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6313ENG- Power System Analysis and Control

Tute 4: Fault Analysis

Griffith University, Gold Coast Campus

N. B. Some of the problem has been selected from API course material


The equations and formula derived in lectures notes will be used in this activity. You will solve
some problems on balanced and unbalanced fault analysis. Performing the tasks outlined below will
help you acquire the following skills and proficiencies:

1. Analysing symmetrical and asymmetrical fault analysis in power system

2. Analysing zero, positive and negative sequence networks.


Equipment ratings for the four-bus power system shown in Figure 1are as follows:
Generator G1: 500MVA, 13.8kV, X=0.20pu
Generator G2: 750MVA, 18kV, X=0.18pu
Generator G3: 1000MVA, 20kV, X=0.17pu
Transformer T1: 500MVA, 13.8kV/500kV, X=0.12pu
Transformer T2: 750MVA, 18kV/500kV, X=0.10pu
Transformer T3: 1000MVA, 20kV/500kV, X=0.10pu
Each 500kV line: X1=50

Figure 1

A three-phase short circuit occurs at bus 1, where the pre-fault voltage is 525kV. Pre-fault load
current is neglected. Draw the positive sequence reactance diagram in per-unit on a 1000MVA,
20kV base in the zone of generator G3. Determine:
1) The Thvenin reactance in per-unit at the fault,
2) The sub-transient fault current in per unit and in kA rms,
3) Contributions to the fault current from generator G1 and from line 1-2.


The generator G in Figure 4 is rated 1000 MVA at 20 kV with constant Xd=x2=10% and x0=5%.
The transformer T is rated 20 kV-: 500kV-Y, 1000 MVA with equal positive, negative and zero
sequence series reactances of 17.5%. The star point is grounded through a reactance of 12.5. The
line constants are x1=x2=15% and x0= 40% on a 1500MVA, 500kV base. Prior to the fault, there is
no current flowing in the line and the voltage at F is 515 kV. Find the fault current flowing in each
of the following faults at F:
(i) Three phase to ground
(ii) Single phase to ground

Q3. (a) A three phase synchronous generator is rated at 500MVA, 22kV. It is Y-connected and the
star point is solidly grounded. It is operating at rated voltage and no load. Its reactances are
Xd=x2=0.15 pu and x0= 0.05 pu. Find the ratio of the sub-transient line current for a single line to
ground fault to the sub-transient line current for a symmetrical three-phase fault.

(b). Determine the size (in ohms) of an inductive impedance to be inserted between the start point of
the generator and the ground to limit the sub-transient current for a single line to ground fault to that
for a three-phase fault.

Ans: (a) 1.29 (b) 0.0323



Q5 The motor M shown in the three-phase power system in Figure 5 is being supplied by the
synchronous generator G through transformers T1 and T2 and a transmission line L. The constants
for each component are as follows:

G: 100MVA, 22kV, Xd=x2=20%, 0 x0= 4%, Y connected with star point solidly grounded.
T1: 100MVA, 22:200kV, Y -connected, xs= 8%, star point of Y grounded through a reactance of
L: sequence reactance of x1=x2= 15%, x0= 55% on a 100MVA, 200 kV base.
T2: 100MVA, 200:20kV, YY-connected, xs = 12%, star points of both Ys solidly grounded.
M: 100MVA, 20kV, Xd=x2=25%and x0= 10%, Y-connected, star point grounded through a
reactance of 5%.

Initially, the terminal of each synchronous machine is at its rated voltage and the motor is drawing
73.9MW. Consider the problem of calculating the current flowing in a fault in the center of the line
L (i.e. half way between T1 and T2).
1) For each of the positive, negative and zero sequence networks, construct the equivalent circuit
and then find its Thevenin equivalent as seen from the point of fault application.
2) Find the sub-transient fault current for the following cases:
(i) A three phase to ground fault
(ii) A single phase to ground fault.


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