Introducing Our Dedicated Field Workers: Second Quarter - 2017

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Second Quarter - 2017

W. 505 St. Thomas More Way

Spokane, WA 99208

Introducing Our Dedicated Field Workers

As the old adage goes many hands make light work, that is certainly the case among the workers who provide support
to Adela Tambriz, Program Manager. Whether its the coffee farm, tree nurseries, training centers or housing support
management, there is 90 years of combined work experience among the seven employees managing Familia a Familia
projects. At 59 years old, Pablo Guarchiac, has worked as the nursery and forestry supervisor for 23 years. He gladly
provides translations in Spanish and Kiche for visitors when he is not out in the field working with FaF families who are
learning about planting and propagating native evergreen and fruit trees. Marcos Ajpacaja Tambriz has worked for the
program for four years at Chirijubiquiej, where organic coffee beans are grown and processed for wholesale coffee
suppliers in Guatemala. Cruz Guachiac, 56 years old, had been with FaF for two years assisting with the nurseries and
reforestation programs. Antonio Guachiac Tzep, 50 years old, has worked for FaF for 18 years, mostly in coffee
production and the development of a new agriculture and animal-raising project at Xeul. Diego Sac Chox, 52 years old,
has worked for 20 years in the reforestation program and tree nurseries. Manual Sac, 56 years old, has worked for the
program for 21 years and enjoys cultivating maxan (native plant used for wrapping tamales) and fruit trees the most.
Michaela Balux Tum, 28, works in the Antigua Ixtahuacan training center/bakery selling weavings, baked goods and
coffee produced by FaF families. She has recently begun teaching weaving as well.

Manuel and Pablo (rt) hold lemons and limes Manuel harvests Maxan

Micaela poses with hand woven product FaF employees enjoy working together

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