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Wine 2010 2 Forx0,e**may be expressed as 4 ow wt @ -x oO = ©: 245 . SRT earrypmn te expressed as 5 Py. oO Pepe Py Oren ® Fee) O Pek x’ a +6x417 6 Pp, & OF vere Given that ab © and kat constants, then 2 cam be expressed as a) Sebia ee infos binfx— ©) ainflssin|e-sk 7 2 © inlets took x ed oO ain f+ +eln|e—if+k cobast 2 L( cate). we) Jleossicos3s)ar= o feos tetcos2x) ax GF flooete-conds)az ©) f(eos8x-cos2x) de (©) fleoete+coe2s) ar “The general solution forthe second-order ay itereta equation £2 94 +.2y-=01s 2 os QQ ye Ache Bet @ yoke the © yaer(A+Bs) ) yre"(A+ Bx 4 nt 4 sin*3) igequal to 4s" 22) ine w smar @ finae Givensetee tres, [MEE dee OF jon -K m 4 © m Fe " jot Vis? * Lt ow fantSse Litt ye ® {rt snt246 1B, 4 ©) saree 1 Sechorain @ jan[Z< @D tw 'Gs)+c © sun(2} 6 14. ©) sun'Ga)re Sooy “y i 2=29 «thon thé value of Sat the point (1.2 3) tg D i ayt 44 fait xae~ GSIRs 1 -]sih Sides f-WoNe L (A) tiaGest xe ® infest) xeR © $Wt}os Iflog.,2 = ten og 0.128, in terms wos g: 13 ® 7% et ie 6 ® leg, » ©) & ~ 1% 3 1s 16. a, 18, “The number of bacteria present in 9 culture 19, ismodelle by y= yo, where > 0, yi the population after ¢ hours, andy, isthe ini population, The rate of growth, ¢, when t= Sis givenby rye @ ens Foran, 3: (2H OTe 20. On mm © ” a. A S.-Se B® S,4-S4 O SS. For what values of x is the series zy ‘convergent? w xot B xsl © acer . @) -tsxsi “The coefficient of in the expansion of (er by is WC, ® *, © *, B= A sequence is defined a5 yay = Te, .(a.@ N). The 208 term of he where u, = sequences ee td, Oa Uae 1 Bev dg ® € 4 7 a” ¥ a am 9 . o . » 2 Wo ~ Se 22, Thesumtoinfinlty ofthe geometric series 26, IT the tue length ofa pice of pipe is Dem 16+ 12494......18! and is measured length is 51 em, then the relative eror i lengths a . ao a 1s O 6 @ = o 6 © 3% o % HDF sastenals 27. Byung ne Newton Raphson method wt a Fist approxi approximations, fora rot ofthe equation jon xy, the second u 4 PEE 4 25 may Be expressed as 1 ina) 05 Oo; wo © 2 m4 24, ThecoetTcient of in theseries expansion of 32) is “ “The sum of the frst m tems of sve i 1 tess oO 2 @ 5 ©» ‘ 25, Ifthe cocffiient of» in (6 ~ ax) is 84, cog SS a os Learn | » 29. a ‘A music artist sells 48 000 CDs inthe frst 32. year of release. Sales are halved each ‘subsequent year. Ieach CD is gold for S25, ‘hen the value of sales fora particular year, 1 can be expressed a5 mem} O r-rel © rao “ © 5 (24 000)" ‘Two quanttes,yand , were measured, The results, rounded correct to two significant figures, were y=98 and:=9:3, The lower snd upper bounds epectively forthe valuc ofy—z are ® Osandos B) 0Sandos 3%. Oaand 0s ©) o5ando6 ‘Two events A and B are such that P (A) = 0.5, PB) = 0.16, PAU B) = 0.48, wo ous. © 026 bag WM =|-20 4 1], mePIRSTROW oF 05 6 the co-factor matrix of Mis: el. o fit] 3 Given that His anon singular square marx, thedeterminant, [FP of is «2 iH] \ 8) zl aL & © L 34. The number of possible values ofxwhich 37. The determinant of the mateix ssf he system of simultaneous equations, = S : , 2 38. Th fa quadeat 2 The roots of a quadratic equation o 3 ass bre=0, ate the complex numbers 1 24and2—i Theequationis A) BG )2~4-3i ® emcee rerte) BoG-Dxs4e3ie0 (D) -B+GHOre443I=0 35, 2 36. The FIRSTROWoftie product PQ of the t903%3 mations 2-3 wo SS p=] 5 6 5} and Bu “1 23 wo FG s 7-4 oO tT wm 4395 ‘ett ® 629 oO a @uvwony ©) C4 as =D 40. Theexpresssion é((1+0*—(1—i)"] sequal ® “4 ® 2 © 2 © 4 41. Theprincipal value of the argument of the 44 complex number? ~21i8 w eo 42. ® 43, Inhow many ways can the letters PORST bbe arranged so thatthe leters R and'S are always togetier? (A) Stnat x2. @ o © “The letters ofthe word RREG ULAR face to be arranged ina line. The number of possible arrangemens in which the 3 Rsare notiogetheris| 2 0: 97 x3! “The locusofth poins described by acomplex number zis given by 1 ~2|=3. The Tous describes acicle with (A) centre 1,2) andradius 3 unis (B) centre -1,—2)andradius 9 nits centre (1, 2) and radius 3 unis $B) centre(I, 2) and radius 9 units IF YOUFINISHBEFORETIMEIS CALLED, CHECK YOUR WORK ONTHIS TEST.

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