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Aim: To determine the soundness of the given sample of cement by Le Chatelier Method.


1) Le Chatelier Apparatus confirming to IS 5514-1969.

2) Balance,
3) Water bath.

Theory: It is essential that the cement concrete shall not undergo appreciable change in volume
after setting. This is ensured by limiting the quantities of free lime, magnesia and sulphates in
cement which are the causes of the change in volume known as unsoundness. This test is
designed to accelerate the slaking process by the application of heat and discovering the defects
in a short time. The apparatus for conducting the test consists of small split cylinder of spring
brass or other suitable metal of 0.5mm thickness forming a mould of 30mm internal diameter and
30mm high. On either side of the split mould are attached to indicators with pointed ends, the
distance from these ends to the center of the cylinder being 165mm. The mould shall be kept in
good condition with the jaws not more than 50mm apart.


1) Place the lightly oiled mould on a lightly oiled glass sheet and fill it with cement paste
formed by gauging cement with 0.78 times the water required to give a paste of standard

Quantity of water (ml) = 0.78*p*weight of cement taken

2) The paste shall be gauged in the manner and under the conditions prescribed in determination
of consistency of standard cement paste, taking care to keep the edges of the mould gently
3) While this operation is being performed, the mould with another piece of glass sheet, place a
small weight on this covering glass sheet and immediately submerge the whole assembly in
water at a temperature of 272 C and keep there for 24 hours.
4) Measure the distance separating the indicator points.
5) Submerge the moulds again in water at the temperature prescribed above.
6) Bring the water to boiling, with the mould kept submerged for 25 to 30 minutes, and keep it
boiling for three hours.
7) Remove the mould from the water, allow it to cool and measure the distance between the
indicator points.
8) The difference between these two measurements represents the expansion of cement.


Initial distance between the indicator points =______mm.

Final distance between the indicator points= _______mm.

Expansion in mm = Final length Initial length = _______mm.


Soundness of cement = __________mm.



Aim: To determine the compressive strength of cement from tests on mortar cubes compacted by
means of standard vibration machine.


1) Cube moulds of size 70.6mm

2) Tray
3) Trowel
4) Vibrating machine
5) Compression testing machine.
6) Balance.

Materials used:

1) Cement
2) Standard sand
3) Water


The compressive strength of hardened cement is the most important of all the properties
which influence strength of concrete. The compressive strength of cement mortars is determined
in order to verify whether the cement confirms to IS specifications and whether it will be able to
develop the required compressive strength of concrete. The proportion of cement and sand is 1:3.
The cubes are prepared and compacted with vibration. The cubes are then tested in compression
testing machine after specified days of curing.


1) Take 200g of cement and 600g of standard sand (i.e., ratio of cement to sand is 1:3) and mix
them dry thoroughly.
2) Add water quantity of [(P/4)+3.0]% of combined weight of cement and sand and mix the
three ingredients thoroughly for a minimum of 3 minutes and maximum of 4 minutes to
obtain a mix of uniform color.
3) Fill the mould with entire quantity of mortar using a hopper attached to the top of the mould
for facility of filling and vibrate it for a 2 minutes at a specified speed of 12000400 per
minute to achieve full compaction.
4) Remove the mould from vibrating machine and keep it in a place with temp of 272C and
relative humidity of 90% for 24 hrs.
5) Prepare at least 6 cubes. At the end of 24hrs remove the cube from the mould and
immediately submerge in fresh clean water. The cube shall be taken out of the water only at
the time of testing.
6) Take the cube of out of water at the end of 3days, 7 days, 28days respectively. Measure the
dimensions of the surface in which the load is to be applied.
7) Place the cube in compressive testing machine and apply the load uniformly.


3 days 7 days 28 days
Weight in g of cement

Weight in g of standard sand

Weight in g of water
Area (cm2)

Load at Fracture(P) (KN)

Compressive Strength (N/mm2)

Compressive Strength = Load/Area = P/A


Compressive Strength of Cement at 3 Days = _______ N/mm2

Compressive Strength of Cement at 7 Days = _______ N/mm2

Compressive Strength of Cement at 28 Days = _______ N/mm2

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