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A. Observation Result
1. Figur observation of dorsal
Picture Note
a. Picture Comparison 1. External
2. Eye
3. Tympanic
4. Digits
5. Manus
6. Antebranc
7. Branchium
8. Dorsolater
al demal
9. Thigh
10. Crus
11. Pes
12. Toes
13. Cloaca
15 1 2
14. Membrane
4 15. Brow spot
12 9

Picture Note
b. Picture

2. Figur observation of ventral

Picture Note
a. Picture Comparison 1. Nech
2. Stomatch
3. Cloaca
4. Hind limb
6 5. Fore limb
5 1 6. head

4 3

b. Picture

3. Figurs observation of digertive system

Picture Note
a. Picture Comparison 1. Mouth
2. Side
3. Cloaca
4. Urinary
5. Pancreas
6. Small
7. Esophagus
c. Picture

4. Figurs observation of respiratory system

Picture Note
a. Picture Comparison 1. esophagus
2. Lung
b. Picture

5. Figurs observation of reproductive system

Picture Note
a. Picture Comparison 1. Ovary
2. Cloaca
3. Oviduct

b. picture
6. Figurs observation of circulatory system

Picture Note
a. Picture Comparison 1. Heart
2. Left atrium
3. Right atrium

b. picture
B. Discussion

1. Morphological structure of Toads(Bufo sp)

a. Eyes, eyelids, and the membranes sleep

Toads have two eyes (pair), then the eyeball is protected by two pieces of
eyelid skin that can not be moved. Toads also has a thin membrane and clear
eyes that can be driven from the top down that serves to protect the eyes when
in the water.

b. Outside there is a pair of nostrils and dorsak found on the muzzle.

c. Cracks found on the front of the mouth of the snout. In the mouth there
is a gap vomer tooth is teeth-shaped serrations located on the ceiling of the
jaw that serves to crush the prey so easily swallowed.

d. Tunica listener, nea r a caudal eye, there is a very thin membrane.

e. Hind limb consists of the thigh, calf, palms together, and webbed pool
that serves to help the frog-movement in the water.

f. Forelimb, consisting of the upper arm, forearm and fingers of each of

the four pieces.

2. Anatomy of frog's body.

a. Digestive System
1. The liver consists of three lobes, dark red. The liver produces bile
function that plays a role in digestion prooses.

2. Hull consists of three parts, namely cardiac located at the top adjacent
to the heart, fundus located in the central part, and filorus located at the
bottom near the heart.

3. Pancreas. A whitish-shaped gland located in a knot oval layers formed

from the bottom surface of the stomach and duodenum. Functioning
pancreas produces pancreatic juice is then poured into the duodenum.

4. The small intestine is the longest digestive tract. The small intestine
consists of the duodenum, jejunum, and ileum.

5. The large intestine is lined with mucosa without layers except the
rectum. Colon function at the reabsorption of water and mucus forming.

6. The rectum is the last part of the large intestine that beermuara in
cloaca which serves as a vent.

b. The circulatory system

of frogs teriri blood abatement equipment on the heart. Frog heart lies in the
chest cavity. Frog heart consists of three rooms, the 2 porch (left and right
atrium) and 1 chambers (ventricles). Thus, the frog heart chambers do not
have a bulkhead. There are two aortic ie left and right aorta. Circulatory frog
closed because circulating in the blood vessels, and doubles as the one
circulating blood through the heart twice. Blood containing CO 2 from all tubh
into the heart through the vena cava (veins of the body). Blood is initially
gathered in the sinus venosus, and then because of the contraction of the blood
going in the right atrium. At the time of blood containing O 2,which came from
the lungs to the left atrium entrance. When the second platform to contract the
blood will be pushed into the cubicle. Preformance booth there was a slight
mixing of blood richO2 and poorO2.Henceforth, rich blood O2in the chamber is
pumped through the truncus arteriosus into the arteries until it reached the
very small arteries (capillaries) in the body's tissues. Of all body tissues, blood
returns to the heart past the veins are small (venules) and then into the vein
and finally into the heart, while the poor blood is pumped out through the
arteries conical tubular, frog known their portal system, a system that was
formed by venous vessels only.

c. Respiratory system

1. Nose and nasal cavity, the first place that is traversed by air. Nasal cavity
equipped with hair, and mucous membranes useful filter the air, warm and
moisten before getting into the lungs.

2. The pharynx is the base of the esophagus that is directly adjacent to the
larynx which has a valve larynx.

3. Trachea, located on the front of the neck, in the back there are the
esophagus. The trachea-shaped ribbon formed by rings of cartilage surface is
coated with a mucous membrane vibrating hair cells that serve reject dust and
other foreign objects from the outside by way of coughing or sneezing

4. Bronchi are branching from the windpipe to the left and right respectively
leading to the lungs.

5. Bronchioles is a ramification of the bronchi that are in the lungs.

6. Alveolus contains blood capillaries. This is where the oxygen diffuses into
the blood capillaries and be bound by the hemoglobin contained in red blood

e. Urogenital system
1. male

a. Testis, a pair of oval, yellowish-white. Situated on top of the kidneys and

contain food reserves used in the mating season. This results in a network
protected by the lining of the spermatozoon nesopehium. Spermatozoa
expelled through the veins efferensia through the lateral and ren.

b. Vena efferensia. In the form of a smooth channel of the testis and through
nesorchium. Furthermore, sperm removed through ren and empties into the
ductus urospemachitus.

c. Ductus spermachitus, a pair located on the lateral and ren empties into the
cloaca. This channel to channel sperm and urine to the cloaca.

d. Vesicula seminal, the caudal part of the ductus last urospermachitus and
storage of spermatozoa.

2. female

a. Frog, Ovaries are a pair of pouch consisting of egg cells and that many
would cover the entire abdomen and protected by a thin membrane
nesovarium that with the help of the movement of cilia and abdominal
muscles egg, the egg is pushed forward towards osteum tubae located to the
left and right and is the root of the oviduct.

b. Oviduct, a pair of meander and white eggs are cooked and into the
oviduct, and before it empties into the cloaca will go into ovisoe (uterus).

c. The uterus is a temporary storage place the egg before it leaves the body
for fertilization.

d. Fat bodies(Corvusadivasum)resembles a yellowish leaves which sit atop

the kidneys and contains reserves of food which used the mating season.
Reproductive system in amphibians, fertilization occurs externally, meaning
the union of male gametes and female gametes occur outside the body. On the
external fertilization of the ovum usually formed in large quantities, because
the likelihood of fertilization is smaller than the internal fertilization. Male
frog will be attached at the back of the female and the female armpit hugged
from behind. While swimming in the water, the hind legs male frogs will
massage the stomach and stimulate spending a female frog eggs. At the same
time the male frog will release sperm into the water, so that it can fertilize the
eggs released the female. The eggs develop into larvae and find the needed
nutrients from the environment, then develop into adults with a body shape
that enables it to live on land, a process known as metamorphosis.

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