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12 Things I Learned at Werner Herzog's

Rogue Film School

In late August in a nondescript hotel banquet room in a nondescript

section of Los Angeles, I gathered, along with about 50 other people
from far-flung places around the world, to hear one man speak at
the Rogue Film School. Who else but Werner Herzog could
bring such a diverse group of strangers together? We came from the
UK, Argentina, Canada, Uzbekistan, Brazil, Russia, Iceland and
Louisiana after applying to and being accepted into his fifth "Rogue
Film School."

"Facts do not constitute truth." - Werner Herzog

Our work, his "Rogues" as he affectionally called us, was as distinct
as we were: A quantum physicist and first-time filmmaker was
making a film about something that is invisible but makes existence
possible (how do you make the invisible visible?), another person
was working on a film about an indigenous language in Canada that
dying out along with its last speakers, then there was a creepy love
story between a man and a corpse, and finally, an engrossing
Hollywood-style thriller/horror movie.

Far from being surrounded by well-off dilettantes who could afford to

pay the tuition (the cost of the 4-day seminar is $1500), I found my
fellow participants to be serious-minded, talented documentary and
narrative filmmakers, some of whom (like myself) had made great
sacrifices to attend. Luckily, I benefitted from friends and strangers
who generously gave to my successful online crowdfunding
campaign and I only had to travel up the road, otherwise I wouldn't
have been able to attend.
I had come to the Rogue Film School to hear from someone I revered as a filmmaker
and learn how he managed to make the films he wanted from within and without the
system. Maybe then I could figure out how to do it too.

I first encountered Werner's work while working at Channel 4 in London and

watching TV at my desk when "Fitzcarraldo" came on. The volume was on mute and I
although had no idea what the story was, I became riveted by the images on the
screen. Before that moment, I had no idea who Werner Herzog was, but from that
moment on I was captivated and have been ever since.

"The Rogue Film School is not for the faint-

hearted." - Werner Herzog
I applied to the film school without ever thinking I had a chance at
being selected. My work is not the usual Hollywood fare, but then
again, that's not necessarily what interests Herzog. What gave me
the temerity to apply was this quote on the front page of the Rogue
Film School website.

"The Rogue Film School is not for the faint-hearted. It is for those
who have travelled on foot, who have worked as bouncers in sex
clubs or as wardens in a lunatic asylum, for those who are willing to
learn about lock picking or forging shooting permits in countries not
favoring their projects. In short: for those who have a sense of
poetry. For those who are pilgrims. For those who can tell a story to
four year old children and hold their attention. For those who have a
fire burning within. For those who have a dream." -- Werner Herzog

I read it and thought "Yep, thats me!" Amazingly, I was accepted.

On the first night of the seminar, a "meet and greet," I opened the double doors into
the crowded banquet hall intending to down a glass of wine before jumping into the
fray and was immediately accosted by Werner dressed in a suit and holding a
clipboard (I mention his clothing because later during the seminar he explained that he
wears suits to show respect).

"You!" he called to me. I stopped and adjusted my eyes to the small group of people
by the door now all staring at me. "You must be" He then glanced down at his
clipboard which I noticed had neat columns of our names along with notes about our
films. He pronounced my name with his distinctive German accented English. "Marie-
Franoise... yes, I remember your film. Very good. You are one of the only ones with a
BIG story. It's very important. We should show it."

When Werner addresses you, you have his undivided attention, a rarity in most
encounters I've found in life, much less in L.A. He then gave me what felt like an on-
the-spot psychic reading. I had no idea what he was fucking talking about. I could
only nod my head in stunned silence.

During the seminar, we watched a few of the great films from the participants. When I
thought he had forgotten about mine, I felt slightly relieved. It was a surreal moment
when, on the last day of the film school, he screened my award-winning short "rebel
in the soul" in its entirety and not just the five minute clip that I expected. Although I
knew he had watched it previously (Werner watches all the submitted film clips
personally), while sitting there in the presence of Werner and the other amazing
filmmakers while it screened, I felt a mixture of extreme pride and nerve-wracking

His reputation for wild antics aside, I found Werner to be warm, serious, humorous
and immensely approachable. He hung out with us during breaks and for a good part
of lunch, often continuing the conversation while relaxing in the sun. We bumped into
each other in the hall after the first long day and far from avoiding additional
conversation after talking non-stop for nearly eight hours, he earnestly seemed to want
to know if I was enjoying myself and getting something concrete out of the
experience. He lamented on the small ratio of women to men participants, a difference
from the "Rogue Film School" fourth session where he said there were more women
applicants. Each day, we started right on time, as per his dictum "who is late will be
punished by life." The rule of no laptops or cellphones was refreshing as everyone
was freed up to actually talk and connect with each other. Wow. What a concept.

"I am a product of my failures." - Werner Herzog

What most impressed us was Werner's passionate mission to cultivate a sense of
urgency in lighting a fire under our asses to make films that have big stories and
convey a sense of poetry, wonder and awe. He wanted us to write, film and edit as if
we were on death row and they were coming to strap us to the gurney. There is no
time to waste on fear or self-doubt. You're about to die. It takes a ridiculous amount of
courage and inner fortitude to follow your instincts. It's not for the faint of heart. Be
up to the task.

It was an immersive seminar that lit creative juices and left me burning to take the
next step in my filmmaking journey. There's no way I can encapsulate all that I
absorbed in those intense, too brief 4 days, but the experience reinvigorated and
changed my artistic practice forever. I recommend that you go go and experience it for
yourself. In the meantime, here's a list of my personal favorite commandments that
landed on our heads from on high:


And then READ SOME MORE. Compulsive reader that I am, it was music to my ears
when Werner commanded us to "Read. Read. Read. Read." He had put us to work
weeks before the seminar with a slew of books on the reading list that included poetry,
Hemingway and nonfiction that was delicious to behold (The Warren Report was
surprisingly engrossing). READ LITERATURE. READ POETRY. Not books on
making films or scriptwriting. Throw out formulas, where on page 7 this has to
happen and on page 10 the protagonist has to say that, let go of Aristotle ("Aristotle is
not that good for screenplays") and get fucking rid of that cat and tell the STORY.
Don't know how to tell a story? READ A BOOK. Read in different languages from
different periods. This confirmed my personal decision made long ago to extend my
reading beyond the Eurocentric and to learn to speak Haitian Kryl.

2. Write Quickly.

"It takes me 5 days to write a screenplay," said Werner. "If you're spending more than
two weeks on it something's wrong." Rats, not so happy about this one. So that
screenplay I've been working on foruh, YEARS that's not normal? I was curious
about his writing habits and yeah, I was the one asking all those questions about
Werner's ability to write so quickly, a skill that I hoped to emulate. He was bluntly
honest in saying, sorry, he couldn't help me and that I would have to figure it out for
myself. He said that he doesn't sit down to write until the story comes full blown into
his mind and is bursting to come out. He essentially dictates what is in his head. But
he realized that what worked for him wouldn't necessarily work for anybody else. Plus
he didn't want little Werner's running around. Really? Then he took pity on what I am
assuming was my dejected face, relented and gave me a secret that I now share with
you (shhh...come closer): four or five days before he begins writing, to warm up, he
only reads poetry.

3. Get Paid.

"The director has to be paid for their work. Never use your own money," said Werner.
Well, unless you really really have to. But if you plan and negotiate your terms right
you shouldn't have to. Werner had a special guest director speak with us about his
process of getting his film made. I felt for him when he explained a situation that
involved an unexpected post-production expense and then having to use his own funds
to complete the movie. Werner flatly stated the situation should never have happened.
He wasn't chastising him as much as giving us the know-how and tools to avoid those
circumstances, if at all possible. But sometimes you gotta do what you gotta do.

"Hold firm to your vision but don't be a tyrant on

set." - Werner Herzog
4. Don't Be Afraid of Failure.

"I am a product of my failures," said Werner, who later added: "The film set is a no
cry zone." Everybody laughed at this one. It hit me in the sweet spot because although
from the outside Werner gives the impression of unimpeded success (on his terms) he
also embraces failure and isn't afraid of it. As creators, we're going to get it wrong,
often. But that's to be expected. It's better to fail doing the right thing rather than
succeed at doing the wrong thing - just don't cry about it on set.

5. Dive Deep.

"Go to the deepest level possible as quickly as possible. Take them to the highest level
and do not allow them to come down," said Werner. Just start the movie. No beating
around the bush. Dive deep into the heart and stay there.

6. Defend Your Vision.

"Hold firm to your vision but don't be a tyrant on set," said Werner, noting that when
you have a clear vision, you must be prepared to defend it. If someone criticizes your
idea, come up with a coherent argument. Be flexible, but remember that sometimes
you may have to convince others to go along with your clear vision. Make decisions
on set and stand by them without being bossy.

7. Educate Yourself in the Business.

"Be self-reliant, not independent," Werner told us. He advised us to earn basic legal
concepts, know your budget and raise your financing. Also, don't hire an attorney
until you already have an agreement in the works. "Never allow an attorney to
negotiate for you," he said.
8. Keep Track of the Money.

"Look at the cash flow" and "know the price of the camel" were just two of Werner's
financial tips. Every night after shooting, Werner said, he counts the money. He's a
firm believer in knowing where the money is going and how much. This gives new
meaning to balancing your check book. I'm guessing it helps avoid dealing with #3.

9. "If you don't have a deal in two days, you won't have a deal in
two years" - Werner Herzog

'Nuff said.

10. Create Your Own Truth.

"Facts do not constitute truth," Werner reminded us. He advised us to "construct a

reality that illuminates the truth" more than stating a simple fact which tells you
nothing about the inner emotional world.

11. Travel on Foot.

"Tourism is sin. Traveling on foot is virtue," said Werner, who urged us to see life
close-up on the ground level. Right now, one of the Rogues in my class is traveling by
foot to Bristol via the English/Welsh border. I've been on several pilgrimages in my
life to many different places, all I realized, on foot. There is something to
experiencing life from this vantage point that is both visceral and life-affirming.
There's probably good reason why many religions and cultures have some aspect of
going on a pilgrimage or quest to mark going from one level of consciousness to

12. Do it.

Most of all, Werner told us to just go ahead and DO IT. He said we should never doubt
our own significance. He said that he needed to make money so he can continue to
make films, but they have to be about topics that he feels are significant. The duty of
the filmmaker is to instill a sense of awe and wonder in the audience. Don't let
bureaucrats or gatekeepers stop you. Take what you have, take the next step whatever
it may be and MAKE YOUR MOVIE.

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