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Ron Zon

Period 1, APEL

A Wises Paradise, Nature

Galeron Park is an open space, filled with infinite greenery, luscious from the recent

rain Mother Nature offered. The entrance was open for anyone to come through, however

it seemed not many desired to. The concrete pathway swirled across the land in a

disorganized fashion like my mind while typing this essay. Once stepping foot onto the odd

cement guide, its impossible but to recognize the bordering ferns, spiralling upwards. In a

moment, a lovely ladybug lands on the low thickets, almost begging for attention, perfect

polkadot complexion glistening in the sun. Although the park was nearly empty, a woman

trains her dog, in which is either infatuated or angry at everything, expressing his

indecipherable emotions through vicious barks. The edge of the property overlooked the

homey suburbia. The way the light shined perfectly on the town made it appear like a

Utopia, fantasmic and paradisiacal, like a painters masterpiece. Its difficult to believe

whats witnessed is reality. The land sloped downwards, allowing an easier stroll to the

Japanese-inspired cover and numerous white concrete benches, wonderful to look at the

light blue sky. Beside the sitting areas were red-burgundy roses beyond fully grown. The

petals bloomed outwards, some floating downwards, falling gently on the pathway.

Multiple minuscule, bumblebee yellow flowers clumped together to create a sphere of

petals extending from the bushes. The garden aspect of the park passes and transfers to a

large space of green velvet grass for owners best friends, canines, to sprint freely on.

Bushes of white roses, delicate and unique, show the exit perfectly uphill to leave all the

underappreciated beauties behind.

Ron Zon
Period 1, APEL

Once the naturally flashy landscape opened, families upon families gathered there

to bond and observe the new graces the city planted. The agricultures appearance became

rusted by days, weeks, months and years. This is a concept applicable to many natural

reserves, parks, gardens, etcetera. Children born and raised in this city have lenses that

appreciate the organic glories offered in life, however as time progresses they wear out

more and more. The stellar rawness of the area begins to look average and boring when

its presence becomes more and more familiar. The longer the clock ticks and tocks the

more technological advances are made, including recreational activities that can be

enjoyed in the comfort of home. More and more believe its pointless to seek something

that has existed for lifetimes and centuries. Some believe it can be impossible to enjoy

something so familiar, for familiarity can turn boring. This gift of nature in our lives can be

taken over by buildings, asphalt, businesses and other structures intended to make the

most money from it. Its easy for anyone to be controlled by this materialistic greed and

starvation for capital. Balance is a difficult phase to reach, however it is completely

possible. Although many have forgotten this ritual, it is healthy and necessary to take a

moment to process the oddities and charms of planet Earth.

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