Interview Questions Peer Mentors

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Interview Questions

What extra-curriculars were you involved in during high school?

What was most rewarding about those experiences?
Would you say that those experiences have influenced your KU Experience?
Is there anything that particularly engaged you within those organizations?
Can you tell me about your relationship with your BUS 110/120 instructor?
As a student in BUS 110, was there anything that your peer mentor did that stuck out to
What things did your peer mentor do that you try to emulate with your mentees? Is there
anything they did that you try to avoid doing?

What has been most rewarding about being a peer mentor?

What brought you back for another year as a peer mentor?

How have those closest to you influenced your decision to become a peer mentor?
Can you describe any difficulties youve had with balancing competing demands?
Have your academics been affected or do they always take priority?
How many hours a week do you spend a week doing peer mentor related activities?
What would you do with that time if you werent acting as a peer mentor?
I know the peer mentors get a small scholarship, do you feel like its worth it?
What ways will being peer mentor benefit you in the future?

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