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Transfer of Advances in the Sciences into Dental Education

Cancer Therapy-Related Oral Mucositis

Spencer W. Redding, D.D.S., M.Ed.
Abstract: Oral mucositis is a common side effect of cancer therapies, particularly radiation therapy for head and neck cancer and
various forms of chemotherapy. It commonly results in severe oral pain that can compromise the duration and success of cancer
management. Hospitalizations are common because patients lose the ability to take anything by mouth due to severe pain and
must have alimentation supported during this period. Pain management usually requires potent narcotic analgesia. Cancer
therapy-related oral mucositis is commonly described as the most significant and debilitating acute complication associated with
radiation therapy and chemotherapy. Until recently, cancer therapy-induced oral mucositis was thought to be a process involving
the epithelium only. Evidence is building that the process of oral mucositis involves far more than just the epithelium, but
includes multiple cellular processes of the submucosa as well. Many strategies have been evaluated to prevent oral mucositis, but
the data is confusing since it is often conflicting. Therapy with the growth factor, KGF1, appears promising, as it is the only
medication currently approved by the FDA. A multifaceted approach that targets the entire mucositis process will probably be
needed to optimize overall prevention.
Dr. Redding is Professor, Department of General Dentistry and Director of the Clinical Research Facility at the University of
Texas Health Science Center Dental School in San Antonio. Direct correspondence and requests for reprints to him at Department
of General Dentistry, University of Texas Health Science Center Dental School, 7703 Floyd Curl Drive, San Antonio, TX 78229;
210-567-3656 phone; 210-567-3662 fax;
Key words: oral mucositis, cancer, radiation therapy, chemotherapy
Submitted for publication 3/31/05; accepted 5/2/05

ral mucositis is a common side effect of can- Though less common, oral mucositis also occurs sec-
cer therapies, particularly radiation therapy ondary to chemotherapy for various solid tumors.
for head and neck cancer and various forms Severe mucositis can greatly complicate the
of chemotherapy. It commonly results in severe oral management of cancer. It often leads to interruption
pain that can compromise the duration and success of cancer treatment, which can compromise cure
of cancer management. In the past, pain management rates.4,5 Hospitalizations are common because pa-
to make the patient more comfortable has been the tients lose the ability to take anything by mouth due
only universally accepted treatment. However, as to severe pain and must have alimentation support
other side effects of cancer therapy have been suc- during this period. Pain management usually requires
cessfully managed (anemia, neutropenia, nausea and potent narcotic analgesia. Patients who become neu-
vomiting, etc.), researchers have turned their atten- tropenic and develop severe mucositis are at greatly
tion to the treatment and prevention of mucositis. increased risk for the spread of oral organisms,
This article will review the current concepts on the through oral ulceration, into the systemic circulation,
epidemiology, pathophysiology, prevention, and resulting in life-threatening systemic infection.6,7
treatment of cancer therapy-related oral mucositis. Mucositis has been shown to significantly lengthen
Oral mucositis is defined as oral mucosal hospital stays and increase the use of resources re-
change secondary to cancer therapy. It manifests first sulting in increased costs for patients receiving HSCT
by thinning of oral tissues leading to erythema. As and patients receiving chemotherapy for solid tu-
these tissues continue to thin, ulceration eventually mors.8,9 Increased hospitalization and feeding tube
occurs. It is at this stage that the primary symptom placement are also required more commonly for pa-
of severe debilitating oral pain is most severe.1 tients who receive radiation therapy and experience
Severe mucositis is commonly seen in patients severe oral mucositis than for those who do not de-
who are treated with myeloablative chemotherapy velop this side effect.10 In summary, cancer therapy-
such as with hematopoietic stem cell transplant related oral mucositis is commonly described as the
(HSCT) and those who receive radiation therapy for most significant and debilitating acute complication
cancer of the oral cavity and surrounding structures.2,3 associated with radiation therapy and chemotherapy.

August 2005 Journal of Dental Education 919

Oral mucositis usually develops within seven As more layers of cells are lost, the epithelium will
to fourteen days after chemotherapy or radiation become thinner and thinner, resulting in erythema
therapy is initiated. Mucositis secondary to radiation initially and eventually ulceration. Radiation applied
results from repeated tissue damage from multiple to the external surface of the epithelium causes DNA
daily treatments. It begins to manifest at doses of strand breaks in the basal epithelial cells. Chemo-
1000 to 2000 cGy (one to two weeks of therapy) and therapy causes basal cell damage when the drugs
is limited to the field of radiation. Initial signs may permeate to these cells from the blood vessels of the
include mucosal whitening due to transient hyper- submucosal connective tissue.12-15
keratinization followed by erythema, or erythema Evidence is building that the process of oral
may occur first. Ulceration then occurs typically at mucositis involves not only the epithelium, but in-
doses over 3000 cGy. Following the end of radiation cludes multiple cellular processes of the submucosa
treatment, it requires three to six weeks for oral tis- as well.16 Damage to the endothelium of submucosal
sue to heal. In contrast, chemotherapy-related oral blood vessels and to connective tissue occurs before
mucositis occurs on non-keratinized oral mucosal damage to epithelial cells in irradiated oral mucosa.17
tissue only, and the most severe oral ulceration tends A role for vascular endothelium and platelet func-
to occur when the patient reaches the nadir of their tion in oral mucositis is supported by evidence that
white blood cell count. Healing will occur within two inhibition of platelet aggregation can reduce mucosal
to three weeks after chemotherapy is ended.1 toxicity.18 The production of multiple pro-inflamma-
The cancer patients risk of developing oral tory cytokines has been shown to correlate with se-
mucositis is highly variable. As mentioned above, verity of oral mucositis, and blocking of these
radiation therapy to the oral cavity and HSCT are cytokines has shown some promise to lessen oral
associated with high rates of occurrence. Virtually inflammation.17,19,20 It is becoming clear that the de-
all radiation patients who receive 5000 cGy or more velopment of oral mucositis is a dynamic process,
will develop moderate to severe oral mucositis.1 Se- but Sonis has divided mucositis into five stages to
vere oral mucositis ranges from 30 to 50 percent in simplify its understanding. Soniss five stages are
patients receiving HSCT and is over 60 percent when initiation, primary damage response, signal amplifi-
total body irradiation is part of the regimen. With cation, ulceration, and healing.11,21 These stages will
conventional chemotherapy including anthracycline- be described below.
based regimens, taxane-based regimes, and platinum- With radiation that is applied incrementally
based regimens, severe oral mucositis occurs in 1 to over seven weeks, these stages overlap. With che-
10 percent of patients, but this can go as high as 66 motherapy, however, the tissue damage is delivered
percent when these agents are combined with 5 fluo- in a quick burst.
rouracil (5-FU). 5-FU alone typically causes severe Initiation. Radiation and chemotherapy do
oral mucositis in over 15 percent of patients. There cause DNA strand breaks and resultant direct basal
is an increasing trend of combining chemotherapy cellular injury as described above. Concurrently, the
with radiation to treat head and neck cancer. It is primary initiators in a cascade of complimentary
hoped that the combined therapy will result in better events contributing to oral mucositis appear to be
cancer response rates. However, as a side effect of the production of oxidative stress and reactive oxy-
this combined therapy, severe oral mucositis rates in gen species (ROS), which are results of both radia-
these patients can go as high as 98 percent.8,11 tion and chemotherapy and directly injure cells, tis-
sues, and blood vessels.11,21 Studies have shown that
ROS are consistently produced when stomatotoxic
Pathophysiology agents are applied.22 Also drugs that block or sca-
venge oxygen-free radicals have been shown in some
Until recently, cancer therapy-induced oral cases to lessen mucosal damage from these same
mucositis was thought to be a process involving the agents.23 In addition to causing direct epithelial tis-
epithelium only. Chemotherapy and radiation directly sue damage, ROS also affect other tissues to stimu-
damage the basal cells of the mucosal epithelium, late transcription factors in subsequent phases. (See
compromising the capacity of this tissue to regener- Figure 1.)
ate itself. This results in epithelial thinning as no new Primary Damage Response. Of the transcrip-
cells are being developed at the basal layer and ex- tion factors activated by DNA strand breaks and ROS,
isting cells migrate to the surface and are exfoliated. nuclear factor-B (NF-B) appears to be the most

920 Journal of Dental Education Volume 69, Number 8

significant. It is activated by both radiation therapy sis factor (TNF-), Interleukin 1 (IL-1), and
and chemotherapy and results in upregulation of Interleukin 6 (IL-6). Release of these cytokines re-
genes that lead to the production of a group of sults in tissue injury and apoptosis.24 Other activity
proinflammatory cytokines, including tumor necro- not related to DNA changes directly can lead to mu-

Damaging Stages of Cancer Therapy Oral Mucositis as Described by Sonis11,21

Figure 1. Initiation Figure 2. Primary damage response

Radiation therapy and chemotherapy cause DNA DNA breakage and ROS from the Initiation stage activate
breakage in epithelial cells. This releases ROS, which NFB, which leads to production of TNF, IL-1, and IL-6,
cause direct epithelial tissue damage. which results in tissue damage and apoptosis. DNA
breakage and ROS also stimulate the formation of
sphingomyelinase and/or ceramide synthase, which
activates the ceramide pathway leading to apoptosis.
Fibronectin breakup, caused by DNA breakage and ROS,
activates macrophages, which activates MMPs that cause
direct tissue injury.

Figure 3. Signal amplification Figure 4. Ulceration

Activities from the first two stages are combined so that Epithelial integrity is lost. Colonizing microorganisms
proinflammatory cytokines amplify the damage initiated invade into the submucosa, which activates macroph-
by radiation and chemotherapy. TNF activates the ages. Proinflammatory cytokines are released by
ceramide and capase pathways leading to tissue damage. organisms and macrophages. Damaging enzymes are
It also activates the transcription pathway mediated by then produced by inflammatory cells that move to the
NFB. In a feedback loop there is increased production of base of the ulcerated tissue.
TNF, IL-1, and IL-6. TNF and IL-1 activate MMPs
leading to direct tissue injury.

August 2005 Journal of Dental Education 921

cosal damage. Radiation and chemotherapy also hy- that different mouse strains display very different
drolyze the cell-membrane lipid sphingomyelin by mucosal responses to radiation therapy.30 Single
stimulating the formation of sphingomyelinase or nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) have been iden-
ceramide synthase, which activates the ceramide tified that predispose a patient to drug toxicities when
pathway leading to apoptosis.24-26 Macrophages are taking the chemotherapeutic agent methotrexate.
activated by fibronectin breakup; this leads to stimu- Patients with these SNPs experience higher levels
lation of matrix metalloproteinases, which cause of oral mucositis than those where the SNPs are ab-
direct tissue injury or an increased production of sent.31 This is a fertile area for investigation. If
TNF-.27 (See Figure 2.) oncologists could predict which patients were at high
Signal Amplification. As the mucositis process risk for mucositis by genetic testing, their therapy
continues, the activities from the first two stages are could be planned accordingly. As new strategies to
combined so that the proinflammatory cytokines prevent mucositis are developed, they could be tar-
amplify the mucosal damage initiated by radiation geted to the high risk patients only, reducing poten-
and chemotherapy. TNF- activates the ceramide and tially costly prophylactic therapy.
capase pathways leading to tissue damage and acti-
vates the transcription pathway mediated by NF-B.
In a feedback loop, these processes result in increased
production of TNF-, IL-1, and IL-6. TNF- and
Management and Prevention
IL-1 also activate matrix metalloproteinases lead- There have been literally hundreds of clinical
ing to direct tissue injury as described previously.27,28 trials to evaluate different modalities to manage or
(See Figure 3.) prevent cancer therapy-induced oral mucositis. The
Ulceration. All previous metabolic activity ul- data from these trials is often conflicting because the
timately results in tissue ulceration, which is the most parameters used to evaluate efficacy vary greatly
significant stage for the patient, as severe pain com- among studies. There are numerous scales used to
promises function. As these patients are often neu- grade the severity of mucositis in such studies.32-46 They
tropenic, ulcerated mucosa allows ingress of colo- tend to focus on an investigators objective findings
nizing microorganisms from the mouth to the of oral inflammation and/or ulceration or a patients
systemic circulation causing life-threatening sepsis. subjective reports of oral pain and functional com-
Also with ulceration, products from colonizing bac- promise or a combination of the two. The most com-
teria invade into the submucosal tissues. This acti- monly used scales are the World Health Organization
vates macrophages, which results in the release of (WHO) scale and the National Cancer Institute-Com-
additional proinflammatory cytokines.29 Damaging mon Toxicity Criteria (NCI-CTC) scales.11 These
enzymes are then produced by inflammatory cells scales employ a combination of objective and subjec-
that move to the base of the ulcerated tissue.21 (See tive criteria. There is controversy about the need for
Figure 4.) the use of more objective scales in clinical trials. Some
Healing. The extracellular matrix initiates the investigators, primarily dentists, feel that assessment
healing phase of oral mucositis by signaling a re- of intraoral tissues is critical for an accurate assess-
newal of epithelial cell proliferation and differentia- ment of mucositis severity.1 Others, more commonly
tion. Oral microbial flora is reestablished, and white physicians, feel that patient symptoms (pain, ability
cell counts return to normal. The tissue also appears to eat, etc.) are the only important parameters to evalu-
to return to normal. However, epithelial tissue ate and that tissue changes are not as important.47,48
changes secondary to cancer therapy remain, and Subjective evaluations may give an accurate assess-
there is residual angiogenesis, increasing the patients ment of patient function, but do not take into account
risk of oral mucositis with subsequent courses of the potential for oral organisms to cause systemic in-
anticancer therapy.11,21 fection through the oral tissue damage associated with
There may be a genetic predisposition for de- mucositis. Therefore, objective evaluations may be
veloping oral mucositis related to cancer therapy. The more important than some investigators realize. Most
same course of radiation therapy or chemotherapy current investigators are trying to standardize the rat-
can result in very different amounts of mucositis. One ing scales used in clinical trials. It appears that the
patient will need hospitalization and cessation of WHO scale and the NCI-CTC scales will remain stan-
therapy to allow healing, while another experiences dards for the immediate future.40,41
only mild discomfort. Animal studies have shown

922 Journal of Dental Education Volume 69, Number 8

Pain control is a critical component of any
mucositis management strategy because this is often Table 1. Mucositis prevention therapies
the primary patient complaint. Pain control is initi- 1. Oral Hygiene
ated with topical analgesics and followed with in- 2. Infection Prevention
creasingly potent systemic medication. However, the a. Antimicrobial Lozenges
detailed management of cancer pain is beyond the b. Chlorhexidine
scope of this article. The reader is referred to the c. Clindamicin
monograph Oral Health in Cancer Therapy for a d. Acyclovir, Valacyclovir, Famcyclovir
detailed discussion of this topic.49 e. Fluconazole, Clotrimazole, Nystatin
As mentioned above, there are conflicting re- 3. Anti-Inflammatory Agents
sults for a large number of mucositis management a. Dinoprostone
and prevention strategies. It is impossible to cover b. Misoprostol
c. Prednisone
all therapies in this review. However, a representa-
d. Pentoxifylline
tive sample will be presented to give the reader a
e. Benzydamine
sense of the large variety of therapies studied. These
4. Reactive Oxygen Species Inhibitors
are listed in Table 1.
a. Amifostine
Oral Hygiene. Oral care to remove potential
b. N-acetylcysteine
sources of infection provided in conjunction with c. Manganese Superoxide Dismutase
cancer therapy is necessary to prevent serious com- 5. Salivary Function Modifiers
plications, including rampant decay and osteoradi- a. Propantheline
onecrosis with radiation therapy and potentially life- b. Pilocarpine
threatening infections and bleeding with chemo- 6. Azelastine
therapy.49 However, the data on the effectiveness of 7. Cryotherapy
oral care in reducing or preventing mucositis in these 8. Glutamine
patients is less clear. Several studies have shown a 9. Coating Agents
reduction in oral mucositis in patients who received a. Sucralfate
oral care to remove sources of infection before and b. Hydroxypropylcellulose Gel
during their cancer therapy.50-52 Other studies have c. Polyvinylpyrrolidone and Sodium Hyaluronate
shown no such change.53,54 Two different studies in 10. Laser Therapy
children showed that standardized oral care proto- 11. Growth Factors
cols reduced mucositis in one group and oral pain in a. Epidermal Growth Factor (EGF)
the other.55,56 Many investigators feel oral care with b. Granulocyte Colony Stimulating Factor (GCSF)
cancer therapy is beneficial, but the effect on mu- c. Granulocyte Macrophage Colony Stimulating
Factor (GMCSF)
cositis is yet to be proven.
d. Transforming Growth Factor Beta 3 (TGFb3)
Infection Prevention. It has been postulated that
e. Interleukin 11 (IL-11)
infection may play a role in the severity of cancer f. Fibroblast Growth Factors (FGFs)
therapy oral mucositis, and this area has been inves- i. Keratinocyte Growth Factor 1 (KGF1, FGF7)
tigated extensively. Two studies have shown that use ii. Fibroblast Growth Factor 10 (FGF10)
of a topical antimicrobial lozenge containing poly- iii. Fibroblast Growth Factor 20 (FGF20)
myxin, tobramycin, and amphotericin B reduced oral
mucositis with radiation therapy.57,58 Chlorhexidine
oral rinses have been shown in several studies to re-
duce oral mucositis, particularly in patients receiv- percent in those receiving HSCT.64 HSV does not
ing HSCT and radiation.59,60 However, other studies cause mucositis, but reactivation results in a more
in these same types of patients have shown no ef- severe and longer lasting course of ulceration than
fect.61,62 As mentioned above, mucositis appears to seen with HSV reactivation in immunocompetent
predispose neutropenic patients receiving chemo- individuals.65 HSV reactivation can be largely pre-
therapy to systemic streptococcal infections.6 How- vented with acyclovir, famcyclovir, or valacyclovir
ever, clindamycin prophylaxis was not able to pre- targeted at patients who prove to be seropositive prior
vent these infections in HSCT patients.63 Herpes to receiving conventional chemotherapy.66 It is there-
simplex virus (HSV) reactivation is common in pa- fore important to evaluate these patients carefully
tients receiving chemotherapy and is as high as 60 and to maintain a high degree of suspicion for reac-

August 2005 Journal of Dental Education 923

tivation of HSV. Candida organisms do not appear reduce this complication. Propantheline, an anticho-
to be involved in the etiology of mucositis, but should linergic drug, has been shown to reduce the severity
be borne in mind to lessen the potential for the spread and frequency of oral mucositis in patients receiv-
of systemic infection through ulcerated tissue. ing etoposide chemotherapy.84,85 Conversely, salivary
Fluconazole and clotrimazole prophylaxis have been stimulation may actually speed the healing of mu-
shown to reduce candidiasis in cancer patients.67,68 cositis because epidermal growth factor (EGF) is
Nystatin suspension prophylaxis is not effective in present in saliva. EGF plays a critical role in normal
the same patients, even though it is still commonly wound healing.1 This will be discussed in more de-
used in many cancer centers.69 tail below.
Anti-Inflammatory Agents. As discussed in the Azelastine. Azelastine is a compound that has
pathophysiology section above, the inflammatory re- been shown to possibly reduce the respiratory burst
sponse clearly plays a significant role in the initiation activity of neutrophils and reduce cytokine release
and progression of cancer therapy-induced oral mu- from lymphocytes. It was shown to reduce the se-
cositis. Therefore, approaches to block various stages verity of oral mucositis in patients receiving radia-
of inflammation have been proposed as potentially tion and chemotherapy for oral cancer.86
promising therapies. Prostaglandins and steroids have Cryotherapy. It has been proposed that if blood
been evaluated to reduce mucositis. These include flow to the oral mucosa could be decreased during
dinoprostone (prostaglandin E2), misoprostol (pros- chemotherapy administration, then this tissue would
taglandin E1), and prednisone. The impact on mucosi- be exposed to less drug, resulting in less mucositis.
tis was not significant.70,71 Pentoxifylline has been This can be accomplished by having patients suck
shown to reduce production of TNF but has not been on ice chips before and during treatment and is termed
successful in reducing mucositis in patients taking cryotherapy. Cryotherapy has been shown to reduce
chemotherapy.72-74 Benzydamine is a non-steroidal oral mucositis in patients taking 5-FU chemotherapy
anti-inflammatory rinse that has been shown to in- in two clinical trials.87,88
hibit TNF as well.75 It has been shown to be effec- Glutamine. Glutamine is an essential amino
tive in reducing oral mucositis and resultant oral pain acid that is critical to the regulation of protein syn-
associated with radiation therapy.76 Benzydamine is thesis, respiratory fueling, and nitrogen shuttling. It
available in Canada and Europe, but is not approved has been shown to reduce gastrointestinal mucositis
by the FDA for use in the United States. in animals receiving chemotherapy. Results in hu-
ROS Inhibitors. Since ROS production is as- man trials have been mixed. AES-14, which is
sociated with both radiation therapy and chemo- glutamine in a vehicle that greatly increases its up-
therapy-induced oral mucositis, inhibition of these take, has recently been shown to decrease grade 2 or
molecules would appear to be a promising strategy. higher mucositis in patients receiving chemotherapy
Amifostine, an ROS inhibitor, was developed to pro- for solid tumors.89
tect U.S. soldiers from the effects of radiation. It less- Coating Agents. The goal of coating agents is
ens DNA strand breaks after radiation therapy; may to cover the ulcerated tissue of mucositis, thereby
protect endothelium, salivary glands, and connective acting like an intraoral bandage. Some may contain
tissue; and has been shown to reduce IL-6 and TNF topical anesthestics, which are short acting, but the
in the blood of cancer patients.77,78 There is conflict- effective function is long-term coverage. Sucralfate
ing data on its ability to reduce mucositis in patients suspension is thought to adhere to areas of gas-
receiving head and neck radiation or chemotherapy, trointestinal mucosa ulceration, thus creating a sur-
and both positive and negative results have been re- face barrier, and is used in the management of these
ported.79-82 Currently, amifostine is approved by the ulcers. It was proposed that sucralfate suspension
FDA only to reduce the severity of xerostomia after would adhere to areas of oral ulceration as well. How-
radiation therapy and to reduce renal toxicity with ever, results in clinical trials have been mixed.90-93
cisplatin chemotherapy. Other ROS inhibitors that Hydroxpropylcellulose gel provides good adherence
may be promising for further investigation include and coverage to localized areas of oral ulceration. It
N-acetylcysteine, manganese superoxide dismutase, was evaluated as a coating agent for mucositis in
and benzydamine.76,83 patients receiving chemotherapy. Oral pain was re-
Salivary Function Modifiers. If chemothera- duced, and duration of adherence was commonly
peutic medications excreted in saliva contribute to seen for at least three hours.94 The application of this
oral mucositis, then inhibiting salivary function could material in this patient population is technique sen-

924 Journal of Dental Education Volume 69, Number 8

sitive, and this has reduced its use and effectiveness. thelium to withstand the toxicity of chemotherapy
Polyvinylpyrrolidone/sodium hyaluronate gel has and may also upregulate anti-inflammatory cytokines
been shown to reduce oral mucositis in two prelimi- and downregulate proinflammatory cytokines.109 It
nary studies.95,96 is being currently evaluated to prevent mucositis in
Laser Therapy. Low energy laser therapy has other at-risk populations. Two other FGFs, FGA10
been proposed as a treatment to prevent or lessen and FGF20, have been studied in animals and are in
oral mucositis. It is felt that the lasers effect on mi- clinical trials.21
tochondria or on ROS would provide this protection. In summary, there has been extensive evalua-
Initial studies are encouraging.97,98 tion of multiple preventive strategies for oral mu-
Growth Factors. Currently, the use of growth cositis. Often the results are confusing, because the
factors is the most exciting area in the quest to find a data from these trials is conflicting. It appears that
prevention for cancer therapy mucositis. There are since oral mucositis is a multifaceted complication,
numerous types of growth factors, and they are it will require a multifaceted approach. For example,
largely molecules that are normally produced in the encouraging results with parenteral KGF1 may
minute quantities by a variety of cells. They can be have provided us with some early knowledge about
genetically produced in much larger quantities to the role of growth factors in the prevention of oral
deliver the appropriate molecule at the targeted time. mucositis. As other molecules are tested, we will
The primary goal of all growth factors is to stimu- hopefully learn more. Topical therapies, such as
late cells that will counteract the negative side ef- glutamine, that provide essential nutrients needed
fects of chemotherapy and radiation. Epidermal with cancer therapy, have shown promise. Oral care
growth factor (EGF) is a molecule present in saliva and oral infection prevention have not been proven
that promotes wound healing. Radiation therapy re- to prevent oral mucositis, but may prevent the spread
sults in a reduction of salivary EGF. Conflicting stud- of life-threatening infection from the oral cavity into
ies have shown that higher levels of salivary EGF the systemic circulation. In the future, these and other
are associated with more mucositis and less mucosi- strategies may need to be combined to effectively
tis.99,100 EGF mouthwash produced a delay in onset lessen and/or prevent the ravages of cancer therapy-
and a reduced severity in recurrent ulceration in pa- induced oral mucositis.
tients receiving chemotherapy.101 Two hematopoietic As the above therapies are being developed and
growth factorsgranulocyte colony stimulating fac- tested, it will become even more critical for dental
tor (GCSF) and granulocyte macrophage colony professionals, as experts of the oral cavity, to be in-
stimulating (GMCSF)have been employed exten- volved in evaluating these modalities and providing
sively to lessen mucositis. These drugs stimulate oral care for cancer patients. Therefore, it will be
neutrophil production. It is felt that by reducing neu- necessary to provide comprehensive training on oral
tropenia with these drugs during chemotherapy, in- complications of cancer therapy for dental profes-
fections will be lessened, and if infections are a co- sionals. This is probably best accomplished at the
factor for mucositis, this will be reduced as well. postdoctoral level in general dentistry or specialty
Results have been conflicting.102-105 Transforming residencies and focused continuing education pro-
Growth Factor-beta-3 and Interleukin-11 have also grams where patient care experience can be obtained.
been studied with mixed results.1,106-108 The fibroblast The final goal would be to have an adequate cadre
growth factors (FGFs) appear to be the most prom- of dental professionals to support oncologists in the
ising of the growth factors. Keratinocyte growth fac- oral management of these patients.
tor (KGF) is the most studied of these growth fac-
tors and is also known as KGF1 or FGF7. KGF1
(palifermin is its generic name) has been shown to REFERENCES
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