450
ELE21490 Wiring of cables 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17 ELE21450
First Floor 4 10-Apr-17 13-Apr-17
Power Circuit 4 10-Apr-17 13-Apr-17
ELE21550 Sleeves 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17
ELE21560 Boxes 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17 ELE21550
ELE21570 Pipes 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17 ELE21550
ELE21580 Cable Tray 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17 ELE21550
ELE21590 Wiring of cables 2 12-Apr-17 13-Apr-17 ELE21550
Lighting System 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17
ELE21600 Sleeves 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17
ELE21610 Boxes 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17 ELE21600
ELE21620 Pipes 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17 ELE21600
ELE21630 Cable Tray 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17 ELE21600
ELE21640 Wiring of cables 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17 ELE21600

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The Zone Classis WBS Layout 21-May-17 14:14
Activity ID Activity Name Original Duration Start Finish Predecesso

Low Current System 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17

ELE21650 Sleeves 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17
ELE21660 Boxes 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17 ELE21650
ELE21670 Pipes 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17 ELE21650
ELE21680 Cable Tray 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17 ELE21650
ELE21690 Wiring of cables 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17 ELE21650
Fire Alarm System 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17
ELE21700 Sleeves 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17
ELE21710 Boxes 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17 ELE21700
ELE21720 Pipes 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17 ELE21700
ELE21730 Cable Tray 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17 ELE21700
ELE21740 Wiring of cables 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17 ELE21700
CCTV System 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17
ELE21750 Sleeves 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17
ELE21760 Boxes 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17 ELE21750
ELE21770 Pipes 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17 ELE21750
ELE21780 Cable Tray 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17 ELE21750
ELE21790 Wiring of cables 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17 ELE21750
Roof Floor 4 10-Apr-17 13-Apr-17
Power Circuit 4 10-Apr-17 13-Apr-17
ELE21850 Sleeves 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17
ELE21860 Boxes 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17 ELE21850
ELE21870 Pipes 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17 ELE21850
ELE21880 Cable Tray 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17 ELE21850
ELE21890 Wiring of cables 2 12-Apr-17 13-Apr-17 ELE21850
Lighting System 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17
ELE21900 Sleeves 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17
ELE21910 Boxes 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17 ELE21900
ELE21920 Pipes 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17 ELE21900
ELE21930 Cable Tray 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17 ELE21900
ELE21940 Wiring of cables 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17 ELE21900
Low Current System 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17
ELE21950 Sleeves 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17
ELE21960 Boxes 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17 ELE21950
ELE21970 Pipes 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17 ELE21950
ELE21980 Cable Tray 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17 ELE21950
ELE21990 Wiring of cables 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17 ELE21950
Fire Alarm System 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17
ELE22000 Sleeves 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17
ELE22010 Boxes 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17 ELE22000
ELE22020 Pipes 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17 ELE22000
ELE22030 Cable Tray 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17 ELE22000
ELE22040 Wiring of cables 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17 ELE22000
CCTV System 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17
ELE22050 Sleeves 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17
ELE22060 Boxes 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17 ELE22050
ELE22070 Pipes 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17 ELE22050
ELE22080 Cable Tray 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17 ELE22050
ELE22090 Wiring of cables 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17 ELE22050
Building D2 4 10-Apr-17 13-Apr-17
Basement 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17
Power Circuit 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17
ELE28500 Sleeves 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17
ELE28510 Boxes 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17
ELE28520 Pipes 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17
ELE28530 Cable Tray 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17
ELE28540 Wiring of cables 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17
Lighting System 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17
ELE28550 Sleeves 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17
ELE28560 Boxes 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17
ELE28570 Pipes 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17
ELE28580 Cable Tray 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17
ELE28590 Wiring of cables 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17
Low Current System 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17
ELE28600 Sleeves 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17

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Oracle Corporation
The Zone Classis WBS Layout 21-May-17 14:14
Activity ID Activity Name Original Duration Start Finish Predecesso

ELE28610 Boxes 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17

ELE28620 Pipes 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17
ELE28630 Cable Tray 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17
ELE28640 Wiring of cables 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17
Fire Alarm System 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17
ELE28650 Sleeves 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17
ELE28660 Boxes 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17
ELE28670 Pipes 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17
ELE28680 Cable Tray 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17
ELE28690 Wiring of cables 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17
CCTV System 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17
ELE28700 Sleeves 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17
ELE28710 Boxes 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17
ELE28720 Pipes 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17
ELE28730 Cable Tray 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17
ELE28740 Wiring of cables 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17
Ground Floor 4 10-Apr-17 13-Apr-17
Power Circuit 4 10-Apr-17 13-Apr-17
ELE28800 Sleeves 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17
ELE28810 Boxes 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17 ELE28800
ELE28820 Pipes 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17 ELE28800
ELE28830 Cable Tray 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17 ELE28800
ELE28840 Wiring of cables 2 12-Apr-17 13-Apr-17 ELE28800
Lighting System 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17
ELE28850 Sleeves 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17
ELE28860 Boxes 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17 ELE28850
ELE28870 Pipes 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17 ELE28850
ELE28880 Cable Tray 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17 ELE28850
ELE28890 Wiring of cables 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17 ELE28850
Low Current System 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17
ELE28900 Sleeves 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17
ELE28910 Boxes 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17 ELE28900
ELE28920 Pipes 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17 ELE28900
ELE28930 Cable Tray 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17 ELE28900
ELE28940 Wiring of cables 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17 ELE28900
Fire Alarm System 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17
ELE28950 Sleeves 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17
ELE28960 Boxes 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17 ELE28950
ELE28970 Pipes 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17 ELE28950
ELE28980 Cable Tray 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17 ELE28950
ELE28990 Wiring of cables 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17 ELE28950
CCTV System 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17
ELE29000 Sleeves 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17
ELE29010 Boxes 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17 ELE29000
ELE29020 Pipes 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17 ELE29000
ELE29030 Cable Tray 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17 ELE29000
ELE29040 Wiring of cables 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17 ELE29000
First Floor 4 10-Apr-17 13-Apr-17
Power Circuit 4 10-Apr-17 13-Apr-17
ELE29100 Sleeves 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17
ELE29110 Boxes 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17 ELE29100
ELE29120 Pipes 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17 ELE29100
ELE29130 Cable Tray 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17 ELE29100
ELE29140 Wiring of cables 2 12-Apr-17 13-Apr-17 ELE29100
Lighting System 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17
ELE29150 Sleeves 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17
ELE29160 Boxes 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17 ELE29150
ELE29170 Pipes 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17 ELE29150
ELE29180 Cable Tray 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17 ELE29150
ELE29190 Wiring of cables 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17 ELE29150
Low Current System 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17
ELE29200 Sleeves 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17
ELE29210 Boxes 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17 ELE29200
ELE29220 Pipes 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17 ELE29200
ELE29230 Cable Tray 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17 ELE29200

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The Zone Classis WBS Layout 21-May-17 14:14
Activity ID Activity Name Original Duration Start Finish Predecesso

ELE29240 Wiring of cables 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17 ELE29200

Fire Alarm System 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17
ELE29250 Sleeves 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17
ELE29260 Boxes 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17 ELE29250
ELE29270 Pipes 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17 ELE29250
ELE29280 Cable Tray 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17 ELE29250
ELE29290 Wiring of cables 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17 ELE29250
CCTV System 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17
ELE29300 Sleeves 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17
ELE29310 Boxes 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17 ELE29300
ELE29320 Pipes 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17 ELE29300
ELE29330 Cable Tray 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17 ELE29300
ELE29340 Wiring of cables 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17 ELE29300
Roof Floor 4 10-Apr-17 13-Apr-17
Power Circuit 4 10-Apr-17 13-Apr-17
ELE29400 Sleeves 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17
ELE29410 Boxes 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17 ELE29400
ELE29420 Pipes 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17 ELE29400
ELE29430 Cable Tray 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17 ELE29400
ELE29440 Wiring of cables 2 12-Apr-17 13-Apr-17 ELE29400
Lighting System 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17
ELE29450 Sleeves 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17
ELE29460 Boxes 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17 ELE29450
ELE29470 Pipes 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17 ELE29450
ELE29480 Cable Tray 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17 ELE29450
ELE29490 Wiring of cables 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17 ELE29450
Low Current System 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17
ELE29500 Sleeves 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17
ELE29510 Boxes 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17 ELE29500
ELE29520 Pipes 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17 ELE29500
ELE29530 Cable Tray 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17 ELE29500
ELE29540 Wiring of cables 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17 ELE29500
Fire Alarm System 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17
ELE29550 Sleeves 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17
ELE29560 Boxes 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17 ELE29550
ELE29570 Pipes 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17 ELE29550
ELE29580 Cable Tray 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17 ELE29550
ELE29590 Wiring of cables 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17 ELE29550
CCTV System 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17
ELE29600 Sleeves 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17
ELE29610 Boxes 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17 ELE29600
ELE29620 Pipes 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17 ELE29600
ELE29630 Cable Tray 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17 ELE29600
ELE29640 Wiring of cables 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17 ELE29600
Building D2` 4 10-Apr-17 13-Apr-17
Ground Floor 4 10-Apr-17 13-Apr-17
Grounding Protectio
Protection System & Lightning 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17
ELE22100 Sleeves 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17
ELE22110 Boxes 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17 ELE22100
ELE22120 Pipes 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17 ELE22100
ELE22130 Cable Tray 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17 ELE22100
ELE22140 Wiring of cables 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17 ELE22100
Power Circuit 4 10-Apr-17 13-Apr-17
ELE22150 Sleeves 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17
ELE22160 Boxes 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17 ELE22150
ELE22170 Pipes 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17 ELE22150
ELE22180 Cable Tray 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17 ELE22150
ELE22190 Wiring of cables 2 12-Apr-17 13-Apr-17 ELE22150
Lighting System 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17
ELE22200 Sleeves 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17
ELE22210 Boxes 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17 ELE22200
ELE22220 Pipes 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17 ELE22200
ELE22230 Cable Tray 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17 ELE22200
ELE22240 Wiring of cables 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17 ELE22200
Low Current System 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17

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The Zone Classis WBS Layout 21-May-17 14:14
Activity ID Activity Name Original Duration Start Finish Predecesso

ELE22250 Sleeves 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17

ELE22260 Boxes 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17 ELE22250
ELE22270 Pipes 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17 ELE22250
ELE22280 Cable Tray 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17 ELE22250
ELE22290 Wiring of cables 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17 ELE22250
Fire Alarm System 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17
ELE22300 Sleeves 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17
ELE22310 Boxes 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17 ELE22300
ELE22320 Pipes 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17 ELE22300
ELE22330 Cable Tray 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17 ELE22300
ELE22340 Wiring of cables 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17 ELE22300
CCTV System 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17
ELE22350 Sleeves 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17
ELE22360 Boxes 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17 ELE22350
ELE22370 Pipes 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17 ELE22350
ELE22380 Cable Tray 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17 ELE22350
ELE22390 Wiring of cables 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17 ELE22350
First Floor 4 10-Apr-17 13-Apr-17
Power Circuit 4 10-Apr-17 13-Apr-17
ELE22450 Sleeves 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17
ELE22460 Boxes 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17 ELE22450
ELE22470 Pipes 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17 ELE22450
ELE22480 Cable Tray 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17 ELE22450
ELE22490 Wiring of cables 2 12-Apr-17 13-Apr-17 ELE22450
Lighting System 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17
ELE22500 Sleeves 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17
ELE22510 Boxes 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17 ELE22500
ELE22520 Pipes 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17 ELE22500
ELE22530 Cable Tray 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17 ELE22500
ELE22540 Wiring of cables 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17 ELE22500
Low Current System 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17
ELE22550 Sleeves 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17
ELE22560 Boxes 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17 ELE22550
ELE22570 Pipes 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17 ELE22550
ELE22580 Cable Tray 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17 ELE22550
ELE22590 Wiring of cables 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17 ELE22550
Fire Alarm System 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17
ELE22600 Sleeves 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17
ELE22610 Boxes 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17 ELE22600
ELE22620 Pipes 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17 ELE22600
ELE22630 Cable Tray 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17 ELE22600
ELE22640 Wiring of cables 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17 ELE22600
CCTV System 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17
ELE22650 Sleeves 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17
ELE22660 Boxes 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17 ELE22650
ELE22670 Pipes 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17 ELE22650
ELE22680 Cable Tray 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17 ELE22650
ELE22690 Wiring of cables 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17 ELE22650
Roof Floor 4 10-Apr-17 13-Apr-17
Power Circuit 4 10-Apr-17 13-Apr-17
ELE22750 Sleeves 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17
ELE22760 Boxes 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17 ELE22750
ELE22770 Pipes 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17 ELE22750
ELE22780 Cable Tray 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17 ELE22750
ELE22790 Wiring of cables 2 12-Apr-17 13-Apr-17 ELE22750
Lighting System 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17
ELE22800 Sleeves 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17
ELE22810 Boxes 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17 ELE22800
ELE22820 Pipes 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17 ELE22800
ELE22830 Cable Tray 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17 ELE22800
ELE22840 Wiring of cables 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17 ELE22800
Low Current System 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17
ELE22850 Sleeves 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17
ELE22860 Boxes 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17 ELE22850
ELE22870 Pipes 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17 ELE22850

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The Zone Classis WBS Layout 21-May-17 14:14
Activity ID Activity Name Original Duration Start Finish Predecesso

ELE22880 Cable Tray 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17 ELE22850

ELE22890 Wiring of cables 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17 ELE22850
Fire Alarm System 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17
ELE22900 Sleeves 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17
ELE22910 Boxes 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17 ELE22900
ELE22920 Pipes 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17 ELE22900
ELE22930 Cable Tray 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17 ELE22900
ELE22940 Wiring of cables 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17 ELE22900
CCTV System 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17
ELE22950 Sleeves 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17
ELE22960 Boxes 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17 ELE22950
ELE22970 Pipes 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17 ELE22950
ELE22980 Cable Tray 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17 ELE22950
ELE22990 Wiring of cables 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17 ELE22950
Building E 4 10-Apr-17 13-Apr-17
Basement 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17
Power Circuit 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17
ELE29650 Sleeves 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17
ELE29660 Boxes 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17
ELE29670 Pipes 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17
ELE29680 Cable Tray 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17
ELE29690 Wiring of cables 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17
Lighting System 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17
ELE29700 Sleeves 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17
ELE29710 Boxes 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17
ELE29720 Pipes 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17
ELE29730 Cable Tray 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17
ELE29740 Wiring of cables 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17
Low Current System 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17
ELE29750 Sleeves 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17
ELE29760 Boxes 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17
ELE29770 Pipes 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17
ELE29780 Cable Tray 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17
ELE29790 Wiring of cables 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17
Fire Alarm System 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17
ELE29800 Sleeves 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17
ELE29810 Boxes 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17
ELE29820 Pipes 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17
ELE29830 Cable Tray 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17
ELE29840 Wiring of cables 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17
CCTV System 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17
ELE29850 Sleeves 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17
ELE29860 Boxes 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17
ELE29870 Pipes 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17
ELE29880 Cable Tray 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17
ELE29890 Wiring of cables 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17
Ground Floor 4 10-Apr-17 13-Apr-17
Grounding Protectio
Protection System & Lightning 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17
ELE29900 Sleeves 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17
ELE29910 Boxes 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17 ELE29900
ELE29920 Pipes 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17 ELE29900
ELE29930 Cable Tray 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17 ELE29900
ELE29940 Wiring of cables 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17 ELE29900
Power Circuit 4 10-Apr-17 13-Apr-17
ELE29950 Sleeves 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17
ELE29960 Boxes 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17 ELE29950
ELE29970 Pipes 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17 ELE29950
ELE29980 Cable Tray 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17 ELE29950
ELE29990 Wiring of cables 2 12-Apr-17 13-Apr-17 ELE29950
Lighting System 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17
ELE30000 Sleeves 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17
ELE30010 Boxes 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17 ELE30000
ELE30020 Pipes 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17 ELE30000
ELE30030 Cable Tray 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17 ELE30000
ELE30040 Wiring of cables 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17 ELE30000

Page 30 of 32 TASK filter: All Activities

Oracle Corporation
The Zone Classis WBS Layout 21-May-17 14:14
Activity ID Activity Name Original Duration Start Finish Predecesso

Low Current System 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17

ELE30050 Sleeves 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17
ELE30060 Boxes 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17 ELE30050
ELE30070 Pipes 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17 ELE30050
ELE30080 Cable Tray 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17 ELE30050
ELE30090 Wiring of cables 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17 ELE30050
Fire Alarm System 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17
ELE30100 Sleeves 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17
ELE30110 Boxes 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17 ELE30100
ELE30120 Pipes 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17 ELE30100
ELE30130 Cable Tray 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17 ELE30100
ELE30140 Wiring of cables 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17 ELE30100
CCTV System 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17
ELE30150 Sleeves 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17
ELE30160 Boxes 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17 ELE30150
ELE30170 Pipes 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17 ELE30150
ELE30180 Cable Tray 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17 ELE30150
ELE30190 Wiring of cables 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17 ELE30150
First Floor 4 10-Apr-17 13-Apr-17
Power Circuit 4 10-Apr-17 13-Apr-17
ELE30250 Sleeves 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17
ELE30260 Boxes 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17 ELE30250
ELE30270 Pipes 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17 ELE30250
ELE30280 Cable Tray 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17 ELE30250
ELE30290 Wiring of cables 2 12-Apr-17 13-Apr-17 ELE30250
Lighting System 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17
ELE30300 Sleeves 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17
ELE30310 Boxes 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17 ELE30300
ELE30320 Pipes 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17 ELE30300
ELE30330 Cable Tray 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17 ELE30300
ELE30340 Wiring of cables 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17 ELE30300
Low Current System 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17
ELE30350 Sleeves 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17
ELE30360 Boxes 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17 ELE30350
ELE30370 Pipes 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17 ELE30350
ELE30380 Cable Tray 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17 ELE30350
ELE30390 Wiring of cables 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17 ELE30350
Fire Alarm System 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17
ELE30400 Sleeves 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17
ELE30410 Boxes 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17 ELE30400
ELE30420 Pipes 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17 ELE30400
ELE30430 Cable Tray 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17 ELE30400
ELE30440 Wiring of cables 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17 ELE30400
CCTV System 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17
ELE30450 Sleeves 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17
ELE30460 Boxes 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17 ELE30450
ELE30470 Pipes 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17 ELE30450
ELE30480 Cable Tray 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17 ELE30450
ELE30490 Wiring of cables 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17 ELE30450
Roof Floor 4 10-Apr-17 13-Apr-17
Power Circuit 4 10-Apr-17 13-Apr-17
ELE30550 Sleeves 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17
ELE30560 Boxes 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17 ELE30550
ELE30570 Pipes 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17 ELE30550
ELE30580 Cable Tray 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17 ELE30550
ELE30590 Wiring of cables 2 12-Apr-17 13-Apr-17 ELE30550
Lighting System 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17
ELE30600 Sleeves 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17
ELE30610 Boxes 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17 ELE30600
ELE30620 Pipes 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17 ELE30600
ELE30630 Cable Tray 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17 ELE30600
ELE30640 Wiring of cables 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17 ELE30600
Low Current System 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17
ELE30650 Sleeves 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17
ELE30660 Boxes 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17 ELE30650

Page 31 of 32 TASK filter: All Activities

Oracle Corporation
The Zone Classis WBS Layout 21-May-17 14:14
Activity ID Activity Name Original Duration Start Finish Predecesso

ELE30670 Pipes 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17 ELE30650

ELE30680 Cable Tray 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17 ELE30650
ELE30690 Wiring of cables 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17 ELE30650
Fire Alarm System 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17
ELE30700 Sleeves 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17
ELE30710 Boxes 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17 ELE30700
ELE30720 Pipes 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17 ELE30700
ELE30730 Cable Tray 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17 ELE30700
ELE30740 Wiring of cables 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17 ELE30700
CCTV System 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17
ELE30750 Sleeves 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17
ELE30760 Boxes 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17 ELE30750
ELE30770 Pipes 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17 ELE30750
ELE30780 Cable Tray 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17 ELE30750
ELE30790 Wiring of cables 2 10-Apr-17 11-Apr-17 ELE30750

Page 32 of 32 TASK filter: All Activities

Oracle Corporation

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