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Ain Shams Engineering Journal (2015) xxx, xxxxxx

Ain Shams University

Ain Shams Engineering Journal


Thermo-diusive Darcy ow induced

by a concentrated source
R. Ganapathy a,*, A. Mohan b,1

Faculty of Sciences (Research), MAM College of Engineering, Anna University, Tiruchirapalli 621 105, India
Faculty of Sciences, Saranathan College of Engineering, Anna University, Tiruchirapalli 620 012, India

Received 27 March 2015; revised 24 June 2015; accepted 19 July 2015

KEYWORDS Abstract An analytic study is made of Soret-induced double diffusive Darcy flow produced in an
Thermo-diffusion; unbounded homogeneous porous medium of uniform porosity and low permeability when a
Darcy flow; concentrated source embedded instantaneously in the medium starts liberating heat and at the same
Porous medium; time a chemical substance too at a constant rate in a regime where the temperature gradient pro-
Concentrated source duces mass flux as well. A perturbation analysis in the limit of small Rayleigh number is employed
to obtain analytical solution for the determination of the transient and steady-state development of
the flow field and heat and mass transfer. Due to double diffusion, a bifurcation of the flow field is
noticed when the buoyancy mechanisms are opposed and due to the Soret-induced cross-diffusion,
the region in which the thermal effect of the source is felt, gets minimized with a simultaneous
reduction in the rate of momentum and heat transfer.
2015 Faculty of Engineering, Ain Shams University. Production and hosting by Elsevier B.V. This is an
open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (

1. Introduction to the presence of point sources embedded in saturated porous

media and have obtained several results for the flow and tem-
In view of the wide ranging applications to a variety of fields perature fields assuming the validity of the Darcy and extended
such as the fluid dynamics of weak thermal explosions and Brinkman models in both infinite and semi-infinite media. One
cooling of the components of electrical and electronic of the earliest works being that of Wooding [1], who studied the
equipments, several researchers have investigated the free convection in a saturated porous medium at large Rayleigh
phenomenon of the buoyancy-driven thermal convection due number or Peclet number by developing a boundary-layer the-
ory for the analysis of vertical plane flows in regions where the
gradients of fluid properties are very large. Bejan [2] investi-
* Corresponding author. Mobile: +91 97894 99494. gated in the low Rayleigh number regime, the natural convec-
E-mail addresses: (R. Ganapathy), tion flow and heat transfer around a concentrated point (A. Mohan). source embedded in an unbounded porous medium using a reg-
Mobile: +91 98946 18086.
ular perturbation. Using similarity transformations, Hickox
Peer review under responsibility of Ain Shams University.
and Watts [3] obtained a numerical solution for the steady,
axi-symmetric velocity and temperature fields associated with
a point source of thermal energy while, Hickox [4] investigated
Production and hosting by Elsevier an identical problem with a special emphasis on its applications
2090-4479 2015 Faculty of Engineering, Ain Shams University. Production and hosting by Elsevier B.V.
This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (
Please cite this article in press as: Ganapathy R, Mohan A, Thermo-diusive Darcy ow induced by a concentrated source, Ain Shams Eng J (2015),
2 R. Ganapathy, A. Mohan


A non-dimensional parameter, {(e/r)Le}1/2 b thermal expansion coefficient

C the species concentration bC solutal expansion coefficient
C non-dimensional species concentration d integration parameter, Eq. (30)
cp specific heat at constant pressure k Soret parameter (QDCT/km)
DCT thermo-diffusion coefficient e porosity of the porous matrix
Dm solutal diffusivity f cos u
E2 @=@gfg2  sin u@=@gg @=@ufsin u  @=@ug f1;2 functions of g (Eqs. (32)(33))
(non-dimensional operator) g similarity variable, R=2 s
e1,2,3 unit vectors in the increasing directions of r, u, h polar angle
and h H non-dimensional temperature
F function of (g; u) (Eq. (8)) l coefficient of viscosity of the fluid
f function of g (Eq. (24)) m kinematic viscosity of the fluid
G function of (g; u) (Eq. (8)) n function of g, Eq. (27)
g acceleration due to gravity q fluid density
g1 function of g, Eq. (30) r heat capacity ratio, e 1  eqcp s =qcp f
H function of (g; u) (Eq. (8)) s non-dimensional time
h1 function of g, Eq. (30) X function of g, Eq. 33(c)
K permeability of the porous medium u cone angle
k thermal conductivity of the fluid-porous matrix v function of g, Eq. (25)
Le Lewis number a=Dm W non-dimensional stream function
m species generation rate w stream function
N buoyancy ratio bc mk=bQDm x non-dimensional parameter, k=1  A2
n unit vector along the u = 0 axis r vector operator, e1 @=@r e2 r1 @=@u
Q thermal energy of the source e3 r2 sin u @=@h
q the mean filtration velocity of the fluid in the D differential operator r2 f@=@rr2 @=@r sin u1
medium @=@usin u  @=@ug
R non-dimensional radial co-ordinate
Ra thermal Rayleigh number bgK=amkQ Subscripts
r radial co-ordinate 1 reference state
T temperature k kth term (k = 0, 1, 2, . . .)
t time m maximum value
n nth term (n = 0, 1, 2, . . .)
Greek symbols f fluid phase
a effective thermal diffusivity of the fluid-porous s solid phase

to sub-seabed disposal of nuclear waste. Natural convection In fact, in most practical situations, quite often, species con-
from a point source embedded in a Darcian porous medium centration gradients greatly affect the flow and as a result they
bounded by an adiabatic conical surface was studied by Afzal play a decisive role in the development of the flow and thermal
and Salam [5]. The development of the flow field and tempera- fields. In view of its wide ranging applications to energy related
ture induced by a pulsating point heat source was studied by engineering problems such as migration of moisture in fibrous
Purushothaman et al. [6], who obtained among other things, insulations, spreading of pollutants in water saturated soil and
an analytical solution for the second-order mean flow. Thermal underground disposal of nuclear waste, considerable work has
convection at low Rayleigh number induced by an instanta- been done and several results are available in the literature on
neous point heat source in a non-Darcy porous medium was such thermohaline convection. However, with the possible
studied by Ganapathy and Purushothaman [7]. The Brinkman exception of the works of Poulikakos [10] and Ganapathy
term was found to affect the solution at radial distances up to [11], most of the existing studies on such thermohaline convec-
O K from the source. Ganapathy [8] treated an instanta- tion in spherical geometry, are primarily concerned with spher-
neous point source which is enveloped by a solid sphere which ical sources and heated spheres only (for instance, Ganapathy
is itself surrounded by a porous medium. Recently, Ganapathy and Mohan [12], Ganapathy [13]), Lai and Kulaki [14]) and
and Mohan [9] investigated the non-linear Darcy flow and those concerned with concentrated point sources seem to be
obtained an analytical solution for the flow of water at 4 C limited in the literature. While Poulikakos [10] reports an ana-
in a low Rayleigh number regime. lytical study on the buoyancy induced heat and mass transfer
With the knowledge accumulated from studies on convec- from a concentrated source in an infinite porous medium
tive heat transfer due to the presence of heat sources in porous assuming the Darcy flow model, Ganapathy [11] dealt with
media, considerable attention is now being paid on more an identical problem of penetrative convection in a non-
sophisticated problems that lay stress on mass transfer effects. Darcy medium assuming the validity of the Brinkman model.

Please cite this article in press as: Ganapathy R, Mohan A, Thermo-diusive Darcy ow induced by a concentrated source, Ain Shams Eng J (2015),
Thermo-diffusive Darcy flow 3

However, when the temperature gradient is steep, cross- medium Boussinesq is incompressible with the linear density-
coupling between thermal and solutal diffusions is no longer temperature-concentration relation:
negligible which in turn necessitates the inclusion of the Soret
q q1 f1  bT  T1  bC C  C1 g; 1
effect. Presumably for this reason, Soret effect is being widely
considered for isotope separation and in mixture of gases of where the symbols have their usual meanings (see nomencla-
light and medium molecular weights and there are several stud- ture). A spherical-polar co-ordinate system r; u; h is chosen
ies available in the literature on Soret-induced free convection [19] with the origin at the seat of the point source and the axis
flows in porous media. For instance, Benano-Melly et al. [15] u = 0 vertically upwards and parallel but opposite to the grav-
presented an experimental and numerical study that was con- ity vector (Fig. 1). Thus, assuming the validity of the Darcy
cerned with Soret coefficient measurement in a porous medium flow model, we have for the conservation of mass, momentum,
subjected to a horizontal thermal gradient and have shown energy and species concentration with thermo-diffusion in the
that for positive Soret number steady convection occurs medium in the absence of dispersion [20]:
whereas, for a negative Soret number, multiple convection r~
q 0; 2
rolls can develop. An analytical and numerical study of con-
vection in a shallow horizontal porous layer with uniform heat K
flux applied at the horizontal walls and with or without mass ~
q rP bqg~
n; 3
flux at those walls is reported by Bahloul et al. [16]. Using a
linear and nonlinear stability analysis, Malashetty and Biradar @T
[17] studied analytically the double-diffusive convection in a r ~
q  rT aDT; 4
horizontal fluid-saturated porous layer heated and salted from
below in the presence of Soret and Dufour effects. However, @C
e ~
q  rC DDm C DCT T: 5
majority of the existing studies on this topic are primarily con- @t
cerned with rectangular geometries bounded by vertical or hor- In writing the above equations, besides assuming the Soret
izontal flat plates or in enclosures and those pertaining to coefficient small, we assume that the medium and the saturat-
concentrated sources in unbounded porous media have ing fluid are in thermal equilibrium and that all other physical
remained largely untreated which indeed has motivated our quantities are constant except in the buoyancy term.
interest in the present topic. Making use of (2) and taking note of spherical symmetry in
The aim of the present work is therefore, to investigate the the angular direction h, we define a stream function w such
double-diffusive and Soret-induced free convection flow that:
induced by a concentrated source of thermal energy and con-  
centration in an unbounded porous medium assuming the 1 @w 1 @w
q 2 ; ;0 : 6
validity of the Darcy flow model. A regular perturbation tech- r sin u @u r sin u @r
nique in the limit of small Rayleigh number is employed to
obtain an analytical solution for the flow field and heat and
mass transfer in the medium assuming that a mass flux is being
produced by the temperature gradient, which, in other words,
implies that the Soret effect is being taken into account. The
problem is formulated in such a way that the significance of
cross-diffusion is measured by the Soret parameter k and that
of the species concentration gradients upon thermally driven
flow is measured by a parameter N so that, N is zero for no
species diffusion, infinite for no thermal diffusion, positive
for both the buoyancy mechanisms combined to drive the flow
and negative when they are opposed [18].
By way of summary of what has been done, the mathemat-
ical problem is formulated in Section 2, and the method of
solution is provided in Section 3 with a discussion on the
transient state in Section 4. The steady-state is discussed in
Section 5. Finally, we conclude the study in Section 6 with a
review of the results obtained.

2. Mathematical formulation

We consider the natural convective heat and mass transfer flow

around a continuous point source embedded instantaneously
in an unbounded porous medium of low permeability, from
which a quantity qcQ of heat is liberated together with a
substance at a rate m [kg s1], where q is the fluid density, cp Figure 1 Physical setup of the problem. Concentrated source
the specific heat at constant pressure and Q [W], the thermal embedded in an unbounded porous medium. Configuration of
energy of the source. The medium is assumed to be rigid, interest: Spherical-polar co-ordinate system (r; u; h) with the origin
homogeneous and isotropic and the fluid saturating the at the seat of the point source.

Please cite this article in press as: Ganapathy R, Mohan A, Thermo-diusive Darcy ow induced by a concentrated source, Ain Shams Eng J (2015),
4 R. Ganapathy, A. Mohan

Introducing the non-dimensional quantities: Fg; u F0 g; u Ra F1 g; u O R2a ;

r at w k K T  T 1 Gg; u G0 g; u Ra G1 g; u O R2a ;
R p ; s ; W p ; H ;

K rK a K Q Hg; u H0 g; u Ra H1 g; u O R2a : 14a; c

Dm KC  C1 Substituting (14) into (9)(11) and collecting terms of equal
C : 7
m powers of Ra , one obtains the equations for the determination
and setting of the various order solutions. As the zero-order solution cor-
responds to the state of pure conduction, there will be no fluid
p 1 1
W s  Fg; u; H p  Gg; u; C p  Hg; u 8 motion and therefore without any loss one may take W0 0
s s which then implies F0 0. The functions G0 and H0 are then
with g R=2 s, we obtain for the conservation of momen- found from the solutions of the equations:
tum, energy and concentration in non-dimensional form:    
@ @G0 @G0
    2  g2 2g2 G0 g 0; 15
1 @ 1 @F 1 @ F @g @g @g

g2 @u sin u @u sin u @g2    
@G @G @H @H 2 @ @H0
4Ra cos u g sin u N cos u gsin u ; g H0 kG0 2A g H0 g
2 2
0: 16
@u @g @u @g @g @g @g
9 Using (13) one obtains from (15) and (16) for the solutions of
    G0 and H0 :
1 @ F; G @G
E2 G 2g2 sin u G g ; 10 1
2 @ u; g @g G0 erfcg; 17
1 @ F; H @H
Le E2 H kG 2A2 g2 sin u H g ;
2 @ u; g @g H0
f1 x  erfcAg  x  erfcgg; A 1 18a
11 2g
1 k

where erfcg p g  exp g2 ; A 1 18b

2g p
a ne o12
Le ;A Le ; 12a where x k=1  A2 and
Dm r Z g

erfcg 1  p exp x2 dx 18c

p 0
@ p; q @p @q @p @q
   12b is the complementary error function. Once the functions
@ x; y @x @y @y @x
Fk ; Gk and Hk are known 8k < n then we can find Fn for
is the Jacobian. The initial and boundary conditions necessary n P 1, from the following equation:
for the completion of the mathematical formulation in non-    2 
1 @ 1 @Fn 1 @ Fn
dimensional form are:
g2 @u sin u @u sin u @g2
g1 F ! 0; gG ! 0; gH ! 0; as g ! 1;  
Z p Z p @Gn1 @Gn1
@G @H 4 cos u g  sin u
F ! 0; g2 sin u  du ! 1; g2 sin u  du ! 1; @u @g
0 @g 0 @g  
@Hn1 @Hn1
as g ! 0; N cos u g  sin u : 19
@u @g
@F @G @H
sin u1 0; 0 at u 0; p 13a; c Similarly, for the determination of the functions Gn and Hn
@g @u @u
we have
where the path of the integral in (13b) is along the geodesic of a  X  
1 n1 @ Fnk ; Gk @Gn
spherical surface of vanishingly small radius that includes the E2 Gn 2g2 sin u Gn g ; 20
2 k0 @ u; g @g
source at its center. On account of axial symmetry, the vertical
axis passing through the point source is a natural streamline of  X  
the flow field and therefore, without any loss one may assume 1 n1 @ Fnk ; Hk @Hn
E2 Hn kGn 2A2 g2 sin u Hn g :
W = 0 thereat. The asymptotic behavior at the origin is there- 2 k0 @ u; g @g
fore described by W ! 0 as R ! 0. Further, the origin being 21
the seat of the point source, is a point of singularity and there-
fore, the singularity at the origin must be a minimum. The appropriate boundary conditions are obtained form (13).

3. Method of solution 3.1. The flow field

We seek a perturbation solution by assuming power series The first convective correction to the flow field is found from
expansions of the form: the solution of the following equation:

Please cite this article in press as: Ganapathy R, Mohan A, Thermo-diusive Darcy ow induced by a concentrated source, Ain Shams Eng J (2015),
Thermo-diffusive Darcy flow 5
1 @ 1 @F1 1 @ 2 F1
g @u sin u @u
2 sin u @g2  
    1 1

@G0 @H0 ng g  erfcg erfg  p exp g2 : 27c

4g  sin u N ; 22 2g p
@g @g
subject to:
4. Discussion
g1 F1 ! 0 as g ! 1; F1 ! 0 as g ! 0;
@F1 Among the several new parameters that have entered into the
sin u1 0 at u 0; p; 23a b
@g solution, x and A play a significant role in the development
of the flow field. While x determines the Soret effect on the flow
in which the separation of the variables is achieved by setting
field and heat and mass transfer, the parameter A has a striking
F1 g; u sin2 u  fg: 24 effect on the transient flow field especially when the two buoy-
ancy mechanisms are opposed. It may be mentioned here that A
This then leads to an ordinary differential equation of sec-
represents the ratio of two length scales namely, the ratio of
ond order for the determination of f (g):
thermal penetration length Oas=r1=2  to that of species pene-
g2 f 00 g  2fg vg; 25 tration ODm s=e1=2 . Therefore, when A is of order less than
where the primes denote differentiation with respect to the one, chemical species diffuse faster than that of heat at early
argument and times so that, outside the region in which the thermal effect
of the source is felt, species concentration gradients act alone
creating a downward flow. With a view to exemplify the situa-
vg 1  Nx g  erfcg p g2 exp g2

tion, the maps of the transient streamlines W1 =Ra = const. are
N 2
drawn in Fig. 2, choosing in illustration x = 0.5, A = 0.4 and
1 x Ag  erfcAg p A2 g2 exp A2 g2 ; A 1 26a
A p
N = 0.2. The range of values of A we have chosen is valid for
  a variety of physical and laboratory models; for instance, in the

1 N g  erfcg p g2 exp g2 case of diffusion of methanol and hydrogen in water saturated
p glass beads, (e/r)  1.2, Le  0.3 so that A  0:36 and for dif-
fusion of methanol and hydrogen in water, (e/r)  0.22,
N p g4 exp g2 ; A 1: 26b
p Le  100.3 so that A  2:2. Furthermore, N being the
buoyancy ratio [21,22], is negative when the two buoyancy
The solution for W1 is now given by
mechanisms are opposed and therefore for simplicity we have
p 2 N so chosen N that N/A = 1/2. It is observable from the figures
W1 s sin u 1  Nxng 1 xnAg ; A 1
A that there is a bifurcation of the flow field in that, the streamli-
27a nes close to the source rotate clockwise whereas, those in the
p kN 1 1
opposite direction rotate anticlockwise giving life for a down-
s sin2 u 1 Nng erfg  p exp g2 ;
2p 2g p ward flow. In the early stages of flow development, there is a
A 1 27b concentration of the velocity field around the point source with

(a) (b)
Figure 2 Transient streamlines W1 =Ra = const. (A = 0.4, N = 0.2, x = 0.5). (a) s = 0.5 (b) s = 1.0.

Please cite this article in press as: Ganapathy R, Mohan A, Thermo-diusive Darcy ow induced by a concentrated source, Ain Shams Eng J (2015),
6 R. Ganapathy, A. Mohan

the streamlines of the circulating flow field coming close cies concentration decrease outward from the origin in all
together near the origin and as s increases, the geometry radi- directions with symmetry about the horizontal plane through
cally changes in such a way that the flow pattern present near the source.
the source spreads outward driving with the enveloping down- From the radial velocity profiles drawn in Fig. 3 one may
ward flow to move farther away from the source. Conse- observe that at any time s, relative to the no cross-diffusion limit
quently, for large times, the flow field resembles that due to x = 0, positive x increases the magnitude when N > 0 and
the presence of a concentrated source of thermal energy [2], decreases the same when N < 0, thereby weakening the already
with the dual counter rotating cells breaking down to a single weakened convection when the buoyancy mechanisms are
cell allowing the viscous and thermal diffusion to dominate in opposed. However, in either case, as time progresses, there is
the ultimate stage. This then shows that though initially the a monotonic increase in the magnitude which after some time,
solute front moved slower than that of the thermal front, as starts decreasing at an ever decreasing rate to zero at positions
time progressed, it reached the steady-state at approximately farther away from the source. In the special case A = 1
the same time as that of the thermal front. Furthermore, in (N = 0.2, k = 0.42) (Fig. 4) the characteristics of flow field
the early stages, the rate of propagation of the flow field is slow described above remain the same though of course, there is no
in relation to the rate of its growth and the entire process is downward flow which is otherwise expected. For this case, the
dominated by viscosity coupled with thermal and species diffu- stagnation point is found to be at (0.88, p/2). In order to have
sion. There is no accumulation of heat and concentration into a comprehensive estimate of the Soret effect on the transient
the flow field and the flow in and around the streamlines behavior of the flow field, streamlines are drawn in Fig. 5 choos-
remains laminar which is analogous to buoyant plumes that rise ing in illustration x = 0.5 and x = 0. Though the flow pattern
from steady sources of heat or other sources of positive buoy- is qualitatively preserved, the contours reveal that in the early
ancy for overall small Rayleigh numbers [23]. However, at all stages, the solutal buoyancy force has a greater impact on the
times, the symmetry of the streamlines about the u = p/2 axis emerging flow field with the colder front showing stronger con-
is preserved. The above findings are essentially properties of the vection than the warmer one when there is cross-diffusion
transient state and are valid in the diffusion dominated regime (x = 0.5) than otherwise (x = 0). Consequently, the down-
only. Due to the impulsive effect of the source, there is a slight ward flow enveloping the circulating flow field comes closer to
bulging of the streamlines in the vicinity of the source which is the source (Fig. 5a) so that the region in which the thermal effect
essentially created by the fluid particles converging toward the of the source is felt, is significantly reduced, the reduction in vol-
source in order to replace those that were already driven ume being about 39% when k = 0.42. When x = 0.5 the stag-
upward under the action of buoyancy and the distance within nation point of the flow field is found to be at g = 0.625 and
which this impulsive effect is felt is affected by the mass transfer when x = 0, it is found to be at 0.76. One may then infer that
induced buoyancy. Our computations reveal that W1 attains its cross-diffusion slows down the rate of propagation of the solute
maximum at a certain point Rm ; um where Rm depends on x front which confirms the assertion we have previously made. As
and N and um = p/2 by virtue of (27). As the fluid velocity van- the above arguments hold equally in respect of other values of
ishes at this point, it corresponds to the stagnation point of the positive k, we omit a discussion on them for brevity.
fluid motion which moves away from the origin as s increases, In this context, the work of Nejad et al. [24] is worth
receding to infinity ultimately with a slow rate of recession. For mentioning. By considering a two-dimensional porous medium
the parameters under consideration, Rm 0:9 and 1.3 when
s = 0.5 and 1.0 respectively. The distribution of heat and con-
centration in the flow field is such that the temperature and spe-

Figure 3 Profiles of radial velocity U/cosu. Maps for various

values of N and x (s = 1, A = 0.4). (i) N = 0.2, x = 0.5 (ii)
N = 0.2, x = 0 (iii) N = 0 (iv) N = 0.2, x = 0 (v) N = 0.2, Figure 4 Transient streamlines W1 =Ra s1=2 = const. around
x = 0.5. the concentrated source (A = 1, N = 0.2, k = 0.42).

Please cite this article in press as: Ganapathy R, Mohan A, Thermo-diusive Darcy ow induced by a concentrated source, Ain Shams Eng J (2015),
Thermo-diffusive Darcy flow 7

(a) (b)
Figure 5 Cross-diffusion: Transient streamlines W1 =Ra s1=2 = const. (A = 0.4, N = 0.2). (a) x = 0.5 (b) x = 0.
saturated with a mixture of methane and normal butane 1 @ F1 ;H0 @H1
E2 H1 kG1 2A2 g2 sinu H1 g ; 28b
(C1/nC4), Nejad and co-authors investigated the role of 2 @ u;g @g
thermo-diffusion on heat and mass transfer assuming the
subject to,
validity of the Darcy extended Brinkman model and have
shown that in the early stages of experimentation at a horizon- gG1 ! 0; gH1 ! 0 as g ! 1;
Z p Z p
tal temperature difference of 10 C with an initial concentra- @G1 @H1
tion of 0.8 and Soret coefficient equal to 1.1  102 [K1], g2 sin u  du ! 0; g2 sin u  du ! 0;
0 @g 0 @g
dual counter rotating cells were formed which gained strength @G1 @H1
as time progressed but finally collapsing to a single cell. It was 0 at u 0; p: 29a-c
@u @u
further shown that the solute front moved slower than that of
the thermal front in the early times and their respective steady- Setting
states were reached approximately at the same time. The above G1 g; u cos u  g1 g; H1 g; u cos u  h1 g; 30a-b
results are in conformity with most of the observations we
have put forth in Section 4 and therefore, notwithstanding and using the method of variation of parameters one finally
the physical setup of the problem, the flow model and the ensu- obtains
Z  Z 1 
ing flow field, in the absence of any available experimental data 1
g 2

pertaining to problems similar to the present work, our choice g1 g 2 exp g2 d exp d2 f1 -d- dd;
g 0 d
of k is justified. It may be mentioned here that in a binary mix-
ture, the heaviest component migrates to the cold side and like-
wise, if the mixture components are of the same mass, then the Z  Z 
larger molecules migrate to the cold side. In either case, the h1 g 2 2
exp A2 g2 d2 exp d2 f2 -d- dd;
Soret number is positive. On the other hand, if the component Ag 0 d

migrating toward the cold side is the lighter one then the Soret 31b
number is negative [15]. As our study is primarily concerned where
with a single component chemical species in a single phase fluid    
and as migration of fluid particles is from the hotter region to N
f1 g  1  Nxvg 1 xvAg  Xg; A 1
the colder one, the Soret parameter assumes only positive val- A
ues. Although, smaller values of k of the order of 102 could 32a
have been chosen, for the sake of mathematical simplicity, 1 Nxvg kNfngg  g  erfcg
we have so chosen k that x = 0.5.
 Xg; A 1 32b
4.1. Thermal and concentration fields    
f2 g Le  A2 1 Nxvg 1 xvAg
The first convective correction to the temperature and concen-    
tration field is found from the solutions of the equations: x
 1 xXAg  Xg
    2 00
1 @ F 1 ; G 0 @G1  k g G g 2gG0 g  2Gg ; A 1 33a
E2 G1 2g2 sin u G1 g ; 28a
2 @ u; g @g

Please cite this article in press as: Ganapathy R, Mohan A, Thermo-diusive Darcy ow induced by a concentrated source, Ain Shams Eng J (2015),
8 R. Ganapathy, A. Mohan

lim 1  f2 Ff 0; 38a

Z 1 Z 1
Gfdf 2; Hfdf 2: 38b
0 0

Assuming power series expansions of the form:

Ff Ra F1 f R2a F2 f R3a F3 f O R4a ;

Gf G0 f Ra G1 f R2a G2 f O R3a ;

Hf H0 f Ra H1 f R2a H2 f O R3a ; 39a-c

one obtains for the first three non-vanishing coefficients of

F1 f 1 N 1  f2 ;

F2 f 1 Nf1 NLe  kg f  f3 ;
Figure 6 Maps of first convective correction to transient 1
F3 f 1 Nf1 NLe  kg2f1 NLe  kg
temperature/concentration profiles. (Ra s1=2 )(H1 or C1 ) = const. 288

(Le = A = 1). (a) k = 0 (b) k = 0.42. 31 N 1 2f2  3f4 ; 40a-c

G0 f 1;
Le1 Nvg kNfng  g  erfcgg
G1 f 1 Nf;
 Xg g exp g2 2
2p 1

G2 f 1 N2f1 NLe  kg 31 N 3f2  1 ;

 k g2 G00 g 2gG0 g  2Gg ; A 1 33b 72
and 41a-c
1 2

Xg erfcg p exp g2 : 33c H0 f 1;

g2 g p
H1 f 1 NLe  kf;
Owing to algebraic complexity, we evaluate the integrals 2
numerically and plot the maps of the temperature/concentra- 1
H2 f 1 NLe  k2f1 NLe  kg
tion profiles in Fig. 6 with Le = A = 1. Obviously, cross- 72

flow inhibits heat transfer when the two buoyancy mechanisms 31 N 3f2  1 : 42a-c
are opposed in such a way that an increase in the Soret param-
eter decreases the heat transfer rate further. On the other hand, The steady-state flow field illustrated in Fig. 7, with N = 0.2,
it aids heat transfer when the buoyancy mechanisms are com-
bined to drive the flow. As the algebra is overwhelming,
higher-order corrections were not obtained. However, the
error due to the non-inclusion of these terms is not of great
physical significance since ORa < 1 [4,3].

5. Steady-state

In view of the fact that W ! 0 as R ! 0 and that both H and C

blow up as (1/R) in the vicinity of the source, one may set
W R  Ff; H R1  Gf; C R1  Hf; 34
with, f = cos u. Obviously, the maps fF; G; Hg : 1; 1 ! R,
satisfy the following system:
d dF
Ra ffGf N  Hfg 0; 35
df df

1  f2 Ff  Gf; 36

1  f2 H kG Ff  Hf; 37
df Figure 7 Steady-state flow. Maps of streamlines W = const.
(Le = 0.2, N = 0.2, k = 0.42, Ra = 3).

Please cite this article in press as: Ganapathy R, Mohan A, Thermo-diusive Darcy ow induced by a concentrated source, Ain Shams Eng J (2015),
Thermo-diffusive Darcy flow 9

(i) In the early stages of flow development, dual counter-

rotating cells are formed leading to a bifurcation of
the flow field in that, those close to the source rotate
clockwise whereas, those in the opposite direction rotate
anticlockwise giving life for a downward flow.
(ii) As time progresses, the flow diffuses further and devel-
ops such that for large times, the flow field resembles
that due to the presence of a concentrated source of ther-
mal energy with the dual counter rotating cells breaking
down to a single cell giving way for viscous and thermal
diffusion to dominate in the ultimate stage.
(iii) The solute front moved slower than that of the thermal
front in the early stages and their respective steady-states
are reached approximately at the same time.
(iv) In early times, the rate of propagation of the flow field is
slow in relation to the rate of its growth and the entire
process is dominated by viscosity coupled with thermal
Figure 8 Steady-state isotherms H = const. (Ra = 3, N = 0.2,
and species diffusion.
k = 0.42).
(v) Due to the impulsive effect of the source, not-
withstanding the Soret effect, there is a slight bulging
of the streamlines in the vicinity of the source and the
Le = 0.2 and k = 0.42 shows that the streamlines are a little distance within which this impulsive effect is felt is
wider apart from the vertical axis in the lower half space than affected by the mass transfer induced buoyancy.
in the upper one and as k increases, this phenomenon gets (vi) An increase in the Soret parameter, steadily decreases
more pronounced. Likewise, as Ra increases, these streamlines the magnitude of the radial velocity when the buoyancy
tend to migrate towards the upper half space. Unlike the mechanisms are opposed and increases the magnitude in
conduction state wherein the isotherms are circular, here in the opposite case.
the conduction aided convective state we find them elongated (vii) In the bifurcated flow field, due to the Soret effect, there
(Fig. 8) thereby shifting the warmer region upwards while is a 39% reduction in the volume of the region in which
inducing at the same time a relatively weaker change in the the thermal effect of the source is felt when k = 0.42 so
lower half space. When the buoyancy mechanisms are that the rate of propagation of the solute front becomes
opposed, as dictated by (11), one may observe that by increas- slow due to the Soret effect.
ing the Lewis number without changing other parameters, the (viii) Cross-diffusion inhibits heat transfer when the two
high concentration region shifts upwards without significantly buoyancy mechanisms are opposed in such a way that
affecting the isotherms. The above discussions hold as long as an increase in the Soret parameter further decreases
k 0. The case k = 0 was already discussed by Poulikakos the heat transfer rate.
[10]. (ix) In the steady-state, the streamlines are a little wider
apart from the vertical axis in the lower half space than
6. Conclusion in the upper one which gets more pronounced with an
increase in k.
(x) By increasing the Lewis number without changing other
Assuming the validity of the Darcy flow model, we have pre-
parameters, the high concentration region shifts
sented an analytical study of the double-diffusive and Soret-
upwards while at the same time inducing not so effective
induced natural convective flow in an infinite porous medium change on the isotherms.
of uniform porosity due to the presence of a spherically sym-
metric concentrated source of vanishingly small radius. The
generation of a substance simultaneously with heat generation
from the concentrated source in a regime where the tempera-
ture gradient produces mass flux as well is found to affect
The authors are grateful to the referees for their many useful
the buoyancy induced flow that penetrates the infinite porous
suggestions which led to a definite improvement of the paper.
medium. The effect of the several new parameters that have
entered into the solution in altering the transient behavior of
the problem is illustrated in Figs. 25. By assuming power ser- References
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Please cite this article in press as: Ganapathy R, Mohan A, Thermo-diusive Darcy ow induced by a concentrated source, Ain Shams Eng J (2015),

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