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Medical Times

Monkeys Dying Due to Ebola Breakout Near Washington,

In Ruston, Virginia on December 1989, an Ebola breakout was found to be the reason behind the
death of several monkeys, discovered by USAMRIID.

Ebola was found to be carried over to the United States from the monkeys that were delivered
here for scientific experiments.

Ebola is an extremely contagious virus that can be spread through contact. Some symptoms may
be fevers, chills, coughing and eventually leads to throwing up blood, so beware if you have any
of these symptoms.

The death rate is around fifty percent. We recommend to be cautious when around those who
may have came in contact with this virus.

This virus is being controlled by USAMRIID. They are making sure that the monkeys are not
exposed to the outside world, so it does not infect anyone else. If anything gets out of hand, they
will take charge.

USAMRIID is the U.S. Armys main institution for defensive research against biological
warfare. They have a laboratory equipped to study highly hazardous viruses. USAMRIID
employs both civilian and military scientists, as well as highly specialized personnel, it is a total
of about 800 people.

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