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Throughout the year there have been many assignments in which my potential

as an essay writer has shown itself. Through essays and writing samples, the amount of

fun has varied from the range of very fun and creative to stressful and time consuming.

This semester has covered several topics in writing like creative, research, and

objective writing. There were two sections of writing tis semester, the Writing samples

and the assigned essays. Starting with the essays we have done I would say that one of

my strengths is my ability to put detail in my introductory paragraph, but the trade off

would be the fact that I sometimes can not apply the same amount of detail to the other

paragraphs. Another strength would be that I have improved the organization of the

information in the essays. My weaknesses are that I lost steam to put out higher level

works towards the end of the year, and that sometimes i lost my organization skills. It

take me more time to have an actually good paper done. When working with shorter

timelines writing quality papers is a rare occurrence. As for the writing samples, they

allowed for slightly more creativity than what was demanded in the assigned essays.

While I liked the ability to write what I wanted some of the samples did not have me as

ecstatic as other samples did. Out of the four writing samples the one I like the least

was the issue research. All had rules and guidelines but the issue research was the

most restricting sample in my point of view. I had great amount of fun writing the other

three samples, especially the narrative. I would say that I tend to lean more towards

narrative and creative types of writing rather than the latter of strictly organized research

and essays. Overall, I have improved slightly in some respects to what I wasnt doing

last semester but there is more to be desired. I will continue to work on the areas I lack
in. I think for next year I will try to take english GEs over the summer at moorpark rather

than at university.

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